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<strong>CONSELHO</strong> <strong>DE</strong> <strong>RECURSOS</strong> <strong>DA</strong> <strong>PREVIDÊNCIA</strong><br />

Terceira Câmara de Julgamento<br />

<strong>PAUTA</strong> <strong>PARA</strong> JULGAMENTO<br />

Pauta para Julgamento dos recursos das sessões ordinárias a serem realizadas no curso do mês de junho de 2012, na sede<br />

do Órgão, situada SAS - Q 4 - BL "K" - 10ºAN<strong>DA</strong>R, Brasília, DISTRITO FE<strong>DE</strong>RAL, nas datas e horários a seguir<br />

mencionados, podendo, entretanto, nessa mesma sessão ou sessões subsequentes, serem julgados os processos adiados<br />

ou constantes de pautas já publicadas.<br />

Dia 13/06/2012 a partir das 09:00 horas.<br />

Relator(a): CELEI<strong>DA</strong> MÁRCIA DOS SANTOS<br />

NB: 0110.349.655-4 (SP) Interessados: INSS e CAETANO JOSE <strong>DA</strong> SILVA<br />

NB: 0152.613.676-4 (RS) Interessados: INSS e MILTON AFONSO VOGT<br />

NB: 0151.323.125-9 (BA) Interessados: INSS e MARIA DO CARMO DOS SANTOS LOPES<br />

NB: 0154.337.999-8 (PA) Interessados: INSS e DORALICE TEIXEIRA <strong>DA</strong> PAIXAO<br />

NB: 0149.125.835-4 (SP) Interessados: INSS e BENEDITO <strong>DE</strong> SIQUEIRA<br />

NB: 0091.910.949-7 (SP) Interessados: INSS e NEI<strong>DE</strong> APARECI<strong>DA</strong> JOSE <strong>DE</strong> SOUZA<br />

NB: 0544.002.835-4 (RJ) Interessados: INSS e CRISTINA CABRAL TEIXEIRA RAE<strong>DE</strong>R<br />

NB: 0154.599.649-8 (SP) Interessados: INSS e FRANCISCO <strong>DE</strong> ALMEI<strong>DA</strong><br />

NB: 0144.542.017-9 (SC) Interessados: INSS e MIRIAM GAULOSKI CORNELSEN<br />

NB: 0149.453.239-2 (AM) Interessados: INSS e VALDI MONTEIRO FERREIRA<br />

NB: 0149.161.697-8 (PR) Interessados: INSS e <strong>DE</strong>VANIR CAMPANHOLE<br />

NB: 0155.207.017-1 (SP) Interessados: INSS e CONCEICAO FERNAN<strong>DE</strong>S DOS REIS<br />

NB: 0100.366.217-7 (ES) Interessados: INSS e MARIA AUGUSTA <strong>DE</strong> FARIA VIANA<br />

NB: 0153.512.619-9 (MG) Interessados: INSS e JOSE <strong>DE</strong>TINHO DOS SANTOS<br />

NB: 0143.021.867-0 (MG) Interessados: INSS e MARIA <strong>DE</strong> FATIMA FERREIRA <strong>DA</strong> SILVA<br />

NB: 0151.613.387-8 (SP) Interessados: INSS e JOSE ROBERTO <strong>DE</strong> OLIVEIRA CINTRA<br />

NB: 0545.042.698-0 (BA) Interessados: INSS e VALDINE SANTOS <strong>DE</strong> JESUS<br />

NB: 0149.656.869-6 (SP) Interessados: INSS e WILSON BENEDITO APARECIDO FREGONE<br />

NB: 0148.167.757-5 (AL) Interessados: INSS e JOAREZ SALES <strong>DA</strong> SILVA<br />

NB: 0110.833.126-0 (SP) Interessados: INSS e ANTONIO APARECIDO MARINETTO<br />

NB: 0547.768.677-0 (MG) Interessados: INSS e ELIZIA ALEXANDRINA DIAS CANDIDO PEREIRA<br />

NB: 0147.974.349-3 (SP) Interessados: INSS e MANOEL FERREIRA <strong>DA</strong>S NEVES<br />

NB: 0151.229.955-0 (SP) Interessados: INSS e MARIA ISABEL <strong>DE</strong> OLIVEIRA<br />

NB: 0152.598.305-6 (PR) Interessados: INSS e SANDRA APARECI<strong>DA</strong> BORGES PESSOA<br />

NB: 0543.045.926-3 (CE) Interessados: INSS e FRANCISCA <strong>DA</strong> ROCHA PROCOPIO<br />

NB: 0149.367.927-6 (PR) Interessados: INSS e LAURA <strong>DA</strong> APARECI<strong>DA</strong> SILVA <strong>DE</strong> MELO<br />

NB: 0153.740.085-9 (MG) Interessados: INSS e MARIA BERNA<strong>DE</strong>TE <strong>DE</strong> RESEN<strong>DE</strong><br />

NB: 0151.614.799-2 (SP) Interessados: INSS e MARIA CRISTINA POLYCARPO FELIPPE<br />

NB: 0151.755.235-1 (BA) Interessados: INSS e EUFROSINA ALVES COSTA<br />

NB: 0150.852.166-0 (SP) Interessados: INSS e GILBERTO FAGUN<strong>DE</strong>S FLORES<br />

Relator(a): JULIANA ALVES <strong>DE</strong> SOUZA LOCATELLI<br />

NB: 0108.930.576-9 (BA) Interessados: INSS e FLORISVALDO SANTANA SOUZA<br />

NB: 0540.522.615-3 (RJ) Interessados: INSS e ANDREIA <strong>DA</strong>VID FERNAN<strong>DE</strong>S<br />

NB: 0538.366.499-4 (ES) Interessados: INSS e SHARINE PEREIRA CIPRESTE RAMPAZZO<br />

NB: 0151.451.179-4 (RJ) Interessados: INSS e MAURO SIMOES PIRES JUNIOR<br />

NB: 0151.956.756-9 (BA) Interessados: INSS e ALVINO JOSE MARQUES<br />

NB: 0145.331.228-2 (AM) Interessados: INSS e ERMELINA GUE<strong>DE</strong>S SANTOS<br />

NB: 0546.427.987-0 (MG) Interessados: INSS e ELIANA BRAGA PEREIRA<br />

NB: 0152.165.718-9 (SP) Interessados: INSS e AKIO MAE<strong>DA</strong><br />

NB: 0153.015.127-6 (PA) Interessados: INSS e MARIA DO AMPARO MIRAN<strong>DA</strong> ALVES<br />

NB: 0147.706.765-2 (BA) Interessados: INSS e ALBERTINA ALVES DOS SANTOS<br />

NB: 0145.582.008-0 (BA) Interessados: INSS e JEANE <strong>DE</strong> OLIVEIRA LOPES SANTOS<br />

NB: 0152.235.949-1 (SC) Interessados: INSS e BERTOLINO GONCALVES <strong>DE</strong> ARAUJO<br />

1 de 5

NB: 0141.242.867-7 (ES) Interessados: INSS e ANTONIO MILTON LEMOS<br />

NB: 0156.813.676-2 (PA) Interessados: INSS e <strong>DA</strong>LVA FERREIRA BRAN<strong>DA</strong>O<br />

NB: 0545.325.615-6 (ES) Interessados: INSS e KAYLANI ZANIBONI DOS SANTOS<br />

NB: 0540.452.928-4 (SC) Interessados: INSS e JORGE FERNANDO RIEGER<br />

NB: 0539.896.209-0 (MG) Interessados: INSS e LEONICE MARIA DO PERPETUO SOCORRO<br />

NB: 0544.368.569-0 (MA) Interessados: INSS e MARINAL<strong>DA</strong> VIEGAS ARAUJO<br />

NB: 0539.982.709-0 (SC) Interessados: INSS e DULCINEIA TAVARES<br />

NB: 0153.857.106-1 (GO) Interessados: INSS e JOAO GRABRIEL <strong>DE</strong> OLIVEIRA SOUSA<br />

NB: 0156.111.929-3 (ES) Interessados: INSS e MARCO ANTONIO DOS SANTOS BASTOS<br />

NB: 0155.888.819-2 (RJ) Interessados: INSS e VANIL<strong>DA</strong> DOS SANTOS AGUIAR<br />

NB: 0531.269.899-3 (SP) Interessados: INSS e IZA <strong>DE</strong> LOUR<strong>DE</strong>S PETRIN MARTINS<br />

NB: 0530.765.496-7 (SP) Interessados: INSS e VERA LUCIA FORLI ARAUJO<br />

NB: 0560.369.065-4 (SP) Interessados: INSS e ELIEZER ROSA LEITE<br />

NB: 0135.142.647-5 (RJ) Interessados: INSS e ELAINE CARVALHO BANNACH NOGUEIRA<br />


NB: 0114.060.548-5 (RJ) Interessados: INSS e NILTON FERREIRA VAZ<br />

NB: 0143.358.866-5 (PB) Interessados: INSS e GILVAN INACIO <strong>DE</strong> SOUZA<br />

NB: 0144.627.466-4 (SP) Interessados: INSS e VAL<strong>DE</strong>MAR DOS SANTOS<br />

NB: 0548.438.149-1 (AL) Interessados: INSS e JOSE NILDO OLIVEIRA<br />

NB: 0542.180.635-5 (MG) Interessados: INSS e JOSE FRANCISCO <strong>DA</strong> COSTA FILHO<br />

NB: 0138.389.468-7 (BA) Interessados: INSS e VAN<strong>DE</strong>RLEIA ALELUIA SILVA<br />

NB: 0142.327.947-3 (MG) Interessados: INSS e JOSE CARLOS SILVA<br />

NB: 0529.514.279-1 (BA) Interessados: INSS e HOSPITAL ALIANCA<br />

NB: 0146.510.588-0 (AM) Interessados: INSS e EMILIO COR<strong>DE</strong>IRO <strong>DA</strong> SILVA<br />

NB: 0152.034.579-5 (BA) Interessados: INSS e BERNAR<strong>DA</strong> DURCULINO COSTA<br />

NB: 0154.970.189-1 (SP) Interessados: INSS e APARECIDO DONIZETE GARCIA<br />

NB: 0148.028.878-8 (PR) Interessados: INSS e PERCILIANA <strong>DA</strong> SILVA ROGERIO<br />

NB: 0152.144.457-6 (RJ) Interessados: INSS e JARBAS GONCALVES CABRAL<br />

NB: 0151.949.507-0 (SP) Interessados: INSS e ANA RITA LOURES SOARES PE<strong>DA</strong>O<br />

NB: 0150.794.837-6 (SP) Interessados: INSS e JAIME SEBASTIAO RIBEIRO CHAVES<br />

NB: 0147.477.106-5 (SP) Interessados: INSS e ERNESTO DOS SANTOS<br />

NB: 0147.787.849-9 (MG) Interessados: INSS e ANTONIO COSENZA <strong>DE</strong> OLIVEIRA<br />

NB: 0151.447.489-9 (PE) Interessados: INSS e JOSE FRANCISCO <strong>DA</strong> SILVA<br />

NB: 0139.019.557-8 (MG) Interessados: INSS e MIGUEL SIMAO <strong>DA</strong> SILVA<br />

NB: 0147.411.387-4 (RJ) Interessados: INSS e ERINALDO DOS SANTOS<br />

NB: 0133.582.066-0 (SP) Interessados: INSS e OTAVIO <strong>DE</strong> SOUZA DIAS<br />

NB: 0151.862.139-0 (RJ) Interessados: INSS e AMIR PINTO <strong>DA</strong> PAIXAO FILHO<br />

NB: 0545.103.258-7 (PR) Interessados: INSS e ELZA AYAKO KITAGAWA<br />

NB: 0145.709.597-9 (MG) Interessados: INSS e IZABEL DUARTE CARDOSO<br />

NB: 0143.263.799-9 (SP) Interessados: INSS e NAIR PINTO <strong>DA</strong> SILVA<br />

NB: 0151.615.226-0 (SP) Interessados: INSS e MAIARA FERNAN<strong>DA</strong> ROMANO <strong>DA</strong> SILVA<br />

NB: 0140.213.507-3 (SP) Interessados: INSS e JACKSON EDSON DOS REIS<br />

NB: 0543.913.018-3 (PE) Interessados: INSS e JOAO SEVERINO DOS SANTOS<br />

NB: 0546.266.499-7 (SP) Interessados: INSS e MARIA OLIN<strong>DA</strong> <strong>DA</strong> SILVA INOCENCIO<br />

NB: 0156.314.375-2 (MG) Interessados: INSS e EURIPE<strong>DE</strong>S MOREIRA DOS SANTOS<br />

NB: 0101.658.736-5 (SP) Interessados: INSS e ANTONIO EVERALDO MINGOTTI<br />

NB: 0151.233.789-4 (SP) Interessados: INSS e ADRIANO APARECIDO <strong>DE</strong> LIMA<br />

NB: 0141.529.918-5 (SP) Interessados: INSS e PAULO DOS SANTOS<br />

NB: 0147.980.579-0 (GO) Interessados: INSS e OMAR TOME<br />

NB: 0153.982.558-0 (SP) Interessados: INSS e ESMAR GONCALVES <strong>DE</strong> BOVE<br />

NB: 0537.371.468-9 (BA) Interessados: INSS e ELIZETE <strong>DA</strong> SILVA ROCHA MONTEIRO<br />

NB: 0531.356.468-0 (GO) Interessados: INSS e ADRIANE BARBOSA GOMES<br />

NB: 0149.951.239-0 (BA) Interessados: INSS e JURIMAR DOS SANTOS SANTANA<br />

NB: 0140.263.375-8 (RJ) Interessados: INSS e SERGIO CORREA <strong>DA</strong> SILVA<br />

2 de 5

NB: 0154.299.946-1 (SP) Interessados: INSS e AIRTON PAULO LOPES<br />

NB: 0152.332.617-1 (MG) Interessados: INSS e ALTAMIRO NOGUEIRA<br />

NB: 0156.580.848-4 (SP) Interessados: INSS e JOSE TEOTONIO <strong>DE</strong> AZEVEDO<br />

NB: 0545.527.679-0 (GO) Interessados: INSS e RAPIDO ARAGUAIA LT<strong>DA</strong><br />

NB: 0156.354.216-9 (SP) Interessados: INSS e CLEONICE BEVILAQUA <strong>DE</strong> OLIVEIRA<br />

NB: 0142.540.446-1 (MG) Interessados: INSS e ELI<strong>DA</strong> SANTOS FLAUSINO<br />

NB: 0147.243.446-0 (SP) Interessados: INSS e SEBASTIAO APARECIDO RO<strong>DE</strong>LLI<br />

NB: 0155.212.139-6 (SP) Interessados: INSS e ELPIDIO JOSE GUE<strong>DE</strong>S <strong>DE</strong> TOLEDO<br />

NB: 0140.263.055-4 (RJ) Interessados: INSS e MANUEL REIS ALVES<br />

NB: 0150.342.995-1 (SP) Interessados: INSS e APARECI<strong>DA</strong> <strong>DA</strong> SILVA<br />

NB: 0104.041.469-6 (CE) Interessados: INSS e ANA CLAUDIA ALVES CORREA<br />

NB: 0153.666.305-8 (MG) Interessados: INSS e LUIZ ANTONIO DOS REIS<br />

Dia 14/06/2012 a partir das 09:00 horas.<br />

Relator(a): CELEI<strong>DA</strong> MÁRCIA DOS SANTOS<br />

NB: 0113.269.656-6 (SP) Interessados: INSS e DOVILIO AUGUSTO<br />

NB: 0540.927.506-0 (SC) Interessados: INSS e NAGILA LEDIERI <strong>DA</strong> SILVA PEREIRA<br />

NB: 0147.364.657-7 (PE) Interessados: INSS e MARIA APARECI<strong>DA</strong> <strong>DA</strong> SILVA CHALEGRE<br />

NB: 0141.493.996-2 (AM) Interessados: INSS e EVANGELISTA GOMES DOS SANTOS<br />

NB: 0151.497.836-6 (MG) Interessados: INSS e FRANCISCO ASSIS <strong>DE</strong> MELO<br />

NB: 0150.367.597-9 (ES) Interessados: INSS e ANTONIA MARIA FERREIRA ARRU<strong>DA</strong><br />

NB: 0149.228.398-0 (SC) Interessados: INSS e AFONSO JOAO SARTORI<br />

NB: 0151.760.589-7 (ES) Interessados: INSS e EDUARDO REIS COSTA<br />

NB: 0152.859.359-3 (ES) Interessados: INSS e <strong>DE</strong>RMEVAL MARQUES <strong>DE</strong> OLIVEIRA<br />

NB: 0154.432.077-6 (RJ) Interessados: INSS e AMILTON VIEIRA SUET<br />

PT: 35482.000261/2010-19 (SP) Interessados: INSS e TENNECO AUTOMOTIVE BRASIL LT<strong>DA</strong>.<br />

NB: 0156.687.927-0 (MG) Interessados: INSS e SEBASTIAO FRANCISCO GOMES<br />

NB: 0153.169.889-9 (SP) Interessados: INSS e VAL<strong>DE</strong>MIR PEREIRA DIAS<br />

NB: 0152.460.806-5 (MG) Interessados: INSS e MAURICIO VITAL <strong>DE</strong> OLIVEIRA<br />

NB: 0145.153.247-1 (SC) Interessados: INSS e IDILIA THERESINHA PEREIRA<br />

NB: 0148.426.135-3 (CE) Interessados: INSS e JOSE <strong>DE</strong>IMAR PEREIRA<br />

NB: 0152.665.275-4 (MG) Interessados: INSS e JOSE JORGE ROCHA<br />

NB: 0154.085.859-3 (RJ) Interessados: INSS e JOAO FRANCISCO <strong>DE</strong> SOUSA<br />

NB: 0156.354.778-0 (SP) Interessados: INSS e ISAAK MOREIRA<br />

NB: 0150.402.328-2 (RS) Interessados: INSS e GERALDO APARECIDO FARIAS<br />

NB: 0505.596.849-0 (SP) Interessados: INSS e ARISTI<strong>DE</strong>S CAMPOS MATTOS<br />

NB: 0140.822.629-1 (PA) Interessados: INSS e MARIA DO PERPETUO SOCORRO <strong>DA</strong> SILVA BARROSO<br />

NB: 0136.174.377-5 (SP) Interessados: INSS e CARLOS JANUARIO<br />

NB: 0131.531.919-2 (SP) Interessados: INSS e JOSE VALDIMIR ZUTIM<br />

NB: 0532.619.089-0 (SP) Interessados: INSS e MARIA <strong>DA</strong> GRAÇA SANTOS CAMPELO<br />

NB: 0149.909.365-6 (GO) Interessados: INSS e EVERALDO MARQUES <strong>DE</strong> OLIVEIRA<br />

NB: 0153.532.218-4 (RJ) Interessados: INSS e VANIA <strong>DE</strong> ASSUMPCAO LEITE<br />

NB: 0138.437.295-1 (AM) Interessados: INSS e IL<strong>DA</strong> <strong>DE</strong> MORAES PEREIRA<br />

NB: 0147.505.129-5 (CE) Interessados: INSS e JOSE SANTANA <strong>DA</strong> SILVA<br />

NB: 0150.258.048-6 (SP) Interessados: INSS e FRANCISCO CESAR <strong>DE</strong> OLIVEIRA<br />

Relator(a): JULIANA ALVES <strong>DE</strong> SOUZA LOCATELLI<br />

NB: 0154.900.075-3 (SP) Interessados: INSS e HEILIO FUZIOKA<br />

NB: 0153.568.866-9 (MS) Interessados: INSS e MARIA INEZ <strong>DE</strong> AZEVEDO<br />

NB: 0136.271.208-3 (BA) Interessados: INSS e ANTONIO RIBEIRO BORGES<br />

NB: 0148.087.119-0 (PR) Interessados: INSS e JOSIAS <strong>DE</strong> ALMEI<strong>DA</strong><br />

NB: 0505.752.157-4 (SP) Interessados: INSS e APARECI<strong>DA</strong> GRACINDO DOS SANTOS<br />

NB: 0149.336.925-0 (SP) Interessados: INSS e APARECI<strong>DA</strong> MARIA <strong>DE</strong> CARVALHO CHAVES<br />

NB: 0152.031.709-0 (AM) Interessados: INSS e JOAO RODRIGUES <strong>DE</strong> MATOS<br />

3 de 5

NB: 0147.601.475-0 (ES) Interessados: INSS e ITAMAR JOSE CORREA<br />

NB: 0151.393.677-5 (SC) Interessados: INSS e LAURI FRANCISCO SBARAINI<br />

NB: 0154.012.108-6 (MG) Interessados: INSS e GERALDO DONIZETE SILVERIO<br />

NB: 0152.705.009-0 (SP) Interessados: INSS e SIDNEI <strong>DA</strong> ROCHA<br />

NB: 0150.614.578-4 (ES) Interessados: INSS e JAMIR ALVES<br />

NB: 0149.074.467-0 (SP) Interessados: INSS e ANTONIO CARLOS <strong>DA</strong> ROCHA<br />

NB: 0155.624.688-6 (RJ) Interessados: INSS e GERALDO SALLES JUNIOR<br />

NB: 0105.991.027-3 (AL) Interessados: INSS e JOSE PEREIRA COSTA FILHO<br />

NB: 0152.615.899-7 (SC) Interessados: INSS e CLEIMAR ROSMARI ZANOTTO<br />

NB: 0154.684.138-2 (PB) Interessados: INSS e SIONE BENICIO <strong>DE</strong> SOUZA<br />

NB: 0154.884.649-7 (RJ) Interessados: INSS e MARIA <strong>DE</strong> LOUR<strong>DE</strong>S SANGY VIANNA<br />

NB: 0154.623.069-3 (ES) Interessados: INSS e OSVALDO MEN<strong>DE</strong>S DIAS<br />

NB: 0154.432.818-1 (RN) Interessados: INSS e ARLIN<strong>DA</strong> MARIA <strong>DA</strong> SILVA<br />

NB: 0147.135.147-2 (SP) Interessados: INSS e ELAINE CRISTINA SOUZA <strong>DA</strong> SILVA CAMPOS<br />

NB: 0149.722.557-1 (MG) Interessados: INSS e LUCIANA DONIZETE CANDI<strong>DA</strong><br />

NB: 0155.920.895-0 (SP) Interessados: INSS e NEI<strong>DE</strong> APARECI<strong>DA</strong> <strong>DA</strong> SILVA<br />

NB: 0153.549.998-0 (SP) Interessados: INSS e LUIS ANTONIO MOREIRA<br />

NB: 0134.105.888-0 (GO) Interessados: INSS e AMELIA <strong>DE</strong> SOUZA DOURADO OLIVEIRA<br />

NB: 0152.984.518-9 (SP) Interessados: INSS e NATANAEL <strong>DA</strong> ROCHA<br />


NB: 0083.097.309-5 (RJ) Interessados: INSS e WAN<strong>DA</strong> DO NASCIMENTO<br />

NB: 0104.017.809-7 (SP) Interessados: INSS e BENEDITO RIBEIRO DOS SANTOS<br />

NB: 0547.346.529-0 (PB) Interessados: INSS e LUDMYLA GONCALVES <strong>DE</strong> BRITO<br />

NB: 0544.470.258-0 (GO) Interessados: INSS e CARMELIN<strong>DA</strong> FELIPE <strong>DA</strong> SILVA<br />

NB: 0156.313.465-6 (MG) Interessados: INSS e JORGE ALVES <strong>DA</strong> COSTA<br />

NB: 0155.207.898-9 (SP) Interessados: INSS e JOSE LUIZ MUNHOZ<br />

NB: 0110.847.949-6 (SP) Interessados: INSS e ANTONIO <strong>DE</strong> PADUA BARROS E SILVA<br />

NB: 0155.290.549-4 (SP) Interessados: INSS e ANTONIO CANDIDO <strong>DA</strong> SILVA<br />

NB: 0157.931.168-4 (MG) Interessados: INSS e MAURILIO NABAK<br />

NB: 0141.222.455-9 (SP) Interessados: INSS e ALICE YAEKO SANNOMIYA KAWANO<br />

NB: 0135.283.468-2 (SP) Interessados: INSS e ANTONIO LUIZ <strong>DE</strong>METI<br />

NB: 0150.641.309-6 (PR) Interessados: INSS e A<strong>DE</strong>MIR ALVES<br />

NB: 0144.653.547-6 (PA) Interessados: INSS e SIDNEY SEBASTIAO CUSTODIO BRASIL<br />

NB: 0153.514.105-8 (MG) Interessados: INSS e NICOME<strong>DE</strong>S <strong>DE</strong> SOUZA COTTA<br />

NB: 0150.239.347-3 (MG) Interessados: INSS e FRANCISCO <strong>DE</strong> ALENCAR FERREIRA <strong>DE</strong> OLIVEIRA<br />

NB: 0131.312.897-7 (SP) Interessados: INSS e VERA LÚCIA ALVES<br />

NB: 0152.837.109-4 (PR) Interessados: INSS e MARIA LOPES DIAS<br />

NB: 0154.216.059-3 (RJ) Interessados: INSS e GECIL<strong>DA</strong> MARIA RIBEIRO<br />

NB: 0153.360.569-3 (SP) Interessados: INSS e VAL<strong>DE</strong>CIR BRAS CAMPESATTO<br />

NB: 0543.335.828-0 (SP) Interessados: INSS e GERSINA CORREA <strong>DE</strong> SOUZA<br />

NB: 0540.017.846-0 (SP) Interessados: INSS e OSVALDO RIBEIRO <strong>DA</strong> SILVA<br />

NB: 0115.158.068-3 (SP) Interessados: INSS e SONIA MARIA RODRIGUES GUIMARAES SA<br />

NB: 0151.813.298-4 (SP) Interessados: INSS e MARIA ANTONIA <strong>DA</strong> COSTA R DO NASCIMENTO<br />

NB: 0149.381.655-9 (RJ) Interessados: INSS e IBRAHIM JORGE SOUZA <strong>DA</strong> CRUZ<br />

NB: 0151.571.389-7 (PB) Interessados: INSS e ANTONIO GUE<strong>DE</strong>S DOS SANTOS<br />

NB: 0146.987.589-3 (SP) Interessados: INSS e MARCOS BENEDITO <strong>DE</strong> BRITO<br />

NB: 0047.328.625-4 (PE) Interessados: INSS e JOSE SERGIO SOBRINHO<br />

NB: 0152.218.985-5 (PE) Interessados: INSS e PEDRO FERREIRA <strong>DA</strong> SILVA<br />

NB: 0153.349.185-0 (CE) Interessados: INSS e AGAMENON <strong>DE</strong> AZEVEDO<br />

NB: 0139.064.938-2 (MG) Interessados: INSS e GERAL<strong>DA</strong> RIBEIRO FERNAN<strong>DE</strong>S<br />

NB: 0143.919.039-6 (RJ) Interessados: INSS e RUY DUTRA<br />

NB: 0155.357.779-2 (SP) Interessados: INSS e EDUARDO ALEXANDRE CERRI<br />

NB: 0151.876.119-1 (SP) Interessados: INSS e EDIVALDO GONCALVES<br />

NB: 0132.335.978-5 (AM) Interessados: INSS e LEONI<strong>DA</strong>S LUIZ <strong>DE</strong> SOUZA<br />

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NB: 0141.277.145-2 (SP) Interessados: INSS e ADILSON ANTONIO PICERNI<br />

NB: 0137.708.205-6 (RJ) Interessados: INSS e ALCY <strong>DE</strong> ALMEI<strong>DA</strong> RAMOS<br />

NB: 0118.777.748-7 (MG) Interessados: INSS e TALIS JOSE GONCALVES<br />

NB: 0543.943.928-1 (ES) Interessados: INSS e SEBASTIANA MARIANO LUCIO<br />

NB: 0154.036.269-5 (SP) Interessados: INSS e JOSE APARECIDO BUENO<br />

NB: 0153.511.958-3 (MG) Interessados: INSS e EFIGENIA REIS <strong>DE</strong> ALMEI<strong>DA</strong><br />

NB: 0148.289.797-8 (MG) Interessados: INSS e ROSANGELA RATTS RABBI<br />

NB: 0147.196.065-7 (SP) Interessados: INSS e ANTONIO CARLOS SUZAN<br />

NB: 0151.401.188-0 (SP) Interessados: INSS e ABEL JOAQUIM DOURADO<br />

NB: 0155.035.128-9 (SP) Interessados: INSS e OSMAR DIAS <strong>DE</strong> OLIVEIRA<br />

NB: 0545.652.459-3 (MG) Interessados: INSS e VERA ALICE LABANCA<br />

NB: 0544.251.079-0 (ES) Interessados: INSS e FERNAN<strong>DE</strong>S COSLOP<br />

NB: 0150.896.779-0 (PR) Interessados: INSS e ELIANI MARIA BUOSI CORREA<br />

NB: 0150.830.588-6 (PR) Interessados: INSS e CIRSA TENORIO <strong>DA</strong> SILVA<br />

NB: 0102.543.492-4 (SP) Interessados: INSS e ANTONIO DJALMA FELTRIN<br />

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