Cello Duet

This Cello Duet is a short, single movement rondo in a neo-classical style. The A sections features intense dialogues between the cellists, such as alternating passagework, exchanges of melody, clustered chromaticism, and extreme differences in tessitura. The B and C sections feature oppositions in texture and articulation: Elegaic/Lyrical vs Aggressive/Marcato; Galant/Maestoso vs. Pizzicato/Joyful.

This Cello Duet is a short, single movement rondo in a neo-classical style. The A sections features intense dialogues between the cellists, such as alternating passagework, exchanges of melody, clustered chromaticism, and extreme differences in tessitura. The B and C sections feature oppositions in texture and articulation: Elegaic/Lyrical vs Aggressive/Marcato; Galant/Maestoso vs. Pizzicato/Joyful.


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Score<br />

<strong>Cello</strong> I<br />

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<strong>Cello</strong> <strong>Duet</strong><br />

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Jon Mayse<br />

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<strong>Cello</strong> II<br />

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Vlc. I<br />

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Vlc. II<br />

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©2017 Jon Paul Mayse [ASCAP]

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