Curriculum vitae Europass - facultatea de stiinta si ingineria ...

Curriculum vitae Europass - facultatea de stiinta si ingineria ...

Curriculum vitae Europass - facultatea de stiinta si ingineria ...


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<strong>Curriculum</strong> <strong>vitae</strong><br />

<strong>Europass</strong><br />

Informaţii personale<br />

Nume / Prenume MARIUS VASILESCU<br />

Pagina / - <strong>Curriculum</strong> <strong>vitae</strong> al<br />

Nume Prenume<br />

Adresă(e) Univer<strong>si</strong>tatea Politehnica Bucuresti, Facultatea Stiinta <strong>si</strong> Ingineria Materialelor, Splaiul In<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>ntei<br />

Nr. 313, Sector 6, 060042 Bucureşti, Romania<br />

Telefon(oane) 0214109686 Mobil: 0723337828<br />

Fax(uri) 0213169562<br />

E-mail(uri) marius.va<strong>si</strong>lescu@upb.ro ; vmarius_<strong>si</strong>m_pub@yahoo.com<br />

Naţionalitate(-tăţi) Romana<br />

Locul <strong>de</strong> muncă vizat /<br />

Domeniul ocupaţional<br />

Experienţa profe<strong>si</strong>onală<br />

Data naşterii 14/11/1964<br />

Sex Masculin<br />

Bursă postdoctorală POSDRU<br />

Perioada 01/03/1998 →<br />

Funcţia sau postul ocupat LECTOR DR. ING.<br />

Activităţi şi responsabilităţi principale Cursuri, seminarii și laboratoare în domeniile Știința Materialelor, Metalurgie Fizică, Tratamente<br />

Termice, Tratamente termochimice, Aluminiu și aliaje speciale pe bază <strong>de</strong> aluminiu, Materiale<br />

supraconductoare, Straturi subtiri, Șeful laboratorului <strong>de</strong> Analize Ecologice și Metalurgice-LAEM<br />

acreditat RENAR<br />

Numele şi adresa angajatorului UNIVERSITATEA POLITEHNICA BUCURESTI, Facultatea Știința și Ingineria Materialelor, Catedra<br />

Știința Materialelor și Metalurgie Fizică, SPLAIUL INDEPENDENTEI 313, SECTOR 6, BUCURESTI-<br />

060042<br />

Tipul activităţii sau sectorul <strong>de</strong> activitate Învățământ superior<br />

Perioada 01/03/1993 → 01/03/1998<br />

Funcţia sau postul ocupat ASISTENT DRD. ING.<br />

Activităţi şi responsabilităţi principale Cursuri, seminarii și laboratoare în domeniile Știința Materialelor, Metalurgie Fizică, Tratamente<br />

Termice, Tratamente termochimice, Aluminiu și aliaje ultraușoare pe bază <strong>de</strong> aluminiu-litiu <strong>de</strong>stinate<br />

industriei aeronautice<br />

Numele şi adresa angajatorului UNIVERSITATEA POLITEHNICA BUCURESTI, Facultatea Știința și Ingineria Materialelor, Catedra<br />

Știința Materialelor și Metalurgie Fizică, SPLAIUL INDEPENDENTEI 313, SECTOR 6, BUCURESTI-<br />

060042<br />

Tipul activităţii sau sectorul <strong>de</strong> activitate Învățământ superior<br />

Perioada 01/02/1991 → 01/03/1993<br />

Funcţia sau postul ocupat PREPARATOR ING.<br />

Pentru mai multe informaţii <strong>de</strong>spre <strong>Europass</strong> accesaţi pagina: http://europass.ce<strong>de</strong>fop.europa.eu<br />

© Comunităţile Europene, 2003 20060628

Activităţi şi responsabilităţi principale Cursuri, seminarii și laboratoare în domeniile Știința Materialelor, Metalurgie Fizică, Tratamente<br />

Termice, Tratamente termochimice, Aluminiu și aliaje ultraușoare pe bază <strong>de</strong> aluminiu-litiu <strong>de</strong>stinate<br />

industriei aeronautice<br />

Numele şi adresa angajatorului UNIVERSITATEA POLITEHNICA BUCURESTI, Facultatea Știința și Ingineria Materialelor, Catedra<br />

Știința Materialelor și Metalurgie Fizică, SPLAIUL INDEPENDENTEI 313, SECTOR 6, BUCURESTI-<br />

060042<br />

Perioada<br />

Pagina / - <strong>Curriculum</strong> <strong>vitae</strong> al<br />

Nume Prenume<br />

01/02/1990 → 01/02/1991<br />

Funcţia sau postul ocupat ING. PROIECTANT<br />

Activităţi şi responsabilităţi principale Proiecte <strong>de</strong> execuție pentru furnale și cuptoare, schimbătoare <strong>de</strong> căldură și alte echipamente termice<br />


SECTOR 6<br />

Tipul activităţii sau sectorul <strong>de</strong> activitate<br />

Proiectare și cercetare<br />

Perioada 01/09/1989 → 01/02/1990<br />

Funcţia sau postul ocupat ING. TEHNOLOG<br />

Activităţi şi responsabilităţi principale Proiectarea și implementarea tehnologiilor pentru sectia <strong>de</strong> laminoare<br />

Numele şi adresa angajatorului COST Târgoviște, Secția Laminarea Profilelor Mijlocii și Ușoare, TĂRGOVIȘTE<br />

Tipul activităţii sau sectorul <strong>de</strong> activitate<br />

Educaţie şi formare<br />

Perioada<br />

Calificarea / diploma obţinută<br />

Disciplinele principale studiate /<br />

competenţe profe<strong>si</strong>onale dobândite<br />

Numele şi tipul instituţiei <strong>de</strong> învăţământ<br />

/ furnizorului <strong>de</strong> formare<br />

Perioada<br />

Calificarea / diploma obţinută<br />

Disciplinele principale studiate /<br />

competenţe profe<strong>si</strong>onale dobândite<br />

Numele şi tipul instituţiei <strong>de</strong> învăţământ<br />

/ furnizorului <strong>de</strong> formare<br />

Perioada<br />

Calificarea / diploma obţinută<br />

Disciplinele principale studiate /<br />

competenţe profe<strong>si</strong>onale dobândite<br />

Numele şi tipul instituţiei <strong>de</strong> învăţământ<br />

/ furnizorului <strong>de</strong> formare<br />

Proiectare și cercetare<br />

01/03/1992 – 01/07/1999<br />


Doctor în ȘTIINTE TEHNICE, specializarea METALURGIE FIZICĂ. Tema tezei este STUDII ȘI<br />




15/09/1983 – 15/07/1989<br />




15/09/1979 – 15/07/1983<br />




Pentru mai multe informaţii <strong>de</strong>spre <strong>Europass</strong> accesaţi pagina: http://europass.ce<strong>de</strong>fop.europa.eu<br />

© Comunităţile Europene, 2003 20060628

Aptitudini şi competenţe<br />

personale<br />

Limba(i) maternă(e) ROMÂNĂ<br />

Limba(i) străină(e) cunoscută(e)<br />

Autoevaluare Înţelegere Vorbire Scriere<br />

Nivel european (*) Ascultare Citire Participare la<br />

conversaţie<br />

Engleză B2<br />

Franceză B1<br />

Italiană B1<br />

Pagina / - <strong>Curriculum</strong> <strong>vitae</strong> al<br />

Nume Prenume<br />

Utilizator<br />

in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

Utilizator<br />

in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

Utilizator<br />

in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

B2<br />

B1<br />

B1<br />

Utilizator<br />

in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

Utilizator<br />

in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

Utilizator<br />

in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

Pentru mai multe informaţii <strong>de</strong>spre <strong>Europass</strong> accesaţi pagina: http://europass.ce<strong>de</strong>fop.europa.eu<br />

© Comunităţile Europene, 2003 20060628<br />

B2<br />

B1<br />

B1<br />

Utilizator<br />

in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

Utilizator<br />

in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

Utilizator<br />

in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

(*) Nivelul Cadrului European Comun <strong>de</strong> Referinţă Pentru Limbi Străine<br />

B2<br />

B1<br />

B1<br />

Discurs oral Exprimare scrisă<br />

Utilizator<br />

in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

Utilizator<br />

in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

Utilizator<br />

in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

B1<br />

B1<br />

B1<br />

Utilizator<br />

in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

Utilizator<br />

in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

Utilizator<br />

in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

Competenţe şi abilităţi sociale Fac parte dintr-o echipă care lucrează la mai multe proiecte <strong>de</strong> cercetare și granturi în domeniul<br />

Științei Materialelor și a straturilor subțiri. La câteva contracte am fost director <strong>de</strong> proiect.<br />

Sunt șeful Laboratorului <strong>de</strong> Analize Ecologice și Metalurgice LAEM, acreditat RENAR.<br />

Am fost <strong>de</strong> 5 ori în Franța la INSA-Strasbourg și <strong>de</strong> 2 ori în Italia la DINC-Udine în cadrul Programului<br />

Erasmus/Socrates pentru schimb <strong>de</strong> experiență și predarea unor cursuri în franceză și italiana în<br />

domeniul Științei Materialelor.<br />

Competenţe şi aptitudini<br />

organizatorice<br />

Am fost directorul unor importante proiecte naționale <strong>de</strong> cercetare tip Grant și a unui proiect <strong>de</strong> grant<br />

international cu CNCSIS-Banca Mondiala. Ca responsabil a acestor granturi am <strong>de</strong>monstrat ca am<br />

competențe și aptitudini organizatorice pentru coordonarea oamenilor, finalizarea proiectelor și<br />

respectarea condițiilor impuse la contractarea proiectelor. In calitate <strong>de</strong> director <strong>de</strong> proiect am finalizat<br />

un Grant CEEX prin acreditarea RENAR a unui laborator.<br />

Conduc și coordonez Laboratorul <strong>de</strong> Analize Ecologice și Metalurgice LAEM, acreditat RENAR.<br />

Am fost <strong>de</strong> 6 ori <strong>de</strong>semnat Președinte al Comi<strong>si</strong>ei <strong>de</strong> Examen/Evaluare <strong>de</strong> Bacalaureat la diverse<br />

licee din țară, un<strong>de</strong> am fost responsabil și am coordonat întrega comi<strong>si</strong>e <strong>de</strong> examen/evaluare și a<br />

profesorilor evaluatori.<br />

Competenţe şi aptitudini tehnice Competențe și aptitudini tehnice privind echipamentele <strong>de</strong> spectrometrie cu emi<strong>si</strong>e optică<br />

SPECTROMAX XM, analizor ELTRA al C și S la nivel <strong>de</strong> ppm și gazcromatoraf VARIAN pentru<br />

<strong>de</strong>terminarea compoziției apelor uzate.<br />

Competențe în domeniul Științei Materialelor, Studiului Materialelor, Metalurgie Fizică, Tratamente<br />

Termice, Tratamente Termochimice, Deformare Plastică, Analiza și caracterizarea materialelor.<br />

Specializat în domeniul aluminiului și aliajelor <strong>de</strong> aluminiu, a aliajelor <strong>de</strong> titan, a supraconductoarelor<br />

și straturilor subțiri tip barieră termică <strong>de</strong>puse pe suport <strong>de</strong> Cu.<br />

Competenţe şi aptitudini <strong>de</strong> utilizare<br />

a calculatorului<br />

Competenţe şi aptitudini artistice -<br />

Aptitudini în Windows, Word, Excel, PowerPoint și Adobe<br />

Alte competenţe şi aptitudini EXPERT EVALUATOR NATIONAL în cadrul Programului "CNCSIS- PROGRAMUL NATIONAL PN II<br />

PARTENERIATE" din anul 2007<br />

Permis(e) <strong>de</strong> conducere Permis <strong>de</strong> conducere categoria B, din anul 1983.<br />

Informaţii suplimentare Membru al organizațiilor SRM din 1992, ASM International din 1993 și HTS-ASM International din<br />

1995.<br />

Am primit un CERTIFICAT DE APPRECIERE eliberat <strong>de</strong> comitetul "Non-ferrous Committee" al<br />

societății inginerilor "SOCIETY OF AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERS INC." din SUA în 2002 cu ocazia<br />

participarii și prezentării unor lucrări la congresul SAE World Congress 2002, Detroit, USA.<br />

Anexe Lista <strong>de</strong> lucrări.

Proiecte <strong>de</strong> cercetare:<br />

Pagina / - <strong>Curriculum</strong> <strong>vitae</strong> al<br />

Nume Prenume<br />


Lector univ. Dr.Ing. VASILESCU MARIUS<br />

Denumire proiect Manager/Participant De la – pana la<br />

BANCA MONDIALA, Aliaje <strong>de</strong> Al-Li <strong>de</strong>stinate industriei<br />

aeronautice, proiect CNCSIS BANCA MONDIALA<br />

RUNDA IV, tip T cod 104.<br />

GRANT ANSTI, Obtinerea <strong>si</strong> caracterizarea aliajelor<br />

superusoare pe baza <strong>de</strong> aluminiu utilizate in industria<br />

aerospatiala, GRANT ANSTI, Contract nr. 6111/2000 B29.<br />

Manager 1999 - 2001<br />

Manager 2000 - 2001<br />

ORIZONT 2000 Participant 1997 - 2001<br />

GRANT ANSTI, contract nr. 6111/2000 B32, Studii <strong>si</strong><br />

cercetari experimentale privind <strong>de</strong>formabilitatea unor noi<br />

aliaje <strong>de</strong> aluminiu folo<strong>si</strong>te in aeronautica.<br />

GRANT CNCSIS, Obtinerea <strong>de</strong> noi materiale<br />

supraconductoare <strong>de</strong> tip YBa CuO, GRANT CNCSIS cod<br />

170.<br />

CONTRACT CEEX, contract AMCSIT nr. 268/12.09.2006,<br />

Tehnologii integrate in ve<strong>de</strong>rea obtinerii structurilor multistrat,<br />

pe suport <strong>de</strong> Cu, rezistente la temperaturi inalte, eroziune <strong>si</strong><br />

contact cu metal lichid, cu <strong>de</strong>stinatie speciala.<br />

CONTRACT CEEX, contract RENAR nr. 281/2006,<br />

Dezvoltarea <strong>si</strong> acreditarea laboratorului <strong>de</strong> analize ecologice <strong>si</strong><br />

metalurgice privind stabilirea <strong>si</strong> limitarea nivelului factorilor <strong>de</strong><br />

poluare a mediului in sectoarele metalurgice <strong>si</strong> conexe<br />

CONTRACT CEEX, contract AMCSIT nr. 287/2006,<br />

Tehnologii avansate <strong>de</strong> mediu pentru reducerea poluarii<br />

rezultate din <strong>de</strong>versarea efluentilor specifici industriei<br />

energetice, utilizand materiale carbonice active cu precursori<br />

indigeni ieftini – CARBPOL.<br />

CONTRACT CEEX, contract RENAR nr. 2673/2006,<br />

Laborator <strong>de</strong> evaluare a conformitatii materialelor <strong>si</strong><br />

produselor prin incercari spectrochimice <strong>de</strong> emi<strong>si</strong>e in UV-VIZ<br />

(OES) <strong>si</strong> fluorescenta a radiatiilor X (XRF) –LECOMP-<br />

SPECTRO.<br />

CONTRACT PNII-PARTENERIATE nr. 71-080/2007,<br />

Materiale multifunctionale cu efect bioactiv <strong>de</strong>stinate<br />

implantologiei –MULTIBIOMAT.<br />

Participant 2000 - 2001<br />

Manager 2003 – 2005<br />

Participant 2006-2008<br />

Manager 2006-2008<br />

Economic Manager 2006-2008<br />

Participant 2006-2008<br />

Participant 2007-2010<br />

Contract PNII PARTENERIATE nr. 71-059/2007, Tehnologii Participant 2007-2010<br />

Pentru mai multe informaţii <strong>de</strong>spre <strong>Europass</strong> accesaţi pagina: http://europass.ce<strong>de</strong>fop.europa.eu<br />

© Comunităţile Europene, 2003 20060628

inovative <strong>de</strong> realizare a unor produse din aliaje tip permalloy<br />

competitive la export – PERMATECH.<br />

CONTRACT PNII-INOVARE nr. 115/2007, Tehnologii<br />

integrate pentru realizarea unor materiale biocompatibile<br />

complexe –BIOCOMPLEXMAT.<br />

Publicatii: 5 carti, 2 indrumare laborator, 36 articole ISI/BDI<br />

Carti: 5<br />

Pagina / - <strong>Curriculum</strong> <strong>vitae</strong> al<br />

Nume Prenume<br />

Participant 2007-2010<br />

1. M. Dobrescu, M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Ecomateriale și ecoproduse. Definiții. Noțiuni. Aplicații, Editura Științifică F.M.R., ISBN 978-973-8151-52-9, 63 pg.,<br />

București, 2010.<br />

2. M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, M. Dobrescu, Tratamente termice aplicate aliajelor pe bază <strong>de</strong> aluminiu, Editura Politehnica Press, ISBN 978-606-515-018-8, 102<br />

pg., Bucureşti, 2009.<br />

3. M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Cl. Dumitrescu–Herwartz, I. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Aliaje pe bază <strong>de</strong> Al-Li <strong>de</strong>stinate construcţiilor aerospaţiale, Editura Printech, ISBN 973-718-<br />

265-0, 377 pg., Bucureşti, 2005.<br />

4. M. Dobrescu, M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Selectia resurselor umane in domeniul stiintei materialelor - Note <strong>de</strong> curs, Editura Printech, , ISBN 973-718-208-1,<br />

102 pg., Bucureşti, 2005.<br />

5. M. Dobrescu, C. Dumitrescu, M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Titan şi aliaje <strong>de</strong> titan – Modificări <strong>de</strong> structură şi <strong>de</strong> proprietăţi în cursul prelucrărilor<br />

termice, Editura Printech, ISBN 973-652-250-4, 188 pg., Bucureşti, 2000.<br />

Indrumare <strong>de</strong> laborator: 2<br />

1. M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, G.Gherghisor, I. Gherghescu, s.a., Indrumar <strong>de</strong> laborator pentru tratamente termice,<br />

Editura Politehnica Press, ISBN 978-606-515-057-7, 235 pg., Bucureşti, 2009.<br />

2. M. Dobrescu, M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Selectia resurselor umane in domeniul stiintei materialelor - Seminar, Editura<br />

Printech, ISBN 973-718-208-1, 51 pg., Bucureşti, 2005.<br />

Articole ISI/ BDI: 36<br />

1. M.Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, M. Dobrescu, Studies on the structure and properties of some magnetic materials, Metalurgia International, vol XVI (2011) no. 4,<br />

ISSN 1582-2214, pp. 31-34, 2011, cotata ISI, in<strong>de</strong>xata in Thompson Scientific Master Journal List, Science Citation In<strong>de</strong>x Expan<strong>de</strong>d, Journal<br />

Citation Reports/Science Edition, SCOPUS.<br />

2. M. Dobrescu, S. Dimitriu, M.Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Studies on Ti-Al-Fe low-cost titanium alloys manufacturing, proces<strong>si</strong>ng and applications,<br />

Metalurgia International, vol XVI (2011) no. 4, ISSN 1582-2214, pp. 73-76, 2011, cotata ISI, in<strong>de</strong>xata in Thompson Scientific Master Journal<br />

List, Science Citation In<strong>de</strong>x Expan<strong>de</strong>d, Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, SCOPUS.<br />

3. M.Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, M. Dobrescu, Titanium and titanium alloys as biomaterials. Properties, proces<strong>si</strong>ng and <strong>de</strong>ntal applications, Metalurgia<br />

International, vol XV (2010) no. 11, ISSN 1582-2214, pp. 69-73, 2010, cotata ISI, in<strong>de</strong>xata in Thompson Scientific Master Journal List,<br />

Science Citation In<strong>de</strong>x Expan<strong>de</strong>d, Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, SCOPUS.<br />

Pentru mai multe informaţii <strong>de</strong>spre <strong>Europass</strong> accesaţi pagina: http://europass.ce<strong>de</strong>fop.europa.eu<br />

© Comunităţile Europene, 2003 20060628

4. M.Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Mechanism of solidification structure refinement of some aluminium based alloys, Metalurgia International, vol XV (2010) no. 10,<br />

ISSN 1582-2214, pp. 60-67, 2010, cotata ISI, in<strong>de</strong>xata in Thompson Scientific Master Journal List, Science Citation In<strong>de</strong>x Expan<strong>de</strong>d, Journal<br />

Citation Reports/Science Edition, SCOPUS.<br />

5. M.Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, M. Dobrescu, Methods of enhancing fatigue re<strong>si</strong>stance of titanium alloys for aerospace, Metalurgia International, vol XV<br />

(2010) no. 10, ISSN 1582-2214, pp. 68-71, 2010, cotata ISI, in<strong>de</strong>xata in Thompson Scientific Master Journal List, Science Citation In<strong>de</strong>x<br />

Expan<strong>de</strong>d, Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, SCOPUS.<br />

6. M.Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, M. Dobrescu, Hydrogen and oxygen influence in titanium and titanium alloys as both alloying and contamination<br />

element, Metalurgia International, vol XV (2010) no. 8, ISSN 1582-2214, pp. 19-23, 2010, cotata ISI, in<strong>de</strong>xata in Thompson Scientific Master<br />

Journal List, Science Citation In<strong>de</strong>x Expan<strong>de</strong>d, Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, SCOPUS.<br />

7. M. Dobrescu, M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, I. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, EN norms for foundry aluminium alloys, The Scientific Bulletin of VALAHIA Univer<strong>si</strong>ty<br />

MATERIALS and MECHANICS, No. 5(8), ISSN 1844-1076, pp. 50-52, 2010, cotata B, http://f<strong>si</strong>m.valahia.ro/sbmm.html.<br />

8. M.Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, G. Alecu, Progress in manufacturing and characterization MgB 2 superconducting wires, Metalurgia International, vol XV<br />

(2010) no. 3, ISSN 1582-2214, pp. 9-12, 2010, cotata ISI, in<strong>de</strong>xata in Thompson Scientific Master Journal List, Science Citation In<strong>de</strong>x Expan<strong>de</strong>d,<br />

Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, SCOPUS.<br />

9. M. Dobrescu, M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, The influence of heat treatments on the properties of P/M Cu-Ag alloys, Special<br />

Issue Journal Materials Science Forum, edited by Trans. Tech. Publications Ltd. Switzerland-UK-USA, 2009,<br />

ISSN 0255-5476, cotata ISI, in<strong>de</strong>xata in ISI web of Science – Conference Proceedings Citation In<strong>de</strong>x-Science,<br />

in curs <strong>de</strong> publicare.<br />

10. M.Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, R. Paunescu, I. Gherghescu, Quantitative analy<strong>si</strong>s of some layers <strong>de</strong>po<strong>si</strong>ted on copper support, Metalurgia, Nr.11 (2009), ISSN<br />

0461-9579, pp. 5-9, 2009, in<strong>de</strong>xata in BDI EBSCO, http://ebscohost.com/titleList/ii-coverage.pdf.<br />

11. M.Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Elaboration and casting of some Al-Li based alloys used in aerospace industry, Metalurgia International, vol XIV (2009)<br />

no. 8, ISSN 1582-2214, pp. 19-22, 2009, cotata ISI, in<strong>de</strong>xata in Thompson Scientific Master Journal List, Science Citation In<strong>de</strong>x Expan<strong>de</strong>d, Journal<br />

Citation Reports/Science Edition, SCOPUS.<br />

12. S. Dimitriu, M. Dobrescu, M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Titanium and Titanium-Based Alloys Properties for Aerospace, Metalurgia International, vol<br />

XIV (2009) Special Issue no. 7, ISSN 1582-2214, pp. 14-18, 2009, cotata ISI, in<strong>de</strong>xata in Thompson Scientific Master Journal List, Science<br />

Citation In<strong>de</strong>x Expan<strong>de</strong>d, Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, SCOPUS.<br />

13. M.Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, R. Paunescu, I. Gherghescu, S. Ciuca, Comparative evaluation of ceramic and metallic thermal barrier layers , Metalurgia<br />

International, vol XIV (2009) no. 7, ISSN 1582-2214, pp. 27-28, 2009, cotata ISI, in<strong>de</strong>xata in Thompson Scientific Master Journal List, Science<br />

Citation In<strong>de</strong>x Expan<strong>de</strong>d, Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, SCOPUS.<br />

14. M.Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Analyse of cold plastic <strong>de</strong>formation of 2090 alloy, Metalurgia International, vol XIV (2009) no. 5, ISSN 1582-2214, pp. 66-71,<br />

2009, cotata ISI, in<strong>de</strong>xata in Thompson Scientific Master Journal List, Science Citation In<strong>de</strong>x Expan<strong>de</strong>d, Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition,<br />

SCOPUS.<br />

15. M. Dobrescu, M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, S. Dimitriu, Magne<strong>si</strong>um and Magne<strong>si</strong>um Alloys Properties and the Effect of Intermetallic Compounds on the<br />

Properties, Metalurgia International, vol XIV (2009) Special Issue no. 3, ISSN 1582-2214, pp. 109-112, 2009, cotata ISI, in<strong>de</strong>xata in Thompson<br />

Scientific Master Journal List, Science Citation In<strong>de</strong>x Expan<strong>de</strong>d, Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, SCOPUS.<br />

16. M.Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, I.Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Studies and researches about the heat treatment parameters for 2090 alloy , Metalurgia International, vol XIV<br />

(2009) no. 2, ISSN 1582-2214, pp. 14-17, 2009, cotata ISI, in<strong>de</strong>xata in Thompson Scientific Master Journal List, Science Citation In<strong>de</strong>x Expan<strong>de</strong>d,<br />

Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, SCOPUS.<br />

17. R. Paunescu, I. Gherghescu, M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Testing of metallic coatings <strong>de</strong>po<strong>si</strong>ted by vacuum electric welding for thermal barrier layers<br />

applications, Metalurgia, Nr.1 (2009), ISSN 0461-9579, pp. 25-28, 2009, in<strong>de</strong>xata in BDI EBSCO, http://ebscohost.com/titleList/ii-coverage.pdf.<br />

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18. I. Gherghescu, R. Paunescu, M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Structural aspects revealed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of some complex cobalt and<br />

nickel based alloys <strong>de</strong>po<strong>si</strong>ted on copper support by WIG technique, Metalurgia, Nr.1 (2009), ISSN 0461-9579, pp. 29-36, 2009, in<strong>de</strong>xata in BDI<br />

EBSCO, http://ebscohost.com/titleList/ii-coverage.pdf.<br />

19. M.Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, I.Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Contributions Regarding the Corro<strong>si</strong>on Behaviour of Some Al-Cu-Mg Superalloys, Revista <strong>de</strong> Chimie, vol<br />

60 (1), ISSN 0034-7752, pp. 23-29, 2009, cotata ISI, in<strong>de</strong>xata <strong>de</strong> ISI <strong>si</strong> Chemistry Citation In<strong>de</strong>x.<br />

20. G. Cosmeleata, I. Gherghescu, R. Paunescu, M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Influence of thermal barrier type ceramic layer’s chemical compo<strong>si</strong>tion and quick<br />

thermal schock on their poro<strong>si</strong>ty and adherence, Metalurgia International, vol XIII (2008) Special Issue no. 3, ISSN 1582-2214, pp. 73-75, 2008,<br />

cotata ISI, in<strong>de</strong>xata in Thompson Scientific Master Journal List, Science Citation In<strong>de</strong>x Expan<strong>de</strong>d, Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition,<br />

SCOPUS.<br />

21. M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, I.Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, The influence of Ti additions in Al-Li base alloys, Aluminium Alloys – Their Phy<strong>si</strong>cal and Mechanical<br />

Properties, vol 1, ISBN 978-3-527-32367-8, pp. 896-900, WILEY-VCH, Germany, 2008, in<strong>de</strong>xata in British Library Cataloguing -in-<br />

Publication Data, Die Deutche Bibliothek, Deutsche Nationalbibliografie.<br />

22. M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, L. Alecu, The evolution of high Tc superconductor materials used in electrotechnics, Univer<strong>si</strong>tatea Politehnica Bucuresti, Buletin<br />

Stiintific Seria B: Chimie <strong>si</strong> Stiinta Materialelor, vol 70, nr. 1/ 2008, Editura POLITEHNICA PRESS, ISSN 1454-2331, pp. 73-79, 2008, in<strong>de</strong>xata in<br />

BDI SCOPUS, http://info.scopus.com/<strong>de</strong>tail/what/.<br />

23. A. Banu, M. Marcu, C. Pirvu, M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Electrodissolution studies of three aluminum alloys in acid neutral and alkaline solutions, Revue<br />

Roumaine <strong>de</strong> Chimie, vol 51 (3), ISSN 0035-3930, pp. 193-198, 2006, cotata ISI, in<strong>de</strong>xata in WEB OF SCIENCE.<br />

24. I. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, The behavior at cold plastic <strong>de</strong>formation of Al-Li base alloys used in aeronautical constructions, SAE 2002<br />

Transactions - Journal of Materials and Manufacturing, ISBN 0-7680-1289-9, pp. 832-839, published by Society of Automotive Engineers, SUA,<br />

September 2003, in<strong>de</strong>xata in SAE GLOBAL MOBILITY DATABASE, -WORLD WIDE WEB- The most authoritative source of vehicle technology<br />

information.<br />

25. T.Va<strong>si</strong>le, M.Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Important modifications of structures and properties of WC-Ti-Co alloys through (Ta, Nb)C additions, SAE 2002 World<br />

Congress, Detroit, SUA, SAE TECHNICAL PAPER SERIES 2002-01-1265, ISSN 0148-7191, published by Society of Automotive Engineers, SUA,<br />

2002, in<strong>de</strong>xata in SAE GLOBAL MOBILITY DATABASE, -WORLD WIDE WEB- The most authoritative source of vehicle technology information.<br />

26. T. Va<strong>si</strong>le, M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, The influence of Cr3C2 carbi<strong>de</strong>s on clas<strong>si</strong>c hard alloys performances, SAE 2002 World Congress, Detroit, SUA, SAE<br />

TECHNICAL PAPER SERIES 2002-01-1266, ISSN 0148-7191, published by Society of Automotive Engineers, SUA, 2002, in<strong>de</strong>xata in SAE<br />

GLOBAL MOBILITY DATABASE, -WORLD WIDE WEB- The most authoritative source of vehicle technology information.<br />

27. M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, C. Sfat, T. Va<strong>si</strong>le, Con<strong>si</strong><strong>de</strong>rations about the aluminium disper<strong>si</strong>on strengthened alloy, SAE 2002 World Congress, Detroit, SUA,<br />

paper 2002-01-0390, Light Metals for the Automotive Industry, SAE SP-1683, ISBN 0-7680-0951-0, pp.109-112, published by Society of<br />

Automotive Engineers, SUA, 2002, in<strong>de</strong>xata in SAE GLOBAL MOBILITY DATABASE, -WORLD WIDE WEB- The most authoritative source of<br />

vehicle technology information.<br />

28. M.Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, I.Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, The structure and mechanical properties of the Al-Li base alloys with Ti additions, IBEC-SAE 2002 World<br />

Congress, Paris, France, IBEC-SAE TECHNICAL PAPER paper 02IBECB-29, published by Society of Automotive Engineers, SUA, 2002, in<strong>de</strong>xata<br />

in SAE GLOBAL MOBILITY DATABASE, -WORLD WIDE WEB- The most authoritative source of vehicle technology information.<br />

29. I. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, The behaviour at cold plastic <strong>de</strong>formation of Al-Li base alloys used in aeronautical constructions, IBEC-<br />

SAE 2002 World Congress, Paris, France, IBEC-SAE TECHNICAL PAPER paper 02IBECB-34, published by Society of Automotive Engineers,<br />

SUA, 2002, in<strong>de</strong>xata in SAE GLOBAL MOBILITY DATABASE, -WORLD WIDE WEB- The most authoritative source of vehicle technology<br />

information.<br />

30. M.Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, C.Dumitrescu, I.Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, C.H.Dumitrescu, The influence of Ti additions microstructure of 2090 alloys used in<br />

aeronautical constructions, 2001 ATT Congress & Exhibition, Barcelona, Spain, paper 2001-01-3378, ATTCE 2001 Proceedings, Volume 4:<br />

Materials, SAE P-370, ISBN 0-7680-0863-8, pp.213-216, published by Society of Automotive Engineers, SUA, 2001, in<strong>de</strong>xata in SAE GLOBAL<br />

MOBILITY DATABASE, -WORLD WIDE WEB- The most authoritative source of vehicle technology information.<br />

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31. I. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, The behavior of the 2090 alloy at plastic <strong>de</strong>formation through dynamics cold upsetting , 2001 ATT<br />

Congress & Exhibition, Barcelona, Spain, paper 2001-01-3215, ATTCE 2001 Proceedings Volume 4: Materials, SAE P-370, ISBN 0-7680-0863-<br />

8, pp.69-72, published by Society of Automotive Engineers, SUA, 2001, in<strong>de</strong>xata in SAE GLOBAL MOBILITY DATABASE, -WORLD WIDE WEB-<br />

The most authoritative source of vehicle technology information.<br />

32. M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Gh. Jula, I. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Con<strong>si</strong><strong>de</strong>rations about the plastic <strong>de</strong>formation through warm extru<strong>si</strong>on of Al-Li based alloy of 2090 type,<br />

Proceedings of the 1996 5th International Conference, ICAA5. Part 1 (of 3), Materials Science Forum, volume<br />

217-222, Issue n pt 1, Aluminium Alloys - Their Phy<strong>si</strong>cal and Mechanical Properties, pp. 415-420, ISSN 0255-5476,<br />

Grenoble, Franta, 1-5 July, 1996, cotata ISI, INDEXAT COMPENDEX SI INSPEC.<br />

33. D. Raducanu, M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Structure memory effect in monophasyc BCC alloys, volumul Congresului “Eighth CIMTEC – World Ceramics<br />

Congress and Forum on New Materials“,Florenta, Italia, 28 June-4 July, 1994, ISBN 88-86538-09-X, pg. 81, published by TECHNA, Faenza , Italy, 1995,<br />


34. M. Dobrescu, S. Dimitriu, M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Titanium and titanium-based alloys for aerospace, Univer<strong>si</strong>tatea Tehnica Gheorghe Asachi din<br />

Ia<strong>si</strong>, Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Ia<strong>si</strong>, Tomul LV (LIX), fasc. 1, 2009, Sectia Stiinta <strong>si</strong> Ingineria Materialelor, ISSN 1453-1690, pp. 207-<br />

213, 2009.<br />

35. C. Dumitrescu, M. Dobrescu, M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Advanced materials for advanced industries. Mechanical engineering of titanium alloys,<br />

Univer<strong>si</strong>tatea Tehnica Gheorghe Asachi din Ia<strong>si</strong>, Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Ia<strong>si</strong>, Tomul LV (LIX), fasc. 1, 2009, Sectia Stiinta <strong>si</strong><br />

Ingineria Materialelor, ISSN 1453-1690, pp. 227-229, 2009.<br />

36. M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Obţinerea <strong>de</strong> noi materiale supraconductoare <strong>de</strong> tip YBaCuO – Raport <strong>de</strong> cercetare, Revista <strong>de</strong> Politica Stiintei <strong>si</strong><br />

Scientometrie – Numar Special 2005, Editura Mediamira, ISSN 1582-1218, pp.1-36, 2005.<br />

Articole la conferinte internationale: 56<br />

1. M. Dobrescu, S. Dimitriu, M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, I. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Researches on increa<strong>si</strong>ng fatigue life of titanium<br />

alloys for aircrafts, Proceedings of 42th International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy-IOC<br />

2010, Univer<strong>si</strong>ty of Belgra<strong>de</strong>, Technical Faculty in Bor and Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor, ISBN 978-<br />

86-80987-79-8, pp. 447-450, Kladovo, Serbia, 10-13 October, 2010.<br />

2. S. Dimitriu, M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, I. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, M. Dobrescu, Structure and mechanical properties of some Al-Li-Ti<br />

base alloys, Proceedings of 42th International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy-IOC 2010,<br />

Univer<strong>si</strong>ty of Belgra<strong>de</strong>, Technical Faculty in Bor and Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor, ISBN 978-86-<br />

80987-79-8, pp. 476-479, Kladovo, Serbia, 10-13 October, 2010.<br />

3. M. Dobrescu, M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, I. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Studies on plastic recycling with environmental compatibility,<br />

Proceedings of 5th International Simpo<strong>si</strong>um Recycling Technologie and Sustainable Development-4 th SRTOR<br />

2010, Univer<strong>si</strong>ty of Belgra<strong>de</strong>-Technical Faculty Bor, ISBN 978-86-80987-80-4, pp. 214-218, Kladovo, Serbia,<br />

12-15 September, 2010.<br />

4. M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, I. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, M. Dobrescu, Studies on the advantages and productive efficiency of the eco-<br />

products used in construction, Proceedings of 5th International Simpo<strong>si</strong>um Recycling Technologie and<br />

Sustainable Development-4 th SRTOR 2010, Univer<strong>si</strong>ty of Belgra<strong>de</strong>-Technical Faculty Bor, ISBN 978-86-<br />

80987-80-4, pp. 260-266, Kladovo, Serbia, 12-15 September, 2010.<br />

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5. M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, M. Dobrescu, I. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Plastic <strong>de</strong>formation and heat treatment effect on the properties of<br />

Cu-Ag alloys obtained by casting and pow<strong>de</strong>r metallurgy, Proceedings of PM 2010 World Congress, EPMA,<br />

Florence, Italy, 11-14 October, 2010.<br />

6. M. Dobrescu, M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, I. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Foundry aluminium alloys. Proces<strong>si</strong>ng. Clas<strong>si</strong>fication and EN<br />

norms, Proceedings of 4th International Conference – Proces<strong>si</strong>ng and Structure of Materials 2010, Univer<strong>si</strong>ty of<br />

Belgra<strong>de</strong>-cal Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, Palic, Serbia, 27-29 May, 2010.<br />

7. M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, M. Dobrescu, I. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, The effect of proces<strong>si</strong>ng and intermetallic compounds on the<br />

structure and properties of magne<strong>si</strong>um based alloys, Proceedings of European Simpo<strong>si</strong>um on Superalloys<br />

EuroSuperalloys 2010, Widbad Kreuth, Germany, 25-28 May, 2010.<br />

8. M. Dobrescu, S. Dimitriu, M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Studies concerning pollution control, waste recovery and materials<br />

recycling in ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy, Proceedings of 4th International Simpo<strong>si</strong>um Recycling<br />

Technologie and Sustainable Development-4 th SRTOR 2009, Univer<strong>si</strong>ty of Belgra<strong>de</strong>-Technical Faculty Bor,<br />

Kladovo, Serbia, 3-6 November, 2009.<br />

9. M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, M. Dobrescu, Obtaining and characteri<strong>si</strong>ng of some Al-Li based alloys used in aerospace<br />

industry, Proceedings of 41th International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy-IOCCM 2009,<br />

Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor, ISBN 978-86-7827-033-8, pp. 785-792, Kladovo, Serbia, 4-6 October,<br />

2009.<br />

10. S. Dimitriu, M. Dobrescu, M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Titanium and titanium alloys: Mechanical engineering and testing<br />

methods for aeronautics, Proceedings of 41th International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy-<br />

IOCCM 2009, Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor, ISBN 978-86-7827-033-8, pp. 781-784, Kladovo, Serbia,<br />

4-6 October, 2009.<br />

11. M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, I. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, A. Cojocaru, T. Visan, The study by gravimetric method and pitting test on<br />

corro<strong>si</strong>on behavior of some Al-Cu-Mg superalloys, Proceedings of International Conference on Corro<strong>si</strong>on and<br />

Mo<strong>de</strong>rn Technologies in the Military, Bucharest, November 5-8, 2008.<br />

12. T. Va<strong>si</strong>le, M.Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, C. Patic, Obtaining and Characteri<strong>si</strong>ng of TiC-Mo2C Complex Carbi<strong>de</strong>s,<br />

Proceedings of International Conference EURO PM2008, vol 2 Pow<strong>de</strong>r Manufacturing and Proces<strong>si</strong>ng; Pow<strong>de</strong>r<br />

Injection Moulding; Miniaturization & Nanotechnology; PM Lightweight & Porous Materials, Mannheim,<br />

Germany, 29 Sept.-1 Oct, 2008.<br />

13. T. Va<strong>si</strong>le, M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, C. Patic, A. Purcarea, Obtaining and Characteri<strong>si</strong>ng of Carbi<strong>de</strong>s WC-Co and WC-<br />

C3Cr-Co, Proceedings of International Conference EURO PM2008, vol 2 Pow<strong>de</strong>r Manufacturing and<br />

Proces<strong>si</strong>ng; Pow<strong>de</strong>r Injection Moulding; Miniaturization & Nanotechnology; PM Lightweight & Porous<br />

Materials, Mannheim, Germany, 29 Sept.-1 Oct, 2008.<br />

14. G. Cosmeleata, I. Gherghescu, V. Manoliu, C. Lungu, R. Paunescu, I. Ivan, M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Gh. Gherghisor,<br />

S. Ciuca, Influenta compozitiei chimice a straturilor ceramice tip bariera termica <strong>si</strong> a socului termic asupra<br />

porozitatii <strong>si</strong> a<strong>de</strong>rentei acestora, Proceedings of National Conference of Metallurgy and Materials Science -<br />

ROMAT 2008, Editura Printech, ISBN 978-606-521-077-6, pp.59-58, Bucharest, 25-26 Sept., 2008.<br />

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15. G. Cosmeleata, I. Gherghescu, V. Manoliu, C. Lungu, R. Paunescu, S. Ciuca, I. Ivan, M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Gh.<br />

Gherghisor, Influence of thermal barrier type ceramic layer’s chemical compo<strong>si</strong>tion on their poro<strong>si</strong>ty and<br />

adherence, Vol III, Proceedings of Conference Excellence Research – A way to innovation-, Editura Tehnica,<br />

ISSN 1844-7090, Brasov, 27-29.07.2008.<br />

16. T. Va<strong>si</strong>le, M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, C. Patic, M. Popescu, About the Nature of Particularites Covering the surface of<br />

Thin Film Obtained by Reactive Pulsed Laser Depo<strong>si</strong>tion, Proceedings of International Simpo<strong>si</strong>on on Friction,<br />

Wear and Wear Protection, Aachen, Germany, 9-11.04.2008.<br />

17. T. Va<strong>si</strong>le, M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, C. Patic, M. Popescu, Carbon Nitri<strong>de</strong> Films Depo<strong>si</strong>ted by Reactive Laser Ablation,<br />

Proceedings of International Simpo<strong>si</strong>on on Friction, Wear and Wear Protection, Aachen, Germany, 9-<br />

11.04.2008.<br />

18. M.Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, T. Va<strong>si</strong>le, S. Ciuca, I. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, C. Patic, Con<strong>si</strong><strong>de</strong>ration about the obtaining of TiC-Mo2C<br />

complex carbi<strong>de</strong>, Proceedings of International Conference EURO PM2007, paper 02HM1P, Toulouse, France,<br />

15-17 Oct. 2007.<br />

19. M.Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, I. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, C. Herwartz Dumitrescu, Characterisation of the 2090 alloys with Ti additions,<br />

Proceedings of 2nd International Conference "on Experiments/Process/System Mo<strong>de</strong>lling/Simulation &<br />

Optimization" - 2nd IC-EpsMsO, Athens, Greece, 4 – 7 Iulie 2007.<br />

20. M.Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, I. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, C. Herwartz Dumitrescu, Characterisation of the 2090 alloys with Ti additions,<br />

Proceedings of International Conference on Aluminium, paper 60, Essen, Germany, 21-22 Sept., 2006.<br />

21. M.Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, L.Alecu, I.Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Studies and research about high critical temperature oxi<strong>de</strong> superconductor alloys of YBaCuO type,<br />

Proceedings of JUNIOR EUROMAT 2006 Lausanne, Topic B-Magnetic Properties, Superconductivity, Electronic Materials, paper 90- Internet, 2006.<br />

22. M.Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, L.Alecu, I.Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Studies and Research about the Evolution of Superconductor Materials,<br />

EUROMAT 2005, paper 674, Praga, Cehia, 4-8 Septembrie, 2005.<br />

23. T.Va<strong>si</strong>le, M.Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Con<strong>si</strong><strong>de</strong>rations about the obtaining of TiC-Mo2C complex carbi<strong>de</strong>, 16 th<br />

INTERNATIONAL PLANSEE Seminar 2005, PLANSEE 2005 Proceedings, Reutte, Austria, 30 Mai -03<br />

Iunie, 2005.<br />

24. M.Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, I.Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, The Cold Rolling of 2090 Aluminium-Lithium Alloys, Proceedings of 30 th EUROPEAN ROTORCRAFT FORUM, CD-<br />

ROM, Marseilles, 2004.<br />

25. M.Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, L.Alecu, I.Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Studies and research about the actual stady of superconductor materials, Proceedings of 30 th EUROPEAN<br />

ROTORCRAFT FORUM, CD-ROM, Marseilles, 2004.<br />

26. T.Va<strong>si</strong>le, M.Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, M.Grama, Tribologic behaviour of titanium alloys in presence of nitrogen from layer, Proceeding of Tribology Conference<br />

2004 and BioMedD’2004 Conference Proceedings Abstracts, Ed.Printech, ISBN 973-718-083-6, pg.21, Bucureşti, 2004.<br />

27. M.Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, L.Alecu, I.Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Investigation about new superconductor materials, Proceedings of JUNIOR EUROMAT 2004, Topic B-<br />

Magnetic Properties, Superconductivity, Electronic Materials- Internet, Lausanne, 2004.<br />

28. M.Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, L.Alecu, I.Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, The evolution of superconductor materials used in electrotechnics, Proceedings of 2 nd International<br />

Conference and Exibition on New Developments in Metallurgical Process Technology- Riva <strong>de</strong>l Garda, Published by Associazione Italiana di<br />

Metallurgia, ISBN 88-85298-51-6, pg.164, Milano, Italia, 2004.<br />

29. M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, I. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, T. Va<strong>si</strong>le, The precipitation of Al-Li based alloys, Proceedings of EUROMAT 2003, Lausanne, 1-5 Septembrie,<br />

2003.<br />

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30. T. Va<strong>si</strong>le, F. Hlavka*, M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, D. Goran, The forming of aluminium carbi<strong>de</strong>s through laser <strong>de</strong>po<strong>si</strong>t, Proceedings of EUROMAT 2003,<br />

Lausanne, 1-5 Septembrie, 2003.<br />

31. T. Va<strong>si</strong>le, M. Philipp Denier*, M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, M. Grama, Research about the behaviour of biocompatible materials (stainless steels 304L and<br />

316L, and Ti6Al4V alloy) at corro<strong>si</strong>on, Proceedings of EUROMAT 2003, Lausanne, 1-5 Septembrie, 2003.<br />

32. M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, M. Dobrescu, I. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, The Influence of Heat Treatments on Mechanical Properties of Titanium Alloys Previous<br />

Treated by Shot-Peening, Proceedings of International Conference Ti-2003, Hamburg, 2003.<br />

33. T. Va<strong>si</strong>le, M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, I. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Researches concerning the proces<strong>si</strong>ng of some titanium alloys obtained by pow<strong>de</strong>r metallurgy,<br />

Proceedings of International Conference Ti-2003, Hamburg, 2003.<br />

34. M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, I. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Structure and properties of some experimental Al-Li base alloys, EUROMAT 2001, EUROMAT 2001<br />

Proceedings - CD, pg.305, Rimini, Italia, 2001.<br />

35. I. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Al-Li alloy behaviour at <strong>de</strong>formation through dinamics cold upsetting, EUROMAT 2001, EUROMAT 2001<br />

Proceedings – CD, pg.6, Rimini, Italia, 2001.<br />

36. M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, C. Dumitrescu, I. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, C.H.Dumitrescu, The effect of Ti additions on the microstructure of Al-Li2-Cu2 alloys<br />

used in aeronautical constructions, EUROMAT 2001, EUROMAT 2001 Proceedings - CD, pg.91, Rimini, Italia, 2001.<br />

37. T. Va<strong>si</strong>le, M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Researches focused on structure of aluminium alloys processed by rapid solidification, used in automotive<br />

industry, 15 th INTERNATIONAL PLANSEE Seminar 2001, PLANSEE 2001 Proceedings, pg.83, Reutte, Austria, 2001.<br />

38. C.Dumitrescu, E.Cazimirovici, M.Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, C.H.Dumitrescu, I.Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Studies and researches of optical and electronical<br />

microscopy about some alloys of Al-Li2-Cu2-Tix, EDO Herbsttagung 2000 – EDO Herbsttagung 2000 Proceedings, pg.33, Univer<strong>si</strong>tat <strong>de</strong>s<br />

Saarlan<strong>de</strong>s, Saarbruken, Germany, 2000.<br />

39. C.Dumitrescu, E.Cazimirovici, M.Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, C.H.Dumitrescu, I.Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Studies and microstructural researches about the<br />

stregthening mechanism of Al-Li based alloys, EUROMET 2000 Proceedings – Special Edition of the Practical Metallography, ISBN 3-88355-<br />

296-8, pp.241-245, 13-15 Sept.2000, Saarbruken, Germany, publicat <strong>de</strong> WERKSTOFF-INFORMATIONSGESELLSCHAFT in 2001.<br />

40. I.Pencea, L.Angelescu, N.Preda, G.Tiriba, C.Trante, M.Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Analiza corelata a ten<strong>si</strong>unilor reziduale <strong>de</strong> ordinul II <strong>si</strong> a dimen<strong>si</strong>unii blocurilor<br />

in mozaic din aliajul Al-4Cu-Mg0,6-Mn supus <strong>de</strong>formarilor plastice, prin difractie cu raxe x, volumul Simpozionului International “TRADITII SI<br />


31 Octombrie, 1998.<br />

41. N.Ghiban, M.Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, I.Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, B.Ghiban, Stability of austenite in <strong>si</strong>licon stainless steels, volume of “CIMTEC’98 – 9 th INTERNATIONAL<br />


Italia, 14-19 Iunie, 1998.<br />

42. I. Pencea, M. Branzei, M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, F. Va<strong>si</strong>liu, X-ray diffraction investigation of the second or<strong>de</strong>r re<strong>si</strong>dual stress in marten<strong>si</strong>te steels due to<br />

mechanical proces<strong>si</strong>ng, volume of “5th International Conference on re<strong>si</strong>dual stresses-ICRS 5”, Linkoping, Suedia, 16-18 Iunie, 1997.<br />

43. I.Pencea, D. Bunea, D. Gheorghe, M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Stresses <strong>de</strong>pth profiles on carbonized steel, volume of “5th Internatinal Conference on re<strong>si</strong>dual<br />

stresses-ICRS 5”, 16-18 Iunie, 1997, Linkoping, Suedia.<br />

44. Butnariu, M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, V. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Research about the <strong>de</strong>crease of losses due to oxidation on remelting of some scrap of aluminum alloys,<br />

“TRAVAUX ICSOBA vol.24 (No 28) - 8th International Congress of ICSOBA”, ISBN 88-85298-26-5, pp. 145-148, Milan, Italia, 16-18 Aprilie, 1997, Edited<br />


45. M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, I. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Experimental research regarding the obtaining through casting of some aluminum based alloys used in aerospace<br />

industry, “TRAVAUX ICSOBA vol.24 (No 28) - 8th International Congress of ICSOBA”, ISBN 88-85298-26-5, pp. 520-527, Milan, Italia, 16-18 Aprilie,<br />


46. C. Dumitrescu, D. Bojin, R. Saban, D. Dragulin, M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Shallow cases thickness <strong>de</strong>termined u<strong>si</strong>ng the electron microprobe, volumul<br />

“Congresului International -ASM”, Ia<strong>si</strong>, Romania, Aprilie, 1997.<br />

47. Butnariu, M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, I. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Research about the use of pre-reduced materials in the charge of electric spring furnace, volumul<br />

Conferintei “International Conference Pre-Reduced Products and Europe”, Milan, Italia, 23-24 Sept., 1996.<br />

Pagina / - <strong>Curriculum</strong> <strong>vitae</strong> al<br />

Nume Prenume<br />

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48. M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, M. Branzei, C. Trante, An efficient method to remove the risers from the big moulds molten on high alloyed white cast iron with<br />

Cr, volumul Conferintei “METAL 96”, , Ostrava, Cehia, 14-16 May, 1996.<br />

49. C. Dumitrescu, D. Bojin, R. Saban, D. Bunea, M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Structure and properties of aluminium base alloys for aeronautics, volumul Conferintei<br />

“EURO MET 95 - European Metallographic Conference and Exhibition”, Friedrichshafen, Germania, 13-15 Sept., 1995.<br />

50. C. Gurgu, Gh. Jula, M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, A. Drujescu, A new reagent for the etching of brasses, volumul Conferintei “EURO MET 95 - European<br />

Metallographic Conference and Exhibition”, Friedrichshafen, Germania, 13-15 Sept., 1995.<br />

51. M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, I. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, The caracterization of the structure of light Al-Li cast alloys, in volume E of EUROMAT 95 -The 4 th European Conference<br />

on Advanced Materials and Processes”, ISBN 88-85298-22-2, pp. 495-498, Venice/Padua, Italia, 25-28 Sept., 1995, Edited by ASSOCIAZIONE<br />


52. M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, C. Dumitrescu, I. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, The metallographic preparation technique by electroly<strong>si</strong>s of Al-Li alloys, volume of “International<br />

Metallography Conference MC-95”, Colmar, Franta, 10-12 May, 1995.<br />

53. C. Dumitrescu, I. Chira, M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, I. Marginean, “Cast Al-Li alloys”, Buletinul Institutului Politehnic Ia<strong>si</strong> - “Primul Congres International <strong>de</strong> Stiinta <strong>si</strong><br />

Ingineria Materialelor”-ASM INTERNATIONAL, Tomul XL, Fasc. 1-2, Sectia IX, Ia<strong>si</strong>, Romania, 15-17 Noiembrie, 1994.<br />

54. M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, C. Dumitrescu, I. Pencea, I<strong>de</strong>ntifying the phases and compounds of Al-Li alloys, Buletinul Institutului Politehnic Ia<strong>si</strong> - “Primul Congres<br />

International <strong>de</strong> Stiinta <strong>si</strong> Ingineria Materialelor”-ASM INTERNATIONAL, Tomul XL, Fasc. 1-2, Sectia IX, pp. 187-194, Ia<strong>si</strong>, Romania, 15-17 Noiembrie,<br />

1994.<br />

55. G. Cosmeleata, M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, B. Ghiban, “Structure and properties of a har<strong>de</strong>ning precipitated marten<strong>si</strong>tic stainless steel microalloyed with<br />

Columbium”, in volume 2 of 1st European Stainless Steel Conference “Eight Cimtec Processes & Materials – Innovation Stainless Steel“, ISBN 88-<br />

85298-15-X, pp. 2.265-2.270, Florenta, Italia, 11-14 Oct., 1993, Edited by ASSOCIAZIONE ITALIANA DI METALURGIA.<br />

56. I. Butnariu, M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, C. Necsulescu, “The conduct of the manufacture and the refinement processes of the stainless steel and the heat-<br />

re<strong>si</strong>sting steel, by the duplex procedure (electrical furnace-VOD installation)”, in volume 2 of 1st European Stainless Steel Conference “Eight Cimtec<br />

Processes & Materials – Innovation Stainless Steel“, ISBN 88-85298-15-X, pp. 2.439-2.446, Florenta, Italia, 11-14 Oct., 1993, Edited by<br />


Articole la conferinte nationale: 16<br />

1. M. Dobrescu, M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Advanced Materials for Advanced Industries. Mechanical Engineering of<br />

Titanium Alloys, Buletinul Institutului Politehnic Iaşi TomulLV, Fasc. 1, ISSN 1453-1690.<br />

2. M. Dobrescu, S. Dimitriu, M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, The Importance of Titanium And Titanium-Based Alloys for<br />

Aerospace, Buletinul Institutului Politehnic Iaşi TomulLV, Fasc. 1, ISSN 1453-1690.<br />

3. M. Dobrescu, M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, The Influence of Heat Treatments on the Properties of P/M Cu-Ag Alloys,<br />

Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Pow<strong>de</strong>r Metallurgy RoPM 2009, Craiova, România.<br />

4. M. Dobrescu, C. Dumitrescu, M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Ecoproduse. Valoare.Criterii <strong>de</strong> evaluare. Impactul ecoproduselor asupra mediului, Simpozionul<br />

national GEPROPOL 2009 - Proceedings, ISSN 2066-5725, pp. 137-141, Ed. Printech, 12-13 Iunie, 2009.<br />

5. M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, I. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Cl. Hertwartz, A. Poinescu, Studii <strong>si</strong> cercetari experimentale privind modificarile structurale care apar in aliajele din<br />

<strong>si</strong>stemul Al-Li, in urma <strong>de</strong>formarilor plastice prin extrudare la cald, volumul REZUMATE “ a XXVIII-a Conferinta Nationala <strong>de</strong> Mecanica Soli<strong>de</strong>lor -<br />

Anuarul Univer<strong>si</strong>tatii Valahia din Targoviste”, ISBN 973-86834-3-2, pg. 46, Targoviste, 28-29 Mai, 2004.<br />

Pagina / - <strong>Curriculum</strong> <strong>vitae</strong> al<br />

Nume Prenume<br />

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© Comunităţile Europene, 2003 20060628

6. M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, I. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Cl. Hertwartz, A. Poinescu, Aliaje cu baza <strong>de</strong> aluminiu utilizate in constructiile aerospatiale, volumul REZUMATE “ a<br />

XXVIII-a Conferinta Nationala <strong>de</strong> Mecanica Soli<strong>de</strong>lor - Anuarul Univer<strong>si</strong>tatii Valahia din Targoviste”, ISBN 973-86834-3-2, pp. 46-47, Targoviste, 28-29<br />

Mai, 2004.<br />

7. G. Gherghisor, M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, V. Balaceanu, Cercetari privind executarea prin sudura electrica <strong>si</strong> tratament termic a unor piese turnate sau forjate,<br />

volumul Conferintei “VI th Romanian National Metallugical Conference – C.N.M. ’99 ”, Sectiunea B - Materiale Noi, lucrarea B 27, U.P.B., Bucuresti,<br />

Romania, 28-30 Septembrie, 1999.<br />

8. C. Dumitrescu, D. Bojin, M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, G. Gherghisor, Aspecte microfractografice caracteristice unor fonte albe inalt aliate <strong>si</strong> fonte cenu<strong>si</strong>i, volumul<br />

Conferintei “VI th Romanian National Metallugical Conference – C.N.M. ’99 ”, Sectiunea B - Materiale Noi, lucrarea B 29, U.P.B., Bucuresti, Romania, 28-<br />

30 Septembrie, 1999.<br />

9. C. Dumitrescu, M. Bane, T. Mitiu, M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Studii <strong>si</strong> cercetari experimentale privind modificarea structurii <strong>si</strong> proprietatilor aliajelor <strong>de</strong> aluminiu<br />

utilizate in constructiile aeronautice, volumul Conferintei “12-th National Heat Treating Conference”, Univer<strong>si</strong>tatea Petru Maior din Tg- Mures, Romania,<br />

23-25 Aprilie, 1997.<br />

10. M. Bane, M. Branzei, M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, C. Dumitrescu, Studii <strong>si</strong> cercetari experimentale asupra unor aliaje cu baza <strong>de</strong> aluminiu utilizate in electrotehnica,<br />

volumul “Anuarul Univer<strong>si</strong>tatii Valahia din Targoviste”, Targoviste, 1996.<br />

11. M. Bane, M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, C. Dumitrescu, Microalierea aliajelor cu baza <strong>de</strong> aluminiu cu proprietati speciale, volumul Conferintei “ATTR - A XIII-a<br />

Conferinta <strong>de</strong> Turnatorie”, Brasov, Romania, 22-24 Noiembrie, 1995.<br />

12. M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, C. Dumitrescu, I. Pencea, Studii <strong>si</strong> cercetari experimentale privind modificarile structurale care apar in aliajele din din <strong>si</strong>stemul Al-Li, in<br />

urma <strong>de</strong>formarilor plastice prin extrudare la cald, volumul “Se<strong>si</strong>unea Aniversara <strong>de</strong> comunicari stiintifice - Hunedoara”, Hunedoara, 12-13 Oct., 1995.<br />

13. Gh. Ionita, M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, M. Branzei, C. Dumitrescu, A. Fru<strong>si</strong>noiu, Studii <strong>si</strong> cercetari experimentale privind aliaje <strong>de</strong> Al utilizate in constructiile<br />

aeronautice, volumul “Anuarul Univer<strong>si</strong>tatii Valahia din Targoviste”, Targoviste, 1994.<br />

14. C. Dumitrescu, R. Saban, M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Gh. Jula, Aliaje mo<strong>de</strong>rne utilizate in constructiile aeronautice, volumul Simpozionului “Simpozionul<br />

National <strong>de</strong> Metalurgie“, Bucuresti, 12 Ianuarie, 1993.<br />

15. C. Dumitrescu, D. Bunea, D. Gheorghe, M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Studii <strong>si</strong> cercetari privind modificarile structurale care apar in timpul tratamentelor termice<br />

aplicate fontelor albe aliate cu crom rezistente la uzare, volumul Simpozionului “Simpozionul <strong>de</strong> toamna al Univer<strong>si</strong>tatii Pitesti“, Pitesti, 20-21 noe.,<br />

1992.<br />

16. D. Bunea, V. Toma, M. Branzei, M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Utilizarea analizei termice la explicarea unor mecanisme <strong>de</strong> reactie ce au loc la solidificare <strong>si</strong><br />

<strong>de</strong>terminarea unor puncte <strong>de</strong> transformare in stare solida ale fontelor albe inalt aliate cu crom, volumul Simpozionului “Simpozionul <strong>de</strong> toamna al<br />

Univer<strong>si</strong>tatii Pitesti“, Pitesti, 20-21 noe., 1992.<br />

Manager la proiect international <strong>de</strong> cercetare: 1<br />

1. M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Aliaje <strong>de</strong> Al-Li <strong>de</strong>stinate industriei aeronautice, project CNCSIS- WORLD BANK, ROUND<br />

IV, typ T, no. 104 (2000-2002).<br />

Manager la proiecte nationale <strong>de</strong> cercetare: 15<br />

1. M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu-manager and LAEM chief laborator, Dezvoltarea <strong>si</strong> acreditarea laboratorului <strong>de</strong> analize ecologice <strong>si</strong> metalurgice privind stabilirea <strong>si</strong><br />

limitarea nivelului factorilor <strong>de</strong> poluare a mediului in sectoarele metalurgice <strong>si</strong> conexe, CEEX, contract RENAR nr. 281/2006, 2006-2008.<br />

2. M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu- economical manager, Tehnologii avansate <strong>de</strong> mediu pentru reducerea poluarii rezultate din <strong>de</strong>versarea efluentilor specifici<br />

industriei energetice, utilizand materiale carbonice active cu precursori indigeni ieftini - CARBPOL, CEEX, contract AMCSIT nr. 287/2006, 2006-<br />

2008.<br />

3. M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu-manager, Obtinerea <strong>de</strong> noi materiale supraconductoare <strong>de</strong> tip YBa CuO, GRANT CNCSIS type A, cod CNCSIS 170, 2003-2005.<br />

Pagina / - <strong>Curriculum</strong> <strong>vitae</strong> al<br />

Nume Prenume<br />

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© Comunităţile Europene, 2003 20060628

4. M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu-manager, Obtinerea <strong>si</strong> caracterizarea aliajelor superusoare pe baza <strong>de</strong> aluminiu utilizate in industria aerospatiala, GRANT<br />

ANSTI, contract nr. 6111/2000 B29, 2000-2001.<br />

5. M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu-manager, Studii <strong>si</strong> cercetari privind obtinerea unor noi materiale supraconductoare, Faza 1, contract <strong>de</strong> cercetare UPB-MCT<br />

nr.836/1996 Act Ad.334/1999/II Tema B61, 1999 ; Experimentari in faza <strong>de</strong> laborator pentru obtinerea produselor supraconductoare, Faza 2, contract <strong>de</strong><br />

cercetare UPB-MCT nr.836/1996 Act Ad.122/I/2000 Tema A71, 2000.<br />

6. M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu-manager, Studii <strong>si</strong> cercetari privind anizotropia unor noi aliaje pe baza <strong>de</strong> Al-Li cu adaosuri <strong>de</strong> Ti pentru industria aerospatiala”,<br />

contract <strong>de</strong> cercetare UPB-MCT nr.836/1996 Act Ad.334/1999/II Tema A28, 1999.<br />

7. M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu-manager, Studii <strong>si</strong> cercetari privind obtinerea unor noi materiale supraconductoare, Faza 1, contract <strong>de</strong> cercetare UPB-MCT<br />

nr.836/1996 Act Ad.334/1999/II Tema B61, 1999 ; Experimentari in faza <strong>de</strong> laborator pentru obtinerea produselor supraconductoare, Faza 2, contract <strong>de</strong><br />

cercetare UPB-MCT nr.836/1996 Act Ad.122/I/2000 Tema A71, 2000.<br />

8. M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu- manager, Studii <strong>si</strong> cercetari privind anizotropia unor noi aliaje pe baza <strong>de</strong> Al-Li cu adaosuri <strong>de</strong> Ti pentru industria aerospatiala”,<br />

contract <strong>de</strong> cercetare UPB-MCT nr.836/1996 Act Ad.334/1999/II Tema A28, 1999.<br />

9. M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu- manager, Cercetari privind corelarea dintre <strong>de</strong>formarile plastice, caracteristicile mecanice <strong>si</strong> anizotropia orientarilor cristalitelor din<br />

aliajele usoare <strong>de</strong> tip Al-Li-Cu-Mg, Faza 1, contract <strong>de</strong> cercetare UPB-MCT nr. 836/Act Ad. 1109/II/1998 – A 57, 1998 ; Experimentari prin <strong>de</strong>formare<br />

plastica la rece a aliajelor usoare <strong>de</strong> tip Al-Li-Cu-Mg obtinute in faza pilot, <strong>de</strong>terminarea structurii <strong>si</strong> anizotropiei proprietatilor materialului. Realizarea unui<br />

program pentru <strong>de</strong>terminarea automata a functiei <strong>de</strong> distributie a orientarilor , <strong>si</strong> in aliaje usoare, Faza 2, contract <strong>de</strong> cercetare UPB-<br />

MCT nr. 836/Act Ad. 1109/II/1998 – A 57, 1999.<br />

10. M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu- manager, Studii <strong>si</strong> cercetari privind reducerea anizotropiei structurii <strong>si</strong> proprietatilor aliajului cu <strong>de</strong>n<strong>si</strong>tate mica marca 2090 prin<br />

metada aplicarii alternative a <strong>de</strong>formarii plastice <strong>si</strong> tratamentelor termice, contract <strong>de</strong> cercetare UPB-MCT nr. 836/Act Ad. 1543/VII – A 54, 1997; Studii <strong>si</strong><br />

cercetari privind anizotropia proprietatilor in aliaje <strong>de</strong>formate plastic cu <strong>de</strong>n<strong>si</strong>tate mica, Faza 2, contract <strong>de</strong> cercetare UPB-MCT nr. 836/Act Ad. 712 – A<br />

54, 1998.<br />

11. M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu- manager, Cercetari privind elaborarea <strong>si</strong> optimizarea meto<strong>de</strong>lor fotonice <strong>de</strong> caracterizare a straturilor subtiri, Faza 1, contract <strong>de</strong><br />

cercetare UPB-MCT nr. 836/Act Ad. 1 – B 13, 1996; Cercetari privind elaborarea <strong>si</strong> caracterizarea unor straturi subtiri metaloceramice cu proprietati<br />

electrice performante, Faza 2, contract <strong>de</strong> cercetare UPB-MCT nr. 836/Act Ad. 712 – A 20, 1997.<br />

12. M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu- manager, Studii <strong>si</strong> cercetari privind anizotropia proprietatilor in aliaje cu <strong>de</strong>n<strong>si</strong>tate mica avand <strong>de</strong>stinatie speciala, Faza 1, contract<br />

<strong>de</strong> cercetare UPB-MCT nr. 836/Act Ad. 1 – B 36, 1996; Studii <strong>si</strong> cercetari privind anizotropia proprietatilor in aliaje <strong>de</strong>formate plastic cu <strong>de</strong>n<strong>si</strong>tate mica,<br />

Faza 2, contract <strong>de</strong> cercetare UPB-MCT nr. 836/Act Ad. 712 – A 54, 1997.<br />

13. M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu- manager, Studii <strong>si</strong> cercetari privind obtinerea in faza pilot a semifabricatelor <strong>de</strong>formate plastic din aliaje cu baza <strong>de</strong> Al-Li, Faza 1,<br />

contract <strong>de</strong> cercetare UPB-MCT nr. 63 B, 1995; Determinarea principalelor puncte critice <strong>si</strong> studiul structurii <strong>si</strong> principalelor proprietati fizico-mecanice <strong>si</strong><br />

<strong>de</strong> plasticitate asupra semifabricatelor elaborate in faza pilot, Faza 2, contract <strong>de</strong> cercetare UPB-MCT nr. 621 – A 20, 1996; Studiul <strong>de</strong>formabilitatii, a<br />

structurii <strong>si</strong> proprietatilor semifabricatelor elaborate in faza pilot, Faza 3, contract <strong>de</strong> cercetare UPB-MCT nr. 621 – A 26, 1997.<br />

14. M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu- manager, Studii <strong>si</strong> cercetari experimentale in faza semiindustriala asupra aliajelor cu baza <strong>de</strong> Al-Li, Faza 1, contract <strong>de</strong> cercetare<br />

UPB-MCT nr. 525 B, 1994 ; Studii <strong>si</strong> cercetari privind compozitiile chimice optime, structura <strong>si</strong> proprietatile aliajelor elaborate in faza semiindustriala, Faza<br />

2, contract <strong>de</strong> cercetare UPB-MCT nr. 525 B, 1995.<br />

15. M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu- manager, Studii <strong>si</strong> cercetari privind aliaje speciale <strong>de</strong> aluminiu <strong>de</strong>stinate constructiilor aerospatiale, Faza 1, contract <strong>de</strong> cercetare<br />

UPB- MCT, nr.55-92-2, 1992 ; Elaborarea <strong>si</strong> prelucrarea in faza <strong>de</strong> laborator a unor aliaje reprezentative cu baza <strong>de</strong> Al-Li, Faza 2, contract <strong>de</strong> cercetare<br />

UPB-MCT nr. 1019 B/T-A7, 1993 ; Studii <strong>si</strong> cercetari privind structura metalografica <strong>si</strong> structura fina a aliajelor elaborate in faza I-a, Faza 3, contract <strong>de</strong><br />

cercetare UPB-MCT nr. 1019 B/T-A7, 1993.<br />

Responsabil <strong>de</strong> proiect: 16<br />

1. M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Tehnologii integrate pentru realizarea unor materiale biocompatibile complexe - BIOCOMPLEXMAT, contract INOVARE nr.<br />

115/2007, 2007-2010.<br />

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Nume Prenume<br />

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2. M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Materiale multifunctionale cu efect bioactiv <strong>de</strong>stinate implantologiei - MULTIBIOMAT, contract PN2 PARTENERIATE nr. 71-<br />

080/2007, 2007-2010.<br />

3. M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Tehnologii inovative <strong>de</strong> realizare a unor produse din aliaje tip permalloy competitive la export - PERMATECH, contract PN2<br />

PARTENERIATE nr. 71-059/2007, 2007-2010.<br />

4. M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Tehnologii integrate in ve<strong>de</strong>rea obtinerii structurilor multistrat, pe suport <strong>de</strong> Cu, rezistente la temperaturi inalte, eroziune <strong>si</strong> contact<br />

cu metal lichid, cu <strong>de</strong>stinatie speciala, CEEX, contract AMCSIT nr. 268/12.09.2006, 2006-2008.<br />

5. M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Laborator <strong>de</strong> evaluare a conformitatii materialelor <strong>si</strong> produselor prin incercari spectrochimice <strong>de</strong> emi<strong>si</strong>e in UV-VIZ (OES) <strong>si</strong><br />

fluorescenta a radiatiilor X (XRF) –LECOMP-SPECTRO, CEEX, contract RENAR nr. 2673/2006, 2006-2008.<br />

6. M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Studii <strong>si</strong> cercetari experimentale privind <strong>de</strong>formabilitatea unor noi aliaje <strong>de</strong> aluminiu folo<strong>si</strong>te in aeronautica , GRANT<br />

ANSTI, contract nr. 6111/2000 B32, 2000-2001.<br />

7. M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Studii <strong>si</strong> cercetari privind po<strong>si</strong>bilitatile <strong>de</strong> obtinere <strong>si</strong> caracterizare a unor noi materiale metalice superplastice pentru electrotehnica,<br />

contract <strong>de</strong> cercetare UPB-MCT nr.836/1996 Act Ad.334/1999/II Tema B 62, 1999.<br />

8. M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Cercetari privind <strong>de</strong>terminarea caracteristicilor structurale, tehnologice <strong>si</strong> <strong>de</strong> exploatare ale unor noi materiale magnetice dure cu energii<br />

mai mari <strong>de</strong> 400 KJ/m 3 , contract <strong>de</strong> cercetare UPB-MCT nr.836/1996 Act Ad.334/1999/II Tema A 59, 1999.<br />

9. M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Studii <strong>si</strong> cercetari privind obtinerea unor noi aliaje speciale”, contract <strong>de</strong> cercetare UPB-MCT nr.836/1996 Act Ad.334/1999/II Tema B3,<br />

1999.<br />

10. M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Studii <strong>si</strong> cercetari privind realizarea <strong>de</strong> etaloane spectrale <strong>de</strong>stinate analizelor chimice ale unor aliaje utilizate in electrotehnica, contract<br />

<strong>de</strong> cercetare UPB-MCT nr.836/1996 Act Ad.334/1999/II Tema B58, 1999.<br />

11. M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Studii <strong>si</strong> cercetari privind elaborarea <strong>si</strong> <strong>de</strong>formarea plastica <strong>si</strong> TT in faza semiindustriala a aliajelor Al-Li. Studii <strong>si</strong> cercetari privind<br />

structura <strong>si</strong> proprietatile aliajelor Al-Li realizate in faza semiindustriala, contract <strong>de</strong> cercetare UPB-MCT nr. 355, 1998.<br />

12. M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Studii <strong>si</strong> cercetari privind performantele aliajelor pe baza <strong>de</strong> Al <strong>si</strong> Ti pentru industria aeronautica, contract <strong>de</strong> cercetare UPB-MCT nr.<br />

355/ B 4, 1997.<br />

13. M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Studii <strong>si</strong> cercetari privind fundamentarea metalografica a mo<strong>de</strong>lelor matematice ale proceselor tehnologice <strong>de</strong> tratamente termice <strong>si</strong><br />

termochimice in ve<strong>de</strong>rea conducerii cu calculator, Faza 1, contract <strong>de</strong> cercetare UPB-MCT nr. 5001 C / B 181, 1993 ; Studiu teoretic privind tratarea<br />

<strong>si</strong>stemica a proceselor tehnologice <strong>de</strong> tratamente termice <strong>si</strong> termochimice cu <strong>de</strong>ducerea <strong>si</strong> i<strong>de</strong>ntificarea proceselor tehnologice apte pentru conducerea<br />

pe calculator, Faza 2, contract <strong>de</strong> cercetare UPB-MCT nr. 5001 C / B 181, 1993.<br />

14. M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Studii <strong>si</strong> cercetari cu privire la inten<strong>si</strong>ficarea procesului <strong>de</strong> schimb <strong>de</strong> masa <strong>si</strong> caldura prin utilizarea curgerii ciclonare a fazei gazoase<br />

in instalatii <strong>de</strong> incalzire metalurgice, contract <strong>de</strong> cercetare UPB-MCT nr. 1019 B/ A 10, 1993.<br />

15. M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Studii <strong>si</strong> cercetari experimentale asupra fontelor albe inalt aliate cu structura modificata <strong>si</strong> rezistente la uzura, contract <strong>de</strong> cercetare<br />

UPB-MCT, 1992.<br />

16. M. Va<strong>si</strong>lescu, Cercetari teoretice <strong>si</strong> experimentale privind stabilirea metodicii <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>terminare a capacitatii <strong>de</strong> aschiere prin gaurire a otelurilor <strong>de</strong><br />

scule rapi<strong>de</strong> , elaborate la C.O.S.Tirgoviste, contract <strong>de</strong> cercetare UPB-MCT nr. 55-91-1, 1991.<br />

26.03.2012<br />

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