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Wellness Foods & Supplements 3/2020

  • Text
  • Harnischcom
  • Supplements
  • Foods
  • Wellness
  • Clinical
  • Salts
  • Protein
  • Dairy
  • Vaginal
  • Products
  • Yogurt
  • Mineral
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
Wellness Foods & Supplements is the first European magazine devoted exclusively to health ingredients, nutraceutical foods and beverages.

Women‘s health How can

Women‘s health How can oral probiotics, after passage through the gut, have a beneficial impact on the vaginal microflora? Probiotics taken orally will pass through the gut, colonize the intestine and will be excreted in faeces. Anatomically, anus and vagina are very close, so naturally bacteria will pass and arrive in vagina in order to colonize it. This natural phenomenon occurs with “bad” bacteria causing infections like bacterial vaginosis, but also with “good” bacteria like probiotics. Gut to vagina passage was confirmed by clinical studies, in particular with ROSELLA which is found in vagina after oral intake. In Montella study, ROSELLA also showed persistence as ROSELLA was not only found in vagina after oral intake, but also after a 15 days wash-out period. Colonization of the vaginal microflora and persistence study in healthy women [Montella, 2013 and 2014] On 24 healthy women with a normal vaginal flora, an optimal oral intake dose was determined of 5B CFU/day with two cycles of 15 days intake followed by 15 days washout among different dose and regimen. ROSELLA strain was identified by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) with specific strain primers in both faecal and vaginal samples, even after a 15 days washout period, demonstrating the gut to vagina passage, colonization and persistence. Efficacy study in healthy women prone to experiencing temporary imbalances in their vaginal microflora [Vladareanu, 2018] Following the Montella pilot study confirming dose and safety, an efficacy study was conducted on 93 healthy women with recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis enrolled during relapse-free period. These women took either ROSELLA (5B CFU/ day) or a placebo during three cycles of 15 days, followed by 15 days washout. At T0, around 60 % of women have an abnormal vaginal flora (LBG IIa to LBG III). In the ROSELLA group, there was a significant increase (p

Women‘s health [Nava 2002, results] In 2014, De Seta study results on pH normalization, increase of lactobacilli and improvement of symptoms, ROSELLA’S legiti macy was equally confirmed. In 2016, Cianci, in order to open indications, ROSELLA was tested in a pilot study on 94 women with bacterial vaginosis (BV) and aerobic vaginitis (AV). After 15 days, a signifi cant increase of reported clinical resolution was observed. Why maintaining vaginal pH balance is essential to keeping a healthy vaginal flora? The pH scale runs from 0 to 14. A pH of less than 7 is considered acidic, and a pH of more than 7 is basic. A normal vaginal pH level is between 3.8 and 4.5, which is moderately acidic. However, what constitutes a “normal” pH level can vary slightly during a women’s life due to internal changes, and many external factors can also modify the pH levels in this delicate zone. Whilst an acidic vaginal environment is protective and creates a barrier that prevents unhealthy bacteria and yeast from multiplying too quickly and causing infection, weak acid, or raised pH levels provides the perfect setting for unhealthy bacteria to develop, hence putting women at risk of contracting various more or less severe infections. For more information, please contact Lallemand Health Solutions Your newsletter registration at: Digital as usual. The newsletter of Dr. Harnisch Publications Always know the latest news? In addition to our print magazines, we will keep you up to date with our newsletter free of charge. Receive current information and exclusive content from various industries. You can register for the newsletter at: No. 3 November/December 2020 27

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