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Centurion Hong Kong Winter 2018

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A TOUCH OF BEAUTY A true temple to beauty, where luminescence and luxe reign supreme, this newly opened salon in Ginza, Tokyo is a first-class destination for those ahead of the game. THE GINZA Cosmetics PHOTOGRAPHY: YOSHIAKI TODA 『ザ・ギンザ ハイブリッドジェルオイル」 〈 美 容 液 ・マッサージ 美 容 液 〉 100ml ¥25,000+ 消 費 税

ADVERTORIAL Opposite page: THE GINZA Empowerizer 40g Left: The interior of THE GINZA Cosmetics boutique. Featuring the brand logo as a dominant design element, the beautifully aligned mirrors escort the guests from the entrance to the salon, as if walking along a chic runway. The complete THE GINZA range awaits the guests on the ground floor. On the first floor, where you'll find a designated space for invited members, THE GINZA products can be thoroughly testede. Visit The Ginza Cosmetics at 5-9-15 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo between 11 and 7pm. Beauty. It is a natural and artistic notion that assesses the true value of an individual. Manifested through one’s inner and outer self, beauty is an attribute that could facilitate great success and, for others, great prosperity. High achievers in a multitude of fields, as well as prominent celebrities, are good such examples. Visible to others, often around the clock, their outer selves often represent the pinnacle of glamour and self-confidence. Still, it seems as though the more successful they become, they appear to grow all the more humble and more dignified. That is when their true inner beauty shines through. Making a good impression at just a glance, especially for those in the limelight, is extremely important. Yet attaining luminescent skin – an essential ingredient towards making a great first impression – is not at all easy to achieve. To make things more difficult, myriad skincare products are available on the market, each with their own particular selling pitches, making the road towards achieving this goal all the more difficult to navigate. Finding a most suitable product for one’s skin is a challenging task. The overwhelming choice of equally appealing products becomes a distraction, making it especially difficult just to properly test out a single skincare salve for an appropriate amount of time. “Is there really a reliable way to attain the most beautiful skin and look?” This has become the million-dollar question in the cosmetics industry, with a soaring demand for a one-stop strategy sought by customers and executives alike. To meet these lofty demands, THE GINZA Cosmetics was born this autumn in Ginza, Tokyo with an apt motto: Meet the Empowerment. The marque has four key facets: the bricks-and-mortar boutique itself – a unique place where you’ll find only products of the highest calibre; the highly distinctive products; the experience, in which all your senses are heightened; and, last but not least, the hospitality, offering impeccable attention to detail. If one had to choose just one product that best represents the brand’s immaculate approach to beauty, it would undoubtedly be the Empowerizer. The name of the product originates from the word “empowerment”, meaning “the process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in controlling one's life”. It perfectly mirrors the concept of THE GINZA Cosmetics. Indeed, all the products from THE GINZA Cosmetics have limitless potential. They have been created for all skin types, age groups and sexes, and can be applied at any time of the year. To experience THE GINZA philosophy and to sample the Empowerizer, there is nowhere better than the exclusive space on the first floor. A space reserved for members with an invitation, there is no doubt that you’ll find the perfect solution for boosting both your inner and outer self here. “At the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet.” Plato’s words come to mind here at THE GINZA Cosmetics – where, at the touch of beauty, everyone becomes stronger and confident. THE GINZA’s products can also be experienced onboard all first-class European and American Nippon Airways flights. Many of the airline's passengers have fallen in love with the amenities, and have reported improved skin conditions during and after flights. It is no surprise that their onboard experiences has turned them into new loyal fans of THE GINZA range.