Brstiči 2021

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Brstiči 2020/21



You will be very skinny

and you won't have to

worry about your weight.

You won't be strong but

you will be smart. You

will like to wear crocks and you will eat

at McDonald's for the rest of your life.

Žan Loredan and Enej Rustja,

grade 7. a


You will like winter and

hate summer. Your

friends will always be

happy when they will be

around you. Your crush will be in love

with you.

Emi Hrvatin and Eulona Shala,

grade 7.a



At the end of the week

you will fail the most

important exam in your

life. Anyway you will have

a great job. You'll meet the love of your

life. You will travel to Italy. You'll have a

big and great family.

You will be happy.


Nina Stojić and Rebeka Žudić,

grade 7. A

You'll fail your exams but

don't worry. You'll fall in

love with a beautiful



You'll get married and

have one child. You'll travel a lot.

Mia Butić and Doroteja Matić,

grade 7. b

You'll get married. You

won't win the lottery and

you'll cry. You'll get a

scary phone call; your

wife will start screaming. Your doctor

will call you about something bad. You

will die on a plane.

Jakob Kodrič and Lan Perič, grade 7. b


You'll become a bus

driver. You won't like

your job. You won't be

rich. You'll be funny and your friends will

love you. You'll live in France.

Julijana Gustinčič and Noemi Sellan,

grade 7. A


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