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<strong><strong>CORRESPONDENTE</strong>S</strong><strong>CNPJ</strong> <strong>DO</strong> <strong>CORRESPONDENTE</strong> <strong>NOME</strong> <strong>DO</strong> <strong>CORRESPONDENTE</strong> TIPO SERVIÇOS AUTORIZA<strong>DO</strong>S ENDEREÇO14.789.330/0001-12 ARAUTOS VEICULOS LTDA - ME Recep/encaminh. propostas op.créd/arrend. - Res. 3954, Inc V -4181-- - SAO LEOPOL<strong>DO</strong> /RS02.304.444/0001-46 ARI RODRIGUES VEICULOS Recep/encaminh. propostas op.créd/arrend. - Res. 3954, Inc V AVENIDA JOAO PESSOA-595--CENTRO - CANELA /RS02.989.830/0001-19 ARIGA COMERCIO DE VEICULOS LTDA ME Recep/encaminh. propostas op.créd/arrend. - Res. 3954, Inc V . <strong>DO</strong>RIVAL C.L. DE OLIVEIRA-5627--SAO VICENTE - GRAVATAI /RS05.202.105/0001-47 ARLIN<strong>DO</strong> JACOBSEN Recep/encaminh. propostas op.créd/arrend. - Res. 3954, Inc V PROFESSORA LUIZA MARANINCHI-787--CENTRO - CAMAQUA /RS01.009.283/0001-03 ARMANI COMERCIO E PRESTA<strong>DO</strong>RA DE SERVICOS LTDA Recep/encaminh. propostas op.créd/arrend. - Res. 3954, Inc V AV CEL APARICIO BORGES-1727--GLORIA - PORTO ALEGRE /RS14.246.386/0001-20 ARMAZEM <strong>DO</strong> CARRO COMERCIO DE VEICULOS AUTOMOTORES LTDA Recep/encaminh. propostas op.créd/arrend. - Res. 3954, Inc VFRANCISCO SILVEIRA BITENCOURT-71--SARANDI - PORTO ALEGRE /RS92.200.393/0001-03 ARONE HENRIQUE LUDKE =ME Recep/encaminh. propostas op.créd/arrend. - Res. 3954, Inc V 15 DE NOVEMBRO-958--CENTRO - ERECHIM /RS94.133.618/0001-73 ARRUDA COMERCIO DE VEICULOS LTDA Recep/encaminh. propostas op.créd/arrend. - Res. 3954, Inc V AV. SERTORIO, 7280--- - PORTO ALEGRE /RS88.446.760/0001-78 AUGUSTIN VEICULOS LTDA Recep/encaminh. propostas op.créd/arrend. - Res. 3954, Inc V R DR EURICO ARAUJO,91---GLORIA - CARAZINHO /RS88.446.760/0003-30 AUGUSTIN VEICULOS LTDA Recep/encaminh. propostas op.créd/arrend. - Res. 3954, Inc V AV TANCRE<strong>DO</strong> NEVES / RO<strong>DO</strong>VIA BR 285 KM 21--S/N-OURO PRETO - CARAZINHO /RS14.029.118/0001-57 AURI ELOI PETRY - ME. Recep/encaminh. propostas op.créd/arrend. - Res. 3954, Inc V --- - CARAZINHO /RS08.331.598/0001-03 AUTO BELLO COMERCIAL DE VEICULOS LTDA Recep/encaminh. propostas op.créd/arrend. - Res. 3954, Inc V AVENIDA OSCAR MARTINS RANGEL-2710--FOGAO GAUCHO - TAQUARA /RS06.028.730/0001-87 AUTO CAMBIO COMERCIAL DE VEICULOS LTDA Recep/encaminh. propostas op.créd/arrend. - Res. 3954, Inc V RUA PRIMEIRO DE MARCO Nº 909-1826--PATRIA NOVA - NOVO HAMBURGO /RS15.602.508/0001-37 AUTO CENTENARIO COMERCIO DE VEICULOS LTDA ME Recep/encaminh. propostas op.créd/arrend. - Res. 3954, Inc V -5840-- - SAPIRANGA /RS07.703.664/0001-66 AUTO COMERCIAL PSTEI LTDA Recep/encaminh. propostas op.créd/arrend. - Res. 3954, Inc V ANGELINA MICHIELON-1013--NOSSA SENHORA DE LOU - CAXIAS <strong>DO</strong> SUL /RS05.654.758/0001-67 AUTO CONFIANCA COMERCIO DE VEICULOS LTDA Recep/encaminh. propostas op.créd/arrend. - Res. 3954, Inc V CORONEL TRAVASSOS-2240--RON<strong>DO</strong>NIA - NOVO HAMBURGO /RS09.518.916/0001-02 AUTO DESING COMERCIO DE AUTOMOVEIS LTDA Recep/encaminh. propostas op.créd/arrend. - Res. 3954, Inc V FEDERAL BR 116-18059-LOJA TERREA-SAGRADA FAMILIA - CAXIAS <strong>DO</strong> SUL /RS83.270.397/0001-69 AUTO ELITE LTDA Recep/encaminh. propostas op.créd/arrend. - Res. 3954, Inc V R LUIZ <strong>DO</strong>RINI---CENTRO - CAPINZAL /SC83.270.397/0002-40 AUTO ELITE LTDA Recep/encaminh. propostas op.créd/arrend. - Res. 3954, Inc V SC 302-1010-KM 1-BAIRRO INDUSTRIAL - CACA<strong>DO</strong>R /SC83.270.397/0003-20 AUTO ELITE LTDA Recep/encaminh. propostas op.créd/arrend. - Res. 3954, Inc V DR. LEOBERTO LEAL-1050--CENTRO - CURITIBANOS /SC83.270.397/0004-01 AUTO ELITE LTDA Recep/encaminh. propostas op.créd/arrend. - Res. 3954, Inc V PRESIDENTE VARGAS-532--CORAL - LAGES /SC83.270.397/0005-92 AUTO ELITE LTDA Recep/encaminh. propostas op.créd/arrend. - Res. 3954, Inc V ARISTILIANO RAMOS-1.471--CENTRO - RIO <strong>DO</strong> SUL /SC83.270.397/0006-73 AUTO ELITE LTDA Recep/encaminh. propostas op.créd/arrend. - Res. 3954, Inc V 25 DE JULHO-1.595--CENTRO - IBIRAMA /SC83.270.397/0007-54 AUTO ELITE LTDA Recep/encaminh. propostas op.créd/arrend. - Res. 3954, Inc V IRINEU BORNHAUSEN-445--MARTORANO - SAO JOAQUIM /SC83.270.397/0008-35 AUTO ELITE LTDA Recep/encaminh. propostas op.créd/arrend. - Res. 3954, Inc V BERNANR<strong>DO</strong> <strong>DO</strong>RNBUSCH-800-SALA 2-BAEPENDI - JARAGUA <strong>DO</strong> SUL /SC83.270.397/0008-35 AUTO ELITE LTDA Recep/encaminh. propostas op.créd/arrend. - Res. 3954, Inc V BERNANR<strong>DO</strong> <strong>DO</strong>RNBUSCH-800-SALA 2-BAEPENDI - JARAGUA <strong>DO</strong> SUL /SC83.270.397/0004-01 AUTO ELITE LTDA Recep/encaminh. propostas op.créd/arrend. - Res. 3954, Inc V PRESIDENTE VARGAS-532--CORAL - LAGES /SC83.270.397/0009-16 AUTO ELITE LTDA Recep/encaminh. propostas op.créd/arrend. - Res. 3954, Inc V ROD BR 282 - KM 343,6 - SALA 01---TREVO - CAMPOS NOVOS /SC83.270.397/0010-50 AUTO ELITE LTDA Recep/encaminh. propostas op.créd/arrend. - Res. 3954, Inc V RUA XV NOVEMBRO, 977---CENTRO - VIDEIRA /SC83.270.397/0012-11 AUTO ELITE LTDA Recep/encaminh. propostas op.créd/arrend. - Res. 3954, Inc V R KURT HERING-865 0--CENTRO - PRESIDENTE GETULIO /SC83.270.397/0011-30 AUTO ELITE LTDA Recep/encaminh. propostas op.créd/arrend. - Res. 3954, Inc V R PREFEITO VIRGILIO SCHELLER-800 0-- - ITUPORANGA /SC73.960.916/0001-67 AUTO GARRA LTDA ME Recep/encaminh. propostas op.créd/arrend. - Res. 3954, Inc V AVENIDA JULIO BORELLA-1901--CENTRO - MARAU /RS81.859.167/0001-04 AUTO JOIA COMERCIO DE VEICULOS LTDA - ME Recep/encaminh. propostas op.créd/arrend. - Res. 3954, Inc V RUA HONORIO ZSCHOERPER-02--CENTRO - SAO BENTO <strong>DO</strong> SUL /SC03.888.467/0001-08 AUTO LOCA<strong>DO</strong>RA <strong>DO</strong>IS IRMAOS LTDA Recep/encaminh. propostas op.créd/arrend. - Res. 3954, Inc V ROD BR -116--- - <strong>DO</strong>IS IRMAOS /RS02.205.470/0001-17 AUTO LOCA<strong>DO</strong>RA LOCALINS LTDA Recep/encaminh. propostas op.créd/arrend. - Res. 3954, Inc V RUA ALARICO RIBEIRO, 1466--- - CACHOEIRA <strong>DO</strong> SUL /RS14.980.447/0001-89 AUTO MARQUES - COMERCIO DE VEICULOS MULTIMARCAS LTDA Recep/encaminh. propostas op.créd/arrend. - Res. 3954, Inc V --- - JOINVILLE /SC13.932.069/0001-03 AUTO MIXX VEICULOS LTDA Recep/encaminh. propostas op.créd/arrend. - Res. 3954, Inc V <strong>DO</strong>NA FRANCISCA-2338--SAGUACU - JOINVILLE /SC13.932.069/0002-86 AUTO MIXX VEICULOS LTDA Recep/encaminh. propostas op.créd/arrend. - Res. 3954, Inc V BR 116-13024--FANNY - CURITIBA /PR04.218.627/0001-74 AUTO NIVEL VEICULOS LTDA Recep/encaminh. propostas op.créd/arrend. - Res. 3954, Inc V JULIO DE CASTILHOS-1600--GOIAS - SANTA CRUZ <strong>DO</strong> SUL /RS03.639.187/0001-66 AUTO SAPIRANGA LTDA Recep/encaminh. propostas op.créd/arrend. - Res. 3954, Inc V RS 239 Nº 3881 SALA A--BAIRRO PIQUETE-PIQUETE - SAPIRANGA /RS08.308.814/0001-08 AUTO STILO AUTOMOVEIS LTDA Recep/encaminh. propostas op.créd/arrend. - Res. 3954, Inc V FERNANDES BASTOS-2284--TIROLEZA - TRAMANDAI /RS07.410.932/0001-51 AUTO VALE AUTOMOVEIS LTDA Recep/encaminh. propostas op.créd/arrend. - Res. 3954, Inc V AV. PRESIDESNTE CASTELO BRANCO--- - IGREJINHA /RS13.663.001/0001-68 AUTO 27 COMERCIO DE VEICULOS LTDA - ME Recep/encaminh. propostas op.créd/arrend. - Res. 3954, Inc V AV CASTRO ALVES, 685-685--VISTA ALEGRE - IVOTI /RS08.058.576/0001-11 AUTOBAN COMERCIO DE VEICULOS LTDA Recep/encaminh. propostas op.créd/arrend. - Res. 3954, Inc V AV BRASIL OESTE, 2751A---BOQUEIRAO - PASSO FUN<strong>DO</strong> /RS03.546.162/0001-18 AUTOMAIS COMERCIO E LOCA<strong>DO</strong>RA DE VEICULOS LTDA Recep/encaminh. propostas op.créd/arrend. - Res. 3954, Inc V CORONEL FREDERICO LINCK-771--IDEAL - NOVO HAMBURGO /RS10.330.437/0001-47 AUTOMOTIVE VEICULOS MULTIMARCAS LTDA Recep/encaminh. propostas op.créd/arrend. - Res. 3954, Inc V BR 116 - KM 148-17609--SAGRADA FAMILIA - CAXIAS <strong>DO</strong> SUL /RS81.860.686/0001-92 AUTOMOVEIS ANITA GARIBALDI LTDA Recep/encaminh. propostas op.créd/arrend. - Res. 3954, Inc V RUA ANITA GARIBALDI-961-SALA 01-ANITA GARIBALDI - JOINVILLE /SC82.602.715/0001-89 AUTOMOVEIS AVENIDA LTDA Recep/encaminh. propostas op.créd/arrend. - Res. 3954, Inc V AV GETULIO VARGAS-888--CENTRO - JOINVILLE /SC04.710.812/0001-81 AUTOMOVEIS RIO CERRO LTDA Recep/encaminh. propostas op.créd/arrend. - Res. 3954, Inc V RUA GUSTAVO GUMZ-437-SALAS 01 E 02-RIO CERRO II - JARAGUA <strong>DO</strong> SUL /SC3/34

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