Desnafitri Chamila_PhysioEx GCT activity 9 (exercise 1-6) & activity 10 (exercise 3)

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Desnafitri Chamila







Name: I1011181043_Desnafitri Chamila_PhysioEx GCT

Exercise 9: Renal System Physiology: Activity 1: The Effect of Arteriole Radius on Glomerular Filtration

Lab Report

Pre-lab Quiz Results

You scored 100% by answering 5 out of 5 questions correctly.

1. There are approximately nephrons in a healthy human

kidney. You correctly answered: c. 1 × 106

2. Which of the following lists the anatomical structures in the correct order as they are encountered by the

blood and filtered fluid during the process of filtration?

You correctly answered: d. afferent arteriole, glomerular capillary, Bowman's capsule

3. Bowman's capsule is connected to the beginning

of the You correctly answered: b. proximal

convoluted tubule.

4. The functional unit of the kidney

is the You correctly answered: c.


5. During the process of renal reabsorption, fluid and solutes move

from the You correctly answered: b. renal tubule into the peritubular


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Results Predict


Predict Question 1: What will happen to the glomerular capillary pressure and filtration rate if you decrease the radius

of the afferent arteriole?

Your answer : a. Both pressure and filtration rate will increase.

Predict Question 2: What will happen to the glomerular capillary pressure and filtration rate if you increase the radius

of the afferent arteriole?

Your answer : b. Both pressure and filtration rate will decrease.

Predict Question 3: What will happen to the glomerular capillary pressure and filtration rate if you decrease the radius

of the efferent arteriole?

Your answer : a. Both pressure and filtration rate will increase.

Stop & Think Questions:

Caffeine consumption leads to increased urine formation. From the results in this experiment thus far, you

might propose that

You correctly answered: d. caffeine dilates the afferent arteriole.

When you are in the desert and dehydrating, which of the following arteriole combinations would benefit

you the most? You correctly answered: c. afferent constriction and efferent dilation

Experiment Data:

Afferent Radius


Efferent Radius


Beaker Press.

(mm Hg)



Glom. Filt. Rate


Urine Volume


(mm Hg)

0.50 0.45 90 55.08 124.99 200.44

0.45 0.45 90 51.54 81.06 179.88

0.40 0.45 90 48.52 43.66 143.91

0.35 0.45 90 46.16 14.35 76.33

0.55 0.45 90 58.94 172.86 212.87

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0.50 0.45 90 55.08 124.99 200.44

0.50 0.40 90 56.10 137.69 227.49

0.50 0.35 90 56.84 146.82 247.96

0.50 0.30 90 57.34 152.96 262.23

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Post-lab Quiz Results

You scored 100% by answering 4 out of 4 questions correctly.

1. If you increase the afferent arteriole radius and keep all other variables constant, the glomerular filtration

rate would You correctly answered: a. increase.

2. If you decrease the efferent arteriole radius and keep all other variables constant, the volume of urine

flowing into the urinary bladder would

You correctly answered: a. increase.

3. If you increase the efferent arteriole radius and keep all other variables constant, the glomerular filtration

rate would You correctly answered: b. decrease.

4. If you decrease the afferent arteriole radius and keep all other variables constant, the volume of urine

flowing into the urinary bladder would .

You correctly answered: b. decrease.

03/21/22 page 4

Review Sheet Results

1. What are two primary functions of the


Fungsi ginjal adalah sebagai sistem ekskresi dan regulasi

2. What are the components of the renal


Kapsula Bowman, arteriol eferent.

3. Starting with the renal corpuscle, list the components of the renal tubule as they are encountered

by filtrate.

Kapsula bowman, tubulus kontortus proksimal, lengkung Henle, tubulus kontortus distal, duktus


4. Describe the effect of decreasing the afferent arteriole radius on glomerular capillary pressure and

filtration rate. How well did the results compare with your prediction?

Efeknya terjadi penurunan afferent radius adalah terjadi peningkatan tekanan dan peningkatan laju filtrasi. Sesuai

dengan perkiraan saya pada jawaban prediksi saya.

5. Describe the effect of increasing the afferent arteriole radius on glomerular capillary pressure and

filtration rate. How well did the results compare with your prediction?

Ketika radius aferen meningkat, tekanan dan laju filtrasi juga meningkat. Berbeda dengan jawaban pada prediksi saya.

6. Describe the effect of decreasing the efferent arteriole radius on glomerular capillary pressure and

filtration rate. How well did the results compare with your prediction?

Ketika radius eferen menurun, terjadi peningkatan tekanan dan laju filtrasi. Sesuai dengan perkiraan saya pada jawaban

prediksi saya.

7. Describe the effect of increasing the efferent radius on glomerular capillary pressure and

filtration rate.

Ketika radius eferen meningkat, terjadi penurunan tekanan dan laju filtrasi.


1. Sherwood, Lauralee. Fisiologi Manusia. Edisi 6. Jakarta: EGC; 2009.p 560 -80.

03/21/22 page 1

Name: I1011181043_Desnafitri Chamila_PhysioEx GCT

Exercise 9: Renal System Physiology: Activity 2: The Effect of Pressure on Glomerular Filtration Lab


Pre-lab Quiz Results

You scored 100% by answering 4 out of 4 questions correctly.

1. Which of the following forces promotes filtration?

You correctly answered: c. blood pressure in the glomerular capillaries

2. The glomerular filtration rate can be altered by

You correctly answered: b. changing the afferent arteriole resistance.

3. In 24 hours human glomerular capillaries can filter as much as liters of

filtrate. You correctly answered: c. 180

4. Which of the following statements about the filtrate in the renal corpuscle is false?

You correctly answered: d. Normally, more than 40% of the blood that enters the glomerular capillaries becomes


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Results Predict


Predict Question 1: What will happen to the glomerular capillary pressure and filtration rate if you increase the

blood pressure in the left source beaker?

Your answer : a. Both pressure and filtration rate will increase.

Predict Question 2: What will happen to the filtrate pressure in Bowman's capsule (not directly measured in this

experiment) and filtration rate if you close the one-way valve between the collecting duct and the urinary bladder?

Your answer : d. Pressure will increase and filtration rate will decrease.

Stop & Think Questions:

What is the important relation that underlies the observed increase in glomerular filtration rate when the blood

pressure is increased?

You correctly answered: c. pressure and flow are directly proportional.

What medical condition is analogous to the closed valve?

You correctly answered: b. a tumor obstructing the renal

tubule Experiment Data:

Afferent Radius Efferent Radius Beaker Press.

(mm) (mm) (mm Hg)


Press. (mm Hg)

Glom. Filt. Urine Volume Valve Status




0.50 0.45 70 49.72 58.57 161.76 open

0.50 0.45 80 52.40 91.78 186.23 open

0.50 0.45 90 55.08 124.99 200.44 open

0.50 0.45 100 57.76 158.20 209.72 open

0.50 0.45 70 49.72 58.57 161.76 open

0.50 0.45 70 49.72 26.94 0.00 closed

0.50 0.45 100 57.76 158.20 209.72 open

0.50 0.45 100 57.76 120.20 0.00 closed

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Post-lab Quiz Results

You scored 100% by answering 4 out of 4 questions correctly.

1. In humans, the glomerular filtration rate normally

ranges from You correctly answered: b. 80 to 140 ml/min.

2. Which of the following does not have a significant impact on the glomerular

filtration rate? You correctly answered: d. renal tubule length

3. In the absence of any regulatory mechanisms, what do you think would happen to the glomerular

filtration rate of a person who experiences an increase in blood pressure?

You correctly answered: a. The glomerular filtration rate could increase.

4. What would happen to the glomerular filtration rate of a person who experiences a large

hemorrhage? You correctly answered: b. The glomerular filtration rate would decrease.

03/21/22 page 4

Review Sheet Results

1. As blood pressure increased, what happened to the glomerular capillary pressure and the glomerular filtration

rate? How well did the results compare with your prediction?

Ketika tekanan darah meningkat, tekanan kapiler glomerulus dan laju filtrasi juga akan meningkat, karena semakin

banyak darah yang masuk ke kapiler di dalam kapsula Bowman maka semakin tinggi pula tekanan yang naik, serta

semakin tinggi pula laju filtrasi akibat tingginya tekanan tersebut. Hal ini terjadi pada penyaringan darah yang lebih

banyak. Sesuai dengan perkiraan saya pada jawaban prediksi saya.

2. Compare the urine volume in your baseline data with the urine volume as you increased the blood pressure.

How did the urine volume change?

Terlihat bahwa ketika tekanan darah meningkat maka produksi urin juga meningkat. Hal tersebut dikarenakan

tekanan glomerulus, laju filtrasi, dan volume urin semuanya akan meningkat karena setiap kali tekanan glomerulus

meningkat, laju filtrasi harus meningkat karena tingginya tekanan dan terakhir laju filtrasi yang tinggi menyebabkan

peningkatan volume urin.

3. How could the change in urine volume with the increase in blood pressure be viewed as being beneficial to

the body?

Peningkatan volume urin dapat bermanfaat bagi tubuh karena berarti filtrasi dari tubuh lebih cepat dari

biasanya. Semakin sering buang air kecil menyebabkan kehilangan cairan, mengakibatkan konsumsi cairan

yang lebih tinggi untuk menggantikan cairan yang hilang dari buang air kecil. Peningkatan volume urin,

menciptakan siklus yang bermamfaat dalam menyaring zat-zat sisa metabolisme dengan cepat dari konsumsi

cairan dengan kecepatan yang meningkat untuk menggantikan apa yang hilang.

4. When the one-way valve between the collecting duct and the urinary bladder was closed, what happened to

the filtrate pressure in Bowman's capsule (this is not directly measured in this experiment) and the glomerular

filtration rate? How well did the results compare with your prediction?

Setiap kali satu arah antara duktus kolektivus dan kandung kemih ditutup, tekanan filtrasi tetap sama, tetapi laju

filtrasi glomerulus menurun. Sesuai dengan perkiraan saya pada jawaban prediksi saya bahwa tekanan akan

meningkat dan laju filtrasi akan menurun. Pada data didapatkan bahwa tekanan glomerulus sama dibandingkan

dengan kecepatan katup terbuka, yang menunjukkan bahwa tekanan tidak terpengaruh. Namun, laju filtrasi

menurun setiap kali katup ditutup, dibandingkan dengan terbuka, hal ini disebabkan sudah ada filtrat di kandung

kemih karena tidak ada output urin, sehingga sistem tidak bisa menyaring lebih banyak.

5. How did increasing the blood pressure alter the results when the valve was closed?

Peningkatan tekanan darah meningkat saat katup ditutup, mempengaruhi laju filtrasi glomerulus. Laju filtrasi

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glomerulus menurun karena tidak ada output urin. Laju filtrasi ini menurun karena tekanan glomerulus tetap sama

dan membebani sistem filtrasi yang menyebabkan pergerakan lebih lambat.


1. Sherwood, Lauralee. Fisiologi Manusia. Edisi 6. Jakarta: EGC; 2009. p 560 -80.

03/21/22 page 2

Name: I1011181043_Desnafitri Chamila_PhysioEx GCT

Exercise 9: Renal System Physiology: Activity 3: Renal Response to Altered Blood Pressure

Lab Report

Pre-lab Quiz Results

You scored 100% by answering 4 out of 4 questions correctly.

1. If all other variables are kept constant, how does the afferent arteriole radius affect the rate of glomerular

filtration (select all that apply)?

You correctly answered: c. An increased afferent arteriole radius will increase the rate of glomerular filtration.

d. A decreased afferent arteriole radius will decrease the rate of glomerular filtration.

2. If all other variables are kept constant, how does the efferent arteriole radius affect the rate of glomerular

filtration (select all that apply)?

You correctly answered: a. An increased efferent arteriole radius will decrease the rate of glomerular filtration.

b. A decreased efferent arteriole radius will increase the rate of glomerular filtration.

3. If all other variables are kept constant, how does blood pressure affect the rate of glomerular filtration

(select all that apply)?

You correctly answered: b. If blood pressure goes up, the rate of glomerular filtration goes up. d. If blood

pressure goes down, the rate of glomerular filtration goes down.

4. In the absence of other renal processes (including tubular reabsorption and secretion), more glomerular

filtration leads to a larger urine volume.

You correctly answered: a. true

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Results Predict


Predict Question: What will happen to the glomerular capillary pressure rate and glomerular filtration rate if

both of these arteriole radii changes are implemented simultaneously with the low blood pressure condition?

Your answer : b. Glomerular filtration rate and pressure will rise above baseline values.

Stop & Think Questions:

If blood pressure were to drop (for example, as the result of blood loss), what changes in the nephron would

allow the kidney to maintain its normal glomerular filtration rate (select all that apply)?

You correctly answered: a. afferent arteriole dilation d. efferent arteriole constriction

Comparing the glomerular filtration rate and glomerular capillary pressure with the baseline values (from the

first run), how effective was the increased afferent arteriole radius in compensating for the low blood pressure?

You correctly answered: c. The afferent arteriole dilation returned the low glomerular capillary pressure and

filtration rate almost to baseline values.

Comparing the glomerular filtration rate and glomerular capillary pressure with the baseline values (from the

first run), how effective was the decreased efferent arteriole radius in compensating for the low blood pressure?

You correctly answered: b. The efferent arteriole constriction improved the low glomerular capillary pressure

and filtration rate marginally.

Experiment Data:

Afferent Radius

Efferent Radius

Beaker Press.

Glomerular Press.

Glom. Filt. Rate

Urine Volume



(mm Hg) (mm Hg) (ml/min)


0.50 0.45 90 55.08 124.99 200.44

0.50 0.45 70 49.72 58.57 161.76

0.60 0.45 70 54.25 114.72 196.72

0.50 0.35 70 51.24 77.41 231.12

0.60 0.35 70 55.58 131.15 245.57

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Post-lab Quiz Results

You scored 100% by answering 4 out of 4 questions correctly.

1. If all other variables are kept constant, when blood pressure decreases, glomerular

filtration You correctly answered: c. decreases.

2. If afferent arteriole radius decreases in response to an increase in blood pressure, then glomerular

filtration You correctly answered: b. remains approximately the same.

3. If all other variables are kept constant, when the efferent arteriole radius decreases, glomerular

filtration You correctly answered: a. increases.

4. With blood pressure held at a constant value, which of the following combinations will raise the glomerular

filtration rate above baseline values?

You correctly answered: b. afferent arteriole dilation and efferent arteriole constriction

03/21/22 page 5

Review Sheet Results

1. List the several mechanisms you have explored that change the glomerular filtration rate. How does each

mechanism specifically alter the glomerular filtration rate?

Tingkat filtrasi glomerulus dipengaruhi oleh tekanan darah, jari-jari aferen dan arteriol eferendan perubahan resistensi

arteriol aferen. Ketika meningkatkan tekanan darah laju filtrasi glomerulus juga meningkat secara proporsional, karena

ketika darah memiliki tekanan yanglebih tinggi memasuki lapisan kapiler dari kapsul Bowman yang meningkatkan

difusi, menyebabkan peningkatan laju filtrasi glomerulus. Jari-jari arteriol aferen dan eferen juga mempengaruhi laju

filtrasi glomerulus dimana meningkatkan ukuran jari-jari, maka lebih banyak darah diizinkan masuk ke dalam kapiler,

sehingga terjadi peningkatan laju filtrasi glomerulus. Perubahan resistensi aferen juga mempengaruhi laju filtrasi

glomerulus. Adapun nama mekanismenya miogenik dan tubular glomerular.

2. Describe and explain what happened to the glomerular capillary pressure and glomerular filtration rate

when both arteriole radii changes were implemented simultaneously with the low blood pressure condition.

How well did the results compare with your prediction?

Tekanan kapiler glomerulus meningkat dan tingkat laju filtrasi glomerulus kembali ke garis dasar.

3. How could you adjust the afferent or efferent radius to compensate for the effect of reduced blood

pressure on the glomerular filtration rate?

Dilatasi arteriol aferen dan konstriksi arteriol eferen..

4. Which arteriole radius adjustment was more effective at compensating for the effect of low blood

pressure on the glomerular filtration rate? Explain why you think this difference occurs.

Penyesuaian arteriol yang berbeda lebih efektif. Ini karena arteriol aferen berada sebelum filtrasi glomerulus yang lebih

mempengaruhi tekanan. Berbeda dengan perkiraan saya pada jawaban prediksi saya.

5. In the body, how does a nephron maintain a near-constant glomerular filtration rate despite a constantly

fluctuating blood pressure?

Tubuh mempertahankannya dengan mengubah jari-jari arteriol aferen dan eferen ketika diperlukan


1. Sherwood, Lauralee. Fisiologi Manusia. Edisi 6. Jakarta: EGC; 2009. p 560 -80.

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Name: I1011181043_Desnafitri Chamila_PhysioEx GCT

Exercise 9: Renal System Physiology: Activity 4: Solute Gradients and Their Impact on Urine Concentration

Lab Report

Pre-lab Quiz Results

You scored 100% by answering 4 out of 4 questions correctly.

1. As filtrate passes through the nephron, the renal process of reabsorption describes

You correctly answered: d. the movement of water and solutes from the tubule lumen, into the interstitial space,

and, finally, into the peritubular capillaries.

2. The maximum solute concentration refers to the amount of

solutes You correctly answered: b. in the interstitial space.

3. Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) affects the

permeability of You correctly answered: c. the

collecting duct.

4. ADH aids the reabsorption

of You correctly answered: a.


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Results Predict


Predict Question: What will happen to the urine volume and concentration as the solute gradient in the interstitial space

is increased?

Your answer : b. The urine volume will decrease and the concentration will increase.

Stop & Think Questions:

Why is the solute concentration (mOsm) in the proximal tubule the same as in the blood?

You correctly answered: d. Because water and many plasma solutes filter into Bowman's capsule.

In the presence of ADH, what component of the tubule fluid moves out of the collecting duct and into the

interstitial space? You correctly answered: b. water

Experiment Data:

Urine Volume Urine Concentration Conc. Grad. ADH

80.57 300 300 present

40.28 600 600 present

26.86 900 900 present

16.86 1200 1200 present

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Post-lab Quiz Results

You scored 100% by answering 3 out of 3 questions correctly.

1. Tubule fluid osmolarity will always be the greatest in which of these

locations? You correctly answered: b. the bottom of the loop of Henle

2. Tubule fluid volume will always be the greatest in which of these

locations? You correctly answered: a. the proximal convoluted tubule

3. Where does ADH directly alter the urine

volume? You correctly answered: d. in the

collecting duct

03/21/22 page 4

Review Sheet Results

1. What happened to the urine concentration as the solute concentration in the interstitial space was

increased? How well did the results compare to your prediction?

Ketika konsentrasi zat terlarut meningkat, maka konsentrasi urin meningkat secara proporsional. Volume urin

menurun karena zat terlarut dan konsentrasi urin meningkat. Sesuai dengan perkiraan saya pada jawaban prediksi


2. What happened to the volume of urine as the solute concentration in the interstitial space was increased?

How well did the results compare to your prediction?

Ketika konsentrasi zat terlarut meningkat, volume urin menurun. Sesuai dengan perkiraan saya pada jawaban prediksi


3. What do you think would happen to urine volume if you did not add ADH to the

collecting duct?

Volume urin akan meningkat apabila ADH tidak ditambahkan ke tubulus kolektivus. Hal ini karena ADH bekerja

pada saluran pengumpul dimana peningkatan permeabilitas untuk air meningkat, sehingga lebih sedikit air yang

disekresikan ke dalam urin, sehingga urin menjadi lebih terkonsentrasi.

4. Is most of the tubule filtrate reabsorbed into the body or excreted in


Ya, sebagian besar filtrat direabsorbsi untuk mempertahankan homeostasis. Filtrat yang memasuki tubulus proksimal

direabsorbsi atau disekresikan. Glukosa direabsorbsi terutama di tubulus proksimal oleh pembawa transpor GLUT 1.

Ketika semua ini terisi, maka glukosa yang tersisa disekresikan dalam urin. Baik natrium maupun kalium difiltrasi,

dan keduanya disekresikan dalam jumlah berlebihan dalam urin. Urea disaring dan disekresikan dalam urin. Air

ditambahkan ke urin ketika ada konsentrasi tinggi dalam tubuh, dan ketika ada perubahan 1% dalam osmolalitas,

maka ADH ditambahkan untuk menjaga keseimbangan air dalam tubuh.

5. Can the reabsorption of solutes influence water reabsorption from the tubule fluid?

Ketika reabsorpsi NaCl terjadi, air mengikuti, sehingga zat terlarut lain dapat mempengaruhi reabsorpsi air dengan

membuat lebih banyak air mengikuti keluar dari tubulus dengan NaCl membuat konsentrasi urin meningkat.


1. Sherwood, Lauralee. Fisiologi Manusia. Edisi 6. Jakarta: EGC; 2009. p 560 -80.

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Name: I1011181043_Desnafitri Chamila_PhysioEx GCT

Exercise 9: Renal System Physiology: Activity 5: Reabsorption of Glucose via Carrier Proteins Lab Report

Pre-lab Quiz Results

You scored 100% by answering 4 out of 4 questions correctly.

1. Renal processing of plasma glucose does not normally

include You correctly answered: b. secretion.

2. How does antidiuretic hormone (ADH) affect the renal processing of plasma

glucose? You correctly answered: c. ADH has no direct effects on renal processing

of plasma glucose.

3. Glucose reabsorption in the nephron includes

You correctly answered: d. secondary active transport along the apical membrane of proximal tubule cells.

4. Because carrier proteins are required to move glucose from the lumen of the nephron into the interstitial

spaces, which of the following statements is false?

You correctly answered: d. The number of glucose carriers in a nephron can be altered as needed by the body.

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Results Predict


Predict Question: What will happen to the glucose concentration in the urinary bladder as glucose carriers are added

to the proximal tubule?

Your answer : b. The glucose concentration will decrease.

Stop & Think Questions:

Why is the glucose concentration the same in both Bowman's capsule and the urinary

bladder? You correctly answered: b. Glucose cannot be reabsorbed in the absence of


Is a transport maximum reached in these

experiments? You correctly answered: a. yes

Experiment Data:

Glucose Conc. Capsule Glucose Conc. Distal Glucose Conc. Total Glucose Carriers Conc. Grad.


6.00 6.00 6.00 0 1200

6.00 4.29 4.29 100 1200

6.00 2.57 2.57 200 1200

6.00 0.86 0.86 300 1200

6.00 0.00 0.00 400 1200

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Post-lab Quiz Results

You scored 100% by answering 3 out of 3 questions correctly.

1. Glucose carrier proteins are located in which region of the

nephron? You correctly answered: b. the proximal convoluted


2. If the concentration of glucose in the filtrate exceeds the transport capacity of the carrier

proteins, then You correctly answered: d. a transport maximum has been reached.

3. Why does glucose appear in the urine of untreated diabetic patients?

You correctly answered: c. An excessive amount of glucose is present in their filtrate.

03/21/22 page 4

Review Sheet Results

1. What happens to the concentration of glucose in the urinary bladder as the number of glucose carriers


Apabila glucose carriers meningkat, konsentrasi dalam kandung kemih akan menurun. Hal ini disebabkan lebih banyak

glukosa yang direabsorbsi oleh transpor aktif pada membran apikal dan kemudian difasilitasi oleh reseptor GLUT 1 di

membran basolateral tubulus distal.

2. What types of transport are utilized during glucose reabsorption and where do they


Pertama, glukosa memasuki membran apikal oleh pembawa transpor GLUT 2 melalui transpor aktif sekunder dan

keluar melalui membran basolateral oleh protein transpor GLUT 1 melalui difusi terfasilitasi.

3. Why does the glucose concentration in the urinary bladder become zero in these


Kadar glukosa dalam sistem filtrasi tidak mencapai ambang batas, dan ada lebih banyak protein transpor yang tersedia

daripada glukosa. Jika infiltrasi kadar glukosa mencapai kadar glukosa tertentu, maka protein transpor menjadi penuh

dengan glukosa dan glukosa tambahan disekresikan dalam urin.

4. A person with type I diabetes cannot make insulin in the pancreas, and a person with untreated type II diabetes

does not respond to the insulin that is made in the pancreas. In either case, why would you expect to find glucose in

the person's urine?

Diabetes tipe 1 tidak dapat membuat insulin di pankreas dan memiliki kadar glukosa yang tinggi dalam darah. Hal

ini menyebabkan peningkatan kadar glukosa dalam sistem filtrasi, dan ambang batas protein transpor glukosa terisi,

membuat glukosa berlebihan disekresikan dalam urin. Seseorang dengan diabetes tipe 2 tidak merespon insulin

yang dibuat, membuatnya menjadi glukosa dalam sistem, meningkatkan kadar glukosa, dan membuat lebih banyak

glukosa yang disekresikan.


1. Sherwood, Lauralee. Fisiologi Manusia. Edisi 6. Jakarta: EGC; 2009. p 560 -80.

03/21/22 page 1

Name: I1011181043_Desnafitri Chamila_PhysioEx GCT

Exercise 9: Renal System Physiology: Activity 6: The Effect of Hormones on Urine

Formation Lab Report

Pre-lab Quiz Results

You scored 100% by answering 5 out of 5 questions correctly.

1. Which of the following has a role in altering the urine volume and

concentration? You correctly answered: d. all of these

2. The total solute concentration surrounding the tubule lumen refers to the

solutes in You correctly answered: b. the interstitial space.

3. Aldosterone is produced in the

You correctly answered: c. adrenal cortex.

4. ADH promotes the renal

reabsorption of You correctly answered:

a. water.

5. Aldosterone promotes renal reabsorption of and secretion of .

You correctly answered: c. NaCl, potassium

03/21/22 page 2


Results Predict


Predict Question 1: What will happen to the urine volume (compared with baseline) when aldosterone is added to

the distal tubule?

Your answer : b. The urine volume will decrease.

Predict Question 2: What will happen to the urine volume (compared with baseline) when ADH is added to the

collecting duct?

Your answer : b. The urine volume will decrease.

Predict Question 3: What will happen to the urine volume and the urine concentration (compared with baseline) in

the presence of both aldosterone and ADH?

Your answer : b. The urine volume will decrease and the urine concentration will increase.

Stop & Think Questions:

Why is the concentration in the urinary bladder 100 mOsm?

You correctly answered: c. No ADH has been added to this nephron.

In the presence of aldosterone, what component of the tubule fluid moves out of the distal tubule and into the

interstitial space?

You correctly answered: a. NaCl

In the presence of ADH, why did the urinary potassium concentration increase?

You correctly answered: c. The water volume in the urinary bladder is decreased, increasing the concentration

of solutes such as potassium.

In the presence of both ADH and aldosterone, why did the urinary potassium concentration increase?

You correctly answered: c. There was more potassium secretion into the distal tubule and more water

reabsorption in the collecting duct.

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Experiment Data:

Potassium Conc.

Urine Volume Urine Conc Conc. Grad. Aldosterone ADH

in Urine

6.25 201.00 100 1200 absent absent

10.42 180.90 100 1200 present absent

62.37 16.86 1200 1200 absent present

65.37 12.67 1200 1200 present present

03/21/22 page 4

Post-lab Quiz Results

You scored 100% by answering 4 out of 4 questions correctly.

1. If there has been a significant loss of fluid from the body, the kidneys will generate

urine. You correctly answered: d. hyperosmotic

2. If you drink a large volume of water, the kidneys will generate

urine. You correctly answered: b. hypo-osmotic

3. In response to dehydration, ADH will be released

from the You correctly answered: c. posterior pituitary


4. In response to abnormally low plasma osmolality, aldosterone will increase

You correctly answered: a. sodium reabsorption along the distal tubule and the collecting duct.

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Review Sheet Results

1. How did the addition of aldosterone affect urine volume (compared with baseline)? Can the reabsorption

of solutes influence water reabsorption in the nephron? Explain. How well did the results compare with your


Penambahan aldosterone akan meningkatkatkan reabsorpsi NaCl dan meningkatkan sekresi pottasium. Reabsorpsi

NaCl yang terjadi biasanya akan diikuti oleh reabsorpsi air. Hal inilah yang menyebabkan penurunan volume urin.

Sesuai dengan perkiraan saya pada jawaban prediksi saya.

2. How did the addition of ADH affect urine volume (compared with baseline)? How well did the results

compare with your prediction? Why did the addition of ADH also affect the concentration of potassium in urine

(compared with baseline)?

ADH dapat meningkatkan reabsorpsi air. Semakin banyak reabsorpsi air, maka semakin berkurang pula kadar air

pada urine sehingga menyebabkan volume urin berkurang. Pengurangan jumlah air ini akan meningkatkan nilai

konsentrasi pottasium pada urin.

3. What is the principal determinant for the release of aldosterone from the adrenal


Penentu utama pelepasan aldosteron dari korteks adrenal adalah adanya penurunan tekanan darah, yang dideteksi

oleh sel-sel di arteriol yang membengkak yang memicu pelepasan dan konformasi angiotensin 1 menjadi

angiotensin 2 oleh sel endotel.

4. How did the addition of both aldosterone and ADH affect urine volume (compared with baseline)? How

well did the results compare with your prediction?

Penambahan aldosterone akan meningkatkan reabsorpsi NaCl dan juga akan meningkatkan reabsorbsi air. ADH

disekresi sebagai respon terhadap kekurangan air sehingga penambahan ADH juga akan menyebabkan peningkatan

reabsorbsi air yang menurunkan volume urin. Oleh karena itu, penambahan keduanya sama-sama mengurangi

volume urin. Sesuai dengan perkiraan saya pada jawaban prediksi saya.

5. What is the principal determinant for the release of ADH from the posterior pituitary gland? Does

ADH favor the formation of dilute or concentrated urine? Explain why.

Kelenjar hipofisis posterior akan mensekresi ADH setiap kali mendapat rangsangan saat terjadi defisit H2O atau

ketika terjadi penurunan nilai osmolaritas. ADH mendukung pembentukan urin pekat karena kadar air yang

mengencerkan urin telah direabsorpsi sebagai respon terhadap defisit H2O..

6. Which hormone (aldosterone or ADH) has the greater effect on urine

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volume? Why?

Hormon yang memiliki pengaruh lebih terhadap volume urin adalah ADH. ADH akan meningkatkan reabsorpsi air

yang merupakan komponen utama pada urin dengan volume tinggi. Sedangkan aldosterone hanya mereabsorpsi

sedikit air yang ikut tereabsorpsi pada proses reabsorpsi NaCl.

7. If ADH is not available, can the urine concentration still vary? Explain

your answer.

Jika ADH tidak tersedia, maka tubuh akan membuat urin yang sangat encer dalam jumlah besar. Tindakan utama

ADH adalah meningkatkan permeabilitas saluran pengumpul ke air sehingga lebih banyak air diserap kembali ke

dalam tubuh. Tanpa reabsorpsi air ini, tubuh akan cepat mengalami dehidrasi seperti pada penderita Diabetes

Insipidus. Jika dilihat dari hasil eksperimen, konsentrasi urin tanpa ADH dan aldosterone menunjukkan nilai 100

mOsm. Pada saat ditambahkan ADH, konsentrasi meningkat menjadi 1200 mOsm, sedangkan pada saat ditambah

aldosterone, konsentrasi tetap 100 mOsm, tidak terjadi variasi..

8. Consider this situation: you want to reabsorb sodium ions but you do not want to increase the volume of the

blood by reabsorbing large amounts of water from the filtrate. Assuming that aldosterone and ADH are both

present, how would you adjust the hormones to accomplish the task?

Untuk mereabsorpsi ion sodium, dibutuhkan peningkatan aldosterone. Sedangkan jika tidak ingin mereabsorpsi

banyak air, dibutuhkan penurunan kadar ADH. Jadi untuk mencapai kondisi tersebut, dibutuhkan peningkatan

aldosterone dan penurunan ADH.


1. Sherwood, Lauralee. Fisiologi Manusia. Edisi 6. Jakarta: EGC; 2009. p 560 -80.

03/21/22 page 2

Name: I1011181043_Desnafitri Chamila_PhysioEx GCT

Exercise 10: Acid-Base Balance: Activity 3: Renal Responses to Respiratory Acidosis and Respiratory

Alkalosis Lab Report

Pre-lab Quiz Results

You scored 100% by answering 4 out of 4 questions correctly.

1. The renal system compensates for

You correctly answered: d. both respiratory acidosis and respiratory alkalosis.

2. Respiratory alkalosis is characterized by

You correctly answered: a. pH greater than 7.45 and PCO2 less than 35 mm Hg.

3. Respiratory acidosis is characterized by

You correctly answered: c. pH less than 7.35 and PCO2 greater than 45 mm Hg.

4. The functional unit of the kidney

is the You correctly answered: b.


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Results Predict


Predict Question 1: What effect do you think lowering the PCO2 will have on [H+ ] and [HCO3- ] in

the urine? Your answer : d. [H+ ] will decrease and [HCO3- ] will increase.

Predict Question 2: What effect do you think raising the PCO2 will have on [H+ ] and [HCO3- ] in the

urine? Your answer : c. [H+ ] will increase and [HCO3- ] will decrease.

Stop & Think Questions:

The condition you just simulated is

You correctly answered: b. respiratory alkalosis caused by hyperventilation.

Can the renal system fully compensate for acidosis or alkalosis?

You correctly answered: d. No, neither for respiratory alkalosis nor respiratory

acidosis. Experiment Data:

PCO2 Blood pH [H+] in Urine [HCO3-] in Urine

40 7.38 normal normal

30 7.58 decreased elevated

60 7.28 elevated decreased

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Post-lab Quiz Results

You scored 100% by answering 4 out of 4 questions correctly.

1. When adjusting the controls, what happens to the blood pH when you lower the

PCO2? You correctly answered: a. The pH increases.

2. In uncompensated respiratory alkalosis, the

You correctly answered: b. carbon dioxide levels of the blood are low.

3. What type of breathing results in acidosis?

You correctly answered: d. hypoventilation and rebreathing

4. With renal compensation for respiratory acidosis, the pH of

the urine You correctly answered: b. decreased because [H+ ]


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Review Sheet Results

1. Describe what happened to the concentration of ions in the urine when the PCO2 was lowered. How

well did the results compare with your prediction?

Ketika pCO2 menurun, maka semakin sedikit reaksi antara CO2 dan air yang menghasilkan H+ sehingga [H+]

berkurang. Pembentukan H+ menyebabkan reabsorpsi pada HCO3-. Oleh karena itu, penurunan H+ menandakan

penurunan reabsorpsi HCO3-. Akibat dari rendahnya kadar HCO3- yang direabsorpsi menyebabkan peningkatan

[HCO3-] di urin. Sesuai dengan perkiraan saya pada jawaban prediksi saya.

2. What condition was simulated when the PCO2

was lowered?

Alkalosis respiratorik.

3. Describe what happened to the concentration of ions in the urine when the PCO2 was raised. How well

did the results compare with your prediction?

Ketika pCO2 meningkat, maka akan semakin banyak reaksi antara CO2 dan air yang menghasilkan H+ sehingga

[H+] meningkat. Pembentukan H+ akan menyebabkan reabsorpsi pada HCO3-. Oleh karena itu, peningkatan H+

menandakan peningkatan reabsorpsi HCO3-. Akibat dari tingginya kadar HCO3- yang direabsorpsi menyebabkan

penurunan [HCO3-] di urin. Sesuai dengan perkiraan saya pada jawaban prediksi saya.

4. What condition was simulated when the PCO2

was raised?

Asidosis Respiratorik.


1. Sherwood, Lauralee. Fisiologi Manusia. Edisi 6. Jakarta: EGC; 2009. p 560 -80.

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