1 year ago

Shawn Kirchner Behold New Joy

  • Text
  • Perusal
  • Hath
  • Praise
  • Gels
  • Quod
  • Thorn
  • Altos
  • Dore
  • Fore
  • Translation
  • Kirchner
  • Behold
for SATB and organ, brass and organ, or orchestra This colourful Christmas work brings together several carols from the 1582 Piae Cantiones collection in a modern and refreshing through-composed medley. Using largely familiar tunes, this is a very singable concert suite, with interest provided through use of texture, and festive flourishes in the accompaniment. Texts are in English, Latin, and German, with English singing translations throughout.

26 346

26 346 con - ci - ne - bant sae - cu - lis, Quem pro-phe - ta-rum fi - de - les chant - ed of with one ac - cord, Whom the voi - ces of the pro - phets con - ci - ne - bant sae - cu - lis, Quem pro-phe - ta - rum fi - de - les chant - ed of with one ac - cord, Whom the voi - ces of the pro - phets 350 pa - gi - nae spon-don - de - rant, E - mi - cat pro - mis - sus o - lim; pro-mised in their faith - ful word. Now He shines, the long - ex - pect - ed; pa - gi - nae spon - don - de-rant, E - mi - cat pro - mis - sus o - pro - mised in their faith - ful word. Now He shines, the long - ex - pect - 354 cunc - ta con - lau -dent e - um. Sae - cu - lo - rum sae - cu - lis. let cre-a - tion praise its Lord: Ev - er-more and ev - er - more. - lim; cunc - ta con-lau-dent e - um. Sae - cu - lo - rum sae - cu - lis. - ed; let cre - a - tion praise its Lord: Ev - er-more and ev - er - more. for online perusal only

359 Gt. + Sw. 27 Gt. + Sw. mf + Gt. to Ped. 363 f glorioso, molto legato 367 for online perusal only S./A. T./B. O 371 f unis. Psal O -lat al - ti - tu - do coe - li, psal-li -te om-nes an - ge ye heights of heav’n, a - dore him, an - gel hosts, his prais - es unis. f O mf - li, Quid sing, Pow’rs, 2 2 quid est vir - tu - tis do -min- ions, bow be- 2 2

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