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.':'l: L-i Illmni{Ir r0}tr cr RCr_rL_ij,,<br />

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<strong>26</strong>th Nowonrbere 7982,<br />

Y E L t, O 1,{ _3_ .A S";-E_$<br />

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0n B_ghali- oi-, oI i-L_!he " -Egfl.l::Iirs-U-Sjct!<br />

Iirie::ejt_glr_Pjr.t:Lqnls<br />

I felt it might be useful to publicise Bromley Health Authority<br />

Aclministrative Procedure i'lo" ?, as I felt everyoite concerned- lvj-th the care of<br />

our patieirts shoul-d be a.vrare of tiie channels through r,;hich staff can communicate<br />

if for anJ/ reason th.e.,. o-o not feel able -,,o discuss problems that come thej.r way<br />

i*itir their immed-iate head-s of depa,tmenis.<br />

sectgq,:!c1nli}:F_!la-!!r<br />

1. A member of staff xho wishes to nake a sug5lesti.on or complaint on behalf of,<br />

or j-n the interests of, paticnts r,'aoulci ci.o so in writing to his/rer IIead of<br />

Department or to a morr) sen-i ,.;l: r:ifrcer il:risfrer profession, or to the<br />

Sector Adninistrator"<br />

2o The Head- of Depa-rtment cr'-the n'rrre se.:i.or ofiicer in the employeets professi.on<br />

shorild cr,dirise the Sector ricirnirrj.sLlaror oi ii.e receipt of such a complaint,<br />

and su1,,rd':quentL:r of the outcone oi tceir irrvestipaticns in-Lothe matter.<br />

The Sci:to:: Arin.lnis{;rator will inforr:i tr.e -ssistant iri'etrict :Gministrator<br />

(OperationaJ" Idanagerirent ) immecli-aie1-"- 1.1r-.=n :e :tas been aclvi sed of a cornplaint<br />

or when a complaint is referred to nin :n the first instance by the member<br />

of staff"<br />

3. iilternativel;,r, :-f a rnember of staff leels ihlt tn;r. are good reasons for<br />

doing so he rflay:-<br />

c l,lake the complaint to the Secr':-bar-i of ihe Drstrict Health Authority,<br />

0R b. Seek the advice of the Conrn;::it;' iiealtn Council"<br />

OR c" Ash the Health Scrvice Cornissroner to inrresti3ate tl:Le matter.<br />

.)f n l+ * )r t+.,f -x-x--i.-)i cSS) tupboald *.r+ r+.|+ * -*-* x-)t-)r x-<br />

THE CSSD CIIPBoARD oi,I .IomIs6TIiFilIE-il-gE },10]IED To Jus}mR I,IIFD FRoI,{<br />

TITJnSIAY, 25TH NoVEIIBER, 1932"<br />

f n-Servi "u Pr"]4fe_= (lqtl!: i.lanagemegL-Training Th<br />

"g) 1 be shown at 1.1) p.m. in<br />

theGeereCentreon}'{onday,-2t!@l,fo<strong>11</strong>or,red.bydiscussion.Particu1ar1y<br />

for recently joinea/appoinied'Ei:.nea starr.<br />

i"led. lst December T.V" video presentation by Messrs. Merck Ltd" fti\:r-bi<br />

Depressant Drugs?f at 1.15 p.m" in Geere Centre"<br />

Geei:e Centre lviI1 be closed from 2nd D.:cember for cleaning.<br />

Pa'tholoqy Lab"<br />

I''{rs" I{. Butterworth l+i.<strong>11</strong> be on annual leave 23rd. - <strong>26</strong>th ltlovcmber inc,<br />

Demol ition Recommenrlati.on<br />

The l{ospitai l1a::agcrneirt Tearn a3rccd o:r i',iond.a;,. last to recornme:rd to the<br />

District l,{anagernent Team the Cemolltion of whet used. to be ca<strong>11</strong>ed. U:rw-in War,1,<br />

and nrore recenti-y has beon used as York arrd Zachar;r Dayroon. This is irr<br />

ad"d.j.tion to the renoval of the old. Cottage 1itreird, aircl demolition of this is held<br />

up through lack of necessary finance.<br />

Sectcl,rcimr:.l1sl::aior<br />

P:rtients I Entert:,inment<br />

On Saturday, 27th November, L982, the Junior Child.rens Theatre from Srtton<br />

College will be preseirting their pre-Cliristmas sliow, the Piecl Piper of Hamlin,<br />

in the i.{ain l{all at 2"30p.m. Staff are asked" to encourage their paticnts to<br />

."tt eirC.

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