yukthi october 2019

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89 Years or Rationalist

Association of India

In December 1929 a letter was published in a

daily news paper in Bombay suggesting that an

organization of Rationalist should be Started in India

Following it a meeting was held in January 1930,

and decided to establish an association. It was also

decided to call the association. The AntiPriestCraft

Association', with the object of combating all religious

and social beliefs and customs that can't with stand

the test of reason and to endeavour to create a

scientific and tolerant attitude among the people.

In July 1931 the name of the Association had been

changed to 'Rationalist Association of India' as it was

realised that the objects of the association are wider

than just combating preistcraft.

Afew months after the inauguration of the

Association, it decided to publish a quarterly Journal

called 'Reason' to propagate the aims and objects of

the association. The publication of the magazine

started in July 1931 as quarterly and in January 1932

was changed into monthly.

During the 2nd world war intellectuals and other

activists concetnrated their efforts on political struggle.

As the war effected the cost of publication of 'Reason'

it was stopped from December 1942.

In 1949 the Indian Rationalist Association was

formed on 19th December 1949 in Madras and as a

consequencer th: defunct Rationalist Association of

India merged in it. A monthly journ..: 'Indian

Rationalist' was started and it had been published till

1965. © veral Radical Humanists activities

participated in the activities of the Association.


During 196671 the head quarters was shifted from

Madras to Hyderabad along with 'Indian Ratioanlist'

Journal. It had been published - from 1967 to 1971

from Hyderabad.

In 1971 the head quarters was again shifted to

Madras. A magazine,

"Free Thought" had been

published. The Association

held its golden

Jubiter celebration in

1980 in December 1980

at Bombay. In June 1989

the head quarters was

shifted to Chirala.

The National congress

of Indian Rationalist

Association held at

Hyderabad in the prese

Meduri Stayanarayana

nce of Chairman and cochairman of .H.E.U.on April

7th 1996 we resolved to adopt the original name

'Rationalist Association of India'.

Rationalist Association of India reformulated its

constitution in 1996 and had it passed in the national

congress of Rationalist Association of India held at

Chirala, A.P. in 1997.

The main aims and objects are a To Promote the

spread of Rationalism and Humanism in all essentials

of life.

b) To uphold human values derived from

Rationalist and Humanist approach to life.

HIvtSm-_¿ 2019

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