Oxford Programming by Theme

Oxford University Press is proud to publish musical works by some of the most significant composers of the 20th and 21st centuries, with a catalogue that includes a broad range of choral, orchestral and chamber music.


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3 years ago

Bob Chilcott - Circlesong

  • Text
  • Choral
  • Chilcott
  • Circlesong
for upper voices, SATB, and piano, or 2 pianos and percussion (4 players) A work filled with ambition, Circlesong is a musical portrayal of the human life cycle as captured in the indigenous poetry of North America. Based on poetry from the Chinook, Comanche, Dakota, Inuit, Iroquois, Kwakiutl, Navajo, Ojibwa, Pueblo, Seminole, Sioux, and Yaqui traditions, the thirteen movements, in seven parts, mark the different stages of life, from birth and childhood to adulthood, middle age and death. With energetic percussion accompaniment, climactic moments for tutti choir, tender unaccompanied passages and solo song, Circlesong is a work of impressive drama, variety, and depth. The current vocal score provides the single piano version, for performance but also for rehearsal generally. A separate part for upper voices is available on sale, and the instrumental parts for the two pianos/percussion version are available on hire.

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BC245 A work filled with ambition, Circlesong is a musical portrayal of the human life cycle as captured in the indigenous poetry of North America. Based on poetry from the Chinook, Comanche, Dakota, Eskimo, Iroquois, Kwakiutl, Navajo, Ojibwa, Pueblo, Seminole, Sioux, and Yaqui traditions, the thirteen movements, in seven parts, mark the different stages of life, from birth and childhood to adulthood, middle age and death. With energetic percussion accompaniment, climactic moments for tutti choir, tender unaccompanied passages and solo song, Circlesong is a work of impressive drama, variety, and depth. Circlesong is scored for upper voices and SATB choir, accompanied by two pianos plus percussion, or one piano. The current vocal score provides the single piano version, for performance but also for rehearsal generally. A separate part for upper voices is available on sale (ISBN 978–0–19–354372–0), and the instrumental parts for the two pianos/percussion version are available on hire. has been involved with choral music all his life, first as a Chorister and then a Choral Scholar at King’s College, Cambridge. Later, he sang and composed music for twelve years with the King’s Singers. His experiences with that group, his passionate commitment to young and amateur choirs, and his profound belief that music can unite people, have inspired him both to compose full-time and, through proactive workshopping, to promote choral music worldwide. Have you tried? I Share Creation (ISBN 978–0–19–343328–1) The Making of the Drum (ISBN 978–0–19–338156–8) The Miracle of the Spring (ISBN 978–0–19–338633–4) Salisbury Vespers (ISBN 978–0–19–335933–8) For more details about Bob Chilcott and his music, please contact Oxford University Press, Music Department. Cover image: Bob Chilcott 1 www.oup.com ISBN 978-0-19-354043-9 9 780193 540439