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<strong>CATALOGUE</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>WORLD</strong> <strong>GONOCEPHALUM</strong> <strong>SOLIER</strong>,<br />

<strong>1834</strong> (COLEOPTERA: TENEBRIONIDAE: OPATRINI).<br />



This catalogue should be treated as a summary of<br />

the nomenclatural and partly faunistic studies on the<br />

genus Gonocephalum. We hope that the paper will be<br />

useful for the continuation of the systematic studies on<br />

this widespread genus.<br />

Previous revisions related to Gonocephalum species<br />

occurring in separate geographic regions<br />

were published over a long period of time (Gridelli<br />

1945, 1948, Kaszab 1952, Ferrer 1993a, 1995,<br />

2000). This makes it difficult to compare all of the<br />

information contained therein. Hence, the purpose of<br />

our study was to collect the largest possible number of<br />

published information, both original and secondary<br />

(quoted by other authors). These data should be<br />

reviewed during the preparation of a new revision of<br />

the genus Gonocephalum covering all known species.<br />

In the first part of the catalogue (Iwan et al. 2010)<br />

information on the types (including depository places)<br />

A N N A L E S Z O O L O G I C I (Warszawa), 2011, 61(2): 259-276<br />


1Museum and Institute of Zoology Polish Academy of Sciences, Wilcza 64,<br />

00-679 Warszawa, Poland; e-mail: darek@miiz.waw.pl<br />

2Department of Zoology, Hungarian Natural History Museum, H-1088 Budapest,<br />

Baross utca 13, Hungary; e-mail: merkl@nhmus.hu<br />

3Department of Entomology. The Swedish Museum of Natural History,<br />

S-10405 Stockholm, Sweden; e-mail: julio_ferrer@hotmail.com<br />

Abstract.— The second part of the world catalogue of Gonocephalum Solier, <strong>1834</strong><br />

contains the list of the type species preserved in the Hungarian Natural History Museum<br />

(Hungary, Budapest), the list of the papers on Gonocephalum species and additional data<br />

for 95 species and subspecies. At present, 417 species and subspecies belong to the genus<br />

Gonocephalum.<br />

�<br />

Key words.— Entomology, taxonomy, catalogue, World, Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae,<br />

Gonocephalum.<br />

PL ISSN 0003-4541 © Fundacja Natura optima dux<br />

doi: 10.3161/000345411X584762<br />

based on published data (both original and secondary<br />

citations) was published. Information related to data<br />

from the labels or quotes from the publications were<br />

preserved into the language in which the text was written<br />

(eg. French, German, English); such data were published<br />

in quotation marks. We wanted to allow the<br />

demonstration of any inaccuracies that may affect the<br />

nomenclature decisions, and perhaps also the taxonomic<br />

interpretations (eg interpretation of species,<br />

subspecies).<br />

A number of differences and/or incomplete data<br />

between published information and actual state (storage,<br />

data labels) must be corrected and supplemented<br />

by direct study of museum collections. Ottó Merkl verified<br />

data on the type specimen of Gonocephalum<br />

species which are deposited in the Hungarian Natural<br />

History Museum, HNHM (Hungary, Budapest). This is<br />

presented in this publication.<br />

At present, 417 species and subspecies belong to<br />

the genus Gonocephalum, including G. tuberipenne<br />

and G. tibiale described by Grimm (2011).

260 D. IWAN, O. MERKL and J. FERRER<br />



The paper by Iwan et al. (2010) contains catalogue<br />

of the species belonging to Gonocephalum. The following<br />

authors’ citations and distributional data are<br />

presented in addition to the previous paper:<br />

aequatoriale (Blanchard, 1853). – Ren 2002b: 390; Yang and<br />

Ren 2005a: 187.<br />

annamita Chatanay, 1917. – Ren 2002a: 140, 2002b: 390; Ren<br />

and Yang 2004a: 311; Yang and Ren 2005a: 186; [China:<br />

Guanxi (Kwangsi)].<br />

angolense escalerai Ferrer, 2000 (1993a: 99). – In the<br />

description erroneously G. subtilistriatum escalerai,<br />

but in the catalogue of the same paper (Ferrer 2000: 144)<br />

correctly G. angolense escalerai.<br />

angusticolle parvithorax Gridelli, 1948. – Medvedev and<br />

Abdurakhmanov 1988: 89; Abdurakhmanov and Medvedev<br />

1994: 58.<br />

arisi Reitter, 1905. – Yakobson 1913: tab. 78, fig. 13;<br />

Kryzhanovsky 1965: 176; Nepesova 1980: 29; Medvedev<br />

and Abdurakhmanov 1988: 90; Abdurakhmanov and<br />

Medvedev 1994: 58.<br />

assimile (Küster, 1849). – Medvedev and Abdurakhmanov<br />

1988: 89; Abdurakhmanov and Medvedev 1994: 58.<br />

besnardi besnardi Kaszab, 1982. – Medvedev and Abdurakhmanov<br />

1988: 90; Abdurakhmanov and Medvedev 1994: 58.<br />

bilineatum (Walker, 1858). – Ren and Saihong 2001: 348; Ren<br />

2001: 89, 2002a: 141, 2002b: 390; Ren and Yang 2004a: 311;<br />

Yang and Ren 2005a: 187; [China: Zhejiang (Chekiang)].<br />

bimaculatum Ferrer, 1995. – Drinkwater 1999: 183.<br />

buitenzorgense Kaszab, 1952. – The specimen in the HNHM<br />

has a holotype label. However, holotype (or “type”) was<br />

inadvertently not designated in the description (“Typus<br />

befindet sich in der Sammlung des Museums G. Frey in<br />

München (Männchen) und im Ungarischen Naturwissenschaftlichen<br />

Museum in Budapest (Weibchen).”) So,<br />

these two mentioned specimens should be regarded as<br />

syntypes.<br />

brachelytra Kaszab, 1952. – Medvedev and Abdurakhmanov<br />

1988: 90; Abdurakhmanov and Medvedev 1994: 58.<br />

coenosum Kaszab, 1952. – Ren 1998b: 91, 2002a: 141; Yang<br />

and Ren 2005a: 187.<br />

consobrinum Blair, 1923. – Medvedev and Abdurakhmanov<br />

1988: 89; Abdurakhmanov and Medvedev 1994: 58.<br />

controversum Gridelli, 1948. – Medvedev and Abdurakhmanov<br />

1988: 89; Abdurakhmanov and Medvedev 1994:<br />

58.<br />

coriaceum Motschulsky, 1854. – Medvedev 1992: 638; Ren<br />

and Saihong 2001: 348; Ren 2002a: 143; Ren and Shen<br />

2002: 384; Ren and Yang 2004a: 312; Ren and Ming<br />

2005: 382; Yang and Ren 2005a: 186, 2005b: 227; Ren and<br />

Hua 2006: 267; [China: Gansu (Kansu), Guizhou (Kweichow),<br />

Henan (Honana), Shaanxi (Shensi), Zhejiang<br />

(Chekiang)].<br />

costatum costatum (Brullé, 1832). – Abdurakhmanov 1983:<br />

83 (Gonocephalum costatum); Medvedev and Abdurakhmanov<br />

1988: 89 (Gonocephalum costatum); Abdurakhmanov<br />

and Medvedev 1994: 58, 158 (Gonocephalum<br />

costatum); Abdurakhmanov et al. 1995: 201 (Gonocephalum<br />

costatum); Tezcan et al. 2000: 245–247; Abdurakhmanov<br />

and Abdulmuslimova 2002: 44 (Gonocephalum<br />

costatum); Tezcan et al. 2004: 167 (Gonocephalum<br />

costatum).<br />

costatum rugulosum (Küster, 1849). – Medvedev and Abdurakhmanov<br />

1988: 89 (Gonocephalum rugulosum); Abdurakhmanov<br />

and Medvedev 1994: 58, 158 (Gonocephalum<br />

rugulosum); Abdurakhmanov et al. 1995: 200 (Gonocephalum<br />

rugulosum); Abdurakhmanov and Abdulmuslimova<br />

2002: 44 (Gonocephalum rugulosum).<br />

curvicolle Reitter, 1889. – Ren and Ming 2005: 382; Yang<br />

and Ren 2005a: 186; [China: Gansu (Kansu), Shaanxi<br />

(Shensi)].<br />

deliense Kaszab, 1952. – Ren and Yang 2004b: 306; Yang and<br />

Ren 2005a: 187.<br />

depressum (Fabricius, 1801). – Ren 2002b: 390.<br />

dorsogranosum (Fairmaire, 1896). – Medvedev and Abdurakhmanov<br />

1988: 90 (Gonocephalum dorsagralosum,<br />

misprint); Abdurakhmanov and Medvedev 1994: 58 (Gonocephalum<br />

dorsagranosum, misprint).<br />

ermischi Kaszab, 1960. – Medvedev and Abdurakhmanov<br />

1988: 90; Abdurakhmanov and Medvedev 1994: 58.<br />

formosanum Gebien, 1913. – Yang and Ren 2005a: 187.<br />

freyi Kaszab, 1952. – This was proposed as nomen novum<br />

for G. spinicolle Chatanay, 1917, not Fairmaire, 1896, so<br />

type designation was not necessary.<br />

freudei Kaszab, 1960. – Medvedev and Abdurakhmanov 1988:<br />

90; Abdurakhmanov and Medvedev 1994: 58.<br />

geneirotundum Ren, 1998. – Ren 2001: 89; Yang and Ren<br />

2005a: 187.<br />

germari germari Ferrer, 2000. – Drinkwater 1999: 183<br />

(G. germari, nomen nudum).<br />

gracile (Bates, 1879). – Yang and Ren 2005a: 187.<br />

granulatum nigrum (Küster, 1849). – Schneider and Leder,<br />

1877: 225 (cited for many records from Transcaucasus,<br />

probably G. granulatum pusillum, M. Nabozhenko pers.<br />

com.); Koenig, 1899: 379 (Gonocephalum pusillum var.<br />

nigrum, probably G. granulatum pussilum, M.<br />

Nabozhenko pers. com.)<br />

granulatum pusillum (Fabricius, 1791). – Schneider and<br />

Leder 1877: 225 (Gonocephalum viennense); Seidlitz<br />

1891b: 551 (Gonocephalum pusillum); Kulikovsky 1897:<br />

183 (Gonocephalum prolixum Er.); Kulikovsky 1897:<br />

183 (Gonocephalum pusillum); Yakobson 1927: 266<br />

(Dasus pusillus); Ogloblin and Kolobova 1927: 38; Yakobson<br />

1931: 209 (Dasus pusillus); Bogachev 1938: 140<br />

(Gonocephalum pusillum); Gilyarov 1964: 481 (Gonocephalum<br />

pusillum, larva); Dobrovolskiy 1951: 57<br />

(Gonocephalum pusillum); S. Medvedev and Shapiro<br />

1957: 196 (Gonocephalum pusillum); Kühnelt 1957:<br />

70 (Gonocephalum pusillum); Dobrovolskiy 1959:<br />

105 (Gonocephalum pusillum); Kryzhanovsky 1965:<br />

176 (Gonocephalum pusillum); Medvedev 1965: 370

(Gonocephalum pusillum); Kelejnikova 1968: 228<br />

(Gonocephalum pusillum); Protsenko and Kaltaev 1974<br />

(Gonocephalum pusillum, cited on many pages);<br />

Nepesova 1980: 29 (Gonocephalum pusillum); Abdurakhmanov<br />

1983: 83 (Gonocephalum pusillum); Medvedev<br />

and Abdurakhmanov 1988: 89 (Gonocephalum<br />

pusillum); Abdurakhmanov and Medvedev 1994: 58, 157<br />

(Gonocephalum pusillum); Abdurakhmanov et al. 1995:<br />

200 (Gonocephalum pusillum); Ovchinnikov 1996: 155<br />

(Gonocephalum pusillum); Nabozhenko 1999: 43<br />

(Gonocephalum pusillum); Jambazishvili 2000: 187<br />

(Gonocephalum pusillum); Tezcan et al. 2000: 245–247;<br />

Abdurakhmanov and Abdulmuslimova 2002: 44 (Gonocephalum<br />

pusillum); Tezcan et al. 2004: 168; Mordkovich<br />

2002: 60, 61 (Gonocephalum pusillum); Medvedev<br />

2004: 167 (Gonocephalum pusillum); Abdurakhmanov<br />

et al. 2005: 49 (Gonocephalum pusillum);<br />

Cherney 2005: 180, 182 (Gonocephalum pusillum); Yang<br />

and Ren 2005a: 186 (Gonocephalum pusillum); Cherney<br />

and Fedorenko 2006: 56, 144 (Gonocephalum pusillum).<br />

gridellii Koch, 1953. – Drinkwater 1999: 183.<br />

griseovittatum griseovittatum Gridelli, 1940. – Medvedev<br />

and Abdurakhmanov 1988: 90 (Gonocephalum griseovittatum);<br />

Abdurakhmanov and Medvedev 1994: 58<br />

(Gonocephalum griseovittatum); [Saudi Arabia].<br />

guerryi Chatanay, 1917. – Medvedev and Abdurakhmanov<br />

1988: 90; Abdurakhmanov and Medvedev 1994: 58; Yang<br />

and Ren 2005a: 187.<br />

guignoti Kaszab, 1960. – Medvedev and Abdurakhmanov<br />

1988: 90; Abdurakhmanov and Medvedev 1994: 58.<br />

hadroide (Fairmaire, 1888). – Yang and Ren 2005a: 187<br />

(Gonocephalum reichardti).<br />

hauschildi Kaszab, 1952. – Ren and Yang 2004b: 306; Yang<br />

and Ren 2005a: 187.<br />

hintoni Kaszab, 1952. – Yang and Ren 2005a: 187.<br />

hispidulum Kaszab, 1952. – Ren 2002a: 142; Yang and Ren<br />

2005a: 186.<br />

inquinatum inquinatum (Sahlberg, 1923). – Medvedev and<br />

Abdurakhmanov 1988: 90 (Gonocephalum inquinatum);<br />

Abdurakhmanov and Medvedev 1994: 58 (Gonocephalum<br />

inquinatum).<br />

inquinatum parcepilosum Gridelli, 1940. – Medvedev and<br />

Abdurakhmanov 1988: 90 (Gonocephalum parcepilosum);<br />

Abdurakhmanov and Medvedev 1994: 58 (Gonocephalum<br />

parcepilosum).<br />

japanum Motschulsky, 1860. – Yang and Ren 2005a: 187.<br />

joliveti Ardoin, 1965. – Medvedev and Abdurakhmanov 1988:<br />

90; Abdurakhmanov and Medvedev 1994: 58.<br />

kandaharicum Kaszab, 1960. – Medvedev and Abdurakhmanov<br />

1988: 90; Abdurakhmanov and Medvedev 1994:<br />

58.<br />

klapperichi Kaszab, 1952. – Ren 2002a: 139; Yang and Ren<br />

2005a: 187.<br />

kochi Kaszab, 1952. – Ren 2002a: 140; Ren and Yang 2004a:<br />

311; Yang and Ren 2005a: 186, 2005b: 227; Ren and Hua<br />

2006: 267; [China: Guizhou (Kweichow)].<br />

konoi Kaszab, 1952. – Yang and Ren 2005a: 186.<br />

<strong>CATALOGUE</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>WORLD</strong> <strong>GONOCEPHALUM</strong> <strong>SOLIER</strong>, <strong>1834</strong>. 2 PART 261<br />

kuluanum Kaszab, 1952. – Medvedev and Abdurakhmanov<br />

1988: 90; Abdurakhmanov and Medvedev 1994: 58.<br />

kuntzeni Kaszab, 1952. – Ren 2002b: 390; Yang and Ren<br />

2005a: 186.<br />

lefranci (Fairmaire, 1863). – Medvedev and Abdurakhmanov<br />

1988: 89 (Gonocephalum lefrancei, misprint); Abdurakhmanov<br />

and Medvedev 1994: 58 (Gonocephalum<br />

lefrancei, misprint).<br />

lewisi Blair, 1922. – Kulzer 1954: 20.<br />

malayanum Gebien, 1935. – Ren 2002b: 390; Yang and Ren<br />

2005a: 187.<br />

massauense Gridelli, 1945. – Medvedev and Abdurakhmanov<br />

1988: 89; Abdurakhmanov and Medvedev 1994: 58.<br />

miyakense Nakane, 1963. – Ren 2001: 89; [China: Zhejiang].<br />

moluccanum (Blanchard, 1853). – Kulzer 1954: 20; Ren<br />

2002a: 142, 2002b: 390; Yang and Ren 2005a: 186.<br />

muelleri muelleri Gridelli, 1945. – Medvedev and Abdurakhmanov<br />

1988: 89 (Gonocephalum muelleri); Abdurakhmanov<br />

and Medvedev 1994: 58 (Gonocephalum<br />

muelleri).<br />

niloticum Ardoin, 1965. – Medvedev and Abdurakhmanov<br />

1988: 90; Abdurakhmanov and Medvedev 1994: 58.<br />

outreyi Chatanay, 1917. – Yang and Ren 2005a: 186.<br />

patrizii patrizii Gridelli, 1948. – Medvedev and Abdurakhmanov<br />

1988: 89 (Gonocephalum patrizii); Abdurakhmanov<br />

and Medvedev 1994: 58 (Gonocephalum<br />

patrizii).<br />

patruele patruele (Erichson, 1843). – Kühnelt 1957: 70 (Gonocephalum<br />

rusticum patruele); Medvedev and Abdurakhmanov<br />

1988: 89; Abdurakhmanov and Medvedev 1994:<br />

58 (Gonocephalum patruele).<br />

patruele turchestanicum Gridelli, 1948. – Kryzhanovsky<br />

1965: 176 (Gonocephalum turchestanicum); Nepesova<br />

1980: 29 (Gonocephalum turchestanicum); Medvedev<br />

and Abdurakhmanov 1988: 90 (Gonocephalum turchestanicum);<br />

Abdurakhmanov and Medvedev 1994: 58<br />

(Gonocephalum turchestanicum); Ren, Dai and Yu<br />

2000: 3 (Gonocephalum turchestanicum); Yang and<br />

Ren 2005a: 187 (Gonocephalum turchestanicum);<br />

[Kyrgyzstan, type locality: Issyk-Kul; China: Xinjiang<br />

(Sinkiang)].<br />

perplexum (Lucas, 1849). – Medvedev and Abdurakhmanov<br />

1988: 89; Abdurakhmanov and Medvedev 1994: 58.<br />

persimile (Lewis, 1894). – Medvedev 1992: 638; Yang and Ren<br />

2005a: 186.<br />

platipenne Kaszab, 1960. – Medvedev and Abdurakhmanov<br />

1988: 90; Abdurakhmanov and Medvedev 1994: 58.<br />

prolixum prolixum (Erichson, 1843). – Medvedev and Abdurakhmanov<br />

1988: 89 (Gonocephalum prolixum); Abdurakhmanov<br />

and Medvedev 1994: 58 (Gonocephalum prolixum).<br />

pseudopubens Kaszab, 1952. – Ren 2002b: 390; Yang and Ren<br />

2005a: 186.<br />

pubens (Marseul, 1876). – Yang and Ren 2005a: 186.<br />

pubiferum Reitter, 1904. – Kühnelt 1957: 70 (Gonocephalum<br />

setulosum v. pubiferum); Kryzhanovsky 1965: 176;

262 D. IWAN, O. MERKL and J. FERRER<br />

Medvedev, 1965: 370; Davletshina, 1967: 530 (Gonocephalum<br />

pubeferum, misprint); Pirnazarov 1970: 25;<br />

Medvedev and Kaszab 1973: 93 (not Medvedev 1973: 93);<br />

Nepesova 1980: 29; Abdurakhmanov 1983: 83; Medvedev<br />

and Abdurakhmanov 1988: 90; Abdurakhmanov and<br />

Medvedev 1994: 58, 157; Ovchinnikov 1996: 155; Ren, Dai<br />

and Yu 2000: 3; Yang and Ren 2005a: 186; [China:Xinjiang<br />

(Sinkiang)].<br />

pygmaeum (Steven, 1829). – Kulikovsky 1897: 183 (Gonocephalum<br />

pygmaeum var. pedestre); Bogdanov-Katjkov<br />

1914: 474 (Gonocephalum setulosum); Yakobson 1927:<br />

266 (Dasus pygmaeus); Yakobson 1931: 209 (Dasus<br />

pygmaeus); Medvedev 1965: 370; Medvedev and Abdurakhmanov<br />

1988: 89; Abdurakhmanov and Medvedev 1994:<br />

58; Cherney 2005: 179, 180; Ren and Yang 2004b: 306; Yang<br />

and Ren 2005a: 186; Cherney and Fedorenko 2006: 56, 144;<br />

[China: Xinjiang (Sinkiang)].<br />

quadrinodosum Reitter, 1904. – Ren 2002b: 390; [China:<br />

Fujian (Fukien)].<br />

recticolle Motschulsky, 1866. – Medvedev 1992: 638; Yang and<br />

Ren 2005a: 186.<br />

remedellii Gridelli, 1945. – Medvedev and Abdurakhmanov<br />

1988: 90; Abdurakhmanov and Medvedev 1994: 58.<br />

reticulatum Motschulsky, 1852. – Medvedev and Kaszab,<br />

1973: 94 (not Gonocephalum mongolicum: Medvedev<br />

1973: 94); Medvedev 1992: 637; Ren 2001: 90; Ren and Shen<br />

2002: 383; Yang and Ren 2005a: 186.<br />

royi royi Ardoin, 1961. – Medvedev and Abdurakhmanov<br />

1988: 89; Abdurakhmanov and Medvedev 1994: 58 (Gonocephalum<br />

royi); [Sudan].<br />

rusticum (Olivier, 1811) – Ménétriés 1832: 203 (Opatrum<br />

fuscum); Schneider and Leder 1877: 225; Koenig 1899:<br />

379; Bogdanov-Katjkov 1914: 474; Bogush 1936: 36;<br />

Bogachev 1938: 140; Kryzhanovsky 1965: 176; Medvedev<br />

1965: 370; Davletshina 1967: 530; Kelejnikova 1968: 228;<br />

Skopin 1964: 280, 1968: 73; Pirnazarov 1970: 25; Tajibaev<br />

1972: 275; Medvedev and Kaszab 1973: 94; Protsenko<br />

and Kaltaev 1974 (cited on many pages); Nepesova 1980:<br />

29; Abdurakhmanov 1983: 83; Medvedev and Abdurakhmanov<br />

1988: 89; Medvedev and Nepesova 1990: 886;<br />

Abdurakhmanov and Medvedev 1994: 58, 158; Abdurakhmanov<br />

et al. 1995: 201; Ovchinnikov 1996: 155;<br />

Nabozhenko 1999: 42; Keskin 1999: 217; Jambazishvili<br />

2000: 187; Abdurakhmanov and Abdulmuslimova<br />

2002: 44; Tezcan et al. 2004: 168–169; Cherney 2005: 180,<br />

187; Yang and Ren 2005a: 186; Cherney and Fedorenko<br />

2006: 56.<br />

sauteri Kaszab, 1952. – Yang and Ren 2005a: 186.<br />

schneideri Reitter, 1892. – Skopin 1964: 280; Kryzhanovsky<br />

1965: 176; Pirnazarov 1970: 25; Nepesova 1980: 29; Abdurakhmanov<br />

1983: 83; Medvedev and Abdurakhmanov 1988:<br />

90; Abdurakhmanov and Medvedev 1994: 58, 158; Abdurakhmanov<br />

et al. 1995: 201; Abdurakhmanov and Abdulmuslimova<br />

2002: 44; Yang and Ren 2005a: 186; [Azerbaijan<br />

(Apsheron peninsula)].<br />

semipatruele Kaszab, 1952. – Kulzer 1956:652; Medvedev<br />

and Abdurakhmanov 1988: 89; Abdurakhmanov and<br />

Medvedev 1994: 58.<br />

setulosum setulosum (Faldermann, 1837). – Koenig 1899:<br />

379; Kühnelt 1957: 71; Skopin 1964: 280; Davletshina 1967:<br />

530; Pirnazarov 1970: 25; Medvedev et al. 1975: 90;<br />

Nepesova 1980: 29; Abdurakhmanov 1983: 83; Medvedev<br />

and Abdurakhmanov 1988: 89; Abdurakhmanov and<br />

Medvedev 1994: 58, 157; Abdurakhmanov et al. 1995: 200;<br />

Yu and Ren 1994: 91; Ovchinnikov 1996: 155; Nabozhenko<br />

1999: 42; Jambazishvili, 2000: 187; Ren et al. 2000: 3;<br />

Abdurakhmanov and Abdulmuslimova 2002: 44; Tezcan et<br />

al. 2004: 169; [Azerbaijan, Georgia].<br />

sexuale (Marseul, 1876). – Medvedev 1992: 638; Ren 1998b:<br />

91; Yang and Ren 2005a: 186.<br />

simplex simplex (Fabricius, 1801). – Medvedev and Abdurakhmanov<br />

1988: 90 (Gonocephalum simplex); Abdurakhmanov<br />

and Medvedev 1994: 58 (Gonocephalum simplex);<br />

Drinkwater 1999: 183 (Gonocephalum simplex).<br />

simulatrix (Fairmaire, 1891). – Medvedev and Abdurakhmanov<br />

1988: 90; Abdurakhmanov and Medvedev 1994:<br />

58; Yang and Ren 2005a: 186.<br />

sinicum Reichardt, 1936. – Yang and Ren 2005a: 187.<br />

soricinum soricinum (Reiche et Saulcy, 1857). – Medvedev<br />

and Abdurakhmanov 1988: 89 (Gonocephalum soricinum);<br />

Abdurakhmanov and Medvedev 1994: 58 (Gonocephalum<br />

soricinum).<br />

strigosum (Reiche, 1850). – Type designation by Ferrer<br />

(1995a: 33): lectotype, Benin (Dahomey).<br />

subrugulosum Reitter, 1887. – Medvedev and Kaszab, 1973:<br />

94 (not Medvedev 1973: 94); Ren et al. 2000: 3; Yang and<br />

Ren 2005a: 186.<br />

subspinosum (Fairmaire, 1894). – Ren 2002a: 139; Ren and<br />

Yang 2004a: 311; Ren and Ming 2005: 382; Yang and Ren<br />

2005a: 187, 2005b: 227; Ren and Hua 2006: 267; Ren and<br />

Yang 2007: 255; [China: Gansu (Kansu), Guizhou (Kweichow),<br />

Shaanxi (Shensi)].<br />

tellinii Gridelli, 1945. – Medvedev and Abdurakhmanov 1988:<br />

89; Abdurakhmanov and Medvedev 1994: 58.<br />

terminale Reichardt, 1936. – Medvedev 1992: 638.<br />

tibetanum Kaszab, 1952. – Yang and Ren 2005a: 187.<br />

tibiale Grimm, 2011: 254. Distribution: ORIENTAL REGION:<br />

Indonesia (Borneo).<br />

titschacki Kaszab, 1952. – Ren 2002a: 139; Yang and Ren<br />

2005a: 187.<br />

tomentosum (Walker, 1871). – Medvedev and Abdurakhmanov<br />

1988: 90; Abdurakhmanov and Medvedev 1994:<br />

58.<br />

tschilianum Kaszab, 1952. – Yang and Ren 2005a: 187.<br />

tuberculatum (Hope, 1831). – Medvedev and Abdurakhmanov<br />

1988: 90; Abdurakhmanov and Medvedev 1994:<br />

58; Ren 1998b: 91, 2002a: 138; Yang and Ren 2005a: 186;<br />

Ren and Hua 2006: 267.<br />

tuberipenne Grimm, 2011: 251. Distribution: ORIENTAL<br />

REGION: Indonesia (Borneo).<br />

vagum (Steven, 1829). – Kulzer 1954: 20; Yang and Ren<br />

2005a: 186.<br />

wui Ren, 1995. – Ren and Saihong 2001: 347; Ren 2001: 90;<br />

Yang and Ren 2005a: 187.

zoltani Iwan, Ferrer et Raś 2010. – Medvedev and Abdurakhmanov,<br />

1988: 90 (Gonocephalum paralellum,<br />

misprint, preoccupied name); Abdurakhmanov and Medvedev,<br />

1994: 58 (Gonocephalum paralellum, misprint,<br />

preoccupied name).<br />

Melanesthes medvedevi Kaszab, 1973, in: Medvedev and<br />

Kaszab (1973: 103) [replacement name for Melanesthes<br />

maxima Kaszab, 1965c: 341]. – Misinterpreted by Iwan et<br />

al. (2010: 304) as Gonocephalum medvedevi Kaszab,<br />

1965.<br />

Notes on the revision of European and African<br />

Gonocephalum species by Ferrer (1993, 1995,<br />

2000)<br />

A revision of the African and Europaean species of<br />

Gonocephalum was done by Ferrer and published in<br />

three separated papers (Ferrer 1993, 1995, 2000).<br />

The first one (Ferrer 1993) contains the key to all<br />

species, including propositions of new taxa and new<br />

names, but the descriptions of the new species were<br />

presented in both subsequent papers (Ferrer 1995,<br />

2000). According to the rule of International Code of<br />

Zoological Nomenclatures (ICZN 1999, Article 13), all<br />

the names used for the new species by Ferrer in 1993,<br />

should be treated as nomina nuda, and consequently<br />

are unavailable. The same names used in the later<br />

papers (Ferrer 1995, 2000) are available, and take<br />

authorship and date from these acts of establishment<br />

(ICZN 1999, Articles 21, 50). There are the list of the<br />

names:<br />

G. albertii Ferrer, 1995 (1993a: 77)<br />

G. alticola exile Ferrer, 2000 (1993a: 104)<br />

G. alticola kinschassae Ferrer, 2000 (1993a: 104)<br />

G. alticola nossibense Ferrer, 2000 (1993a: 104)<br />

G. alticola seychellense Ferrer, 2000 (1993a: 104)<br />

G. alticola zulu Ferrer, 2000 (1993a: 104)<br />

G. angelicae Ferrer, 1995 (1993a: 81)<br />

G. angolense escalerai Ferrer, 2000 (1993a: 99)<br />

G. bartolozzii Ferrer, 1995 (1993a: 99)<br />

G. batesi Ferrer, 2000 (1993a: 96)<br />

G. bremeri Ferrer, 1995 (1993a: 90)<br />

G. brincki Ferrer, 2000 (1993a: 105)<br />

G. compressum Ferrer, 1995 (1993a: 76)<br />

G. confusum Ferrer, 2000 (1993a: 106)<br />

G. demeteri Ferrer, 1995 (1993a:83)<br />

G. dermestoides latum Ferrer, 1995 (1993a: 91)<br />

G. deserticola Ferrer, 2000 (1993a: 105)<br />

G. devylderi Ferrer, 1995 (1993a: 93)<br />

G. folini Ferrer, 1995 (1993a: 81)<br />

G. frederici Ferrer, 1995 (1993a: 73)<br />

G. germari germari Ferrer, 2000 (1993a: 95)<br />

G. germari hemmingi Ferrer, 2000 (1993a: 95)<br />

G. gerstaeckeri Ferrer, 1995 (1993a: 79)<br />

<strong>CATALOGUE</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>WORLD</strong> <strong>GONOCEPHALUM</strong> <strong>SOLIER</strong>, <strong>1834</strong>. 2 PART 263<br />

G. girardi Ferrer, 1995 (1993a: 89)<br />

G. giraudini rex Ferrer, 1995 (1993a: 89)<br />

G. grimmi Ferrer, 1995 (1993a: 89)<br />

G. hiekei Ferrer, 1995 (1993a: 75)<br />

G. imitator Ferrer, 1995 (1993a: 90)<br />

G. inaequale danielssoni Ferrer, 1995 (1993a: 73)<br />

G. indictum indictum Ferrer, 1995 (1993a: 79)<br />

G. inquinatum palisoti Ferrer, 2000 (1993a: 98)<br />

G. inquinatum suberinitum Ferrer, 2000 (1993a: 98)<br />

G. juanense Ferrer, 2000 (1993a: 100)<br />

G. kaszabi Ferrer, 1995 (1993a: 84)<br />

G. kempsteri Ferrer, 2000 (1993a: 78)<br />

G. lesnei Ferrer, 1995 (1993a: 78)<br />

G. martini Ferrer, 1995 (1993a: 87)<br />

G. merensi estevezi Ferrer, 2000 (1993a: 97)<br />

G. merkli Ferrer, 2000 (1993a: 95)<br />

G. obscurum aethiops Ferrer, 1995 (1993a: 24)<br />

G. patrizii lagosicum Ferrer, 1995 (1993a: 91)<br />

G. politum Ferrer, 2000 (1993a: 95)<br />

G. royi clarkei Ferrer, 1995 (1993a: 86)<br />

G. simplex aldabraense Ferrer, 2000 (1993a: 103)<br />

G. simplex andreinii Ferrer, 2000 (1993a: 103)<br />

G. simplex sudanicum Ferrer, 2000 (1993a: 102)<br />

G. simplex ubanguiense Ferrer, 2000 (1993a: 102)<br />

G. simplex yemenicum Ferrer, 2000 (1993a: 103)<br />

G. soricinum faraonicum Ferrer, 2000 (1993a: 97)<br />

G. subsetosum erichsoni Ferrer, 2000 (1993a: 99)<br />

G. swazilandense Ferrer, 1995 (1993a: 80)<br />

G. triste Ferrer, 2000 (1993a: 105)<br />

G. tuberculiferum Ferrer, 1995 (1993a: 81, 85)<br />

G. validum Ferrer, 2000 (1993a: 98)<br />

G. zambesense Ferrer, 1995 (1993a: 94)<br />

G. pilosa Ferrer, 2000 (1993a: 107)<br />

Types deposited in the Hungarian Natural<br />

History Museum, Budapest, Hungary (HNHM)<br />

Unclear designation of types by Kaszab (1952),<br />

mentioned in the first part of the catalogue (Iwan et al.<br />

2010), leads to several questions. One of many examples<br />

is the species Gonocephalum abnormale Kaszab,<br />

1952. Kaszab (1952: 635) in the “Untersuchungsmaterial”<br />

listed the number of specimens and their place<br />

of deposition: “7 Exemplare (4 Exempl. British Mus., 2<br />

Exempl. Mus. Budapest; 1 Exempl. Mus. Frey)”, and<br />

then explicitly appointed one specimen as type deposited<br />

in HNHM: “Typus befindet sich in der Sammlung des<br />

Ungarischen Naturwissenschaftlichen Museum in<br />

Budapest“. Are the specimens deposited at the Natural<br />

History Museum (UK, London) and NHMB types? Do<br />

the specimens have labels with the type designations<br />

written by Kaszab? Currently, there are 3 specimens<br />

(labelled as HT and 2 PT) of G. abnormale Kaszab,<br />

1952 deposited in HNHM.

264 D. IWAN, O. MERKL and J. FERRER<br />

List of type specimens preserved in HNHM<br />

G. (Opatropis) aalbui Ferrer, 2000 – 11 PT<br />

G. abnormale Kaszab, 1952 – HT, 2 PT<br />

G. acuticolle Kaszab, 1952 – 3 PT<br />

G. adpressiforme Kaszab, 1951 – 8 PT<br />

G. andamanense Kaszab, 1952 – 1 PT<br />

G. andrewesi Kaszab, 1952 – 27 PT<br />

G. angolense escalerai Ferrer, 2000 – HT, 2 PT<br />

G. arisi Reitter, 1905 – HT<br />

G. balmeae Kaszab, 1952 – 1 PT<br />

G. baloghi Kaszab, 1969 – HT<br />

G. belli Kaszab, 1952 – 1 PT<br />

G. bengalense Kaszab, 1952 – 2 PT<br />

G. besnardi Kaszab, 1982 – HT, 6 PT<br />

G. bigranulatum Kaszab, 1952 – HT<br />

G. bimaculatum Ferrer, 1995 – HT, 4 PT<br />

G. birmanicum Kaszab, 1952 – HT<br />

G. biroi Kaszab, 1952 – HT, AT, 2 PT<br />

G. biseriatum Kaszab, 1975 – HT<br />

G. blairi Kaszab, 1952 – 4 PT<br />

G. borosi Kaszab, 1952 – 1 HT<br />

G. brachelytra Kaszab, 1952 – 5 PT<br />

G. brazzavillae Kaszab, 1969 – HT, 1 PT<br />

G. bremeri Ferrer, 1995 – HT, AT, 1 PT<br />

G. brevisetosum Kaszab, 1952 – MT = HT<br />

G. brittoni Kaszab, 1952 – 1 PT<br />

G. buitenzorgense Kaszab, 1952 – 1 ST<br />

G. celebense Kaszab, 1952 – 2 PT<br />

G. civicum Kaszab, 1952 – 14 PT<br />

G. clavigerum Kaszab, 1980 – HT<br />

G. coenosum Kaszab, 1952 – HT, 55 PT<br />

G. confusum Ferrer, 2000 – 29 PT<br />

G. cookae Kaszab, 1952 – 1 PT<br />

G. corallinum Kaszab, 1961 – 2 PT<br />

G. coriaceum takara Nakane, 1963 (= Gonocephalum<br />

takara) – 3 PT<br />

G. crassepunctatum Kaszab, 1952 – HT, 3 PT<br />

G. curiosum Kaszab, 1952 – 7 PT<br />

G. curvicolle Reitter, 1889 – 3 ST<br />

G. csikii Kaszab, 1952 – HT<br />

G. dasiforme Kaszab, 1952 – 4 PT<br />

G. deliensis Kaszab, 1952 – HT<br />

G. demeteri Ferrer, 1995 – HT<br />

G. dentipes Kaszab, 1952 – 11 PT<br />

G. dermestoides latum Ferrer, 1995 – HT, 5 PT (according<br />

to the description these types are in the<br />

coll. Bremer, but in fact in the HNHM!)<br />

G. deserticola Ferrer, 2000 – 9 PT<br />

G. elytrale Kaszab, 1952 – 1 PT<br />

G. endroedii Kaszab, 1952 – MT = HT<br />

G. ermischi Kaszab, 1960 – 6 PT<br />

G. espagnoli Kaszab, 1965 – HT<br />

G. feae Gebien, 1920 – 1 cotype<br />

G. foveicolle Kaszab, 1952 – HT, 2 PT<br />

G. freudei Kaszab, 1960 – 3 PT<br />

G. gebienianum Kaszab, 1952 – 5 PT<br />

G. germari Ferrer, 2000 – HT, 11 PT<br />

G. gestroi Gebien, 1920 – 1 cotype<br />

G. girardi Ferrer, 1995 – 1 PT<br />

G. granulatipenne Kaszab, 1978 – 4 PT<br />

G. granulipenne Gridelli, 1945 – 1 PT<br />

G. greensladei Kaszab, 1980 – HT, 11 PT<br />

G. gridellianum Kaszab, 1952 – 1 PT<br />

G. grimmi Ferrer, 1995 – HT, 1 PT<br />

G. griseovittatum Gridelli, 1940 – 1 PT<br />

G. guignoti Kaszab, 1960 – 5 PT<br />

G. hauschildi Kaszab, 1952 – HT, 3 PT<br />

G. helaeoides Kaszab, 1952 – 4 PT<br />

G. helferi Kaszab, 1952 – 4 PT<br />

G. himalayense Kaszab, 1952 – HT<br />

G. hingstoni Kaszab, 1952 – HT, 3 PT<br />

G. hintoni Kaszab, 1952 – 2 PT<br />

G. hispidulum Kaszab, 1952 – 4 PT<br />

G. horni Kaszab, 1952 – 26 PT<br />

G. impressiceps Kaszab, 1952 – HT<br />

G. inaequale Gridelli, 1945 – 1 PT<br />

G. indicum Kaszab, 1952 – HT<br />

G. indochinense Kaszab, 1972 – 1 PT<br />

G. javanicum Kaszab, 1952 – HT, 3 PT<br />

G. kandaharicum Kaszab, 1960 – 5 PT<br />

G. karakorumense Kaszab, 1961 – HT<br />

G. kaszabi Ferrer, 1995 – HT, AT<br />

G. kempsteri Ferrer, 2000 – 1 PT<br />

G. klapperichi Kaszab, 1952 – HT, 2 PT<br />

G. kochi Kaszab, 1952 – 6 PT<br />

G. kondoi Masumoto, 1983 – 2 PT<br />

G. koreanum Kaszab, 1952 – HT<br />

G. kuehnelti Kaszab, 1961 – HT, 41 PT<br />

G. kuluanum Kaszab, 1952 – 3 PT<br />

G. kulzeri Kaszab, 1952 – 3 PT<br />

G. kuntzeni Kaszab, 1952 – 3 PT<br />

G. laosense Kaszab, 1952 – HT, 1 PT<br />

G. longitarse Kaszab, 1952 – 2 PT<br />

G. longulum Gebien, 1911 – 1 cotype<br />

G. macrophthalmum Kaszab, 1952 – 1 PT<br />

G. madurense Kaszab, 1952 – HT, 4 PT<br />

G. malayanum Gebien, 1935 – 1 cotype<br />

G. marani Kaszab, 1952 – 1 PT<br />

G. martensi Kaszab, 1977 (=Gonocephalum simulatrix<br />

Fairmaire, 1891) – 5 PT<br />

G. merkli Ferrer, 2000 – HT<br />

G. microphthalmum Ardoin, 1965 – 2 PT<br />

G. mongolicum Reitter, 1889 (= Gonocephalum reticulatum<br />

Motschulsky, 1854) – 2 ST<br />

G. mysorense Kaszab, 1952 – 1 HT<br />

G. nepalicum Kaszab, 1973 – 28 PT<br />

G. niloticum Ardoin, 1965 – 2 PT<br />

G. novaecaledoniae Kaszab, 1982 – 3 PT<br />

G. nyassae Ferrer, 1995 – HT<br />

G. obenbergeri Kaszab, 1952 – 2 PT<br />

G. obscurum aethiops Ferrer, 1995 – HT, 3 PT

G. oceanicum Kaszab, 1985 – HT<br />

G. oculare Kaszab, 1952 – HT, 3 PT (= Gonocephalum<br />

(Opatropis) oculare)<br />

G. okinawanum Chûjô, 1963 – 2 PT<br />

G. papuanum Gebien, 1920 – 1 cotype<br />

G. parallelum Kaszab, 1952 – HT, 1 PT (= Gonocephalum<br />

zoltani Iwan, Ferrer et Ra?, 2010)<br />

G. parcesetosum Kaszab, 1952 – 1 PT<br />

G. patricium Kaszab, 1952 – 3 PT<br />

G. patrizii lagosicum Ferrer, 1995 – HT, 1 PT<br />

G. peguanum Kaszab, 1952 – 1 PT<br />

G. planicolle Kaszab, 1952 – HT<br />

G. platipenne Kaszab, 1960 – 1 PT<br />

G. politum Ferrer, 2000 – 1 PT<br />

G. potanini Reichardt, 1936 (= G. guerryi Chatanay,<br />

1917) – 2 ST<br />

G. pottsi Kulzer, 1957 – 1 PT<br />

G. pseudopubens Kaszab, 1952 – HT, 9 PT<br />

G. puberulum Kaszab, 1952 – 2 PT<br />

G. pusillum afghanicum Gridelli, 1954 (= Gonocephalum<br />

granulatum afghanicum Gridelli,<br />

1954) – 1 PT<br />

G. recticolle var. terminale Reichardt, 1936 (= Gonocephalum<br />

terminale Reichardt, 1936) – 5 ST<br />

G. remedellii Gridelli, 1945 – 1 ST<br />

G. rileyi Kaszab, 1952 – 1 PT<br />

G. rondoni Kaszab, 1972 – 3 PT<br />

G. roseni Kaszab, 1952 – HT, 9 PT<br />

G. rostratum Bremer et Ferrer, 2002 – 2PT<br />

G. rotundatum Gridelli, 1940 – 1 PT<br />

G. royi clarkei Ferrer, 1995 – HT, 3 PT<br />

G. sauteri Kaszab, 1952 – HT<br />

G. schneideri Reitter, 1898 – HT<br />

G. schusteri Kaszab, 1952 – HT, 2 PT<br />

G. semipatruele Kaszab, 1952 – 5 PT<br />

G. setulosum var. pubiferum Reitter, 1904 (= Gonocephalum<br />

pubiferum Reitter, 1904) – 9 ST<br />

G. shimoganum Kaszab, 1952 – 1 PT<br />

G. sikkimense Kaszab, 1952 – 3 PT<br />

G. simplex montisrolandi Ardoin, 1962 – 1 PT<br />

G. simplex ubanguiense Ferrer, 2000 – 1 PT<br />

G. sinicum Reichardt, 1936 – 1 ST<br />

G. somalicum Gridelli, 1945 (= Gonocephalum alternicostis<br />

somalicum) – 1 ST<br />

G. spangleri Kaszab, 1980 – 2 PT<br />

G. stoeckleini Kaszab, 1952 – HT, 40 PT<br />

G. subcontractum Gridelli, 1945 – 1 PT<br />

G. subrugulosum Reitter, 1887 – 1 ST<br />

G. subsetosum Reitter, 1904 (= Gonocephalum subpinosum<br />

(Fairmaire, 1894)) – 2 ST<br />

G. szekessyi Kaszab, 1952 – 1 PT<br />

G. tellinii Gridelli, 1945 – 5 PT<br />

G. tenasserimicum Kaszab, 1952 – HT, 9 PT<br />

G. tenuicorne Kaszab, 1952 – HT, 6 PT<br />

G. tenuipes Kaszab, 1952 – HT<br />

G. tibetanum Kaszab, 1952 – 1 PT<br />

<strong>CATALOGUE</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>WORLD</strong> <strong>GONOCEPHALUM</strong> <strong>SOLIER</strong>, <strong>1834</strong>. 2 PART 265<br />

G. titschacki Kaszab, 1952 – HT<br />

G. tonkinense Kaszab, 1952 – 3 PT<br />

G. topali Kaszab, 1975 – HT, 13 PT<br />

G. triste Ferrer, 2000 – 2 PT<br />

G. tschilianum Kaszab, 1952 – HT<br />

G. tuberculiferum Ferrer, 1995 – HT<br />

G. ulugurense Ardoin, 1976 – 2 PT<br />

G. uniseriatum Kaszab, 1952 – HT<br />

G. validum Ferrer, 2000 – 25 PT<br />

G. veigai Koch, 1956 – 8 PT<br />

G. vientianeum Kaszab, 1972 – 2 PT<br />

G. vincenti Ardoin, 1965 – 6 PT<br />

G. wau Kaszab, 1970 – HT, AT, 29 PT<br />

G. wittmeri Kaszab, 1975 – 22 PT<br />

G. woynarovichi Kaszab, 1973 – HT, 12 PT<br />

Opatrum scutellare Perty, 1831 (= Gonocephalum<br />

scutellare) – 1 ST<br />

Leichenum impictum Fairmaire, 1849 (= Gonocephalum<br />

impictum) – 1 ST<br />

Hasticollinum podagrarium Kaszab, 1939 (= Gonocephalum<br />

podagrarium) – 2 PT<br />

Hopatrum dorsogranosum Fairmaire, 1896 (= Gonocephalum<br />

dorsogranosum) – 1 ST<br />

Pseudoblaps simulatrix Fairmaire, 1891 (= Gonocephalum<br />

simulatrix) – 3 ST.<br />


We are grateful to Haoyu Liu (China, Hebei)<br />

and Maxim Nabozhenko (Russia, Rostov-on-Don)<br />

for the provide the copies of Chinese and Russian<br />

papers.<br />


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Received: May 10, 2011<br />

Accepted: June 20, 2011

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