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THE ROOSTER 1933, 1945,

THE ROOSTER 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017 THE DOG 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018 THE PIG 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019 INTELLIGENT BRAVE AND confident PERSONALITY Intelligent, brave and confident, the rooster is a discriminating individual. Determined and able to stay focused, roosters are discerning and often brilliant. They work hard toward their goals and are not prone to excessive speculation, but prefer a more conservative approach to taking action. Roosters are known for their welldressed appearance. Often elegant and proud, a pure-minded rooster hates hypocrisy and false airs, and is difficult to fool. Some say roosters have eyes in the back of their heads because they notice everything. They have a fine attention to detail and excel in any field where strong analysis and intellect are required. Roosters work well helming financial institutions or heading up military divisions, or in any position that requires endurance. Many roosters are also outstanding performers and do exceptionally well when placed as the center of attention. BEST TRAITS If you are ever in need of an honest opinion, turn to your rooster friend. He will aid you with his intellect and insight, guiding you to make better and more supportive decisions for your well-being. FAITHFUL TRUE AND thoughtful PERSONALITY The loyal and true dog lives by a firm set of ethics. Protective of those they love and a formidable foe to their loved-one’s enemies, dogs are faithfulness personified. They are quick to assess any unfair treatment and will champion those who have been wronged by others. Dogs will never turn their back on a friend. As humanitarians with a strong sense of right and wrong, dogs do well championing the underdog and in careers that require good listening and a strong moral core. Many dogs excel as reformers, teachers, religious leaders, lawyers and social workers. Possessed with penetrating thought, dogs also do well as philosophers, critics, writers or in any profession that requires profound thinking and expression. Dogs benefit from time spent in peaceful places that give their spirits room to relax. BEST TRAITS If you are in need of moral support and a faithful friend, someone who will have your back if the tides turn unfairly against you, seek out your dog friend. HONORABLE KIND AND GENEROUS PERSONALITY Genuinely kind and full of good taste, the pig is said to be the most generous sign of the Chinese zodiac. These honorable souls tend to accept others as they are, often believing in a higher power. Sweet and loving, pigs are extremely magnanimous and do well having someone to care for and dote on. Intelligent and able to set and reach even the most difficult goals, the pig is said to be one of the luckiest signs in business. Pigs also excel in the arts. Whatever field a pig enters, he will generally be successful at making money and building something of lasting value. And he will accomplish his goals with integrity and no underhanded tricks. Pigs appreciate quality and enjoy the finer things in life. Good food, clothing, cars and sensual delights uplift a pig’s spirit and bring pleasure to those around him. BEST TRAITS Consider yourself lucky if you are a partner or family member to a pig—these individuals have hearts of gold and will always stand by you. They value friendship highly and are very affectionate with those they love. They also enjoy great fortune in their careers. 86 VIKINGCRUISES.COM | EXPLORE MORE 2017

CHINESE ASTROLOGY THE RAT 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008 THE OX 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009 THE TIGER 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010 CHARISMATIC ARTISTIC AND TALKATIVE PERSONALITY Being born under the first sign of the Chinese zodiac is a symbol of good luck and wealth. The charismatic rat is socially adept and resourceful. Rats like to use their intelligence rather than their brawn to problem solve and make great business owners, managers and entrepreneurs. The talkative rat can certainly charm with his wit, but he is ever alert and ready to dodge any intrusion into places he would rather not expose. Rats can be thrifty, but have excellent taste, and they know how to accrue and hold on to items of value. If you have proven yourself to be loyal and have been embraced into the rat’s pack, he can be very generous and protective of his friends and family. BEST TRAITS The rat’s strong survival instinct and ability to problem solve give him the gift of longevity, and even the gift of prophecy in older age. Smart, affable, magnetic, the rat makes an excellent leader and is a perfect animal to head up the Chinese zodiac. RESPONSIBLE smart AND stable PERSONALITY The powerful ox is a natural-born leader who likes to be in charge. Steady and able to persevere through the toughest of conditions, the ox has the ability to run a home, a corporation or even a country. They often have a serious and focused attitude toward work with a keen eye for detail and a desire to get the job done. Many ox individuals will find success through public speaking, politics or some kind of entertainment. Smart, responsible and stable, the ox takes a more conservative approach than many of the other signs, and earns respect by his powerful dedication to the task at hand as well as his often eloquent speech. It is not easy to sway an ox in either opinion or path. If perhaps you are finding an ox to be intractable, quietly suggest an afternoon in the garden or a visit to a park. BEST TRAITS If you are in need of some honest, unbiased advice, call an ox. His patience and pragmatism can prove helpful in times of duress. As a partner, the ox will remain tender, loyal and true. And if you are lucky to be a close friend, he will be your friend for life. CAPTIVATING RESTLESS AND rebellious PERSONALITY The rebellious, restless and captivating tiger is a natural hero. Those born under this sign are known for their incredible courage and selfpossession, which leads most other signs to nod their heads to the tiger’s effortless sense of authority. Tigers are magnetic, dramatic and shine brightly through life. Enthusiastic seekers of pleasure, tigers love to socialize and make fine hosts or guests. They do not sit well with boredom. As the risk takers of the zodiac, tigers excel at dangerous occupations like stunt person or explorer. With their seductive charm, tigers also make fine performers. If not gracing a stage or jumping out of a flaming airplane, a tiger’s natural kingliness is also well suited as a head of state. As long as a tiger is in charge, all should fare well. BEST TRAITS The courageous and optimistic tiger is a champion for humanitarian causes and will protect his friends and family like no other sign in the zodiac. It is often said that having a tiger in the home is the best protection against calamities. EXPLORE MORE 2017 | VIKINGCRUISES.COM 87