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37. déjà vu + epigastric sensation fallowed by loss of

consciousness + lip smacking + history of febrile convulsion

is =temporal lobe epilepsy do


38. Short stereotyped events + abrupt onset

termination + bizarre voculations + nocturnal nature

of events is = Frontal lobe seizures

39. Opthalmoplegia +disturbance of consciousness +

ataxia + hyperreflexia + antiGqIb + history upper tract

infection is=Bicker's staff brain stem encephalitis

40. Young women + dilated pupil one is larger than

other + absent ankle/knee reflex + mostly

unilateral + slow reactive to near accommodation

reflex is =Holmes Adie pupil

41. Dix Hall pike manoeuvre help in diagnose of benign

positional vertigo ,Epley manoeuvre treat benign

positional vertigo.

42. Sudden loss of vision + optic nerve swollen +

retinal haemorrhages in all quadrants + affarent

pupillary defect is=CRVO treat with steroids or


43. Investigation of choice for CRVO is =Fluorescein


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