Manual despre Prevenirea si Tratarea Infectiei cu COVID-19

In cadrul acestui manual puteti regasi informatii privind prevenirea infectiei cu COVID-19, moduri in care poate fi stabilit diagnosticul infectarii si metode de tratament. Putem invinge raspandirea acestui virus doar daca suntem uniti si colaboram in evitarea spatiilor aglomerate si respectarea normelor de igiena si a ordonantelor de urgenta! www.medicalecoline.ro

In cadrul acestui manual puteti regasi informatii privind prevenirea infectiei cu COVID-19, moduri in care poate fi stabilit diagnosticul infectarii si metode de tratament. Putem invinge raspandirea acestui virus doar daca suntem uniti si colaboram in evitarea spatiilor aglomerate si respectarea normelor de igiena si a ordonantelor de urgenta!



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38 Handbook of COVID-19 Prevention and Treatment



Identification of adverse drug reactions

It has been demonstrated that the incidence of abnormal liver function is 51.9% in

COVID-19 patients who have received lopinavir/ritonavir combined arbidol antiviral

treatment. Multivariate analysis revealed that antiviral agents and more concomitant

medications are two independent risk factors of abnormal liver function. Therefore,

monitoring of the adverse drug reactions should be strengthened; the unnecessary

drug combinations should be reduced. The main adverse reactions of antiviral agents


(1) Lopinavir /ritonavir and darunavir/cobicistat: diarrhea, nausea, vomit, the increase

of serum aminotransferase, jaundice, dyslipidemia, the increase of lactic acid.

Symptoms will recover after drug withdrawal.

(2) Arbidol:the increase of serum aminotransferase and jaundice. When combined with

lopinavir, the incidence rate is even higher. The symptoms will recover after drug

withdrawal. Sometimes a slowdown of the heart could be induced; thus it is necessary

to avoid the combination of arbidol with β–receptor inhibitors such as metoprolol and

propranolol. We suggest to stop taking the drugs when the heart rate drops below


(3) Fapilavir: elevation of plasma uric acid, diarrhea, neutropenia, shock, fulminant

hepatitis, acute kidney injury. The adverse reactions were commonly seen in elderly

patients or patients complicated with cytokine storm.

(4) Chloroquine phosphate: dizziness, headache, nausea, vomit, diarrhea, different

kinds of skin rash. The most severe adverse reaction is cardiac arrest. The main adverse

reaction is the ocular toxicity. An electrocardiogram needs to be examined before

taking the drug. The drug should be prohibited for patients with arrhythmia (e.g.,

conduction block), retinal disease, or hearing loss.

Therapeutic Drug Monitoring

Some antiviral and antibacterial drugs need therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM). Table

1 presents the plasma concentrations of such drugs and their dosage adjustment. Upon

the onset of aberrations of plasma drug concentration, the treatment regimens need to

be adjusted by considering the clinical symptoms and concomitant drugs.

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