aydinlatma-lamba-armatur-hesaplamalari-cozumleri - 320Volt

aydinlatma-lamba-armatur-hesaplamalari-cozumleri - 320Volt

aydinlatma-lamba-armatur-hesaplamalari-cozumleri - 320Volt


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84<br />

EK-2 (Devam) Bilgisayar Programının Kodu<br />

for colIndex = 1 : sizeColArms<br />

if radius > atand((norm([samplesFora(rowCount, colCount)<br />

samplesForb(rowCount, colCount)] - ...<br />

[sx(rowIndex, colIndex) sy(rowIndex, colIndex)]))/(m-c)) ...<br />

lumMatrix(rowCount, colCount) = lumMatrix(rowCount, colCount) ...<br />

+ ((m-c)/sqrt(((m-c)^2)+(norm([samplesFora(rowCount, colCount) ...<br />

samplesForb(rowCount, colCount)] - ...<br />

[sx(rowIndex, colIndex) sy(rowIndex, colIndex)]))^2)).*((((mc)^2)+(norm([samplesFora(rowCount,<br />

colCount) samplesForb(rowCount, ...<br />

colCount)] - [sx(rowIndex, colIndex) sy(rowIndex, colIndex)]))^2).^(-1));<br />

end<br />

end<br />

end<br />

end<br />

end<br />

lumMatrix = e0.*(lumMatrix);<br />

surf(samplesFora, samplesForb, lumMatrix);<br />

colorbar;<br />

maxLumValue = max(max(lumMatrix));<br />

for rowIndex = 1 : sizeRowArms<br />

for colIndex = 1 : sizeColArms<br />

plot3(sx(rowIndex, colIndex), sy(rowIndex, colIndex), maxLumValue+1, ...<br />

'o', 'MarkerSize', 9, 'MarkerEdgeColor', 'k', 'MarkerFaceColor', 'w');<br />

end<br />

end<br />

axis equal;<br />

axis tight;<br />

grid off;<br />

function edit17_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)<br />

function edit17_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)

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