Gervasoni Tour pdf

Gervasoni Tour pdf

Gervasoni Tour pdf


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44 45<br />

<strong>Gervasoni</strong>: Poltrona InOut 101L e pouf InOut108L in polietilene con illuminazione interna,<br />

rivestiti in lino bianco. Lampadina/bicchiere Glassbulb, Pigr. Piatto piano collezione<br />

Crudo di Atipico.<strong>Gervasoni</strong>: InOut 101L Armchair and InOut108L Stool in polyethylene with<br />

internal lightening, white linen covers. Glass-lamp, Glassbulb, Pigr. Dinner plate, Crudo<br />

collection by Atipico.<br />

<strong>Gervasoni</strong>: Tavolino Log M. Tavolino Sweet 41 esagonale. Tavolino Filo 08 in ferro. Pouf<br />

quadrato Croco 11. Tavolino Gray 45 in noce canaletto. Pouf InOut 44 nero in ceramica. Pouf<br />

Inout 42 in ceramica bianca. - <strong>Gervasoni</strong>: Log M Side table. Sweet 41 Hexagonal side table.<br />

Filo 08 Side table in steel plate. Croco 11 Cube-shaped stool. Gray 45 Side table in American<br />

walnut. InOut 44 Black ceramic stool. Inout 42 White ceramic stool.

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