Issue 1 Final Draft 1

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hospital for weeks because of

a surgical complication that

could have been avoided, and

might have been avoided had

someone listened, I said I

was really sorry. When she

told me she just wanted

to go home to her fouryear-old

girl, who hadn’t

seen her in days and

didn’t understand what

was going on, I said it

again and felt cold.

A part of me

wanted to ask more

questions about that

painful experience,

and to acknowledge

the smallness of

being only half-listened to — a

feeling I knew well. But the part of me

in a white coat worried it might be deemed

unprofessional for

me to do so. I was even a little relieved I didn’t have

to share anything at all.

I realized then that, in my everyday

interactions, I instinctively respond to others’

openness about complex experiences by making

the effort to open up as well. Vulnerability, for

me, is a way of acknowledging another person’s

hurt, showing them they’re not alone in it, and

letting them know I trust them with my pain as

well. Vulnerability begets vulnerability, and this

exchange, when executed right, holds the promise

of comfort, relief, and community.

In clinical settings, patients have no choice

but to be vulnerable, while physicians don’t have

to be, and may in fact be discouraged from being

so. I understand why this is: patients come to the

hospital to seek help, not to hear about physicians’

problems or make friends.

Yet, as I talked to my patient in her

partitioned hospital room — her in a flimsy gown,

and I in a sturdy white coat — I felt my inability to be

vulnerable with her heighten our power imbalance.

Illustration by Lillian Zhu

This tension led me to

wonder: How can I convey hope

and professionalism while

also removing the distance

that comes from a one-way

transmission of vulnerability?

Perhaps one answer

lies in letting patients wear

their own versions of the

white coat.

The white

coat has hidden my sweat

stains the first time I

asked a patient whether

they were sexually

active and the wrinkles

on the shirt I woke

up too late to iron. The

white coat hides my flaws

as a breathing being, and enables

me to show only the parts of myself that

I am most proud of. Patients, by the nature of

the transaction, have to show the stains and tears

their biology has accumulated and the buttons their

organs have lost, but this does not mean we can’t let

them also wear the things they are most proud of.

Perhaps, there’s a way to carve out space for patients

to express the positive things in their lives, to talk

about their mischievous niece or the job they love

and hope to get back to.

These days, I daydream about the white coat

a lot less but I think about what I might say when

I’m wearing it a lot more. On my walks to class, I

brainstorm questions that might give patients an

opportunity to present themselves in a way that

highlights their joy and pride. Most times, when I

try them out in person, they come out awkwardly

or not at all, and I embarrass myself. But there’s

something rewarding, and almost fair, about having

to own my naked attempts, covered only by a very

thin paper gown of experience, with the people

who are made to wear them for days on end. There’s

something gratifying about thanking patients

for taking the time to teach me at the end of an

interaction, and watching them crack a smile.


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