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RIO<br />


2010<br />



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HORAS.<br />

BOA PROVA!<br />

Outubro / 2009

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TEXT 1<br />

After The Fall: 1989, Twenty Years <strong>On</strong><br />


PUC PUC - - - RIO RIO 2010<br />

2010<br />

Joshua Muravchik<br />

Nineteen eighty-nine was a most extraordinary year.<br />

There are other years that are imprinted on historic<br />

memory, yet most of them were occasions for horrible<br />

events (1917 or 1939) or disappointing ones (1789 or<br />

1848) or the conclusions of great tragedies (1648 or<br />

1945). The year 1989 was that rare moment when<br />

dramatic things happened that were overwhelmingly<br />

beneficent. As we watched the world change before our<br />

eyes, we learned many things. Looking back today on<br />

how the world has evolved in twenty years since that<br />

momentous time, we can distill several additional<br />

insights.<br />

The economist Robert Heilbroner wrote in 1989:<br />

“Less than 75 years after it officially began, the contest<br />

between capitalism and socialism is over: capitalism has<br />

won.” This outcome reflected a startling reversal because<br />

as recently as the decade before, socialism —<br />

considering all its diverse forms lumped together —<br />

seemed at the apex of its global sweep, apparently<br />

confirming Marx’s prophecy that it was not merely<br />

desirable but destiny.<br />

Heilbroner’s observation was noteworthy because<br />

he himself was not unsympathetic to socialism, and<br />

doubly so because he was no communist. Given the<br />

hostile breach between communism and democratic<br />

socialism, why should Heilbroner have conceded that<br />

the fall of the Soviet empire was tantamount to the end<br />

of socialism? Why did he not accept the claim advanced<br />

by some socialists that the end of communism would<br />

only clear the way for a purer form of socialism?<br />

Heilbroner also saw that the fall of communism<br />

culminated a trend. With social democratic parties having<br />

already forsaken the dream of replacing capitalism and<br />

with the developing world having realized that markets<br />

rather than state planning offered the surest path from<br />

poverty, the Soviet collapse sealed the issue. Socialism<br />

was finished.<br />

Has the economic meltdown of 2008–09 reopened<br />

the question? Is socialism on the table again? Not at all.<br />

It only shows that you can always have too much of a<br />

good thing. The fact that free markets are the best<br />

mechanism for making economic decisions does not<br />

imply that freer is always better. The smooth functioning<br />

of the private sector depends on government to maintain<br />

a legal framework, to protect the public against<br />

2<br />

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unscrupulous behavior, and to provide vital goods that<br />

are not profitable for the private sector to furnish.<br />

Libertarians who dream of an economy entirely free of<br />

government are no less utopian than socialists.<br />

In the realm of politics Mikhail Gorbachev has cut a<br />

sad figure these last two decades: first supporting Putin<br />

then criticizing him, clinging to vestiges of socialist ideas,<br />

and rebuking Washington for necessary exercises of<br />

power, all the while unable to raise his own popularity<br />

among his countrymen above single digits. Nonetheless,<br />

he is arguably the greatest figure of the twentieth century.<br />

The most famous names of the century were mass<br />

murderers. Of those who are remembered for the good<br />

they did, who was irreplaceable? The Axis would have<br />

been defeated without Roosevelt and even without<br />

Churchill, although Britain might have fallen first. India<br />

would have gained independence without Gandhi.<br />

Segregation would have been ended in America without<br />

Martin Luther King Jr. But would the Soviet empire have<br />

dissolved, the Cold War ended, and communism been<br />

repealed — all these blessings achieved peacefully —<br />

without Gorbachev?<br />

I don’t think so. It has been argued that the Soviet<br />

Union collapsed under the dead weight of its absurd<br />

economy, but its economy had been absurd for<br />

generations and it had not collapsed. Would Soviet<br />

inefficiency and low productivity eventually have brought<br />

the whole system to its knees? Perhaps, but that might<br />

have taken generations more — and in the meantime<br />

the state might have been able to replenish itself by means<br />

of blackmail and plunder, or it might, in its desperation,<br />

have generated a new world war. The dinosaur’s brain<br />

was dead, but its massive tail still might have lashed<br />

destructively.<br />

Yes, goods and construction were shoddy:<br />

televisions containing cardboard parts sometimes<br />

combusted spontaneously in people’s living rooms<br />

(except that most Soviet citizens didn’t have living<br />

rooms). But the weapons worked, and while a tad less<br />

advanced than those of America, what the Red Army<br />

lacked in quality it made up for in quantity.<br />

In other words, despite its economic difficulties, the<br />

Kremlin fielded as much military might as it wished, more<br />

than any other state then or ever. If this required<br />

shortchanging the consumer sector of the economy, so<br />

be it. No one dared complain. Further, the rule of the<br />

Communist Party was entirely unchallenged, as was<br />

Gorbachev’s ascendancy within the party, at least until<br />

very late in the game. He was the most powerful single<br />

individual on earth, and he could have held that power —<br />

and all the perks that went with it — until he went to his<br />

grave, as had most of his predecessors. Instead he<br />

tossed it away.<br />

WORLD AFFAIRS, Vol. 13. n o 2, Summer 2009.<br />

http://www.worldaffairsjournal.org/2009%20-%20Summer/full-<br />


1<br />

What is the main purpose of the text?<br />

(A) Justify Gorbachev’s resistance against the Glasnost and<br />

Perestroika.<br />

(B) Blame the end of communism for the economic meltdown<br />

of 2008-09.<br />

(C) Report on the disastrous political events that impacted<br />

the world after 1989.<br />

(D) Discuss the relevance of the Soviet collapse for the current<br />

state of world affairs.<br />

(E) Explain the importance of Churchill, Gandhi and Martin<br />

Luther King to the economic scenario of our times.<br />

2<br />

In paragraph 1, the year 1989 is described as a momentous<br />

time because it was a(n)<br />

(A) historical moment of stability that will find no parallel with<br />

other time periods.<br />

(B) significant historical moment when extraordinarily<br />

fortunate events took place.<br />

(C) awesome occasion that marked the end of a tragic era,<br />

though not quite peacefully.<br />

(D) very brief moment in time when people forgot about the<br />

tragic events that had been affecting humanity.<br />

(E) remarkable moment of tranquility among nations in which<br />

the conflicts between communism and democratic<br />

socialism came to an end.<br />

3<br />

According to the author of the text, the economist Robert<br />

Heilbroner<br />

(A) supported socialism and thus severely criticized the defeat<br />

of capitalism.<br />

(B) recognized that the sudden fall of the Soviet empire could<br />

have been avoided.<br />

(C) claimed that capitalism had defeated socialism through<br />

hostile belligerent means.<br />

(D) admitted that socialism was no longer a political solution<br />

after the fall of the Soviet empire.<br />

(E) believed that the end of communism would make way for<br />

a purer form of socialism to emerge.<br />

4<br />

Muravchick does not defend a libertarian viewpoint since he<br />

advocates that<br />

(A) communism is really the best solution for the<br />

unscrupulous behavior of the private sector.<br />

(B) the government has no right to restrict the actions and<br />

economic decisions of capitalist companies.<br />

(C) free markets without any legal restrictions will allow for<br />

more profitable economic results.<br />

(D) the only economic system that can eliminate poverty<br />

without governmental support is capitalism.<br />

(E) the government has a role in protecting the citizens against<br />

the destructive attitudes of private enterprises.<br />

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2010<br />

3<br />

5<br />

Gorbachev, according to Muravchik, has<br />

(A) made a poor impression of himself to the world lately.<br />

(B) gained enormous popularity among his fellow citizens.<br />

(C) fully supported Washington criticisms of socialist ideas.<br />

(D) approved the American government’s defense of free<br />

markets.<br />

(E) been considered, unquestionably, the greatest political<br />

figure of the modern world.<br />

6<br />

The fragment “all these blessings” (line 66) refers to the<br />

(A) divine inspiration that put an end to Gorbachev’s<br />

administration.<br />

(B) end of the Cold War, the rejection of communism and the<br />

Independence of India.<br />

(C) peaceful riot lead by Martin Luther King struggling against<br />

segregation in America.<br />

(D) questionable role that Churchill and Roosevelt played in<br />

leading the Allies to victory.<br />

(E) positive consequences derived from the bloodless end of<br />

the Cold War and defeat of communism.<br />

7<br />

Mark the alternative that contains a correct match of meaning,<br />

considering the use of the word in the text.<br />

(A) “lumped” (line 18) – split<br />

(B) “conceded” (line 26) – denied<br />

(C) “forsaken” (line 33) – abandoned<br />

(D) “rebuking” (line 53) – praising<br />

(E) “perks” (line 96) – disadvantages<br />

8<br />

Choose the alternative in which the word in bold type and<br />

the italicized one convey equivalent ideas.<br />

(A) “… yet most of them were occasions for horrible events…”<br />

(lines 3-4) – thus<br />

(B) “Nonetheless, he is arguably the greatest figure...”<br />

(lines 55-56) – moreover<br />

(C) “…although Britain might have fallen first.” (line 61) –<br />

while<br />

(D) “In other words, despite its economic difficulties,”<br />

(line 87) – regardless of<br />

(E) “Further, the rule of the Communist Party…” (lines 91-<br />

92) – meanwhile<br />

9<br />

In “Would Soviet inefficiency and low productivity eventually<br />

have brought the whole system to its knees?” (lines 71-73),<br />

the expression “bring the system to its knees” could be<br />

paraphrased by<br />

(A) force the system to submit.<br />

(B) mitigate the impact of economy.<br />

(C) enhance the power of the system.<br />

(D) defeat those who oppose the system.<br />

(E) improve the functioning of the system.<br />


10<br />

In the fragment “India would have gained independence without<br />

Gandhi.” (lines 61-62), the author conveys<br />

(A) the frustration of having lost a charismatic leader.<br />

(B) the unlikely political result after a very dramatic event.<br />

(C) his conviction of an outcome, given a different historical<br />

scenario.<br />

(D) his uncertainty about the strength of peaceful popular<br />

movements.<br />

(E) a remote possibility under the circumstance of a<br />

hypothetical situation.<br />

11<br />

When the author comments “I don’t think so.” (line 68) he<br />

expresses that<br />

(A) Gorbachev should not be accused of mass murder as he<br />

was a peaceful leader.<br />

(B) Gorbachev was insensitive to world issues and the<br />

dramatic state of the Soviet economy.<br />

(C) only a new world war would have changed the state of<br />

political affairs between the US and the Soviet Union.<br />

(D) the inefficiency of Soviet industry and commerce would<br />

have definitely destroyed the nation in a short time.<br />

(E) the nonbelligerent end of communism and the Cold War<br />

was a direct result of the Soviet leader’s political<br />

decisions.<br />

12<br />

The metaphor of the dinosaur’s brain and its tail used in<br />

lines 77-79, represents, respectively, the<br />

(A) Soviet economy and the Red Army.<br />

(B) Soviet union and the new world war.<br />

(C) Soviet political regime and its economy.<br />

(D) old and new generations in the Soviet Union.<br />

(E) state officials and blackmailers/plunderers.<br />

13<br />

In terms of reference, it is correct to affirm that<br />

(A) “ones” (line 4) refers to “years”.<br />

(B) “It” (line 40) refers to “meltdown”.<br />

(C) “his” (line 54) refers to “Putin”.<br />

(D) “its” (line 87) refers to “Red Army”.<br />

(E) “it” (line 96) refers to “individual”.<br />


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TEXT 2<br />

Fragments 1 and 2 below were extracted from Joshua<br />

Muravchik’s original article “After the Fall: 1989, Twenty Years<br />

<strong>On</strong>”. Read them and the comments that follow in order to<br />

answer questions 14 through 20 below.<br />

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FRAGMENT 1, from Joshua Muravchik’s original article:<br />

But even as we in the West saw the defeat of communism<br />

as a triumph for our ways and values, other observers<br />

saw it quite differently. Osama bin Laden and his cohorts<br />

and sympathizers believed the Soviet Union had been<br />

defeated not by us but by the Muslim believers of<br />

Afghanistan and the foreign jihadists who had joined their<br />

ranks. Far from demonstrating that our civilization<br />

represented an end point, it proved its transience. If radical<br />

Islam could defeat one superpower, it could defeat the<br />

other. If it had outlasted communism, it would outlast<br />

democratic capitalism, too.<br />

A dozen years after 1989—on September 11, 2001, to<br />

be exact—this new ideology shattered the peace of the<br />

post-history world. It poses a challenge that cannot be<br />

dismissed by Francis Fukuyama’s observation that no<br />

species of nationalism can pose a historic challenge to<br />

democratic capitalism because they inherently lack<br />

“universal significance.” For one thing, Islamism purports<br />

to speak for a populace—the umma or world community<br />

of believers—larger than that comprised by any mere<br />

nation. More important, its aspirations encompass all<br />

mankind.<br />

COMMENT 1, Posted by Syed Qamar Afzal Rizvi |<br />

July 22, 2009 4:09 AM EDT<br />

Having fully endorsed the views of Joshua Muravchik, I<br />

would like to add that the apparently ending of the<br />

Cold War era has not yet fulfilled the prophesies—of<br />

those peace-minded optimists who had thought that<br />

the world beyond the year 1989 would probably usher<br />

in the new heraldry of peace and prosperity—in so far<br />

as a neo–Cold War seems to have begun between the<br />

Islamists and the non-Islamists (an era of the West’s<br />

economic indoctrination of controlling the strategic<br />

developing world).<br />

FRAGMENT 2, from Joshua Muravchik’s original article:<br />

The picture is not completely rosy. There is powerful<br />

evidence that where ruthless rulers are prepared to employ<br />

it, repression continues to succeed. In 1989, while<br />

freedom fighters against communism triumphed all over<br />

Europe, protesters in China’s Tiananmen Square were<br />

brutally repressed. At the time, it seemed that this bloody<br />

deed would postpone the inevitable only briefly. As<br />

America’s former ambassador to that country, Winston<br />

Lord, wrote: “The current discredited regime is clearly a<br />

transitional one. . . . We can be confident that, however<br />

grim the interlude, a more enlightened leadership will<br />

emerge within a few years. . . . It may well turn out that<br />

the tragic events in China this year have foreshortened<br />

that great nation’s march toward democracy.”

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Twenty years later, while China’s standard of living has<br />

soared, freedom has advanced scarcely if at all. Nor is<br />

China alone. Communist regimes also hang on with<br />

apparent ease in Cuba, North Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia,<br />

and Laos.<br />

COMMENT 2, Posted by Jason Ryan | July 30, 2009<br />

5:21 PM EDT<br />

This article presupposes that democracy is universal.<br />

I would argue that it is not, as the author pointed out in<br />

the case of China. Economic freedom and expansion<br />

are not necessarily democratic and it’s easy to envision<br />

a world of many powers of a China or Putanist model.<br />

The biggest threat to democracy is not from outsiders<br />

but from nations that are unable to see through the<br />

inevitably difficult process of democratization. In my<br />

opinion, democracy may be universal in its appeal but<br />

it is by no means inevitable in practice.<br />

Comments extracted from:<br />

http://www.worldaffairsjournal.org/2009%20-%20Summer/comments/<br />

comments-Muravchik.html<br />

14<br />

In Fragment 1, Joshua Muravchick exposes his view that<br />

(A) radical Islamism would outlast democratic capitalism.<br />

(B) no nationalistic ideology will challenge capitalistic<br />

democracy.<br />

(C) the westerners believe that it was capitalism that defeated<br />

socialism.<br />

(D) believers of Islamism have aspirations that represent all<br />

of humanity.<br />

(E) September 11, 2001 shattered peace in the same way<br />

that the events in 1989 did.<br />

15<br />

“This new ideology” (Fragment 1 – line 14) refers to the idea<br />

that<br />

(A) democratic capitalism should prevail over Islamic<br />

aspirations.<br />

(B) democratic capitalism is strong enough to survive<br />

communism.<br />

(C) our civilization will endure despite the constant fights<br />

between superpowers.<br />

(D) Islam is capable of outliving not only communism but<br />

also democratic capitalism.<br />

(E) the Soviet Union was not strong enough to defeat Muslim<br />

believers and sympathizers.<br />

16<br />

Both Fragment 1 and Comment 1 discuss the<br />

(A) peace and prosperity that has emerged from the Islamic<br />

doctrine.<br />

(B) economic dominance of the West as the cause for the<br />

defeat of communism.<br />

(C) inadequacy of the expression neo-Cold War to refer to<br />

the Islamic–capitalist conflict.<br />

(D) lack of challenge to democratic capitalism as defended<br />

by peace-minded optimists.<br />

(E) current state of affairs between Islamists and<br />

sympathizers versus the non-Islamists.<br />

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2010<br />

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17<br />

China is mentioned in both Fragment 2 and Comment 2<br />

because<br />

(A) China does not seem to represent a menace to<br />

democratic institutions.<br />

(B) Chinese protesters in 1989 were not repressed by the<br />

authoritative regime.<br />

(C) Chinese leaders will never understand the benefits of<br />

economic freedom.<br />

(D) it has still not attained total democracy, despite the<br />

growth of its economy.<br />

(E) its model of government will certainly remain unchanged<br />

for the next few years.<br />

18<br />

Fukuyama’s observation in Fragment 1 and Winston Lord’s<br />

words in Fragment 2 reveal that these men are<br />

(A) optimistic about the triumph of democracy.<br />

(B) hopeful about the aspirations of future generations.<br />

(C) enthusiastic about the advances of nationalism worldwide.<br />

(D) enraged with the brutal violation of human rights in China.<br />

(E) indifferent to the attacks democratic capitalism has been<br />

suffering.<br />

19<br />

“Usher in” (Comment 1 – lines 30-31) and “see through”<br />

(Comment 2 – line 64) can be correctly substituted by,<br />

respectively<br />

(A) ‘conclude’ and ‘analyze’.<br />

(B) ‘announce’ and ‘restore’.<br />

(C) ‘precede’ and ‘overlook’.<br />

(D) ‘investigate’ and ‘neglect’.<br />

(E) ‘introduce’ and ‘comprehend’.<br />

20<br />

Concerning the authors’ reactions in Comment 1 and<br />

Comment 2, it is correct to affirm that<br />

(A) both Syed Rizvi and Jason Ryan are completely supportive<br />

of the ideas advanced by Muravchik in Fragments 1 and 2.<br />

(B) neither Syed Rizvi nor Jason Ryan provide a critical<br />

analysis of the issues introduced by Muravchik in<br />

Fragments 1 and 2.<br />

(C) Syed Rizvi totally agrees with Muravchik’s ideas in<br />

Fragment 1, while Jason Ryan expresses a point of view<br />

about democratization which diverges from that exposed<br />

in Fragment 2.<br />

(D) Syed Rizvi expands some of the ideas introduced by<br />

Muravchik in Fragment 1 whereas Jason Ryan reinforces<br />

the perspectives advanced in Fragment 2.<br />

(E) Syed Rizvi, in Fragment 1, is not fully convinced of<br />

Muravchik’s opinions about the end of the Cold War, while<br />

Jason Ryan’s comments express complete approval of<br />

Muravchik’s views on democracy in Fragment 2.<br />


VESTIBULAR PUC-Rio 2010<br />


1) Resposta: (D) Discuss the relevance of the Soviet collapse for the current state of world affairs.<br />

Para acertar esta questão de compreensão de texto, o candidato deverá ser capaz de perceber o propósito<br />

do texto. A única alternativa correta é a (D) que significa ‘discutir a relevância do colapso da nação soviética<br />

para a situação em que hoje se encontra o mundo.<br />

As demais alternativas não expressam o propósito do texto quando afirmam que seria:<br />

(A) justificar a resistência de Gorbachev à Glasnost e Perestroika;<br />

(B) atribuir ao fim do comunismo o desastre econômico de 2008-9;<br />

(C) relatar os eventos políticos desastrosos que impactaram o mundo após 1989;<br />

(D) explicar a relevância de Churchill, Gandhi e Martin Luther King para o cenário econômico dos tempos<br />

atuais.<br />

2) Resposta: (B) significant historical moment when extraordinarily fortunate events took place.<br />

O acerto desta questão de compreensão localizada depende da percepção de que a expressão ‘momentous<br />

time’ refere-se a um evento de importância ou consequência de grande impacto e, portanto, o candidato<br />

deverá depreender to texto a que evento ou aspecto o autor faz referência. O gabarito é (B), pois o autor<br />

está destacando que 1989 é ‘um momento histórico de grande significância em que ocorreram eventos de<br />

resultados benéficos’, conforme o que afirma nas linhas 6 e 7 “The year 1989 was that rare moment when<br />

dramatic things happened that were overwhelmingly beneficent.”<br />

As demais alternativas não encontram respaldo no trecho e não podem ser consideradas justificativas para<br />

a expressão destacada no comando da questão.<br />

3) Resposta: (D) admitted that socialism was no longer a political solution after the fall of the Soviet<br />

empire.<br />

O acerto desta questão de compreensão localizada depende do candidato perceber a argumentação do<br />

autor sobre a posição de Heilbroner. Somente a alternativa (D) expressa corretamente a postura do<br />

economista, ou seja: ‘admitiu que o socialismo, após a queda do império soviético, não era mais uma<br />

solução política”, como pode ser depreendido do parágrafo 4.<br />

As demais alternativas não correspondem às idéias do economista Robert Heilbroner expressas no texto.<br />

4) Resposta: (E) the government has a role in protecting the citizens against the destructive attitudes<br />

of private enterprises.<br />

Para acertar esta questão de compreensão localizada, o candidato precisa perceber a visão expressa pelo<br />

autor no quinto parágrafo. A única alternativa correta é a (E) que afirma que ‘o governo tem o papel de<br />

proteger os cidadãos contra as atitudes destrutivas das empresas privadas’.<br />

As demais alternativas não apresentam idéias que tenham respaldo no texto.<br />

5) Resposta: (A) made a poor impression of himself to the world lately.<br />

O candidato, para acertar esta questão deverá perceber o que o autor comenta sobre Gorbachev. Somente<br />

a letra (A) contém uma afirmativa correta, pois diz que Gorbachev ‘passou uma má impressão de si para o<br />

mundo, nos últimos tempos’. Tal afirmativa encontra suporte no sexto parágrafo, às linhas 51-55.<br />

As demais alternativas não condizem com as informações do texto.<br />

6) Resposta: (E) positive consequences derived from the bloodless end of the Cold War and defeat of<br />

communism.<br />

Para acertar esta questão, o candidato deverá depreender a que se refere, no texto, a expressão destacada<br />

no comando (“todas essas bênçãos”). A alternativa (E) é a única correta, pois remete às ‘consequências<br />

positivas provenientes do fim pacífico da Guerra Fria e à derrubada do comunismo.’<br />

As demais alternativas não apresentam idéias que estejam alinhadas com as informações do texto.<br />

7) Resposta: (C) “forsaken” (line 33) – abandoned<br />

O acerto desta questão de sinonímia depende do candidato entender o sentido das palavras destacadas, no<br />

contexto apresentado no texto. O gabarito é (C), pois somente a palavra ‘forsaken’ está corretamente<br />

explicada em seu sentido de ‘abandonado’.<br />


Nas demais alternativas, o sentido adequado dos termos destacados não está correto, já que o certo seria o<br />

entender ‘lumped’, em (A), como ‘reunidas’; ‘conceded’, em (B), como ‘admitido’; ‘rebuking’, em (D), como<br />

‘desaprovando’; ‘perks’, em (E), como ‘ vantagens’.<br />

8) Resposta: (D) “In other words, despite its economic difficulties …” (line 87) – regardless of<br />

O acerto desta questão, que testa conhecimento sobre marcadores discursivos, depende da compreensão<br />

dos sentidos e usos destes elementos em seu contexto. O gabarito é (D), pois somente nesta alternativa o<br />

marcador destacado, ‘despite’, está corretamente explicado. Tanto ‘despite’ quanto ‘regardless of’ podem<br />

ser entendidos como ‘apesar de/embora’.<br />

As demais alternativas devem ser descartadas pelos seguintes motivos.<br />

• Em (A), ‘yet’ expressa um contraste (‘no entanto/porém’) e não consequência, como sinalizado por<br />

‘thus’ (‘consequentemente’);<br />

• Em (B), ‘nonetheless’ expressa contraste (‘porém’) e não adição, como sinalizado por ‘moreover’<br />

(‘além disso’);<br />

• Em (C), ‘although’ expressa uma concessão (‘embora’) e não um contraste, como sinalizado por<br />

‘while’ (‘enquanto’/ ‘ao passo que’);<br />

• Em (E), ‘further’ expressa adição (‘além disso/ademais’) e não contraste, como sinalizado por<br />

‘meanwhile’ (‘enquanto isso’).<br />

9) Resposta: (A) force the system to submit.<br />

Para acertar esta questão de compreensão de expressões idiomáticas, o candidato deverá perceber o<br />

sentido da expressão destacada no texto. ‘To bring someone/something to his/her knees’ significa ‘forçar<br />

alguém a se submeter ou acquiescer’. Somente a alternativa (A) transmite este sentido ao afirmar ‘forçar o<br />

sistema a se submeter’.<br />

As demais alternativas trazem afirmações que não estão de acordo com o sentido do trecho assinalado no<br />

comando da questão.<br />

10) Resposta: (C) his conviction of an outcome, given a different historical scenario.<br />

Para acertar esta questão de compreensão localizada e leitura crítica, o candidato precisa perceber a idéia<br />

que se sub-entende pelo que o autor expressa em relação aos fatos passados e aos protagonistas<br />

importantes da História. O gabarito é (C), ‘sua convicção de um resultado, caso o cenário histórico tivesse<br />

sido diferente’. Esta afirmação confirma o que diz o autor neste parágrafo (linhas 57-67) quando ele<br />

questiona se os grandes nomes da história do século que fizeram o Bem seriam insubstituíveis. Muravchik<br />

diz que o Eixo teria sido derrotado sem Roosevelt e sem Churchill. E em seguida diz ao leitor que ‘A Índia<br />

teria conquistado a sua independência sem Gandhi.’ Logo, vê-se que o autor acredita que o desenrolar da<br />

independência da Índia teria acontecido sem o grande líder – o que mostra que o autor acredita em um<br />

resultado, mesmo que o cenário histórico tivesse sido diferente.<br />

As demais alternativas não apresentam afirmações que possam ser inferidas a partir do significado do<br />

fragmento destacado.<br />

11) Resposta: (E) the nonbelligerent end of communism and the Cold War was a direct result of the<br />

Soviet leader’s political decisions.<br />

Nesta questão de compreensão de texto, o candidato deverá mostrar ter compreendido a relação da<br />

sentença destacada com o trecho que a antecedeu. Somente a alternativa (E) remete ‘I don’t think so’ (‘eu<br />

acho que não’) ao sentido correto, isto é, ‘a ineficiência da indústria e comércio soviético teriam destruído<br />

definitivamente a nação em pouco tempo’.<br />

As informações contidas nas demais alternativas não estão corretas em relação ao texto, ou não são o foco<br />

da ideia a que o autor está se opondo.<br />

12) Resposta: (C) Soviet political regime and its economy.<br />

Para que o candidato acerte esta questão, deverá depreender os referentes da metáfora retirada do oitavo<br />

parágrafo do texto, interpretando, conforme apresenta o gabarito (C), o cérebro do dinossauro como o<br />

regime político soviético e o rabo como a ‘economia’.<br />

Nas demais alternativas, não estão corretamente representados o sentido dos termos metafóricos da<br />

expressão destacada.<br />


13) Resposta: (B) “It” (line 40) refers to “meltdown”.<br />

O acerto desta questão de referência pronominal depende do candidato identificar corretamente a que<br />

termo(s) o pronome destacado nas alternativas se referem. Somente a alternativa (B) apresenta<br />

corretamente o referente, pois os referentes dos dos pronomes destacados nas demais opções não estão<br />

corretamente identificados.<br />

• Em (A) “ones” (line 4) refere-se a “events” (linha 4);<br />

• em (C) “his” (line 54) refere-se a “Gorbachev” (linha 50);<br />

• em (D) “its” (line 87) refere-se a “Kremlin” (linha 88);<br />

• e em (E) “it” (line 96) refere-se a “power” (linha 95).<br />

14) Resposta: (C) the westerners believe that it was capitalism that defeated socialism.<br />

O acerto desta questão de compreensão de texto exige que o candidato tenha depreendido a visão do autor<br />

no fragmento apontado. Somente a alternativa (C) está correta em termos do que foi exposto no texto, ou<br />

seja, que ‘os ocidentais acreditam ter sido o capitalismo que derrotou o socialismo’. Tal afirmativa encontra<br />

respaldo nas linhas 2-4 do Fragmento 1: “But even as we in the West saw the defeat of Communism as a<br />

triumph for our ways and values, other observers saw it quite differently.”<br />

As demais alternativas não expressam a opinião do autor.<br />

A opção (A) significa que o Islamismo radical sobreviveria ao capitalismo democrático, entretanto esta é<br />

uma crença dos seguidores do Islã e seus simpatizantes e não do autor.<br />

A opção (B) afirma que nenhuma ideologia nacionalista desafiaria a democracia capitalista, mas o que o<br />

autor afirma ao citar as palavras de Fukuyama às linhas 16-19 é que nenhuma espécie de nacionalismo<br />

poderia representar uma ameaça histórica ao capitalismo democrático.<br />

A opção (D) diz que os seguidores do Islamismo têm aspirações que representam toda a humanidade,<br />

entretanto o que o Fragmento 1 afirma às linhas 19-22 é que o Islamismo tem a intenção de falar em nome<br />

do povo de um modo geral, mas isto não significa que as aspirações dos representantes do Islamismo<br />

representem aquelas de toda a humanidade.<br />

Finalmente, a opção (E) significa que 11 de setembro de 2001 destroçou a paz da mesma maneira que os<br />

eventos de 1989, mas esta afirmativa não encontra respaldo no texto.<br />

15) Resposta: (D) Islam is capable of outliving not only communism but also democratic capitalism.<br />

Para acertar esta questão, o candidato deverá mostrar que identifica o referente da expressão “This new<br />

ideology” (“Esta nova ideologia”) destacada no comando. O gabarito é (D), que aponta corretamente o<br />

referente como sendo a idéia expressa pelo autor de que ‘o Islã é capaz de sobreviver não só o comunismo,<br />

mas também o capitalismo democrático’, expressa às linhas 11 e 12.<br />

As demais alternativas não interpretam corretamente a ideia a que se refere à expressão “This new<br />

ideology” destacada, pelos seguintes motivos:<br />

• a opção (A) diz que o referente seria a prevalência do capitalismo democrático sobre as aspirações<br />

islâmicas;<br />

• a opção (B) afirma que o referente seria o fato de o capitalismo democrático ser suficientemente<br />

forte para sobreviver ao comunismo;<br />

• a opção (C) diz que o referente seria a noção de que nossa civilização vai prevalecer apesar das<br />

constantes lutas entre as superpotências;<br />

• a opção (E) afirma que o referente seria o fato de a União Soviética não ter sido forte o suficiente<br />

para vencer os muçulmanos e seus simpatizantes.<br />

16) Resposta: (E) current state of affairs between Islamists and sympathizers versus the non-<br />

Islamists.<br />

O acerto desta questão de compreensão de texto exige que o candidato seja capaz de compreender a ideia<br />

discutida tanto no Fragmento 1 quanto no Comentário 1. Somente a alternativa (E) está correta, pois ambos<br />

os textos discutem a situação atual que opõe, de um lado, os seguidores do Islamismo e seus simpatizantes<br />

e, de outro, os não islâmicos.<br />

Tal afirmativa encontra respaldo às linhas 2-4 do Fragmento 1(“But even as we in the West saw the defeat<br />

of Communism as a triumph for our ways and values, other observers saw it quite differently.” ) e às linhas<br />

31-35 do Comentário 1 (“… in so far as a neo–Cold War seems to have begun between the Islamists and<br />

the non-Islamists (an era of the west's economic indoctrination of controlling the strategic developing world).”<br />


As demais opções devem ser descartadas, pois não conferem com o que é dito nos textos contidos no<br />

Fragmento 1 e no Comentário 1.<br />

A opção (A) significa que a paz e a prosperidade emergiram da doutrina Islâmica.<br />

A opção (B) diz que o domínio econômico do ocidente foi a causa da derrota do Comunismo.<br />

A opção (C) aborda a inadequação da expressão “Nova Guerra Fria” para se referir ao conflito islâmicocapitalista.<br />

A opção (D) aborda a ausência de desafios ao capitalismo democrático, como defendido pelos pacifistas<br />

otimistas.<br />

17) Resposta: (D) it has still not attained total democracy, despite the growth of its economy.<br />

O acerto desta questão de compreensão de texto exige que o candidato seja capaz de compreender o<br />

porquê de a China ser mencionada tanto no Fragmento 2 quanto no Comentário 2. Somente a alternativa<br />

(D) está correta, pois ambos os textos transmitem a ideia de que o país em questão ainda não atingiu a total<br />

democracia, apesar do crescimento de sua economia.<br />

Tal afirmativa encontra respaldo às linhas 51 e 52 do Fragmento 2 (“Twenty years later, while China’s<br />

standard of living has soared, freedom has advanced scarcely if at all.” ), que significa que vinte anos<br />

depois, embora o padrão de vida na China tenha aumentado vertiginosamente, a liberdade mal avançou. No<br />

Comentário 2, tal afirmativa encontra respaldo em dois momentos: às linhas 58-60 (“This article<br />

presupposes that democracy is universal. I would argue that it is not, as the author pointed out in the case of<br />

China.”), que significa que “Este artigo [de onde foi extraído o Fragmento 2] presupõe que a democracia é<br />

universal. Mas acredito que não, como o autor demonstrou no caso da China”); e também às linhas 60-62<br />

(“Economic freedom and expansion are not necessarily democratic and it's easy to envision a world of many<br />

powers of a China … model.”), ou seja, que “A liberdade econômica e a expansão não são necessariamente<br />

democráticas e pode-se imaginar facilmente um mundo com várias potências seguidoras do modelo<br />

chinês”.<br />

As demais opções devem ser descartadas, pois não conferem com o que é dito nos textos contidos no<br />

Fragmento 2 e no Comentário 2.<br />

A opção (A) significa que a China não representa uma ameaça às instituições democráticas.<br />

A opção (B) diz que os manifestantes chineses de 1989 não foram reprimidos pelo regime autoritário.<br />

A opção (C) afirma que os líderes chineses nunca irão compreender os benefícios da liberdade econômica.<br />

A opção (E) significa que o modelo chinês de governo vai certamente permanecer imutável pelos próximos<br />

anos.<br />

18) Resposta: (A) optimistic about the triumph of democracy.<br />

O acerto desta questão de compreensão de texto exige que o candidato seja capaz de compreender os<br />

sentimentos expressos através das observações de Fukuyama no Fragmento 1 e de Winston Lord no<br />

Fragmento 2. O gabarito é (A), que significa “otimistas com o triunfo da democracia”. Tal afirmativa encontra<br />

respaldo nos seguintes fragmentos:<br />

Fragmento 1: “…Francis Fukuyama’s observation that no species of nationalism can pose a historic<br />

challenge to democratic capitalism because they inherently lack “universal significance.”(linhas 16-19), que<br />

expressa o otimismo de Fukuyama de que nenhuma espécie de nacionalismo será capaz de desafiar o<br />

capitalismo democrático, uma vez que os movimentos nacionalistas não têm significado universal.<br />

Fragmento 2: “The current discredited regime is clearly a transitional one. . . . We can be confident that,<br />

however grim the interlude, a more enlightened leadership will emerge within a few years. . . . It may well<br />

turn out that the tragic events in China this year have foreshortened that great nation’s march toward<br />

democracy.” (linhas 45-50), em que Winston Lord expressa otimismo ao afirmar que o regime na China é<br />

transitório e que uma nova geração de líderes, mais esclarecidos, surgirá em poucos anos.<br />

As demais opções devem ser descartadas, pois não expressam os sentimentos externados pelos dois<br />

autores em suas observações.<br />

A opção (B) afirma que ambos os autores estariam esperançosos quanto às aspirações das futuras<br />

gerações, mas somente Winston Lord, no Fragmento 2, demonstra tal esperança (linhas 47 e 48 – “...a<br />

more enlightened leadership will emerge within a few years.”)<br />

A opção (C) diz que ambos estariam entusiasmados com os avanços do nacionalismo em escala mundial,<br />


mas tal afirmativa contradiz os sentimentos de Fukuyama.<br />

A opção (D) afirma que ambos estão irritados com a violação brutal dos direitos humanos na China, mas<br />

este sentimento não é depreendido das falas dos dois autores.<br />

Finalmente, a opção (E) diz que ambos estão descomprometidos com os ataques que o capitalismo<br />

democrático vem sofrendo, afirmação esta que contradiz o sentimento de ambos.<br />

19) Resposta: (E) ‘introduce’ and ‘comprehend’.<br />

O acerto desta questão exige a compreensão dos itens lexicais destacados no comando da questão. ‘Usher<br />

in’ e ‘see through’ significam, respectivamente, introduzir e compreender e, portanto, somente a alternativa<br />

(E) contem a sinonímia correta.<br />

20) Resposta: (C) Syed Rizvi totally agrees with Muravchik’s ideas in Fragment 1, while Jason Ryan<br />

expresses a point of view about democratization which diverges from that in Fragment 2.<br />

Para acertar esta questão de compreensão de texto, o candidato deverá ser capaz de identificar a única<br />

afirmativa que expressa a reação dos autores dos Comentários 1 e 2 em relação aos respectivos<br />

Fragmentos que comentam. Somente a alternativa (C) está correta, pois afirma que Syed Rizvi concorda<br />

integralmente com as ideias de Muravchik no Fragmento 1, ao passo que Jason Ryan expressa uma visão<br />

de democracia divergente daquela expressa por Muravchik no Fragmento 2.<br />

Tal afirmativa encontra respaldo à linha 26 do Comentário 1 - “Having fully endorsed the views of Joshua<br />

Muravchik,...”, que significa, “Tendo apoiado integralmente a visão de Joshua Muravchik...” – e às linhas 58<br />

e 59 do Comentário 2 – “This article presupposes that democracy is universal. I would argue that it is not, as<br />

the author pointed out in the case of China.”, que significa que “Este artigo presupõe que a democracia seja<br />

universal. Eu argumento que não é, como o autor apontou no caso da China”.<br />

Todas as demais alternativas devem ser descartadas, pois expressam uma correlação inadequada entre as<br />

ideias dos comentaristas e aquelas do escritor.<br />

• A opção (A) está errada porque diz que ambos os comentaristas concordam integralmente com as<br />

ideias do autor nos Fragmentos 1 e 2.<br />

• A opção (B) está incorreta, pois afirma que nenhum dos comentaristas pode fazer uma análise<br />

crítica dos tópicos introduzidos pelo autor nos Fragmentos 1 e 2.<br />

• A opção (D) deve ser descartada porque diz que o primeiro comentarista expande algumas das<br />

ideias introduzidas pelo autor, ao passo que o segundo comentarista interpreta erroneamente as<br />

ideias principais contidas no Fragmento 2.<br />

• A opção (E) está incorreta porque afirma que o primeiro comentarista não está integralmente<br />

convencido das opiniões do autor sobre o fim da Guerra Fria, ao passo que o segundo comentarista<br />

apoiaria completamente as ideias do autor sobre democracia.<br />


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