6 years ago

Departures United Kingdom Autumn 2018

  • Text
  • Departures
  • Platinum
  • Caribbean
  • Hotels
  • Jewellery
  • Iranian
  • Contemporary
  • Clockwise
  • Artists
  • Anguilla

From the Editor

From the Editor CHRISTIAN SCHWALBACH “ For those of us with an affinity for the Caribbean and its people, places and properties, nothing could say more than supporting it „ 14 DEPARTURES IT WAS ABOUT this time a year ago when some of our favourite islands in the Caribbean took a punishing (and in some cases direct) hit when a pair of Category 5 hurricanes tore through in rapid succession. What they left behind in their wake was utter destruction, the likes of which residents hadn’t seen or experienced previously. And it was devastation that island authorities hadn’t been prepared to deal with, leaving many thousands of people in dire circumstances and without the appropriate aid in the immediate aftermath. By the end of September 2017, Maria and Irma had changed the face of much of the eastern Caribbean. A year later, the clean-up and rebuilding continues in certain hard-hit places, while in others there is soul-searching and disasterplanning to ensure that the response – should another named storm come barrelling through – will be more timely and better executed. The region is a resilient one, and for those of us with a particular affinity for its people, places and properties, nothing could say more than supporting it than by planning a visit – not least because more than 70 percent of Caribbean destinations were unaffected by the 2017 hurricanes. In “After the Storm” on page 80, Kevin Conley reports that hospitality is leading the way to recovery, and hoteliers are reopening with a new vigour, with many top resorts now offering enhanced rooms, innovative restaurants and refreshed spas sparkling in the tropical sunshine. The only question now is: what are you waiting for?