Download CV - Departamentul de Alimentari cu Apa si Canalizare

Download CV - Departamentul de Alimentari cu Apa si Canalizare

Download CV - Departamentul de Alimentari cu Apa si Canalizare


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1. Prenume: Marin<br />

2. Nume: Sandu<br />

3. Data <strong>si</strong> lo<strong>cu</strong>l nasterii:14.03.1939<br />

4. Nationalitatea: romana<br />

5. Starea civila: casatorit<br />

Adresa (telefon/fax/e-mail): Bu<strong>cu</strong>resti sector 2, 021-2423595, msandu@utcb.ro<br />

6. Pregatire profe<strong>si</strong>onala:<br />

Institutia:<br />

Data:<br />

De la (luna/anul)<br />

La (luna/anul)<br />

Licenta:<br />

Univer<strong>si</strong>tatea Tehnica <strong>de</strong> Constructii<br />

Bu<strong>cu</strong>resti<br />

octombrie 1956<br />

iunie 1961<br />

diploma <strong>de</strong> inginer<br />

Institutia:<br />

Data:<br />

De la (luna/anul)<br />

La (luna/anul)<br />

Licenta:<br />

Univer<strong>si</strong>tatea Tehnica <strong>de</strong> Constructii<br />

Bu<strong>cu</strong>resti<br />

octombrie 1966<br />

1971<br />

Diploma <strong>de</strong> doctor in Stiinte Tehnice,<br />

specializarea <strong>Alimentari</strong> <strong>cu</strong> <strong>Apa</strong> <strong>si</strong> Canalizari.<br />

7. Limbi straine<br />

(Pe o scara <strong>de</strong> la 1 la 5, un<strong>de</strong> 5 este maxim):<br />

Limba Nivel Citit Vorbit Scris<br />

Romana Limba materna 5 5 5<br />

Engleza 3 3 3<br />

Franceza 5 5 5<br />

8. Membru in asociatii profe<strong>si</strong>onale:<br />

membru fondator Asociatia Romana a Apei;<br />

presedinte al Con<strong>si</strong>liului Tehnico-stiintific al A.R.A.;<br />

membru International Water Association (IWA) – membru al Con<strong>si</strong>liului Stiintific<br />

9. Alte abilitati (<strong>de</strong> ex. operare cal<strong>cu</strong>lator, etc.): MSOffice.<br />

<br />

<br />

Expert Tehnic atestat <strong>de</strong> catre Ministerul Transporturilor, Constructiilor <strong>si</strong> Turismului, in<br />

domeniile:<br />

o Siguranta in exploatare - Constructii edilitare <strong>si</strong> <strong>de</strong> gospodarie comunala (B9);<br />

o Igiena, sanatatea oamenilor, refacerea <strong>si</strong> protectia mediului (D);<br />

Verificator <strong>de</strong> proiecte atestat <strong>de</strong> catre Ministerul Transporturilor, Constructiilor <strong>si</strong><br />

Turismului, in domeniile:<br />

o Siguranta in exploatare - Constructii edilitare <strong>si</strong> <strong>de</strong> gospodarie comunala (B9);<br />

Igiena, sanatatea oamenilor, refacerea <strong>si</strong> protectia mediului (D);<br />

10. Pozitia o<strong>cu</strong>pata in prezent: Profesor Catedra <strong>de</strong> Inginerie Sanitara <strong>si</strong> Protectia Apelor,<br />

Univer<strong>si</strong>tatea Tehnica <strong>de</strong> Constructii Bu<strong>cu</strong>resti, Fa<strong>cu</strong>ltatea <strong>de</strong> Hidrotehnica<br />


11. Ani <strong>de</strong> experienta profe<strong>si</strong>onala: 49<br />

12. Calificari cheie:<br />

Inginer specializat in:<br />

protectia mediului;<br />

tratarea apei in ve<strong>de</strong>rea potabilizarii;<br />

epurarea apelor uzate;<br />

retele <strong>de</strong> canalizarea;<br />

retele <strong>de</strong> distributie apa potabila.<br />

13. Experienta specifica in proiecte <strong>si</strong>milare:<br />

Tara<br />

Data: <strong>de</strong> la (luna/anul)<br />

la (luna/anul)<br />

Denumirea <strong>si</strong> o <strong>de</strong>scriere sumara a<br />

proiectului<br />

Romania 2006 - 2009 A<strong>si</strong>stenta Tehnica pentru pregatirea<br />

Proiectelor in Sectorul <strong>de</strong> <strong>Apa</strong> Potabila <strong>si</strong><br />

<strong>Apa</strong> Uzata<br />

EuropeaAid119083/D/SV/RO/P/PA/013-4<br />

Master Plan, Studiu <strong>de</strong> Fezabilitate,<br />

Aplicatie pt. Cofinantare, Do<strong>cu</strong>mente pt<br />

Licitatie<br />

proiectarea reabilitarii <strong>si</strong> extin<strong>de</strong>rii<br />

<strong>si</strong>stemelor <strong>de</strong> alimentare <strong>cu</strong> apa <strong>si</strong><br />

canalizare din ju<strong>de</strong>tele: Calara<strong>si</strong>, Tulcea,<br />

Giurgiu, Teleorman, Brasov.<br />

evaluarea <strong>si</strong>tuatiei existente a <strong>si</strong>stemelor<br />

<strong>de</strong> alimentare <strong>cu</strong> apa in ju<strong>de</strong>tele mai sus<br />

mentionate;<br />

proiectarea captarilor, statiilor <strong>de</strong> tratare,<br />

retelei <strong>de</strong> distributie;<br />

proiectarea statiilor <strong>de</strong> epurare <strong>si</strong> a<br />

retelelor <strong>de</strong> canalizare;<br />

analize <strong>de</strong> optiuni;<br />

elaborarea do<strong>cu</strong>mentelor pentru licitatie.<br />

Bulgaria 2005 - 2008 A<strong>si</strong>stenta tehnica pentru masuri integrate<br />

in domenniul apei in Pernik <strong>si</strong> Vidin –<br />

Bulgaria<br />

proiectarea reabilitarii <strong>si</strong> extin<strong>de</strong>rii<br />

<strong>si</strong>stemelor <strong>de</strong> alimentare <strong>cu</strong> apa <strong>si</strong><br />

canalizare din orasele Pernik <strong>si</strong> Vidin<br />

evaluarea <strong>si</strong>tuatiei existente a <strong>si</strong>stemelor<br />

<strong>de</strong> alimentare <strong>cu</strong> apa in orasele mai sus<br />

mentionate;<br />

proiectarea captarilor, statiilor <strong>de</strong> tratare,<br />

a retelei <strong>de</strong> distributie;<br />

proiectarea statiilor <strong>de</strong> epurare <strong>si</strong> a<br />

retelelor <strong>de</strong> canalizare;<br />

analize <strong>de</strong> optiuni;<br />

14. Experienta profe<strong>si</strong>onala:<br />

Data: <strong>de</strong> la (luna/anul) la (luna/anul) 1961 - 1969<br />

Lo<strong>cu</strong>l (tara <strong>si</strong> localitatea)<br />

Romania, Bu<strong>cu</strong>resti<br />

Companie/organizatie<br />

Institutul <strong>de</strong> Proiectari pentru <strong>Alimentari</strong> <strong>cu</strong> <strong>Apa</strong> <strong>si</strong><br />

Constructii Hidrotehnice<br />

Pozitie<br />

inginer proiectant, sef <strong>de</strong> sectie<br />


Descrierea activitatii intreprinse<br />

<br />

coordonare <strong>si</strong> a<strong>si</strong>stenta tehnica pentru proiectele <strong>de</strong><br />

alimentari <strong>cu</strong> apa, tratarea apei, epurarea apelor<br />

uzate<br />

Data: <strong>de</strong> la (luna/anul) la (luna/anul) din 1961<br />

Lo<strong>cu</strong>l (tara <strong>si</strong> localitatea)<br />

Romania, Bu<strong>cu</strong>resti<br />

Companie/organizatie<br />

Univer<strong>si</strong>tatea Tehnica <strong>de</strong> Constructii Bu<strong>cu</strong>resti<br />

Pozitie<br />

a<strong>si</strong>stent univer<strong>si</strong>tar, sef lucrari, conferentiar,<br />

profesor univer<strong>si</strong>tar<br />

Descrierea activitatii intreprinse<br />

experienta didactica disciplinele: <strong>Alimentari</strong><br />

<strong>cu</strong> apa, Tratarea apei, Proce<strong>de</strong>e speciale <strong>de</strong><br />

tratare a apei, Epurarea apelor uzate; Statii <strong>de</strong><br />

pompare; Hidraulica.<br />

15. Altele:<br />

Autor/ Co-autor:<br />

a. a 10 inventii;<br />

<br />

<br />

Decan al Fa<strong>cu</strong>ltatii <strong>de</strong> Hidrotehnica in<br />

perioada 1979 – 1989;<br />

coordonator proiecte <strong>de</strong> cercetare, proiectare,<br />

a<strong>si</strong>stenta tehnica <strong>si</strong> consultanta in domeniul<br />

alimentari <strong>cu</strong> apa, canalizari, tratarea apei <strong>si</strong><br />

epurarea apei uzate;<br />

coordonator proiecte <strong>cu</strong> finantare<br />

internationala;<br />

b. peste 70 <strong>de</strong> carti <strong>si</strong> articole publicate in reviste <strong>de</strong> specialitate, conferinte nationale <strong>si</strong><br />

internationale;<br />

c. 8 Aplicatii pentru Cofinantare ISPA sau Fonduri <strong>de</strong> Coeziune <strong>de</strong> la Uniunea<br />

Europeana;<br />

d. membru in grupurile <strong>de</strong> cercetare privind tratarea apei<br />

e. peste 150 <strong>de</strong> proiecte <strong>de</strong> cercetare <strong>si</strong> proiectare<br />

Lucrari publicate (selectie):<br />

<br />

<br />

Gabriel Racoviteanu, Marin Sandu, Elena Vulpasu, Eduard Dinet – Evaluarea eficientei<br />

Bioreactoarelor <strong>cu</strong> Membrane in Epurarea Efluentilor Industriali <strong>de</strong> la o Fabrica <strong>de</strong> Mobila<br />

– International Conference "Water and Health – Membrane technology for drinking water<br />

treatment and wastewater treatment" – Bucharest, October 2008.<br />

Marin Sandu, Gabriel Racoviteanu, Elena Vulpasu, Eduard Dinet - The research concerning<br />

the <strong>de</strong>velopment and implementation of the advanced technologies in drinking water<br />

production from Romania – Simpozion "60 <strong>de</strong> ani <strong>de</strong> invatamant hidrotehnic la Timisoara"<br />

– Buletinul Stiintific al Univer<strong>si</strong>tatii Politehnica din Timisoara, Romania, Seria<br />

Hidrotehnica, Tomul 53(67), Fascicola 2 (pag. 3 – 10), 2008 ISSN 1224 – 6042, Editura<br />

Politehnica Timisoara.<br />


E. Vulpasu, M. Sandu, G. Racoviteanu – Tratarea apelor subterane <strong>cu</strong> continut <strong>de</strong> amoniu <strong>si</strong><br />

hidrogen sulfurat – International Conference "Water supply and sewerage solutions for<br />

communities below 10000 inhabitants" – iunie 2008, ISBN 978-973-7681-37-9.<br />

Racoviteanu, G., Sandu, M., Vulpasu, E., Dinet, E. – “Tehnologii <strong>de</strong> tratare a apelor <strong>cu</strong><br />

hidrogen sulfurat <strong>si</strong> amoniu. Comparatie tehnico-economica”, Simpozionul International<br />

“Mediu <strong>si</strong> Industria” SIMI 2007, INCD-ECOIND, Societatea <strong>de</strong> Chimie din Romania <strong>si</strong><br />

Asociatia Balcanica <strong>de</strong> Mediu, Filiala RO-B.E.N.A., 25 – 27 Octombrie 2007, Bu<strong>cu</strong>resti.<br />

Vulpasu, E., Sandu, M., – “Imbunatatirea performantelor filierelor tehnologice <strong>de</strong> tratarea<br />

apei prin utilizarea ameste<strong>cu</strong>lui <strong>de</strong> polimeri” SIMI 2007, organizat <strong>de</strong> catre INCD-ECOIND,<br />

Societatea <strong>de</strong> Chimie din Romania <strong>si</strong> Asociatia Balcanica <strong>de</strong> Mediu, Filiala RO-B.E.N.A.,<br />

25 – 27 Octombrie 2007, Bu<strong>cu</strong>resti.<br />

Ni<strong>cu</strong>sor Iacob, Diana Martin, Elena Manaila, Gabriela Craciun, Daniel Ighigeanu,<br />

Constantin Matei, Anton Anton, Elena Vulpasu, Marin Sandu, Constantin Oproiu -<br />

Application of polymers obtained by radiation technologies to water treatment - 9th<br />

european conference on accelerator in applied research and technology Florence, Italy<br />

Convitto <strong>de</strong>lla Calza, September 3-7, 2007.<br />

Manaila, E., Martin. D., Craciun, G., Ighigeanu, D., Matei, C., Oproiu, C., Iacob, N., Iovu,<br />

H., Sandu, M., Vulpasu, E., Racoviteanu, G. - "Application of Polyelectrolytes Obtained by<br />

Radiation Proces<strong>si</strong>ng to Potable and Waste Water Treatment", IEEE Transactions on<br />

Industry Applications, May/June 2005, Volume 41, Number 3, ITIACR, ISSN 0093-9994.<br />

Racoviţeanu, G. Sandu, M. – "Conformation of the Romanian Water Treatment Plants to<br />

the EU Drinking Water Directive CE 98/83/EC, Evaluation of the Technical and Financial<br />

Efforts", IWA World Water Congress, Marrakech, Morocco, 19-24 September 2004.<br />

Racoviteanu, G. Sandu, A., Sandu, M. – "Rehabilitation of the existing WTP's in Romania",<br />

Poster, IWA 2 nd World Water Congress, Berlin, Germany, 15-19 October 2001, The Al<strong>de</strong>n<br />

Group, Osney Mead, Oxford, UK.<br />

Sandu, M., Racoviteanu, G., Sandu, R.A., Vulpasu, E. – Studies regarding achievement of<br />

biological stability in Romania's WTP – Poster, 1 st World Congress of the International<br />

Water Association (IWA), 2000, Paris, France. ISBN: 2-9515416-0-0, EAN:<br />

9782951541603.<br />

Racoviteanu, G., Sandu, R., Chilares<strong>cu</strong>. I., Sandu, M. – TOC removal by advanced<br />

coagulation – Poster, IAWQ Conference on Byofilm Systems, 1999, New York, USA.<br />

Chilares<strong>cu</strong>, I., Sandu, M., Berevoianu, C., Racovitesanu G. – Automatic <strong>de</strong>termination of<br />

coagulation-floc<strong>cu</strong>lation reagents dose – 8 th Gothenburg Sympo<strong>si</strong>um 1998, Prague, Czech<br />

Republic.<br />

Sandu, M., Berevoianu, C., Racoviteanu, G. - Removal of micro-organisms by clarification<br />

and filtering processes - National Report Romania No. 6 - XXI IWSA Congress, 1997<br />

Madrid, Spain.<br />


Alte lucrari<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

(Selectie):<br />

Elena VULPASU Marin SANDU, Gabriel RACOVITEANU, Eduard DINET - Studii <strong>si</strong><br />

cercetari pentru a<strong>si</strong>gurarea unei ape potabile lip<strong>si</strong>ta <strong>de</strong> risc pentru consumator – revista<br />

ROMAQUA nr.5/2008, vol.59.<br />

Gabriel Racoviteanu, Marin Sandu, Ion Udrea, Elena Vulpasu, Eduard Dinet, Adrian<br />

Cojocaru, Marian Neata - Degradarea MTBE (Metil Tert Butil Eter) din apa <strong>de</strong>stinata<br />

consumului uman in bioreactoare <strong>cu</strong> membrane – ROMAQUA nr. 3/2006, pag 31 – 36.<br />

Sandu, M., Racoviteanu, G. - "Researches regarding rehabilitation and <strong>de</strong>velopment of the<br />

drinking water treatment plants from Romania" International Conference "Conformation of<br />

the water supply and sewerage systems to the EU Directives", ISBN 973 - 99238 - 8 - 7,<br />

EXPO APA 2004, Bucharest, Parliament House 19 - 21 May, 2004.<br />

Sandu, M., Anton, A., Racoviteanu, G. – "Optimization of the operation of the ground<br />

water systems", EXPO APA 2001, 11 – 13 September 2001.<br />

Sandu, M., Racoviteanu, G. – "The <strong>de</strong>velopment of the water treatment plant schemes in<br />

or<strong>de</strong>r to comply the European Directive 98/83/EC for drinking water", Scientific Ses<strong>si</strong>on,<br />

Hidrotehnica XXI, 22 – 24 November 2001, Bulletin of the Polytechnic Institute, Ia<strong>si</strong>,<br />

Tome XLVII (LI), Fasc., 1-4 (I), Technical Univer<strong>si</strong>ty "Gh. Asachi" Ia<strong>si</strong>, ISSN 1224-3892.<br />

Sandu, M., Racoviteanu, G. – Optimization of water collection from ground sources,<br />

International Conference "Ground Sources Engineering" – Hydraulics Days, 3 rd edition,<br />

UTCB – ARA, Bucharest, 2001.<br />

Sandu, M., Racoviteanu, G., Sandu, R., A., Dinet, E. - Génie Sanitaire, Ed. Conspress,<br />

Bucharest, 2000, ISBN 973-99571-0-2.<br />

Sandu, M. – The correlation between the quality of the distributed water and the<br />

distribution network, EXPO APA 2000, International Conference "Water Quality in the<br />

Distribution Networks" ISBN 973-8165-10-5. Bucharest, 2000.<br />

Sandu, M. et al. – National report regarding the <strong>si</strong>tuation of the water supply and sewage<br />

in Romania – Water Treatment Plants, EXPO APA 2000, International Conference "Water<br />

Quality in the Distribution Networks" ISBN 973-8165-10-5. Bucharest, 2000.<br />

Sandu, M. – Synthe<strong>si</strong>s report regarding the Water Treatment Plants - Scientific Seminar<br />

"Rehabilitation of water and wastewater treatment plants in Romania", UTCB – CNPDAR,<br />

Bucharest, 1999.<br />

Berevoianu, C., Sandu, M., Anton, A. – Mo<strong>de</strong>rn ten<strong>de</strong>ncies on water distribution network<br />

rehabilitation – ROMAQUA, no. 1, 1998.<br />

Sandu, M. – Drinking water production – Technical synthe<strong>si</strong>s of the XXIst IWSA Congress<br />

– Scientific Seminar U.T.C.B. - C.N.P.D.A.R., "Existing stage regarding the use of the<br />

polymers in water treatment", Bucharest, 1997.<br />

Sandu, M., Bu<strong>cu</strong>r, A., Racoviteanu, G. – Progresses in the coagulation-floc<strong>cu</strong>lation<br />

processes – C.N.P.D.A.R. National Sympo<strong>si</strong>um Reduction of the energy looses and water<br />

consumption in the water supply systems, Bucharest, 1997.<br />

Sandu, M. – Research at pilot scale – the base for water treatment plants rehabilitation –<br />

ROMAQUA revue, no. 2, 1996<br />

<br />

Sandu, M., Racoviteanu, G. – Introduction of the coagulation-floc<strong>cu</strong>lation step in the<br />

streams of the existing water treatment plants – Scientific Seminar of U.T.C.B. -<br />

C.N.P.D.A.R., Section I – " Rehabilitation of the Water Treatment Plants", Bucharest,<br />

1996.<br />

Manes<strong>cu</strong>, Al., Sandu, M., Ian<strong>cu</strong>les<strong>cu</strong>, Ov. – <strong>Alimentari</strong> <strong>cu</strong> apa – Ed. Did. Ped., 1994,<br />

Bucharest.<br />


Indicativ<br />

P1<br />

P2<br />

P3<br />

P4<br />

P5<br />

P6<br />

P7<br />

P8<br />

P9<br />

Numarul<br />

proiectului<br />

Ctr. UTCB<br />

52/2006<br />

Ctr. UTCB<br />

622/2005<br />

Ctr. UTCB<br />

44/2005<br />

Ctr. UTCB<br />

302/2002<br />

Ctr. UTCB<br />

106A/2002<br />

Ctr. UTCB<br />

180/2001<br />

(1B04 /<br />

2001)<br />

Ctr. UTCB<br />

42320 / 2000<br />

Ctr.<br />

UTCB<br />

26/2000<br />

Ctr. UTCB<br />

25A/2000<br />


Titlul proiectului<br />

Platformă multimedia <strong>de</strong><br />

monitorizare în timp real<br />

a zonelor inundabile, <strong>si</strong>mulare şi<br />

generare <strong>de</strong> soluţii pentru<br />

exploatarea lucrărilor <strong>de</strong><br />

regularizare a <strong>de</strong>bitelor <strong>de</strong> apă<br />

în proximitatea oraşelor –<br />

CITYProtect<br />

Tehnologii <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>gradare a<br />

MTBE (Metil Tert Butil Eter) din<br />

apa <strong>de</strong>stinata consumului uman<br />

Proiect <strong>de</strong> cercetare<br />

Lucrari <strong>de</strong> cercetare-<strong>de</strong>zvoltare<br />

<strong>si</strong> proiectare tehnologica pentru<br />

<strong>si</strong>steme <strong>de</strong> epurare a apelor<br />

uzate<br />

Proiect <strong>de</strong> cercetare<br />

Polielectroliţi biocompatibili<br />

pentru tratarea apelor potabile,<br />

obţinuţi prin iradiere combinată<br />

<strong>cu</strong> electroni acceleraţi şi<br />

microun<strong>de</strong><br />

Proiect <strong>de</strong> cercetare<br />

Studii şi cercetări privind<br />

tehnologiile <strong>de</strong> filtrare pe<br />

membrane<br />

Proiect <strong>de</strong> cercetare<br />

Studii şi cercetări pentru<br />

conformarea uzinelor <strong>de</strong> apă din<br />

România la Directiva Comunităţii<br />

Europene 98/83/EC privind<br />

calitatea apei <strong>de</strong>stinata<br />

consumului uman<br />

Proiect <strong>de</strong> cercetare<br />

Cercetări privind biostabilitatea<br />

apei distribuită populaţiei –<br />

Contract nr. 42320/2000, Grant<br />

cod 99, CNCSIS<br />

Proiect <strong>de</strong> cercetare<br />

Cercetări teoretice şi<br />

experimentale privind efectele<br />

preozonării asupra eficienţei<br />

flo<strong>cu</strong>lării, coagulării, sedimentării<br />

şi filtrării apei<br />

Proiect <strong>de</strong> cercetare<br />

Reactor catalitic şi tehnologie<br />

pentru în<strong>de</strong>părtarea<br />

micropoluanţilor organici<br />

per<strong>si</strong>stenţi din apa <strong>de</strong>stinată<br />

consumului uman în Municipiul<br />

Bu<strong>cu</strong>reşti<br />

Proiect <strong>de</strong> cercetare<br />

Perioada <strong>de</strong> Sursa <strong>de</strong><br />

realizare finantare<br />

2006 Ministerul<br />

Educatiei <strong>si</strong><br />

Cercetarii,<br />

Program CEEX<br />

2005 - 2007 Ministerul<br />

Educatiei <strong>si</strong><br />

Cercetarii,<br />

Program CEEX<br />

2005 S.C. VALROM<br />

Industrie S.R.L.<br />

2002 Ministerul<br />

Educatiei <strong>si</strong><br />

Cercetarii,<br />

Program<br />


2002 Asociatia<br />

Romana a Apei<br />

2001-2003 Ministerul<br />

Educatiei <strong>si</strong><br />

Cercetarii,<br />

Program<br />


2000-2002 Banca Mondiala<br />

ai Ministerul<br />

Educatiei <strong>si</strong><br />

Cercetarii,<br />

CNCSIS<br />

Pozitia<br />

institutiei<br />

Partner in<br />

consortiu <strong>cu</strong><br />

IPA, ITC,<br />

FIFIM<br />

Contractor<br />

Direct<br />

Contractor<br />

Direct<br />

Subcontractor<br />

al<br />

Institultului<br />

National ptr.<br />

Fizica,<br />

Lasere,<br />

Plasma <strong>si</strong><br />

Radiatii<br />

Contractor<br />

Direct<br />

Contractor<br />

Direct<br />

Contractor<br />

Direct<br />

2000 PROED S.A. Contractor<br />

Direct<br />

2000 Ministerul<br />

Educatiei <strong>si</strong><br />

Cercetarii,<br />

CNCSIS<br />

Subcontractor<br />

al<br />

Univer<strong>si</strong>tatii<br />

Bu<strong>cu</strong>resti -<br />

CCPMVD<br />



Indicativ<br />

P10<br />

P11<br />

P12<br />

P13<br />

P14<br />

P15<br />

P16<br />

P17<br />

P18<br />

P19<br />

P20<br />

P21<br />

Numarul<br />

proiectului<br />

Ctr. UTCB<br />

22/2007<br />

Ctr. UTCB<br />

348/2005<br />

Ctr. UTCB<br />

45/2004<br />

Ctr. UTCB<br />

273/2003<br />

Ctr. UTCB<br />

272/2003<br />

Ctr. UTCB<br />

265/2003<br />

Ctr. UTCB<br />

103/2002<br />

Ctr. UTCB<br />

28/2002<br />

Ctr. UTCB<br />

27/2002<br />

Ctr. UTCB<br />

26/2002<br />

Ctr. UTCB<br />

47/2001<br />

Ctr. UTCB<br />

169/2000<br />

Titlul proiectului<br />

Studiu <strong>de</strong> tratabilitate apa foraj<br />

412.0 m – Municipiul Calara<strong>si</strong><br />

Studiu Tehnic<br />

Studiu asupra <strong>si</strong>stemului <strong>de</strong><br />

canalizare al Municipiului<br />

Bu<strong>cu</strong>reşti, analiza <strong>si</strong>tuaţiei<br />

existente, strategia <strong>de</strong>zvoltării<br />

<strong>si</strong>stemului <strong>de</strong> canalizare al<br />

municipiului Bu<strong>cu</strong>reşti in<br />

perspectiva 2030 (2050)<br />

Studiu Tehnic<br />

Rehabilitation of the Midia-<br />

Navodari WTP in or<strong>de</strong>r to<br />

comply to the Law no. 458/2002<br />

regarding the drinking water<br />

quality<br />

Studiu <strong>de</strong> Fezabilitate<br />

Reabilitarea staţiei <strong>de</strong> epurare, a<br />

reţelelor <strong>de</strong> canalizare şi a<br />

<strong>si</strong>stemului <strong>de</strong> alimentare <strong>cu</strong> apă<br />

din Municipiul Piteşti<br />

Studiu <strong>de</strong> Fezabilitate<br />

Efectele impurificatorilor<br />

industriali asupra reţelelor <strong>de</strong><br />

canalizare şi a proceselor <strong>de</strong><br />

epurare<br />

Studiu Tehnic<br />

Influenţa instalaţiei <strong>de</strong> distribuţie<br />

a apei potabile din conducte <strong>de</strong><br />

<strong>cu</strong>rpu asupra calităţii apei la cele<br />

patru blo<strong>cu</strong>ri <strong>de</strong> lo<strong>cu</strong>inţe din<br />

ansamblul 72, AP. Obor<br />

Municipiul Giurgiu<br />

Studiu Tehnic<br />

Reproiectarea reţelelor <strong>de</strong> apă<br />

potabilă şi canalizare pe raza<br />

oraşului Bălan – jud. Harghita<br />

Studiu <strong>de</strong> Fezabilitate<br />

Studiu privind aplicarea<br />

polimerilor pe diferite surse <strong>de</strong><br />

apă brută din România Studiu<br />

Tehnic<br />

A<strong>si</strong>stenţă tehnică privind<br />

utilizarea agenţilor <strong>de</strong> oxidare în<br />

tratarea apei în România<br />

Studiu Tehnic<br />

Studiu privind aplicarea<br />

reactivilor <strong>de</strong> coagulare-flo<strong>cu</strong>lare<br />

pe diferite surse <strong>de</strong> apă brută<br />

din România<br />

Studiu Tehnic<br />

Îmbunătăţirea alimentării <strong>cu</strong> apă<br />

a Municipiului Codlea – Studiu<br />

<strong>de</strong> fezabilitate<br />

Studiu <strong>de</strong> Fezabilitate<br />

Studiu <strong>de</strong> optimizare a<br />

procesului <strong>de</strong> filtrare a apei la<br />

Uzina Gilău Cluj-Napoca Studiu<br />

Tehnic<br />

Perioada <strong>de</strong> Sursa <strong>de</strong><br />

realizare finantare<br />

2007 S.C. Aqua<br />

S.R.L.<br />

Calara<strong>si</strong><br />

2005 APA NOVA<br />

S.A. Bu<strong>cu</strong>resti<br />

2004 S.C.<br />

Rompetrol<br />

Rafinarie S.A.<br />

2003 S.C. <strong>Apa</strong><br />

Canal 2000<br />

S.A. Piteşti<br />

2003 S.C. <strong>Apa</strong><br />

Canal 2000<br />

S.A. Piteşti<br />

2003 Con<strong>si</strong>liul Local<br />

al Municipiului<br />

Giurgiu<br />

2002 Con<strong>si</strong>liul Local<br />

Balan,<br />

Ju<strong>de</strong>tul<br />

Harghita<br />

2002 S.C. Flochem<br />

Industries<br />

S.R.L.<br />

2002 S.C. AD.ECO<br />

S.R.L.<br />

2002 S.C. Sialco<br />

S.R.L.<br />

2001 S.C. Servicii<br />

Comunale<br />

Codlea S.A.<br />

Pozitia<br />

institutiei<br />

Contractor<br />

Direct<br />

Contractor<br />

Direct<br />

Contractor<br />

Direct<br />

Contractor<br />

Direct<br />

Contractor<br />

Direct<br />

Contractor<br />

Direct<br />

Subcontractor<br />

al<br />

SVF<br />

Management<br />

Prod Serv<br />

S.R.L.<br />

Contractor<br />

Direct<br />

Contractor<br />

Direct<br />

Contractor<br />

Direct<br />

Contractor<br />

Direct<br />

2000 RAJAC Cluj Contractor<br />

Direct<br />


Indicativ<br />

P22<br />

P23<br />

P24<br />

P25<br />

P26<br />

P27<br />

P28<br />

P29<br />

P30<br />

P31<br />

P32<br />

Numarul<br />

proiectului<br />

Ctr. UTCB<br />

71/2000<br />

Ctr. UTCB<br />

113A/1999<br />

Ctr. UTCB<br />

89/1999<br />

Ctr. UTCB<br />

25/1999<br />

Ctr. UTCB<br />

24/1999<br />

Ctr. UTCB<br />

113/1998<br />

Ctr. UTCB<br />

65b /1998<br />

Ctr. UTCB<br />

38/1998<br />

Ctr. UTCB<br />

34 bis /1998<br />

Ctr. UTCB<br />

9a/1998<br />

Ctr. UTCB<br />

152a/1997<br />

Titlul proiectului<br />

Determinări parametri fizicochimici<br />

<strong>de</strong> calitate ai apei brute<br />

din la<strong>cu</strong>rile <strong>de</strong> a<strong>cu</strong>mulare Gilău,<br />

Someşul Cald şi Tarniţa<br />

Studiu Tehnic<br />

Mo<strong>de</strong>rnizare flux tehnologic <strong>de</strong><br />

tratare a apei – Uzina <strong>de</strong> apă<br />

Tg. Mureş<br />

Studiu <strong>de</strong> Fezabilitate<br />

Studiu <strong>de</strong> soluţii <strong>de</strong><br />

retehnologizare a staţiei <strong>de</strong><br />

tratare Târlung, în ve<strong>de</strong>rea<br />

a<strong>si</strong>gurării necesarului <strong>de</strong> apă<br />

potabilă<br />

Studiu <strong>de</strong> Fezabilitate<br />

Studiu <strong>de</strong> soluţie (studiu <strong>de</strong><br />

fezabilitate cf. cerinţelor<br />

Haskoning) pentru Uzina <strong>de</strong> apă<br />

Bu<strong>de</strong>asa – Piteşti<br />

Studiu <strong>de</strong> Fezabilitate<br />

Studiu <strong>de</strong> soluţii pentru<br />

potabilizarea apei din sursa <strong>de</strong><br />

apă industrială<br />

Studiu Tehnic<br />

Monitorizarea datelor obţinute<br />

prin analizele laboratoarelor <strong>de</strong><br />

proces în ve<strong>de</strong>rea utilizării<br />

acestora în analize diagnostic<br />

<strong>de</strong> conducere şi optimizare a<br />

proceselor <strong>de</strong> tratare<br />

Studiu Tehnic<br />

Obiectiv 1. Studiu <strong>de</strong> soluţie<br />

staţie producţie şi îmbuteliere<br />

apă plată <strong>de</strong> la sursă<br />

Obiectiv 2. Studiu <strong>de</strong><br />

fezabilitate staţie producţie şi<br />

îmbuteliere apă plată <strong>de</strong> la<br />

sursă<br />

Studiu <strong>de</strong> Fezabilitate<br />

Studiu <strong>de</strong> soluţii privind<br />

îmbunătăţirea funcţională a<br />

<strong>si</strong>stemului <strong>de</strong> alimentare <strong>cu</strong> apă<br />

a municipiului Iaşi<br />

Studiu Tehnic<br />

Studiu <strong>de</strong> soluţii privind<br />

reabilitarea staţiilor <strong>de</strong> filtre <strong>de</strong> la<br />

uzina <strong>de</strong> apă Bu<strong>de</strong>asa – Piteşti<br />

Studiu Tehnic<br />

Consultanţă şi a<strong>si</strong>stenţă tehnică<br />

pentru lucrările <strong>de</strong> diagnosticare,<br />

reabilitare, studii <strong>de</strong> soluţie,<br />

proiectare şi implementare<br />

pentru <strong>si</strong>stemul <strong>de</strong> alimentare <strong>cu</strong><br />

apă al municipiului Piteşti<br />

Studiu Tehnic<br />

Proiect soluţie privind reparaţia<br />

capitală linia a 2a tratare apă şi<br />

introducerea experimentala a<br />

polielectroliţilor în fluxul <strong>de</strong><br />

tratare <strong>de</strong> la Uzina <strong>de</strong> Apă<br />

Bu<strong>de</strong>asa – Piteşti<br />

Studiu Tehnic<br />

Perioada <strong>de</strong><br />

realizare<br />

Sursa <strong>de</strong><br />

finantare<br />

Pozitia<br />

institutiei<br />

2000 RAJAC Cluj Contractor<br />

Direct<br />

1999 R.A. Aquaserv<br />

Tg. Mureş<br />

1999 Compania <strong>Apa</strong><br />

Brasov<br />

1999 REGOTRANS<br />

R.A. Piteşti<br />

1999 Petromidia<br />

S.A.<br />

1998 Regia<br />

Generala <strong>de</strong><br />

<strong>Apa</strong> Bu<strong>cu</strong>resti<br />

RGAB<br />

1998 Regia<br />

Generala <strong>de</strong><br />

<strong>Apa</strong> Bu<strong>cu</strong>resti<br />

RGAB<br />

Contractor<br />

Direct<br />

Subcontractor<br />

al<br />

PROED S.A.<br />

Contractor<br />

Direct<br />

Contractor<br />

Direct<br />

Contractor<br />

Direct<br />

Contractor<br />

Direct<br />

1998 RAJAC Iaşi Contractor<br />

Direct<br />

1998 REGOCOM<br />

R.A. Piteşti<br />

1998 REGOCOM<br />

R.A. Piteşti<br />

1997 REGOCOM<br />

R.A. Piteşti<br />

Contractor<br />

Direct<br />

Contractor<br />

Direct<br />

Contractor<br />

Direct<br />


Indicativ<br />

P33<br />

P34<br />

P35<br />

P36<br />

P37<br />

P38<br />

P39<br />

P40<br />

P41<br />

P42<br />

P43<br />

Numarul<br />

proiectului<br />

Ctr. UTCB<br />

151/1997<br />

Ctr. UTCB<br />

188/1996<br />

Ctr. UTCB<br />

169/1996<br />

Ctr. UTCB<br />

165/1995<br />

Ctr. UTCB<br />

163/1995<br />

Ctr. UTCB<br />

162/1995<br />

Ctr. UTCB<br />

144/1994<br />

Ctr. UTCB<br />

124a/1994<br />

Ctr. UTCB<br />

3/1993<br />

Ctr. UTCB<br />

146a/1992<br />

Ctr. UTCB<br />

47/1991<br />

Titlul proiectului<br />

Cercetări privind optimizarea<br />

tehnologică a proceselor din<br />

uzinele <strong>de</strong> producţie a apei<br />

potabile Ar<strong>cu</strong>da şi Roşu,<br />

Bu<strong>cu</strong>reşti<br />

Studiu Tehnic<br />

Studii <strong>de</strong> compatibilitate pentru<br />

reactivii <strong>de</strong> coagulare – flo<strong>cu</strong>lare<br />

utilizaţi în filierele <strong>de</strong> potabilizare<br />

a apei<br />

Studiu Tehnic<br />

Dispecerizarea staţiilor <strong>de</strong><br />

tratare a apei pentru Municipiul<br />

Bu<strong>cu</strong>reşti<br />

A<strong>si</strong>stenta Tehnica<br />

Reabilitare şi extin<strong>de</strong>re reţele <strong>de</strong><br />

apă potabilă şi canalizare în<br />

municipiul Călăraşi<br />

Studiu <strong>de</strong> Fezabilitate<br />

Instalaţie <strong>de</strong> ozonizare a apei<br />

potabile în municipiul Călăraşi –<br />

studiu <strong>de</strong> fezabilitate<br />

Studiu <strong>de</strong> Fezabilitate<br />

Extin<strong>de</strong>rea canalizării şi staţiei<br />

<strong>de</strong> epurare a municipiului Sibiu<br />

Studiu <strong>de</strong> Fezabilitate<br />

Studiu <strong>de</strong> soluţii cadru pentru<br />

staţia Roşu Bu<strong>cu</strong>reşti<br />

Studiu Tehnic<br />

Studiu <strong>de</strong> prefezabilitate.<br />

Retehnologizarea staţiei Ar<strong>cu</strong>da<br />

Studiu <strong>de</strong> Fezabilitate<br />

Reabilitarea <strong>si</strong>stemului <strong>de</strong> apă<br />

industrială Cernica - Pantelimon<br />

Studiu <strong>de</strong> Fezabilitate<br />

Mo<strong>de</strong>rnizarea şi actualizarea<br />

tehnologiei – staţia <strong>de</strong> tratare<br />

Ar<strong>cu</strong>da Studiu <strong>de</strong> Fezabilitate<br />

Mo<strong>de</strong>rnizarea şi actualizarea<br />

tehnologiei – staţia <strong>de</strong> tratare<br />

Ar<strong>cu</strong>da Studiu Tehnic<br />

Perioada <strong>de</strong> Sursa <strong>de</strong><br />

realizare finantare<br />

1997 Regia<br />

Generala <strong>de</strong><br />

<strong>Apa</strong> Bu<strong>cu</strong>resti<br />

RGAB<br />

1996 KEMWATER<br />

CRISTAL S.A.<br />

1996 Regia<br />

Generala <strong>de</strong><br />

<strong>Apa</strong> Bu<strong>cu</strong>resti<br />

RGAB<br />

1995 R.A.G.C.L.<br />

Călăraşi<br />

1995 R.A.G.C.L.<br />

Călăraşi<br />

1995 R.A.G.C.L.<br />

Sibiu<br />

1994 Regia<br />

Generala <strong>de</strong><br />

<strong>Apa</strong> Bu<strong>cu</strong>resti<br />

RGAB<br />

1994 Regia<br />

Generala <strong>de</strong><br />

<strong>Apa</strong> Bu<strong>cu</strong>resti<br />

RGAB<br />

1993 Regia<br />

Generala <strong>de</strong><br />

<strong>Apa</strong> Bu<strong>cu</strong>resti<br />

RGAB<br />

1992 Regia<br />

Generala <strong>de</strong><br />

<strong>Apa</strong> Bu<strong>cu</strong>resti<br />

RGAB, PMB<br />

1991 Regia<br />

Generala <strong>de</strong><br />

<strong>Apa</strong> Bu<strong>cu</strong>resti<br />

RGAB<br />

Pozitia<br />

institutiei<br />

Contractor<br />

Direct<br />

Contractor<br />

Direct<br />

Subcontractor<br />

al<br />

SETA S.A.<br />

Direct<br />

Contractor<br />

Contractor<br />

Direct<br />

Contractor<br />

Direct<br />

Subcontractor<br />

al<br />

PROED S.A.<br />

Subcontractor<br />

al<br />

PROED S.A.<br />

Subcontractor<br />

al<br />

ISPIF S.A.<br />

Contractor<br />

Direct<br />

Contractor<br />

Direct<br />



Indicativ<br />

P44<br />

P45<br />

P46<br />

P47<br />

P48<br />

Numarul<br />

proiectului<br />

Ctr. UTCB<br />

391a/2004<br />

Ctr. UTCB<br />

14a/1995<br />

Ctr.<br />

UTCB<br />

79a/1994<br />

Ctr. UTCB<br />

181a/1993<br />

Ctr. UTCB<br />

8/1991<br />

Titlul proiectului<br />

Do<strong>cu</strong>mentatie tehnica privind<br />

contorizarea pe intrarile <strong>de</strong> apa<br />

bruta in uzina <strong>de</strong> tratare a apei<br />

Bu<strong>de</strong>asa<br />

Proiect tehnic <strong>si</strong> Detalii <strong>de</strong><br />

exe<strong>cu</strong>tie<br />

Staţie pilot şi <strong>de</strong> comandă Roşu<br />

pentru Staţia <strong>de</strong> Tratare Crivina-<br />

Ogrezeni<br />

Proiect tehnic, Detalii <strong>de</strong> exe<strong>cu</strong>tie<br />

<strong>si</strong> Caiete <strong>de</strong> sarcini<br />

Schema <strong>de</strong> ansamblu a DSAAMB<br />

(Dispecerul Sistemului <strong>de</strong><br />

Alimentare <strong>cu</strong> Apă al Municipiului<br />

Bu<strong>cu</strong>reşti), stabilirea traductorilor<br />

şi amplasamentul lor, fluxul<br />

informaţional, prelucrarea şi<br />

stocarea informaţiilor<br />

Proiect tehnic, Detalii <strong>de</strong> exe<strong>cu</strong>tie<br />

<strong>si</strong> Caiete <strong>de</strong> sarcini<br />

Proiect staţie pilot <strong>de</strong> comandă şi<br />

control a staţiei <strong>de</strong> tratare Crivina-<br />

Ogrezeni<br />

Proiect tehnic<br />

Decantor experimental la scară<br />

naturală DESN<br />

Proiect tehnic, Detalii <strong>de</strong> exe<strong>cu</strong>tie<br />

<strong>si</strong> Caiete <strong>de</strong> sarcini<br />

Perioada <strong>de</strong> Sursa <strong>de</strong><br />

realizare finantare<br />

2004 S.C. APA-<br />

CANAL 2000<br />

S.A. Pitesti<br />

1995 Regia<br />

Generala <strong>de</strong><br />

<strong>Apa</strong> Bu<strong>cu</strong>resti<br />

RGAB<br />

1994 Regia<br />

Generala <strong>de</strong><br />

<strong>Apa</strong> Bu<strong>cu</strong>resti<br />

RGAB<br />

1993 Regia<br />

Generala <strong>de</strong><br />

<strong>Apa</strong> Bu<strong>cu</strong>resti<br />

RGAB<br />

1991 Regia<br />

Generala <strong>de</strong><br />

<strong>Apa</strong> Bu<strong>cu</strong>resti<br />

RGAB<br />

Pozitia<br />

institutiei<br />

Contractor<br />

Direct<br />

Subcontractor<br />

al<br />

PROED S.A.<br />

Subcontractor<br />

al<br />

PROED S.A.<br />

Subcontractor<br />

al<br />

PROED S.A.<br />

Subcontractor<br />

al<br />

PROED S.A.<br />




Indicati<br />

v<br />

P49<br />

P50<br />

P51<br />

P52<br />

Numarul<br />

proiectului<br />

Ctr. UTCB<br />

108/2006<br />

Ctr. UTCB<br />

291/2004<br />

Ctr. GSR<br />

15/2003<br />

Ctr. UTCB<br />

2/2004<br />

Titlul proiectului<br />

A<strong>si</strong>stenta Tehnica pentru<br />

pregatirea Proiectelor in Sectorul<br />

<strong>de</strong> <strong>Apa</strong> Potabila <strong>si</strong> <strong>Apa</strong> Uzata<br />

EuropeaAid<br />

119083/D/SV/RO/P/PA/013-4<br />

MP, SF, Aplicatie pt. CF,<br />

Do<strong>cu</strong>mente pt Licitatie<br />

Managementul integrat al<br />

<strong>de</strong>seurilor soli<strong>de</strong> <strong>si</strong> al namolurilor<br />

din statiile <strong>de</strong> epurare din ju<strong>de</strong>tul<br />

Arges - Master Plan <strong>si</strong> studiu <strong>de</strong><br />

fezabilitate pentru obtinerea<br />

fondurilor <strong>de</strong> investitii tip ISPA<br />

2005/RO/16/P/PE/001<br />

Managementul integrat al<br />

<strong>de</strong>seurilor soli<strong>de</strong> in Municipiul<br />

Bacau <strong>si</strong> Imprejurimi<br />

ISPA Application<br />

2004/RO/16/P/PE/007<br />

Retehnologizarea retelei <strong>de</strong><br />

distributiei, retelei <strong>de</strong> canalizare <strong>si</strong><br />

a statiei <strong>de</strong> epurare din Municipiul<br />

Ramni<strong>cu</strong> Valcea, Jud. Valcea,<br />

Romania<br />

ISPA Application no. 2004 RO 16<br />

P PE 002<br />

Perioada <strong>de</strong> Sursa <strong>de</strong><br />

realizare finantare<br />

2006 - 2007 UE, Fonduri<br />

ISPA<br />

2004 - 2005 S.C. <strong>Apa</strong><br />

Canal 2000<br />

S.A. Pitesti<br />

2003 - 2005 Con<strong>si</strong>liul<br />

Local Bacau<br />

2004 Con<strong>si</strong>liul<br />

Local Rm.<br />

Valcea<br />

Pozitia<br />

institutiei<br />

Partner in<br />

consortiu <strong>cu</strong><br />

CES <strong>si</strong> GFA,<br />

Germany<br />

Partner in<br />

consortiu <strong>cu</strong><br />

BDO<br />

Management<br />

Consultants<br />

Contractor<br />

Principal<br />

GSR,<br />

Germany<br />

Partner in<br />

consortiu <strong>cu</strong><br />

Proiect<br />

Valcea S.A. <strong>si</strong><br />

BDO<br />

Management<br />

Consultants<br />


Indicati<br />

v<br />

P53<br />

P54<br />

P55<br />

P56<br />

P57<br />

Numarul<br />

proiectului<br />

Ctr. UTCB<br />

235/2002<br />

Ctr. UTCB<br />

263/2001<br />

Ctr.<br />

Intergroup<br />

Ctr. Halcrow<br />

/ SETA<br />

Ctr. UTCB<br />

37/2000<br />

Titlul proiectului<br />

Retehnologizarea retelei <strong>de</strong><br />

distributiei, retelei <strong>de</strong> canalizare <strong>si</strong><br />

a statiei <strong>de</strong> epurare din Municipiul<br />

Pitesti, Jud. Arges, Romania,<br />

Aplicatie sub instrument ISPA,<br />

Masura nr. 2002 RO 16 P PE 021<br />

Imbunatatirea <strong>si</strong>stemului <strong>de</strong><br />

alimentare <strong>cu</strong> apa, a retelei <strong>de</strong><br />

canalizare <strong>si</strong> a statiei <strong>de</strong> epurare<br />

din Piatra Neamt, Jud. Neamt,<br />

Romania,<br />

Aplicatie ISPA nr.<br />

2002/RO/16/P/PE/023<br />

Imbunatatirea <strong>si</strong>stemului <strong>de</strong><br />

alimentare <strong>cu</strong> apa, a retelei <strong>de</strong><br />

canalizare <strong>si</strong> a statiei <strong>de</strong> epurare<br />

din Buzau, Jud.Buzau, Romania,<br />

Aplicatie ISPA nr.<br />

2002/RO/16/P/PE/021<br />

Imbunatatirea <strong>si</strong>stemului <strong>de</strong><br />

alimentare <strong>cu</strong> apa <strong>si</strong> a retelei <strong>de</strong><br />

canalizare in Ia<strong>si</strong> ptr. A<br />

Corespun<strong>de</strong> Standar<strong>de</strong>lor<br />

Europene ptr. Calitatea Apei <strong>si</strong><br />

Protectiei Mediului<br />

ISPA Project 2000/RO/P/PE/006<br />

Reabilitarea şi Mo<strong>de</strong>rnizarea<br />

Sistemului <strong>de</strong> Alimentare <strong>cu</strong> Apă<br />

şi <strong>Canalizare</strong> din Zona Cluj ISPA<br />

Project RO 9807/01.02.06<br />

Perioada <strong>de</strong> Sursa <strong>de</strong><br />

realizare finantare<br />

2002 - 2003 S.C. <strong>Apa</strong><br />

Canal 2000<br />

S.A. Pitesti<br />

2001-2002 Con<strong>si</strong>liul<br />

Local Piatra<br />

Neamt<br />

2001-2002 Con<strong>si</strong>liul<br />

Local Buzau<br />

2000-2001 UE, Fonduri<br />

ISPA<br />

2000-2001 UE, Fonduri<br />

ISPA<br />

Pozitia<br />

institutiei<br />

Partner in<br />

consortiu <strong>cu</strong><br />

BDO<br />

Management<br />

Consultants<br />

Subcontractor<br />

al<br />

Intergroup<br />

Engineering<br />

S.R.L.<br />

Subcontractor<br />

al<br />

LOUIS<br />

BERGER<br />

S.A., France<br />

Indicativ<br />

P58<br />

P59<br />

P60<br />

P61<br />

P62<br />

P63<br />

Numarul<br />

proiectului<br />

Ctr.<br />

26a/2007<br />

Ctr. UTCB<br />

198/2002<br />

Ctr. UTCB<br />

118/2001<br />

Ctr. UTCB<br />

50a/1995<br />

Ctr. UTCB<br />

33/1995<br />

Ctr. UTCB<br />

189a/1993<br />


Titlul proiectului<br />

Consultanta tehnica proiecte<br />

tehnologii hidraulice. Proiect<br />

general tehnologie hidraulica in<br />

statii <strong>de</strong> tratare, pompare, epurare<br />

Contract <strong>de</strong> consultanta<br />

Consultanţă la întocmirea<br />

proiectelor <strong>de</strong> alimentare <strong>cu</strong> apă<br />

la sate<br />

Consultanţă pentru realizarea<br />

investiţiei şi pornirea staţiei <strong>de</strong> apă<br />

potabilă<br />

Proiect <strong>de</strong> consultanta<br />

A<strong>si</strong>stenţă tehnică exe<strong>cu</strong>ţie<br />

<strong>de</strong>cantoare <strong>cu</strong> viteză<br />

ascen<strong>si</strong>onală variabilă Crivina-<br />

Ogrezeni<br />

A<strong>si</strong>stenta Tehnica<br />

Staţie pilot şi <strong>de</strong> comandă Roşu<br />

pentru Staţia <strong>de</strong> Tratare Crivina-<br />

Ogrezeni A<strong>si</strong>stenta Tehnica<br />

A<strong>si</strong>stenţă tehnică exe<strong>cu</strong>ţie<br />

<strong>de</strong>cantoare la staţia <strong>de</strong> tratare<br />

Crivina-Ogrezeni A<strong>si</strong>stenta<br />

Tehnica<br />

Perioada <strong>de</strong><br />

realizare<br />

Sursa <strong>de</strong><br />

finantare<br />

Pozitia<br />

institutiei<br />

2007-2008 Sialco S.R.L. Contractor<br />

Direct<br />

2002 Tahal<br />

România<br />

S.R.L.<br />

2001 Petromidia<br />

S.A.<br />

1995 Operatorul <strong>de</strong><br />

<strong>Apa</strong> Bu<strong>cu</strong>resti<br />

- RGAB<br />

1995 Regia<br />

Generala <strong>de</strong><br />

<strong>Apa</strong> Bu<strong>cu</strong>resti<br />

RGAB<br />

1993 Regia<br />

Generala <strong>de</strong><br />

<strong>Apa</strong> Bu<strong>cu</strong>resti<br />

RGAB<br />

Contractor<br />

Direct<br />

Contractor<br />

Direct<br />

Subcontractor<br />

al<br />

PROED S.A.<br />

Subcontractor<br />

al<br />

PROED S.A.<br />

Subcontractor<br />

al<br />

PROED S.A.<br />

Data completarii: Februarie 2011<br />

Semnatura<br />


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