11 months ago

NetJets EU Summer 2023


TAKING OFF THE SUMMER SEASON IS ONE OF OUR BUSIEST TIMES OF THE YEAR. School is out, the weather is warm, and holidays are on the rise. It’s a great time to recharge and rejuvenate. As we continue our partnership with Mayo Clinic, I found its experts’ insight on stress (check out page 36) to be relatively timely. It is usually at this point in the year when many of us start looking ahead at the next six months, adjusting goals or course-correcting to meet deadlines. Like the article shares, there are certainly ways to decrease the impact of stress on our lives — for many, the favourite way to relax and re-energise is through travel. And tennis champ Roger Federer agrees … We sat down with Roger for one of his first wide-ranging interviews (featured in pages 38-47) since he retired from the sport. He mentions his travels with NetJets allow him to save time and be more rested, ultimately sharing that his experience feels familiar, like an extended family. We wish the same for all our Owners. As autumn quickly approaches, we look forward to being your familiar, trusted partner for all the holidays and travel opportunities ahead. Only NetJets! Adam Johnson Chairman and CEO CONTRIBUTORS NICK BAYLY The experienced golf journalist is looking forward to this autumn’s big event and takes a look at potential US and Europe teams, quizzes the captains, and previews an exceptional course in Ryder Cup in Focus (page 50). LANIE GOODMAN From her base in the South of France, the American writer is well placed to assess the new Riviera Chic (page 56), as the Côte d’Azur news includes old favourites reborn and fresh destinations. FARHAD HEYDARI At a special event for Owners in New York, NetJets, the Magazine’s editor discovers it is Game, Set, Match: Federer (page 38), as he questions the Swiss tennis legend on his recent retirement, triumphs past and future plans. GUY WOODWARD The veteran wine expert with a taste for the new is caught Between Tradition and Modernity (page 70) as he delves into the heartwarming story of Château-Figeac, an old Bordeaux institution changing its ways. XAVIER YOUNG Against a backdrop of sculpted rocks, for Summer Lights (page 66) the London-based photographer captures the season’s finest jewellery, where the most exquisite gems are paired with the most precious of metals. This symbol throughout the magazine denotes the nearest airport served by NetJets to the story’s subject, with approximate distances in miles and kilometres where applicable. 4 NetJets

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