8 years ago

Departures Australia Spring 2015

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BLACKBOOK WHERE TO GO NEXT & WHAT TO KNOW NOW The industrialchic interiors of the new bistro Carlo e Camilla in Segheria D I S P A T C H Milan’s MAKEOVER A new mini-Manhattan district, inspiring creative hubs, a duo of five-star hostelries and buzzworthy culinary options: Italy’s fashion-forward metropolis is once again in the ascendant, as DELIA DEMMA discovers NATHALIE KRAG/COURTESY TANJA SOLCI STUDIO Perhaps it’s the “Expo effect”, or maybe the city’s concerted effort to show the world its very best face. Whatever the reason, after years of understatement, Milan has gone full-on prima donna once again as it welcomes bold-faced names from the worlds of fashion and architecture, gastronomy and innkeeping into its chic and vibrant fold. Herewith, a shortlist of the highlights that are burnishing its newfound verve. » CONTACT PLATINUM CARD SERVICE FOR BOOKINGS DEPARTURES-INTERNATIONAL.COM 27