5 years ago

Sacred Choruses Sampler edited by John Rutter

  • Text
  • Choral
  • Oxford
  • Choruses
  • Rutter
  • Oup
This volume comprises twenty-eight of the finest oratorio choruses, complete short choral works, and movements from masses or requiems from the seventeenth to the twentieth centuries. Drawing repertoire from Britain and mainland Europe, the volume features renowned choruses and familiar cornerstones of the repertoire, as well as some choral discoveries, all in new, carefully researched, and practical editions. Playable piano reductions for rehearsal use are included in the main volume, with a separate volume of purpose-made three-stave organ accompaniments, and newly typeset orchestral material available on rental. Intended for choral societies and cathedral, church, and concert choirs, this is a unique collection of choral classics for mixed voices and orchestra, and an invaluable practical addition to any choir's library.

Handel: Let their

Handel: Let their celestial concerts all unite 151 7 ev - er to sound his praise in end-less blaze of ( ) 10 mf to sound his praise, light, mf to sound his praise in end-less blaze of mf praise in end - less blaze of light, for online perusal only

152 Handel: Let their celestial concerts all unite f let les - con certs 13 A f let A f 16 f let their ce - les - tial con -certs all u - nite, let their ce - les - tial con-certs their ce - les - tial con-certs all u - nite, let their ce - les - tial con -certs f light, let their ce - les - tial con-certs all u - nite, let their ce - les - tial con-certs their ce - tial - all u - nite, let their ce - les - tial con-certs all u - nite, ev - er, ev - er, ev - er to sound his all u - nite, ev - er, ev - er, ev - er to sound his all u - nite, ev - er, ev - er, ev - er to sound his all u - nite, to sound his praise for online perusal only continued...

Copyright © Oxford University Press 2018

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