2 years ago

Sarah Quartel - Upper Voices Sampler

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  • Oxford
  • Quartel
  • Doon
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  • Soprano
  • Songbird
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A choral sampler of repertoire for upper voices by Sarah Quartel.

10 108 Slow 116

10 108 Slow 116 - ly, then, wrapped in the me - lo - dy she feels the wind Slow - ly, then, wrapped in the me - lo - dy she feels the wind 113 gent - ly. mf ruf fling - her skin so gent - ly. Fill - ing her mf ruf fling - her skin so gent - ly. Fill mf - ing her 118 for online perusal only lungs with the chick a - - dee song, she hums, caught in this lungs with the chick a - - dee song, she hums, caught in this mf

S. 1 S. 2 A. 1 A. 2 fea - thered flur - ry. Stretch -es an arm, but now a wing she has f fea - thered flur - ry. Stretch -es an arm, but now a wing she has f fea - thered flur - ry. Stretch -es an arm, but now a wing she has f f 128 formed, and her fea - thers, gold - en, they shine so bright - ly. formed, and her fea - thers, gold - en, they shine so bright - ly. formed, and her fea - thers, gold - en, they shine so bright - ly. f 123 f 117 for online perusal only 11

Copyright © Oxford University Press 2018

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