vor 1 Jahr


  • Text
  • Harnischcom
  • Materials
  • Valve
  • Electricity
  • Grid
  • Valves
  • Technologies
  • Efficient
  • Pumps
  • Hydrogen
  • Efficiency
“GET – GREEN EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGIES” is the new independent media platform for energy supply, efficiency improvement and alternative energy sources and storage. There is still a high potential to save energy in industry. Efficiency is not only important for the profitability of a company, it is also target-oriented and saves resources. The importance of efficiency, especially in energy production, the role played by hydrogen, industrial processes, resource and recycling management, how energy can be stored and much more can be found in the new GET.

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Editorial Hydrogen in the atmosphere Dear readers, You are no doubt aware that the EU and Germany are investing 6.2 billion euros in 62 hydrogen projects. These projects are essentially concerned with infrastructural aspects of quite remarkable performance size, up to and including the testing or low-cost production of new technologies. In the GET H 2 initiative, for example, various industrial sectors in Lower Saxony are to be converted to hydrogen and connected to a pipeline. Another example is the AquaVentus project, in which electrolysis cells are to be attached to offshore wind power plants and the hydrogen is to be piped to the island of Helgoland, where it will be stored in LOHC and shipped. There is also a group of companies in the south of the republic dedicated to the low-cost production of fuel cells. At the same time, gas consumption and light pollution from night-time shutdowns are to be reduced on a larger scale. New ideas are constantly coming onto the market that make processes run more efficiently, that use waste as a source of raw materials or that fight plant diseases such as downy mildew in viticulture more effectively with plant extracts than copper can. In other words, a lot is already happening, but it is also necessary. Because the planet is suffering. In many cases, however, there is a lack of ideas about how. A question I often encounter is "What can I do?". An important aspect for moving forward is therefore information. For this reason, we have decided to fill exactly this gap, with appropriate information. You are now receiving the first English edition of GET - Green and Efficient Technologies. It has hereby appeared a total of two times this year, a German and an English edition. We want to take up all sustainable topics and, together with our authors, show possible solutions. It is intended to be a magazine that stimulates discussion and is fun to read. We therefore hope you will find many suggestions in this new publication that you can turn into ideas. This is necessary, because the task ahead is big and needs many people. And if you would like to discuss an idea with us, we are happy to do so. Yours sincerely Prof. Dr.-Ing. Eberhard Schlücker Prof. (ret.), advisor on hydrogen and energy issues GREEN EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGIES 2022 3

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