Volum 2 - Cardiologie.ro

Volum 2 - Cardiologie.ro

Volum 2 - Cardiologie.ro


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T36.4 Tetracicline<br />

T36.5 Aminoglicozide<br />

T36.6 Rifamicine<br />

628<br />

MDC 21 Leziuni, otraviri si efecte toxice ale medicamentelor: definitii DRG<br />

T36.7 Antibiotice antifungice folosite in mod sistemic<br />

T36.8 Alte antibiotice sistemice<br />

T36.9 Antibiotice sistemice, nespecificate<br />

T37.0 Sulfonamide<br />

T37.1 Antimicobacteriene<br />

T37.2 Antipaludice si medicamente actionand contra<br />

altor p<strong>ro</strong>tozoare din sange<br />

T37.3 Alte medicamente antip<strong>ro</strong>tozoare<br />

T37.4 Antihelmintice<br />

T37.5 Medicamente antivirale<br />

T37.8 Alte antiinfectioase si antiparazitare sistemice,<br />

specificate<br />

T37.9 Antiinfectioase si antiparazitare sistemice,<br />

nespecificate<br />

T38.0 Glucocorticoide si analogi sintetici<br />

T38.1 Hormoni ti<strong>ro</strong>idieni si substitutele<br />

T38.2 Medicamente antiti<strong>ro</strong>idiene<br />

T38.3 Insulina si hipoglicemiante orale [antidiabetice]<br />

T38.4 Contraceptive orale<br />

T38.5 Alti est<strong>ro</strong>geni si p<strong>ro</strong>gestogeni<br />

T38.6 Antigonadot<strong>ro</strong>pine, antiest<strong>ro</strong>gene, antiand<strong>ro</strong>gene,<br />

neclasificate altundeva<br />

T38.7 And<strong>ro</strong>gene si congenere anabolice<br />

T38.8 Alti hormoni si nespecificati si substitutele lor<br />

sintetice, alte si fara precizare<br />

T38.9 Alti hormoni antagonisti si nespecificati<br />

T39.0 Salicilati<br />

T39.1 Intoxicatia prin derivate de 4-aminofenol<br />

T39.2 Derivati de pirazolon<br />

T39.3 Alte medicamente antiinflamatorii<br />

neste<strong>ro</strong>ide[NSAID]<br />

T39.4 Antireumatismale, neclasificate altundeva<br />

T39.8 Alte analgezice neopioide si antipiretice,<br />

neclasificate altundeva<br />

T39.9 Analgezice neopioide, antipiretice si<br />

antireumatismale, nespecificate<br />

T40.0 Opium<br />

T40.1 He<strong>ro</strong>ina<br />

T40.2 Alte opioide<br />

T40.3 Methadona<br />

T40.4 Alte narcotice sintetice<br />

T40.5 Cocaina<br />

T40.6 Alte narcotice si nespecificate<br />

T40.7 Cannabis (derivati)<br />

T40.8 Lysergide [L.S.D.]<br />

T40.9 Alte psiho disleptice [halucinogene] si<br />

nespecificate<br />

T41.0 Anestezice inhalate<br />

T41.1 Anestezice intravenoase<br />

T41.2 Alte anestezice generale si nespecificate<br />

T41.3 Anestezice locale<br />

T41.4 Anestezice, nespecificat<br />

T41.5 Gaze terapeutice<br />

T42.0 Derivatii hydantoinei<br />

T42.1 Iminostilbeni<br />

T42.2 Succinimide si oxazolidine-dione<br />

T42.3 Barbiturice<br />

T42.4 Benzodiazepine<br />

T42.5 Antiepileptice in asociere, neclaificate altundeva<br />

T42.6 Alte medicamente antiepileptice si sedativhipnotice<br />

T42.7 Medicamente antiepileptice si sedativ-hipnotice,<br />

nespecificate<br />

T42.8 Medicamente antiparkinsoniene si alte depresive<br />

centrale ale tonusului muscular<br />

T43.0 Antidepresive triciclice si tetraciclice<br />

T43.1 Antidepresive inhibitoare ale mono-aminooxidazei<br />

T43.2 Alte antidepresive si nespecificate<br />

T43.3 Antipsihotice si neu<strong>ro</strong>leptice cu baza de<br />

phenothiazina<br />

AR-DRG v5.0 Manual de definiţii

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