Manual despre Prevenirea si Tratarea Infectiei cu COVID-19

In cadrul acestui manual puteti regasi informatii privind prevenirea infectiei cu COVID-19, moduri in care poate fi stabilit diagnosticul infectarii si metode de tratament. Putem invinge raspandirea acestui virus doar daca suntem uniti si colaboram in evitarea spatiilor aglomerate si respectarea normelor de igiena si a ordonantelor de urgenta! www.medicalecoline.ro

In cadrul acestui manual puteti regasi informatii privind prevenirea infectiei cu COVID-19, moduri in care poate fi stabilit diagnosticul infectarii si metode de tratament. Putem invinge raspandirea acestui virus doar daca suntem uniti si colaboram in evitarea spatiilor aglomerate si respectarea normelor de igiena si a ordonantelor de urgenta!



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28 Handbook of COVID-19 Prevention and Treatment

2 Lung Recruitment

Lung recruitment improves the heterogeneous distribution of lesions in patients with

ARDS. However, it may result in severe respiratory and circulatory complications and

therefore, the lung recruitment maneuver is not routinely recommended. The assessment

of lung expandability should be performed prior to the application.

(3) Prone Position Ventilation

Most critically ill patients with COVID-19 respond well to prone ventilation, with a rapid

improvement of oxygenation and lung mechanics. Prone ventilation is recommended as

a routine strategy for patients with PaO 2

/FiO 2

< 150 mmHg or with obvious imaging

manifestations without contraindications. Time course recommended for prone

ventilation is more than 16 hours each time. The prone ventilation can be ceased once

PaO 2

/FiO 2

is greater than 150 mmHg for more than 4 hours in the supine position.

Prone ventilation while awake may be attempted for patients who have not been

intubated or have no obvious respiratory distress but with impaired oxygenation or have

consolidation in gravity-dependent lung zones on lung images. Procedures for at least 4

hours each time is recommended. Prone position can be considered several times per

day depending on the effects and tolerance.

(4) Prevention of Regurgitation and Aspiration

Gastric residual volume and gastrointestinal function should be routinely evaluated.

Appropriate enteral nutrition is recommended to be given as earlier as possible.

Nasointestinal feeding and continuous nasogastric decompression are recommended.

Enteral nutrition should be suspended and aspiration with 50 mL syringe be done before

transfer. If no contraindication exists, a 30° semi-sitting position is recommended.

(5) Fluid Management

Excessive fluid burden worsens hypoxemia in COVID-19 patients. To reduce pulmonary

exudation and improve oxygenation, the amount of fluid should be strictly controlled

while ensuring the patient's perfusion.

(6) Strategies to Prevent Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia (VAP)

VAP bundled strategies should be strictly implemented:

1 Select appropriate type of endotracheal tube;

2 Use a endotracheal tube with subglottic suction (once every 2 hours, aspirated with 20

mL empty syringe each time);

3 Place the endotracheal tube at the right position and correct depth, fix properly and

avoid pulling;

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