Issue 1 Final Draft 1

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“Yes Dr. Ikari, it may be a few hours before we

are able to get the MRI. But I wanted you to know

that the patient’s behavior seems a bit off? I don’t

know how to describe it but he just appears...sad.

Sorry, that wasn’t very helpful.”

“No no Arianna, that is helpful. Thank you.” I

entered the room.

Think about when you last saw a family

member you had not seen in a long time. A parent?

Grandparent? Cousin? Maybe it was Thanksgiving

at your mom’s house and a stranger who claimed

they used to change your diapers gave you a hug.

Then you took a closer look and it happened. There

was a spark somewhere deep inside in your mind.


John Doe sat quietly in the patient room. He

was dressed in a gown and he wore no shoes. His

bright white hair stuck out in all directions, and he

had a beard to match. His arms trembled with every

breath. He wore large spectacles which magnified

his dark circles and wrinkles. And in them, his eyes,

deep blue like the sea, shone sadly, devouring all


“Good evening, I’m Dr. Ikari. May I ask what

your name is sir?” He did not answer. I tried again,

speaking louder this time. Still no response. Then,

slowly, he pulled out a small cloth from his breast

pocket and began polishing his glasses. He opened

his mouth to speak. Recognition.

I paced across the on-call room. Surely it

was impossible. I put the thought out of my mind

— I needed to focus on the medical issue at hand.

What was the differential for amnesia? Given that

there was retrograde loss as well, perhaps it was

post-traumatic? There was no evidence of physical

trauma, but this still did not rule out emotional

trauma. A transient global amnesia from ischemia

seemed unlikely with no lab or EKG abnormalities.

The timeline appeared acute, but we could not know

for sure. Maybe this was part of a longer process — an

odd presentation of Alzheimer’s? Or maybe drugs.

I remembered reading a case study of anterograde

amnesia after glufosinate ammonium intoxication.

We were still waiting on the tox screen. The weight

of the differential felt suffocating. I knew nothing

for sure. It could be anything or everything.

I checked the clock. We would be able to get

him an MRI soon; maybe I could make a decision

then. And if I still had concerns, I could always

wake up my attending. I willed myself to relax.

Deep breaths. In and out. I felt a little better. Yet in

this calmer state, that crazy thought crept back into

my mind. Recognition. Was John Doe...me? The

way he polished his glasses. His hair. His eyes. Even

in my own mind it sounded insane, yet I felt certain.

I had no doubt. I knew my shape. I knew myself.

If this was a science fiction novel by the

late great Isaac Asimov, there would only be three

possibilities when it came to a doppelganger: time

travel, clones, or robots. Luckily in medicine, a

thorough physical exam is a part of every character

introduction. No screams during his lab draws

meant John was decidedly not a robot. That left

time travel and cloning. I began pacing again; I

could check in on him while waiting for his MRI. In

fact I had to — there was doctoring to do.

Even in my own mind it sounded

insane, yet I felt certain. I had

no doubt.

As I entered his room I once again felt an air

of quiet sadness. John had hardly moved since I left.

Might as well do a neuro-motor exam. I walked

towards the drawer with the reflex hammer. “Hello

again. I’m your doctor, Dr. Ikari. Do you remember

when I came to visit you earlier?”

“Came to visit.”

“Yes! We had a brief talk about how you were

feeling and I asked you some questions about your

life. Do you remember that?”

“Do you remember?” John ran his left hand

back through his untamed mess of hair, bringing

his hand down his neck and under his chin, leaning

forward to occupy a thinking-man pose. I felt my

stomach drop. Recognition. Why? He seemed to be

repeating what I was saying. Why? Was it a safety

protocol for if a clone interacted with the original.

Of course, I must be the original, everyone knows

clones age faster. It all made sense. Unless! What if

I was younger than I thought. What if my lifetime


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