4 months ago

Rutter Nie Welkt die blume

for SATB and piano or orchestra This tender piece was composed in memory of the victims of Fukushima in 2011. It is both reflective and heartfelt, with a simple, appealing melody, rich harmonies, and a flowing accompaniment.

Zur Erinnerung an

Zur Erinnerung an die Verstorbenen des Erdbebens und der Atomkastastrophe, Fukushima, März 2011 Nie welkt die Blume (A flower remembered) Dt. Übers. Tobias Martin Ziemlich langsam, nachdenklich q = 60 Text und Musik JOHN RUTTER nicht eilend, ruhig pp KLAVIER p mp cantabile Ped. Ped. 4 SOPRAN und ALT unis. p 1. Nie welkt die Blu-me, die wir 1. A flow’r re - mem -bered can nev-er er legato sim. p Ped. sim. 8 - in - nern: Für im-mer blü - hend hell wie der Tag, welch’ Duft ver wi - ther: For ev - er bloom-ing as bright as day, Its fra- for online perusal only - - grance © Collegium Music Publications 2014, 2020 & 2023. Exclusively licensed worldwide to Oxford University Press. OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS MUSIC DEPARTMENT, GREAT CLARENDON STREET, OXFORD OX2 6DP The Moral Rights of the Composer have been asserted. Das Fotokopieren von Musiknoten ist GESETZLICH VERBOTEN.

11 mp -strömt sie, wie Lie-der zart ver-kling-end. Der zar-te Ton, der kund-tut: ‘Nie lin - g’ring like mu - sic soft - ly play - ing, A gen-tle voice that’s say- ing, ‘I’ll werd’ ich nev - er doch fade 3 ver- a - mp S. A. 14 p A for online perusal only T. B. -blüh’n’. Ich hör’ das - way.’ I hear the TENOR BASS p p A E - cho so vie -ler e - choes of ma - ny Stim-men, voi - ces; manch-mal Some-times ganz they’re 17 mp mf fer - ne, di - stant, manch-mal so some - times so mp klar. clear; Durch Through all all den the Le - bens-klang sounds of life mf scheint es they seem zu to mp mf

Copyright © Oxford University Press 2018

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