Sonata for Cello and Piano

The Sonata for Cello and Piano is a dialogue between the two instruments. After a short exposition and a piano monologue, the cello and piano engage in a dialogue. The cello begins each sequence with a recall of the opening melody, a series of fourths and half-steps, which is soon countered by the entrance of the piano on a different material. Each sequence also explores a different texture/timbre.

The Sonata for Cello and Piano is a dialogue between the two instruments. After a short exposition and a piano monologue, the cello and piano engage in a dialogue. The cello begins each sequence with a recall of the opening melody, a series of fourths and half-steps, which is soon countered by the entrance of the piano on a different material. Each sequence also explores a different texture/timbre.


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in any order, at any<br />

rhythm<br />

˙<br />

n ˙<br />

Sustain melody with<br />

pedal, Continue playing<br />

boxed notes throughout<br />

#<br />

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J<br />

1/2 lift<br />

Vc.<br />

144<br />

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˙ n ˙<br />

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J<br />

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3<br />

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œ<br />

j<br />

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F<br />

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Vc.<br />

150<br />

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6<br />

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œ ˙<br />

Œ # œ œ œ<br />

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3<br />

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ÿ<br />

œ ÿ œ J<br />

P<br />

ÿ<br />

ÿ<br />

6<br />

œ œ œ œ œ n ˙˙<br />

n<br />

œ<br />

œ<br />


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