5 years ago

Explore More - 2017

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  • Viking
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  • Cathedral
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MAGNIFICENT MEKONG DELTA dawn A cruise along the Mekong River through Cambodia and Vietnam is the chance to immerse yourself in the history and diversity of this intriguing region, discovers travel journalist Liz Jarvis The stone temples of Angkor Wat, Cambodia, represent the five peaks of Mount Meru, the sacred mountains of Buddhism and Hinduism. 120 VIKINGCRUISES.COM | EXPLORE MORE 2017

MAGNIFICENT MEKONG Children are running along the river banks of the Mekong, shouting excitedly as our sampan is tied to the mooring. They grab our hands to lead us into their village, chattering the whole time, asking our names and telling us theirs. We’re welcomed into brightly painted wooden houses on stilts, with cattle grazing in the same space as mothers and babies resting in hammocks, greeting us with big smiles. It’s an extraordinary, privileged insight into a culture completely different from our own, and one of the many highlights of our Viking River Cruises’ journey into the heart of Vietnam and Cambodia. We begin our trip in Hanoi, the former North Vietnamese capital, a never-ending feast of sights, sounds (and smells) for the senses; everyone seems to ride motorbikes or scooters, which makes crossing the road interesting. On our first night we dine al fresco in a typically Vietnamese restaurant, lit by lanterns, before returning to our hotel, the luxurious colonial-style Sofitel, which played host to luminaries such as Jane Fonda and Joan Baez during the Vietnam War. Graham Greene also stayed here, and his eponymous cocktail, a delicious concoction of raspberry sorbet and liqueur, is highly recommended. The next day we visit Ho Chi Minh’s mausoleum, an enormous stone building where, in a room backlit with red and dominated by flags depicting the hammer and sickle and Vietnamese star, we find the man himself resting, which is, frankly, a bit of a shock. Apparently Ho Chi Minh wanted his ashes scattered in the four corners of his country, but his people ignored his wishes and preserved him for everyone to pay their respects instead. That afternoon we’re treated to a stunning outdoor puppet show at the Temple of Literature, and the next morning, a green electric-car tour of the street markets in the bustling, atmospheric Old Quarter. From Hanoi, it’s a short flight to Siem Reap in Cambodia, where we stay in another superb Sofitel hotel; at dinner that night we’re treated to a traditional Aspara dance performance. The following day we rise early to beat the heat on a tour of the ancient temples. Built in the 12th century, Angkor Wat is utterly spectacular, with its intricate stone carvings and vistas. The challenge here is to climb as high as you can, although it’s worth noting that the steps get progressively more treacherous with each level; you’re rewarded, though, with extraordinary EXPLORE MORE 2017 | VIKINGCRUISES.COM 121