วารสารเมืองโบราณปีที่ 3 ฉบับที่ 2

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111LiiUHiiU .. ••• R1U

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UYl rn UUU'Yl ~<br />

VOLUME 3 NO 2<br />

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over Picture 4<br />

Mural Painting of Wat Wang 5<br />

Kieti akdi Chanon-nart<br />

The Principality of Wa t Phu 14<br />

Dr . W. J. Van Liere<br />

Khmer Art in fan 22<br />

NorNa Paknam<br />

The orthea t of Thailand 41<br />

during the Lopburi<br />

Sri akara<br />

al/lbhotama<br />

Orabhim- Prajit 65 .<br />

'Piyaporn<br />

The Khmer • mpire 70<br />

M .C. Subhadradts Diskul<br />

er iod<br />

Augkor : An ArchitecturaL Analy<br />

Anuvit Charernsupkul<br />

Lo hing ha 110<br />

Kanchanagabhun<br />

Where Wa uvanabhum 128<br />

Manit V allibhotama<br />


::1.111 rtt.r.UfliMUUUt-Gt ltll ~ 1 L R.1flLW<br />

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I If I ft b l U ~ •"<br />

..<br />

LnrtLt.~<br />



n1~l1u1tln<br />


Pra at Ku ida built in brick the lintel of which<br />

wa decorated ' ith tucco f1gure of dancing deitie ,<br />

Lopbur1 tyle. Thee f1gure have completely<br />

been de troyed and plundered. The picture above<br />

i al o the lintel of Ku 1da which wa taken,<br />

when the dancing f1gure till remained, by Mr.<br />

Manit Valllbhotama during hi archaeological<br />

urvey about 16 year ago.

~c;l.,fl~~1Jr,JI~i!"\1<br />

·1c;r1\1<br />

eel ~ t<br />

liD "1 oY fl1 Rfl. l.cn&:d " ~OHJltJlh:; h~<br />

IJ!" l~tl

"<br />

.. nlJtl·n01\Jl<br />

;\Jl.,flnllr-hr-ni'~l--~1--~<br />

.,. ., ., " .<br />

L~uulu<br />

ol ~ .. .. .. al<br />

nmnYl d. ftlJU't'l.,::Ul''r~YlM (Ylu) LUll<br />

L ~ 1 LlJ ()~ ~~l1C'l fl JlU'tN fill ~U LlJ ()~<br />

.. " ' .. ("')ltl<br />

YiYlM ••• \Jl()lJl'r'n::tlWlYlM YllJ 't1<br />

• ~ • )I ~<br />

"Ht~l-lunm::um (ull) 'ltl-,vLVllJU<br />

~ ' "' ~ .jj ' t<br />

lJlLH-,UlJlJlLL\JlL'\Jl L"t!UlJ'LlJ()-lLnlYl~ \.,<br />

, ..... ., ., ,<br />

n-,::uvn m'bnm~LlJV-l't"iYlM nuht<br />

)I 0 • ..!, '1 "" .. 1.. .. d<br />

-, ()OlLL't'i~ LlJ()~Yl L '\Jl "t!U lJ -,lJ 1 u IJ \'1-l '\J -,til<br />

.... ~

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lOUlVIft0\>1<br />

'H1UUU1'Hl<br />

~ J ~<br />

flOI::CfOlUfUJO,lJftUU" 1 "'::tfllJlOftl"'<br />

unonunn.1<br />

., ... 41... ....<br />

- l'l-lf111~1,'1H1tl-l 11 IJ1J11 IJ-llfi1Jl1tl1-lf1111-<br />

., .... ., • d<br />

1911 (rltll ,unh,1-lfl)<br />

- ' " MJJ11J1::v ::m-.1'Ufl 11 U1'11 n 1m MtiiJIJ n1v<br />

... J • , " •<br />

1.ff. •"'• rn::Ul'lU11ftiJiflt., Lt1l'l1n11J-<br />

.... ., .... J<br />

l'l1::1J1ll1f111U1 91911-lff<br />


Mural Painting of wat Wang<br />

Patalung<br />

Kietisakdi Chanon-nart<br />

W t Wang i ituated in Amphur time when the war wa re tored by background to enhance the main<br />

Lam Pam. Patalung It wa formerly Phraya Patalung (Tab) . It i aid image. Th1 decorative frame wa<br />

the important war of the town, where that thi go ernor had brought a surrounded by figure of the demon<br />

the ceremony of taking the Water of painter who u ed to paint the wall of on the lower part of the herm1t on<br />

Allegiance wa performed. That it Wat Phra Kae9 in Bangkok to do the the upper and of the rows of deiti<br />

ha been called Wat Wang i be au e jop here; the painting wa fini hed in on the middle. Row of deities or<br />

it wa built in the heart of the old 1860. However another rumor put tep-clwm- pum continued above the<br />

town of Pataluog clo e to the re i- it that the painter wa in fact, a na- scence on the lif hi tory of the Buddence<br />

of the governor Ph ray a Pa ta I u ng. ti ve of Pa ta lung who learnt how to dha to the north and the ou th wall .<br />

According to the chronicle, it wa<br />

fir t built by Phraya Patalung( Tbongkhao)<br />

in the Fir t reign and completed<br />

later in 1816 during the reign<br />

of King Rama II. At the pre ent time<br />

paint in Bangkok and u ed to paint The pace on the panels between the<br />

the wall of Wat Phra Kae .<br />

What door and window were painted with<br />

ever it may be, the painting of Wat some epi ode in the Jataka Stone .<br />

Wang re emble mo t mural painting Unfortunat ly, at pre ent the e J taka<br />

in Bangkok. In P talung it i con- ccne have already peeled off due to<br />

Wat Wang remain a quiet war about temporary to mural painting in Wat the damageou condition of the wall.<br />

5 km . from the provincial city, ac- Viharn Burg located on the oppo ite What till in go d condition were<br />

ce sible by a road which pa e it to side of the road. Probably it was cene of the life of the Buddha which<br />

the Lake Lam Pam to the ea t. It is painted by the arne arti t. were painted on the upper level of<br />

characterized by a bod whic~ i ur- The painting in the bod of Wat the ioten r wall. Some ep1 ode were<br />

rounded by a rectangular cloi ter Wang wa typical of the ourth reign beautifully painted and well arranged<br />

hou ing a row of itting Buddha. The u ing multi color of red, black, 1n the proportion of form and pace,<br />

bod it elf i pierced by 2 door from white yellow cerulean blue, Indian uch a a cene when the Buddha wa<br />

the front and 6 window on each ide red, Pru ian blue and ap green. The being tempted by the three bewitching<br />

of the wall. All door and window per pective method a applied in daughters of the Mara and the ceoe<br />

were framed ith tucco decoration . painting land cape; and the mountain on the Great Renunciation. The mo t<br />

On top of rhe building. newly carved the tree and water w re p inted in important and maje tic of all i the<br />

gable end have replaced the old one a realistic way. The major pace cene on the descending from the<br />

which were removed to the nation l above the window wa de oted to heaven of the Lord Buddha. Apart<br />

mu eum in ongkla. At the front depict the life hi tory of the Lord from the cene on the life of the<br />

of the bod there i an image of a Buddha. It tarted from the outhern Buddha, there were al o orne cene<br />

sitting Buddha- Phra Pa Lei - Lai,<br />

back wall, with and epi ode on the on the daily life of the local people<br />

attended by a monkey and an birth of the Buddha and progre ed wh1ch were in many way reflecting<br />

elephant. Around the bod are row to the ea t wall where a cene on orne a pact of the ociety during<br />

of mall pagoda . The main image ubduing the Mara wa painted. The the ourth reign. For example, the<br />

of the bod i made of tucco erected story continued to the northern wall cene that depicted a hunter hunting<br />

in the middle of the building. On , nd ended with the cene on the death a wild boar a caravan "'f ox cart<br />

the interior wall of the bod i deco- of the Buddha. The western wall a and the hine e with his hair tyle<br />

rated with beautiful painting . the back of the main Buddha wa ect. All of them seemed to add more<br />

The mural painting of Wat Wang painted 10 the form of a decorated value to the mural painting of Wat<br />

wa done in the ourth reign at the frame .. ruan- kaeo, erving a a Wang.

The main tower of W t Phu h mpa c Lao.

An i olated and tone rna if named Phu Kao<br />

ri ing I 500 m. above the pla1n in outhern Lao<br />

induce a favourable micro nvironment<br />

that ha been t. k n advantage of by early farmer ince pre-hi toric time<br />

the principality of Wat Phu ( ig 1) , or mod rn hampa ac.<br />

Tl1e Principalit.y<br />

of<br />

Wat PllU<br />

D~ W.J. VanLiere<br />

Prominent topographic feature uch<br />

That thi wa indeed done i between the . Houei Kham uan, th<br />

a the Phu Kao have one e pecially<br />

hown by a regular grid of mall Mekong and the Houei Ta ng in the<br />

important effect on local climate:<br />

channel , still clearly vi ible on aerial north. Ancient rainfed land can b<br />

they stimulate rainfall. Becau Phu<br />

photograph although they are not located by mean of remant of scatu<br />

ed any more. On Fig. 1 orne of tered pond , still vi 1ble on a nal<br />

Kao cau e precipitation from<br />

the fir t moi lure-lad n air rna e<br />

thee channel are indicated. A mor photographs and on topographiC map<br />

of the outhwe t mon oon farmer<br />

detailed analy i would be po ible if although the fi ld p tt rn may ha<br />

in Champa ac can plant rainfed pad<br />

photograph of larg r cale were a ai- di appeared. The pond ar at o<br />

dy a full month earlier th, n in other<br />

table. indicated in fig. I. ield work ~ ould<br />

part of the ou thern Lao plain . But<br />

In any ca e it clear that the no doubt I ate m ny mor . All the<br />

early rain are probably not the main civilization of Wat Phu had it econo- urrounding country, on the a t bank<br />

factor for the Wat Phu civilization. mic foundation on small- cale irriga-<br />

of the Mekong, a well a we t of the<br />

On theca t ide of Phu Kao mount in tion, even though the irrigated area i Hou i Khamouan wa and llll 1<br />

a number of mall permanent pring rather limited not mor than 200 km2 fore t, with hifting cull! au n.<br />

occur, who e water could ea ily be in all. Rainfed agriculture wa prac- Th refore the prin ip lily of Wat Phu<br />

led off to be directed and d1 tributed ticed overanadjacentarea about three wa a fu lly independent, If- u-<br />

over the gently loping plain. times as large a the irrigated area tained economy.

, ..,<br />


(- .... _ ,'<br />

' ' ' \<br />

'<br />

~<br />

,.._<br />

,,\<br />

; , l<br />

1 I<br />

I \<br />

I \<br />

c~-<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I 120 1<br />

I<br />

I<br />

'1 I<br />

('~jJ '<br />

/<br />

till 10 u c<br />

-- - -- - f!\ ~ 0 ~<br />

- · VfUl'lnnl11'UTl.nrJu<br />


' ' ..<br />

ftl::IOlllO, fltUI-l, f1 UHI-l<br />

n icnt pond h3nn I , m t<br />

D I~O-l11Jl101<br />

ale 0 iii;;iiii 2 -.!!!l!!iiiiiiiiiiii? k m ..<br />

'o<br />

nci nt earthw rk<br />

--- t'l\J\Hili'u11J'J101 n icnt r ad<br />

D R1ti\Jftt'l1\J n tu ry<br />

.. .. ~<br />

•<br />

U'Jl.J101'\JM'n\JYI01'JIO~III'J imll of ulti 11 n<br />

\J-l w mp<br />

• ,,~ y ' • I<br />

1\J 1\J'J::'t11 HU 1\Jll Ylfi\J 111 n::u 1\J 01'JYI1li1\J 1H\J<br />

ppro im te<br />

und3ry between 1rng t d and r:unfcd farmm<br />

___ 1 \Jilftfl-lL'\JflnL'\J1 utlinc of mountam ma 1f<br />

t "' • ..<br />

x 1500 '!S\J'J::fi1Jf111lJ -31\J\JilJfi'J lc ti n in m .<br />


'•<br />

The cultivat d enclave of Wat A major factor u taining Shr ta to the outh from the anctuary and<br />

Phu ha a rich hi tory inde d, but for -pura wealth, apart from permanent the trace i vi ible on the aerial phorea<br />

on that e cape comprehen ion no agriculture, wa no doubt the ab nee tograph ov r a di tance of about four<br />

fi ldwork ha ever been carried out of flood damage from th Mekong: km. inally, m ntion hould b made<br />

by archeaologi t . the topography of the plain i such of a tempi pond of th arne<br />

A may be e pected, the land that it is ju tout. iz a th Wat Phu pond at B n That<br />

supported a temple city. Thi i th To the north of the large temple in th ' rainfed ' part of the hr tadouble-moated<br />

city of Shre ta-pura, pond, there is a maller one which pura principality. ( ig I).<br />

about 2x2 km in ize, clearly vi ible till the ene of the annual ritual The tting of hre ta-pura re emon<br />

the a rial photograph · It i of the Buffalo acrifice and i therefore ble omewhat the tting of Angkor<br />

worthwhile to note that th ea tern thought to b of great antiquity. Thorn, with Phu Kao fulfilling the<br />

moat of the city i built near and pa- The aerial photograph reveal role of the Phnom Kulen. Th difrallel<br />

to the pre ent bank of the Me- orne more intere ting detail. There f renee i that the temple city fAngkong.<br />

It i likely that the medieval wa a econd temple pond outh of kor Thorn wa very much larg r and<br />

cour e of th Mekong wa situated the exi ting on and imilar in ize. almo t th ntire run-off fr m Phnom<br />

more to the ea t. Thi ob ervation Furthermore, there wa rectan- ulen wa u ed for acral purpo e<br />

under- core one more the fact that gular earth tructure, po ibly a dik wh rea at hre ta-pura mo t of the<br />

the medieval temple city wa not a mea uring 1.5x0.75 km. Thi true- flow of th mall, widely cattered<br />

commercial centred pending on traf- tur i certainly older than th two prings wa , a<br />

fie in the modern· sense. temple pond . A traigh t road led agricu I tu re.<br />

The Low r Pra t of t Phu, hampa o.

tlflVlfl1llJ<br />

o.t6I061o •' e~.,d<br />

u 'ltJ"'1flty'i'!1l1l1Jt>11tJYi1'nJ'i'!lJtJ1 ~~n<br />

"', , " el '<br />

LVI L 'I-~11::V11~VI1~1Vlftl'l::1 ~tltln'lltl-lfH n1<br />


I "' t1 ll ~<br />

C)J 1fl11tJ1H11tJ(\J ll n::~1tJL l11'1U Ltl.:Jl]fffllU<br />

~ ,..," 4 ... I d • ~<br />

Vlu ,VI11Jn11L'!I D mn 1 Luu 1u 11lllt'ffl1UV1<br />

..<br />

n11nnnn11<br />


'J... ~i1 ...<br />

-<br />

~LaJOUt UIIJ ... CU<br />

~ ... ui1 ... 1JUJIOU<br />

...,<br />

~ ... A ... Q U\J&t:: lao U.<br />

(O.UU111 """'<br />

GJ Ua.J81)<br />

- LaJDa1U'I'"JCU<br />

~'"l'lit'"l'l<br />

•<br />

7D D'"JH'"l'l 3 nUU'I'"ldDI'"lLUU nM. 2<br />

I<br />

1M'I. 11118.,43- II DID 311

"' "'<br />

4 11<br />

.I -4 '" ,.1 "' .I "" ""<br />

U11ft1'Yll1 UYUJ1!J !l.ffi u1::111U. ·U.UJ 1Jfl1tlfftllJUn::nan!l U~fl~lSJ<br />

Main pran of Pra rL Pimai.

7<br />

I<br />

... zJ "'.f II I r!'7 1<br />

OJ fiUUfJU'l 11?7UtJU11'l::ntJJJ fl?llfiJJUJJU? ~ffJ/ '" fl7ll<br />

" '<br />

~ ~ ~ v .... ~II vv~, vot,<br />

1/vHfl?vflUUJl/UfH H'ltJ'Yiln'l vnnufln W'l::fN1111N<br />

... ... 7·/<br />

... V<br />

"<br />

.q 711~ II<br />

U'l::HJ7vlfJU'Y11VfJ1'ln 11 111VfJUil.f/Ufl::?UtJtJnlfWv f/Ovttm Ufl Jlfl!)::<br />

"' '"' ~ I v .... 711 I -4/ I<br />

flfJNv'YI::lfJJJ'H1flJJ'YI'ltJUlfJlJ 'Y/7U1JU'Yin ?'i::~171v1J 1Y.F1. GJO~Ql - GJOdd 77<br />

'<br />

"... "' ~ .... ~7-' "'<br />

n F111::? UtJtJnlf.W vmu tJvmu 11 run:: tfl<br />

II 7·' II ~ II .q<br />

1fU/7l111 Ufi::~11Jl117 11il.fl? JJUfJ')UFf'lWJ:ifl'l<br />

II<br />

t<br />

V 7·' V .q 111 zJ I ._f II V<br />

Of/ 11117Vfl::?UtJtJnlf.Wv flfltJU 7ntJ1?WUllfJIUn7JJMn7<br />

' ~1zl v .q ' II ~<br />

mJvmu mm Fffl::?UtJtJm.umn ttfl?Un?n?fl<br />

' 7zJ"" V .... II ... .f<br />

f/tJ 11Fffl::?UtJtJnFJtJUfJIU tJF170J11'l::<br />

'<br />

' 1: 7zl "" V .... II v zJ<br />

fltJIJ?nUU 11N11Fffl::?UtJtJnFJtJUfJ')UJJH71JJJ 7<br />

' 7zl ... v ._f II ~zl<br />

ufl::1ltJ mmFTfl::nmnwu umu v JJUn?<br />

'l?JJ~Utmu b ttfJJU ( cJ?v::izJ) fl 11 tJuhunt117ttfl::n::w"<br />

"<br />

LL UU'?Jel1J<br />


QJJt-tUU\1 tl ttrl n.t ~~ .trl1UJJtUllllt1.<br />

",. ~.... ,.. "lop, '"'P<br />

"' ...<br />

t\ ~ t\Uf1M.IALIA 1 .trtllo!t'QII.U 11L U1 j1U Ult f11<br />

'" 't' I I I ... p><br />

Ltnn .tntrtunnmtun.ttt-~t\llrtl.ltl' nuu<br />

I fO p I I> .. lt ,. ~~· to.<br />

rtllt'j1LU au4. uutMt.tntrtJJ Ltun.tt<br />

• • 1!- • p I ,..<br />

t\f1~~f1t-lla ::tnltlLUQ lA.rtHI t'tl.l.Ht-Qrt1<br />

,. ,. ,.. , . .. 't'l ~ "'<br />

L nn LUJJ l!ll IJt'Q:: t~.U\ rt.ttltlLUQ t-QIIoll rtJJ<br />

I"' A .. P ,. ... ,.<br />

LrtQ~ rtL~tU M 1\lLQt'QIIot'QtlJl!lll~llo!t\ I<br />

I ,. .. ~<br />

t\f1ll11t\~11t\~<br />

OQ UJJLnL~Wt\t\W11t\t\llrtJJ Uftlt\LU<br />

I '" I" o .C ';I ,. Jl o<br />

.. ..<br />

::1.111 li.L1\LUf1ll11t-JJf1L.t1At\Lila ::un~1<br />

,.. Jl o ,.. I<br />

t-an.rtitrtil.t-l.l.H11rt l!l1 ::tUlliAU IUIUU.4.<br />

' .. ... ... ,. p<br />

Lt\ULUilLrtGU1 Lrtt\~t\f11 • IAt\rt.tttiJ<br />

... " p ,.. ,.<br />

L~1::U.~IlrtJJ~11t-~llr1JJt\l ftQIIo Ut\HHilQ<br />

.C to I ';I to ~ to I<br />

t\tMt\MrtLWl!lU1U::Ut\~1.tU~LitlLQ f1 q p<br />

,. -.p ,. ,.<br />

Ll.l.t1t\f11ULUll..t -I UQj11 t'tl.l. t\rt.ttltlLUQ<br />

"' ,. "'"'I,. ...<br />

L~1::.tt.1.t'QIIollftJ.lll..tULUUH rtGIIot'QIIo<br />

" ,. ,. ,.<br />

"Hu.u.r.n n nt:: 1.1 n ~ 1 L ttl.111 nun.t rt an<br />

!:" I.C ~,.<br />

LlllA.t 1\ll t f1l t'LlA.fb p II. L .t ,.,. n U t\t\ ,. f1 ~~ ,. f1<br />

·cumfr1j UJO'fi!N ' lt~W id l CSCJ d<br />

.. ... ... ,. .<br />

Lrt l.liH.t.tlm rlUU.U\lUUUL.t(\11nLtU.t<br />

, ..<br />

(nrt.tt.tlA.t\H ,. trt)<br />

IUH1 t-Il~ t\J.l!.t~~t-QIIo.LHQlli.L.t::u.~<br />

I ~ 't.C to.<br />

t\f111Jt'G::.tM.t-ll. (ppoct- "'~n "U"f,t)<br />

PP 't'<br />

nrt.r. t ru L u a L ~~:: .t f.tt- a n.nrtu IH nu t-.t~<br />

,. '-tl ,. ,. ,.<br />

::1.1t1.~ lnrtU rtQIIot'QIIol U1t'tUHt-Qrt1Qll.t\f11<br />

,. • I • 1!- \i> j:><br />

n IAR.t.tt~Ul11At.~Grt1 ::.tj11ULUG<br />

,.. • .\1- ..<br />

t'llol L t\rt11 rtl.1111, ::.t j11ULUQ Lll::U.~L ~ 1<br />

J I I .. .C<br />

L t\rt11rtk t\ L l!lttltiA ~tt GlfHt 11rt~t\ ~ na<br />

Jl l I ,.. I> to.Jll ~ I<br />

L rtM.Q IJt ~RUt tU L tl!lll.t\ 11 t'L llQ t\U.tiAt\ f11<br />

I 1!- I> 1'"1 I,. .. ,..,.

... " "' "' dl,. "' ~ .....<br />

YltJtl'l1JJffJJtlnU'IJDJJ n '!l'l::uunm.n L1<br />

,.. ._ ' .q .,<br />

l'lll um-,nn m'lJJ1'!ltJL~tl1nu t>1\Hl::1D1<br />

I 4 "' t d ~<br />

tltl 1'1'\JDlJ l1'l DlJU::tJ \Jnltlti'UL1 UUlJ 1\1 1n<br />

I I ' ~ c/-4<br />

'l::uu 1n 111 n 'IJD'l~ uu~u D11 '!ltl D1fll uti

C. ell<br />

tt t UL~Lrt ~... ... ·~ If>,<br />

t-an.G A.L t' I Lrt L Ul t- rlLU Ltt[1Lll.IJtti\LrlllrlGtta J>ISI"'CIJ 'J.n.1.<br />

~ ~ I<br />

tt ,.<br />

• rtLrlJ.l t-aR.Lnll nG t-um t-an. rtLtt<br />

ttt tt LR.U.taA.rtt-rl~t.tltlA.rtltt<br />

"" ,. \l'f>'"l> ,<br />

Lttt ttrll\.1~1 U<br />

I ,C lo ,.. ,c Llp<br />

t-artl ~tt 1LUrt::~L lt~t.tltlA.<br />

t~Ull:' JJL ttl:'~ IU.t.tHIJUL~<br />

to I S><br />

a rt1 ::l.lJJ .tl U UL~ t-lUl ... . ,. ttn.<br />

..<br />

flo nttt II- l.o t.1.lA.1HUt-QR.rtlttttt It ~I'~ LR.U.t<br />

::lol11 "'PI"• 'Y' t.1. nart1Ltt[1Lll!Jt-Jrs<br />

t'<br />

II- \1' c-artl ...<br />

It p ~ to ,.. 1 11-'" ,. I. ' ~ p -Ul LH ,. & p ,.<br />

JJ~1lrs1 t-amrtttUtrl ~1ftU1QI.lt-ttHilt<br />

It<br />

ltUttll.1rtt rlt~nl I I ~ ,. f1aR.ttn1.tlA.tt.IJ<br />

...<br />

tlii.L trtltlA rllrtH rtGR..tR. ua<br />

tt~.t U rlt~U.tll\ .tlA.tt1.1Ull\lll.tt-H11 'P lA.l!LUA..t<br />

jl $> p "' ,. I 'I" ,.<br />

tt \ U.tl~ t' Jrs rl l!l~ 1ft.~ [1::.t t.1.t-rln1::.t::.t t.1.<br />

,_ 'I" PI>, ,.<br />

nG.t Ltt.IJLY!llA.t.1..tUftYft.t.t.ll::.tM.U.tL~<br />

PI> ,. ~<br />

tRUGa.tH rtt ~ ~ nt ftQn.ttnlrli~R.lkltlii.Lt<br />

to !i' 1 lo,ci!l'lo f:> to ~<br />

[11 rtltlAll[111LHU t-ll>rtan. LRLU A.\ UrllA.R.l JJ<br />

11 Pt' /CPIO<br />

t-QI1.UlHlt-LnUU~I:'~ l.. ~~ ~LII.Itllot-an.<br />

,. .. ,. 1. -.,<br />

WOJIJOg<br />

. .<br />

1<br />

!IUO'ij WOUC4d lt!St:ld<br />

DrtLtrt 1:-UttUAt\Hl~L~L.t[l<br />

, ~... ,c ..<br />

tt~ntt~ttnmttlA. ru Ltttnttn::l\Ltllot II.\<br />

.. ~ ~ ,. I to 11> I I lt,c<br />

lA.LRLUt\ttH!W. rlU1rl.IJ1fll fllartttnlllt l!lt<br />

't ~ "' 'I" ,. I • , I"' ,. It~<br />

-.tLtlA. ~Lllottll. U l!HI!lt 1'\trl~Hmt::.t [11:-rlW<br />

... ,. ,.~o_ '" ,.<br />

ttLiR ttttl.lW fllarmn 1n1 tlA.I\lloLII.::.t n<br />

-.,.. pl'"':'l,. , ..<br />

~.1.t- ~ L Ul fllGrt LR.LUtt~ 1 tfl.t.1.l!::l.l11<br />

1p b .. I f:>l><br />

rtirt.t!Jt\lA.U.tl~ Ltat;ULI'Io1t'QI1ol!l~lA.flllR JJ<br />

I' 't .... I 11> P ,. to o<br />

tt,.attLiR ~t;.JJa,.n. tt,.ttflt-an.t,.~rlLUJJ.t L U<br />

L t M Q<br />

UL~t-l!Htti1.~U1::ULQ ~t.t LtlA. Lttt ~t;QI1.<br />

,. .. ... ,.. 1/C ... ~<br />

H\ ~t JJI!l1Jrs1 lloarl rl.tLM.t~JJ LUt-11> na<br />

ICIIP P t' 1<br />

tt~.t 1 t-i.rtLW t-G.tt; ~t.tltl~ .tU l\LIULQ ft~t<br />

.<br />

p I ... ,. !>IC ~~<br />

L n::.tt.1.L ~ 1 L ttrt mtl.ltt \ 1\tt utn~w rcu<br />

/S l 1 I lt'" ~,.<br />

t-tUil.tt;T\::.tt.tttG un rcu L tttuun .tllA.<br />

• 110 Ito,.,.<br />

~;ntt L::utt~ 1G .tll.trtn. 1t-G r11 ttL ru.u uua lJ tt<br />

- "' ,. ...-<br />

"t-JJ<br />

\-<br />

~ Lt;f1ttan~::.tnt-a.tt;1t-.tlA. ttt !.0<br />

...... ,.,. 1.... ,.<br />

l.. UlA.tt l!lttH11.tLUlloL.t LtUGa ~~IJ1 ::~<br />

._. I I P<br />

ttl!ltttJ11L~1::.tt.1. HnauiA. (L[1f1L~)<br />

'- I t1 l<br />

rlt\ l.lH nut- Ut; rll l.lt;Ut- art 1 tt Lt-.tLU<br />

,..,,.,_ ICP II><br />

-llol.t tt~t-an..t!Jttt-Q.t!JL~1rll!ll t-a.tt;<br />

,. ..<br />

-U[1UH ~ tta.t1t.tt; ttt.1.rlLUH Itt; H rt<br />

pI li''",. II!><br />

::~.tutt::u~11 .tYtt 010 t-llLrtJJ~.A~run.<br />

I .... I> ,.<br />

nan.rt \ llanG rtflll-l L .tt;tt rttt.tU ~LruLa<br />

I IS I l>lt to<br />

W1 Ll1.1.t U.Unllo L .t Ln.n .tH L JJ lA. ttnl<br />

hiS ... ,.,. .,..,.<br />

t-tii.L.t::.tt.lt-an.t-lillA. alHt;ttHUU<br />

,. ~ ,.. "'<br />

t\Qt1t.tt;ttftH C1J t-lltta.tmLnrt,<br />

"' ,. .... . "' "' ,. ,...<br />

Ltt l ::.tf11ULYa t-an.t.1.LUI!lltttl\liiH1<br />

• tl, IQ. ... ...<br />

nL rm~~ Iii\ ttalilt-n.l L ttrt11 rtutt LUL rt M.t 1<br />

• II ll I p<br />

H~LttLart.tftl1.1ttrlftl.l • lA.ttrt.tt.rlii.L~1<br />

I "I> It'" '!-'" to,S<br />

-::.tM.rlrtJJI:'llLrtt-ttHl!LUJI..tUQ[1trtLI1.<br />

,. I>"' ,.,. "<br />

nt aliiLflrt~nU.tlilftltnl<br />

l'lo 1 I' to to .,. p><br />

rtl Wt-~J.l11Qt;t.L l!U Ll!lnii.L.t::.tt.1.rla.trtllil<br />

II' I ...<br />

- rlLnYllA.1t.JI.U,::.tf.1.tttt1ll!lijt-a::.tt.1. Lt<br />

- " .. 0 p •<br />

Ll!1U.tl~lt\ UUtt.1.1 .tnlftl.'lA.ULrtttt.ttL~<br />

I 1> lop 'i'<br />

0<br />

,. ... " .. .."' "' ,.<br />

1\ft.tt.IUL UQL~1::.tt.1. t-QI1.U .t L ~nt.1. ~1 rlt~<br />

.ttY 1\ 1tM.1. ::.tt.\ tt ttU UJ.l [1.t::l.l11 !Jt-12 t.Yt-Q.t<br />

... ,. p ~ ...

. .<br />

.. ... "' J<br />

'n1.:l'IJUUnnnlYilUJH 1J1HJ!J<br />

tep way to Pra<br />

t Phan m Rung , Burirum.

.. ..<br />

numru.H\ttJJrt1 n~ma<br />

" ' I'"~ ,.. ..,.<br />

f.'Q fl.~L lH uu L & lbi-'.L MDMQ.tLU rtHL<br />

II I p. II<br />

,. •<br />

.. .<br />

UHttf\1 ~t.\()l.tUMtllLQD~lLNLQ.t~<br />

P<br />

Ullll)L~LUD~lttQ ~~~ lAfU.ttll)U!LlAU.<br />

" ,. .. '!"<br />

"' ...<br />

n~ma<br />

I.'Qfl.ll)L ~L UttL rt.t.t UDil)flL ll.U t- L .t..U<br />

" I> "<br />

GULrtlll\llt1 tLU.tll).Ll.LUil)t~trtttll)rt.tl<br />

I "'"" p - I" /1 ~<br />

.tLUttf\1 LtQilol U~ttrtt ttUrtQtf.\<br />

p I 9" "' ,. II<br />

ttfl.rt.t.tULrt ll)~.trt~lltt rt.t.tUDil)f\<br />

~ ... ,. I><br />

-Lll.l.l Lt\ULU!.'Gfl.fbt&trtltl.R 1\1!)1<br />

~ 0 tC ~<br />

,. ... "" . . ..<br />

Dl!)1ttQI.'Qfl.ll)1 ~LUL1.'11Q.t~&Lt\LGrt<br />

(•pn-p~n ·u·t.L) ttrt.tt~Ht-.l.l<br />

,. ...<br />

.tttL&t::.tf.\I.'Qfl.Ltt.tLUil)1 DLU ~tUill1<br />

" . "" ,.<br />

Ul.'tll.L.t al\ 11 ::u11 •• L\R.tttll)U!llAf.\<br />

p ~<br />

1\1 LttLUU IJI!)t\rtt "It>& Dltt<br />

It I I "' p. f> "<br />

Lttt t\Dfl.t DrttGUtt-Qfl.QJ.ll.'ttH<br />

• 1 /1~ "' p .,.,.<br />

t\1 rtt.tUDil)I1LllJ.ltt1 llo1 Lrt.iGLtttLU<br />

" ~ ""'" "' 0<br />

t\ll)t\111 LlAI\IJLtt<br />

" p ,.<br />

PCil\<br />

.<br />

~Utt U.Lt\IW llll)tl.U l.Utt.tl..U lAttllol<br />

"' p. ,. '!" I<br />

tt t\!.'U.I\ r\a..urtl~ GDt I!)I.'L .tiJQU 11)111\t Ul.' UH<br />

';1';1 11"'1111 II II'"<br />

ttb~i'ft ~~U.tl U.t tit\ t::ll)r ~ftUUI.'Q tn ~Itt Q<br />

I I -., ,.. -.<br />

n1 rcn nnaurtt .:unEant~I.'L.tllau::&<br />

It,_ ,... I ~ -. " II I<br />

~t.tLtLL~u.n ::u.r\&tt-l.Utt.tunlllmu.l.l<br />

1- :a .. ,.<br />

tt ttt.Lrt l1 Utt 111:: &L t\<br />

• ,. I"' -. t-" '<br />

ttt\ttll)~D ~ttLW.ftUULC.UD.tt::U.tt tt<br />

';I /1 p. .. I ,.. ~~~<br />

11n111::.t~M.ttt-1t. l!)ttLc.u.nuut~t-~ nu<br />

,.. ,. ,.. "' , .... ,.,. ,.<br />

~ .<br />

tDI!)tDrtJJt\LDGLtl.'l1 t\L!Lil.L.t1J.I1Q GM::.U<br />

p. ,. I I I p. 1/'<br />

. ..<br />

nrtt.tn Hrtt\1.4.lll.L1L.tf\14 t\t\UUI{L~HLU<br />

·wnJ!Jng ' l!Un1f WOUI!4d lCSCJd 1r J:I!J:IJ 48!11<br />

,,.~ " ,. ,. .

I )! "'1 01 01<br />

\Jl tJ ~10 U L 'l 1 \'l::L 'IJ 10·H'!lJtHJfl 'VltJ~ tJ U<br />

I .I. q • I 01<br />

LL lJ\11wt'1'1JtJ~flc'll.JL'IJlJ1 'V1L1Un11 t'!lJU<br />

.. t! ~ ..<br />

MOtJ1 (Angkor) l l'ltJ l'llJU tlfl1ll1)1~<br />

wq .ol," ~ .I. ~<br />

tJUlJ\'l~L'llJ\llU LlJtJVi'Vltitl\l111'l~'Vl •rn 91~<br />

. .<br />

... w<br />

Ln~\1 1 on 1 1 t'1?11Uil11'1JtJ~ L \'lun::<br />

""" ~ 101 ,.,<br />

L 'llJ L u mn \ll-l LL\Jl t'llJ rn·n::L\1 1 'I!U11<br />

01 .j. I 01 I G.<br />

lJU'Vl t,., on11nu1Tm::n~ rH'!Ut'11fJlJ1\'lln<br />

Pra<br />

. .<br />

... .. . .. d<br />

tJ ·nnll'lH\l~'I\HJH 1J111J!J<br />

t Phan m Rung , Burirum.<br />

'l1'1!1~~~n1'1JtJ~L'IJm ;~,"~n~ ,tJnviu<br />

• "'~1 t!41 " "d<br />

11'1! 1\10 flLtHI'V11Lt'1fJU1U LL' 1Lt'1 ~<br />

01 I .lj

tl ~ ~ tl I .,cjj<br />

1ULf1-3L HlJt>uLnvmn vm u D-3HML U'\.1<br />

"-4 .. '41., .. .. d~ It<br />

Lfl1tl~(J ~1::H1 N1ft rJ'lnUl'l'l::ll~fl ~1Vn'IJ'U<br />

L~11Uf1~n1~H~1n~'l~n'l::uvn<br />

• .... ., a~4:\d dt .,<br />

vum1'l~un~~,rJD~f1~DlJl ~Huu<br />

.... .., ~~ " '<br />

t1 vn~11t11::vm m ~n1N~::Lm'l1u lmy<br />

~ ' .. .... .,<br />

L1Vn11 u1nv vum1~1nn~::<br />

LLn::1'1J<br />

! l" ~ 11 ~ .l!<br />

'\.11 mvuv1u nJml·n::uml11'l1~ Lllt><br />

tl1:: lv'll~l;nvvu n::m1nnm1~l u1~t>-3<br />

" cjj<br />

\111(1<br />

tl~ tl " LU'U~f1'1Jtl-1n11 0: Ul'U1~tl~ ~<br />

thllul!'IJD~'hHm1;i m~1J1u<br />

The fragment of Pra Jt P1m. i ,<br />

llflnl'll; 1J1<br />

aJ... rn R J 1ma.<br />

It ~ -41<br />

nmtlu l'IJ 'UL~ vu l~. fl. •«s'-><br />

Vl.fl. •«lc« ~1::c~~,:m~nmtlu1<br />

~ ~ I I I<br />

1Hl'lfH'IJ1 ~'\.11~11 U1M ()rJHlmyll'l<br />

lJLMW;, fl1\1lfl1rJ'ltli1Mnn~'ltl~111U1n<br />

' ' "' "d<br />

~l~tlrJN'\.1 1tlfl'll1'ltJ<br />

.,, ~ ., .jj<br />

n~VI'lfl~1<br />

fit>rJ lt11'l~um~nun1v<br />

d ' •. 1 .,<br />

~ 1'1l1n11'111~fl L nl'Utl~n'\.1 u tl1::'11l'II'U<br />

.... ~ -4 l"' ..<br />

'll~'UUflt>Lnt>~ nnm11n ~1-l'llrJ1rJ~::Lno<br />

t11U'IlHitl-lH1tlU111(JL\11~<br />

~ ~ l"l<br />

H Mqjn11-l<br />

' "<br />


• "' .I ~<br />

'ttU11JU1J.,1 1l1'tt\miJ11J Ufl.,.,1'11 1J1<br />

The pediment or Pr I PlmUI aJ...orn Raj 1m<br />

.. I tl G -4 , I<br />

'IJ1HM b LV11 tl11 d. lJ1'1fl1~ n11~n11<br />

dtl-41. "" ...<br />

• ,lJrl lJllJLlJ(l~tJfl'Un1N'\J11~lJl'l\llJU1-<br />

d al •<br />

Ln~LU'U LL nunn1~<br />

d c:f .I ., -4 l I<br />

'nl.llJlJ1Ln~LU 'Uul1ff1'VlD'UtJ~ my<br />

..... I o ~<br />

'IJ(l~'IJ(llJ'Vlt'f lJ~ 'N fl11lJ~ l'U lty Vll~L 'Vlfl'U fl<br />

I tl 1 ., tltl<br />

IJl(llJ1,11nU1M l'n::L~ltJ fl1llJ'U VI'VlN<br />

"""~~ ~<br />

fft11U'Ul'IJ'UVI1tJfl1'1llJLQM~ ~ ~'U fl'U<br />

-4/o ., I c:f t ....<br />

tl11 den '111'11 fWn 'U11LlJ'UflNLL ln'Vl<br />

., , ,~<br />

fftlllJ\JltJ nlllJ 'IJ(l~ L'IJlJlfflN V11tJfT1'111VItJ<br />

.... I tl " ·~ ~<br />

L 1lJntH'I ll~'IJliLlJ(llJ 'R fl. ed.cn b

Pra . l Ban-Beng, unn.

tl<br />

• '-' ., ., ~ ~ ., J.._<br />

~ "',~, l 'Yl'Yl tJ Hn~ l llYiYllln Olttll'l iJ l fJ<br />

tone lint I dep1 ted fern I dan mg, m the atJonal Mu urn of Pirn. i.<br />

'1 ,<br />

11JN<br />

e1 o " o l 1;1tl I I<br />

Ot 1Jll1tlflJ1\'11'1Hl'l Mty ~{)[J1'1~1tlff 'N<br />

U~1tlt tJ1m1tllil'l[J1[J{)lJ1.,1Jn"'u11 fltiU<br />

d ..& ~ I<br />

Ln1::1l 011J fi111Jt'f'IJ lJ U1 ::Ol \11 [J 'I iJ 'U 011<br />

• • cl<br />

fl'flU '\Jtl'l VI 1::1 flll n::u 1 Ln 'I 'fl1~'fl 1[) 1Jli'Vtu<br />

., 1 ..... ,.. tl ...<br />

HM'IllJtl[JH1Lf!~'iHl LLlH1U 1::\JllJl-<br />

•<br />

d I

'IJO.JViVItitllt"'ll1lJl11!J 1\J<br />

. "<br />

n1m'l!1 iY~!JLLVI<br />

. '"" ., "" ' ...<br />

., ~d .. ..~. ~c:l<br />

t'llJ!JOVI!J1ll~!J1,1JHVI lz 'li.JLUm-.,::,1'1!<br />

iO,t"''IJO.JU,!J1,~\JVI • ~1-J~l~.JM''~l<br />

., .I. • ~ ., .I.<br />

. .<br />

1'~\JVI mi'1!1'1JO.JOVIVVI~!J1'~\JVI 1.1<br />

• "~ Ill 0<br />

vnn l~"ml'O'Il'Wnotnnm ~O'U'U01ll1~<br />

'd .. .I. ~ "<br />

'IJM,1'1!1-Jfl'f"!J:: I 'l.JLUO~MVI~::'U OV<br />

.. .I~ ., ,; ~ ., I ~ .I .I ..<br />

flnu LlH'I~!JtH'!Jnn1111 flnuU1u1ll '11-J<br />

I ., oi I q Sl I<br />

....<br />

LUM,fllJO!J1UL~!J1LLn1flO!J '1 Lt"'o~n.J<br />

ton rved of hermtt, Pra l Phanom Runa Burirum.

~ '~~ ~<br />

lJ011\JlfHI ~~1::1~1'11tJ11<br />

., " ttoll ., ., d ' ~ d<br />

lJ'UVl b Ni'IUlHH'I-ln\Jlt> 1ntl'VltJ1V1\JltJ11<br />

~ .<br />

lJ'UVl "'" !., llJV -4"" U l'i.fl. eblz

'WOJ!JOQ 'flun~ WOUC4d ICsrJd JO IU:!Wlp:Kf :14.L<br />

. .<br />

rmu.n t-trtnt.uuuu~Lt(lnnum<br />

, ,. ~ A -. ,. II<br />

(\I.D<br />

. . .<br />

t-~ IURt::U11::t u U11HLUIAG::!HU\IA11<br />

,. 'l ... Ill ... ,..<br />

nntnL~1UIALUL.trr:-LtUt-tlAYt-Q::tM<br />

• " p<br />

, nt~~ulA.nt~, Yt-a::u.martu1u<br />

' " p ,. "~p "' p<br />

~1n~1 ULD~U~rtLWnt~1 n~ut.::trlll,<br />

tllil P, p "'tllll tl<br />

LtUM~H lDt~ ULnLD~.1.t-.t lJ:U mLIAn~1<br />

I ~ ~ ~<br />

nYUM.IA WULUII.IA~.t::tt.tntHLU~UL.tU<br />

,.t' ,. .,. "'<br />

t-t IA.Yt-G::t ~.1. L tll.l1 Yt-G::tMt-Q~U .tL~<br />

p I I p $><br />

I,.,.,.,..<br />

nanuntnnnnntu~u~tlllL.tnl<br />

"',.<br />

IJuu.rnt~ r:-amnmJJnr:-a~r:-um.tlAnun<br />

" -;a ... ,..<br />

rtQrl.tU~LIULQUQrtDL.tD.t1::&r:-Y ~<br />

,. ,.. ,..<br />

IAM.rttt<br />

,.<br />

D~t-Q~~LM.LQ LtM.HlrtlW rtt-M.HDUWQ<br />

fO o I p I" ~ )I 1"<br />

1 nu~OIAM.nlrt1 t'D ttLIADLUHUQtHUL~<br />

tl ill "' ... 'I" I!> I l' "' I l>tltl<br />

ttlY~Y.tLUn.t~1 nttL,Rttll~Qr\.~11 tlA<br />

tl ,. ,. II Ltfc " ._. ,. II I 1<br />

lt~Ln::.t t.tL ~1L n rt11rt utt tna n t-a rtlU u1 nL n<br />

tl :il I tl II' p tl<br />

l t-nat ij lrt UM lllAQM11 NIA.ltD U.~ nt nLIA<br />

o -. 11!11.1 I ,. '-'.... I<br />

t-Lnt~JJLU~t::trun IA.tt~t-nur:-un~n,<br />

p .... ,. p ,. ,.. S> , • .,<br />

~lf\LGII.L.t::.t~.umt-.tlA ~, t, mll~L.tttm<br />

I o 1 tl lll,cilll" p<br />

n an~ua rtll!)n::u n rtL~~~::.t nt~lt.tlA<br />

,.,.Q.,.,. s- -.I"'",.<br />

r:-aut-~UttMIA.nlA ntfunuuunr:-~tfulbu<br />

IP',ll""' ,. to ,.<br />

LIAn.tt-.tlA GYUU.tll.tLU::.tr rtl~QrtHDt~<br />

o I" ll'P '11'1\> IC<br />

r:-a rtmL nr:- a~ t- u uHu.tr rttt Yt-L uu rttlA<br />

fio II,_,,.,.,. I<br />

Ut-UI.W~l.tUn~tLUnrt.ttD~L~1::tt.1.<br />

P"'"' I"'""'"'"<br />

nt~<br />

. .. "<br />

UQDIA~l UlA.nt.t::~L tnQ llH 1 ~::1..! 11 Dlrt~AIA<br />

I> "' 'I" • I It- ... 'I"<br />

nt-1.1:-Dnnn lliT.t n~ttn!DltUN.1.LUIAY.t.t~<br />

,.,_ I"" p o'l"p<br />

..<br />

::.tM.IAL~l.tr fU IT.trt.tn::.ttA.t\~11:-~ .tLHt<br />

I"' • ,. -.<br />

::.tiAt'lUU t~ Yt-Q::.t~.tt-a~rtrt.tn::tMt-L.t<br />

" p "<br />

t-.tlAfuH, .tlUT\nllttULUII.IA.t.1.Q~.1. 1U~t.ttl U<br />

I ~ ,.I!> ... ,.<br />

t-L.tiJGU::IIl.tm.tlA~1 U tl..!llrtl~UL~~,<br />

IC I • tl 11\p IC • IC M<br />

MLU.t ~QUQrt1 nLDLHrtL nJJLU!llAM.QU<br />

"" 9' • II'<br />

n nYt-a::.tt.\ ~JJIA.t-~nrtri.11Antunn.t~RU<br />

,. p ,.. p " ,.. ,. p ... ,.<br />

ttn 1t-.tlAijt-Q::.tM.L tt1 UIA.ttn.t~IHUIJ!t::.tn<br />

p p ltliii•"'P .,.. I"<br />

Unt-Il> ~ IA.nrt.ttD~L~1::.ttA P"'~• ·u·~A<br />

,.~'I"",. "'•"<br />

ntt~ ttlnDQLIIot.UtUL'Q.tY~DrtLt\<br />

"" I "' t-<br />

nt-UtLUUIA "' IAnrtttD.tUL~1::tt.1.<br />

,..1,.. ,..,. ""<br />

r:-ar~.nrt~~.tn, 10 11 "' 1\>

tl ., 0<br />

t'111'1tn111\ll~ ~1 \J1\J1J1fi1J1U 1J 'H1f1 1rl<br />

• tl

ti.LI!I l.. uiA.t-l\HIH'LilQti.ULWti.IJLRUU<br />

" ,. .... ' ,." " ..<br />

l:'l,LUrtl!l:::t::l\Lt1Lll . ''lAill.l1LrtUQQil~1<br />

,.0 iC .....<br />

1!111 1\41 :::UIJI:'.tl\rtLWt-ti.Htl.tU 1.1 LUilM 1<br />

... iC Ill '"" ~ ,. ,. I to<br />

111111:-tl-1.1:-llt ti.UI:'L.U:::JJ l.. llQIJLiltlllLU!-1.1<br />

I ,. ~ ,:0 I ,clo<br />

1:-GIII::l\Ll\ llGI.lLUilti.Qtl.rtiMtllUUUrtLW<br />

iC o I II-'" ..<br />

t1. L ~at- tJ 11 t-IJ ~:-,.n ti.LJJ ~ ~JL u t1. L t1.~ tAL .ULt f1<br />

rt1 Glllti.ULWti.IJLRUIHLULlA:::l\lALtl.t-lb<br />

l"ill I ,. iC iC .. o '!" I ~<br />

TUL tn 1 nrtu 11111 t'IIIULl\ Lrt n.ulb~-~. L tiJtl. t1.n1<br />

to I 'J It I p><br />

.<br />

:::1\Ltl.lAtl.lA Ill 1:-tllH.C.IJt\tl.tl:'llt\l\ :::l.!tl.l\1<br />

• I '!"lt,.. I ..<br />

tl..tt-llU11L U1rtf.~lAillllllTUL.C.rt l ti.QlAL tU<br />

I .. 1 I '!" ~'!" I<br />

11\Urtl!l~ ULrtt-t~~ ::u ncm lbH 1 lALJJ un::t.m<br />

..., I. -. 1 tc ' t. I.<br />

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tUtl~UlAL.UL.C.fl Lt'H11lllllALIJLt[l~ :::~t-,}1<br />

Qllll ~tl.l\fl~lla; 1 llllotflU~~I:-}lALJJLtfl<br />

llllortlALJJL t rt 1:-tUMti.L rtlAL JJL.C. [llfllll:'lfl<br />

,.,.. .1· " , '.1<br />

(lti..C.lAti..C.JJI!IUH~lA QIJI:-ti.HI:'Il11UQ<br />

'"P ... ,. ... ,.. "~ I ,.. ...<br />

rtQR.l\Lti.LQtl.1 !lG<br />

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0 "·<br />

flt Ulll::l\lAti.QU ti.L t\Lrtt-Q.C.lHrtLWt-G.C.Y<br />

'!" I lfo I<br />

t\GULrt t-ti.HI:-1-1.11 fbHLWTltl.nl::~Ltl.<br />

~ ~~.I P' I<br />

tl.l!ll\ Ill t-1-l.11UlAtltAHlftllllfbH\Uti.LllJJ<br />

lt I 1.. p<br />

TUL.C.rt l Llflt-GrtllAL.UL.C.fllWl llGLrtHrtL t1.<br />

T • iC I .. .i<br />

rtU1t-LQQtHilL.C.Lrtrt ti.Ut-lliJ11lU\TUtl.C.rt<br />

p I II- ... ,. 1>-iC ...<br />

LTULQ LI1.11!1Qilt\ll~Qti.,.G l!l,.rtllLilfllALIJLtfl<br />

:::u 111:- trttl.~~lALUL t[l:::U 11 L lflt-Q rtllALJJLt fl<br />

.c T 11><br />

f"ID<br />

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I!IUlALilttrt11::1.111 1:-lliJl<br />

'!" o I ...<br />

llGI:-lb rtQR.rtll11f112U t\11 lftl IJH 1f1 UY<br />

l!lrtl-1.<br />

I l"ill I "' iC iC .. iC 0 lt II<br />

tl.llol 1:-1!11:-tYM.L tl.lAt- 1-1.11 1:-LillAti.Lll.U rtt-n<br />

I ,. ... I '!" I '!" ... ,.<br />

UUL 1:-L r)Q 1!1~ t-Il IJllllllA 1 L rtrtGR.f1UUL tl.l\LG<br />

iC •• iC "" ... ... 0<br />

t' l\llrt.Uilllil!lti.HL UtLU rtti.JJlA t\IJ 1:-LilQ<br />

.... ,. 0 .... '<br />

ti.UiflLibtt.t- JJtl.lllL UQ tl.ln tl.t\G llrtUrtt.C.<br />

,.._," ,.flllo,. I 't,.,. ,. I<br />

flllUrtt.lUt1.1 na ti.UilLIJIJt\H11nrt11:::1J11<br />

.... ' ... ,. ~<br />

r:-n tt 1 L .u rt t-l\ tArt tfl 1 t-L na rt t.c.ll tt ffll tn t.lU t-L lA<br />

,.. o"" ._,.. ,. 1 ,. 1· ...<br />

t.lMillAQil.C.I!ItrtGil rtQR.t-QR.t'tllH.C.IJt\t'LlA<br />

.... .... ,. " :a •<br />

m nGUTUtl.C.nLTULQIII11 l!lrtHt-lArtQR.I:'QR.<br />

1· "'• ,. ... , '.1<br />

lAL.UL.C.flllo\ft1 :::1\l\LQ ti.LIJQIJLUt-LlArtlllJJ<br />

• 'L1 ...<br />

tl.1!111tl.lftl.\lALJJL.C.f1Ltrt111!1Ut1 t-LilQ<br />

'"" I iC 1>-P ill I<br />

1:-lA rtQR..C.U l\ L Ill LG 1:-QR. rtU U t1. n 1 ::& l!lftl-1. 1:-lA<br />

'.1 ,. I" ... P' '.1<br />

ti.LJJ ~ IJLU tl. L rtttU fll.l~L ~ l\L !tll ['~ ~L L ~<br />

rtGfHQR. t- tt.liU IJ tl. t U,.l\LTULQ t\ \ t-Q.C.UUfl<br />

lbH1 tltlllll\Lti.LGrtf11 LR.1 UlAl::.trtrtLilll<br />

, • • ,.. ill " 1·<br />

1:-QI\, Ht.lU Ulll tl. L ::u 11 U.ti:'I!ILR.1UGlA1<br />

,. ...<br />

t1.1 tUti.ULl\tl.llo1 ti.QlAULl\Lrtl\I!I.U1ULUllo.t<br />

lo I t'!" p ,.<br />

t-LrtUt-Gt-LrtlltiiiRUrtltnt.tl!l1 rtQR.t-QR.<br />

p P'""'" .,_, .clo<br />

Utll\ll\llM.ti.LGlAHUillt.lH::LUA.l ti.JJt-lA<br />

.. ''!"\1 'll\1<br />

l..1!11 lltll\ lttt\ti!IL UU ft1 t-IlL l\ 1ML R. l!lllG 1::U<br />

k,. ----- ' " ' II.,. " " ,..<br />

1:-Ulam Qlflti.ULWti.IJLRUUt-Glll::l\Ll\t\QR.<br />

..<br />

rtQR.rtU,nrtUrtt.C.IlGI:-Jt. UtA lUG 1.tU l\LTULQ<br />

,.,. ,, ... ,.<br />

1:-GR.fliJUttrtl::l\G.C.H l!lrtHt'lArtQR.t-L li.QfHJ<br />

,. j:> IP • \1 I 11-1\><br />

tl.lll::l\11111 lllA1 Tt\tnt.1.Ufll.lUilUilrt.Urttt<br />

,_, 1J' i L, flo .... ,. ,. I<br />

I~ '""!?It'., ... U t\1:- tH<br />

,. I• II<br />

,. lllrtrtLWiltl!lt-M.IlU.Ul\ 1111\L t\rtQ tl.rtG IlL ti.H<br />

...,. tl I II o .tLU " I!ILftR.Q I II- II- II ...<br />

L rt L ~:- n1.1u t1. n 1 nna t1. 11<br />

I ,. I. .. .I I<br />

.,<br />

Ill '!" t.1.t.1HH t-Lllo l.. 1:-LlllrtlArtti.Liti.LI!I::tUL t\llllll.l::U11<br />

1 apt> "<br />

1:-l.lHillArtlltlllLt.ll!ltUI:-~ I!ILUH::trtLt\1:-LilQ<br />

,. " I. I '<br />

. .<br />

,_ '-" t1 ,.1 t1<br />

t-Gil11lG.tLULti.UlAI!I1 ,... ,.,.lo lA111ll!lltt;t-llo1<br />

...<br />

tl.lloi:'L i1 JI.Q ::.c.r rttmrtltttl.! j:> tta I.!H II- rta 1.tli!I.Ut.t<br />

111m ... ~:-.u P' tt ttttnLrtt.t::un .tLilt::tt.tLR.l t-trtttr .m~~ot<br />

'J "' .. II I<br />

1:-l!lllL .t LUU\Ilti!IG UlAlAL .LH.t rt t\t 1.1<br />

,. ... II I '!" I" I<br />

tli!IJ,H\.tl!ll\tt-LilGL LA. t-I-l. 11::1.111111 1:-lb i G<br />

~ b.._ i o I I t' b<br />

QUlALJJLtrtrtULL\11\1 rtl\:::l\Lttrt1 lAL\L.t.l.Lt[~<br />

I I. ,. I " ,. I I ill 'I'"<br />

t\11 1 t\Lil QULllt\ 1 nl tlArtt.t Ulrttl.tti.L<br />

b ..... ltl. :1,. 0<br />

,.- I •<br />

UQlALJJLtfl::U11 Qft.IJlALL1L.tn !lrtttn<br />

,.. ~-. P ,. ..<br />

t1. 1 lllloft IJl:: .t fl QU 1 L Q lAR.L UIJ U lAL.U L.C.f\<br />

lo,. Otf> ...<br />

R U 1:: JJ t U lA ll Q t\ 1:- t.-1. 11 L U L\ L IJ L t n t\ II. 11:-1!1<br />

,.. ,.. • 11 o 1· 1 ,.<br />

ntl!lttLll.U!lL\t.mm::&t-~J:::l.l11 ~ L\ttrt.ttn~~o<br />

" p ,.. ,. ,.<br />

llrtllH li.GrtHttrtl::l\L tti.11Gllo1 nLilHHI1.<br />

,. I 1til>- j:> I I t • II<br />

ti.GUibl-1.1 tl.t.t.lGrtH LR.1HlArtlb::U11 l.. UUl<br />

I I lo I 11-1\> iC II P<br />

.tLHtrtL Ml-l.t\L 1!1 llQtrtQUt'M 11L ULL\U111<br />

........ " " 00/1<br />

Hl.lUt1 lAL.ULtf\IJI:-QI:'ItiGt; Ul.lf\11nrt::.t<br />

,cill p \1 ,.

Khmer Art<br />

•<br />

111<br />

Isar1<br />

Nor Na Paknam<br />

At pre ent most scholar believe that Surin. The building i characterized<br />

the Chenla people were ancestor of by a square brick tower without any<br />

the Khmer in Cambodia. The original redented corner , the round haped<br />

homeland of the Chenla was in the tone pillar and tone lintel and pediment<br />

the decorative de ign of<br />

upper valley of t.he Mekbong River<br />

near the basin of the river Mun and which were cia ified a the Pri<br />

such a Pra at Phnom Wan in Nakhon<br />

Raj ima and Pra at Ban Pluang<br />

In urin. The con truction of the Prasat<br />

in brick eemed tc be a tradition<br />

until late in the 12th entury A.D.<br />

which coincided with the re1gn of<br />

Chi, with the capital city at what is Kmeng tyle. After the decline of the King uriya arman II who initiated<br />

now Bas ak in Lao. The Chenla em- Chenla kingdom, the Khmer moved the c n truction f Angkor Wat.<br />

braced Hindui m and held Siva a to ettle down around the Great Lake Tbi evident from ·orne brick buildlike<br />

Pra at i Khoraphum in their highe t god. In the reign of King to the we t of the Mekhong River and ing<br />

u.<br />

lsanvarman I the Chenla conquered<br />

the lower Mekhong ba in and f~unded<br />

a new capital I anpura in what is now<br />

the di trict of Kampong Thorn in<br />

establi hed Angkor a their capital rin which wa decorated with lintel<br />

city. Here came the Angkorian pe­<br />

bearing the de ign and motif of the<br />

riod when they could develop art<br />

tyle and architecture of their own .<br />

Cambodia. Here the art of the an- In the ortheast of Thailand the ear.<br />

.<br />

style of Angkor Wat.<br />

The later group of the Khmer<br />

type temple in the Northea l were of<br />

cient Khmer, the school of which i ly architecture of the Angkorian pcriod<br />

the 13th Century A. ., influenced<br />

known a Sombor developed. Judging<br />

i Pra at Ban Beng, urin a from the art tyle in the reign of<br />

from the lyles and motifs, the art of brick tower with redented corner . King Jayavarman VII. They were<br />

Sombor wa a continuation of the old Next to it i Pra at Yai Nghao, al o built in larger number than the period<br />

Funan art which wa influenced by a redented quare tower but 11 pedithe<br />

before : mo t of them were of<br />

art of India. In the Northeast of ment wa carved in brick into a de­ the arne plan and lyle i.e. on i t·<br />

Thailand the Chenla art wa contem- corative frame terminallng with five ing of a main laterite tower erected<br />

porary to the Ovaravati art and both headed naga at the end .<br />

in the middle of a compound which<br />

shared orne common tyles and motifs,<br />

wa urr unded by a rectangular la­<br />

notably the croll de igns derived From the lOth Century A. D., more terite wall. pierced with one gatev ay<br />

from the upta chool in Jndia. Khmer type temple appeared in the in the ea t AI o included in the com<br />

Architecturally both Ovaravati Northeast and mo t of them were pound of the temple was a mall Iaterite<br />

and Chenla chools u ed brick and built in brick uch a Pra at Muang<br />

vihara . Thee laterite prasat<br />

clay mortar as building material . The Tam, Prasat Mee hai Pra at Ban were pre umably Buddhi t anctuarie<br />

olde l architecture of the Chenla that Plai in Surin and Pra at Prang Ku they were for example, Pra at Kampaeng-<br />

still remained in the Northea tis Pra- 1n ri aket. Th re were only few<br />

noi, Pra at Ban Samor in ri<br />

sat Phum Phon in Amphur Sangkha, tone temple of contemporary date aket and Pra at Ku Rusi in Bur1rum .

l JJ1tJ<br />

I " I<br />

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¥ • ¥<br />

n acn I pho10graph of Muang Plab-pla, mphur llucy Thalacng, akhon RJJ 1m ,<br />

howmg • rc l ngular hapcd town of lhe opburi period built on 1 p of the Irregular t pc town of the v ra 11 pcnod.

' t .. ~ ~ .-... ., ..<br />

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U'lt'l ~Y1Ll11Jt>uou i~vm LUutnnmJ 011<br />

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fl'l ltD-en t'11::nv'lnn '1<br />

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OlJfliJl L V1111'111LL n::n11u Ofl 1tl'IY11J 1::L UtJU<br />

• .. ., ' ., ~d .. ,<br />

U UULLNU<br />

fltlfl!JOU11 0~'11tJ '111tlL ~lUltJ<br />

"l! ~ n~'l1tJ '111t><br />

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L lUltJL lJUIII'IflJLt'ltJ~ flUOr11JUV11'11U lYl<br />

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u o::n~ n~1~t'1ltJIJl H '1<br />

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u UULLIIIU Yll'l t'lfllUIJltJ 01111 i~tJ lJlO

d. d.

' .._ ._ ' • .I ., w ., 1., ;I ., t "' ~<br />

fll'Ylfl 1tJ Y11-l fl1nlfltll L1t\l LIJ fl-lfl 1 fl 1 Lflfl u:: lfl'U'I{tJ 1l-ll11 flU lliJtJ II Tl fl-lll flll t\IZ~ li~U t1, 1 t\1 TllJ tJll'Yltl 7<br />

., ., ., .. ., .(,._ ( • " • .-4, tl • •<br />

tl u U7ZOfltlfl 1tJ 1 m1nv n,::u 1fl nfln m1 tJ111tJ auu lunN ut~::uH 1t\l lM1tlUYll~Yl 101'l'L'I'll::u~n<br />

A n neri I photog ph of M uang Tam, mphu r Pn Kon h;ll, B uri rum howrng a n ncient mmun11y<br />

in th Lopburi pe riod - the n tun ry, ~c r d pond , ray, road a nd cultivatr n rea.<br />


.I "I "' ... • • 4 ., J<br />

01::l!OifHI!lUnlJUtiYi~'J YIYI11U'U'J\)nfl1<br />

• tJ<br />

YitiYllfl ltll'U 011tl<br />

• ., ., ., ... ., J<br />

tl111Hlti1'U011tl 'l~l11tlti'J'JIJU<br />

.<br />

Animal haped pot and jarlet<br />

of Lopburi period, from th<br />

in Amphur Ban<br />

eramic kiln<br />

ru t, Bunrum.<br />

. .<br />

r .. "' "" .. ...<br />

m-u 1Un::flnUtflnou, uHn 1u nuunYiU'J<br />

tJ ..... 4<br />

~101fl1ti1'U011fl U'J'JIJU<br />

Dark brown glazed ew.:r<br />

nd fruat- h ped bo. an pale reen<br />

in Amphur Ban<br />

fr m the ceram1c kaln<br />

ruat Bunrum.<br />

"' ... ... ' .. ...<br />

"1111JI fln oun 1 'II u1o o -u nu un-rt u,<br />

tJ .. tJ ... ... t .. ~<br />

11~'11 o -u n -u ltlu 1"11 n ntl -u 1 H'U u1t1 -u L u -u n<br />

.<br />

" ..... J<br />

~101fl ltll'U O'J1tl ti'J'J IJU<br />

Pale green gl zed<br />

nd the I y II u cd<br />

in<br />

wl<br />

rom the erami kiln<br />

mphur B n Kruat, Bunrum.

.tlHtlA.ll.ll.trt U11H1 Hllartrt111\f11~, ftt'I,Hl<br />

1•1 ,sit I "'"\'~",.<br />

lA.l.UL t rlL ijN!Ht'aRo::IURU loll tltH 1 ftltijH,<br />

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t.t ijftf11111rl1.1UI1U<br />

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ijlllft ~ 12-~l t\f't11rt~t\~11ft ~a t\H 1 t-a ft1<br />

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'" toP "''" 0 tA.nrtc.c.nti.tl&1::u.1.::U.1.tl1n~l !:"<br />

tut ... -::tl.1.t'aft11l.tlllR.UtU111lJI.l.tt'Q.tij~1 Ill lA.<br />

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-DIU.tlo1.l&1::.ttAtta Ill lA.ttrt.tC.IltiJl&1::.tt.1.<br />

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... ,. ...<br />

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toP'"' "'"'" lrt'P<br />

-~ttJI.l.t::.tt.1.rtt'.t tA.::I211 e lA.ftrttC..tlA.t\IU.tll<br />

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H~a.1.1UU.tl&LU.UHIA.tt~t\L~U1.1H~11 rtl~<br />

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,. ... ~ '"· ...<br />

8<br />

tl1t.1.U lt<br />

I> I<br />

Ullt 1lA.rt.t.tlltt~C.HlA.ft, H nartrt natHlUt 1<br />

... ,.. ,. It I fr •<br />

llrtiJQij llt1.JI.1f\, ttllo qe tA.Rt.tt~UlllA.t.1.<br />

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,. p "" " .,.. ,.<br />

::1111 ftijt'IJ t-art1.tlUt'llA.t'Ufl11ftlll1fl1tlU<br />

,. II' I . 't I.<br />

rtttl l.l a ijl ll ft ~ t-a rtlttl 11ft~ 11ft~ lA..tlUtt a<br />

... .. • • II' " .... ,. ,.<br />

tt~t\111 rt~~Ul::.tl.\::1.?.11 t't1t'&11Uill.tlft<br />

·"<br />

\jllll::.tMlAll.ll.trt<br />

"'<br />

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p<br />

r· ,.. ,. o<br />

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a t ,.. ,.<br />

t'Grt1t-H::IURUI1UL&~1 ~Ult'l.lt'lbtt 0.• lA.<br />

"' ,. • ,. ""' ,. t-Il 't<br />

R.ttt~j~ijll.lA.t.1.1l rt~ ft ~nRofut& 1t' ijUtijf1.11U.U<br />

,. .. .... p<br />

ti!H ttlH t-a ttiU art1 t1.JI.1 fuij ll.llA.IUl.t Ill<br />

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a, o , p<br />

1 ,<br />

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I IS ~~~,. I> a I "' If<br />

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rt.ttll tt~tt'allo U.t.UlA.Q l rtftlllt1.111 ijt'a<br />

,. "'"' " JI>P<br />

-::.t M.t'allol1lUJI. .t~1111 ft C.OJlJ>ii-C.OJ>J>• 'U 'M<br />

,. I ,.<br />

Htl-1.::.tnallll.ltt-atij •tA.ttrt.ttll.tUl&1::.tt.1.<br />

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,. .. .. " "<br />

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.tlUUl& ~ U1 t'llollll fua .tij1t'l lA.llt\Mrtiartltij<br />

... to"' "' p .. ,.<br />

Ul&lrtt-a ttltt at ijtt::t Mt-artlt' n llll.l.tt'a.tij<br />

It,. II>'"P<br />

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,. If I J!' Jl- ~<br />

ttW11Ul&fllftl&1ftl11t'tlA. • lA.ftrt.ttll.tU<br />

" " ·" 't.. ....<br />

l &1:: .t t.Ht lA. t' lllll fl l& H.1.lllot'allottH1 rtl W<br />

" ''t .... "~ " p<br />

tt, rtl~Ut1 t'lfla lJI.~1.rtUlA.flJI.L.tt'a.tijrt,<br />

It P ill I ,. 'tP I• h<br />

Jl.l.t rt.ttll.tU.tijft ft W11Ul&lllttl & lftll 1 t'.tlA.<br />

• lA.ftrt.ttfl.tl.ll&l::.tM.<br />

... ~<br />

lt~ U.t11::n::.ttt,<br />

""<br />

't'" "'If I ~ It<br />

a11.1 rtlW rtU rtallo U.tl& fuLJI. tllJI.1 Ht1.111t'lll<br />

.. ... p "' 't " "' '!"<br />

1.1~1 1!.1 fl.tl&l .t lll1.1lU::U.1. U1 fl~l t\Q<br />

p p ..<br />

.<br />

ft~ 11ft~ U l & l rtHft 111 t' .t lA. ftijt'G::.tt.1. n.t~RU<br />

"' " I" llP P"''"<br />

-lHrt::.tt.1. l tft H 1 rtlWrtUft ftLIHl 1fuJI.l.t[\<br />

I P 1>P ~ I p<br />

-U ftl~t.trt t\Utll~l::IURo ft 1 l t lll11 ft~ t\111<br />

,. ,. ... loll IS J!'<br />

p;p<br />

.<br />

.tllt.1.UlA.I1MlA. pe lA.UI1HU.tl&LilU t\11.1<br />

... • 't 't 't'" ... "' I<br />

LJI.t.UtUUl&rt, l.lU\lA. ~ t'lllllA.t\1 ijt-G::t~\<br />

,. 1.1'1 ~'t ''t ltp<br />

t-alloU.tl& li1UI1t.1.lJUL.t[\::l.tt.1.1 t'ltllot'LtU<br />

... .. "<br />

H na f\t uaa rt a11o t- a11o lllRo1 L IUla n LDR.HlA.<br />

I • ~<br />

~1 Ulrtt.1.LllttLJI.~1ftt'lblJI.W'tUt'QIIot'ftH<br />

""' "'to .. .,.<br />

ijt'Q fuijl l.lll.tlllRU t\ 111 l tGll.tllll.llU~ t::.t [\<br />

p .. 0 p .... ,. ,. I II'P ...<br />

::11 11 ~ijfUl.tlllHlA.fuJI.l.trt U ttl~.t .til ft<br />

... ' p I... "<br />

• lA.ftrt.ttfl.tl.ll&l::.tt.1.t\Q t\lllt\111 OpJ>•<br />

,. .. "'" ,. "J!'<br />

'U't.1. t\111ltJI.l.tUUUartt'lb t\lllJI.l.tl.lrtG<br />

j:" I ,. .,.. ...<br />

rtl.tltttlJrti.l~t IU Ut'~Lrtlt\~rtlA.UI1H<br />

,. .... ~-~~ ,o .. ,..,. ..<br />

t\JI.1t'H11flli1H • lA.t\rt.ttlltl.ll&1::.tt.1.t'QIIo<br />

I I 't'" "'If<br />

rtl n::t M na1 lA.U .tl 1\l U Ul1t.1. lA.L J.ll .trtt'QIIo<br />

I 't ... "' I•<br />

t;_Htt~m 111111[\ t::1111 ~::.t [\rta.t U l U 1 t',.IJH<br />

rttAt-allolllll~ti1::1URUilUl&~1 t\H1 lllllH<br />

,. ,. ,cllilp<br />

.tM 11 t'lflQ t\1\o~Ul Urtallo fl\!U 11t.UlA.Qil.t~,<br />

' '-·PI'"'-....,...,,. .. ~<br />

lA.ftlllJ.liUL.trt l lrtt\lllt\11 1 ct• lA.R.t.ttlllU<br />

't. ""' 't ~<br />

!llA.M.t'llfttij t\~ttm~alnG.t~tHt'l\ rtll<br />

... ~ "P' p "'",. ....<br />

-IUttt~aLma t-aftlt'~ttllllllllolft~ 0.~-J'~<br />

~ tt- II<br />

lA.R.t.ttb)UlllA.t.1.1l rtUU.tl&ll.l u::11 11 .tlll.llfl<br />

,. ~<br />

"'<br />

.<br />

....<br />

~C.Ht'IU4 flJI.::ttJI.lHrtQll1LQ ij11t'llttll1<br />

,. ,.,. ,. 0 .. "'<br />

llllloltt, ttrt.tt.tlA.ttQl &1::.ttAt-alloU .tll\lllU<br />

,.<br />

~~~ ... ...<br />

flrt t.t h t' irtttt.1.lA.l lll.t[\tA.i GlA.L Ul.t[\ttLi<br />

P'""'" 't"'<br />

l rtUJI.lt.t ijft t\trtt\U.t\1-l.lA.L lll.t [\IAUil1<br />

... .. .... 't p<br />

~lttlloiGtA.llll.t[\ttLittR.1 t'H11flll.lH J'~<br />

"' I I<br />

- ;.>~ lA.R.t.tt IllY lllA.t.1. H tH ::c. t\ ~ rt Gllo 111111<br />

't I " "<br />

t\lllJ.lt\lllUrtt.dlUl.t f\::l.ttA 1 nartt'ij UlJI.M.<br />

I I> p<br />

-rtU ,.,.. tA.rtaRortU ,.p,.,. llfttA rt J.lrtlW l rt t'llt'I1Hfl ,. ,. rtl.l<br />

ft, (P;.>-;pto ' P~J'CII\ 'rt~Ullll!t .tUY<br />

I. _,. ,.<br />

- .tu) n rttt.ttA.nH 1rtl trtw::u.m ~ ::1.1n& 1<br />

,.. ,. ' ""<br />

t\W11ft1 llJI.L.tt'Q.tij~1 lrtG~H t\J.11.tlll&<br />

If lop IS ill I If "'<br />

fllJI.ll\ 1t'QIIo t-a~ijUrt.tLU&L ttl Qlll~lllll<br />

~ I. 0/S<br />

" .<br />

flGUill L ttl111 lA.I111U.tlJJ.tltt\ ~ t1 rt::.t~1<br />

I I " 't '" ,sll\ ,sill<br />

L & 1MlllolA.t'~ t\111t1.Lttl Jl.lrtrtaRortUrt.t.t!t<br />

" ,.,. .. " " ,.<br />

- ft~t::l.l 11 t'G rtl.t l U t' llA. t1. ~t' lA.ll.ftt.1.rt J.lrtlW<br />

'"• •"' ~P'",.<br />

"''~~~ ,. ,. ~ "<br />

H If I .. PI II' If If rtttl.lrtl ttrtlltt ~t\~11tt~t'.t&lA.ttQ a , ....... Qrtl.l1flt~<br />

t'GR.t flU 1ft t l.l rt U rt 1 a.t 't ill rtGIIo<br />

H.tll Ht\111 J!'<br />

fl.t lllRUllo1.rt::.t tArtl tt:: .t t.\ h:: .t t' lbU t l &lllU rt<br />

P"',. .,.. "' ,..,..<br />

lJUl.trt ftt\Ult\1 ~ fuijLIJlA.ll.ll.tfll~t.tll<br />

,.. " ' • ,. 0 • ,.<br />

::l.tM1 fl.l.1t'l.lt'G~rt1 t'Lflal~MrtU.tUl\liUlQ<br />

,. ,sa\4 1 ,. ,.<br />

t'GIIot't\Htttl.lttl11 lllo1UtttHUU~, ttttll~<br />

~ I J:' If ,sill ~<br />

- l ft rt 11 rt~t'a flo t'H t'Cl.I.11Ut1 .til ft ~:: UA tl1<br />

l' I ~ ..<br />

fl~l H&lA.11t'LflQt'Qrt1.tlU::1.111rt.t.tll.tt~t<br />

- "' ' . ,.

., ., .... .,<br />

nn~n~::nm UIJltJ ml1JL nvu u uu t'f1JtJ -.~-,::<br />

, ..... ~ ,., J<br />

L 1t'fltJ1l1JUY1 1.1 L'I!Unucn fl1t'f\Jll1~1ltJ<br />

1<br />

:. 'l" d ' c4 .q

l<br />

l<br />

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., .,j ., d I<br />

'U1~Vi1::11ll'lMt'l1'l tlfl111tJ'l~'UYI Vll'U<br />

ll tl '"' d 1 .I o ., '"' 'I Ill 1111 t1 1<br />

l1'Uflfi~LH'U111U~1l1t'lnl1'U'Ufl'l LlJ L~ fltJ<br />

-1. -o~ .,J I~ ~,<br />

VIL1 tJ'l~ 'UVI LL9l L~lJ fl'lL flt'l fl\.ltJ 1tJ1J1~1n<br />

Cl~<br />

':Jtc.lO:xl tC:>OI :>41 l!uowc .. lClCWOJQ OC4J., P:JIIC:l Sl ll<br />

' ICW14d JO :>tdW:>l :>41 U! punoJ IIA ucwJc.,c.< t•r l!UI)I JO :>l!cw1 :>UOl<br />

.. .. ,. .<br />

OLrt 14 rt HIA.LIJLt [11A.fl M<br />

, I' IA.rtHtMt.L 14 L t.Unt 1Ulrtrtt.JJM.YI.' 11 llo L IA.t\ rtttn li.L ~ 1::tl41.'1lM~ WU IUU &[1 t<br />

',. (j It- I ,. ,.,. ~. .._,,_ •<br />

..<br />

t'LtUit\R.1LTUL!HttLUlA.fla~t rt1 U ttttllrtU<br />

" ~ '!' I " ,I l)p ';1 ,.<br />

tt ~ t-a rt1 ttl 11t-IJR. fuH ~ t- flrtLW ::~ 11 "~att ~<br />

~ " I t ~<br />

t-a rt1tlUt-llA.&l ttlaNlfll rtH&LaLt 1 lA.::~H 11<br />

II" 0 • ,.<br />

tttt 11.1 fuHl tt111 L UttH t- a rt1 ~~ t-a rt1 U L &<br />

'll I I lo li> I !- II" II"<br />

llt14RUt-aflUiltLU rtttlln~t::U11 ltt.IJ.l~<br />

P"-,. a ,.<br />

t-a rt1 tLU t-llA.tl U &U ttl~ tt 1 t-lA. ttU ::1.111ttU<br />

II" ... " ":~ ,. ,.<br />

t-It. a UH 1 lltllo::U 11 tLU LTlltt11t-atij1 t- JJ.tlU<br />

.. II" I ~ I<br />

Itt-& fuH ~ ttn 1L tru~::tlUrtGrtatHUl tla<br />

,.. • I I!' I ,.. II"<br />

rtH lA.lA.t-ttH ttW 11 Ul& lltlt\RUt-allUiltlU<br />

,.. '!' .. " p .. ,. I<br />

rt::&Urtttrtllo1llttM.rtiJ.rtlWUL& ~~ t-ttH<br />

,.. ,. 1l I p ,. ,. ""' ..<br />

ttW11Uat-aR.l.. fuijliJ.t-art1t-atijatHilllolt<br />

" ,.. ,. 0 II" II" p<br />

t-at ij lIt t' ttH tttij11 Ul& Ill ttL &1 atH<br />

.. " " II"<br />

llt14RUH1 ~H1nl11t-& Ut-tlloltttl lllttl&1<br />

p .. ,. .. " p • p " ..<br />

::U111ltlt\RUH tH::tttl ~~lt\ntlU t1. L tlUilllfu<br />

P"",. ' ' ,. ..<br />

atlJ1tll11t-a~tllU1tlUUl&Lrtt-a ttlna t-aM<br />

II" p ,. "" ,. ..<br />

t-a rt1 M.t-art1 ::ru" U 1.1 rt ~ tlU llttM. rtiJ. rtlW It<br />

II"'!' II' •,. ':P,.,. ~<br />

n tt ttlll na~t~ l flllll a ::u 11 tn ~~~ n rt JJ TULt 111<br />

';1 .. ,.. ,.<br />

ll rt.U tl 1 tt W11 atH tU &lfll La Ll!\.ttl1 l t 11M.<br />

,. "" II" ,. I<br />

l &1 M.L R.t-aR.L tlJM. ijl RU Ut LUM. L ttlllM 111<br />

.. .. .. .. • " I!'<br />

Lijt'flt1~~11 lA.tt&t-llt1 ::rt::~t~::Lrt11:·art1<br />

0 ,.. p ,. ,.. II"<br />

llolt rtttlltUtijttt-a rt1ttllo 1 ttR.t-art1f1.111 t ~<br />

,.. II" I ~ II" .p "<br />

~Ut t-U-I.lA. l.. ttat-artl~l fuHLt-llM.LlfMLart<br />

, 1,. """'""'I ,. ,..<br />

t-H 11L ijftlt ttii.GM.flrt.Utt 1 lllA.R.li.J.tt W 11L tlA.<br />

0 1,. It,. .. I'!'<br />

t-•"' ,.Ill,.,. p 11"1<br />

t-at1t-llrt1 fll.l1~1 t-Il ttn&&11Ul&atHrtHL<br />

flrt.IJ. ttij t-aR. Llll Ill IJ ttL Ill ~at-arttl u tl ttUl&<br />

,. ,.. ';1<br />

uatt ttaUilJJ.laM.~HLtt ttl UH 1t\W11ttt11<br />

I ,.. ..... ';1 I " I<br />

t-LtH::t llttl .~rt IJ.rtLW::TURU u::u 11 lt\~att 1<br />

I p,.,. ,. ,.. It<br />

tt W 11 ttt 11::12 lll11 t-a rtl ttl 11t-GR.t-Gt ijUrtt l U<br />

II I I ~ II<br />

tt 1 t l tiJHijl::U 11::TURUI.2lKU~rtllllll~~rt1<br />

It II ,. ~ I L1<br />

ll~l rtHl llrtiJ.t-Grt1tLUHlA.~ijrtltlRtt11<br />

l I.,. • ....<br />

Ul& lll~G t-arttLU ttl11 ::ltM. 1 HUU ijLU::~ 11<br />

.. • I!'<br />

Lll::tt.~l () 1 l ttrt11 rtUtt~11tt~t-atijUrtrtallol t<br />

II ll I .. I<br />

lA.allo1rtlWI1Ut-llHflaflt~ltH1 rtl Ul &1M.LR.<br />

'!' ~ ,. '!' I " F> I L1p " "<br />

ttttltUt-ll rtl lJUltrtLHUt-llA.t\Ht\ttll<br />

':J I '!' I L1 P<br />

t-an.natt-att-lA.Ua ttJJI11J.Ut-art1 t-QIIot-nH 11<br />

I ';1 ,.. ,. F> It- I<br />

.<br />

l" lll.l.1 ~ lA.ttrtttllllol&1::tM.t-an.t-aUl&<br />

o ,..,. ,.II o<br />

rt ta tHlll ttl Hit ILIA. f.tnllo:: tt.~::~11 UL).H ll<br />

,.<br />

lJt l at-an.natt-a.tmd}UltrtlA.~~ t-art1rtrt~<br />

I '!" • II" ,.I<br />

ttt~ 11 lIt a~~ona1lA. l fl ::tt.~ l () 1 l tt ltlHt L t-G rt1<br />

1<br />

'" t 't' "l• II"<br />

l~t.tl1::l.tt.~1 t-at 1fllUHt\ttLUH lfuli.Ltrt<br />

t ';1 I p<br />

u ttn llA.l~ r. r.1111 u t-1111 llll:: ~ 11 t- &11ll.ttllo<br />

,. I ,." .. -~<br />

It lW lA.I1 ttllllo1 flij1 ::~ 11 tlt-G.t 111U flt~ ttHl<br />

..... -~,.""<br />

rtl l&!Mlllo llloi1M.tlij1t\ijHLt1 lllt\LHit<br />

I L1" " " ""'<br />

ll.lA.t.~ llllo<br />

,.<br />

::tM. ttL I R~ ::trt ::~ 11 ~LjHil ijt l G<br />

...<br />

H .tiJ.HlA.Utt ttttUitG tt.~ a lll~lt\llttijrt::r.M.<br />

" ' !>';1,." I ..<br />

t-art1UL&tlttllt-ltJJHL~trtl ~ lA.ttrtr.t<br />

II" "" 'T,.<br />

flllol &1::r.t.~t' 1t. ijttllo::tM.lA.l.L.llt rtU.tl ()<br />

,." ... p • ~<br />

u1ur~ L t~n::r.tA.ttn.t-Grt1aij t ntli.M 1::1.111<br />

... ",.~~~~- ...<br />

tnrur.u.~iJ. tnli.L.tt-art1 Ht'.Ut-art1 tpl.l<br />

,.. ,.. ~ p ... II" "<br />

t-art1ttll.1nttli.1H1 rtan.nn nrtr.r.ur~um.~lA.<br />

It- I ';1 I • ... '!'<br />

t'G lt1 l~t.tl1 L tllt~U~l Gllll1::tt-fltlttltu<br />

II" " I ,_ ... L, I ,. ';1 I<br />

t' IlL II. M.rt UU l & rta n.t-allot-G r. ijU rtt lU lllL fll U<br />

,.'!" ,. "<br />

llaU Ill IliA.\ ~lA. 1 ::.r.n t-an. t-LI.!U ijLUI~~11 n~<br />

' ~ ,.. ~<br />

l tallo1 tltltl&ttf11~ijfllltl1l ::1.111tllllll ~<br />

It 0 PI- p<br />

~t~t::.r.nuttrtHl LlA.lA. t'Gln ~ lA.f1rtttllllol&1<br />

.... ,.,.,..""0'1" .'ll t,. ,."<br />

:: t t.~ llrtll tt, n~u ttl11lA.ll~t~ tn ~u::~<br />

,. .,.... p 't ,. ,....<br />

11 rtr..r.u<br />

-lllt\ 11l ll JJ n 1.1 Ut' a lloll at t-atn t.U lU<br />

p I' ... I<br />

ttlt\ ltf\1 fll It M.t-a rt 1<br />

" p .. "'<br />

lA.I1M.lA.I11111 ~ lA.tlrt.ttflllol&1::tM.t-allo<br />

,. '1" .. '!",. ,."<br />

t-a~l &rt ttlf\1 l tuttllA.t-ll11ll11 lll tlLHrt<br />

• • IP I F> I I<br />

-lllA.M.Illlo::.tt.ml11t'ij ltt\HlrtlWH~ Uf\LlA.<br />

,. I!' IF> •"" I<br />

t'll1 ~ijfUl t11lU nt-lt. fllA.IIol.Ut-a lt1lA.t' tt<br />

"'.. ,. .. ,. ~'1>7<br />

l l.l.~rlttlA.l t-an.t-l l.l.ttt JJ::1.111 Tllflltltt JJUl<br />

..,1"' - l ' p .... ~<br />

t-a rt1 ::1.111 tl1 M.l.l t-a rt1lA.I1MlA.ItlHt-1.1rt 1 till l.l<br />

II" ... ,. ~ '!' '!""' ,. I p ,.<br />

llM.l::tM n .ttlA.lnllo 1t-L flatlllUfl lllrtUlrt<br />

... I.. I ' ,.<br />

H ~ U ij LU::U 11 ttlll aijlU tt 1 ttllol111 11 tlfliJ 1<br />

... " ll ,..<br />

l lA.lA.::U 11 rtallo 111111 flltlA. ttH::U 11 ~.tl llflt~<br />

0,.. .. .. o., tC<br />

llA.lA.t'lA.I1~::trt-atij1::1.111flLU~tU rtttlA.1<br />

• 'I" ';1 ,. ~

.<br />

II II .. ~ .. .. " ~ "'<br />

ljltJfl11lJL!l !lL l~!l~!l-lfl tlltUJf'l fljl lfl'l.lfltl ll1l1'U 10!l4lU11!llflfl O'llJf'l a t.h 01<br />

tone im ge of Phro J ynbuddhamahanata in<br />

nmbod1<br />

By courte y of Khun m kdi Rntnonkul, Ch1ef of rch colo y d1vi ion ine rt partment.

.I "' ., J ., ,. 4 "' "' J ,.<br />

1 un1 ::: ln1 tt fl 1 t111 tJti 'I'I1J1 nun 1110~ lnn 'U111UOI 11'111J1<br />

. . .<br />

nd tone image or Sodhi lla a round in M uang Ko in rni Rajburi. Lopburi penod.

"' "' .... . "' ~ "<br />

I "' l ~ I ., .I 'i<br />

fl1l-11~11ltl 'ULlJtl~ L'!!'U 1~l·n::ul:: L'Yl'U<br />

L uu1~>~YllJtnllJfllf1ty'lMMlJ1 LlJV~n:: l1<br />

11>1~ Ot'111 'U L lJ'U fl'Utl<br />

..<br />

., J/4 wal<br />

u n::1~ln::un ·non:: U'llJ lJ'Hll1'!!1~L uu<br />

tJ ., ' !t,' .. l Jl "' "'<br />

\Jl'U tJ'Ufl\Jlnl'lfl'lH11>1 nnnm·n::l1'!!1~<br />

1ll.al """"' .. .,d<br />

L'!!'U'UL lJ'Unl 'lll fii>I~L'H ll1'Ufl~fl11lJfl lJl'l'U'II<br />

I ... " I<br />

vv 1~n nCJ! ~ 1::'1111~ fllt'l u 1 u n:: n llu OflltJ~<br />

-4 .. l" al ... Jl •<br />

CJ!~lJ Htl 'HL lJ'U nl'llflllJ t'lll~ l~l:: ll'!! V 1-<br />

... dtlt"<br />

'U 1~'\JMH 'l::lJ'HlO\IIJl'ltl ll'llJ'U fl~'IJ'U<br />

... " ... Jl<br />

lJ l~lOnl'll ~'lqj'IJ'U 'IJMtllW 1~ Ol tll'U '!! 1~<br />

-4 ... ,. • Jl 1 ...<br />

CJ! ~ L n \>I'll 'U LL Yl'U'Yl LL fl1 'U L fl\Jl 'llJ lLL 9l L ~lJ l 'U<br />

ll<br />

I<br />

l ::tJ ::'U n ll LL Vll 'Htl 1 tl'IJ V ~ tllltl'll 'l1lJ<br />

.1• ... ~-1 ... -4 ,, "'<br />

LutltJ'U'Ylfl'Yll~ w~lnLI>IlJ fltl l>l'llJ~ln<br />

YlNVlW ,~"'n1n L'II'Yl"'v u n:: n1u til LL Yl'U Oll<br />

., , ".., ' ...<br />

llJ~ 10 LL fl1'UO lJ~'!!lLI>ItJH l'UL YltlnL 'II 1<br />

ol I "' "' "'<br />

l'i 'U lJ 1>1 ~ L l nL '!!'U LL\Jl Ll>llJ<br />

1WI'U 'll'l'llJ'IJM<br />

., ' " ' ...<br />

n1uu1 un::nl'IJ'YltJHl'UL'IIlfltnfltJt'lltl •<br />

~ I • Jl • ., ..<br />

YIN<br />

LL t'I::'U l'U<br />

fltJHl'U~101Jl'ULlJV~l 'Ul'IJIJIL'!!tl~lltl<br />

I o o1 I~ 'f Jl I<br />

tl~lJl\JlllJTI ll>llJLLlJ'U 1 L'IJ~ L'Ulft<br />

" " ., ' .... • ' el ~ .... ... .. ll .. t "<br />

e. ,.1YII t 1l11 ~ h11n110111J1ti'IUllJ I ""II n::fl111J'I11J1ti,.O~fl n 1 "trlJtJtiYilJ 1" U tl:: "fl nUtiYilJ 1" 1 'U \Jl'lfl1111 I 1 O~'U fl~l 1J \JUt 1111 t ~<br />

" " ., , ~ ., .... ., ., • ..., tl " .... .., ...<br />

,.1YIIt 1 'ft 1 'IS n11Yit11011t1 nt~n'1!101::n11 1 Uti ou 11 UMTIHn ~fllJU t1::1•U111111 • ~tr::Yl ou oon111m~flt1unmu" un111111 t~::u 1::" 111n111J<br />

IIIII • ., t' "-!& 4 ., tl ., "' ' .._ ... ., ' ... -4 t ..., .I Ill<br />

L uun 1fl t\1 ,.1YIItl11 fl111J 1'11 'U'IJ tllltl ~n u 11.'. n n Yl1flfl "flntl 1nu 1n llfl t1 UtiYilJ 1 'll ~l'I1'UYitl 1tl 111'11 ::,.tJ1tltl1tJ ,.tl ~" t1 un 111111 uuu<br />

II .. ... ., "' I "IIIII .... • ... .. • al fll • ., t ... .. ...<br />

1,.1' UfHYI nlflfl111'1!1l'l • • o u1 u Mll1t10111 uuft tiULL uu,.ollm tlltl uuu uu,.o111 uu '11n nn 1t1 t\1 n ~ 'll'l1 uu u u 1 wn NfltiU,.tl~<br />

"' • " ~ I 'I &\ I ~ I ~ "' II II ,• .4<br />

fttiU011lJ 1 un11tJYI'r111flfl111'1!1l'l •• II fin~ N LUt10,.tl~fl~llfiYIYIIflfl 111'1!1n eb tl-l111tltl1~n UI'IS~ ,.1YII'Il 1~ MU1::nllfl1111~ u~-11 uu<br />

I e

• w W ~ w -4 I If '<br />

flflr!lJtl'n.,:mlll1.,tl1.,lJU't1 I. OUHIIYI'H<br />

• t J

The Northeast of Thailand during<br />

the Lopburi Period ( 10-13 Century A.D.)<br />

th<br />

t h<br />

Sr i s a kara Vallibho tama<br />

By the end of the lOth entury A.D., Angkor Wat tyled monument \ ere Mekhong Riv r to th north, the<br />

due to heavy influx of Khmer civtli- reeled in the orthea t and in the Khmer temple with in crtptlon m ntioned<br />

th name Jayavarman VII wa<br />

zation from Cambodia into the ba in meantime the architectural tyle of<br />

of the river Mun and Mekhong, the the roof of the tower in Angkor Wat found in the ancient town of ai<br />

Northea t of Thailand entered a new wa in many way , influen ed by that Phong in L o and at a mall hrine<br />

period of socio-cultural change which of the temple of Phimai. urther in Wat Dhat Lu ng Vientian a<br />

wa called by many scholar as the more, Khmer cultural influence al o tone tatue of Jayavarm n VII wa<br />

Lopburi period. It differed in many f und it way from Phimai and haire<br />

peel from the previous period and yaphum pa ing the Petchabun Range Like the reign f uriyavarman If<br />

housed.<br />

this wa evident from the change in- to Muang rt 0 p in the Pa ak River Khmer civilization of the 13th Century<br />

A. . pread from the North ea t<br />

to new type and pattern of variou va !ley and whence to the Chao Phraancient<br />

monument namely the regu- ya delta in C ntr 1 Thailand. The to entral Thailand ia Muang rt<br />

larly oriented tr_?ctures and plan of Khmer styled brick tower found tn Dcp in the Pa ak alley. It popularity<br />

brou ht about a ult of tab­<br />

the ancient town , the Hindu and the Muang ri Oep, Muang Lava ( Lop­<br />

Mahayana Buddhi t sanctuarie which buri) , and ukhothai. all indicated li hing Khm r typ templ dedtcated<br />

were built in Khmer style, the digg- art influen e from th reign of uriing<br />

of baray and acred temple pond ya arman 11.<br />

of many tmportant citie uch a La­<br />

to Mahayana Buddhi m in the middle<br />

the con tructions of road and irrigation<br />

dyke and the establishment of<br />

After uriyavarman Ll, the Northea<br />

t wa brought more clo cr to Cam and ukhothai. AI o 111 ny cult obva,<br />

Rajburi Petchaburi Muang ingh<br />

ceramic kiln to produce Khm'er type<br />

bodia again tn the 13th entury A.D. ject u h a tmag of the Buddh<br />

pottery used all over the Northeast. during the retgn of Ktng Jayavarman and Bodht atta a were al o imported<br />

Historically peaking, the presence VJI. More temples wer built and from Cambodta. To many cholar,<br />

of the Khmer type monuments toget- re tared all dedicat~d 10 Mahayana the pre ence of Khmer cultural eleher<br />

with many tone stelas mention- Buddht m. Accordtng to the tn crip- men; ha created a mi under tanding<br />

ing the name of the Khmer kings tion of Pra at Phra Khan in ambo- tha{ the Central Plain wa brought<br />

hinted that the regions along the dia, Jayavarman Vll had roads cut under the Khmer rule and that many<br />

Mun and the Mekhong River had from Angkor to variou citie and citie were identified a orne citie<br />

once accepted the Khmer political town in hi empire. On the way he mentioned in the in cription tone of<br />

hegemony from at lea t the reign of al o had many h pital and dharma- Pra at Phra Khan in arnb dia.<br />

King uriyavarman I. Further, the sa/a or mall temple buill for the After Jayavarman VJl Khmer<br />

tone in cripti ns from the temple of traveller to stop and pray. And to cultural influence in the Northea t<br />

Phnom Rung and Phimai al o up- many princtpal town , he had the declined and gradually cam to an<br />

ported that the Mun River ba in wa tatues of Phra Jayabuddhamahanat end. It eem d t ive way t a new<br />

ruled by a local monarch King Hi- ent a the main cult object. A the wave of civilization from the kingranyavarman<br />

who wa a clo e kin to city of Phtmai wa mentioned among dom of LanNa and ukhothai tn the<br />

King Oharanindravarman I and king the principal town in th tn ription north and northwe t which pread in<br />

Suriyavarman II. lo e connection 1t wa likely that there were many to the kingdom of Lan hang in the<br />

between the Northea t and Cambodta town in the ba ins of the Mun and ba in of the Mekhong nd the hi<br />

eemed to accentuated durtng the re- Mekhong Rtvers that were tntegrated River·<br />

ign of King uriyavarman II a many into the Khmer empire. Along the

Figure of apa.wra in dec?rativc frame carved on the side wall ncar the gate<br />

of the main tower of Prasat Wat Phu• on the shoulder of the mountain.<br />

Bass.tk, l.:to.<br />

I<br />


n .. u..,ft'~ua::'t1u"lu.,ut.lnnnn.,M •'un1~<br />

.<br />

Lintel and pediment of a building<br />

in the compound of Prasat Wat Phu.<br />

n.,tma.,~flal t.lnn1n~n1:: lt~u<br />

... .. , .. • • ~ c.<br />

11. IO'Wflnnu '· 111tlUlfl i111~1111Ulr.J1fl<br />

depicting an episode in the Ramayanu story,<br />

Prasat Ku Kradaun •• Amphur Kasctwisai, Roi Ed.

Figu~ of apusara ut the gate<br />

of the main tower<br />

of Pmsat Si Khoraphum, Surin.<br />

Part of stone lintel of a small 1·iharn<br />

in the compound of Prasat Kampaeng-yui,<br />

showing deities attending the sleeping Vishnu.<br />

. .<br />

J ... J I<br />

1 tl~llltltll llllYnHI~11 ~tJltJLQYil::ft'l~lfH~lfl<br />

., ., .... " J " "' • ' ...<br />

'· "' n::mw<br />

•o~nu·tnl nm1 Lnn o~fl•lvll o~e~t1.,1nl'I'I01LUH,lfl\l<br />

Stone lintel of u small l'ihurn<br />

in the compounJ of Prasat Kampaeng Yui,<br />

showing Vishnu reclining on the back of naga-ruja.

I<br />

t .I I II '"' ~ t.l • ~ •<br />

~ft1'UUII~ u11ft1"n8111t11J &U'U 11ft1"ft1UHM&1tl~n'U<br />

The brick towcn of Prasat Ku Suan Tacna, Bu~irum.

.I ~ .. ~<br />

v11G1Ynt\nnW1\I t. \lft111'WGII1<br />

Prasat Phnom Wan, Nalthon Raj Sima.

Prasat Plaibat on top or the Plaibat Mountain,<br />

Amphur Pakonchai, Burirum .<br />

. .<br />

... 1 .. ' ., • , .... 41 .... • ,<br />

111UI1YIM\&1 UMa-1dfiYI1fi1UfUI1UD~ L1 antl11Cf1YIH'Un1U "~'U flU<br />

" ., " ., ., "<br />

a11~asaa,.,:at,.a1nluYI ..<br />

Prasat Kampaena Noi, consiructed in laterite, Sri Saket.<br />

Probably bclonaed to the period or Jayavarman VII.

f .. ., ' .... • "<br />

1 ULtltnn1Jnq1" ua:alnn1Tifl1LL ft~u nv<br />

. .<br />

Pra\at Ku Phra Santar.ll, con\tructed m laterite in the same style and plan as those of Ku Rusi and Prasat Kampacng Noi

I<br />

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li~ V fY1V717fl117fl.J 11 tJ'i11 )J)Y l fl W Ufl.J<br />

./q ' v11U nn'lrn<br />

.j ~ t _, I I o<br />

LlJ U'ti11'U1il'l-ltl'l 'lllHinn~ n-w11 ~::'ti1UVI 1<br />

1<br />

~, _, I ..<br />

'11'1-1 11\[J)J'IJ t)t'fqj(\1111 ll1nl1(\j~'tl11'\.11

.I ~ "' " -4 -'.1 "'<br />

u 1 \11\lln lJ l'J~::\1 'UL'\J 11J lO.:IVIU l::VI'U<br />

m;D'UltJM'UUl::mnl'l!nlJll i~j<br />

1 d., .!. ~ "' "' , •<br />

L'I!LHl-lL n '1 \1 ::u~u.:~1m Lfl ~::m'lu<br />

" d~ ., ... l " tl cl<br />

~'Hll'i'l-3\IIV'Iti'U 'ltlll\IJ1'UL1 tHL)'lflLtl'U<br />

'111V a~n'l::,~i'I::V~1n n n::tlnnV~nu l u<br />

" q ,..

Orbhirn-Prajit<br />

" . "<br />

P1yaporn<br />

Originally thi tory i a Jataka tory<br />

but the people conceive it a a local<br />

tale of Mu ng Phim i in the province<br />

of Nakhon Raj ima. It i about a<br />

young prince named Pr jit leaving<br />

hi home town in earch for hi mate.<br />

The a trologer told h1m that hi mate<br />

wa<br />

till an unborn child whom he<br />

would meet on the way. He went<br />

along the direction<br />

dvi ed by th<br />

With the help of the god lndra both her tot hu band, Orabhim di gui ed<br />

of them could escape from the palace her elf a a man travelling from<br />

into the fore t. On the way, while place to place until h reach d the<br />

they were re ling under a big tree, city of Cbampak Nakhon. verybody<br />

Prajit wa hot to death by a hunter in th city wa in grief becau e of a<br />

who wa attracted by Orabh im' udden death of the dau ht r of the<br />

beauty.<br />

He took Orabhim away on<br />

the back of the buffalo.<br />

To free<br />

her elf from the wicked fellow Orabhlm<br />

a ked to ride behin

tJtl Ul1 1Vl U1 UU finu ~ tl lJ 1.i'UU1U U 111 l~ . fl . ... ~oo-•~clo<br />

r:in1al of a Bayon tower Khmer art of Bayon tylc Late 12 th-carly I th cntur .D<br />

-4<br />

l.h1rt1VlVl UfllUJ<br />

Pra at at<br />

ngk r Thorn

Rell f figure of pa ra at n k r \i at<br />

... .. .., ~ ..<br />

Lfl tJH11:: hi!Jrlf11 tJtlfllh1n1YllJ1111'Yll.lfl1111J<br />

Head of D dha · 11 va at a mall pra t an ngkor Th m<br />


.. . ..<br />

'1.11'10 U 'J 't'l Ufl11 fl<br />

I mal deitic ngkor

~~<br />

t-llA. t\ 11.:: U L(} IHIA.tta a llo::t.UI9 ~Hl19t.rt l<br />

~ ~ t ~<br />

~~ o-1p• 'U'M, a~; llllolf.rlt.ll1lA.Uf.1111ttl<br />

~ ~ p ~ ~<br />

..<br />

rl! a ~rliHf.H f.Ht-a rtllA. lla11tA.::.r.rt t-I;::IW<br />

I'll I ,. ~ "' ,..1 ,.<br />

c.o ::IJ11 -1 lA.ttrtf.tlllloL~1::.r.M.I1Ut-al9tllU1<br />

'!''",.'"~ ,. ~<br />

191 rt1 ::~ttartH1191;t-a::.r.t.i. ttrt.r.t.r.lA.ttG<br />

~ 111 L1 "' p .. ..<br />

l ~ 1 ::.r. tAG I;Lrt G ltl lt t-G rtGII.lllo Lt. ::.r. t.i.<br />

~ ~ I p<br />

.<br />

UUlfllR~<br />

L ttl! 11 rtr.~~o::u.mJJa rt1rtLtt::tt.i. rtt- .r.tA.::~.t 11<br />

111p 'll't I><br />

o-1p• -c.opc.oe 'U'M 11)11t-ltlrt1 Qll)fllllf.IHH<br />

... . ~<br />

~ .<br />

,. ._.<br />

c-art1lA.IlGI1lA.::.r.nc-~;~;c-a::.r.t.i. c.o lA.rtrt.r.t<br />

~'!"I,. I' p '!"'"<br />

rl llol ~ T::.r.t.i.L trtl tt::tt.i.ltllllLUGII)rlllolf.t-Gf.i;<br />

,.~ I ~ IP<br />

Uf.GllloltrtHlA. ~ lA.ttrtf.tlllloL~1::.r.t.t<br />

"' 't''" ,.~<br />

L tlloriiJU::u 11rtL~riUUUL ~<br />

r·._.<br />

NAIJM.lllA.al1.r.<br />

1'"'._. :~ ... ._.,.<br />

l<br />

.r. I; rt:: t Mt-G rt 1ll rt JJ n IJ U ::~.t 111. i; tt:: .r. M.<br />

~ ~ ~ ,. I' "'<br />

c-a rt1 t-L f.l.l rt a un rturta n.ru uc- L w.::.r. a ltlt H<br />

"'" , ,. ..... ,..<br />

trlU 1 tH t\ 1\1 l.tt-G::.r.t.i.t-Gfl.IJL U II. f. M.l M.IJ 1 U<br />

lt'" t:>P ,.<br />

nrturta~~or~.tu t1.111r11 rtrt~~o::tMrtJJlA.rta~~o<br />

,. ... ~ I' ~p 'll' ~<br />

t\19t\t111L ~ 1::.r.tA 1911 rtl t\ ::.r.t.i. rlltlH LU t-G II.<br />

.... ' tl '<br />

u.r.11t-L nat ltlttl11 .r.tUrt1.r. rtL tt 1.111 rtrtll.<br />

I '" f:> I ~ p "'<br />

-::u.m JJGrt1rtL rt::.r.t.1.11.r.t-.r.lA.~' 11 PP na<br />

'll' \1' ,. ~~~ ~ I<br />

rllloU.Nl.r.i;HlA.UL~t-l.lU c.opc.oe 'U'M, 11.1 flU<br />

p ,. lo,.<br />

ltHf.llt-GrtllA.rtt\llo::tMM.JJ ~ lA.t1.rtf.trlllol~1<br />

,. II- l'P 'll' ~ ,. ,. ~<br />

::.r.t.i. llt~Lrtt-l.!lloL.r.tlA.1~19.UTibllo1~1 ::IJ11UG<br />

~ p ~~~~ '"<br />

rliHf.H mt- Grt1 t-rll1lA.::tnLrtt-IUlUU ~~ .1.11<br />

,. ... "" ,. ,. ,.. ,. p<br />

~1 UlJt-G::.r.t.i.t\ttUL~t-I.Hl llt~l;t-G::.r.~t<br />

~ .... p ~ ,. ~ p<br />

Ul~ t1.19lA.t1.LlA.lloL.r. ::.r.t.4.11f. ~1 tLU Nlt-L Gt-lA.<br />

~~ .. ~~~ ... ~~<br />

rtt.r. t\l.llUIIo f.t-lltt~r ~ t\ n.L U1 Hl t\ltlt-Gfl.<br />

•• 1t '"'"·"I~.<br />

R.r.l1 t.U.r.l1t-ll t-l G ~~ Ul.lUJJ llll.liWGfl.l.lU.Ll<br />

... ~ " p<br />

::u 11 lbl.tL.UlA. TUf.l U ~ll1t1.111l tf1.UG ll191<br />

• ,. o 't' p "' f:> I ,. ~~~ L1<br />

rtiJ 1 u rtttt.u n.1a ttH 1 na 11lA.::.r. n nl tt n.~ ~JJ 1<br />

Jr I ,. 1'1'~ .. p<br />

~1 Ill lA.rtrt.r.trlllol~T::.r.MlA.f.LULrtGII)t-l.lH<br />

""' ~~ '"" ,.. I'"<br />

rl,.rt~t\ l t-am.r.r.u,.~LTULGII.lf.rllrlfl.f.l U<br />

1\ l II)H 1l.U ::L.r.M 1t\l11t-i;U l.. rlG 111\lllii.L.r.<br />

f:> p I I"<br />

rllllt-f.lA. ~ lA.T1.rtf.trlllol~1::.r.t.1.lA.f.LU NtH<br />

" 't''" '"" ,.. 'I"<br />

G ltlUG lllolf. ::.r. M ~11 llltlli1Grt ~~ ::1.111f.tUG<br />

I f:io I tl~ ..._<br />

-::.r.t.t UL ~ L rt 111. ~t 11 Ml1aU ::.r. r 11 TUrtHL.r. M<br />

,. " .... "p ..<br />

Ltt\UGII.Tt\l.tt-UtU UIJlt-an.t-LUUilt\U<br />

I ,. t ltP .. ... p<br />

t\I11L tG\lt-Jl. t\lllllolf.HIW M.llot\111 rtLJ<br />

ptl~..... :l,.<br />

t\11rlUltlA.It\1nGt-ltlt-JI. i;t-UtUrtlnattLJ<br />

,. lol ~ '!" p $> ... I<br />

-RI9::.r.n ~~ lllo Lt. ::.r.t.tt-Gfl. M ttl Gllolf. t-G II.<br />

.... ,." ~ 0<br />

t1.U11llolf.tlA.1lllA.Urtlll) 191 rl1 Qll)llolf.tlA.Tllt.4.<br />

I '-' ,. tC .. , "'"' I ,..._.<br />

.. " ~ . ~<br />

t-GII.U U) f.ltl.U t\l19HlA.lll.lt-all.l.l UJJ::I.l11<br />

11au::.r.ru.r.L rtL .u ( nL~~oc-a rta .r.HtL .1.1c-a tt<br />

'" ~<br />

llUtu1 tUTUrtHL.r.t.4.1l111Grt::l.l11 tlll91 1.tt-G<br />

P'" .... P "" l>P<br />

::.r.M.t-rlt.4.11tl1119f.f. Mf.U l\::.r.t.4.rtH1Gt.1.1::U 11 r 1<br />

1>1 .. ,. ":""\!' ..<br />

GltlUGltllo G ll)tt n.t-GII) rt1 lli.M rtU .r.u lHTULG<br />

I .... I ~Ill~~~ ,. _.<br />

H1 ::~GMT ttll., llolf.tlA.1lllA.I.l t-Lf.JJllt.4.11GU<br />

"" \1' .. ' ~ ,. " " .. ~<br />

-::.r. r l rt ::1.111lA.I1 t\ ~~ouLl\ l rt ~~ llll ij (j)ft rtlA.t 1<br />

.. " p<br />

t\ llblllotll 11.1 MrtllA.Ilfllt HfllrtHL tM t\ tt::fllll.<br />

~~~ '"~P ~<br />

t\l ( JO>f8UV) .r.~.ttt::.r.t.4.t-Grt1fllt1f.l111lf.<br />

.. . ....<br />

"'<br />

IA.t-an.a tt~~ TUlA.t-LlA. ttu 1Urttt~un.m11 na<br />

~ • ~ I<br />

t-ll)t- Jl. ll)f.i.tf.l1f.lA.t\H 1 rtt-G rtTt-G.r.Ltr t l\19.1.11<br />

~ 'I" ~ p<br />

U t\ tl UL& t- UH ::~ 11 Ultlttt::ll) rllf.LI1::t JJ<br />

p~ ,. ,.<br />

t-GII.U ltl ttt::ltlUlA.t-llA. OG t-ltll\LGt- Jl. ::.r. n.r.lA.<br />

,. ,. 1 ~ '!" I'<br />

t\f.TrtG t-Grt1t-L.r..U r 1 ~ ~.1.1 1 ~~ t-l\l.tt-G::.r.t.4.t\ t\<br />

"' ~ .. p ~"' .. p ~<br />

Ull\QII) ILt.rtll.IJ1t-Grtlt-an.attH 1t-rlUIUGG<br />

I I" • lr ... •<br />

-ttt::II)UlA.HlA.tiM'tH!lU<br />

,. .... ...<br />

l'• tL.r. t\IUl\11<br />

,. ,.<br />

t\ l rltl.lGf.t\L 11 ~HI1Ut- f.ltlt-lbrlUL.r.IUHt-Grtl<br />

"' I /II ,. '!"'" ~ •<br />

lA.rlGI1lA.::.r. rtLrt nlllllolf. Ill rl t- f. lA. ~~ l.tt-G::.r.M<br />

~I ,. '" • ~ ~ p<br />

t\t\UL~I:'I.!Il ltlHf.lrlii.Ltt\111tt lllolllUt<br />

~ ,. ~I' I""~"P,.<br />

-U1 t U fllfti~L.r. f.4.11.r. HlA. ~~I; t-G::.r.t.1. t\t-Grt1<br />

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,. "',_ • 0 ... ,.<br />

UlA.t-llA.rlGt-~t-l;::.r.ntlA.ttat-Grtl ~1Ult\Ll\<br />

\1. I ~ • ,.. b- ,.. t1 f.lp o o<br />

tltlt\l11rl1 11~Ulll\LGG.r.H Ltt::l.!ttl\1::1.111UI1<br />

,. pl ... ,. • :l<br />

::l.!ttl\1f.Ul\L TU LGt\ 111 UGGUrl 11 Ultl11 rtG II.<br />

,. I? ..<br />

.r.u 1\LfllLCla ft 11'1. 1 Ltllo::L U1t-rlllQn 1 M.nt.i.G ~1<br />

,. t lo ,., I'll! ""<br />

MG ~ lA.t1.rtf.tlllloll\1::.r.M.t-Gfl.UI:'tallo1lt<br />

l''" '"" P.tc 1<br />

t\l.~R tttt JJJ.1~1lb1 rlf.L~l.r.ltlULU ::t rlf.lA.ttG<br />

~ ,. p p I' "'<br />

t-G rt1lA. rlllol.r. t-Gf.i;L rtGM 1 ltli.Ull\lrt111.1U<br />

ll- '!"P t • '"<br />

l\ 19JJ 119~ l.tt-G::.r.t.4.l tlJULt r f. 11ft ~L.r.r<br />

p II p I I" "'<br />

19Wt-l\ UtA.1::.r.rlblb.r.aau1L atA.m.ttt ~;::1.1 n<br />

,. ,. . ,. 0,. "<br />

ct• lA.Rf.f.tii)UlllA.~4.ttlt1.11oUtll\t-lb rt!I.UGU<br />

,.. .. " .. 'I" ...<br />

-u~uu.r.L~ttlnalluL.r.rrc (c.opc.o ~ -Jl;oc.o•<br />

.. I I><br />

·y·M.) ~ lA.t1.rtf.tllllol&1::tMt-GIIotl.r.t-G.r.1<br />

~,. '"" .,.<br />

O~lfll~U@ (.t-OO~czt ·~·M. Qfl1M. flM.~t-Jb D~1Jb1<br />

Ji'P '>.,..~ p<br />

.IM.@OOt l l\ltl!ll!l~t-@fl, (a!sauopul ,p la au!4:>opu1 ,p sas!nPU!H Slel3 sa1) OfulM.~l'\G::lUlfl"<br />

p p f-- ... b I<br />

;:Q 11M.~~!f1.G fl~" UJ1.1 O~lt1.@l!U!lltGI1t~ttA.lUtl::t(lt-Bt lG l!t-M.~UJll\lfl@OM.rl~l ttt-@tlflltYltll<br />

J;> b " i> b b b t (5 ~~ Ji' lr "' I I (5 ~"' ~

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11<br />

l'H'Utl'UM'J'1~'1!1'U 'll~lHJ~U'U'\.1~'\.II'IJ'U LU<br />

, .. • ll -4 ... ... ...<br />

'HlJ~utn 'l'::'\.1 u vmnn'U~'IJ'\.1 1 -nvnnr11<br />

, "' , .<br />

m~ fl1 nu1 utntH l~ l u nl'J' ~a Ul ::mu<br />

, cl , d<br />

~ 1tJ LL t'I::IU 'Ur.lt!l'Hl'l'J'::n~ 1 'IJDlJ()~f1<br />

... 0 ' ' l ..<br />

tl'U"'J'Vll-ln'J'::Yl1\ll1lJtltJ H~tllJ1 'UnltJ'HM<br />

l u vu:t • .-ctl.ll.l 1~'VlH n'~~ U'J'1n 1'Vl<br />

~ -4 .:1 .I "' "' .I "'<br />

vn:: Lf1'li~IU'Uu'J'1t'f1'VlDJ b 'HtN ul:: ~ ~<br />

.. . .<br />

J1'UI 'V11 'J' uvn::Vfl1'J' LL a::vn::mn<br />

vYifl<br />

' ... d<br />

fl11tJLL ~ Yl'J' ::U ~1lJ 1'J'YI1'1Jtl'll~'J'::tl~f1 l'i'J'::-<br />

"' "' ~ , ,<br />

vvmu n :: vvn'Vl1~~ 1'\.ll~ l::lJ1'J'YI1 vn::1 ~ 1<br />

"' "' ol ~ .I t I&<br />

~tJ1'J'lJ'U'Vl I., LLtl::lJI H'fl u'J'1t'f1'VlLL'H'I'U<br />

.,. ~ t .I "' cl<br />

I YllJ~ tl11U 'J'IlJ fl1'J'<br />

() '\.1 L 1J 'Ul'n:: '\.1 1lJ '\)()~<br />

, "' •• .o4 -4 .. d ,<br />

'nl::1 ~ 1~tJ17lJli'Vl 1.! LlJ()t1'U'I'i'J'::~'UlJLLt'l1<br />

t ' .. "' l ... '-' "'"'<br />

"~ v v m.:~'Vl fl 111:: 1 u von u Ull1tu Vi'U'Vl<br />

..<br />

n-<br />

L Ht'ltJlJ "' l l1t\!'V11'1'Vlfl ' ... l" \ll'Utl~'fi'J'::tl'U'Vl ... 'J'~Q 1n::<br />

"' cl ... "'<br />

fl'U V1~ lf1tJIU 'UU'J' 11tuYn::'J'1~1~'1Jtl'll'i 1::-<br />

!11 "' "' "' ' ' ... .. •<br />

Lt11~tJ1'J'lJli'Vl I., lJ1LL~fitl'U flt'11~11fi'Vl<br />

, ~ r. "'<br />

f1 'Ul'iUlJ'Vl~m~1'fl unnq111 un:m~1'1JVlJ<br />

, ... "' d l1 ,<br />

lu l'i.fl. •«~.!« l'l'J'::I~1V'U'Vl11llJ'Un L ~<br />

, "' l ,, ... ll<br />

'VlH t'1 'J'1~1'Vl11t'ltJ'IJ'U1Vl Ht\jYI1tJflt'I1'1J'U<br />

cl '

-<br />

l'l. fl. ecf:l. cf:<br />

Bakong hmer an or Prah Ko tyl .<br />

I A . D .<br />

w<br />

.......<br />

...?..<br />

...... v • ...<br />

+<br />

., \11 l 1\1 ~ tt 1 \.6" ~" •: I .f ... 1 '. w f'IW'<br />

" . .,.......<br />

w •<br />

II H\.1 H -lllJ tl-l Yi 1:: 'U fl 1 II n:: Yt 1:: tlfl Hltl 'H<br />

Plan or the town or Angkor, nd Angkor Thom

, tl .,<br />

nmJV11U 1H'I1ml,! d. lie ~'Uumn·HI'l'::<br />

"' lfl 'Ul'ill~ 11 O'IJD .:l'rn::v~flll'U<br />

.... , -- "' ... "<br />

l'i'UVI01 1~ 'IJ1 1~ U 10fl D~ 11 0VIli1U G1lJ i 'U<br />

tl,-::LVIflm1mfl i~m~nflm~ n ll tl~u; ~<br />

"'' ~i .,.,., ~<br />

~11mm::L'UUI>l liL'IJ\Jl~~ll11>l~11VIll1 LLtl::<br />

"' ;..- "" · ... ,<br />

~11 Oflll H'l 1:: VI LlJ U ~ 61 L\JlU 'U VIH VI ffil'l<br />

.. , ~d ,.,,, "'<br />

uvn~ 1nu<br />

LlJDL' 1 '1 uu~ iV~fl'Ul'lll 'll nn<br />

l0ll1111<br />

tl1tu1L'IJ\Jl'IJD~l'l1::L~1<br />

1<br />

u ff11lJ'UVI Q<br />

., ... ..,, I, , ~"'<br />

LVILLH tl nn~:mm::VI~G~<br />

tl1::LV1f'll'iJ1 Vl1iVIu n1tu1 "'m~"'JJtl1<br />

~ o I ~ i ~-<br />

un::tll::LVIf'I~U fl111Ul::LY1f'I~'U 'UVI'U<br />

tlnft1YIYIU1J\J1U~~<br />

Phnom Bakeng<br />

fftnJ'II01Jft1J .. tf\J1U~~ OtiH~Yl11fllll111ll; e&:<br />

rly JO th century A.D.

, "' "' ..!. i, ,<br />

l'l1::1~1'!1tJ1'JlJ\I'Vl d. ~'VlHt'I'JN<br />

"' I I ' ~ C<br />

L 'V111au"u1~ LHOJHn1tJLLlt~\IU'V1Ln1::11m<br />

I ..C ~ .!, o "' ~ d.<br />

(Lm::IL H~LntJlfltJfT) 'Vlt'l 1flOJ'Vlt'l~nflf)<br />

Q t I t .lj "'<br />

flUilJU'!I'U\IUl~LriOJ ~ '!IU 1Ylfl1f)~11J<br />

... "' d .. , "' "'<br />

11'11fl 1n~fl flll11L Ufl11 l'il::l ~ 1'!1tJ1 11J U<br />

~ . "' ~ ~ ..<br />

'V1 d. 'V11 .:jLi'fni'flJlt"'OlJW~JllflU\If)~yn::-<br />

" "' ~ d ~<br />

L'llltJLfT11lJU'Vl II f)~flHU~'V11~l'n::UllJ<br />

I "' ol dJ\

" • ' w ~<br />

UHl O\J'1 fHI1J'IJOIHilJUI01::Un' '11 l'l.fl. e«

~,<br />

196 dn'M :>Jd<br />

. .<br />

poJ>• 'lj't.t fHLfl111l,.tt~MG~flU~ fl t t(\11lALUL.t(\<br />

.<br />

M.rtt tn.tUltrtlM.I:-.tlA.I:-M.I.Wt-GUGnLA.L ~Ht<br />

.. b l yl',l> ,.,..<br />

~:-nu tiW • lA.ttrt.ttn~lA.ntA.GL~1::.tM.UL~<br />

.. p " ,. .. ~ .. "<br />

ntUGt\GYYI:'Q lO 1:-Ull(.L.t::.tMt-UtlU.U~1<br />

1·, Y?P .. • ,. 1 "n<br />

rtGn.U.tL~ q• lA.R.t.tt~UlllA.MI:-LU.Utll<br />

.. 't<br />

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nartt:-Y<br />

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t:-nUlt\JllUJllA.t.~::IJ.11nlu tl MTURt 1 lllA.U~11<br />

,.p ~ ~~,.,<br />

n L U tltU1 lllHl. TUrtl-1. L.tHL M..ULU GY U M.lrt<br />

... n ..... ? ~~'"'tc<br />

lLU.UtA.::n::.tttltl f\L M.ULUfl.tHL .U flG.tn~l<br />

I "/" ~ , _. o<br />

tl ll.f\lflrtlli:'L .tU.tlU rtt:-G~U ti.111M.LU .U<br />

""I" "'""' "<br />

-M.J.lLUI:-L.tU.tlU rtGft1L tblH1::UM 1 nt~<br />

" " • ,.. \» I ' II<br />

mtnrtu rt~ GHl L un 11:-ltlA.tl~M.M t:-.t[1fl.tn<br />

p ~ I I' I,. ... lil .. I'<br />

"' ~ "'" .... ,<br />

UM.LUil1M.lllUM.JJLU~U.t1 t:-LnG 1:-Grt1tlt.~<br />

Pll I ... p "' I 11> ll<br />

LIU llM. fl11:-lb tll U IJ M.IJL UM.lULlA.I:-Gil.Ql(. •<br />

r-- '1- \"<br />

1:-UtUW~1 Utl~ UlrtM.tM.L~f\fllM.Il.I:-L.tl.l<br />

"' I ""' llo , , o r-> ~ "<br />

1:-lb t\Lll.U t\ULU t' .t Lfl tt::lA. fl.tHL IJL rtlAoTUU 1<br />

'1- 0 .. 0 p<br />

.t L U M.l n L (1 Gt\ fl1 Q tA 1 tl 11.1:-l.tU.tLU fl.t ~t<br />

..<br />

Ullt'G~I:-YUM.UtU.~11 nU1.tt::GtL.tt:-G.t1<br />

II P)t I t<br />

(1 L .t lA. rt I fllA.11L.t 1M. M. ttl fltl A. ::1111l M. tll(.<br />

I lo ~ "<br />

1:-Qil.~t~fl.tHLU flnfl1::.trtlA.I:-Q.tYU[1.tLU<br />

~.. .. 0 ,.. ,.. ,.<br />

UL~~U.ttt-LnG lO~~· 'U'M, tl.tf\l.tYf\<br />

I>P t I<br />

-::.t t.~ t- a rt1lA. nl(.L.t 1:-G.tt.mn.~ ~1.11 ~L ::~t-Y<br />

II> "/"P ~ "' "<br />

::~a 11 nutULrtt-L nanrt.t t.t tnl(.L ~ 1::.t MJW<br />

t,. ~,." ,.<br />

~:- ~m.t.tLULlA.t- .t lA.~, ::~t:-Yn rt.t tn.tianLI(.L ~ 1<br />

1 o ,cilt ,. "'"' II<br />

UU.H '-! UQYt-G::.tt.~I:-Gil.U.tl~rtt-nU ~P~•<br />

.. "'" .. ... .. p<br />

'U' t.1, np1.111 pp~r~~ ' U"t.t r\lftllN.UUI:-Grt1<br />

0 li'<br />

flU t' n Y11.1Ul rut l.tfl ::U111:-Il.ll f\rt11 NH\fl<br />

_. I> .. ~ ~ I ".<br />

.tfll rtU I:-Grt1lA. flMf\YI:-IbU.tl~f\ lrlG0UL.t[1<br />

p II> "/" .. ... .. I<br />

rt Yt:-G::.ttl.t:-Gil.rtl n::.tt.~ (f\ U~ll ll.lnY 1<br />

o~~•-PP~• 'U'M 1:-ltl-l.::.t lrtt:-U ~P~•<br />

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·u·t.~ ~11t-~.ttm::.tt.UGrt1 m nl(.L.tt:-G.tY l.t l lA.t:-~ l(.l.t rt.t.tll .tU .t Yf\ Ul~ l rt t\tl. ~ ~U 1<br />

I , II> p<br />

M. n. ~ 19 .1.1 11~\ L tHlU 11 U YI:-G ::.tt.UQil. U .tl~<br />

... P "tl Pp ..<br />

:: 1.111 M.rt .tt .t tnl(.L t rtlll ::.tt.~ 1:-.tlA. 1:- tlll YI:-Q<br />

_. 1- _. I '!- p<br />

UQLI(.L.t::.tt.Vt0UL.t[1U PP~•-CI.P~• ·u·t.~<br />

... ... p<br />

~m~~Ut1 HnG M.Ut-nY11.1UlTUt1.tflM.l<br />

I , ,..p lo I _. ... iC ...<br />

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::U.11rlli.HtLRlllt\fl1Ltll.lft1) .t~.UI:-llA.<br />

I!' I I I lo f><br />

lrtt:-U.nl UG l(.H\J.lHlA. LtrtLWnLrtHMQ U<br />

lil II> I p<br />

t\t~U LWt:-G::.tt.tt:-Gil.t-t\U11l~::U.11 rtGn.<br />

"o"ap .1 o<br />

.tU &1. TUL Q 1:-Qil.UGGM. t::~ ij lA.HL4.M.Il.~LM.l Grt<br />

~ ,. .... ~ OJ:ao<br />

rtlttlll1Hli:-~U111:-lb ~H~t:-tll-1.11l~rtl~<br />

I> I ,P /1 " 'I" I I o<br />

1:-l M.M.Il.GlloUUHll lA.U .tl~ U.tl~lblfl.tHLI.l<br />

It' .. "" 0 "' .. " .. 0<br />

M. Urtn M.lA.M.fll ~UUIJM.IJLRL ll 1:-G 1M. M.rtGn.<br />

.. ~,. p .. 1<br />

l R L ll t\ fl1 rt l t\ rt Ut:-.t Y 1:-Lfl TUrtH LtM ::1111<br />

p "'"', p<br />

nL tll ~11:-lA.::L.tt.ll U M.ULrtM.Ut-L l.llUI.Il11 ft1<br />

"~ _.. _.I Ill\<br />

1:-YUI.Il11 L ~rt.t.t!lM.l(.Ll(.::t f1G M.ll1 nGUia U.U<br />

PI 11> I P<br />

t:-GJJt-lA.::U-11 ~~Ut:-tA.L.t::.tt.m lnLM.L ~111U<br />

~ " p • " ..<br />

JJ.trtl.l~LQ TUrtHL.tt.~ll.UI.l .tl.llUI:-LlA.L rtt:-1.1<br />

p • ,..<br />

nL JJ Ql(.1 fll.ll:-lb ltlrtl-1. U t.UtuJHGil.M. fl1 nL M.<br />

lil ... ,.. p "'<br />

L ~ 1t:-Gn.nn~LG::.tt.t::U.11 M.ttlA.1 !l.lA.U.llM<br />

" p ....... ~<br />

flGU::.tn.tLU l.llH.tl~l(.L.tt:-Gil.lA.LM.H fuHl<br />

I' ~ "' " I<br />

M. t .1.1 M. (11 U 1:- t 1(. L .t ::.t tA tll n L M. L ~ 1 t' Q n. U 11<br />

.. I P,.P "<br />

~.tLUM.lPGUI.Il.tU .. ~LTULQt'Q.tl.Uf1.tLU l(.Lt<br />

-tlA.1t:-Gn. 1:-U !A.M. ::u 11 trt1 U ::.tM. Ll1.1<br />

p ~ ~,. M.GrtU1 fln.t[111:-lb M.A. t\fll M.Ll M.fl n ULtlA.1 rt<br />

li' ..... , '".. .. ,.<br />

flQ.t<br />

I u u nR ttrt nn.L ~tlA.lM.G 1 n. n li' p<br />

::.tt.~ t:-Gn.L ~ 11:-1.1n l.tLUt:-G.tn. tt:-.tlA.<br />

" I' ,.~· ..<br />

::u. 11l Uf11 H tlA.M. ~ lA.U~ 111:-.tlA. UYt:-G::.ttA<br />

I l't '-"/" PI'<br />

L I I ~ ~"/" .. nl.llllU (11 JP<br />

,.. tlL!I.A.L.tHU.UnttU I:-Grt1Y::U.111:-Grt1t'f.~ 11LU<br />

,.. • p • .. • 0<br />

U 11 ~~ .tlA.rtJJLHrt::U.11ll1.1llnt~[l1 iC lo " II\<br />

rtGU.lA.Ult .tU ~1:-Gil.t:-GIH 'I:-UGY U tll!lM.t<br />

.. ,. . .. .,..p ...<br />

1 rtJJ .t[11Yt:-G<br />

... 11ttnun ~11 U.f11G.tHUlA.1::.t[ll:-lA.t1.~lA.t:-Gil.L II> ~1t\fl1<br />


., 1 ., c c,<br />

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,1lnnmM'IJD'Il-1l::D'Ifl l-'n::D'Ifl ~Yil'l<br />

I •I "'tl d l#l C

(J),<br />

,(J01U3:> 41 II ,(p1J3 3(,(1S U004dca<br />

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o.• lA.fUt.C."UltlA.I.U,'LUU f1.ijt\Q"ttC.[UrtO .tit<br />

't .. ...<br />

,(){ :>1c1 ;o 1JC J:>W4)1 o:>)l CL<br />

flLU f\ t\0 11\t.',.Ulm,.rtl.lrtO I> flU~ c.,.u 11L "LUI.1L.t f\<br />

,(JOJU3:) 4111<br />

3( .{1S U004dC8 JO lJIJ J:lW4){ OSJOl 3U!U!W:lj<br />

OJ>O.•-<br />

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OJ>J>• • u .,.~ c.u. ttt.[\Lrtfl rtlJ.rtO~>f\UU .t "11[\ .t<br />

.. .. ,..<br />

Ynrt.IJJI.L.tt-ll11l1'1.1~1 U ~ IAM.rt.ttn.tiH ,,<br />

.,. l 1C 1C ill!> 'I" ,. .. 1C<br />

-::U.4. Gt; .ti!IIJ M.LIH LIA t; t- Q ::.t M. t-Grl.L ~ ~ M.<br />

11-... ,. p ,.<br />

Jl.l.t n ~ ltltflJI.l.tt-G.tt;t-.tiAt;t-Q::.tMGrtl<br />

"" ,. p p ~<br />

rtRUU.tiAM.Il1JI.tt-LM.::.tt.4.Gt; lltl~

U'l'lt'!1Vl'Uflli'~<br />

fftiU~OlJt'!1j'!.I'Ufl'J1 .. fl 111 YC.fl. ebclo- e.Woo<br />

ngkor Vat ir t h If of the 12th century A . .<br />

" oil .. "' ,..<br />

VIfllMllr~lLL~-l i ULIJU-l"i'f L'IJVJtmnrnmJ<br />

t ~ ,.. ~ ,..<br />

Vl-lL Vl1'1 U"ll-lflUl'Wlufllnuu m:a~n<br />

.. .. .. ~ J I ..<br />

t'f'HJ1,1J\JVI Ia><br />

Ul~fl1U-l'll'!HJUU~\Jfl-l<br />

• .. ""l

~ ~ I<br />

n1~a~~7~71~1~7~~7~U1~11nll~11fln<br />

d d.,... I d<br />

fl 1i1\JI 11~ 17tJ L"liL~i'f t'l UU ~flU 1 1Yi1~V~fl<br />

., "'~· ., al ...<br />

V1 ~fllV~Dltun O'HIVlU7~0 11' ~L UUVi'fl~<br />

f d ., •<br />

nvo'l~<br />

" d d 4 I 01~<br />

fl1i11'17H17tJ L"ll L~i'f L~V1 lf-1~ fllV~<br />

d• I 01 '"' "' ~ •<br />

71'1ftJi1UIJIV~1nl'i7~L~1rf7tJ17~U~ 111 fl()<br />

~ .. ., ~· .. al<br />

Vi1~L~1'117tuU~l171JU~ 1.. f.I~HLUU~~l~<br />

.... " d ~<br />

ty1\JI~N~'U ~ IJ17~1'1JV~~·i7~V~fl ~'i7~L~ 1<br />

"' .,~ .,.<br />

nltuU~7171JU~ 111<br />

~HUUClVl'i~nfl1i1U1<br />

~ ... ., .<br />

U'CI~ ~N Lf1tJ1 ~MLUU 71~U~~1'1JD~~l~-<br />

~., .,~ ~ J<br />

L~l'ljtJ171JU~ b (;11tJ Vn~O~fl~HLi'fOt'IIJ-<br />

., ~ .... .. ... ~<br />

l'ifOUL' 1Mty ~~"YY11Jtu 71'1f li~1 'IJV~Yi l~L ~ 1<br />

., ~ . .<br />

l111~171JU~ Q') U'CI~1Ul1HLfl. cbbd n<br />

~7~1J<br />

.. 1 d ~ ~ I '~-<br />

Vli'f()~fll1U~"li~IJIVIJ1~~1~'1JUfllV~<br />

dal ~., .,~<br />

l1'1ftJLUU~7~L~1'1ftl1l~U~ ~ IJH1ll~<br />

d ~ I o1 ~<br />

V~fli'f~mtJLLlNV1tu1~nl'IJO~<br />

Vil~L'1<br />

. ..<br />

. ::.t M. TllrtHL.t MUL 1\Lrt ~ttt M ljt-a::.tt.1.t-al\.t\ t<br />

p 11'\lP ,.<br />

uiAt-.tJJLt\LttLIJUU ;.>to~& 'U'Mt\~lj.t.tn.<br />

i I I P ?<br />

-::.t~tlA.LJJL.trlU.tL&alj ~ lA.t\rt.ttllii.LI\1<br />

I' • ~ ~ ,. ,. II<br />

PGI\~& 'U't.1. r1Ut'.tlflii.L.tUUrt f\lA.f\1\t'lltl<br />

,. ,. .. ? ,. "'<br />

~:-a rt1 nu uu ~ t-n.l L n rt n t-M rt.t nn t-at.tllLlb<br />

.... ,." ~~ ":,,:-<br />

c-art1lA.r1MM lj~t ~ JJa t\H 11lalA.rtaR.U.tL&<br />

~,. "'"' I? l't •<br />

f\ r1 1 L t r11\t' lb lj t-a::.t t.\t'GO. U.t L& llt ~Uif)<br />

I!" I ,. 'r? So- II<br />

lf)rl f\llljt'QIIol.t t.tll::.tt.l r1U llG tLU llol t L lA.Lrt<br />

.._I"' p ,. 1 • o<br />

~t U :J>-p~s 'U 't.1.M~II.Ltl .tll::tt.1.Mr11t't\H11<br />

11 lp I!" I<br />

.,."" ,.,. ,.,..<br />

Llflr1.t~1 ::U11 ~ lA.t\ftttllllol&l::tt.tt'QO.<br />

-::.tt.tt-an.u .tL& L rtt.tUlA. 1::.t [\Nlt- lA.::.tu tt& Uf\LJJII.L.tt\1 t\llolf)lr11fl1HlA.~1 t'lb llllot.t1<br />

': 0 ~ 'l ~ ,., .. ... ,. ... ..<br />

""'- • $- ~<br />

UU1 [\1 ::U111lLUrtrtUH11t-an.t-MHt\tl.lat\H1 ·lf)t'l-\11 llol.tUI:' GL trtlf\l•f\H ljt'QU Qrtl&lll II.<br />

lo lo ,.. I li'<br />

I fOI 'f"'? 1>,<br />

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....... ~ .. .,...,. "' ,.<br />

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So- I \1 ~~~<br />

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,. '- " • I"' P<br />

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... ? • ~ ,. ..<br />

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I "' I' ,. '" ,. ,.. ,.<br />

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lf)rtl\ l Ln. IIllA. ~ ::u 11 L rtt.ULHIA. 1:' lA.rtG tMrtGn.<br />

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"' ,.":t ,.. ,.<br />

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IC I II 11\p? II II II'<br />

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S>-1111~ ...... ,. ""<br />

LUl1::1l::.tG.ti:'.tLI.t:-Gil)U (~ lA.) Mrt.ttllllolllllo<br />

"'" '!" ,. ,.<br />

Ll\1 tll111\.t1Lt.lrtl ell lA.f\rt.tlUlllLI\1::.tt.l<br />

IC II POl"'. 't'" II<br />

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II' I It I ~.. ,.<br />

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• ,c" ,.,. ,." ,.., ...<br />

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p "' '"I :II" ,. ... "'<br />

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,. .. ,. "'~<br />

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'" "' "' ... "'<br />

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"' "" p "'<br />

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I \> ~ II' I II P II<br />


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-lKL.l t'l.lLU Rll GtH tm~c.U fl tt\rll t\ Dl.lfl1<br />

,. 0 ,. II' p "' ... Jl> 'I'<br />

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~ 0 Jl> ,.<br />

t\11QGU QJJ IA.fl tlLIA.~t::r.t.t~ ~GtH ::u 11tl U 11<br />

I ,. 'I' 11' ..<br />

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t !'; ,." ,. '"<br />

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.,.. o p ,_It o I 11'<br />

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I '- ,. -., '"·,. p 1\<br />

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I( ,. It 1>- "" I<br />

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J-1",. .. .. 'I'<br />

t1. fttC.Il JI.L & 1::r. M C. U11rtGn.r. U &LIULGlllrt& l<br />

,. ,. .. .. ,. ..<br />

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" ""illlp,. ,.__ k,.<br />

t'GUt\\1tt::ll::r.tt ~ t\L ~~.tt11UL,_& 1::r.t.tlllc.llfl\ 1<br />

tl UL IUtti1JI.Ltt'GtlJ 11:' ~~1 U rtGn.t U 1:\L IULG<br />

If' 1 ,_lop ,.<br />

P.,P• 'U'M t\1 ~Ut1 t'LilG flti1UUilU.t<br />

It,.. p Ill I ~ fO I<br />

Ulll11 Ulll11 rtGrl.tU&LIULGUtUfl.Ln.1~1 t\<br />

PI ,. " tl tl L, f:io<br />

UIA.1::!.fl UL& t\L ri.U1 111,1 L & 1 ::r.t.tt'Gri.U~l t'rt<br />

1 lo ,_<br />

t.tlA.t-au ~.,P• ·u·u. M.1 IA.rtlA.rt1 ., lA.<br />

,. It ,.. ,. It 'I'<br />

ttrtr.C. tlA.t\GL & 1 ::u.~ UL & GlllllJI.U.t'Gt~ttn.<br />

,. "" ,_ I p ~<br />

&~1.11~1 rt1 &LG P IA.t\rttC.IlA.L&1::r.t.1.<br />

p " '• '" ,.. ,. ,. "<br />

~P~• 'U'M, t\~rtttJI.::.tt.m.Ll<br />

p<br />

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p 11' p ,. .. 1 ..<br />

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• ~ ,..,. •11 ,. o I<br />

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$> I ,_<br />

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Jl I I fO fO<br />

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~ lo.,. ~ I<br />

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I I( If' I ,_ I p p<br />

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. ~ ~ ~<br />

::u11 rtLUM. t'Grt1G~ttUt.i. t-Gn.::lll::tMt'Grt1<br />

11' 11' ,. •<br />

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,_It ~ .. '" ,. Jl> ,..<br />

lllA.l C.LGt'Httn.t.tl.lt\&1 Gt\11.111.Gllllll::r.t.1.<br />

1\ I ~ '-' Jto "' •<br />

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,_ Jl I ,.!? 'I" ,. ,..<br />

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~".lt'Yi" '"•tr,.<br />

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11' .. 11'1(<br />

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1"'&.. 1 ,. ... ,. I"'<br />

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It ,. • "'"'<br />

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' I - ~ fO ... ' I<br />

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,. " ~It I,.. I"',.<br />

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,. "p ,.<br />

coq~•·u·t.l. t\~ l!l~~~~t'GilLJI.L&1tl.f1.1::&LC.<br />

,_ p " Jl" I<br />

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I lAp I ,. ,. ,. t'6<br />

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1p ""' ,_lo \''"<br />

-!. C.tlA.t\GL 1:\ 1::r.t.tl C.!JULr. n .r.L rtUilLIA.t\11<br />

... .. I I' p ,.<br />

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~ ,. .. It, ..<br />

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-R~::r.nn1 t'Ll f'lC.~lllt\LHrt!llA.t.1.1lJI.::.tt.1.<br />

~ 1"'1"'1.1 I IS ,.<br />

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I So I l-<br />

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\1P s-. 'I''"<br />

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,. II II I 'I'<br />

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I /C I p p<br />

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7 ,.. p ... "' "'<br />

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.." lo " \1 ,. :a 7<br />

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'I' I? "lo<br />

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p "' ... 'I' 11'<br />

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t-Gn. t'LUU llt\UttllLI11A.L.L1Ltn tt, namER~<br />

I' ltl ..,<br />

P<br />

-::tfllrt~1 fl.t!11A.t.1.::tt.1. Q~ JI.LtC.IA.1!11A.I.11A.<br />

~~~~~ • 11' ... ,.,.<br />

ti.L\11Lrtln.l~l JI.LtlLIA.M!llA.I.lMilrtJJt\1<br />

"~~~ .. ,..,. It<br />

N-1.11 ~oe UG.tU&LIULGJI.LtUAI.!L11LiltAt'tl<br />

' ... ,. 1<br />

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.. ""'IQ, ,. ,. ... ,.<br />

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'"'I'\1P " Jl>,.<br />

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.. 1 It I ,.. II<br />

LllllA.L.LlL.trl rtL&t'I.1.LUt'Grt1lHlJt\~C.<br />

1· o • 't ,.<br />

G ltH 1 t-Il U1 Ulll t\ c.::~ UIA.t'LIA. tl rtlllll lA. ttn.<br />

• ,.. ,. ... p ,.<br />

IA.L.LlL.tflrtU t\UL&UGt\ tl.l.tULt\ ~r.r.n.::.r.1.1.<br />

'""'lr ,. p<br />

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,. ,. ~p~ •<br />

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.. ,. 0 "-' ,,J'<br />

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~<br />

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• " o;. 0 ';i "<br />

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11' • "' ,. •<br />

lA. Ulftt\Gtti11C.1 t'L.tiJGUtLULIA.t'tlA.~l<br />

'I' fO j? /flo II 1 o II '<br />

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,. ,. ,. " 1"'.. ,. '<br />

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1 o ,. I' I"<br />

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/flo I I If b ,.. .. ""<br />

c.L Jl. IUrtHLt Ml1t t' tlA. ~t lJt-G::.tML C.~~ ti.H1<br />

p "' ,. II p I II p<br />

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,.1,.. '"PP I,.<br />

H~ 1 t'L llG ltlll LHrtlLIA.UL ltiJLU lllA.tAG lll1 tt<br />

I I b,. ,.,.<br />

t' tlA.::&~t-G:: r. t.1.rt11 t' t\Ht\11UU.L1MLUUL&<br />

P.",.,. •<br />

n1 UGtt n.r.u ~ IA.tl.rttC.IlJI.L&1::r.t.1. fl.tC.lll<br />

1·, ~-,.. ,..,. '""' ,.<br />

llG\.1 rtr..r.u Lrtlll::.tfl11l.1. t\ ~~1 L C.&~ L rl.1<br />

"" II IC lo I II<br />

ttUlll1 Ulll C.GG.tH<br />

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P'"'"' 11''"<br />

t- tlA.IA.tt L ll L Hrt !llA.UL tl.l.lLU lLIA.M rtLlllllllJU<br />

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rtr.l1 LHrt L C. C. I.! 11 rtt\JI. ::.r.~Ut .LlG rt1 rtl t\ ::tM<br />

I II p 'Jt,. l;-<br />

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,. II Ill So I p<br />

.. .<br />

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p .. I .,..,. fO<br />

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" ,. 'I' t"""' "".<br />

UL UL Gt\L rt 1.1.1A.L IJ.L .r. n IA.lllUU 1.1 rtl.ll R L U<br />

~~ I"'~ ,.<br />

Utl &t'lll11HIA.H C.IA.1tlA.t\Gt'Ltt::.r.~1.G~H t\<br />

So I If J>- ... If'<br />

::r. tAt-an. tt ~u E RJI. 1 ::.r.tA n.u JJ.r.rtJJ uJJ 1 t- r.IA.<br />

,.. ... ,.<br />

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"'ltlp ,.. ,. ,. " p ~<br />

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... ,.. "" ·~<br />

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b " ,. ~<br />

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" • p \1 p~,.<br />

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,.. lo ,. I If'<br />

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.. .. " · -~~·<br />

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, " c<br />

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rlGLrti:'Grt1nLn~1 ( ~co-p'»-OIZ\"1>&)<br />

II> II> Lrt ~G I.lli\<br />

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"(£68) JO'!l!UV 'l!U:l4'1C8 WOUljd 1CSl!Jd "l<br />

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rtlt~::1.111 (a:>eds) I:'Ltt-Gil.t\1 M.UG~ll.t\M.<br />

' '1.,. ap,.<br />

- rt U LU Ll.HG I:'L tH ::t II. M. f.Ht U ftl 't lS lA t\ t\ 1<br />

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lil ,. I I 1- p -'~ -'<br />

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• "' ,. ro ..<br />

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.,• j:> \> ,. I' • ,.<br />

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~,. "'!",. I" I~,.<br />

ttnrmnL~ .... a:>eds JO 3Jn1:>3li4=>JV<br />

1t ,. ,... o r" · "<br />

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I ,.. '!' ,. ,.. I .. ,<br />

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11. ~J.lUII:'}IJU J:f\LllJ.l::'-111 rtG~ U !_\f\ L ll J.lL ~<br />

M.LI:'&~L~1rtLWrt CBj~t-n lAIUtt~Ull.lAf.t<br />

1\rlft rlrll,UIJtUl I:'Q 1 rtQ~I:'QI\.1:' UWU Lfufutrt<br />

,. ~· '- ,.. ... ,...<br />

t-LnG rtHl 11.11. tt ~ 1:' G~ rtt.r.U n~ 11LllU lS t.r. U<br />

I I \i .. p<br />

-I:'L tUL t\~Mlltl rtLJJ UrtQ~Il\11 rt111:'Grt1<br />

tl ,. p ·~ I ""<br />

nl91t\QUL&LrtLnlAtlSttlSlA1 trtlt.lSI1trtQI\.<br />

.. ~ -.,-.,II ,..<br />

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" ,.. I ' ,.. !'- I<br />

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p '"" ,. .. It<br />

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-.. t' I "'<br />

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•tel" ,.o I,C 1 ,..o<br />

ttGGrtGI\.1:-GMt~I:'J.llll LIA tt119tti:'LrlG<br />

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lllllAI1rt::ttt~I9~UrtLW 191 rtL~1 I:'LtU<br />

11 o •"' t1 "'• t lit p<br />

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": • I 11\,. 'l'f'" ~ I<br />

rtll.Uilorlt 1LULrtl:' UH 111\1111tl\t~l\::tMI:'Grt1<br />

... • ro:a .•<br />

lilt 1ti1::LtM. 1 rlt~LrllA Wt lttllL~nU~rtJJ<br />

.. " ... ... " p<br />

rtLW LRU t.r.LU 1\111 U ftGI\.I:'QI\.1\LlA ::.r. riUII.<br />

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;.- "" ~ rtt -' 111 1 ~ I'<br />

...<br />

tiArtf.l1tULA.::tf\IA. L, t-IA 1.11119' 'I' uun<br />

1'- 'I' ';l ::U.i.ltLU 191\.~~19~UUL M.I:'GII.t\rlt1ttftH<br />

,. .. p l ""<br />

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'l',:l -'lo'"' I'<br />

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ttlt-H 111MIUU lll.t L rtLU rtl Ut U 1111 U1LII.lA.tU<br />

p 1 lop -' f> ,.<br />

~L ~ttll.Lilo::t f\G rtm lll\11 flGLU Hl.lAIJQ ll19 rl<br />

~I I, .. ,. ....<br />

::&l'lSl'rlU ttl Ull.Ltl tftlll'llt\ t\l'l9 lAttlA 11<br />

,.,.. '" ... ';l .. ,..<br />

f\~ LM fuH ltttJ.lttiRL.t Lito ::.t f\G II\ I! f-:lrl t tt<br />

"'• ap •'<br />

-LG GG1 Nt lAlALt tll1 L ttl.lLU!llAM. t1.&11L .t ll\<br />

• lC .,..<br />

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" loa ill ,. pI t ~ ,. ,.<br />

19 nt- U.t L UI:'G~ftlSl' l.ll'GI\.Ml Lftlfut ttLlA::.r.n<br />

I> 'I" " ,. "" I.<br />

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l'tllo Ll.lt lt\111 111\tl.lll " Ulftlrt rlQ t\1-\ 1 ~ tlH 1<br />

I ~'"" t' p<br />

rtGII.l'GI\.rtlSI:'U f\1 rlll.lljUIUftHLtM.I11111<br />

,. ill P;><br />

~.tlSl't~lftLW (ttlrlLHrt) ttli.Utti.!LU<br />

,. I ...<br />

,.<br />

-!l.lAt.tt\1111'\~ULU::.tf\ ~ IA.t\ft.r.tnll.UL&<br />

,,..,. ~<br />

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" ,.. ~<br />

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,.. \lll p ,. ..<br />

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.,.,.l·~t,. .. ,. It,.<br />

fuHI t\t.IJI\Il.Lilo::tn t\111 ~ lAttrtttrlllorlftJJ<br />

' It • , .. " ,.. ,. ': ,.<br />

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"' .,.. I p "" ~~~ ~ I<br />

-::.tf\lSI:'GGft1G~I91 nGl'tLI9::& M.n.tlAI\G<br />

p .,.. I "ilia o )t p,.. ...<br />

11rl11l'LtiJl'tlSll111::.r. rtl~Utl I:'LrlG<br />

" p Ll I<br />

L &::tnttl11 rlG11UU::11<br />

• I' j:> I '"'!'<br />

rlGtrl 1.11 UGGL lS t1.1.11\111l' UttUQ UH 1tl 1\oftl'<br />

10<br />

""' " ... ~ .... ~ """~<br />

rtGI\. M.~Ut~ftl ooo'oJ>• MlLrt::t[\19ftHI:'lA<br />

,. .. :l<br />

~~ tLII.~I.lf-:llltlrtLU~11 .r.~rt1Ul Ul'L.tlll\<br />

"'"' " "' . ~<br />

ooo~t IULrt::tf\t\ULlAlAGttlrtrtG~ t\tt<br />

... ,.Ill> ';l<br />

ttlS 1\l U ftt t MlLrt::.tf\ I:'G ftiUf.t rtlAN 11\1 fu.t& 1<br />

" I II- f-'1" p ...<br />

.r.tstt::tt.ti:'GrtltA::Mln.tt~ ~"lAR.r.ttll\Ull.lAf.i.<br />

It ,.. ,..<br />

Grt1L tllll rt::.t[\ t't~l'GJJ::I.ll1rlQ M.l'L rlQ 191<br />

I; I ';l fto. " I "~<br />

..<br />

Ltt LlArtGII.HI LlArtQ~ I:'G~ L t\UUI1Uln 11:: t<br />

o IS~ 0 l "' P<br />

1:-Grtl.tLU ::1.111 LttJ.lLU~lSUL&I:'.t~rl19l Lft191<br />

It I .. IS ,<br />

tAfu ~L Jli:'L rlG & U rcR.tU II:'LIA 11\llf-:l.tLUrl &&11<br />

,.,.o I.,._ '-' ,.,.<br />

ttrtlli\Ltt. U11t\ll\~11Lfttl IJU~I 1:'~<br />

p> l I" 1\ I I ""''"<br />

I:'G rtll:'lAI:'Grtlt-GI\.1:' JJttl\..tLU::U 11<br />

\1-';l \1- I<br />

ftlH ft rtlS.tLU ttLt-nLn. t\111 U ttL Ul<br />

1:' rll:' lS11LI1rttlM.LftGil\n ftl.ll\ l rlt. ~tt ttl l.llll<br />

'"P 1 '" "IJI<br />

rl.tll\rtUl'GII.Il\.tM •.r.tf1LtLUL.tf\ttrllll.l ttl UH 1<br />

p .. ,. (:»" It,.'<br />

lALUL.tf\ l'tUIH tsn::.tM.l'LI.lU rltt Utt111<br />

.. p ~<br />

l'lS11LI1rtttMLI\.1Uilol ttrt.tt.LllntttU t'Gft1<br />

p "~ ,. I II-<br />


I 01 I ., ~41 •<br />

mu1r·1m::tnu Ll'l'n::m1 VlmHJD1fiU ff llJl HI~ fllJ 1'1 'IJt)-1 U1 fll'J l'lllJ 11 'U1 11'U '1'1<br />

I I """ .-\ c:J I tJ' I ~ .I ., ~ .:1 ~ ~ .,<br />

U'U'lltl-111-1 "" lJ\Jil11'UUflt'llJfiU'UVUlJlJ u1Zt11tlnU11 'U11'l-1L'U'U'IJ'UI'IU'U 'l'l-lU1flU<br />

~ ~ ., q • .,,, .. cl<br />

uqpll11D-l'l'lfluunm n11 1-ll'l1U1n1fl tlfl 1ZVI U11 U'll1-li'IUU'I'l1 HlJ 1Zt'llJ flff1lJ 1'Jt1<br />

[JtJ~'UtWUtllJ<br />

ol l I .J. aj<br />

n17YiWIU1 Wtl1-lYlt11lJLUU<br />

.!. " "' tl<br />

1::v::Y1'UtllH 7lJflmvntnvm mn<br />


...-.... .--.-·- ··- -- ·<br />

O)l·lf~J d JO UC( d Yl::tMlA.LIH t(l 1.'<br />

10<br />

1-lt\11 11<br />

· ·~---------------..<br />

... tl11d1'tllJ10iU (,..fl. •11"•11") t'llJ.,tJ<br />

'r'n:: if1 H·Hl1f1111U v~~ tl1::nvu'Uu 1~<br />

t<br />

fltl rnd.. x rnb lnn f1U~unv~ 1.112> x lm!cn<br />

~ w ~ . I<br />

lHl1 fl11lJt'1~1 ~nnl::~u~ uo~tJV~ull­<br />

">~" ~<br />

t11'Vl d..rn Yi\ll mv end.. LlJilll tJV~U11-<br />

" 'l I ., -I.<br />

t'11Vlt11 N 'HIJ Hn~tll::IJ1tll'r'iVlliflll111niV1<br />

.<br />

11m f1tn1'-'m,vtJ,,n,Vlnf<br />

.. ., Sl .I ., It 1<br />

V 1J V1 1 111J 1J t'111~ U11 t'11Vl 'Hil~lJ llltl<br />

~1m·n:: if1 ~ Vnt'Hl~lJ\lltl -II•<br />

lJ1 1 l'it><br />

.&<br />

'll-11<br />

"""<br />

Utl<br />

0 •<br />

1h1t11V11J11l'ill1U1:: 1LlJV~hLntJ<br />

""<br />

L1JU<br />

.I o ., -I.<br />

u lll'f 1 V1 ~ lt'l V -l 1 'Ull'i 1 ::n LlJl '11M 11 10Vl<br />

, t ., " .1.: ' L' , el<br />

'IJVlJt'll N'IJlJ\llM~Vl~ '11M iVItJ liJ lVI tl1fltJ<br />

1 lj \IL'IJ1'!11'JlJ~1~ 11HlH·r~V1~1 Lumi'1tJU1lJ<br />

-I.<br />

YiVl inV1~11<br />

.<br />

., ~<br />

n 1a vn 11 uuH ~v1 m11 llJ m fl11lJ<br />

.,.,, l!l ,. "<br />

t'IIW9!1J9!V1J lJ10'1JlJ<br />

lJLnl'il::~::IJltl~<br />


m. tfnCI1tUt\UI\J1LlrU " (N.ft. ecl'..,\l)<br />

., d .,<br />

fUJV1J1LLfl~ H~tllfl1111 1J1JLLH'Un1YHLN'U<br />

.,.,., "'tlf. C:l<br />

N~~~~n<br />

,.<br />

'!!1'U'S::L1JV~'I11'1!'U<br />

c:<br />

'!!l'U'!!'Utn~<br />

,<br />

n1N dC1l '11fl1 '!!'U1J'Un1N ch '11fl1<br />

~ ' ,<br />

vn~tH d.o Yi~ '11'UYn1Vfi1\.J<br />

• "l ., , tiel<br />

Yil::L~1V ff11lJ'Uff1Hi'I1L1J'UL'IJ1<br />

. .<br />

'<br />

Yi-s::n un u a::u:~ 1rt1YJunvHJl 'IJD-lL~ n-1<br />

d<br />

'Vi 1:: 'U fl 'S '11ll1 ~ 1J'U L 'IJ 11!n lJ '!! 1~ Vi 'U lJ1J 1 LL f1 ~<br />

l ., i" ., "<br />

~V~~VD~L'IJ1 '11'n1J1'1~ LLH'UH~tl1fl1:1'U<br />

. . .<br />

o4 .I " '-

•• tlm,,.un:i,nH UN\U·;'~ iJ11ft1YI<br />

UlJlH\91::1\HlOO<br />

ngkor (920 .<br />

. ..<br />

The rchit l u m c pre ion of P hnom B khcng, Plan of<br />

but it le i mod tly rcdu ed. Mebon riental<br />

Th total h hl 1 only 24 metre<br />

d.. U11tf1YlLLUtlafl::'l"'uoon n~1JU11tf1YlnaH<br />

Pra · l Mebon oriental, ngkor 952). T he fr nt elev tion of main tru ture,<br />

howing the Cent ral tower nd the four maller one a t the corner .<br />

~. t.lntt1ttLl~U8(11:: ·tuaan (..-·.r~) rrlJ"'u<br />

utlntl r-i'.:J'JUV-l~tl1::nnu<br />

. ,. .., , ,<br />

111 'IIU Y111lJ U ri'J H'h nt~HlJl 'JltJ<br />

"' "' dtl "' "'<br />

~::1unvn nu~ ~ V'Ifl 1::nnuu~ur·l'IV'I<br />

~~ ~ ., d tl I<br />

lJ fl'Vlll Yitl'\l!l'l !llfll'J rllJV lJlLLfl 'I ~fifll-l!ltJ<br />

"' "' cl ..<br />

lJln ~uun~lJfl1llJMLt'l ~unnltJLuu<br />

II<br />

.<br />

lfllifl'l'I'Utl-llllJlJLL~U<br />

(Pattern) LL 'U H 'I<br />

cj II<br />

1tl 11J'1Hfllifl1-l'\ltl'IU11ri1Ylm:: if1~<br />

., d ~ .<br />

n uun~tlnt'llYlYl'UlJUl LLfl'l lJ fillllNflfl,1<br />

t I I \1 I o l 1 ..<br />

'II'U Ll~'IIV'I LYh::l11HnlL1Yi'l t'I 1 Hl'Jfl ~<br />

.<br />

w I ~~ I t o 111<br />

~nn~uuu Ltllufl11lJ1H'Vl'll1lJ~~um<br />

~ "'<br />

!)~!)~<br />

I<br />

lJ<br />


.<br />

" ' el .. ..<br />

iJ. . 1.h HllYULl.hn.l<br />

1J llfl 1\.IYl fffl ::1 \.1 tl tl nL tl tJ.:IIlf\.1 tl<br />

5. Pra ~ t Pre Rup, I).<br />

Tha<br />

It<br />

layout a the mo t<br />

of 11<br />

nd<br />

nd lev ted ub tructure,<br />

with a<br />

ult d<br />

in the<br />

N<br />

Cb<br />

0 2.o<br />


.. 1<br />

'b. U11ti1TI\JU'r1111tl1<br />

U11ti1YIO~lln n H ., '11n"~<br />

6. Banteay r 1 (967).<br />

T he temple wa de 1gned<br />

for hor 11 mal approa h.<br />

The ar h1 tect wa<br />

wi th<br />

ca reful<br />

cu lptura l quality o f placing<br />

the obje t at the ve ry pr rcr etllng.<br />

and the dell ate<br />

tone engraving<br />

at every ar hllectural element.<br />

... ~ ol<br />

rJ. t.lnd1tltJ\Ut10d1 ( ,.,,.. eoho) tflJfJ<br />

ol -1 ol tl dtl<br />

u \.rmun1 r-1~1 n~fl 1::nnu<br />

... .:~tl .,<br />

UlJVllfJn1LU'U 1::tf1Yl'\I'Ul ~ Lllfl 'U<br />

, ., ' ' -c tl<br />

LL lJ111U fllllfJOUn11fJ nn 1'Ul11tlL tlltl~fl<br />

tl 1::nnuU1 ~tt1U'\In~tl1lnlYlttlJ"'u n tl 11tl<br />

d ' , •<br />

1mt~n~fl tl1::nnull1lJ m~Lul·n::l u1tl-<br />

., -~ ' ' .. ., ... e./<br />

LLH'UH~U 11n1Yl'U ~ ~~ ,lJfl nuti1::Y11J l ~u n<br />

, , tJ • ~ .., 1<br />

n~ F-4 nnn n uutln tt1YllJ m 1lJ ~ ~ L ~ u IJI n<br />

.._.,.,, d tJ<br />

nul'!ln~n1u'\lununn n1lJ11fll'!I'\I'U1 ~<br />

' .,,,, ,<br />

tf1'U'\J(l~(l1fl110U'!I(l~<br />

vl1HLLfiU '1 L'\11-<br />

., .. d ~ ol . ol -1 ol<br />

lJ1n lJYi'U 11 LU 'U(l 'Ul1\.l~(l 'UL~fJ1fl'U fl11lJ<br />

" -1 • ~ ••<br />

1 L flll n n tl 1:: 011 l1'U~., ~ 1lJ 1J1 n fltl fl1 1 1J<br />

"l,"'tl... tl.<br />

n11J11flY1 '!lfl1 1::\JilJ1n 'J 11J(Il~ UIJI1-<br />

u mHYlL '" HlJ1::tt1lnu ., nmv• '\In~<br />

i<br />

f11~ n11~<br />

,<br />

n1mtt<br />

" ' t<br />

~u tl 1::\Jimn11lJLl1"fi1'U unn1u<br />

~ d ~<br />

LU un~flt.h ::nnunmu~JttJn11lJ ( architectural<br />

clement) ,tllu\JI"'1 fl11lJ~ ~ ~1lJ<br />

-1 tl • -411 ol ol -1 ••<br />

nn 1::n11l1'U~Y1nn n u ~ nfln tl11ttn1<br />

., -1-1 ., -1<br />

uuYJ1tJtf11J n 11nn m nn 1n:: m u ¥~ a :: nn \JI 1<br />

~n~luu11~1U11n1YJ'\ItllJYI~l1lJ ~ i ~ u ~<br />

.. e.l ' t ' , 0 '<br />

tnVinnml1n1u u ,lJ ,~., 1n1u flNfl 1 nm-<br />

., .," ·~' .,<br />

UflfJ0111J'n~LllfJ lJ n1'111n11YILLU~nlJU<br />

1 ...<br />

... a1un::Lollfl., tltl1::fll111n 1111<br />

.I ·~ ~ ~<br />

un::nllltn::tnJ tlncnYJuumon.,<br />

7. The ulpturc f 13anteay re1 tyl<br />

and me tone relief de tail .<br />


... " ~ .. -<br />

a. U11ft1muJnHnnul J1Utlltl'U "' 'W'U uu''"'uYl!lflfl11fltltlfl<br />

o Prasa t Ph1manaka , Angl.. ro ( 7 o<br />

Thn: elc\'atcd terra c. top n the other 3 u tru turc of mam tO\\er 0<br />

"<br />

The tair lead narr \ ly up tween the podium with 11 n ming on t Po<br />

UH'UH .. ~ tlnn1Ylfi1Un1 Plan of Prasat Takeo 'Hlll<br />

c:. tl11d1'HMS11ua1n1tt<br />

( • ., .. - •• tc·.-)<br />

"' ... "' tl dtl t<br />

fUJtJLO'HJ~ LLr~'U~ ·n tNfl '::OVUJ1'U'IJ'U<br />

... .... " ' .I. al<br />

'l::LU tJ 'lfftnll?bHH Gllio Ll.Jifl' ff1'UY1LU'U<br />

... "', t6J "''<br />

'H'UYl 'l1tJV1~~::'t'I,H'Hl'l'lU<br />

VU!. •4-d.r.n<br />

,,. al 4\<br />

Lflllfl,'l'IJV'l LL~tl~'ll.h1ff1Yl't'i l.J1'U-<br />

V10lff't'l<br />

~<br />

UY1VV'IlJ1~10tl11't'I1YlLLtlon<br />

tl<br />

VtJ1'l<br />

'<br />

.~., ' 61 'W<br />

,IJ lJUqjl!l<br />

LL\fl fl11l.J' 'lH'IJV.J t1,1't'l l'Yl<br />

~""..!. " .•• ~<br />

utl,,tll(;Hl'l'YlffVILLtn tl'l1ff1Yl'U~'lLHnv<br />

.. " ., • ~~~ ' t 4l t<br />

im'lff11.Jlln0") L1LY11'Ull fltl 'I!'U<br />

"' 0 t<br />

n mHli::'IJV'ln 1LL't'l'l (enclosure) ffV.J'I!'U<br />

... ' .I. "' "' !II ~tl t<br />

'1!1li,::LUtJ~\fiH ") Yl'YlUOW'UlJ L r.n 'I!W<br />

fHlltJ1H'IJ1<br />

"<br />

'I!WUWffV'IIfl'ltl,1t'11Yl<br />

t t tl<br />

'l::l!1W<br />

~" I II ' I ' II II II<br />

1VItJY1LlJLV'Itl~vtJ'I!1-l'H'U1'1!1'UU'U<br />

LHV11'U<br />

'H'U<br />

"<br />

1 IJ10 011<br />

'<br />

VI<br />

"<br />

lWl!M<br />

"'<br />

Vl-l'Yl<br />

"'.I.<br />

LfltJ<br />

....<br />

u(JUifllJ1<br />

-<br />

..<br />

nmtliiotlavu1~~V.Jl1.Jn1.J o"'w LV.J<br />

ntJllffiJ"'uu tl,,tl<br />

' ... " d ~<br />

VtJ NlJV'Ii'ltJnll'i<br />

LL t'IVI.J Llll ll 'Ut1.J fl11l.J<br />

. " " ~ ' "<br />

1 'IJ 1 h nu L'l! Lfl1.J n' N v1mfl'Yl LL~l.J u ~.J<br />

LLW<br />

'<br />

WV'UYlffVI<br />

..!. "' .I. tl -<br />

'HM~ 10011 L 1 IJ 1::11'1-<br />

d • al "<br />

ff 1't'llfln'i 'l::W fl 'l'Hli1.JL U'Uifi'Ul.J1<br />

(w.tt. e.t~~om-e.t.t\>)<br />

.;, t111d1't1911Un .. l<br />

"' ... .. tl d.l<br />

l.JtJLO'ltJ.J LLrJurJ'l' V.Jflu'l::ovu<br />

Vi'l::L<br />

""'<br />

1'1!tJ1,lJUY1 ::..~.<br />

& t'I'HYl.J<br />

"ttl<br />

'1-<br />

t'I1Yl \fl 11101<br />

"<br />

LL n::Hl.J1W<br />

....<br />

V10lfl<br />

"'<br />

Llr,JW~.J<br />

t .,, "d<br />

tl nn 1Y1Yl.J t'IV.J ~ .J L'l! Lfl H n11.J Mil til::-<br />

OVUV'UL~tJ10W "' ... "'<br />

LLifltl11ff1Y1WlJLfll<br />

' "... " ~ Lm-l<br />

't'llJU.,Oio11<br />

" "t ' ... 0<br />

olW\fi.JLL\fln1ll'l::L UtJ-l 0111 Vi-l'lt:lUWVOLL n::<br />

.. ..!. ' ~ "' t ..!.<br />

1 H1 'lMI YltJO VtJ t'I.J L \J 'l::VIU '1!1W 'I!U Ylt'IV.J<br />

" .. "<br />

nmtl{; o vvou uu um ::~"'u<br />

1 fl '.Jr" 1-1tl '1n 1Yl tl 1::n 1-u u n::tl., 1n lYl<br />

.. .{ d.!. ~~~ t t: '<br />

YlflVO d. V-lflYltJO L1 r.n '1!\Jifl-lVtJnltJLtl<br />

.... " a~ .. tl ..<br />

'lll11fl~'U \111l.Jfn1lJLUW~HJ1U '1t'11Y1<br />

d ' " "' t<br />

mu., lt'l 1Y1Yl.J lll.J ~ uw uv~<br />

Ot'I.JDtJ LLn 1<br />

':., --, , t\ .j 0 , '"'<br />

oau LW u 1un .J 'I!Ml 'Uti'ttl vo Y11 1utl-,<br />

" " ...<br />

l.J11f11t:l1nlfl ( olume) U\J'I!1\J ':: 1 UtJ .J<br />

t J. ~ .....<br />

n v .J '!! u Y1 u O'IJ w lJ 1 t1 o OVl '1u n.J YlWYl<br />

' "' t: ~ .I. "' ,<br />

ll1LH~.J'tl1 ::0'l::'l!l i'L'f.Jfl '1 Lfl1Y1U\J ~llV~<br />

' " "' "' " t !.\ ~ltl<br />

'l!'l-l'U1lJJ1lJ~IfiHI Cll 'l!ti'U\J<br />

eo. t111d1'n ~uhu ("'·"· e';,o,..) 'L'flrtJ<br />

.. tl"' -td<br />

U1 tl 1'U LL~'UH'l 1 tHIYl'l tJ (organic<br />

.. d<br />

Layout) 'UVUL'UifiV.Jfltl,1t'l1 VI d.d x ed.o<br />


.. ,1 , ... J .,,,<br />

t'l -lLLlJ1Wi1:a ~ 1VYltJYlllltJ 1 1lJ ur~n n~<br />

Jll I. J" .,<br />

U11t'11YlV-.lfi'U ~:: vv uvn 11'111-.lfl '\JV-.l'lltJ-<br />

w .j. d " I I "' I<br />

11lJ'UYl It nlll1lJ IL\Jlt'l~'tl'll N'\JV-.1'\J{)lJ LJJ<br />

"'"' ., "' ~<br />

L~l1tJ ~'Il-l nn-.1 1 ~w u lJ111!:1 uvunnvvn<br />

• ~

...<br />

fl11 l.l"'a: ll.Jilll unuv11\llH~lln1Hl'H1~<br />

, • , -1.4<br />

~ 1ll u vn \'l'U, u M lJ'Il nu lYIV u vvnJJ 1\'l 1n<br />

... t I<br />

1l11lfl~'ti'UU lntJ11 "'~o ll.J\lll J1unnl.J<br />

, .<br />

,J,1n1Vli'l-1 QCll llJ\11,<br />

mi'~m1JJn-1ul1-<br />

" .., 4111 , "<br />

t'I1V1Ul::n1u\'l 1 n' ::~ u~ u 11 n 1 \'l::n -.1<br />

~<br />

bet:<br />

c<br />

I<br />

~EI<br />

fill<br />

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p ....... --

- "' J<br />

••· n11t~n~u1:n~u<br />

~ t "'<br />

... .. ~<br />

"' ~ .~ '<br />

~:: HtJ~'U'I t'I'U Vl LIJlJ {) 1 Olll lJH'ItltJ L 'U t'I1'U<br />

.'<br />

m,"''lt>tJNL~<br />

nl'n1'11L~ll ~"''I '\J{)\1 u·n t'f1Vl'Uf1 11.,~<br />

'1"... ,, ... -4"'<br />

~'11'U'I1'U1 lum'IIJ1::1u1Jln "ll'l~l~u~n<br />

1u ~1n II UU IL~ 'U U 'i HI 1Yl'\J tllJ~ lli't>'l ,.,...'U<br />

, , ... ~ .t ... -ol<br />

"I'Ull'IJ1H11Jl::1'UfHlnLt'llJ{) LU nnl!t1l::Yl<br />

"' ~.t ' ll 0 ~, "'<br />

~~urm LUL'II'Ull Yl1 LHUn1'111n11t>t>n<br />

d "' ... ~-t ' ,<br />

f1111JLH'Ut'f'U'Ullf1'U LUIJlN "] 'U1\.11 fl1<br />

Yi~11t1J1~1n1umvmvlYi1 l~1ou"1 t ~ n"'u1u<br />

' .:1" , "' ,<br />

11 t> 1 ~ ~:: L U'U Ll'l11::1Jltl'I'I1'U '11\.11U11 t'l 1Yl<br />

, "' J, "' '<br />

1 'IJ 1'111 fl'U'ULL n u "'n n'Vl\Jl\il't'l\1\Jl 1 'lt>t>mJ 1~ 1 n<br />

.. f " .... .,tt l ... '<br />

'Uf111JlJ Ylt>tJm'UVlfliJI::1ul'ln mnnw<br />

~, d .. , c4 ,<br />

L '11 f1111J mw 11 fl 1 ~ ~:: L u u L 't"l1 1:: \Jlt>'l nn<br />

, "' , "' ,<br />

~ ::n 1 Hu ~ 1 n 1Yl'U f1 11 ~t '11 1 u u l11'1UIJ 1 1 l"i 11::1 1~ 1'UV1fl1Jl::1 'UIJinnflt>Yl fl<br />

1l1!J, \.11:1 U£1~flfl~ lJ, lJ U11tl1lllJfl11~ -4 ' ~<br />

'\Jtl'ILL~\.Ifl'UflltJ<br />

12. ng(...or \! at:<br />

IL"::L1tl'IIJ11'1 "] L'Unll'l<br />

..... -.~ .. ,.... '«!\ ...<br />

na nnnnn L'HL~lJ~ 1Jl11J'Vlfl'V1Nt>IJI1111'11<br />

The 1nner n lo ured tru tur<br />

f) 1Vl'Vlt'11f1 ty'Vl ~ lJ L 1 {)'In f1 {) {) lH'l 1::tJIJ<br />

compo c of v ult d g llery, por h,<br />

and lc ted tone path. .<br />

"'<br />

'<br />

l 'l 't'l1n ll1 1 Vlllfi111J m,IJ,r1'1Jt>'~ f)'U IJI1tJ<br />

l\ "' ... t , ..


em.<br />

13. Pra at Bay n.<br />

ngkor Thorn 119 1-12 19).<br />

Th late t effort of the Khmer<br />

in buildmg gre

" ....

Angkor<br />

The Architectural Analysis<br />

Anuvit Charerr1supkul<br />

an effort on part of the author.<br />

So far, the hi tory of Angkor<br />

tarted<br />

from the reign of Jayavarman 11<br />

around the 9 1 h Century A. D. and<br />

came to an end<br />

ometime after the<br />

reign of Jayavarman VII in the 13th<br />

Century A.D.<br />

of four hundred year<br />

built their citie<br />

E>uring the period<br />

the Khmer<br />

around the great<br />

lake in the hinterland of the<br />

Mekhong ba in . Thi area of<br />

great advantage in term<br />

of social,<br />

economic, political and strategic<br />

viewpoints. The main urban complexes<br />

developed in many localities,<br />

starting from Kulen to Rolous and<br />

Angkor respectively.<br />

The Khmer unified their ociety by<br />

the Indian culture which had created<br />

a kind of 'organic structure' to its<br />

kingdom. In thi<br />

structure, various<br />

kinds of component namely politics,<br />

religion economics technology art<br />

and architecture were depending on<br />

each other a<br />

an organi m. Jayavarman<br />

ll invented for the kingdom,<br />

a cult of god king which gave the<br />

king, the supreme power of the god<br />

on earth.<br />

From this concept, the<br />

Khmer envi aged the town and city<br />

as a replica of the universe. In<br />

the middle of the city, an architecture<br />

was erected as the dwelling of god<br />

artificial sumeru mountain or on a<br />

natural hill. There are 14 noted<br />

building complexe which repre ented<br />

the temple mountain of the king.<br />

They are as follow :-<br />

I. Preah-ko<br />

2. Bakong<br />

3. Phnom Bakheng<br />

4. Bak ee Chamkrong<br />

5. Mebon Oriental<br />

6. Pre Rup<br />

7. Banteay Srei<br />

8. Phimanaka<br />

9. Takeo<br />

10. Baphuan<br />

II . Angkor Wat<br />

!2. Ta Prohm<br />

13. Preah Khan<br />

14. Bayon<br />

Thee building developed within 3<br />

linkage<br />

circle , the fir t being from<br />

The general history and ymbolic a microco m of the macro-structure. ko, Bakong, Mebon Oriental, Pre<br />

interpretation of thi article are In the hi tory of Angkor the architecture<br />

in the middle of the city and Takeo.<br />

Rup, Banteay Srei, Phimanakas<br />

ba ed on the writing of Profe or<br />

Coede and Gro lier but however appeared in the from of complex of 2. Diagrametic Layout, a very trong<br />

the architectural analysi purely buildings built either on top of an tatement of forming an architectural<br />

complex. It i likely to<br />

emerge directly from conceptual<br />

diagrame. Thi re ulted in the<br />

pure form of Phnom Bakheng<br />

and Bak ee Chamkrong.<br />

3. Organic Layout a building complex<br />

of interconnected and interlocking<br />

both in physical form and<br />

patial<br />

tructure. Thi is the mo t<br />

creative of all the Khmer architectural<br />

de ign.<br />

There are only<br />

two; the Baphuan and the Angkor<br />

Wat.<br />

4. Patterned Layout, it is eemingly<br />

that the design i repeated one<br />

element to another without<br />

concerning with compo ition and<br />

patial quality, alwa ys aim at the<br />

emphatically compo nent a Ta<br />

Prohm, Preah Khan and Bayon.<br />

Preah- ko to Bak ei Chamkrong, the The Khmer con truction technique<br />

econd from Mebon Oriental to limited to corbelled arch, hort<br />

Takeo; and the third from Baphuan<br />

pan po t and lintel and rna ive<br />

to Bayon. Neverthele s their layout load bearing wall, by u ing the<br />

pattern are interdependently differed;<br />

principal materials of brick, laterite<br />

they could be clas ified into four and and tone. As Gro lier has<br />

typical model<br />

as follow:-<br />

! . Compo itional Layout a model<br />

of arranging an architectural<br />

elements within physical and<br />

patial<br />

structure framework, by<br />

the rule of compo ilion theory.<br />

The noted example are ; Preahpointed<br />

out, the Khmer architect<br />

had alway counted on three architectural<br />

element ; terrace<br />

vaulted gallery<br />

in<br />

mo t<br />

tower and<br />

and by their talent<br />

ophi ticated de ig n, one of the<br />

ignificant architecture of the<br />

world ba been created.<br />


0~"<br />

11GliL'Gil.L'11~L' .C.tJf1G U1<br />

I" I" ..<br />

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~ ~<br />

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ntnnGn~nLnunu7n!n<br />

H ..... n ~<br />

L/Rnn.rtwnw utu7<br />

"" n n I'"<br />

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ltJ !CW ~ !7 !1J{] L! LfUf.7/<br />

p I p I<br />

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urwnwwnmnrnrtw<br />

p n 1 n n ~<br />

rtLunnnw mnGrtw rt 1<br />

~ ,. I (.,<br />

!TJrt U L!Alrt 111~117 U7 JJtiiL fl.<br />

j> fJI I fJ n<br />

ftf}rtWL f]!(,ltJ(]IW<br />

-.... p -.,1<br />

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m~ 1 u HntN numun 1<br />

nn1Lil.~ ll.L un 11.1 nu<br />

n .... 1 ~ n<br />

!Urtf311CnG m~G nnw rtl<br />

pn k n~11<br />

f1UWI171 H71Lf1/tJU<br />

.,.. 1 n<br />

~nQQ11 flll.l.,.ll.~ r:nn 1<br />

Lf18Mrt W JJ !rt !71<br />

HlJrtf} !1f1Qrtlt7rt W rt.Q~7<br />

n ,. ,. ,.<br />

A<br />

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P P n<br />

{]11 fiLM 7 f}Q f!7Cf371<br />

fJ"' & kn<br />

::LrtJJ7UlJn.LUtn.QQ<br />

I I<br />

rt u rt fJ1~ tJ7/eJ 117L 11<br />

.... .... -i<br />

~{] rt.7LlJ~CJJIJWrtG1<br />

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rt.Wf1lLfL~ft!U<br />

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ft.G1ft.G Qf}LU{]L UQ lJ<br />

I n ,.<br />

n.t8m~::w!iJLIT.Cn m<br />

n 1"<br />

ft.f}~71 n.~n. CHL C<br />

,.. ,t ,t n<br />

N11l.U Ul!C!M ' !187 rtf1 !7<br />

I I ,.<br />

•<br />

~n.~n.uwrt n.ua11<br />

n o 1<br />

,. .... .,.. ,. ,<br />

W::!M!IM{]ft.Q~7<br />

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QnM~ L n~ru L u<br />

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l.,RfL\ ,_<br />


~ ., ~ ... 11 ... II w .--. tl .--. ...<br />

mmllll'lmnH,hN\J'IYillln'!H,, ~10Yi'l::olunm ., .,,,,J.,::fll:IJnflllllJmnlJ1'l1lJ nHLl'll'l .,<br />

. .<br />

The mural paintmg dcp1ctcd "Lo- hin - ha' in the bod of Wat Rajaprndll tltmaha imaram, Bangk L

..<br />

rlQrll Ul.HtlA.nlrtHL.tM.UtM. Hlfi.'Qrt11W1<br />

1 l"lo,. .., p ,. II' If lo<br />

tt \L ttHU1::lA.I.'LlA.QQI.'II:o lloL.trttt!U.UtlH\<br />

". I~ .~<br />

I.'Q rt1 lA.IJ rltt \::1.'- 11 ( rl ~1ttQtlA.rtULHftQ IJ)<br />

.... '!" ,..,.. .. ~<br />

UQttlttH~1::lA.I.'HI.'LlA. rlQI.'lU (HII~tHI.'~)<br />

" ~ '"' ,.,.,.<br />

1.'t II 1.' Q rt1 lA.L rt rt UH~ rtlA. U tM. rllA. 1 ::u.~ U1<br />

,. II-'!" ".. lo<br />

rl~l Lt tlA.M.I.lUlttlHrlrtl.ltt~LrtrlQ.t1<br />

I p ... ,.,. ~<br />

LrlllflQ.t.Urlrt.Ll rllA.II.lUrlrtl.lLII.1M.~ rllA.II.lU<br />

...... ,. "'",.<br />

rlrtl.lM.QUltl111.'lllrllA.1 l.'lllllW!IrlU1 11.1 Lrt<br />

,. II :1 iol> .. /flo<br />

l. 1.'L llli.'Gtltl tllM.rtUtrl U1 nlrtiH.tM.L t L ltll Q1<br />

I .,...,...... '!"P •<br />

LM.~1 l.trtlA. llUMillA.UI.'tlloL.trltlllRUrtrliJ1<br />

• ,.lo.., .,..,. .. P P"''""'<br />

trtn.1 nlL.tn l rllll.lllllll.'lllrltt 11JLQrlllo1Q1f\~11<br />

,. I :If' "'<br />

M.~l.'rllrtrtlll.~ l MrtlA.UtM M.LM.LlloLUt1<br />

.... ,. "'"'"' "<br />

M.ntlrtrlQ t1::M.llo- M.llttU~~HLUI.'IWtMrtU<br />

P" ~ " ,. ,. .. .. ..<br />

nt::~ 11 LUI.' UM. t I.'M.HM.tUrlG::tUQiln 11.'ltl<br />

,. ~II "'lf>:J<br />

~1M.~LUI.'U::LU1tt1UHI.'I.lUtMrtUrttL~rtLn.<br />

~~~ ,. " ... ,. "<br />

MlA.UrlrliJ1 MttnL~U~lti11Lrt~UI.'Ufbt~1<br />

.. p • 1>1 ...<br />

rtltiJ~::U11fllH1 ltlllloM.nt ltl1 M.Qltlrl~1M.Q<br />

"' "' I lo.., p> If lo .,.. '""<br />

M. \ rlQ M rtlA.llllllo tltiULUltl t::t fl.I.'LlA.M. 1<br />

I ... ... p ..... I. It<br />

. .<br />

.. ntl tL~<br />

" "<br />

~11, M.M~Q~ltl lol.'-lo "~~11G, "~H1G,<br />

t\nlfl ~ M.rlM1 Utl.'-11 LrtG::ttA.UL~Lrt~ll<br />

I.'IJU<br />

""<br />

..<br />

" "·" . ..<br />

tL~rt11G, Ltlt1lA.M.LlA.QLIJ M.UalA.1<br />

p tfl I '!" o" II'<br />

:~::a .. rtLtLII~ rtLt rtLt, a~uaa~<br />

~ttQUtM.I.'LrlQQrtiJ1t1 allrtM.LII.1lA., ::.t.M<br />

.. I ,. .. II',. '!" I "<br />

alloUQQrtrlM.LMM. t\rl~lM.QI.'LlA.ltiiJ tl~ftn<br />

.. .. :a .,.. .. .. tfl<br />

::.t.M.ttn 1LtM.UGllLMrl~1M.ai.'LlA.I.'II:o ttUa<br />

p> I ,. II' • .,.. .. ~ ..<br />

::tt.~.LlHHt Lrta LIJULl\Lrt::~I:'IJM.LIJ<br />

11<br />

UL fl.~ IIM.U ~M.M.Q Url rtl.ll.' lU tl l\rt11 a,,<br />

I'" .... ,. ~ I ,. ,.. "' ".<br />

LIJ QIJI.'M.HLIJrlaU~fl.11LIJrtl.'rlrllA.1 LRLUM.1<br />

• II' t' o 1 I " .,..,. lo lo<br />

~ " " . -··<br />

M.Ull\UQM. WllA.UllHrtrttiA.rtrlM.lllA.~M.nt<br />

"' .. ,.,. ...... P"<br />

Lti.'~U11 ~GUltiM.Utn.1 I.'Q~~1M.ntllA.1.'~11LH<br />

I '"lf .. JirP"• If<br />

rtUtlii.LHllo1 ULIJrllllo ttM.ntM.UrtUUM.M.<br />

.. " " ~o,. 'lr P" .. ,. ,.<br />

1.'~11Ur1Utlii.JJRL~::.t.Ullo\LII.1 l•~lo HU<br />

- .,.. ,. .,.. "<br />

UUQ.t.HLI.l1M.llo1fl1 tlA.rt1 I.'G.t.IJ1 ULHI.'Llt!Ua<br />

.... -1 "''l'"~t I,.<br />

ttn.L.t::flU UflG tH l.'tlU Ufl.rtrl M.LM rtl!l U<br />

- • II> I" .., P<br />

l. ~\lA.atHM.LnlA.l.I.'LltiUIJI.'rtllM.M.Lt-rtGrt1<br />

'!" II> If '!" I ,..-. ,.. t'<br />

ttlrtrt oo.-ol' tlt M.~Lrti.'~~QUltlnlL.tnl<br />

rlrtl.lt\ " 11- 1 GIJUltl1 rl~lM.Gl.trtlA.UtMI.'an.rtnM.<br />

,. lo ... ,.,.~o .,.. ... .. ...<br />

rtl tiJrtUI.'tltllA.I.' .UI.'lll t nlltrllMrtlA.LRLU<br />

,. '!" '!" I> I ..,<br />

M.rtlM.ltiM.rt .LlLU.tU\ LII.1UL~Lrti.'U~~.Ll1H\<br />

p> llf' I ,._ If<br />

ttUG::tt.tfbllo1fllG.tLUM.nt<br />

.., .., ,. P"<br />

"l.ll~.t.U1<br />

..<br />

ltl::tn.<br />

I"<br />

l!lnt LtUrlt1lA.lUU\1 ltiM.rtM.LQnlrtiH.tM<br />

~" 1 .,..,..,.... lop If'<br />

.<br />

UR1Ullloltrttnli.MlloL.t::tt.t al.4U ~J.llA.<br />

.. .,.... ....,. ....<br />

fllijL.LllA. I:'LrlarlLUIHltlllLUrll.l1 rtUtrlU1ttQ<br />

'""'!"I p lo,. '!"'"<br />

fbiJL.LllA.LrtlA.rtrtl!)1 ::~11 nlLtrlllti11LrtfllHt<br />

,. o y:.. tC.. I I<br />

M.ntttUa::tt.tGllrtM.U rllA.1 I.'Qrt1M.1 nlNH<br />

"" .. .... ,. p .. .... lop<br />

-L' ..C. rll!l1ttGI.'an.t-M.HI.'H11lllA.I.ll!lUUI\Llll.l<br />

,.. .. ~ I ~ "' 'J ,.<br />

r\nlltM.UQllrt M. M.UrtUJJt.tM.n11:'~11llrtU<br />

P"l .. ~,. ,.,. :tP" .,.. ...<br />

tlll.l.ll lA.L rt a::tt.4.M.L ll.LltlA.HtM.t-t ltllA. LftG<br />

.,.. "'It • '!"<br />

::tM.I.'aR.t-M.HGllot\ntl:'ll:o tlftulrlt\U Lt<br />

11<br />

~It P" ~,.. ,., I<br />

L ~ Lrt ttrlM 1 M.M.trtl 1.41 L 1.41,<br />

• "' It ... • ..<br />

L tH LR LU ltlltl Urlt 1 lA.rtU H 11 I 'l' I" • ,.. '!" ..<br />

t-GII.ltl1 "" ~-,. : :. P" ~<br />

MM.L lll.ltlA. 1::u '"I It'"'!" P"<br />

::tM.a \M. .. ,.. ,.. ... I • ..<br />

::tMQllrt M. l!ll.lrtUH ...... ,.,.. .. " .. lop I p If I<br />

l. It p I<br />

lllA.UI.'LlA.M.t<br />

.,...,....,,. '!"P .... ,.<br />

LIJU IJ "M.Utl tt- M.rt P" 1rl~1M.a<br />

.,.. ~.IWL~rtlA. M.UrtUI.lttM.ntl:'l!l11.Ll<br />

,. nu tLn.unt~ LlA.llo\ Lrt a::t ,. ~ " " .... 11<br />

..<br />

ttUG::.tMM.Llll.ltlA. 1 M.Ul4Gllrt M.lA.M.ntlrtG<br />

... llo.LlH1rtrtttUa::tt.~ fbH ntttUG<br />

p> M.rl~tttat-an.ltlt 11M.nt<br />

P"<br />

lA.M.~11M.l!lM.1 '!" nlftiUti.UtU l.HtUtLUU::l\<br />

QtiUtUrt1L.tt-Gft1 II> nlrtHLU.t I.'Lltll.'at!l<br />

tli.MrtUtrlU1tltllJLUrl.Ll1 M.ttUrt1Lt t-artl nlrtHL.tM<br />

11 II' p<br />

rll.LlQllo1atH ttUrt1Lti.'GrtlnlrtHL.tM<br />

It II' 1tP<br />

M.ntl.'alll::~ rllA.1 M.l4llltlloM.\lA.LnlA.nrt<br />

P" " lo ..,.. • .,..<br />

Lrt Lll.1 lA. nlrtHL.tML tl\ \ Lll.1 H\ LlA.lA.t-M.HIIH 1<br />

"'I"P I"".,.~<br />

M.nll:' l\ rl~1M.GI.'all.ltl\ t-LlA.lllA.I.l~UUI.'Q rt1<br />

P" ... ,.. .. " ~ .. ~ ,. ....<br />

ttn 1 r:- 11:. ttUrt1 Lt t-a rt1 t-ut-n::&u rtL M.H<br />

""~ 11'1>1 .. ,.<br />

L M. rtlt LtLIJrtl.'art1alloUGaL ll UlrtGlll<br />

o " :' I o p. ... t 41 t<br />

UlrtLU1M.trllA.1 a.UI.'M.Hrtlll M.l.I.'Lltlrll M.U<br />

I I .. 11-,. It I~-~ ,.<br />

M.rlM. 1a lloUQGlA. ttUrt1Ltl.'art1al.4U~ l.lltl\<br />

It t '!" • II ltP If<br />

UIA.!.'LlA.::~ 11 lll M.tlA.U 1 t-Grt1 ~ JJa M.H 1UlA.t'LlA.<br />

~ . "" "" ....<br />

.t.rtl.'artl ~.LlUQQM.t::ltiUlA.I.'LlA. LU.t.LtlA.<br />

... . ,. .... "'<br />

I.'Grtl l!l.LlUltiM.t::ltiUlA.t-LlA.QIJ UtA. 'P rlGrt<br />

'- p.<br />

~1M. .,.. at-an.~ JJlA.IllA. rtlL II> t un It- ~ ,..<br />

-M.aM. .., nlrtHL.t~ti.'GR.flliJL JJI.'a rt1M.nt<br />

rt1 tM. llLM.lJLUI.'LlA.M. 11> It<br />

IWI.'~ttUrtll.ti.'Q rtl<br />

ltnlftHl.tMt-llfllftHlti11M.tlll.'lU<br />

I.'Lrt Hrt ,i.trtl.t t-Ln, P" "' Gl.lt-M.H GIJ .... nut-t!IUM. !IH1rtLt,<br />

allo LtnlrtHL.tMQlloUQaULrtt.4.M.<br />

I.'LM.I.'a.t1G.Ut-M.HM.1 lo Hn lllH1Ltt, t-Ln<br />

I&<br />

'<br />

GI!IU<br />

~H1Ut1 I.'Ln ,,l!lH1rtt LtnlrtHL.tM<br />

' 0 " " ,., •p<br />

a~~ouaa llol.trt.ttll.tU.tl4M.t-Grt1nlrtHL.tM.<br />

.. "' .... p<br />

t\Lt\LlllGJJt-tUI.M.1 1\llol rtr1UrlLUH.ttUrt1<br />

o • ,. It I ,.<br />

-Ltt-artlt\nt t-Glti::&Ltt-~JJ11t-ll:o I.'Grt1<br />

II' "" If I ~ II'<br />

Q llo U Q G n lA. ~ t-GII.LU1 ~IJnlt.ttt-LlA.M.\<br />

It I ,..<br />

t-t nanLuHttunau::.tr<br />

I ,.<br />

tltll.lLUltl t::t rtt-LlA.M. \::1.'- 11 LM.JJLUHIA.M. \<br />

p - I"<br />

tlti.LlLUrll.ll lllA.Ut-LlA.M. t ~IJnlttti.'LlA.M. t I.' lA.<br />

p ...... 1- :a<br />

rt ttUrt1L.ti.'Gil1ULl\Lrtl trllA. ~ t\IJt-QII.lll tllo<br />

... ~ I ...,..<br />

M. \ fll l4L .LllA. L n lA. n rtl rt:: U 11 rllA.~I.'Grt1LrtlA.<br />

,. . ,.. . . .... nlrtHLtMLt&\ LII.1Ht LlA.lA.ltiH1 "lti.U1rtlt,<br />

p I If If o '!'<br />

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I II' t'lf lo 1> ' II' If If If<br />

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Lti.'I\HQlloUaunt 1QllollM.t-Grt1 n ~1M.Gt-Gn.<br />

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tflt I II' "" ~ U,. ,..<br />

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.. . ,. .... ' ....<br />

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' t ~ I lttf ..<br />

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p ~ " ,.. .. p P"<br />

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" f>" llo/1/lloo.,_ I<br />

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... "o'" lt''j> ..... ol'~<br />

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p ~ p 0<br />

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to /l /l I I \ttl> Itt<br />

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p ... 'li'" f> ,. f><br />

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p ,. ,. \"'<br />

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••• 1 .. 1 0 ~p<br />

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.. I tS f:'<br />

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l:'llo<br />

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,. , I' 1:> p I'<br />

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p .. 't ,. • I I>P<br />

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I 1'1' .. ... .. I' ... 'li'<br />

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lfll o p " p I<br />

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"' 1 tS It' I' f:><br />

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,. .. " p " .. f:'<br />

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tS If 1 11 ill p I' f:'<br />

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1 ,. I' p p<br />

.tt ::al\111f.1 ::aLtt\1:-tl<br />

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""· I>J?'t"' "'"',.?<br />

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PI" • I>'"~><br />

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"" ,.. ... .. p J?<br />

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,.. " " ,. II' '!" p "<br />

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II tfllloo 't" ... ~<br />

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p p .. oJ?I ~" ..<br />

rtt ~11 ~UU.Lll\lJLR.LULIJt\111L~L 1\H~I\LIJ<br />

I ~~ ,. o f:' /l 'Ill o<br />

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J?ll'l" I /l 0 If<br />

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p ...,.,..,.p<br />

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LtLIJ~11rtt1 Ol ,. rll!)ll\aULl\.t.HtLI.I\lrtiLL.tt.L<br />

... rtl\lrtHl tt.Ut.1.11UtDU1t-at 11\nlnl a~<br />

,.. ... ,. ,. ~ pol'lttl,<br />

LDllDa.tU<br />

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U.t.1.rtLI.I\lrtULtM.llolt '"' rttU.tJHIJI\<br />

f><br />

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.t.LrtLI. 0- y;. '-<br />

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,.1·,,. I ';J tS ';l /l<br />

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i"' " ,. J? f>'l- -<br />

rortHLtt.1. aiJ, Ll.tU.LI.l\lbl1, LtUDt1rttt<br />

p J.- C .. 1> 1 I f><br />

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I 'f" p .. I If<br />

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p o lo I o<br />

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ll I to f> II' 111 r<br />

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f:' 1,. """ ""'<br />

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"'" ... ? P' ''li'<br />

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0<br />

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,lttULI.nl D~LI.La::.tH~I\L.tUI:'.Ll<br />

,. I' lp ,. p<br />

rtL~I!UUlloL.t::tM. DLtll tt.1.Dllo1 ntaaut-mL<br />

"'lit 11-,.<br />

t\La H~ "P l\lrtllltt.1.1,111 nt.LtiA11UDL.tLI\<br />

1 p I' p<br />

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1 If 1 11 If Itt I'<br />

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p l f>tf" ,. !:>'"<br />

-Lil~ttUI\111 I\ C.. SIC~! f\t LIJ c.!J rtt 11~11111\<br />

"' J:' ,. 1 f I ,.<br />

H.1 1.111 ltLI.MLI.11lll.!)l11:'DU1::~rtL~I-L~Ul\M<br />

"'" ,. "1\ ~ ,c .....<br />

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.... ... p p .. p ~-~<br />

LU~::UR.UU~1 • LIJil.t 11 Cll•ltal.!)1,<br />

... p ""' f ~<br />

L tlliAnL.t ULR.LUl\lbl11at.1.llo<br />

' • "' • fto<br />

l.!)L.tLU::.t[lt\11 1L Ll.fl ttLI. 11\lrll.t L lt::.tt.1. rtn n 1<br />

J:' 0 ;>, • I><br />

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If> .. ,. ,J> II<br />

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:l "'I 11-1 /ll I?<br />

t-art1LI.Dat-1Jitt\ ~ t-L~t-an.::1.111 [\ttLI.1<br />

1'1''!"1 ';l I •<br />

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" " "" ...<br />

- tUI:'~ULl\1::tt.1. t\JI.I!)U1LI.I:'a.t 1nLtiAI:'tL\<br />

f> ·" • ~ ... ,.. • ,.<br />

HL L n~ na tU t- .t u Ll\1 ::tt.1.l11Af\t 11uu t-ltH<br />

" "' " .. ...<br />

t-UIUrW.Ltt.1.at.1.li.La1 1:'11111:-l\11 tlrtLI.LR.Ul Lll<br />

'i"P I f> ,. I $>- to '\" ,.<br />

::tt;\L l\ 1 .tiJ nt-art1 lla::l\ L t.t~ ftltH\f\ .tt lA 1<br />

t1 fio I I ~-If "<br />

ltiJ ~ Itt ~ l.!)rtuarw.rc.rt11\1111!)t.1.DLt.1.<br />

,.,. ,. 'li' J:' .. •<br />

rtl! nr. t l\Ual.!)Ll1 1:- an.l1t Lrta.t m L LnlLna<br />

p .. ... ,. "'"<br />

-tUI:'tULl\l::.tu. LD~na.t~I:'~UI:'Df\1 ua11<br />

.... " f> .. "'<br />

11 L rtt\!11 llol trt.tU .tU.tiJitt-a Ill!:' Dfl t l!)rtH<br />

... ,. f> ~,.<br />

I:'LI.t-an.l1tlrtH1 tiJI\LfuU.Ll\1 lloltrtttll<br />

:l ,. "" "<br />

- .tu.tiJn ~:-arul'llf\ t ua11a .Llt- 1\llrtt-t~t-artl<br />

I> • .. • ,. f> ,. • 1'1',.<br />

tLUilt U 1:' .t~I:'Grt1LI\UL nL P.11!)llolllt.1.U ll<br />

,. 'li' i I' If ..<br />

LU1 L.Llat 1 llt~LrtLR.LUl\lbi11LtuD.t11:'llo<br />

o It' /l • • I f> ...<br />

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\1' • p p<br />

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"" 0 • " ,. "<br />

Lllol:' llo R.I:'Hrt.tl1 lltltH 1 rt::.tt.1.rtR.U IHU::.t~1.<br />

"" .. p ?'f> "" ,. f> ..<br />

ntLtLI. 11UDL.tLit::tt.1.~1:'a L tUD.t 1allortn.t<br />

I' p ,P , I f> lf'l"l'<br />

ai!Hil1 l:'l\lloL.trtltl:'tULl\1::tt.1. rtrt1 Lt<br />

I""" /l ,..,1111

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rta rtlt1Ul11 na tt ttt-r.un \f'H'Glil::() tt ttr.t.ua<br />

li' tl I ';l ';l ... tl ';l ..<br />

::r.r.\n ut.n u1.11M nn m a nLu nrt nr.lll.llt.u t.<br />

,. ,. ,..... J:' ,. I•,. I> ,..... I<br />

t-1~1.111 l•I.H• UQllo1rtL~ UQllo1~QlA t-Qrtl<br />

li' "' "'<br />

.UIJ.Ht-lll.llt.\ lllt. Lnllr.bl lllt.M.Lilf.lll rtUl<br />

,_ ';l ...... I• .... 0!'-<br />

• ~L Ut-ll r. f\ 1 t-lllt-GUM, tl.llo 1lU.tQllollL r. rt<br />

,.. ,. ,.... ' I ,..... 9' f><br />

tl.Q 191t-QJJf\ ll.lltMl Ullll91t-Gttl lA li.M. ocq t-ll<br />

"' .. ,..... .. ,.. 0 ,.... \><br />

l.. t-Lllli!Ut-rt llt.HlAJI.Lr.rtr.r.IH.Uf.Ut\t-Qrt1<br />

I ~-.,. 0 .. tfo<br />

rurmL r. t.\ll \t-IlL ll.ll na tUt- tUL () 1::r.t.1. L t<br />

p tl ,. ,.. tl I<br />

0uLr.nt-llt-G1ttttLT1.LIIIt-QI\o l.. t-1Ultl.Qllltt1<br />

~ - ~ - 0 ~ ~<br />

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I " ':1 \.P .. ,. ..<br />

Ill l Lf\ f.lll ltt.UG1 11~1 U 1\lllL.r. LM.;:r.MttQrtH 1<br />

,.. ...... p p "'<br />

t\ f\1t1. 1!)M H11L ()1::r. t.tQrtl Ulrttt Utt~t\H11<br />

F' '"' '" ........ 1<br />

LIU:: r. t.Ht L t\:: r. M. t\ f\1 Ill ll Lr. L n::r. MQII.llo\<br />

" F'P t"<br />

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'""' ;> p .. ltl<br />

::r.ML ltl.U l.. llLIWQllQI\ort::Lr.t.1.1M f\IMQ<br />

... """"' F'<br />

lll ~ 1t-l llGillllf\f.lllD Mt\f\1Uilt1lA Ill~<br />

,. ,.. I ... ,.. .. J:' 1'>'1" tl<br />

na n1 L Ro1 L ll.t-li.L 1.11::1.1 mt.ua::r. Mt-llt.L ~u rt<br />

I ~·~tl t1 ... ... ... I ...<br />

::Lr.W ~1 Ulll~lllllf\rtllr.~qM.t-lllllrtH::()<br />

"lip " ...........<br />

lllt.L~t " .llMt\M.lllrt.IJt\1 lAHU r.t.ua::r.t.t<br />

... ,..... " ,. -,.. ...<br />

f\UlllU1.1lMM.fl11lLt.L~rtnr."llM. llLt.qUlll<br />

.. ,.,..... p .. ,..,........<br />

lllllf\rtlltlllllMt- llllLrtHt-IU , Lf\rtllf.ll\1<br />

"' ,.. ...... ... 'i" ' • ... • "<br />

Lt.Uilf.1l1t.Htl\lrtHLtt.1. Lt.LilllnQ!.UHU<br />

I 1"1- "' P· P I ...<br />

..<br />

L () 1 ::r.t.\UlA(1L r.U 1\lrtHL r.t.1.lA M.lllt-L 1\ot\L t\ L Ill<br />

" p "'"" 0<br />

,. p<br />

f\Ut-r.lllOQUrtt t-IH·Gr.1rtllllll II~ ... It I 1\lllltLM.<br />

::r. t.lf\Ut.O U1llM.ttf\ llllt.L n f.ltllW. li.Ltrtr..r.ll<br />

,. 'r ,.. .. F' I·,. ....<br />

r. ur. u M.t-a rt 1n. ~ur.n t- r.un nmR.nL u ~r.lll!lt.-1.<br />

,.. li' ':1 F'" ,.. ....<br />

rtrurtHLr. t.1.L lt-~U 11 M.Utl ~1lArtL Ill<br />

,.., I 111 I l"<br />

"~ 11t\ ttllt. t Lf\f.lllD M()f.1L JJ<br />

.. ':1 ........ p 0<br />

r ~ L llA 1 flllll r.Lt\ ::r. M U11L rt1L 11.1 llllll RL.r.<br />

f' I I tl • ...<br />

r.Ut-rtt- nn tlllttltUt-Uillll~LG~.r.M t-.r.ttr.U<br />

.. ,. I ' ., p .. I ':1 "<br />

..<br />

Ill lllr.L rt:: r. t.H llof\ Jlt.U lAit U UU Q Ill rt H Lr.t.-1.<br />

p ,.. .. 0 '!" ,.,<br />

flNLrt r. n lllllll l.l Q Ut-ltH t\ L Q It U 1\lrtHL.r.M<br />

p p .. ~,. I f'<br />

1\llll.tltl. ::r.M. tl. Lll!J llA 1 t-IlL rt f\~U H 11t. ~ 11<br />

p ,. ,. I tl<br />

r.t.ya:;r.t.mL llJJt.lA 1n 1 H nt. ~11 (runu<br />

.. I' "'• t1 p<br />

·LM.:: r. t.-I.GU) fuRt::tM.ItlllJ.1llA1t'llf\1 H11<br />

11- .. ,. 111,<br />

rtn JJ:: .r. 1.1. n L u u<br />

.. "<br />

( r.t. u a:: u .t au) u L tt t. u<br />

"' ,.. ,..<br />

llA 1 t-lltt ()~ t Ill .r.t- ll.t1t-ll U1::lllrtLbl::U 11<br />

lllr.L\Il!. l r.liRL f.ll\ t-Q.tt.Lni!Lnr.Urtt-IU<br />

" ,. " I• '\"'<br />

n.M.urtLlllnl Hnnnt.lA1::r.~db~~o1 .tlAM.f\1<br />

I '~ , I . .. p<br />

- Ulllo Lr. tU ::r.tA f\ U 1\lllL.r. LT\ rtr.r.ll::r.t.-l.t- M.H<br />

• ... ,. p ,..<br />

rtlAL~l1L UUlll ti.H 1 rttU f\Ur. tt-L llGM.t.n.11::()<br />

l f P I :t ... P I<br />

t- ~ 11t-Q~Lllot-llof\UrtG.r.Ht.t lLIWilU1 "Rt-H<br />

tl .. ,. tl tl~ I p<br />

rtr.n, nL.tlArt1 Urt~QtHt-~11t-GlALllot-llo<br />

I lip I 11' t1 "'<br />

f\UlllU1::()::1! 11 llUMtt Qf.H Lllot-li.Ulf.LU<br />

,. l" t1 I 1 Ji> t1 .. tl<br />

rtLt.t-llt.LI!Urtt uum m.r.tArt1 r.1 Hna<br />

,.. I • I I ~p t1 I "' 1\ I<br />

Q f.HL llot-li.L JJ 1 t- ~L lt-lllll rtll::Mt L llot-11.<br />

II' tl '" ';l I \> ll "tl ..<br />

LJ,11t'~J Lt.LU RNlrtf.f\M.ll1.111lQQOtUU<br />

to" I o "p tl tl<br />

M.liiUML llot-li.LJ.11N1 ntt.lA 1rtUl::r.nt-QI!U<br />

" " .. ,., I. I"<br />

t-Gt6lll rtNtl Ulllf\LI!l1M.1 Lr.::~t-llUtUQQ<br />

II ... ,.. 'f" I ~ o ,.<br />

(Ill IlL t L t\ ::r.t.1. ~~ llA 1M. f\1 ::()t-U) f\tl llA1<br />

p F'<br />

::r.M.Ib 11.1 1\lllL.r. L M.rt t r.ll:: r. t.1.U GQilt.~ ll.t.-1.<br />

.. p " ,.. ..<br />

rtr.1 t-M.HHllllAli9LHrt t-1\.HHli!Lf\f.UM.<br />

't ,... ~ .. ,..<br />

Q~ Hl ell t-,.M.Ht'tlUU~IlLtt~LHrtfl,.UULf\<br />

f.Uti.MJ.lf.Hlrtt-LlA rtlllt-LI\ol1!11LrtLU1191 t-~<br />

tl tl tl I tl"' ,.<br />

r.t.ua::r.tULlA.Ill4.UM.f\ 1t' Ito ttUf\UJJt-~11<br />

... .. .. F' y .. ,. ..<br />

f\Ut.LI\o.IJII.1 lA ll\1 ll191t1.Gl1.rtlAI\lrtlllf.t.1.t-Qn.<br />

.. '""-,."It ....... p<br />

rtll M.liiUf\ Ut-r.lll Ultl r.::n t-lll11.t LU (Lr.::(\<br />

-...-... ,. Ptr o J .. I o<br />

f\Gr.) ttL~M.lf\GI\oUL()IlQHt-~11 JJf\Ut.LI\o<br />

" ... ,. ,..<br />

llLn::r.LHrtQU n'tn::.r. ttf\1::()Lt.()1 Ll\o1tt<br />

""'li>" "J:' I -tl"<br />

.. nt a.r., Lt.LU "tl.llot-QJ.lt.Ln.t-~1Hl.1 Gr.<br />

~ I o ';l Ill<br />

UGU "P Ht.Uttl19t.1.1~LULH t-t\Hlt.Ht.U<br />

" " " 'i" "<br />

Lt. 10 llll (Lr.::~ttfl1::Mt.()~LI\o1) LrtM.Lr.<br />

" o J:' I t1 tltl<br />

UU~ tt"ttflllllA\ ~LHrtf\UIJ.Lf\tUttrtlll~<br />

" F' ~ .. "' "<br />

rtt.r.L 1\o llll MilL I!Ht-Q rt1 ttl fllll ~JN lArtllML lA<br />

I " II 1t " II .. ... ... 0<br />

f.LU Ll~1 ()~LI\o1::()Gt.1. lALIA1LQ1 l.. f\ltt-G~<br />

I tl 1\ t1 '!' I t1<br />

t'() Ulll() t L 1\olt\LGt\L M.L liltt ~ 1\llllr.L M.::r.t.1.<br />

\> ~ I o p<br />

nut.n U1.1lMttn 1ttll.tAGII. rlllll.U a::u.uuc-a<br />

.. 't ,..... F' _..... ... p ..<br />

rt Lltllll1 L ~ f.lll.llt.1.L lA 1\lllL.r. L tt rt t r.ll:: r.t.1.<br />

"' ........ 0 p<br />

H~ GUI\lrtHLr.t.1.Jlt.1.t-lllUWttlttlbln1 Gill<br />

tl II'P ,... ... 1 o 1·1\ 1<br />

.<br />

Urt llf\GUt'Grtf\1rt~ttM11 L () 1::r.t.1.<br />

.P'" p F',.l"<br />

0~1 UUUII.Lr.::r.t.1.1llt.ll::U11 Lt\JJLUt-LlA<br />

llt.U lAUL()UQt\ r.t ::Gt-t.UHM.Lt-LlAt-Qlllrtt,<br />

~.. o r'l o " a<br />

1\lrtHLf.IAL t.rtLW~tlJ. UlrtUQ l.. t\Gr.t ::a<br />

f' I • P It '<br />

::u 11 rurtHL r. t.1.1llr. R lA:: r. ~r. (jRLf.rtLHtiU<br />

p " "<br />

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tl tl.. I ... ,. I Ji><br />

~1llAf.tiRLr.t-LilQ~t.~HM.Lt-LlAt-GliiNlll~l<br />

"':' I o tS I i\<br />

fllrtHL r. f.1.L ~r. r. flU 11 RU 1M lllA llt\ L lAII.L r. ::r. 1.1.<br />

p I bb b •<br />

.tt.U a::r. M. 1\llllr. L tt:: r. t.t I \L llUllA 1 L R U r. t- r. L f\<br />

.. p ,. 0<br />

nr.mJJ (Lttf.1) 1\~lAttLIAII.Lr.::r.t.-1. tl.U<br />

,. o I 1\ '"l"<br />

OOIZI ' ::r.t.1.LI\o Ult.1.ttf\1H1 ttUM.LlAII.Lr.<br />

tl.LlAII.Lt ::r. t.1. "rt M.rtllortULGf.U ~U Uf.lAttr.M.<br />

... "' .. p ..<br />

f.lAN.f\ 1Ulli.Lr. r.J...l::r.t.-1. ttf\1 llU1 LUf.Ut'~ 11M<br />

p ,. " F' ... ,..<br />

H1 LRUlltlllf.r.U~UUlAt 11\llllf.Lttrtr..tll.<br />

,.- " .. ,.. ..... p<br />

::r.M ttf\11\llllr.LM.rtr.r.Jl~~111JHl t-lll::\!11<br />

" p;> tllo:t<br />

..<br />

"L fu ttG L ll l1 nG r. Ut- tU L () 1 ::tt.U t.!JUL.r.~<br />

p tl I<br />

ttt-Q1LtAnt nr.Gf\ol.I.UlAnLtULUrtllll t-Glttrt<br />

It 0 1·,,. 'I" o 1<br />

r.t.ua::tM. t-lllllrtH::()t-U ,, lltlt.H 1rt<br />

" .. " 1.- PP<br />

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" P "P'f> "<br />

rtrttr.t.ua::r.t.1.rtLttuaau ~1 l..alllmttLlll<br />

f-oi :l '-" P ,. L, I o<br />

tt ~ :: u 11 nt.~r.t.ua::.r.t.1.~tt.IA 1rt.r.unt-am<br />

" '"" . ~ ....<br />

lALlt-~J.111tt , LrtLI\o1U~Uli.Lr.::r.u. llLlllf\f.<br />

'!' I " < tl<br />

-t.lA 1f.t.UG::.r.t.1. 1\llllf.LM.::t t.1.19111lllll.tUM.<br />

... p I<br />

t-Qft1LIA~1 LG1f\r.Lrtll\o11l~ t\UrtQf.t;\1911<br />

•o"-,. "" ,. II-.<br />

r. LU rtr.U t-li!H::r. t.\ lllf.ll\11. QM.f\1 rtUtti!U<br />

" .. ,. ~<br />

rtllr.rt ell" M.G~ILt.UlAf\Lr.U Lllli.DGf.U<br />

~ I ...<br />

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t-.r.UL rtll U1LU .t.Ut-~ ml::U 11 1\lllL.tL ttrttr.ll<br />

"' ... ;><br />

t-~mJW tUt1.Lil::r.t.1.L()1 t-Q1n1 LlAt'Qlll<br />

II • tC 1·L1 o IS<br />

.tUt\t-Qrtlt-LlA llt.1.ttlArt1 Lrt ~()rtiJ.rtiW<br />

• !;- ,.,. ,. I 11 ,. li'<br />

ftllr.rt ell" tl.Q ~1LrtUGGLRUlLil::r.t.1.L()1<br />

~ . "<br />

t-ttUf\LrtQlll f\UlAII.Lr.rtt.r.llr.Ur.lmt-Gft1<br />

,... 1\>o I II- ,.. li><br />

LrtUGGLRUl Lll::r.M.L M ell" ttQ~1Nl V.UV.<br />

" ,... "'<br />

M.l '"" o "<br />

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,. ... ...... " " " " .. ':1<br />

- .r.ut- .r.uL 1)1:: r. M.t-a r.1 rt n 1 ~t GlllM.Glll<br />

,.. tl )t J:' I<br />

r.t t-LilGttf\llt<br />

~ I f? I<br />

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b p .. ,. 0<br />

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li' • • It<br />

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I ~ t1 ... I ... '!"I .....<br />

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.. 0 /l"';ltl ... " ""<br />

rtLJJt-lAL()1<br />

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J:' I y ~<br />

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J:'P I I p 1> I o

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"<br />

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lt;.tl\11 &t'LlA. Cl:l M.0~10.tH Cl:l IA.M.Q~1ttf1 1<br />

... .. ,. ,. 't .~ ll"<br />

JJLrt::tt:~LrtLC.M.Q~1Qil.Url.t1 ° \( "' '!" I I"<br />

nGR.ull::tt:. L rtt.L ~ rt ~u m rJ.tiA.M. &r:-c.~ ·n<br />

'"(' ' I 1(' ,.<br />

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bllm .t J.!H IA.f\ t;L ~ UrtM.Q~1C.L.t M. 1<br />

Ubi blU~IA.M.&t'LIA. rli\Q~1Q.tH Cit IA.M.Q~ 1<br />

.. .. 'I" ,.. "' 'I" "'<br />

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I? I "'\l'"' '!-1"'<br />

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'" fJ I I (' '"<br />

.<br />

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t'LIA.rtt;LtM.llMQ~1C.L.tlt1 Ubi blt;.tiA.M.{)<br />

t'LIA. rlLGM.Q ~ l Q.tH • IA.M.0~1ttl11 Ulrt<br />

iC "' ,. 'I" ... P'<br />

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.... I""'~'"',. 11-P''"<br />

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fJ ,.. , I I p ,.<br />

b\Url tJJHIA.M.rlLU l\UU,.U1.Q~1C.L.t M. 1 Ubi<br />

-. .., ..., tt- II<br />

lt\UtiA.Il {)HIA. ~Cil t\0~1Q.tl~ CljCIIIA.M.Q~1ttl11<br />

... .. ,. II- 'I" II- I"<br />

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"' '" I !r ~ I> '!" I ):"<br />

M. GR.UU LU bllll U C.L ~ rt ~U ltLH .tiA.M.{)t-C.l!l • P<br />

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... .... ,. "<br />

ll)U.tiA.tt{)HIA. CiiCil I\Q~1Q.tH CIICII(A.t1.0~1ttl11<br />

... ... ,. "' 'I" ·"' "'<br />

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f\M.M. OCII 1\0~1 bll,,rl~J.lt'LIA.M.rllrli\UI\Q191<br />

.. It II- ... ... .. "'<br />

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.... .. "' ,.<br />

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,. 11-P' ·"' ..<br />

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I 11- \l' ,P. , '!- I ,. '" p<br />

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,. " I 'P ,.<br />

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"" Q. .... .,. It<br />

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.... .. II- "' 'I" ... P'<br />

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0 I 11- t I> '!" I ):"<br />

no r-tull::m c.L 1.1u 19 rt i!urtL N .tJAM. &r:-t~ •.,.,<br />

"'P 1 ap ,. "<br />

blljfl.tJJt'LIA.<br />

... ...<br />

rtUL!iU.tUf\Q~1tL.tft1 Ulll blU.tiA.t\1\HIA.<br />

"" It .... ,.<br />

P MQI91G.tH P IA.t\01911\f\1 JJLrt161LR.LQ<br />

,. ,. ,. 1.- ,P'<br />

LlM.Ql!llQII.Url.t1 °c.t IA.rtUUI\f11MQ R.UU<br />

I !;- It ,1> , '!" I p:o ,. ('<br />

-::lU\LJ.l '.U.~f1C.L~rtUU rtlll tiA.M.&I:'ll9 ''P<br />

" I " I p ,.<br />

-. ~ .. ,.. ..<br />

bll.!.t1A.f1()t-LIA. ~ M.Q~1GtH ~ IA.t\Ql91M.f11<br />

..... "'"' '!-II>P'<br />

JJLrtJR.II.1Llrt0~1QII.Url.t1 P• IA.rtUUttf11<br />

I "' Y, "' 'I" I I"<br />

M.O R.UUJA.II.lt.L~rtUUM.LH.tiA.M.&t'C.I9 'Cl:l<br />

'" (' I I (' '"<br />

blUnt i1r:-LIA.rtt;LllR.lnuta 191ll.t n L Ulll<br />

... ... ,.<br />

b\lj.tiA.M,t'LIA. 0. M.OI91Q.tH 0. IA.M.Q~1M.f11<br />

... .. ,. ,. ,. ·"' P'<br />

Ylrtii.LJJl LC.M.0~1QII.Url.t1 O. I" I li>ll II'<br />

t'JI. blt;rl.t J.lt'LIA.Mrll A.rtlM.Q 191 C.L.t M L Ulll<br />

... ... ... ,.<br />

llll,,.tiA.M.()t'LIA. 71 M.Gl!l1QtH 71 IA.M.Q~lt\111<br />

... .. ,. ,. 'I" "' I"<br />

JJLrt.tlllMC.M.G~1GII.Url.t1 'P• 1A.rtUUM.f11<br />

... I Ito t , "' ?' I ):"<br />

M.Q RU lH b) UL~ rt I.W M.LtHIA. M.() t' l ~ 'Cil<br />

'" p "' I I (' ,.<br />

111:' 19f119L UM.f11::& U blt;.tiA. 11 &rtllllQ U<br />

....... P' ,.... .. "'<br />

Lll rti~Lf1MR.M.I11 (M.rlLR.rt1) R.rt1UL.tY<br />

iC I II- 1l ):" p. I<br />

M.II.UrlrlbliA.LG::.tU.LQ1QUL.t 1 C.U11Lrtlli.W<br />

1l p.. •"" IC , I<br />

IA.rtl bll l rlll9tllljfl.t JJLHL llo1ftUl M.Q M.Mc.t.~<br />

't I IC"" "' iC ,. ,.<br />

::&b\11 M.UGU::&b\11 tU11 U rtM.blM.f1119L<br />

I '",.I iC P,..IC I"<br />

rt UULG119M.HLU::&Lrt IUL.t ltlb\11 blt;.tiA.M (!,<br />

I o I -.. ,.<br />

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LtUrl.tlttt't1Hf11tf11f1M.M.QI91 Cii\Cil 11f11rtUU<br />

I ,.._\"II-):"': J.- I? I<br />

czt' "'<br />

M.f11f1M. M.t oCI:l ::Urt1.wn1 R.UUtLI9tllt1<br />

I" .. .. I I " 'P I<br />

.tiA.fl{)t't 19rtt.t tU11tli.Wt-~lbM 11'\tQt;<br />

P'" iC I'"P'"II><br />

Lt; JICII M.llot'llM.{)r~t-M.Hlt;MIIobl11t'lllM.IIo<br />

t ~ ... ... t 1l 1 ~ ~<br />

t'LII.M.I11ftt1t'()tl.l11 M.lJICil uartrt.t11t'LIIo<br />

iC P' 't ..... .. ,.. ~ iC<br />

M.f11f111 n1 MGUI.l1U.t1A.M.{)::U.1.M.M.UL{)QIIl<br />

P' .. I'l-l \l' PP .. ~ I<br />

ll,, JICII M.lloltUrlt1l.t11A.f1Ut'tbl lb,.1.1M.t<br />

t ~~ "' '!"'" p ..<br />

LtUrl.tliA.QU t'I\Ht1tM.Lt'tl9rtlll119l MH1<br />

I "''1"11> t' '", P/C~P<br />

M.LMt&t;l tlnt&::.tMIA. rtUU czte rtM. ~~~~I:' lA.<br />

I P'" 'tl ,.. .. ~<br />

A.UUtLI9rtUUM.1 19t.t1 · ~r~~ (1A11.t1A.ll.tllla)<br />

p I I.,.. ,.<br />

1A.f1::1AIA.. u::tllltlla · o.e~t (1A.f1.t1A.,.Ut.t~)<br />

IA.fl::IA.IA.llMMn '71"1 (UR.lllllU)::II.UllblJ.l<br />

,. .. .... ,.<br />

' 'PIZI (LJR.ttll) ::Jl'Jnll ' 10 1Zl (::rut.tU)<br />

... ...<br />

::rutLJJ ' "1"1 (161LR.L.tblG) ::H.t.tLJJL.tblG<br />

' Cii!ZI (161LR.Lt.t ~) ::H.t.U JJW.i.n '"lEI ::u~<br />

' ll.e ::JR.A.1 ·pe ::II.L.tttQ ' I!DCil<br />

... .... ...<br />

::lllllH 'Cl:l\lP<br />

bit; n.t u n u rtl n,.t u.1. ::ru R.U u rtbll.l.tiA.tt M t<br />

~ IQ. ,. :'t ,. ,. ,. J.llo'- ,. I<br />

Url.t 1 M..tiA. t\&t'l19 t'OII.Ut;llll R.U Ull~L t<br />

"'ltP .. ,.. ... ? I<br />

Url.t Htl.tt' Jl.t' M.HU tt~UQ~ t'L blll19t\L~W19l<br />

"' ... \" ,.. , I I<br />

rtQUt-tt~l11 uu l no.t ttn tm rtHt- 11o .tiA.M. &<br />

r ,.. ... P ..<br />

,..... ~<br />

t'l19t'GIIo.t()t;llltrtLIIlGll Qt; M.UM.GrtH1<br />

,.<br />

.. ~<br />

M •.t.trtl19Uitlbl11lrtM.UQlliA. ftHV\1\n..tLU<br />

p o ... I ,. II' 'r I ,.. t;<br />

Q.tH~ftl.tUI:' l.ltti1119M.HL U lllt blM.L.tUt'J.l<br />

~p I? • iCp<br />

t\rllGQ.tHM.rllrtH1 LtUrl.t11A. (UJO:>pde<br />

,. ~ ,. I ,..,.<br />

JO :l!dOJ.L) .tUt-rtUL.tbllllJ.LIIo11lbliA.LG::.tli.<br />

.. 1- ... iC p ....<br />

Qt; t'M.HitliWalbtSL J.lb\1 19~1:-llUttiA.<br />

II> ... "' ,. o IS, It Sop \l ,..<br />

... ... ,., ..<br />

blllO.tl.lrtlblGllM.~L.tUU<br />

Cit t-IA.Llrtltt;rtt.tb\11 1\Ut-l!::&rlQt;<br />

'J I I lllo ,. I<br />

rt1 L.tlbl t\11191 II.LtUIJlliA.I.~Ilt\1 rt.t1::&bl11<br />

I 1., o I It ,. ""' ~ t' 1<br />

II.L.tUULHft Url.t1rl1A1 (bltR.tblM.Ul)<br />

''<br />

,. , ,. ~<br />

,..,..,.<br />

nnLR. rt1 n a 19m L rtH L rttt II.II.L .t u u r:- Ill r:-<br />

"' I 1\- \; ,. ~ $><br />

::M.H.LtU.LUL&1::.tt.1. b\1 rli911\QitlU11t'G.tt;<br />

... iC iC ~ ,.. ... iC<br />

rl.t blR.U:: 1\H Lt ULUL () 1::.t ltM. 11rtl .tUt' JJL<br />

,.... .. ... iC iC •<br />

OllliA.Lrt.tutL&1::.tmrtatll rtt;LI!~ttGI91M. L<br />

p ... "' iC I !i-<br />

UR.llflll.l.tltf.\liA (ll).trlUTrtl.t) rtL.t::tM.Ll<br />

"' 1- ... o ~ ~ I<br />

Gllrll9l rtH1 f1tt111 (blt.RtiA..tLU) rt"LUbl<br />

"' I .. ,.. ):" ,. ""<br />

M.GI91Q ll19l ( t;t-QrlLUH rtnllllA l rt.t U tO II.)<br />

,.. "'" , p ,..p ... ... It<br />

rlbliA.Lrt.tU tO II. t' M.H 1,1 t' Q t\19 1\IJ 11L &1::.tl.\rt<br />

p ... ... t ~ p, ... I /C "' ,<br />

::tULrtM.W11 t'G.t llblrtt;Ut-lii.L .trl rtl2 L tt' MH<br />

iC ? .P .. I \"<br />

ttGtllLG 1Lt;1f1&::& t-\ M.IA.M. L rtH L nnn mn.<br />

iC ,. l>ll '1" I ,.. J!» t;<br />

II.L.t UU t-Ill::& U rt U ()LM. L Q rt ltl1 Ut' Q n .t ll)R.U<br />

,.~ ,.'"P, •~>"P ?"''"<br />

QU rlGM.HrlQ ~ t'rlM.Ut'rl11::&UQQ.tllllJ.LU<br />

II' I I I ,. iC , p<br />

-Ill t::.t r M.rtH ~ f1M. f11 L lQ lliA.I9 () t U.11L rt<br />

- \l 1 II- J:" I ll''r' , iC ,<br />

rtH 1 f1t\ll)ttf11llM.UQllrli,,1~{)::U.IIl11 19\S Cl:l<br />

I It 1\- jC I? I '" !i- I ,<br />

t'IA. R.rt11JL .tbllllll II. 1 rlbliA.LO::.t m Jl.t' t\1\~()<br />

~ ,.. .. iCP"' 'i"t'<br />

UG bllRlblM.J.lt LlUil.t11A.I9~t-llrt1 n~rtUU<br />

"' ,. "' ,. I I'> 'I" "' ~ t; ,.<br />

M.t::&U 1\UL() tUt'ft UL.tbllll.llllo1rlbliA.LQ<br />

PJl '" ,.. "' iC P "'<br />

::.t M. t-JI.t'tHU~ ~tlrlltU R.UIA.LlUrl .t 111.~ l\r:- lll rt<br />

\" \" : '",. I ~ '!" $><br />

t\Q U.tj1 t\111 rlUIIlUL.tlllUJJLIIo11lbliA.LG::.tMt' Jl.<br />

l,i> iC p ,.. ... iC p ... 'i"<br />

t-M.H19~bllRtiA..tLULturl.t11A. Qt; lbl.lll.l~(i,<br />

\" ,. ... I ~,.. I? ,. o<br />

M.rtlltn M.LrttUL.tl1llll11 lllLt-LII.UJI. 19(i, 10<br />

1?1'", I iC iCI><br />

lL UUt-19~ () 'P llbliA.LO::.tr . ~t-GIIo.t&L~llll<br />

I ,. p "' !'>"'<br />

"~M.L.tUt' JJLHrt,<br />

Url.t 111.~ l\R.rt1UL.tl 11.1<br />

~ ll ,.. iC<br />

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LtlbrtLJ.lLA.Lllt'L rlQ<br />

I ,. I<br />

XOU!Ob3 (I~UJ;)<br />

Llt'.tlllll "blC.R.tblM.J.lt, LtUil.t1t'~U~<br />

i~ o ,.._,. It=-~<br />

M.lUQ 19Q,,UlULIA.1ttt;t'LUUf1UMlt'LUU<br />

,.~,.. ,., R' ,.,.

pr»<br />

L~IU~LI.HUC.LU~Il1ftf1.1t1.1lQ 1\tULt[ll rlltiL\<br />

'!' ,. o p ll" It ,. • ,. L1p .,.<br />

- LG :;c. H lllt\L C.U 1:' ~ ftl Ill U 11 Ulltlt:; t M. rll tll<br />

?<br />

Q J.ll:' 1\Hitl Qllf.U lA t\lrti\L tt.\::U 11 C.UI:' rt<br />

Jr ,. I F-'"" 0 p ,.<br />

11Ltlllolt\~UtrlQC.1 ell• tlGI"' il ~ It il<br />

~Ul 1 Uli\11 Ulf1..trllko1tUrttlUt\L GllGftH 1U Lrl<br />

PI I" I !?<br />

~ 1 L ll.Htl t~GIIort lttllltl lllftlllll lA.lA!I.M<br />

0 0<br />

"" ""'ll 't,....<br />

IJ11t\ltrlt1 L[l.tlll!lf.\<br />

.. ';I "' "' ......<br />

~.t 1L ll fl ttl\ 1 t\lrll.tl t\::.t t.\U 11L rtl lllo 1rlltll<br />

p o<br />

? I I 1C<br />

1<br />

RL.tC.Ut'ftt'rlflt lllltltUI:'l.lrlllllALG::.tM.I:'t<br />

~ "',. ,.<br />

1 P "' p b I<br />

t\.tt; tAft t.l.trlA.U 1U l (\.ttlA 1 t\l!ll .tU\1:-l.lltL G<br />

';I 1- ? ... 0<br />

t\lllUt\lftllL.t f.t::U 11 RI:'Urt .t fl. I!\ ll JJG l.l<br />

'tP "' p .,. !?<br />

1:-t\llt\L Gllltrtl tAt\ Ill U t\lftlll .t 1.1. t\lrll.tl t\<br />

'" I o 't? p<br />

-::tWtlllUtlA. 1Lrtf1.UUt\ HU L~ .ttUG::U.~<br />

,. ';I ...<br />

t\LllUtlA. 1(1 ~ t U 11 t\lrll tUt::.t I.Ul LllU tV. 1<br />

.. " p •<br />

t'rl[ll ll11[lC.tlA.11bllt1 l:'t\HftlAL~LUt11:'ll<br />

,. L,l \, ,.. I f "' ~<br />

RNHt.tf1.Htl1.11 rlGG rltUUt\1!\UI':lllltl:'llt<br />

? .. " .. " " ...<br />

LI.'1NJ fl ttlA 1rtUp.t[lt'G.tl!1rtll11LIJt 1<br />

~ ~ ,.I<br />

Hllti:'GJ.ll:'~ 11 Utlllo l.ll ~ rlLn.::c. ftt\L ~f.1. 1 ~L t;<br />

';I "' 1- " ,..,.<br />

(L.t::[lltf1.1:;~HH1) Lrtlll.tU~fl t'f.l<br />

0 I? p " " ..<br />

1:' t\IU.~U.C.Ilrt rt ( t\lrll.tl tl::.t f.tn .ttl n.1:;~ 1:'~<br />

,. ,. ,. p I' ll"<br />

fl .ttlA. 1 t\lrll.tl t\::U.lf1.UtrlU1 !l!M\fl.lrlltl[l<br />

p ,. .. ,. .... ... ll"<br />

!l.f.t) .trlL~1t\lrtJ.ll ~~Ul[l.ttlA 1::.c. tAfulltllL~<br />

...... ,.. p ... "<br />

~~ Grtl "Ill ~ll\.tl! rlli\L(.LG::tMLUI:'Gftlli\<br />

"~t "~';I p ....<br />

(rlLtLITtl!)) rltt LIT.C.Ii)!I.I.\LIItfl.Lt\lA.UlA.LlA.<br />

,.~ ' , .. J# ,.,... '"" ,. 0<br />

ronL .t L t\ rtr..c.!l. ::.c.1.1. L t u c. 11 t-t~rt n.m!l.t.Lt- u<br />

p I ';I II' ~!> ... So<br />

tl UUt\Lt\LitiH 1 1:-Glt\ULLU~~I:' ~lltl.trt.t.c.!l<br />

& ·" ,..,.~<br />

- C.UC.t;llt'Grt11:'LLHU11i\111:'1ll .tLU~ ~Lft<br />

I" li' ';I I ';I 10<br />

LR.Ullrl::.ti.\L ~11l1G.tt-Gii)lltrl~l 1:-Glt\Ull\<br />

""" ,.,1 ,..<br />

~~w t\ ll !l.t.\ L Ll..tL u t\tll ron IlL tl.tUtM.U11<br />

10/(lt';ll"'- o 1p I<br />

~ t'LillllL~l.lll~::un '11.\lltLC.::.tMLLmtiiLJ.l<br />

I \,o. -../1 ... ~ _. o ,. 0<br />

t\l! oo~ ::ti.\LIIo::U11Lll.f1.1:'GC.l!1rltl!lftGtl.1.<br />

.. " .. ~ " "<br />

n.ttL\.1 c.tu G:: .t l.t n.u n .ttlA.1 t\lrll.t L t\ ::.tt.t<br />

,.. b ,. ,.. i'<br />

~tlA.I:'G.tlWtllA.IItL.t::tf.Lt~11 Urlt-G.tt;lltllA.<br />

~ .. It<br />

-lltL.t::.tl\l• tlA.t\f1.1ll1,11tl.t.tU::.tl.\t\f1.11:'t\ll<br />

? ,.. r:> t'<br />

Ht;U G Lo t\lrll.tlllft.t.t!l.::tf.lt\f1.11:'11Ht\~Lt-J1<br />

1"? ~'!"!" "<br />

[11 Lllo1lAt\lrtHL.C.f.\Lt\HtlU\~I:'Ii)l:'.tL\I:'~ .tLU<br />

"'" '!-?. " ,. " , ...<br />

t\lA rtf Lrt rlU.t I:' Gill U rtG .C. 11:-L lA t\ ~1 .t L U 1!)11<br />

,.,~ tl"' lf' \... I<br />

!1 ML L\L t\1\tHit f\1 Lrt L RU l Lrl:: .tM.L~1 1\~<br />

~.o"•"' ""<br />

Lrl!l. rlG.tYHU L ~ LrtG~ItGI!llltL.trt.t.t!l.<br />

I" /l I<br />

-.C.U.t l! t\ 1:' G rt 1t\lftHL .C.f.1. t\ L t\L li)t\ 1<br />

"' ? ,. "'<br />

n. L t; rl 11. G t\ll rt ::.t fl lA. " rtl!L.C.Urt t\G~1 tl .C. t\ll ft::.t[lllll!rl .C. lli:'LV.fl. t\<br />

,.. b ~ ,.<br />

pa 1::U.1. ,.. p 0 "<br />

tt t\lftHL.ti . ~I:'GIIolblJL Ut\tt\f1.1f1. t\rlt\G ~1<br />

,. 0 ,. I'!" 11;'!' LG ~1 '""" li\~.tL\.t\~1:-L -.. ,. n.u<br />

,.<br />

.C.LU tl.a11tl ~UI:' ~HUL ~rtG~H lt\UI\GUt;1<br />

10 10<br />

ll I i ~ '" Y<br />

~LI.l ~ .tLU\~:; .t 1.\f\U rlltllUG ::.tl \ 1:-GIIo C.~ t;l<br />

p ,. ,. p ...<br />

llt::L.tf.\11\I:'L~ (rt~LtUrti\G~1t\lLrt::.t[l)<br />

~... 'Ill, ,..<br />

rlt\G~1f1.Lt;rlLGt\G~1t\fL1Ut\t ~~ [11<br />

'!' " .. "PP'" "'<br />

fl.t\1.111 (rt~Ltt\lli\G~1t\llrt::c.n) (lLGitG~1<br />

,. ,. li- I' " !?<br />

fl.W al\ 11 tlG~111f1.1U !I.LULrtl!).t.C.Ut\f\1<br />

" p p ... I'!"<br />

Ht Pill IT1 Lt.!~<br />

,.<br />

rt.t 111ltli)11f1.1t LtlAW<br />

,.~, ,., ,., .,.0<br />

::u.mrn~l "un.Gu::.c. n lll~.tv. n ~t-L tA.::u 11<br />

,.. I." ,.<br />

l!lt;rl C.lli:'LlA.I:'lA.G ll alb l!L J.l!I.ML trtLWrtt.C.<br />

... .,. ';I II- 11; 10 o !>"' I<br />

1:'Glt\t\t~11Lrttl~U~ll:'~lllt;.C.lA.t\MLL\. ell•<br />

',Jtl '"~': ... ,.<br />

t\G~Ifl.UHI!lU li)l!rl.C.JJI:'Ll1. ~ lA.UL.tl\lll<br />

.... ,. p ... ... .... ,. p<br />

(llrlLU~Ullf.t) U~f.tUL.t U~f.\UL.C.Nl<br />

... ...b ~ u t.>b ~ ~<br />

li\t\LC.UI:'llrl~lA.LG::tf.1. LttA.::Il11 LUii\::U<br />

? ? .. " 1,. ..<br />

tL~fl.U~IllRUUtL~ft ~Ut\fl.ltt t\ t\Htl<br />

,. "'? I f:" ';I ~~...... U<br />

Gilt (l.llftuli\I!)U) ell• t\G~1GlJt\l\ LU<br />

.. ,. "',.., "<br />

-lll::U, GllttA.t\lUlt\f\1 , R.UUt\1\.tlLUii\::U<br />

.,. !tP I'!" 'p ,_.., ""<br />

KUU~lt't\I\L~rt.C.11 a~~• t\G~1 l~t\HLU<br />

? .. ~t' ' ,.... 0<br />

G l! u ~ H n n. lbW .tv. n ~ H Lt G u n "l n rt l.l<br />

,.,. II'"' ,. t,.ll,.<br />

t\ ~ t\lrtHLtf.U tltH1::~ 1\C.LUHI Wrtllll<br />

? 1f lr ""0<br />

"t\tuL-I.ITI rlli\lALG::.tf.~lllt\LC.UI:'I.l<br />

• ,. I' lop "' p<br />

rtlli) UUUIItl.t ::.tl.trlltll.tMrllltl rltGG J.ll:'t\H<br />

~ "' ,.<br />

~<br />

1\LG t\lll 'P t\lrtHLtl.t::ll11 [l.tLtlA.1t\lrlltlt\<br />

I p p<br />

::.t I.\~11UGI!ll llo1Lrt1UI.1rlltll tl ( rlltl fl till<br />

I /l I /( /("' ~<br />

rlLtUrtrlC.I!)GL!) LITitrl.tli)1!1.1.\C.LUI:'tlttlll "N<br />

,. ,.. II- I. I> "'... I<br />

t\lrtllLC.I.tGI.\IItl\1 ::~11 1\t ~~~~ IT! f\1\!I.LJ.l<br />

p 1 ~/(It 10 1'1.1 10<br />

-Lffi!).C..C.UI\f\1 llt Pill [11 Lt.! Ill ft.t111ll11nt\<br />

b I? ,. 1.1 f I ,.<br />

" ,. ""' ,.. " ..<br />

H~::U11 t\LU\lA.1ftl ~\!~rlU1::1llftllllH~U~M<br />

~L.t 1:-ll 1 llltll tUI:' JJ rllllL\.LG::t f.\ R.U U t\lH<br />

,.. ... ? ? ... ? ,..<br />

·.ttLUii\::UR.UU~I l:'t\HLL!ftt11 Cit• t\Gl!)1<br />

... .. ? ""' '!- ~ "' ,<br />

L tUlA.n.L.C.U t\lfti\Ltf.~ 1!)1 tLU::.t[lt\fl. 1<br />

,. I p It j;'<br />

L Ll.[l tltu. 1t\lrll tL I\::U.Utrlll1 ft.t t!l.lll.tLM t<br />

o p I> I" I<br />

( Llftl~ t\lftHLC.I ~G .C.HlA. t; l ~Ibn. t\l rt 1\ L .t t.t)<br />

,.. ? " "P<br />

uu u ~ lbr\ 1 G 1.\ lltrt L u (t- G L\. GL ~ 1:: c. M)<br />

• • I ,. I tl<br />

Lrl!l. rlG .tUHU L ~ 1 ::.t Ut\Gii) lltL.trt.tC.ll.<br />

~ "<br />

-C.U.tl!t\I:'Grt1 t\lfti\L.tM ttLIH lllt\1<br />

1- "' p 0 "<br />

I\ t\lltl.trtt tll.tlHI;t\1:-G rt1<br />

, ,. ,..<br />

t\lrtHL.C.I.\t\LI1.Lilllt1 lJULtiTlA.t'~ lkt\lU1<br />

p • 0 ~ l''t,. ?<br />

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:;~rt11 t\ULILLf1.11:'LlA. '"1 t'lA.f1..t[l::U11UUH<br />

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t\fl. 111\l.!rl .tllG ll tli\UL Ultl~I:'L V.lb!I.L.C.[l<br />

r:> .. ... "' ? p<br />

Ut\LrtGI!l lllU.tlA.Il~l:'llAGllrlL\1 lllllltt'lA.rtt.c.<br />

,. ' ... • ,. fto L-.-... ~<br />

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Ulftt\llJl:.lflt\G~1Lt; "N• rt.t11ntt\1 llll!rl.C.ll<br />

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1> t\G~1Gtll 'P lA.t\G~lttf\1 Ulftt\lt;L!rl<br />

,.. "' 't "'·f:" ,.<br />

Lti\Gtj1GIItUrl.C.1 ell• lAft\!Ut\ll.11tG RUU<br />

I • !? l,i'. I> • '!- I J'!" 10 p<br />

roro t;l!rltlllli\GtL~rt ~u m~.tV.It ~t-t~ "Ill!!<br />

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l!l!;rlC.UI:'LlA.llt\M.LllrtUt\G~1tLC. t\, Ulll<br />

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'"aj -4 ~ u1n1'ti'l'!ll ~'lfl'l ::m1mn~ 1nin<br />

'ti'l'til'IJ\.1 ~ ""' LUUnl'lLU'ltJULYltJULlllJU~tJ .:1 "" "" " cJ" l~<br />

d I .. do; .,. ., cJ.,<br />

Lll\.111 vn::fll'Vl\JltJ Lfl~'lfltltJV1Yln"-l'ln~l<br />

lnnvJ L fllJfl<br />




. ~..... ...<br />

•<br />

~ B3/B llUU'U-aWUI-a (-;J\'IL\IJI\'1) n-J\'IL1iiW&J1.tlrJUA-J<br />

193/9 BORIPAT RD., BANGKOK<br />

ltu.<br />

TEL.<br />

21J404<br />

~ o I d I • ·~ •<br />

UL1.1iiU1\IIrJUUirJULA-aO\'IO:: lun-anUUUI La.JO-ariLIJii1- L'UUrl<br />

....<br />

SACHF<br />

u "<br />

MAHLE<br />

BOSCH<br />

I d ' .., C -<br />

L1.n::o::luntnu~nu-anuu~n1ilnduA<br />

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.-::. A .., All ..,<br />

u -an ~rJ -a -a -;1 ~;~1. -a 'J 111 u 11\1" n:: -a ~rJ A ~rJ 1. u u n u to \'1

u1m1m{uif, lu- mru,mmJmw,<br />

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mumtl1~rH!111f~tfmunmJ '7<br />

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~n~mfln U1ff~ O'}o tfmuntf1f1QJ<br />

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U1ff~U1!Jfltt JJIUiwn111ttff/JW UU1U<br />

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ummmOJfi~1~J um~'l-11tJ<br />

mlJ1JliFhlf'I1JJ/nflV7,7nu bet' Vm<br />

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ttf77 omfltJ lll'i!:?Ulillf/11ffn11<br />

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~~(]Utf1?1ou1~'n6ulf/o<br />

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LiUJM lUI Ltlaii=W~UU't"JD1U. nuuii~IJLiiU U ... GH~n n"JGLMWIJU~UA't<br />

.. .<br />

hn. 2817709 ~ 2810408 J 2827490<br />

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.. .. ~ ..<br />

tl1l'i'1111Vl\JilJD~ hnHII lun UlillJ11J "'10'lllfHIDlJ 1 \Jl101<br />

n ICnl pottery howing the n uve of ncient VIetnam

.... r!<br />

~ tJ't11il1tJ~UllJ<br />

··,;flfl:--rumm~ L~J1nflmu1-mmt Luwn"'Df111l.J~ fi1'\.nu~Jf111m1nri11CiJ mrn1L'tlfl't1DJ~111rn 1fll.Jlh:LYlfl<br />

,<br />

..<br />

tiUUlU<br />

.. un~1tiVI~J~1£JmL~J1 LLflnUDtl<br />

.. .. ,<br />

L ,j'lLLflUfl... JL~ t1 LLri'TnlJL uuLL~,r1~lt1Lflt11n"un"uLL~,r1LLflJ~L~ UJ!!<br />

,,m"'1 '1 Vl~~lUL~ t:JJ!llUfltl 'tu~ JY1:L~~D11fl<br />

~:u~ufiuLLflU ~~ ,<br />

Tnrn 1fll.JU 1 ::L Ylflfiflfl DY11JfllUfl::·rut:JDnflfl LLfl"l ... Ufl ... JL~ tl ~ JVIU~~t:Jfilu 1ULrl 1 '1 L 1<br />

,<br />

.. ... ot' ~... .. ... ot' .. ot' I .. ...<br />

Y11JY1flfl:1umm LLlJU 1LLflnu Ul.J 12l ~1tl t'l1£JVIUJ~ 1tlnLLlJU 1LLflnVIcnJ flDLLl.Ju 1LLflJfltiL VIUfl '1 Vl~lJ1"i1nLLf11U<br />

fllJLL~,r1fi 1VI1mL~~')Jfl~ 1fi LVI~lJ1~1nLLf11"'uu u u 1U~1ULLf11U~Ut'lflJ~ LYl<br />

... JL~tl<br />

tJnum"'u<br />

~l1u ~Jf111fll'llnm 1rmu1:L Ylflqpu ~Jf111fl11 ... UL 1 un U1fl (~lL~EJJLLfl~"l) u1n (~lL UtiJ~un~1J) L VIEJt:J:<br />

(~lLUtiJn"llJtlJ) LL~:Lltlfl (~1LU£JJqpu) fl ... 1D ... m;1~UDlUV1~1ti~1LUtiJ~ L;tluLYitJuLuuu"'mn hl.J"'u-)1 "vueh"<br />

,.<br />

~~L;tiULUut:J"n,;1LYlt111 "t11t1VI1D£JV~" i'l~L i'1LfltiL'WUVIlU1:L Ylfl£J1tl - tlfl~ ~lLLrJD~~ ... nVI~J tlfll.J1~ n1!11 ~flJ<br />

.. .. 'II ..<br />

111mJ;U 'tf1~ufl"·m"n,;111l.J... UL;t1Uf11ufin"uu"m;1;u ;JY111Ul lLUUn11D 1Ut:JflnL;E.JJ~m"j~1fl ~nn Yueh ~uu1u<br />

• 'II<br />

fl1fl-U1n 1 U11n!Jflll..l~Jf111fll'l;u1l L~D 1nfttiu~Y11ln1~ ,<br />

fiuLLflUU'l:LYlfl~U~l-i'tJ11'!f1J~~1VI1m-i'1LLflnLLtln<br />

.. .., ........... .,,.z.<br />

LUU QQ Llmu flfl LLf11Wn LLf11UL~ Vl'!fl~ LLf11ULDtiUVI1DLtiU<br />

..<br />

"""" ........... ..,.,u<br />

LLf11U~U LLf11U~VI1DLfltl1 LLmU!!U<br />

" I • + I .... ..i<br />

LLf11u,n LLfli'uJ<br />

,<br />

£JVI1u LV11. LLt11'uu1 LLf11uoi'fl LL~:LLf11uu1fl LL~1flt:Jl.J1L ~ Jflt:JJLL VI JLLm u~ uu11UU11l.J<br />

.... G1 '-~ ... &.#' ._ GJ &.#' .... &.#,; ... I a,.. ...<br />

1J1JLLf11U11lJLUUfllrn 1~n1Lfltl1nU LL~:U11UfllllL1;nLUU~n1~11fl~U Y11JU1lJ~'l:L~1,U"d!!t:JJLfl Ll.Jfl ~.fl. rn12Jlil<br />

~ ... ... ... ... ... .. ~ ... Gl .. ( ... 1 ... 1"' ...<br />

u,lUULUUl.JrnormL,LntiJ , flt:Jun~1JL1£Jnl.Jumfl Ul~UULUUl.JtU'Yl~!!mnEJu ,<br />

fl1Jt:Jt:Jn LU uYJ:L~lJLm:: flV11U<br />

V11flYlfl.fhJ"d1) LL~::flt:JU 1fi~1£JmLm"'uu 1Ufl1nVI1t:JUllJU1fl ( U 1lJLltlfl) n:l.J'l:l.Jlrn 'tlflUL 'tlfl'!f1t1Yl:L~111L~t:JJ<br />

"d.,1Lm u"uLDunu'tlt:JJ'!fl1LLfi~1 u~ 1ul.Jru"n~m1JfiJ~J 'tu~uu11fl<br />

.. ,<br />

... JLfiui'1J 1fi C1uu11fl<br />

.. JL~ti~Lm:LVIV1~1 Luuiiu<br />

~fl~-,flJ'!fU'If1fi~flll11;1LYltl L1£Jn11 '!fl1~) ~lJ"t111J1ltU-,r11tlJ1UL7£JnU1:LYlfl'llDJL'llll1 tll11-tl11 h1 LLfiL1~1~<br />

.. ..<br />

,<br />

... ULltlflU ll.J<br />

~ 'lfl Ul::Lnfl fimiuflU1lJLVIUVn"uLi£JflUllJ 1fi uYimllJ'llt:JJ;1~L,"'1uYI~LUUL~flJ1111ur;lJ"u1u11ru nDu~'!fl1<br />

L 1unu1:L YlflLltlflU llJ-'!f11LltlflU 1l.J 1 ui'm;tiUtlfl LU~: 1i~fl~LUflll.Jnl~::L Ylfl: flll.JLL~u~1 uu~~lJ<br />

LltlflU ll.Jl: 'tf1fiuLLflUU'l:L Ylfl~llJU1n"'uL;tllJ111J 1fi111 Uf111l..!Unf11DJ ~JLUU L ~t:JJ 1flm~ vn:: LltlflU 1l.J LUU u1:L Ylfl<br />

n11J h,~l.J1n fiflLUU '" n1U ~:nu~nD~ 1 UU1::L Ylfl;U CiJ 12J n1U VIU.,J~fl~Jf111fl11'tlflJU'l:L Ylfl~ L 1un,fll1<br />

..<br />

LltlflUllJ~t:J~ u"nnuflil'lfl1tl1JU1:LY1n 1iLuuVI~"ns1u 1unl'l~n,;1nufli1 ~ lVI'l ... um1!11 LYI£JU11n!J11 u 1£JVItlflJ<br />

( -,r11L ltlflU ll.J) LUU Y1VI11nt:JJUU 1 Vl~~l.J.,tl1 ...'!fm~~ ct. lfluu~;UL~fl ~.fl. lfla::

W W4to ~ 4 ,._ d<br />

~'ll11~1'ULUU'U H1U1'UIUU<br />

.. ~<br />

... :; ... ~ ...<br />

1... LlJU'IU11~ LlJU'I'U1lJVlU UJ{)'I<br />

.....<br />

!I 'IL1U'U f1{)LlJU'I!l1'UUU<br />

... ~ ~<br />

en. LlJMh1Ln1U'I (L~1Ll1UU'U)<br />

L~U'IL.;'I,\Jl<br />

(9luui\Jl)<br />

... ~ ~<br />

ci.. LlJU'ILl'iUnlH'Ifl (yJm1MLUU<br />

... ~ l't " ,· ...<br />

..<br />

" .,<br />

fl'UUfl<br />

LlJtNHU'I UU ULCJ!'I fl) LlJtl'l<br />

"' ~ -Ill<br />

...<br />

& . LlJtl'IL1tJ~Ll'iU'I LlJU'IU1'UUN<br />

... ~<br />

LlJU'Ifl11'1L1U'I<br />

"' " ~ ...<br />

b. LlJU'I'UlJH1U (fl11'1LUUU) LlJU'I<br />

!W.<br />

...<br />

l11tJLVU'I<br />

"' "' -<br />

LlJU'ILUU'IL\Jl'IU'U<br />

... ..<br />

LlJtl'l t\HLCJ!'I<br />

. ..<br />

...<br />

( !l1UL~tl'l)<br />

4 I 4<br />

d. LlJ{)'IlH'Ifll11U ( UULUL'IJ\JlLlJ{)'I<br />

" ... , ~ ...<br />

i'INLCJ!'I) UJU'IY11UL'I1U'I LlJtl'l<br />

n11U1'1<br />

... Jt "' ., ,<br />

d. LlJU'IL n1U'I h1 LlJ{)~Yl'U11<br />

,<br />

... .. ., '<br />

110. LlJU'Il'iU1'1 Yi-lfl11~11(\11U11<br />

' .~,<br />

lJY111lJUUYl<br />

..<br />

l1U<br />

... ... .. '<br />

, ' ~~,<br />

u . UJtl'ILlHlJ'I lNfl11~11ty1U11<br />

lJ't111lJUUYl l1U<br />

... .;. .. ~~.~ ~ ., ...... ,<br />

111.> . LlJ{)-lfl1L~U (fi'UH1) LlJtl'l!l'l11<br />

... ~<br />

LlJ U'IL\Jl1U 'Ufl11'1<br />

11en .<br />

... ~<br />

LlJ{)'Il11{)~U<br />

~<br />

... '<br />

LlJU'IL'IU1'U<br />

(rJ..<br />

LVI U'U)<br />

• ... ' .. ... " J<br />

11ci. . LlJ{)'Ifl1~fl LlJ{)-llJ1fi'Ul1<br />

• 4 " 4 I tl tl<br />

11&. LlJU'Il11tlU lJ LlJ{)'IfiU11 (L1)<br />

... ~ ~ ... ·~ ...<br />

LlJU'ILl~tlLYlU'U (YlULYlU'U) LlJU'I<br />


..!, ~ .. ' , 1 ' - ,<br />

1\JiltJ1D1UL 1(l~OU11~VlltJ<br />

.<br />

l11Lit'l::l'lltJ10tJ<br />

• I ~~ q , , ~ ..<br />

ul::l1U'I!1\JIIt'ltJ Llt'l1tJOV11tJ\JI()L0tJ.J~n<br />

J..!, J , ..!,<br />

LDlt'ID.Jflrt • 'IJDn·n::n~fmi1L\JiltJ1-<br />

• - "" .. ~J ,<br />

D1tJL1(l~'IJ'UIU'UO~\JiltJ YIH'U1lJl'il::l~ 1<br />

..!, '~ .. .....<br />

I\JiltJ11l1111!l~ ~nll'ill~''UYil~Yil1U<br />

... J "" ~ '<br />

t'I1JU\JI ~ tl.:!fl IUUL1t'l1 dl.. U (IIIDlJ1<br />


• ~ -" el , ,<br />

• "1'U1lln~mnf1~1J1'HltJtJf!OtJfl'U li'U1 6

Where was<br />

Suvanabhum<br />

Manit Vallibhotama<br />

• To the ea t of<br />

wa<br />

uvana Kaum Kam<br />

the ba in of the Tack River.<br />

Thi ri er con i ted of to main tributarie<br />

the Tack Luang or the Red<br />

River and the Tack Noi; both originated<br />

from the mountain and high<br />

land in Yunan of<br />

outhern China.<br />

The Red R'iver drained the region<br />

around Hanoi while the Tack<br />

pa ed through<br />

oi<br />

ib Song Ch u Thai to<br />

join the Red River 1n Hang Hua and<br />

then flowed down into the Bay of<br />

To integrate Nam Yueh to the<br />

Chine e empire,<br />

hine e ch ol w re<br />

founded in the area around the Red<br />

and the Black River<br />

to teach Chine<br />

c culture to the native.<br />

o the<br />

culture and the way of life of the<br />

Nam Yueh people changed and were<br />

heavily influenced by tho e of the<br />

Chine e. In the later period the<br />

people<br />

.<br />

preferred to call their country<br />

Vietnam instead ot Nam Yueh a<br />

called by the Chine e.<br />

However, the<br />

Tonkin. According to the hine e de tiny of the nation wa fluctuated<br />

note , about 400 year ago thi region<br />

wa included 1n the country called<br />

am Yuch inhabited by the Ai - lao<br />

people \ ho wa<br />

div1ded into numerou<br />

ubgroup uch a the Nung,<br />

the hong the Chung, the Chuang,<br />

the Chong- ren and the Muang.<br />

between the Chine e domination and<br />

declaring independence.<br />

It was until<br />

the 16th Century A.D. that Vietnam<br />

became fully independent and wa<br />

able to annex the kingdom of<br />

hampa<br />

to the south to it own territory. Later<br />

in the middle of the 17 th<br />

en tu ry<br />

During the reign of mperor Wuti A.D. Vietnam wa o trong and po-<br />

( 140-87 B.C.) Nam ueh wa 1n- werful that it could e tend it · domivaded<br />

by the<br />

hine e troop and e entually<br />

conquered in Ill B. .<br />

The<br />

country fell under the Chine e rule,<br />

and wa divided into 4 principalitie ,<br />

each of which wa<br />

hine e go ernor.<br />

upervi ed by a<br />

nation to the lower Mekhong basin<br />

which wa<br />

once in the territory of<br />

the Khmer in Cambodia. Thi reulled<br />

in the foundation of the city of<br />

Saigon a the main port city of the<br />

Kingdom.<br />


, , ,<br />

1J11i11fi1J un::~UJ'Il<br />

. . .<br />


'1,1.0.<br />

U.nt1.ll.t1. ~ll~!lU,.ItLLU<br />

. .<br />

t\lllrtl~ ltGrtJJ11!)M::l\Urt lllGrtlAt\lll<br />

II I ,. ... .,. I&<br />

-tlllo ~1 t'GlAt\t'11lt~t\Q.tLHLQLIUllb.tLU<br />

,_111 "' II 't It<br />

llYLGt'Q tilrt~ll~l t'MLIUtltil (a:>ua~S!Sqns)<br />

,. "' ,. ·-<br />

t\UQMrtGM.lAM.Ll.l.Ut\1 llQt\LiltL.IIoH1 LlAlA<br />

... ... 't to, II II lo<br />

0<br />

't<br />

lblR.UrtLWrtL.tLUnL t~t t\H1:;l\t\t\t'~ m<br />

,. 0 ,..,_ I"'"~ p :1,. 1"111<br />

Q~~1 L.tL~nllA.Q.tH~IULHLQt\111LrtU~QM<br />

'""'~~ l"o,... ,. ,.<br />

::l\lALt\1:-Ltt\ L L~rtrtL t\rt t\fJ~ ULII.1 Ut~,<br />

't I .. a .. i&PII<br />

t\ t\ULl\t'IJHQtA. Nm~llt\ L nGlAL~t 1t\111t'lb<br />

\1,. " l't ,.,..<br />

t\Q~1 ~-P l\llrt::.trtttLM.~~t\Ut~llU1L.t<br />

lr II "'" P I&<br />

L~jlrt::l\ l.. NtUt.tijllQ.tijl'\1 t\G.tLHLG<br />

... ,.. ,. " ~<br />

LtUt\Lt\~1 tlll.llUt\111 .11.1 Ulrtt\tt\Ll\t\111<br />

I ~~~~~ i& ,. p:o i&lo o f:"<br />

t1 U~JJLt'G~UrtH.lALUrtM.I11 L.tLUrt<br />

~~~~~ I ,. '!" II" I&<br />

M.L lltl .llot'OII.fbijL UlAI.'.tUt'llll.U 1t\ ll 1<br />

II ,. o't'" ,.. II"<br />

Lt~1 Gllt'lb L.tU1nLlArt1 LG1Lt1. t\UM.r::n<br />

1 i& Ill II' 't" " I" o .. o ,. I"<br />

fbH.1 UU1L~rtM.I11t't1.HM.t.UUG ~1 ijUl.tll<br />

I lo p p:o 't" I ,.. ,_111 ...<br />

rt~LM.UtU11~~11 10 -~ l\lLrt::.trtULtilart1t'lb<br />

0 p " 't .,.<br />

t'H11L~rtM.Il1t1 l!)~llULtil G~U1LlA uaaM.L<br />

II ,. I& Ill II'<br />

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Mercedn-Ben:..<br />

The sure way to better motori~.

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