1 year ago

Shawn Kirchner Behold New Joy

  • Text
  • Perusal
  • Hath
  • Praise
  • Gels
  • Quod
  • Thorn
  • Altos
  • Dore
  • Fore
  • Translation
  • Kirchner
  • Behold
for SATB and organ, brass and organ, or orchestra This colourful Christmas work brings together several carols from the 1582 Piae Cantiones collection in a modern and refreshing through-composed medley. Using largely familiar tunes, this is a very singable concert suite, with interest provided through use of texture, and festive flourishes in the accompaniment. Texts are in English, Latin, and German, with English singing translations throughout.

28 376

28 376 us - quam psal -lat in - fore him and ex- tol lau-dem De - i, Nul - la lin - gua-rum si - les - cat, our God and King. Let no tongue on earth keep si - lent, 2 2 for online perusal only 381 vox ev - et ’ry om - voice nis in con - so con - cert - net. Sae - cu - lo - rum sae - cu - lis. ring: Ev - er-more and ev - er - more. *Let no tongue on earth keep 2 2 386 si - lent, T. S. A. B. Ch. Trumpet solo 2 2 2 2 2 ev - ’ry voice in con - cert ring! 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 cresc. poco a poco 2 2 2 2 2 Ev - er - more and ev - er - 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 *Choirs may sing bars 385–95 in their native language, freely translating and adapting as necessary.

Broadening - er more, Ev - er-more and ev - ev cresc. poco a poco 390 2 2 2 2 2 Ev - 2 er - more 2 2 and ev 2 2 2 2 2 2 - more, ev - er-more and ev - er - more. Broadening 2 - 2 er - er - more. - more. Tempo primo h = 104 ff ff Tempo primo h = 104 cresc. poco a poco 2 2 ff 2 mp cresc. Gt. + Sw. 2 2 2 2 29 for online perusal only 396 Gt. + Sw. 3 f 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 + Ped. Reeds S./A. T./B. P 401 Coda: PERSONENT HODIE / TEMPUS ADEST FLORIDUM ff unis. Om - nes cle On this day unis. ff - ri - cu - li, pa - ri - ter pu - e - ri can - tent ut an - gels sing; with their song earth shall ring, prais - ing Christ, P ff S. A. an - ge - li: hea- ven’s King, - Ped. Reeds

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