_Queretaro crossing

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Sierra Gorda

The six most special species of wild cats

are here in Mexico: Jaguar, Puma, Ocelot,

Wildcat, Bobcat and Margay, each of

these mysterious felines are found in this


And something you didn't know is that it

is made up of 6 municipalities (Jalpan de

Serra, San Joaqun, Landa de

Matamoros, Pinal de Amoles, Peñamiller,

Arroyo Seco) and has 2 Magical Towns:

Jalpan and San Joaquin.


Peace and harmony

Founded in 1531, the ancient and mysterious city of

Santiago de Querétaro seeks to preserve the original

indigenous core and winding streets, while there is a

combination with the Spaniards, which is a mixture of

both cultures and spice it up. This is a clear reflection of

how the Otomi, Tarascans, Chichimecs and Spaniards

coexisted peacefully in this city.


From Queretaro

The fantastic field of the ball game, is divided into four

equal parts indicating the four winds, being symmetrical.

They also represent the stages through which the gods of

their mythology passed and the attempts to create man.

They are all known as suns: Atonatiuh, sun of water;

Tlaltonatiuh, sun of earth; Tletonatiuh, sun of fire; and

Ehecatonatiuh, sun of air. Tonatiuh, sun of movement;


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