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The Occult and biological journal - Iapsop.com


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,.) + I variona publications. ,.·hUe THE FAoTl(R­<br />

IC FRATIUUllTY is alt.Ojtetber int.Pre11ted in preparinK a place for the wo.•king out to nltiruat~H of all<br />

the laws <strong>and</strong> methods tangbt. in thl' Company's puhlioations.<br />

o·~ 1 q . .,<br />

,] . )•i .•;4..><br />

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AND<br />




WR.ill E. BUTLER, Er>rroJL<br />

Business Announcement.<br />

' THE OCCULT AND BIOLOGICAL JOURNAL ii fined aboa& t.be Dllof<br />

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THE<br />


V01,. I. -- ./'- Xo. 1.<br />

SEP'l'EMBER 23 to 0CTOHEIL 23.<br />


In beginning wot·k on stwh a periodical as <strong>The</strong> Biological<br />

.Journal, there should be a general plan <strong>and</strong> purpose in view,<br />

aud in the present instance, the pnrpose is realJy the continuation<br />

0£ <strong>The</strong> Esoteric, but with a wider range of thought. W c<br />

hope, however, that the line of thought presented in the11e pages<br />

may he of greawr practical value to the rnas!-les than our effortR<br />

have heretofore been.<br />

Jn the stmly of biology, we m 1111t neccssaril y touch all phases<br />

nnd qualities of life, <strong>and</strong> a.q life <strong>and</strong> mincl are in them11elvc11<br />

synonymo1111, tl1e 11t11dy of biology is the l'tndy of mind, bot.h in<br />

its h:u;ic principles, or uuclerl)·ing causation, <strong>and</strong> in the ramifirations<br />

of its exprrssion of thought throughout the·univerRt>.<br />

Tims it is apparent tl1at, hy vii·tne of its title, thii1 magazine<br />

allows itself an unlimited scope of thought.<br />

It i!I our purpo~e to begin a conr:ic of careful instruction<br />

for all those who desire growth an

2 THF. B10LOCIC'AL .TocnNAL. [Sept.<br />

to bear the expression, which bas so continually <strong>com</strong>e to us from<br />

the people, "'Ve do not <strong>com</strong>prehend the ideas given in your<br />

publications." And yet much contained in this .Jonrnal will<br />

undoubtedly be in<strong>com</strong>prehensible to some, for we Pxpect that<br />

its pages will bring out all phases of thonght, a1ul :ill grades of<br />

intellectual <strong>and</strong> spiritual knowledge.<br />

Those who have ~n thinking along the lines of the preseut<br />

popular stndy of the occult ancl magical, <strong>and</strong> who have considered<br />

its probable results, cannot hut see a r.-petition of the conditions<br />

that existed in Egypt <strong>and</strong> throughout the oriental<br />

world in ancient times, when magic gradually became a domi.<br />

nant factor among the masses-an influence upon that world,<br />

which was both good <strong>and</strong> evil. Unless there arise in the worltl<br />

of to-day, a leader 01· leaders, embodying in himRelf or themselves,<br />

the highest <strong>and</strong> holiest cult, <strong>and</strong> posseRsing dominant<br />

power over the lower a.no selfish magician, the evils that resulted<br />

from the magic of antiquity will, hy the growth <strong>and</strong> development<br />

of the centuries, be increased many fold in our own<br />

clay. India aud China now, as in the

1900.] SAJ.UTATORY. 3<br />

before; they are, therefore, capable of, <strong>and</strong> entitled to knowledge<br />

concerning these matters f reah from the fountain head of all<br />

knowledge, in order that they may be able to lay the foundation<br />

of a stn1cture so broad <strong>and</strong> excellent that it will require<br />

ages of thought-culture <strong>and</strong> inspiration to <strong>com</strong>plete the builcling,<br />

which, when <strong>com</strong>pared with the monumentll left us by ancient<br />

Egypt, will he a11 much more magnifi


mind <strong>and</strong> their influences <strong>and</strong> effects. In the order of unfoldment,<br />

that which <strong>com</strong>es after the reasoning, sensory, physical<br />

mentality is a spiritual soul, a sensating, reasoning, intelligent<br />

organism a step beyond the physical structure, an organism<br />

capable of dealing with, h<strong>and</strong>ling <strong>and</strong> knowing supernal spirit.<br />

From the above brief outline of our contemplated work, it<br />

is evident that the whole range of knowledge possible to tho<br />

human mind belongs legitimately to <strong>The</strong> Biological Jonmal.<br />

EDITOR.]<br />


.<br />

Jn 1887 we began a course of instructions cnlled "Practical<br />

Instructions for Reaching the Highest Goal of Human Attainment,"<br />

which was given under circumstances not altogeth~r<br />

favorable, as we had then just begun our public work; <strong>and</strong>,<br />

moreover, we think that experience since that time has enabled<br />

us to make important additions to such a line of instruction.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se facts may be an excuse, if one be necessary, for once<br />

more claiming the attention of the public in reference to these<br />

11uhjects. Again, the people have been thinking on the suhject<br />

. for the thirteen years since our former instructions were given,<br />

<strong>and</strong> are, consequently, better prepared to make u11efnl what we<br />

may say in the course we are now beginning; we hope, therefore,<br />

to ac<strong>com</strong>plish a broader purpose than that which ha.!'1 already<br />

been served. :Much that we have tanght in the past ha.!'1 beMme<br />

a foundation for th

1900.] lJsKFl'J, lNSTKUCTIONS. 5<br />

:rneient books on the11e suhjffts have been hrought out, tran11-<br />

lated, <strong>and</strong> reprinted, in adcHtion to which my1

6 Te•: Bior.omcAJ •• JoGRNAL. [Sept.<br />

the gold, shovels away the rubbish, di14poses of it in any way he<br />

can, sifts <strong>and</strong> washP.S out the precious metal; he knows for what<br />

he is seeking, <strong>and</strong> ac,eptff nothing el11e. <strong>The</strong> assayer takes that<br />

metal, sepa1·atei4 the gold from all the oth.,r metals, puts the<br />

gold in the place for the gold, the silver atul leatl in their res1~cti<br />

ve places; be could not be iocluoocl to accept the lead for<br />

the gold, l>ooa.1111e it ii1 found with the golll. A similar mental<br />

attitude shoultl insure a like discrimination in all our reading.<br />

"\\' e should first know for what we a1·e 11earchin;;. <strong>and</strong> theu, in<br />

all our investigations, we mnst look for the useful in view of<br />

the object Ret before us. When this attitude of min

1900.] {Ti;EtTI. {.s~Tltt°CTIONf(. 7<br />

the h11sine11s wm·lver, that this i11 not absolutely<br />

trne: an•l y .. t. if neces~ry, a person should sacrifil'e<br />

either one or the other,-if to uphold one's honor means a ll&C·<br />

rifice of one's bn11ineu, lhPn let the hu11ine11s go. If circum.<br />

stanceR <strong>and</strong> oon surely will the evilR within the indiviclual outgrow thH ;?noel,<br />

em·er it, <strong>and</strong> choke it out.<br />

Our experience has bronght 1111 into a."sociation with thcllle<br />

wl10 have livf'd the regenerat.A life until they have reached <strong>com</strong>paratively<br />

high attainments in it, but who, along with the othea•<br />

principlflfl <strong>and</strong> faculties, have allowed certain weeds of evil to<br />

spring up within them, whilings, tlwrft iA nothin~<br />

more certain tbitn that. although the aHpirant may climb high<br />

in lines of attainment <strong>and</strong> he able to t.f'ach <strong>and</strong> talk like a AAge,<br />

it is only a mattn of time when there wiJI lie a tera-ible fall, <strong>and</strong><br />

all the good that he ha11 acqnir~l will be ovtirpowered 1tntl<br />

t.aken po&ees11ion of by the evil.<br />

Before one make11 ttM of methods of d(>Vf!lopmf'nt in the way<br />

of Mnl m1lt11re or in magic-in fact, in any departmeut of<br />

mental develop1uent, except the mere memorizing connectetl with<br />

the ordinary scholastic pursuits-he shonltl <strong>and</strong> mu~t have, if<br />

be would ac<strong>com</strong>plish good resultR, a well.defined object to ~<br />

attained. Such au object having been set before the individual,<br />

he mn11t use his judgment <strong>and</strong> the closest discrimination in &e·<br />

lt'!Cting from even the prei;ent coul'se of instructions that which<br />

will lead toward, or assist in the ac<strong>com</strong>plishment of his object.<br />

<strong>The</strong> habit, so general among students, of 11eizing <strong>and</strong> apprt,.<br />

priating every m«>thod that seems to be good <strong>and</strong> practical:<br />

ahonld be most strenuously avoided. <strong>The</strong> world is EuJl of good<br />

thought <strong>and</strong> practical iden11: no one mind is able to incorporate<br />

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8 BJOI.OGICAJ. JOURNAi.. [S4'pt.<br />

them all. Each individual should rememher that he hAA a<br />

!IJWdal 11phere of nction in life, whii!h is <strong>com</strong>prPhe>nd4'tl in tho<br />

object set before him: ons

1900.] UsEFl.'J. INRTRl'

10 THE BIOLOGICAL .JoURNAI •• (Sept.<br />

wealth, honor, <strong>and</strong> position. No doobt many will ohoose, as the<br />

central object, some desirable ultimate iu the material world.<br />

Probably the greate1· number into whose h<strong>and</strong>a tbeae instl'uctiona<br />

may fall, should centralize their efforts in thia direfttioo.<br />

But when they have reached a point in their development suftidently<br />

atlvanced to enable them to think more intelligently,<br />

<strong>and</strong>,oonseqnently, to decide more wisely, aome even among the<br />

latter class, may choose the wealth of the Spirit <strong>and</strong> the oouee.<br />

'luent poverty <strong>and</strong> dishonor of the world; for nearly all the primary<br />

instructions for reaching the high ultimates of an abun·<br />

llant auooeea in a human sense, are absolutely essential to thoae<br />

who wiah to reach perfect unity with the mind <strong>and</strong> will of God.<br />


<strong>The</strong> moon lm.d just entered Pi!ICell, a111l as I lll.V upon<br />

my hetl I mused upon the past. <strong>The</strong> sun with its sy11teru<br />

iA now in the sign Aquarius of the gr<strong>and</strong> 7.odiac. Iu AqauriuA<br />

we see the manifestation of two oontrft.lliotory qualitieR,-a diRposition<br />

on the part of the individual to st<strong>and</strong> alone, at the fl&me<br />

time realizing, with peculiar clearness, that "all are memlie1·!I<br />

of one body", that we are "but parts of one stupendons whole".<br />

Two thous<strong>and</strong> yearci ago our solar system entered the sign<br />

Pisces, <strong>and</strong> the distinctive function of the Pisces nature, that<br />

of laying a solid foundation, ultimated its work for our planet.<br />

Of that foundation it is said, "Other foundation cnn no mau<br />

lay than i11 laid"; for, indeed, when we go deeply into cause aucl<br />

effect, every superstructure moat rest upon its own legitimate<br />

foundation, <strong>and</strong> in this Pisces age of the world'M hi11tory, wa1<br />

la.ill the foundation for the superstructui·e of the age11, the<br />

"house not made with b<strong>and</strong>R, eternal in the heavens''.<br />

But ere the foundation waa laid, it was necei;saa·y that tbe<br />

former building be destroyed in order to make roo1n for it.<br />

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1900.] 81x DAYS SHAl,T Taou LAROR. 11<br />

Antl truly that builcliog was destt-oyed; for the Aries qmllities<br />

of the preceding two thous<strong>and</strong> yea~ had huilded, according to<br />

theia· nature. that false structure of the intt>llect <strong>and</strong> animal<br />

will, figured by the great <strong>and</strong> t.errible image seen by Nebuehaclnezzar<br />

in his dream. Each part of this metallic image represented<br />

a diatinct political power of domination,-mau over<br />

man.-<strong>and</strong> by means of which the people had sunk lower <strong>and</strong><br />

dffper into materiality, until its final dest~uction.<br />

Before the Aries age came the Taurus. the enjoyment of the<br />

senses. the golden time of childhood; for before men had been<br />

led BO far from the path of rectitude, by following the uniuformed<br />

intellect, they felt the mind currents of the great All­<br />

Father <strong>and</strong> heard hiR voice in the stillness, as they rested.<br />

Thus hearing <strong>and</strong> feeling. they livdd <strong>and</strong> in hill<br />

12 [Sept.<br />

house, <strong>and</strong> journeyed into this far 1•ountry, <strong>and</strong> began his life<br />

of experiment <strong>and</strong> suft'ering.<br />

But as the earth pMse

1900.] SIX DAYS SHALT THOTi LABOR. 13<br />

11ball st.<strong>and</strong> forever." "Thou s:\west till that a st.one was cut<br />

out without h<strong>and</strong>11, which smote the image upon his feet that<br />

that were of iron <strong>and</strong> clay. ancl brake them t;o pieces. <strong>The</strong>n<br />

was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, <strong>and</strong> the gold, broken<br />

t;o piect'S together, <strong>and</strong> became like the chaff of the sum10er<br />

threshingfloors;·<strong>and</strong> the wind carried them away. . . . <strong>and</strong><br />

the st.one that smote the image became a great mountain, <strong>and</strong><br />

filled the whole earth."<br />

This was the history of the man bnilcled by the qualities of<br />

the Aries age; <strong>and</strong> ju11tly so, for force, animal force <strong>and</strong> animal<br />

intellect, was it.

14 THE BIOLOGICAL JOUltSAJ .. [Sept.<br />

siblfl, the mistakes of the p&11t, the PiRCe11 began, by slow <strong>and</strong><br />

painful effort, to tear down the Aries ideal of fm·cef ul. wa1·like<br />

man, <strong>and</strong> to prepare to build upon the i;ure foundation, the new<br />

man, who would clominate the earth-not b~· hl'llte force, hut<br />

hy )ovti.<br />

Bnt now the A

1000.1 THE NERVF.S N.:vri:R Gnow OLD. 15<br />

the prodigal shall have sought the Father's house. But Pre<br />

thi11 time "Shiloh" must gathPr a body who sball live <strong>and</strong> reign<br />

a thous<strong>and</strong> years, <strong>and</strong> after this the genf'lnl gathering. <strong>The</strong>n<br />

the A rie11 man shall ctiRappear as c'haff bf.fore the wind, aud<br />

the divine man of the heavens. the stone cnt without huub,<br />

shall have grown to fill the earth.<br />

For two days (two thous<strong>and</strong> years) man labored to bnild a<br />

false idPal, for just i;o Jong he lahored to tf'ar it down. ancl for<br />

the same length of time be must build the new <strong>and</strong> the true,<br />

when, upon the seventh day, he shall enter the house of the<br />

gods, Capricorn, <strong>and</strong> shall l'e&t, for his work 11hall have· been<br />

finished.<br />

<strong>The</strong>n I arose <strong>and</strong> read. "lfy rein11 shall instruct me in the<br />

night season." And I sai,t, can these things be? la thi11 the<br />

plan of the aget1?<br />



Co!.UrlENTING on the oommon oauaes of nervous disorder!ll,<br />

ProfNaor W. ff.Thomson Raya: "<strong>The</strong> me11sage of moden1 Rei·<br />

em-e about the nPrvotui Rystem is more hopeful than ever. It<br />

tells us that the nervou11 system bu a grtat.er store of reserve<br />

vitality than all the other bodily systems put together. It ia<br />

the only texture that is found not to have loet weight after<br />

death by starvation, as well as aft.er death by any cause. It is<br />

the last to grow old; <strong>and</strong> u to the mind, it need not grow old<br />

at all. provided it he steadily applied with that mighty apii·itual<br />

element in us which we t>all interest. ~~ven the mnst>ular syRtem<br />

can he wonderfully 1matained by interMt; for should a man<br />

attempt the same muscular work on a treadmill which be lightly<br />

endures along the mountain brook after a trout, he wonld faint<br />

dead away. Bat the mind will by interest grow steadily, even<br />

while bone <strong>and</strong> 1inew are wasting through age."-Practical<br />

Rti1-ino.<br />

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Hoston rejoices over the advent of a <strong>journal</strong> clevotecl to<br />

Solar Biology. <strong>The</strong> modern Athens appreciates thought that<br />

seems new, <strong>and</strong> is quickly the schoolmaster to teach others it.s<br />

real value. It is not that she knows it all: there is so mnch of<br />

the true stndent in this modern teacher that she is willing to<br />

appropriate what she cannot originate.<br />

Along the line of Solar Biological thought there are <strong>com</strong>paratively<br />

few who have given sufficient consecutive study to<br />

feel at hom& regarding its practical teachings. Nearly all of ns<br />

are busy in the prosecution of some special calling that be<strong>com</strong>es<br />

our special world in which we "live, <strong>and</strong> move <strong>and</strong> have our<br />

being."<br />

But an observation extending over nearly ten years haR convincecl<br />

the writer of the intense value, from many dilfere11t<br />

st<strong>and</strong>points, of this science that has <strong>com</strong>e down to us from the<br />

distant past, in unfolding the actual proclivities of the hnnumity<br />

all about us; <strong>and</strong> is there any maxim more impo1·tant than<br />

this: "Know thyself?"<br />

Surely the language of the heavens needs but true interpre.<br />

tation to be<strong>com</strong>e of the most intense value to those 11tude11ts<br />

who are now just entering upon the duties <strong>and</strong> privileges of<br />

their earthly lives.<br />

While neither Ilarvartl nor Yale has as yet any professor-<br />

11hip covering this science, it is inevitable that, if the great<br />

truths made so clearly manifest through a knowledge of Solar<br />

Biology be<strong>com</strong>e known to a sufficient number of influential<br />

minds, there surely will he ere the twentieth century is far<br />

advanced.<br />

Sometimes a teacher makes an object lesson of more valne<br />

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1900.] A

18 TeE Bmwo1c.A.L JOURNAL. [Sept.<br />

.,<br />

Saturn (lz)" "<br />

" Libra (~).<br />

Jupiter (¥) " "<br />

..<br />

" Virgo (mt).<br />

Mars (I) " "<br />

.,<br />

Venus (\>) ..<br />

Mercury ( ~ ) .,<br />

----<br />

ELF..MENT8.<br />

.,<br />

" Taurus (~ ).<br />

" " Scorpio (tt\)·<br />

,. ..<br />

" Aries ( ).<br />

TRINl1'1E8.<br />

Fire, One. Intellectual, Three.<br />

Earth, Two. Domestic, One.<br />

Air, Four. Creative. Four.<br />

Water, One. Serving, None.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Swedish maiden looked out upon the world at birth<br />

when the earth <strong>and</strong> moon were each in the sign Libra, aud<br />

Saturn also was in the same sign. What a trinity of p11ychic<br />

<strong>and</strong> intuitive sight did she thus have! Nature gifted her with<br />

a balancing harmony at the very threshold of her hnman life.<br />

Her own selfhood was thereby established. <strong>The</strong> nobility of<br />

tmnjugality was made clear. Her interior nature was madt> to<br />

voice the practical <strong>and</strong> genuine. She sat at the feet of Wisclom.<br />

'When we next note that the planet Uranus was in the sign<br />

Gemini, we ea!!ily <strong>com</strong>prehend how her intuitive nature wn11<br />

thereby indut-ehy all<br />

the finer educational aml progreasive pursuit11 would fintl great<br />

favor with her.<br />

With Mar11 in Taurus <strong>and</strong> Venus in 8corpio, there is n tine<br />

balance between the occult <strong>and</strong> psychic, <strong>and</strong> hence a quick cooperating<br />

with her basic nature in Libra. This <strong>com</strong>bination<br />

unitize.• her physical structure into a fuller ability to do what<br />

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1900.) A GREJ:TING Faox BosToN.<br />

ahe undert.ook, without depletion, a8 well u to expreH Vot'ally<br />

iu song so remarkably.<br />

Mercury in Aries fumist1ed "the Messen~r of the Gods" in<br />

the upper brain, <strong>and</strong> so int.ellectually she was stl'oilg. subtle, <strong>and</strong><br />

wonderful. HE!reio her power of expression balaooea her great<br />

intuitional <strong>com</strong>prehension. .MoYed upon by the inspirational<br />

cu1'1't!Dte which Urann11 in Geoini in1luced, strong in diMirimi.<br />

native ability because of Jupit.er in Virgo, balanced pby1ioally,<br />

psychically, <strong>and</strong> occultly with Mars in Taurus <strong>and</strong> Venu" in<br />

&orpio, she was nature's mystic sonrter with that wondron11<br />

trinity in Libra keeping time <strong>and</strong> tune with ''the Met11enger of<br />

the Gods" in Aries.<br />

Again, it will be noted that under the elements she bad four<br />

in air, <strong>and</strong> therefore was aspirational to an unusual extent,<br />

while in the trinities she bad four also in the creative trinity.<br />

<strong>and</strong> so was equally original.<br />

We may thus easily underst<strong>and</strong> bow she was able to conquer<br />

the old servitor at the Antwerp bank, when aft.er the abseni-e<br />

of many years she came t.o him to claim some jewels that were<br />

stored thert>. <strong>The</strong> BE'rvitor had grown old <strong>and</strong> had qnit.e forgott.en<br />

the beautiful singer. Her maid's wol'd1t of explanation<br />

were of no IU'-OOnnt in identifying her. Finally, stepping hlL

20 THE BIOLOGICAi. JOURNAL. (Sept.<br />

As this last half of the year niuet.een hundred lingers with<br />

us, is it not a good prelude period in which to prepare many<br />

mind11 for the g1-eat opportunitiea which the twentieth oontury<br />

i11 to furniah? It seems to the writer exceedingly fitting that<br />

the finer rhythmic vibrations of the Pacific Slope are being exercised<br />

in this direction. <strong>and</strong> surely the East will unite with<br />

the W e11t in making them of the largeat pot.'lible use to humanity.<br />

LIRRA.<br />


Among the doctrines brought to us from the 1'~ast, there is<br />

none more difficult to prove than that of reincarnation; yet,<br />

with the Orientalist.A, we believe in this doctrine, for we can 11ee<br />

no other method hy which the object of creation can be accmuplished.<br />

Should we premise for a moment that the real mau,<br />

the soul, is a 11eparate creation at the time of birth, that all<br />

that is to be obtained by an individual can be obtained in a<br />

11i11gle life, <strong>and</strong> that one life is all-su~cient to m•ke man immortal,<br />

tben what shall we conclude ooncerning thoae who were<br />

born many centuries ago, Ol' thoae who were born under the<br />

most unfortunate circnmstancea at any period of the world's history,<br />

<strong>and</strong> have paased out of the body without obtaining any degree<br />

of intelligence or development worthy the estate of man.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y were not to blame for this, <strong>and</strong> we cannot believe that they<br />

are assigned eternally to that low state of mental development <strong>and</strong><br />

consciousne11s. Neither can we, with any degree of consistency,<br />

believe that snob souls are taken aa babea, mentally <strong>and</strong> spiritually,<br />

into the spirit world, <strong>and</strong> there developed to the state<br />

attained by their brethren under more favorable circnmstancea.<br />

We cannot believe this, because it is not in harmony with the<br />

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1000.] l:h:INt:AllNATION. 21<br />

laws we !lf'f! in naturt'. <strong>The</strong> old maxim, "As helow, HO above,"<br />

imlit'".ltes a law undeviating in its manife11tati'lu; <strong>and</strong> we ar.-,<br />

the1-efort>, for('ed to the oonnhu1ion that. after the uet'S of previo1111 live11. Many wbo have writ­<br />

..,... 011 tho 1mbjt•d of rein1!at·nntion look fur ovidE'nM.<br />

For in~taoce, upon meetiug a person, we oft.i>n e.1pe1·ieuce the<br />

ft'l'ling that we h1,ve met that iuJividoal before, yet we kuow<br />

that we have not done IJO in this lifetime. \\' e have the itau1e<br />

espe1·i1mce upon euwriug uew pla&00:i. \\'bile th&11!e are uu.<br />

tloub~d eviclencell of reincarnation. they are v~ue aud in.<br />

t>onclnitive. If, however, the !ltoriei1 told Ull by travelers ia the<br />

Ol'ieot are trne, they furnish guod p1·00£ of tbi11 doctrine. We<br />

qoote the following froin ••Tr-•velers in Tnrtary, Tbibet ancl<br />

China," by M. Hue.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> elt!Ction ancl entl1ronization of the living Buddhas are<br />

conducted in so 11ingulat· a manner as to be well worth relating.<br />

When a uran1l La.ma ha"' gone, that is to say, is dead, the circum1tanoe<br />

is no occasion of monrniog.in the LaanMery. <strong>The</strong>re<br />

are no tE'ars, no ll\mentatH>n,.. for eYerybody lrno'" thf! Cbaht,.<br />

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22 B10Loo1c.A1. Jot:RNAL.<br />

ron will very soon reappear. This apparent ileath is but the<br />

bogiuniug of a ne.v eici>1tence, a:-1 it were, one 1·ing mm·e at.Med<br />

t-0 the uulimitetl, uninterrupted chnin of successive live11-a<br />

rf'gnl:u· pali11gen1~sis. While the saint is in a. sta.te of chry11ali .~.<br />

hiK disciples a1 f' in the greatest anxiety; for it is tbr,ir most<br />

important affair to discover the plaee where their m11stt>r will<br />

resume life. A rainbow appearing in the air is c:>.onsiderf'

l!lOO.] REINC.\RSATHIS. 23<br />

of the ~oumt! inclicatecl, that their Chaheron is horn in snch a<br />

pl:U'e, <strong>and</strong> they are smumoned to attend ancl invite him home.<br />

<strong>The</strong> young Chaberon, however. i>i not saluted awl<br />

proclaimetl the Great Lama without a previous examination.<br />

<strong>The</strong>1-e is helll a solemn sitting, at which the new living BUruharras>tment the iovt>ntory of bis goods. •Here' he 11ays, •11.re<br />

the prayer-hooks 1 usl'd; there is the japanned porringer out of<br />

which I drank my tea.' And so on."<br />

This most interesting aooonnt, <strong>com</strong>ing as it rlot>s from a devout<br />

Unman Catholic missionary who disdains the doetrine of rein.<br />

carnation <strong>and</strong> &(~ounts for it by attributing what he relak>s to<br />

the 11agacity of the devil, lnys the f onnclation for at least a he.<br />

lief in this doctrine. No one can read the hook wit.bout admitting<br />

thi.t the author was extremely inquisitive an1l skepticnl,<br />

<strong>and</strong> very careful to convinol~ himsf'lf beyond qntmtion of whaternr<br />

virtue he allow11 to the Oriental religion. Now, if it is<br />

true that. in his rein~aroation. a Laina C!l\D, as a child, an1twt-r<br />

all the questions put to him o.mcerniug his previous life, even<br />

bt.-fore he has rel\(\he

24 Tea BIOLOGIC.AL .JorRNAJ.. (Sept.<br />

unfoldment,-why do they have such clear <strong>and</strong> unmistakable<br />

recollections u babes, when such a tbiog is unknown in the<br />

Chri11tisn world'?" To my mind, this question can be answered<br />

from.the law of miud. An old adage, found in the Scriptnrea,<br />

is, "A.a a man thinketh, so is he," as a naau believes without a<br />

doubt, so it is to him. Experiments in psychology have shown<br />

that a person may be put under the influence of another miud,<br />

<strong>and</strong> that if, when under that influence, certain thoughts aml<br />

ideas are impressed upon him with the <strong>com</strong>m<strong>and</strong> that they reappear,<br />

take form, in his physical oonsciousueea, these thoughts<br />

will take form in, <strong>and</strong> beoome the oooaoiouaneM of the inlli·<br />

vidual. This, to my mind, proves that the auto-suggestion• of<br />

a religious belief continually impreued upon the mind of a<br />

Lama during bis lifetime, will be remembereii hy him in the<br />

early part of bis reinoarnation.<br />

Another evidence of the influence of the mind upon the fu.<br />

ture existence of an individual, ia the reappearance of the soul<br />

after the dissolution of the body, often oausiog what iii known<br />

as haunted houses. To make this thought cle1t.r, we will relate<br />

an experience of some years ago. While in Philadelphia I<br />

visited the home of a friend, whose husb<strong>and</strong> waa wholly opposed<br />

to the idea of spiritual manifestation. <strong>The</strong>y had lived<br />

iu the house hut a short time. During my visit I waK informed<br />

that there bad been strange ooourrences at night: after retiring<br />

they often beard some one <strong>com</strong>ing do*u the third-story<br />

stairs, <strong>and</strong> w<strong>and</strong>er about from one room to another, apparently •<br />

in aearch of some one. <strong>The</strong>y had been keeping a light buruiug<br />

at night, for they frequently heard a loud knock upon th8<br />

headboard of their beJ. <strong>The</strong> night before my visit. upon hear·<br />

ing this knock, the husb<strong>and</strong> sprang out of bed, <strong>and</strong> as he did<br />

so, a cane, that had been st.<strong>and</strong>ing near the bed, f8ll before hiit<br />

face upon a marble-top wash at<strong>and</strong>. As these manifestation11<br />

were be<strong>com</strong>ing very 1Wnoying, I suggested that we sit quietly<br />

for a fow anoruents, <strong>and</strong> place our minds upon what.ever cou-<br />

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1900.] REINCARNATION. 2fi<br />

scious int.elligen

26 THE BIOLOGICAL JOUllNAL. [Sept.<br />

was the case of a woman lying on her death-bed, po88e18ed by<br />

one idea,-that of wanting to see a certain person. This<br />

thought, all-absorbing before death, occupied <strong>and</strong> bound the<br />

soul after the diuolntion of the body. We have had mauy<br />

evidenoes of the influence of an unquestioned belief upon the<br />

soul. While this may not be the expre88ion of an inevitable<br />

law of reincarnation,-in other words, while it may argue that<br />

reincarnation may be brought about by belief <strong>and</strong> not by a<br />

general law,-yet we think there is nothing in the human soul<br />

superior to law, <strong>and</strong> that it cannot act independently of it. If the<br />

mind can be so impressed with an error aa t.o oause the soul to<br />

follow out that error after the di880lntion of the body, then<br />

there must be a law which enables it t.o do so; <strong>and</strong> as error<br />

cannot be immortal, but must of neceuity be of short duration,<br />

light always dispelling darkness, therefore in the dispelling<br />

of the error, the law remains <strong>and</strong> the truth is revealed.<br />

So then the Buddhist Lama who believes that he will reincarnate<br />

immediately after the death of the body, only aootilerates<br />

the operation of a law which must continue to be a law<br />

in all life. Thus one who believes in reincarnation, may obtain<br />

immediate incarnation, while he who diabelieves may long<br />

delay the effectual working of the law, <strong>and</strong> does di88ipate the<br />

memories of a former life. But the law will ac<strong>com</strong>plish its<br />

work, <strong>and</strong> reincarnation will take place.<br />

. \<br />

)·<br />

...<br />

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by Google


Gazing one night into the spangled vau)t above, having<br />

been attracted by the unusual briUianey of the stan, I f eU to<br />

musing.<br />

Astronomers tell us that they have discovered here <strong>and</strong><br />

there in the heavens a dark star, one that gives no light; <strong>and</strong><br />

as one after another of theee stars it discovered, the thought<br />

is impressing itself upon the minds of some of us, that possibly<br />

there are more stars that do not shine than stars that do; that<br />

of the myriads of orbs above us, we probably do not see the<br />

half. And as I pondered an InteJligence seemed to speak to me<br />

tbus:-<br />

.. y ou wonder if yon heavens are filled with stars which you<br />

cannot see; rather wonder at your ignorance in supposing the<br />

whole universe palpable to your senses. You know that the<br />

presence of light is <strong>com</strong>municated to your consciouAness<br />

by mean!\ of its vibrations, <strong>and</strong> that degree of intensity<br />

<strong>and</strong> color are determined by the frequency <strong>and</strong> amplitude<br />

of those vibrations, which reach your consciousness through<br />

the medium of the optic nerve; now, imagine a person by<br />

your side of much lower development than yourself, one<br />

whose optic nerve can transmit to his brain only vibrations<br />

of much less frequency than are those transmitted by your own,<br />

so that the highest vibration that he is able to cognize, is lowe1·<br />

than the lowest which you perceive. Can you not see that all<br />

those shining orbs upon which you gaze would be invisible to<br />

him, <strong>and</strong> that thOBe bodies dal'k to you, but whose rate of<br />

vibration <strong>com</strong>es within range of the capacity of his optic<br />

nene, would to him shine out with the same splendor as do<br />

these to you?<br />

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28 BIOLOGICAL JOURNAJ,. [Sept.<br />

And, indeed, who can limit the wonders of the universe? May<br />

there not be, in yonder vastness, worlds of such refinementattained,<br />

perhaps, through countless ages of growth-that the<br />

vibrations emanating from them are of such frequency that<br />

your organ of vision fails to respond? If so, then one by your<br />

side, whose degree of development corresponded to that of<br />

those glowing orbs, would perceive them, although they nre<br />

utterly invisible t.o you-<strong>and</strong>, moreover, you would be invisible<br />

t.o him, <strong>and</strong> he t.o you.<br />

Who shall say that what you call the material universe, has<br />

not its counterpartal orbs <strong>and</strong> intelligences of such refinement<br />

as to be imperceptible to the denizens of your earth,-save,<br />

perhaps but faintly, to the most highly refined? <strong>and</strong> that<br />

there is not another universe still more refined, not cognizable<br />

even t.o the few, <strong>and</strong> another <strong>and</strong> yet another, on, on, until "all<br />

space is filled <strong>and</strong> interfilled," universe within universe, with<br />

their myriads of myriads of intelligences of every degree ot<br />

refinement, development, <strong>and</strong> power,-souls of men, cberubii,<br />

seraphs, llllgels <strong>and</strong> archangels, realm beyond realm, all utterly<br />

beyond our ken?<br />

And what are those beings who, appearing <strong>and</strong> disappearing,<br />

flit before the mind's eye? You call them figures of the<br />

imagination; may they not be inhabitants of invisible spheres?<br />

And these thoughts that <strong>com</strong>e from, you know not where,<br />

may they not be the voices of these strange visit.ors?"<br />

<strong>The</strong>n the <strong>com</strong>municating Intelligence became silent, <strong>and</strong> I<br />

was left alone with my musings.<br />


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What ii life? Electric potency, energy. As we t11m<br />

from the world of manifettation, <strong>and</strong>, puling beyond, enter<br />

that of oauation, we - the eternal energiee by which<br />

we find onnelftl ennounded moving in a moat exact<br />

<strong>and</strong> wonderful rhythm. It ii the eong of life, which, in its<br />

-1-flow, rings out the hannolliee of twelve great etates<br />

of vibration, the tweln zodiacal changa. But our earth<br />

u yet reeponds •to jut eeven of th- mighty notee,­<br />

the snen vital harmouiee (1iglll); the remaining five exilt<br />

for DI only u they find espiSon through oombinatioua of<br />

the •Tea. <strong>The</strong> eye reoogni7.ea th- great pulutions, vibra.<br />

tione, u eolor, but, like the ear, it can adjast iteelf to but<br />

eeffn; the fin mut ezprem themeelTee, aa beet they cau,<br />

through the medinm of the eenn. And this, becaase the<br />

mother-heart of oar Earth bu not yet beat in unison to<br />

fiye of the great pulaatioua of life. Seven times baa her<br />

mighty fonu throbbed beneath the rhythm of a new <strong>and</strong> untried<br />

vibration, <strong>and</strong> when aha bu finished the cycles of yet<br />

five other creatiTe potenciea, her children 111·ill hive a -1e<br />

of twelve diatinot tonea, <strong>and</strong> twelve, instead of eeven, glowing<br />

colors will adorn their Earth.<br />

We are told that God, the Creator, "dwell$ in the midst<br />

of the dar~"-"darkn-. olondt, <strong>and</strong> thick darkness."<br />

It is enn eo, <strong>and</strong> from the midst of the darkness in which<br />

he reeides roll into manifeetation the great currents of creatin<br />

life. Into that Holy of holiee we may not enter, for<br />

onr gromer - fail to attune themeelTes to the enbtle<br />

rhythm of its ethers. And yet we hlTe aometi1ues been<br />

onnhadowed by the cloud ianing from that Eternal Center.<br />

<strong>The</strong>n, like the prieete at the dedication, 1.-e "could not at.<strong>and</strong><br />

becanee of the clond"-we were proetrate beneath its overahad~ng,<br />

<strong>and</strong> the great secrete of life rolled into our 11c>uls<br />

frr' ,ti myetic depth& In this strange P~noe, amid the<br />

weird "<strong>and</strong> wonderful, we meet the zodiacal elg11 of Libra.<br />

Ilalf in dark-, half in manifeetatlon, she <strong>com</strong>m<strong>and</strong>e the<br />

aaored portals through which 1weep into materialir.ation the<br />

infinite energiee. Beyond that threshold, <strong>and</strong> in the darkne.,<br />

ahe holde the aeereta of the Creator; without, in the<br />

realm of rwmifeetation, she poun her electric potencies into<br />

the red tide of life, ud throughout all animate organization,<br />

<strong>and</strong> to itl remotest part, the blood carries the life.<br />

And eo in the black <strong>and</strong> in the red-the darkness <strong>and</strong> the<br />

red life-blood-we recognize the hlrmoniee of the key of n<br />

minor, to which are attuned the vibrations of the sign Libra.<br />

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'·<br />

In the appendix to the late editions of Solar Biology we give<br />

the new lines of division between the zodiacal sign1. Unlike<br />

other.things that we see in natnre, the two zodiacs, though<br />

entirely distinct each from the other, are, 10 far as we can discover,<br />

exactly alike-as if one was the impress of the other.<br />

This is trne in regard to the peculiarities of the degrees of<br />

the signs <strong>and</strong> of the dividing lines between the 1igns. While<br />

we have been able to discern many things relative to the zodiacal<br />

changes, yet we find so many causes for these


with this discovery, we shall, before presenting it, wait until<br />

1mme degree of certainty is reached. Of one point, however,<br />

we are <strong>com</strong>paratively certain, which is, that the two or two<br />

<strong>and</strong> one-half last degrees of Cancer are the most malignant, disturbing<br />

<strong>and</strong> perversive of all the degrees of the zodiac.<br />

It must be understood that a science so broad <strong>and</strong> so farreiwhing<br />

will probably never be perfect; although the de\·elopment<br />

of the human mind may continue for thous<strong>and</strong>s of<br />

years, yet there will always be much to learn <strong>and</strong> investigate<br />

concerning this science. We, therefore, bring these suggestions<br />

before our readers for examination, <strong>and</strong> we solicit their aid in<br />

adding to the general store of knowledge.<br />



In attempting this subject we mainly desire to call forth th"<br />

observations of the many students of Solar Biology <strong>and</strong> Astrology<br />

in reference to the influence of the rising sigus. As to<br />

our own observations, although we have investigated the mat.<br />

ter for several years, yet we find many exceptions to the rules<br />

that we are about to give; <strong>and</strong>, moreover, as we have not had<br />

as good an opportunity of observing the effect of the rising<br />

sign as have many of our friends, we give the result of our<br />

investigation as merely a suggestion, at the same time asking<br />

those who are interested in <strong>and</strong> have been studying along thesa<br />

lines to give us their experiences. We will in this way be<br />

&reatly assisted in bringing an important science to some degree<br />

of perfection.<br />

We have reason to believe that the rising sign influences the<br />

body as to size <strong>and</strong> form, strength or weakness, <strong>and</strong> the mentality<br />

arising through the physical senses. <strong>The</strong> mentality,<br />

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. , )<br />

1900.] SoLAR BmLOOT. 31<br />

however, seems only in a certain degree to be strengthened or<br />

weakened by the effect of the rising sign.<br />

Before proceeding further whb our subject, we will state<br />

that our experience has been that. the influence of a sign is<br />

very weak when it fint rises <strong>and</strong> gains in strength until the<br />

rising of the succeeding sign. <strong>The</strong> student will do well to note<br />

here what has been said in the appendix to Solar Biology concerning<br />

the new lines,-linea marking the overlapping of the<br />

signs in question. <strong>The</strong> facts referred to, however, do not do<br />

away with the rule that a 1ign gradually gains in 1trength<br />

until the succeeding 1ign really ri1es. When the new line<br />

occurs, the strength of the prevailing sign is still further increased<br />

by the qualities of the approaching sign.<br />

We have also noticed that the innate nature bas a market!<br />

influence on the form <strong>and</strong> appearance of the body. For example,<br />

if Leo is the innate nature, it will to a

32 B101,001cAL .ToURNAI .. (Sept.<br />

able to decille whether the body is inclined to be tall or short;<br />

it is always rather stout, however, with a thick neck, full,<br />

round face, usually of a light <strong>com</strong>plexion. This sign also<br />

gives mental endurance; a love of mental gymnastics, but not<br />

of hard, physfoal labor. It will be found that, among the leadiug<br />

men of the world, Taurus predominates as a body sign.<br />

It gives a good appetite, love of rich food <strong>and</strong> plenty of it, <strong>and</strong><br />

also an inclination to bibativeness. Because if its great endurance,<br />

it adds power to all the innate qualities.<br />

GElllNI RISING produces a. body of medium size, frequently<br />

a little below the average; rather square shoulders, <strong>and</strong> a pecu·<br />

liar form that gives an impression of corpulence, which, however,<br />

is not <strong>com</strong>mon to the sign. It causes a nervous restlessness<br />

in the organism, <strong>and</strong>, in a special manner, brings into<br />

play the b<strong>and</strong>s <strong>and</strong> arms. We know less about this sign than<br />

any other, as we are acquainted with but few persons having n.<br />

Gemini body.<br />

CANCF.R RISING gives a body of medium height, slender,<br />

lithe <strong>and</strong> willowy, but usually rather weak. It imparts a catlike<br />

motion in walking. Persons having a Cancer body nsually<br />

have R<strong>and</strong>y or light <strong>com</strong>plexions; are inclined to wear a fnll<br />

bearcl; disinclined to physical labor; the mental abilitieR more<br />

of an inRpirational <strong>and</strong> intuitive than of an edncational natun\<br />

for Cancer militates against educational tendencies, but<br />

adds to the capa

1900.] SOLAR BIOLOGY. 33<br />

mentally; not inclined to <strong>com</strong>bativeness, but when it is roused<br />

they are persistent.<br />

Vumo RISING gives a rather short, plump body. when in<br />

health, but militates against digestion. Penons with a Virgo<br />

body are inclined to be nervous <strong>and</strong> critical, especially when<br />

the digeRtive syst.em is out of order, in which case.the body is<br />

thin <strong>and</strong> weak. <strong>The</strong>ir mentality is 1·atber jerky in action, <strong>and</strong><br />

lacks steady, logical coherence. Unless their morality is strong,<br />

they are inclined to trickiness <strong>and</strong> falsehood. <strong>The</strong>y are very<br />

sensitive to conditions <strong>and</strong> very much influenced by external<br />

appenranees.<br />


<strong>The</strong> delineations of character given in this column are intended to M"e a twofold<br />

pmpose: first, 1111 an object l.aoo in the principlt!8 of Solar Biology; <strong>and</strong>,<br />

119COnd, to help our sobecribera to a more perfect knowledge of themselves by<br />

turning the light of that acieoce upon their faultll <strong>and</strong> weakn-. aa well u upon<br />

the nobler side of their natures. We regret that limited apaoe penuita ua to<br />

give, during the course of the year, but one delineation to each 1ubecriber. <strong>The</strong><br />

--ry dator. are, the year, day of the month, boor <strong>and</strong> place of birth. Without<br />

the hour we may approximate a deliueation, bot it will always be UD11Btiafactory;<br />

therefore, if obtainable, we ahould have the hour, <strong>and</strong> if it caooot be aacertained,<br />

the applicant mOlt undel'!lt<strong>and</strong> that the character-sket:ch ill more or 1-in<strong>com</strong>plete.<br />

In 111 -. however, the d

84 THE B101.001c.u JOURNAL. (Sept.<br />

poeitiveneu, <strong>and</strong> make you impulsive. TI1e moon, leading you out<br />

through Scorpio, the most hidden of the interior signs, producM in<br />

you a very subtle <strong>and</strong> interiorly positive nature; exteriorly you no<br />

doubt appear very feminine <strong>and</strong> negative, but thie is in appearance<br />

only. Yoo are a woman who will always have her own way <strong>and</strong> rule<br />

in her own sphere of action. Yon are strongly inclined toward<br />

the mystic, <strong>and</strong> the tendency of your Virgo base is to lead you<br />

into magic. We would advise you never to turn your attention to<br />

thtt study of magic, because your nature would lead you to make 11uch<br />

use of it as would cause unhappineaa <strong>and</strong> death. Adhere closely to<br />

the Biblical doctrines of the Christian religion. You are a sen11itive,<br />

<strong>and</strong> accurately read the mental conditions of those around you:<br />

you sheuld remember, however, that invisible intelligences can impreu<br />

upon your mentality condition• that do not exist in your surroundings.<br />

Take care of the digeative system, <strong>and</strong> conserve the life<br />

generated by the body.<br />

W. J. W. Oct. 9, l 846, 2 a. m.(?), Yorkshire Engl<strong>and</strong>.<br />

ED in .o.; ) in D ; 8, Slor TIR; W in .o.; ~ in st: '2/. in I; t<br />

in 'Y'; 9 in )(; lf in 'Y'.<br />

<strong>The</strong> earth <strong>and</strong> Uranus in Libra give you peculiar psychic percep·<br />

tions; bot Mal'll <strong>and</strong> Mercury in Aries oppose your apiritunl tendt>n·<br />

cies, <strong>and</strong> take you strongly into materialistic reasoning. If your body<br />

or rising sign is Leo, which is probable, you haYe great pe111everance,<br />

<strong>and</strong> a tendency to be practical in your ideas; the eombination of the<br />

Libra base <strong>and</strong> the Leo body gives great tenacity of purpose. Order<br />

is imparted to the entire organism by the position of Saturn in Leo,<br />

which unite8 with the moon in Gemini to produce love of the<br />

sciences,-the occult <strong>and</strong> the so-called exact sciencee. Jupitf'r, tl1e planet<br />

of ideality, poeited in Sagittarius, leadi1 your ideals in the dh-ection<br />

of doing <strong>and</strong> ac<strong>com</strong>plishing, <strong>and</strong> strengthens the ideality in all<br />

that pertains to the spiritual <strong>and</strong> religious. <strong>The</strong> love planet, V enns,<br />

in restle111 struggling Pisces, creates disturbanee in the dome1tic <strong>and</strong><br />

love life. Strength is given to the brain by the position of Mercury<br />

in Aries, \vhich, at the same time, lowers the staudard of the ideal,<br />

<strong>and</strong> ie liable to produce impure imaginings, especially so if the tendency<br />

of the mind ia downward. However, the in8uence of Mercury<br />

will be largely controlled by Mars in Aries, which also tends to <strong>com</strong>·<br />

bativeness <strong>and</strong> love of argument. Y oar qualifications fit you to be<strong>com</strong>e<br />

a public 1peaker, but <strong>com</strong>b1&tivene111 would interfere with your<br />

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popularity as such. If Leo is the riling sign, you laue &ve 1ign1 in the<br />

fiery .triplicity, tlaree in the airy, one in the watery, <strong>and</strong> one ia the<br />

earthy triplicity; therefore, unleu you are interested in aome ecluCt\­<br />

tional punuit, 7ou will fail to ac<strong>com</strong>plish what your abilitin promiM.<br />

M. R. Jau. 6, 1876, 11 a. m. Denmark.<br />

$in 11; ) in 'V'; fJ, )(; I in:; lz in SI.: 1/. in ~: l in "I.;<br />

9 in !IR; lf in SI..<br />

A woman expreuea the poaitiYe side of the sign of your nativity,<br />

<strong>and</strong> of Pisces, your polarity; your nature is, therefore, very poeitiH.<br />

A reeUeu, longing desire for an indefinable aomething lelida yon into<br />

the ideal, <strong>and</strong> your woman's nature Callle8 you to idealize love, bot<br />

the family planet Mal'lt in Scorpio, <strong>and</strong> Jupiter, the planet of ideala,<br />

in Taul'WI, color.the ideal largely with the quality of eex. Saturn<br />

in Leo impart. a love of the aciencu, an inclination to atudy, <strong>and</strong><br />

giYea meclwaical abilitiea. <strong>The</strong> faet that the buic principle• of your<br />

ua.t.ure are adverse to each other <strong>and</strong> irritated by Man in Scorpio,<br />

10:Jtee you "high-tempered,"........aaily aromed; <strong>and</strong> oppoaed to these on·<br />

fortunate condition• is the position of Venue in Virgo, its home, dominating<br />

your life <strong>and</strong> producing a high ideal of beauty, elegance, refinement<br />

<strong>and</strong> all that belongs to the athetie. <strong>The</strong> <strong>com</strong>bined effect<br />

of these oppoaing elements of your character throwa your whole<br />

naiore into a struggle. By all meana keep your anind fu:ed upon<br />

the practical, or there is danger of eC'centric ext.remea; your nature is<br />

a strong one <strong>and</strong> should be governed by a firm <strong>and</strong> determined will<br />

in order to keep it in the channela of naefulnesa. Your buaineu<br />

ideals are good, <strong>and</strong> yon are better adapted to the businesa side of<br />

life than the domestic. Should you give your uttention to 11tudy, take<br />

up aome science that you can make practical-the practical ahonld<br />

occupy your mind. You potl'tllll a degree of poeitiveneaa that may strain<br />

the physical structure of your femi11ine organiism, <strong>and</strong>, conaequently,<br />

it would be well to take a course of Del1sute or 1Wme 1iaoilar syatem,<br />

in order to produce in yourself a quiet ea11y mov6ment <strong>and</strong> harmony<br />

of action.<br />

L. W. H. June 26, 1842, 10 a. m. Belmont Co., Ohio.<br />

$ in ~; ) in :::"; fJ, "X; W in "X; '2 in !D: 2/. in !D; o in ~;<br />

9 in )( ; lf in II.<br />

W oman'a nature expreeaes the positive aide of that moat feminine<br />

sign, Cancer. You love literature, art <strong>and</strong> 1cience. Have always<br />


36 TnE Il101.omc AL .JouaNAJ •• [SE> pt.<br />

entertained an ideal of being known to the world as a person of distinguished<br />

abilities, <strong>and</strong>, indeed, you have many peculiar gifts. An<br />

endowment from the planets Saturn <strong>and</strong> Jupiter in your life sign<br />

makes you a good talker-would succeed u a teacher or lecturer.<br />

Although you have an innate love of children <strong>and</strong> family, yet the<br />

positions of Mars <strong>and</strong> Venus would effertually prevent you from heing<br />

contented, were you bound down to a 11trictly domestic life. <strong>The</strong><br />

leading interesta of the day are your intere11te, <strong>and</strong> you have the<br />

qualifications to make you an exceedingly useful woman. You will<br />

find gre11.t harmony existing between yourself <strong>and</strong> those born in the<br />

sign Gemini, especially if they have Cancer rising. Your rising sign,<br />

Virgo, makea you very critical, exacting <strong>and</strong> 1>08itive, <strong>and</strong> Mara, also<br />

in an earthy sign, gives you a peculiar kind of <strong>com</strong>bativene88, which<br />

makes you dislike to aee anyone excel you in anything in which you<br />

may be intereate11. You are dispo11ed to rule in your own sphe1·e.<br />


Los An

1900.] CoKRESPONDENCE. 37<br />

foot. I played the bird to Gemini'• cat, natural prey; <strong>and</strong> Gemini<br />

didn't intend to hurt-jut drifted. <strong>The</strong>refore, Aqoariua ia not a<br />

good <strong>com</strong>panion for Gemini, for the aake of both. But Libra doea<br />

not get hurt by Aquarioa. No: the number of Libra people who at·<br />

tach themselv88 to me ia great, <strong>and</strong> I aeem to be able to do very<br />

much for the women, in helping them by my id"88; bot the men I<br />

despise, <strong>and</strong> cannot tolerate. I alwaya tell the Libra woman that 1he<br />

will aene me, <strong>and</strong> IM is alway• toilling. One great exception<br />

among Libra men ia one of my atepaona, who providee half my preeent<br />

maintenance. He hu not escaped the curae (?) of Reuben, bot a<br />

good poeition of Jupiter lifta him above the <strong>com</strong>mon run of Libru.<br />

<strong>The</strong> number of Gemini men who are firat-claaa workmen ia utonishing,<br />

thoa carrying out your theory. And poor Sagittariua!-how<br />

bard they alway• seem to work to the end of their livea, <strong>and</strong> juat get<br />

a hare living. <strong>The</strong>ir fidelity crops ont u conaervatiam-eoneiatent,<br />

bot hanging on to old conditions. Capricorn people are efferveacent,<br />

frothy, big ideu, ready for the poorhouse, aa you say, when they lose<br />

grip. My son is Capricorn-I have taught him the "habit of induatry,.;<br />

even now-14 years of age-attending school, performing home duties<br />

as well. <strong>and</strong> f'arning 25 eta. a day, which ia paid to rue. Your book<br />

is worth thous<strong>and</strong>s of dollara to anyone. I have given many parents<br />

hinta as to the upbringing of individual children, which I know will<br />

be invaluable. Personally, I am an epitome of Engl<strong>and</strong>. Am of<br />

English parentage. What affects Engl<strong>and</strong> u a whole, affects me u<br />

an individual. Queer-isn't it? Found that out through studying Solar<br />

Biology. David Lund said I have extraordinary power. Hope I can<br />

develop it under your beautiful aouthern sunshine. Hope these few<br />

corroborative items will not take up too much of your time.<br />

Yours truly, E. S. M.<br />

Another item:-1 was born when the ethers overlapped, half Capri·<br />

corn, half Aquarius. My two children (by my first marriage) are<br />

Aquarioa, then Capricorn, <strong>and</strong> they don't get along, the older, a<br />

girl, being a sign under the younger, a boy. My husb<strong>and</strong> wu also<br />

born when the ethers overlapped. His children (by his first marriage)<br />

were a Capricorn, an Aqnarins, a Gemini, <strong>and</strong> two Libras. I married<br />

a Libra. Don't know what his firat wife'• birthday was. My daughter<br />

is Aquarius. Two of her playmates are Pisces,-M.areh 5th; they<br />

feel the utmost affection for her, <strong>and</strong> are willing to be "bossed" by<br />

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her, <strong>and</strong> they love me. We also love them. But my mother' a birthday<br />

was March 5th, <strong>and</strong>-I leave you to supply the rest. Oh, the<br />

heal'tburninge! <strong>and</strong> I suppose they were on my mother's aide, too.<br />

When two eigna adjoin, it's all right if the older person ia in the topmost<br />

sign; it is unfortunate if the reverse. E. S. M.<br />


TBB SPBDIX. A magazine devoted t.o the ancient ecience of astrology. We<br />

quote the fellowing from the edit.or'• &DllOunoement: "<strong>The</strong> Sphinx ia a publioation<br />

that oamaot fail t.o intere11t ouliu-1 <strong>and</strong> thoughtful people. It ie 1111pported by the<br />

beat writers on aetrology in Engl<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> America, <strong>and</strong> la th• only magazine in<br />

the United Stat.ea that ia entUely devoted t.o teaching, demonatrating <strong>and</strong> vindicating<br />

the truth of the aoienoe ae taught by the Egyptians."<br />

We believe that tbie magazine ia all that ia claimed for it, <strong>and</strong> we are glad that<br />

America ia not behind any nation in p-nting t.o her people a fini-claa aatrological<br />

<strong>journal</strong>. We heartily re<strong>com</strong>mend <strong>The</strong> Sphinx t.o the attention of thoee interested<br />

in the 1tudy of aetrology. In p-ting that eyetem, the editor e:rpnngee from<br />

it the old mythl of magic, IO long the oune of aetrology, <strong>and</strong> gives a clear, logical<br />

exposit.ion, which appeale to the bigheet intelligence of the etudent. <strong>The</strong><br />

Sphinx is issued in h<strong>and</strong>aome <strong>and</strong> very artistic form. Subecription, $3.00 a year;<br />

eingle copy, 30 cent& Catherine B. Thompson, editor. Published by <strong>The</strong> Sphinx<br />

PublishingCompany, Boeton, M ...<br />

A V1111T TO A GNAlll. A book of 134 pages; elegant paper <strong>and</strong> nicely bound in<br />

cloth. It is an account of a visit t.o a man of Oriental knowledge <strong>and</strong> learning,<br />

<strong>and</strong> is altogether quite a remarkable work, containing much that is ol value to<br />

the eeoteriet. Like all books relating t.o ancient lore, it muet be read with discrimination,<br />

in order that the etudent may eelect the good <strong>and</strong> reject the evil.<br />

Probably, however, the evil ia in tbie inetance pBBBive, being of no partioular 1188.<br />

A caee in point la the instruction given t.o the student t.o unite himeeli to, or to<br />

recognize hie unity with all pel'IODB <strong>and</strong> everything in nature. In ancient timee,<br />

tbie wae the true teaching, but it is not so for the student of to-day. lie should<br />

remember that the our work is typified in Revelation by the birth of a man child<br />

that is to rule the earth; coneequently, inatead of recogni7.ing our unity with the<br />

race, we are to pull ounelves oot of that great body <strong>and</strong> st<strong>and</strong> eeparate, in order<br />

that we may be one with the Spirit of God,-that Spirit which ia above creation,<br />

generation, <strong>and</strong> death. On the whole, however, thia work containe many soggeetione<br />

valuable to the etodent, who should remember that in gathering knowledge,<br />

it is our duty to eelect the ueefnl from the past, t.o inspire from the preeent<br />

<strong>and</strong> for the future. <strong>The</strong> book is sold by Alice B. Stockham <strong>and</strong> Co., 66 Fifth<br />

Ave., Chicago. Price, fl.00.<br />

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1900.) BooK R•:v1Ews. 39<br />

IDEAL SuooUTIOK. By He117J Wood. 103 Jllllllll, paper, 50 cents. Thia wellknown<br />

author needa no introdaciion from ua. He ia clear, eirplioit, <strong>and</strong> logical In<br />

hia reBllOlling, <strong>and</strong> hia e:spoaition of the lawa of mental healing ia far 1uperior to<br />

thoee ordinarily preMnted to the reading public. We are informed tha* thi1 book<br />

has been trallllated into the Chi- language, <strong>and</strong> has been widely cfrcalated in<br />

the Orient. Sold by Lee <strong>and</strong> Shepard, BG.'lton, Mau.<br />

POLITICAL EooJrOllY OF NATUBAL I.Aw. By Helll'J Wood. Paper, 305<br />

pages, 50 centa. Thia book deala largely with the politioal atatae of the monetary<br />

intereat& <strong>The</strong> following aabjecta, together with otben of a limilar nature. are<br />

carelully treated in this volume: <strong>The</strong> Law of Competition; Employers <strong>and</strong><br />

Profit Sharing; Dependence <strong>and</strong> Ponrty; Can Capital <strong>and</strong> Labor be Harmonized?<br />

Action <strong>and</strong> Reaction, or "BoolDll" <strong>and</strong> Panica; M.oaey <strong>and</strong> Coinage; Iaduatrial<br />

F.dncation. Pnbliahed by Lee <strong>and</strong> Shepard, B011ton, Ma-.<br />

A Lou-L1T PATH TO GoD is the title of a beautifnl little book by lire. Hattie<br />

C. :Flower. <strong>The</strong> title ia happily selected, aa the book oont.alne 378 well-ehOllBD<br />

quotationa from the Bible, <strong>and</strong> cloaea with a practical appeal to the philanthropic<br />

<strong>and</strong> higbar religiou aide of human nature. Though the subject of the work 11<br />

wholly religioae, it ia '° attractively preaented aa to be intereeting to all. Sold by<br />

B. 0. Flower, Copely aqaare, Boeton, Maas.<br />

S:sv.BJr E.ur LEUOKI IK AllTBOLOOY. By J. B. Sullivan. A pamphlet of 64<br />

pages. Paper, 24 eente; cloth, 50 oente. Jnnto Book Co., Yonken, N. Y. Thia<br />

little book ia clearly <strong>and</strong> carefully written, <strong>and</strong> illaatrated with diagrams, making<br />

it very uaeful to those beginning the atndy of aatrology.<br />

Ev:uY LIVllfo CREATUU. By Ralph Waldo Trillf'. A little book or forty pages,<br />

neatly bound in ciloth. <strong>The</strong> book ia not large, <strong>and</strong>, conaeqnently, it would not be<br />

a very expenaive undertaking if eome of the good philanthropiate would purchue<br />

a number of th- little boob <strong>and</strong> place them in the h<strong>and</strong>s of yo1111« mothen. <strong>The</strong><br />

incaloatioa of kindnea upon the child' a mind, not only to the animal world, bot<br />

to each other, laye the foundation for all that is de1irable in mankind; <strong>and</strong> it<br />

-m• to me to be the duty of those who han hope in the future of the l'llC8 to<br />

nee all meane in their power to diatribute noh boob aa this one. lta methods for<br />

impre.ing upon the child the neceesity of kinda- are given forcibly <strong>and</strong> aimply,<br />

<strong>and</strong> oae oannot read the work without being convinced of the importance of the<br />

lemone therein contained. Sold by T. Y. Crowtill <strong>and</strong> Co., 46 Eaat Fovteenth<br />

St., New York; 100 Purchase St., Boston, Mass.<br />

Lin FOBCBll. By Margaret Virginia McCabe, D. S. T. Paper, 87 pagee, 80<br />

cent.a. Content.a: God-Consoion1n818; Material Forcee; Spirit Forcee; Building­<br />

StonM; Mortal Mind; Alpha <strong>and</strong> Omega.<br />

<strong>The</strong> author is a graduate of New York <strong>and</strong> Ohio Schools of Hypnotism <strong>and</strong><br />

givee Magnetic <strong>and</strong> Snggestin Treatments. Addl'OM the author, Mt. Vernon<br />

Plate, Wuhington, D. C.<br />

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In launching a magazine of 80 unique a character upon the<br />

world, the Grat number must necessarily be imperfect, from<br />

the fact that, until they see what the nature of the Journal is<br />

to be, but a limited number of our friends <strong>and</strong> students will<br />

send us oontributions. However, we think that we can promise<br />

our readers that the <strong>com</strong>ing i88ues will oontain articles from<br />

students of all branches of thought. We take this occasion to<br />

say that we hope the friends of the work will contribute their<br />

thought <strong>and</strong> the result of their investigations for the benefit of<br />

their fellow students. <strong>The</strong> "Crank Department" does not ap·<br />

pear in this number. It is 80 called because what is prellented<br />

therein may seem very peculiar to the ordinary mind; bnt no<br />

matter how strange or peculiar some of the ideas way seem,<br />

they all have their place of use in the world of thought; anti<br />

the building of our knowledge can never be <strong>com</strong>plete without<br />

peculiar ideas. We are told that, when Solomon built bill<br />

temple, there was one stone for which no one could find a use;<br />

it was ill-shaped <strong>and</strong> there seemed to be no place for it, <strong>and</strong> it<br />

was, consequently, thrown aai

1900.) El> ITO RIAL. 41<br />

an underst<strong>and</strong>ing with those who have applied for delineations<br />

in <strong>The</strong> Eeoteric that their applications would be 6lled in the<br />

columns of this Journal. It will give us pleasure to publish<br />

these delineations, bnt we muet request that all each appliCfttione<br />

be sent in anew, as, for several reasons, it would be very<br />

inconvenient to use those submitt.ed to the editor of <strong>The</strong> Esoteric.<br />

In eome instances, the applications in question were made<br />

more than a year ago, <strong>and</strong> the applicant& are no longer among our<br />

eubecribere. We wish to emphasize the fJt that the necessary<br />

data for a <strong>com</strong>plete delineation are, the year, day of the month,<br />

hour, place of birth, <strong>and</strong> sex. Without the hour, we may approximate<br />

a delineation, hut it mnst necessarily be im~l'fect;<br />

for we must know the hour in order to ascertain the rising sign,<br />

<strong>and</strong>, frequently, the exact position of the moon, which is often<br />

near the line of division between two signs. <strong>The</strong>refore those<br />

who wi11h delineations should carefully state sex, year, day of<br />

the month, <strong>and</strong>, if possible, the hour <strong>and</strong> minute. We will not<br />

attempt to give a delineation unless we have at least the date<br />

<strong>and</strong> place of birth. If any special point& are desired in t11e<br />

delineation, the applicant shoul

42 THE BIOLOGICAL .JoURNAL. (Sept.<br />

or that of two or three persons, but it should express the thoughts<br />

of the best thinkers throughout the field of its circulation. We<br />

repeat, therefore, that we want the help of our friends. We<br />

wish our readers to feel that this is their Journal as well as<br />

ours, <strong>and</strong> that in a great measure it devolves upon their efforts<br />

to make it a leading magazine of the age. <strong>The</strong>refore, those who<br />

are interested in the work, should a.qk tbem11elve11 what they can<br />

do to insure itll succe11s. If they are not able to write themselves,<br />

perhapR they know of some one who can, or, perhapR, in<br />

their reading, they have found some interesting <strong>and</strong> rare extract<br />

that will be useful to the people. While we solicit the aid of<br />

our friends, they muRt bear in mind that this work is largoly<br />

philanthropic, <strong>and</strong> aid must be given for love of tho work.<br />

Our department for delineations is intended for th~ aclvan<strong>com</strong>ent<br />

of knowledge concerning the science of Solar Biolog_v; it<br />

is our desire to eliminate all errors from this science an1l to incorporate<br />

into it a.s many additional facts as can be obtainccl.<br />

In thi11 our friends can aid us not only by sending us disC'OvP.rit>s<br />

they have made in the study of human nature, but thos~ who<br />

receive delineations through these columns can favor us with a<br />

criticism, pointing out the truths <strong>and</strong> errors therein contained,<br />

<strong>and</strong>, at the same time, stating their certainty or uncertainty as<br />

to the date <strong>and</strong> hour of their birth. It mm1t be borne in mind<br />

that Solar Biology delineate11 the innate character <strong>and</strong> does not<br />

take into consideration what may have been ac<strong>com</strong>plished by<br />

culture or environment-a fant which must be considered in<br />

making the criticisms referred to. Experience bas led us to believe<br />

that few people have a correct idea of their real natures,<br />

because the conditions of life <strong>and</strong> surroundings have so modified<br />

the innate qualities. When criticism is to be made in regard<br />

to a chn.racter 11ketch, we wish the 11tndent to state in what<br />

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1900.] EDITORIAL. 48<br />

particular the error has occurred, thus enabling us to locat.e it,<br />

if it really exists. But remember that Bums has aaid:-<br />

"0 wad some Pow'r the giftie gie ns<br />

To see ouraelR as others see us!"<br />

To the formea· sub11Cribers of <strong>The</strong> Esoteric we wish to announce<br />

that we will fill the unexpired term of their subscriptions<br />

with <strong>The</strong> <strong>Occult</strong> <strong>and</strong> Biological Journal, as it has been decided<br />

permanently to suspend the publication of <strong>The</strong> Esoteric.<br />

If this proposition is not Ratisfactory to any subRcriber we will<br />

make up the deficiency from our list of publications, or we will<br />

rlieve, without<br />

bias-for the ROle purpose of obtaining Ru


<strong>and</strong>, consequently, most sacred <strong>and</strong> divine, for all truth is of<br />

God. <strong>The</strong> S)'mbol of the sign of the month is seen upon the<br />

altar in the temple. God in bis work of creation uses the qualities<br />

of these signs in the formation of all life, thought, <strong>and</strong><br />

material substance; we, therefore, deem it fitting that the image<br />

or symbol should appear in the inner sanctuary. We have<br />

endeavored to secure the best material in the market for the<br />

Journal, <strong>and</strong> have tried, in so far as our facilities permit, to<br />

make it a work of genuine art, <strong>and</strong> one worthy of the attention<br />

of the best minds of the day.<br />

We desire to express our deep appreciation of the consideration<br />

shown by our many subecribers who so patiently wa.ite1l<br />

upon Ull during the time that our publication was suspended.<br />

Also to our many exchanges, we extend our sincere thanks for<br />

their regular visits, notwithst<strong>and</strong>ing the fact that we could not<br />

return the courtesy. Such kindness does much to bring into<br />

harmony of sympathy <strong>and</strong> purpose those who are growing responsive<br />

to the truths of a <strong>com</strong>ing century. We trust that all<br />

those who are striving to introduce into the world a higher<br />

order of life <strong>and</strong> thought may be prospered in their particular<br />

lines of service, whether they may be called upon to work<br />

in the <strong>com</strong>parative retirement of social or business life, or<br />

whether they be among those who are guiding the public mind<br />

through the medium of the various new-thought publications.<br />

Many of the friends of the Esoteric work are desiring to<br />

know something of the Esoteric Fraternity. We would say that<br />

the Fraternity bas not changed its course, but is moving on<br />

quietly, <strong>and</strong> that we are now prepared to accept as members<br />

such as are ready to dedicate their lives to God <strong>and</strong> the work.<br />

Address all <strong>com</strong>munications to Secretary, Esoteric Fraternity.<br />

\..\BRAriy'<br />

l1NrV~~~ITY'<br />

. J<br />

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I<br />

•<br />


This list will bold good until August, 11!


A New Scientific, Exact <strong>and</strong> Easy Method of Delineating Character;<br />

Diagnosing Disease; Determining Mental, Physical <strong>and</strong> Business<br />

Qualifications, Conjugal Adaptability, etc.,<br />

from Date of Birth.<br />

BY H. E. BUTLER.<br />

Ulustrated with Seven Plate Diagrams <strong>and</strong> Tables of the Moon <strong>and</strong> Planets,<br />

from 1820 to 1900.<br />

Thi11 science proves that "all are mPmber11 of One Body (1 Cor. XII<br />

12-27); <strong>and</strong> that, as 1111ch, each one bas his pecmliar function in life. It<br />

throws a flood of new light upon the problems of life, furni11hing the groundwork,<br />

or scientific law, which goes down into the miuutiro of the life of eve1·y<br />

man <strong>and</strong> woman, as a mirror reflecting his or her innate nature. This work tells<br />

what is in man <strong>and</strong> how derived. Tells how to cultivate 11elf <strong>and</strong> make the<br />

most <strong>and</strong> he11t of life. Tells one, when a child is born, whRt kind of trRining<br />

it should have, to what disea11es it is liahle. how to avoid or how to cure<br />

when alr(>ady developed. Reveals the Jlart of the g1·a11cl lHHly to which E>ach<br />

individual belongs, <strong>and</strong> the co1U1equent mental tendencies, physical fitness,<br />

natural sphere, <strong>and</strong> highe11t <strong>and</strong> fittest u11e in the worM.<br />

It enables parents to know just what business their childrPn are best<br />

adapted for, <strong>and</strong> how to educate them, <strong>and</strong> is also a guide to all persons in<br />

the preservation of health <strong>and</strong> strength, <strong>and</strong> an important aid to success <strong>and</strong><br />

to the attainment of the great object in life, viz., usefulness <strong>and</strong> happiness.<br />

It also aids in prolonging the life of old <strong>and</strong> young. It is of especial importance<br />

to physicians, enabling them to attain great success through having<br />

in their pos11ession a certain key to knowledge conoorning the nature <strong>and</strong><br />

peculiarities of their patients such as heretofore has been available only to<br />

those few that were of rare intuitive discernment.<br />

It is claimed that character is expreS11ed in the count.eoan



BY lllRA:U E. Bt:TLER.<br />

Fll'llt i..ectare.-Tbe Idea of" Gud. <strong>The</strong> people of all agn rharar.t.erizt'd<br />

by tbelr Idea of liod-Tbe word of 1;0


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- 1900. -<br />

<strong>The</strong> Esoteric Ephemeris has been so enlarged for the year 1900 as to t>ontain nearly riO pages.<br />

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WRill E. BUTLER, Eol'l'Oa.<br />

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<strong>The</strong> aim of <strong>The</strong> <strong>Occult</strong> <strong>and</strong> Biological Journal is two fold: first, it endeavors to unveil<br />

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is now seeking in the mysticism of the past <strong>and</strong> in Oriental religions; shows the correlation<br />

of the doctrines of the Orient <strong>and</strong> those of the Christian religion, <strong>and</strong> uses<br />

the wisdom of the past to throw new light on Biblical text; <strong>and</strong>, secondly, to those<br />

whose desire is individual unfoldment, it gives a special course of instructions; presents<br />

methods for increasing the arnount of life in the organism, for its conservation<br />

<strong>and</strong> control, thus insuring the magnetic powea· so necessary to success in all directions.<br />

It studies the biology of the universe. Investigates the laws of life, tracing<br />

the col11'8& of ita unfoldment from its origin until it reaches the perfection of the<br />

human organism. Calls attention to its· uses <strong>and</strong> abuses. Its presentation of the<br />

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THE<br />


VOL.I. - 1tl - No. 2.<br />

OCTOBER 28 to NovoBER 22.<br />

THE SOUL.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re ia nothing of greater importance t.o any clua of real<br />

thinkers than a knowledge of self, <strong>and</strong> that knowledge ia far<br />

from being a knowledge of one's own body, its appetite&, pusiona,<br />

<strong>and</strong> all its external manifestations. <strong>The</strong> important<br />

knowledge ia that which pertains t.o the real self, or that which<br />

lies at the very base or root of an individualized, oonaoious<br />

entity. For by a correct underst<strong>and</strong>ing, knowledge, of this<br />

subject, the mind is enabled t.o dwell in vital thought, which is<br />

eternal; in it ia immortality <strong>and</strong> without it we only voice the<br />

thought of all the great teachers of the world.<br />

In <strong>The</strong> Gotpel of Buddha (Chap. Liii.), arranged by Dr. Paul<br />

CantB, a most interesting interview is recorded between a leading<br />

Brahman of his day <strong>and</strong> Buddha, extracts from whfoh we<br />

he.re quote:-<br />

"Thy heart, 0 Brahman, is cleaving still to self; thou art anxious<br />

about heaven but thou seekest the pleasures of self in<br />

heaven, <strong>and</strong> thus thou canst not see the bli88 of truth <strong>and</strong> the<br />

immortality of truth.<br />

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46 TeE B101.001cAL JOURNAL. [Oct.<br />

"Verily 1 say unto you: <strong>The</strong> Blessed One baa not <strong>com</strong>e to<br />

teach death, but to teach life, <strong>and</strong> thou dost not discern the<br />

nature of living <strong>and</strong> dying.<br />

"This body will be dissolved <strong>and</strong> no amount of sacrifice will<br />

save it. <strong>The</strong>refore, seek thou the life that is of mind. Where<br />

self is, truth cannot be; yet when truth <strong>com</strong>es, self will .disap·<br />

pear. <strong>The</strong>refore, let thy mind re.st in the truth; propagate the<br />

truth, put thy whole soul in it, <strong>and</strong> let it spread. In the truth<br />

thou shalt live f1•rever.<br />

"Self is death <strong>and</strong> trttth is life.<br />

<strong>The</strong> cleaving to self is a<br />

perpetual dying, while moving in the truth is partaking of<br />

Nirvana whfoh iR lifo everlaRting."<br />

• • • • •<br />

Said Kntarlant.a: "I feel, 0 Lor1l, that thon proclaimest n<br />

great doctrine, bnt I cannot grasp it. F01·bear with me that 1<br />

ask again: Tell me, 0 Lord, if there he no atman, how can<br />

there be immortality? <strong>The</strong> activity of the mind passeth, <strong>and</strong><br />

our thoughts are gone when we have done thinking."<br />

Buddha replied: "0nr thinking is gone, but our thoughts<br />

continue. Reasoning ceases, but knowledge remains."<br />

Said Kutadanta: "How is that? Is not reasoning <strong>and</strong> know).<br />

eilgc the same?"<br />

<strong>The</strong> Blessed One explained the distinction by an illustration:<br />

"It iR as when a man wants, during the night, to 11end a letter,<br />

<strong>and</strong>, after having bis clerk called, bas a lamp lit, <strong>and</strong> gets the<br />

letter written. <strong>The</strong>n, when that bas been done, he extinguiRhee<br />

the lamp. But though the lamp has been put out the writing<br />

ill still therP. Thne doeR reasoning cease <strong>and</strong> knowledge remain;<br />

<strong>and</strong> in th"' same way mental activity ceases, but experi1•n

1900.] Taa 8ouL. 47<br />

Said the Blessed One: "Suppose a man were to light a lamp;<br />

would it burn the night through?"<br />

"Yes, it might do so," was the reply.<br />

"Now, is it the same flame that burns in the first watch of<br />

the night as in the second?"<br />

Kutadanta hesitated. He thought "yes, it is the same flame,"<br />

but fearing the <strong>com</strong>plications of a bidden meaning, <strong>and</strong> trying<br />

to be exact, be said: "No, it is not."<br />

"<strong>The</strong>n," continued the Blessed One, "there are two flames,<br />

one in the first watch <strong>and</strong> the other in the second watch." ·<br />

"No, sir," said Kutadanta. "In one sense it is not the same<br />

flame, hut in another sense it is the same flame. It burns of<br />

the 11ame kind of material, it emits the same kind of light, <strong>and</strong><br />

it serves the same purpose."<br />

"Very well," said Buddha, "<strong>and</strong> would you call those flames<br />

the Mame that have burned yesterday <strong>and</strong> are burning now in<br />

the same lamp, filled with the same kind of oil, illuminating<br />

the R&me room?''<br />

"<strong>The</strong>y may have heen extinguished during the clay,' sugge11terl<br />

Kntadanta.<br />

0<br />

Said the Blessed One: "Suppose the flame of the llret watch<br />

bad heen extinguished during the second watch, would you call<br />

it the same if it burns again in the third watch'?"<br />

Replied Kutadanta: "ln one sense it is a different flame, in<br />

another it is not."<br />

<strong>The</strong> Tathagata asked again: " Has the time that bas elapsed<br />

during the extinction of the flame anything to do with its identity<br />

or non-identity?"<br />

"No, sir," said the Brllhman, "it has not. <strong>The</strong>re is a differ­<br />



·'Yea, air," replied Kutadanta.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Blessed One continued: "Now, suppose there is a man<br />

who feels like you, thinks like you, <strong>and</strong> act.a like you, is he not<br />

the 8&Dle man as you?"<br />

"No, sir," int.errupted Kutadanta.<br />

Said Buddha: "Doet thou deny that the same logic holds<br />

good for thyself that holds good for the things of the world?"<br />

Kutadanta bethought himself <strong>and</strong> rejoined slowly: "No. I do<br />

not. <strong>The</strong> same logic bolds good univenally; but there is a peculiarity<br />

about my self which renden it altogether different<br />

from everything else <strong>and</strong> also from other selves. <strong>The</strong>re may<br />

be another man who feels exactly like me, thinks like me, <strong>and</strong><br />

acts like me; suppose even he had the same name <strong>and</strong> the same<br />

kind of poueuiona, he would not be myself."<br />

"True, Kutadanta," answered Buddha, "be would not be thyself.<br />

Now, tell me, is the person who goes to achool one, <strong>and</strong><br />

that same person when he has finished hie schooling another?<br />

Ia it one who <strong>com</strong>mits a crime, another who is punished by<br />

having hie h<strong>and</strong>s <strong>and</strong> feet cut off?"<br />

"<strong>The</strong>y are the same," was the reply.<br />

"<strong>The</strong>n sameness is constituted by continuity only?" Mked<br />

the Tathagata.<br />

"Not only by continuity," said Kutadanta, ••but alRO <strong>and</strong><br />

mainly by identity of charact.er."<br />

"Very well," concluded Buddha, "then you agree that per·<br />

sons can be the same, in the 11ame sense a11 two flames of the<br />

same kind are called the same; <strong>and</strong> thou mDBt recognize that<br />

in this sense another man of the same character ancl product<br />

of the same karma is the same a11 thou."<br />

"Well, I do," said the Brahman.<br />

Buddha continued: "And in this same sense alone art thou<br />

the same to-clay as yest.erday. Thy nature i11 not constituted<br />

by the matter of which thy body consists, but by the forll)s of<br />

the body, of the sensatiou11, of the thought.II. Thy soul is the<br />

<strong>com</strong>bination of the samakarae. Wherever they are, thou art.<br />

Whithersoever they go, thy soul goes. Thu11 thou wilt reoog-<br />

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1900.] THE SouL.<br />

niae in a certain aenae an identit1 of thy aelf, <strong>and</strong> ill another<br />

eense thou wilt not. But he who does not reoognise the identity<br />

should deny all identity, <strong>and</strong> ahould say that the qaeltioner<br />

is no longer the aame person u be who a minute after reoeiffl<br />

the anRwer. Now consider the oontinnation of thy penonalit1,<br />

which ia preserved in thy karmL Dost thou oall it dea&h <strong>and</strong><br />

annihilation, or life <strong>and</strong> oontinued life."<br />

"I call it life <strong>and</strong> continued life," rejoined Katadanta, "for<br />

it ia the continuation of my existence, but I do not oare for<br />

that kind of oontinnation. All I care for ia the oontinoation<br />

of aelf in the other senM', which makes of every man, whether<br />

iJentical with me or not, an altogether di1fe1"nt penon."<br />

.. Very well," said Buddha. "Thia is what thoa deaireat <strong>and</strong><br />

thi" i" the cleaving to self. Thia ia thy error, <strong>and</strong> it implieatea<br />

thee into unnecellll8ry anxieties <strong>and</strong> wrong-doing, into grief<br />

aud tiarea of all kind. He who cleaves to aelf mnat pua through<br />

the emlleu migration• of death, be ia constantly dying. For<br />

the nature of self ia a perpetual death."<br />

••How is that?" asked KubMlanta.<br />

"Where ii! thy aelfr' uked Buddha. And when Kutadanta<br />

macle no reply, he continued: "Thy self to which thou oleaveat<br />

jg a oonatant cbangf'. Y ean ago thou wut a email babe; then,<br />

thou wast a boy; then a youth, <strong>and</strong> now thou art a man. Ia<br />

there any identity of the babe <strong>and</strong> the man? <strong>The</strong>re ia an<br />

identity in a oertain sense only. Indeed there is more identity<br />

bt>tween the flames of the first <strong>and</strong> the third watob, even though<br />

the lamp might have been extinguished during the aeoond<br />

watch. Now which is the true self, that of yesterday, that of<br />

to.day, or that of to-morrow, for the preservation of wbioh thou<br />

doKt clamor?''<br />

lo verses ten <strong>and</strong> eleven Buddha anRwen the Brahman thus:<br />

.. Only through ignorance <strong>and</strong> delusion do men indulge in the<br />

drea.111 that their souls are separate <strong>and</strong> self.existent entities.<br />

Thy heart, 0 Brahman, is cleaving atill to self; thou art<br />

anxious about heaven but thou seekeat the pleaauree of aelf in<br />

heaven, <strong>and</strong> thus thou canat not aee the blil8 of truth aad tu<br />

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50 THE BIOLOGIC4L JouRN.A.L.<br />

immortality of truth.'' I presume that nine-tenths of those<br />

who read these words <strong>and</strong> fully <strong>com</strong>prehend the position of the<br />

Brahman, will be in sympathy with his thought, but it will be<br />

eeen that Buddha, <strong>and</strong> we think wisely, maintains that the<br />

Brahman's position is wholly characterized by self, <strong>and</strong> that by<br />

holding to self he ~11 lose self, or immort.ality. It is the function<br />

of the natural man, as of the animal world, to preserve<br />

11elf, <strong>and</strong> while he may vaguely think <strong>and</strong> indefinitely believe<br />

that he is loving <strong>and</strong> cleaving to the soul, that ia, the real self,<br />

yet in reality, not having defined <strong>and</strong> separated in bis own<br />

mind all the characteriRtica of a real existence, he is living in<br />

the shadow of the present existence, which must peri11h <strong>and</strong><br />

paSM away. With smih there can be no perpetuation of existence<br />

or continuottK chain of consciousness. This, Buddha clearly<br />

sets forth in verse twelve, in which he ttaytt: ••<strong>The</strong> Blessed<br />

One has not oome to teach death, but to teach life, <strong>and</strong> thou<br />

dost not discern the nature of living <strong>and</strong> dying.'' Verse thirteen<br />

shows that Buddha's position was the same u the one that<br />

we have just indioat.ed. In verse fourteen we read: ••Self is<br />

death <strong>and</strong> truth is life, et.


A line of instructions such as the.e will fall into the h<strong>and</strong>s<br />

of many-<strong>and</strong>, no doubt, honest, earneat penons-to whoee minds<br />

they will appear to oontain bat little that ia uaeful, beoauae of the<br />

habit of the maaaes of hearing many things <strong>and</strong> reading many<br />

words <strong>and</strong> giving bat little att.ention t.t> them. <strong>The</strong> mind of the<br />

reading public baa becorue like a bard. beat.en path in which noth.<br />

ing can grow. If you wish your mind to grow, your thought capacity<br />

to be<strong>com</strong>e enlarged. you must overoome the habit of reading-l'eading<br />

too much, <strong>and</strong> of lightly reading anything. You<br />

must also over<strong>com</strong>e the habit of entering into, <strong>and</strong> be<strong>com</strong>ing a<br />

party to light <strong>and</strong> frivolous oonveraation. But right here, in<br />

order that these inatruotiona may be of general use, it ia neceeaary<br />

to exercise diacrimination. <strong>The</strong>re ia a clau of peraona who<br />

are inclined to take everything very seriously, upon whoee minds<br />

a word makes a very deep impreaaion-they think about it, <strong>and</strong><br />

view it from every st<strong>and</strong>point. To these people the above suggestions<br />

are not applicable; to such I would say: Have your<br />

timP.11 for study <strong>and</strong> deep thought, but when your mind begins<br />

to tire <strong>and</strong> thought <strong>com</strong>es only by great effort, then you should<br />

go into sodety <strong>and</strong> engage in light conversation, or go out into<br />

the fil'ld <strong>and</strong> play like ~ child-enter into nRture <strong>and</strong> atop your<br />

thinking; let go <strong>and</strong> let the mind rest.<br />

On the other h<strong>and</strong>, to the great majority of people, who have<br />

• l>een in the habit of lightly reading on all subjects, I would<br />

say: Before you can ac<strong>com</strong>plish anything of importance, you<br />

must learn to give special attention to every word that ia utwred<br />

around you <strong>and</strong> to everything that you read; but that<br />

attention should be of such a nature that you are able to with·<br />

draw your thought from a. person who is talking frivolously,<br />

or to refuR~ t-0 read a hook that contains nothin1 that is pract.i.<br />

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62 TuE BmL001cAL JOURNAL. (Oct.<br />

cal. If a person baa good practical ideas <strong>and</strong> i11 inclined to<br />

to express deep <strong>and</strong> important thought&, then listen to <strong>and</strong><br />

think about every word that he utters; get yourself into the<br />

habit of remembering all that ia &aid that ia useful <strong>and</strong> that<br />

seems to you wise. When reading, bear in mind the fact<br />

that yon are looking for truth; <strong>and</strong> in order to aearch for<br />

troth, yon ahould look closely <strong>and</strong> intently at that which aeems<br />

to be error, <strong>and</strong> in that which seems to be mere words, try to flnd<br />

vital truths bidden away in the multitude of words; <strong>and</strong> in all<br />

your reading <strong>and</strong> thinking <strong>and</strong> in listening to the thought of<br />

others, you should keep ever before your mind this motto:<br />

••Use: determines all qualities, whether go


in purauitof a oertain important thing. <strong>The</strong> mind, under nohoiroumatanoea,<br />

would gin no thought to the pleuuree <strong>and</strong> tboughtleu<br />

reat <strong>and</strong> quiet of the home life, but it -would be intent on<br />

the ultimation of its object. <strong>The</strong> aenaea would be wide awake;<br />

.. we oommonly say, the eyes would be alway• open to see anything<br />

<strong>and</strong> everything that would facilitate the object in view.<br />

In establishing in the mind our object in life, we abould<br />

not forget that '"life is real, life ia eamest, life ia not an empty<br />

dream," <strong>and</strong> should remember that no high attainment can be<br />

reached unless all the powera of mind <strong>and</strong> body are bent in<br />

one direction. Another thought mnet hue ita plaoe in this<br />

connection; namely, that great reaulta are aooompliahed atep<br />

by step, a little at a time,-jWtt u, in climbing a high moUDtain,<br />

you take but one atep at a time, <strong>and</strong> if you were to atop <strong>and</strong><br />

count the number of etepe, take into consideration the toil <strong>and</strong><br />

labor, <strong>and</strong> coun11el your feeling• in the matter, you would not<br />

feel like advancing further. <strong>The</strong> only question that you should<br />

oonaider ia, Am I able to reach the objeoti ve point? it it re&!Onable<br />

to auppose that a man ie able to get there? While it it<br />

right to question whether any one elae hu reached that height,<br />

yet thia should not be an overpowering consideration, for you<br />

may be able to riae higher than all others before you. We are<br />

now in a time of "record breaking" in every department of ·<br />

of science, m"chanioa, <strong>and</strong> physical <strong>and</strong> mental abilities.<br />

We read in Revelation that the "fearful <strong>and</strong> unbelieving"<br />

are they that fail. Thie ia true in every eftort toward attainment<br />

in life; a man or woman cannot be "fearful <strong>and</strong> unbelieving"<br />

<strong>and</strong> aooomplith very much in the line of hia or her<br />

efforts. Reasonable faith ie all-powerful. I say "reasonable<br />

faith," because there ie a olaaa of minds who have unbounded<br />

faith altogether out of proportion to their reason <strong>and</strong> ability;<br />

<strong>and</strong> if that faith ie allowed to dominate their life, their objects<br />

will be a total failure. It should be made a subject of thought<br />

<strong>and</strong> ca.reful study to 6nd a harmonious balance between reaeon<br />

<strong>and</strong> £aith, self-confidonce, <strong>and</strong> also between hope <strong>and</strong> faith.<br />

<strong>The</strong> organ or hopt>, if la.eking, should be cultivated; if too<br />

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strong, it should be restrained. <strong>The</strong> manifestation of hope is<br />

to wait, like Micawber, "for something to turn up," but if anything<br />

turns up for us in this higher life, we should remeruber<br />

tha.t it is for us to turn it up, <strong>and</strong> bring it to the surface <strong>and</strong><br />

utilize it; for, in order to ac<strong>com</strong>plish his purpose a man must<br />

have knowledge, which can only be obtained through experi·<br />

ence, experimentation.<br />

It is not always necessary, however, that we ourselves experience<br />

a thing; the experience of another may be so <strong>com</strong>plete<br />

that it be<strong>com</strong>es knowledge to us. But hear in mind the<br />

fact, that great knowledge is not necessarily useful; great<br />

wisdom is better than great knowle

USEFUL 18TRUCTIOM8. 56<br />

take up some line of thought very obscure <strong>and</strong> diftleult t.o <strong>com</strong>prehend,<br />

work on it <strong>and</strong> mast.er it at all huarda; but when the<br />

the miud be<strong>com</strong>es exhausted, it should be allowed t.o rest.<br />

Another point worthy of oonaideration ia, that dllftsrent persons<br />

are differently constituted in regard t.o auch matt.era.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are many who would rest as soon as they feel the least<br />

fatigued, while others would carry the drill t.oo far <strong>and</strong> thereby<br />

injure the power of the mind. Those who train athlet.ea do<br />

not allow their men t.o atop a particular exercise when the<br />

muscles begin t.o ache, but they aee that they diaoontinue it before<br />

their powers begin t.o fail. And eo, in training the mind,<br />

we ahould continue the exercise for some time after we feel<br />

tired, but it ia always well t.o atop before the mind <strong>com</strong>mence•<br />

to fail.<br />

PersonR born while the earth was in the sign Cancer, Leo,<br />

<strong>and</strong> sometimes Scorpio or Aquarius, or who have planetary<br />

endowments largely in interior signs, are apt t.o lack power of<br />

mental focalization, <strong>and</strong> yet they are the ones who are moat apt<br />

t.o say, "I do not need such a line of instruction as we are now<br />

pursuing," when the fact of the matter is, they are the ones who<br />

most need it. It should be remembered that the mental faculties<br />

are subject to the same law as that which go,·erns the muscles<br />

of the body: if a man uses the muscles in bard continuous labor,<br />

he can so develop the body that it can endure an incredible<br />

amount of hard work; hut this is ac<strong>com</strong>plished only IJy long<br />

<strong>and</strong> persistent effort. And just so with the cultivation <strong>and</strong> development<br />

of mind; it is only by long <strong>and</strong> persistent effort that<br />

the mind is developed so that it ia capable of underst<strong>and</strong>ing<br />

obscure <strong>and</strong> difficult problems, or of 11arrying on keen <strong>and</strong> di1teriminative<br />

thought for a long period of time.<br />

(To be continued. )<br />

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By the wayaide, one day, I saw a little flower, <strong>and</strong>, attracted<br />

by its modest beauty, I plucked it. As I looked into its upturned<br />

face, I questioned it thus:<br />

"Little flower, tell me, of what use are you? what is your<br />

place in the Divine economy?"<br />

And my eyes opened wide with surprise, <strong>and</strong> my heart grew<br />

big with wonder as I list.ened, for it seemed to reply; <strong>and</strong> theee<br />

were the words that came into my heart:<br />

"You know that form is indicative of quality, also that many<br />

plants have very pronounced qualities; in some instances, so<br />

beneficent as to render thew fit for food, while others are poisonous,<br />

the remainder ranging in their effects between these<br />

extremes. I have builded this form. of moisture <strong>and</strong> the elements<br />

obtained from the earth aml air. What you bold iu your b<strong>and</strong><br />

iA simply a form, a llignature, indicative of the qualities within.<br />

Thia organism ia <strong>com</strong>posed chiefly of carbon obtained from<br />

the air, where it exists in the form of a poison cast oft by men<br />

<strong>and</strong> animals in the artificial <strong>and</strong> natural processes necesaary to<br />

life <strong>and</strong> civilization. Consequently, you see that a part of our<br />

use in the economy of nature is to purify the air. But tbia ia<br />

only the most apparent part of our work; in the effect of our<br />

easencea upon the human organism you will find evidences of our<br />

further use; for example, the poison oak contains that which<br />

irritates the skin, the poppy that which which induces aleep .<br />

.. I aaid that I had builded this form of the elements of earth,<br />

air, <strong>and</strong> wate1., but, you ask, whence do I get the peculiar qualitiea<br />

wherewith to affect your organism? You know that quality<br />

ia not material in its nature; <strong>and</strong> wheu you are told that the<br />

sap of a ce1•tain pla.ut will poiliou you l>eoause it uontaiu11 001·-<br />

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tain chemical conetituenta, you know that it is but half a truth,<br />

for itJe the peculiar quality of the life of the plant oommunioated<br />

to your own life forces that affeota you; the material aubataoce<br />

ia merely the embodiment of the quality of life, the<br />

house in which it abides.<br />

"If you open the eyes of the soul, you will aee that you are<br />

surrounded by a aubatance of which thought.a are formed; it ia<br />

the mind, the life, of Earth. By some it ia called the astral<br />

light; <strong>and</strong> it ia the underlying aubatanoe of all material form.<br />

It ia crowded with forms, some of which are the emanations of<br />

human life. Should you be<strong>com</strong>e angry, you would radiate a<br />

noisome mind or life quality, by which the mental atmosphere<br />

'lrnuld be poisoned. A measure of this poison would be absorbed<br />

by some plant, which would build it into itself, thus cleanaing<br />

the mental aurroundinga. <strong>The</strong> juice of the vlant, applied to<br />

the akin, might cause a rub or an angry flush; taken internally<br />

the result might be fever or oonvulaiona, for the anger of<br />

the plant, having been freed, would be<strong>com</strong>e a part of yourself.<br />

<strong>The</strong> plant you despise, because, you say, it ia poisonous, but<br />

the poison ia youra,-your anger, your eelflahnesa, hate, immorality,<br />

or whatever the evil in which you may have indulged.<br />

You are, for the time being, the fountain which gives it it.a<br />

power for ill. <strong>The</strong> plant ia not evil but good, for it clean1e1<br />

the mind of Earth, in which you dwell.<br />

"And so it ia with all of ua; we gather from the emanations<br />

of men the qualities peculiar to our natures. Some of ua gather<br />

hate <strong>and</strong> some l~ve, the energies or the atupor,-some one oomhination<br />

of qualities anti some another. Thus you aee we are<br />

keeping pure the air <strong>and</strong> the life cnrrenta of Earth, doing<br />

what we can that you may have a clean home.in which to dwell."<br />

I kiaaed the little ftower, <strong>and</strong>, laying it down, pondered long<br />

upon it.a words <strong>and</strong> the wooden of nature's economy.<br />


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<strong>The</strong> planets, including the earth, must be regarded aa so<br />

many ateps in evolutionary unfoldment. Could we visit them<br />

in their order, beginning with Mercury, we would find thateaoh<br />

auooeeding world, with all organized life upon it, was one planetary<br />

cycle in advance of the world that we had just left behind.•<br />

It is in this great octave of the aolar aystem that we<br />

must study the order of creation, organization,-the organization,<br />

first, of the individual, then of the family, <strong>com</strong>munity, or<br />

nation,-that is, the organization of a limited number of individuals<br />

into one body, or structure-<strong>and</strong>, finally, the organiz&­<br />

tion of the entire planetary intelligence into a perfect whole,<br />

the perfected p1anetary man.<br />

1n other words, the ultimate aolidarity of the race is to be<br />

such that its individual members will maintain the same interrelation<br />

as that which binds together the cells of our own physical<br />

body. We know that the physical structure is <strong>com</strong>posed<br />

of minute cells, each in itself a <strong>com</strong>plete organism; that among<br />

theee tiny individuals a wonderful specialization bas arisen<br />

from the fact that they have arranged themselves into distinct<br />

auewblages, or groups, for the purpose of uniting their efforts<br />

in the ao<strong>com</strong>plishment of some particular work for the <strong>com</strong>mon<br />

good, some devoting themselves to the task of nutrition, others<br />

-------- - --- ---- ------<br />

•Each of th1!8e cycles i1 aubdivided into two minor cycle1, a fact indicated by<br />

the dual character of the primal colora. What would be the aub-red, however, ia<br />

to aa inviaible; it is loet In the darkn- that envelops all vibration below that<br />

point at which oar lenses are able to respond. Aud, 11g11in, the earth i1 just now<br />

about to emerge from the aob-green, but the light.er green, 1Uooeeding It, ia to<br />

moat people ao ovenhadowed by the den1er shade in which they are immel'Bed,<br />

that they fail to recogni7AI it in the primal colors. Some, however, even among<br />

our material aoientiats, are able to see thia lighter color lying between the greeu<br />

<strong>and</strong> the blue. Supplying, then, tbo~e oolora which are invisible to. the ordinary<br />

ublerver, we hRve, the sub-red, red: 01·angl'. yellow: sub-grenn, (inTilible) ireen;<br />

indip, blue.<br />

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AN 0CTAYF. OP "\VORLDS. 59<br />

to that of reproduction, to lo<strong>com</strong>otion, <strong>and</strong> 80 f 01·th, yet each<br />

group establishing a most intimate relation with every other<br />

group, <strong>and</strong> regulating its duties accordingly. <strong>The</strong> reault of<br />

this grouping of individuals (cells), <strong>and</strong> linking of groups. is<br />

the <strong>com</strong>plex, many-celled, physical structure, with its various<br />

organs.<br />

Now, the history of the development of the ultimate planetary<br />

man will be identical with that of our own physical organism.<br />

<strong>The</strong> parallel between the processes of growth will be an<br />

exact one if, for the cells, we but substitute the units of the<br />

race, who are to be grouped to form the several organs of that<br />

gr<strong>and</strong> man aa are the cells in the performance of the various<br />

functions of the human body; some will go to make up the feet,<br />

others the knees, the bead, the heart, the reins, but between<br />

the whole the unity of intellection, of interest, of impulse, of<br />

conaciousneas, will be that which binds together the cells of our<br />

physical struoture. Whatever may effect one will thrill through<br />

the conaciousne88 of all as lite1'&lly as the cells of the human<br />

body respond each to the other.<br />

This, then, in the language of the planets, is the plan of creation1-each<br />

world is to produce but one man, an organism <strong>com</strong>posed<br />

of the entire planetary race. Now the application of this<br />

truth is such a significant factor in the study of planetary influence<br />

on human character, that the writer proposes to examine,<br />

in a aeries of papers written for the Journal, the several steps<br />

of the creative or planetary scale in their relation to this im-<br />

1iortant subject.<br />

Upon Mercury we find au 01·der of life that has not passed<br />

beyond the psychic stake of unfoldment; that i11, organization<br />

is not sufficiently advanced to have developed an independent<br />

individual consciousness. <strong>The</strong> individual knows, feels, thinks,<br />

as does the Creative Mind, is one with it, is incapable of intellection<br />

or of an impulse other than what it finds iu the great<br />

m·cative currents of which it is as yet ecarcely more than a<br />

part. <strong>The</strong>se beings belong to the reins of the Solar Organism,<br />

<strong>and</strong>, tl'uly, the umbilical coro, linking them to the Eternal<br />

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60 Tait B10Loo1c..t.L .JouaNAL.<br />

Mother, bu not yet been eevereJ, <strong>and</strong> their cooBCiouaneu is<br />

hen. We will have a clearer conception of the people of<br />

Mercury if we underst<strong>and</strong> that, in their organization, the mental<br />

operations are conduct.eel in the reins instead of in the bead.<br />

In the reins is located the organ of mentality, by meaos of<br />

which all that is seen in the realms of psychic life-upon<br />

which.they look out aa we look out upon a material <strong>and</strong> more<br />

aubatantial world- is examined, <strong>com</strong>pared, <strong>and</strong> adjusted to its<br />

proper relations, by the same process as that by which we gain<br />

concept& of a materiRl existence.•<br />

A. atrange people these!-paychic creatures, who have not<br />

the groaaer physical structure that belongs to the children of<br />

Earth. <strong>The</strong>y have sprung into being aa the literal word, a<br />

form conceived <strong>and</strong> sent forth from the head, which draws from<br />

the reins essences, qualities, ideals, which ultimate in theee<br />

peychic beings of Meroury, st<strong>and</strong>ing thus oo the lowest round<br />

of the evolutionary ladder. Nor do we find the buay life among<br />

them which marks our world; industry, as we underst<strong>and</strong> the<br />

term, is unknown there, upon little Mercury. <strong>The</strong> delight of<br />

it.a inhabitant& is in continuous contemplation of the creative<br />

processes. As we see, hear, <strong>and</strong> touch the external thing11 of<br />

our material world, so they know the vibrating currents of astral<br />

or creative life <strong>and</strong> the inmost secrets of the Creative Mind.<br />

<strong>The</strong>ir joy is to know-<strong>and</strong> they know &11 the Creator knowR.<br />

And how fleet are these children of thought ! it needs aoarcely<br />

more than an act of volition to transport them where they<br />

would be,-from place to pla(~, from planet to planet, wherever<br />

the queat of knowledge may direct them.t We have a claaaic<br />

allusion to this fact in the wingPd cap <strong>and</strong> the winged a<strong>and</strong>alK<br />

of Mercury, the meseenger of the gods, winging his way from<br />

•Remaillltof the earlieet organb:ed life npou our planet have been fonud with<br />

the brains iu the pelri. lllltead of In the bead, the bead ooataiuing relatively 111ob<br />

• 1mall amount u to be of ao pn.otioal importauoe.<br />

t After having •pent eome time in inspiration <strong>and</strong> ooutemplatiou of the IOlar<br />

onnenta, the writer, npon one ooouion, found benelf in the p-noe of au inhabitant<br />

of the planet Mercury, from whom ehe ptb"red 10me importaut faota relative<br />

to thow primal •tatefl of being.<br />

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-<br />


world to world; <strong>and</strong> in Hermes, who is identical with Mercury,<br />

we meet a personification of the knowledge of the ancients.<br />

But we must not linger too long upon :Mercury, interesting<br />

as it is, with its mystic shadows penetrated by the strange red<br />

light, with the absence of all water, <strong>and</strong> of vegetation such as<br />

we know it, ita weird <strong>and</strong> wonderful people, speeding from<br />

place to place with the fleetness of thought.<br />

Passing further away from the Solar Center we find ourselves<br />

in the virgin presence of the beautiful Venua. Here<br />

oxygen exists in sufficient quantities to have carried the work<br />

of Nature's transmutation paat its red states, seen when carbon<br />

flrat catches the fire-oxidation bas r&&ohed its yellow stage,<br />

<strong>and</strong> yet there is a delicate trace of the primal red around us.<br />

What shall we call the exquisite color? a roseate yellow?-&<br />

little denser, po88ibly, than that, yet the term describes it as<br />

well as another. ·<br />

But the purpose of our visit is to study the people, <strong>and</strong> we<br />

turn at once to them. In order, however, to gain an intelligent<br />

conception of the people of Venus, we must hear in mind the<br />

fact that, viewed from its broadest st<strong>and</strong>point, the processes of<br />

evolution prtl8ent two gr<strong>and</strong> cycles of unfoldment. the culmination<br />

of each involving several inferior cycles or stepa. During<br />

the first of these great periods, Nature turns all he1· forces to·<br />

ward the development of the individual, the ego, there appear.<br />

ing no trace of design on her part to link him to another or<br />

other individuals of bis kind. He lives his own life, follows<br />

his own devicea, altogether independent of every other individual<br />

of his ra

62 AN OcrAvE OF WoBLDs.<br />

raoe, <strong>and</strong> then the uniiloation of these individuala into the<br />

gr<strong>and</strong> man of the planet.<br />

A oonaideration of this law probably explains a feeling of<br />

singular contentment that haa been creeping over ua ainoe we<br />

touched the planet Venus. <strong>The</strong> very atmosphere ia permeated<br />

with a sort of aelf-aatiafaotion, of aelf-aufticiency. Our mental<br />

horizon aeema bounded on all aides by self, <strong>and</strong> from within<br />

there ariaea a oonaciouaneaa of strength, of individual willpower,<br />

that, for the first time in our experience, givee ua a<br />

eenae of absolute independence; we need no <strong>com</strong>panionship, no<br />

ext.ernal sympathy or support. <strong>The</strong> power of a aelf-centerad<br />

individuality at<strong>and</strong>a supreme in exultant realisation that it baa<br />

within ita <strong>com</strong>m<strong>and</strong> all that it can desire. A little reflection convincea<br />

ua that a mental atmosphere anch as this can belong only<br />

t-0 a people who have reached the culmination of the.first great<br />

oyole of development, that of the <strong>com</strong>pletement of an individualized<br />

entity, maintaining an exiat.euoe distinct froan, aud :independent<br />

of other members of the raee; an existence answering<br />

in our own physical development, to that of the "simple cell".<br />

In order, however, to underst<strong>and</strong> the character of the individualization<br />

achieved upon the planet Venus, we must remember<br />

that organization, from its iuitial st.epa to its ultimation,<br />

iR dependent upon the presence <strong>and</strong> interaction of the positive<br />

<strong>and</strong> negative principles, that when these two are disassociated<br />

unrest <strong>and</strong> Rtruggle are the result. Consequently, the calm<br />

content of a perfectly satisfied <strong>and</strong> self-t~entered individuality.<br />

so evident among these people, could not exist unless each o~e<br />

pouessed within himRel£ a perfer.t adjustment of the masculine<br />

<strong>and</strong> feminine elements. And thiR iR true, hut the two minor<br />

periods into which the planetary cycle is divided,• pre.'lent 1lifferent<br />

phases of hiR dual nature. During the tirRt half of the<br />

oycle these people are an an1lrogynoua race of beings, mafo<br />

<strong>and</strong> female within themselves. During the second half of th11<br />

planetary experience, the woman has emerged from the inte-<br />

•Evidenced in the double oolor belonginir to Vemis, NI nlso to tht> other pl"net.ii,<br />

to which Nferenre is made in previouR footnot:e.<br />

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I<br />

I ' I<br />

i<br />

I<br />

rior of the man <strong>and</strong> has taken her place by his aide. But in<br />

either case they st<strong>and</strong> as a unit, a single entity; the oneneu<br />

of the two is <strong>com</strong>plete, because each individual is joined to hia<br />

counterpartal self. <strong>The</strong>re baa been, aa yet, no real aeparation,<br />

<strong>and</strong> he knows the <strong>com</strong>plete aatiafaction <strong>and</strong> sense of aelf-auftl.<br />

cient power which the oneneaa alone can give.<br />

A delightful world is Venus; it is the abode of love-conjugal<br />

love. Im inhabitants are a virgin raoe, who ha'\'e not yet<br />

experienced "the fall" <strong>and</strong> all that it involved; they have not<br />

taated of the tree of the knowledge of goocl <strong>and</strong> evil, nor do<br />

they know the aorrowful meaning of the separate exiatenoe of<br />

man <strong>and</strong> his interior half. Beauty surruunda them <strong>and</strong> an atmosphere<br />

of supreme content envelops their world. But we,<br />

who have advanced somewhat further in the scale of being, recognize<br />

the fact that the absolute selfiahnesa of these beings<br />

(which, ~ we have seen, is the legitimate fruit of perfect conjugal<br />

love), the absence of all unrest, the perfect satisfaction<br />

in the existing order of things, bar all further progress in<br />

evolutionary unfoldment, unless the interposition of some exterior<br />

law disturbs these elysian states.<br />

Leaving Venus, we begin the most intereAting part of our<br />

astral journey. We have traced the processes of evolution<br />

until org-dnization has acheived its first task, that of constructing<br />

a <strong>com</strong>pletely individuali?.ed being, independent of those<br />

around him, self-centered <strong>and</strong> eelf-snfticient. In approaching<br />

the aeoond part of the work of organization, by which theee individuals,<br />

these "single cells," are to be built into one gr<strong>and</strong><br />

structure, we are confronted by the operation of laws so potent-in<br />

the present transitional state of our world, as potent<br />

for evil as for good-that the writer feels constrained to follow<br />

the precept <strong>and</strong> example of the ancients, <strong>and</strong> veil much<br />

that she may say in symbolic language. By so doing she feels<br />

that she will <strong>com</strong>mune with those who knnw, <strong>and</strong> yet will nut<br />

eudanger the weak.<br />

(To be eontinued. )<br />


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<strong>The</strong> delip, ha OODdaodns thia ~ ia to opo the -1 for the pa blioadoa<br />

ol. thoaght that probabl1 woald DOt flad a m- of exp~ llllcler other<br />

oboalllltano-. It freqaent11 000111'1 that the mind of an bacliTiclaal 1-omu ndden11<br />

awakened, ucl in that awakening he olearl1 ... thought.a that to hia own<br />

mind - jewela, ucl the1 are 1111 to ~ In the ame atatie of anfoldment, althoqh<br />

for the ordinar1 reader the1 are without intereR. In the pMt we baTit<br />

foucl that 10me of die molt peoaliar thoagbt fonnadone ue mo.t e«eataal In<br />

awabnbag thought in otben. Sometimea 1tMemeat.a that appear to be made<br />

wldioat fo<strong>and</strong>adon lead to the cleepeat ~ ucl alt:i.mate ill the profo<strong>and</strong>eat<br />

thoaght. U DOthlng ii aooomplillied b1 thia clepuanent bat to teach Ill to read<br />

lietween the U-. or to think ouefall1 apon atement.a that ill the-Jyea baTII<br />

no endenoe of bei11g facts, a pod work will baYe been done.<br />

"<strong>The</strong>y are dead, they shall not live; th~y are decea

CRANK DEPAB'l'MElfT.<br />

new man <strong>and</strong> called him Adam, for he wu now to bow good<br />

from eTil-had a mind to wonhip the living God, the Creator<br />

of all things in heaven above, <strong>and</strong> in earth below. Out from<br />

thia new creation God designed Adam to walk <strong>and</strong> live among<br />

hia creatures, to rule in righteoumeea <strong>and</strong> purity.<br />

God first put Adam under the law of oomm<strong>and</strong>menta,-tbou<br />

ahalt this, <strong>and</strong> thou shalt that. <strong>The</strong> law ia not Uod. but a<br />

aohoolteaoher sent from God. All aona of any houae are flnt<br />

governed by the rule of the house, until they poeaeu wiadom<br />

to act for, <strong>and</strong> be<strong>com</strong>e responsible for thelD88lvee. Thia freedom<br />

from the parent teaches walking before God in obedience<br />

to the Spirit of truth.<br />

All but one have <strong>com</strong>e abort of the new creation in Adam.<br />

He came to set. the true example in this new creation, the aona<br />

of Adam, those begotten by the will of God, <strong>and</strong> not by the<br />

lust of the flesh-that is, the beast life. All who came through<br />

Eve, the angel creation, were not aona of God, but were of the<br />

serpent race. En was aeduoed by the serpent desire for her<br />

husb<strong>and</strong>, <strong>and</strong> suffered for the act. <strong>The</strong> first child waa a murderer.<br />

Abel, the beginning of God through the desire of Eve,<br />

wu the first aon of God born into the serpent, <strong>and</strong> the Adam<br />

world. God created Adam to begin a new creation; <strong>and</strong> from<br />

. Adam God brought forth this new creation, through whom Je­<br />

IUI, the Holy One, wu brought bodily into the world, among<br />

the teed of Abraham, to redeem the sons of Eve, who were under<br />

the judgment of the law, <strong>and</strong> to bring about the design<br />

anticipated in Adam <strong>and</strong> Eve in Eden.<br />

Death aentenoe waa not passed upon Eve but upon Adam<br />

alone; <strong>and</strong> it came to pass that the very day he traosgreaaed, he<br />

died,-the fint. day, the first thous<strong>and</strong>-year period; he died<br />

when he was 980 years of age, leaving to the eeed of David,<br />

Jesus, the Anointed One, seventy yean in which to finish the<br />

day. Celibacy wu not practiced by Adam; the animal desire<br />

overcame the law of God in him, which waa the weakneaa of<br />

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the flesh. Women were not created for the evil desires of men,<br />

lmt were created to bring forth a new raoe, or a raoe of apirit.­<br />

ual beings to be recorded among men as the angels of the new<br />

heavena; to bring forth only as God should deeire, just as Jesus<br />

wu not bom by the last of the husb<strong>and</strong>. God prodnoea<br />

the immortal man: the mortal, the dead body, is fashioned after<br />

tbe serpent.<br />

Because of Adam's disregard for the word of God, the dead<br />

aerpent body was t.o role for six thous<strong>and</strong> years. <strong>The</strong> shadow<br />

of this serpent body Moses was ordered to lift up in the wilderneas-•-the<br />

brazen serpent" (Nam. xx1. 8,9). This was a fiery<br />

serpent, or in it was the mind <strong>and</strong> law of God; for the time<br />

would· <strong>com</strong>e when the house of Israel would no longer look to<br />

Moses, bot to the image of the carnal body lifted up before<br />

Israel during the fiery hour of the great indignation of God.<br />

In this serpent ima.ge is to be written the law of God for the<br />

healing of the serpent-bitten, dead sins of Adam. This oho11en<br />

body is his feet tha.t are to st<strong>and</strong> on the Mouut of Olives in<br />

that day, the day of bis fiery judgment, the seventh day from<br />

Adam, <strong>and</strong> the third day from the birth of Jesus, the Christ.<br />

All who will look to this body for instruction, shall live by<br />

hearing aud doing all that they are admonished to perform, <strong>and</strong><br />

thus live under the sohoolmaster as did all orderly sons of God.<br />

Jeans oame into or amoug his own to redeem the sons of<br />

God, born through Ada.m <strong>and</strong> Eve; but the sons through those<br />

of the flesh are not subject to the blood of the Lamb, but are<br />

oleansed by the spoken word of God, which is cleau anJ pure<br />

water, <strong>and</strong> are to be<strong>com</strong>e the burden-bearers during the hour<br />

<strong>and</strong> day of judgwent, which will last for a thous<strong>and</strong> years, a~<br />

recorded in Rev. xx. <strong>The</strong> hody of the serpent to be lifted up<br />

is the man chUd of Rev. XI. 1-5 <strong>and</strong> XIV. 1-5, <strong>and</strong> xv., after<br />

they have gained the vict.ory over the be&1:1t rule, during the<br />

aeven years, the ho"r of judgmeut, beginning 19


moming of the day of judgment, the seventh day or age.<br />

This .Jfan-Child body ia, every member of it, choaen from<br />

the twelve tribes of Jacob, except Dan, who is the Lion of the<br />

tribe of J odah. This serpent body is cleansed by the law of<br />

God, spoken of in Eze. xxxv1. 25-88. <strong>The</strong> cleanaing takea place<br />

during the first three <strong>and</strong> one-half years of the last week of the<br />

seventy yeara recorded in Daniel XI. 24-27. It is at the end<br />

of the end of the Jewish transgreuion, <strong>and</strong> the end of sin, the<br />

end of the six thoua<strong>and</strong> years when Satan, through the serpent<br />

of this earth, wu to rule over <strong>and</strong> direct the affairs of the dead<br />

finanoial <strong>and</strong> <strong>com</strong>meroial world, to end aa recorded in Rev.<br />

xvm. <strong>and</strong> in xx. 1-8; the promise to ~ve aooomplished, the &er·<br />

pent's head bruised <strong>and</strong> all the affairs of men in the h<strong>and</strong> of<br />

God <strong>and</strong> his Christ, which is the fulfillment of the 't'Oioe of<br />

the 11eventh trumpet of Rev. XI. 15-19. This trumpet waa<br />

aounded <strong>and</strong> ended in 1844.<br />

'fhe tribulation of the Bride Body, chosen from the church<br />

age, 1869-1898, bas p&Med, which began in 1892, la'lting seven<br />

years. Now, the great tribulation of the tribes of Jacob begin,<br />

1901-8, lasting seve11 years under the shadow of the two wive!'!<br />

of Jacob; the week of the first must be fulfilled before the<br />

week of the last (Gen. XXIX. 15-20). <strong>The</strong> last wife represents<br />

the .Jewish nation which dies giving birth to this man child.,<br />

born during the tribulation-Benoni, the brother of Christ, or<br />

Joaeph.<br />

Many ooofound the bride, the New.Jerusalem body, aeleoted<br />

from the church of Philadelphia. with the man child; one is<br />

born at or in the death of the Jewish woman under the law,<br />

the other is born of the Holy Ghost-at the end of his church<br />

administration- as a bride for Christ. to be spared the hour<br />

tba t i1 to try the world during the next eight yeara (Re't'. 111.<br />

10-12). Christ iK the life <strong>and</strong> mind of this Bride Body now.<br />

<strong>The</strong> law of Moses <strong>and</strong> the prophets is t.o be the life of the ma,.<br />

child (Luke XVI. 29). Christ i1 now here in hia new body, the<br />

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TJu BIOLOGIC.&.L Jomuu.L.<br />

,,<br />

Bride. <strong>The</strong> kingdom ia here, <strong>and</strong> the eons are opening their<br />

eyes now to the new revelation of the work of God to the eetting<br />

up of hie foot-etool, the fut, )(, the ftret eign <strong>and</strong> the<br />

twelfth conetellation,-the laet, ftnt in the kingdom.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Bride ia not the kingdom of God <strong>and</strong> hie Son on earth,<br />

but ia the Tabernaole of God among men; the head over the<br />

feet. <strong>The</strong> belly, the eerpent, ie the body from the head to the<br />

feet; with the belly <strong>and</strong> it.a meat destroyed, these are the enemies<br />

of the 01"088 of Chriet (Cor.v1. 18; Phil. 111. 18-21). <strong>The</strong><br />

conversation of the Bride ie with Jesus, the Bridegroom, while<br />

the Fut convene only with the Bride, the Tree of Life in the<br />

kingdom, who ie to be the spiritual mother of all who will par·<br />

take of the fruit, oonll.881 of the Bride. <strong>The</strong> body between the<br />

head <strong>and</strong> the feet is the serpent or carnal man underfoot, Satan<br />

chained, the devil of Rev. xx. 5. Thus the feet, are the "t.0e"<br />

of 1 Cor. xv. 52, <strong>and</strong> thoee left in Matt. xxv. 11, <strong>and</strong> those in<br />

1 <strong>The</strong>es. 1v. 17. Thoee in 1 <strong>The</strong>u. IV. 16, the dead in Christ,<br />

<strong>and</strong> those in Matt. xxv. 8-10 <strong>and</strong> in Re .... 111. 7-12, are the<br />

Bride Body, the Tabernacle of God among men, u recorded in<br />

Rev. xx1. 1-8. Christia now in thie Tabernacle, in thi11 Bride<br />

Body, the cloud in which Jesus or God appears.<br />

Jesus in the new body of flesh, powerful by the Holy Ghost,<br />

ie speaking <strong>and</strong> giving direction <strong>and</strong> convicting ungodly men,<br />

the foolish virgins, who now must seek oil in the kingdom of<br />

Chriat. <strong>The</strong> church dispensation is ended <strong>and</strong> the door cloeed,<br />

therefore no oil can <strong>com</strong>e from the church, which was to laat<br />

only two thous<strong>and</strong> years, or two days, as recorded by the prophet<br />

Hosea (VI. 12), when after two days the Jews would live<br />

in bia sight. Again, Jesus speaka of three days,-two days in<br />

which to do certain works, <strong>and</strong> on the third day he would be<br />

~rfeoted (~uke XIII. 82); they are set forth again in John u.<br />

~n the m~rnage on the third day. Thie third here apoken of<br />

ia the third day of hia birth, the seventh day from Adam. He<br />

wu born at the end of the fourth day from Adam, leaving<br />

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two days t.o transpire before he oould receive his own <strong>and</strong><br />

reign over mankind on the third day, that <strong>and</strong> the last day<br />

spoken of by him (John VI. 89--iO <strong>and</strong> II. 24 ). <strong>The</strong>ee truths<br />

are due t.o the Head Body, the Bride, henoe an revealed since<br />

the church age has cloeed, <strong>and</strong> Jeeua now st<strong>and</strong>s u recorded<br />

in Rev. m. 20-21. Jeeua is now the life <strong>and</strong> voice of thia new<br />

body~<strong>and</strong> no one of the other members can criticise the work<br />

of another member, without withst<strong>and</strong>ing God t.o his face. All<br />

must now turn from the old wine well drunken, <strong>and</strong> turn t.o<br />

the new wine, the Light of Life of our King; Jeaua, the &n of<br />

God, most drink from his order.<br />

<strong>The</strong> resurrection of the sleeping ones is taking place in the<br />

kingdom as recorded in Rev. iv., <strong>and</strong> eoon through them the<br />

seals will be opened by the King of kings. Thoee whose bodiee<br />

have passed int.o dust do not <strong>com</strong>e forth from their gravee;<br />

they now have their new bodies <strong>and</strong> are in the upper kingdom<br />

(u.Cor. v. 1-4). No believerooold ever seethe corruption or decay<br />

of his body; when his spirit leaves the body it enters a new<br />

<strong>and</strong> spiritual body like the body the .Ma1ter ia in. <strong>The</strong> life of<br />

the fleah of the Bride Body will not be changed as long as they<br />

are on the earth; but at the end of man in the 6.esh, at the end<br />

of the day of judgment, <strong>and</strong> of the time that Satan ia loosed<br />

to gather his own to be destroyed, will Christ appear in the<br />

body, <strong>and</strong> all those in the Head <strong>and</strong> in the Feet, <strong>and</strong> all those<br />

who will not forsake him, will be changed to the incorruptible<br />

body, in which is the life eternal, the Spirit of the living God<br />

with the new creation, as among the angels of the abodea above,<br />

in the place of those who, with that old Satan, rebelled from<br />

above (Rev. xx. 6-10).<br />

<strong>The</strong> serpent, or the body of flesh, is the body the old Satan<br />

occupies as his bride on earth, as Christ occupies bis Bride of<br />

the earthy, the celestial body. <strong>The</strong> feet <strong>and</strong> the belly are the<br />

the terrestrial body. No man can rid himself of the old carnal,<br />

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I<br />

.,,<br />


animal nature: his life <strong>and</strong> nature will be changed throughout,<br />

a uew life, with desires only of the new life. To this end celibacy<br />

will be practiced in the kingdom. Women will bring<br />

forth only according to the will of God. Women will seek God<br />

for children, for in the kingdom all those born will not have<br />

the animal nature <strong>and</strong> will be sons of God, as be intended in<br />

the case of Adam <strong>and</strong> Eve. This will only be with the foot<br />

body <strong>and</strong> the sons of Abraham. In the Bride Body there will<br />

be no births. If in this belly there are men with wives, in the<br />

new order they will be separated as though death had taken<br />

one of the two. Those wives who will believe only the doctrines<br />

of the sects, churches, will die <strong>and</strong> release the husb<strong>and</strong>s,<br />

for this Bride Body are, as the angels, not given in marriagebence<br />

celibacy with them. <strong>The</strong> resurrection life brings about<br />

this result. <strong>The</strong>re will be no desire for woman, nor of the wife<br />

for her husb<strong>and</strong>, for both have passed through the second<br />

death, have been crucified to the flesh <strong>and</strong> the devil. Let<br />

it be understood, therefore, that celibacy is only for the foot<br />

body, as we read in Isaiah LV. 17-25. <strong>The</strong> curse, the child-birth<br />

pain, is removed. In the creation of Eve she was to have given<br />

birth without pain, but this was laid upon her for her part in<br />

the disobedience, in order to call to her mind <strong>and</strong> to the minds<br />

of all her daughters the oath of God to crush the head of the<br />

serpent. What should have had a beginning six thous<strong>and</strong><br />

years since, now soon begins-from 1908 on down through the<br />

seventh day, the sabbath day, for the pure seed of the woman.<br />


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5co~p10.<br />


Al we look oat upon the in&aitacle of life'• mighty oeeu.<br />

tun M - may, alwayt we behold he ....i-e..p. rollillg<br />

00, - .... punuing _ .... ba m.ie. IUOOl9ioD, <strong>and</strong> ll­<br />

-11 it U.1 rhythm meuarecl by the wODCboat 111'8--rwbere<br />

- - the UDdulatiag Mriet of the 111'8D, when, lo,<br />

each IWelling orett, reared by the oumulam eaeisMa of<br />

aeTeD olimbiJlr W&ftll, breab into whi---. St<strong>and</strong> upon<br />

the ehore of Earth'• hoarr-, ID8l'k ittnttleMflow, <strong>and</strong><br />

learn, clear one, tomething of the law of life'• eaergiee.<br />

WMch, there, the ou-ooming waffl uatil they aumber 111'·<br />

en, <strong>and</strong> then - die oulmiDatiou of their gathered foroe,<br />

t.oweriag, break mto the white light, when from the at-­<br />

iag C1"81t yet another begiJll it.I work, to end, u did the<br />

flnt, in the white- of itl pure IUllllllit. So do life'uternal<br />

potellOiee ner paltate to a rh;rthmlo mo1'91Dent of 111'8n;<br />

<strong>and</strong> when the 111'8n laaft pilecl their llbolagth, the purity<br />

of the crowning light &..- forth. ouly to gift birth to the<br />

oyole followillc, which yet apin, to tbe ately meuure of<br />

llffD, ooatiuuee the march of life'• endl.-~<br />

When - remember that life ii en91'1D', - bow that the<br />

corotl(l luci1, which thedt it.I pure light from the Ol9llt of the<br />

perf9otecl aeYen, it a orown of &re, that ba itl burllinp are<br />

traumutecl Ill that hu beeD lifted to it by the - we<br />

bow that the refined <strong>and</strong> tublimated --, the reeult of<br />

that traumutation, ~ through the aeffll lt.ept of the<br />

following cycle, at the IUllllllit of which they lpin break<br />

forth iato yet fieroer banainp, <strong>and</strong> to upon the creet of each<br />

tuOOMding cycle, the &re. of life bu1'll Her with mm-.<br />

ing fenor, <strong>and</strong> each time the potellOiee of tboee altar &re.<br />

riae int.o the cycle aboYe.<br />

Mytticiam lmowa the llOred &re. u the energit1 of Scorpio,<br />

<strong>and</strong> yet Scorpio doee not llt<strong>and</strong> the oulmiDation of a<br />

cycle, but aa the glowing depth• iAto which each cycle<br />

reachea for what it mut lift through itl own uoendblg potenoiea.<br />

<strong>The</strong> crown of a cycle beoomea the Soorpio of the<br />

eycle abon it. It ii the altar &re. amid whoee burninp the<br />

lower (animal) life ii tranamuted into the higher. .AJad<br />

when a aeven have done their work, <strong>and</strong>, in itl ultimate,<br />

look t.o aee the aeven beyond gather up the glowiAg pot.ell·<br />

cies, behold, aa the White Eagle, they ban taken their<br />

flight, <strong>and</strong> are oo more.<br />

Yet when the white ultimate of a cycle'• upiratioD1 bu<br />

paMOd upward <strong>and</strong> ii Iott to the plane upon whioh itl energies<br />

were gathered, it finda that, amid the nbUer ethen of<br />

t.he cye>le t.oward which it mountl, it no longer ~<br />

ite dAzzling purity-only to the lower vibratioD1 of the new<br />

aeriee is it able to retpond, <strong>and</strong>, u Scorpio, it thowt forth<br />

but the yellow <strong>and</strong> the red, which vibrate to the key of A<br />

minor, juat one octave below the A minor with which·aocord<br />

the ultimate vibratioDI of that cycle.<br />

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THE RISING SIGNS.-Concluded.<br />

LIBRA RISING produces a tall, well-formed, willowy body;<br />

regular <strong>and</strong> orderly features, <strong>and</strong> a <strong>com</strong>plexion inclined to be<br />

fair. Persons with Libra bodies are very sensitive; disposed<br />

·to irregularity in their habit of life; apt to have times resembling<br />

despondency, when they wish to get away from<br />

everyone <strong>and</strong> everything in life. When other conditions are<br />

favorable, this sign opens the individual to a degree of eccentricity.<br />

It is a very inspirational sign, <strong>and</strong> facilitates the action<br />

of the mind; it also leads to self-esteem.<br />

SCORPIO RISING. <strong>The</strong> form of a Scorpio body is very plastic<br />

to the influence of the innate sign <strong>and</strong> planetary positions. Persons<br />

with Scorpio bodies are usually large-boned <strong>and</strong> of large<br />

stature; sometimes, however, are short <strong>and</strong> st.out, with a rather<br />

thick neck <strong>and</strong> inclined to dark <strong>com</strong>plexion. <strong>The</strong>ir self-appreciation<br />

is very strong, <strong>and</strong> they are apt to be silent <strong>and</strong> subtle;<br />

have a tendency to be domineering <strong>and</strong> self-assertive, with a<br />

desire to be looked up to <strong>and</strong> respected as a superior. <strong>The</strong>se<br />

people are very sociable <strong>and</strong> genial with chosen friends, <strong>and</strong><br />

are inclined to heart difficulty.<br />

SAGITTARIUS RISING usually produces a rather tall person<br />

with square shoulders, well boned <strong>and</strong> muscled; active <strong>and</strong> military<br />

bearing, head erect <strong>and</strong> eyes wide open. It gives a love<br />

of athletic exercises <strong>and</strong> of an active life; inclines t;o restlessness,<br />

but imparts vigor <strong>and</strong> energy. This body sign is less plastic<br />

to the influence of the earth sign <strong>and</strong> planetary positions<br />

than, perhaps, any of the rising signs. Other things be-<br />

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ing favorable, its inclination is to a military life. <strong>The</strong> <strong>com</strong>plexion<br />

of persoDB having a Sagittarius body is governed wholly<br />

by. other conditions.<br />

CAPRICORN RISING produces a body of medium height <strong>and</strong><br />

rather atraight, the most marked featnre of which is its sloping<br />

shonlden. It usually givea large bones, <strong>and</strong> large h<strong>and</strong>s <strong>and</strong><br />

feet. Persona with Capricorn bodies are not endowed with<br />

great physical endurance, bot are quite equal to any special<br />

effort; they are apt to have weak chest <strong>and</strong> lungs. <strong>The</strong>y are<br />

quite indepeDdent in character, <strong>and</strong> it is difficult for them to<br />

be subordinates. Are kind, thoughtful, active <strong>and</strong> energetic;<br />

have good busineu minds, but are not aggressive. <strong>The</strong>y are<br />

inclined to paralysis.<br />

AQUARIUS RISING. This body sign is subject to the inftu.<br />

enoe of the innate qualities, both as to size <strong>and</strong> form. It usually<br />

produces a short, plump body, round features <strong>and</strong> a strong<br />

inclination toward femininity. Persons having an Aquarius<br />

body are not strong physically, but frequently have great vital<br />

endurance. <strong>The</strong>y are sensitive <strong>and</strong> nervous, rather silent <strong>and</strong><br />

independent. Are inclined to dark <strong>com</strong>plexion. Liable to<br />

rheumatic difficulties, <strong>and</strong>, if not well protected by other planetary<br />

position•, they are open to diseased conditions of various<br />

kinds. <strong>The</strong> mind affects the body more directly under thia<br />

sign than, perhaps, any other.<br />

PISCES RISING usually produces a rather small body; oft.en<br />

slender, lacking in vitality <strong>and</strong> physical stamina. It leads to<br />

peculiarities <strong>and</strong> almost eooentrioities. Gives independence of<br />

thought <strong>and</strong> action-in fact, I have known those with Pisces<br />

rising who took extra pains to avoid being <strong>and</strong> acting like<br />

other people. <strong>The</strong> are very restless, <strong>and</strong> have a feeling of wanting<br />

an undefined something. Are inclined to a professional life.<br />

NoTE.-<strong>The</strong> feminine expression of a sign (see page 24<br />

of the Esot.eric Ephemeris for 1900) influences -the form of<br />

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woman'• body more atrongly than the muculine. It will also.<br />

be notioed that, under all oiroomat.anoes, woman ia inftuenoed<br />

more by the body aign than ia man.<br />


Tbe deli-00. of ebanetel' ginn in tbia col111DD are intieDclecl to ...,.. a twofold<br />

pupcm: flnt, u aa objeet 1-on in the prillclpl. of Solar aw.,; ud,<br />

990Clllll, to help oar nblerl'*9 to a more ~ bowleclp of daemuliffl by<br />

tanWig tbe Jirht of that .-... upon tbeir faulla <strong>and</strong> wMb , u well M •P·<br />

CJD the nobler lide of their Da&llnL We Nlret that limited •i-e perml&a 111 to<br />

siTe, during the _,.. of the 7ear, bat - cleliMatiou to Mola nbloribv. n.<br />

_, data are, the ,..r, day of the mcmt.la, laou ud plaee of bbtla. WkMllt<br />

the boar we may approzialat.e a daliwaoa, bat it wW ahra71 be ·-tWe..tmJ;<br />

therefore, if obtaiaable, we lhoaJd ban the bom, <strong>and</strong> If it OUlllOt be ~.<br />

the app1i9nt mut undentancl that the ohancter-eknob ii - or 1-'-Plete·<br />

In all -, bowenr, tbe dau <strong>and</strong> place of birth mut be sinn, or it will be --<br />

1- to attempt a deli-tioa We wilh &tinot17 to 1tat.e &hat oar U- ii too<br />

thoroarhJy oocupled to write to applioalltl for additioul data. n- who Oh<br />

lpeaia1 help in the repoerate tife-911oh u wu giYeD in <strong>The</strong> F.eot.erio-ehould IO<br />

reqaea iu their application.<br />

J. M. Augu1t 21, 1875, 5 a. m. Place not 1ive11.<br />

(9 in st; ) in CV'; 6, st; f in :; '2 in st; lJ. in M : 3 in st.;<br />

9 in:: ~ in:.<br />

Unleu fortune baa failed you, you have a atrong body, <strong>and</strong> a poaitiH,<br />

executiH nature, aa both the natal <strong>and</strong> riling aigna are Leo.<br />

You have alao a most determined <strong>and</strong> pertinent will You think you<br />

are amenable to reason-in a way you are, but you inaiat upon reaaoning<br />

a matter out for younelf, all that force of Leo goee bead firat<br />

on account of your Ariea polarity. Added to the power innate in<br />

YOIU' body <strong>and</strong> earth aign, you baYe the qualitiee of Saturn <strong>and</strong> Mara<br />

in Leo, which enter into <strong>and</strong> form a <strong>com</strong>ponent part of the baaic prin·<br />

ciplee of your nature. Satorn imparte love of knowledge <strong>and</strong> ability<br />

to acquire it; Mara giHa you a very <strong>com</strong>bative nature, alao a love of<br />

home, famil7 <strong>and</strong> children; yet there are indicationa that the dome•·<br />

tic apbere will be broken, aa V enua, the planet governing the love<br />

life, Mercury controlling the eex life, <strong>and</strong> Uranu11 the oecult, are in<br />

Aquarius, the aign opposed to Leo, <strong>and</strong> therefore in oppoaition to<br />

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your innate nature. Jupiter, the planet of ideals, does not help you<br />

out, aa it ia in Ta111'1ll, governing the senaee, <strong>and</strong> leads you into ideal·<br />

ism <strong>and</strong> makee of you a dreamer-eo much so that, while you are a<br />

lover of acience <strong>and</strong> of general knowledge, yet I doubt your ability<br />

to hold younelf to the close application requisite to acquiring aubstantial<br />

knowledge, although you "pick up" information readily. My<br />

advice is that, by careful study, you make youreelf thoroughly proficient<br />

in whatever branch of knowledge you may turn your attention<br />

to. You do not aee <strong>and</strong> think about ·matters aa others do, <strong>and</strong>, therefore,<br />

by some you would be called eccentric, but you have good ideaa,<br />

although peculiar to younelf. <strong>The</strong> diaeaaee that inheritance renders<br />

you liable to are palsy <strong>and</strong> rheumatism; these tendencies can, of.<br />

course, be over<strong>com</strong>e by proper methods of life.<br />

W. W. F. Sept. 9, 1872, 6 p. m. Scioto Co., Ohio.<br />

e in "X; ) in /; (J, )(; 'in:::; '2 in !!Ji; '2J. in.:::-; i in l'.1;<br />

9in cy>; ~in'°'·<br />

Your rising sign is Pieces, <strong>and</strong>, as the masculine side of the Pisces<br />

nature is negative, your body is weak <strong>and</strong> rather negative, lacking<br />

the positive energy <strong>and</strong> strength which are essential to success in a~y<br />

direction. Although the Virgo baae, polarized into Sagittarius, makes<br />

you very executive <strong>and</strong> practical, yet Uranus <strong>and</strong> Jupiter in Aquarius<br />

turn your practical tendencies into the mystic. Saturn, Mars, Venus<br />

<strong>and</strong> Mercury are all in heads of trinities, thus while your body sign is<br />

practical <strong>and</strong> orderly <strong>and</strong> the position of the earth <strong>and</strong> moon adapt<br />

you for service, yet the position of the other planet.a militates very<br />

much against succeu in business, for you would find minuti11e very<br />

distasteful, <strong>and</strong> would. therefore, be apt to fail, if in business for yourself.<br />

You are impulsive <strong>and</strong> inclined to overdo, which would help<br />

to bring on failure; consequently, you would be most successful in the<br />

employ of another. Yolt would make a good accountant, <strong>and</strong> you<br />

have also a good idea of art. You have ideals leading you toward<br />

the occult <strong>and</strong> mystic sciences, but attainment in this direction will<br />

require great diligence on your part. Should you study these sciences<br />

from an Oriental st<strong>and</strong>point, you would soon be<strong>com</strong>e entangled in<br />

magic, which would be disastrous to you; but should you study them<br />

from the higher esoteric or Christian point of view, whatever you obtained<br />

would be actual gain, for what is gained in a life of devotion<br />

<strong>and</strong> consecration to God for the good of humanity is of lasting benefit.<br />

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One great barrier in the way of your higher attainment ia a diapoeition<br />

to use upon othen whatenr peychic or magic power yoa obtain,<br />

which will lead you into confusion <strong>and</strong> difficulty. <strong>The</strong> times of greatest<br />

danger from l011e1, are, 6nt, when the moon ia in Piacee; second.<br />

when it ia in Virgo; third, when in Sagittariu, <strong>and</strong> the hoan when<br />

these eign1 are riaing. After you ban 1ucoeeded in conserving the<br />

Tital fluida for some time, you mut be e1pecially watchful when the<br />

moon ia in Sagittariua.<br />

W. L. P. April 10, 1867, 4 a. m. Gr<strong>and</strong> Rapida, Mich.<br />

$in 'V'; ) in !ii; 8, )(; W in l'j; lz in H; 1t in st; l in )(;<br />

9 in !ii; ~ in H.<br />

<strong>The</strong> earth in Ariea <strong>and</strong> the moon in Cancer produce a harmonioua<br />

<strong>com</strong>bination for a clear, bright in~llect, but your Piace1 body is<br />

somewhat unfortunate, u it inclinea to physical weakneu; however,<br />

it givea great carefolneae <strong>and</strong> accuracy in whatever you do. Sabirn<br />

<strong>and</strong> Mercury in Taurus tend to opposite conditions, the first of which<br />

is strength of body <strong>and</strong> mind, by virtue of power to conserve the vital<br />

fluids, but with your Piacea body <strong>and</strong> possible inclination to sexual<br />

indulgence, they produce a corresponding weakneea. Venna in Cancer<br />

give1 strong love of home, family, <strong>and</strong> <strong>com</strong>panionship. Venue in<br />

thia position be<strong>com</strong>ea the polarity of your ideals, which Jupiter<br />

places in t.he heart; that ia, Jupiter gives you a love of excellence,<br />

elegance, beauty, <strong>and</strong> culture, <strong>and</strong> Venna expNllell it in the family,<br />

home, <strong>and</strong> surroundings, <strong>and</strong> in music <strong>and</strong> ari. You are altogether<br />

a man of the head rather than of the h<strong>and</strong>: you should never occupy<br />

a sphere in which much physical labor is required, yet you need plenty<br />

of exercise <strong>and</strong> should give much attention to the development of<br />

the muscles of the body. You uk for special directions relative to<br />

aex control: you have foundation principlea which give you natural<br />

1ucceu in that direction, but the timea of · your greatest danger will<br />

be when the moon pa!l.!les through Pieces, Aries or Cancer, <strong>and</strong> the<br />

hours when any one of these signs is rising.<br />

W. R. P. May 28, 1855. Fayette Co., Ille,<br />

$ in O; ) in st(?); W in "t; lz in t; ¥ in st; l in "t;<br />

9 in )(; ~ in l'j.<br />

Yon were born when the earth was in the sign Gemini, bat, not<br />

having the hour of your birth, we cannot state positively whether the<br />

moon was in Leo or Virgo, which will make the delineation through·<br />

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76 TBE BIOLOGIOAL Joumu.L.<br />

out ney uncertain; more 10 than in other C&l8I where the hour of<br />

birth ii uaknown. Jupiter in Leo gin• you large ideale, ud make1<br />

you liberal with your money-.lmoet to prodigality, altbongh Mars<br />

in Scorpio <strong>and</strong> Merc1l1'1 in Capricorn would euily counteract that influence,<br />

if inlt.ructiona in economy were received early in life. You<br />

have fin• mechanical abilitiee, <strong>and</strong> your 1phere of wie should be in<br />

the line of eeienee or meehaniee. Are a man with a good degree of<br />

versatility <strong>and</strong> can take hold of almoet anything, pm't'iding the body<br />

1ign doee not militate againlt that characteriltic. Yon have naturally<br />

a good degrM of vitality, providing you take control of the life cur·<br />

renta; but aa they are active <strong>and</strong> strong, yon are in dauaer of being<br />

weakened by HXual exceues. Have ney little to adapt you to married<br />

life, in which you would be apt to feel very Te11tleea <strong>and</strong> conaeiou<br />

of inharmony. In view of the unceTtainty in regard to your<br />

delineation, owing to lack of data concerning the time of birth, we<br />

will not venture to give more.<br />

E. S. Nov. 8, 1875, about 8 a. m. Providence, R. I.<br />

$in 11\.; )) in l',1; 9, 11\.; I in.:"; lz in st; 'JJ. in l$; t in~;<br />

'l in II; ~ in 11\..<br />

<strong>The</strong> earth <strong>and</strong> Mercury, both in the sign Scorpio, <strong>and</strong> that sign<br />

rising, impart great vitality <strong>and</strong> phy11ical endurance, with sufficient<br />

strength of character to carry out any purpose that you may have in<br />

new. Venus in Gemini gives elegance of words, refinement of speech,<br />

<strong>and</strong> an inclination to art <strong>and</strong> music. You are best adapted for sur-<br />

19ry, or for the medical profession,-Mars in Virgo gives yon reliable<br />

intuitions in regard to the cause <strong>and</strong> cure of disease, as Mars rulea<br />

Scorpio, from t.he geocentric st<strong>and</strong>point, <strong>and</strong> Jupiter in Taurus would<br />

give in11tinctive ideas concerning the patient&' feelings, by which you<br />

could determine the nature of their diaeases. Saturn in Leo produces<br />

a ltrong love of the science to which you are adapted, <strong>and</strong> also imparts<br />

order, <strong>and</strong> facility in the ac<strong>com</strong>plishment of whatever you un·<br />

dertake. Although Uranus in Aquarius makes your ideas peculiar<br />

in regard to your aseociation with the public, yet with your interior<br />

thought inclination, it will not militate against your auccea <strong>The</strong>se<br />

pesitiona are led out through your polarity, the moon being posited<br />

in Capricorn, the general business sign, which will guarantee to you<br />

a succe88ful bu1ine11 career.<br />

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Chicago, Ills. Feb. 18, 1900.<br />

Prof. H. E. Butler,<br />

Dear Sir:-I fear that, after IO long a time, you will hardly be able<br />

to recall my writing to you laat Nonmber, inclosing some studies in<br />

Solar Biology, which you were kind enough to notice, intimath~g that<br />

I could do work which might in some way be useful toward the future<br />

edition of S. B. I should be very glad to contribute anything in my<br />

power, if I understood how to do so. I waa much pleased <strong>and</strong> encouraged<br />

by your letter, <strong>and</strong> sent at once for the Ephemeris. Having<br />

aeen only the tint edition of S. B., <strong>and</strong> knowing nothing about rising<br />

signs, I felt that my study was at a st<strong>and</strong>. After a delay of aome weeks<br />

(which was explained) the Ephemeris came; but, as I underst<strong>and</strong> it,<br />

the tables for the sidereal time are only "for the <strong>com</strong>ing year," <strong>and</strong><br />

in order to use the rising sign in reading character, it is neeeesary to<br />

have tables for the year of the penon'a hit·th. If ao, what am I to do<br />

now? I am very anxiouM to go on, yet I do not posseaa a copy of even<br />

the old edition of S. B.-it was kindly loaned me by a friend. I hope<br />

to have the books, bnt cannot at present or for aome time to <strong>com</strong>e.<br />

I have just been atudying, as an "object lesaon," the Swami Vivekan<strong>and</strong>a,<br />

of India, whom I have had opportunities of meeting very<br />

informally. It is interesting to recognize the Capricorn nature in a<br />

race-type 10 different from our own. I have noticed in moet of the<br />

Capricorns that I have met, a <strong>com</strong>bination of the skeptic <strong>and</strong> the<br />

mystic-in aome of them the attraction of the unseen world seems to<br />

be present in a very rudimentary form, merely disturbing their materialistic<br />

views enough to cause mental inconaistenciea. One was a<br />

natural psychic-would not admit the exiat.ence of spirit, <strong>and</strong> would<br />

contradict anyone else who denied it. Another had a very fine spirit­<br />

Ul\l <strong>and</strong> religious sense, totally at odds with all forms of expre88ion,<br />

<strong>and</strong> profeaaing to doubt everything. <strong>The</strong>re is Kipling-mocking,<br />

serious even to gloom <strong>and</strong> severity. In Vivekan<strong>and</strong>a. the mystic spirit<br />

is int.enae <strong>and</strong> far·reaching. beyond anything we aee in the W eat, but<br />

kept perfectly sane by hie "<strong>com</strong>mon sense," humor, an


whimsical; if asked a serious question, he may answer it from the<br />

negative aide entirely, with a aort of mockery. At uother time, the<br />

other apirit uaeria iteelf in a way to stagger the ordinary mind. And<br />

I feel that it is always present, behind there. He bu the Capricorn<br />

head for generalizing, <strong>and</strong> is keeping a lot of people at work in India,<br />

-leaving the detaila to others. He is direct <strong>and</strong> 1imple in his talk,<br />

<strong>and</strong> always intereatitag. Upon one oocaaion he said, "I have never<br />

gone much into these allegories-just a few plain facts;" <strong>and</strong> at another<br />

time he spent the evening telling allegories <strong>and</strong> fairy tales from<br />

the Sanacrit, <strong>and</strong> bringing the deepest meaning out of them. He is<br />

full of force, is very restless, <strong>and</strong> belongs to a strongly emotional type;<br />

but I don't know how this <strong>com</strong>es, as I have not been able to aee my<br />

friend's copy of S. B. lately, <strong>and</strong> know nothing of Vivekan<strong>and</strong>a's<br />

birth except the earthsign. Hie date, I believe. is January 6, 1864.<br />

Whenever a penon'a native planetary conditious recur, he must<br />

feel the infiuence-is it so? I have thought of this in regard to<br />

aome of my friends. This is one: Oct. 3-.Lilwa; 2 in .o., ))<br />

inn,~ in "l, l in ::e., '1/. in H, '2 in cy>, Wint. She has<br />

all the highest <strong>and</strong> finest qualities of Libra, of the idealistic type, to<br />

the most intense degree. Pure, unaelfish, wafting her stre1ngth on<br />

others. From kindnesa she allows coarse-grained people to take up<br />

her time <strong>and</strong> torture her sensibilities. Much as she is liked, she<br />

does not attract advantages-gifts from frienda, ete.-as aome do; she<br />

radiates too much, scatters. Is exceedingly sensitive to other people's<br />

troubles <strong>and</strong> states of mind. But in herself-absolute harmony <strong>and</strong><br />

happineBB belong to her; humor, laughter, enthusiasm, a deep religious<br />

nature. A Catholic with never a shadow of doubt, but dialikes formali1m,<br />

"churehiness", or the least approach to morbidness. Doesn't<br />

believe in convents, <strong>and</strong> cannot bear to be shnt in, hedged about, or<br />

"bossed" by anyone. (la this from Aries?) I suppose it is '2 in cy><br />

that gives her great originality, inventive power, And ability to produce<br />

a fine quality of work of any kind, but never anything mechanical,<br />

arbitrary, or slavish, or built of details. Perhaps it also accounts<br />

for her un<strong>com</strong>mon progresaivene88 <strong>and</strong> power to learn from experience.<br />

In writing. her language is original, C'lear <strong>and</strong> to the point.<br />

but in speaking, her enth1111iwim seems to outrun her faculty for finding<br />

words, 10 that she appears very slow <strong>and</strong> it takes her a great<br />

while to get anything said. Would the signs indicat.e this? She is<br />

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apt to admire new acquaiot&Deel ·too much, bm Yel"f IOOll her exquisite<br />

intuition give• to eve1Jone a eorreet eetimat.e <strong>and</strong> plaee. Now, iD<br />

the eummer of 1898, thie Libra became Ter'J maeh excited: ebe plaimed<br />

a great deal of pleasure <strong>and</strong> profi\ for other people, <strong>and</strong> aUertook tic><br />

eee that they 1ot it, <strong>and</strong> at the eame time her deeire to work iD her an<br />

,,.. inteneified. <strong>The</strong> result wu extreme '8Dlion on her part, <strong>and</strong> &he<br />

failore of all her deeiree. If ehe had known what ehe na likely to<br />

do, I think she might have been wile enough to avoid i\. (Wu it b.<br />

came Venm wu in Libra?)<br />

J. B •<br />

.dna. No: it wu evidently due to the fact \hat &torn wu tranaiting<br />

the moon'• pla.ce at the time of binh, <strong>and</strong> the high ideaJa \hat<br />

ac\uated her at \hat time aroee largely from Jupiter'• tranei.ting Saturn'•<br />

position at the time of birth.<br />

Chicago, JU.., September 18, 1900. ·<br />

Mr. H. E. Butler,<br />

Dtlar Sir:-Your ofter to devote a portion of "TBB OocULT AND<br />

BIOLOGICAL JouBNA.L" to the productione of "Cranb" ie, I believe, a<br />

nry good one. A.a I ~ve for eeveral years had opiniooa of my own,<br />

<strong>and</strong> have held t.enaeioualy to them, in apit.e of couiderable oppoeition,<br />

I have been considered a crank, <strong>and</strong> rejoice in the appellation,<br />

if, being one, I am i118trumental, in conueotion with many others, in<br />

turoiog the minde of the people out of the ruta in which they are<br />

now running.<br />

A.a all great movements for the good of the people have been rejected<br />

by thoee in power, <strong>and</strong> even by thoee whom they are intended<br />

to benefit, <strong>and</strong> have had to wait for a later generation to take<br />

them up <strong>and</strong> utilize them, it would eeem to me to be a good idea to int.ereat<br />

the children of the preaent day in Solar Biology. So far u I<br />

know, nothing has been done in thia direction. A.a the children of<br />

to-day will be the men <strong>and</strong> women of a few yeara hence, a little inatruction<br />

in Solar Biology, which might be made very intereating,<br />

woald give them a much better idea of themeelvee <strong>and</strong> of their eehoolmatee,<br />

<strong>and</strong> would in the end result (in some e&&e1, at least) in bringing<br />

a higher grade of human beings on the stage of life, for ignorance<br />

of the laWll that govern our lives is the cause of nearly all the mieery<br />

in the world.<br />

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Among the subacribera to <strong>The</strong> Jolll'nal there are, doubtless, many<br />

achoolteachers, day <strong>and</strong> Sunday, <strong>and</strong> many of those who are not<br />

have relatives or frienda who are: now, if these schoolteachers<br />

would arrange the echolara undvr their care in the form <strong>and</strong> or·<br />

der of the zodiac, each aign separated from the one on either<br />

side, an object leaaon would be presented to the children, which,<br />

I believe, they would never forget. <strong>The</strong> soul of an individual ia ex·<br />

preaaed in the face to a greater extent than in uy other portion of<br />

the body; therefore, having the children in the order of the zodiac,<br />

let the teacher point out a few of the leading characteristica of each<br />

sign, ahowing that they are expresaed in the face <strong>and</strong> other parts of<br />

the body, aome of the peculiarities being very marked, in contrast with<br />

the adjoining or some other sign; for example, take the happy, con·<br />

tented expreasion of Taurus in contrut with the dissatisfaction ex·<br />

preaaed by Gemini; the happy but witle-awake look of Aquarius aa<br />

<strong>com</strong>pared with the discontented look of Piacee; the suave, social di,aposition<br />

of Libra contrasted with the reaened, <strong>and</strong> sometimes repellent<br />

attitude of Scorpio; the frail body of Cancer in contrast with the<br />

well-fed physique of Scorpio. 1'ht1&e illustrations are merely intended<br />

to suggest many others, which will atford the teacher an opportunity<br />

to point out, in a loving spirit, those traits in each nature which<br />

should be controlled.<br />

After the teacher has once arranged the children in zodiacal order,<br />

there will be no trouble in calling them together for further instruction,<br />

as each child will find its own place, <strong>and</strong> will m"nifeet great interest<br />

in the study of its own peculiarities, as well as those of its<br />

school-mates. If the teacher of a single class, room, or grade, in a<br />

large school, will organi7.e the echolan in the above order, it will be an<br />

easy matter to interest other teachers in the same idea; <strong>and</strong> a large<br />

number of children, say a thous<strong>and</strong>, each child knowing il.3 own place,<br />

could be called into zodiacal order in two or three minutes.<br />

<strong>The</strong> above ideas can be worked out in churches, factoriee, etc.,<br />

wherever a body of people can be gathered together for <strong>com</strong>bined<br />

amusement <strong>and</strong> instruction. Yours truly, A. L. Nathan.<br />

•<br />

E1wteric Pub. Co., Applegate, Cal.<br />

Gentlemen:-Enclosed find date of birth of a young man who is a<br />

"lightning calculator." He is unable to explain how he is able to cal·<br />

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cnlate ao rapidly <strong>and</strong> with large figures. He ia below medium height,<br />

dark hair, which inclinea to be curly, dark eyea, round, plump body,<br />

<strong>and</strong>_ well-cut featurea. Mentally well-balanced (that ia, apparently ao);<br />

a tendency to brag of bis capabilities <strong>and</strong> to live fut. Origin is from<br />

Jewish stock. Wishing you sncceea <strong>and</strong> God's blessing, I am<br />

Youn fraternally,<br />

F. B. West.<br />

Ans. July 31,1875. E9 in st; j) in~; W in:'; '2 in st; 2/.<br />

in~; i in~; 9 in i-J;·~ in::!),.<br />

We think that t.he following brief sketch shows that this man's<br />

mathematical abilities ai·e indicated by the position of the planets at<br />

the time of his birth. It is nnfol'tnnate that we have not the hour of<br />

birth, as we are, therefore, unable to give the rising sign, nor can we<br />

be absolutely sure of the position of the moon; hie unusual endowment,<br />

however, indicates that he is polarized in Cancer. <strong>The</strong> innate nature,<br />

Leo. iK peculiarly allied to the number two, <strong>and</strong>, aa will be seen by<br />

the planetary po8itions, the fonr triplicities are each represented by<br />

two, which balances him very nicely for whatever may lead out his<br />

qualities. <strong>The</strong> three h•11ne po11itions, Earth in Leo, Mars in Cancer <strong>and</strong><br />

Mercury in Libra. give harmony <strong>and</strong> stren~th to hi11 nature. Mars,<br />

in his polarity. lenrls out his nature. which is strongly characterized<br />

by Saturn, as that planet i11 in tile life aign, Leo, imparting order <strong>and</strong><br />

all her mathematical qualities. Venus in Capricorn gives inclination<br />

to the business uses. Mercury unites her power to strengthen the<br />

rt•ins aud psychic ahilitie11, which are led out <strong>and</strong> utilized by the baaic<br />

principle. Jupiter. in Tauru~. intensifiea the leading characteristic,<br />

v.·ltich in thi11 nature is order, <strong>and</strong> we reason that the p1·ime factor of<br />

order i11 the science of numbers. According to Astrology, which deals<br />

mainly with the physical expression, Uranus is in the sign which it rules,<br />

<strong>and</strong> according to Solar Biology it ia in the sign producing <strong>and</strong> governing<br />

the nervous 11ystem. Thus Uranus blends moat harmoniously with<br />

Mercnry, the nervous 11ystem being the means of cognizance in the<br />

physical bo1ly: <strong>The</strong> pRychic powers of Merr.ury in Libra are directly<br />

nnder the dominance of Leo <strong>and</strong> Saturn, aa Leo ia the hue <strong>and</strong> Saturn<br />

tlie end11wml'nt of tl1at baae. Thus it will be seen that the planets<br />

&1'1' 110 positl'1l a11 to ho<strong>com</strong>e harmonious far.tore under the dominion of<br />

the haqic prinr.:ple.<br />

Thi11 date of birth is an interesting study, <strong>and</strong> would be more eo<br />

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if we had the hour of birth. <strong>The</strong> tendency of this person to live fa11t <strong>and</strong><br />

to brag of his abilities is undoubtedly due to the fact that he is wholly<br />

controlled by one idea. <strong>The</strong> Jewi11h nature is an intense one, therefore<br />

the appetites <strong>and</strong> pas11ions are strong. He probably makes money<br />

easily. <strong>and</strong>, is therefore, inclined to live fast. If he were awakened<br />

to a more elevated sphere of thought, his attainment in the science of<br />

numbers, if not in the sciences in general, would be of a high order.<br />


'l'Bs I,1oaT THAT II IN TaEa. By Harriet B. Bradbury. A most practical<br />

aud helpful treatile on the true uae of the higher apiritual facoltiea, in denloping<br />

literary <strong>and</strong> artiatic powers, aa well aa ei:ecutive ability in all directiona. C-0ntents:<br />

Tbe l>ivine Pr-nee; <strong>The</strong> Losillll' of Self; Concentration; Meditation; Realization.<br />

Cloth. 7;, CAnta. <strong>The</strong> AlliADCe Publishing Company, Ill <strong>and</strong> 21 West Slat St., N. Y.<br />

Vmcxs OF huDOM. By Horatio W. Dreeser. 204 pages well bound in cloth.<br />

Price Ji;1.2;;. Sold by G. P. Putnam's Sona, New York <strong>and</strong> London.<br />

To tl1os.· 1

EDITORIAL. 88<br />

hope, dear friends, that you will oonaider this your magazine,<br />

<strong>and</strong>, consequently, feel perfectly free t.o criticise anything that<br />

you deem out of order, or that militates against ita suooeaa, <strong>and</strong><br />

also to suggest any addition& or improvements that will add<br />

to ita value. You can do much for the work by interest;.<br />

ing your frlenda. Do not make the miatake, which I have<br />

found 80 <strong>com</strong>mon, of thinking that it will be useleea t.o mention<br />

this magazine to A, B, or C; that they will not be interested,<br />

<strong>and</strong> will only acoff <strong>and</strong> think you "cranky." I think<br />

that, in the majority of caaes, if the aubjeot be properly presented,<br />

you will find true intereat, even among those with whom<br />

you think there would be the leaat chance of auooeu; for the<br />

time baa <strong>com</strong>e for the awakening of the world, <strong>and</strong> the people<br />

feel its influence, <strong>and</strong>, as individnala, it ia our duty t.o our<br />

neighbor t.o place in hie h<strong>and</strong>s opportunities for receiving the<br />

knowledge requisite for the in<strong>com</strong>ing age <strong>and</strong> order of things.<br />

If you will lay aaide all timidity in the matter <strong>and</strong> take bold<br />

of the work in earnest, the added aubacriptiona will enable ua<br />

to enlarge the magazine <strong>and</strong> t.o increase ita usefulneaa. You can<br />

make this one of the firat magazines of the l<strong>and</strong> in the esteem<br />

of the people; <strong>and</strong> from the way in which the flrat number baa<br />

been received, we have reason t.o believe that you will do 80. We<br />

have received many flattering congratulations upon our new effort<br />

from the editors of some of the best magazines now before<br />

the world, <strong>and</strong> we take this occaaion t.o thank them for their<br />

kind words of encouragement. We believe that we ahall be able<br />

t.o make this ,Journal merit all the eulogy that it baa reoeived.<br />

We have been surprised at the number of efforts t.o imitate<br />

Solar Biology, that <strong>com</strong>e to us in the form of booka <strong>and</strong> period.<br />

icals. It is getting t.o be quite fashionable, in nearly all of the<br />

advance-thought magazine& <strong>and</strong> papera, t.o have a department<br />

for character delineation&, similar t.o the one that <strong>The</strong> Eaoterlo<br />

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had for years. <strong>The</strong> edit.ors of these periodicals hide the source<br />

hut mm the principles of Solar Biology-with different word<br />

formation, for the sake of avoiding the copyright. Poor old<br />

Aatrology i


This list will hold good until August, l!:IOI.<br />

To our many friends <strong>and</strong> patrons who may de11ire to a811ist in extending the circulation of thi.s<br />

Journal. we offer the following book11 as premiums.<br />

Rudyard Kipling's Works.<br />

Vol. 1. "<strong>The</strong> Light that r'ailed."<br />

Vol. 2.- "ln Black <strong>and</strong> White," "Under the Oeodal'll, "<strong>and</strong><br />

Eight Short Storiet1.<br />

Vol. :l.- "Story of the Gad!lbys." 11nd Nine Other Storiea.<br />

Vol. -l.-·"Departmental Ditties" <strong>and</strong> "Barl'llCk Room<br />

Rallads." including <strong>The</strong> Vampire. Rerel't!ional <strong>and</strong> Supprl!lllled<br />

Poems.<br />

Vol. 5. · "Soldiers Three."<br />

Vol. 6.! "American Notes."<br />

Vol. 7.·-"Mine Own People."<br />

Vol.8. - "Wee Willie Winkie," anti four other 8toriea ot<br />

children.<br />

Vol. !l.·· "<strong>The</strong> Phantom Rickshaw." "<strong>The</strong>Cityof Dreadful<br />

Night," <strong>and</strong> Three Other Stories.<br />

Vol. 10.·- "Plain Tales from the Hills." Thirtv-nine<br />

Storil.'s. ·<br />

Thi~ romplete set of Kipling's works, hound in linen,<br />

will be mailed prepaid to any one sending ue'6 new sub­<br />

•criptions, with namet.< <strong>and</strong> addresses.'. It will be sent<br />

in cloth for 7 new suhscriher~ ; in lamhMkin. 9 new 11ubdcriptionH.<br />


In size it i• unique, a tall 16mo - the 12mo di?.e is too large for the p


A New Scientific, Exact <strong>and</strong> Easy Method of Delineating Character;<br />

Diagnosing Disease; Determining Mental. Physical <strong>and</strong> Business<br />

Qualifications, Conjugal Adaptability, etc.,<br />

from Date of Birth.<br />

BY H. E. BUTLER.<br />

Illustrated with Seven Plate Diagrams <strong>and</strong> Tables of the Moon <strong>and</strong> Planets,<br />

from 1820 to 1900.<br />

This scienc>R. proVPS t.hat ":ill are IDt'mhers of One Rrn1y (1 Cor. XII<br />

12-27); am1 that., aR such, ead. 'fp))s how to cultivate 1wlf <strong>and</strong> make the<br />

1i1m1t <strong>and</strong> best of life. Tells one, when a chiltl i11 bom, wl111t. kind of training<br />

it shoul



BY HIRA~I E. Jll'.TLER.<br />

Flnat l..eetare.-Tbe Idea of God, <strong>The</strong> people of all agei. cbaract.erlsed<br />

b)' their Idea of u0. 'Ill. Kvolutlon-Cobealun euentl&lly a feminine principle, eDBphertna,<br />

nouriahlt g, pl'( scnlng, p. St. <strong>The</strong> "advenary" Uiat la aet otr &tr&IDBt Oohealon p. 81.<br />

<strong>The</strong> oonaervatlve tendencies of Cohesion, p. 84. <strong>The</strong> abuaea of the ooheelve prtnclple,<br />

p. 8:1. Cohesion-<strong>The</strong> mothC'r nature ooualdered u a distinct principle, p. ff?. Tlie motlier<br />

Jove to take higher form 1 p. 111. Live op to rour hlghe11t ldear of right, p. 98. Placing the<br />

D&JDe of God In tbe foreniled, p. 9f,<br />

91:ath 1..eetarc.-IJ'ermeatatlon, <strong>The</strong> Deetro7erwho1l<strong>and</strong>1 In the wa7 of<br />

ph71lcal lmmor&ollly-Dlduwirratlon-All vegetation the maleriallatlon of lnftnlle<br />

tbought-)lan'a thought aa real creation• H the oflllprlog of h1a loins, p. 100. A Yitai<br />

ebemlltry that wlll throw ll·~ht ou mental healluir <strong>and</strong> thought formation, p. 101. A<br />

.ecret of tbe Jla«I <strong>and</strong> Alchemlata, p. I~. Fermentation an agent of proci-, p. Ula.<br />

<strong>The</strong> baleful aapecta of man when tbe principle or fermentation bas tbeuoendtncy, J>. 106.<br />

Dependence of man for executive coe~7 upon hll helpmeet-Woman, p. 101. Bow to<br />

be<strong>com</strong>e a" Prevailing Prince," p. JOS. Conquering <strong>and</strong> controlling th9rtance<br />

of the kmd of tt..oughts we entertain while tatlng 1 p. 1"'3. <strong>The</strong> process by which to ob·<br />

talu magic power, p. ltd Be<strong>com</strong>ing auperlor to eartn, p. 129. Making all vl•lhle lhlnp<br />

one's aerv•nt, V· lllO.<br />

Elabtb l.eeta-..-tleaaatlon. Sensation, a mode of conaclouan- or COl(lll·<br />

u.uceof life. p. 136. l:lenaatlon m•dt: wanlfet


VOLUME I.<br />


-BY-<br />


ThiK book ''ontains all the eR11ential 111at.te1·<br />

found iu \'ol. I. II. of Tin: E..;on:tuc.<br />





Is iu itst•lf a < in life l'annot alfo1"1l<br />

to do without theke methods, whi1•h gi,·e<br />

vigor of hody. >1t.J·ength of min

SWEETS•••<br />

Extracted from flowers of prominent authors.<br />

• • • • •<br />

We laa H! revised <strong>and</strong> reprinted this booklet of poems. A nnmbf'r of hf'autifnl<br />

JH>t'IUR have been added to the Mllel'tion, <strong>and</strong> we h1we 11c11>avorec1 to make lhi1<br />

Ja,.t. 1lition pa1 tinlarly att1·ative. both '"' to appt-!'rant> <strong>and</strong> C'ontt'11t.11.<br />

Pric•p, 10 l'ent11 1•11d1: :-:;1.00 Jlt'r 1!01.1'11.<br />

--- l!lOO. - - -<br />

<strong>The</strong> Eloteric Ephemeris has been so enlarged for the year 1900 aM to contain nearly r:.o pages,<br />

with much new <strong>and</strong> valuable information upon the 11eience of Solar Biology; an explanation of<br />

the heliocentric poeitions, <strong>and</strong> carefully calculated tables giving the heliocentric longitude of all th«'<br />

planets, <strong>and</strong> the geocentric longitude of the Moon; the hour, minute <strong>and</strong> aecond of the trallllit<br />

of the planet.a <strong>and</strong> Moon; also the ming sign11 <strong>and</strong> how to find diem, with a table of the Sidereal<br />

time, <strong>and</strong> the time of nearly all the large citie~ .<br />

It contains NEW AND IMPORTANT FACTS relative to Solar Biology. <strong>The</strong> article OD "

Lessons by Correspondence in<br />

<strong>Occult</strong> Science <strong>and</strong> Solar Biology.<br />

Tlui1;e les!lollM will enable ont• tu untlerst.<strong>and</strong> the LA ws OF Lrv•:. 1h:AL'l'H 11.ucl<br />

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ith. So. 4 <strong>and</strong> Nn. ti tui:-.. th .. r. . . . . . . . . ::-:i.:111<br />

For Nativities of Birth, etc., please sta.te Age, 'l'im.e of Birth,<br />

Sez a.nd Birthpla.ce, Ka.rried or Si:a.rle.<br />


Crystal Glasses for Clairvoyant persons sold. Also agent for <strong>The</strong><br />

<strong>Occult</strong> <strong>and</strong> Bioio5ical Magazine <strong>and</strong> other <strong>Occult</strong> W .>rks.<br />

-AllllRF..'-'"-<br />

D. Lund, Fern Cottage, Keighley, Engl<strong>and</strong>.<br />

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Caui1a.tion: Prayer; l'~ychit' Powe1·; A Unh-er~al Law: Tht' Dut,v uf the Cl11ncl1;<br />

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Cloth. 7i) centH.<br />


19 West 3ht Str .. t.'t. Nell' Y 01·k. X. Y.<br />

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BY<br />

Frank H. Sprague.<br />

A work mt1riting the cullllideration <strong>and</strong> peru-<br />

11.&l of the lovel'I! of truth Merywhere. We especially<br />

reoommend it to the esoterfo atudent.<br />

Ita contents page, which we give, conveya a good<br />

idea of the character of the work. A chapter<br />

from this book waa puhliahed in tht> March (18991<br />

iAue of THE EsoTEIUC.<br />


This inBtrumcut is probably<br />

the most perfect mecha.nical<br />

device yet ·constl"Ucted<br />

for f i n d i 11 g the<br />

rising sign, as it gives the<br />

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0<br />

embraces nearh the whole<br />

rivili;r,e1l world: J t will be<br />

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1louht tlw intlnent·t:- . t'J it•l'ially<br />

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A monthly magazine of world-,~ide repute, now<br />

in its ~eventh year of publication. De1•oted to<br />

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Earne~t in it.II advocacy of hu·<br />

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thought.<br />

Allen Haddock,<br />

G. P. Holt,<br />

A~11ociate foA!itor.<br />

~Alitor <strong>and</strong> Proprietor.<br />

Subscription price only 50 cents a year. Sample<br />

copies will be sent FREE to readers of THE<br />

Occl!LT ANO BIOLOGICAL JOURNAL who request<br />

~uch favor <strong>and</strong> enr.loae stamp for postage.<br />

Addre!'!I, lll'MAN NATURE, 1020 Market Street,<br />

San Francisco, Gt1lifornia.<br />

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in the Science of Astrology.<br />

ThiK work

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would be a GHEAT WAR."<br />


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<strong>The</strong> aim of <strong>The</strong> <strong>Occult</strong> <strong>and</strong> Biological Journal ia two fold: first, it endeavors to unveil<br />

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THE<br />


VOL.I. t No. S.<br />

NoVEMBEB 22 to DECEMBBR 21.<br />


OB<br />

Ha.A.LING BY THE PowER OF Mum.<br />

A belief in the power of the mind to over<strong>com</strong>e diaeased oonditions<br />

of the body, baa spread with great rapidity throughout<br />

the civilized world, <strong>and</strong> unless there was some vitality in it, aome<br />

foundation in trath, it would not have been ao generally aooepted.<br />

To define the nature of that vitality i1 a difficult matter,<br />

because so little is known <strong>and</strong> understood relative to the law<br />

of mind <strong>and</strong> its relation to the physical body. <strong>The</strong> announcement<br />

that seems to go before this new sy1t.em as a crier, that<br />

.. all is mind," or that .. all is spirit," appears to be vital thought<br />

that prepares the mind for reception. But in order to reoeive<br />

it intelligently, we should inquire into the oharaot.er of this<br />

spirit or mind that heals.<br />

In view of the declaration that all there is of us is mind, or<br />

spirit, we must accept the fact that our body is spirit, or mind,<br />

aud that what.ever diseased condition may appear to be existing<br />

in us is of the mind. "But," says the skeptic sufferer, ''it<br />

is very real to me. I feel it in my body." <strong>The</strong> declaration,<br />

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however, meets the objection, for, if all is mind, your body ie<br />

mind. Yet bow bard it ie for a man suffering with toothache<br />

to believe that all hie pain ie purt\ly of the thought, <strong>and</strong> that if<br />

be could believe that it did not ache, it would not do eo. "But,"<br />

be eaye, '"l know it does ache. Don't I feel it? Doesn't my<br />

face swell?" -<strong>and</strong> yet the statement remains unmoved, ••All ie<br />

mind." You feel it; yes, your mind feels it. Your face swells;<br />

yes, the mind swells, for if the flesh is mind, then it is the mind<br />

that swells.<br />

This ie really hard logic, <strong>and</strong> in order to find something vital<br />

in the matter, we moat look at the subject philosophically.<br />

<strong>The</strong> mind of the masses, however. ie not prepared for its philosophic<br />

presentation. It is enough for the great majority that<br />

the declaration, "Allie mind," does really cure disease, ac<strong>com</strong>panied,<br />

of course, by the thought <strong>and</strong> declaration that spirit<br />

cannot be sick, cannot suffer, eannot ho diseased, for God is<br />

spirit, <strong>and</strong> God ie immortal. But there are those who think, <strong>and</strong><br />

who want something besides a declaration, <strong>and</strong> if they will<br />

think logically, they will be brought face to face with the declaration<br />

made in the first chapter of Genesis, that .. in the beginning<br />

God created the heaven <strong>and</strong> the earth," <strong>and</strong> that this<br />

creation was produced by a spoken word-God said, ••Let there<br />

be . . . . <strong>and</strong> it was so." And thus with the whole catalogue<br />

of the manifestation of creation; God spoke the wor-d,<br />

<strong>and</strong> it was. Now, if a spoken word is the result or expression<br />

of a thought, then, if we acwept the Bible statements as true,<br />

we are brought to accept the fact that all is mind.<br />

Again we read: "And every plant of the field before it was<br />

in the earth, <strong>and</strong> every herb of the field before it grew: for the<br />

Lord God bad not caused it to rain upon the earth, <strong>and</strong> there<br />

was not a man to till the ground." Gen. II. 5. From this<br />

verse it is clear that the Lord God created the herbs <strong>and</strong> plants<br />

before they grew in the ground; <strong>and</strong>, as the verse follows the<br />

entire history of the order of creation, the inference ie that<br />

man also was but a thought formed by Deity (a fact implied<br />

in the words, "And there was not a man to till the ground"),<br />

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<strong>and</strong> that he had not obtained material subetanoe, called a<br />

physical body. Now, if it was for, <strong>and</strong> in the power of the<br />

thought to create for itself a material organism, which was<br />

ac<strong>com</strong>plished in the fullness of time <strong>and</strong> in the order of the<br />

evolutionary unfoldment of the world, then the mind-cure<br />

system has authority, at least, in the declaration of creation.<br />

For, if the thought that God sent forth was the man<br />

proper, <strong>and</strong> if that man organized <strong>and</strong> broucht into existence<br />

the material structure for physical uses, then ii follows that he,<br />

the mind organism, the thinking intelligence that oonatituted<br />

the man proper, really made the body, formed it for himself.<br />

Everyone knows that if the thinking intelligenoe oompletely<br />

leaves the body, the body is dead <strong>and</strong> begins to disintegrate.<br />

If this be true, it must necessarily follow that integration, or<br />

the building process by which the body is kept <strong>and</strong> held in<br />

form <strong>and</strong> renewed in substance, is being continually carried on<br />

by the thought, or thinking part of the individual. We all,know<br />

that if we stop taking on material, that is, if we stop feeding<br />

the body, taking into the digestiTe canal the substance requisite<br />

for its rebuilding, it immediately begins to waste away,<br />

<strong>and</strong> will continue to lessen until disintegration has unfitted it<br />

for occupancy, <strong>and</strong> the tenant must move out or begin to reconstruct<br />

it by feeding it. If we had a good watch that was out<br />

of repair, <strong>and</strong> if we knew the man who made it, we would not<br />

hesitate to say that he was the one to repair it; for, if he made<br />

it, surely he would be able to renew any of ita parts <strong>and</strong> to put<br />

it again in good working order. Such, eTeryone will admit,<br />

would be the most reasonable conclusion. It would hardly ht,<br />

reasonable to ask a man to repair it who admits that he oould<br />

not build one like it, <strong>and</strong> does not even know how it was built.<br />

And yet this is the exact condition in which we find ounelves<br />

to-day. All the facts go to prove that we ourselves built the<br />

body <strong>and</strong> must continue the prooese of rebuilding in order to<br />

maintain it; nevertheleea, if it is out of repair, we go at once to<br />

another pel'80n who had nothing to do with the building of it,<br />

<strong>and</strong> expect him to repair it for us.<br />

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But it is not enough to tell an individual that he is the oonstructer<br />

of his pbyeical body, <strong>and</strong> that he has the power requisite<br />

to repair or renew any of its parts; be mast know how to renew<br />

it. You tell him that it is a mental prooess-yes, but what<br />

is that mental prooesa? It is certainly by no action of the<br />

reasoning mind. It is not a process that can be brought about<br />

10lely by thinking over the matter, but a process of what should<br />

be called vital thought. Those living on the ordinary plane ~of<br />

life recognize that vital thought only in relation to the feelings.<br />

We frequently hear the remark, "I feel that such <strong>and</strong> such is<br />

the cue." Thia tha* is called feeling ari11es in the aenaes, or,<br />

perhaps, in the interior oonsoioasness: it is the involuntary<br />

thought of the ordinary man. <strong>The</strong> involuntary thought in the<br />

case of disease is, "l am diseased; I am sick; there is some<br />

derangement." Now, this same mental process that causes us<br />

to feel, to realize, <strong>and</strong> thus to believe, without a doubt, that we<br />

are sick, is the identical pl'00088 that is capable of making us<br />

well. In order to get, perhaps, nearer your <strong>com</strong>prehension of<br />

the thought, you know that there is an involuntary action of<br />

all the interior organs of the body; you have no control over<br />

the beating of the heart, no conscious control over the digestion<br />

of the food, or the circulation of the blood, but these are known<br />

to be affected by the mind. How often it has occurred that sudden<br />

news of disaster has stopped digestion, <strong>and</strong> sometimes has<br />

almost caused the heart to stop beating <strong>and</strong> the circulation to<br />

cease, almost <strong>and</strong> sometimes entirely, in an individual. This,<br />

then, is an evidence that such operations are a mental process,<br />

subject to the thought of the thinker.<br />

Now, in order to be able to control the health condition of<br />

the body <strong>and</strong> to rebuild waste tissue, it is necessary that one<br />

give a great deal of thought as to how he may produce feeling<br />

<strong>and</strong> a definite consciousness in the interior self, for it is impossible<br />

to explain just how it is done: as it has never been scien-<br />

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89<br />

tifically understood, no language is adequat.e to oonvey to the<br />

mind what the process is, therefore it is necessary to feel after<br />

it. We may, however, by reference to other experiences aid<br />

you in your search for it. For instance, if a person feels de.<br />

pressed <strong>and</strong> sad, friends say to him, 0 Why don't you throw it<br />

off; it will do no good to brood over your feelings, cheer up;"<br />

<strong>and</strong> he throws off the sadness <strong>and</strong> takes on cheerful, light, <strong>and</strong><br />

bnoyant conditions. Of eonrse, many cannot do this, but you<br />

who have applied methods of self-control <strong>and</strong> have thought on<br />

these lines, can euily discover how to ac<strong>com</strong>plish it. It is done<br />

by taking the opposite attitude; jnst as, when a person feels<br />

dull <strong>and</strong> stupid, be produces the opposite (~ndition by energetic<br />

<strong>and</strong> vivaciou~ action.<br />

Some of the mental healers say that the ·silent treatment is<br />

most effectual. We have frequently he.ard them speak of having<br />

healed patientM by going to the house, sitting down, <strong>and</strong> not<br />

thinking at all. Yes, but these persons do not know wh1Lt<br />

they are doing. In order that we may produce a certain result,<br />

we must have a like condition in ourselves. If we can establish<br />

in ourselves c:1onditions opposite to those that produced the derangement<br />

in our patient, we will impart that condition to the<br />

patient to what.ever degree we are positive <strong>and</strong> unmoved in our<br />

own fet-lings, for all diseased states are negative. To negative<br />

diseases in others many have resorted to verbal denials, denying<br />

its existence. This is good in so far as it serves auto-ang·<br />

gestion. but auto.suggestions are of very little avail unle88<br />

thA pet'SOn who iA making them, feels <strong>and</strong> believes what he<br />

say11: for in ao far Ma person can make himself conscious<br />

of perfect health aud of his superiority over diseased states, to<br />

that extent can he impart health to others <strong>and</strong> to himself. It<br />

must be remembered, however, that if disease is a negative<br />

state, which it undoubtedly is, then it is necessary for the healer<br />

to take an attitude of mind exactly opposite to that held by the<br />

patient; <strong>and</strong> it is not enough to take that attitude pauively, it<br />

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must be entered into actively. If those practising men~ healing<br />

for the benefit of others, would make a study of the patient's<br />

feelings <strong>and</strong> mental oonditions, or, in other words, would find<br />

out what mental oondition prodooed the disease, they would<br />

only have to put themselves in the opposite attitude of thought<br />

<strong>and</strong> feeling <strong>and</strong> to actively realize it, centralizing the mind op.<br />

on the inner coneciooeneee of tbe patient <strong>and</strong> realizing it ther&­<br />

in for him, <strong>and</strong> they would be able to heal any <strong>and</strong> all diseases.<br />

A word as to applying to another to heal us. This we regard<br />

as an expression of weakness, <strong>and</strong> it ehoold never be done when<br />

we can pouibly do it for ourselves. <strong>The</strong>re are instances, however,<br />

<strong>and</strong> many of them, in which persona are placed in very<br />

inharmonious surroundings, where the vital condition of the<br />

organism is constantly being depreased <strong>and</strong> suppressed; <strong>and</strong><br />

oeually, in addition to that, planetary conditions are unfavorable,<br />

so that they have no consciousness left within them that<br />

enables them to rise above the thoughts <strong>and</strong> feelings that possess<br />

them; consequently, they would grow weaker, aud finally<br />

die. But aided by one who is favorably circumstanced, or<br />

who by positive self-control bas risen aboTe circumstances,<br />

<strong>and</strong> is able to <strong>com</strong>m<strong>and</strong> conditions, they may be lifted out of,<br />

<strong>and</strong> held above the depreuing condition long enough to establish<br />

a positive attitude within themselves •<br />

•<br />

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THE SOUL.<br />

Buddha's argument concerning the soul <strong>and</strong> hie use of the<br />

flame of the lamp in illustration are very good~:_he clearly conveys<br />

the thought that the real eelfhood is mind. Surely there is<br />

no conecious existence except through <strong>and</strong> by the thinking part<br />

of man, for when one stops thinking, consciousneae ceases. It<br />

should be remembered, however, that there are many ways of<br />

thinking: one form of thought arises from the physical mind,<br />

which reasons <strong>and</strong> argues concerning a subject; another is of the<br />

consciousness which <strong>com</strong>es from the five senses, as we take cog.<br />

nizance of <strong>and</strong> think about the things around us, <strong>and</strong> yet another<br />

way of thinking is that occasioned by the sensations that<br />

continually arise in the physical organism, which keep us thinking<br />

about, <strong>and</strong> therefore conscious of the physical structural<br />

exist.ence. <strong>The</strong> last method is instinctive thought, which is<br />

identical with that of the animal world.<br />

<strong>The</strong> illustration given by Buddha contains a fine point of<br />

discrimination: he cites the case of a man who writ.es a letter<br />

at night. puts out his lamp <strong>and</strong> forgets in sleep what Jie has<br />

written, the thoughts, however, remaining. What is it that remains<br />

with the individual who has been thinking? <strong>The</strong> thinking<br />

ceases, yet something remains, because on awakening he<br />

has a desire,-something prompts the desire, to recall <strong>and</strong> rethink<br />

the thoughts that he has written, <strong>and</strong> he does so readily.<br />

Now, what is it that does this? <strong>The</strong>re is something greater than<br />

thought, or it would not have <strong>com</strong>m<strong>and</strong> of thought. This that<br />

has <strong>com</strong>m<strong>and</strong> of thought is evidently not touched upon in the<br />

philosophy of either Buddha or the Brahman: we are left to<br />

the Hebrew Scriptures to find this something that is higher<br />

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than thought. When Moses was charged with a message to the<br />

children of Israel, it became necessary that he have some knowl.<br />

edge that would make him superior to the great <strong>and</strong> magic.<br />

working Egypt-a nation which bad as high, if not a higher<br />

cult than that of either the Brahmans or Buddhists-in order<br />

that he might deliver his people from their bondage, <strong>and</strong> that<br />

knowledge was hidden away in that great name, that was given<br />

to him as the sign of power <strong>and</strong> the memorial of Divinitv<br />

In Exodus 111. 11-16 will be found the revelation of the great<br />

name, which closes with the words, "This is my name forever,<br />

<strong>and</strong> this is my memorial unto all generations." But the real<br />

meaning of this name w&1:1 secret <strong>and</strong> sacred to those who uu.<br />

derstood <strong>and</strong> used it; <strong>and</strong> as none but Moses, a few of the prophet.a,<br />

<strong>and</strong> the Christ of Nazareth were able to <strong>com</strong>prehend <strong>and</strong><br />

utilize the name, therefore no others conld know it; yet it was<br />

repeated thous<strong>and</strong>s of times in the Hebrew Scriptures. For our<br />

present purpose it is enough to say here that the import of thiK<br />

great name is the God will.<br />

If we attempt to analyze the nature of man, we are brought<br />

face to face with the thought that has been herein given by<br />

Buddha to the Brahman; namely, that all that there is of man's<br />

consciousness is his thought. Buddha's use of the flame of the<br />

lamp to illustrate the thought processes of am individual is very<br />

beautiful. It must be remembered that, like the flame of the<br />

lamp, the thoughts that one has to.day will, as the waters ,,f<br />

the flowing stream, have passed to-morrow, <strong>and</strong> while the<br />

stream is still flowing, the waters are other waterR-not the<br />

same: so the consciousness of man is not the same consciousness;<br />

the individual, the ego, has been changed from one day<br />

to the next.<br />

<strong>The</strong> thought in the mind of Buddha when he &Rked the<br />

Brahman whether another man who thought <strong>and</strong> felt just as<br />

he did, would not be the same man, was, evidently, tha' he<br />

would be virtually the same. Aa we have often repeated in<br />

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Tez BIOLOGICAL Jomuu.L. 91<br />

former writings, <strong>and</strong>, as Swedenborg baa stated, all are members<br />

of one body, <strong>and</strong> eacJa baa an especial function in that body.<br />

Now, if our two eyes were exactly the same, they would alwa)'8<br />

bring to our mind the same 00D10iousuesa. Again, io the spirit<br />

world, where the ooneoioueneu ia of mind <strong>and</strong> not of body, if<br />

two souls are ooneoious in the same realm or sphere of mind,<br />

<strong>and</strong> in the same degree of that sphere, then their ooneciousneu<br />

is identical. <strong>The</strong>re may be many peraons thinking the same<br />

thoughts <strong>and</strong> haring the same feelings at the same moment, in<br />

which case there wonld be, for the time, no M'parate consciousness.<br />

This would in no way militate againl4t the individuality<br />

of aoy.<br />

Buddha does not answer the quest.ion, neither does be at.<br />

'8mpt to force the subject, but it is quite apparent that lie believes<br />

that the two men would in reality be one, although not so<br />

in physical form. (See verses 51 to 53, inclm1ive.) Thie would<br />

be true if all there is of man were his conscioosneu, hie think·<br />

ing, but there is something that tbinktJ. <strong>The</strong> whole universe<br />

of space is full of unformed mind enbstance, which, in the<br />

Yoga philosophy, ie called "mind stuff". Now, disaesociated<br />

from every other quality or function in natnre, mind element<br />

is powerless: there moat be something that is able to lay hold<br />

of this mind etuff, form it. organize it, <strong>and</strong> thus utilize it.<br />

This is that wondrotl8, unknown, yet knowable, but in<strong>com</strong>prebe1111ible<br />

something that we call the will. the God.will exprease

94 TaE SouL.<br />

which it is written. More than this, it is that something in<br />

man that <strong>com</strong>m<strong>and</strong>s past thought to retum <strong>and</strong> it obeys him.<br />

Not, however, like the modern occidental idea that, when the<br />

thought is <strong>com</strong>m<strong>and</strong>ed to return, the brain takes it <strong>and</strong> formulates<br />

it, but, vice versa, it enters the brain <strong>and</strong> vitali7.e8 it <strong>and</strong><br />

causes it to reform the thonght in the manner in whieh it was<br />

originally formed. We hope that the reader will carefully examine<br />

thi11 distinction, because it is nece88al'y to correct thought.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Brahman's idea of the Samskaraa,• or of the existence<br />

of something that created the form, is undoubtedly the true one;<br />

but this something that created the form is not the soul-it is<br />

that spark of Divinity which was explained t-0 Moses as the<br />

name Yahveh, the will. Now, there is a will which is purely<br />

of the animal existence, <strong>and</strong> which is the reflection or shadow<br />

of the real will; but the real will lies behind. It is the cause<br />

<strong>and</strong> is never the phenomenon. When even an animal is conceived,<br />

that creative will lays hold of the astral life (the fountain<br />

of life in which we live, as the fish live in the ocean), <strong>and</strong><br />

draws it into the organism of both male <strong>and</strong> female, <strong>and</strong> as<br />

this living fire fills the organism, it enters the life element, the<br />

seed, vitalizes it, carrie" it to its place, <strong>and</strong> there begins to construct<br />

an organism. In that life is the germinal element of<br />

this God principle or spirit, the will. In this will resides not<br />

all power of itself, but the capacity to grow <strong>and</strong> be<strong>com</strong>e allpowerful,<br />

like unto the source from whence it came, which<br />

110urce i11 the God of the universe. (8ee Sept. number of <strong>The</strong><br />

Esoteric, Vol. 13.-"Knowing God.")<br />

Now, Buddha was right in saying that, in holding to self,<br />

one holds to death: as Jesus said:" He that loveth his life shall<br />

lose it; <strong>and</strong> he that hateth his life in this world, shall keep it<br />

unto life eternal." <strong>The</strong> individuality or that which constitutes<br />

the individual consciousness, is a thing of perpetual change.<br />

-S-kara,-confection, oonformation, dispoaition. It ia the formatift element<br />

ill the karma aa it bu taken shape in bodily exiatenoe.<br />

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THE B10Loo1cAL JouuAL. 95<br />

As in Bndda's illustration of the flame of the lamp, not only<br />

does the flame of the lamp disappear in space, retnrning to it&<br />

former elements, bot the oil which causes the lamp to born, is<br />

also disappearing <strong>and</strong> returning to its prime elements. So it<br />

is with the thought of man <strong>and</strong> with that which causes the<br />

thought.<br />

Just here is a point of most difficult discrimination. We<br />

have said that the will, the God part of man, is that which<br />

holds, <strong>com</strong>m<strong>and</strong>s, <strong>and</strong> enables the individual to recall <strong>and</strong> rethink<br />

his thoughts. It is that w hioh appears ptirmanent, but<br />

it is not permanent, because, as the will of the Almighty, it had<br />

a beginning in the individual, <strong>and</strong> becaUl8 it is susceptible<br />

of growth <strong>and</strong> increase, therefore it is susoeptible of change.<br />

<strong>The</strong> will active in the brute creation is the will of God toward<br />

creation. Even so is the will of man who is still in generation,<br />

<strong>and</strong> who does not live in truth or in true knowledge.<br />

When a man begins to live in pure knowledge, a higher will<br />

takes the place of the lower or animal will. Thus it be<strong>com</strong>es<br />

poaaible for the soul to progress, grow, increase <strong>and</strong> unfold, so<br />

that the soul that was once an animal, that was once the aamskara,<br />

when it built only an animal organism, gradually passes<br />

away through the processes by which the raal man grows<br />

<strong>and</strong> develops. Now, this real man, or soul, like everything<br />

else in the universe, is <strong>com</strong>posed of thought element, <strong>and</strong><br />

as the habit of thought ch:iuges, the soul changes: as the<br />

physical body is constantly taking on new flesh material<br />

<strong>and</strong> throwing off the old, so is the soul constantly taking<br />

on new thought element <strong>and</strong> will element <strong>and</strong> throwing<br />

off the old. lt is taking on just that kind of thought<br />

element that it habitually thinks Rbout. Consequently, if<br />

a person thinks about things that are transient <strong>and</strong> fleeting,<br />

about earthly things in whiah there is no absolute reality,<br />

there can be no perpetuity of the soul, or mind, or individual<br />

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96 THE SouL.<br />

conciousness <strong>com</strong>posed of theee elements. On the other h<strong>and</strong>,<br />

if the mind is engaged in the consideration of, <strong>and</strong> in knowing<br />

eternal truths, for truth is eternal, then the mind will be<strong>com</strong>e<br />

like a flame emanating from a permanent or eternal fountain<br />

of oil; the flame will never be extinguished, but will continue<br />

to burn forever. <strong>The</strong> man who thinks <strong>and</strong> knows from the<br />

transient things of earth, is like a flame arising from a limited<br />

_fountain of oil, which ~ill burn until the fountain is exhausted,<br />

when the flame will go out.<br />

We should, therefore, bear in mind the fact that the real<br />

self is made op of the soul or spiritual attractions, that like at.<br />

tracts like, that the concious ego is the thought conciousness,<br />

which is the phenomenon arising from that condition, <strong>and</strong> that<br />

all that there is of self, both of soul, <strong>com</strong>position of soul-which<br />

is first that marvelous something that we call the will-<strong>and</strong><br />

all the attributes of aoul, are constantly changing.• But when<br />

the sympathies, loves <strong>and</strong> attractions manifest a desire for eternal<br />

truth, there is a fountain of perfect knowledge that belongs<br />

to the same realm as that to which the spiritual substance, the<br />

will, belongs, <strong>and</strong> in so far as the soul is linked to that eodlesa<br />

fountain, so far it is immortal. This immortality is that which<br />

puzzled the Brahman <strong>and</strong> which has puzzled all thinkers from<br />

the beginning to the present time. It is that immortality which<br />

permits all that constitutes the individual, both soul <strong>and</strong> body,<br />

to be constantly renewed. Those who bold to life with a love<br />

of this selfhood, are holding to the effete matter that should<br />

pass away <strong>and</strong> be replaced by higher elements. For illnstra-<br />

•Thia change ia not an utter paui11g away of all that bu been, but is rather a<br />

refining, brillgi11g togotber arnl putting in order of all tbe real knowledge that belongs<br />

to that apbere of exiatenoe that the llOUI ancl indMdual bave pll888d through.<br />

It will be rndily seen tbat tbe real knowl~dge gained in animal exiatenoe is very<br />

email, that, in faot. the real knowledge gained in an ordinary bqman exietenoe ii<br />

ezoeedingl' email; therefore, that organiam wbicb we call tbe aoul, having been<br />

made up of kuowledre, muet be oontinually building arnl adding to iteelf until,<br />

through uperienoe (knowledge), it unmee a lik- to ita Souroe, the Cttator.<br />

Herein ii the theory of repeated inoarnatione.<br />

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tion of this thought, let us take a mau in the home in which<br />

he was born <strong>and</strong> reared. He knows the things of that home<br />

<strong>and</strong> its material surroundings, <strong>and</strong> that <strong>com</strong>prises bis consoiouaness;~but<br />

let him leave his home <strong>and</strong> enter int.a a higher <strong>and</strong><br />

better sphere of thought <strong>and</strong> action, <strong>and</strong> he soou loses the oonsciousness<br />

of his former associations, his old sympathies <strong>and</strong> desires,<br />

<strong>and</strong> lives in the new conditions whiob then <strong>com</strong>prise the<br />

new ooneoioueneu. Thus friends of our childhood, when met<br />

in old ,age. are forgotten <strong>and</strong> not recognized. <strong>The</strong>n let us remember<br />

that immortality consists in a continued conaoiousneae,<br />

<strong>and</strong> that a continued consciousness consists of a dOol builded<br />

from the reanlt of knowing. Here, underlying sonl, existence,<br />

immortality, <strong>and</strong> everything that constitutes man, <strong>com</strong>es the<br />

thought that use determines all qualities, whether good or evil.<br />

Use be<strong>com</strong>es the incentive, the love, the desire; <strong>and</strong> the relation<br />

of that use, if it be tO God, the First Cause, will place the<br />

wick of. the burning lamp of existence in the eternal fountain of<br />

life, <strong>and</strong> man will not only submi11&ively, but willingly <strong>and</strong> deairingly,<br />

let go the past <strong>and</strong> take hold of the present <strong>and</strong> inoom·<br />

ing future, <strong>and</strong> there rejoice in the fountain of the eternal new.<br />

In order more fully t.o bring out the true nature of soul, we<br />

agllin call attention to the fact that all spaca, throughout the<br />

universe, is an ocean of unformed life. Every wol'ld in that<br />

space is a mind organ for h<strong>and</strong>ling, so to speak, forming, that<br />

mind element. <strong>The</strong> worlds are brain ganglia for thinking,<br />

<strong>and</strong> forming the thought of the universe. Each individual life<br />

upon those worlds is au individua1izetl nerve ganglion for specializing<br />

thought in the uses rehtive to its world, <strong>and</strong> also in<br />

tho uses relative t.o the universe. Its consciou~ness is by virtue<br />

of the formation of thought. <strong>The</strong> growth of its own individuality,<br />

soul consciousness, is hy virtue of that spiritual will which<br />

holdff to <strong>and</strong> <strong>com</strong>m<strong>and</strong>s all its creation; for thought, vital<br />

thought, is a creative pro~ess, <strong>and</strong> that creation not only <strong>com</strong>prise&<br />

the individual, but it also <strong>com</strong>prises the individual's<br />

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98 THE SOUL.<br />

world. This is what was undentood, in so far as it was<br />

undentood, by the Buddha <strong>and</strong> Brahman, as Karma.<br />

A soul that has lived a life in the body, has spent a time in<br />

the work of creating, forming, <strong>and</strong> thus bringing into existence<br />

powen <strong>and</strong> things; <strong>and</strong> when that soul returns, it must return<br />

to that world that it has formed, where, because of added knowledge<br />

through a life•s experience, it sees the erron, <strong>and</strong> calls in<br />

the creative work <strong>and</strong> reforms according to its new <strong>and</strong> higher<br />

knowledge. This it most continue to do until it has reached a<br />

height of knowledge <strong>and</strong> underst<strong>and</strong>ing enabling it to build,<br />

create, from the Spirit <strong>and</strong> by the Spirit of the All-Mind.<br />

Thus, when the individual builds from <strong>and</strong> through the Spirit<br />

of the All-Mind, he ceases to build for himself. Self is lost<br />

sight of; he enters Nirvana, the Spirit of God, <strong>and</strong> builds by<br />

that Spirit, <strong>and</strong> is no longer condemned to return <strong>and</strong> reform<br />

that which he has built, for, having built from the Eternal<br />

Spirit, his building is eternal. Not but what that which he has<br />

built will go on growing <strong>and</strong> unfolding; yea, not bot what he<br />

will, in the process of time, ·continue to add to <strong>and</strong> perfect<br />

that which he has built; yet personal responsibility has passed<br />

away, <strong>and</strong> all that he bni1ds is from supreme wisdom, <strong>and</strong> is,<br />

therefore, very good. This is the condition of him that has<br />

reached Nirvana, the realm of immortality.<br />

•<br />


BY MABTBA SBBPABD LIPPl!f00'l"1'.<br />

"Come unto me, ye weary on•,<br />

And I will give you rest" -<br />

How many eoula the Sanour'1 worda<br />

Have <strong>com</strong>fort.ad <strong>and</strong> bleetl<br />

<strong>The</strong>n let ua ever trult in Him,<br />

Aud oomfort He will give,<br />

And teach our eve~ldng aoul1<br />

<strong>The</strong> trueet way to live.<br />

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III.<br />

Thia condition keeps all the facaltiea alive <strong>and</strong> energetic,<br />

while relaxation, inactivity, rest, ease, <strong>and</strong> an etlori to enjoy<br />

life, are productive of weakness, disease, <strong>and</strong> death. Following<br />

the senaes in the pursuit of enjoyment, ia like p1l1'11ling a phantom,<br />

wbiob reoedea 88 it ia approached. Pleasures arising in the<br />

senses, such 88 love <strong>and</strong> personal appreciation, always lead<br />

the pursuer through the miry swamps of difB.oolty, through the<br />

miasmal districts of delirium. But the one who ab<strong>and</strong>ona the<br />

pursuit of love <strong>and</strong> appreciation, <strong>and</strong> takes, as his st<strong>and</strong>ard,<br />

usefulness, right.living <strong>and</strong> right.doing, <strong>and</strong> applies all known<br />

methods for increasing one's ability for right living, doing <strong>and</strong><br />

knowing, will find that all the pleasures sought for by many<br />

<strong>and</strong> found by none, will oome knocking at bis door. Wealth,<br />

honor <strong>and</strong> position are the things that many seek, but the few<br />

who ftnd or obtain them, do not seek for them primarily; they<br />

seek uaefnlness, knowledge, <strong>and</strong> integrity, <strong>and</strong> the others oome<br />

without effort. In illuatration, take a man who be<strong>com</strong>es Preai.<br />

dent of the Unit.eel Stat.ea: primarily, as a child, be must aim<br />

to acquire knowledge; be muat have an underlying integrity<br />

<strong>and</strong> honor, in order that, later in life, men may have oonfidenoe<br />

in him, or men of wealth <strong>and</strong> position woold be repeJled<br />

by him. <strong>The</strong>n we repeat that the man who ab<strong>and</strong>ons all pursuit<br />

of pleaanre <strong>and</strong> takes as bis st<strong>and</strong>ard right, <strong>and</strong> as bis<br />

motto, diligence, will find all that is sought for by the many.<br />

<strong>The</strong> objection may here be raised that a very dishonest man<br />

may obtain even the oftioe of President of the United<br />

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Stat.es. But there is honor among thieves, <strong>and</strong> the thief who<br />

is most honorable with his own people. lives nearest to their<br />

st<strong>and</strong>ard of right, is most sympathetic <strong>and</strong> kind, <strong>and</strong> has the<br />

broadest intellect, would be made king of thieves. He could<br />

not, however. posseBB these qualifications unless he had established<br />

a law for himself, a law which he believed to be right.<br />

This brings us to another important point in the formation<br />

of character,-that of establishing for one's self a law of right.<br />

In doing this each individual finds himself in his own peculiar<br />

sphere of thought, life, <strong>and</strong> society. Every cl&BB of people has<br />

its own peculiar st<strong>and</strong>ard of right <strong>and</strong> wrong. That st<strong>and</strong>ard<br />

be<strong>com</strong>es the law of that society or class, <strong>and</strong> if its members<br />

live up to their own law, they are justified <strong>and</strong> respected by<br />

their own law; but if they fail to live up to it, they are con.<br />

demoed <strong>and</strong> looked down upon. Not only every class of people.<br />

but every individual bas a law of right peculiar to himself, <strong>and</strong> it<br />

is not safe for one person to adopt the st<strong>and</strong>ard of another, for,<br />

from the cause side of life. every man is judged by his own law.<br />

<strong>The</strong>refore each one should form for himself a law by which he<br />

wishes to be judged, both by men <strong>and</strong> by the God of creation.<br />

-if you prefer, by the laws of nature. <strong>The</strong> matter of establishing<br />

a law of right in one's own mind, is a subject that requires<br />

long <strong>and</strong> careful consideration. It is the result of knowledge<br />

<strong>and</strong> of gathered experitmce. In the case of a young per~<br />

son just starting in life, the code must be far from <strong>com</strong>plete;<br />

he can, however, with his present knowledge <strong>and</strong> experience,<br />

search out certain foundation principles upon which he can<br />

rest with certainty, <strong>and</strong> let them be<strong>com</strong>e the foundation of his<br />

character.<br />

In forming this code for one's self, there are many things, not<br />

<strong>com</strong>monly thought of• tha.t should be taken into consideration.<br />

Every man's law is according to his own peculiar nature: no<br />

matter bow honest <strong>and</strong> true his purposes, it is inevitable that<br />

hti i;huul.i m ;;,.J a I 1 ·.,· nf rig-ht to suit his peculiar qualities.<br />

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<strong>The</strong> great difficulty among men is, that the most of them have<br />

no st<strong>and</strong>ard, <strong>and</strong> the few who have, are apt to set it so high, or<br />

to make it of such a peculiar character. that they are unable t.o<br />

live up to it. Thia mistake is most diaaatrous t.o one's suooeaa<br />

in life, for two reasons: &rat, the anooessful man in the bUBineu<br />

world is governed, t.o a greater extent than he is aware, by<br />

intuition, a peculiar interior psychic perception, <strong>and</strong> if a man<br />

is oondemning himself because he falls short of ooming np t.o<br />

his law.of right, others will feel that there is something wrong<br />

about the man <strong>and</strong> fail t.o pot the oonfidence in him that, perhaps,<br />

is really due him. Again, if a person oondemna himself,<br />

he is oondemned by the laws of God, the laws of nature, <strong>and</strong><br />

by the laws of hie own nature, which prevents him from having<br />

faith in his own aucceaa.<br />

<strong>The</strong>refore, it should be remembered that every creature has<br />

a law of right which is peculiar t.o itself, <strong>and</strong> which is right<br />

for it. For example, the law of a dog's nature is t.o bark <strong>and</strong><br />

bite, the law of a cat's nature is to catch <strong>and</strong> kill the creatures<br />

below it; that law t.o them is right. If we take the nobler order<br />

of animals, the laws that govern the nature of a hone would<br />

not be your law, although the same God created all. On the<br />

other h<strong>and</strong>, yon are a man or woman living here on the earth<br />

<strong>and</strong> your uses are here on earth, you are not yet an angel~ nor<br />

a god; if yon were judged by the law of the nature of angels,<br />

or by the law of the nature of God, yon would be condemned.<br />

<strong>The</strong>n let your Jaw of right be adapted tc your sphere of usefulness<br />

here among men. It is not necessary here t.o enter int.o<br />

the principles of right <strong>and</strong> wrong, for the l<strong>and</strong> is filled with<br />

writings on morality, the equities of human life, etc., so that<br />

none need be in the dark on these subjects. If righteousness,<br />

justice, <strong>and</strong> truth be the st<strong>and</strong>ard of your life, <strong>and</strong> if you make<br />

it the law of your life that these shall govern your conduct<br />

under all circumstances, you will undoubtedly make a law that<br />

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will be moat righteous for you, <strong>and</strong> that law may oomprise all<br />

the requisites for self-preservation, self-elevation, even to the<br />

highest spheres of uaef nlne88 in the world; <strong>and</strong> men, angels,<br />

<strong>and</strong> God will call you a righteous soul.<br />

<strong>The</strong> more closely the law established for one's self, conforms<br />

to the law of Uod, <strong>and</strong> to the law of creation, of nature in general,<br />

the healthier, happier <strong>and</strong> more succe99ful one is; <strong>and</strong> the<br />

key to the whole situation may be found in one word,-uss­<br />

FULNE88. Tho thought embodied in this word is that which<br />

governs God, angelti, <strong>and</strong> all the works of God in natnre. So<br />

thoroughly does this principle rule, that nothing can exist very<br />

long after it ceases to serve some use. We all know that if<br />

we cease to use a muscle, it will leave us; if we cease to nee<br />

our brain, we lose the capacity for using it. It is well known<br />

to those on the cause side, <strong>and</strong> we are satisfied that it will be<br />

generally understood, that as soon as anything in the universe<br />

ceases to serve the use for which it was made, it quickly passes<br />

into dissolution. All the laws of nature are so constructed that<br />

everything that lives is required to make special effort in order<br />

to perpetuate life. <strong>The</strong> laws of evolution ara such that all the<br />

relations of man dem<strong>and</strong> a useful life, a life of service; therefore<br />

the greater the service that you can render your fellow man,<br />

the more highly will yon be appreciated, the greater oonfidence<br />

will he place in you, <strong>and</strong> your willingness <strong>and</strong> ability to serve<br />

will open to you the highest spheres of service. <strong>The</strong> President<br />

of the United States, the king or czar of a dominion, is so because<br />

be is servant of all the people in hie dominion; <strong>and</strong> if he<br />

ceases to serve the needs of the people, he is dethroned by rebellion<br />

or eece88ion from his authority. <strong>The</strong>refore, if you wish<br />

to be honored by your fellow men with a place of trust <strong>and</strong><br />

authority, study-cultivate <strong>and</strong> prepare yourself for service,<br />

<strong>and</strong> let your whole life <strong>and</strong> character be centered upon the one<br />

thought,-to be of the greatest use to the greatest number,<br />

wherever you may find yourself.<br />

'<br />

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Perhaps you are a poor mechanic, or even a laborer: you<br />

are disoontent.ed in your sphere of use; you feel that you<br />

have greater abilities. Why do not those whom you are serv.<br />

ing recognize those abilities? Simply, <strong>and</strong> for no other reason<br />

than because your mind is centered upon a sphere of use beyond<br />

the one which you occupy, <strong>and</strong> you fail in doing all that<br />

you can in the present one. If you are working for another man,<br />

study his interest& with even greater care <strong>and</strong> intensity than<br />

you would your own. Do all in your power to benefit your<br />

employer, <strong>and</strong> his own selfish needs will force him to recognize<br />

your superior ability to serve him, which will cause him to pr~<br />

mote you to a higher position. If you always fill the sphere<br />

that you occupy so well as to demonstrate to your fellow men<br />

your ability to fill a higher one, you will ascend the ladder of<br />

usefulness <strong>and</strong> attainment so rapidly that yon will soon st<strong>and</strong><br />

at the head of your people or nation. All that is necessary<br />

to qualify yourself for such sel'Vice is study, thought, careful<br />

effort, <strong>and</strong> an honorable, self-sacrificing interest in another's<br />

welfare as in your own. When we say self-sacrificing<br />

interest, it is not nece11S&ry that you should sacrifice money <strong>and</strong><br />

all the essentials for the maintenance of self, for all men recognize<br />

the law expressed by the Psalmist, who said, '"Men will<br />

praise thee, when thou doest well to thyself." Again, we are<br />

told that Jeans, the great Teacher, said, "And if ye have not<br />

been faithful in that which is another man's, who shall give<br />

you that which is your own?" Is it not as much an evil to<br />

wrong yourself as to wrong another?<br />

A mistake that is often made at this point by an employee<br />

is, that he is apt to dem<strong>and</strong> more <strong>com</strong>pensation for hill services<br />

than be is able to <strong>com</strong>m<strong>and</strong>. <strong>The</strong> selfish interest& of all men<br />

are their weakness. You can <strong>com</strong>m<strong>and</strong> all that you are worth<br />

to your employer; for if your services are superior to anothar<br />

man's, it will force your employer to fully <strong>com</strong>pensate you. If<br />

you make yourself so useful in whatever sphere you find your.<br />

self, that another can not be more so, your services will be al.<br />

ways in dem<strong>and</strong>, <strong>and</strong> you will always <strong>com</strong>m<strong>and</strong> the highe1toom.<br />

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104 UsutrL lNSTRUCI'IONS.<br />

pensation. Bot let ueef olness be the first consideration <strong>and</strong><br />

<strong>com</strong>pensation the second; that is, let your capacity for usefulness<br />

be fully manifest before you make your dem<strong>and</strong> for <strong>com</strong>pensation,<br />

<strong>and</strong> even then be wise in your dem<strong>and</strong>. U you consider<br />

another's interest as you would your own, you will realize<br />

the great truth underlying the law expressed by the Nazarene<br />

in bis sermon on the Mount, when he said, "Blessed are the<br />

merciful, for they shall obtain mercy."<br />

One more thought; namely, remember that every one i1 but<br />

a man like yourself. No matter how much pomp, display, or<br />

apparent superiority there may be manifest, you should recognize<br />

Mone as your superior. If a man has superior ability,<br />

in that be is 110perior, <strong>and</strong> in that only; but still he is only a<br />

man, <strong>and</strong> so are you. Conquer all inclination to crouoh before<br />

dignity. While we should be respectful, yet under all oiroum-<br />

1tanoes we 1bould remember that we are men among men. If<br />

you depreciate yourself, others will accept your depreciation<br />

<strong>and</strong> plaoo you in the sphere to which your own appreciation<br />

assigns you.<br />


BY I' ANNlll Jl'ULLBllTOX.<br />

<strong>The</strong>1e came t.o the pt.ell of P<strong>and</strong>iee,<br />

A !lpirit bold, but tired <strong>and</strong> faint;<br />

Had oome alone from his earthly home,<br />

To join the throng, <strong>and</strong> be<strong>com</strong>e a eaiut.<br />

Be oame with quick dem<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> claim,<br />

"Pray let me in." <strong>The</strong> l&iut replied,<br />

"No, there'• uo -t for 101! here, my friend,<br />

For you, I -. are a nicide.<br />

''So here iu the clouda outaide," aaid he,<br />

"<strong>The</strong> Lord'• good time you must await;<br />

<strong>The</strong> plan of God doea uot vary here,<br />

Your turn will <strong>com</strong>e when you paea the gate.' '<br />

So there he at.ood by the golden gate<br />

Till y- had paaed, u first the plan,<br />

<strong>The</strong> time he ahould ou earth have llJl81lt.<br />

And theN remained till an old, old mu.<br />

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r<br />

I<br />

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"And darkn- wu upon the face of the deep. Aud the<br />

Spirit of God brooded over the face of the waters.'' Itia<br />

the Et.erual Mother who brooda over the waters of that<br />

primordial ocean; in the aileuce <strong>and</strong> in the dar~ ahe<br />

awaite the <strong>com</strong>ing of her BelovW. <strong>The</strong>re ia no power in<br />

all the range of being ao terribly reeiatleu u ilbe quiet peraiateuoe<br />

of the great Mother Heart. So gently ahe reachea<br />

toward her Love; but the drawing growa atrouger <strong>and</strong> yet<br />

stroupr, <strong>and</strong> ever further penetrate& the iuceeeant force<br />

of her great deaire, until, in the very p.-euoe of the .All.<br />

Father, ahe <strong>com</strong>pel.a the word, "Let there be light." <strong>The</strong>n<br />

throughout all the dark e:rpallle of that primeval void rolla<br />

the glad ory, "Now will my Buabaud be joined unto me;"<br />

<strong>and</strong> at the joilliug of thoee two, that meeting for which the<br />

espeotaut agea have awaited, a great light bursta forth.<br />

"Now will my huabaud be joiued unto me"-it wu the<br />

joyoua aoclaim of the mother of Levi, aud in human •• well<br />

u)in cosmic life, when a aoul, in her upward trend, attaiua<br />

the aupreme moment in which aha ia joined to her love, there<br />

le killdled within, the wonderful light of a new day, <strong>and</strong> a<br />

radiant center of life aud fire apringa into being. Thoee<br />

ahafte of pure effulge11C8 that, with life-giving force, dart<br />

<strong>and</strong> peuetrate ou every h<strong>and</strong>, are typified by the arrowa of<br />

Sagittariua; for Sagittariua (Levi, meaning Joined) ia the<br />

diviuely appoiat.ed prieat by whom the holy pair ia joined.<br />

It ia the aoul that brooda over the watera of life; the aoul<br />

of a planet, a human aoul-it ia always the 11a111e, <strong>and</strong>, in<br />

symbology, the horae ia sacred to the watera; he11C8 mysticism<br />

gives ua the Centaur, iu which the aoul, swaying the<br />

vital fo.roee, thoee vital watera, is repreeented by the hone<br />

"joined" to the divine son, the god-man, who aeuda forth<br />

the radiant abaft, the arrow of holy light <strong>and</strong> fire.<br />

Sagittariua baa uo place among the vital ones, ite note in<br />

creation ia yet unaouuded; <strong>and</strong> so it muat borrow its harmouiea<br />

from the Seven. It.a color, the Royal Purple,-the rich<br />

vital huea " joined" to the iut.euaity of the blue, which mirrora<br />

forth the mental, or masculine, half of Being.<br />

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Aa the first issue of "<strong>The</strong> <strong>Occult</strong> <strong>and</strong> Biological Journal,'<br />

baa pervaded "<strong>The</strong> Modern Athena," there baa been a tacit<br />

acknowledgment of its worth on the part of the students of<br />

Solar Biology, coupled with large expectations of ita ever-in.<br />

creasing value aa the months shall~ unveil.its inspirational <strong>and</strong><br />

practical contents.<br />

Aa the great thought grows, that "the heavens deolare the<br />

glory of God, <strong>and</strong> the firmament ahoweth his h<strong>and</strong>iwork,,, it<br />

is well to have it voiced in sneh orderlineaa <strong>and</strong> olearneu that<br />

the true student can realize the gr<strong>and</strong>eur of the import which<br />

the varied relationships of the starry boat teach humanity.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are stara that appear in our human firmament that<br />

brighten <strong>and</strong> enlighten our pathway, <strong>and</strong> it may be well, at<br />

times, aa they paaa into the realm of spirit, to pause <strong>and</strong> see<br />

how fully Solar Biology unfolds to ns their proolivitiea <strong>and</strong><br />

achieved characteristics. With that thought in mind, the<br />

writer will delineate Phillipa Brooke, whose circle aooompaniea<br />

this:-<br />

Phillipa Brooke. Nat. Dec. 13, 1835.<br />

Earth ( E9) in Zodiacal Sign of Sagittarius ( t ).<br />

Moon ()) " ''<br />

..<br />

" Virgo ("R)·<br />

Uranus<br />

,,<br />

(I) " " " Lee:> (Sl).<br />

Saturn ( 'lz) " " " " Aries (or).<br />

Jupit.er (ll) " " " " Capricorn (l'.1).<br />

Mars (a')" " " " Gemini (II).<br />

,,<br />

Venus (9) " " " Leo (Sl).<br />

Taurus (t1 ).<br />

Mercury ( ~ ) '• " " "<br />

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106<br />




Fire, Four.<br />

lnt.ellectual, Three.<br />

Earth, Three.<br />

Domestic, Three.<br />

Air, One. Creative,' One.<br />

Water, None. Serving, One.<br />

Born in the prophetic sign Sagittarius (the Centaur) <strong>and</strong><br />

polarized in the sign Virgo, he stood physically a giant among<br />

men, with intuitional discriminations most remarkable <strong>and</strong> of<br />

a virgin order. Int.erwoven innat.ely into his being was the<br />

spirit of fidelity to duty <strong>and</strong> an ever-present sense, as a prophet,<br />

of the need of lifting humanity into a larger <strong>com</strong>prehension of<br />

earthly, as well as spiritual, privileges.<br />

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lOT<br />

Upon this pervading basic principle of hia being, Uranus <strong>and</strong><br />

Venna in Leo moved with mighty power. His heart's emotions<br />

were doubly atirred. Uranua took them op to the very top<br />

of "the metaphy11ical mountain <strong>and</strong> enabled him to view the<br />

promised l<strong>and</strong>," in it.a true worth to hia fellows. Venus made<br />

pore <strong>and</strong> ennobling his inherent love nature, <strong>and</strong> be never dwelt<br />

upon anything lower than the purest oonjugality. Unitedly<br />

they illuminated his whole aonl with the 6re of a holy seal.<br />

<strong>The</strong>rein was the prophet-element aanctijied <strong>and</strong> made ready for<br />

proclaiming t.o the world. When we add theret.o Jupiter in<br />

Capricorn, we can readily see how quickly hia knees became<br />

"the feet of prayer" <strong>and</strong> the power of a holy aspiration auerted<br />

itself. With this remarkable foundation for action, we next<br />

note how admirably he was equipped to express t.o the world in<br />

fitting phrase the prophetic teaching laid upon him.<br />

Saturn in Aries, Mercury in Taurus, <strong>and</strong> Mars in Gemini,<br />

are indeed a wonderful trinity for our prophet, as they are each<br />

in the intellectual trinity. Saturn spiritualizes <strong>and</strong> makes<br />

orderly his mentality, <strong>and</strong> thus the fitting words readily flow<br />

forth as a part of himself. Mercury was to him a "measenger<br />

of the gods" along the line of the occult <strong>com</strong>prehensions, besides<br />

vitalizing him physically; <strong>and</strong> so his illuminations became<br />

tinged with the deeper thought of inspirational power, <strong>and</strong> hia<br />

utterances were so spontaneous as t.o be like the outguahings<br />

of a spring on the mountain side,-pure, abundant, <strong>and</strong> lifegiving.<br />

.Mars made virile <strong>and</strong> versatile his every expression,<br />

<strong>and</strong> his arms, physically, conformed t.o the interior earnestness<br />

of his being.<br />

Thus it is shown that the fire of his intellectuality, united<br />

with the glow of his heart <strong>and</strong> the fiery power of the Centaur<br />

(four in fire), in producing one of the noblest of men in pro·<br />

claiming truth t.o the world in suoh a way that "though dead,<br />

he yet speaketh."<br />

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108 AN OC'r.A.VE OF WoBLD8.<br />

With this <strong>com</strong>prehension of the Prophet-Bishop, ,re can un.<br />

derat<strong>and</strong> bow, when contemplating what should be said in his<br />

next sermon, during the last week of his earthly life, he should<br />

have written ( aa found by his brother after his death) this<br />

apostrophe to life!-" 0 bratie <strong>and</strong> beautiful life which net1er<br />

anticipates, but i• so fond of Utiing that it just lives.''<br />

As students of this acience of the heavens, we can moat assuredly<br />

indorse this tribute to life, which he wrote as his final<br />

utterance; <strong>and</strong> also that of bis brother Arthur concerning this<br />

noble soul: "From God he came; with God be walked;-God's<br />

word he loved; God'e children be helped; God's church he led;<br />

God's blessed Son he followed; God's nearness he enjoyed;<br />

with God be dwells.''<br />

LIBRA.<br />


(II.)<br />

During the course of these studies, we must not lose sight of<br />

the fact that racial <strong>and</strong> planetary development are identical,<br />

that the relation existing between a worlcl <strong>and</strong> its inabitanta<br />

ia that of onr own physical body to the mind or intelligence<br />

residing within, the man representing the intellect or external<br />

mentality of that great living organism which we term a planet,<br />

<strong>and</strong> woman being its interior or subconscious mind. Consequently,<br />

in tracing the consecutive steps of unfoldment as exhibited<br />

by the planets in their present states of development,<br />

we are following, step by step, the processes of evolution<br />

through which each world, with its people, is destined to pass.<br />

For example, as the ages roll on, Mercury wiU attain<br />

the present development of Venus, when Venus will have<br />

reached the point at which Earth now st<strong>and</strong>s, Earth, in the<br />

mean time, having ascended a step higher in the scale, <strong>and</strong> ao<br />

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it will be in the mons to oome. And although each world ia<br />

oontinoally striving for the next higher at.ep in the planetary<br />

scale, yet, in the perfect adjustment of the system, no two worlds<br />

ever present a similar degree of unfoldment, such a contingency<br />

would oooaaion a preponderance of a particular function<br />

or quality in the organism of the Solar System.<br />

Another great truth presents itself for closer consideration before<br />

we can intelligently proceed with our subject, which is, that<br />

the marvelous harmonies of creation progress in octaves, <strong>and</strong><br />

that each succeeding ootave appears to be a repetition in the<br />

higher of what has occurred in the octave below. Jupiter marka<br />

the termination of the great Solar Octave of which Earth is<br />

now a part, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, belonging to the octave<br />

above our own. Doubtlt!ss every one opening to the higher<br />

thought, is willing to admit that the principle of life, of formulation.<br />

is force, energy, electric potency. Now, when that which<br />

has been formulated by the life currents, or lines of force, acti<br />

vein the 09tave terminated by Jupit.er, reaches the degree of<br />

unfoldment at present exhibited by Saturn, there will occur a<br />

reversal of its lines of construction, or the lines of force or energy<br />

which are the principle of its life <strong>and</strong> form, the result<br />

being a subTersion of the established order of life; in other<br />

words, transmutation does its perfect work. Hence the ancient<br />

myth of Saturn, the destroyer, devouring his progeny (the<br />

younger members of the Solar family).•<br />

This process of tearing down, in a certain sense, all that<br />

has been done below, makes Saturn the initial planet, or the<br />

--rhese papen are n-118rilJ brief, <strong>and</strong> the thought under consideration, that of<br />

evolution in it.a broadest eeme, ia ao abaolutely <strong>com</strong>prehensive, that it ia impoleible<br />

to do more than pre8ent the menll!t outline of the planeary acheme. It ii, therefore.<br />

1nfticient to eay, that the worlds of the octave now claiming our attention, have<br />

llri.ien to their preeent evolutionary statue by palling through a n-1011 of OOD•<br />

etantly ucending octavee; <strong>and</strong> when, in the faU- of time, they mount beyond<br />

the harmoniee to which their vibrations are now attuned, they will be keyed to<br />

the octave next beyond; from that they will p- to the uext, <strong>and</strong> IO up, up, until<br />

the la.~t f11int el'ho ie lost in inflnit.y.<br />

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Mercury, of the octave of existenoe next beyond our own, where<br />

the story of the preoediug one is repeated. In that upper realm,<br />

Uran us holds the place of Ven us in the lower. <strong>The</strong> legend is<br />

that Venus "sprang from the foam of the sea (the psychic<br />

whirl of the great ocean of astral life), into which the mutilated<br />

part of Uranus had been thrown by his son Saturn," a sym.<br />

bolic statement of the identity of the two worlds in their respective<br />

octaYeiJ, at the same time reference being made to the<br />

activities of Saturn, who is preparing the way for U raniau<br />

conditions.<br />

In the consideration of color, we find our own octave <strong>com</strong>pleted<br />

when we reach the Indigo, the upper half of the Jovian<br />

color (or colors), the violet being but a repetition of the<br />

Mercurial red in the higher octave, an octave of color built<br />

upon the blue base furnished by the culminating blues belong·<br />

ing to Jupiter, of the octave below.<br />

As the highest note of their own octave, .T upiter is the goal,<br />

the objective point, of the planets below him. Of what lies<br />

beyond they know nothing, exoept that it means the beginning<br />

of the new <strong>and</strong> higher, built upon the ruins of the old.<br />

While it is true that Jupiter is the objective point of all<br />

the worlds below him, yet only those are capable of an intelligent<br />

recognition of their goal, who have passed beyond the<br />

first half of the present cycle of development-the achievement<br />

of individuation as found upon Venus-<strong>and</strong> have well entered<br />

the second, working toward the solidarity of the race. An explanation<br />

of this fact appears in the totally opposite character<br />

of the results to be ac<strong>com</strong>plished during these two periods. In<br />

the first instance, Evolution bends every effort toward the task<br />

of separation. 8he first separates, from the ocean of universal<br />

life, the elements necessary to the organism whioh she is about<br />

to build; <strong>and</strong> when built, she disassociates, separates it, more <strong>and</strong><br />

more, from the great vibrating currents out of which it has<br />

arilen, <strong>and</strong>, at the same time, e3tablishes for it an existence<br />

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oontinually more independent of, or separate from, that of<br />

other members of its race. <strong>The</strong> second half of the octave, or<br />

cycle, finds her working just as diligently to unite the consciousness<br />

of this being, make him one with, the higher mind or life<br />

element toward which he is ascending, <strong>and</strong> to link him to<br />

his fellows, drawing the ties ever closer.<br />

Consequentl_v, the very natnre of the activities of the first<br />

half of the octave, preclude any conception on the part of its<br />

people of what lies beyond them in the second stage of their<br />

experience. It is not until a race has passed beyond the degree<br />

of development characterizing the present status of Venue,<br />

<strong>and</strong> has made very sensible progress in its Earth life ( instituting<br />

the p1·ocesses of the second gr<strong>and</strong> division of the planetary<br />

octave) that it is prepared to receive any intimation of the<br />

myr-teries involved in the goal of unification now set before it.<br />

When, however, the time has arrived, it receives a formulation<br />

of this mighty truth in the Ineffable Name. It is the name of<br />

<strong>The</strong> Four Letters, Yhvh (Yahveh, or Jahveh)•,-1 WILL BE<br />

WHAT I WILL BE. Among the Israelites, whom the long.('()ntinued<br />

care <strong>and</strong> discipline of the Higher Power had prepared to<br />

be the first guardians of <strong>The</strong> Name upon our planet, It was<br />

the ••Unspeakable Name," because with It there came to them a<br />

blind consciousne88 of Its terrible potencies.<br />

<strong>The</strong> full fruition of the ideal embodied in <strong>The</strong> Name, will<br />

be attaine

•<br />


transcendent that, after the lapse of nearly two thous<strong>and</strong> years,<br />

the few are beginning dimly to perceive something of their<br />

meaning-something of what is held by the number FOUR,<br />

which appears traced in such bold characters, from the beginning<br />

of organization upon our Earth to the flaming presence<br />

of Jupiter, that gigantic world toward which we are but just<br />

turning with a dim perception of its true relation to aspiring<br />

worlds below.<br />

Aa do all great truths when they receive embodiment in<br />

word.form, <strong>The</strong> Name, this corona of light, this culmination<br />

of all the light that bas ever <strong>com</strong>e to the world, contains within<br />

Itself Its own geometrical statement. Not only so, but It is a<br />

word belonging to on:e of that ancient family of languages that<br />

swing with the Solar, the vital, currents, from right to left, from<br />

circumference to center, thus following the mighty aweep of the<br />

thought that moves directly toward the Great Center of all truth;<br />

in contradistinction to modern languages, vehicles of thought<br />

whose course is from left to right, toward a circumference of<br />

ever-widening dimensions, until-given over to detail, specialization-pages,<br />

chapters, I had almost said, volumes, are insufficient<br />

to convey the mighty force of truth with which a single<br />

letter of those earlier languages is sometimes freighted. And<br />

so only those are able to know anything of the real significance<br />

of <strong>The</strong> Name, who have received the illumination which enables<br />

them to read the interior meaning of each of the four<br />

mystic letters. <strong>The</strong> translator renders the whole, "/will be<br />

what I will be," but to know what we will be, the imp11rt of<br />

each of <strong>The</strong> Four Letters, must enter the soul as living fire.<br />

For, as <strong>The</strong> Name, formulated <strong>and</strong> sent forth into the life currents<br />

of the planet, brought into manifestation the Savior of<br />

the cycle, so, in proportion as there <strong>com</strong>es to the soul an underst<strong>and</strong>ing<br />

of its ea.cred mysteries, there will roll into the consciousness<br />

the potencies of the unspeakable possibilities belong-<br />

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..<br />

.,.<br />


ing to the culmination of the octave of worlds-potencies which<br />

will make of that individual one of the saviors of his race:<br />

through him will pass out into the world the tranaforming flres<br />

for which the planet is now being rapidly prepared-"And<br />

saviors shall <strong>com</strong>e up on mount Zion to judge the mount of<br />

Esau; <strong>and</strong> th~ kingdom shall be Yahveh's" (Ob. 21).<br />

All this may seem far in advance of the present stage of<br />

our subject, but it has been well to gain a general idea of the<br />

Solar Octave which we are examining, <strong>and</strong> to know where to<br />

look for ita highest note.<br />

In the realm that we are about to enter, we find the harmonies,<br />

from the beginning to the end of ita great symphony, set<br />

to the key of aggregation; solidarity, the idea of unity, runs<br />

through the whole, <strong>and</strong> its rhythm is marked by the ever-present<br />

FOUR. Nor does nature oontent herself, in this her effort<br />

toward unification, with the gr<strong>and</strong> ultimate set before her in<br />

which individuality 6.nds each its own place in the planetary<br />

man, that wonderful orgauiam, which, in a sense, allows the<br />

units of which it is <strong>com</strong>posed an individualized existence.<br />

Her work of unification begins with the very opening of the<br />

second half of the octave, <strong>and</strong> runs through its entire course,<br />

so that eaeh individual incorporated into the ultimate structure,<br />

represents in his own organization a great number of lives of<br />

the lower orders, which have been blended into his own to<br />

make up its <strong>com</strong>pleteness. And what is true of the units of<br />

the race, is true of a planet itself, in its ultimate place at the<br />

culmination of the solar octave-we cannot disassociate the<br />

history of a planet from that of its people, individually or collectively.<br />

When we consider the gigantic dimensions of the blazing<br />

auns everywhere around us in the universe, those centers of<br />

systems of worlds, beyond which they have advanced so far in<br />

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the scale of evolution;• when we remember the size of our own<br />

aun, "outweighing seven hundred <strong>and</strong> forty times the <strong>com</strong>bined<br />

mass of all the planets that circle around him,"t <strong>and</strong> of<br />

Jupiter, ao far exceeding the size of the worlds below him, how<br />

can we fail to perceive that the law of aggregation is at work<br />

in planetary life <strong>and</strong> experience aa surely aa it is found in the<br />

world of life at our feet, where such numbers of leaser lives go<br />

to make the oompleteneu of the larger?<br />

"Aa below, so above;" if the myriads of tiny entities, even<br />

in the inaeot kingdom, 1hould each maintain a separate existence<br />

aa they riae in the acale of being, how could such a vast<br />

number of individuals ever obtain a st<strong>and</strong>ing upon a single<br />

planet? And when we add to these the far greater number of<br />

little live1 found in the waters of our world, not including in<br />

our estimate the bird <strong>and</strong> animal kingdoms, we see that the<br />

economy of nature dem<strong>and</strong>s that the individuality of the higher<br />

be built upon an aggregation of individuals lower in the scale<br />

of life. Now, there is but one code of law throughout the uni·<br />

verse; there does not exist one for the higher plane CJ of existence<br />

<strong>and</strong> another for the lower, we ml.y safely boue all premises<br />

upon the Hermetic axiom just quoted, "As below, so above;"<br />

therefore planetary existence, as do other forms of life, advances<br />

by a continuous aggregation of the lower organism s<br />

(planets) to·make up the superiority of the higher.<br />

*Scieuoe ii beginning to reoogniz.e the fact that our llUll <strong>and</strong> ita ay.t.em of cir·<br />

o1iog worlda are huie magnet.a. Viewing tham aa nch, we maat admit that the<br />

evolutioiaary unfoldment of tha aun ia immeaaurably in advanoe of that of ita atellit.ea,<br />

when we oollllider that ita magnetic energiea are the Titalizing priaciple of<br />

the entire ay.t.em, <strong>and</strong> that it la a magnet of auch anperior order aa to be the «•<br />

tral J'01"'f' of all th- 1-r worlda.<br />

U we take the theory of evolution aa one<br />

premiae, <strong>and</strong>, aa the other, the anppoeition that the principle of life ia energy, mar·<br />

netic potency-our conclusion maat be that, in the BOale of life, the aun haa nolvecl<br />

to a point Yery far beyond the worlda of it.e system; <strong>and</strong>, inferentially, we may draw<br />

a 11imilar conclusion in regal'd to other suna ao:l their ayatems, for there ia no truth<br />

to which modern '.disoonry more directly point.e than that we find ouraeb• in a<br />

11l11VBB&B,-one law, one nbatanoe.<br />

f<strong>The</strong> YolumJ of Sirius ia 2633 timea as large as tho nu'a.<br />

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And, further, could we eliminate the principle in question<br />

froip the activities of being. the proce88e8 of evolution would<br />

be<strong>com</strong>e ao interminable, that time would have to. be changed<br />

into eternity to produce even that around us which ia palpable<br />

to the aensea, leaving out of oonaideration life upon the higher<br />

planes, where growth ia proportionately slower. Forced, therefore,<br />

to the oonclnaion that aggregation, in its var ions forms<br />

ia a necessary law of existence, <strong>and</strong> having entered that particular<br />

division of the evolutionary octave, where life ia snfllciently<br />

advanced for this law to aaaert itself, our task mnat be to trace<br />

its ever.Nidening course, beginning with the blending of the,<br />

organisms at our feet, until its mighty current engulfs planets<br />

<strong>and</strong> planetary· races.<br />

(To be continued.)<br />


"Thought has a character <strong>and</strong> value in <strong>and</strong> through itself, aa<br />

an agent for destructive or constructive force, manifested in<br />

the vital operations of nature." By constructive thought is<br />

meant the self-conscious employment of the mind in the attain·<br />

ment of progressive ends. Such thinking assists the development<br />

of the object of thought. If things were affected only by<br />

constructive thought, perfection would soon be reached. But<br />

constructive thought has its opposite, destructive thought. This<br />

keeps in check the good effects of constructive thought. <strong>The</strong>re<br />

is, however, a point of contact of these two opposites. <strong>The</strong><br />

state of mind forming the connecting link is known as the passi<br />

ve state. But though this state is neutral, it gives destructive<br />

thought a chance for a foot.hold, the passive mind often be<strong>com</strong>ing<br />

the dtistructive mind.<br />

Axel E. Gibson iu .Jfind.<br />

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<strong>The</strong> following tribute to Jamee G. Clark was written at the time that he changed<br />

worlds. As he was a resident of the Golden State, Mrs. Gould aenda the poem to<br />

<strong>The</strong> Journal. [FA.<br />

BY ABBR w. GOULD.<br />

A. star went ont in the blue above,<br />

A child was born on earth,<br />

And ita million of truth<br />

Of the " Fonnt of Y oath"<br />

Wu fed b7 the l!prinp of loft; ·<br />

Por the angel-world had lemone gr<strong>and</strong><br />

It marked, <strong>and</strong> placed in the young child's haud.<br />

<strong>The</strong> lad went on, u the days flew by,<br />

And the "voicee" of the earth <strong>and</strong> air,<br />

SometimN load <strong>and</strong> shrill,<br />

Sometimes eoft <strong>and</strong> still,<br />

w.,., oaaght by his brain eo fair,<br />

And with beating heart <strong>and</strong> fluhing eye<br />

He g&ft them oat to the ~r-by.<br />

He eang of the l<strong>and</strong> that yet shall be,<br />

When earth folds up, <strong>and</strong> there'• DO more-.<br />

Of the 21'Uld <strong>and</strong> true,<br />

Of the ileeds to do<br />

ln the hoar when man is free;<br />

And many a weary heart has cheered<br />

And hope oame wh919 the heart had feared.<br />

He sang the eongs of the poor, oppreaed,<br />

And the power of God burned in his breut,<br />

Aa on Tice <strong>and</strong> wealth,<br />

lnjDBtice <strong>and</strong> eeU,<br />

He llhowed ita demon anreat;<br />

And little feared he of priellt or power,<br />

As his words moved men in each passing hour.<br />

Bat aa the Master who bade him <strong>com</strong>e,<br />

Had walked with bleeding feet,<br />

So iu the thorn path,<br />

And fearing no wrath,<br />

He sang in palace <strong>and</strong> home;<br />

Bnt the harp ltrings now all broken lie,<br />

And the star hu sped to ita place OD high.<br />

0 singer gr<strong>and</strong>, in the <strong>com</strong>ing years<br />

You will - what you'Te wro~bt for earth;<br />

And pearl• for the tean,<br />

And loft8 for the feare,<br />

Are thine with thy spirit birth;<br />

For DI who 1tay, grant the Tiotor'• crown<br />

For a life eo true which is DOW laid down!<br />

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<strong>The</strong> deliDMt.iOllll of ehanict.er triTen In this oolnmn are int.ended to 811"9 a twofold<br />

plll'pOM: flnt, u an object 1-n in the princlplee of Solar BiolOlm <strong>and</strong>,<br />

~. to heh> onr nb.on"ben to a mOl'8 perfeot knowWce of tlaeawelTe. by<br />

turni111t the lieht of that tlO!e- upon their faulbl <strong>and</strong> ..ir-, u well u upon<br />

the nobler llide of their Htu1'9L We l'8jt1'et that limited llJlllM permlta u• to<br />

lriTe. durin1r the oon"'8 of the 'fe&1'. but one delineation to eaah 11111-ribel'. <strong>The</strong><br />

~ dabo are. thA TMP. da• trf the mouth. hnar Mid pl-~ birth. Withnat<br />

t.he bn11r WA rna• a1mrnlrimatA a d"li-tion. bnt It will alwa.,. be u-~<br />

therein .... If obtaiDAhl ... we RhM'lld haYA thA hM'IP. <strong>and</strong> If it oannnt be a-l'talnecl.<br />

the Anpl!Mitt mrnit. nnd-.t<strong>and</strong> thAt th" "ha.....t...,..111rflboh ill more OP 1-IDMmpl8W.<br />

Jn all CA-. h""'""""· thP d111,. ""d nla~ nf birt.h mnllt hft ~v,.n. or It wUl be ttaA-<br />

1-·to 11ttem1>t a dAlifleAtiM'I. WA wi•h 11i11tinetl" t.n tot"t" that ""P tim• la tnn<br />

thornn.-hlv OMaJ>ied to write t.n appliCAet. for additional data. Th""8 who uh<br />

..-iaJ help in the -te life-111oh u wu glnn In <strong>The</strong> FAoterio-shonld ao<br />

req aest In their application.<br />

H. ff. M1m~h llt. 1869. GPrm1rnv.<br />

e in ¥: 'l in t: 'I in "1: lz in n: ¥ in :0.: S in X: 9 In<br />

"': ~ in~.<br />

<strong>The</strong> earth, in the sign Ariea at the time of your birth, makPll Ton<br />

a man of the head; brain active <strong>and</strong> thooghtfol. Jopif;er in Libra<br />

freelv expresses it191f throo1th Sa:titt&rins. vour polarity, which (ive1<br />

yoo hi~h ideals <strong>and</strong> fine p


be good. Venaa is your ruling planet, being in Virgo, it.a home poai·<br />

tion; you, therefore, have an ideal of love, elegance, beauty, <strong>and</strong> harmony<br />

beyond the probability of realization. Your baaineas sphere<br />

should be that of a writer, <strong>and</strong> acientific <strong>and</strong> occult subject.a would<br />

be moet congenial to your disposition <strong>and</strong> characteristics. Take good<br />

care of the life (the seed), <strong>and</strong> the life will take care of you.<br />

C. H. P. Dec. 18, 1899, 11 a. m. Berkeley, Cal.<br />

ED int;)) in~; fJ, )(; 11 in D; 'lz in D; ¥in H; 3 in~;<br />

9 in st; ~ in:::.<br />

<strong>The</strong> chemical <strong>com</strong>bination of this child's nature is unfortunate for<br />

health <strong>and</strong> strength, his base being fire, led out through the watery<br />

sign Cancer, <strong>and</strong> this in <strong>com</strong>bination with a Pieces (watery) body;<br />

but Mara, in it.a home position, is his ruling planet, which greatly<br />

modifies the influence of the unfortunate polarity. If health conditions<br />

are maintained, he will have a very clear, orderly mind, <strong>and</strong> will<br />

be a lover of ecience, especially of the occult ecieucee. If the reetlese·<br />

neas of his nature can be sufficiently over<strong>com</strong>e to enable him to study<br />

<strong>and</strong> gain a thorough education, he will be able to reach high ati.inment.a<br />

in the eciencee, both occult <strong>and</strong> natural. Hie body will undoubtedly<br />

be small <strong>and</strong> delicate, <strong>and</strong> there is danger of his lunge failing. Much<br />

care should be taken to cultivate lung power, by educating him in<br />

deep, regular breathing, early morning exercise <strong>and</strong> sufficient gym·<br />

nasties to develop harmoniously all parts of the body. <strong>The</strong> aex proclivities<br />

will be a great weakneBB in hie nature: careful education<br />

should be given him in regard to the uses <strong>and</strong> abuses of that function.<br />

Venue in Leo <strong>and</strong> Mercury in Aquarius produce an ideal of love <strong>and</strong><br />

sensation; therefore the necessity of proper education in the aaes of<br />

the finer element.a of life. He should have plenty of out-door exercise,<br />

for it is eBBential to his life to be physically active. <strong>The</strong> mental<br />

dominates his nature, <strong>and</strong> care should be taken that he does not<br />

study too much, for if the restlessness of his disposition be over<strong>com</strong>e,<br />

the activity will take form in persistent <strong>and</strong> constant study, to the<br />

injury of the mind.<br />

T. J. V. Feb. 7, 1862, 10 p. m. Near Lexington, Mo.<br />

E9 in :::; )) in n; (J, :a.; ' in t ; 'lz in )(; ¥ in )(; 3 in ~ ;<br />

9 in :::; ~ in fl\..<br />

You are a man of peculiarly sensitive nature; interiorly you are very<br />

positive, <strong>and</strong>, in fact, hard. Can be unfeeling if wrought up to a high<br />

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tension, yet you are very faithful, <strong>and</strong> kind, even t.o tenderness: this<br />

arises in the <strong>com</strong>bination of Aquarius with your Libra body. Are<br />

very intuitive in business matters, which is due t.o your Libra nature,<br />

<strong>and</strong> which takes the form of psychic perception. Saturn <strong>and</strong> Jupiter<br />

in Pisces produce great restlessness in your nature, <strong>and</strong> militate<br />

very much against following your interior discernments. You are<br />

dominated by the airy triplicity, which makes you a man of the mental<br />

rather than the physical or ideal. A great lover of knowledge, <strong>and</strong><br />

want a thorough underst<strong>and</strong>ing of whatever you take hold. Have<br />

plenty of self-preservation-altogether too ready t.o take oft'ense,<br />

which greatly milihtes against your success in life. You have an<br />

almost unlimited vitality. Lack conjugality, which opeus you t.o<br />

the influence of the creative mind,--generation. You have a good<br />

degree of selfishness, which is necessary to success in the buaines1<br />

world. Jupiter in Pisces is apt to produce in you imaginatious of<br />

evil intention on the part of others, where it does not exist. You<br />

would be most successful in a literary pursuit. In the regenera\ion<br />

you will have quite a struggle; yet by closing <strong>and</strong> bolting the door<br />

of sympathy for everything that belongs to the sex relatious, you<br />

will be able t.o succeed. A dange1· to which you will be open, as soon<br />

as you begin to succeed in your etlorts toward the regenerate life, is<br />

that you will realize perceptions, intuitions <strong>and</strong> visions, which will<br />

lead you to think that you have more than you really have. Be careful<br />

about claiming anything for yourself. Remember the words of<br />

Jesus: "<strong>The</strong> works that I do, they testify of me." With proper care<br />

of the life forces, your health should be perfect.<br />

W. R. C. Dec. 1, 1864, 11 p. m. Ogdensburg, N. Y.<br />

$in/; J> in 1'j;8, t!JI; I in I; lz in"('; 'JI, in D; ~in I;<br />

9 in tlJI; ~ in !D.<br />

Your base, Uranus, Saturn, <strong>and</strong> Mars in the fiery triplicity, with<br />

your eaTthy body qualitated by Venus, makes you a man of ideals,<br />

<strong>and</strong> your Capricorn polarity causes you to idealize plans <strong>and</strong> methods<br />

of ac<strong>com</strong>pliahment, <strong>and</strong> to build many castles in the air. Venus in<br />

Virgo <strong>and</strong> your Virgo body make you very fastidious in your habits<br />

of life. Mars in your base produces irritability <strong>and</strong> <strong>com</strong>bativene88.<br />

Thia <strong>com</strong>bination keeps yon in a struggle <strong>and</strong> turmoil, <strong>and</strong> gives rise<br />

t.o unrest <strong>and</strong> dissatisfaction. Yon should guard carefully against this,<br />

<strong>and</strong> should remember that your ideals cannot be realized, but ma7<br />

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be approached by careful, quiet, atraightfornrd perais&eoce. You are<br />

governed by Jupiter <strong>and</strong> Venua, which are in their home poeitione,<br />

giving you excellent language, &ne ideale, <strong>and</strong> would make you a<br />

Te'rf eooceuful epeaker. A diftlculty in your nature ii, that yOQ are too<br />

l'eltl9le to keep your mind properly informed by etudy <strong>and</strong> thoroagh<br />

investigation. In order to make your life a eueceu, yon abould put<br />

the brake on your Te1tleN tendeney <strong>and</strong> ee"1e doW'D to etudy <strong>and</strong><br />

thought. Are inclined to aay thinge that will offend, or that are not<br />

bued upon experience. Would make a 1uC1ce11ful mechanic. You<br />

ehould have but little difBculty in liring the regenerate life, through<br />

which you may open the conaciouaneea into great fountaine of bowl·<br />

edge <strong>and</strong> experience.<br />

<strong>The</strong> timee of your greaten danger are when<br />

Mercury ia in Caneer <strong>and</strong> the moon ie in Capri<strong>com</strong> or Virgo, <strong>and</strong><br />

when either Virgo, Saglttarina or Capri<strong>com</strong> ie ming.<br />

J. R. Jone 5, 1866, between 1 <strong>and</strong> 2 a. m. Near Clevel<strong>and</strong>. 0.<br />

E9 in D'; ') in)(; fJ, CV'; Win 'V;1; ~ in M; 2/. in 9; l in~;<br />

9 in:'; ~ in '°'·<br />

You were born while the earth was in the sign Gemini <strong>and</strong> the<br />

moon in Pisces. which create•. in yon a reetless, disturbed condition of<br />

mind. Are a woman with a lon~n~ desire ever active within for<br />

an unknown somethin!?. which is a11t to cau~e a ~reat deal of diacon·<br />

tent in your nature. <strong>The</strong> fonr triplicitie11 are repr8119nted by the position<br />

of a planet in each one of the heads; this gives yon a feelinJ<br />

that yon ought to lead <strong>and</strong> a strong desire t-0 know, <strong>and</strong> makes it<br />

1omewhat difBcnlt for you to ae"e, or to h<strong>and</strong>le minutUie. You are<br />

strongly allied to earth <strong>and</strong> earthy conditions, as Mercury is really the<br />

ruling planet of your life; an1 1mited in the head of y()ur triplic ity,<br />

which is its home position, it bin m1re th'\n llrdinary in!hence over<br />

your nature. It 1hould give yon a stron~ body <strong>and</strong> excellent health,<br />

unleaa you were born near one o'clock, in which ease it would tend to<br />

weaken the body, for at that time Pisces was rising. Yoa have a strong<br />

u\ilitarian nature, <strong>and</strong> are what may be called a thoroughly praoti·<br />

cal woman. Would be succeaafnl in any occupation in which an or·<br />

derly mind <strong>and</strong> skUlful h<strong>and</strong> are necessary. Hue a etroog tend·<br />

enoy toward a dl)lnastic life, <strong>and</strong> in that 1phere, or anythinic 'hat<br />

pertaina to it, yon would be careful, thoulhtful, <strong>and</strong> thol'OUgh. Uranna<br />

would gtve you a strong endowment of the mystic, providinr you<br />

oa:ild gt Ye yo11r wh >le ti01 l to oootllt thoaght <strong>and</strong> study, bu& it would<br />

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THB B10LOGIC.+.L JOURNAL. 121<br />

be diillcult for you to divide your attention between \he myatical<br />

<strong>and</strong> practical.<br />

F. S. H. Jan. 6, 1839, 11 a. m. Syracue, N. Y.<br />

$in 11; )) in "l; 8, )(; lJ in RR; '2 in ll; )J. in Of; I in=:;<br />

9 in !!JI; ~ in l'j.<br />

Your nature ia that of Capricorn; that is, yon are an idealin qd<br />

gene?'lllizer. All this is well expre818d by the moon, in the expreuion<br />

of your triplicity, <strong>and</strong> by your body 1ign, Pisces, tbe e:xpreuion of<br />

your trinity, thua producing a good degree of harmony in your nature.<br />

You are largely dominated by Uranua, the mynical planet, but<br />

the position of Mercury keepe you atrongly in the practical <strong>and</strong> uaeful.<br />

Jupiter in Ariea unitea very harmoniously with your hue, <strong>and</strong><br />

adda to your ideality. You have always been called peculiar, <strong>and</strong> you<br />

are so, as you have ideas all your own concerning everything with<br />

which you have to do. Are a natural mystic, <strong>and</strong> have dreame <strong>and</strong><br />

visions which forewarn you of almost everything that ocoura in your<br />

life; therefore the mystic tendency is useful to you, instead of being<br />

limply an ideal. Your strong love of home <strong>and</strong> family, due to Venue<br />

in Cancer, has undoubtedly made you very economical <strong>and</strong> indu1-<br />

trioua. Are well able to guide others, <strong>and</strong> inclined to cauae them to<br />

1erve you. While yon have a very orderly mind <strong>and</strong> your h<strong>and</strong>s have<br />

been aufficient unto you, yet you have never been satisfied with your<br />

own h<strong>and</strong>iwork. <strong>The</strong> influence of Uranua baa kept yon dilllatiafied<br />

<strong>and</strong> reatleu, <strong>and</strong> perhapa sometimes fretful, becau1e of inability to<br />

ac<strong>com</strong>plish that which yon have in mind: you ahonld cultivate the<br />

habit of being anxious for nothing. While it is probable your body baa<br />

never been atrong, yet, governed largely by the mind, you have un.<br />

doubtedly resisted diaeased condition• through life <strong>and</strong> will be able<br />

to do so to a good old age, unleu placed in very trying circumatancee.<br />

In your atndy of the mystic, you should always maintain a apirit of<br />

deep devotion. ·<br />


CLEVELAND, OHIO, Ot:T. 16, 1900.<br />

H. E. BunEa.<br />

Dear Sir:~Tbe Ootober number of <strong>The</strong> <strong>Occult</strong> <strong>and</strong> Biological<br />

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Journal came t.o my desk to.day. I am much int.ereeted in your<br />

work, <strong>and</strong> your literature is something tha.t I have longed for<br />

in the past.<br />

Not until a little over a year ago did one of your pamphlets<br />

<strong>com</strong>e t.o my notioe, <strong>and</strong> then by chanoe. When I t.ook hold of<br />

of your writings, I felt that I had found a long lost friend.<br />

I was particularly pleased with the delineation of the Sagittarius<br />

body in this number, having this sign rising at the<br />

time of my birth. I could hardly suppress a smile when I<br />

read, "Its inclination is t.o a military life." This is a characteristic<br />

of my nature that I have never confided t.o my closest<br />

friend. Not with me, however, t.o be a soldier <strong>and</strong> carry a musket-but<br />

t.o <strong>com</strong>m<strong>and</strong>; that is it!<br />

"Forward the Light Brigade;<br />

Charge for the guns," be said.<br />

How those lines thrill me, through <strong>and</strong> through. I abhor war<br />

<strong>and</strong> <strong>com</strong>bat, <strong>and</strong> would not injure a fellow man; yet my home<br />

is in the midst of a heated trial,-t.o carry forward, by for11e,<br />

the right.<br />

Whatever I ac<strong>com</strong>plish is by force-force of logic, force of<br />

action. With me there is no such thing as rest-I am always<br />

doing something. Jupiter in Aries gives me high ideals, <strong>and</strong><br />

with the activity of my Sagittarius nature, I can ac<strong>com</strong>plish<br />

what I undertake. <strong>The</strong>re is one drawback in my nature,-!<br />

froquently underestimate my ability t.o do a thing. <strong>The</strong>n the<br />

thought <strong>com</strong>es t.o me, "I can do that; why, certainly!"<br />

I love t.o read the lives of the great c~mm<strong>and</strong>ers of the past,<br />

in the physical <strong>and</strong> int.ellectual arena. In my earlier school<br />

days I lived with Napoleon, W&Rhington <strong>and</strong> Grant, Nelson,<br />

Decatur <strong>and</strong> Farragut. My mind runs hack to stirrin~ scenes.<br />

I can see Napoleon in Egypt, fighting battles beneath the shadows<br />

of the pyramids; I saw him oonq11e1• the Alps <strong>and</strong> mingle<br />

the eagles of France with the eagles of Italy; I saw him escape<br />

from Elba <strong>and</strong> retake an empire by the force of his genius; I<br />

saw him at Waterloo, where fate <strong>and</strong> chance <strong>com</strong>bined t.o wreck<br />

the fortunes of the former king. And I see that great conflict<br />

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Tu& B10LOGICAL JouBN .. u .. 128<br />

at Trafalgar, where Nelson destroyed Napoleon'• power on the<br />

sea-I see that patriotic emblem flaunting from the masthead<br />

of the flagship, "Engl<strong>and</strong> expects every man to do his duty."<br />

And yet, with all this, I have a desire for the stillness of<br />

God: to be away from men <strong>and</strong> the conflict-to muse upon the<br />

destiny of men, <strong>and</strong> explore the universe in which we live.<br />

I think I have .. given away'' more of my real &elf than ever<br />

before, <strong>and</strong> I trust that it will help you in studying the Sagittarius<br />

man. He is, perhaps, a peculiar fellow, full of "ginger,"<br />

though quiet until the time of action arrives. At any r~te you<br />

(<br />

1H<br />

CoUF.SPONDEltCE.<br />

the IW1 red, <strong>and</strong> the caoae of it.a light. During my inbreath.<br />

in1 I had turned my faoe directly to the Wett, oloaing myeyea<br />

that I might not be duzled. .My whole mind <strong>and</strong> heart were<br />

oonoentrated in that deaire to know, t.nd after inbreathing<br />

three or four times, I wu atartled by a vision of the SQQ, a<br />

dark aphere of a dnll brown oolor, mountaina <strong>and</strong> valley• being<br />

dimly diaoernible, <strong>and</strong> apparently deeper in color than the<br />

plains, which were of greater extent than the moontaiDB. <strong>The</strong><br />

mountaina aeemed very high, <strong>and</strong> the valleya were, apparently,<br />

only on the W eat of them. <strong>The</strong> orb or globe itself wu much<br />

1maller than I would have judged the sun to be, appearing to<br />

me to be the aize of a large china waab-bowl, as it looks when<br />

one ia leaning over it.<br />

Around the globe wu a circle of about ftve inches in width,<br />

of what appeared to be apace, but which I suppoae must be atmosphere.<br />

At any rate that 1paoe was perfectly clear <strong>and</strong><br />

transparent. Out.aide of this ring of nothing was the halo of<br />

color, red-not cardinal, but flame color. <strong>The</strong>re was no dis.<br />

tinot line of mergement int.o the vut expanse of apace that surrounded,<br />

but the sun-red, or ~ame-color, melted irregularly in.<br />

t.o the surrounding space, which did not appear clear <strong>and</strong> tran1-<br />

parent, like the oirole immediatly around the orb or globe,<br />

but slightly milky.<br />

Pleaae remember that it was not a prolonged vision, but an<br />

almoat lightning glanoe, <strong>and</strong> not with my physical eyes, but<br />

with my soul's eyes. And while I saw, a voioe said, "<strong>The</strong> light<br />

<strong>and</strong> color of the aun are its aura, produced by the emanations<br />

from the planet, just as the aura of individuals is caused by<br />

their thoughts, emotions, <strong>and</strong> acts. At this point the ego, the<br />

me, with unpardonable levity, exclaimed, ''Why, the people up<br />

there must all be red-headed I"<br />

<strong>The</strong> vision was gone; I opened my eyes, looking up at the<br />

pale moon as I did ao. <strong>The</strong> voice aaid, "Yes, the moon's light<br />

<strong>and</strong> color are caused in the aame way, <strong>and</strong> your earth baa its<br />

aura too; but those living on it cannot perceive it. <strong>The</strong>y can<br />

1ee it from other planets."<br />

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, I<br />

' I<br />

I<br />

Tux B10LOGICAL JOURNAL. 125<br />

By looking at the datee at the beginning of thia le'*8r, it will<br />

be noticed that the vision occurred on the 16th of September,<br />

1899, <strong>and</strong> that the aooount of it, from which I oopy verbatim,<br />

waa written Sunday, September 18, 1899, I haring hastened<br />

to &et it down in black <strong>and</strong> white,· leat some part of it might<br />

grow dim in my mind. All daring the week ~followed,­<br />

lhatia, from the 17th to the 24th,-I thought yery often of my<br />

vision, <strong>and</strong> apoke of it to thoae around me.<br />

After the aurpriae <strong>and</strong> a.we of it bad lost their flrat foroe,<br />

<strong>and</strong> curiosity became aotiYe, I deaired to know the oolor of<br />

earth's aura. Curioeity became dulled, <strong>and</strong> a aolemn, inteD&e<br />

wondering took its plaoe. Sittting on the same poroh at about<br />

8 p. m., on Saturday, September 24, 1899, wat.ohing the eleo.<br />

tric lighta, <strong>and</strong> liatening to the ocean'• roar, I earneaUy wished<br />

that I knew the oolor of the earth's aura. <strong>The</strong> voioe said,."lt<br />

ia violet." I turned to nay <strong>com</strong>panion <strong>and</strong> repeated-"lt i1<br />

violet..,<br />

••What is violet?"<br />

"Why, the earth'" aura."<br />

.. How do you know'?"<br />

0 A voice just told me so."<br />

Severa.I days later I chanced upon an aooount of a balloon<br />

uoension in France, by three acientiata. <strong>The</strong>ir object.was to<br />

cl'OllS the Alps; the point they wished to eaiablish, 1 do not remember,<br />

but thia point in their minute record is br<strong>and</strong>ed on<br />

my memory: "At a height of 19.0


We have b.lfore us a number of booklet.a from the pen of Alice B. Stockham,<br />

M:. D., who ia doiug a great deal of good in the new thought; we can heartily re<strong>com</strong>mend<br />

theee little boob to oar readen, ae being well worth att.ention.<br />

WBDDIXO BBLUI ia a pamphlet of 30 p.,_, oontaining "an elejl'IWlt deecription<br />

of the aoene that ahe wlin-1 in Bombay on her arrival there in December, 1891.<br />

PAJ&B:NTBOOD, a pamphlet of about the ume llae, oootaina many ueful nggeatlona<br />

to parentia, whlob the wide experienoe <strong>and</strong> deep thwgbt. of the author<br />

qualiJlea Iler to gin. "Parenthood," she aaya, "teachee one Jaow to train creative<br />

energy into power, to make it a aonroe of bodily health, lntelleotnal development<br />

nnd apiritnal growth; tbro111th knowledge one ia able to divert this great natural<br />

force into harmony, nae <strong>and</strong> be&aty."<br />

ToLS'l'OJ. A MAM OF PuCB. Thia ia an exoellent little work. A wellwrittfln<br />

aooount of a visit wbiob the author made to tl1e bomP the JrN&t writer,<br />

Count Tolatoi. It give• mAny of the pt1Cnliaritiee of the man, hie family <strong>and</strong><br />

anrroDlldinga, <strong>and</strong> of the habit.a of the Rauiana, of wllloh ao little U. known.<br />

Aa the author ia an ~ admirer of the Coant, the work ia natnrally one of<br />

eulogy, <strong>and</strong>, no doubt, worthily ao. <strong>The</strong> laat part of the book la a generaliaed<br />

review of Tolatoi'a woru by H. Havelock Ellis. Altotretber tbia work la one<br />

that wlll attract <strong>and</strong> interest many. Tb- book• are sold by Alioe B. Stockham<br />

& Co., lS6 Fifth Ave., Chicago, Illa.<br />

OocuLT &roBIBll, by Chu. W. Close, Ph. D., ia a booklet of 38 paltfllof readin111<br />

matter, containing three abort occalt atoriee which are very lnteNlltln1r <strong>and</strong> well<br />

written. <strong>The</strong> remainder of the book oonau.ta of poema. Altogether it ia a little<br />

work thnt will do much irood in the way of oaasilljf people to think alo1111: u­<br />

oocult <strong>and</strong> metaphyaical. <strong>The</strong> book ia very b<strong>and</strong>somelv bound in white <strong>and</strong> 1rold,<br />

in imitation leather, <strong>and</strong> would make a ven naat holiday gift.. Price, !\O oent.s.<br />

Sold by the author, 124 Birch St., Bangor, Maine.<br />

EL'l'KA. A monthly lll&lf&zine in tl1e form of a bookl"t of 44 IMI«"· It is a<br />

h<strong>and</strong>some little work, And, to quote the editor'• own words, "ia published in the<br />

iutereet of tbOllll wbo are eeelring the tl'Utb for ita own sake. <strong>The</strong>re bein1r aomf!<br />

troth in all things, no brAnoh of philo.•ophv, aoience, or religion will be accepted<br />

to the Hol111ion of any othel'." Snbiicription 'price, 50 centa a year, in advanoe;<br />

ainsrle copiei1, five cents. H. C. W riifht, editor, 111> Marion St., Col'ty, Pa.<br />

Tax MoDBIL'i Mv1mc. A 16-page monthlv. pnbli1hed by L. D. Lant. <strong>The</strong> followinsr<br />

IA the editor's own review: "<strong>The</strong> }fo:lero Mystic 11 the only jonmal of the<br />

kind publiabe

I<br />

I<br />

,<br />


Owing to changes in the management of our office, <strong>and</strong>,<br />

perhap11, to uncertain chirography, there are some inatanoea in<br />

which one name oocurs in two plaoes on our 1ubaeription list,<br />

with a alight change in an initial or a 1treet number, <strong>and</strong>, oon.<br />

aequently, two maguinell are aent to one party. We will eRteem<br />

it a favor if our aubeoriben will let us know of 1uoh<br />

el'l'Ora. aa we wish to make a new subscription 1i4't, oorreot in<br />

every particnlar. We hope that thoee sending in orderR or<br />

11nhacriptions will use extra care in writing the name <strong>and</strong> ad.<br />

d~. It 11hould be remembered that every letter of the name<br />

mu11t be distinct, or there is an uncertainty. We frequently<br />

rPMive letters from parties of large conespondence, who 1ign<br />

. their name ~larly. <strong>and</strong> then. if it is not printed upon the<br />

1.-t~r paper. they print it with pen <strong>and</strong> ink, so that there can<br />

be no mistake. This is a good idea, <strong>and</strong> we suggest that our<br />

t>orrespondenb1 adopt this culltome. It is becanae of the un­<br />

Cf'rtainty of writum addretlll88 that editora of periodicals in11l1t<br />

upon havinit addre11sed envelopes aent with orden. That is<br />

,ood. but it would be better to write the name <strong>and</strong> addre11 ao<br />

that there oonld M no mistake.<br />

If any of our former sub11cribera have <strong>com</strong>plete, Vol. xn. of<br />

<strong>The</strong> F.!!Ot.eric. <strong>and</strong> will send it to us, we will either give them a<br />

year'11 11uhiw.ription to <strong>The</strong> <strong>Occult</strong> <strong>and</strong> Riologioal ,Journal, or<br />

one c1o1far for the volume, <strong>and</strong> pay the coet of mailing it to ua.<br />

providing none of the numbers are torn or aoiled. We also want<br />

the following nnmbera of Vol. II; ,J nly, No. 2. 1897; Augnrtt, No.<br />

3. t 897: <strong>and</strong> March, No. 9. 1898. We will pay 15 ota apieoe for<br />

theq numbers, if some of our friends wiJl be 10 kind M to eead<br />

them to us.<br />

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128 EDITORIAL.<br />

We are nearing the time when friends expect from frienda<br />

10me reeogniiion of appreoiation <strong>and</strong> sympathy, in the way of<br />


This list will hold good until August, 1901.<br />

To our many friends <strong>and</strong> patrons who may desire to &81list In extending the circulation of thla<br />

Journal, we offer the following boolte as premiulU8.<br />

Rudyard Kipling's Works.<br />

Vol. 1.-''<strong>The</strong> Light that Failed."<br />

Vol. 2.-"In Black <strong>and</strong> Whlte,"''Underthe Deodan,"<strong>and</strong><br />

Eight Short Stories.<br />

Vol. 3. - ''Story of the Gadsbya," <strong>and</strong> Nine Other Stories.<br />

Vol. 4.-"Departmental Ditties" <strong>and</strong> "Barrack Room<br />

Ballads," including <strong>The</strong> Vampire, Recesaional <strong>and</strong> Suppre~sed<br />

Poems.<br />

Vol. 5.-''Soldiers Three."<br />

Vol. 6.-"American Notes."<br />

Vol. 7.-"Mine Own People."<br />

Vol.8.-"Wee Willie Winkie," <strong>and</strong> four other stories of<br />

children.<br />

Vol. 9.-''<strong>The</strong> Phantom Ricltehaw." "<strong>The</strong> City of Dreadful<br />

Night," <strong>and</strong> Three Other Stories. • •<br />

Vol. 10.--"Plain Tales from the Hills." Thirty-nine<br />

stories.<br />

This <strong>com</strong>plete set of Kipling's works, bound in linen,<br />

will be mailed prepaid to any one sending us 6 new subscriptions,<br />

with names <strong>and</strong> addreeses. It will .be sent<br />

in cloth for 7 new subecribers; in lambskin, 9 new subscriptions.<br />


In eize it is unique, a tall 16mo-the 12mo size is too large for the pocket <strong>and</strong> thia "jut ftt1."<br />

<strong>The</strong> type is large <strong>and</strong> made especially for this edition. <strong>The</strong> paper is the finest uaetl in book work,lthe<br />

ink is the best, <strong>and</strong> the preBBwork is so carefully <strong>and</strong> daintily done that each page is a typographical<br />

delight to the eye. <strong>The</strong> set contains nearly 3,000 pages.<br />

<strong>The</strong> bindings of this edition are something new in bookmaking, a patent thread sewing whereby<br />

the same effect is obtained aa in the croll8-8titching of the Oxford Teacher's Bible, so that it can.be<br />

opened the full width <strong>and</strong> bent back until the covers meet, without straining it.<br />

<strong>The</strong> cloth edition is daintily bound in delicately tinted linen, half flexible, whi


A New Scientific, Exact <strong>and</strong> Easy Method of Delineating Character;<br />

Diagnosing Disease; Determining Mental, Physical <strong>and</strong> Business<br />

Qualifications, Conjugal Adaptability, etc.,<br />

from Date of Birth.<br />

BY H. E. BUTLER.<br />

Illustrated with Seven Plate Diagrams <strong>and</strong> Tables of the Moon <strong>and</strong> Planets,<br />

from 1820 to 1900.<br />

Thi!1 science proves that "all are members of One Body (1 Cor. XII<br />

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throws a flood of new light upon the problems of life, furnishing the groundwork,<br />

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it should have, to what diseases it is liable, how to avoid or how to cure<br />

when alr1>ady developed. Reveals the part of the gr<strong>and</strong> body to which ead1<br />

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natural sphert>, <strong>and</strong> highest <strong>and</strong> fittest use in the world.<br />

It enables parents to know jnst what business their childrt>n are ht>st.<br />

adapte1l for, a111l how to educate them. <strong>and</strong> is also a gnide to all pnsons in<br />

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It als'l ai1ls in prolonging the life of 1111mliarities of tlwir patients snc'h al'I hert>tofo1·e has hecn available only In<br />

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It is dai11w1l that chara1•tflr i11 exp1·essPtl in the s a.1111 lawi'! h.v ~hi1•h human t>volntion is ht'in~<br />

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heinir 011 t.lw planet t'arth.<br />

SOLAH BIOLOGY mak1•s an eleirantodavn rnlnme of 500 pagps, heavy<br />

p:q>l'I', clear type. with author's portrait <strong>and</strong> appropriate ill11st.rati1111s. Bo11111l<br />

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!lt111ly or preparation il'I rl'q11ir ... d to enable one to re:ul ch:11·:u,ter <strong>and</strong> othe1·­<br />

wi~P apply tlw Stll'P will lie found on<br />

pa~1· :l7-!. aml c:111 lie fully 111:1stert'd in :i ft•w 111i11ntfl1-1.<br />

PRICE, $5.00.<br />



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~<br />


Ftrat Lectare.-Tbe Idea of Gud. <strong>The</strong> people of all ages Plar:1.atlon, p. ~. Electric <strong>and</strong> magnetic currents of earth <strong>and</strong> sun, p. ~6. Be·<br />

<strong>com</strong>ing S.m•untl Mnsters Instead of servanL•, p. 88.<br />

Tb I rd Leclare.-Dtscrlmtnatlon, <strong>The</strong> relation of the Seven Principles to<br />

each other, p. 4.. 1·he fil'llt manifestation of Discrimination -All things <strong>com</strong>e from <strong>and</strong><br />

relate to mind, p. 43. Reas:m for calling some thlnas good <strong>and</strong> others evil. p. 44.<br />

Motives of ancient Prophets nud Sens for seeking Isolation from the world, p. 46. Dia·<br />

crlmlnatlo'.\ mauife>ted In desire anti prayer-ln•p;ratlon-Revelatlon, p. 4!1. M1rnltestat1ons<br />

of d scrlmlnlltion in plant lif




BY H. E. BUTLER.<br />


the most vihl prinripll's of r.hristian Life <strong>and</strong> Doctrine, <strong>and</strong> is especially designed for those<br />

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------<br />

Delineation Outline.<br />


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This is an outline blank consisting of seven pages printed in typewriter type<br />

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signs desired. Price. 10 cents a copy; special rates for quantities of 100 or more.<br />


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A work meriting the consideration <strong>and</strong> perusal<br />

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re<strong>com</strong>mend it to the esoteric student.<br />

Its contents page, which we give, conveys a good<br />

idea of the character of the work. A chapter<br />

from this book was published in the March (1899)<br />

iS!lue of THE EaoTERIC. .<br />

CONTENTS: Signs of the Times; WhatiaTruth!<br />

Realization of Ideals through Right-Thinking; <strong>The</strong><br />

Outer World; <strong>The</strong> Inner World; CoDBCionsnesa;<br />

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of Evil; <strong>The</strong> Spiritual Basis'of Health;Manifestations<br />

of the Spiritual Principle; Music; Art<br />

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Cloth, $1.50.<br />

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From the Wiadom of the Wiae.<br />

Reduced to 10 cts.<br />


-0-<br />

.JllA TllE~Jf A TIGAL LAW<br />

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Arithmetic iu Plants <strong>and</strong> Planet.a, Mathematics<br />

in Muaical 8cieuce, Number in Vital Action.<br />

By H. L. HASTINOS,<br />

&lit.or of <strong>The</strong> Chridian, Boeton, Maa<br />

A Look we moat heartily re<strong>com</strong>mend. Cloth,<br />

Su cents; paper, 15 eentll. Sold by FAoteric Publishing<br />

Company.<br />

Anglo-Israel .......... _<br />

<strong>The</strong> Jewish Problem <strong>and</strong> Supplement.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Ten Lost T··lbes of Israel Found<br />

<strong>and</strong> Identified In the Anglo-Saxon<br />

Race. Ry He•.Tboe. Ro•ll•-' Rowlett,4.111.<br />

A work devoted to a subject with which we<br />

wish onr reader11 to be famililll'.<br />

CLOTH, $1.00.<br />

"No man can be<strong>com</strong>e wise in the divine science<br />

by seeking to be<strong>com</strong>e an adept. He must fix his<br />

mind, first of all, wholly on the people's good,<br />

<strong>and</strong> master the law of the uplift of the people.<br />

As he be<strong>com</strong>es identified with the spirit <strong>and</strong> aympathy<br />

of our <strong>com</strong>mon humanity, he rises to the<br />

thre~hold of the secret way."-From <strong>The</strong>o-Sophia.<br />


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This instrnml•Ut is prob.<br />

11hly the mo't perfect me-<br />

1·ha11ic11l device yet con­<br />

~tructed for f i n di u g the<br />

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civilized wodd. It will be<br />

a great convenience to as-<br />

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having this Indicator at<br />

h<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> watching t.he<br />

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anrl; with proper care. will last fur years, Price ~1.00.<br />

Esonrn1c Pun. Co .. Arr1.1WATE CAL.<br />


THF. delightll of an evening spent around a well-lighted reading table are not l:11lf under,tood. An<br />

illustrated magazine with its wealth of illustrations, its storie~ of adventure <strong>and</strong> love, its de11criptions<br />

of travel which cany you to the remotest ends of the earth, <strong>and</strong> its instructive articlee for<br />

y1ung <strong>and</strong> old-tlie.~e are the first requi3ites for your own enjoyme:it <strong>and</strong> the entertainment <strong>and</strong><br />

proper education of your children.<br />

To secure for you the best <strong>and</strong> moat interesting of the great illustrated magazines at the lowest<br />

possible price has been the aim of the editor of this <strong>journal</strong>. That we have succeeded we leave our<br />

reader~ to judge. A spedal contract recently enterer! into with Tht Connopolila11, which seeks to<br />

be<strong>com</strong>e better known to the reader~ of THF. OcccLT AND BIOLOGICAL Jot:RNAL, has enabled us to<br />

offer you a year's suhRcription to thl' greatest of the illustrated magar.ines together with a year's<br />

subscription to this <strong>journal</strong>,<br />

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One other opportunity we offer you. Y 011 wish to keep in tou

SWEETS•••<br />

Extracted from flowers of prominent authors.<br />

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We have revised <strong>and</strong> reprinted this booklet of poems. A number of beauti •<br />

ful poems have been added to the collection, <strong>and</strong> we have endeavored to make thi1<br />

last edition particularly attl'RCtive, both u to appearance <strong>and</strong> contents:<br />

Price, IO cent.ff each; $1.00 per dozen.<br />

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<strong>The</strong> Esoteric Ephemeri11 has been so enlarged for the year 1900 as to contain nearly 50 pag811,<br />

with much new <strong>and</strong> valuable information upon the science of Solar Biology; an explanation of<br />

the heliocentric poaitions, <strong>and</strong> carefully calculated tabl811 giving the heliocentric longitude of all the<br />

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It contains NEW A~D IMPORTANT FACTS relative to Solar Biology. <strong>The</strong> article on "Chemism" is<br />

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This pamphlet of 46 page8 brings to light Biblkal meanings, which, although obvious in themselves,<br />

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<strong>The</strong>se 1 .. ssons will enable one to umlersta111l the LAWS OF LIFE, H1uLTll <strong>and</strong><br />

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Volume I.<br />

Shou Id be Read by Every Esoteric Student.<br />

This book contains all the essential matter originally published in volume 1,<br />

- <strong>and</strong> 11, of <strong>The</strong> Esoteric Magazine.<br />



is in itself a <strong>com</strong>plete occult library. <strong>The</strong> laws explained therein will, if conscientiously<br />

followed, lead the student to the highest goal of his desires. Price,<br />

cloth, $2.00.<br />

Volume II.<br />

Companion to volume I.<br />

It contains all the essential matter found in volume 111, <strong>and</strong> IV, of <strong>The</strong> Esoteric<br />

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by Mr. Butler,<br />

which run through <strong>The</strong> Esoteric to <strong>and</strong> including volume IX, begin in this volume.<br />

<strong>The</strong> reviews in this book cover the' essential points in the first fourteen chapters<br />

of Genesis, <strong>and</strong> bring out many new <strong>and</strong> interesting as well as instructive pointa<br />

hitherto unnoticed. Price, cloth, $2.00.<br />

HARMONY.<br />

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A monthly magazine of world-wide repute, now<br />

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Allen Haddock,<br />

Editor <strong>and</strong> Proprietor.<br />

G. P. Holt,<br />

A880Ciate Editor.<br />


"Astronomy Is excellent but It must<br />

<strong>com</strong>e down In th llfe to have Its full<br />

value, <strong>and</strong> not remain there In globes<br />

<strong>and</strong> space• ... -EMERSON.<br />

Subscription price only 50 cents a year. Sample<br />

copies will be sent FREE to readers of THE<br />

OcctlLT ANO BIOLOGICAL JOURNAL who request<br />

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Address, HUMAN NATURE, 1020 Market Street,<br />

San Francisco, California.<br />

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THE SPHINX is a publication that cannot fail to<br />

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A Sn mph• Cot•~· !lt-nt IM•sf. frf't> tonny addrc•ss h,\· 111c•utio11iug<br />


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TI-IE SUGGESTEH ·<strong>and</strong> 'fII.lNI(~R.<br />

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A popular monthly magazine devoted to an inve~tigation of ~uggestion <strong>and</strong> thought fore~. thllir<br />

useR <strong>and</strong> abuses, <strong>and</strong> poRSibilities as curative, moral <strong>and</strong> educational agent..q. Its 'q~t>R of c·ontributors<br />

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AND<br />




HilUJI E. BUTLER, EDl'l'OB.<br />

Busl nees Announcement.<br />

THE OCCULT AND BIOLOOICALJOURNAL la iaeuecl about the 2A>thof<br />

each month. If not delivered in due time the nbacriber ahould notify u without delay.<br />

SUBSCRIPTION in the United Statea, Canada <strong>and</strong> Mexico, $1.60 a year; aix montba,<br />

75e.; three months, 40c. Sillgle copy, 16 eta. Foreign countries in the Poat.al Unfo11, one year, 7a.<br />

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CHAN OE OF ADDRESS will be made aa often u required, bat the requeat mut reach<br />

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ADVERTISEMENTS.-COpy for advertiaementa mut be delivered not later than the<br />

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In order to avoid any poaalble misunderst<strong>and</strong>ing, we wiah to state moat distinctly that, nnl888<br />

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COMMUNICATIONS intended for the Editorial Department should be addreaaed "Ed·<br />

itor <strong>The</strong> <strong>Occult</strong> <strong>and</strong> Biological Journal, Applegate, Cal." Those intended for the Buain888 Department<br />

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Ae <strong>The</strong> F.soteric haa)een permanently B111pended, many of oar friends <strong>and</strong> patrons will, no doubt,<br />

want t.o obtain it in <strong>com</strong>plete Ille <strong>and</strong> in neat library form. For thil purpoee it baa been nicely bound<br />

in cloth <strong>and</strong> emboeeed in gold, making an attractive aet of 10 volumes of the moat advanced thought<br />

ever put in print. As an occult library, it ii unnrpaeeed. We append a brief description of the<br />

contents of each volume.<br />


Volume 1.-Thie book contains all the eeaential matter originally publilhed in volumes I. <strong>and</strong><br />

n. of <strong>The</strong> F.soterio. It contaiua the eerla1 of nineteen numbera, Practical Instructions for Reaching<br />

the Blgheet Goal of Buman Attainment-the eerlal, TwelTI1 Manner of People-Twelve Kanner of<br />

Genii-<strong>The</strong> Power of Creative Thought-<strong>The</strong> Mystery of Sin-God Rulee-A View of Creation­<br />

Philoeophy of Astral Spectera-<strong>The</strong> Mind of Wiedom-Precious St.on-Development of the Race<br />

-Unity of Desire-Immortality-Life <strong>and</strong> Death-<strong>and</strong> much other valuable matter. Price, 407<br />

pages, $2.00.<br />

Volume. 11.-Thia book contains all the eeaentlal matter originally published in volumes m.<br />

<strong>and</strong> IV. of <strong>The</strong> F.soteric. Among ita valuable contents are a eerlee of Bible Reviews covering the vita)<br />

pointa in the!ftrst fourteen Cbaptera of Geneeia-Voyage of the Argonauts-<strong>The</strong> Signs of the Timee<br />

-Bypnotilm <strong>and</strong> Individualbation-8ymbolilm of the Zodiacal Signs-<strong>The</strong> Coming Meeaiah-What<br />

the People Say-An Important Letter, etc. Price, 314 pages, $2.00.<br />


Volume V.-A few of the important subjects treated in tbie volume are Bible Reviews which<br />

bring out many new <strong>and</strong> valuable facts regnrding the Abrahamic Covenant, ending with twenty-ftrst<br />

chapter of Geneele-(<strong>The</strong> Original) Practical Methods t.o IneureSuccese-To Hiram (a letter)-<strong>The</strong><br />

Coming Woman-<strong>The</strong> Great Experiment-Capital <strong>and</strong> Labor-Example-Contributions, Queetions<br />

<strong>and</strong> Answers-<strong>The</strong> Bunter-Love, Buman <strong>and</strong> Divine-Devotion-Force <strong>and</strong> Transmutation, etc.<br />

Price, pagee 468, $2.00.<br />

Volume Vl.-creation, from the St<strong>and</strong>point of a Scientiet-Washingt.on's Vision-Bible Reviews"(beginning<br />

with chapter I. of Revelation <strong>and</strong> ending in chapter IV.)-What ie Truth-Devotion~igniftcance<br />

of Color-Health by Power of Mind-Elixir of Life-<strong>The</strong> One Mind-Karma, or<br />

the Law of Retributive Justice-Man's Relation t.o Existence-Criticilm~lar <strong>and</strong> Planetary Vibrations-How<br />

t.o Maintain Health in all the Orgau-Contributions, Questions <strong>and</strong> Answera-<strong>The</strong><br />

Soul's Regeneration int.o Eternal Life-F.soteric Culture,-an1 a few of the subjects treated in thil<br />

splendid volume. Price, 678 pagee, $2.00.<br />

Volumn Vll.-Bible Reviews (beginning in chapter vi. of Revelation <strong>and</strong> ending in chapter XI.)<br />

Contributions <strong>and</strong> Answers to Queetions~ymbolism of Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Ssgittarius, Capricorn,<br />

Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini-Talb on Physical Culture <strong>and</strong> Voice Production­<br />

~uggestions <strong>and</strong> Thoughts for Musing-Humanity's Secret-close Conditions of Discipleship-­<br />

What is Man-<strong>The</strong> Law of Use-Faith in God-<strong>The</strong> Coming Kingdom-<strong>The</strong> Sympathetic Syetem­<br />

Labor <strong>and</strong> Capital, etc. Price, pages 674, $2.00.<br />

Volume Vlll.-Bible Reviews beginning in chapter XI. of Revelation <strong>and</strong> ending in chapter<br />

xvn.Hymbolism of Cancer, Leo-Contibntions <strong>and</strong> Answers to Questions-Getting <strong>and</strong> Guiding<br />

Force-Man the Microcosm-A Warning <strong>and</strong> Advice-<strong>The</strong> Easy Way-<strong>The</strong> Elixir of Life-COnsciousness<br />

in this World <strong>and</strong> in the N~xt-<strong>The</strong> Mintf that hath Wisdom---Over<strong>com</strong>ing by Illumlnatio n<br />

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-Wisdom of Adepts-International Sunday School Leeao118-Mental Healing, Mundane <strong>and</strong> Cele&­<br />

tial-lncidental Thoughts, etc'. Price, 676 pages, $2.00.<br />

Vol um 3 I X.-Bible Reviews (beginning in chapter xvu. of Revelation <strong>and</strong> ending with chapter<br />

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<strong>and</strong> Answers to Queetioll8-True Projl'eBB-<strong>The</strong> Use of the Material World to the Neophyte-<strong>The</strong><br />

Eeoteric Thought <strong>and</strong> Movement-<strong>The</strong> Philoeophy of Power-God the Fountain of Joyous<br />

Life-Habit-Life <strong>and</strong> Energy-Discrimination-<strong>The</strong> Awakened-<strong>The</strong> Temple of God, etc.<br />

Price, 576 pages, $2.00.<br />

Volume X.-<strong>The</strong> Seven Creative Principles, (a aerial of nine pepera in addition to the work by<br />

that name.)-Thought Polarisation <strong>and</strong> Regeneration-<strong>The</strong> Correlation of Spiritual ForceB-COntrib11tio11B<br />

.<strong>and</strong> AllBWera to Queetiou-Tbe Nature <strong>and</strong> Function of Aquarius-<strong>The</strong> Airy <strong>and</strong> WaWy<br />

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<strong>The</strong> aim of <strong>The</strong> <strong>Occult</strong> <strong>and</strong> Biological Journal is two fold: first, it endeavors to unveil<br />

to the 1tudent the myateriea of the higher truth& for which the W eatern mind<br />

i1 now eeeking in the mysticism of the past <strong>and</strong> in Oriental religions; ehowa the correlation<br />

of the doctrines of the Orient <strong>and</strong> thoae of the Christian religion, <strong>and</strong> WMl8<br />

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whOI& desire ii individual unfoldment, it givee a apeci&l course of inatructiona; preaenta<br />

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THE<br />


.<br />

VoL.l. -\lj-. No.4.<br />


•<br />


We of the W estem world who are seeking attainment<br />

throogh knowledge of 11piritual power. <strong>and</strong> are in touoh with<br />

the various sohools of metaphysioal oult. are thorou~hly acquainted<br />

with the statement. "Thought.a are thingR." Whatever<br />

may be the diversity of the soh~Ja in l'flgard to other pointR,<br />

all agree on this one propo11ition, amounting to a fnndamentRl<br />

statement, that thoughtR are creative. Jn oirolea <strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong>iencea<br />

of Mental or Chri11tian SciPntistR who meet for oonnt'lntration or<br />

for healing, we are anr.uRtomPd to hflaring from the leRden the<br />

words. "Let UR hold this thonir;ht." P&ll&ing on to the Orient,<br />

we find the proposition thAt .. thoughts Are thin"'" oompletely<br />

contradicted, <strong>and</strong> the mAthod of attainment quite the reverse of<br />

"holding a thought." He.re we are taught that our first et?ort<br />

moat be in the direotion of ailenoing <strong>and</strong> dismi88ing all thought.a,<br />

as well as words <strong>and</strong> forms. We are given to underst<strong>and</strong> that<br />

it is a diftioult proceu, but of the greatest necessity to our advancement<br />

in spiritual knowledge.<br />

When in India, recently, it was our privilege to receive pe11o<br />

aonal enlightenment on the aubjeot of the Hindu methods of<br />

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•<br />

practice, from one who had made attainment in the Spiritual<br />

Life. <strong>The</strong> first words that we heard him speak revealed to us<br />

that we were in the presence of one possessing superior quali.<br />

ties, <strong>and</strong> altogether worthy of the title of "Master." Not satisfied<br />

with the t.eachings of Hinduism or of Buddhism, he had<br />

journeyed to Engl<strong>and</strong>, <strong>and</strong> there hail thoroughly acquainted<br />

himself with the English language, <strong>and</strong> the Cbri~tian Scripture.<br />

He folly accepted its teaching &.'4 the moat enligbt.Aned<br />

in the world, <strong>and</strong> proceeded to write a oommentary upon some<br />

of the books of the New Testament, superior to any that we<br />

have ever read. since his deep insight into the interior life enabled<br />

him to grasp the deep meaning of the spiritual writing.<br />

A "Master" in India, is one who never refuses to give aill<br />

<strong>and</strong> instruction when requested to do so. In our first quiet<br />

interview, when we were asked to state what had been our<br />

method of practice <strong>and</strong> what we bad been able to aooompliab,<br />

our answer, as given in substance as a starting point was,<br />

that we could "hold a thought almost indefinitely." It seemed<br />

quite shocking in reply to hear, after so many ·yea.1'8 of effort<br />

in "holding thonghta," <strong>and</strong> with 1moh marked effeot.1 in the<br />

healing of disease: "It is a usele88 prooeaa, <strong>and</strong> will not bring yon<br />

into the power <strong>and</strong> wisdom you desire. Let your fixed effort<br />

now be to •let go thought.'

Tu& B10LOGICAL Jouu.u.. 131<br />

that of sitting erect in a straight chair 81lftlciently low for both<br />

the feet to rest upon the floor. My Master," he added, "auomed<br />

a poeition more difficult in order to conquer all pouibility of<br />

sleep, for along with the enemy thought, that of sleep most be<br />

vanqoishad. Decide first, then, upon the po11ition that you will<br />

assume, <strong>and</strong> keep this position unvaryingly. Go with determina·<br />

tiou, saying, •I will not return to the external world until I have<br />

ac<strong>com</strong>plished my object.' <strong>The</strong> attitude of mind is that of listen·<br />

iog to something that is going to be sai'1, of !leeing something<br />

the like of which has never been shown. AR thoughts <strong>com</strong>e<br />

flitting through the mind, dismisff thetn, again <strong>and</strong> again,<br />

M you would fight the fire from your dwelling. Keep the<br />

ROul open for the sacred mtl88age, with a greater intensity<br />

than the Astronomer. at the moment of deepest expectancy,<br />

fix8ff his gaze upon the eclipse for which he has been preparing,<br />

giving hi11 undivided attention to the supreme moment.<br />

He who thos determines will succeed-perhaps Rfter one, per·<br />

hapit after many efforts-in dispt>lling the 'eneiuy thought'.<br />

<strong>The</strong>n <strong>com</strong>es that critical moment when the enemy sleep,<br />

would snatch away the prize. How on his guard most the<br />

neophyte be in order to oonq1wr! If, or tohen, he through<br />

faithfulness bas gainl'


I frankly confeas that, aft.er making several efforts, I failed<br />

to reach the much desired goal. I think the West.ern mind <strong>and</strong><br />

life, both subjt>,ctively <strong>and</strong> ancestrally, are in a shte of aotivity,<br />

externally, far more difficult to over<strong>com</strong>e than are the<br />

~astern. I doubt if it is possible for any one to make the<br />

attainment, who lacks anoe11tral discipline in thi11 particular<br />

direction, that the Hindu mind po118e8ses. I believe th11.t<br />

our modes of training mnst be different from theirs, as onr<br />

manner of living seems to be, in almost every particular.<br />

However, I only give this as an opinion. <strong>The</strong>re may he those<br />

in the Western world, who have already made the attainment,<br />

though I have never met any one who has made the claim of<br />

this acquirement. To me this is not in the least discouraging,<br />

<strong>and</strong> I draw from it this lesson: We are not tQ apply ourselves<br />

too closely to following methods of culture that have been<br />

worked out by other lives, but rather seek to find the key that<br />

will unlock our own dungeon, that we m11oy throw open the<br />

doors <strong>and</strong> let the sunlight pour in npon us. <strong>The</strong>re is a direct<br />

road leading from each individual to God, 1LDd our sure11t<br />

method will be in turning from all other paths to find this one.<br />

Shut out for a time all preoonceived ideas <strong>and</strong> rules that ha.ve<br />

been given, while the mind is held open for its individual instruction.<br />

It will surely <strong>com</strong>e, if the heart be pure <strong>and</strong> the<br />

purpose steadfast. If all evil practice be cut &Aide, <strong>and</strong> the life<br />

be unreservedly dedicated to a high <strong>and</strong> holy purpose, the illumination<br />

will not be withheld, <strong>and</strong> it may oome wh.en the eyes<br />

are wide open <strong>and</strong> the faculties are alert; when the mind <strong>and</strong><br />

h<strong>and</strong>s <strong>and</strong> feet are active in some useful employment, <strong>and</strong> the objective<br />

perceptions are folly awake to the beant.iP& of M"eation.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is no limit to the ways of the inflowing Spirit: no<br />

hard <strong>and</strong> fast methods, that one is obliged to follow in finding<br />

the Father's house,-the kingdom within. <strong>The</strong>re is only one<br />

requisite; that is, to torn the faoe toward the light, <strong>and</strong> away<br />

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THE 810LOGICA.L ,JoUaNA.L. 188<br />

from darkness; to distinctly draw the line between death <strong>and</strong><br />

life, <strong>and</strong> serve the one Master. Between seJflahnesa <strong>and</strong> serrioe<br />

there is a great gulf fixed. We muat abide on one plane or<br />

the other, there is no interchange between the two. <strong>The</strong> deliberate<br />

<strong>and</strong> fearless choice of'selfteaaness will inaure the req- ·<br />

nRite aids to the sure place of knowledge, <strong>and</strong> of its fnllneu,­<br />

illumination.<br />

For my own part, I am deeply indebted to the "form of<br />

sound words" for my guidance upon the true path. <strong>The</strong> repetition<br />

of them to me is like a fortreaa of protection, or, greater<br />

still, it iit like an electric wire, leading to a battery of 1uppl7,<br />

through meant of which, by touching it, I am brought in contact,<br />

<strong>and</strong> faith, strength <strong>and</strong> subetanoe are increased; a light<br />

flashes out acroR8 my path, <strong>and</strong> I again see the way before me,<br />

<strong>and</strong> take courage. <strong>The</strong> power of thought i11 still to me the power<br />

of the electric wire, leading to the fountain, where is supply.<br />

But in no OMe would I separate thought <strong>and</strong> action. A few<br />

moments in the silflnoe are enough to insure direction, which<br />

means the performance of the highest duty.<br />

I know that there are many wl\ys leading to a oonaoiou1me11S<br />

of Eternal Light <strong>and</strong> Life, which is what we really want to<br />

find, <strong>and</strong> I have no criticism to make npon any of the means<br />

<strong>and</strong> methods adopted by earnest di&0ipl68 of Truth, in their<br />

different ways <strong>and</strong> leadinr; but I am so in love with the world<br />

in which the Creator has placed me, <strong>and</strong> 8o appreciative of its<br />

worthiness as my abode, so thankful <strong>and</strong> satisfied with the<br />

temple that has been given me to inhabit, that it is with diftl.<br />

culty that I close my eyes ud be<strong>com</strong>e inactive for many moments.<br />

It is a joy to think of it all, <strong>and</strong> I still adhere to the<br />

power of thonght,.;_the power of conveying thought into action,<br />

the power of e:s.pre88ion, only eliminating <strong>and</strong> ''silencing" any<br />

morbid negations of health, strength, wisdom, love <strong>and</strong> happiness,<br />

here-now-to-day. M. A.<br />

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<strong>The</strong> study of the oooult, or an effort in that direction, eeem1<br />

to be almost a mania at the present time; it is a fad, <strong>and</strong> yet·<br />

among all its students there are few who have anything like a<br />

oorrect idea of what they are seeking. Moat of them think<br />

that there is something that they can learn, either from th.,<br />

old books or from some master, which, in some mysterious way,<br />

will give them oooolt or magical powers. Thie is as erroneous<br />

u it would be to think that a man of great physical 11trength<br />

oould tell another how to beoome as strong u he. <strong>and</strong> that the<br />

telling would impart the strength. Everything that belongs<br />

to the occult or magic.'.al is a matter of growth <strong>and</strong> 11low development.<br />

Oooultism is, first, a correct underst<strong>and</strong>ing of the laws<br />

of nature; second. an nndentaudinit of one's own n1.ture; third.<br />

an application of method11 by which C!ertain powPn <strong>and</strong> facmltiee,<br />

which are normal. mav hA etren~hflned anrl incl'Ml'lecl<br />

<strong>and</strong> bronght wholly und.-r subjention to the mind <strong>and</strong> will. In<br />

reality, all that there is of magio power <strong>com</strong>es from a weU<br />

developed will, <strong>and</strong> a mind so cultivated that it c.'\n think <strong>and</strong><br />

feel whatever it wishe11 to think <strong>and</strong> feel. <strong>and</strong> so focalized that<br />

it can think or feel one thing a.11 long as it desires; in other<br />

words, it is the faenlty of conoentration of the mind <strong>and</strong> will.<br />

Here. again. ii\ another point of error in the con:10ption of tho<br />

ordinary 11t11dent of the ooonlt. It is 11.n error, however, that<br />

no one who has beoome master of these laws from the truly<br />

divine st<strong>and</strong>point. would rectify openly.<br />

All the mystery of occultism resides in the character of this<br />

will power. Among the students of the ooonlt there are undoubtedly<br />

a great number who obtain certain powers which will<br />

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enable them to influence <strong>and</strong> affect othen, regardleu of the<br />

space between them <strong>and</strong> those whom they wish to influenoe.<br />

<strong>The</strong> beginning of the practical use of magic in America wu<br />

Mn. Eddy's Christian.Science treatments. She, as well as<br />

many who followed her direotly or indireotly, came reasonably<br />

to the oonolmion that, if they oould heal the di88&11e8 of an<br />

individual At a distance <strong>and</strong> change his mental action. they<br />

could also produce disea.sed oonditions in others. <strong>The</strong>y likewise<br />

oonclnded that if they could change the mind <strong>and</strong> remove<br />

diseased oonditions, they could also influence people to patronize<br />

them <strong>and</strong> to send them money; in short. that they oould usB<br />

these powers to claim wealth. Thia is the beginning of what was<br />

anciently known as .. black magic" simply because it was the occult<br />

powers set in motion for the gratification of the selfish<br />

desires of the individual, or for the gratifi"1'tion of vengeance<br />

upon 110me one who bad angered him. <strong>The</strong>re i1 at the pl'ellent<br />

time almoRt as much of thiR at work among so-called mental<br />

healer11 of the difftirent schools aa there is of what was ancient.<br />

ly termed "white magic." which meama simply, in contradistinction<br />

to the hlack, that the power is used for the benefit of<br />

others, <strong>and</strong>, in a gt!neral sense, in an un11el6sh manner.<br />

When we <strong>com</strong>menced the publication of <strong>The</strong> Esoteric years<br />

ago, the Bluatsky work anJ so-called Tbeo15ophy had begun to<br />

attract pnhlic attentinn, <strong>and</strong> they hail even then discovered that<br />

the powers of magic resided in the will, or, in other words, that<br />

itii foundation wa11 in psychological influence, <strong>and</strong> we were often<br />

asked to write on that subject. We refused, however, knowing,<br />

as we did, the wonderful powers resident there for evil <strong>and</strong><br />

the oomparatively small degree of power for good, if placed in<br />

the b<strong>and</strong>s of the general public. But any cult that will pay<br />

always baa its teachtirs, regardleaa of results; <strong>and</strong>, conaeqnently,<br />

therti are now magazines springing up every few months,<br />

devoted to pRychology, suggestive therapeutics, etc. etc., so that,<br />

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136 WHA.T 18 0ccULTI811?<br />

taking into oonsideration the mental healer, the t.eaaher of pay.<br />

chology, <strong>and</strong> the student of Oriental magic, there are inatru.<br />

mentalities through which any one who has the desire to study,<br />

<strong>and</strong> has theooncentration of mind, may obtain more real know}.<br />

edge on oooult lines here in America than in India or anywhere<br />

in the world. Even the Oriental magazines are oopying<br />

very largely from American authors on these subjects.<br />

l'he evil of p11yuhologioal intluenoe. which, u we have stated,<br />

is the basis of magio, is that it is ooercive of the will of an<br />

individual, <strong>and</strong> takes oontrol of the mind, desires, <strong>and</strong> even of<br />

the disposition of its object. It does not matter whet~er the<br />

purpose in the mind of the operator ia good or evil, if it takes<br />

control of the will <strong>and</strong> disposition of another, it must of<br />

neoeuity be foreign to the real nature of that individual, for<br />

no two people are alike; therefore the motive power not being<br />

in harmony with bis own nature, it cannot expresa it in a normal<br />

manner, so that, sooner or later, his real diRposition will<br />

gain 1officient direotive power over the influence projected<br />

into him to beoome a guiding force. Now, the animal propen·<br />

sitiea are the strongest faotor in human nature, <strong>and</strong> are only<br />

brought into subjection by the suggestions of the real, normal,<br />

higher self acting through the min

Tim BIOLOGICAL JouaAL. 181<br />

like ftCCrination,-the impuritiee in the blood of the individual<br />

from whom the TaOOine matter ia taken, are iaooalated into the<br />

system of the one vaocinated. <strong>The</strong>w thing ia true of all nob<br />

mggeations, whether by Christian Scientist.I, mental healers,<br />

eo.called, or by the system of nggeetion or J>11ohology M a<br />

therapeutic agent.<br />

<strong>The</strong> study of magic in the general •nae,.. it exiata amonr<br />

the people of the preeent day ia, in nine oues out of ten, pursued<br />

for the sake of the powers to be obtained thereby, that the<br />

student may ·exercise thoee powers over others, oaaaing U.em to<br />

do that which he would have them do, <strong>and</strong> that he may make<br />

the foroea of nature serve him. <strong>The</strong>re ia a great deal l&idaub<br />

roaa, howeTel'-abont. men having attained such oontrol<br />

over nature's foroes as to have the elementals do their bidding.<br />

Now, the element.ala are known to be the lowest foroes of nature,<br />

or nature spirits. <strong>The</strong>y are the embodiment of all Ute lost,<br />

evil passions, <strong>and</strong> evil tendencies of the race of mankind. In<br />

order that these elementals may serve an individual, they moat,<br />

at least in the lower phaaes of magic, be served by the individual<br />

in exchange for their help. For instance, we are told that<br />

a certain leading occultist became angry with a person <strong>and</strong><br />

inrore that she would kill him through space. Thia was one of<br />

the princip.l'l teachers of the Oriental magic of the Oooident. If<br />

the elementals, vicious <strong>and</strong> wicked as they are sapposed to be,<br />

were obedient to the will of thia individual, they woald give<br />

all their powers to the execution of her will to kill the one<br />

with whom she was angry. If it were the disposition of the<br />

penon to nae the occult powers, claimed to be posseaed, by<br />

oootinuous. fooalization upon the object of her anger <strong>and</strong> by<br />

a certain kind of suggestions, it might e&U88 him a great deal<br />

of annoyance, <strong>and</strong> if he were weak-minded <strong>and</strong> believed that<br />

magic power oould kill him, it would probably do so.<br />

Here ia a side of this oooultiam, which, above all others,<br />

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138 WeA.T 1s OccuLTis.11?<br />

should be understood; namely, that no elemental or magic-work.<br />

ing suggester can injure another person in the slightest particular,<br />

directly or by the laws of thought transference-impl'eBBions<br />

upon the mind of one that evil is being directed<br />

against him through the powers of magic-if he realizes the<br />

fact that no power can touch him. <strong>and</strong> simply ignores the<br />

suggestions; for magic power can have no effect. if it be simply<br />

ignored. On the other h<strong>and</strong>, if the person keeps thinking about<br />

it <strong>and</strong> believes the magio workers can control him <strong>and</strong> aooomplish<br />

their designs, he will bring abo11t the evil results by his<br />

own volition <strong>and</strong> thought; in other words, there is no power<br />

outside one's own self that ever was or ever will be known to<br />

the magic-working people, that can injure another. <strong>The</strong> only<br />

injury that can be wrought is upon the weak-minded one who<br />

is made to believe that be is being injured in a certain direo.<br />

tion, when his will beoomea dormant <strong>and</strong> be surrenders to the<br />

influence passively. For insta.nce, I knew a colored man in<br />

Springfield, Maas., years ago, who through meutal-sugi;eation,<br />

blaok magic, was made to believe that his eyes were abut perfectly<br />

tight <strong>and</strong> that be oould not see. That impression never<br />

left his mind for a moment, <strong>and</strong>, consequently. be went about<br />

the streets totally blind, with hie eyes closed, <strong>and</strong> he remained<br />

in that condition for years; in faot. I do not know but that he<br />

ba'I been under that belief up to the pre:1ent time. <strong>The</strong> faot<br />

remains, however, that no one can be affected by another, unless<br />

by his own volition. All phenomena produced by psychologioal<br />

influence <strong>com</strong>e directly under this head; <strong>and</strong> no one<br />

can be psycbologized unless he surrenders his will to another.<br />

<strong>The</strong>refore the esRential thing on the part of the individual is<br />

to strengthen the will power, to cultivate self-confidence <strong>and</strong><br />

eelf-rfllliance, <strong>and</strong> parents should teach this to their children;<br />

for thereby the <strong>com</strong>ing wave of black magic, now beginning<br />

to sweep over the civilized world, can be made powerless.<br />

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(NEW PRACTICAL Mrruons.)<br />

IV.<br />

In punuance of the thought that we have been just considering,<br />

that we should walk <strong>and</strong> live among men as their peen<br />

in every particular, we should be not only apparently equal to<br />

them in all things, but should see to it that in moral habits,<br />

uprightness of life, in our thought, <strong>com</strong>prehension of knowledge,<br />

we are not inferior to any one. In order to ac<strong>com</strong>plish this, it<br />

may be necessary for some, yes, many, who have not had proper<br />

drill <strong>and</strong> culture during their childhood, to develop in themselves<br />

a condition of positive perseverance, energy, <strong>and</strong> self-control.<br />

First, we must <strong>com</strong>ply with nature's law, which is, that form<br />

expresses character <strong>and</strong> mental state.-, <strong>and</strong> that form also produces<br />

character <strong>and</strong> mental stateR. <strong>The</strong>se things are always<br />

interactive. For illustration, if a person walks about with his<br />

chest drawn in <strong>and</strong> bis head down, be lacks energy <strong>and</strong> force,<br />

<strong>and</strong> will realize that there is in the mind a peculiar stupor, a<br />

consciousness of incapacity, of weakness. Ou the contrary,<br />

if be moves forward with his chest thrown out, abdomen drawn<br />

in, shoulders back, <strong>and</strong> bead erect, he will produce in himself<br />

a consciousnesR of power, energy, activity, health <strong>and</strong> vivacity.<br />

Not only is such a couRciousness produced by a proper position<br />

of the phylfical body, but that consciousness itself is intensified<br />

by the mental states of others, who, when they see a<br />

man with bis head up, shoulders back, <strong>and</strong> sternum to the front,<br />

recognize that the man is alive with energy; they are impressed<br />

with an idea of bis inherent power <strong>and</strong> general ability, mental<br />

<strong>and</strong> physical, <strong>and</strong> they reflect that thought upon his mind,<br />

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140 u 8EFUL IN8T&UCTION8.<br />

which stimulates in him lib oonditiom, <strong>and</strong> enables him to<br />

m&Difeet them. It is a law in nature that if one tab& the<br />

form of an effect, the spirit of that form will flow into him<br />

<strong>and</strong> oreate similar oonditiooa.<br />

A thought in this ooooeotion, which is, perhaps, not oommooly<br />

reoogoised, is the powerful influence of other minds upon<br />

the mental <strong>and</strong> phyaioal states of an individual. <strong>The</strong> wave of<br />

miocl-be&liog that is now sweeping over the l<strong>and</strong>. baa brought<br />

to the front the importanoe of holding right thoughts ooooerniog<br />

others, in order to help <strong>and</strong> strengthen them. On the other<br />

h<strong>and</strong>.if we wish others to hold right thoughts ooooeroiog ourselves,<br />

we mnat appear right in all our external life; for no<br />

matter how kindly dispoeed a person may be toward us, if we<br />

hold a wrong attitude of mind <strong>and</strong> maoifeet a wrong appear·<br />

anoe, he oaonot avoid thinking of us as he sees us, <strong>and</strong> his<br />

thoughts beoome to us a psyohio suggestion <strong>and</strong> a potent<br />

energy in the production of error. A.gain, if one walks with<br />

a swaying motion, from side to side, an impl'elllioo of carelessnns<br />

is made upon the mind of the obaerver; <strong>and</strong>, in like manner,<br />

every oondition manifested by us in peouliarities of motion.<br />

is impreued upon the minds of others, who, in turn, reflect the<br />

impl"ellion upon our own mentality. And further, no one can<br />

walk with a swaying motion, as if his limbs were looee <strong>and</strong> had<br />

no energy in them. nnleu I.here really exists within a feeling<br />

of weaknees, Taoillation, indecision, a deficiency of ftrmneu. of<br />

direotioo of pnrpoee. <strong>The</strong>refore, every one should make it a<br />

rule of life to walk straight, to move directly forward. keeping<br />

a oonaoionaneu of strength of will <strong>and</strong> power of purpose active<br />

in the body as well as in the mind. When yon undertake to<br />

do a thing, aot with a will, with decision <strong>and</strong> precision; for it<br />

ahonld be remembered that the presenoe of life meana power,<br />

ud that the preaenoe of death is manifested in weakness <strong>and</strong><br />

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·.<br />


relaxation <strong>and</strong> weakneaa. (More in this oonneotion will be<br />

given further on.)<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are poisons enongh in the atmosphere by whiob we<br />

are surrounded, to destroy the body in one week, if the resisting<br />

power of the mind <strong>and</strong> will were not kept active, there is poison<br />

enough in the food that we take at every meal to destroy the<br />

body, if the resisting power were not kept active; therefore the<br />

neceseity of cultivating the will of resistance, which is properly<br />

the will of energy, arising from a oonaoionanees within one's<br />

self of power to do <strong>and</strong> ac<strong>com</strong>plish.<br />

Just here we meet that to which we have before referred as<br />

faith in our ability. <strong>The</strong> man who suooeeds in life is the man<br />

who feels that he bu within himself the power to succeed, <strong>and</strong><br />

that nothing is able to hinder him; he is the one who makes up<br />

bis mind to go forth oonquering all obstacles. Such a pel'80n<br />

is immediately recognized among bis fellows by bis movements,<br />

general form <strong>and</strong> bearing; by the form of bis thought <strong>and</strong> manner<br />

of expreeeion. He always speaks decidedly in regard to<br />

matters that he has thought over <strong>and</strong> decided upon-not only<br />

decidedly, but confidently, almost defiantly. At the same time,<br />

the man of wisdom <strong>and</strong> true mentality so guards his words that<br />

they are never offensive, harsh, or arrogant. <strong>The</strong> voice should<br />

be modulated to suit the occaeioo, let it be what it may. <strong>The</strong>re<br />

is no power in the univarse like that quiet, harmonious, wellordered,expreesion.<br />

It should be remembered that, not only are our words the<br />

expression of our thoughts, but that every movement we make,<br />

every gesture, including our manner ·of walking, the position<br />

of the body <strong>and</strong> the bead, are all the e:xpreuion of the interior<br />

activities of the mind. Our military academies <strong>and</strong> other<br />

schools of drill, but eepeoially the military schools, while per.<br />

hape not fully underst<strong>and</strong>ing all the law in this oonnection, yet<br />

intuitively <strong>com</strong>ply with it in drilling students in the motion of<br />

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the body, in teaching them how to walk, how to st<strong>and</strong>, right<br />

gestures in expressing thought, <strong>and</strong>, in short, in insisting upon<br />

the cultivation of a right appearance under all circnmetancea.<br />

<strong>The</strong> motions taught, however, are chosen in view of the profeeeion<br />

for which the student is supposed to be preparing himeelf,-that<br />

of a warrior. <strong>The</strong> warrior, of course, is the man of<br />

conquest, supposed to be the conqueror. Our life is a continual<br />

conquest, from early infancy to declining age there is no period<br />

of man's life in which the work of conquest iii not necessary to<br />

hie existence; consequently, it is generally recognized that no<br />

college now in existence, imparts to the student so important<br />

a line of culture <strong>and</strong> development a.a our military academy.<br />

Nevertheless, in all schools for education <strong>and</strong> development<br />

of mind <strong>and</strong> body, there is nothing taught or practiced but<br />

what has been the result of the recognition of nature's laws.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se methods have largely originated in the inherent instinct<br />

of the child: its play is simply a series of gymnastics, of<br />

methods for mental <strong>and</strong> physical development. In the play of<br />

children associated· together may be found, not only the methods<br />

taught in our colleges-in a state imperfection, howeverbut<br />

also those practiced by the pugilist <strong>and</strong> in the animal<br />

phases of life.<br />

<strong>The</strong> object of this line of instructions is to present methods<br />

by which the higher faculties of the mind <strong>and</strong> soul<br />

of man may be brought into activity. <strong>and</strong> by which the<br />

body, which is the expression of man's interior self, may be<br />

properly drilled <strong>and</strong> taught to express the highest impulses <strong>and</strong><br />

noblest characteristics; therefore we would suggest that the<br />

young men <strong>and</strong> women who are seeking the highest mental<br />

<strong>and</strong> physical spheres of existence, organize for the purpose of<br />

taking a drill in military movements. If throughout the<br />

country there were organized societies of high-minded young<br />

men <strong>and</strong> women, whose fixed purpose was to elevate all the<br />

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powers within them, they could adopt all known methods<br />

for self-cnltnre <strong>and</strong> development, have regular perioda for military<br />

drill, gymnastic <strong>and</strong> Delaarte exerciaes. <strong>and</strong>, in abort, incorporate<br />

into their exerci888 every available means for developing<br />

the body <strong>and</strong> mind. If each mind were intent upon oontribnting<br />

ita part of knowledge, of culture <strong>and</strong> methoda for<br />

aeoompliebment, such an organization would aoon grow into<br />

one of the gr<strong>and</strong>est institutions for individual development<br />

known to the world at the present time.<br />

This thought of conquest, active in the child life <strong>and</strong> in the<br />

life of the young man of knowledge <strong>and</strong> power, when carried<br />

into every department of life, is the source of growth <strong>and</strong><br />

development. One of the principal reasons why men oease to<br />

grow <strong>and</strong> develop <strong>and</strong> begin to decline with age, is that the<br />

buoyant energies are allowed to relax <strong>and</strong> diminish; <strong>and</strong> with<br />

the diminution of the spirit of conquest in the individual<br />

<strong>com</strong>es ossification <strong>and</strong> the manifestations of age, <strong>and</strong> finally<br />

death. Whereas if the penon would recogni7.e these activities<br />

ae one of the potent factors in his onward course, <strong>and</strong> would<br />

so live as to cause these hopea, Mpirations, <strong>and</strong> effort.a (the<br />

work of conquest) continually to grow within the breast, age<br />

<strong>and</strong> decay might be held off, perhaps for centuries. <strong>The</strong><br />

thought of immortality in the hotly ia now beginning to assert<br />

itself in many 111inds, <strong>and</strong> if it is ever attained-<strong>and</strong> we<br />

believe that it will be attained-this thought that we are endeavoring<br />

to impress upon the reader will be one of the prime<br />

factors in the preservation of the human family. <strong>The</strong> idea of<br />

conquest over the adverse foroes of life <strong>and</strong> attainment should<br />

be carried into methods for keeping the body free from disease.<br />

( To be continued. )<br />

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Aa the December issue of <strong>The</strong> Biological Journal will be<br />

distinctly a Capricorn number, the writer will briefly unfold<br />

the delineation of William Ewart Gladat.one, born December 29,<br />

1809. Thia preeminent peraonage illoatratea, among the Engliah<br />

apeaking people, the real. poasibilities inherent t.o thoae<br />

born in the aign of Capricorn, <strong>and</strong> we will trace it <strong>biological</strong>ly,<br />

atep by atep.<br />

William Ewart Gladst.one, Nat. DP.c, 29, 1809.<br />

Earth ( $) in Zodiacal Sign of Capricorn (~).<br />

Moon<br />

,,<br />

(>) " " " Libra (4:).<br />

Uranua (¥) " " " " Gamini (n).<br />

Gemini (0).<br />

Saturn (lz) " " " "<br />

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J opiter ( 1,t) "<br />

Mara ( J') "<br />

Veooa (9) "<br />

Mercury ( V ) '·<br />

ELEMENT8.<br />

THE B10L001c.A.L Joumu.L.<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

,,<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

Libra (•).<br />

Virgo ("%).<br />

Tanl'll8 (~ ).<br />

Cancer (!i).<br />

TlllNmu.<br />

Int.ellectual, Three.<br />

Fire, None.<br />

Earth, Three. Domestic, Two.<br />

Air, Four. Creative, Two.<br />

Water, One. Serving, One.<br />

146<br />

It will fint be noted that the Earth was in Caprioorn, <strong>and</strong><br />

the Moon in Libra at his birth. (See cirole.)<br />

<strong>The</strong> pedestal opon which he stood <strong>and</strong> looked out upon the<br />

world, at the outset of his earthly career, was thus typified ou~<br />

wardly by the goat <strong>and</strong> physioally by the knees.<br />

His polarity in Libra-the Seales-adds mental balance to<br />

his strong aspirational nature, <strong>and</strong> unitedly they lay the foundation<br />

for the wonderful career which followed. <strong>The</strong>rein aspiration<br />

<strong>and</strong> intuition clasped h<strong>and</strong>s. <strong>The</strong> kneett, which could<br />

have been used in getting down, were only used in climbing up.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y became always .. the feet of prayer.''<br />

<strong>The</strong> great planet Jupiter. also in the sign Libra, brings physically<br />

<strong>and</strong> metapby11ieally an immense power to bear upon his<br />

every st.ep in life. <strong>The</strong> ideality which always attends Jupiter's<br />

position finds expres!lion here in the seat of. the intuitions, <strong>and</strong><br />

thereby all bis work is along the line of that ideal fineness<br />



thoroughneu of hia purauit of knowledge became Mt.abliahed,<br />

<strong>and</strong> the Philoaopber an inevitable part of hia being.<br />

But Mr Gladatone had Mara in Virgo, whieh waa, indeed,<br />

aomething to oTeroome. Many would h&Te allowed the enemy<br />

of good digeation <strong>and</strong> fine diacrimination to have aU.ped their<br />

lives somewhat, but the metaphysical <strong>and</strong> intuitional rose triumphant<br />

above it, <strong>and</strong> Man was oonquered.<br />

With Venus in the aign of Taurus, he wu endowed with a<br />

true love of the oooult as well as fine brain power. It wat.ered his<br />

life, a stream of unmeasurable fertility, of interior <strong>and</strong> subtle<br />

power, whereby hia expresaiona in his apeecbea were oftentimea<br />

almoat beyond the immediate <strong>com</strong>prehension of bia liatenera.<br />

Mercury-as Meeaenger of the Goda-was exoeedingly<br />

important to him in the sign Cancer. In a physical sense it<br />

made him strong in long power, <strong>and</strong> thus vitalized his entire<br />

being. In a metaphyeical sense it opened the door widely into<br />

the Holy of holiea in the domestic aphere, <strong>and</strong> home be<strong>com</strong>es<br />

aacred onto him. <strong>The</strong> history of his life att.ests thia. His wife'•<br />

devotion to him, amid all bis long, varied, <strong>and</strong> pressing mental<br />

labors, was keenly appreciated by this wonderful man, <strong>and</strong><br />

found its basia largely in his inherent love of home <strong>and</strong> family.<br />

<strong>The</strong> busine88 trend of his nature f1·om his Capri,-orn birth,<br />

when <strong>com</strong>bined with this equal trend toward the home <strong>and</strong> all<br />

that it implies, broadened his life into genuine atat.esmanship<br />

for the maaaes. Although Queen Victoria desired to knight<br />

him, be felt, like our own Lincoln, that bia duty was to be the<br />

"Great Commoner" <strong>and</strong> thus act with <strong>and</strong> for the people.<br />

Called <strong>and</strong> recalled to be Prime l\1 iniater of the U oited Kingdom,<br />

he felt always that, as one of the tribe of J odah "the gov.<br />

ernment was upon his shouldera," <strong>and</strong> both conscience <strong>and</strong><br />

judgment were exercised for the amelioration of humanity.<br />

His aapirations <strong>and</strong> acholarly attainments enabled him<br />

to st<strong>and</strong> upon the mountain top, <strong>and</strong> inspire many. He<br />

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Tu 810LOGJCAL JovBN..u.. 147<br />

exemplified the gr<strong>and</strong>eu of the Caprioorn nature in ite manysided<br />

pouibilitiea, <strong>and</strong> aa student& of the language of the<br />

planet.ary foroea, we may well thank God that the "gr<strong>and</strong> old<br />

man" fwniahea as, in his unusual career, ao fine an illuetrat1on<br />

of their prophetic teaching.<br />

Libra.<br />


It is undoubt.e

•<br />

148 Euoa Mou PALATABLE THAN TaUTH.<br />

One thought, however, ahould be recognized, <strong>and</strong> many people<br />

will soon aooept it, which is, that the only evil in the world ia<br />

good perverted, <strong>and</strong> that the God principle within the human<br />

family being very good, by perversion may be<strong>com</strong>e very evil,<br />

the very devil. When, in the many advanced-thought magazines,<br />

I read the words, ''I am God", I cannot help the realiza.<br />

tion forcing itself upon me, that they are using the wrong<br />

words. In many cases it would be more truthful to say, "l, am<br />

devil;" for it is the work of the devil, or adversary, to promulgate<br />

error <strong>and</strong> to deceive the people into following their appetit.ea<br />

<strong>and</strong> paaaions. That there is a foundation of truth in<br />

this declaration, there can be no doubt, bot that foundation is<br />

like the familiar saying. "<strong>The</strong> oak is in the acorn." But is<br />

the oak in the acorn? Stop <strong>and</strong> think. Take an aoorn, <strong>and</strong>,<br />

if you please, water it, but keep it away from the earth <strong>and</strong><br />

sunlight. It is barely po8Rible that you may cause it to Rprout<br />

from the substance within itaelf, but that is as far as it


is in all life, for God is the Creator of all things, yet it is only<br />

a diminutive germ, <strong>and</strong> that little germ oannot grow nnlea it<br />

reoognizes the f onntain from whenoe it came <strong>and</strong> reaobea out in<br />

eoul yearning <strong>and</strong> desire, prayer, to that sonroe that it may livo<br />

<strong>and</strong> grow from the snbstanoe of Divinity. It is a universal law<br />

found in all vegetable life, in all animal life <strong>and</strong> mental existence-that<br />

every seed brings forth its kind, <strong>and</strong> what.ever may<br />

predominat.e in the germ, will characterize that wbfoh it prod·<br />

uoes. Not bat what in all seeds are all elements, but some . of<br />

the elements are in such infinitesimal proportion, that they are<br />

made to serve the element that is in predominanoe; <strong>and</strong> that<br />

predominating element of the seed is what gi vea to the plant its<br />

specific <strong>and</strong> distinct quality.<br />

<strong>The</strong> same thing is true of animal life <strong>and</strong> human thought.<br />

"All is thonght, mind, or spirit." yon say. Well <strong>and</strong> good;<br />

so it is. But you are just a little seed dropped into the earth<br />

by the divine b<strong>and</strong>. Yon, unlike the germs that bring forth<br />

vegetable life, have developed the power to control <strong>and</strong> give<br />

predominanoe to any elements inherent in your organism: <strong>and</strong><br />

if you give the predominance to the spirit of aelflsbneu, self.<br />

gratification, lust, <strong>and</strong> all inverted desires, including greed for<br />

wealth-which is being made a prominent feature of the mental<br />

science teachings of the present time-you are thereby suppreuing<br />

the spiritual qualities, the divine eesenoe, <strong>and</strong> are giving<br />

pre-eminenue to the inspiration, growth <strong>and</strong> development of the<br />

lower elements of your ex:ist.ence. Paul expressed a great truth<br />

when he said: "<strong>The</strong> carnal mind is not subject to the law of<br />

God; neither indeed can be." Again he said: "To be oaro!Llly<br />

minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life <strong>and</strong> peace ••,<br />

Another thought that is rapidly taking form in the minds of<br />

the new-thought people is that of the immortality of the phyrd.<br />

cal body, but they think to find it through the develment of the<br />

animal functions. Some of these people however, hope to grow<br />

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150 Eaaoa Mou PALATABLE TRAN TauTa.<br />

<strong>and</strong> develop by the power of mind, <strong>and</strong> so overoome the infto •<br />

ence of death in the body, while they continue to gratify <strong>and</strong> give<br />

predominance to all the lower aenaes <strong>and</strong> pusions; in other<br />

words, they go on producing death in their bodies by wasting<br />

their life, <strong>and</strong> expect to be able to bold mind power auftlcient<br />

to overbalanoe the waste <strong>and</strong> obtain immortality; bot they for.<br />

get that the power of mind is dependent upon the amount of<br />

life in the body, <strong>and</strong> that there is no act which sins againstthe<br />

higher principles of life within them, or wastes the fountains<br />

of that life, which does not react upon the mind <strong>and</strong> destroy<br />

the ability to bold the thought by means of which they hope<br />

to over<strong>com</strong>e death. As they open the door <strong>and</strong> invite in the<br />

death element, it be<strong>com</strong>es a powerful mental factor in the<br />

organism, <strong>and</strong> every time they say "I am life," the echo from<br />

deep down within the soul is. ''You are dying; I, Death, am here<br />

<strong>and</strong> own you." Yes, through a powerful will one may, for a<br />

long time, keep up the cry, Life, Life, Eternal Life! <strong>and</strong> in part<br />

convince the reason that one bas it; yet the grim monster, ever<br />

aotive through the gratification of sensual desirea, continually<br />

disputes the assertion <strong>and</strong> gradually bind11 it.a viotim clo11er <strong>and</strong><br />

tighter, until thl\t vofoe of exaltation grows weaker <strong>and</strong> fainter,<br />

fades <strong>and</strong> ceases to be; the body dies <strong>and</strong> returns to its earth.<br />

We are here as products of the word of God, that spoke<br />

the worlds into being. <strong>and</strong> all the laws of that Divine Nature<br />

must be <strong>com</strong>plied with in order to grow into its likeneas, aud<br />

to develop immortal exii1tence within om'8elves. We cannot<br />

apply a few of the laws of life, neglecting tl1e eRSential ones,<br />

<strong>and</strong> still grow into immortal existence. If you plant a tree<br />

you cannot expect it to grow uuleSB the condition of the soil<br />

is all right, unless it has plenty of water <strong>and</strong> sunlight, <strong>and</strong> a<br />

climate suitable to its growth. If these conditioos are neglected,<br />

the tree. instead of growing, will die. If they are in part<br />

neglected, the tree will be<strong>com</strong>e acrubby <strong>and</strong> imperfect, <strong>and</strong> vir-<br />

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tually useless. Can you expect immortality while yon are <strong>com</strong>plying<br />

with, pe1·haps, only one of the multitude of laws requisite<br />

to obtaining it? If so, yon will be diaappointed. Yon say there<br />

ia no evil-put your h<strong>and</strong> in the tire <strong>and</strong> see if it is not evil to<br />

you; ,it will certainly burn your h<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> make it sore.<br />

Take poison, <strong>and</strong> if it is the right kind it will kill your body.<br />

"But," says one, "we can over<strong>com</strong>e even poison." Yes, you<br />

can over<strong>com</strong>e some poisons that would otherwise kill you, but<br />

there are others to which you would succumb, <strong>and</strong> so it is with<br />

all that ·is in the universe. You must live in such a manner<br />

that you have within yourself a fountain out of which you can<br />

create. By means of our riches of life we are made conscious<br />

of power, without which the mind fails, <strong>and</strong> the ability to over<strong>com</strong>e<br />

the poisons that we , inhale wiLh the air we breathe, or<br />

take in with our food will, sooner or later, desert us, <strong>and</strong> the<br />

spirit of the poisons be<strong>com</strong>e master.<br />

<strong>The</strong> present condition of the new thought is that of all newly<br />

awakened life. <strong>The</strong> moth that is just awakening to existence<br />

<strong>and</strong> to the very lowest rudiments of thought, sees the light <strong>and</strong><br />

<strong>and</strong> iR charmed by it, rushes into the flame <strong>and</strong> is destroyed.<br />

<strong>The</strong> new-thought people have just begun to awaken, <strong>and</strong> have<br />

but one idea: they behold the glories of the one life, <strong>and</strong>, refusing<br />

to see anything but the one thought, they rush headlong<br />

into the consuming flame of God's own existence; for God is a<br />

conimming fire. We believe <strong>and</strong> hope that there are many of<br />

these people who will he wise enough, <strong>and</strong> who have grown<br />

large enough, to gra.'4p other thoughts, <strong>and</strong> to reali7.e the neoe.ssity<br />

of obtaining all truth; for the one little fact that we<br />

live from God is not 1111fficient-all the conditions requisite<br />

to the maintenance of that fact, as well as all facts of<br />

being, must be taken into consillera.tion, in order that that<br />

beautiful tree of human existence may be planted in genial<br />

soil, with proper sunlight <strong>and</strong> water, <strong>and</strong> grow from all the<br />

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162 WAITIMG.<br />

qualitiea provided. by the Divine Father. When the Nazarene<br />

said "Ye shall know the truth <strong>and</strong> the truth shall make you<br />

free," he did not refer to some fraction of the truth, but to<br />

the whole truth; <strong>and</strong> no intelligent person oan say of any one<br />

line of thought, this is the truth, for there ia nothing trne of<br />

it.self <strong>and</strong> there is nothing false in it.self. All is true when in<br />

lite proper relation to everything else. <strong>and</strong> all is false (ineffeotual)<br />

when not in its proper relation to everything else. As a<br />

friend we would aak you, whoever you may be, to stop <strong>and</strong> consider:<br />

do not aa the moth, fly into the flame <strong>and</strong> destroy yourself<br />

by the one idea now prevalent among the many.<br />

WAITING.<br />


"Only waiting till llfe'a journey ia a little l011ger grown,<br />

Only waiting till the darU- of tbla long Earth-aight ia flown,<br />

Only waiting for the ll1lll1Ue that will oome aoroa the aea,<br />

Only prayiar for the angel who will oome to -.ae me."<br />

Only waiting till the oonfliot of thia pilgrimage ia done,<br />

Only working till my raaaom <strong>and</strong> beatitude are won,<br />

Only longing for the herald who will ;., my apirit free,<br />

Only praying for the dawniar of a bleat eternity.<br />

Only waiting till my t.rinmph <strong>and</strong> my Tiotory begin,<br />

Only working till the brYeata <strong>and</strong> the fraitll are garnered ia,<br />

Only longiag for the echoea of Time'• at.orma to pua away,<br />

Only praying for the apleador of an endleas aammer day.<br />

Only waiting till my apirit bu achieYed ita miasloa here,<br />

Only working till my title to lnheritanoe la clear,<br />

Only longing for my birthright in the realma of bllaa abo"f'e,<br />

Only praylar for the puaport that ll80DJ'88 etenaal lcmi.<br />

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Golden Brown.<br />

1 he great wonder of the sign Capricorn, the mystery of the number ten-who<br />

way reveal it? It ia the eecret of the 6nt that ia the last. "I am Be: I am the<br />

tint, I alao am the last.'' Even ao, Lord; <strong>and</strong> wrapped in the untold glory of<br />

the Last, may we reverently lift the veil, <strong>and</strong> in humblest thanlduln- receive the<br />

holieat revelation of all, the diYine myatery of the ll'int.<br />

Bot once de>M huma 1 sciencJ speak in the 8004\ota of DiYioity: in the language of<br />

numbers alone she has heard <strong>and</strong> repeat.a to QB the coo verse of the goda, in ita abeolote<br />

<strong>and</strong> all-embracing perfection. No radiant memage ftaahea through the deptha of<br />

space from one great world to another, which ia not TOiced by the eternitlw in thia<br />

co onic tongue; And amid all the world11 of all time <strong>and</strong> apace, no cr•th·e thought haa<br />

thrilled the darkest reoeas of protoplaamio coDBOio09Deu, of which the God of life<br />

<strong>and</strong> form does not diaooune to QB in the unmistakable terma of this universal language<br />

of numben. Wonderfully ia the story of creation told in ita unbroken <strong>and</strong><br />

majeatic rhythm of Teo, for when Nine (Teth, the aerpeot, the circle) <strong>com</strong>pleted<br />

the circle of life, the first bright power of the cycle beyond appenn1, adding ita<br />

strength to the <strong>com</strong>pletemeot of what ia past, <strong>and</strong> in the number Teo, we meet<br />

the new <strong>and</strong> the old, the first <strong>and</strong> the laat, the Alpha <strong>and</strong> the Omega. <strong>The</strong>o, in<br />

radiant order, each aucceeding potency of that higher cycle d.oenda to add ita<br />

· own lQBter to the growing elfolgence below, ootil, at the end of the aecond aeriea<br />

of ~ine (00, or 00), the perfection of the 1eeond circle ia attained, when two cyclea<br />

reoeive the initial power of tbe third <strong>and</strong> more glorious oirole beyond, <strong>and</strong> in the<br />

100 the aeoond beat of creation'• mighty rhythm ia heard, to itlve place, in ita<br />

torn, to the 1000, the oompleteoeaa of the third great circle of time <strong>and</strong> proirr-­<br />

And thQB, in gloricQB increment, circle after circle, Nine after Nine, mooota in an<br />

infinite aequenoe of Tena. We count the circle& of life on, on- up, up, until<br />

"the· number of them ia ten thou<strong>and</strong> times ten tholUIADd, <strong>and</strong> tho09&Dda of thous<strong>and</strong>Jll,"<br />

<strong>and</strong> human language oao do no more for WI, the human eye oao - no<br />

further, <strong>and</strong> even imagination haa grown dizzy in ita upward flight, <strong>and</strong> yet we<br />

koow that forever And forever extend thoae cirolea, that infinite atretch of TeM.<br />

It is in th.i Tenth Sign of the Zodiac, the Sip of Capricorn, that we meet all<br />

the weight of this sublime ruyatery; for, throughout the -oding aeriee, each<br />

Teo holds within itself ita own creative oirole, the perfection of ita own Nine,<br />

<strong>and</strong> by virtue of the d81041Ddiog power of the DiYinity, the Holy ONE, of the celestial<br />

circle beyond, it haa be<strong>com</strong>e the Teo. And, as did the mother of Judah<br />

(Caprioom), "now will I praiae the Lord", in that he hath vouchsafed unto QB<br />

"the riches of the glory" of tbia divine inheritAnce; for as we cloee the mystic circle,<br />

<strong>and</strong> pue into the holy coutummation of the sign Capricorn, into the sacred<br />

presence of the Last, that <strong>com</strong>pletn- of all that we have known, lo, the veil<br />

that baa covered the Holy of holies iM lifted, <strong>and</strong> in reverence <strong>and</strong> in wonder we<br />

bow before the divineet mystery of the F'IJ'llt, for in Capricorn al.ides the mystery<br />

of the divine birth.<br />

Aa the Holy Place ia unveiled there atnaroa forth from ita burning neuter the<br />

the light of the uokoowo, <strong>and</strong> bathed in ita splendors, our co1111CiOQBn- ia loet in<br />

the refulgent presence of the Celestial, the new-born Son. We do not quite underst<strong>and</strong><br />

the pat wonder of it, for we have pa88ed into the untried <strong>and</strong> unimagined<br />

glories of the new, our entire bt'ing, our cirole of the past, haa met <strong>and</strong> been<br />

joined to the Holy One of the cir .. le beyond; <strong>and</strong> yet we have leArned the graodeet,<br />

the ultimate troth of all lif...-that Capricorn briu1t9 the circle of perfected<br />

experience <strong>and</strong> lays it at the feet of the Divine Son, who springs into being<br />

through the Holy of holies, the Libra (Reuben. meaning "Behold, a Sonl"),the<br />

sign lint in c111&tion' a order.<br />

<strong>The</strong> circle of eart11, the earth-globe, ia browo,-it ia to us the co11mic sum of all<br />

the paet, <strong>and</strong> the cosmic <strong>and</strong> the human life know the same law,-but in the<br />

Golden Brown of the Capri<strong>com</strong>, we see the light from the Holy Place, the glory<br />

of the New, shining behind <strong>and</strong> through the aomber hue of eal'th.<br />

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We regret that limited 1paoe permits 111 to give, during tha OOlll'llll of tha )'981',<br />

but one delineation to each eubeoriber. <strong>The</strong> -, dtta are, the year, dty of<br />

the month, hour <strong>and</strong> place of birth. Without the hour we may approzimate a deli..tion,<br />

but it will alwa11 be -tiafactory; therefore, if obtainable, WI lhould<br />

have the hour, <strong>and</strong> if it caDDOt be ._rtaniecl, tha applioant m• midentancl that<br />

tha character-aketch ii more or 1-inoomplet.e. In all -, however, the date <strong>and</strong><br />

iJm:e of birth must be given, or it will be ueL. to attempt a delineation. We<br />

with diltinctly to ltat.e that our time ii too thoroughly oooupied to writ.e to applicants<br />

for additional dtta. Thoee who with special help in the ngenerat.e lifnch<br />

aa was given in <strong>The</strong> Eaoterio-should IO reqllellt in their application.<br />

G. W. March 11, 1840, 12.80 a. m. Colchester, Engl<strong>and</strong>.<br />



!riA.T.BBNAL,<br />


S11:avnm, 1.<br />

AIRY,<br />

WATERY,<br />

FIERY,<br />

EABTBY,<br />

8.<br />

2.<br />

1.<br />

2.<br />

RISL~G<br />

SIGN-ti\..<br />

At the time of yonr birth the earth was in that reatleae, anxious<br />

sign Pisces, <strong>and</strong> yon are led out through Gemini, which is also a<br />

reatleu, active sign, which governs the h<strong>and</strong>s: Saturn <strong>and</strong> Mercury<br />

are both in this aign, leading <strong>and</strong> governing your life. Your rising<br />

or body sign is Scorpio, which enables you to bold in abeyance the<br />

restleu Pisces nature, <strong>and</strong> makes y.oo quiet, rather ataid <strong>and</strong> digni·<br />

ftecl in bearing. Your h<strong>and</strong>a are very dextrous in whatever you with<br />

to do. Have a vitality transcending that of the ordinary man, <strong>and</strong>,<br />

therefore, great physical endurance; bot you do not like to work<br />

hard <strong>and</strong> would never perform ph111ical labor. Y Oil have a good<br />

scientific mind, <strong>and</strong> are a lover of a1-t, literature <strong>and</strong> poetry; of lux•<br />

ary <strong>and</strong> elegance. Are rather pecoliar in your ideas of personal appearance;<br />

have 6ne intuitions, aud are somewhat attracted to the occult<br />

•nd mystic. Judging from the position of Jupiter in Taurus,<br />

yon should restrain an inclination to gratify the sensea. You would<br />

be very ucco11Sfol a~ a public spe:i.ker, as a teaoher, or M a aurgeon.<br />

With ordinary care you1· health should be good, <strong>and</strong> you should live<br />

to a good old age.<br />

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TaINmES.<br />

Mrs. L. C. F.<br />

June 17, 18.58, noon.<br />


AIRY, 2.<br />


WATERY, 4.<br />

SERVING, 2. EARTHY, 2.<br />

RISING SlGN-"X.<br />

Your base <strong>and</strong> body sign are characterized by Mercury, bot Jupiter<br />

in its home position <strong>and</strong> in your earth sign, gives to the Gemini<br />

all it.a qualities: it imparta knowledge, clear underst<strong>and</strong>ing, orderly<br />

conception, <strong>and</strong> harmonizes much of the reatle&11ne88 of the Gemini<br />

nature. <strong>The</strong>se characteristics are led out <strong>and</strong> dominated by the<br />

moon, Uranus, Saturn <strong>and</strong> Mara in Scorpio, which places your nature<br />

between two extremes; the one, open, free, <strong>and</strong> expreaaive, <strong>and</strong><br />

the other, subtle, silent <strong>and</strong> obscure, in the sense of unknown to your<br />

&BBOCiatea. However, these position• give you great vitality <strong>and</strong> inclination<br />

to the regenerate life; <strong>and</strong> no doubt you have many remarkable<br />

viaiona <strong>and</strong> a strong leaning toward magic, pure <strong>and</strong> limple.<br />

You should be very cart1ful not to allow yourself to study the principles<br />

of magic, but rather 1tudy the laws of nature <strong>and</strong> try to bring<br />

yourself into harmony with the God <strong>and</strong> Father of all, the Creator<br />

of the universe. <strong>The</strong>re is an inconsistency in your nature, as yoa<br />

have a great inclination toward the occult <strong>and</strong> at the aame time are<br />

materialistic; but, as you are a woman, the occult will dominate.<br />

You would be very successful as a writer of fiction, e1pecially of<br />

stories of occult t.endency. Be calm <strong>and</strong> restful; live in the mind<br />

<strong>and</strong> control the passions, <strong>and</strong> all will be well with you.<br />

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J. S. N. Sept. 10, 1884, 9.25 p. m. Yorkshire, Engl<strong>and</strong>.<br />

TaINmES.<br />


A.IaY, 1.<br />

FIERY, 8.<br />

WATERY, 8.<br />

SERVING, 1. EARTHY, 1.<br />


You were born with three extremes of nature: Virgo with a Gemini<br />

body, puts you under the rule of Mercury; Sagittarius polarity<br />

leads yon out into the influence of Jupiter <strong>and</strong> Man in Scorpio.<br />

Were it not for your ideala <strong>and</strong> the culture which you have had, yon<br />

would be Tery eccentric, impulsin <strong>and</strong> quick tempered, striking at<br />

your beat friend mentally; yet you have a loving, tender, sympathetic<br />

nature, <strong>and</strong> a great ideal of home <strong>and</strong> family. Are a man of intuitions,<br />

<strong>and</strong> Satnm imparts to your mind order <strong>and</strong> harmony, so that,<br />

notwithst<strong>and</strong>ing your peculiar impnlaivenees, you will undoubtedly<br />

make life a success. Uranus in Leo allies you to the occult <strong>and</strong> mys<br />

tic <strong>and</strong> to the subtle forces of nature. While you are sensitive, yet<br />

your sensations are, in a way, not controlling, because they are not as<br />

keen as they would be were Mercury not in Aquarius. Mercury is in<br />

the interior of the triplicity of which your body sign is the expreuor,<br />

<strong>and</strong> your base belongs to the feminine earthy, which gives you<br />

a solid foundation for a structure of wealth <strong>and</strong> position in life; but<br />

you should constantly guard against the influence of your polarity, in<br />

order to avoid hasty speaking, too quick <strong>and</strong> impnlaive action, <strong>and</strong><br />

should cultivate quiet harmony of motion. Music will be to yon a<br />

tonic <strong>and</strong>- the beat medicine for your inclination to dyspepsia, especially<br />

if listened to just before eating. You should never eat in a hurry<br />

or when your mind is filled with business cares.<br />

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..<br />

'<br />

G. B. April 22, 1867, 1.~ a. m. A.lloa, Scotl<strong>and</strong>.<br />



AIRY, 1.<br />

MATEB1'AL, WATERY, 2.<br />


SERVING, 2. EARTHY, 8.<br />

RISING SIGN-1';1.<br />

Yoo have a good foundation in the earthy <strong>and</strong> material 1igna, having<br />

Taurua u a bue <strong>and</strong> a Capricorn body, led out by the executive<br />

sign SagiU.ariu1. Are apt to be too quick &Del positive; <strong>and</strong> if<br />

you fail in making life a 1uoceea, it will not be because you are too<br />

slow in your operations, but because of being too quick to act <strong>and</strong><br />

1peak. In all your deaire <strong>and</strong> effort to acquire knowledge, make a<br />

epecial 1tudy of wisdom, the dilCl'e~t use of knowledge. Yon are<br />

directly under the ruling influence of Uranus <strong>and</strong> Saturn: U1-anua,<br />

governing the body, allie1 you to the myatic; Saturn in Taurus, itl<br />

home poeition, gives you a very orderly, scientific mind, accurate in<br />

whatever you do, <strong>and</strong> moderates your impulaiveneu to a more<br />

thoughtful, quiet motion. Jupiter in Leo exalts the characteristics,<br />

gives you a strong hatred of what is low, mean, or vulgar; imparts an<br />

aristocratic bearing, too much pride of personal appearance <strong>and</strong> regard<br />

for the esteem of others. Man in Pisces produces great restlessness,<br />

discontent. <strong>and</strong> love of change, <strong>and</strong> militatea against the quiet.<br />

peniatent effort which alone brings success in life. It breaks up the<br />

home <strong>and</strong> family conditions, which the position of Venus in Cancer<br />

tends so strongly to establish. <strong>The</strong>re is nothing more attractive to<br />

yon than an elegant, peM'ttfol, harmonious home, with bright <strong>and</strong><br />

loving 1urroundinga. While yon have some inventive ability, yet<br />

:Mercury in Gemini produce• in you a feeling of helpleaaneas. You<br />

may undertake a thing with much enthusiasm <strong>and</strong> force, bot your<br />

mind be<strong>com</strong>e• confuaed <strong>and</strong> you lack persistence. Cultivate the calm,<br />

quiet, steady, determined effort, <strong>and</strong> you will make life a succeu.<br />

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E. H. April 28, 1886, 8.16 a. m. Oeage Co., Kan.<br />



AIRY, 2.<br />



SERVING, 2. EARTHY, 8.<br />

RISING SIGN-)(.<br />

Your Taurus hue gives you aeeeu to the fountains of vitality <strong>and</strong><br />

natural power. <strong>The</strong> moon <strong>and</strong> Saturn in Capricorn put your nature<br />

under the governing power of Saturn-more decidedly so as Saturn is<br />

in the head of the triplicity of which the hue is the interior. <strong>The</strong><br />

rising Pign, Piace1, weakens the body, makee you re1tless, nenoue, <strong>and</strong><br />

aomewhat iualined to morbidneu, although the brain has an over-endowment<br />

through the position of Uranus, Jupiter <strong>and</strong> Mare in Aries.<br />

ThiA conjunction of planets in Ariet make1 it neceuary that care<br />

be taken to keep the brain cool, the mind in a restful attitude, <strong>and</strong><br />

not to overdo in thought <strong>and</strong> effort, for even physical exertion will<br />

immediately affect the head. All disorders will attack the bead. Venue<br />

<strong>and</strong> Mercury in Gemini add to your inclination to think, <strong>and</strong> tend toward<br />

inventive genius, <strong>and</strong> to deep retlearch <strong>and</strong> study. <strong>The</strong> remark•<br />

ble harmony between Pieces <strong>and</strong> Gemini will somewhat over<strong>com</strong>e the<br />

confusing influence of Mercury in Gemini, bat still it will be with<br />

di fticulty that you can execute <strong>and</strong> bring into material form your plane<br />

<strong>and</strong> ideals, which are good, orderly <strong>and</strong> ueeful, provided the thought<br />

iA turned into proper channels; otherwiae you will be<strong>com</strong>e a dreamer.<br />

By nature you have but little idea of the world in which you live;<br />

you live in a world of your own. You should take plenty of physical<br />

exercise. <strong>and</strong> I truet you have been brought up to uee your lower limbs<br />

-if you have not your body will be weak. W a1k a great deal <strong>and</strong> try<br />

to enjoy nature. You should have the care of animals, which you<br />

naturally love, <strong>and</strong> should live much in nature, ancJ imbibe therefrom<br />

the pure air <strong>and</strong> spirit of life. You are organized for literary pursuits,<br />

but must be very careful not to overdo.<br />

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S. T. D. M. Feb. 6, 1~69, :ii a m. Yorkshire, Engl<strong>and</strong>.<br />





WATERY, 0.<br />

SERVING, 3. EARTHY, 1.<br />

RISING SIGN-11\...<br />

At the time of your birth the earth <strong>and</strong> Mars were in the sign<br />

governing the nervous system. This produces a nervous, restle88 temperament;<br />

quite <strong>com</strong>bative, but Mars gives good inspirational abilities.<br />

<strong>The</strong> rising sign, Scorpio, somewhat counteracts the influence of<br />

the moon in Sagittarius <strong>and</strong> your nervous, excitable tendencies, which,<br />

however, are active in the interior. You are altogether too quick to<br />

take offense. Jupiter's position in Libra gives you unusual psychic<br />

power in influencing <strong>and</strong> controlling others, as well as good perception<br />

<strong>and</strong> foresight. Venus <strong>and</strong> Saturn in Gemini impart fine mechanical<br />

ability, a love of the sciences, <strong>and</strong> facility in acquiring a knowledge of<br />

them. Y 011 have a strong endowment fitting you for the medical<br />

profession, but are too nervous <strong>and</strong> irritable <strong>and</strong> have too much dissatisfaction<br />

within yourself to follow that profession. <strong>The</strong> one thing<br />

necessary for you is the cultivation of stoicism; hence morning (cold)<br />

baths, ext>rcise, <strong>and</strong> all that pertaine to stoicism, are very e111ential to<br />

you, in order that you may get control of yourself, <strong>and</strong> that the mind<br />

may be<strong>com</strong>e master. Your body sign <strong>and</strong> polarity greatly aid you<br />

in the study of occultism <strong>and</strong> the subtle forces of nature, but it is very<br />

important that you cultivate a positive quiet, determined will, which<br />

will enable you to move towa1·d your purpose with unwavering precision.<br />

When you have ac<strong>com</strong>plished this, study <strong>and</strong> quiet thought<br />

will open up to yon realms of knowledge well worth all the effort e:a_.<br />

pended in reaching them. As Mars is t.he inspirational planet <strong>and</strong><br />

in your life, you are under its control, instead of that of Mercury, as<br />

the natural im1tincta incline you to be. Yon should live on high<br />

ground <strong>and</strong> in a dry climate.<br />

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When, a few years ago, we were leaving America with the<br />

object of travelling in other l<strong>and</strong>s, we bad, on our way to the<br />

Golden Gate, the pleaaure of a visit to the Esoteric Fraternity<br />

at Applegate. We were drawn thither through a desire to<br />

<strong>com</strong>e into closer <strong>com</strong>munication with leaders of the Esoteric<br />

Movement, <strong>and</strong> with those who were making an effort to follow<br />

its pure <strong>and</strong> high teaching in their daily living. We were<br />

much pleased with both the interior <strong>and</strong> exterior work that<br />

was being ac<strong>com</strong>plished there. <strong>The</strong> active duties of the hour<br />

were carried on with faithfulness <strong>and</strong> no small amount of<br />

interest, while, at the same time, one could feel that self.<br />

discipline was the motive of every action.<br />

<strong>The</strong> good influence felt at this first call at the door of the<br />

Fraternity, together with the interest we have always taken in<br />

the movement, led us on our return home to make a second<br />

call, this time extending into a delightful week, that we would<br />

like to have continued indefinitely. We find the situation of<br />

the Fraternity much improved, <strong>and</strong> that the dwelleng places<br />

have been removed from the plains to the hilltops. A place<br />

more beautiful for situation <strong>and</strong> seclusion one could scarcely<br />

ddAire, the surrounding view in every direction presenting an<br />

eudless variety of bills <strong>and</strong> valleys, decorated with a wealth of<br />

pine <strong>and</strong> fir tree, intermingled with the bright manzanita, in<br />

all of which the Sierras abound. An atmosphere of freedom<br />

<strong>and</strong> holines!'I pervades the place. One who is at all sen1>iti ve to<br />

psychic force will f~l its uplifting quality, for regeneration<br />

is the watchword of the Fraternity. <strong>The</strong> earnest people who<br />

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are gathered here have passed the kindergarten stage of spir.<br />

itual attainment, <strong>and</strong> are probing deep into human nature for<br />

all of its deceptions, that they may be totally destroyed. When<br />

men <strong>and</strong> women <strong>com</strong>mence to take up earnestly the real problems<br />

of life, then will the earth begin to "blo880m like the<br />

rose", <strong>and</strong> to yield to the faithful ones her increase.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Fratemity, though at present smaller in numbers than<br />

formerly, is on a firm footing, <strong>and</strong> seems now to be entering a<br />

new cycle that bodes an influx of 80ooeas <strong>and</strong> of permanent<br />

advancement. 1'he noble Esoteric Magazine, with its new<br />

name, is sent forth with a divine love <strong>and</strong> strength, whose<br />

leaves will be for the healing of the nation. We stretch our<br />

h<strong>and</strong>s at parting, to the North, South, East, <strong>and</strong> West. as far<br />

as eye can reach, from this pure center, <strong>and</strong> pray that the<br />

Principle <strong>and</strong> Truth that it is laboring <strong>and</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ing for may<br />

reach to the end of the earth.<br />

Yours e\"er faithfully, ANNA W. MILLS<br />

Pau.ADELPBIA, Nov 24, 1900.<br />


Mr. H. E. BUTLER,<br />

Dear Sir:-<br />

•<br />

• • • •<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Occult</strong> <strong>and</strong> Biologfoal Journal is in every reRpect<br />

a new-century magazine, <strong>and</strong> is several generations in advance<br />

of its altruistic predece!lsor, <strong>The</strong> E!loteric. I hail its<br />

introduction to the occult world as the introduction of a new<br />

<strong>and</strong> original type of literature; in an age of innovation, this<br />

innovation is a beacon star for the future; the broad scope of<br />

its design, the profound character of its teaching, the masterful<br />

methods by which it is published, all conspire to make it a<br />

school of culture for cultured minds. <strong>The</strong> versatile cover,<br />

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ia an emblem of that venaality to whioh the oooult mind DUUt<br />

attain before it can be<strong>com</strong>e an initiate of the snblime oult of the<br />

Immortal Mastera. Its chute appearance is a delight to the<br />

eye, <strong>and</strong> the purity of its text i1 a type of that regeneration by<br />

which humanity muat rise to a knowledge of the sacred doetrinea<br />

of the Soul,-doctrinea that must be freed from the orystalisations<br />

of caroali ty, aa gelll8 are cut <strong>and</strong> polished by a lapidary,<br />

before their inherent beauty can be appreciated.<br />

Thia ia the noble work of <strong>The</strong> Oooult <strong>and</strong> Biological Journal,<br />

-a work that must magnify u the years increase; a work<br />

that will drop its rare fruitage into human brains, as seasons<br />

drop their rich <strong>and</strong> varied fruitage into human h<strong>and</strong>a; a work<br />

that makes tangible the cable binding world t.o world, an1l<br />

placea the heart of man in touch with the Eternal. With fraternal<br />

greeting.<br />

Very Sincerely Yours,<br />

Paul A venel.<br />

CLEVELAND, 0. Oct. 24, 1900.<br />

Mr. H. E. BUTLER,<br />

Dear Sir:-Having been interested in Solar Biology for several<br />

years <strong>and</strong> having discuued it wiLh all sorts of people,<br />

is my only excuse for taking the liberty of addreHing you personally.<br />

I took up Solar Biology aa a means of amusement<br />

at first, hut, aft.er looking up all my friends, I waa more <strong>and</strong><br />

more astonished at the accuracy with which it pointed out, l\t<br />

least the more striking f eaturea of their characters. And it<br />

also seems to be almoet a sure guide to tbe diaeaHe& to which<br />

per1onR are liable, <strong>and</strong> alt.ogether, after making some allowance<br />

for her·edity <strong>and</strong> environment, it appear• to be quite a reliable<br />

guide to character. Rut there is one matter of which it<br />

treats <strong>and</strong> gives some rules, in regard t.o which I have been of.<br />

ten requested to 1nake some investigation, <strong>and</strong> wherein I seem<br />

as often to fail in reaching the correct result. I refer to the<br />

laws of attraction between persons, u set forth in the book.<br />

I have studied it carefully <strong>and</strong> have worked out mathemat-<br />

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162 CollRESPONDBNCE.<br />

ioal formule in order to get at it. I ftrat formulated a table of<br />

facton,-one factor for each form of attraction mentioned in<br />

the book.-which, aft.er finding the proper factors for any particular<br />

pair of persona <strong>and</strong> multiplying them together, would<br />

indicat.e the probability that only one peraon in the number<br />

repreROnted by the prodnot could have the same amount of attraction<br />

for one as the other person of the pair had. But this<br />

method t.ook no aooount of the strength or quality of the various<br />

oauaea of attraction. I also figol'ed it by peroentagea,<br />

which amount to substantially the same result, taking the position<br />

of grMt.eat attraction of planets at 100 per cent. when<br />

the positions of ~a.test aothmtby wonM always eqnal 8 i per<br />

cent. In <strong>com</strong>paring the attractions between myself <strong>and</strong> my<br />

respective frieud11. I have met with eome 11urpri~1 M indicated<br />

by my figures, but, as applied to my more particular friends, I<br />

will admit that the results seem right as to order, but I think<br />

not as to the degree of my affection for them. In theee methods<br />

I have taken no aooount of what you call "harmonious natures"<br />

which -may be . attractive to everybody, <strong>and</strong>, therefore,<br />

ought perhaps to be considered in oompariaona of two or three<br />

persons with any one penon.<br />

To illustrat.e bow munh I am "at sea" in this matter, I wish<br />

to 11ubmit a specific oaae to yon, which I have bad nnder pretty<br />

close observation for several yeat'I. Thia is a oaae of a lady<br />

who has been, <strong>and</strong> iR yet. qnite an attractive person to men in<br />

general. She has at least two particular gentleman fri<strong>and</strong>R,<br />

both younger than he1'ttelf, <strong>and</strong> Rhe afllrmR that she thinks, an cl<br />

always appeal'I to think. abont AR much of one a!J the other, bnt<br />

aooorclin"? to Solar 'Biology MI nndent<strong>and</strong> it, she would he very<br />

apt to fall in love with t.he July m11.n, <strong>and</strong> I cannot flnd any<br />

reason at all. except in the poAitfona of Mat'll, Uranus, <strong>and</strong> prohably<br />

Saturn, for her app:\rent high regard <strong>and</strong> affection for the<br />

April man. Thus-<br />

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Lady. ht Man 2nd Mau .<br />

• Tune 19, 1852. .July 3, 1863. Apr. 4, 1858.<br />

e in D e<br />

Ill go e in cy><br />

) .. go ) ) = '· t<br />

v ..<br />

ll\. v st v .,<br />

t<br />

9 " M 9 M 9 "L<br />

t<br />

.. cy> t l<br />

-<br />

..<br />

,.<br />

M<br />

M ¥ cy><br />

" ¥ ..<br />

"L<br />

¥<br />

lz " "L lz " cy> lz "L<br />

'<br />

" "L II " t w " "L<br />

Femalt't. June 19, 1852. Male. July 8, 1863.<br />

Factor<br />

100 per Rnt<br />

6-Adjoining Si~n, Basic Sympathy <strong>and</strong><br />

Agreement<br />

3-Mf"ntal Sympathy<br />

1.7-Vital ..<br />

12- l Polarity, Sympathy <strong>and</strong><br />

2- ~ Agreement<br />

}<br />

1~=<br />

\<br />

Sex Love<br />

~=<br />

Conjng1'1 Love<br />

8-Agreement of Conjugal <strong>and</strong> Sex<br />

planets<br />

4-Agref"ment of Mare <strong>and</strong> Jupiter<br />

1.!l- •• " Satnrn <strong>and</strong> Uranus.<br />

50.00<br />

100.0•)<br />

100.00<br />

58.88<br />

18.75<br />

50.00<br />

25.00<br />

83.83<br />

u ''<br />

u u<br />

u<br />

h<br />

" "<br />

" "<br />

'' H<br />

" "<br />

Taate, Intellectual <strong>and</strong> Spiritual 29.80 " "<br />

Planetary Agreement 29.40 " "<br />

Product of factors indicate that only orae penon in 1,606,<br />

188 might have the Bame attractions.<br />

Femat~. June 19, 1852. Male. Apr. 4, 1858.<br />

FMtor<br />

100 per cent<br />

8-Ba--io Sy111p:~thy <strong>and</strong> Agreement 25.09 ....<br />

8-M~ntal Sympathy<br />

100.00 •• ••<br />

1.7-Vital •·<br />

100.00 " "<br />

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1- l Polarity, Sympathy <strong>and</strong><br />

2- ~ Agreement<br />

~· 2-1 Sex Love<br />

t2- J Conjugal Love<br />

2-Agreement of Conjugal <strong>and</strong> Sex<br />

planet.a<br />

1.71-Agreement of Jupiter <strong>and</strong> Mara<br />

12.00 " "<br />

9.10 " "<br />

17.00 " "<br />

16.66 " "<br />

14.25 " "<br />

2.95- " " Saturn <strong>and</strong> Uranus.<br />

Taste, lntellectnal <strong>and</strong> Spiritual 57.00 " "<br />

Planetary Agreement 29.00 " "<br />

Product of faotora indicate that only one person in 1.848<br />

might have the Aame attractions.<br />

I also give the result.a in this case as calculated by my methods.<br />

If you will kindly help me out in this, I would appreciate<br />

it highly, <strong>and</strong> if you have any special rules or deductions<br />

not published in the work, I would be glad of an opportunity<br />

to learn them. Thanking you in advance for your kiudne11s,<br />

I am, Yours very truly, L. G. Hopper .<br />

..Ans.-Tbere is naturally a good degree of harmony between<br />

persons born in the bead of a trinity <strong>and</strong> those born in the<br />

expressing sign of the same trinity, which is the case with tb e<br />

Aries man <strong>and</strong> Gemini woman, of whom you speak. I have<br />

found that there is always a peculiar harmony existing between<br />

Gemini <strong>and</strong> Cancer. But the greatest point.a of harm1>ny that<br />

I have observed in years of careful study, are where the body,<br />

or rising sign of one is the interior, or earth sign of the other.<br />

As there is not space here to give the harmonies <strong>and</strong> in harmonies<br />

existing between the body, or rising sign. <strong>and</strong> the interi.<br />

or, or earth Aign <strong>and</strong> planetary positions, I can only suggest th:lt<br />

you make the experiment in regard to the rising signs, which<br />

govern the physical body, the senses, etc. We will probably<br />

have aomething in <strong>The</strong> Journal in the near future giving a<br />

more extended account of attractions <strong>and</strong> repulsions. [Eo.<br />

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Lion rao• TIDI Pu Eur. A 14-.,... muinbly, cleToted to tlae reUgioD, an<br />

ud lit.en&me of the Orient. To thme who ue i.-....d la Japu, China ud the<br />

Ori.- la ~ It will, midoabtecll7, be ftrf ~· Pabliebecl b7 Joa.<br />

K. Wilde, Bo.ton, If-. $2.00 per umam.<br />

Tu R.uw.n Csno. An 8-pap paper ile-1 moathly, cleToted to PbiJoeo.<br />

ph7, Boie.-ud ReJisioa. It la a wr7 brlpt little paper, ud - belleff tJaat It<br />

will be a - SnbeoftJKi01t, tl.00 a year. Kate A. Boehme, Mitor, i016 0<br />

&., WMlaitipia, D. C.<br />

Tsocon. A ama1I mapsiDe of 21 .,...... •eel -thlr. Karioa Eddy, eel<br />

it.or. <strong>The</strong> -•ta of the namber before 1111 are u foUowa: How to U• ~<br />

Power; BeligiOllS Compared; Bftl'J Tblng la eo-i01111; Editorial Deputment; Et<br />

Koliao, A Ca1ifomla St.or,; Adftl'dleDKlltL Publlebecl by <strong>The</strong> Tbourbt PubliahiDI<br />

Co, 1'109 Buaiaa1 .A.ft., Alameda, CU. :so-ta a year.<br />

TB• hn>SPDDDT Tmrua. Tiu. ii a 16-.,... mapalDe edited by a_,.<br />

Fnak, whoaect.in la "to help people to thbak illdepeiadeldly," &lld ''to.- ODt<br />

..m m.da a ra7 of llsht tJaat will pell8trate th-ma of houabo1da <strong>and</strong> lead<br />

them hom ~to da7, from error to truth." Publlaheel -*h17 by Tbe Iu.<br />

~LiterataN AllOOlation, 80-82 WM 27th 8'", N. Y. Prioe tl.00 a year.<br />

TIOI NATUS.U. Bs.u.sa. A mouthl7 maguine of 16 Jllll9I, dnoted to the<br />

bit.ere.ta of Dngleae HeNiag ud ita Praotidollen. Ollee, 8986 Cott8p Grow<br />

Aw., Chioatro, Illa. Sabeoription prioe, :SO oenta per umum, ba ad-.<br />

P&1CJ1'e MAoAZnm or PllTOBOLOOT. A -thlr perlodloal of 27,...., dnoteel<br />

In ir-1 to Payohle, Soi81ltlfln <strong>and</strong> Pblloeophio ~la &lld partlcululy<br />

totbe Lawa of Health ud Lo11K9Tity. Dr. W. R. Prioe, LL. B., edit.or. Snb9orlptl01t,<br />

tl.00 • year. Pabliahecl b7 Dr. W. R. Prioe'• Suaatoriam ud School of<br />

Payobolau, Aaetell Baildiur, Atlallta, 0..<br />

Lurru. A little paper of 8 ,...., qaart.o lliae, "dnoted to the welfare of ha·<br />

muity.'' <strong>The</strong> epirit of thil paper -me to be the ma.t who1-me ud truly apir.<br />

itul of aay of the adTuoed j01trnal1 that we hue IO far touched.<br />

It df'alA with<br />

the laws of mind aad spirit, <strong>and</strong> with oertain methods -ry to mofol1l111ent<br />

ud development. It is eTi1lently alin to the topiC!ll of the day, IUld we bo,li.iv" t.hat<br />

jt will haft the ••-to whieh it is entitled. Prof. Edward Miller, Jr., ..clitor<br />

aad publisher, Si!:l Fl':\11klin St .. ETaanille, lnd.<br />

A C'..c>MPBBllBll'llV& Go1Da Boo&: TO NATURAL, H'to1uso, Al'ID Hu11AXB Din.<br />

By Sidney H. Beard. Thi8 ia a Tery oarefally aad ably written work on ,..etarian<br />

diet. It ii probably one of the beet of ita kind bef11re the p11bllo. <strong>The</strong> aathor takea np<br />

the subject with more .-.onabl- th&ll do moet writen apno thil subject, ud<br />

giffl a larir- namber of reoipea for preparing T'19tablea, frnlta aad nuta for the<br />

table. While we ue not muoh ia sympathy with the namero1111 ngetable, fralt<br />

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166 BooK REVIEWS.<br />

<strong>and</strong> nut preparatio1111 now being eolcl, yet they are probably better tho eo muah<br />

animal food. <strong>The</strong>re ill uothina' eo good, ho-Ter, u Te19tablee, fruit. <strong>and</strong> nat. u<br />

near the natural etate u po91rible. Sold by W. R. Ra.el & Co., Limited, 5a<br />

Paternoeter Row, Loudon, <strong>and</strong> <strong>The</strong> Allianoe PubliehiDg Co., Life Bldg., N. Y.<br />

Price, One Sbillinjl'.<br />

TB• Loooe. Thie ii a emall ~ of liri9t!n ~ imued monthly. It<br />

-1119 publilhed with the idea of limply oonveyiq the thought-which ill all that<br />

ill aeoe.ary in a periodioal-withoat any effort toward embelliehment. It le certainly<br />

an noellent Htde wupdne, <strong>and</strong> MU. Thaokiar'1 ~ <strong>and</strong> Ywied eirperi­<br />

-... in followin« the ~ thought llDll when ptberittg tluoatth her own<br />

impiaticm, lau enabled lier to 1-ome a ftl..W. WC!ber. We - afely reoommend<br />

her publication, u one in which will be fCJlllld pr&eUeal <strong>and</strong> -ful tbonght.<br />

PubH.hed by MU. Sua Thacker, A.~ c.l. Snbecriptioa. tl.OO a ,_-.<br />

TwllLVB EllAn. By Frederick W. Barry. Thie pampbl..t coataine a marftl-<br />

01111 amount of yery good eu~Te thoutrht.-~UI that &ft filled with Yit•llity;<br />

bat, in reYiewinir boob, it ii our duty to epeak of them u -flud tbern,-not<br />

limply in the interwt of tlaCNlll who 1ell th1t111, but for the b8aefk of th- who buy.<br />

Wemlllt, th81'11fore. call 8"entiou to the fact that the thought embodied In thill<br />

work -1111 to be that of a leader who Iii followlac °"" of the bT-1>..thL <strong>The</strong><br />

nature of it ie-ll exp11ma in one of thequotationii made by tlaa aullhor; MmlllY,<br />

the wOl'de of Jens, "Seek ye fil'llt the kinttdom of God. Md 1111 ell8 wt11 be added."<br />

"And it. ria'hteomm-." it will be olleened, ii o•ltt.ed. <strong>The</strong>t"I is a WY,<br />

who oall the-""- the new-thought peoplfl. who &N follnwintt their own 1111161\<br />

deliree, appetite. <strong>and</strong> ~ona. lgnorilljl' all effort. toward nlf-prep•n•tlon lor a<br />

life of true rightenu-. 1111 efl'orbl for ele'rlWon of Mlf *° a 1>0int Al: which it O&ll<br />

properly <strong>and</strong> really oome into oouci- of dinne 1C1111hip. <strong>The</strong> requilrit.ea<br />

for thle oonditiou -m to be left out of their oonlrideration. <strong>and</strong> thi1 book -ma<br />

to be a spe 'lt11en in min.f itl 1"4lk of the<br />

91>irit of ri


Every artist knows how difticult it is to pat nature's tinta<br />

upon his oanna: no matt.er with what oare <strong>and</strong> skill be may<br />

mix his pigmenta, there is always something lacking ~ the<br />

result. Probably that something wbiob he oan never oatoh. is<br />

what may be termed the life of the oolor-the breathing.<br />

sentient something which it send111 forth, <strong>and</strong> whioh we<br />

unoonsciously reoognize as a vital emanation. If with every<br />

facility for selecting <strong>and</strong> mixing colon. it i11 so diftlcult to<br />

reproduce the oommonett hues of the external <strong>and</strong> material<br />

world, our readers will readily underst<strong>and</strong> the impouibility of<br />

faithfully reprodaoing those subtler <strong>and</strong> still more vital oolors<br />

with which the great realm of astral 1mbatance is pulsating.<br />

In order to do so. one should seize <strong>and</strong> o&e as bis pigments the<br />

pure es11enoe of ethereal life.<br />

In view of what bas bef!n said. it is evident that, under the<br />

most advantageous cir<strong>com</strong>•nees, we ooold be bot partially<br />

suooeuful in our effort to send out each month a magazine,<br />

which, in the color of its cover, would give an adequate conception<br />

of the color of the preVAiling 11ign; <strong>and</strong> the added diftl.<br />

colty of the undertaking will be appreciat.ed when we oall attention<br />

to the fact that we are remote from the centers of trade,<br />

<strong>and</strong> most select the paper used in binding our magazine from<br />

such samples as we can procure through oorrespondenoe.<br />

Could we avail ouraelves of the artist's privilege of mixing<br />

one's own pigments in the effort to reach some particular tint,<br />

or even had we a wider choice in &electing paper a&lready in<br />

the market, <strong>The</strong> Journal would be yet more attractive in<br />

appearanoe, <strong>and</strong> in its preeentation of the astral colon, if it<br />

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168 EDITOJUAL.<br />

did not attain the impoeaible, it would, at least, approach more<br />

nearly to the primary or creative huea. However, our friends<br />

may be usured that, if not entirely aatiafactory to those who<br />

eee <strong>and</strong> know the wonderful light.a with which the nneeen<br />

is aglow, <strong>The</strong> Journal will give a fairly correct idea of the<br />

twelve sodiaoal colors, if, each month, the abort sketch of the<br />

sign <strong>and</strong> its hues be studied in connection with the color<br />

in which that number is bound.<br />

We have been unable to procure a plain paper of the color<br />

desired for the cover of this isaue; <strong>and</strong>, consequently, there<br />

is soroll pattern upon it.a revene side which baa no occult<br />

significance.<br />

This isaue of <strong>The</strong> Oooolt <strong>and</strong> Biological Journal is sent to<br />

our friends with a Christmas <strong>and</strong> New Year greeting. May<br />

your Christmas be happy, <strong>and</strong> your New Year, as well as the<br />

new century, an opening into naw <strong>and</strong> greater light <strong>and</strong> broad.<br />

er spheres of knowledge <strong>and</strong> usefulness.<br />

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NOTICE<br />

When Oak Park paned out of the h<strong>and</strong>s of the Esote1'ic Fraternity,<br />

it was purchased by on~ of our neighbort1, who had<br />

long known the place. As he is a man of advanood age <strong>and</strong> in<br />

poor health. he wishes to sell the place, <strong>and</strong> we would likft to Ree<br />

it go into the possession of some one iotereRted in the hi~her<br />

thought. <strong>The</strong> value of the place may be better estimated when<br />

we state that tht>re was a mortgage of '2.000 <strong>and</strong> a · second<br />

mortgage of '6,000 on it. maki~ in all $1,000. <strong>The</strong>Re have<br />

been cleared. <strong>and</strong> the preeent owner now offers it for t7.600.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are 160 acres in the plot, <strong>and</strong> most of it lies in sncih<br />

position as to be easily irrigated. A large portion of it

all nioely papered. <strong>The</strong> present owner nsea O&k Park as a<br />

aummer boarding-place. He get.a t7 ,00 a week for each boarder,<br />

<strong>and</strong> during the aummer months is obliged to turn away a<br />

great number that cannot be aooommodated. <strong>The</strong> house is also<br />

furnished with acetylene gaa fixtures, <strong>and</strong> telephone facilities.<br />

A good barn,·all neoeesary farming implements, a brick shop<br />

<strong>and</strong> carriage house, a span of horses, hit.rness <strong>and</strong> a two seated<br />

carriage, are included in the purchase price, t7 ,500.<br />

Applegate is beooming quite a summer resort, <strong>and</strong> Oak Park<br />

is better adapted for keeping boarders than any plaoe in thia<br />

part of the atate. We will be pleased to <strong>com</strong>municate with any<br />

one who may contemplate purohaaing thia properiy.<br />

Addreea H. E. Butler, Applegate, Cal.<br />

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SWEETS•••<br />

Extracted from flowers of prominent authore.<br />

• • • • •<br />

We have revi11ed <strong>and</strong> reprinted thi11 booklet of poem11. A number of beautiful<br />

poem11 haYe been added to the collection, <strong>and</strong> we have endeavored to make thi11<br />

lut edition particularly nttracth·e, both M to appearanr.e <strong>and</strong> contents.<br />

Price, 10 cents each; $1.00 per dozen.<br />

Ttll lSOTlltlt 1Ftlll4llt1S,<br />

.- 1900. -<br />

<strong>The</strong> Esoteric Ephemeris has been so enlarged for the year 1900 as t.-0 contain nearly 50 pages,<br />

with much new <strong>and</strong> valuable Information upon the science of Solar Bloloc; an explanation of<br />

the heliocentric po1itlons, <strong>and</strong> carefully calculated tables giving the heliocentric longitude of all the<br />

planets, <strong>and</strong> the geocentric loqitude of the Moon; the hour, minute <strong>and</strong> 1eeond of the transit<br />

of the planet.a <strong>and</strong> Moon; also the rising 1igua <strong>and</strong> how to ftnd them, with a table of the Sidereal<br />

time, <strong>and</strong> the time of nearly all the large cities.<br />

It containa l'fEW Al'fD IllFORTAl'fT FACTS relative to Solar Biology. <strong>The</strong> article on "Chemism" is<br />

alone worth many times the price of the book. Price, 25 cts.<br />


This pamphlet of 46 pages brings to light Biblical meanings, which, although obvious in themselves,<br />

we think no author has before noticed.<br />

Every Bible student should put himself in poaseBBion of the new <strong>and</strong> important interpretation<br />

given to the Ten Comm<strong>and</strong>ments. Price, 15 cents.<br />

Published <strong>and</strong> For Sale by<br />

Esoteric Publishing Co.,<br />

Apple~ate,<br />

Callfornla,<br />

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Lessons by. Correspondence in<br />

<strong>Occult</strong> Science <strong>and</strong> Solar Biology.<br />

<strong>The</strong>11e le1111on11 \Viii enable one t-0 nn1ler11t<strong>and</strong> the LAWll OF Lrvx, HKALTH ancl<br />

<strong>The</strong>y give an exact method of delineating cliararter, 11liowing the<br />

HAPPINK.'111.<br />

MF!NTAL, PnvstoAL <strong>and</strong> BmnNv.1111 qnaliflr.ation&, anti CoNJUtl.<br />

predisposed tn, best direction t.o live nud to travel for heakh; aud pNIHpt!rity, riches, 11nd whicl1 will<br />

i,.. the best pArt of life; children. friends, eneml.,s, ete. . • . • • • . . . • • • 411.2:,<br />

»th. Event.11 for five years of iife. • • . • • • • . • • • • . . , • . • *1.2i1<br />

tlth. A 1le"cript.io11 of the most prominent tl\'euts atul 1lattJ11 <strong>and</strong> whau t.l108(l avto11t11 will oot•ur<br />

through twelve \'ears. , . • • • • . . • . . . . , . . • : . • • . • 412.to<br />

7t.h. No. 4 trnd No. 0 together, • • . • • . . • • • . • • . • • . • ~1.r,11<br />

For Na.tivities of :Birth, etc., plea.ea sta.te Age, Time of :Birth,<br />

Sez an4 :Birthpla.oe, K'-nit4 or Sina-le.<br />


Crystal Glasses for Clairvoyant persons sold •. Al >o agent for <strong>The</strong><br />

0.Jcult an'.i Bio~o :;bal Maguine <strong>and</strong> other Oo ~ult Works.<br />

-Al>J>RK'i..."-<br />

0. Lund, Fern Cottage, Keighley, Engl<strong>and</strong>.<br />

THENEW<br />

PHILOSC)PlIY ()}fl I-IEAL'I'H.<br />


01w of l.lw rl1•a1 st. :11111 most. I.1giral X1io~i1.i . in• of the Nt~W Thongltt philo~o·<br />

ph\· tlmt. have yrt. :lJllK'l\l'ecl. 1t i~ tltoron~hly Christian in tone. ntHI full of hel1>ful<br />


BY<br />

Frank H • .Sprasue.<br />

A work meritlnr th. co111ideratlon <strong>and</strong> pern·<br />

ul of the loven of truth everywhere. We ee­<br />

JNICially re<strong>com</strong>mend it to the 8110teric student.<br />

Its contents page, which we live, conveya a rood<br />

1 Idea of the character of the work. A chapter<br />

from this book was publiahed In the March (1~99)<br />

issue of Tes Eeo'rll&lo.<br />

Cmrrsrrrs: Sips of the Times; Wbati1Truth1<br />

Realiaation of ldeala through Rilfbt-Thinkinit; <strong>The</strong><br />

Outer World; <strong>The</strong> Inner World; Conacioaaness;<br />

Cbri•Lianity; <strong>The</strong> Growth of Society; <strong>The</strong> Problem<br />

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lfestations of the Spiritual Principle; Music; Art<br />

<strong>and</strong> Nature.<br />

Cloth, $1 .60.<br />

~'l'~:mo-so:r:a::r~<br />

Ft-om the Wiadom of the Wiae.<br />

Reduced to to eta.<br />

ATHHl81 <strong>and</strong> ARITHIBTIC.<br />

-oa-<br />

MAT ll E J/ AT/ O AL LAW<br />

IN NATURh.'.<br />

Arithmetic In Plant.I <strong>and</strong> P!Allt'bl, ~lllthematle11<br />

in M1111ical Science, Numlxor In Viw Action,<br />

81 H. L. HM111SOS,<br />

Editor of <strong>The</strong> C11riatia11, ll1111tou, ~ .<br />

A book we most heartily re<strong>com</strong>mend. Cloth,<br />

85 cents; paper, 15 conta. Sold by Esoteric Publiabin1<br />

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Anglo-Israel.-. 1<br />

1'he Jewish Problem anJ Supplernent.<br />

Th~ Ten Lo;t Tribes of l•raea FO.Jnd<br />

<strong>and</strong> Jdentlfled In the "ntrlo-Saxon<br />

Race. Dy Ke•.Th••· Ro•lln llowh·U,A.M.<br />

A work devoted to a 11ubjeet with which we<br />

wieh our readeni to be fllmili>1r.<br />

CLOTH, $1.00,<br />

"No man can be<strong>com</strong>e wise in the divine science<br />

by seeking to be<strong>com</strong>e an adept. He must fix bis<br />

mind, fil'>lt of all, wholly on the people's good,<br />

<strong>and</strong> master the law of the uplift of the people.<br />

As he be<strong>com</strong>es identified with the s,iirit <strong>and</strong> aym·<br />

patby of our <strong>com</strong>mon .humanity, he ri8ell to the<br />

threehold of the secret way."-From Thto-Sophia.<br />

THi;: R

'l'BJD ZO:D?AOAL l1':D?OA'l'OB.<br />

Thia inatrnment is probably<br />

the moat perfect mechanical<br />

device yet con-<br />

11tructed for f i n d i n g the<br />

rising sign, aa it gives the<br />

degree <strong>and</strong> minute of that<br />

11ign'e elevation above the<br />

horiion for any Latitude<br />

between 22° <strong>and</strong> 55·, which<br />

embraces neal'ly .the whole<br />

civilized woi-ld. J t will be<br />

a great conveuience to astrologerri;<br />

<strong>and</strong> those who<br />


Thia llat wlll hold good until A11g111t, 1901.<br />

To our many friends <strong>and</strong> patrona who may deelre to aaalet In extending the circulation of thl1<br />

Journal, we offer the following hooka aa premiums.<br />

Rudyard Kipling's Works.<br />

Vol. 1.-"<strong>The</strong> Light that Failed."<br />

Vol. 2.-''ln Black <strong>and</strong> White,""Underthe Deodan,"<strong>and</strong><br />

Elirht Short Stories.<br />

Vol. 8.-"Story of the Gadabye," <strong>and</strong> Nine Other Stories.<br />

Vol. 4.-"Departmental Ditties" <strong>and</strong> "Barrack Room<br />

Ballads," Including <strong>The</strong> Vampire, Rece111lonal <strong>and</strong> Suppre.aed<br />

Poema.<br />

Vol. 6.-"Soldlers Three."<br />

Vol. 6.-"American Notes."<br />

Vol. 7.-"Mlne Own People."<br />

Vol.8.-"Wee Willie Winkle," <strong>and</strong> four oth&r etorieaof<br />

children.<br />

Vol. 9.-"<strong>The</strong> Phantom Rlckahaw." "<strong>The</strong>City11f Dread·<br />

ful Night," <strong>and</strong> Three Other Stories.<br />

Vol. 10.--"Plain Tales from the Hilla." Tbirty•nlne<br />

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This <strong>com</strong>plete set of Kipllnl(e works, bound In linen,<br />

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11nlptions. ·<br />


In aize it Is unique, a tall 16mo-the 12mo size is too large for the pocket <strong>and</strong> this "just. fits."<br />

<strong>The</strong> type is large <strong>and</strong> made especially for this t>dition. <strong>The</strong> paper is the finest used in book work, the<br />

Ink is the be~t, <strong>and</strong> the preSBwork is so carefully <strong>and</strong> daintily done that each page is a typographical<br />

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<strong>The</strong> bindings of this edition are something new in bookmaking, a patent thread sewing whereby<br />

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<strong>The</strong> clo~h edition ie daintily bound in delicately tinted linen, half flexible, whfoh will wear like<br />

iron. <strong>The</strong> limp lambRkin is a veritable Edition de Luxe.<br />

SOLAR BIOLOGY.-For ten new subscriptions with names <strong>and</strong> addresses, we will send,<br />

prepaid, "Solar Biology," by H. E. Butler. See "ad" in this issue.<br />

OTHER WORLDS THAN OU RS.-For three new subscription& we will send, pre·<br />

paid. "Other Worlds than Ours," by Prof. Richard A. Proctor, the great 1111tronomer. . ·<br />

This work is especially valuable to students of "Solar Biology," <strong>and</strong> those who are 11tudying the<br />

• mysteries of the heaveDR.<br />

SEVEN CREATIVE PRINCIPLES.-For three new subscriptions we will send, prepaid,<br />

''8e\·en Creative Principles," by H. E. Butler. See "ad." in this issue.<br />

LIVING BY THE SPIRIT.·- For two new subscriptions we will send, postpaid, "Living by<br />

the Spirit," by H. W. Dres~er.<br />

THE "NARROW WAY" OF ATTAINMENT,-For two new subscriptions we will<br />

send, prepaid, "<strong>The</strong> Narrow Way of Attainment" by H. E. Butler. See "ad" in this issue.<br />

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A New Scientific, Exaot <strong>and</strong> Easy Method of Delineating Oharacter1<br />

Diagnosing Disease; Determining Mental, Phyaioal <strong>and</strong> Busi·<br />

ness Qualifications, Oonjugal Adaptability, etc.,<br />

from Date of Birth.<br />

BY H. E. BUTLER.<br />

Illustrated with Seven Plate Oiaarama <strong>and</strong> TablH .of the Moon <strong>and</strong> Planets,<br />

from 1820 to 1900.<br />

This iwience provt>s that "all are members of One llc1d. TellH how to cultivate 11elf <strong>and</strong> make the<br />

most <strong>and</strong> best of life. Tells one, when a child is born, what kind of training<br />

it should have, to what diseases it is liable, how to avoid or how to cure<br />

when alrt-ady developed. ReveA.ls the part of the gr<strong>and</strong> hocly to which each<br />

indiviclual helong11, <strong>and</strong> the consequent mentlll tendencies, physical fituesR,<br />

natural spherl', <strong>and</strong> highest <strong>and</strong> fittest use in the worlcl.<br />

It enables parents to know jnst what business their chiln are he11t<br />

adapted for, <strong>and</strong> how to e



BY ltIIUM E. BtTLIR.<br />

Pint Leetare.-Tbu Idea OfGud. 'rho i>e011le of all Rgea rhRractetlled<br />

by tbelt tde& of Ood-Tbo word of Uod aaaocllited wt• b the ldl'a of power-Kan can onl:t<br />

undent<strong>and</strong> or tblult of tblnp of whtrh be bu a rol'1'98ponden1'8 wl1bl11 himself, J>. 3.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Mnaet }k!tcetve elfecll! 0 .. 1~·-t"•Ul!C!!I arcd• ductlvdy d• termlned by tl'aeon, p. 4. <strong>The</strong><br />

wondert of will, p. &. ¥nbveh, ·• 1 will"" wbnt I \\·Ill to be," )l, 8. l'llSl'tl 1111.,d <strong>and</strong> In•<br />

torOlled With world• lntcrLr to t•n•·h otbPr-Urdl't an•t lntf'lllgenrn evel')'WbNe 111Anl•<br />

feet, p. tt. '!'ho ~· 1r .• & l:lrt•. fl. It. Mattd<br />

a l-ODdltlon ohpirl', }>. I&. 1.ovd tho rullll men\ of the law, II· 18. Meditation &ood<br />

fur tho soul- l'ln. 1111{ Uoi.I, l>· 10.<br />

aecoud IA:Cture.-1 ·one. "All thlnp work loltther for irnod "-<strong>The</strong> male<br />

<strong>and</strong> f~ml.le prlnclr.le1 cvctywher,: vre!IN•.t t.1 :\111urc. <strong>The</strong> cunden!llltl .. u nl f.11'CP Into matter<br />

ac<strong>com</strong>plished by tho J.oiroa or .. Word or Uod," I•· 116. Ho\Y though& Is formed end aenl<br />

forth on Ill! mlsolon, p . 11'1'. 'I ho cvotu1; .. n of matter through l{Cnl!l'fttlv.:i p.-OCl!l.•PR, I>- llO.<br />

Tbo femalo will tbo cm pbctlnit or binding 1>rlnClr>le, p. II. Comp~lnn, hl'•f, ex•<br />

panalon. !>< lar:111.ll 111, 1'· 8" Uei•trt111u1. 83. cobcslon-'l'l;c ruollh r 11aluro con•ldel\'d a.~ a distinct prlnrlple, p. ~T. <strong>The</strong> molher<br />

love to take bil;brr f r111bp. VI. Live up to your highest ldeaf ol rl11h&, p. 9J. l'laelllll tbe<br />

narno of God In the lore cad, p . 114.<br />

etlxth 1.ec:• ur .•- •· • rmentlltlon. .<strong>The</strong> Deetro)'er who 8'alld1 In the way of<br />

J>h)"•kal tm1nor1 Illy-Di .tnl 11ru.t1011-.\tl. \·e;tet.atiou tho materllillaallon of lnllnlt.e<br />

tbu1111bt-Mn11's thoul!hl u tl'11l Cl'('atlons as ttte olfaprlnr of his Iolue, p. 101'. A •l&al<br />

chcmbtrv thot will tttro•\' 11 ht 011 Ille tal bc . 11iu~ <strong>and</strong> tbungh& forn.atlou, p. 101. A<br />

aecrct of "tnu llai:I <strong>and</strong> Alcblc ot for1nc111nt1 ... n h:11 tbouccnd••Uc)' 1 _p. JOO.<br />

Dopondcuc-e or man 1or l'Xl'Hllivo l"l1c~y upon hit belpmec&-Woman, p. 101. uow to<br />

bcOOmo n '' l'rcva.lllnlf l'rluce," p. lOJ. C1:l11g" 1 ornlnous flame transmuting the b:ui· r eublltanoe, p. Iii. Importance<br />

of tbo kmd of llio1111ht~ we entertAln while c·ntlng, p. 1..3. Thn procea by which to obtain<br />

magic power, p. 1116 lle<strong>com</strong>tu111uperlor to earth, p. JllO. Maklu11 all Vt.Ible tblnp<br />

one'A servnut, JI. 180.<br />

Elabtb i.ectutt.-8eu•atlon. Seneatlon, a mode of consclou~neios orcognl·<br />

zauceol life, p. tau. rsen.aatlou mud" wa.0UC11t lu tho uyeLal wuter ol tho nerve Uuld, p.13!1.<br />

'l'ranerr nting tho lower Into hl>:hcrwuaatlon, p. l~O. E




BY H. E. BUTLER.<br />


the most vital princivles of Christian Life <strong>and</strong> Doctrine, <strong>and</strong> Is especially designed for those<br />

who are ready to consecrate their lives to to the highest spiritual attainments.<br />


because t.o li\'e in the world <strong>and</strong> not be of the world, but of the Spirit of God, is a narrow way in·<br />

deed; aa Jesus said,<br />


For those who will follow the Instructions in this book, there is a realm of apirl wal consciousness<br />

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Or the Unfoldment <strong>and</strong> Life of a Hero.<br />



A Monthly Mkgazine devoted to the lltudy of the New Thought. the Phil08ophy of<br />

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RY J. Howard Moore. A. B.<br />

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Volume I.<br />

Should be Read by Every Esoteric Student.<br />

This book contains all the essential matter originally published in volume 1<br />

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is in itself a <strong>com</strong>plete occult library. <strong>The</strong> laws explained therein will, if conscientiously<br />

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Volume II.<br />

Companion to volume I.<br />

It contains all the essential matter found in volume m, <strong>and</strong> IV, of <strong>The</strong> Esotedc<br />

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which run through <strong>The</strong> Esoteric to <strong>and</strong> including volume IX, begin in this volume.<br />

<strong>The</strong> reviews in this book cover the essential points in the first fourteen chapters<br />

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A monthly magazine of world-wide repute, now<br />

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"Astronomy la excellent but It must<br />

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value, <strong>and</strong> not remai n there 11"1 1rlobes<br />

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Subecription price only 50 cents a year. Sample<br />

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Samplee for 2c. etamp. A~ <strong>The</strong> New Man<br />

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praetieal ~strolo~y.<br />

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THE SPHINX is a publication that cannot fail to<br />

interest cultured <strong>and</strong> refined people. Its object<br />

is to teach the inlluence that the Sun, Moon <strong>and</strong><br />

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-BY-<br />

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In$tncto~,<br />


Price. 25 Centa.<br />

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"Modern Astrology" predicted in the January ii~!lUe th11t, "the Climax of 1899<br />

woul1l be a GREAT WAR."<br />



Mind Cure ...<br />

<strong>The</strong> Greateat llealiDg Power on earth.<br />

Lay your prejudice uide long eaough<br />

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ponion of my - - _....away with_<br />

of ., p~ a cbanot.er that pb,.._ deolared<br />

die - ino11rable ud me a doomed -·<br />

My ~ ud feeliap w- beyoed cle9cription.<br />

when I beard of Mn. Helen WW.... ud<br />

her power oy,.r HerJ f- of m-. After I<br />

pot 111,_Jf 11Dderber mentlll ~the eaUlll'.<br />

of die - -t ud n~w a..h bettu to lflOW<br />

frnna the edgee of it, wlaieh gnidnall y apNlllll -<br />

the cbMk until the nmijthtly OfMDiag wu clolecl.<br />

Tbe .-a 1hia tiJM ia aboat oompletecl. ud die<br />

lip ia DNl'ly 6lled in. I - able. to .P,__<br />

her don. a - My ge•ral beelth ii hlly<br />

JWtored, ud I haft go.ie to work llgaia with my<br />

0Wlt4>mary .u.nigth. Thia weti-u.i la giYU<br />

from a tbankf11I heart; ud I am itlad to add that<br />

my faith ia her ia ., great that I belie\·e de cu<br />

CIU'l9 any d..._ nadw the -. All thia wu<br />

dune without the 11118 of medioi--bv mentitl<br />

~& alone. &.peotfallY, J. M. EJroL111e.<br />

Sn'-rihed ud aworn t" ~ore me thia 6m<br />

daY of Much, 18117, at l>.yt-. Fla.<br />

· C. M. BuroBAM. Ja., Notary Pablic.<br />

I am aoquinted with Mr. F.aglilb <strong>and</strong> can<br />

troly .., that thie - ia not 011ly tne i11 eTery<br />

partioulAr, 111 aet forth by Mr. Bingham, 011r -.<br />

tary, bat tlaa& the care apoken of, I moat -f-.<br />

inui- hatua11 oomprebeDIOion. Daring more<br />

tlian 40 yeara of o'-"Mion ud 11~ri- I<br />

haft met nothiag li\e the abun -· Thia OODtribati1m<br />

is Yolaatary.<br />

Sea e-. Fla., March 2, 18Sl7.<br />

Da. E. E. l>A YTO•.<br />

C. A. 8ALLOUOH, Sea B,_, Fla.<br />

I have thuui.<strong>and</strong>a of teltimoniala of<br />

other euree embracing every fonn of di,­<br />

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Write to me for my tem11; they<br />

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TA~ Libra 8a111ple Copy I.Ut.-&mple

CHEAP BOOK·S.!!<br />

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_HE~ . BtJ~Gfll.OUf Revised Esoteric Vol. II .<br />

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PUJ'ACJI,<br />

<strong>The</strong> aim of <strong>The</strong> <strong>Occult</strong> <strong>and</strong> Biological Jomnal it two fold: flrat, it endeavon to un­<br />

Teil to the 1tudent the my1teriee of the higher truihl for which the W eetern mind<br />

l1 now aeeking in the my1ticiem of the put <strong>and</strong> in Oriental religion1; showt the correlation<br />

of the doctrinet of the Orient <strong>and</strong> those of the Christian religion, <strong>and</strong> 111811<br />

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whoae delire it individual unfoldment, it giYe1 a special courae of in1tructioM; pre-<br />

1ent1 method1 for inoreuing the amount of life in the organilm, for ita conaervation<br />

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It 1tudiea the biology of the univene. Investigates the Ian of life, tracing<br />

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human orpniam. Calla Mtention to i&e uaea <strong>and</strong> abuaes. Jta preeentation of the<br />

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neceaary in offering the public a <strong>journal</strong> which we belie.e poaseeeea exceptional<br />

facilitiea for presenting linea of thought heretofore neglected, <strong>and</strong> which the people<br />

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Tu Elcms:aio Po11LllBJJ(o CollPAMT <strong>and</strong> TBB F.ors:aio F11.t.TSUJTT 111'11 eatbely •puate ill ao<br />

far u fiauoial iater.ta <strong>and</strong> objeota are ooaoernecl. <strong>The</strong> iatenat of Tall Eaonmc Pum.lumfa<br />

OoKPUY ia ill pabllo '8aohiag throaP the medilllll of ita T&rioaa pablioatiom, wblle TBB F.oru-<br />

10 FuTIUUllTY ia altopther iaterested ill preparing a pl.. for the worJdll&' oat to ultimat. of all<br />

the Jan <strong>and</strong> mathoda taaght ia tlae Compan1'• publioatlom.<br />

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THE<br />


VoL. I. No. 5.<br />

-<br />

JAJfUART 20 to FEBRUARY 19, 1901.<br />


During the last twenty years the people have been awakening<br />

with gNater rapidity <strong>and</strong> earnestness to what has been called<br />

"the mystic," than has been the case in any other period within<br />

the threa hundred years past, <strong>and</strong> probably to a greater extent<br />

than at any time since the advent of the Christ. Al. ia well<br />

known, the students who are now seeking the mystic knowledges<br />

are numbered by the hnndred thous<strong>and</strong>. Judging from the definition<br />

of the word mystic, which is given as "something remote<br />

fro1n human <strong>com</strong>prehension," a study of the mystic would imply<br />

a study of something in<strong>com</strong>prehensible, which, on 6.rst thought,<br />

would seem impracticable. But, to take another view of it, a<br />

n1an cannot carry away a mountain in a wheelbarrow, but he<br />

may carry away a small portion of it, <strong>and</strong> time, patience, <strong>and</strong> peraeverance<br />

will enable him to remove a considerable portion of<br />

it.-an example which furnishes an illustratio~ of the methods<br />

employed in the study of the mystic. In the records of the past,<br />

which ba\'e been uneartht>d, there are misty allusions to men<br />

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170 MYSTICISM.<br />

<strong>and</strong> organizations who, throngh long <strong>and</strong> continuous study <strong>and</strong><br />

by earnestly <strong>and</strong> devotedly digging int.o the unknown, uncovered<br />

much that was desirable, <strong>and</strong> who thus became very useful in<br />

developing mean11 for the elevation of the indiYidual above his<br />

fellows. Thoe mysticism was really the first science in the<br />

world's history, <strong>and</strong> it seemed to have boen in the very nature of<br />

the primitive mind, which is nea1'88t the bosom of Mother Nature,<br />

t.o recognize the mystic, the spiritual, the occult, as of first<br />

importance, <strong>and</strong> )o seek for it with superstitious awe <strong>and</strong> reverence.<br />

If it were not a vital subject <strong>and</strong> in harmony with human<br />

existence <strong>and</strong> the cause <strong>and</strong> source of all mind, it wonld not<br />

appear with the first manifestation of mind; but as, in all the<br />

past, it has been the first manifestation of mind, we may reasonably<br />

conclude that it may likewise be the last manifestation of<br />

mind, notwithst<strong>and</strong>ing the fact that those who have the credit<br />

of being the greatest minds of the world are most skeptical:<strong>and</strong><br />

materialistic, <strong>and</strong> most fully ignore everything that belong~ to<br />

the idea of the mystic.<br />

<strong>The</strong> first step taken in the study of the cosmogony of the<br />

world from the st<strong>and</strong>point of the Bible, plunges us into the mystic:<br />

"ln the beginning God created the heaven <strong>and</strong> the earth."<br />

And God said, "Let there be light. • • Let there be a firmament,<br />

<strong>and</strong> it was so." And God made "every plant of the field<br />

before it was in the earth, every herb of the field before it grew."<br />

All theseauertionsarethemoatmystioal that can be imagined;<br />

that is t.o say, God is Spirit-the spirit of the material body is<br />

undeniably immaterial, imperceptible; it ie the underlying cause,<br />

the potential energy, or cause, of all potential energy latent in<br />

matter. Thus you see that, in the first eftort toward the discernment<br />

of causation, we are met with the thought of spirit, of a<br />

magical power that ·caused to be by the power inherent in the<br />

spoken word. It was through <strong>and</strong> by that spoken word, according<br />

to the cosmogony of the Christian Bible, that all things were<br />

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Te& BmLOGJCA.L JouuAL. 171<br />

created; <strong>and</strong> if this thought is canied out to ita ultimation, we<br />

are brought to the inevitable oonoluion that everything that e:ii:­<br />

iata ia a thought form produced by the Deific or Creative Mind.<br />

Thia being true, it follows that every thought element <strong>com</strong>mon<br />

to the human family or aotive within the human mind may be<br />

found in some vegetable existence. For this reason the ancient<br />

mystics aoaght in the vegetable world for the chemicals that<br />

would produce those oondition8 that woald give life, miud, <strong>and</strong><br />

power; that would open the oonaoiouane88 to the spirit world,<br />

<strong>and</strong>, in abort, that would give them the ability to rise above the<br />

limitations of the five phyaioal senses into the realm of the five<br />

au per.aenaea.<br />

Thus, away back in the dim put, there were ~rganizationa<br />

formed in which chemistry was made the prime factor in the<br />

study <strong>and</strong> development of the occult. With this came the study<br />

of the laws of mind, the effects of mind upon mind, <strong>and</strong> added<br />

tbt-reto the opening of the interior OOD8Cioun888 to a world of<br />

beings cognizable only by the anper-aenaes,-beings poaa~asing<br />

powers transcending those of the human oonaciouan888. At this<br />

point, <strong>and</strong> in oonnection with that to which we have previously<br />

ref erred, the door opened into the world of mysticism, from<br />

which sprang the many charma, incantations, <strong>and</strong> mystic ceremonies<br />

<strong>com</strong>mon to the ignorant clasaes, the moat of which were<br />

the mereRt superstition. But aa theee things had no vitality<br />

beyond that inherent in the earth, they were doomed to pass<br />

away-not, however, that they will cease to exist in the vague<br />

memories of the race, because, in the mind of the raoe, there<br />

resides an inherent oonaciouaneu of thee:ii:istenoe of powers beyond<br />

<strong>and</strong> tranaoending ita own, <strong>and</strong>, oontequently, the ideal of<br />

the mystic oan never be eradicated from human thought.<br />

Such thinga had had their day but were waning, even when<br />

Jesus of Nasareth made his appearanoe in the world; <strong>and</strong> yet<br />

there waa such vitality in thoae old mystic aooietiea that, up to the<br />

,<br />

;....<br />

. 1<br />

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J<br />

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172 MY8TIC18H.<br />

present time there are relios of their existence. We hear oocaaionally<br />

of the exiatenoe of the myatic order of Luxor, or of the<br />

Magi of Egypt, <strong>and</strong> of many others yet more vague <strong>and</strong> indefinite,<br />

bnt thoee aooietiea in their gr<strong>and</strong>enr <strong>and</strong> in the greatneaa<br />

of their wisdom <strong>and</strong> power have long aioce oeaaed to be.<br />

When J eaua the Chriat came among men, he came to the<br />

world aa a master, healing the aick by a word or tonoh, raising<br />

the dead by a <strong>com</strong>m<strong>and</strong>, turning water into wine, oomm<strong>and</strong>ing<br />

the fteh to bring the tribute money, cauaing the winda <strong>and</strong> the<br />

wavea of the aea to obey him. Thna he demonatrated in hill<br />

life that he waa a muter who had <strong>com</strong>m<strong>and</strong> of all the foroes<br />

of nature. Many of the ao.called myetica of our day are diaposed<br />

to claim him aa a member of their order or of the order<br />

from which they came, but the claim has no foundation in fact.<br />

Chriat, the son of God, introdnced a new cult. He came not<br />

after the order of any myatic aociety-exoept, perohanoe, the<br />

one that had been founded from the beginning of the world;<br />

the one that waa without beginning of days or end of life. the<br />

order of Melchisedek; the one that originated through nnity<br />

with the mind <strong>and</strong> pnrpoae of God in the creation of the world.<br />

When he at.ood before the great Sanhedrin of the temple reading<br />

the law <strong>and</strong> teaching them, they marveled at him <strong>and</strong> said,<br />

"How knoweth this man letters, having never learned?" for at<br />

that time it wae only the favored few who oould read even the<br />

law, <strong>and</strong> it wae a source of astoniahment that he. never having<br />

been taught, cottld read the law <strong>and</strong> teaob the t.eachers, but be<br />

answered their marvelling by these words: "If any man will do<br />

hie (the Father's) will, he shall know."<br />

Here we are brought faoo to face with the foundation principlea<br />

of a. new cult. In the old cnlt, not only was a long life<br />

of laborioua atndy <strong>and</strong> experimentation neoeM&ry to the attainment<br />

of knowledge <strong>and</strong> power, bnt to this was added the<br />

study of the results gained through the experiments of a long<br />

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THE BIOLOOIC.U. Jomm.lL. 111<br />

1ucoe11ion of lives. Witb the introduotion of tile aew order,<br />

however, we meet aomething that hu pauled uad ii atill myatl.<br />

fyiag <strong>and</strong> throwing into oonfuioo all ~efforts of modern<br />

mytioa, who are gathering together all the knowledge that they<br />

ean obt&ill OODOel'Ding the pre-hiatorio myatiea uad maatera, uad<br />

with it are mingling what they O&D gaia of the great wiedom<br />

<strong>and</strong> power of the Chriat. <strong>The</strong>y do not know that in their own<br />

eohool of myatioiam they are workinJ froDl the atudpoint of<br />

UlOlber order of laws. ud that in the oombinatioa ·of thoee<br />

lawa they obtain various reeulta; as. in form <strong>and</strong> quality of<br />

matter, all ii made from a few primates. to all reeults reaohed<br />

by the mystic &1'8 gotten from the relation of certain laws. one to<br />

the other. <strong>The</strong>se people are like ohildren working in a laboratory,<br />

putting together different ohemicala without knowledge of<br />

result, <strong>and</strong>, of coune, the results are diuttroua. <strong>The</strong>y may oom •<br />

bine two or three cliamioala that produce desired reaulte. but<br />

the next chemical they bring into requisition may be ao disaa.<br />

troua that it not only deatroys all the work aooompliahed, but it<br />

may even deatroy their own livea. Suoh, to.day, ia tbe ooudition<br />

of tbe world in its pursuit of the occult; <strong>and</strong> thia condition will<br />

continue to exist until the seekers after the myatio learn the<br />

one iinportaot le&10n intimated by the world's Cbriat when he<br />

gave the parable of the new wine <strong>and</strong> the old bottlea, <strong>and</strong> the<br />

old prment <strong>and</strong> new cloth.<br />

As we have said, the knowledge of the oeoult, of the genuine<br />

myAtio, oame through the persistent labor <strong>and</strong> effort of gener.<br />

at ions of students. <strong>The</strong> real oult that once existed by virtue<br />

of these studies hu long sinoe paased from material exiatence.<br />

<strong>The</strong> few points of knowledge that remain in India at tbe pre•·<br />

ent time, are only snftioient to elevate tbe student, or to give<br />

him the powers <strong>and</strong> knowledges possessed <strong>and</strong> in nae by the<br />

Eaat Indian mystie11 of the present time; but we do not lMllieve<br />

that there are many of the Occidental aspirants who would be<br />

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174 MTmc1sH.<br />

1&tiafied with the knowladge these men poeaeaa or with<br />

the life they live. Owing to the ignorance of the Oooi.<br />

dental mind in regard to these subjects, it seems a great<br />

deal to 1ee a man who is able to <strong>com</strong>municate with another<br />

thoUB&nds of miles away, or to walk upon the water, or<br />

who is able to leave the physioal body <strong>and</strong> travel in distant<br />

l<strong>and</strong>s, seeing, knowing <strong>and</strong> stodying there <strong>and</strong> bringing back the<br />

results of his visit, <strong>and</strong> perhaps producing a little phenomenon<br />

in the phyaioal world, or one who talks wisely <strong>and</strong> truly about<br />

the <strong>com</strong>municatioDB he may h&Te with spirits, aools of the depart·<br />

ed, with astral spectres, denizeDB of the invisible world;:but to<br />

the mind of him who bu risen into the f olln888 of the light, these<br />

things are mere ohild's play, the work of the mental dwarf,<br />

beoaoae they that travel that way cannot go by any other.<br />

Jesus said of such, "He that olimbeth up some other way, the<br />

same is a thief <strong>and</strong> a robber." Please read what the Christ<br />

says concerning such in the 6nt five verses of the tenth chapter<br />

of John.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se sayings of our Lord were not becaull8 of any jealousy<br />

of other methods, bot because, in the very nature of things, hia<br />

methods <strong>and</strong> the methods of the old myatica were antipodes.<br />

<strong>The</strong> old mystica began at the circumferenoe of the circle <strong>and</strong><br />

labored toward the center, while his teachings )egan.. at":the<br />

center <strong>and</strong> <strong>com</strong>prehended the entire circumference. Again<br />

he said to his disciples, "And ye shall know the truth, <strong>and</strong> the<br />

truth shall make you free,"-free from the law of sin <strong>and</strong> death.<br />

<strong>The</strong> methods taught by our Lord were, "SEEK Y ~ FIRST<br />



YOU;" that is to say, begin your search at the center <strong>and</strong> cause<br />

of all things, <strong>and</strong> when you have obtained knowledge of the center,<br />

you can readily know all that there is.<br />

In order that the thought in this connection may be clearly<br />

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Tu B10L001cAL JouuAL. 175<br />

understood, we will draw a picture. For illaatration we will<br />

cite the cue of a great myatic, one whose IJlind grupe the fol.<br />

neu of all knowledge. In order to receive that knowledge from<br />

him by ordinary methoda of 1tody the length of many lives<br />

would be required, bot inatead of giving that immeasurable time<br />

to study we first apply, in our own livee, methoda of refining the<br />

aensibilitiea, silencing the clamor of the aenaea, elevating the<br />

oonaciooaneaa to a oondition wherein we are able to oome into<br />

the preeenoe of a person <strong>and</strong> read his thoughts; yea, more, methoda<br />

by which, in that presenoe, we may, through the finer aensibilitiea,<br />

take on <strong>and</strong> know the thoughts. feelings, <strong>and</strong> bowledge<br />

of the person. Thoa, by <strong>com</strong>ing into the presence of a<br />

muter <strong>and</strong> sitting down before him, <strong>and</strong> beooming, u it were,<br />

a child of his own mind ooDBCiousneas, one is enabled, by that<br />

refined <strong>and</strong> intensified state of existence, to know wlsat he<br />

knows, to think what he thinks, to feel what be feels; <strong>and</strong> in<br />

that condition the initiate virtually be<strong>com</strong>es the muter <strong>and</strong> the<br />

muter the initiate, the two are one. Whatever the master<br />

knows, the disciple knows, who, in a way, takes on all that the<br />

the master has gained, all that he knows, all of his great mind<br />

power <strong>and</strong> wisdom. Now when Jesus said, "Seek ye first the<br />

kingdom of God, <strong>and</strong> his righteousness. <strong>and</strong> all things shall be<br />

added unt.o you," he meant t.o lead the mind of the eamest<br />

seeker after knowledge, wisdom, power, righteousness; <strong>and</strong><br />

goodneBA, unto the very fountainhead of it all, God, the Cre.<br />

tor of all, "that they all may be one; u thou, Father, art in<br />

me, <strong>and</strong> I in thee" (John XVII. 21). This is the centraliza.<br />

tion of the cult of the Nazarene, <strong>and</strong> it ia the mainRpring<br />

<strong>and</strong> fountainhead of all myaticism, or magic, or oooult lore-in<br />

r.bort, of all knowledge of every name <strong>and</strong> nature; the student,<br />

the aeeker after the inviaible, is t.o liv6 IO u to oome.int.o oonacioos<br />

oneness with the Mind that has produced all things.<br />

Just here is the difference between the Esoteric wura <strong>and</strong> the<br />

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176 Mrsnc1eM.<br />

I<br />

' 'I<br />

mystic work of the so-called <strong>The</strong>osophists <strong>and</strong> all the many<br />

peeudo-occult ordet'I that are forming in the world. We are<br />

following the t.eachingt of the Christ of Nazareth. We are<br />

11eeking <strong>and</strong> know the way to find a oonscious oneness with his<br />

Father <strong>and</strong> our Father, the God of the Univenie; <strong>and</strong> we know<br />

that in so far aa we obtain that oonsoious unity with the Father<br />

we shall obtain bis powers; or. in other words, to that extent,<br />

shall we be like the Christ who said, "l·do nothing of myself,<br />

the Father who dwelleth in me, he doeth the works;" <strong>and</strong> he<br />

left on record the promise that at some time-<strong>and</strong> no do11bt<br />

he referred to our time-we should do greater thingt than he<br />

did. But the power to do marvelous thingt <strong>and</strong> to astonish the<br />

world with wonders <strong>and</strong> signs, we hold u of little importaooe,<br />

<strong>and</strong> do not desire it-that it will <strong>com</strong>e, we have no do11bt.<br />

What we really deaire is that which we may not tell; none<br />

know it but they who have received it. As the sunlight transcends<br />

the darkest night, ao the goal that is attained by this process<br />

transcends all that has been idealized by the mystics <strong>and</strong><br />

oooultiata of ages past. We know tha.t it will not do to mix the<br />

chemicals of the Christ's cult with the chemicals of the cult that<br />

has had its day <strong>and</strong> is past. We are seeking the center; they<br />

are experimenting with the circumference. <strong>The</strong>y have a long<br />

<strong>and</strong> laborious road to travel, <strong>and</strong> few, if any, have the patience,<br />

the vital endurance, the mental capacity, to reach the goal in<br />

the direction that they are traveling. <strong>The</strong> methods taught by<br />

the Nazarene make these ultimates more readily obtainable.<br />

It ia true that be said, "Many shall strive to enter in <strong>and</strong> shall<br />

not be able," but we also read, "Whosoever will, let hirn take<br />

the water of life freely." <strong>The</strong>re are none who ~cannot safely<br />

obtain certain desirable results through the way taught by the<br />

Nazarene. <strong>The</strong>re may be but few who can attain the higheatab,<br />

no, there are none who can attain the highest now, for the<br />

heights to which the way that be taught leads, reach on through<br />

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Tutt BIOLOGICAL Jouu.u.. 177<br />

the unknowable agea of time, <strong>and</strong> the heigbta to be attained are<br />

as unthinkable at the preeent time as ia the period for obtaining<br />

them. That is to say, entering in by the door, by divine order,<br />

we enter a sphere of knowledge <strong>and</strong> oonaeiouaneaa in whioh we<br />

are to gain knowledges greater than tbOle that we are uow able<br />

to attribote to a god. Yet that knowledge, power, <strong>and</strong> glory<br />

will go on inoreaaing without end, for it is the knowled19t power,<br />

<strong>and</strong> glory of the order of Melchiaedek, which is without<br />

beginning of days or end of life.<br />


BY 11.UlTll.A mP4JU> LlPftllOO'l'l'.<br />

What thoagh men do not lllldent<strong>and</strong>,<br />

Aad jndse oar 1e1ale aright,<br />

ht t., to lhow .. to -itilld<br />

E'er ia aa ukiad Ueht!<br />

Why Deed we oue!' Goel lllftly bowt<br />

Jut what onr IOUla may be,<br />

For be, aloDe, will ae'er miejadp,<br />

Aad e'er will juatly -·<br />

So if we bow diat we are riglat,<br />

We bow he will •PP'°"•<br />

Aad for opbiio111 of lllAllkbul<br />

From rirht ne'er let u mo­<br />

Hold fut to what -<br />

Jmow la rlaht,<br />

Our Father, try to pa-:<br />

<strong>The</strong>n, thoagh die whole world may ......._,<br />

We'll net la peaoe aad-.<br />

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(v.)<br />

In attempting to give instroctiona in breathing, it ia impos.<br />

aible to word our thought ao that it will convey the same ideu<br />

to every reader. <strong>The</strong>re are minda. usually found among the ed.<br />

µcat.eel claaaea, that depend upon the words read, aa literally u<br />

they would follow a mathematioal formula,-two <strong>and</strong> two make<br />

foUI:, nothing more <strong>and</strong> nothing leu. To aoch minda words oon·<br />

vey only the moat external <strong>and</strong> general ideas. If yon would ob.<br />

tain the benefit of inatrnotiona that lay hold upon <strong>and</strong> deal with<br />

the vitals of human exiatenoe. you muat know, discern truth, for<br />

yourself; <strong>and</strong> you can know for yourself only by taking what yon<br />

read aa a auggeation, experimenting upon it <strong>and</strong> carefully watch.<br />

Ing the result in your own body <strong>and</strong> mind, for experienoe ia the<br />

true teacher. Many of those who read our past in1truotion1<br />

have writt.en to us asking all kinda of questions, which showed<br />

that no experimentation had been made, or, perhapa. that they<br />

bad interpreted the words according to the ftrat impression<br />

made upon their minds. <strong>and</strong> failing to get results, the leHon<br />

waa loat. <strong>and</strong> that ended it. It is impoaaible fio t.each such peo.<br />

ple anything but the merest aorfRCe thought. We make thA<br />

nearMt approach to rneth,,as for such peMoos, when Wd ""Y th~t<br />

regular breathing is euential to health; thatonuhm1ldoom1py<br />

the same length of time in exh1'1ing the breath u in inh"ling<br />

it. Anything beyond this would oonfttse thern.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se extended artiolea <strong>and</strong> sllggeations of different rnetho1l-t<br />

are intended to aid the thinking people-that is. people who<br />

really think for themaelvea, <strong>and</strong> who have some geniu'I f., ..<br />

experimentation for the purpoae of obtaining high ultimatea,<br />

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TH& BIOLOGICAL Jouu.u.. 179<br />

Without experimentation, even the moat learned cannot attain<br />

the ultimat.ee, for different individuals are differently oonati.<br />

tut.eel, <strong>and</strong> words uaed in deeoribing oertain methoda for reaching<br />

oeriain reaulta would not oonvey the same meaning t.o any two<br />

people. Perhaps one out of a thoua<strong>and</strong> would get from the reading<br />

a oorrect idea of our meaning. <strong>and</strong> all the reat would get an<br />

idea of their own. <strong>The</strong>refore, I repeat, unleu you enter int.o thia<br />

thought <strong>and</strong> experiment upon it, aoonat.om youraelf t.o watching<br />

the moat subtle inftuenoea in their play upon the mind or aenaea.<br />

tracing carefully the ultimatiou of the effect of those subtle 8811·<br />

aationa, <strong>and</strong> have within youraelf an idea of what you are trying<br />

t.o obtain, theee inlltructiona will be <strong>com</strong>paratively wortbleu t.o<br />

yon. But the one who will experiment upon them carefully,<br />

will find in them that which will prove of great valoe-perhape<br />

not in one hour' a time, nor in one day, nor yet can all that they<br />

contain be found in a year. Practical methoda t.o insure aoooeaa<br />

mean methoda for changing old oonditiona, elevating the quali.<br />

ties within, developing those that are latent, <strong>and</strong> even bringing<br />

int.o exiatenoe qualities that are not within. <strong>The</strong>re ia an old<br />

adage that "you cannot lift yourself over the fenoe by your boot<br />

atrapat but yet in these ~ethoda i11 found something equivalent<br />

t.o aoch an aooompliabment. You can raiae youraelf bodily,<br />

mentally, <strong>and</strong> in every other way, over a mountain of diftlcultiea<br />

<strong>and</strong> obatructiona, but you moat not forget that it ia the little<br />

things, the almost imperoeptible sensations, that lie at the root<br />

of mind,-from wbioh you are t.o learn <strong>and</strong> from which grow<br />

great <strong>and</strong> mighty things.<br />

<strong>The</strong> following inatructiona ooncerning the government of the<br />

breath treat of lawa the importanoo of which ia beyond anything<br />

that haa been realiad by the moat careful student, including<br />

aome of the Hindu philoeopbera, <strong>and</strong> perhaps not excluding any<br />

one. A modern philosopher baa aaid, "Man liveain his breath."<br />

One thought wbicb muat be taken into oomideratiou in re•<br />

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gard to breathing ia, that the life in the physical body is lib<br />

the life that fills all apace throughout the uni verae, <strong>and</strong> that<br />

what we oall or reoogoize as life i1 so beoaue it ia in motion,<br />

-a motion which aooord1 with that of our exiateooe. <strong>The</strong> motion<br />

of our existence is a 1pecialized motion, while that of all life<br />

which fills all apace is a general motion. <strong>The</strong> act of breathing<br />

ia, ftnt, the act of keeping the life in motion in the body; aeoond,<br />

it is the act of gathering added life <strong>and</strong> causing it to eerve in<br />

the motion of the body. To carry this idea further would<br />

require auch deep metaphysical thought that the ordinary mind<br />

would be lost in its apparent ob&curity.<br />

We quote the following from Raja Yoga Lectures by Swami<br />

Vivekan<strong>and</strong>a: "Breath i1 like the fly-wheel of the machine. In<br />

a big engine you 6nd the fty-wheel ftnt moving, <strong>and</strong> that motion<br />

ia conveyed to flner <strong>and</strong> flner machinery, until the moat delicate<br />

<strong>and</strong> &nest mecbaoiam in the machine ia in motion in acoordance.<br />

Thia breath i1 that fly-wheel, anpplyiog <strong>and</strong> regulating<br />

the motive power to every thing in this body.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re was onoe a minister to a great king. He fell into disgrace,<br />

<strong>and</strong> the kiug as a punishment, ordered him to be shut<br />

up in the top of a very high tower. Thia was done, <strong>and</strong> the<br />

minister was left there to perish. He had a faithful wife, however,<br />

<strong>and</strong> at night she came to the tower <strong>and</strong> called to her hnab<strong>and</strong><br />

at the top to know what she could do to help him. He<br />

told her to return to the tower the following night ·<strong>and</strong> bring<br />

with her a long rope, a stout twine, a pack thread, a silken tbreadt<br />

a beetle, <strong>and</strong> a little honey. Wondering mncb, the good wife<br />

obeyed her husb<strong>and</strong>, <strong>and</strong> brought him the deaired articles.<br />

<strong>The</strong> husb<strong>and</strong> directed her to attach the 1ilken thread firmly<br />

to the beetle, then to smear hia horns with a drop of honey, <strong>and</strong><br />

t.O aet him free on the wall of the tower, with his head pointing<br />

upwards. She obeyed all these instructiona, <strong>and</strong> the beetle started<br />

on bis long journey. Smelling the honey before him he<br />

slowly crept onwards <strong>and</strong> onward&, in hope of reaching it, until<br />

at last he reached the top of the tower, when the minister<br />

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grasped the beetle, <strong>and</strong> gut poeaeuion of the ailken thread.<br />

He told his wife to tie the other end to the pack thread, <strong>and</strong><br />

aft.er he had drawn up the pack thread, be repeated the proceu<br />

with the atout twine, <strong>and</strong> laatly with the rope. <strong>The</strong>n the reat<br />

waaeaay. <strong>The</strong> minist.er deacended from the tower by means of<br />

the rope, <strong>and</strong> made his eaoape. In thia body of oura the breath<br />

motion is the 'silken thread,' <strong>and</strong> laying bold of that, <strong>and</strong> learning<br />

to oontrol it we graap the pack thread of the nerve ourrenta,<br />

<strong>and</strong> from these the stout twine of our thoughta, <strong>and</strong> laatly the<br />

rope of Prana, controlling which we reaoh freedom."<br />

We know many things ooncerning the breath of which, perhapa,<br />

we have never thought: for inatanoe, we know that if we<br />

exercise vigoroOBly, we breathe rapidly, foll, <strong>and</strong> deep; that if we<br />

hear sad news or are suddenly depressed by an aoouaation, or<br />

from whatever cause, the breath be<strong>com</strong>es suppressed <strong>and</strong> aome.<br />

what difllcult, ancl that if this continues for any length of time<br />

a abort irregular breath manifesta itself. This irregularity of<br />

the breath arises from a sudden falling of the chest after the<br />

breath haa been drawn in. Make the experiment,-draw in<br />

the breath <strong>and</strong> then let it out just aa if something within you<br />

had fallen <strong>and</strong> forced it out. You will observe that, in tbia<br />

manner of breathing, you let the breath out suddenly, but draw<br />

it in slowly; it is very much like the breathing of a sick peraon,<br />

gasping for breath. Strange to eay, the majority of the human<br />

family continually breathe in this way. No wonder, then, that<br />

the life within them is in a precarious oondition-so much ao that<br />

they are affected by any malarial conditions that may be in the<br />

atmosphere. People who breathe in this way are always in<br />

an attitude of waiting for the grim monster disease to <strong>com</strong>e<br />

<strong>and</strong> take possession of them. It is not necessary to encumber<br />

tbetJe pages with a recital of the various kinds of breathing<br />

produced by various mental states, for in


by physical exercise <strong>and</strong> effort; next observe the breathing<br />

while you are busily engaged in work-not violently, but quietly.<br />

You will see that it is an abdominal breathing, in which you<br />

move the diaphragm with each breath <strong>and</strong> the abdomen rises<br />

<strong>and</strong> falls. Thie is properly the working breath, <strong>and</strong> it is also<br />

~e vital breath. By experimenting you will find that the beat<br />

metliQd of quickly resting from exhaustion caused by climbing<br />

a mountain or by any hard labor, is to throw yourself down<br />

upon your back, let go the body-that is, relax all nerve tension,<br />

let it lie as free from tension u would your coat, if you laid<br />

it down-<strong>and</strong> then <strong>com</strong>menoe full, deep breathing, taking long,<br />

full breathe, <strong>and</strong> being careful to close the air passage as you let<br />

out the breath, so that it takes as long to exhale aa it does to<br />

inhale .it. When you have learned this method of breathing<br />

it will enable you to rest more in five minutes than you could<br />

do in several hours by ordinary means.<br />

Careful observation shows that men <strong>and</strong> women of high<br />

intellectual ability have great lung power. Those who have<br />

an active brain without a good development of lunge, soon exhaust<br />

the vitality of the body, when the brain be<strong>com</strong>es etupifled<br />

<strong>and</strong> incapable of action; consequently, it is very essential that<br />

every one should fill out the lungs to a good normal capacity. l<br />

say good normal capacity, because there is such a thing aa over<br />

development of the lungs. No one should develop the lungs beyond<br />

what might be termed a normal capacity. It is a law of<br />

nature that, if an organ or function of the body baa a development<br />

beyond the general requirement& of the body, that organ<br />

de<strong>com</strong>es diaeaaed in the effort to throw off the superabundanoe<br />

<strong>and</strong> reduce itself to the normal size. <strong>The</strong> lung capacity for a<br />

good healthy mind <strong>and</strong> body can be measured by drawing in<br />

the breath until the lungs are full, <strong>and</strong> then starting a low tone,<br />

letting out the breath slowly: in other words, let out just<br />

enough breath to produoe a sound, continuing the tone aa long<br />

as the breath holcls out. A peraon of mPctinm ai?.A 11ho11M he<br />

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t83<br />

able to oontlnne the &one for forty or forty-ftve eeeooda, ia<br />

which caae the lung power will be all right. <strong>The</strong> ordinary<br />

woman•a capaoity it much less than that of man, u ahe draws<br />

more directly from nature than does man, <strong>and</strong> lives leu in the<br />

breath; therefore if a woman can produce the tone by the above<br />

method for thirty or thirty-five aeoonds, she baa auftlcient Jung<br />

power. Of course, mnch depends upon the size <strong>and</strong> general<br />

mak&-up of the individual-each one must uae his or her own<br />

judgment in the matter.<br />

You may develop the oapacity of the loop by rising early<br />

in the morning, going out into the freah air, breathing deep<br />

<strong>and</strong> full, throwing the cheat to the front, ahoulden baok-eay,<br />

for five minutes; then ioftate the longs to their full oapacity,<br />

ext.end both h<strong>and</strong>s in front of <strong>and</strong> on a line with the body,<br />

<strong>and</strong> bring the elbowa back with a sodden jerk eo u to produce<br />

an expansive action in the lungs. If this ia done while the<br />

lungs are &lied with air, it will force open every cavity <strong>and</strong><br />

throw the energies into the lungs <strong>and</strong> cauae them to grow.<br />

After reveatiog this two or three times, extend the arma<br />

from the side of the body at right angles with it, put the<br />

palms of the h<strong>and</strong>s together in front of you, <strong>and</strong> awing the arms<br />

back with a force, making the effort to bring the backs of the<br />

h<strong>and</strong>1 together behind you, maintaining as near u poAible a<br />

horizontal poeitioh of the arms. Thia exerciae should be repeat.ed<br />

every morning until yon oao atrike yonr h<strong>and</strong>s togethe•<br />

behind yon, the arms being in a horizontal p08ition. In caeea<br />

where the joints are naturally very stiff, the individual would<br />

probably not sncoe6d in performing the exercise until the lungs<br />

bad been fully developed.<br />

In connection with all this, you should establish the habit of<br />

rhythmical breathing, of controlling the breath by the will, so<br />

that the same length of time it ocoupied in ita exhalation u in the<br />

bihaltion of the breath. <strong>The</strong> habitual breath should be one that<br />

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principally movea the lungs, the diaphragm remaining oompar..<br />

a~vely qaiet <strong>and</strong> the abdomen alightly drawn in, or, u we might<br />

aay, tomewbat reRrained. Thia regular breMhing oonneoted<br />

with a fooalization of the mind in the thought attitude, will<br />

IOOn develop a clear brain <strong>and</strong> an active mind. Jn the govern.<br />

ment of the breath you live by the will. By atud.ring thia<br />

matter for younelf you will cliaoover all the changes in the<br />

manner of breathing requiait.e for reeting, recuperation, vitalisation,<br />

illumination of the brain, <strong>and</strong> ooncentration of the<br />

mind. No one can explain to another jut what are the different<br />

methods, for organitms differ, but you should think about<br />

the matter <strong>and</strong> oontrol the breath 10 habitually aa to creat.e a<br />

habit of governing it; then undeeirable mental atatudea will<br />

produee a oorreaponding ohange in the breath, ao that, if you<br />

watch your breath carefully, you can prevent unweloome mental<br />

<strong>and</strong> phyaioal oonditiona.<br />

While we are giving instruotiona in regard to the breath, we<br />

make a suggestion whioh may not be acceptable to every student<br />

<strong>and</strong> yet it will be worth at leut an experiment. If your<br />

mind is dull <strong>and</strong> your body inactive, <strong>com</strong>mence the rhythmioal<br />

breathing <strong>and</strong> think of the fact that the whole universe is filled<br />

with life, creative life, the very substance of the Creator;<br />

<strong>and</strong> with every breath try to draw in, <strong>and</strong> to think that you<br />

are drawing in that life, in order that you may fill your whole<br />

body with it. If yon desire mentality, place your mind on the<br />

mind element of the Creator; if you desire vitality, place your<br />

mind on the vital currents of creation, or whatever it may be<br />

that you desire, direct your mind to that olement, breathe it in,<br />

<strong>and</strong> as you do 80 send it throughout the body, 80 that the body<br />

may be filled with it. It matters not how skeptical you may<br />

be or how ridiculous the thought may seem to you, it is worth a<br />

trial, <strong>and</strong> I think the result will remove all doubt as to its COD•<br />

taiuing something worth your attention. In the language of the<br />

old adage, "a word to the wise is sufficient;" therefore, at prea.<br />

e&lt, we will not extend thit thought further.<br />

(To be continued. )<br />

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•<br />

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Cerulean Blue.<br />

<strong>The</strong> wiadom of the p&llt poiota to the lqll&?e u the form of ideal<br />

perfection; <strong>and</strong> io the lqoa?e, the divine exoelleooe of an e:Datenoe<br />

.,-ing fonr equal face1, we do, indeed, read the ~ent<br />

mystery in which culminate. the endeavor of eeven upiriog worldethe<br />

myetery of the Poor Living Onee in whom <strong>The</strong> Name ia to find<br />

embodiment. Neverthel- the nomber Fonr (formulation by m­<br />

of Foor) ia the expremion of a name, <strong>and</strong> u eoch belougw to an indiviOwer, bot<br />

yet a being 1object to limitation, definite <strong>and</strong> cir<strong>com</strong>acribed. And<br />

u the oltimate of form, of determined boundary, the 1quare ia, of<br />

all formnlation, the moet exact in ita l'Mtrictiolll; when theee are<br />

diaturbed the organization --to be.<br />

Yet thel'f' doee exist a ehape, a form, whOM number ia Infinity;<br />

a form that know1 no <strong>com</strong>pletemeot, of whioh the bounde, thnnwhoot<br />

eternity <strong>and</strong> the limit!- reaches of epace, have been approaching<br />

perfection which oan never be attained; form ao -ntially nece.ary<br />

to continued growth that, divorced from it, creation, prognlleive<br />

organization, doee not exiat. It le the early <strong>and</strong> the lut expreesiou<br />

of evolotioo; the very onive1'118 ia ehaped according to ita line.,<br />

<strong>and</strong> it appears in the elender Item that wpporflll the humblest<br />

bloaom at onr feet. We of the W eetern world indicate it • the<br />

form of the Tree, bot they who hove thought in larger circlee bow it<br />

u the form of C?eation. It ia the evolvement of ooity amid divereity;<br />

for, throoghoot ita ramifioatiolll, each otmhoot poiot1 to ita owu immediAte<br />

cent.er, which, in torn, benda toward a center yet beyond,<br />

<strong>and</strong> that to one etill nearer a g?eat center; <strong>and</strong>'° it ~a center,<br />

which, in increment <strong>and</strong> exteneion, always approachee a g?eat firet<br />

calll8. It ia in the growth of the Tree that we behold onending<br />

diverganoe <strong>and</strong> yet unending unity.<br />

From the time of the firet quickening of primordial matter, it hu<br />

been elowly unfolding into two g?e&t Treee, of whioh the branchee<br />

have covered the earth; <strong>and</strong>, u they have grown, each haa elowly<br />

gained a poeitioo at right angles to the one held during thOM 1tatee<br />

in whioh it waa a thing C?eeping upon the ground. One haa lifted<br />

ita roota, etep by etep, until it et<strong>and</strong>a branohee down <strong>and</strong> roota<br />

fixed in the mental atmcephe1'811 above. <strong>The</strong> branches of the other<br />

are pointed skyward, <strong>and</strong> ita roota have eonk deeper <strong>and</strong> deeper into<br />

the soil beneath. Together they et<strong>and</strong> aa the coonterpartal growth<br />

of the cycle,-the Man, AquariDI, whoee development hu Nll1llted in<br />

a mental etroctnre (of which the cerebro-epinal nerYODI syetem ie<br />

the form <strong>and</strong> expreuion), <strong>and</strong> the Tree in the woody fiber <strong>and</strong> green<br />

foliage of which the evolution of vegetable life baa oliimated.<br />

Through the trunk, branches, <strong>and</strong> delicate tendrile of both flow the<br />

Tivifyiog wat.ere; but in one cue the rootll, the dynamo of Tital energy,<br />

gathering poteooi88 from earthy elementa, eend upward, throughout<br />

the bmnching etroctore, cnr?enta eluggiah with materiltl wberance;<br />

while, ou the othflr h<strong>and</strong>, that oenter of dynamio power, the<br />

brain, rooted flnuly in the subtler elementa of mind, epeede down­<br />

,..ard, through e•ery limb <strong>and</strong> branch of the Tree of. Life, the fine<br />

-noee of thought <strong>and</strong> feeling. It ia, indeed, the Tree of Life, that<br />

in maturity ia to yield the golden applee of Immortality, for which<br />

the hero of old aongbt eo eagerly in the Garden of the Weet-"I<br />

have waited for thy salvation, 0 Lordi"<br />

To the inner vision the ewift play of the living, eentient CDl'renta<br />

of th11 Human Tree, gives forth, in delicate tint, the blue with whioh<br />

mental etreame mDBt enr glow, <strong>and</strong> of which, even from the waters<br />

of the external <strong>and</strong> material world, there gleama~Ji~~ ~ eoti@.·Og le


Io contemplating who wlll most fittingly represent the<br />

sign of Aquarius our minds instantly revel't to Abraham<br />

Linooln. Ho was born February 12, 1809, as we find upon<br />

the circle ac<strong>com</strong>panying this, so that the Earth was io the sign<br />

Aquarius, <strong>and</strong> the Moon upon the border line between Aquarius<br />

Aod Capricorn. As th" Moon did not enter Aquarius until<br />

11.60 A. M. of the 12th, we may, perhaps, more properly as.<br />

aume that his polarity was that of Capricorn.<br />

Earth<br />

Moon<br />

Uranus<br />

( e) in Zo

186<br />


Saturn ('2) "<br />

Jupiter (ll) "<br />

Mars (l) "<br />

Veoua (


to his natural physical vitality, but metaphysically with an<br />

immeasurable discrimination, while his polarity in Capricorn<br />

formed the outlet in expression for all that this wonderful<br />

Trigon represents.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se positions of the planets in Taurus, Virgo, <strong>and</strong> Capricorn,<br />

each representing the element of Earth, form progreui<br />

ve not.es in the octave of int.erior harmony <strong>and</strong> power to this<br />

personality, <strong>and</strong> cause Nature to seem to him so near as to be<br />

almost a part of himself. <strong>The</strong>se Earthy elements. thus apiritualized,<br />

caused his soul-life to reach out to every tree, stream, <strong>and</strong><br />

cloud as God's outward methods of revealing to him His own<br />

manifestations in the finest way.<br />

It was no accident that, at the saaceptible age of seven, young<br />

Abrahaio went with his father from Kentucky to the forest<br />

wilderness of Indiana, <strong>and</strong> later helped to fell the trees <strong>and</strong><br />

build the cabin for a home. <strong>The</strong>re Nature's revealiugs were for<br />

a time almost unbroken by man. <strong>The</strong> pine knot at evening furnished<br />

the light hy which he read what little came in his way.<br />

By day his <strong>com</strong>muuings among the trees may never be known,<br />

but his after life attests to the absolut.e oneness with Nature's<br />

forces, which became engrafted into bis very being at this time.<br />

<strong>The</strong> sil~nt stars were baptizing his keen, susceptible, earthly<br />

nature with the breath fl} the Hetlvens, all unknown to his<br />



igation for himself <strong>and</strong> by himself upon all matters of greatest<br />

import. Unqnestionably much of that "horse sense" for w~iob<br />

he was noted may be attributable to thiA position of Mara.<br />

Venua in Sagittariua bleaaed him in making hia exeouti ve.<br />

nesa full of an original ideality-homely, as it often wu. It<br />

was as if an angel'a whiaper waa always heard when he was<br />

att.empting to decide what he should do in every great emergency.<br />

In this aign of the Tribe of Levi, Love's miuion to<br />

others found in him a willing executor. Loving fidelity to<br />

others-gradually embracing the nation-became hit histoi:io<br />

lot, <strong>and</strong> God only knoirs bow well he fulfllled it.<br />

But we must remember he was by birth of the· Tribe of<br />

Dan, or "one who judges." We recall iu the days of Jaoob<br />

how childless Rachel prayed for a son to be raised upon her<br />

knees, <strong>and</strong> her prayer was hearkened unto <strong>and</strong> she was given<br />

a son whom she called Dan. In that greater aen&e, when a<br />

nation reaches forth for its own savio'r, amid impending di11-<br />

integration, was it not true that our Dan came as a judge <strong>and</strong><br />

ruler over <strong>and</strong> among his brethren? <strong>The</strong> bii1tory of the nineteenth<br />

oentnry furnishes no parallel to this.<br />

"As below, so above." <strong>The</strong> great planets <strong>and</strong> oorre11ponding<br />

signR above, in their Earthy relationship, laid the fonndationa<br />

here for this wondrous development, whereby Abraham. Lincoln<br />

became the planetary man of largeat psychic toiadom at the<br />

most critical time in the history of America. And yet, with<br />

all the unusual wisdom which always possessed bis manhood<br />

years, he was ever a friend of the most lowly, with a keen sympathy<br />

almost at times threatening to destroy his judgment.<br />

<strong>The</strong> characteristics already named as deduced from the positions<br />

of the planets, were impregnated also with an occult<br />

<strong>com</strong>prehen11ion beyond that of his fellows, which oft.entimes<br />

caused him to feel, in a large sense, alone in the world. He<br />

reached out for the higher states of unfoldment. That is<br />

illustrated by the fondness be had for the poem beginning:<br />

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"Oh, why should the spirit of mortal be proud?" And also<br />

for thoee lines of Byron, wherein be aaya:-<br />

"Tell me ye winged winda,<br />

That 'round my pathway roar,<br />

Do ye not know some spot<br />

Where mortal• weep no more?<br />

• • • •<br />

Where, free from toil <strong>and</strong> pain,<br />

<strong>The</strong> weary l'Oul may rest?"<br />

This element of his nature found expression in his int.ease<br />

love of humor <strong>and</strong> in the jokes he so often perpetrated among<br />

all classes of people. Emerson has said: "Jokes are but half<br />

truths," <strong>and</strong> so we may underst<strong>and</strong> bow large a volome of half<br />

truths our subject was able to create in his intermingling with<br />

so great a variety of his fellow men. Indeed, it was to him a<br />

safety valve amid the great cares that were thrust upon him.<br />

But with all his earthliness <strong>and</strong> peculiarities, his soul in its<br />

deeper assertions found fitting voice in the words of Tennyson:­<br />

" Because right is right, to follow right<br />

Were wisdom in the scorn of conseqaence."<br />

In that spirit he gave himself to our country amid it.a moat<br />

trying hours, <strong>and</strong> in bis tragic death the people he loved <strong>and</strong><br />

served mourned him with a sincerity having no parallel in the<br />

history of republica. All over our broad l<strong>and</strong>, North <strong>and</strong> South,<br />

came spontaneously the loving tribute to his noble gr<strong>and</strong>eur<br />

aud inspired manhood, as was so fittingly expreued by<br />

Lowell:-<br />

"<strong>The</strong> kindly-earnest, brave, foreseeing man,<br />

Sagacioua, patient, dreading praise, not blame,<br />

New birth of our new Boil, the firat American/"<br />

-Libra.<br />

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(III.)<br />

Be who leum to bow a thing not only directly ham ita phenomeaa, bat allo<br />

ita rM80lll <strong>and</strong> oauee; <strong>and</strong> wbo, therefore, '* by the pbeaom- merely, but by<br />

th- aleo, ii oompelled to •:r. '"!'be thing mmt* be IO, <strong>and</strong> it oannot be othenriae;<br />

it ii -nly of ROh a obaraot.er, it mmt* baTe noh qualiti.; <strong>and</strong> it la impo..lble<br />

for it to pc.- othen"-aadentuda the thins aot oaly hietorioally but truly<br />

phil-phically, <strong>and</strong> be hu a phil~hioal bowledp of it. Caapar Friedrich<br />

Wolff (A. D. 1764).<br />

Probably Hudson's "Law of Psychic Phenomena" has done<br />

more than any other book to establish in the public mind a just<br />

conception of the dual oonstitution of the human intelligence,<br />

<strong>and</strong> in giving the term psychic to the phenomena therein described,<br />

he points to the true aouroe of those activities which<br />

in the text of bia work be attributes to the "subjective mind."<br />

<strong>The</strong> "subjective mind" is but another name for the psyche, or<br />

soul, to which belong those atrange powers that have always attracted<br />

the wonder <strong>and</strong> admiration of the world. <strong>The</strong> ability to<br />

read the future, to <strong>com</strong>m<strong>and</strong> the elements, hypnotic control in its<br />

various forms, knowledge of the thoughts of those toward whom<br />

one's attention may be directed, or of that which is taking place<br />

at a distance-these <strong>and</strong> like manifestations of what have hitherto<br />

been considered supernatural powert1, are but the normal activities<br />

of that psychic being, the history of whoite development<br />

we have traced from the time it appeared upon Mercury as a<br />

thought form, a dei6c word, sent forth by the Elohim, until,<br />

at the consummation of the flr"t half of its Solar Octave, it stoo


Octave, in which, aa it reached die planet Earth, it uobanged<br />

knowledge <strong>and</strong> power, which were preeminent <strong>and</strong> unerring,<br />

for a garment of flesh eo groea as to hide all bot an oooaaiooal<br />

<strong>and</strong> fttfnl gleam of its former glory.<br />

<strong>The</strong> doctrine of evolution, in it.a aoientiftc aooeptation, is bot<br />

a half-troth, aa dedoctiona reached by methods wholly materialistic<br />

moat be, in almost every instance. <strong>The</strong> history of the<br />

evolution of man, as it is read by the material aoi"ntist, is undoubt.edly<br />

the history of the evolution of man's physioal body<br />

<strong>and</strong> of bis intellect. As shown in the unfoldment of its embryo,<br />

which is a reoapitnlation of the ancestral history of it.a<br />

•peoies, bis physical structure bas evolved, step by step, from<br />

the earliest germinal states, through reptilian <strong>and</strong> animal forms,<br />

up to its present perfection, <strong>and</strong> with it has developed the intellect,<br />

the mind that peroeives <strong>and</strong> oompares the things of mat.<br />

ter <strong>and</strong> adjusts them to their proper relations. First appearing<br />

as the dim consciousness of the bioplasm, its knowledge of the<br />

pbyeical world by which it was surrounded oonstantly broadened<br />

as it passed through the su00888ive experiences of the asoending<br />

aoale of life, until, in the human body, the oontinuity of its<br />

perception of form <strong>and</strong> the externalities of oause <strong>and</strong> effect became<br />

sufficiently advanced to be characterized as reason.<br />

It was at this point that the soul-which, as we have seen,<br />

had attained individuation in a previous existenoe-desoended<br />

into the casement of flesh, <strong>and</strong> entrusted its interests in the external<br />

world to the keeping of the intellect, the mind originat.<br />

ing in the evolvemeut of the animal body; consequently, 80 far<br />

from the product of hie physical evolution representing the entire<br />

sum of man'& organisation u be exists to-day, it has, inatead,<br />

been the means by which the soul has been temporarily 80<br />

burled beneath the grouiiesa of materiality that but an occaeional<br />

glimpse of its pristine knowledge aud power baa been<br />

able to auert itself.<br />

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192 AN 0C'rA vi.: OF WORLDS.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Triplicitiea of the zodiacal signs are an important aid<br />

in the study of the subject now before us, u they f umiah a<br />

moat aatisfact.ory recital of the creative prooeaaea. We find in<br />

them a prophetic, a prot.oplumic, statement of <strong>The</strong> Name, the<br />

potency of Four in its vital manifestation. After leaving unity,<br />

however, we must reach the Four through the Two, <strong>and</strong> it ia<br />

in this order that the Triplicities present the plan of creation.<br />

By the term Airy, aa applied t.o the psychic 'Triplicity, we<br />

are taught the identity of the psychic <strong>and</strong> airy elements, of<br />

which the expression or manifeatation is the breath, the word,<br />

Gemini. Our attention has been aeveral timee called to the<br />

fact that, in its original constitution, the payche, or soul, was a<br />

aimple thought foranulated-that is, given its bodily structureby<br />

the breath (word). It was a creature of airy or psychic<br />

elements, sent forth by the Elohim to <strong>com</strong>mence the journey of<br />

life. Air, as we know, ia <strong>com</strong>poaed of two elements, oxygen<br />

<strong>and</strong> nitrogen, <strong>and</strong> in the power of Two, a condition of duality,<br />

the psychic states of being found not only the baaia of <strong>com</strong>position,<br />

but the basis of aotiYity <strong>and</strong> of manifestation, from their<br />

beginning to the nltimation of their unfoldment. <strong>The</strong> cir0le of<br />

paychic (airy) life ends, as it begins, in the potency of duality,<br />

expressed in the perfection of the conjugal relation, the union<br />

of two, fonnd upon VenUiJ, where the soul, or psychic existence,<br />

<strong>com</strong>pletes its individualisation. Gemini, the twins, is<br />

presented by the Triplicity u the formulat.or of the psychic<br />

quality, <strong>and</strong> that which ia dependent upon Gemini, the breath,<br />

for form <strong>and</strong> expre88ion, must neoosaaa·ily be dual in its struoture<br />

<strong>and</strong> development.<br />

Leaving the Airy Triciplioity, we find the next in order to<br />

be that of Water. Water is known to be the basil of all organic<br />

or material life. From prot.oplasmio substance, which baa<br />

its origin <strong>and</strong> home in the water, there apringa int.o existence,<br />

through the differentiation effected by heredity <strong>and</strong> adaptation<br />

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to environment, every form of physical life, both animal <strong>and</strong><br />

vegetable. Haeckel quot.ea from scientiflo authority the following<br />

statement: "From a condition in which plant is hardly to<br />

be distingniahed from animal, creatures have appeared, gradually<br />

perfecting themselves in two opposite direotion1,-the plant<br />

is finally glorified into the tree, enduring <strong>and</strong> motionleu, the<br />

animal into the human being, of the highest mobility <strong>and</strong> freedom"<br />

-<strong>and</strong> it ia in the wat.er that thia ·original type ia found.<br />

<strong>The</strong> att.empta of embryologist.a to diatingniah between the protoplasm<br />

of the plant <strong>and</strong> that of the animal, have resulted<br />

in such unmistakable failure that leading authorities auggest<br />

the ab<strong>and</strong>onment of the effort. Huxley frankly admita the probability<br />

that "the very earlieat plant.a <strong>and</strong> the very oldest animals<br />

belong to the same stock;" <strong>and</strong> Haeckel propoaea that thia<br />

original group be called Protista.<br />

Now the easential elements of the undifferentiated life aubstanoe,<br />

as it originally exists in its watery home, we find to be<br />

four,--oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, <strong>and</strong> carbon. Cancer, the<br />

fountain or Hhead" of the wat.ery element.a, is indicated by a<br />

representation of "the male <strong>and</strong> female germ•($), the aperm<br />

<strong>and</strong> the ova, symbolioal of the origin of the life on the Earth<br />

by these two ciliated globules in friendly poise." Thus the<br />

airy pair (oxygen <strong>and</strong> nitrogen). by union with a ooonterpartal<br />

two (hydrogen <strong>and</strong> carbon), exchange the psychic oondition<br />

for a snbetantial physical body, they clothe themselves<br />

with a garment of flesh. And aa the Triplicity of Air received<br />

form through Gemini, the Word, ao the Triplicity of vital ~<br />

tera auumea form in Piecea, the Fiah, the term being used, of<br />

course, in it.a broadNt sense, meaning all organization which<br />

ocean in the watel'8.<br />

As the light of the new begina to dispel the cold, dark<br />

night of mat.eriality, which baa ao long enahrouded our planet,<br />

<strong>and</strong> in int.erior vision we are at last able to look out<br />

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194 AN 0C'I'A VE OF WORLDS.<br />

upon the interplay of the uni•eraal energies <strong>and</strong> their man.<br />

ifeatation in the worlda <strong>and</strong> systems of worlds by which we<br />

are surrounded, we see one pivotal truth around which every<br />

other revolves, a law ao absolutely <strong>com</strong>prehensive u to overwhelm<br />

our finite faculties in the e«ort to grasp its gigantio<br />

import. We may, perhaps, convey a suggestion of this mighty<br />

law when we say that it is, the maintenance of unity of purpose<br />

<strong>and</strong> continuity of method.<br />

Its buis is unity, a great central ideal, a oenter of infinite<br />

proportions-that is, through the in6nite sequence of unfoldment,<br />

each uoending plane of life beholds its Center in the highest<br />

organization of which it is able to take cognizance. That<br />

Center st<strong>and</strong>s to it as Unity; it ia the Great White Throne,<br />

the center of ideal exoellenoe <strong>and</strong> of power around which its<br />

existence revolves; for u, imperfect in expression, it came out<br />

from its Center, so it ever aspires to the perfection from which<br />

sprang, thus <strong>com</strong>pleting its circle of beiog.<br />

Next to Unity-wherever in the scale of life that center may<br />

st<strong>and</strong>-is duality, <strong>The</strong> Two, who prepare the way for <strong>The</strong> Four,<br />

appearing next in order, to be followed, in turn, by <strong>The</strong> Eight;<br />

<strong>and</strong> so goes on the rhythm of life, the mighty order of tba<br />

Eternities.<br />

Viewed from the Center, or from the cause side of its existence,<br />

each organization appears as a grouping of the particular<br />

number of individuals of which it is <strong>com</strong>posed, bot aaseen from<br />

the external, or from the st<strong>and</strong>point of e«ect-that is, in the<br />

performance of their functions in relation to lower orders of<br />

life-they are one. In other words, they look to the higher for<br />

their own Center of power (Unity), but, in turn, hold the place<br />

of Unity to those lower in the scale of beiog. Io the e«ort to<br />

grasp this conception of Unity, we behold a Center of infinite<br />

extension-in other words, infinitely enlarging by a process of<br />

aggregation in wbiob the outer circle of a concentric aeries is<br />

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always increasing at a ratio of two,• doubling its own proportions-"our<br />

God is One.''<br />

And yet eternl\l progreuion dem<strong>and</strong>s that the circles or cycles<br />

of life advance in spiral order; therefore we must underst<strong>and</strong><br />

that in this unending series there is no closed circlet, that it is<br />

a universal movement in a never-ending auccession of spirals.<br />

For example, the Earth, t.o its inhabitant.a appears t.o describe<br />

a definite <strong>and</strong> closed orbit in the revolution around its central<br />

orb, although we know that, by reason of a similar movement<br />

of the Sun around a center yet beyond, the Earth in reality<br />

travels a spiral patb,-a path which, viewed from a Solar at<strong>and</strong>point,<br />

bears the same relation to the orbit of the Sun as, t.o an<br />

Earthly astronomer, the path of the Moon does t.o that of our<br />

own planet. <strong>The</strong> Sun, in turn, sees its revolution around its<br />

own central luminary as a closed orbit, while from that Transcendent<br />

Center, Sun, Earth, <strong>and</strong> Moon are all pursuing their<br />

spiral way. Thus, throughout the ascending scale, each body<br />

knows but onf! center, which st<strong>and</strong>11 t.o it as Unity. <strong>and</strong> ita life<br />

energies are onct>ntrated in ac<strong>com</strong>plishing tbe circle of its exi11tence,<br />

its revolution around that center: but, in doing so, it carrie11<br />

with it the lesMir world11, wheeling in spiral mue along its<br />

path. Stupendous thought !-those blazing syst.ems with their<br />

people (for in defining the scheme of worlds. we are also study.<br />

ing the a11t•ending order of organized intelligen.e ), as they<br />

mount the cycles of life, bear with them the weight of all the<br />

unh·erae below.<br />

<strong>The</strong> writer proposes briefly t.o examine some of the evidence<br />

offered by mystic symbolism <strong>and</strong> by the constitution <strong>and</strong> laws<br />

of natu~, that the ultimate of- the Octave of Worlds through<br />

wl1foh our planet is now passing is the unity of Four; that four<br />

di11tinct individnals are to unite, forming one. <strong>The</strong> Octave is<br />

•<strong>The</strong>re le ..a.fact.ory nlde- that the time required for ~ eyel• of proirre.<br />

la proportioned t.o their import.anM-pro),.bJy 1-liag at a ratio much<br />

higher than doee the agrreption of lndiTiduaJ1.<br />

t<strong>The</strong> reader 1hould not forpt that the ereatin "elrcl1" always fOl'llll the OQt..<br />

Jbie of "the eternal ear ...<br />

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to close with the full chord, the four notes embodying the a&•<br />

sembled harmonies of the seven asoending tones. In the Tetra.<br />

grammaton, the name of <strong>The</strong> Four, Earth long ago caught the<br />

first faint echo of those four triumphant notes which, to.day, &1'8<br />

rolling down the Octave from the planet J apiter. And in the<br />

light of uni venal evidence of the oneneea of law <strong>and</strong> of substance,<br />

can we di8&880Ciate the destiny of a race from that of a planet?<br />

If, in one instance, the ultimate individual is the result of a<br />

union of four, does uot the other attain the same perfection?<br />

No one who, with unbiased judgment <strong>and</strong> from a acientifio<br />

st<strong>and</strong>point, has atudied the phenomena of human life <strong>and</strong> those<br />

of the planet, or who is sufficiently sensitive to examine them<br />

by means of the payohic vision, oan for a moment doubt their<br />

identity. This fact was 80 generally recognized among the ancients<br />

that the various stages of human evolntion were told in<br />

language descriptive of oosmic phenomena, thus indicating that<br />

the nnf oldment of racial life <strong>and</strong> that qf the worlds pursue the<br />

same course. <strong>The</strong> very name given in the early time to the<br />

crowning planet of the seven, shows that the ancient seers looked<br />

forward to the tran11Ceudent union awaiting our vlanet as well<br />

as its race; <strong>and</strong> in the character <strong>and</strong> development of the life of<br />

Earth, we find Nature constantly adju1tting herself to a design<br />

looking to the fourfold ultimate not of the race only, but of the<br />

very structure of the planet.<br />

<strong>The</strong> RCientific maxim tells us that "Nature takes no leaps."<br />

<strong>and</strong> she shows us most unmistakably that her building is modeled<br />

upon the plan of the square; <strong>and</strong> when the structure iR oomplet.ed<br />

Rhe will have materialized the form of ideal perfeotion,<br />

-Masonic. as well as that of all ooonlt symboJism.-thatof the<br />

four equal faces, the square. Note the proportions of the !Rraelitish<br />

Tabernacle, of Solomon's Temple, of the City of the New<br />

.Jerusalem as outlined in Revelation-all typical of the character<br />

of that perfected structure which the planet <strong>and</strong> the raoe are<br />

now 80 diligently building.<br />

(To be continued.)<br />


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We regret that limited apace permit.a u to give, during the eomae of the year,<br />

but oue delineation to each subaoriber. <strong>The</strong> n_,- data are, the year, day of<br />

the mouth, hoar <strong>and</strong> place of birth. Without the hour we may approzimat.e a delineation,<br />

but it will alwaya be llDllltiafactory; therefore, if obtainable, we ahould<br />

have the hour, <strong>and</strong> if it cannot be ucertained, the applicant mut underst<strong>and</strong> that<br />

the oharacter-aketch ia more or 1-in<strong>com</strong>plete. In all -, however, the d


E. W. W. Feb. 24, 1882, 9 a. m. Ann Arbor, Mich.<br />

Tat'.'fl'rtES.<br />

1'&1PLI01'l'IJE8,<br />

Uftl.I&CTU.U., 1. AntY, 2.<br />

LT&BN.A.L, 1. WATBBY, 4.<br />

llaPaonuO'l'lvx, 2. Fmar, 1.<br />

ROVING, 4. Eumr, 2.<br />

RISING SIGN-~ .<br />

<strong>The</strong> earth in Piacee gives you a great deal of energy, bat the reetle11ane11<br />

which characterizes Pisces people is modified in your case by<br />

Tanroa rising, <strong>and</strong> somewhat harmonized by the poeition of the moon<br />

in Gemini. Thia hue is the fonndation for a 11ucc888fnl lawyer <strong>and</strong><br />

politician. You have a very strong body, which is well supported by<br />

Saturn in Scorpio. Uranus <strong>and</strong> Mercury in the basic sign add their<br />

qualities to your innate nature. Uranus gives ability to keep your<br />

own counael. It also imparts a good degree of aubtlene19 <strong>and</strong> discrimination,<br />

while Mercury endows yon with atrength <strong>and</strong> hardiness,<br />

<strong>and</strong> over<strong>com</strong>es the inclination to aenaitiveneu-it adds vitality <strong>and</strong><br />

physical power. Japit.er in Sagittarius produces large ideas of your<br />

capacity, 110 that you love great undertakings; <strong>and</strong> while you can<br />

look after the minotiie of atfair11, you are more inclined to generalize.<br />

Thia poeition of Jupiter also inclines. you to a military life, yet the<br />

basic principles of your nature are not adapted to that sphere. Mara<br />

in Aquarius gives ability to protect yourself among the people. In<br />

this position, however, Mara is detrimental to you, as it gives rise to<br />

something within yon that makes enemies, <strong>and</strong> yon will liv


J. R. L. Aogaat 11, 18i9. Merian, Alabama.<br />

TB:nrrrm.<br />


hmu.ucru..u., 1. Axav, 4,<br />

MATBBlf..u., 1. W.4.TKBY, 1.<br />

RBPBODtl'CTIVB, 4. FIERY, 1.<br />

SBBVING, 2. E.4.BTRY, 2.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Leo nature aa given in Solar Biology appliea direetly to you.<br />

Yoo are led oat into that interior, yet moat vital <strong>and</strong> powerfal 1ign<br />

Talll'Qll. At the base <strong>and</strong> polarity "re both interior 1igna, they prevent<br />

a clear, easy, normal extemal expreasion. Jupiter in Piaces<br />

, makes you reatleaa, diuati1fied <strong>and</strong> diacontented with cir<strong>com</strong>ltancea,<br />

snrroonrlinga <strong>and</strong> the world in general. including youraelf. It ia difficult<br />

for yoa to deal correctly with minntiat <strong>and</strong> to pan quickly from<br />

one thing to another. You have a most uno11ual <strong>com</strong>bination of planet.­<br />

ary poeitio1111,-bom <strong>and</strong> polarized in interior signa (we regret not<br />

having the rising 11ign), <strong>and</strong> having four planets in Libra, the 1ign of<br />

darkneM <strong>and</strong> cmosation. You are stubbom <strong>and</strong> aometimea unreasonable<br />

in yoar dealings with othera, but po89e&11 wonderful psychic perception;<br />

with proper cultivation you woul


C. J. B. Feb. 4, 1866, lS.30 a.m. Copenhagen, Denmark.<br />

'l'aIPLIOITIB8.<br />

Amr, 2.<br />

W.&nar, 0.<br />

Ru&ODUCTIVB, 2. FJJCBr, 8.<br />

EARTHY, s.<br />

RISING SIGN-/.<br />

By the earth'• poaition in Aquarine, yon are peculiarly allied<br />

to the body of humanity. Thia baee, led out by the moon in<br />

Taurua, with Sagittariue rising~ would make yon a natural eerv·<br />

er, were it not for the in6uence of Uranus in the ·body sign,<br />

Sagittarius, which creates disoontent .in all spheree of mere aervice.<br />

Saturn in Aries gives yon a very orderly mind, <strong>and</strong> Jupiter in Gem·<br />

ini allies you to the 1eienCM <strong>and</strong> mechanics. <strong>The</strong>se three poeitione<br />

-four, including the rising sign-would enable you, by thonght<br />

<strong>and</strong> eelf-culture, to develop ability aa a teacher or public epeaker.<br />

Mercury, however, in your polarity, leads you out <strong>and</strong> is inclined<br />

to govern your nature, holding you down to a menial sphere of existence,<br />

which would be in exact opposition to the in6nence of Uranus,<br />

Saturn, <strong>and</strong> Jupiter. By careful study of the practical methods for<br />

reaching the highest goal of human attainment <strong>and</strong> by living the life<br />

taught in <strong>The</strong> Esoteric, you can over<strong>com</strong>e the evil in6uenoe of the<br />

polarity <strong>and</strong> Mercury, <strong>and</strong> can enter a sphere of service allied to the<br />

transcendental or cause state. Mara in Capricorn makea yon very econ·<br />

omical in the use of money, <strong>and</strong> unites with the Aquarius baae in pro·<br />

ducing a strong eelfiah proclivity, which you must underst<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> ovt>r.<br />

c,me in order to reach the high attainment indicated by the three high·<br />

er planetary poeitiom. H you study the people around you <strong>and</strong> the<br />

world in general by the light of Solar Biology, yon will be able to adapt<br />

yonnelf to your surroundings, <strong>and</strong> thus make life more harmoniot11.<br />

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'fH& 8101.0&ICAL Jouu.u. 201<br />

P. R. April 29, 1840. Braintree, Eaea, Engl<strong>and</strong>.<br />


TaJPLIOrrn:L<br />

INTBLL&Cl'U.U., 6. AIBY, 2.<br />

JdATBJUr.U., 2. WATBBY, 1.<br />

RBPBODUOTIVB, 1. Fumy, 1.<br />

SDVING, o. EuTHY, 4.<br />

I<br />

•<br />

In the abeence of the hour of your birth we are uoert&in u to a num•<br />

ber of pointa regarding yom pecoliar nature. A Tauras hue polarized<br />

into Arlee, produeee a very obetinate diapoaiUon. While you have<br />

good intoitiona, yet they re1at.e mainly to the spiritual, to art, <strong>and</strong> to<br />

thoee thinga that pertain to the reftnementa of life. .Jupiter in Tau·<br />

1'118 givea you great pride <strong>and</strong> an abundance of aelf-eateem, a <strong>com</strong>bina.<br />

tion which ia a fruitful source of failure <strong>and</strong> diaappoinwent, from<br />

the fact that it inclines 700 to move forward by force of will rather<br />

than by quietly feelinit after <strong>and</strong> acUng from the intuitive perceptiObL<br />

If you are able to conquer anxiety <strong>and</strong> to act from the interior impulses,<br />

eapecially thoee obtained in the early morning when you ftnt<br />

awaken, there ia no reuon why you should not be aucceuful; but u<br />

long u you are led to act under force of the will. many failoree will attend<br />

your life. Saturn in Gemini gives you great love of the aciencee,<br />

<strong>and</strong> you would have made a succeu of scientific punuita. Kan in<br />

Scorpio ia an advereary in your life, for it keepe your mental condi·<br />

tione diaturbed <strong>and</strong> 11t11TOWlda you with much antagonism <strong>and</strong> inhar·<br />

mony; but thi1 inharmony ia mostly of a bidden <strong>and</strong> nbtle nature.<br />

Virgo i1 the natural expNllOr of Taur111 <strong>and</strong> Uranua. <strong>and</strong> Venue, being<br />

in that ailf!l, unites with your polarity to take you more into the<br />

ideal <strong>and</strong> dream life than into the real <strong>and</strong> praeticaL In answer to<br />

your qaestiona I would aay: 6nt, give much thought to the true prlnoiples<br />

of Chriatianity, in ita higher <strong>and</strong> occult pbuea; aecond, get<br />

aome suceeeeful businees man to attend to your lnveetmenta <strong>and</strong> ftnan·<br />

clal intereata generally, for, unless your rising aign ia one that prodn·<br />

oea harmony in your basic prineiplea, you can hardly expect anything<br />

but the failure of any 6nancial undertaking of your own.<br />

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W. D. May, 26 1877, 6 a. m. Toledo, 0.<br />



MATERNAL, 2. WATRRY, 2.<br />


SBRVING, 1. EARTHY, 1.<br />

RISING SIGN-n.<br />

<strong>The</strong> position of the eal'th <strong>and</strong> the rising sign produce an organism<br />

tha.t is very active, both mentally <strong>and</strong> physically. Jupiter <strong>and</strong> Mercul'V<br />

in the eame eign give you high ideals <strong>and</strong> a high regard for position<br />

in life, youl' st<strong>and</strong>ing before the public, ete. <strong>The</strong> moon in Scorpio p1'odnces<br />

a g..eat deal of subtlety in your nature,-while you genel'lllly<br />

appear to be open <strong>and</strong> free, <strong>and</strong> lead youl' a&Rociatee to think that you<br />

express without hesitation whi&t you think <strong>and</strong> feel, at the same time<br />

yon always have a reserve, <strong>and</strong> your purposes are never known.<br />

Thia will make you very aucceRSful in whatever you undertake.<br />

You would succeed as an author or a aul'geon-particularly aR an<br />

anthor; would do well in art, or as an a11tronomer. You have the<br />

capl\City to leam quickly, <strong>and</strong> apply yourself readily to whatever you<br />

undertake. You have the 11.bilit.v to make youraelf known in the world<br />

<strong>and</strong> remembered by it. You would also do well in the stndy <strong>and</strong><br />

practical uRea of electricity <strong>and</strong> the subtile forceR of natnre. All<br />

a student of the laWR of mind <strong>and</strong> of the physical organism in<br />

general, you would be successful. Guard against too mnch activity,<br />

or, in other word~. a~ain1t wasting energy, as you have four planets<br />

in Gemini, which make you very relltle88, <strong>and</strong> you have not an excess<br />

of vitality. You shonld 11tndy the art of conserving the vital enel'­<br />

gies-malte everv mnvement of u11e <strong>and</strong> your etudie11 practica.J. <strong>The</strong><br />

re~enerate life is very e88entia.1 to your longevity, as well as to health.<br />

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KINDERHOOK, MICH. OCT. 17, 1900.<br />

Dear Brother Butler.-<br />

<strong>The</strong> following dream may <strong>com</strong>e under the bead of the experiences<br />

you have asked for. I should be glad if you would<br />

look over my horoscope in connection with the dream, if you<br />

should use the latter.<br />

With regard <strong>and</strong> brotherly love, I am<br />

Very truly,<br />

E. J. Howe11.<br />

DaEUl:-U pon a certain evening. a few yeara since, I bad<br />

the following dream. I was suddenly amid a multitude of enti·<br />

ties, flashing white like snowflakes, <strong>and</strong> bearing swiftly upward<br />

<strong>and</strong> away into space in a northweiit direction. <strong>The</strong>re was a har.<br />

mony of easy triumph <strong>and</strong> orderly certainty 'in onr far-rising<br />

jonrney. <strong>and</strong> my own ravishment set>med the ea..


none. <strong>The</strong> angel laughed aoftly <strong>and</strong> approvingly amid the<br />

silence, wherein we were the centre of all eyea. <strong>The</strong>n he brought<br />

me the Earth. With humility <strong>and</strong> modesty, but with perfect<br />

aelf-pol8888ion, I opened my arms <strong>and</strong> to my bo.Jom took the<br />

angel-touched Earth. Imagine the Atlantic poured into con.<br />

aoionaneu <strong>and</strong> tamed to UDBpeakable bliu. Such was my sense<br />

<strong>and</strong> measure of satisfaction. <strong>The</strong> Earih <strong>and</strong> I passed into each<br />

other <strong>and</strong> became one perfect oomoionaneae. I awoke in the<br />

ftet1h <strong>and</strong> kept my joy for the apace of a quarter of an hour.<br />

Where had I been? What did it mean? <strong>The</strong>re can be no effect<br />

withont an appropriate oame. In the ftnal number of <strong>The</strong> Eao.<br />

teric I gave a still more myaterio111 experienoe. Are these, <strong>and</strong><br />

others I could relate, indicated by my horoaoope? I wu born Oct.<br />

11, 1838,at eleven o'clock in the evening, in Ontario Co., N. Y •<br />

.An1.-E. J. H. Oct. 17, 1838, 11 a. m. Ontario Co., N. Y.<br />

$ in .a.; ) in .a.; 6, !JS; W in WX; 1z in II1 'JI. in cy>; l in ~;<br />

2 in )( ; V in )(•<br />

Yea. we think the positions of the earth <strong>and</strong> moon, the rising<br />

sign, <strong>and</strong> planetary positions all explain your peanliar experienOM.<br />

In the flrat plaoe. the earth <strong>and</strong> moon were both in the<br />

sign Libra, whioh was represented by the ftrat son of J aoob, Ren.<br />

hen: "Reuben," he said, "is my ftrat born." In the evolutionary<br />

unfoldment by <strong>and</strong> throuirh creative energy, Libra is the flrat<br />

sign of the gr<strong>and</strong> cycle. lte nature is as if a oomoiona entity<br />

were inoaaed in a dark globe, let nR Ray, the oeuter of the earth,<br />

looking out through darlme&A, beholding the light. It is not to<br />

be wondered at that your ohoioe was the earth, for there is a<br />

feeling with Libra. wherever found, that they are to be the ftrat.<br />

<strong>The</strong>ir strange visions <strong>and</strong> their relatedneu to pure creative<br />

nature, make them feel that they st<strong>and</strong>, u it were. alone, the<br />

ftrat. In your cue this is augmented by the fact that the last<br />

degree of the maternal sign Canoer, was riaing at the time of<br />

your birth. Thus your body beoomea an inspirer, a gatherer, of<br />

thoujl'bta <strong>and</strong> ideaa. You have no planet in the interior aip of<br />

7our Trlplloity <strong>and</strong> oDl.7 one, 8at111'D, In the e:rpreaain1 aign; <strong>and</strong><br />

•<br />

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•<br />

this, being in the first part, ia weak, giving full power to the<br />

peculiarity of the Libra base. Uran us is in the sign which leads<br />

out the maternal trinity, <strong>and</strong>, consequently, it ia the expreuor<br />

of, <strong>and</strong> governs your body, <strong>and</strong> fills your mind with inspirations<br />

of the mystic, <strong>and</strong> of a11 that which pertains to the peculiarities<br />

of the Virgo nature. Jupiter in Aries indicates high idealR,<br />

broad conceptiona, <strong>and</strong> a great deal of self.centered character.<br />

Man in Capricorn tends. as it were, to throw the entire <strong>com</strong>bination<br />

back upon yourself. Venue <strong>and</strong> Mercury, in the1'98tle11<br />

sign Pieces, keep you ever busy, 80 that you would naturalJy<br />

live in a world of your own, <strong>and</strong> no doubt the angel would<br />

give you the world as your own. And when, in the fulJneas of<br />

time, your consciousness grows large enough to be one with the<br />

conaciousne11 of all life on the planet, then you will posseaa the<br />

planet. <strong>and</strong> it may be that I will be there <strong>and</strong> possess it too;<br />

but there will be no struggle between you <strong>and</strong> me, <strong>and</strong> many<br />

other yous <strong>and</strong> mes who will own the planet Earth, for no one<br />

will detract from the posseasion that each will have. In no instance<br />

have I seen the planetary poaitionR throw the individual<br />

80 thoroughly back upon himself, as is the case in your nativity;<br />

the maternal sign Cancer is the only point wherein you<br />

touch the world of mankind.<br />


CBARACTEB Bun.DINO. By Ralph Wal.Jo Trine. This pamphlet of 80 pageti is a<br />

work of true merit. It contains much encouragement for thoee who are 1trugirling<br />

with fate, <strong>and</strong> hu many pt'ROtical thoughta thAt we 1'8Adily reoommeud to the<br />

public. Sold by Thomas Y. Crowell <strong>and</strong> Co., New York <strong>and</strong> Boetou.<br />

DllCOVBRY or A LollT T&AJJ.. By Chas. B. New<strong>com</strong>b. 282 pages, cloth,<br />

$1.50 Sold by Lee <strong>and</strong> Shepard, Boeton, Mus. Thill work ia written eomewhat<br />

in the fol'ID of a UOYel. It containa many very good 18880119 for practical life.<br />

<strong>The</strong> publiehen tell u that it ia "a aimple study of that strange <strong>and</strong> beautiful thing<br />

which we call life. lt conb\ins only a few familiar signboard& that have helped<br />

10me bewildel'8d trav .. llen to find their way in pathe that -m mouutainoua <strong>and</strong><br />

difficult. Plain eugge11tioue of confidence, patience, glad- <strong>and</strong> decieion often<br />

bring ua back to the trail we haYB loat through the uncertainty of our own power<br />

<strong>and</strong> freedom. When we 1'8ally ue ueured of the right road, we can truly belieYe<br />

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206 BOOK REVIEWS.<br />

that llfe ia a .mg <strong>and</strong> not a cry. When - ean feel oonfldent tbU all w<strong>and</strong>erea<br />

will at laat <strong>com</strong>e through the tu- of storm <strong>and</strong> foe, in whioh they han -med<br />

to mia their way, we maybe cheered <strong>and</strong> oomfortiecl. We are 101Uettm. arladdenecl<br />

by a freeh t.CMloh upon the at:rinp of the harp of life. <strong>The</strong> I01llldiDar of a<br />

few old ohorda may eoothe u like the oradle-eouga of infaucy. <strong>The</strong> writer hu<br />

not aimed at metaphyaioal flgnftl9 or oratoriea.'' We think the book la of praotL<br />

cal Talue <strong>and</strong> that it will do much good in the world.<br />

We haTe before us a copy of a maguine eutitled PaABUDDll.t. Ba•.JUTA, the<br />

organ of an Indian Brotherhood of which the Swami ViTeltan<strong>and</strong>a ill the head. In<br />

every •-it ii a charaot.eriltic Indian <strong>journal</strong>, <strong>and</strong> will proTe an in't'&luable help<br />

to thcee who wiala to beoome familiar with one of the Orieutal religio111, ita pecnliar<br />

ideu <strong>and</strong> ouatoma. <strong>The</strong> editor givea endenoe of. thorough aoquaintanoe with what<br />

la roinar on in religiou India, <strong>and</strong> eeema to be fully alin to the importanoe of an<br />

awakeninar amonar hie people. Unlike most Indian editon, I 'the JIUllllltr8r'' of thia<br />

Dlllpline ahowa no ahadow of an inclinatiou toward Chriatianillina hie publioation<br />

or imitatinar the Occideut; he -ma to be true to hie oourictio1111, <strong>and</strong> deTot.ed to<br />

the int.ereata of hia religion aud India. <strong>The</strong> jounial ii well worth the thoughtful<br />

perual of lltlldeuta, for they will find in lt many Taluable thoughta <strong>and</strong> na-­<br />

tiona. Sabaeription, $1,00 per annum. Adm-, Manager, Prabuddha Bbarata,<br />

MayaTati (Tia Almon), Kumoan, Himalayu, India.<br />

1'Bll AITJl0L0010AL KAoAZllOI. A. JIUl«8lline edit.eel aud publiahed by an Indian<br />

of aobolarly attainment, who baa devot.ed mauy yeara to a moai careful liudy of<br />

Oriental aatrolog-y, eapecially that of anoient India. It containe muoh that ii eztremely<br />

lutereatinir <strong>and</strong> eutittly new to the Weetem world. Two nnmben before<br />

u contaiu eaoh eighteen artiolea, of which the aubjeot matter en- an amount<br />

of ~h <strong>and</strong> a oharacter of thoqght rarely found in euoh magui-. Studeuta<br />

of utroloCJ <strong>and</strong> thoee intereet.ed in anoient aciellClell will find thil magazine inftluable.<br />

Term• of aubiocrlption: Indian-yearly in advanoe Ra. 4; Englieh, 5 ehillinp;<br />

American, $1.50. Addreee, B.Suryanarain Row, B.A.,M.R. A.. S., Madru, India.<br />

"Hlu.LTB GBIUU." A. pamphlet of 15 paarea, ln which "the anthor givee a<br />

glimpee of a philphy that not only makee health poeeible to all, but, through a<br />

redeemed oontogion, it may be<strong>com</strong>e infeotiou." Sold by Alice B. Stockham &<br />

Co., M Fifth Ave., Cbicaco. Prioe, 25 centL<br />

PatLOIOPBIO NuooETI. Gathered by Jeanne G. Pennington from the writinge<br />

of Thomae Carlyle, John Ruakin, Henri-Frederic Amiel, aud CharlM Kingaley. A<br />

book of 167 pagea, neatly bound in cloth with gilt top. It contains many wellchmen<br />

tbonghta from th888 prominent authora, <strong>and</strong> writers will fiud it a convenil'nt<br />

eollrOO from whioh t.o glean pithy quotation11. Sold by Forde, Howard &Hulbert,<br />

47 F.ut Teuth St., New York. Price, l>O cente.<br />

EocB Hoam is the title of a monthly magazine of 27 page11. We quote the following<br />

from the editor's Prospect.ua: "Thie Publication wi11 owe alleaiauce to no<br />

religiol18 or political echool, 118Ct, ayatem, party, cult or pel'llOn. lta aim will be<br />

to aid in the progress of mankind through a cultivation of a knowledge of Tl'Dth<br />

wherever fouud, regardleas of individual pr..ferencea <strong>and</strong> precon~ived n"tiona."<br />

Published by <strong>The</strong> Ecce Homo Publishing Co., 006 Turpin St., Richmond, Va.<br />

Price, $1.00 a year.<br />

1<br />

I<br />

1<br />

J<br />

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<<br />

..<br />

Tn LAMP, a monthly magazine of 22 paree, devot.ed t.o the Oooult <strong>and</strong> <strong>The</strong>o-<br />

10phiclll, appean to be a YBl"f bright little maguiae, well printed, <strong>and</strong> oontaim IDt.ereeting<br />

<strong>and</strong> instructive thoaght. Published by Albert E. S. Smythe, 18 Nol'th<br />

St., Toronto, Canada. Priee, $1.00 a year .<br />

S. Linooln Hiabop hu oommeneed a 1111riea of pamphlet. which be oalla "Um­<br />

VBBSAL HAaxOlfY L1BR.\RY, TIN 7'rutla about HttJliMg." <strong>The</strong> number before<br />

u contains llideelJ pacea <strong>and</strong> ia deYot.ed to an article entitled "LoYB <strong>and</strong> Wisdom.<br />

'' He baa b.igun a good work, <strong>and</strong> hia thought -ma to be what might be<br />

termed Yitai thougbt. <strong>The</strong> ideea, to my mind, are more in harmony with nniYBl'-<br />

1111 law, or the law of God, than thoee of the majority of IDBnt..J 10ientm:a. From<br />

oertaio upriuioa~ in I.hie pamphlet, I ahoald jndge that Jae ia familiar with the<br />

id .. a of reg.oneration. Whether he ia pre pared to teiwh it or not, NDIAiu to be<br />

aeen, bnt if he oarriM into practil'B the tboughta that he hu pnt into worda, he la<br />

deatined eoon to be<strong>com</strong>e one of the !itlhtm of the world. We feel like welooming<br />

aoich a work for the aake of the world amd ita n-U. <strong>The</strong> pamphlet ia marked<br />

25 cent.a. Add.- S. Liucolu Bialaop, Daytona, Florida.<br />


We have received from India, the manuscript for a little book<br />

to be entitled THE PILGRIM'S PATH. Itisaoompilationof<br />

selections from letters writt.eu to a disciple by one of the most<br />

widely known Masters of India. <strong>The</strong> pupil to whom these letters<br />

were writt.en-<strong>and</strong> who ia at present in charge of an institntion<br />

of learning in Midna.pur, India-has arranged the selections<br />

<strong>and</strong> sends them to us for publication. <strong>The</strong>y are of the<br />

character of special instructions intentled to aid the recipient in<br />

his effort to reach the high goal.<br />

<strong>The</strong> book will be one of rare merit, as, in purity <strong>and</strong> depth<br />

of 11piritual quality, it i1 11nperior to any of the Indian writings<br />

with which we are familiar. We hope to announce in the next<br />

i11ffntl of <strong>The</strong> ,Tonrna.l that thi11 littla work is reacly for distribu·<br />

tion, but, on account of an unusual press of work just now iu our<br />

printing offic\e, its appearance may be delayed. <strong>The</strong> booklet<br />

will he neatly bound in linen <strong>and</strong> brown, <strong>and</strong> sold for 50 cents<br />

a copy.<br />

•<br />

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208 EDITORIAL.<br />

<strong>The</strong> following advertisement was sent us, <strong>and</strong> with it the little<br />

book referred to, which is sold for ten cents. Although the<br />

peculiar wording of the advertisement inclined us to reject it at<br />

once, yet, after reading the little book, we decided to publish<br />

the notice of it. It contains many suggestive thoughts which<br />

are very good for the good <strong>and</strong> pure-minded, but very bad for<br />

the bad <strong>and</strong> evil-minded. <strong>The</strong> subject matter h<strong>and</strong>led by the<br />

author is vital, <strong>and</strong> in the h<strong>and</strong>s of the wise will be found useful.<br />

As the little book refers to a larger one, we will reserve further<br />

judgment until we have seen the more extended work.<br />

<strong>The</strong> ten-cent booklet contains enough important knowledge to<br />

be well worth sending for.<br />

SELi!' HYPNOTIC HBA.LING.-I havemadealate discovery that en·<br />

ables all to induce the hypnotic sleep in themselves instantly, awaken at<br />

any desired time <strong>and</strong> thereby cure all known diseases <strong>and</strong> bad habit.a.<br />

Anyone can induce this sleep in themselves instantly at first trial, control<br />

their dreams, read the minds of friends <strong>and</strong> enemies, visit any part<br />

of the earth, solve hard questions <strong>and</strong> problems in this sl1:1ep <strong>and</strong> remember<br />

all when awake. This 1o-called Mental-Vision Lesson will be<br />

sent to anyone fur 10c. silver, actually enabling him to do the above<br />

without further charge.<br />

Paoli'. R. E. DUTTON, McCook, Neb.<br />

Dept. 5.<br />

Digitized by Google

NOTICE.<br />

When Oak Park passed oat of the h<strong>and</strong>.a of the Esoteric Fra&ernity.<br />

it was purchased by one of our neighbors, who had long known<br />

the place. Aa he ii a man of advanced age <strong>and</strong> in poor health, he<br />

wi11hea to sell the place, <strong>and</strong> we would like to aee it go into the poaaeuion<br />

of aome one inte1'88ted in the higher thought. <strong>The</strong> nlue of<br />

the place may be better estimated when we state that there was a<br />

mortgage of $2,000 <strong>and</strong> a aer.und mortgage of $5,000 on it, making<br />

in all $7,000. ·<strong>The</strong>se have been cleared. <strong>and</strong> the present owner now<br />

otren it fol' $7,500. <strong>The</strong>re are 160 acres in the plut, <strong>and</strong> moat of it<br />

liea in Roch a position as to be e&11ily irrigated. A large portion of it<br />

could be cultivated aa a gaTden; a lit.tie ereek rune through it, which<br />

supplied sufficient water to give ua a.garden of about two acrea.­<br />

one of the &neat that we have ever seen. <strong>The</strong>re aTe, at least, sixty<br />

it.eree that could be irrigated aml used for garden purpoaes. <strong>The</strong><br />

present ow.ner baa rebuilt the cottage, making a houll8 of seven rooms,<br />

with a ver<strong>and</strong>a on three aides, a fine large pantry aoil diiih cloee&, .a<br />

bn.th room with porcelain-lined bath tub. <strong>and</strong> all the modern improvements<br />

for closet. Good spring water is brought into the bouee, <strong>and</strong><br />

there are applianc88 for hot <strong>and</strong> cold wa&er in the kitchen. Adjoining<br />

the house is a aommer houae or celler, for kt!eping fruit. ve1,retablee,<br />

milk, etc .. <strong>and</strong> a nice large wood abed. Everyihing about the<br />

place is in first cu order.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are also four small cottages containing t•·elve rooms all<br />

nitely papered. <strong>The</strong> present owner USPS Oak Paik aa a summer<br />

boanfing-place. He ge~ $7.00 a week for each boarder, <strong>and</strong> during<br />

the summer montha is obliged to tlnn away a great. number<br />

th-.t cannot be aoolH'Dmodat.ed. <strong>The</strong> hoUlle is also furnished with<br />

acetylene ga.'I fbturt

Mind Cure ...<br />

<strong>The</strong> Greatest Healing Power on Earth.<br />

Lay your prejudice aside long enough<br />

to read this sworn testimonial of a cure<br />

that seems miraculous:<br />

Thia is to certify that my upper lip <strong>and</strong> a IArge<br />

portion of my DOiie were eaten away with cancer<br />

of eo pronounced a character that physiciaua declared<br />

the - illcnrable <strong>and</strong> me a doomed man.<br />

My situstion <strong>and</strong> feelings were beynnd d-nption,<br />

when I heard of Mni. Helen Wilmans <strong>and</strong><br />

her power o.,.r every fonn of dme-. After I<br />

put m)'ll8lf under her mental treatment the eating<br />

of the cancer ceased <strong>and</strong> new flesh beji;an to grow<br />

from the edges of it, which gradually 1pre8d o~r<br />

the cheek until the unsightly opeuing was clflllt'd.<br />

<strong>The</strong> noee at this time is About <strong>com</strong>pleted. <strong>and</strong> the<br />

lip is ne1uly filled in. I am able to pronounce<br />

her elfortl a aucoe-. My general health i• fully<br />

reatored, And I have gone to work agAin with my<br />

c1111totnary etrelljtth. Thia teetimonial is giYeu<br />

from A thAnkful heart; <strong>and</strong> I aru glad to add that<br />

my faitl1 In her is eo great that I believe alio Cid!<br />

cure any dill8"88 under the 1un. All tl1iit wu<br />

done without the use of medicines-by menhl<br />

treatment Rlone. Respectfully, J. M. ENOLlllR.<br />

Su bacrihed <strong>and</strong> awon1 to before me this finit<br />

day of MArch, 18!17, At Daytona. FIA.<br />

C. M. Hn10RAM, .ht., NutAry Public.<br />

I Am acquainted with Mr. Englith And t'lln<br />

tn1ly M'.1' tl1at thia e&W ia not o •ly tn1e in &Tery<br />

pArticulAr. All 11et forth by Mr. Bingh1m1, our 110.<br />

tAry, but t.lmt the cure apokE>n of, I nmat couf-,<br />

1urpn'ivine At.<br />

"h"m y," will he &ent ym1 on re


This list wi!I bold good until August, 1901.<br />

To our many friends <strong>and</strong> patrons who may desire to assist in extending the circulation of this<br />

Journal, we offer the following books as premiwns.<br />

Rudyard Kipling's Works.<br />

Vol. 1.-''Tbe Light that Failed."<br />

Vol. 2.-"In Black <strong>and</strong> White," "Under the Deodars," <strong>and</strong><br />

Eight Short Stories.<br />

Vol. 8. -"Story of the Gedsbys," <strong>and</strong> Nine Other Storiee.<br />

Vol. 4.-"Departmental Ditties" <strong>and</strong> "Barrack Room<br />

Ballads," including <strong>The</strong> V amplre, Recesaional <strong>and</strong> Snppresaed<br />

PoelDI.<br />

Vol. 5.-"Soldiel'8 Three."<br />

Vol. 6.- "American Notes."<br />

Vol. 7.-"Mine Own People."<br />

Vol.8.-"Wee Willie Winkle," <strong>and</strong> four other atorleeof<br />

children.<br />

Vol. 9.-"<strong>The</strong> Phantom Rlcbhaw." ''TbeCltyvf Dreedful<br />

Night," <strong>and</strong> Three Other Stories.<br />

Vol. 10.--"Plain Tales from the Hilla." Thirty-nine<br />

stories.<br />

This <strong>com</strong>plete set of Kipling'• worb, bound in linen,<br />

will be mailed prepaid to any one sending us 6 new eubseriptiona,<br />

with namee <strong>and</strong> eddr-. It will be eent<br />

in cloth for 7 new subscribers; in lambskin, 9 new subscriptions.<br />


In size it is unique, a tall 16mo-the 12mo eiie is too large for the pocket <strong>and</strong> this "just lits."<br />

<strong>The</strong> type is large <strong>and</strong> made especially for this edition. <strong>The</strong> paper is the ftnest used in book work, the<br />

ink is the best, <strong>and</strong> the preqwork iii so carefully <strong>and</strong> daintily done that each page is a typographical<br />

deiight to Ute eye. <strong>The</strong> set contains nearly 8,000 pages.<br />

<strong>The</strong> bindings of this edition 11re Romething new in bookmaking, a patent threed sewing whereby<br />

the 11&me effect is obtained as in thtt cross-stitching of the Oxford Teacher'a Bible, so that it can: be<br />

opened the full width 11nd bent back until the coverR meet, without &training It.<br />

<strong>The</strong> cloth edition i11 daintily bound in delicately tinted linen, b11l! dexible, which will wear like<br />

Iron. <strong>The</strong> limp 111mbekin !" a veritable E



BY IIIR.UI E. Bt:TLER.<br />

Flr•t Lectare.-Tbe Idea of GuC. 1 be peor•lc of all ages rbaracterized<br />

by I.heir Idea of Uod-Tbe word of l.iod IUiSOClntcd wl•b the Id..._ of power-Kan cau only<br />

under1t<strong>and</strong> or think of things of whi what I will to be,"\'· 6. !>pace li11,d <strong>and</strong> In·<br />

terlllled with worlds lnterl .. r 10 cach othPr-Ordci- anl\ lntrl li:enoo evcT)·1•t-rre manl·<br />

fest, p. 11. 'fho FJr.t c.iu c. tbc rssent•al M•n bum11nt1y the ohjecrtve puts. 1•. a. )fatter<br />

a condition ohplrl•, p. 16. J.ovu tho fulfillment of the law, p. 18. Meditation good<br />

Ior thoaoul-1''1u leg Got!, p. 10.<br />

Second 1.A.:cturc.-.1.··orce. "All tblnp work together for irood "-Tho male<br />

<strong>and</strong> femnle prlndrlcse•crywhcr.i preecnt 111 l\aturc. Tbccu11rntlve pl'OCn, p. s;. l::lcctrlc nnd magnetic currents of earth <strong>and</strong> sun, p. rs. Be<strong>com</strong>lnf<br />

8.>nR nud :lhstt·rs ha~te.id of servant.I, p. 38.<br />

Tb rd ~clare.-Dl11crlmlnat1011. <strong>The</strong> relation of the Senn Principle& to<br />

ea.ch other, p. 4 '• 'lhe tlr•L niauifestatlon of Discrimination -All thl11119 <strong>com</strong>u from <strong>and</strong><br />

relate to wlud, p. 43. ReasJn for calling &0me things good ard others evil. p. 44.<br />

Motives of ancknt Prophets nnd Seers for seeking Isolation frnm the world, p. 46. Die·<br />

crlmlnatlo:.i m:wHested hi deaiN <strong>and</strong> prayer-losp'fl\tlon-Rovela\lon, p. 40. llanlfesta·<br />

tlona of d .acrlmlo,.1100 in plant life, p. 61. Tbe pleasurea of these- contraaled with<br />

higher d'scrlmlnatlon aud joy, p. M.<br />

Fourth Lectar{".-()rder. Heat <strong>and</strong> cold aa formative forces lo Nature, p. ll8.<br />

Tho evlden es of Order In crysto.J. formations, p. 611. Interpretl!lg Nature auJ deter·<br />

mining quality <strong>and</strong> character from form-Form within form rev•·aled by the mlcrosoopo­<br />

Worlda tieyond worlds brous:bt down by the telearope, p. G.'I. Tba Order <strong>and</strong> Cbemlatr7<br />

of Digestion, p. 67. 'Ibe explanation of vlsloo-Jlalllfestatlon of tb" al:uh ae1111e, p. Tl.<br />

'l'be Influence of psyebl. 161. l!e\"cnth principle, Identified with yellow; Implies Divine<br />

sensation, p. 166. 8umm•r·.· nf tbe prtn.,lpll'S of tbe seven·polntcd star, p . 1~9. Tbe key to<br />

.a wonderful 8ystem of cbemla.try, p. 1;o.<br />

Illustrated with 9 Oolored Platea <strong>and</strong> Portrait of Author-$1.50.<br />


.App1e~a. te. c-11~or.c-ilE.t.o<br />

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A New Soientific, Exact <strong>and</strong> Easy Method of Delineating Oharacter;<br />

Diagnosing Disease; Determining Mental. Physical <strong>and</strong> Business<br />

Qualifications, Oonjugal Adaptability, eto.,<br />

from Date of Birth,<br />

BY H. E. BUTLER.<br />

Illustrated with Seven P:ate Diagrams <strong>and</strong> Tables of the Moon <strong>and</strong> Planets,<br />

from 1820 to 1900.<br />

This acience proves that ••all are memben of One BcHly (1 Cor. XII<br />

12-27); <strong>and</strong> that, u sncb, ea.ch one has his peculiar function in life. It<br />

throws a flood of new light upon the problems of life, furniRhing the 1rroundwork,<br />

or acientific law, which goes down into the minutiae of the life of every<br />

man <strong>and</strong> woman, iu a mirror reflecting his or her innate natnrt>. ThiR work tells<br />

what is in man <strong>and</strong> how derived. Tells how to cultivate eelf ancl make the<br />

mOt1t <strong>and</strong> best of life. Tells one, when a child is born, wl1at ki°'l of training<br />

it should have, to what diRe&Res it iR liable, how to avoid or how to cure<br />

when alrt>ady developed. Reveals the part of the gr<strong>and</strong> bocly to which each<br />

individual belongs, <strong>and</strong> the consequent mental tendoncies, physi




BY H. E. BUTLER.<br />


the most vital principles of Christi.in Life <strong>and</strong> Doctrine, 8lld is especially designed for those<br />

who are ready to consecrate their live~ to to the highest spiritual attainments.<br />


because to live in the world <strong>and</strong> not be of the world, but of the Spirit of God, is a narrow way indeed;<br />

as Jesu~ said,<br />


For .those who will follow the iru1tructions in this book, there is a realm of spiritual consciousness<br />

aQd power that. has only been known to the prophets <strong>and</strong> to the Chritlt. Price, cloth, $1.00.<br />


- - ----- ----- - ~. -~- --- ---- - -- ·-·- - ---·- - - ------<br />

Or the Unfoldment ·<strong>and</strong> Life of 'a Hero.<br />

T1·a11slated from the German of J. I\:emning's "Key to the Realm of Spirit."<br />

<strong>The</strong> narrative of knight Geoffrt-y, snbAeqnent to hi~ eRoteric training,<br />

contains a report of the young hero's feats, 1111fficientl.v di>tailed to give a<br />

clear idea of the way in which Apiritual insight <strong>and</strong> powerR work together to<br />

make the prepared· <strong>and</strong> purifie

SWEETS•••<br />

Extracted from flowers of prominent authors •<br />

• • • • •<br />

W" h11'·" revised <strong>and</strong> reprinted thia bookl"t of poem.-. A number of beaotif<br />

.al poet••,. h:m' boten addeel to the colleetion, <strong>and</strong> we have endeavored to make thia<br />

lut edition pa1 ticmlarly attracth·e. both &.i to a1•pearance <strong>and</strong> content.II.<br />

Pric~e.<br />

JO cent.II ench; $1.00 per dozen.<br />

- i900. - .<br />

<strong>The</strong> Esoteric Ephemeris bas been so enlarged for the year 1900 u to contain aearly 60 .,.-.<br />

with mueh new <strong>and</strong> valuable information upon the aelence of Solar Biology; an explanation of<br />

the heliocentric poeitions, <strong>and</strong> carefully calculated tables giving the hellocent.rio longitude of all the<br />

plaueta, ud the geocentric longitnde of the Moon; the honr, minute <strong>and</strong> aecond of the tranait<br />

of the plalletl <strong>and</strong> Mo."JD; alao t11e riling Bigna <strong>and</strong> how to ftad them, with a table of the Sidereal<br />

time, <strong>and</strong> the time of nearly all the large citiee.<br />

It contains NEW AND IMPORTANT PACl'S relative to Solar Biology. <strong>The</strong> article on "Chemiam" ia<br />

alone wurth many times the price of the book. Price, 2.5 et.~ .<br />


Lessons by Correspondence in<br />

<strong>Occult</strong> Science <strong>and</strong> Solar Biology •<br />

. .<br />

<strong>The</strong>se lessons will enable one to under&t<strong>and</strong> tlte LA WR cw Lnrz, BJCALTB <strong>and</strong><br />

HAPPINK&~. <strong>The</strong>y give an exact method of delineating charaetet, showing the<br />

MENTAL, Puvs1c.1.L nnd Bm1INP!AA qualifications, <strong>and</strong> CONJUOAL ADAPTABILITY ;<br />

also, the CAU!IB <strong>and</strong> CuRR of D111KA8F:.<br />

Full written Delineation of Chnraetel' wit..'1 advice, $2.00.<br />

For pa1·ticulars, address<br />

M. W. Drury or Mary Wheeler,<br />

5 Mt. Pleasant Place, Boston, Mass.<br />


1st. Qo()tltionM on one aubject, sooh M Bmrineu, Money, Property, Remo.-ala, Traming, Court-.<br />

ahip, ~arri~. I~. St:ookM<strong>and</strong> Sharee. Annuities, Life lnaurance, ek'. . . . . 4C oenta.<br />

Time of birth not abmolutely n-ry for queatiOIUI under No. 1.<br />

For oalculating.'lueatiouaou Seubjecta, (cl.IA! <strong>and</strong> time of birth·. ·if knowu-rvquired). 66 oeate.<br />

l!d. llirthd.ly Fisu.re, mbowing the in1pot1.a11t e~nta iu the current year of Hf.,, • • 66 C1111ta.<br />

Sd. Rectifyiug C)I' fuidiag the uaot time of Birtb from given data. aucli 1111 dat.e of marriage, or<br />

d&Atb of a parent, or oome other eveat in life. . . . • • • . . . . . . . • 76 oentll.<br />

4th. Nativity of Birth writt.en ont, giving a delineation of character, aleo a general foreout of<br />

th" J1rincill!" aft'ain of life, auch u the beat buin- to follow, who <strong>and</strong> when to marry; d1-.<br />

precliapoaed to, beet direotion to live <strong>and</strong> to travel for health; <strong>and</strong> prosperity, richea, <strong>and</strong> which will<br />

be tlae beet part of life; child.-. frieadit, enemi-. etc. . . . . . • . . . . . • tt.25<br />

5th. Event.a for five yean of iife. . . . . • . . . . . . • . • , • • • $1.25<br />

Otb.<br />

A d88Cription of the moat promimmt e,·e11ta <strong>and</strong> dates <strong>and</strong> when tbcae ennta will occur<br />

dil'OUg'h twelft yMN. , . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . • • $2.60<br />

7th. No. 4 <strong>and</strong> No. 6 toptber, . • • . . . . • . . • , . . . . • • $3.60<br />

Jror iq'&ti'rities of :Birth, eto., pleue at&te Are, 'l'ime of :Birtll.,<br />

Sex u4 :Binhpl&ot, K&nie4 or &mrle.<br />


Crystal Glasses for Clairvoyant persons sold. Aleo agent for <strong>The</strong><br />

<strong>Occult</strong> <strong>and</strong> Biological Magazine <strong>and</strong> other <strong>Occult</strong> Works.<br />

-ADDRESS-<br />

0. Lund, Fern Cottage, Keighley, Engl<strong>and</strong>.<br />

I!fE__~.1w==<br />

------- ---------. ------------<br />



One of the clearest <strong>and</strong> moat logical expositions of the New Thought philoso<br />

phy that have yet appeared. 1t is thoroughly Christian in tone. <strong>and</strong> full of helpful<br />

suggestions for the aspiring soul, a& well as for those seeking bodily health. Con·<br />

tents:-Introductory; <strong>The</strong> Recuperative Force; <strong>The</strong> Healing of Diaease1 Mental<br />

CaU&ation; Prayer; Psychic Power; A Universal Law; <strong>The</strong> Duty of the Church;<br />

<strong>Occult</strong> Phenomena; P,ra.c,ical Sogge.tiona for Self-Ht>lp.<br />

---- --<br />

Cloth, 75 cents.<br />


19 West 81st Street, Ne" York, N. Y·<br />

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BY<br />

Frank H. Sprape.<br />

A work m.eritblg the coulderatlon <strong>and</strong> perueal<br />

of the lovere of truth everywhere. We especially<br />

re<strong>com</strong>mend It to the eeoterlc 1tndent.<br />

Ita contents page, which we give, conveya a &ood<br />

Idea of the ebarac*er of tile work. A chapter<br />

from thla boot wu publilhed ia the March (1899)<br />

lane of TB• EaoTEBJc.<br />

ClolmDrn: Siplof the Ti-; What la Truth?<br />

Realisation of Ideala through Rlaht-Thinking; <strong>The</strong><br />

Outer World; <strong>The</strong> Inner Worlcl; Co1110ionanesa;<br />

Cbmtlanity; <strong>The</strong> Growth of Society; <strong>The</strong> Prob-·<br />

lem of Evil; <strong>The</strong> BpiriWal Basil of Healtli; Manlfeetatlou<br />

of tile Spiritual Prilleiple; Muaic; Art<br />

<strong>and</strong> Nature.<br />

Cloth, S 1.150.<br />

From the Wts4om of the Wiae.<br />

Reduced to 10 at.a.<br />

!THBISI <strong>and</strong> !RITWTIC.<br />

-OB-<br />


IN NATURE.<br />

Arlthmetlo In Pluta <strong>and</strong> Plaaeta, ~<br />

IOI in Mnllieal Soienoe, Number In Vital AetiOD.<br />


'l'BI: ZODIACAL X1'I>XCA'l'OB. Thia instrument ia probably<br />

the DIOl!t perfect mechanical<br />

device yet coni;tructed<br />

for f i n d in g the<br />

rising sign. aa it gives the<br />

degree <strong>and</strong> minute of that<br />

Kign'a elevation above the<br />

horizon for any Latitude<br />

between 22° <strong>and</strong> 55 •,which<br />

embraces nearly the whole<br />

l'ivilized world. It will be<br />

a great convenience to aatrologere;<br />

<strong>and</strong> those who<br />

doubt the in8uence of the<br />

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<strong>The</strong> aim of 'l1le Oeeult <strong>and</strong> Biological Journal ia two fold: fil'lt. it endeavor& to uo­<br />

Teil to the ltudent the myateriea of the higher truths for which the W eatern mind<br />

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whOH desire ii individaal unfoldment, it givee a special couree of instructions; presents<br />

methods for inoreaaing the amount of life in the orgauiem, for it.s conservation<br />

<strong>and</strong> control, thus insuring the magnetic power so nece11A&ry to auoc8811 in all direc·<br />

tiom. It 1tudiee the biology of the univene. lnvestigatee the laws of life, tracing<br />

the couree of its unfoldment from ite origin until it reachee the perfection of the<br />

human organism. Calla attention to ita 0888 <strong>and</strong> abueee. Jta presentation of the<br />

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Although it would seem that the number of n~w-tboagbt publication1 now before<br />

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neeeeeary in offering the public a <strong>journal</strong> which we believe pollll88888 exceptional<br />

facilitiee for presenting lines of thought heretofore neglected, <strong>and</strong> which the people<br />

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Taa l!'.eoTaluo POBLl.IBlll'O CoMPAllT ia u incorporat.ed body. It U.Uee 1tock at $10 pu alwe,<br />

the ~money ~ind therefrom, ae well u hom enbaoription, being ued wholly in the adunoeme•&<br />

of the oaoee it repreeenta; that ia, it is uecl in publiabing <strong>and</strong> advertising boob, the Journal, etAl.<br />

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the lawa ad method.a taught in tlae Company' a pnblioat.iona.<br />

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THE<br />


VOL.I. -)(- No. 6.<br />

FEBRUARY 19 to MARCH 21, 1901.<br />


<strong>The</strong> thought of physical immortality is one that baa animated<br />

the mind of the race from the earliest dawn of history<br />

down to the present time. <strong>The</strong> Biblical record begins with the<br />

creation of Adam as an immortal existence, <strong>and</strong> immediately<br />

following is the account of the loss of his immortality by sin.<br />

In the theological mind the qnetition arises, Of what di


instance, "Methnaelah lived an hundred eighty <strong>and</strong> seven yean,<br />

<strong>and</strong> be.gat Lameoh," who was hie firstborn; .. <strong>and</strong>," the aooount<br />

prooeedtt, "Methuselah lived after he begat Lamech seven hundred<br />

eighty <strong>and</strong> two yean, <strong>and</strong> begat aons <strong>and</strong> daughttll'!\: <strong>and</strong><br />

all the days of Methuselah were nine hundred sixty <strong>and</strong> nine<br />

yeara; <strong>and</strong> be died." Now, we cannot by any known law of<br />

reason or in jnstioe to the records aay, that the account is inoorreot<br />

which says that Methuselah lived one hundred <strong>and</strong><br />

eighty-seven years <strong>and</strong> then begat his 6rat son, an'l that all<br />

the days of Methuselah were nine hundred <strong>and</strong> sixty-niue literal<br />

yean,--of the same length aa our own: <strong>and</strong> yet in our<br />

time it ie a matter of wonder to the public mind to aee a man<br />

or a woman who has lived to be a hundred years olJ.<br />

<strong>The</strong> only reason, apparent from the record, for the great<br />

decrease in the length of individual life is, that the people of<br />

to-day, aa a rule, marry at any time from fifteen to twenty-five<br />

years of age <strong>and</strong> beget ohilren; but we cannot account for it in<br />

this way, as those who do not marry until fifty or even later, do<br />

not live any longer than those who marry very young. Let us<br />

inquire a little deeper into the subject. If the habit of the race<br />

were such that the people lived an absoluttily continent life,<br />

preventing all lou of the vital ftuiJs from puberty to the time<br />

of marriage, what then would he the result? Some may say<br />

this is a matter of speculation, but we think not-we think it<br />

a matter of logical deduotion. However, we have elaborated<br />

this subject very fully in our former writings, <strong>and</strong> we will not<br />

here enter into a discuesion of it. <strong>The</strong>re is no doubt in our<br />

mind that the great age of the patriarchs originated in<br />

the one fact, that there waa no loss of the vital fluids from<br />

the time they reached puberty until they generated their<br />

first child, <strong>and</strong> that after they began the work of generation<br />

they lived wholly for the production of their race <strong>and</strong> not for<br />

aensual gratification; in other words, they only exhausted their<br />

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life to give it to their offspring-under all other oircumstanoea<br />

they were perfectly continent. Now, we believe that if at the<br />

present time, ohil


We have said that the thought of immortality bu been in the<br />

mind of the race from the time of Adam to the present day.<br />

We are told by the Apoetlea that Christ .a.me to bring life <strong>and</strong><br />

immortality to light through the Gospela, <strong>and</strong> Paul said: "As<br />

iu Adam all die, even eo in Christ shall all be made !alive."<br />

Had we the time <strong>and</strong> inclination to enter into an argument<br />

from the Seriptoral aide, we would find overwhelming proof<br />

that the object of Christ's miuion was to show the way to remove<br />

the flaming sword <strong>and</strong> make it possible for man to again<br />

enter the garden of Eden <strong>and</strong> partake of the fountain of the<br />

wat.era of life freely, to the end that he die no more.<br />

lt"rom the time of the Apostles down to the present day, mau<br />

bas believed that he could overoome death by some theory, doo.<br />

trine, or method, which he had found <strong>and</strong> was adopting in hie<br />

own habits, bot all have died. Just at this time there is an unusual<br />

awakening in regard to the subject, <strong>and</strong> many most zealously<br />

believe that they have the knowledge <strong>and</strong> power to ovet'OOme<br />

dPath. <strong>The</strong> thonght of the mental scientists is reviving the<br />

hope of physical immortality; <strong>and</strong> that hope is not an onreaaonahle<br />

one, for, if we stop <strong>and</strong> think of the methods of lire<br />

from infancy to old age, we are oonf ront.ed by the following<br />

facts: a child is born, <strong>and</strong> year after year it growa <strong>and</strong> develops<br />

until manhood or womanhood is reached. This is the period<br />

of actual growth of the body; but when puberty is reached, the<br />

life element within the body ripens <strong>and</strong> is thrown off <strong>and</strong> the<br />

body CeaAeS to grow. When we realize the fact that every pal'o<br />

ticle of the body is periodically cast off <strong>and</strong> renewed, the queation<br />

naturally a.rises, Why is it that man grows infirm <strong>and</strong> that<br />

age seems to tell upon his organism so rapidly? Physicians<br />

attribute it to the ossification of the structure <strong>and</strong> so forth, <strong>and</strong><br />

to the fact that the body has worn out; but how can the body<br />

wear out when it is renewed every day-born anew, as it were,<br />

every year? If this is true, death is certainly not due to the<br />

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wearing out of the body; it can only be the wearing ont of<br />

that which remains. And what is it that remains? <strong>The</strong> thought<br />

<strong>and</strong> memories, which are the consciousneu. <strong>The</strong>refore we<br />

must conclude that it is wholly the attitude <strong>and</strong> condition of<br />

the miud "hich govern the rebuilding of the ltody, <strong>and</strong> that it<br />

is a change of mind which causes a change in the body from<br />

youthful growth <strong>and</strong> development t.o old age <strong>and</strong> infirmity.<br />

This, to a certain extent, bas been pr.oven by mental scientists,<br />

who believe moet firmly that through the power of miud,<br />

through a change of the habit of the mind, they will be able<br />

t.o over<strong>com</strong>e death <strong>and</strong> live on indefinitely. We agree with<br />

thP-m that they have immortality if they can obtain <strong>and</strong> ruaintain<br />

a mental oondition like that of the man of twenty,-hopeful,<br />

buoyant, ever looking on the bright side of life, full of<br />

energy <strong>and</strong> vigor; at the sarue time holding a firm belief in<br />

the thought of immortality in tlwmselves,-a belief not of<br />

the head, but, as the Bible has it, of the heart, or, as we<br />

prefer t.o e:ii:preu it, a belief in the vital thought, which is<br />

a belief that seems t.o bubble up in the inner conscious.<br />

nP,ss of one's Leing. <strong>and</strong> is 80 vivid <strong>and</strong> 80 perfect that the<br />

ordinary mind would say: ••I do not ht!lieve it,-1 kuow it;<br />

for I feel it permeating every atom of my being." Yes, such a<br />

belief <strong>and</strong> such a conscious realization is all that is necessary<br />

t.o obtain immortality of the physical body. But such a belief<br />

<strong>and</strong> such a oonsciousneu cannot be intermittent, spasmodic;<br />

it must be a continuous, unchanging realization. Some of our<br />

Christian Science brothers <strong>and</strong> sisters think they can, by the<br />

power of will, create in theanselves this condition <strong>and</strong> maintain<br />

it, but if they were t.o stop <strong>and</strong> honestly examine themselves,<br />

they would find that not one of them is able t.o hold the perpetual<br />

realization, <strong>and</strong> that.~in order t.o. obtain a realisation of<br />

the oondition at all, it is necessary t.o be writing or talking<br />

about it, with the power of their whole being centralized upon<br />

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it. <strong>The</strong>y also know that when the effort is over, the reaction<br />

<strong>com</strong>es, <strong>and</strong> that the coneciousness of death <strong>and</strong> infirmity <strong>com</strong>es<br />

with the reaction. Thia shoulJ be sufficient evidence to any<br />

one, who will soberly think <strong>and</strong> reason upon the matter, that<br />

there ia something wrong in the habits of life.<br />

About a year ago Helen Wilmans answered a question in<br />

"Freedom" oonceming the ability of the earth to hold all the<br />

the people, if immortality was obtained <strong>and</strong> the work of generation<br />

still continued. Io answering this question she obtained<br />

the revelation of the real root of the matter; namely, that they<br />

who obtain immortality "neither marry nor are given in marriage,<br />

bot are u the angels in heaven;" in other words, they<br />

who obtain immortality, live the regenerate life. Now, it remains<br />

to be seen whether Helen Wilmans baa the courage to<br />

aooept that revelation <strong>and</strong> teach the truth that she baa received.<br />

So far as I know, she baa failed to do so. Every person is<br />

justified by bis own higher self <strong>and</strong> by the God of the univeree<br />

aa long aa he does as well as be know11, but when a higher<br />

truth is given him, it brings condemnation, if not aeoepted<br />

<strong>and</strong> lived up to, or-if one iit a teacher-if not aooept.ed <strong>and</strong><br />

taught. Transgreasion against the law is the cause of d~ath,<br />

<strong>and</strong> will inevitably bring its results. <strong>The</strong>re are many now<br />

living, who have followed the Esoteric teachings <strong>and</strong> are living<br />

the regenerate life, who realize that that course of life-the<br />

retention of the life 6nids <strong>and</strong> unity of the- mind with ~be Spirit<br />

of God- is a mean• by which the spring of immortality may<br />

•<br />

be realized in their own organisms. We have a man with us<br />

in his ~venty-aeventh year, who frequently says, "l never felt<br />

so well in my life;" a day or two ago be remarked, "l feel as<br />

though I could jump over the house." What does this mean?<br />

It means, simply, that there is springing op within him the<br />

oonaciousneaa of immortal youth. <strong>The</strong>refore wo repeat, unlea<br />

our friends, who are seeking immortality of the body, cease<br />

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To BtOLOGICAL JouuAL. 215<br />

from the work of creation <strong>and</strong> begin the life of regeneration,<br />

all their efforts toward maintaining the mental atate requiaite<br />

for obtaining immortality, will be in vain. <strong>The</strong>y obtain the<br />

consciou11nesa at timea through a forced effort, but it mU8t<br />

<strong>com</strong>e naturally; aa the Hindoo philosopher aaya, ''we muat<br />

grow aa the grass grows •• , Yea, we muat apply the lawe that<br />

will produce the conditions of immortality in U8 u naturally,<br />

quietly, <strong>and</strong> harmoniously u the grau springs up under the<br />

warming influence of the spring-time aun.<br />


(VI.)<br />

In the preceding number of this series of artiolee, the meth•<br />

ods given for governing the breath, developing lung power,<br />

<strong>and</strong> so forth, although intended merely as auggestione, will,<br />

if followed out diligently <strong>and</strong> introspectively, giY'e the atudent<br />

a vast source of wealth, of mind <strong>and</strong> body. It must be under·<br />

atood, however, that tbia is true only of those who, in every<br />

respect, are living a good, healthy, orderly life, for if one is<br />

destroying his life at its very fountain head, he cannot expeot<br />

to reap the full reward of his effort in the direction of breath·<br />

ing. All physical conditions dem<strong>and</strong> exprenion through the<br />

breath, <strong>and</strong> in order to attain the higher results for which yon<br />

who read these methods are seeking, you muat take into oonsideration<br />

the whole law of being; it will not do to depend up.<br />

on the application· of any one law <strong>and</strong> expeot thereby to obtain<br />

everything. Of course, no law applied can fail of reeulta,<br />

but the reaulta will be only those of the one applied law. Conaequently<br />

a practfoal mentality will readily see that it maet take<br />

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216 Nxw PRACTICAL METnoDs.<br />

into consideration all the laws governing the physical body aa<br />

well as those governing the mind.<br />

A large body of teachers now before the world expect to ac<strong>com</strong>plish<br />

everything by mental action alone,-to vitalize the<br />

body, cnre its diseMe, <strong>and</strong> even give it immortal exiatence.<br />

While the mind is able to ac<strong>com</strong>plish gMat results, yet it itself<br />

is dependent upon the vitality of the physical body. It is<br />

claimed by these people that they can vitalize the body. Yes,<br />

the;(can, provided the body is filled with the basic element, life;<br />

otherwise the mental effort will act as a powerful stimulant<br />

that sets the nerves in motion <strong>and</strong> produces a momentary exhilaration<br />

<strong>and</strong> oonsciouanesa of strength, but, if the body is<br />

depleted, that consciousneas of power cannot be maintained.<br />

Now, there ia no one thing in tho habits of human life that so<br />

quickly depletes the body, weaken3 the mind, <strong>and</strong> derange1t the<br />

entire atrocture of a man or woman, as the abuse of the reproducti<br />

ve .function. ThiR function hai1 two distinct uses in the<br />

economy of natul'f>: the first <strong>and</strong> most important is in the production<br />

of life for the body an1l its needs; the second is for the<br />

perpetuity of the race. But if the life gathered by the repro·<br />

ductive system is used only for the perpetuity of the race, then<br />

only a very small per cent of the life generated serveR that<br />

purpose, <strong>and</strong> the rest, having been thrown back into the body,<br />

<strong>and</strong> by the activity of the sex transmuted into the crystallized<br />

waters of life, is taken up into the blood, carried to the heart,<br />

then pumped into the lungs, after which it goea into the circulation<br />

<strong>and</strong> into the spleen, where it undergoes a further transmutation<br />

<strong>and</strong> be<strong>com</strong>e& what is known as vital magnetism.<br />

Of recent years there has been much talk about obtaining<br />

magnetic powers for the purpose of attracting <strong>and</strong> <strong>com</strong>m<strong>and</strong>ing<br />

the attention of our fellows. <strong>The</strong> man or the woman who has the<br />

most magnetic power on the rostrum, in business, or in aocial<br />

oiroles, is the one who, either by nature or by mental habit, is<br />

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moat oareful in the oonaervation of the le8d, for all vital energy<br />

begina with the reproductive function. Onr origin aa a phyaioal<br />

exi11tenoe waa there,--all the life inherent in our organiam wu<br />

primarily derived from that function, <strong>and</strong> all the vitality that<br />

we will ever po88811 dependa thereon. <strong>The</strong> wute of the products<br />

of that fun"tion has oauaed the filling of our imane aayluma<br />

<strong>and</strong> priaooa throughout the civilized world. It it the cauae<br />

of weakneaa of mind <strong>and</strong> oouequent poverty <strong>and</strong> dittreea in<br />

the world. It it the oauae of all aiokneaa, aorrow, <strong>and</strong> pain. Inquire<br />

of any phyaioian who haa charge of one of our large<br />

inaane aayluma, <strong>and</strong> he will tell yon that from on•half to twothirda<br />

of ita inmates are there becauae of oertain abuaea of the<br />

reproductive function. If you want to be free, happy, atronr,<br />

vital, so that life is a aong of joy, a perpetual happineu, then<br />

begin at the fountain head, oonaerve the life, hold it for the<br />

uses of the body <strong>and</strong> mind.<br />

Every mystic order, worthy of the name, that now exiat.a or<br />

baa ever been in existence, has found it neoeaaary to the attainment<br />

of superordinary power to take oontrol of the generati<br />

ve function <strong>and</strong> oonaerve all the vitality produoed by it for<br />

the uae of the body <strong>and</strong> mind. Troe, there are aooieties that<br />

oall themaelves mystic, but which are mere magic workel'I<br />

dealing with the groaaer elements of nature, that ignore the<br />

oonaervation of the life ftuida as a foundation principle, but<br />

auch are unworthy of the oonaideration of all men <strong>and</strong> women.<br />

It baa been known at least aince the time of Egypt'• glory,<br />

that all high attainment of whatever name or nature ia depen·<br />

dent upon the conaenation of the aex life. Now, if you would<br />

reach the high goal of suooeaa in any department of life,­<br />

buaineaa, social, or domestic, the way ia plain <strong>and</strong> euy. Shall<br />

we aay easy for all? No: it it not, for the overooming of involuntary<br />

loaa of this vital fluid, will ooet some penona almon a<br />

superhuman effort; bot aucb an effort paya from start to 6niab.<br />

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If a person makee the effort even in a partial way, he will<br />

obtain proportionate reeulta. If he makee the effort with all the<br />

peraiatenoe <strong>and</strong> determination of hit mind <strong>and</strong> will, utilising<br />

all he has been able to gather from former iDBtructiona in<br />

these articlee, auoceea maat crown hit endeavor. Thia ia one<br />

of the moet important matters in human life, <strong>and</strong> because of<br />

ita importanoe every one who puts forth the effort will begin<br />

to realize important reeulta, eo that he need not depend upon<br />

what we aay or upon any authority for ita verity, for he will u­<br />

perienoe within himself that which will prove beyond queetion<br />

what has been stated.<br />

Again, we are brought face to face with certain habits in<br />

human life which preclude the realization of immediate reaults<br />

in this direction. For example, the majority of people<br />

have gotten themselves in the habit-<strong>and</strong> wieely ao-of ignoring<br />

all sensation <strong>and</strong> disregarding any special mental states.<br />

If you should say to the ordinary man: "Do you feel pretty<br />

well this morning?" hie rt!ply would be, "Oh yea." ••Your<br />

mind is aa clear as ui;ual ?" "For all I know, yea." "Do you ft!el<br />

any differenoe between your present state <strong>and</strong> that of last<br />

week?"' "No: 1 am just about the same; I never change very<br />

mucb." That is to say, in order to succeed in life, a man has<br />

his object, <strong>and</strong> baa decided upon certain methods to which he<br />

holds tenaciously <strong>and</strong> admits no thought of inability to ac<strong>com</strong>plish<br />

hie purpose. Thia ia good of itself, but if yon wish to<br />

lay bold of the laws of nature <strong>and</strong> profit by their application,<br />

you must study the phenomena of nature <strong>and</strong> of your own life,<br />

which are to be found in the sensations of the body <strong>and</strong> your<br />

mental states.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re exists here a point of moat careful <strong>and</strong> wise di11crimination.<br />

lo order to obtain results it is necessary that you<br />

study every sensation of the body, analyze every mental state,<br />

<strong>and</strong> try to learn therefrom its origin <strong>and</strong> its ultimate effect.<br />

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If you follow these inatruotiona, you cease to live aa a mere animal,<br />

without thought of anything beyond subaiateoce; you begin<br />

to live as an intellectual organism, a thinking power. <strong>The</strong>refore<br />

you are to recognize that you, the real individual, are a Ullnking<br />

intelligence, not a physical body. You have a physical<br />

buc.ly. but that body is not you,-it ia yours. Thia thought eatabliithed<br />

within yourself, you readily over<strong>com</strong>e fear; you easily<br />

recognize your natural strength <strong>and</strong> dominion over mere sensation,<br />

<strong>and</strong> with that recognition all fear of the consequences of<br />

aenaation is conquered. When you have over<strong>com</strong>e fear of the consequences<br />

of certain unknown sensations, you are in a position<br />

to analyze them; to st<strong>and</strong> a spectator, as it were, <strong>and</strong> experiment<br />

with them,-know <strong>and</strong> underst<strong>and</strong> them in all their manifestations.<br />

If you do this, you can determine the reeulta to be<br />

obtained by the application of the methods you are applying.<br />

Yon know that when a physician gives his patient medicine,<br />

he is always solicitous to know what effect the medicine baa<br />

had; he inquires diligently concerning the patient's feelings;<br />

examines bis appearance, the conditions of the body, <strong>and</strong> ap·<br />

plies every known rule by which he may obtain a knowledge<br />

of the resulta of the medicine given. In following these instn1ctions<br />

you are applying the God-given medicine, Nature's<br />

remedies, <strong>and</strong> you are your own physician; therefore you must<br />

carefully watch all symptoms, that you may know how properly<br />

to apply these methods to yourself in order that the desired<br />

results may be obtained. You must establish this condition of<br />

miml within yourself <strong>and</strong> bold to it, making it a part of yourself;<br />

keep it alive <strong>and</strong> active all the time, until it be<strong>com</strong>es a<br />

habit of lire.<br />

When you have established such a condition, you will know<br />

from the start what you are ae<strong>com</strong>pli11bing by the control of<br />

the reproductive elements <strong>and</strong> the practice of the foregoing<br />

methods. If you are among tho11e who at once succeed in<br />

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getting <strong>com</strong>plete control, then we can tell yon about what you<br />

may expect in the phenomena of sensation <strong>and</strong> mind. In tbe<br />

morning you will awaken more readily, feeling brighter <strong>and</strong><br />

more active. You will begin to enjoy greater freedom of<br />

mental aotion. Thia may continue gradually to increase for a<br />

month-perhapa two months, or even longer, then will <strong>com</strong>e a<br />

reaction, <strong>and</strong> with it a aleepy atupor, indiRpoaition to act, a<br />

deaire to lia around <strong>and</strong> sleep; <strong>and</strong> when you do aleep, yon go<br />

into a dead atupor, from whioh you awaken feeling as if you<br />

had been drugged. Here yon meet an adveraary that require&<br />

a powerful will <strong>and</strong> a lively energy to conquer; but if the following<br />

inatruotiona are properly carried out, it may be posaible<br />

to avoid that struggle; <strong>and</strong> even if you should get into it, you<br />

will aoon conquer, <strong>and</strong> when you have done so, you will be<br />

oonscioua of having obtained a power, both of mind <strong>and</strong> body,<br />

that you have never before known; you will begin to realize a<br />

joy in living.<br />

· <strong>The</strong> being whioh has obtained harmony, <strong>and</strong> every being<br />

may attain it, baa found its place in the order of the universe,<br />

<strong>and</strong> represents the divine thought at leMt aa cl~rly aa a flower<br />

or a solar ayatem. Harmony seeka nothing outside itself. It<br />

is what it ought to be; it is the expression of right, order, law,<br />

<strong>and</strong> truth; it is greater than time, <strong>and</strong> presents eternity.<br />

Henri-Frederic .Amiel.<br />

<strong>The</strong> orders of animala are the serpent <strong>and</strong> the bird: the serpent,<br />

in whioh the breath or spirit is less than in any other<br />

creature, <strong>and</strong> the earth-power greatest; the bird, in which the<br />

breath or spirit is more full than in any other creature, <strong>and</strong><br />

the earth-power leaat.<br />

Ru1kin.<br />

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Thia question baa iot.ereated all olaaaes of people from obildhood<br />

to manhood, but no answer wu given until in recent years,<br />

when in a newspaper we saw the theory of an astronomer, who<br />

claimed that the twinkling of the stars wu the result of dark<br />

hodies or balls paaaing between them <strong>and</strong> the earth. Of course<br />

thia is aimply a theory, <strong>and</strong> we believe without foundation; <strong>and</strong>,<br />

as all conclusions in regard to such matters must be drawn<br />

from analogy, we have to look for the aolution of this question<br />

in analogy born of something within the limit of the teleaoope'a<br />

critical examination. But no adequate answer to such queetiona<br />

will be obtained as long as astronomers bold as f oundation<br />

principles ench vague <strong>and</strong> unreasonable theories aa that<br />

our sun is a molten mass of fire, <strong>and</strong> as such must in aome future<br />

time burn out anti be<strong>com</strong>e a dark body, when the life on<br />

the planets revolving around it must necessarily perish. I<br />

say aa long ae such a theory is held as the foundation principle<br />

of astronomy, no answer worthy of our consideration can be<br />

given to the question before us.<br />

From revelations that have <strong>com</strong>e to ue through knowledge<br />

obtained Crom the science of Solar Biology, we think that we<br />

have reached the unquestionable conclusion that worlds are<br />

born from our central sun through a process o( refinement<br />

goin~ on there similar to that taking place in the human body.<br />

•Our contributor e'tidently williee °' to uode"taad that be attrlhv.teil the twinkling<br />

of a 1tar to thought flashing or sweeping over ita aurf-. In rettard to hill<br />

theory we muat 8'y, that not.bing we have ever known warranta the belief that it<br />

la poaible to - Tibratioua of thought with the unaided phyeical eye. However,<br />

ulde from thia main point of hia MgUment, the article oontaiua '° mooh that ii<br />

bltereeting <strong>and</strong> inatrootive, that we giYe it •pAOe in our oolum1111, !earing eritioillll<br />

to the reader.<br />

(Lit. Ed.<br />

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As the hnman mind develops <strong>and</strong> increases in power, the body<br />

throws off the groeser material <strong>and</strong> takes on finer. Thia prooeea<br />

gives finer mental abilities, stronger thought powers, which, in<br />

turn, react upon the material in the body, causing it to eiiminate<br />

the groeeer <strong>and</strong> assimilate the finer. This is the root of<br />

the law of evolutionary development, which haa reoently been<br />

accepted by some of our scientist&.<br />

Aa a result of this evolutionary unfoldment the human race<br />

is be<strong>com</strong>ing, in the language of the Bible, "weaker <strong>and</strong> wiser."<br />

<strong>The</strong> naturalist tells us that there waa a time when all the life<br />

upon the planet appeared in giant forms of purely animal <strong>and</strong><br />

reptilian e:itiatence, <strong>and</strong> that in the proceas of the refinement<br />

of the planet, thoae mammoth creatures have passed away <strong>and</strong><br />

animals of leas physical power have taken their place. But<br />

instead of physical power there now exists activity <strong>and</strong> vivao.<br />

ity, <strong>and</strong> instead of men, giants in strength <strong>and</strong> physiual stature,<br />

we have men of moderate stature but of greater mind<br />

power; <strong>and</strong> students <strong>and</strong> thinkers on the subject of man <strong>and</strong><br />

his relation to the universe, his <strong>com</strong>ponent elements <strong>and</strong> AO<br />

forth, believe that the time must <strong>com</strong>e when the man of this<br />

planet will reach a state of refinement so high <strong>and</strong> so perfect,<br />

that his physical body will be luminous <strong>and</strong> shining as the sun<br />

light. A like ort"ler prevails in the development of the universe:<br />

if our sun bas wol'lds born to it, <strong>and</strong> if the earth is one of its<br />

children, we must expect that the earth <strong>and</strong> all the planets<br />

will be<strong>com</strong>e like their parent <strong>and</strong> will also have children. Our<br />

moon is the off11pring of the earth, <strong>and</strong> we may reasonably infer<br />

that the time will <strong>com</strong>e when anotbe~ moon will be born<br />

from our planet. We are told by astronomers, <strong>and</strong> through the<br />

telescope we may IK'e for ourselves, that the other planet-& have<br />

worlds, moons, ciroling around them.<br />

Now, if the order of evolution is from the grosser to lhe<br />

finer, we must conclude that as the worlds born from our<br />

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Tue B10.c.oo1cAL JoUBMAL. 228<br />

sun be<strong>com</strong>e more refined, they gradually drift away from their<br />

parent center <strong>and</strong> usume the nature <strong>and</strong> appearanoe of their<br />

parent, <strong>and</strong>, consequently, are leu dependent upon it for their<br />

nourishment of light <strong>and</strong> heat; in other words, they begin to<br />

live from themselves. We are told that Jesus said: "For as<br />

the Father hath life in himaelf; 80 hath he given to the Son to<br />

have life in himaelf," <strong>and</strong> I believe that we all unite in regarding<br />

him as the great prototype of the <strong>com</strong>ing race of our earth,<br />

<strong>and</strong> as the raoe, 80 muat be the world that it inhabittt.<br />

A thought that has been sweeping over our planet like a<br />

tidal wave is, that "all ia life;" <strong>and</strong> aoienoe has loug reoognized<br />

that even the rocks are living matter. We are here brought<br />

face to face with deep thought, which is merely speculative to<br />

the auperficial thinker, but which to my mind seems auaoeptible<br />

of proof by the mathematics of logic.. It is that, if all is<br />

life, <strong>and</strong> if evolution is the law of humanity, then, as the human<br />

family are like their surroundings <strong>and</strong> the l<strong>and</strong>. upon which<br />

they live (scientists have recognized the fact that the nature<br />

<strong>and</strong> character of the people are influenced by the qualities of<br />

the l<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> surroundings), it follows that the development<br />

<strong>and</strong> unfoldment of the race must either lead or follow the<br />

changing conditions, the development <strong>and</strong> unfoldment, or refinement<br />

of the qualities, of the planet on which they live. <strong>The</strong><br />

life of a planet is one life; therefore it must, to a very great<br />

extent, move altogether as one body, for the body, as a whole,<br />

is dependent upon each particular part. We thus arrive at<br />

the inevitable conclusion that, as planets grow <strong>and</strong> mature,<br />

they are refined, <strong>and</strong> the burnt-out ashes, or grosser material,<br />

are thrown off to form the beginning of other worlds,-moons.<br />

It is, therefol'e, only a matter of time when our world will be a<br />

shining, luminous body like the parent sun.<br />

Now let us turn once more to the probable cause of the<br />

twinkling of the stars. It is well known that when one's mind<br />

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beoomes animated <strong>and</strong> aoti ve, the oountenauoe lights up, <strong>and</strong><br />

aa thoughts form <strong>and</strong> 6nd expression, the light of the face<br />

changes rapidly, the eyes flash with a peculiar light, <strong>and</strong> the<br />

whole system beoomea radiant. Now, if all life is one lire, <strong>and</strong><br />

if a world, including its inhabitants, is developed to a st.ate of<br />

unfoldment in which it is luminous, it naturally follows that<br />

as great thoughts sweep over a planet, they are like flashes of<br />

light; <strong>and</strong> M every quality of thought is produced by a different<br />

number of vibrations of mind element, it must be that, as<br />

these thoughts flash over a world, different colors are assumed,<br />

<strong>and</strong> according to their intensity is the flash, as in the cue of<br />

an electric light. Even now on our earth, dark <strong>and</strong> alow as<br />

are its heart-throbs of ment.al life, it ha.11 been long recognized<br />

that one wave of thought succeeds another. It began first<br />

with what were called "Fads" rolling over the planet; it now<br />

begins to assume the fo.rm of thought waves. At present we<br />

are in the midst of a thought wave of which the central expression<br />

is, All is mind, all is life, all is spirit. And may we<br />

not reasonabl_v expect that, as the race unfolds <strong>and</strong> the earth<br />

hl'<strong>com</strong>es more like its parent, the race will be more capable of<br />

grMpiog more quickly <strong>and</strong> folly the new thoughts that pass<br />

over the planet, so that aa the people be<strong>com</strong>e more <strong>and</strong> more<br />

refined <strong>and</strong> spiritualized, less time will be required for thonghta<br />

to penetrate <strong>and</strong> permeate the race, <strong>and</strong> ftash after flash of<br />

thonght will pass over the worlcl like rays of electric light.<br />

As this condition of things is so remote from anything<br />

. that is absolutely known, or has ever been known in the<br />

world, it is neoeRsary that we once more turn to look for<br />

evitlencea in analogy. It bas been accepted by all astronomers<br />

that eve1·y star differ~ from every other st.ar in the heav·<br />

ens. We know that children of the same parents

THE BIOLOGICAL Joumr.u.. 225<br />

"Jupiter present& the following principal physical habitodes:<br />

He has a diameter of about eighty.five thous<strong>and</strong> miles, or<br />

nearly eleven times as large as the earth's, a surface one hundred<br />

<strong>and</strong> fifteen times larger, <strong>and</strong>, as I have said, a volume<br />

more than twelve hundred timee larger. Gravity at hiunrface is<br />

about two <strong>and</strong> a half times as great as on our earth's, so that<br />

such creatures as exist aroudd WI would find their weight much<br />

more than doubled if they were removed t.o Jupiter. He lies<br />

more than five times farther from the sun than our ea1·th, aud<br />

the light <strong>and</strong> heat which he receives from that orb are reduced<br />

t.o about one.twenty-fifth of our supply. He rotates on his axis<br />

in rather leas than ten. hours (nine boure, fifty-five minutes,<br />

twenty-six seconds), 80 that the length of his day ie oonaiderably<br />

lees than haJr of ours. His axis is nearly perpendicular t.o<br />

his orbit, 80 that there are no appreciable seasonal changes as<br />

he sweeps around the sun in his long year of 4, 832.5 days."<br />

Jupiter ia called by this author the giant of the Solar System.<br />

Thia enormous planet has been seen t.o exhibit a peculiar<br />

changing phenomenon. We quote the following from the<br />

above work: .. So far. then, as inquiries have as yet been pushed,<br />

all that can be asserted on the subject we are considering is, ·<br />

that the planet's belts vary greatly in form, extent, aud general<br />

appearance. At one time the dusky belts cover a large proportion<br />

of the planet's disk, at anothe1· they are singularly narrow.<br />

Now they are very regularly disposed, now they seem in<br />

some way under the action or disturbing forces of great intensity,<br />

causing them to assume a most irregular figure. • • •<br />

Jo the conr$e of a single hour, CasRini saw a <strong>com</strong>plete new<br />

belt form on the planet, <strong>and</strong> on December 13, 1690, two well.<br />

marked belts vanished <strong>com</strong>pletely, while a third had almost<br />

disappeared in the same short interval of time. • • • Now,<br />

during the autumn of 1869 <strong>and</strong> the 11pring of 1870, thie<br />

belt hae been mo1·e strongly colored than any part of the<br />

planet. Mr. Browning, observiug Jupiter in the earlier part<br />

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226 WHT Do THE STA.RS TwuncLE?<br />

of the abo~named interval, foun(l the equatorial belt of a<br />

greeniah-yellow oolor, whioh deepened in Ooor, 1869, to a<br />

full oohreiah yellow, <strong>and</strong> in January of the pre&t>nt year had<br />

auumed an e'9n darker tint, reeembling yellow ochre."<br />

Here ia a planet of our 10lar ayatem which gives e,;Jenoea<br />

of forces aotiYe upon it which are out of all proportion to any<br />

poaaible influence that the aun'a rays oould have on it, or, in<br />

other worda, the.ee foroea act from the life upon it. This, <strong>and</strong><br />

ita strange belta of cloud formation, changing from one hue to<br />

another in a abort apace of time, are entirely unaccounted for<br />

by astronomers. If we should look 11teadily at the planet Ju.<br />

piter during the period of tbeae changes, we would probably<br />

eee a gradual change in the oolor of the light received from it.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se ohanpa seem to be a alow beginning of the twinkling<br />

seen in some of the atan in the heavens; for instanee, if at<br />

this period of the year, we turn our attention to the north·<br />

eastern aky, just eut of the North Star, we will aee a bright<br />

atar called Capella• flaahing forth wondrous raya of color, presenting<br />

in each fla11h all the colora of the raiubow. <strong>The</strong> flal'hea<br />

are 80 quick that it is difficult for the human eye to follow<br />

them, <strong>and</strong> to distingni11h each color u.g they fla...;h from oue side<br />

of ita disk to the other; <strong>and</strong> they do not appear to atat·t each<br />

time at the same place,-the color wave rune down, then acroRa,<br />

then op <strong>and</strong> 80 on, t>hanging

Ta& B10LOG1c.u JouuAL. 227<br />

presence; <strong>and</strong> although it takea theee thoughta ouly the amall<br />

portion of a aeoood to flash aorou the diak of the planet, yet we<br />

can imagine, from our limited experience in thought, that there<br />

might exiRt a raoe of such refined intelligenoe, that thoughts<br />

of such gigantic proportions <strong>and</strong> wonderful oomprebenaiveneu<br />

might be fully realized in that brief apaoe of time, <strong>and</strong> that<br />

the glory <strong>and</strong> magnitude of theae thoughta oause that oeaaeleaa<br />

change; for the same thought never recurs to the mind, but the<br />

ooune of the uniTene ia on, forever on. A.a the Angel said to<br />

John, "<strong>The</strong>re ia no night there, for the Lord God giveth them<br />

light." <strong>The</strong>refore, aa we sit quietly looking at yon star, our<br />

soul intently ftxed upon God. the .Father of all life. it ia not<br />

hard to feel the heart throbs of the Io6nite Soul, <strong>and</strong> we even<br />

imagine that we may catch a little ray of those wondrous<br />

thoughts that are so oontinuo111tly fl&llhing out from world to<br />

world. All these worlds are, as it were, the body of the Infl..<br />

nite. <strong>and</strong> God the soul, forever speaking those wondroua words<br />

of life <strong>and</strong> light. <strong>The</strong>refore it is good to watch the stars while<br />

we muae upon Q.,d, for from them w, may gather some refteo·<br />

tion of the Mind of Diviuity.<br />

S. D. MIU'vin.<br />

Whether with re~">n• or with instinct blest,<br />

Know, all enjoy that pow'r which suite them best><br />

To bliu alike by that direction tend,<br />

And find the means proportioned to their end.<br />

Pope.<br />

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A.a we oontemplate the Zodiacal Circle of Henry Wads worth<br />

Longfellow, so well known as one of the leading poets of the<br />

Nineteenth Centory, we are deeply impressed with the wonderful<br />

way in wbioh the planetary forces reveal his natural obaraoteriatW..<br />

Earth (ED) in Zodiacal Sign of Pisces (X).<br />

Moon ()) .. .. .. .. Scorpio (11\.).<br />


TeK B1owo1cAL .Joua1u.i.. 229<br />

Man (J') " " " " PiRCet (X).<br />

Venus (?) " " " " Libra (.t:i.).<br />

Mercu.ry ( V ) '• " " " Virgo (l!R).<br />

EL1WENT8.<br />


Fire, One. Intell~tual, Two.<br />

Earth, Two. Domestic, Two.<br />

Air, One. Creative, Two.<br />

Water, Four. Serving, Two.<br />

Born in Portl<strong>and</strong>, Maine, upon the 27th of February, 1807,<br />

hie earthly pedestal was that of Pisces, <strong>and</strong> his Polarity,<br />

Scorpio. He looked out upon human life, with his little bark<br />

riding upnn the waters of an nnknowu sea. all ahout him.<br />

What shall the voyage be? 'Ve note at the outset the important<br />

fact that Jupiter in Cancer, the Moon in Scorpio, <strong>and</strong><br />

Earth <strong>and</strong> Mara in Pisces, formed a Watery Triplicity of un·<br />

usual obarc&cter. Great Jupiter at the head of that Triplioity<br />

imparted to his nature ideality a• to home <strong>and</strong> all which that<br />

sacredly implies. <strong>The</strong> Moon iu Scorpio produced a versatile,<br />

creative menta1ity, <strong>com</strong>bined wit.h unusual will power; while<br />

Earth <strong>and</strong> Mars in Pisces demonstrated the fact that the corubine, "the Heavens<br />

declared the glory of the Lord" uuto him in a wondrous<br />

way. Mercury made subtle <strong>and</strong> strong his ttiscriminations anti<br />

his intuitions. It related them somewhat to the reproductive<br />

element, <strong>and</strong> formed the ha.sis of much of a versatile order,<br />

which, as time advanced, was clearly demonstrated. PhyMfoally<br />

it gave him a stomach of much value, <strong>and</strong> aideJ thereby in<br />

vitalizing his entire body.<br />

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280 H1~NRY W AD8WORTB LoNGF1o;1.1.ow.<br />

Venua in Libra was an ideal zodiacal neighbor, who, in her<br />

supreme individuality, united bis intuitive <strong>and</strong> reasoning faculties<br />

into rare oneness, so that the Balances of bis interior na·<br />

tore were Tery delicately adjusted. He oould equally w1•loome<br />

the material <strong>and</strong> metapnysical hour by hour, <strong>and</strong> weigh their<br />

value in a tare sense. Whe~ therefore, we next dieoover that<br />

in Aries Uranus ruled, <strong>and</strong> in Taurus Saturn held 11way, we<br />

can but exclaim, "How wonderful are thy works. 0 Lord,"<br />

unto this thy son I for, with these planets dominating the Upper<br />

<strong>and</strong> Lower Brain, tee Amie tile but po .. wle i,,,ullectual npru.-<br />

1ion tohich the Ht


his mind at this early period. <strong>The</strong> true relation of body, mind,<br />

<strong>and</strong> soul were already his.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Trinity of Cancer, Scorpio, <strong>and</strong> Pisces, which so clearly<br />

formed the baaia of his life, found fruitage considerably<br />

through absorption as well as education. <strong>The</strong>y formed a restless<br />

sea, upon which he sailed in joyfulness with the sky clear<br />

<strong>and</strong> the winds favorable. During this time the classic past<br />

breathed upon him its refining, ennobling power, <strong>and</strong> his susceptible<br />

nature partook of it as food from the gods. But the Occident<br />

had also its mi88ion for him. Boston, as the modern Athens,<br />

fed his soulful outreachiogs. Emenon, Whittier, <strong>and</strong> Dr.<br />

HolmeR, were a trinity unto him-philosophically, prophetically,<br />

<strong>and</strong> hnmoronsly. Gemini, Sagittarius, <strong>and</strong> Virgo united their<br />

forces npon our rt>stless Pisces, <strong>and</strong> thus all the four elements<br />

found expression through his absorbing <strong>and</strong> coalescing nature.<br />

<strong>The</strong> element of time wronght its mission upon him in a<br />

truly evolutionary way. <strong>The</strong> inspirational power of Mars in<br />

the watery sign in which he was born, stirred his restless<br />

nature into high activities, while the balancing power of Mercury<br />

in Virgo, caused bis discriminations to be subtle <strong>and</strong><br />

strong. <strong>The</strong> fact that he could write "Excelsior'' at the age of<br />

thirty.fou1', illnstrate3 how early he c.:>ncl:lived that "Onward<br />

<strong>and</strong> upward" was a motto involving true living here, <strong>and</strong> immortality<br />

beyonrl the human activities.<br />

At the age of thirty-five he wrote:­<br />

"Half my life is gone, <strong>and</strong> I have let<br />

<strong>The</strong> years slip from me, <strong>and</strong> have not fulfilled<br />

<strong>The</strong> aspirations of my youth, to build<br />

Some tower of song, with lofty parapet."<br />

And yet this restless Pisces was all the while be<strong>com</strong>ing a literary<br />

encyclopedia. He was as1nuniog bis rightful place in that<br />

noble aristocracy of inspired men which Americanism, in ite<br />

best sense, was then producing.<br />

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Pisces natures are uaoally romantic in some way. Mr. Longfellow<br />

waa no exception. <strong>The</strong> formulation in succession of<br />

"Evangeline," "<strong>The</strong> Court.ship of Miles St<strong>and</strong>ish," <strong>and</strong> "Hiawatha,"<br />

showed clearly how fertile he was in the unfolding of<br />

three of the moet beautiful <strong>and</strong> ve.....tile poems in the English<br />

langnage.<br />

Again, like all Pisces natures, he was ever diatroetful of hia<br />

own attainments. It will be observed that he was equally endowed<br />

in the four trinities (two each, aa the Circle shows),<br />

which naturally caused an ever-increasing equability of temper·<br />

ament, so that, with the enlargement of his <strong>com</strong>prehensioua,<br />

there gradually grew the greater thought that he must produce<br />

"Chriatu.&: A Mystery." When forty-two years of age (1849)<br />

he began his work upon it, writing in his diary at that time:<br />

"And now I long to find a loftier strain, the sublimer song whose<br />

broken melodies have for so many years breathed through my<br />

soul in the better hours of life." As bis inspirations from<br />

time to time became lofty, he pondered <strong>and</strong> wrote upon it during<br />

the next twenty-three years. It st<strong>and</strong>s the master-piece of<br />

his soulful genius <strong>and</strong> calm aspirational medit.tions. Thia<br />

demonstrates how the Piscean nature may trend its restless<br />

waves into that sweet placidity where it can look up, a.s the<br />

close of human life is coutemplated, <strong>and</strong> say:-<br />

"<strong>The</strong>re is no death I what seems so is transition;<br />

This life of mortal breath<br />

Is but a suburb of the life elysian,<br />

Whoee portal we call .Dtiath."<br />

LibrL<br />

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Silver <strong>and</strong> Blue.<br />

What la Emllity1' It ia the proo8llionl of Life. On, foreftl' OD, wit.bout<br />

btgiJmiDg uicl withoat end, movee the lliately line, bat In all the -<br />

melell order of lta unbiokea length, bat one point, one inflniteelmal<br />

point, appean to h1lllMID YiBion. That point -<br />

eall -aoa, manlfeatatioa.<br />

S&<strong>and</strong>inc there, we ame ia ftiD to pi- the m)'8ter)' of infinite<br />

~ w-. the -ue. nooelllOD of form\> it DIO't'88 ... uicl<br />

'ftl!bha whit.her ®- it go\> Balplwl)' - gue IDto the 01-are<br />

deptba of the pal&, uicl .. 'taialy tr)' to .... the --from the beyond;<br />

the here, the DOW, la a1- gi.,. to oar 'rilioD. It la traly ao: - may<br />

Dot -, bat Goel m-lf, the en.tor of all, hat hb abode within, <strong>and</strong><br />

- may ~. We bow that, tbroagboat the reaohee of 11*'8 uicl the<br />

duadon of etemit)', there flows an -.a of Mver-relting life,--,<br />

uicl )'et DO ponioll of ltl ehanging oammtil the IUll8. Aa it rolJa ODwud<br />

from the btgimWlg, of whoh a beglnlliDc alwa)'I uiltt, ita watiara grow<br />

9ftl' U-, beaner, until, aa the watera of F.art.h, they attain their fall<br />

weiaht of materiality. <strong>The</strong>n, M the)' migladl)' tweep OD lato the O)'Clee<br />

W--, the material alowly loata itllllf ID the reflll8mem of Spirit,<br />

uicl, llatan .. mtent11aa ... ma,., --llO loager bear the--. beat<br />

of t.hote ....... upon the tboree of dme.<br />

Throqhon the UpaDM of t.hh wide -. there *ttohea the length<br />

of -bdbdte parpoae: ita waten uiat bat to giTe birth to uicl to perfect<br />

:r-Form which alwa)'l 1118M111'81 the S-of ita aabttanoe by that<br />

of the -.a ID which it ita home. From the aabtle want of the earlialt<br />

watiera, pl)'Chio f-ariae. At tbe''ftniahiag point" of tenuity they flnt<br />

appear, bat, aa the amglJllr omrenta aweep towud the demit)' of Eut.h'a<br />

watiera, they grow 8'f'8l' b•'rier in aa..._, until hen, in the waten of<br />

oar world, they NMh the OOl'pONU. <strong>The</strong>n, aa - follow the line of<br />

ad-, - behold them grow laminou with the licht of Spirit, <strong>and</strong>,<br />

aa they paaa OD, OD, lllto that which it be)'oud, their TfJr)' --of being<br />

it obugad IDto licht: Form uicl Light haft btoome oae, <strong>and</strong> that<br />

Light by alow degrees pa.ee lDto nflDementt to which oar Snite peroeptiom<br />

no lonpr 1'911pODd,-Form merged into Light, uicl Light into the<br />

DIVIn, Tanithet Into the Unlmown.<br />

When thb -U- teqU8ll08, theee proOMBlom of Form, ieaoli the<br />

watiara of F.art.h, they emerge aa the Fiab, the Plaoee. <strong>The</strong>re 8lliata in the<br />

world DO orpnio form, animal or vegetable, which did not, u the flab,<br />

aprinc from the watera of the planet. Pi.-it the ~ of Eut.hly<br />

formaladon. In oar oot&Te of worlda lt it the loweet point of materiality.<br />

It it the origin of the animal body, the pb)'lioal buit of man.<br />

Bat In 1'5-, the Fiab, are kindled the firee of life,~ Bret at<br />

firat, bat firee which ultimately puB into th- of Spirit, the Light of<br />

Dmaity. And ao when oar planet rolled into the Pi.. quality of the<br />

rr-t Spiritnal Zodiac, oar Master came that be might kindle in the<br />

11'orld1 aa yet baraing with oaly the Bree of animal life, the poteaoiee<br />

of t.hote DiTlll8 FiJ'8I by whioh men may take form, btoome fiahee, in<br />

the rr-t carrenta of Spirit. "lchthas," he wu oalled by hb early follow-.<br />

"We are little fiahea In Chriat oar great F"iah" (Tenulliaa),<br />

<strong>The</strong> Fiab, corporeal ubtenoe, l808ivee form mider the immediate lnfl-<br />

of the moon's pale ray, wb- lilTV lirht ia mirrored therein, together<br />

with the blae, which here, ID the Piab, makee itl fi1'9t appellUICe<br />

in oar l)'ltem of worlds.<br />

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(IV.)<br />

' .<br />

1.<br />

BelieYing M I do in the ~of llMme, I..-ICop abraptly where Olll'<br />

m~ - to be of ue. Here the ..Woa of t1ae mind eapplemeota aotborltathely<br />

the "Yisioo of the eye." B7 an intelleotoal ~ty I Cl'08I the boDDd­<br />

&rJ of the u.,m-tal e'rideooe, <strong>and</strong> di8001'er iD matter t1ae promi11t <strong>and</strong> potmey<br />

ef all &erreltrial life.<br />

Tyndall<br />

<strong>The</strong> writer propoeee t.o base the argument of the concluding<br />

number of this eeries of articles upon two propositions which<br />

have be<strong>com</strong>e sufficiently established by deductions of the most<br />

advanced authority to be considered lk!ientific axioms. Profeeeor<br />

Huxley gives poetic expression to the 6ntof these great<br />

truths when he eayg that, "amid the mysteries which be<strong>com</strong>e<br />

the more mysterious the more they are thought about, there<br />

will remain the one abeolnte certainty, that man is ever in the<br />

presence of an Infinite <strong>and</strong> Eternal Energy from which all<br />

things proceed;'' or. more briefly, all things proceed from an<br />

Infinite <strong>and</strong> Eternal energy. <strong>The</strong> second of the two principles<br />

underlying the doctrine of ~evolution is the continuity of<br />

law,-the operation of the same laws in absolutely unbroken<br />

sequence throughout the entire course of universal evolution.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se two stat.emente fumiRh the only eatisfact.ory key t.o the<br />

proceeees of evolution, for they &l"e all-<strong>com</strong>prehensive, holding<br />

within themselves all truth, all law. It is with the first of<br />

these principle11 that we have mainly to do, as, in the light of<br />

modern science, a simple statement of the second-the continn·<br />

oueneee of law-is probably all that is necessary; it has been<br />

beautifully <strong>and</strong> forcibly said that '"continuity is the expression<br />

of Divine veracity in nature ...<br />

If. then, life, the visible <strong>and</strong> invisible universe. is the out<strong>com</strong>e,<br />

or manifestation of "an Infinite Energy," a Rtudy of the<br />

basic qualitie.. <strong>and</strong> processes of lire must LPgin with an exam·<br />

ination of the character <strong>and</strong> phenomena of Energy, that from<br />

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284 AN OC'r AVE OF WORLD~.<br />

which life proceeds. Now, we find that all activit.y may be resolved<br />

into two elementary forces; namely,


activity must necessarily be an important factor in determining<br />

the finer variations of quality, yet the direction taken by<br />

these lines is obviously the fundamental principle of oonstruction,<br />

by which not only the basic or most radical qualities are<br />

established, but utJOn which rests the scheme of organization,<br />

individualization.<br />

In vortex motion we find the lines of force moving in four<br />

totally distinct directiona,-ao distinct that if a line of direction<br />

be in each case indefinitely extended, the result will be four<br />

right angles, or a square. Consequently, creative organization<br />

in order to be oomplet.e dem<strong>and</strong>s that the lines of construction,<br />

by which form <strong>and</strong> also quality are determined, shall move in<br />

four directions of such a character that, although a fourfold<br />

conjunction may occur, yet at no point, however small, is it possible<br />

for any two of the lines to pursue the same course, or to<br />

be<strong>com</strong>e identical; that is, in perfect organization form <strong>and</strong><br />

quality must find four distinct means of expression, four diatinct<br />

means of individualization,-individualization in such an<br />

absolute sense that it is impoasible for any one form, or expression<br />

thereof to lose its identity in any other one.<br />

Thia is the occult significance of the square, which in symbolism<br />

st<strong>and</strong>s for the ultimates of organization.• It is the truth<br />

tlmbodied in the Tetragrammaton,-He of the Four Letters<br />

appears aa the Four in One, furnishing the pattem according<br />

to which are to move those lines of Divine Energy which are<br />

to ultimate in the structure of the ag~,-the Temple of God.<br />

If the evolution of the race <strong>and</strong> of the planet is to result in<br />

the perfection of form <strong>and</strong> quality, then the ultimate entity,<br />

the One, is to be <strong>com</strong>posed of four distinct individuals; <strong>and</strong><br />

in accordance with Nature's methods, for she "takes no leaps,"<br />

we would expect to find the most distinctly characteristic expressions<br />

of form <strong>and</strong> quality dominated, in both instances,<br />

throughout the whole course of evolution by the number Four.<br />

•bi the Hebrew, the letter Teadhe, or the number 00, repre1enta the <strong>com</strong>plet.<br />

ID8nt of the human individual. 00° ie the quadrant, or the fourth part of 360°,<br />

tbe circle of organization.<br />

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28G<br />


Turning, then, t.o a brief examination of the principles of<br />

form <strong>and</strong> quality, the pair so indi880luhly linked t.o the condi.<br />

tion of Being, we find one allied oaoae, the other to ultimat.eR;<br />

that is, the quality of life antedates every other distinction,<br />

<strong>and</strong> ia dependent upon the source of snpply, while form is det.ermined<br />

by fnnction,-function in the sense of the activities<br />

neoeeeary t.o existenoe,-<strong>and</strong> is, consequently, the substantial fact.or<br />

of evolution. Form, therefore, is the distinguishing feature<br />

of the more advanoed evolutionary states, while quality is<br />

closely connected with supply. Now, this is unquestionably<br />

the relation sustained t.o each other by the two great divisions<br />

of terrestrial life, the animal <strong>and</strong> the vegetable kingdome,-the<br />

one, the marked expreaeion of the principle of form, function;<br />

the other of quality. <strong>The</strong>refore, in the animal kingdom, at the<br />

head of which st<strong>and</strong>s man, we mutst look in the direction of<br />

form, arising in function, for the manifestation of the charact.eristic<br />

Four; on the other h<strong>and</strong>, in the vegetable world, where<br />

chemiam, or vital supply, is the leading thought, of which color<br />

is the visible expreaaioo, we are prepared to see the number<br />

Four a prominent factor in the basic problem of nutrition­<br />

Four, linked to color, should the pen sesatM to the fountain<br />

of supply.<br />

Turning, therefore, t.o the animal kingdom for prophetic<br />

evidence of the fourfold ultimate of ter1'88trial evolution. <strong>and</strong><br />

recognizing the fact that inquiry in this direction must be inquiry<br />

into function <strong>and</strong> its effect upon development-that is,<br />

activity expressed in form-we will have the evidence for<br />

which we seek if we find that in man, who is the culmination<br />

of animal life, the appropriate acti vitiea, function, dispose<br />

themselves naturally into four well-defined divisions, <strong>and</strong> that<br />

Nature announces this quadruple division in the unmistakable<br />

language of form.<br />

A little reflection will convince the most superficial inquirer<br />

that the human activities do find their most natural gl'ouping<br />

under four heads; namely, (1) the intellectual, (2) the maternal,-activitiea<br />

allied to nutrition, (3) the reproductive, (4)<br />

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TB11 B10LOG1c.u. J ouu.u.. 28'1<br />

<strong>and</strong> those of mucular action-motion, including, of oonne,<br />

looomotion. Thia grouping is u old u are human records, for<br />

mysticism, which is auppoeed t.o concern it.aelf with the 1-wa<br />

of life, hu always <strong>and</strong> does now aooept this division.<br />

Now, what has Natlll'8 t.o say of snob an arrangement. She<br />

does simply this: she makes the clear <strong>and</strong> unmistakable atat;e.<br />

ment, at the very beginning of animal exiat.enoe-that ie, in the<br />

embryo-that this ie her plan of oonatruotion. Like a wiee <strong>and</strong><br />

orderly arohiteot, she makes a chart of her dMign <strong>and</strong> then<br />

prooeeJs to build aooordingly, looking always toward the ultimate<br />

structure, which shall present her first work.manlike stat.emeot<br />

in well-defined perfection. A few words in regard t.o<br />

embryonic development will show how emphatioally <strong>and</strong> beau·<br />

tifully she sketches her plane.<br />

As formulation advances, the embryo, the ohemioal oonatitnents<br />

of which are four in number-Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen,<br />

<strong>and</strong> Nhrogen-dividea int.o four parts, or germ-layers, which nl•<br />

timately unfold. respectively, int.o thoee partaof the animal body<br />

which perform the functions of intellection, nutrition, repro..<br />

duction, aml muscular action. From the upper of theee layers<br />

develops the brain with its nerve connectiona, including the<br />

outer akin, or covering of the body; in the eeoond layer the<br />

organa of motion ariee,-the mnacular <strong>and</strong> bony structure; the<br />

third layer unfolds into the organs of reproduction; <strong>and</strong>, finally,<br />

from the lowest <strong>and</strong> fourth layer, the orbrans allied t.o the<br />

alimentary or maternal function appear, upon which depend<br />

nutrition, both of the individual <strong>and</strong> the offspring. Thus at<br />

the door of life, the great an~hitect announces in the language<br />

of form the four gr<strong>and</strong> functions of the animal kingdom; <strong>and</strong>, aa<br />

we have aeen, function, <strong>and</strong> consequent form, is the controlling<br />

thought. the purpose, of this kingdom.<br />

In the vegetable kingdom, where the purpoee of life is to<br />

fnrnish the animal kingdom with the chemical elements necessary<br />

t.o growth-that is, where quality is the governing though~<br />

we must be prepared t.o find in the potent Four the magic key<br />

which unlocks the g~at storehouse of supply; its benignant<br />

presence must this time be linked t.o the pivotal problem of<br />

f<br />

r<br />

'<br />

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288 AN 0cTAVE OF WORLDS.<br />

nutrition, <strong>and</strong> it mnst be UROOiat.ed with oolor, the distinguish.<br />

ing characteristic of the vital or chemical element. <strong>The</strong> oolor,<br />

however, with whioh it baa formed an allianoo would naturally<br />

be that oolor which in the octave of primary colors occupies the<br />

place corresponding to the one held by Earth in the creative<br />

acale, or the Octave of W orlde. Thia oolor we know to be<br />

green, of which fact the appearance of nature leaves no doubt.<br />

Now, in view of what baa been said, the position of the num·<br />

her Foor in vegetable existence is, if pouible, more significant<br />

than that assigned to it in the animal kingdom; for, through<br />

its connection with nutrition, it speaks into being, <strong>and</strong> sostaioa<br />

the life of, the whole plant world. Nor are we disappointed<br />

in expecting to find it inseparably unit.ed to the color green:<br />

in the animal kingdom, where form (function) wu the spok·<br />

en word which dominated all else, the Foor was content to<br />

express itself simply by means of that word; but here, in the<br />

plant world, where quality, whose rightful expreesion is color,<br />

holds sway, the number Four, with gentle courtesy, blends its<br />

own language, that of form. with color, the language of the<br />

kingdom in which it finds itself.<br />

A more definite presentation of this thought wi11 be found<br />

in the following fact.a. For nutrition <strong>and</strong> it.a green color, plant<br />

life is absolutely dependent upon the presence of a certain sub·<br />

stance known u chlorophyll, which is <strong>com</strong>posed of minute<br />

green corpuscles. Deprived of these corpuscles, plants are un·<br />

able to a&Aimilate their food; <strong>and</strong> under such circumstances<br />

only those that are parasites are able to sustain life. <strong>The</strong><br />

unique character of the chlorophyll corpuscles hu occasioned<br />

much wonder <strong>and</strong> speculation among 11Cientists. <strong>The</strong>y seem<br />

in some unknown way to be in peculiar sympathy with the<br />

solar energy; for deprived of the sun's rays, they lose their<br />

color <strong>and</strong> fail to do their work, <strong>and</strong> so the plant dependent<br />

upon them dies. It is u though through them is spoken the<br />

solar word which gives life to the vegetable kingdom; aa<br />

though through them the plant looks up to the great father<br />

of light for the vital energy of its existence.<br />

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<strong>The</strong> chlorophyll corp118Cles are undoobt.edly the key t.o the<br />

problem of vegetable life; <strong>and</strong> if the Creator of all speaks anywhere<br />

in the vegetable world of the great design of terrestrial<br />

life, of the ultimate character of his purpose, surely we<br />

may expect t.o find the expre&Rion of the thought in these<br />

little green entities through which the life energies enter the<br />

plant kingdom. Let us, therefore, proceed to examine further<br />

int.o these strange little oorpoacles. In the first place<br />

in chemical <strong>com</strong>position they represent Foor,-the Four<br />

which st<strong>and</strong> at the portal of all physical life; namely, Carbon,<br />

Hydrogen, Nitrogen, <strong>and</strong> Oxygen. In form they are<br />

spherical, <strong>and</strong> thus present the creative scheme of organiza.<br />

tion-that of four different lines of construction, organiza.<br />

tion <strong>com</strong>posed of a fourfold individuality. Lastly, the very<br />

existence of these little individuals reata upon the number<br />

Four, for each one performs the function of reproduction by<br />

dividing int.o four equal parts; <strong>and</strong> thus, by an inverse proceaa,<br />

four instead of one take up life's miuion. Thus aa t.o form,<br />

quality (chemical constitution), <strong>and</strong> the origin of life, the<br />

three conditions necessary to Being, does Foor, linked to<br />

Earth's own oolor,• solve the problem of life for these tiny entities.<br />

We especially note the fact that the life of the whole<br />

vegetable kingdom depends upon the chlorophyll corpuscles, <strong>and</strong><br />

that at the foundation of their own exiaten

240 AR Ocr.t. VE OF WoRLD8.<br />

net only the vegetable world, but, as has been previously shown,<br />

it also upholds the animal world.<br />

<strong>The</strong> writer feels that the facts cit.ed up to the present point<br />

certainly prove all that hu been claimed for them; namely,<br />

that the world's Great Archit.ect enters upon his work of oonetruction<br />

just aa an earthly architect doee,-he first sketches a<br />

plan of hie design <strong>and</strong> then proaeeda with the building, always<br />

keeping in view that tlret well-defined chart, which the ultimate<br />

is to bring out in the substantial lines of a glorious realization.<br />

But in this instance work advanoee by a double line<br />

of operation: in one department (the animal kingdom), work<br />

upon the structure itself moves forward; in the other (the nge·<br />

table kingdom), are the "hewers of wood <strong>and</strong> the drawers of<br />

water," the workmen who supply the material which must enter<br />

into the building proper. Nevertheleu, in order that there<br />

may be no misunderst<strong>and</strong>ing as to bis ultimate purpose, the Wise<br />

Arcbit.ect places in the keeping of each department, at the<br />

very beginning of the work, a carefully executed draught of<br />

the nltimate, <strong>and</strong> never afterward .allows that draught t.o be<br />

lost eight of.<br />

Now, does this thing ha}lpen by chance? Would not the Divine<br />

Arcbit.ect begin his work in at le88t as orderly a manner<br />

u an earthly artist would? for the laws of ooustruction are the<br />

the same, whether in operation through the agency of an earthly<br />

bnilder or the Great Master Builder of the uni verse; <strong>and</strong><br />

these laws dem<strong>and</strong> that a well-defined conception, a dnLught of<br />

the ultimate, shall always prect'de the erection of the building.<br />

Can we suppose that it is chance happening-this clearly-defined<br />

thought of a fourfold individuality, placed u the foundation<br />

principle of life for the two kingdoms of terrestial existence,<br />

<strong>and</strong> which trails its well-marked lt>ngth through the whole<br />

course of evolution? <strong>The</strong> contiuuousneRS of law renders it certain<br />

that nothing happens by chance; that the apparently moat<br />

insignificant events of evolutionary unfoldment are eloquent<br />

with prophecy of the inconceivable gr<strong>and</strong>eur of nltimat.es.<br />

Consequently, such a precise <strong>and</strong> carefully executed plan of<br />

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Tu B10LOG1cAL Jou&NAL.<br />

2U<br />

Mtion. a acbeme of development so oonsiat.ently sustained<br />

throughout the entire history of evolution, <strong>and</strong> that aoheme<br />

bued upon the moat exact thing in all the univene, a mathematical<br />

thought, a nnmber,-unqueationably meaoa that the oonsammation<br />

of t.erreatrial organisation ia to be of a fourfold obara

242 AN OcT.t.VE OF WoRLD8.<br />

had just then ended that period of nnfoMment in which phys.<br />

ical generation ia the order of life. This stage of development<br />

-the development of a physical body-can exist upon bot one<br />

planet of the Octave at a time; <strong>and</strong> when it has been aooompliahed<br />

there, it is passed on to the world next in order. At<br />

all times the seven states of unfoldment are active in the Oc.<br />

tave, in order that harmony may be oomplete, but no state, or<br />

note, ia doubled.<br />

When Earth began the present dark chapter of its experience,<br />

the people of Mars, after a limited period of peace <strong>and</strong><br />

joy spent upon their own planet, passed into ''ihe heavens,"<br />

while Mars itself entered npon "the old dark silence" spoken<br />

of by the prophet Eadl'&ll,-eilenoe in the sense that its raoe .<br />

waa temporarily removed from it, ancl dark because itR magnetic<br />

conditions had be<strong>com</strong>e such as to produce a state of active<br />

transmutation, causing a sufficient quantity of carbonic acid•<br />

<strong>and</strong> other gases to be evolved t.o darken its atmosphere with a<br />

dull rrodish hue. Both race <strong>and</strong> planet are resting <strong>and</strong> waiting,<br />

<strong>and</strong> io the mean time are rapidly approaching a state<br />

which will enable them to be<strong>com</strong>e respectively interior t.o our<br />

own race <strong>and</strong> planet. <strong>The</strong> natural law which will lead t.o the<br />

ronjunction of the planet.


io11tanoe, the glorified abode, not only of the souls that have<br />

bad poeseaaioo of them ainoe birth, but to eaoh soul will be<br />

joined another soul, its interior eelf, which bu been eTolriog<br />

all theae ieoos on the planet Mara, <strong>and</strong> which, by reason of the<br />

interior relation of the Mara race to the raoe of Earth, belongs<br />

to the Earth soul u its interior self. Io this manner four sonls<br />

are to be joined hy a double linking; the pair with the Earthly<br />

physical bodies belong to each other in the sense that they<br />

came out from the Creator as one thought; the interior pair<br />

from Mars sustain the same relation to each other; <strong>and</strong> so the<br />

fourfold union is doubly welded.<br />

But although there thus exists a union of four soul11, yet the<br />

physical basis of existence-the physical body anti the planet itltllf-is<br />

as yet only twofold; perfection dem<strong>and</strong>s that the fourfold<br />

conception be ultimated. <strong>The</strong>re are at present four worlds between<br />

Venus <strong>and</strong> Jupiter: of thHe, the two nearest Jupiter are<br />

in a fragmentary state by reason of having long ago attained<br />

relative magnetic conditions which brought them into riolent<br />

collision;• the third, Mars, is in "the old dark sileuce"-in the<br />

words of Indian theosophy, '•Mara is in obscuration;" the<br />

fourth, Earth, is the only one of theae planets that, as the<br />

allOde of its race, is in a state of active growth, the remaining<br />

thl'f'e are waiting <strong>and</strong> preparing themsP-lvea for the time when<br />

she is ready to join her existence to theirs. But planetary<br />

events move slowly, <strong>and</strong>, in this instance "the last shall be<br />

first," for Man <strong>and</strong> the Earth are first to be<strong>com</strong>e one, taking<br />

a position in the Solar System further from the sun than the<br />

••'Olben flnt ooooeiYed the Idea di.t the uteroida might be fntrn-ta of a<br />

former world. Herbert Spe-.., in 1864 <strong>and</strong> again in 1888, dealared that the<br />

mdence r-far t.o jmtify the hypotheeil of Olben that the pl.uetolda (uterolda)<br />

ree11lted from the bantinr of a planet onoe rnohing in the region they -PY•<br />

• • • In 1891, Timer<strong>and</strong>, in pi.enl.ing befOlll the Inatitatll of ~ the<br />

renlta of a 111111t-oontinaoua study of the uteroida, obeened: 'It le impomble to<br />

eonDMt all the uteroida with the rnptare of a lllngle planet, bat we oaa f­<br />

IJl'O'IP' of two planeta whc. orbit. p,_nt cwiOlll rue111bla11CU llOt dw to tAaaot.'<br />

• • • AOOOl'Clbig to the Jewim Qabbalah, oertaia of tlae primoidial worlda<br />

oreated, which eoald not 1111bliat, u the eqtli/ihri11111 of 6alan« _, llOt Jet ~/Id,<br />

were ~ by the UDHlanoed foroe ud deeaoyed." Pano.<br />

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Ax Ocu v .11: m· W oRLD&.<br />

one Earth now oocupiee, <strong>and</strong>, oonaequently, nearer to these<br />

fragmentary planeta, which, under the attraction of the dual<br />

planet of such a high degree of potency, will be drawn to it.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se two diarupt.ed planets 1uatain a relation to each ot.lier<br />

similar to that existing between Earth <strong>and</strong> Mars; that is, in<br />

nature, both planetary <strong>and</strong> racial, one is interior t.o the other.<br />

Consequently, the union of the two, in its effect upon the units<br />

of the respective racea, is t.o be just what will have been ac<strong>com</strong>plished<br />

by the union of Mara <strong>and</strong> Earth.<br />

<strong>The</strong> fourfold ultimate will, therefore, represent four planete,<br />

fonr races, <strong>and</strong> four racial individuals, each individual dual in<br />

hia nature, a two-faoed god, looking in one direction toward<br />

the great Source of Light; in the other, toward the manifeatation<br />

of that Light.• Thus, when the time oomes for Jupiter t.o<br />

take the position that Saturn now occupies in the Solar System,<br />

there will be another giant world, another Jupiter in<br />

which He of the Four Letters is to find perfect expreaaion,­<br />

planetary, racial, <strong>and</strong> in the unit of the raoe. Our Octave of<br />

Worlds is t.o cloae, aa all octaves must, with the full chord of<br />

four tones, of which the blended harmony holds within itself<br />

the substance <strong>and</strong> the consummation of the aeries of seven<br />

tones that precede.<br />

90f the e'riclenoe ill npport of the above revelation which m111t be omitied for<br />

want of .,_ <strong>and</strong> for othu ,_118, muoh ~ ii very important will be follDd ill<br />

the Apooalypse <strong>and</strong> t.he boob of t.he Old Tenament prophecy.<br />


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We regret that limited ..,_ permlta aa to gift, durinlr the 00111'18 of the ,ear,<br />

bat oae deliM&tion to Moh nbloriber. <strong>The</strong> --1'1 clata are, the year, da1 fo<br />

the month. boar <strong>and</strong> p1- of birth. Whboat the hoar we may approidmMe a clew-tion,<br />

but it will ai-,. be ~ therefore, if obtainable, we aboald<br />

ban the hour, uicl if it oannot be aieertained, the applicut mlllt 1UldentaDcl that<br />

the chancter-eketch la more or 1-inoomplete. In .U -. howner, the dot. <strong>and</strong><br />

place of birth maat be giYeu, or it will be aae1- to attempt a deli-tioa We<br />

wiab diatinotl1 to atate that our time la too tholoagb11 oocapied to writie to applicaDta<br />

for additional data. Thole who wlah 1peolal help ill die ~ ~<br />

lllch &I WM giYeD ill <strong>The</strong> ~ eo reqa.t ha di.eh applioatioa.<br />

G. J. R. OcL 19, 1868, 10.40 p.~m. DeptfOl'd, London.<br />

TaINITIE8.<br />

T.alPLICITlBS.<br />

bTELLECTUA.t., 1. AIRY, 8.<br />

MATBBN..U., l. WATERY, 1.<br />

RBPRODUCTIVB, 8. Fl.IU&Y, 2.<br />

SBBVI.NO, 3. EABTBT, 2.<br />

RISI~G SIGN-l!R.<br />

<strong>The</strong> earth <strong>and</strong> Jupiter were both in the aign Libra at the tilne of<br />

1our birth, <strong>and</strong> Virgo waa rising. <strong>The</strong>se unite in making you a man<br />

mclined to independence of character <strong>and</strong> peculiar in your own characteristics.<br />

It is hard for you to accept a atatement aimply upon the<br />

authority of another, <strong>and</strong> much harder to have anyone tell you to do<br />

a thing. You have your own ideas, <strong>and</strong> generally try to carry them<br />

ouL Your interior <strong>and</strong> body signa are almost without the reasoning<br />

faculties, but are led out into that reasoning, formative sign, Piaeea,<br />

which causea you continually to feel that there are obetaclea in your<br />

way <strong>and</strong> difficulties to surmount; <strong>and</strong> I should judge that it would make<br />

you fretful <strong>and</strong> restlesa, aa it would give you a con!ltant feeling of<br />

restraint <strong>and</strong> a conacioasneu of criticism whether it existed or noL<br />

Saturn in Gemini contributes great order, <strong>and</strong> intensifies your abilitieR<br />

in a bu .. in888 <strong>and</strong> educational way; it allies you to the sciences,<br />

<strong>and</strong> to knowledge of languages. ·Mara <strong>and</strong> Uranaa in Capricorn are<br />

somewhat confusing to your nature,-Mara in Capricorn producea<br />

considerable selfiahn888 <strong>and</strong> self-interest, while Uranaa in Capri<strong>com</strong><br />

tends to counteract that influence; conaequently you are at timea too<br />

economical <strong>and</strong> again are wasteful, thus balancing from one estreme<br />

to the other. Venaa in Sagittarius givea love of motion, of exercise;<br />

it adds meclhanical ability, while Jupiter militates against iL You<br />

are liable to pain• acroee the rein1 <strong>and</strong> to urinal difficultiea, if you<br />

allow yourself to be anxioaa or over-wo1·ked.<br />

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A. F. B. llareh T, 1818. s.so L m. Benion, lliu.<br />

t.<br />

BanoDVarrq, 1.<br />

BilTllT,<br />

1.<br />

o.<br />

lllSING SIGN-)1.<br />

A& the UNI of yoar binb tbe earth w.w in the reetleee, aeUYe,<br />

Anlggling eign, Piaieea. In your cue, howner, the Pi.Jces characteriaticl<br />

are modi8ed by the body, or rUing eign, which i11 Capricorn,<br />

the head of the trinity of which your bue ia the expreaer, <strong>and</strong> a1eo<br />

by the poeitionaof Un.naa,Jopiter, aod Venu in Aqoariaa, the IWore<br />

of which &act. b&rmoniooa expreuion throogh your innate eign, <strong>and</strong><br />

gi•• yoa a good deal of Tenatility, good, C'lear bo1ineea ideu. <strong>and</strong><br />

prodoca1 in 700 a lo•e of the elegant <strong>and</strong> beautiful. Satum in :roar<br />

polarity imperte order to :roar entire e:icprellion, notwithlt<strong>and</strong>ing the<br />

fact tlm polarisation into the head of :roar Triplieity eomewhat eonfuel<br />

JOUr mentality. While you ha•e the ability to deal with minatUe<br />

<strong>and</strong> look after detail• in baainea mattere, yet a1llea it ia earefolly<br />

goarded, :roar inclination to neglect the detail <strong>and</strong> 1wing oat into<br />

the general, ia nftleient to caoae yoa to forget little things. Mars in<br />

Ariee, althoogh in a lip ha.rmonioa1 with iteelf, yet prodaeee in you<br />

eome degree of <strong>com</strong>bati•enea, high temper when angry. Ha•e a<br />

vitality, ariaing from the po1ition of Mercury in Seorpio, which ia<br />

h'amcendent; can endure more than moat men, <strong>and</strong> tboogla yoo<br />

1hoold go down to death's door <strong>and</strong> :roar ease be iri•en op aa hopeleu,<br />

yoa woold quickly rally <strong>and</strong> riae to yoor feet again. A•oid living<br />

in a damp house or vicinity, which would render yoa liable<br />

to rheumatic diftleultiea, tending to atlect the joints. Yoo ahoold<br />

live in a high, dry climate-not neeeaaarily warm. Cultivate poeiti•e1U111,<br />

<strong>and</strong> take plenty of pbyeical exerciae, or yoar health will<br />

nffer, notwitbat<strong>and</strong>ing your great vitality.<br />

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CHICAGO, ILL., Jan. 10, 1901.<br />

Mr. H. E. BUTLER,<br />

Dear Sir:-As some of our readers, who are studying the<br />

effeota of the rising signs upon themselves. have not at all times<br />

an Ephemeris or Zodiacal lndicat.or at their <strong>com</strong>m<strong>and</strong>, it bas<br />

occurred t.o me to suggest the following method of roughly<br />

determining the rising sign without other external means than<br />

the small amount of data given herewith-which may be readily<br />

memorized.<br />

Each of the twelve signs riaea daily, <strong>and</strong> about four minutes<br />

earlier each day, so that in our year of 865 days, each sign<br />

rises 866 times; consequently, although the time of the rising<br />

of Lhe sign varies from day to day, yet a certain sign will always<br />

rise at the same time (with alight variations) on a certain<br />

day of any year. For example, if we know that Aries<br />

rises at noon on December 21, <strong>and</strong> that it rieea four minutes<br />

earlier each day, or two hours earlier each month (of 80.5 days,<br />

nearly) thereafter, in order to ascertain at what time Aries<br />

rises on J 11ne 1, we simply count the number of months from<br />

December 21 to May 21, <strong>and</strong> the number of days from May<br />

21 to June 1; i. e., 5 months, at 2 hours each, equal 10 hours;<br />

10 days, at 4 minutes each, equal 40 minute11. We therefore<br />

aubtract the 10 houl'8 <strong>and</strong> 40 minutes from 12 noon, leaving<br />

1 h. 20 m, A. M. If we wish t.o know at what time Aries rises<br />

on September 15, count the number of months from December<br />

21 back to September 21 <strong>and</strong> the number of days from Sep·<br />

tember 21 to September 15; i.e., S months, at 2 hours each,<br />

equal 6 hours; 6 days, at 4 minutes each, equal 24 minutes •<br />

.Adding 6 boon <strong>and</strong> 24 minutes t.o 12 o'clock noon, the result<br />

is 6.24 P. M.<br />

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248 BoOK REVIEWS.<br />

Now, having ascertained when Aries rises, if we wish to<br />

know when Leo will rise, we simply add to the Aries time the<br />

length of time it takes Aries, Tanros, Gemini, <strong>and</strong> Cancer to<br />

rise, the total being the time Leo begins to ascend. On the<br />

other h<strong>and</strong>, if the time of the rising of Capricorn is desired,<br />

subtract from the Aries time, the sum of the periods of Pisces,<br />

Aquarius, <strong>and</strong> Capricorn, the result will be the time sought.<br />

I think the above examples sufficient to illustrate the method<br />

pursued, <strong>and</strong> I will simply append the time each sign takes in<br />

rising at this place,-42 degrees North Latitude. While the<br />

following table is not absolutely correct, yet it will be found<br />

sufficiently accurate to be uaed in a rough way for the largest<br />

cities of the U.S.<br />

Aries 1 h. 15 m. Leo 2 h. 30 m. Sagittarius 2 h. 20 m.<br />

Taurus 1 " 80 " Virgo 2 '' 30 •• Caprioorn 1 " 55 "<br />

Gemini 1. " 65 " Libra 2 " 30 " Aquarius 1 " 30 "<br />

Canoor 2 " 20 '' Scorpio 2 " SO '\ Pisces 1 " 15 "<br />

After one has be<strong>com</strong>e familiar with this method of calculation,<br />

the operation may often be shortened by taking advantage<br />

of the fact that, while Aries rises at 12 noon on December<br />

21, Libra rises at miclnight of the same date; also that Libra<br />

rises at midday <strong>and</strong> Aries at midnight on June 21~ither of<br />

these sigoa may be used aa a starting point.<br />

Very truly yours, A. L. Nathan.<br />


BLOSSOu FROM .A N.aw Fnu.D. By Abbie Walker Gould. A book of 198<br />

pagee, oontaining a oollection of the author's poema, eome of which have appeared<br />

ba Tha JE.oteric <strong>and</strong> other advance-thought <strong>journal</strong>s of the day. Mra. Gould is<br />

too well kuow11 as a poetella to requinl uny re<strong>com</strong>11tendatio11 from ua. Tbe book is<br />

h<strong>and</strong>somely bound in light green <strong>and</strong> ailvPr, with gilt top. Sold for $1.00 aud postage,<br />

which would be about lOc. Addreu Mra. Abbie Walker Gould, Moliue, Ill.<br />

We han before 1111 A1tem1111' Edition of Shakespeare's King Richard the Third.<br />

It is a little book of 19'2 pages, boancl in paste-green roan, with flexible covers ucl<br />

gold top. Priee, 00 oent& Sold by Henry Altemua, Philadelphia, Pa.<br />

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TJU BlOLOGIC.U. J OUBlU •.L. 249<br />

SJlUOl'IOJla .PBOll Gsoao1: M.loDo11.i.», or BeJp. for Weary Sonia. Compiled<br />

by J. Dewy. A. beaatilul little book el 93 pegee, boaDd in fluible eo....., mmped<br />

with gold Liu.re. Sold by Pardy Pabliahing Co., MoViobN Bldg., Ch'-go, DI.<br />

lta tide well ear- the cm-t.er of the -•ta of tlUa liUle book.<br />

7.oDIAO.<br />

A. moothly lllllpSiae ieluecl by the Zocllao PabllllWac Co., 120-r­<br />

IDOllt &, Bo.&on, Maa. It ia largldy deTOted to .Aatrology Uld Palmiltl'f. Co..<br />

taiM maeh lJricht "'°11Pt, Uld jlMlrbir by the 11amber befon u, it p~<br />

...U. S.bearlp&ioa, $1.00 a,_., Sblgle oopiel, 10-t..<br />

PBYllCAL l.x110BT~, formerly "<strong>The</strong> A.dTUIClld Sci--. J0111'1181," la "a<br />

JOIU'llal of Life Uld Joy, deYOted to the attainment of lmmurtal Y oath.'' Edited<br />

ud pabliabed monthly by Barry Gae, Oakl<strong>and</strong>, OaL Prioe, $1.60 a year.<br />

"A»•.&llLJ:D." An S.pege paper ''i.aedevery fall moon" in Wyoming, Ohio.<br />

It ia oenainly anlqae in ita aaCUN <strong>and</strong> ohanoter of tbonghi. We lhink it will<br />

make ita way IUllODS· the multitnde of lllllpSi- now ilooding the lud, Uld will<br />

liw Uld han a pod 111pport. Subecriptioo, $1.ooa,_..<br />

Man.AL SCJ:uCJI. Thill ia a mouthly mapziae of twelye pegee, edited Uld<br />

pabliahed by&,_ Del Mar, 27 William St., New York City. &bloription<br />

price, $1.00 a year. It la priated In antique type OD ezqllilli.te paper, <strong>and</strong> ''ieiatended<br />

u a~ of peaee Uld gW.-"<br />

RsvoLtmON. "A. monthly jOIU'llal of ooaqaest<strong>and</strong> of pnotical phllolophy for<br />

the alfaln of nery day; ehowing how all who will may win ~In life.'' Thia<br />

<strong>journal</strong> bean "~of being worthy to be oalled a twentietb-eentnry miiguiM.<br />

Its thoqht is healthy, strong, <strong>and</strong> Tigoroaa, ai1d I beliew ao one oua read it without<br />

being beaefited by ita spirit <strong>and</strong> infla-. Prioe, $1.00 a ,_.. Edited by<br />

Robert Brown, Little Rock, Ark.<br />

HAOSllTJO Jou1UfAL. "A. bi-monthly <strong>journal</strong>, dnotecl to the promulgation of<br />

Truth, the healiag of the sick, <strong>and</strong> the i111trnetioa of all who desire to learn aeU­<br />

JDUtery ." Pabliabecl by the Portl<strong>and</strong> Iutitate of Soie- <strong>and</strong> lhgnetio Healiug,<br />

Portl<strong>and</strong>, Qreaou. S11bloriptio11, l50 oenta a ,_..<br />

8oUL UD )(nm. "A. monthly 8001-oalture <strong>journal</strong>, pabliahed In the intenat of<br />

pare implrational 10al-oaltare in diTine tlaoaght." We oopy the following paragraph<br />

from the "Salutation:" "With tlais, the fint namber of Soul <strong>and</strong> Hind, we<br />

introdaoe to the pablin a paper filled with the higheet <strong>and</strong> plll'llllt tboaghta,-1-<br />

building thoURhta whiob will Yibrate all through .,_, <strong>and</strong> create within the<br />

hearta of thoee who ehuoe to read oar words of inspiration, a louging <strong>and</strong> a deeire<br />

to -k for a higher knowledge of the hereafter, aiad, ia fall harmony with u, to<br />

lift their e7N toward bigh heaven, <strong>and</strong> with 111 cry aload, 'Give 111 Jiglat. God uicl<br />

the Angel-World give 111 Jleht.'" Sabeoriptioa price, $1.00 a year. Maud Moore,<br />

Nitoraad publisher, Denver, Colo.<br />

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We have a new edition of Sular Biulogy just from the presa. It<br />

contains added tablee, including thoee for 1902; <strong>and</strong> ia a much fine"<br />

volume than we have ever pot nron the market-not because there ia<br />

very much additional matter in it , but beoauae we have better paper.<br />

It ia now an elegant book, <strong>and</strong> well wodh the price.<br />

<strong>The</strong> atudy of Solar Biolon ia one that eutera into <strong>and</strong> forma a part<br />

of one'• mentality, more hlly, probably, than doea any one ayatem<br />

or aeience. It really be<strong>com</strong>ea a part of the atudent'a conaciouaneu,<br />

eapecially when be atudiea his frienda <strong>and</strong> acqaaintancea by ihe light<br />

that it aheda upon human character.<br />

"Seven CreatiTe Prineiplea" ia now in ihe pl"t181, <strong>and</strong> we hope aoon<br />

to have it <strong>com</strong>pleted, eo u to fill orders that are waiting.<br />

We have in manU1Cript form a work, whieh, ihough not very extended<br />

aa to aise, yet becauee of ita accuracy <strong>and</strong> from the fact that<br />

it givea important data for pur~ of <strong>com</strong>putation not to be found<br />

elaewhere in print, will prove invaluable to etudenta of Astrology,<br />

Solar Biology-in fact, to the at.udenta of Aetral Science in any of<br />

ita many fol'Dll. Thia matter, together with the tables to be ueed in<br />

connection therewith, will appear under cover with <strong>The</strong> Esoteric·<br />

Ephemeris for the current year; the whole having been oompuU\d<br />

<strong>and</strong> arranged by ~n astronomer of experience, one who baa had<br />

observatory training.<br />

<strong>The</strong> work in question will contain <strong>com</strong>plete data for finding the<br />

time of rising of zodiacal aigna, a table having been especially <strong>com</strong>puted<br />

showing Sidereal Time of Cuap-Riiiings for every degree of<br />

North Latitude from Equator to 60°, corrected for epheroidal shape<br />

of the Earth, <strong>and</strong> uailable, al10, for eame degrees of South Latitude.<br />

Thia table will be uaeful fo1· any future year, as ita estreme<br />

change will probably not exceed 5 1econds, in half a century. Greenwhich<br />

time is need throughout, which makes change to st<strong>and</strong>ard time<br />

involve even houra. Full explanations are given for 01e of all the<br />

Tablea, with e11pecial reference to the needs of those not accuatomed<br />

to mathematical work; <strong>and</strong> a few pagea are devoted to arithmetical<br />

operations, including interpolation methods. Explicit directions are<br />

given aa to the proper use of St<strong>and</strong>ard Time. <strong>The</strong> Ephemeris proper<br />

gives the Helioet!ntric Longitude of e!Mlh planet <strong>and</strong> the Moon to<br />

minutes of arc for every day in the year; aho Sidereal Time of<br />

Greenwich mean noon for each day. Gives exact time, to tenths of<br />

minutee, of entrance of Moon <strong>and</strong> planets into each sign, corrected for<br />

Nutation, showing in each case the time it takes for light to <strong>com</strong>e<br />

from planet to Earth.<br />

We are now buaily engaged in reissuing aome of our boob, <strong>and</strong>,<br />

consequently, may not be able to get this little book in print for several<br />

weeks, but hope to advertise it in the next issue of <strong>The</strong> Journal<br />

as being on sale.<br />

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A NEW BOOK---~<br />

Consisting of 50 Selections from Letters<br />

Written By<br />


To One of His Disciples<br />

,; I<br />

W. ·s<br />

I<br />

I<br />


<strong>The</strong> Highway is within us. <strong>The</strong> starting-point is at the junction of the eyes within.-Sec. I.<br />

A BEAUTIFUL <strong>and</strong> artistic book, printed on heavy paper, <strong>and</strong> bound In brown <strong>and</strong> linen; ftexible<br />

covers. <strong>The</strong> following quotation from the Preface indicates the value of ite contenlB:-<br />

"THIS BOOKLET le a string of selections from some private letters received from the late Rai Salig<br />

Ram Babadur, who, having attained the perfection of spirituality, led thous<strong>and</strong>s of hie country·<br />

men to a knowledge of the higher life <strong>and</strong> nobler possibilities of human existence.<br />

IUUl!Jd <strong>and</strong> f qr sale by<br />

Price, 150 cents, post-paid.<br />



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THE ARENA • • MINO<br />


By an arnngemeni jaei etfeoied with \he pobliahers of MIND <strong>and</strong> THE ARENA,<br />

we are able to preeent to oor frienda, for a limi&ed time only, an opportunity<br />

which for Low Price, Range of Thought, <strong>and</strong> Unity of Purpose, is one rarely<br />

equalled. Doobtleu many in tbia country, aa well aa foreign l<strong>and</strong>s, will appreciate<br />

thia Special Otrer to obtain for one 1mall sobecription these THREE Ll!:ADING<br />


MIND is devoted to Metaphysics, Occohiam, Experimental <strong>and</strong> Psychic Research<br />

<strong>and</strong> other phaaee of the New Thought.<br />

•<br />

THE ARENA; the Great American Review of Social Advance.<br />

THE OCCULT AND BIOLOGICAL JOURNAL, the purpose of which is to on·<br />

veil to the student the Higher Truths, Ancient <strong>and</strong> Modem, Oriental <strong>and</strong> Oeeidental,<br />

formulating them into methods for increuing the amount of life in the<br />

organism; for its <strong>com</strong>ervation <strong>and</strong> control, ancl the generation of that magneiic power<br />

eo eeeential to succeu in any direction. It deals with the Biology of the<br />

Universe; the laws of life in their simpleei, ae well as more <strong>com</strong>plex expreuione.<br />

Not only new 1mbeeribere. but also those already subscribing to either magazine may,<br />

in renewing, take advantage of this splenctid offer. It ia believed that there are<br />

a large number of thooghtful readers all over the world who will desire to follow<br />

in <strong>The</strong> Arena eocial problems suigested in Mind <strong>and</strong> the Occnlt <strong>and</strong> Biological<br />

Journal; <strong>and</strong>, on the other h<strong>and</strong>, to pursue in the <strong>Occult</strong> <strong>and</strong> Biological Journal<br />

• <strong>and</strong> Mind the treatment of Philosophical, Religious, Metaphylical <strong>and</strong> <strong>Occult</strong><br />

subjects which the special character of the two latter publications makes pouible.<br />

MIND, $2.00<br />


Replar Price for tlle TWO, $3.SO Combination Price $2.SO<br />

THE ARENA, $2.80<br />


Replar Price for the TWO, $-4.00 Combination Price, $3.00<br />


Replar price for tlle THREE, $6.00 Combination Price for ALL THREE, $.371<br />

AddNM all (Olllmaalc:atJona <strong>and</strong> malte remittances payable to<br />



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Mind Cure ...<br />

'l'he Greatest Healing Power on Earth.<br />

Lay your prejudice aside long enough<br />

to read this awom testimonial of a cll1"8<br />

that seema n1iraeulo1111:<br />

Thia ia to certify that my upper lip <strong>and</strong> a larp<br />

portion of my llOll8 were eaten •-Y with canoer<br />

of ao pronoanoed a character that phyaioiane d~<br />

olared the caE inoorable ADd me a doomed m1111.<br />

My litaatioo <strong>and</strong> fMliDjtll were beyolld dNCription,<br />

who 1 heard of .Mn. Helen WiJ.manla <strong>and</strong><br />

her power onr every form of diaease. Aft.er 1<br />

put mywelf under her mental treatment the eating<br />

of the cancer cea-1 <strong>and</strong> u .. w 8eeh began to lfl'OW<br />

from the edges of it, which gradually spread over<br />

the cheek until the unsightly openiog wu clo9ed.<br />

<strong>The</strong> - at this time ia about oompleted, <strong>and</strong> the<br />

lip ia nearly &lied in. I am able to pronounce<br />

her elfona a ao-. My geueral heRJth is fully<br />

reatared, <strong>and</strong> I have gone to work again with my<br />

-tomary strength. Thia teatimonfal ia giftn<br />

from A thankful heart; <strong>and</strong> I am glad to add that<br />

my faith in her ia ao pat tl1at I believe she Mn<br />

cure anv di- under the auo. All tl1ia was<br />

done without the oae of medioi-bv ment.ol<br />

tr.t.ment alone. Respect.folly, J. M. ExoLJllB.<br />

Snbecribed <strong>and</strong> awom to bef°"' me this fint<br />

day of 'M.areh, 18117, at l>ayt.ona. Fla.<br />

C. M. B1.11oeA11, Ja., Nutary Pnblio.<br />

I Am acquainted with Mr. Engliah <strong>and</strong> can<br />

tndy •Y that this - ia not only true in Hery<br />

particnlar, RB aet forth by Mr. Bingham, onr notary,<br />

bot that the oore spoken of, I mnatoonfem,<br />

mrp- hnruan <strong>com</strong>p"'he11Mion. I>urioir more<br />

than 40 years of 01-rvation ai1d cxJWrience I<br />

bAve met nothing like the above -· Thia contribution<br />

la voluntary.<br />

Sea Breeze, Fla., March 2, 1897.<br />

Da. E. E. DA 'l"TOJI.<br />

C. A. BALLOuoe, Sea Breeze, Fla.<br />

I have thouh&nds of testimonials of<br />

other cures embracing every form of di11-<br />

eaae. some of which are published in a<br />



x:mw TB:O'tJ'GB:T BBS.A. TS<br />

<strong>The</strong>se valuable papers are preceded by an original "INTRODUCTION TO THE<br />

NEW TuouoHT," not hithe1·to puhlibhed, waking a volume of O\'er a hund1·ed pages.<br />

<strong>The</strong> other fourteen easays of which the volume consi"'ta bea1· the following titles:-<br />

Life as a Journey.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Mental Origin of Di1eaae.<br />

Mento.I <strong>and</strong> Physical Corrt'spondences.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Imaging Faculty.<br />

How We Make Our Environme11t.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Evolution of Power.<br />

Food for Mind n11d Body.<br />

Breath Vibration.<br />

Form <strong>and</strong> Symbol.<br />

Mental Science versus Hypnot.iam.<br />

Thought& on Spi1·itual Healing.<br />

Psychical Research. · ;<br />

Telepathy a Scientific Fact.<br />

Healing at a Distance.<br />

BJIT02'J) TB::&: Ct.O'tJ'J)S<br />

This beautiful volume <strong>com</strong>prises 134 pages, consisting of a series of lectures on<br />

<strong>The</strong> Spiritual Science of Life.<br />

TB:J: t.IBBABT 01' B::&:At.TB:<br />


A aeries of e;;says in popula~ form on Advanced Thought subjects, giving 1pecial<br />

attention to questions hearing upon individual happiness, harmony, <strong>and</strong> health. Excellent<br />

books for beginners in the New Metaphyaics.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Spiritual Science of Life.<br />

Self-Control.<br />

Power of the Will.<br />

Faith <strong>and</strong> Works.<br />

Mental Causes of Physfoal Disease.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Giving of Mental Treatment.<br />


Relationship.<br />

Mind <strong>and</strong> Body (Part I.)<br />

Mind <strong>and</strong> Body (Part II.)<br />

<strong>The</strong> Forgivene811 of Sin.<br />

Good <strong>and</strong> E\'il.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Teachings of the Bible.<br />

~All of the above work9 are .h<strong>and</strong>10mely bound In cloth. Price, St.OOeach, post-paid.<br />

For sale by<br />



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Plr.i a.eet•re.-Tlle Idea ol God. Tbe people of all •see rbaracter1-l<br />

II)" tbelr Idea of Ood-Tbe wold of Uod ll90Clated wlrb tbe ldfoa or power-Jlan et!l ODIJ'<br />

slldchC&lld or tbhlk of 'cbtllll of wblc-la be bal a ro1T11poudenw wli.hlu 111-u. ~-I.<br />

Tbe eellllH pu~lve ttl'l'(.-ta oulr--C..uaes 1red"duetlvel7 dt>termlaed 1>7-n, p. f, '1'1111<br />

woaden of will, p. 6. YabYeb, "1 will bP wbatl wUI to l>e,"-p. t. 8p11Ce ftlled <strong>and</strong> In•<br />

terftUed with worldl lntcrlur to eAC'b other-Olds <strong>and</strong> lni.ll_lgeoo.e llVtr)'Wbere mini·<br />

felt, p. 11. 'fh11 l•1ni Cau"9. the ~-ottal Mani bu11111111t7 the Ol>JICU'Pll pan.. p. JI. Xa&­<br />

wr a eonctltlou ohplrl ', p. 111. Loy• tbefulftl-tof lhe law,p. J8. Medltatlourood<br />

for tbeeoul- nu lug tAoJ, p. 19. · · ·<br />

eec.ad J..A;c:tare.-l .. orce. ••All thlup work ~ for llOOd "-<strong>The</strong> JDa1e<br />

<strong>and</strong> fumale prlnclrlcaeverrwberu p-t In Nature. <strong>The</strong> ~&Inn Ol foroe Ink> mauer<br />

-pU.bid b7 the l.olroil or" Word of God," p • ._ Bow thought 11 forme4 aud _,<br />

lonb ou lta mlPlon, p. fl'. <strong>The</strong> eTolutloa of matter th!'OUP poerailve p-. p. •·<br />

Tbe female will tho eu.pberlng or bl.D4tns principle, p,.11. Colll~on, Mtic, ex•<br />

pan1lon. i>"Ju;a&l .. u, p. al. l::leetrlc an4 maiueUc currenlelof •rib aad 1ua, p. l't. Be<strong>com</strong>ing<br />

S.,1111nd Muten lmtemd of MnaDta, p. 18. ="!'<br />

Tlllrd Leet•re.-Dl8Crl• ... Uoa. <strong>The</strong> n ol thelnen Prlnelpl111 to<br />

t11eb oth: &<br />

<strong>The</strong> 0011111natlve teudeuclca of Cohedon, p. ~ <strong>The</strong> ab- of Ole oohellve pnuuiDle.<br />

p. 85. Cobedon-<strong>The</strong> mothn nature 00111ldered u a dtl~ci prlnolple, p. lfr. Tlie moOaer<br />

loYe k> take higher fOrJ111 p. !I• Live up k> 7our hflbed Ideal of rllb&, p. II. Pl8elD( Silt<br />

umeot God In the fcmmeaa, p. ~.<br />

9lstll Leetan .-t"4::rmeatatloa. <strong>The</strong> ~er who R<strong>and</strong>i In Uae wa7 ol<br />

pb~ t1nmor&:a11t7-l>l1ln.....U00--All ....-cloa the mlltelrlaHaClon of.: lllftnlit<br />

lbOugbt-Jfan'a \bought U reaf creatlODI a1 lbll omprtq of hll lolna, p. 100.<br />

A 'fllll<br />

obemll\Q" that will &brow ll;;bt on IDlll\W heallnr <strong>and</strong> thoqb& for&a\loia, p. 101. A<br />

lllllltt\ ol \be llagl <strong>and</strong> Alobeml~tl, p. SOL Permf•n'• Inner belog a lramlnou1 llame tran1mutl111t the but·r au~ p. 111.. lmJ>!)naof<br />

tbo kind of- llioughta we Htertaln whlle f'atlnc 1 p. 14. <strong>The</strong> p~ bT whlCb io obtain<br />

magic power, p. 118 Beoomtns 1uperlor k> eartD, p. ta. Makin« all Vblble thlnp<br />

one'• ae"•ut, I'· tau. .<br />

Elslltll a.eetaft!.-tlea-tloa. Senatlon, a modti of ooD1CloD11*8 or cocnl·<br />

1&11oeof lUe, p. Jllll. l!euatlon made manlleei lu tbe tr~~ water of tbe nene ftuld, p. 1811 ..<br />

Trlnatt utlng tbe fower lulu blgbcr 1eu1&1lon, p. Ill$. Bdueatli>n, uplUtlnc aud reHel of<br />

Go.a'• t"rea'art11-Polula&1on ol hitier conllClomnea, p; ·140. Thooglil lml>OMlble wlthou&<br />

form, p. 141. :No lt'lllltlon wl1hout motion of IUe-elemeDJ, p. JG. No pl-re wltboui<br />

a rl'ae\fon-RemoVll of the nb11u1l•utratlve, hc-atlng;-blue l"t'prettnta ot'dor;-yellow, perfeo\lon, p.<br />

1&6. Vlhratloua of color-Relatlou• tu 10u1ul, p. IM. l!:gnllleanee of blue, &I'll)', lndlao,<br />

p. t:ie. FouMll prl••clJ>ll', 17mboll&e1 llfl', krtlllty: ft'prdllat• lbe mo\her·nature, p. tto.<br />

J..:iu1uac11 of God In Nature: rful •Jetem .,f cbcml.try, p. li'O.<br />

Wmtrated w:th 9 O.ilored Platea &nd Port.n.it ot Au~or-11.60.<br />


ApJ>•e&"at:e. caJ.Jfornla.<br />

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Tiiie liat wiU bold pod 1ntil A llg'Ql!t, 1901.<br />

To our muy frieada <strong>and</strong> patroaa who may 4eaire to aeaiat in ute114iq the ~ireuuon of thia<br />

Journal, we oiler tile followlag llooka u premi11111B.<br />

Rudyard Kipling's Works.<br />

Vol. 1.-''<strong>The</strong> Light that Failed."<br />

Vol. 2.-"In Black <strong>and</strong> White,""Underthe Deodars,"<strong>and</strong><br />

Eight Short Stories. .<br />

Vol. 3. - "Story o,! the Gadshys," <strong>and</strong> Nine Other Stories.<br />

Vol. 4.-"Departmental Ditties" <strong>and</strong> "Barrack Room<br />

Ballads," including <strong>The</strong> Vampire, Recessional <strong>and</strong> Suppre~d<br />

Poems.<br />

Vol. 5.-"Soldiers Three."<br />

Vol. 6.~ "American Notes."<br />

Vol. 7.- "Mine Own People."<br />

Vol.8.-"Wee Willie Winkie,~ <strong>and</strong> !our other stories of<br />

children.<br />

'<br />

Ve11. 9.- "<strong>The</strong> Phantom Rickshaw." "<strong>The</strong> City of Dreadful<br />

Night," .<strong>and</strong> Three Other Stories.<br />

Vol. 10'.;-"'Plain Tales from the Hills." Thirty-nine<br />

stories. · ·; 1<br />

This <strong>com</strong>plete set of Kipling'• workB, bound in linen,<br />

will be mailed preJ?!lid to llD,! 'O'lie sending' us 6 new subscriptions,<br />

with names <strong>and</strong> -ddre' es. It will be sent.<br />

in cloth for 'l new subscribers; in lambskin, 9 new sub-<br />

~cri pt.ions. ·<br />

• ~ ·"f!<br />

-. ~ ,.:~..<br />

I ~<br />


In size it is unique, a tall i6mo- the 12mo size is toO l~ri~ Jor :thll ~bt ' <strong>and</strong> thii "j~ ftta."<br />

<strong>The</strong> type is large <strong>and</strong> made especially.for this edit.ion. <strong>The</strong> paper i11the118elt ued in book work, the<br />

ink is the beet, <strong>and</strong> &he pre88work is .90 e~fully <strong>and</strong> daintily done that eii.ch page is a typographical<br />

de;!ght to the eye. <strong>The</strong> set c:o.iltai~ :near1$( 3,000. pages. .., . . .. . . . .· .<br />

<strong>The</strong> billdinls of thia edit.ion are eomething new i• bookmaking, a.paUian ihread eewl .. whereby<br />

the same elfed is obtained 1111 iii Cite cro89-8tit.ehing of the Oxford Teacher'al Bible, ao .that it~n be<br />

opened the full width alld ben,t Jliiek until the qovers meet, whhoµt atrainiq it. ·· .<br />

<strong>The</strong> cloth edition is .clalnt.ily b011Dd in delieat.ely t inteiUinen, ltalf flexible, wtri~h will wear like<br />

iron. <strong>The</strong> limp lambs~~n i11.a ve~table Edition de Luxe.. '<br />

namet1 <strong>and</strong> addreuee, we wil,f aend,<br />

prepaid, "Solar Bmlogy," ~·H . E. Butler. See "ad" in ~hiR 1S>1ue. .<br />

SOR:-AR BlqLOGY.-For ten ne-;, subecripti?n' ~i~h<br />

OTHEff WORLDSTHAN 'OURS.-For· ihtee new sub&criptiona we will lend, prepaid,<br />

"OU!er World& t.ha1 0u'8," by Prof. Richanl A. Proctor, the great ub'ellomer. ·<br />

Thia work is eipeeially valuable to students of "Solar Biology," <strong>and</strong> th088 who are atudylng the<br />

mysteries of the hea velll!. .. · . · .<br />

SEVEJll CFlEATtVE PRINCIPLES~-:;'or three new aubecriptiona we will ee~. prepaid,<br />

"Seven ereative Prineiple11," by H. E. Butler. See "ad." in thi& i11Bue.<br />

... . ' . . . '<br />

LIVING BY THE SPIRIT.·-For two new subscriptions we win send, postpaid, "Liviq by<br />

the Spirit," by.ll; .W; Dreaaer. : .· .. • ! ., · . . • . ·: .' • . ·<br />

THE "NARROW WAY" OF A1~AINMENT,-For _~ ~~w subecriptionnewill<br />

send, prepaid, ''<strong>The</strong> Narrow Way of Attainment" b/ H. E. irut1er. See "ad" in thia iuue.<br />

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BY H, E. BUTLER.<br />


the most vital prinr.iples of Chria.tian Life <strong>and</strong> Doctrine, Ad ia eepeclally 4eeigued for th084<br />

who are ready to collll8Crate their livee to to the hlgheet spiritual attainmenta.<br />


becawie to live in the world <strong>and</strong> not be of the world, but of the Spirit of God, is a narrow way in-<br />

4aed: 18 Jeeia<br />

*'<br />

Aid,<br />


For those will . follow . the iMtructions in this book, thili-6 ia a realm of' 'spirit~ colliclollll·<br />

~ <strong>and</strong> pa~~i .'t~ -~~~ly ~n . know~ ,~ ~~ -~"°!h~ts <strong>and</strong> to the Christ. Price, cloth, Sl.00. ·~<br />

• _ES_Q'_[ERI.C __ ED:_IJCATION + ·;<br />

Or the Unfoldment <strong>and</strong> Ufe of a Hero.<br />

T1'8n11lattoc1 from the. Ge1·1uan of ,J. Kernning'a "Key to the Re.al!D of Spirit.''<br />

Tl"' narrative Of kuil(ht. Geoffrey4 attbaeque11t to bia _etoteric ~ro&iniA&• :<br />

c11nf.11inM " retM•rt of · tl't-e young hero'~ f,.ts. RUft\den,I:' clt>tailt'Cl to gi•e &i<br />

l'lt>at idt>a of the wl\y in wlric·h "liititual inRftht ancl JIOW~ work together tit.<br />

makP the prt>paretl an1I p111·ifiecl mHn a·u ii1vindhle 1mnq11erot'. Thu• thi•;<br />

boc~k · 111:1y t'UC'Onrage 11111tht>t11 of tlt't'p.ithonght M111l faith, like Lady Mathilda,<br />

k> give their 11ons 11),.., the t>eln('.Ation •if hen>ee. makiug theJJ inRtroment8 tO<br />

aoh-e tlw p1·11hlt•mM of llltMlern RoC'!il'ty, All 'here i11 RO age WMbout itat Oppot.;<br />

tunit~· 1u11f m~I for h1•rui1011. Cloth, po!!tpai1f, 59 · ~nts.<br />

Delin~ation Outline.<br />

"<br />

..<br />


FOR { T~F. OF' ST1TDF.'.'

SO~AR B.I.OLOGY:<br />

A New Soientifio, Exact <strong>and</strong> Easy Method of Delineating Obaraoter;<br />

Diagnosing Disease; Determining Mental. Physical <strong>and</strong> Business<br />

Qualifications, Conjugal Adaptability, etc.,<br />

from Date of Birth.<br />

BY H. E. BUTLER.<br />

lllu•trated with Seven Plate Dtaaram• <strong>and</strong> Tablff of the Moon <strong>and</strong> Planet•,<br />

from 1820 to 1902.<br />

Thia science proves that "all are members of One Body (1 Cor. xn<br />

12-27); <strong>and</strong> that, aa such, each one bu hie pecmliar function in life. It<br />

throws a flood of new light upon the problems of life, furnishing the groundwork,<br />

or aoientific law, which goes down into the miuutiai of the life of every<br />

man <strong>and</strong> woman, &II a mirror reflecting hie or her innate nature. Thia work tell•<br />

what is in man <strong>and</strong> how derived. Tells how to cultivate-self <strong>and</strong> make the<br />

most <strong>and</strong> beat of life; Telle one, when a child ia born, what kind of training<br />

it should have, to what diaeaaea it is liable. how to avoid or how to cure<br />

when all'f'ady developed. Reveals the part of the gr<strong>and</strong> body to which each<br />

individual belongs, <strong>and</strong> the consequent mental tendencies, physical fitneu,<br />

natural sphere, <strong>and</strong> highest <strong>and</strong> fittest uae in the world.<br />

It enables parents to know jnat what buainesa their children are beat<br />

adapted for, <strong>and</strong> how to educate them. <strong>and</strong> ia alao a guide to all penona in<br />

tbe .preeervation of health <strong>and</strong> strength. <strong>and</strong> an important aid to sucoeu <strong>and</strong>.<br />

to th~ attainJDent of the great object in life, viz., usefulness <strong>and</strong> happineu.<br />

It also aide in prolonging the life of olJ <strong>and</strong> young. It is of especial importance<br />

t-0 physicians, enabling them to attain great suooeaa through having<br />

in their po8888sion a certain key to knowledge : concerning the ·nature <strong>and</strong><br />

peculiarities of their patients 1uch aa heretofore baa been availabl~ only to<br />

those few that ware of rare intuitive discernment. .<br />

It is claimed that character ia expressed in the countenance. that it ahapea.<br />

the cranium, <strong>and</strong> ia even written iu the h<strong>and</strong>; but Solar Biology introduoea<br />

the student into the gr<strong>and</strong> workshop of the Solar SyMtem. not only defining<br />

character <strong>and</strong> function, but ~npplying the key to self-knowledge <strong>and</strong> barmonius<br />

human relatedness; <strong>and</strong> further, it opens np a knowledge <strong>and</strong> underst<strong>and</strong>ing<br />

of the principles <strong>and</strong> laws by which hnman evolution is being<br />

carried forward, <strong>and</strong> the infinite variety of form11 <strong>and</strong> natures brought into<br />

being on the planet earth.<br />

SOLAR BIOLOGY makes an e1egantoctavovolnme of 500 pages, heavy<br />

paper, clear type, with author's portrait <strong>and</strong> appropriate illustrations. Bound<br />

1n superior cloth. embellished with symbolical designs in gold. No elabotate<br />

study or preparation ia required to enable one to read character <strong>and</strong> otherwise<br />

apply the science. <strong>The</strong> key to the uae of the B

SWEETS•••<br />

Extracted from flowers of prominent authors.<br />

• • • • •<br />

We have revised <strong>and</strong> reprinted thia booklet of poema. A number of beautiful<br />

poems have been added to the collection, <strong>and</strong> we have endeavored to make thia<br />

last edition partieolarly attractive, both u to appearance <strong>and</strong> eontenta.<br />

Price, 10 cents each; $1.00 per dozen.<br />

- 1900. -<br />

<strong>The</strong> FAoteric Ephemeris bu been ao enlarged for the year 1900 u to contain nearly 50 pagee,<br />

with much new <strong>and</strong> valuable information upon the aeience of Solar Biology; an explanation of<br />

the heliocentric positions, <strong>and</strong> carefully calculated tables giving the heliocentric longitude of all the<br />

planet.a, <strong>and</strong> the geocentric longitude of tbe Moon; the hour, minute <strong>and</strong> second of the transit<br />

of the planet.a <strong>and</strong> Moon; alao the rising signs <strong>and</strong> how to find them, with a table of the Sidereal<br />

time, <strong>and</strong> the time of nearly all the large cities.<br />

It contains NEW AND IMPORTANT FACTS relative to Solar Biology. <strong>The</strong> article OD "Chemi.sm" is<br />

alone worth many times the price of the book. Price, 26 eta.<br />


riu. pamphlet of 46 pages brings to light Biblical meanings, which, although obvious in themselves,<br />

we think no anthor bas before noticed.<br />

Every Bible student should put himself in poBBCssion of the new <strong>and</strong> important interpretation<br />

given to the Ten Comm<strong>and</strong>ments. Price, 15 cents.<br />

Published <strong>and</strong> For Sale by<br />

Esoteric Publishing Co.,<br />

Applegate, California.<br />

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BY<br />

Frank H . .Sprague.<br />

A work meriting the oonaideration <strong>and</strong> perusal<br />

of the loven of truth everywhere. We '8-<br />

pecially re<strong>com</strong>mend it to the esoteric student.<br />

It.a content.a page, which we give, conveys a good<br />

idea of the character of the work. A chapter<br />

from this book was published in the March (1899)<br />

iaaue of THE Esorwc.<br />

CoNTENTS: Signs of the Times; What i• Truth!<br />

Realization of Ideals through Right-Thinking; <strong>The</strong><br />

Outer World; <strong>The</strong> Inner World; CoD&Ciouan-.<br />

Chn.tianity; <strong>The</strong> Growth of Society; <strong>The</strong> Problem<br />

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Reduced to 10 cts.<br />

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IN .NATURE.<br />

Arithmetic in Plauta <strong>and</strong> Planeta, Mathemat.<br />

ioa in Muaical Scienoe, Number in Vital Action.<br />

By H. L. HASTINGS,<br />

Editor of TAe CitrUtiaa, Bo.ton, Ma..<br />

A book we most heartily re<strong>com</strong>mend. Cloth,<br />

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<strong>The</strong> Jewish Problem <strong>and</strong> Supplement.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Ten Lo~t Tribes of Israel Found<br />

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Race. By BeY.Tboe. Boella.;. Rowlett,A.K.<br />

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wiah our re.adera to be familiar.<br />

CLO'l'B, Sl.00.<br />

"No man can be<strong>com</strong>e wise in the divine science<br />

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mind, first of all, wholly on the people's good,<br />

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As he be<strong>com</strong>es identified with the spirit <strong>and</strong> sympathy<br />

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THJ.: EPHEMERIS, giving the positions<br />

of the Moon for 1892-8-4-5-6-7-8-9,<br />


Lessons by Correspondence in<br />

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<strong>The</strong>se lessons will enable one to underst<strong>and</strong> the LA.we OJI' LIFE, HEALTH <strong>and</strong><br />

HA.PPIN&'I.~. Tliey give an exact method of delineating character, showing the<br />

MENTAL, PHYSICAL <strong>and</strong> BusLN11:88 qualifications, <strong>and</strong> CONJUGAL A.I>.A.PT.A.BILITY ;<br />

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1''ull written Delineation of Character with advice, $2.00.<br />

For particulal"!I. addreRs<br />

M. w. Drury or Mary Wheeler,<br />

5 Mt. Pleasant Place, Boston, Mass.<br />


lllt. Quemoua on one aobject, aooh 88 Bollin-, Money, Property, Removala, Traveling, Court--<br />

lltip, Marriage, l>ileue, Stooka l&lld Sharee, Annuitiee, Life lnanrance, etc. • . • . 40 cente.<br />

Time of birt.h DOt absolutely D8CNB&rY for quemona under No. 1.<br />

For calculating queationa on 8 aobjecta, (date <strong>and</strong> time of birth· -if known-Nquired). 66 cente.<br />

2d. Birthday Figure, showing the important ovents in the cnneat year of life. • • 6IS ceata.<br />

3d. Rectifying or finding the exact time of Birth from given data. such 88 elate of marriage, Ol'<br />

death of a parent, or eome other ev~nt in life. . . . • . . . . • • • • • • 76 cente.<br />

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kb. Evldlts for five years of life. . . . . . . . . • . • • • • , • • • .1.26<br />

6th.<br />

A deaoriptiou of the moet prominent events <strong>and</strong> dates iaDcl when tboee eYellts will oocv<br />

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7th. No. 4 And No. fl together, . • . . . . . · . . . . . . . . . . • '3.60<br />

l'o: 1'ativitiea of :Birth, etc., pleaaa at&ta Ara, '1'1m.a of :Birth,<br />

Bez a.n4 :Bi:tbplaoe, Kania4 o: Siq'la.<br />


Crystal Gl:1sses for Clairvoyant persons sold. Also agent for <strong>The</strong><br />

<strong>Occult</strong> <strong>and</strong> Blolo1lcal Magazine <strong>and</strong> other <strong>Occult</strong> Works.<br />

-ADDRF.$-<br />

0. Lund, Fern Cottage, Keighley, Engl<strong>and</strong>.<br />

J]l~J::!-=<br />



One of the clearest <strong>and</strong> most logical expositions of the New Thought philoao<br />

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This instrument is probably<br />

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uch influence. will' tiudby<br />

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A Monthly M~uine devoted t.o the study of the New Thought. the Philoeophy of<br />

Healt.h <strong>and</strong> the Science of Life. Subscription; $1.00 per year, single copies.10 cents.<br />

SPRCIAL OFFER--We will send a copy each of Sexual Law <strong>and</strong> the Philosophy of Perfect Health,<br />

<strong>and</strong> Business Success Through Mental Attraction with the Free Man three month11 to new subscribers<br />

only, for :.!.'> cents silver or postal money order, or 30 I-cent stamp11.<br />

AddreBB Chas. W . Close, Publisher, 124 Birch St.,O. B. J, Bangor, Maine.<br />

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U/~y I am a Ve~etarial).<br />

BY J. Howard Moore, A. B.<br />

A 48-page book. now in its third edi.<br />

tion. Printed on he11t ho1•k paper, has a<br />

f&n«'y gre1•n


Volume I.<br />

Shou Id be Read by Every Esoteric Student.<br />

This book contains all the essential matter originally }Jublished in volurne r<br />

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Is in itself a <strong>com</strong>plet;e occult library. \he laws explained therein will, if conscientiously<br />

followed, lead the student to the highest goal of his desires. Price,<br />

cloth, $2.00.<br />

•<br />

Volume 11.<br />

Companion to volume I.<br />

It contains all the essential matter found in volume III, <strong>and</strong> rv, of <strong>The</strong> Esoteric<br />

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Which run through <strong>The</strong> Esot.eric to <strong>and</strong> including volume IX, begin in this volume.<br />

<strong>The</strong> reviews in this book cover the essential points in the first fourteen chapt.ers<br />

of Genesis, <strong>and</strong> bring out many new <strong>and</strong> interesting as well as instructive pointa<br />

hitherto unnoticed. Price, cloth, $2.00.<br />

HARMONY.<br />

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C. L. AND M. E. CRAMER, EDrroRt AND PueL11111laa.<br />

$1.00 A YEAR. FOREIGN SUBSCRIPTION, $1.25.<br />

Send all remittances to<br />


3360 Seventeenth Street, San Francisco, Ca.<br />

Send «amp1 for sample copy.<br />

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A monthly maguine of world-wide repute, now<br />

in ita tenth year of publication. Devoted to<br />

Phrenology, Phyaiornomy, Health, Medical <strong>and</strong><br />

Soeial Reform.<br />

Earnest in ite advocacy of· human liberty·<br />

<strong>and</strong> abre~'lt of the age in progreea!ve thourht.<br />


"Astronomy la excellent but It muat<br />

<strong>com</strong>e down In the life to have Its full<br />

value, <strong>and</strong> not remain there In alobea<br />

<strong>and</strong> apaces."-EMKRSON,<br />

Allen Haddock,<br />

F.ditor <strong>and</strong> Proprietor.<br />

Subecription price only 50 cents a year. Sample<br />

copies will be sent FRH to readers of THE<br />

OoctrLT AND BIOLOGICAL JOURNAL who requeet<br />

1111eh favor <strong>and</strong> enclose stamp for postage.<br />

Address, ALLEN HADDOCK, 1020 Market St.,<br />

San Francisco, California.<br />

"THE NEW MAN." A .Magazine de­<br />

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Se11, the Cure of Di~ by Magnetic, M11ntal,<br />

Psychic <strong>and</strong> Spiritual Forces, <strong>and</strong> the dnelopment<br />

of all higher occult poweN latent in all men.<br />

Samplee for 2c. stamp. Ad.U- <strong>The</strong> New Man<br />

Pnblilhing Company, Omaha, Neb., U. S. A.<br />

praetieal flstrolo~y.<br />

BY ALAN LEO, P. A. S.<br />

A Sim pie Method of Instruction<br />

In the Science of Astrology.<br />

'l'hie work contains the reason of the stars,<br />

which ia the true meaning of the word Astrology.<br />

Through ita pages the fir&t att.empt ia made in<br />

modem timee to blend the cauee with the effect.<br />

PRICE, $1.00.<br />

For Sale by Eeoterio Pabliehing Co.<br />


TBB SPmNx la a publication that cannot fail to<br />

intere11t cultured <strong>and</strong> relined people. lta object<br />

is to teach the lnftuence that the Sun, Moon <strong>and</strong><br />

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man <strong>and</strong> his atfalrs. THE SPHINX ie the leading<br />

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Price, $3.00 a year. Back Numben, 00 Centa.<br />

30 Cents a Copy. Sample Copiee, lJO Centa.<br />

Money orders should be made payable to<br />

Catharine H. Thompson, Editor,<br />

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O~men'~ pelmi~b~g In~b~ucbo~,<br />

-BV-<br />

LEO S. OSMAN.<br />


Price, 25 Cent.a.<br />

For Sale by E10leric Publi1hi11g Co.<br />

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"Modem Astrology" predicted in the January i1ume th.to. "the Climax of 1899<br />

would be a GREAT WAR."<br />




<strong>and</strong> hi THE BE~T Sl"PPORTED<br />


El'TARLl8HBD lftr0.<br />


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<strong>The</strong> object of this Magazine is thoroughly to pnrify <strong>and</strong>1 re-t!lltAblish t.hu ancient acience of Aetrology.<br />

Through ~lan~tary symbology it -ke to expl.Un the OSE 011ivel'!llll l"pirit in ita varied<br />

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A Sample Copy sent post free to any ttddre~R by 111entlonl11g<br />


THE SUGGESTER <strong>and</strong> 1'HINKER.<br />

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A popular monthly magazine devoted to an investigation of suggestion <strong>and</strong> thought force, their<br />

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In time it will teach all the methods of hypnotism, using suggestion in the cure of diseases,<br />

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Clippings from current articles of American <strong>and</strong> European <strong>journal</strong>s <strong>and</strong> portraits of the world'a<br />

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Suggester <strong>and</strong> Thinker Publishing Co:r pany,<br />



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1429 MAt

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AND<br />




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Aa <strong>The</strong> Eloteric hu been permanently aupended, many of our friends <strong>and</strong> pat.ro111 will, no doubt,<br />

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<strong>The</strong> aim of <strong>The</strong> Oocok &Dd Biological Journal ii two fold: ftnt, it endeavon to oaveil<br />

to the nudent the mynerie1 of the higher &rotha for which the W eetern mind<br />

ia now 188king in the myaticiam of the put <strong>and</strong> in Oriental religion•; 1bowa the correlation<br />

of the doctrine1 of the Orient <strong>and</strong> thoee of the Chriltian religion, <strong>and</strong> 11181<br />

the wildom of the put to throw new light on Biblical text; <strong>and</strong>, HeOndly, to thOM<br />

whoee desire ii indiridoal unfoldment, it givee a ip8Cial coune of im&roctiom; pre-<br />

1enta methoda for incle&ling the amount of life in the organism, for its conservation<br />

<strong>and</strong> control, thu inaoring the magnetic power eo n8Cl811UJ to 1oeceaa in all directiona.<br />

It dodi81 the biology of the anivene. Inveetigatee the laWI of life, traeing<br />

the OOOl'M of its unfoldment from itl origin until it reaches the perfection of the<br />

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Although it would 188m. that the number of nttw-thought publication• now before<br />

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nec8118&ry in offering the public a <strong>journal</strong> which we believe poa&e111181 exceptional<br />

facilitiee for preeenting lines of thought heretofore neglected, <strong>and</strong> which the people<br />

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Ts& :Eaoraa1c PoBLllBI.l!fo CollPAl!fT i8 1111 ineorporat.ed bod.7. It iaauee lltock at $10 per abare,<br />

the money ~iYlld &berefrom, u well M from •nbecription, being uecl whollJ in the adYanoement<br />

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T1r& F.eoTaa1c PuBLllBDIO CollPA.l!fY IUld Tea Elonluo FBADB!CITY are entiJoely aeparate in 1111<br />

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0o.IR'Al!fY iii in pnblio tllllching through the medium of ita ftl'iou poblieatiou, while TR& F.eoTIUl-<br />

10 F&ATtUUl'ITT i8 altegether intereeted in preparin!f a plaoe for the workill&' out to ultimatee of all<br />

the law• <strong>and</strong> methods taarbt in tlie Company'• pnblioatio ...<br />

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VoL. I. - "(' - No. 7.<br />

MARCH 21 to APRIL 19, 1901 •<br />


Man, in his unfoldment, passes from the state of mere existence<br />

inro the con11cioosneaa of Being, when he oomea to realize<br />

that he is Individualized Will. On reaching this step in the<br />

evolutionary progre88. he sorveys the foroea <strong>and</strong> oonditiona of<br />

hi11 environment, judging their power <strong>and</strong> influence by the sensations<br />

<strong>and</strong> emotions they evoke. A fortuirous <strong>com</strong>bination of<br />

necesaity <strong>and</strong> ingenuity, impel11 him ro mold matter into oomfort-yielding<br />

objects, to wrest from the elements the secret of<br />

their control <strong>and</strong> ull8, ro delve into the very bowels of Earth for<br />

tribute to his insatiate dem<strong>and</strong>s; l<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> sea are to him a vast<br />

repository of treaaureA-in fact, all the earth is his treaaurehouse,<br />

wherein he was promised "dominion" from the very beginning.<br />

But. alas! all these accumulations, this oeaaeleu strife<br />

<strong>and</strong> strnggle, avail but to insnare the senses, to bring forth<br />

the passion-flower of De11ire, the trailing tendrils of which cover<br />

every inch of ground, itll never-ripened fruit insufficient to<br />

1till man's inaatiate craving for sensation <strong>and</strong> emotion.<br />

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At laat be pauses in bis breathless pursuit; the machinery of<br />

nature whirls on, bot he resolutely refuaea to be enticed another<br />

atep until he baa gained the arcane power to control <strong>and</strong> balanoe<br />

the forcea that lash him into oeaaelesa activity from without,<br />

<strong>and</strong> result in reetlesa strife within. He aearobea for that<br />

whioh will teach him how to iofuee harmony into the currents<br />

that bewilder u they atream <strong>and</strong> duh between the two pole•<br />

of bia being.<br />

During thia pawie, man reaches the eeoond Stepping-Stone,<br />

whiob ia Eaoterio in its nature, for it leads from the aenee<br />

plane to the inner world. For a time the portals oloae on the<br />

world of turmoil, while he withdraws into the Garden of Silence<br />

placed in the interior of hia being, <strong>and</strong> there perceives<br />

the roots of all the noxious weeds that poison existence without,<br />

if allowed to grow in luxuriant profusion. It is there that the<br />

wheat <strong>and</strong> tares grow side by side, <strong>and</strong> all the seeds of decay<br />

<strong>and</strong> disappointment are imbedded. He beholds the germs of<br />

diaeaae <strong>and</strong> health spring from the same soil, to wreek a frail<br />

body or develop a virile physique. ·<br />

While poised in contemplation on this second Stepping-Stone,<br />

wbioh marks the boundary of bis own inner Garden <strong>and</strong> the<br />

labyrinth of the world, be be<strong>com</strong>es conscious of one phenomenon<br />

that bas followed him into his inner sanctuary, to which he<br />

must of necessity respond with the same alacrity, though different<br />

in degree, as do the contending forces without. He finds<br />

himself subject t.o one impulse to which be must yield obedience.<br />

He studies this one movement the vibrations of which<br />

translate themselves int.o Light, the puhmtions of which be<strong>com</strong>e<br />

the source of Life. It is the Breath of the U oiverse, causing<br />

Earth <strong>and</strong> planets to revolve, lifting the crested waves of ocean<br />

to meet, in due time, the moon's caress. He traces every<br />

cause <strong>and</strong> every creature to this one manifestation of Universal<br />

Power. It is the "silver thread iaauing from the golden<br />

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,.<br />

bowl of Life" individualized in man. Enriched by thi1 bowledge<br />

he steps again into the arena of life, fitting this Truth<br />

as the cornerstone into the temple of bia being, thereon to<br />

rear Harmony, Health, <strong>and</strong> Happiness.<br />


Tracing life, in all its modifi.cation <strong>and</strong> in all its manif estation,<br />

to the One Souroe,-the Great Breath, oognizing it aa<br />

the basis of the Universal Will, man st<strong>and</strong>s forth as its oonacious<br />

embodiment. But in order to unfold all the reaouroea<br />

of bis own nature, <strong>and</strong> thereby gain the promised dominion of<br />

the forcea without, be must learn the law governing the Breath<br />

<strong>and</strong> use it wisely at all times. Without this knowledge man<br />

breathes at haphazard, thereby limiting the sphere of hia will<br />

<strong>and</strong> acts; for the vital basis of every emotion is the Breath,­<br />

it is the propelling power of the system, of which the various<br />

organs, such as heart <strong>and</strong> lungs, are but the machinery. Observe<br />

a few of its functions: tears <strong>and</strong> laughter are externalized<br />

by the Breath; there is the bated breath of awe, the suepended<br />

breath of fear or terror, the fluttering breath of joy,<br />

<strong>and</strong> so on ad infinitum.<br />

And to what heights of bliss cannot the esoteric knowledge<br />

of the Breath lift us, as we ascend on the upward breath<br />

to the realm of Inspiration! To some extent the teachers of<br />

song <strong>and</strong> oratory base their methods upon the exoteric knowledge<br />

of the Breath; <strong>and</strong> the Instructors of the Race are<br />

now taking up this mighty theme in its esoteric significance,<br />

spreading this gr<strong>and</strong> truth of how the upward breath serves to<br />

open the gate leading to our inmost being, by its upward movement<br />

fanning into life <strong>and</strong> activity the talents <strong>and</strong> faculties<br />

latent within. This inspiring breath, when long snstained by<br />

practice, exp<strong>and</strong>s the .. Silver Thread" until it connects with the<br />

White Light, all-pervading <strong>and</strong> all-powerful. It fills the lungs<br />

<strong>and</strong> their ethereal counterpart with the Essence of Hf e <strong>and</strong><br />

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vigor. In this upliftment, which is the spiritual attitude of<br />

prayer, when the Breath is raised t.o ita utmost capacity, when<br />

all paaaions are stilled, ao that the mind is calm as an unruffled<br />

lake, the Soul-light reflects all knowledge of earth <strong>and</strong> air therein,<br />

only limited by ita receptive capacity. No leu powerful is<br />

the action of the out-going breath. When sustained by Will<br />

<strong>and</strong> Purpose all germs of disease, whether of mind or body are<br />

forcibly expelled.<br />

Thoee who desire to teet the eftioaoy of these suggestions,<br />

who have started on the Path by leading the pure life so long<br />

advocated in the pages of this Journal-which oontinuea ita<br />

prosperous journey as the herald t.o Haalth, Harmoy, <strong>and</strong> Happineu-ehould<br />

make it a practioe t.o breathe oonsciously, at all<br />

times, t.o the full capacity of the lungs, thus swinging int.o harmonious<br />

rhythm with the One Law of the Universe, the01CiU..<br />

tions of which vibrat.e between Life <strong>and</strong> Dea.th <strong>and</strong> all existing<br />

Dualities.<br />

Vive.<br />

My life is hid hi Thine, take me in Thine h<strong>and</strong>; as Gideon<br />

bore the pitcher t.o battle, let me be broken, if need be that<br />

Thy light may shine.<br />

Our minds are small because they are faithless. If we bad<br />

faith in God our heart.a wonld share in his greatness ancl peace.<br />

We should not then shut up in ourselves, but would walk<br />

abroad with him.<br />

All is God's:<br />

And my poor life is terribly snblimA;<br />

Where 'er I look, I am alone in God,<br />

As this round world is wrapt in folrling space.<br />

George MacDom,zd.<br />

'<br />

"<br />

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LETl'ING GO.<br />

It wu a sunny day in eal'ly autumu. <strong>The</strong> golden sun fell<br />

ulant through the oak leaves not yet touched by the bru11h of<br />

the year's artiitt, <strong>and</strong> rested careaaingly on the grass below.<br />

Within the schoolroom all was aerene. <strong>The</strong> pupila, intent<br />

on the preparation of their leaaon11, the teacher, on the claaa<br />

work, heeded not the unwonted sound of wheels on the oampUI.<br />

Suddenly a long.drawn rasping drew the attention of all from<br />

that which had engroaaed it. Again <strong>and</strong> again in quick auo.<br />

cession came the hanh, grating sound, causing some to shiver,<br />

others to frown. Several oovered their ears; the remainder<br />

appeared to brace them11elvea to resist each shook to their audit-01·y<br />

nerves. <strong>The</strong> work of recitation came to a st<strong>and</strong>11till. It<br />

was impoeaible to continue a convenation.<br />

"Only one load of coal," remarked the teacher in a pauae<br />

between the emptying of bukets into the iron spout which ext.ended<br />

into thff cellar beneath their feet. "It will soon be unloaded.<br />

Meantime we will exert ounelves to endure the sound,<br />

<strong>and</strong> wait until the unloading ia <strong>com</strong>plete."<br />

In the space of a few moments, the wel<strong>com</strong>e sound of wheels<br />

WU beard.<br />

••Now we will continue," said the teacher.<br />

<strong>The</strong> almost inaudible roll shortly grew louder <strong>and</strong> louder,<br />

<strong>and</strong> again did discordant vibrations set the list.enera teeth on<br />

edge. A boy looked out of the window •<br />

.. Another has da·iven up, Miu E."<br />

••We shall be obliged to have a written recitation," replied<br />

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256 Two EXPERIENCES.<br />

Mies E., as u she placed on the blackboard questions <strong>and</strong> requirements.<br />

"It will hardly last all day."<br />

Nevertheless, the noise continued almost without interruption<br />

through the entire forenoon. As soon as one load of black<br />

diamonds had slid with grating objections into the school coal<br />

bin, another was ready to follow it. <strong>The</strong> dri•era of the two<br />

wagons seemed to be able to time their arrival <strong>and</strong> devarture<br />

with the utmost nicety, for after the first load there was always<br />

coal outside. At noon, flushed faces <strong>and</strong> heavy eye11-notably<br />

among the girls in the early t.eena-ahowed the effect of the<br />

oonatant harsh vibrations.<br />

"How my head aches!" said one to Miaa E., as the line<br />

marched past the platform at diamisaal.<br />

"l don't wonder," she returned. "My own bead feels tired."<br />

"l hope it will not continue this afternoon," she thought, as<br />

abe noted in the paaaing line others who looked ill.<br />

But her hopee were in vain. A new load appeared promptly<br />

with the first bell. At registration six were missing.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> coal was too much for their nerves. It will be well<br />

for us all when four o'clock <strong>com</strong>es-<strong>and</strong> this is Friday," was<br />

Miaa E's mental <strong>com</strong>ment.<br />

During the first recitation there were two men dumping: to<br />

Mias E's rasped nerves it seemed as if the coal took a fiendish<br />

delight in its noisy descent.<br />

"Oh, I wish i hadn't <strong>com</strong>e!" exclaimed a slender, delicate<br />

girl. "It makes me shiver all over, <strong>and</strong> it feels as if every<br />

shovelful fell on my head."<br />

"Thia may be the last load," returned Mias E. reassuringly.<br />

"Heaven help us if it isn't!"-mentally.<br />

But no: without intermission went on the song of the coala:­<br />

Slide-de-de-d-d-Scoop ! Scoop!<br />

Scoop-Sooop-Pour-r-r-r-r-<br />

"If we could but get used to it as we do to the ticking of the<br />

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clock!" remarked the teacher. taking advantage of a momentary<br />

pause while the empty wagon <strong>and</strong> the full one changed<br />

places.<br />

Like a flash of enlightenment came the thought, "Instead of<br />

resisting these unusual vibrations, why not atop resisting <strong>and</strong><br />

try t.o adjust myself temporarily to them? It may be like my<br />

experience in conquering car sickneRs through a similar suggestion<br />

from a friend. It is a sort of letti11g go-of the mental<br />

atateJirst, then of the bodily. 1 will try it."<br />

Miss E. listened: it was now Scoop, Scoop-S-1-i-d-e, to her<br />

ear.<br />

"Anapest verse, or syncopated measure!"<br />

"One, two, three; one, two, tht·ee," she counted in thought.<br />

A feeling of relaxation, of ease was creeping over her. In less<br />

than ten minutes the sound bad be<strong>com</strong>e almost a satisfaction.<br />

She f"lt that she had fallen in with the strange rhythm <strong>and</strong> it<br />

now seemed one with her. Though the coal heaving continued<br />

without intermiuion, ehe was able to go calmly on with her<br />

work, though all her plans were disarranged because of the<br />

impouibility to hear or study. Through the laat hour she<br />

scarcely heard it.<br />

'•Try to ac<strong>com</strong>modate yourself to the awing, or time. It la<br />

one, two, thru (lone). Count it with the noise for a while.<br />

I am doing so, <strong>and</strong> I have ceased to mind it," ahe aaid t.o her<br />

pupils.<br />

But they, bound by the five physical aenaea, could not grasp<br />

the "what"-much Iese the "how."<br />

Aa ahe sat at her deak <strong>and</strong> pondered after all had gone, her<br />

thought t.ook form something like thia:-<br />

"<strong>The</strong> coal experience bas given me new ideas, perhaps taught<br />

me a new <strong>and</strong> valuable lesson. If we can adjust ourselves to<br />

jarring physical vibrations <strong>and</strong> over<strong>com</strong>e them, may we not do<br />

the aame with mental vibrations, instead of fightinc them, <strong>and</strong><br />

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258 Two ExPEBI&NCEs.<br />

thus avoid friction <strong>and</strong> gain power? I wonder if I did eo<br />

unconsoioualy when I began work in this schoolroom. <strong>The</strong><br />

warning from various souroea that this was •the toughest room<br />

in town,' that for year4 it had been the terror of the teachers<br />

<strong>and</strong> the deapair of the Superintendent, did not intimidate or<br />

dithearten me. I felt intuitively that I had within me the abil.<br />

ity to govern them. And a more lovable, agreeable roomful<br />

of young people than they now are, would be hard to find.<br />

True, some of them have traits <strong>and</strong> tendencies that in the early<br />

days of my teaching, while still under the sway of my Puritanic<br />

training, I should havtt felt it a duty to bear down on<br />

severely, <strong>and</strong> the result would have been diacord. My wider<br />

knowledge of human nature <strong>and</strong> of the Go11pel of Love <strong>and</strong><br />

Peace help me to •let go' sometime•, when otherwise I should<br />

grip tenaciously. Within the past year I have seen iraacibility<br />

aoften into amiability, crudeness into oonrtesy, <strong>and</strong> that without<br />

friction; largely by •letting go' of the retributive idea, men·<br />

tally putting myself into their places, <strong>and</strong> trying to adjmit myself<br />

to them, <strong>and</strong> them gradually to my ideal.<br />

"Did all this grow out of my friend's suggestion that car<br />

sickness is caused by our trying to keep our wonted ruoLion<br />

<strong>and</strong> attitude, instead of giving up-letting go-<strong>and</strong> ac<strong>com</strong>modating<br />

Otll'lelves to the motion of the car? I proved<br />

the truth of her theory, also.of her statement that the sensation<br />

of riding thus ia extretnl'ly pleasant. la the mental or<br />

1piritual application of the same idea the secret of our happy,<br />

1ruooth days; of the gradual change from naughtiness to goodneu?<br />

If ao, verily, my friend builded better than ahe knew."<br />

"RU~E !' 0<br />

It had been a week of rain, mist, gray clouds, <strong>and</strong> aodtlen<br />

l<strong>and</strong>scape. My inner being WM as depressed as the weather.<br />

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I was painfully aware that I had a stomach, <strong>and</strong>, from variona<br />

other symptoms, felt apprehensive of a return of my old enemy,<br />

malaria. <strong>The</strong>re was pJenty of work awaiting my pencil, or<br />

needle, but I felt a distaste for everything-work, reading,<br />

amusement; even letter writing seemed abhorrent. "ls there<br />

anything in the world worth living for!" was my thought.<br />

<strong>The</strong> clouds had broken away at sunset, <strong>and</strong> now the sky waa<br />

olear, <strong>and</strong> the stars looked down with friendly eyes. I sallied<br />

out <strong>and</strong> sauntered down the street, looking up at Cassiopeia,<br />

Lyra, <strong>and</strong> my particular favorite, Corona Borealis, until 1<br />

came into the glare of the electric light, whose rays obseured<br />

them. As I plodded along, suddenly a voice from above spoke<br />

to my inner bearing: "Rise! <strong>com</strong>e up out of your stomach into<br />

your brain. 8tay there. Yon have lived long enough in<br />

your stomach." Startled by the distinctness, without consciona<br />

effort I felt my real self rising from the feet <strong>and</strong> exp<strong>and</strong>ing<br />

into the air as if partly above the body. <strong>The</strong> feeling of weakneaa<br />

<strong>and</strong> despondency waa gone. Involuntarily I quickened<br />

my paoe, <strong>and</strong> my step which before was lagging, heavy, <strong>and</strong><br />

flat-footed, now became elastic. It seemed as if my feet scarcely<br />

touched the slates beneath them. <strong>The</strong> voice oontinued:­<br />

"Y on had subsided into your stomach <strong>and</strong> allowed it to obacure<br />

your brain, even as the near but weaker light of electric<br />

waves through carbon pencils obscured the remoter but finer,<br />

<strong>and</strong> hence more powerful, vibrations of the stan. Do not<br />

again descend." When I feel myself collapsing, I say in the<br />

words of my Mentor, "Rise! live in the brain."<br />

Thus may we grow in knowledge if we listen <strong>and</strong> obey when<br />

"the still small voice" speaks to our souls.<br />

Elaine.<br />

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Those who are not-shall I say, 80 fanatic? or 80 nearly<br />

insane by reason of new ideas which they are just imbibing,<br />

aa to torn entirely from the Hebrew Scriptures, will find in<br />

the 22nd, 23rd. <strong>and</strong> 24th chapters of Numbers a moat remarkable<br />

account of a great mystic in the time of Israel. He was,<br />

however, not of Israel, neither did he have, laid deep in his<br />

heart, the morality <strong>and</strong> uprightness that had been taught to the<br />

children of Israel. Upon reading these chapters yon will see<br />

that he had the most perfect <strong>and</strong> positive guidance of the<br />

Spirit, <strong>and</strong> the instruction to say that Israel was to be altogether<br />

blessed of God <strong>and</strong> not to be cursed at all; in all of<br />

wlaioh be was perfectly obedient. While in this aooount there<br />

i• nothing said of his having taught Balak a way by which be<br />

oonld get the upper h<strong>and</strong> of Israel, yet in .Revelation II. 14,<br />

we read that Balaam taught Balak to cast a stnmblingblock<br />

in the way of Israel, that they might sin <strong>and</strong> bring evil upon<br />

themselves <strong>and</strong> weaken their powers. It was by this means that<br />

Moab saved itself from de.'ltruction <strong>and</strong> remained a thorn in the<br />

side of Israel during the entire stay in the L<strong>and</strong> of Promise. In<br />

the 24th chapter of Numbers, beginning with the 15th verse,<br />

we find the following remarkable prophecy. (We quote the<br />

15th <strong>and</strong> 18th verses from the translation by Rabbi Leeaer,<br />

which we deem a better translation than that of the King ,James<br />

Tersion: the remainder is better in the King James version.)<br />

"Thus saith Balaam the son of Beor, <strong>and</strong> thus saith the man<br />

whose eyes are open:<br />

"ThnR BRith he who hea1'eth the sayings of God, <strong>and</strong> knoweth<br />

tho kuowltidge of the Moat High, who aeeth the vision of<br />

the Almighty, falling clown with unveiled eye1.<br />

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Tu& B101.001cAL JotJRNAL. 261<br />

"l shall see him, but not now; I shall behold him, but not<br />

nigh: there shall <strong>com</strong>e a Star out of Jacob, <strong>and</strong> a Septre shall<br />

rise out of Israel, <strong>and</strong> shall smite the oornera of Moab, <strong>and</strong><br />

destroy ~all the children of Sheth.<br />

"And Edom shall be a poaeession, Seir also shall be a poe-<br />

1e11ion for his enemies; <strong>and</strong> Israel shall do valiantly.<br />

"Out of Jaoob shall <strong>com</strong>e he that shall have dominion, <strong>and</strong><br />

ahall destroy him that remaineth of the city.<br />

"And when he looked on Amalek, he took up this parable,<br />

<strong>and</strong> said, Amalek was the first of the nations; but hie latter<br />

end shall be that he perish forever.<br />

·. "And he looked on the Kenitea, <strong>and</strong> took up his parable,<br />

<strong>and</strong> said, Strong is thy dwellingplace, <strong>and</strong> thou putteet thy<br />

nest in a rook.<br />

"Nevertheless the Kenite shall be wasted, until Aeahur ahall<br />

carry thee away captive.<br />

"And he took up hill parable, <strong>and</strong> said, Alu, who ahall live<br />

when God doeth this I<br />

"And ships ahall <strong>com</strong>e from the coast of Chittim, <strong>and</strong> ahall<br />

afBict Asshur, <strong>and</strong> shall aftlict Eber, <strong>and</strong> he also ahall perish<br />

for ever.<br />

"And Balaam rose up, <strong>and</strong> went <strong>and</strong> returned to his place;<br />

<strong>and</strong> Balak also went his way.''<br />

You who with the spirit of wiadom read the worda of Balaam,<br />

in which he says, "I ahall see him but not now; I shall<br />

behold him but not nigh: out of Jaoob shall <strong>com</strong>e he that shall<br />

have dominion," will see that the Spirit pointed down through<br />

the 'ages, when, after Balaam, aa a man, had left the body,<br />

after Israel, as a people that then lived, had paaaed away, after<br />

the cycle had been <strong>com</strong>pleted <strong>and</strong> the time arrived for the<br />

dominion of the earth to be given into the h<strong>and</strong>a of men,­<br />

there should st<strong>and</strong> upon the earth Balaam the son of Beor, the<br />

man who came from the East in all the purity of his methoda<br />

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262 AN ORIENTAi. PROPHF..CY.<br />

<strong>and</strong> the faithfulness of bis desire to obey the guidance of bis<br />

God. So will he oome again, imbued with all the light of the<br />

East to eatabliah again the wisdom of his day: <strong>and</strong> at thia<br />

time there shall <strong>com</strong>e a star out of Jacob, w bich aball also<br />

have a st<strong>and</strong>ing upon the earth,-one who shall have the dominion.<br />

<strong>The</strong>n will be see him, aa Balaam aaid be would many<br />

yean ago, 0 but not nigh;" <strong>and</strong> as he looks acroaa the ooean to<br />

the new world, he beholds the star of hrael, he who baa the<br />

dominion.<br />

We see in thia prophecy that the f ullneas of time to which<br />

the prophet referred is upon ns, <strong>and</strong> those of his people who<br />

are here-<strong>and</strong> shall we not say he himself, incarnate aa one<br />

of the Oriental masters, perhaps the dominant one, if there is<br />

such an one-behold the rising star of the W eatern Continent.<br />

He knows that from this western l<strong>and</strong> will <strong>com</strong>e be who is to<br />

have the dominion; nevertheless. aa he holds to his old doctrines,<br />

beliefs, <strong>and</strong> magical charms, be, in many cases, teaches the<br />

adversaries of that rising star to cast a stumblingblock in ita<br />

way, that it may sin <strong>and</strong> fall, <strong>and</strong> that he <strong>and</strong> hie may have<br />

the supremacy. But in the time of Balaam, Israel waa but a<br />

child, just free from four hundred years of slavery-he was<br />

then easily enticed into evil; on the other h<strong>and</strong>, the rising star<br />

of the West, baa for long centuries been in freedom <strong>and</strong> in<br />

power of thought, knowledge, <strong>and</strong> will, <strong>and</strong> it will go straight<br />

forward <strong>and</strong> will not be turned .aside, neither can there be any<br />

stnmblingblock thrown in it.a way that will long hinder ita<br />

progress.<br />

<strong>The</strong> present time is as the time of Israel: there are thous<strong>and</strong>s<br />

in this enlightened l<strong>and</strong> who have, with Balak, been worshiping<br />

Balaam, the Fire God, <strong>and</strong> the l<strong>and</strong> is being filled with<br />

the onlt of India <strong>and</strong> Egypt, <strong>and</strong> it would seem to the external,<br />

reasoning mind that in this is to be the glorious rising of the<br />

twentieth century. Hut, Balaam, we take your words of four<br />

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thouR&Dd years ago <strong>and</strong> give them back: You "shall see him but<br />

not nigh;" he wiJl take all the golden treasures <strong>and</strong> jewels of value<br />

from yom h<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> the h<strong>and</strong>e of your people. Borrow them?<br />

Yes: <strong>and</strong> then bold them as his own, beca1111e they are hie by<br />

divine right; <strong>and</strong> out of them will he build a structure <strong>and</strong> will<br />

add to it jewels of glory which shall transcend your highest<br />

imagination, <strong>and</strong> be shall there be enthroned, holding the dominion,<br />

not only of the West, of the North, of the East, of the<br />

South, but of the whole round globe.<br />

Balaam, you were true to yoar faith, but yon thought it no<br />

harm to teach your friend methods by which be oould put a<br />

stumblingblook in the way <strong>and</strong> bring evil upon Israel, but<br />

that germ seed you then sowed has grown, matured, <strong>and</strong> be<strong>com</strong>e<br />

a tree. It.a f ruitage now fills your people; therefore they<br />

think to crush out that star of Jacob, by whatever means may<br />

be in their power; but it shall rise-"there is no enchantment<br />

against it," <strong>and</strong> you have no powers, no knowledge, no source<br />

of inspiration to which it has not aooess; consequently, it shall<br />

rise <strong>and</strong> you as a body shall again fall,-fall to rise no more.<br />

But you, Balaam, <strong>and</strong> the whole body or aooiety to which you<br />

belong, shall not die, shall not be destroyed, for that jewel soul<br />

shall rise <strong>and</strong> in due time shall with gladness hail the rieing<br />

star of Jacob <strong>and</strong> shall be<strong>com</strong>e one in the inheritance of Israel.<br />

Until then, peace be unto you.<br />

"God alone can tell what delights it is poaeible for him to<br />

give to the pme in heart, who shall one day behold him."<br />

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(VII.)<br />

In continuation of the subject discussed in the preceding<br />

article of this series, we must add that the closing words, "You<br />

will begin to realize a joy in living.'' do not hold good in all<br />

cases, as every person differs from every other person in his<br />

habit.a of thought <strong>and</strong> life. <strong>The</strong>re are men, whose minds are<br />

limply in the positive forces of business thought, who will not<br />

realize very much of the joy in living. By careful observation,<br />

they will only nnderst<strong>and</strong> that the forces which they have<br />

been generating <strong>and</strong> using, are increasing within them; <strong>and</strong><br />

even that will be difficult for them to realize, although those<br />

with whom they have been dealing will reoogoize it more fully.<br />

Those who wish to reach the highest attainments should know<br />

the laws governing thelft things,-the why of them. <strong>The</strong> why<br />

is simply this: the vitality generated in the body through<br />

the action of the sex function, which is the only battery<br />

that generates life in the human <strong>and</strong> animal structure, is<br />

an instrument that gathers <strong>and</strong> holds the qualities of mind element-"mind<br />

stuff," as the Hindus call it. <strong>The</strong> mental acientist11<br />

have recognized a great truth here, which is that, by placing<br />

the mind upon certain lines of thought, feeling, <strong>and</strong> so forth,<br />

<strong>and</strong> by believing that that element fills them, they establish<br />

conditions by which it does really fill them. All mystics have<br />

for centuries past known that to think a thought is to gather<br />

around <strong>and</strong> into the very essence of one's being, the quality of<br />

"mind stuff" out of which that thought originally came. <strong>The</strong>re­<br />

£ ore you should bear in mind that when you begin to take control<br />

of the creative forces within yourself, when you begin to<br />

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make the effort to store up the pure gold of the regenerate life,<br />

you are producing what might be called action <strong>and</strong> reaction,­<br />

action upon the organs of the body, which, in turn, react upon<br />

the fountains of Hf e that fill all space. It is this reaction<br />

upon the life fountains which fill the univene, that causes certain<br />

qualities, so to speak, to rush in <strong>and</strong> fill the receptacle<br />

that you are producing, or that the body is producing by the<br />

oonaervation, holding, of the material germs that naturally<br />

grow in the bo


acts or ceaaee to act by <strong>com</strong>m<strong>and</strong> of their will. Now, this suggests<br />

something for yon to think about (for you must under-<br />

1t<strong>and</strong> that we are not trying to do your thinking for you), which<br />

is this: is there any chemist in the world wise enough to take<br />

these elements that he is using day by day to rebuild the waste<br />

tiaane of the body, <strong>and</strong> build of them another organism,-the<br />

body of a child, a human structure? Yon realize that there<br />

are none so wiae, none so skilled, yet there is a mind in you<br />

that ia performing this wonder-miracle, nR it would be called,<br />

if a man were able to create a living organism <strong>and</strong> send it<br />

forth a living intelligence; <strong>and</strong> yet you are doing this all the<br />

time.<br />

<strong>The</strong> only means by which you can rise to superordinarywe<br />

will not at this time say auperhuman-knowledge <strong>and</strong> power,<br />

is in aome way to unite with the external, reasoning intel·<br />

leot, the mentality that is doing thia wondrous work; <strong>and</strong> when,<br />

by meana of the will, yon begin to lay hold of the in voluntary<br />

action of the reproductive function, llegio to study <strong>and</strong> control<br />

it 88 muter, you reach the very fountain head of this knowledge;<br />

<strong>and</strong> aa thought gathera the element of its kind, forming<br />

it into the constitution of the body, therefore thought on this<br />

line will act upon the brain <strong>and</strong> form a part of your uoru<br />

intellect. This is well illustrated in cases of blindness. It ia<br />

well known that the blind man turns the attention of the senses<br />

to feeling, <strong>and</strong> that because of continued attention in that direction,<br />

feeling be<strong>com</strong>es so acute 88 to transcend all reason<br />

on the part of the ordinary mind-the enda of his fingers almoet<br />

be<strong>com</strong>e eyee. Again, it is well known that deafneBS frequently<br />

oocura because of centralization of the entire att.ention<br />

upon musical sound&. so that the person be<strong>com</strong>es almost entirely<br />

deaf to all bnt musioal tones. In like manner people who<br />

are in the habit of shutting their eara, as they say, to all 10unds<br />

around them, soon be<strong>com</strong>e altogether deaf. Such is the law of<br />

creation. <strong>The</strong> mind grows in whatever direction it ia turned;<br />

<strong>and</strong> when it is growing in one direction, it ia always tearing<br />

down in the opposite direction.<br />

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By this law you are able to oaat about <strong>and</strong> take an inventol'J<br />

of what you are by nature, <strong>and</strong> what the phenomenon of that<br />

nature ia,-how it manifests itself. When you have done this<br />

you can then torn your attention to your own ideala <strong>and</strong> to<br />

what you want to be. That having been folly decided, determine<br />

to be that which you wish to be; <strong>and</strong> keep in mind one<br />

fact; namely, that you are whatever you think-to loee eight<br />

of this means failure. When you have decided what you wish<br />

to be, think <strong>and</strong> act as if you were just what you wish to be,<br />

continuing in that thought in ao far as you are able. You will,<br />

of course, <strong>com</strong>e far abort in the beginning. It may be neceeaary<br />

for you to take one thing at a time-yea, in many oaaea it<br />

may require the entire attention to keep the mind away from<br />

10me wrong design or habit of life. We find that the greatea'<br />

1truggle of life ia in over<strong>com</strong>ing hahita. If you find this true<br />

in your own case, remember that the will is the strong man of<br />

you. Muae upon the power of the will,-what it means to yon<br />

to aay"No,t'<strong>and</strong> not do; to say, .. I will," <strong>and</strong> to do <strong>and</strong> aooompliah,<br />

to over<strong>com</strong>e all vacillation, to create the habit of careful<br />

thoughtfuloeu; for you know that the firm man who laoJu mentality,<br />

ia the man who is most erratic, <strong>com</strong>bative, <strong>and</strong> disagreeable<br />

to aaaooiate with, <strong>and</strong> who really fails in every thing he undertakes.<br />

On the other h<strong>and</strong>, the firm man, with a good, thoughtful,<br />

careful mind, oarriea everything before him. <strong>The</strong>refore<br />

cultivate the principle of firo,meaa, <strong>and</strong> with it thoughtfulneu.<br />

Humanity, as a body, doea not know how toooltivate thought.<br />

To cultivate thought, to make buaineaa a sucoeaa, neceaaitat.ea<br />

consideration of the proverb given by Jeius Christ; namely,<br />

0 Whateoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even<br />

so to them;'' that ia to say, whatever you contemplate doing<br />

or aaying, think well <strong>and</strong> make sure of what effect it may<br />

have upon other minda. You, of course, have an object in<br />

every thing you aay; if yon have not, then yon are simply<br />

Ulking u a parrot, aenaeleaaly. Now, if what yon aay bu in<br />

it a purpose, your words are instruments for ac<strong>com</strong>plishing<br />

*hat purpose; just as a mechanic's tools are inatruments for<br />

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ac<strong>com</strong>plishing physical results. A mechanic is wise when he<br />

uses his t.ools in the right way <strong>and</strong> for the ac<strong>com</strong>plishment of<br />

definite results. Tb& words that you use are your t.ools, <strong>and</strong><br />

your fellow man is the material on which you are working;<br />

therefore weigh well your words,-say what you mean, <strong>and</strong><br />

mean what you say, <strong>and</strong> stop there. Among the thoughtful, a<br />

man who talks mooh is held in very low esteem; for surely the<br />

man who talks muoh gives away all be bas <strong>and</strong> expoReS his<br />

weak points; he is open to failure <strong>and</strong> in danger of being<br />

thwarted by others. In order to think correctly, you should<br />

begin by studying the effect of words <strong>and</strong> acts, not only as<br />

they relate to yourself, but as they affect others. When you<br />

begin to think of the effect of your words <strong>and</strong> acts, it be<strong>com</strong>es<br />

necessary to study the nature of those whom yon meet <strong>and</strong> how<br />

certain words strike their minds, for the majority of men judge<br />

others by themselves. 1'herefore we must be careful in the<br />

use of our words <strong>and</strong> in oar acta, to the end that our fellow<br />

men may judge us oorrectly, or, at least, may not be antagonistic;<br />

for no one, no matter how strong or how wise, can afford<br />

to live under the censure <strong>and</strong> in the midst of the antagonism<br />

of others, which destroys one's power, creates weaknees of body<br />

<strong>and</strong> mind, unrest <strong>and</strong> unhappiness.<br />

Again, in order to think you must keep in mind that ever.<br />

present interrogation, Why is it so? Do not be too ready to<br />

jump at conolusions, bot seek diligently the why; <strong>and</strong> wherever<br />

you go observe every phenomenon of nature, keeping the interrogation<br />

ever in mind. To think intelligently, to think wisely,<br />

is to think from cause to effect. <strong>The</strong> world is filled with books<br />

that are mere trash because they deal exclusively with effects.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are men who fill their brains <strong>and</strong> their lives with the<br />

study of effect. <strong>The</strong>y are called learned; bot in reality they<br />

know very little. <strong>The</strong>y do not think, exoept as they follow the<br />

ruts left by other minds; they have in reality nothing of their<br />

own. <strong>The</strong>n learn to think; search for cause <strong>and</strong> observe effect.<br />

( To be continued.)<br />

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All morning ahadoW8 welltward fall <strong>and</strong> evening ahadoW8 toward the eut incline,<br />

So, on the di.al of eternity, the plllllling yean tbeil'abadoW8 cast-now west, now -.t,<br />

<strong>The</strong> while Time pliee his buy ahuttle to <strong>and</strong> fro upon the web of days,<br />

Wearing tbeoheokered fabric of our livee.<br />

AVJ:lQIL.<br />

We st<strong>and</strong> upon the threshold of the past-life stretches onward<br />

in an era new: a century, grown old <strong>and</strong> sear, is dying on<br />

the bosom of futurity; its hoary years, like rUBaet harvest fields,<br />

bang full of ripened grain-futurity must garner every precious<br />

seed, must winnow all the chaff <strong>and</strong> give it to the evolutionizing<br />

furnaces of Time, must plow <strong>and</strong> harrow all the cultivated soil<br />

<strong>and</strong> leave it fallow till another cycle runs its dial course <strong>and</strong><br />

brings again the fertile years upon the scene of life, must rake<br />

the stubble into beacon heaps as fuel for new crucibles of<br />

thought.<br />

Thoe on the rich soil of the past, will future generations cultivate<br />

the fallowed years anew; thus on the dialed concourse of<br />

the cycled days, will future Sons-of-learning sow <strong>and</strong> garner<br />

for the ioons yet to be, <strong>and</strong> thus forever in the transmutizing<br />

furnaces of Time, must chaff <strong>and</strong> stubble burn beneath new<br />

crucibles of thought.<br />

As star to star in endless orbit-links is chained upon the<br />

cosmio vaatne88 of the Universe, as day to day is linked upon<br />

a calendar, <strong>and</strong> year to year in endless chain; ao century<br />

to century in endless links is chained, tracing a chronologic<br />

scale upon the dial of eternity.<br />

As falls an orb below its zenith height into the shadow<br />

of remote eclipse, as falls a century below the noontide maximum<br />

of solar time <strong>and</strong> sinks to transitory darkneaa in the<br />

past; so generations, link on link, ascend to life's meridian <strong>and</strong><br />

sink to temporary silence in the obscure distances of death.<br />

Thns near <strong>and</strong> far the phalanxed orbs in galaxies revolve;<br />

thus hither <strong>and</strong> remote the circling centuries wax <strong>and</strong> wane;<br />

thus back <strong>and</strong> forth humanity defiles in generations to the<br />

stage of life.<br />

Paul A venel.<br />

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A.ooording to the Biological thought u applied to the anoieut<br />

history of nations, Greece at.ood as the representative of the<br />

aign of Arie1 when our planet made its great revolotion<br />

ihroogh that sign. <strong>The</strong> Atheniana were brainy <strong>and</strong> ideal in<br />

all their intelleotoal upl'888ione. <strong>The</strong>y were patriotic in a<br />

large 1181118. <strong>The</strong>y represented at that time the moat ad vanoed<br />

mental attainment of the world. Among thoae who at.ood foremost<br />

in this attainment, <strong>and</strong> who in penuuive eloquenoe <strong>and</strong><br />

ttatelmanJike thought led the Athenian• into the moat demoeratio<br />

line1 of action, was Pericles.<br />

In attempting to place before the readen of thi11 J oornal a<br />

&ting repreaentative of the aign Arieg, we have selected<br />

Edward ETerett Hale, who, in our Modern Athena, ia a veritable<br />

Periolee.<br />

Edward Everett Hale. Born, April 8, 1822, at 2 a. m.<br />

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Earth {~) in Zodiacal Sign of Aries {¥).<br />

Moon (>) " " " " Virgo (11R)·<br />

U ranns ( f ) " " " " Cancer (!!O).<br />

Saturn ( '2 ) " " " " Libra (A).<br />

J npiter ( ¥) " " " " Scorpio (Ill.).<br />

Mal'8 ( I ) " " " " Pisoee ( lC).<br />

Venus ( 9) " " " " Aries ( "f).<br />

Mercury ( ~ ) '• " " " Gemini (II).<br />



Fire, Two. Intellectnal, Three.<br />

Earth, One. Domestic, Two.<br />

Air, Two. Creative, Two.<br />

Water, Three. Serving, One.<br />

RISING SIGN-1';1.<br />

His Zodiaoal Circle shows that at his birth the Earth wu in<br />

the sign Aries <strong>and</strong> the Moon in Virgo, while the rising sign<br />

was Caprioorn. <strong>The</strong>se positions of the Earth <strong>and</strong> Moon indicate<br />

a oombination of A riea <strong>and</strong> Virgo whereb1 firmness <strong>and</strong><br />

alertness of mentality wonld naturally blend with fineness of<br />

discrimination. <strong>The</strong>ir praotioal expression to the world wonld<br />

be enhanoed or retarded very muoh in proportion to the opportunities<br />

afforded for thorough educational drilL Fortunately<br />

our subject had the doors of Old Harvard open wide unto him,<br />

<strong>and</strong> his Aries nature wu fed mathematioall1 <strong>and</strong> olaaaioally.<br />

To his ardent <strong>and</strong> progressive mentality, with its balancing<br />

Polarity, the College waa but the preludf step in his individual<br />

development. His innat.e being grew b1 what it fed upon.<br />

His natural out-reaohinga were keen <strong>and</strong> praotioaL His judgment<br />

became finer, stronger, <strong>and</strong> more oritioal aa he allowed<br />

the Ram <strong>and</strong> the Virgin to lead him forth into the world'•<br />

pastures.<br />

With the rising sign Caprioorn, his great mentality wu<br />

endowed with a body in equal, harmonious proportions, <strong>and</strong><br />

so of an ample fram~work. <strong>The</strong> knees became the pivot of<br />

•<br />

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272 Eow .ARD Ev.HETT HALL<br />

etrong aspirations, <strong>and</strong> easily, therefore. "the feet of prayer."<br />

This led to spiritual independence, a disregard for dogmas <strong>and</strong><br />

creeds, coupled with constant reverence. It assist.ed in making<br />

him thoughtful <strong>and</strong> energetic for others, <strong>and</strong> it .may be said<br />

that the Ram <strong>and</strong> the Goat were a planetary team gnided by<br />

the feminine Virgo, which carried him forth to .do his work<br />

among his fellows.<br />

With the metaphysical planet Uranus in the sign Cancer,<br />

<strong>and</strong> the spiritual planet Saturn in Libra, there is produced a<br />

duality that, upon the one b<strong>and</strong>~ indicates uniqueness of thought<br />

<strong>and</strong> action as to the home <strong>and</strong> all domestic affairs, <strong>and</strong>, on the<br />

other, broad <strong>and</strong> noble intuitions whereby be could easily "see<br />

visions <strong>and</strong> dream dreams" that would symbolise ideal states<br />

of aooial <strong>and</strong> domestic life among the masses. Again, as related<br />

to all things of a higher spiritual order, he would be led<br />

forth as a modern Paul in his adaptability to the varying needs<br />

of an ever-changing Christian <strong>com</strong>munity. <strong>The</strong>se positions of<br />

Uranus <strong>and</strong> Saturn clothed his ar(tent mentality with a halo of<br />

Christlineu that caused him to increasingly desire to "lend a<br />

b<strong>and</strong>" to the etrugglers about him. In the Master's spirit he<br />

aat, at times, upon the Mountain of Illumination <strong>and</strong> wrote<br />

"<strong>The</strong> Mao Without a Country" <strong>and</strong> "In His Name," <strong>com</strong>bining<br />

the virtue <strong>and</strong> value of patriotism <strong>and</strong> of the Golden Rule<br />

into a r~ unity of expresaion which bu stirred thous<strong>and</strong>s<br />

into fuller <strong>com</strong>prehensions of life, <strong>and</strong> their duty <strong>and</strong> privilege<br />

in this greatest of republics.<br />

Great Jupiter in the sign Scorpio made him intensely human,<br />

a man among men in all senses. It dignified to his mind<br />

the physical structure of man. In a metaphysical way it<br />

unit.ed a very determined will power with much ideality of<br />

<strong>com</strong>prehension as to the relation of man to man, individually<br />

<strong>and</strong> collectively. It made very strong his psychic underst<strong>and</strong>ing,<br />

or what the ancients called the Wisdom or Serpent prin·<br />

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THE BIOLOGICAL Joumu.L. 273<br />

ciple. <strong>The</strong>reby he was creative <strong>and</strong> original in his oonoeption<br />

of how to present important lessons for the elevation of<br />

his brethren. This has been verified in the many stories he<br />

has writt.en (Mide from the two books to which allnsion has<br />

been made), all teaching in a truly unique way how to find<br />

one's higher nature <strong>and</strong> wisely live. As a Christian ministel,'<br />

this power of originality has found ample expression in thous<strong>and</strong>s<br />

of sermons that have caused his hearers to think deeply<br />

<strong>and</strong> act nobly .<br />

.Mara in Pisces stirred him into a restless <strong>and</strong> almost resistless<br />

activity, physically <strong>and</strong> mentally. It made walking a priv.<br />

ilege <strong>and</strong> the open air an "open door" to ent.er into God's great<br />

realm of purity <strong>and</strong> power. It quickened his inspirational<br />

nature <strong>and</strong> caused him oft.en to be silently thrilled with beatitudes,<br />

that, in aft.er time, found expression in story or sermon.<br />

Venus in the sign Aries (where he was born) a~d Mercury<br />

in Gemini, both in the Intellectual Trinity, were exceedingl1<br />

important factors in foreahowing the cbaraoteriatioa of our<br />

modern Pericles. Venus foretold that his intellectual expreeaiona<br />

woold thoroughly harmonize with his intuitions, <strong>and</strong> that<br />

he woold keenly realize what the Love Life upon the Earth<br />

ahould be among all people. It tinged all his thought& <strong>and</strong><br />

expression& with fineness, aa well as uniqneneas, <strong>and</strong> ao added<br />

to hie own happiness aa well aa to that of others.<br />

Mercury's mi88ion waa that of poaitive aid in his acquisition<br />

of knowledge <strong>and</strong> in the sending of it forth to the world. "<strong>The</strong><br />

Messenger of the Gods," atrengthened his muaoular power, <strong>and</strong>,<br />

aa "the Winged Messenger," carried him oft.entimea to Parnaaaian<br />

height&, where his oommuninga were beyond expression.<br />

Summarizing somewhat, we not.e that Mr. Hale, although<br />

born in a aign representing Fire, ia nevertheless fully represented<br />

in the Watery Triplicity by Uranus in Canoer, .Jupiter<br />

in Scorpio, <strong>and</strong> Mara in Piaces. This clearly symbolizes the<br />

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274 EDWARD Evi:RETT HALE.<br />

naturalneu of his ooaleeoing readily with the-people. It forms<br />

the stream over which he sends forth his boata,.all.well..Jaden,<br />

to the Ocean of Life.<br />

He is equally represented in the Intellectual Trinity in the<br />

form of expreui veneaa, as the positions of the Earth,_ Venua,<br />

<strong>and</strong> Mercury demonstrate. In a large sense, therefore, he is<br />

the "Gr<strong>and</strong> Old Man" of onr Modern Athena, folly believing<br />

in the progreu of the race throngh noble aspirations individually,<br />

<strong>and</strong> then unitizing them collectively as a moral power of<br />

irresistible force, that, in its intelll6 Americanism, shall move<br />

the world forward to a higher plane. Certainly all who know<br />

of hie work can attest to the breadth <strong>and</strong> depth of his inftnenoe<br />

in this direction.<br />

Aa an Aries-born person, he was of the tribe of Gad(" Armed,"<br />

"Prepared") <strong>and</strong> 80 a leader intellectually. <strong>The</strong> capacity in·<br />

herent in this Tribe is leadership <strong>and</strong> to be prepared for all<br />

service. <strong>The</strong> brain be<strong>com</strong>es receptive to what it aseimilatee,<br />

<strong>and</strong> in the mighty progreuion of high attributes Intuition will<br />

finally govern, <strong>and</strong> so "shall over<strong>com</strong>e at the last" the physical<br />

hindrances of the world which have ever enppreeaed the higher<br />

nsee of the intellectual faculties. In other words, the esoteric<br />

principle of living shall yet enable this Twentieth Century<br />

to show forth through many oonaeorated lives, of whom Ed.<br />

ward Everett Hale is pre-eminent, the fulfillment of Leah's<br />

prophecy oonoerning her 80n


llY CL4L\ OUOrinlr,<br />

When the up begiJ11 to flow.<br />

No b-hath whiepered of the Sprinc,<br />

No flower begun to blow,<br />

<strong>The</strong> bilde ban not begun to line<br />

When die eap begiJll to flow.<br />

What ltin beDeath the tne '• rough bark P<br />

Bow doth the bare trunk know,<br />

While winter night. ue long <strong>and</strong> dark,<br />

'Tia time for eap to flow ?<br />

A power of life that cannot die<br />

Br.*1a made the b'ee to know<br />

That, how e'er wintry ii the 1ky,<br />

'Til time for eap to flow.<br />

It ltin; it ..U.., it breath-, it call.<br />

In -• 1weet <strong>and</strong> low;<br />

Tba pall of ioy al.umber fall1,<br />

.And eap begin1 to Sow.<br />

Like U the broWD <strong>and</strong> naked tree<br />

In a l<strong>and</strong> of barren IJlOW,<br />

So -meth now my life to -;<br />

Th-ii DO sap to flow.<br />

But ltill a VoiOI that oalleth long,<br />

A Law, a Life, a Power,<br />

That bid. awaken <strong>and</strong> be 1trong,<br />

'Til DOW the very hour.<br />

New life lball <strong>com</strong>e, new life shall thrive,<br />

Where all ii bare <strong>and</strong> gray;<br />

Each leafl- twig be all alive,<br />

And ling unto the day.<br />

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<strong>The</strong> last notes of the Christmas chimes have died away,<br />

breathing a song of Peaoe,-Peaoe upon the twilight scenes of<br />

the Nineteenth Century, <strong>and</strong> the Eastern horizon is all aglow<br />

with the dawn of the Twentieth.<br />

We pause, hushed into silence at the advent of the New<br />

Age, <strong>and</strong> in prayerful aspiration query: What is the greatest<br />

gift to humanity which can be realized therein? Out from<br />

the new air of the New Century Aquarius makes answer: "I<br />

am the Outpourer that the Master Mystic of all the ages<br />

promised ahonld <strong>com</strong>e to breathe upon you Holy Spirit Power,<br />

whereb1 ye ahall be able to fulfill your minions as sons <strong>and</strong><br />

daughters of the All Good."<br />

How shall we heed this voice of the sign in which we live?<br />

<strong>The</strong> past hundred years demonstrated how those recipient to<br />

this outpouring have be<strong>com</strong>e prophets <strong>and</strong> evaugela unto the<br />

multitude. Now, aa the souls of mankind are made increaaingl1<br />

sensitive to all that is holy <strong>and</strong> inapiring, the mystic power of<br />

the paat unites with the sunrise illuminationa of the New Day,<br />

<strong>and</strong> puta us more <strong>and</strong> more fully within the mystical atmosphere<br />

where the "just made perfect" shall minister unto us,<br />

<strong>and</strong> earth <strong>and</strong> heaven nearer meet. Aa the beautiful <strong>and</strong><br />

bounteous sunshine is superabundant, lighting <strong>and</strong> heating<br />

our earth everywhere, so that we need only to appropriate<br />

fully to have it in ita fullness, so must we in these new-<strong>com</strong>ing<br />

daya apprehend <strong>and</strong> appropriate the bleaaedness of the mystic<br />

power that, in its supernal richness, is all about us.<br />

We may not measure aa yet how fully the planetary forces<br />

are Mystical Dynamos unto us, or demonstrate aoientiftcally<br />

the presence of planets in the heavens which are purely my•<br />

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tical, bot we may be sure that aa our spiritual eyes <strong>and</strong> ean<br />

are opened we shall see <strong>and</strong> hear marvelous things.<br />

Let Mystic Ministry abound with all to whom these words<br />

may <strong>com</strong>e, <strong>and</strong> aa surely aa the heavens exist we shall all live<br />

a more abundant life u long aa we are pririleged in the New<br />

Century to sojourn upon this mundane sphere; <strong>and</strong> when the<br />

"incident of death 0 oomes, we shall join "the choir invisible"<br />

whose mystic songs shall continue throughout all the centuries<br />

in ever-enlarging potency because inspired by the Muter<br />

Myatio of all time, under the blessing of our Father, <strong>and</strong> Hit<br />

Father, <strong>and</strong> so swell the mightier chorus of all worlds.<br />

Boat.on, Masa., Jan. 1, 1901.<br />



<strong>The</strong> 1weei.t eonp, IOIDe aay,<br />

Have all been nng;<br />

Yet when among<br />

<strong>The</strong> wood.a I find my way<br />

And listen t.o the wild bird'• roUDdelay,<br />

<strong>The</strong> varied not.ea in octavee high <strong>and</strong> low,<br />

That -m from mDlio'1 foantain head to Sow,<br />

All avennea of ae-, but one, I ol01e,-<br />

I Ii.et.en, rapt in my repoee,<br />

Ancl. aay, "<strong>The</strong> ,...._ llODp ue they<br />

we bear from day t.o day;<br />

<strong>The</strong> last is alwaye beet--<br />

Enjoyment is the teat.''<br />

To-day I read,<br />

Not from the c!Md,<br />

But from the Living Poet'• book.<br />

<strong>The</strong> m-ie there I found <strong>and</strong> took<br />

Bae warbled like a wood bird'• IODS<br />

Within my heart.-Oh, may it lone,<br />

Like open-throated bird, ainir on I<br />

Tbe neeteet eonp, I uy,<br />

Are those we hear to-day,<br />

In natme'a key pitched aweet <strong>and</strong> olear<br />

For him whoae eoul'e attuned to hear.<br />

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In the evolution of life certain prooeesee or forms pus, in<br />

spiral ohan~ from a lower to a higher order by slow <strong>and</strong><br />

measured stepe. <strong>The</strong> routine is so perfect, that none are able<br />

t.o gain the mountain height without this slow, t.oilaome march<br />

over the craggy steeps that lead in a oirouit.oua way to the more<br />

favored outlook. Each one, in his or her individual life, must<br />

work out the principle of growth from his or her own st<strong>and</strong>point;<br />

in no other way can it be done, beoaaae each human<br />

soul is a world within itself, <strong>and</strong> it moat grow from its own<br />

resources- roeea do not grow upon thistles, neither are the<br />

fnnotiona of a small brain equal in capacity t.o those of a large<br />

one. Conaeqnently, when you condemn a certain thing aa evil,<br />

you do err in your judgment in regard t.o the nature of it,­<br />

under the oiroumatanoes <strong>and</strong> surroundings, it was an inevitable<br />

outgrowth of that individual life. It does not follow, however,<br />

that because of this law of existence, we should not seek to<br />

ameliorate conditions around us; the tbonght expressed contains<br />

no contradictions when rightly nnderat.ood <strong>and</strong> properly directed.<br />

Cultivation is just u neceuary in the moral <strong>and</strong> spiritual<br />

worlds, as in the physical world. You would not expect a rich<br />

harvest from a garden overrun with weeds, although it may<br />

have imbibed the forces of nature that are reqaisit.e t.o the<br />

growth <strong>and</strong> maintenance of its products; neither can you expect<br />

a human soul t.o thrive under similar adverM conditions.<br />

Now, take all gradationa of human mind <strong>and</strong> claaaify them,<br />

aa you would make any scientific claaaification, <strong>and</strong> you find<br />

that what.ever is, is inevitable, <strong>and</strong> therefore must be right<br />

in the abaolnte. God is all-wise, <strong>and</strong> is at the helm of the<br />

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i79<br />

nniTerse; he has created the law by which all things are governed,<br />

<strong>and</strong> it is not for ns to question his wisdom, but to study<br />

<strong>and</strong> learn the intricate means employed by him to bring the<br />

work of his h<strong>and</strong> to perfection, which all nature teaches i1 the<br />

ultimate design of his power <strong>and</strong> goodneu. Whatever is, i1<br />

in the order of things, <strong>and</strong> in that sense moat be right. <strong>The</strong><br />

phrase must not be understood as a statement of perfectionfar<br />

from it; nothing i1 perfect in this mundane sphere.<br />

Look carefully into the nature of things, <strong>and</strong> yon will find<br />

unerring law controlling <strong>and</strong> directing every event of life,<br />

working out the principle of that law, regardleu of the consequences.<br />

Take the preponderances of life <strong>and</strong> weigh them in<br />

the balance, <strong>and</strong> you will_ find aoourate measure meted ont to<br />

every action or thought in human existence. Take the wrongs<br />

you inflict upon yourself by evil doing, <strong>and</strong> when the inciting<br />

cause is analyzed, you will find that, despite your convictions<br />

to the contrary, the power that controlled you was stronger<br />

than yourself,-you had not suffiuiently subjugated it to<br />

make it subordinate, <strong>and</strong> therefore you acted in aooordance with<br />

the law of your being; the forces within you striving for supremacy<br />

were working out the principle of evolution, <strong>and</strong> under<br />

the oircumstanoes nothing could have been ditferent.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Divine Principle is always showing you the possibilities<br />

of attainment, <strong>and</strong> you see the mistakes you are constantly<br />

making; if you did not, you could not progress-this is the<br />

beauty of the law. It is a living principle, <strong>and</strong> constantly<br />

changing, <strong>and</strong> in the suffering <strong>and</strong> torture inflicted by it you<br />

behold the threshing proceSA. <strong>The</strong> system is perfect, but the<br />

work is in a prooeu of evolution-one of growth. It i1 an<br />

order of development indisROlubly linked to time <strong>and</strong> 1paoe;<br />

thus far <strong>and</strong> no further is a divine edict, for all things are<br />

evolved-not created with full <strong>com</strong>m<strong>and</strong> of all the powers that<br />

be. It is like reaching an objective point with force that baa<br />

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280<br />

to be augmented at each repeated effort to gain the desired<br />

goal. That goal is presented to your view before you have the<br />

power to attain it; it st<strong>and</strong>s as the incentive to conquer obstacles<br />

<strong>and</strong> difficultieR that impede progress. You know the right<br />

<strong>and</strong> pursue the wrong, becauee your vision is in advance of the<br />

power you are able to bring t.c> bear upon the working out of<br />

your evolutionary tendencies. Evolutionary result.a are always<br />

in advance of all individual or concerted action. Ancil.<br />

You young men, <strong>and</strong> you young maidens, are living in the<br />

morning which thous<strong>and</strong>s of nobler natures than you desired<br />

to see, <strong>and</strong> died without the sight. You are beginning yonr<br />

life at a period when the disclosures of Divine Love will set<br />

aside the mist.a <strong>and</strong> darkness of days gone by. Do not pervert<br />

your opportnnities, bnt reverently, conscientiously, earnestly,<br />

aooept the glowing, growing truths, <strong>and</strong> work oat in<br />

yourselves a higher st<strong>and</strong>ard of duty, a nobler aspiration, a<br />

diviner manhood. Arouse your spiritual instinct.a, <strong>and</strong>, at the<br />

call of the Divine Teacher, awake to di1JCern the signs of the<br />

times, <strong>and</strong> to see in the face of the sky the promise of God'•<br />

<strong>com</strong>ing day.<br />

Almost the Last Words of Henry Ward Buch•r.<br />

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A MINOR,<br />

BlllllUity, ia lta -.l11tionarJ maro1a. ia to-da7 ~ dlM ,.U- ,....<br />

_,. wlalela clhlcl• the whlrlins oarnMll of --''" ....._. flom the a-m'•<br />

...-of the ... beJOIML Behind 11810ll the~ ---clarkl7 099Phus<br />

by oloadl lmid with atragle, lllOD1• <strong>and</strong> death; - the inert.UC<br />

obMm, w.._ talorll ue threaded b7 a Namnr Wa7,- mnow tbat bat -<br />

- pMI that Wa7 at -,-there ltntlohee an - of li'ring &re; &re, real <strong>and</strong><br />

tenible, of wbiola the toes- of radiant s- lllOlllK, ia their white power, to the<br />

ffr1 ,_of the peM Central '1'b10lle.


We regret that limited apaoe permits ws to giTe, during the COW'll8 of the year,<br />

but one deU-tion to each eubecriber. <strong>The</strong> n-ry data are, the year, day fo<br />

the month, hour <strong>and</strong> plaoe of birth. "Without the boor we may approximate a delineatiou,<br />

bat it will alwaya be UWllltisfactory; therefore, if obtainable, we should<br />

ban the hoar, <strong>and</strong> if it cannot be ascertained, the applicant ruuat <strong>and</strong>ent<strong>and</strong> that<br />

the oharacter-aket.eh is more or 1-ineoruplete. In all -, howenr, the date <strong>and</strong><br />

place of birth maet be given, or it will be ueel- to ftttempt a delineation. We<br />

wish di.stinctly to etate that our tinw ia too thoroughly oocupied to write to applicant.a<br />

for additional dftta. Those who wi1h special help in the regenerate life.­<br />

nob ae was given in <strong>The</strong> Eeoteric-should eo reqn"8t in their applilllltion.<br />

H. F. A. March 11, 1859, 10-12 p. m. Linden. Wis.<br />

'fatNJTll!:ff.<br />

TatPLTCtTTJll.<br />


••<br />

M "-TBBlU.L, o. WATERY, !.<br />

RllPRODUCTIVB, 4:. FtBBY, !.<br />

S•avma, 2. EARTHY, 1.<br />

RISI~G SIGN-ti\,.<br />

Either Scorpio or Sagittarius was rising at the time of yoar birthprobably<br />

Scorpio, <strong>and</strong> we will so read. <strong>The</strong> earth was in the sign Pisces,<br />

giving a nature apt to look on the dark side of life, one inclined to<br />

think that his fellows are not frienda, but enemies. You love animals<br />

more than men, yet are sociable in your inclinations. Have a good,<br />

ltrong body. Po88e88 a love of education. Uranus <strong>and</strong> Jupiter in the<br />

sign Sagittarim give more than ordinary inclination to take hold<br />

of the mystic, <strong>and</strong> to cling to it through life. Have much <strong>com</strong>bativeneaa<br />

in your nature, ari11ing from the poaition of Mare in Scorpio.<br />

You ahould try to develop in yourself the altruiatic <strong>and</strong> the optimistic;<br />

if you do not do eo, as you advance in yeare yon will be apt to<br />

be<strong>com</strong>e somewhat morbid,-to 11ettle down <strong>and</strong> abut younelf up with·<br />

in your own narrow limits <strong>and</strong> have but little to do with the external<br />

world, <strong>and</strong> le88 sympathy with it. Saturn in Aquariua gives you<br />

a good degree of suavity, <strong>and</strong> adapts you to auociate with the people<br />

<strong>and</strong> to the aciences that relate to them; in fact, there is a atl'ong<br />

inclination to turn your entire thought to ancient Aatrology, <strong>and</strong> to<br />

abut youraelf op in that thought. If you do this, you would be<strong>com</strong>e,<br />

later in life, eccentric <strong>and</strong> isolated. Venue in Taurus givee an active<br />

aes nature <strong>and</strong> Mercury in Libra great vitality <strong>and</strong> physical endo·<br />

ranee, ao that you will probably live to a good old age.<br />

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W. Y. Aogmt 8, 1851, 8 a. m. Role, Engl<strong>and</strong>.<br />

Ta1sma.<br />


l.NTELLECTU J.L, 2. AIRY, 1.<br />

MJ.TEIUU.L, 1. WATERY, 2.<br />

RsPRODUCT:tv., 8. FncaY, 2.<br />

Suvnra, 2. EARTHY, s.<br />

RLSISG SIGN-"'.<br />

<strong>The</strong> bue of your nature is Leo. <strong>and</strong> die ri!lin~, or body aign, Virgo.<br />

Virgo iai the natural expr81118r of l.eo, thu1 making your body the<br />

expr811ion of yoor interior eelf. Polarization into the 1ign Capricorn<br />

give1 yoa great 1trength of character, <strong>and</strong> lead• yon into the executive.<br />

A.a the basic quality ia goYerned by love, your weakn818 iii<br />

yoar love nature, which, in <strong>com</strong>bination with the body sign <strong>and</strong> Mercury<br />

in Taaru, prodoee1 a feeling of dependence upon the uaociation<br />

of women for aocoe11 in life. While there ia a great deal of troth<br />

in this <strong>com</strong>ciollllleaa, yet unlMI great care be need in the selection uf<br />

a partner, you would be better off without one. Uranus <strong>and</strong> Man<br />

in Scorpio strongly incline you to the regenerate life, but they alao<br />

produce strong pamion1 <strong>and</strong> appetitea, which must be curbed by a<br />

determined will. Yon should have a role of life eatabliahed by yonr<br />

own highest reason, for V enua in your polarity leach you to idealiu<br />

love in an elegant home <strong>and</strong> aurroondi~in fact. an ideal that. JOU<br />

can never realize; <strong>and</strong> onleaa you can Httle down to the practical,<br />

eYery-day though&, you will be like one following a phantom which<br />

&Yer recedes u he approachee it. Mercury'• position ia auch that it<br />

may give its inftuence in either one of two direetion11: it may lend<br />

h11 inftoence to V enua <strong>and</strong> lead yon to extremes in the sex life, or it<br />

may unite with Mara <strong>and</strong> Uranua in giving power of self-control in<br />

tbM direction-this ia a matter to be wholly determined by your own<br />

will. Saturn in Libra works harmoniously with your polarity in imparting<br />

acouNte perceptions, quick decision, good judgment aa to reaoltll<br />

of ondertakinga. <strong>The</strong> time1 of greatest danger from lOllff are<br />

when the moon i11 J>&811ing throngh Leo, Virgo, or Capricorn, <strong>and</strong> the<br />

houn when any one of these 11i1ne i11 ri1ing.<br />

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A. J. C. Jan. 29, 1863, near Pitt8burg, Pa.<br />

TBINITIX.'I.<br />

TftJPLfCITID,<br />

lNTELLBCTU.U, 3. AIRY, 2.<br />

.MATBBNAL 1 1 • WATKRY, o.<br />

REPRODUCTlVJC, 8. FrRRY, 6.<br />

RsavtNG, 1. EABTBY 1 1.<br />

In the absence of the hoar of your birth, there will be many un •<br />

certain points in connection with your delineation. <strong>The</strong> basic principlee<br />

are very harmoniona, however, the earth being in Aqnariut<br />

<strong>and</strong> the moon in Gemini, which is the natural expreater of Aquariua.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Aqnarina nature ia active mentally <strong>and</strong> phyaieally; you want to<br />

be doing something practical <strong>and</strong> naeful all the time. Although you<br />

have five planets posited in the Fiery Triplicity, which gives you a<br />

great deal of ideality, yet haring no other interior position, yonr ideals<br />

are very practical. Yon are a fortunate person-generally auceeed<br />

in whatever yon undertake. It is well for you that yon have plenty<br />

of aelf ... teem, for, in this world, if tre do not reapect ouraelvea <strong>and</strong><br />

believe in our own abilities, we need not expect others to do ao; nevertheleaa,<br />

in making attainments in the occult <strong>and</strong> myatic, this ten·<br />

dency would be a little in the way. Your three planets in Sagittarina<br />

give yon great fidelity, which makea up for the lack of real love in<br />

your nature. Saturn givea order to the brain, ao that you are clearheaded<br />

in what you undertake, <strong>and</strong> would be aucceesful in almoat any<br />

department of life. l on can ae"e in minutie to good advantage,<br />

but dialike to have any one overaee your work. You want to be reapected<br />

<strong>and</strong> looked up to; in. other worda, you have abilitiea, <strong>and</strong> you<br />

feel that othera ahonld recognize them. Your intuitioua are good.<br />

Are in great danger of overdoing <strong>and</strong> debilitating the body, for you<br />

ha Ye not much to give yon vitality <strong>and</strong> endurance. Yon ahould famil·<br />

iarize yourself with methods for drawing life <strong>and</strong> vigor from natore'a<br />

fountain.<br />

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284 DnntuTION OF CBA.RACTER.<br />

C. D. March U, 1802, .{ a. m. London, Engl<strong>and</strong>.<br />


~.A.L,L AIRY, L<br />

LTUJrAL, 1. W•T•aT, s.<br />

RnBODtrOTIVB, 2. Fmav, o.<br />

SKBVllfG, BA.BTBY, 4.<br />

••<br />

RISING SIGN-1';1.<br />

You were born when the earth waa in that reetleaa, struggling aign<br />

Pilcee, which produces a reatleu diuatiafaction in your nature. In<br />

1~ cue, however, it takea the form of an active mind, aa the moon<br />

wu in Caprieom <strong>and</strong> that aign riling at birth. Venua waa alao in<br />

Capricorn; leading you out <strong>and</strong> giving color to all your thoughta,<br />

feelinga, <strong>and</strong> deairee. It givea you great love of the artiatic <strong>and</strong><br />

beautiful, the ieathetic <strong>and</strong> refined; <strong>and</strong> your love of the mystic ia<br />

largely of that character. Uranus <strong>and</strong> Saturn are in cloae proximity<br />

to each other in the sign Scorpio, conferring great power over the<br />

aex nature <strong>and</strong> inclining you toward the mystic. Jupiter in Taurua<br />

belonging to the Triplicity of which the polarity ia the head, givea ita<br />

influence to the position of Uranus <strong>and</strong> Saturn <strong>and</strong> produces dignity,<br />

love of poaition, <strong>and</strong> high ideala. Mara in Aquariua imparts, in your<br />

cue, love of home <strong>and</strong> family, <strong>and</strong> aelf-proteetion against interfer·<br />

ence on the part of the people. You are inclined to the aristocratic<br />

rather than to the democratic. Mercury in Virgo, the expresaer of<br />

the Triplicity of your polarity aud riling sign, gives a strong digeati\'e<br />

111tem, but militates somewhat against your intuitions. You are<br />

probably ealled a very fortunate man, for it 11eema that your organi·<br />

u.tion ia auch that you will slip through life with but little difficulty.<br />

If you would give your mind to atudy <strong>and</strong> thought <strong>and</strong> live the re·<br />

generate life, you could be of grea• uae to the world by educating<br />

the people in the higher trutha.<br />

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THE BIOLOGIC.A.L Joumu..L. 285<br />

H. K. Auguet 8, 1878, 4 a. m. Cincinnati, O.<br />

fiI•ITlU.<br />

TatPLIOITlJlil,<br />

lNTBLLZOTU..U., 1. Al&Y, 2.<br />

M.4TJ:Rl!U.L, 3. W.1.TBBT, 1.<br />


'·<br />

SBBVJNO, . 2. EARTHY, 1.<br />

RISING SIGN-st.<br />

You were born when the earth wu in the eign Leo <strong>and</strong> wben<br />

Leo wu riling; Jupiter, also in the eign Leo, adds ite qualities to<br />

70W' innate nature. Coneequently, you are orderly, active, <strong>and</strong> zealoue<br />

in whatever you undertake, <strong>and</strong> Jupiter gives a native dignit7,<br />

<strong>and</strong> a good phyeique <strong>and</strong> fine organism. You are apt to go to extremes<br />

in whatever you take hold of. Scarcely know what it is to<br />

fear or to fail in what you undertake. Have the courage of your<br />

oonvictione <strong>and</strong> inherent powen to back them up. Uranus in Aquaria•<br />

makea you eomewhat exclusive in your aesociation with the people.<br />

Saturn in Virgo gives v11ry fine intuitions; your fint impreeeion in<br />

regard to a matter i4 usually your best one. Man makee you a little<br />

<strong>com</strong>bative <strong>and</strong> struggling. You ehould over<strong>com</strong>e qu.ick temper, <strong>and</strong><br />

inclination to resent an apparent affront; <strong>and</strong> when you resent a thing,<br />

it ia hard for you to change your mind. V enua in Sagittariu1 give•<br />

grace to all your movements, <strong>and</strong> imparte ability in the fine arte, of<br />

which you have an instinctive <strong>com</strong>m<strong>and</strong>. Much that you have learned<br />

baa <strong>com</strong>e to you very easily, ae though you had known it before, <strong>and</strong><br />

you probably have. Mercury in Gemini makes you a hard worker<br />

in the lines of education <strong>and</strong> science. Physical activity is euential to<br />

your bealth. <strong>The</strong> times of greatest danger in the regenerate life are,<br />

fil'llt, when the moon ie in Leo or Sagitta1-ios, <strong>and</strong>, second, when<br />

either of these signs is rising.<br />

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TACOKA, Nov. 24, 1900.<br />

Prof. H. E. BUTLER:<br />

Dear Sir,-1 do not wish to treapau too frequently on your<br />

time, yet I cannot refrain from sending the following thought,<br />

or item, since it is somewhat in harmony with the lines of<br />

thought i11uing from the Journal.<br />

In the extensive <strong>com</strong>ments upon the death <strong>and</strong> work.a of the<br />

<strong>com</strong>poser Sir Arthur Sullivan, particular mention is made of<br />

the song, <strong>The</strong> Loet Chord, <strong>and</strong> the wide popularity it baa<br />

attained; <strong>and</strong> in this connection I may remark a fact. probably<br />

not known to musicians, in regard to another aaored oompolition,<br />

<strong>The</strong> Ave Maria, or Meditation, by Gounod, on the<br />

flnt Prelude of the Well Tempered Clavichord, by Bach.<br />

<strong>The</strong> beauty of its melody baa enabled the piece to attain a popularity<br />

aeoond only to <strong>The</strong> Lost Chord. But the strange<br />

faot is that the melody ia entirely evolved from the Prelude,<br />

which serves as the ac<strong>com</strong>paniment, without a single change in<br />

the notes,-from the uppermost tones the melody leaps forth<br />

apontaneoualy. Thia fact aeema to ahow three things: the oloseneu<br />

of the bond of sympathy between artist&, their intuition,<br />

<strong>and</strong> how perfect are the works of the mutera.<br />

Very respectfully,<br />

Robert Weisbaoh.<br />


Dear Sir,-I send you the following thought, hoping that it<br />

may contain enough that is useful to find a place in the col·<br />

umns of your Journal. Very ainoerely yours, A.<br />

<strong>The</strong> roots are not the trunk, nor are they the leaves, <strong>and</strong><br />

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neither of these parts can be transformed into another. <strong>The</strong><br />

roots muet do their work aa roots, letting the energy 80 generated<br />

be taken up according to the Law of Being, which it ie<br />

impossible for them to know with merely the experience of<br />

roots. Now euppoee that the roots, having a vague coneoioueneea<br />

of the leaves, gained thnmgh their development along<br />

natural lines, ehould hunger after a fuJler realization of that<br />

upper life. Would it do any goOd for them to atop their epecial<br />

work for a while each day <strong>and</strong> eend up Leaf Thoughts? <strong>The</strong><br />

leavee, influenced by eun, air, <strong>and</strong> other agencies with whioh<br />

the roots have not <strong>com</strong>e in contact, are perfecting the organism<br />

according to a fully realized Law of Being. <strong>The</strong> roote<br />

ehould do their special work, <strong>and</strong> then, beoauae they have<br />

eened the Law <strong>and</strong> fumiahed the crude energy for the organ.<br />

ism, the leaves will be able to eend down leaf-thoughts to them,<br />

<strong>and</strong> thua establiah a circuit of realization.<br />

<strong>The</strong> marvelous C..onetructive Forces of our Univeree cannot<br />

be helped directly by man's aspiring thought. It ie only by<br />

bis deede, or a conetructive thought on his own plane, that his<br />

energies can be 80 related to the system ae to be used oonetrnotively.<br />

An interplay of Forcee ,,hich no mere monal mind<br />

can <strong>com</strong>prehend is now etraining to produce the harmonizing<br />

eunes which must be made to perfect that spiral turn with<br />

which the Sixth Raoe is being uehered in. <strong>The</strong>se Constructive<br />

Intelligenoes need a certain epiritualized quality of energy<br />

which only occult atudents can furnieh. Had there been enough<br />

harmonizing energy of this 80rt generated on the physical<br />

plane, there would have been no war with Spain, nor would we<br />

now have fighting in the Philippines ~nd in Africa. How oan<br />

oooolt etndents help ~n this organic work if they are divided<br />

into circles <strong>and</strong> societies, each holding aloof from all othere?<br />

How far, think you, can thoughts of unity <strong>and</strong> peace go, wbioh<br />

are ''Bent out" under auch oonditiona? What is required ii a<br />

Deed of Unity <strong>and</strong> Fellowship, inepired by a Feeling of Unity<br />

<strong>and</strong> Fellowehip.<br />

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Tu PA11T•1na11 01r MoDBJUC So11cJ1ca, "a summary of reeeut inH•tlgatiom<br />

into J,if.,, Force, <strong>and</strong> Substance, <strong>and</strong> the opinions bMed by 11Cientista then!OD, leadbag<br />

up to the conclueion that there is in DAture a U nivenial Mind oootrolling <strong>and</strong><br />

permeating nature'• manife11tatiooa." ThiR pamphlt1t is on" of the clerueat upolitiona<br />

of the true idea of pantheism, 88 brought out, <strong>and</strong> it aeeme to me proven beyond<br />

all question, by the reaearohee of modem eoieooe. In other worda, it may be<br />

oalled a collection of proufa, from promiueot aoientific autho~. of the position we<br />

ban taken in our writings in the past; uamely, that God had a purpoBe in oreation,<br />

<strong>and</strong> that all creation is being carried on by virtue of the potentiality of the<br />

Divine Mind active in nature. Although it is a small work, yet it oontaina more<br />

real, vitlll, <strong>and</strong> importllllt tmth than nry mauy of the INger worka. If read propnly,<br />

it is a key that will unlock many of the mysteriee of nature. <strong>The</strong> author<br />

.bows deep <strong>and</strong> careful reaearoh, u well 88 a clear, logical mind io gathering<br />

acieutiflo facta <strong>and</strong> putting them together in a way that unfolds the order of the<br />

·uoinne, <strong>and</strong>, to a certain extent, ita methods <strong>and</strong> object. Sold by the author. F.<br />

E. Titus, Barrister, Toronto, Canada; also by <strong>The</strong> Esoteric Pobliahiog Company,<br />

Applegate, Cal. Price, 10 centa.<br />

Ta11 K•Y TO )IAoNKTIC HKALINO. lly PN1f. J. 11. StraMer, IUl8iiited by Mn.<br />

En.l!ie Stra.er, D. M. H. <strong>The</strong> author of this work bu gone pro.tty thoroughly<br />

iuto methods of hypnotic healing, <strong>and</strong> "fl think th•t a title indiOlltiog a book of<br />

that charack>r •ould have been more appropriate. Re gives careful iostructiona<br />

for produl.-ing the hn>ootic at"te, <strong>and</strong> tl1t1 Huggestions requisite for htNJiui:. He<br />

AYM of the work: "It <strong>com</strong>prille'I the History of Magnetic Healing, the <strong>The</strong>oriea<br />

of Vital Maguetiam, Ment.Rl Scien

THE B101.omcA1 •• TouRNAL. 288<br />

.. the author calls it, ie th" work of a oleAr, logical, re1U10niog brain,- brain<br />

illuminated, we might My, by the foundation priuoiplee, the revelation to hla<br />

mind of the great dootriue of pantbeiaru; bot ae that light ia only a partial light,<br />

therefore, in attempting to h<strong>and</strong>le all spheres of human aud apiritnal 11siate-,<br />

many of hie couoluaione are erroueoua. Upon the whole, howenr, the work ia a anperior<br />

oue; aud oue that we would <strong>com</strong>mend to the notice of all thiDlriiir men <strong>and</strong><br />

women. No boob are perfect; but tbia one hu u few errors to be rejected by the<br />

reader, <strong>and</strong> more of mith to re<strong>com</strong>mend it, thAD bu the Herage; therefore, It<br />

at<strong>and</strong>a iu adTAnce of othen of itaclaa. Pnbliabed by the author, J; Wm. Lloyd,<br />

Weetfield, N. J. PriOf', $1.25. Sold by <strong>The</strong> F.oterio Pub. Co., Applegat.e, Cal.<br />

Tio WRIT& F'LAMB, by Mary A. Cornelina, ia oalled au "<strong>Occult</strong> Study," <strong>and</strong>,<br />

like moat of the oconlt storiea, it embodies a Ion story, written with oolllliderable<br />

oharm. Tho plot conoerua an antique chair in which the original owner, owing to<br />

negligence aud loYe of eue in hie mortal life, la doomed to eit until the laet of hia<br />

polterity hu left the earth. <strong>The</strong> utnl apeotre appean at about twelYe o'olook<br />

each night, but ia visible to <strong>and</strong> can ouly conYeree with the owner of the chair.<br />

We do not think there ia anything nry profitable in it for the Esoteric atudent.,<br />

bot it would ID!lde Yery interesting reading fol' thoee who are aimply -kinar<br />

amnaement. <strong>The</strong> book ia pnbliahed <strong>and</strong> 110ld by the Stockham Pnbliahiog Company,<br />

Chicago, Ill. Price, $1.25.<br />

BBnu1n:u, "the story of a dream, lu which the anthor Tialta an ideal planet,"<br />

la a booklet of CH pagea. Although short, it la Yery lntere.ting <strong>and</strong> well-writta<br />

atory, <strong>and</strong> hu ita moral <strong>and</strong> ednoatiODal aide. Sold for 25 oenta by <strong>The</strong> Editor<br />

Pnbliahiog Company, Cincinnati, 0.<br />

Tio EtiSVATOB. A magazine of 19 pagea, pnbliahed monthly by Dell8ie B...<br />

eudeen, editor, 1111, 14th St. N. W., Washington, D. C. It ia nnpretent.iou,<br />

bot neat., ln appearanae. <strong>The</strong> editor -ma to haYe started oot on lines independ·<br />

ent of the mamea; yet each magazine, <strong>and</strong>, in fact, each author, bu llOJlle dominant<br />

idea, 1111d the preYailing thought in thla e---to be oonfid- in God.<br />

Thia ia nry good, bot I fail to - in the magazine any approMh to methoda by<br />

which thet perfect confidence in <strong>and</strong> unity with God may be obtaiuecl. At the<br />

ame t.ime there mnet be 110me, in thia time of running to radioal elltreJnM, to call<br />

to the weary onea, "Beet in God." SnbllOriptioo priee, fl.00 •year.<br />

R•.u.rzATJON. A nicely printed <strong>journal</strong> of fonr pagee, dnotecl to die Cbrl.ta1a<br />

Selenoe Motto, "In auob m- u man reoognize11 hla diTinity he ahall haft<br />

dominion." Pnbliabed the tiret of enry month at K•lam•wo, Miohigan, at 11\fty<br />

Cent.e a year, by EYelyn Arthur 8", Ph. B., aud Ar- Cheltier See, D. M., 481<br />

Academy Street.<br />

We ban before ua a little m~ne of eighteen P8fr98o edited <strong>and</strong> publi8bed<br />

monthly by C. Joeephine Wigginton-Barton, Kanaa City, Mo., entitled "BoUday<br />

e:stra." N. American anbecription, $1.00 a year; foreign countriea, fl.ISO. It<br />

-ma to carry with it an idea of heliocentric utrology, whioh wae origbially manufactured<br />

out of Solar Biology. In onr opinion, heliocentric utrology ia good material<br />

apoiled in making op, bot if othen can get good out of it, we wiah them no­<br />

- <strong>and</strong> no hArm. <strong>The</strong> maguiue nuder oonaideration ia a ,._., neat little jOIU'IUll,<br />

<strong>and</strong> we wlab it an-.<br />

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In the uoending IO&le of primary oolon the majority of ob­<br />

Mn81'1 eee nothing beyond the violet, the tranamotative oolor,<br />

belonging to Tauras. <strong>The</strong> Sanaorit word for the oolor nblet<br />

ia 11".Za-Lohita, blo•red; in other words, violet ia the basio<br />

eolor, or the red, of a IO&le of color next beyond oar own, an<br />

upper IO&le built upon the blues wbiob terminate the one b&­<br />

low. A few of m, however, see in the rainbow hues a oolor yet<br />

beyond the violet, whioh in the uoending order belongs, of<br />

ooone, to the sign Aries. It is needleas to aay that Earth<br />

bu DO pigment to reproduoe a color whioh ia u yet beyond<br />

the peroeptiona of moet of the raoe. This oolor st<strong>and</strong>s at the<br />

apex of the racial apprehension, where all color, all vision, LI<br />

bt iu the white light beyond. Thia issue of <strong>The</strong> Journal appean,<br />

therefore, in white oo-yera; for the white does now <strong>and</strong><br />

mmt always encircle the acme, the "crown", of oonaoioomeu.<br />

MONEY ORDKRS.-All American Money Ordera should<br />

be made payable at Applegate, California; bot please remember<br />

that all international Money Orders, that is, Money Ordera<br />

ilaued by any foreign government, should be made payable at<br />

Auburn, California, u the Applegate Poet Ofllce can caah only<br />

Amerioao Money Ordera.<br />

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A NEW BOOK...--...s..<br />

Consisting of 50 Selections from Letters<br />

Written By<br />


To One of His Dlaclples<br />


<strong>The</strong> Highway is within us. <strong>The</strong> starting-point is at the junction of the eyes within.-&c. I.<br />

---- - ----- -------<br />

A BEAUTIFUL <strong>and</strong> artistic book, printed on heavy paper, <strong>and</strong> bound in brown <strong>and</strong> linen; 8e:a:ible<br />

coven. <strong>The</strong> following quotation from the Preface indicates the value of ite contente:­<br />

"THIS BOOKLET is a string of selections from some private letters received from the late Rai Sallg<br />

Ram Bahadur, who, having attained the perfection of spirituality, led tho111111nds of his country"<br />

men to a knowledge of the higher life <strong>and</strong> nobler po11Sibilities of human existence.<br />

Is1m"'1 a?1d for sale by<br />

Price. 50 cents, post-paid.<br />



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THE ARENA • • MIND<br />


By an arrangement juat effected with the publiahera of MI~D <strong>and</strong> THE ARENA,<br />

we are able to preeent to our friend1, for a limited time only, an opportunity<br />

which for Low Price, Range of Thought, <strong>and</strong> Unity of Purpose, is one rarely<br />

equalled. Doobtle11 many in this country, as well as foreign l<strong>and</strong>s, will appreciate<br />

this Special Offer to obtain for one small subscriptiun these THREE LEADfNG<br />


MIND is devotee\ to Metaphy11iC11, <strong>Occult</strong>ism, Experimental <strong>and</strong> Psychic Research<br />

<strong>and</strong> o~her phases of the New Thought.<br />

THE ARENA; the Great American Review of Social Advance.<br />

THE OCCULT AND BIOLOGICAL JOURNAL, the purpose of which is to unveil<br />

to the student the Higher Truths, Ancient <strong>and</strong> Modern, Oriental <strong>and</strong> Occidental,<br />

formulating them into method1 for increasing the amount of life in the<br />

organi1m; for its conse"ation <strong>and</strong> control, ancl the generation uf that magnetic pow·<br />

er so eaential to succe88 in any direction. It deals with the Biology of t.he<br />

Universe; the law11 of life in their simplest, as well &11 more <strong>com</strong>plex expressions.<br />

Not only new 1mbscriber11. but also those alreacly 1mbscribing to either maga&ine may,<br />

in renewing. take a




Pint Leetare.-Tbe Idea of Gud. <strong>The</strong> people of all ages l'haracterlaed<br />

by their Idea of God-<strong>The</strong> word ol Uod 1WOClated with the Idea of power-Kan can onl7<br />

underal<strong>and</strong> or tblulr. of things of whi9. Education, uplifting <strong>and</strong> relief of<br />

Go .'a t·rc11 urls-Pol•rl1.11lion of l11nl'r conscinusoe>..•, p. HO. Thought lmpoaalble without<br />

form, p. 141. No •a, p. 162.<br />

Green a symbol of Ftrengtb : 1tg1116'\.<br />




Life as a Journey.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Mental Origin of Di1eaae.<br />

Mental <strong>and</strong> Phyaical Corrt-1pondence1.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Imaging Faculty.<br />

How We Malte Our Environment.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Evolution of Power.<br />

Food for Mind <strong>and</strong> Body.<br />

Breath Vibration.<br />

Form <strong>and</strong> Symbol.<br />

Mental Science versua Hypnotism.<br />

Thought.a on Spiritual Healing.<br />

Psychical Research.<br />

Telepathy a Scientific Fact.<br />

Healing at a Distance.<br />

:B:&:TON:t> TE:&: CLOV:t>S<br />

Thia beautiful volnme <strong>com</strong>prises 134 pages, consiating of a aeries of lectures on<br />

<strong>The</strong> Spiritual Science of Life.<br />

TEil LI:BB.A.BT OF E:&:.A.LTE<br />


<strong>The</strong>se valuable papers are preceded by an original "INTRODUCTION TO THE<br />

NEW THOUGHT," not hitherto published, malting a volume of over a hundred pages.<br />

<strong>The</strong> other fourteen easaya of which the volume consist.a bear the following titles:-<br />

A aeries of e8say11 in popnlar form on Advanced Thought aubjecta, giving special<br />

attention to question& bearing upon individual happiness, harmony, <strong>and</strong> health. Excellent<br />

books for beginners in the New Metaphysics.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Spiritual Science of Life.<br />

Self-Control.<br />

Power of the Will.<br />

Faith <strong>and</strong> W orka.<br />

Mental Causes of Physical Disease.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Giving of Mental Treatment.<br />


Relationship.<br />

Mind <strong>and</strong> Body (Part./.)<br />

Mind <strong>and</strong> Body (Part II.)<br />

<strong>The</strong> Forgivenesa of Sin.<br />

Good <strong>and</strong> Evil.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Teachings of the Bible.<br />

~All of the above work• are h<strong>and</strong>somely bound In cloth. Price, $1.00each, post-paid.<br />

For sale by<br />



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Thi11 li11t will hold good until August, 1901.<br />

To our many friends <strong>and</strong> patrons who may de11ire to auiat in extending the circulation of thll<br />

Journal, we offer the following boob as premiuma.<br />

Rudyard Kipling's Works.<br />

Vol. 1.-"<strong>The</strong> Light that Failed."<br />

Vol. 2.- "In Black <strong>and</strong> White," "Under the Deodan," <strong>and</strong><br />

Eight Short Storiea.<br />

Vol. 8.-"Story of the Gadsbya," <strong>and</strong> Nine Other Storlee.<br />

Vol. 4.-"Departmental Dittiee" <strong>and</strong> "Barrack Room<br />

Ballads," including <strong>The</strong> Vampire, Recesalonal <strong>and</strong> Suppre!ll~d<br />

Poems.<br />

Vol. o.- "Soldiers Three."<br />

Vol. 6.-"American Notes."<br />

Vol. 7.- "lifine Own People."<br />

Vol.8.-"Wee Willie Winkie," Rnd four other atorl•of<br />

children.<br />

Vol. 9.-"<strong>The</strong> Phantom Rickshaw." "<strong>The</strong> City of Dreadful<br />

Night," <strong>and</strong> Three Other Stories.<br />

Vol. 10. -"Plain Tales from the Hilla." Thirty-nine<br />

stories.<br />

This <strong>com</strong>plete set of Kipling's works, bound in linen,<br />

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with names <strong>and</strong> addre81188. It will be sent<br />

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RCription11.<br />


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<strong>The</strong> type la large <strong>and</strong> made especially for thia edition. <strong>The</strong> paper is the ftneat used in book work, the<br />

ink ia the beat, <strong>and</strong> the preuwork iB so carefully <strong>and</strong> daintily done that each J>&le is a typographical<br />

delight to the eye. <strong>The</strong> set contains nearly 3,000 pagea.<br />

<strong>The</strong> bindings of this edition are something new in bookmaking, a patent thread sewing whereby<br />

the aame effect is obtained as in the cro&1H1titching of the Oxford Teacher's Bible, so that it can be<br />

opened the full width And bent back until the coven meet, without straining it.<br />

<strong>The</strong> cloth edition i11 daintily bound in delicately tinted linen, half flexible, which will wear like<br />

Iron. <strong>The</strong> limp IAmbakin U. a veritable Edition de Luxe.<br />

SOLAR BIOLOGY.-For ten new subscriptiona with names <strong>and</strong> addreaae&, we wlll aend,<br />

prepaid, "Solar Biology," by H. E. Butler. See "ad" in this issue.<br />

OTHER WORLDS THAN OURS.-For three new subscriptions we will send, prepaid,<br />

"Other Worlds than Ours," by Prof. Richard A. Proclur, the great astronomer.<br />

Thia work is especially valuable to student8 of "Solar Biology," <strong>and</strong> those who are atudyinr the<br />

mysteries of the heavena.<br />

SEVEN CREATIVE PRINCIPLES.-For three new subecriptiona we will send, prepaid,<br />

"Seven Creative Principles," by H. E. Butler. See "ad." in this iSBue.<br />

LIVING BY THE SPIRIT. - For two new subBCriptioDB we will send, postpaid, "Living by<br />

the Spirit," by H. W. DrBllller.<br />

THE "NARROW WAY" OF ATTAINMENT,-For two new subecriptionawewill<br />

senrl. pr.>pairl. "ThP Sarrow W11y of Attllinment" by H. K Ruller. ~e "ad" ill thi~ iMne.<br />

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SWEETS • • •<br />

Extracted from flowers of prominent authors .<br />

• • • • •<br />

We have revised <strong>and</strong> reprinted this booklet of poe1D1. A number of beautiful<br />

poema have been added to the collection, <strong>and</strong> we have endeavored to make this<br />

1aat edition particularly attractive, both M to appearance <strong>and</strong>

BY<br />

Frank H. Sprague.<br />

A work meriting the conaideration <strong>and</strong> perueal<br />

of the lovers of troth everywhere. Wee&­<br />

pecially re<strong>com</strong>mend it to the eeo~ric student.<br />

Ite contents page, which we give, conveys a good<br />

idea of the character of the work. A chapter<br />

from this book was published in the March (1899)<br />

issue of THB E8oTBR1c.<br />

CoNTEl\TS: SignR of the Times; What i• Truth?<br />

Realization of Ideals through Right-Thinking; <strong>The</strong><br />

Outer World; <strong>The</strong> Inner World; l.:onaciousnl!88;<br />

Chrutianity; <strong>The</strong> Growth of l;ociety; <strong>The</strong> Problem<br />

of Evil; <strong>The</strong> Spiritual Basis of Health; Manifestationa<br />

of the Spiritual Principle; M osic; Art<br />

<strong>and</strong> Nature.<br />

Cloth, $1 .!SO.<br />

~T:a:zo-ao:r:a:I~<br />

Prom the Wtadom of the Wise.<br />

Reduced to IO cts.<br />

ATHHISI <strong>and</strong> ARITHIHTIG.<br />

-OB-<br />

..1.V A TllEJIATJOAL LAW<br />

l.V NATURE.<br />

Arithmetic in Plants &ud Planeta, Mathematica<br />

in Mwiical Science, Number in Vital Action.<br />

By H. L. HASTINa8,<br />

Edit.or of Tiit Cllri6tian, Boeton. Ma..<br />

A book we moet heartily re<strong>com</strong>mend. Cloth,<br />

36 cents; paper, 16 cents. Sold by Esoteric Publishing<br />

Company.<br />

Anglo-Israel ... -.._<br />

<strong>The</strong> Jewish Problem <strong>and</strong> Supplement.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Ten Lost Tribes of Israel Found<br />

<strong>and</strong> Identified: In the Anato-Saxon<br />

Race. Ry Kev.Tho•. Bo•llncBo'WleU,.t..M.<br />

A work devoted to a subject with which we<br />

wieli our readen to be familiar.<br />

CLOTH, $1.00.<br />

"No man can be<strong>com</strong>e wise in the divine acience<br />

by seeking to be<strong>com</strong>e an adept. He must fix hia<br />

mind, llrst of all, wholly on the people's good,<br />

<strong>and</strong> master the law of the uplift of the people.<br />

Aa he be<strong>com</strong>ee identified with the spirit <strong>and</strong> sympathy<br />

of our <strong>com</strong>mon humanity, he riaea to the<br />

threehold of the aecret way ."-From Tlteo-Sopl&ia.<br />

------ --<br />

leotcrlc lphtm~rl•<br />

Foa 18llR Al!ID 1800.<br />

Complete, giving the e:iract poaition of Solar SyB­<br />

&em at noon, Wuhington time; alao the boor, minute<br />

<strong>and</strong> ~nd of the change from one sign to<br />

another.<br />

lnYlllaable to Studeota of Tua FM>TBRIO aa well<br />

aa of Solar Biology, eDAbling them, without the<br />

trouble of <strong>com</strong>putation, to know time of changee.<br />

Price, 10 cents.<br />

THE EPHJt;MERIS, giving the poeitions<br />

of the Moon for 1892-8-4-6-6-7-8-9,<br />

<strong>and</strong> designed for intertion in the "Solar<br />

Biology" tables, can be had by sending<br />

26 eta. to thi11 Office. Single year, 6 eta.<br />

----- --- - ----- - - ----<br />

p~ecUcel ~e,epijg~ic~ . . . •<br />

-roa-<br />

• ~eating end ~elf-Gul~u~e.<br />

Cloth, $1.50, post-paid.<br />

For Sale by<br />

Esoteric Publishing Co.<br />

Applepte, California.<br />

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BY H. E. BUTLER.<br />

llluatrated with Seven Plate Diagrams <strong>and</strong> TablEoe of the Moon<br />

<strong>and</strong> Planets, from 1820 to 1902.<br />

Thia ecience proves that "all are members of One Body (I. Cor. XII. 12-27); <strong>and</strong><br />

that, 118 auch, each one haa hia peculiar function in life. It throwa a 6ood of new<br />

light upon the problems of life, furnishing the groundwork, or scientific law, which<br />

goes down into the minutillj of the life of evf.'lry man <strong>and</strong> woman, as a mirror reflecting<br />

hie or her innate nature. Thie work tells what is in man <strong>and</strong> how derived.<br />

Tel111 how to cultivate self <strong>and</strong> make the most <strong>and</strong> befit of life. Tells one, when a<br />

child is born, what kind of training it should have, to what diBea11eR it is liable,<br />

bow to avoid or bow to cure when already developed. Reveals the part of the gr<strong>and</strong><br />

body to which each individual belongs, <strong>and</strong> the consequent mental tendencies,<br />

physical tltneea, natural sphere, <strong>and</strong> highest <strong>and</strong> fittest use in the world.<br />

It enables parents to know jUBt what bU11iness their children are beet adapted<br />

for, <strong>and</strong> how to educate them, <strong>and</strong> is also a guide in the preservation of health <strong>and</strong><br />

atrength, <strong>and</strong> an important aid to success <strong>and</strong> to the attainment of the great object<br />

in life; viz., UBefulneas <strong>and</strong> happineBB. It alllO aids in prolonging the life of<br />

old <strong>and</strong> young. It ia of special importance to physcians, enabling them to attain<br />

great eucceea through having in their pot111eKBion a certain key to knowledge concerning<br />

the nature <strong>and</strong> peculiarities o~ their patiPnte such as heretofore has been<br />

available only to those few that were of rare intuitive diecernment.<br />

It ill dsimed that character is expreBBed in the countenance, that it shapes the<br />

cranium, <strong>and</strong> ill even written in the h<strong>and</strong> : but Solar Biology introduces the student<br />

into the gr<strong>and</strong> workshop of the Solar System, not only defining character <strong>and</strong> function,<br />

but 11upplying the key to self-knowledge <strong>and</strong> harmonioua human relatedn-.<br />

SOLAR BIOLOGY makes an elegant octavo volume of 500 pages, heavy paper,<br />

clear type, with author's portrait <strong>and</strong> appropriate illuetrations. Bound in superior<br />

cloth, embellished with symbolic designs in gold. No elaborate study or preparation<br />

iii required to enable one to read character <strong>and</strong> otherwise apply the science.<br />

<strong>The</strong> key to the use of the science will be found on page 274, <strong>and</strong> can be fully<br />

mastered in a few minutes. Price $5.00.<br />

- - - ---- --<br />

Published <strong>and</strong> For Sale by<br />

Esoteric Publishing Co.,<br />

Applegate, Calltornla.<br />

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'1'33 ZO:DI.A.C.U. I:N:DIC.A.'l'OB.<br />

Thia instrument is probably<br />

the moat perfect mechanical<br />

device yet constructed<br />

for f i n d i n g the<br />

rising sign, as it gives the<br />

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sign's elevation above the<br />

horizon for any Latitude<br />

between 22• <strong>and</strong> 55 •,which<br />

embraces nearly the whole<br />

civilized world. It will be<br />

a great convenience to astrologerc1;<br />

<strong>and</strong> those who<br />

doubt the influenr.e of the<br />

zodiacal signs, or those who<br />

wi11h to experiment upon<br />

such influence, will flndby<br />

having this Indicator at<br />

h<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> watching the<br />

change of their mental <strong>and</strong><br />

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one is not suftlciently sensitive to feel these changes. but, in most instances, the ob·<br />

server will be quite conscious of them.) <strong>The</strong> Indicator is neatly <strong>and</strong> durably conetructed,<br />

<strong>and</strong>; with proper care, will last for years; Price $1.00.<br />

EsoTERIC Pus. Co., Arr1.EGATE CAL.<br />


TBB delights of an evening spent around a well-lighted reading table are not half understood. An<br />

illustrated magazine with ite wealth of illustratione, ite stories of adventure <strong>and</strong> love, ite deecriptions<br />

of travel which carry you to the remotest ende of the earth, <strong>and</strong> ite instructive articles for<br />

young <strong>and</strong> old-these are the first requisites for your own enjoyment <strong>and</strong> the entertainment <strong>and</strong><br />

proper education of your children.<br />

To secure for you the beet <strong>and</strong> most intereating of the great illustrated magazines at the lowest<br />

possible price has been the aim of the editor of this <strong>journal</strong>. That we have succeeded we leave our<br />

readers to judge. A special contract recently entered into with <strong>The</strong> Connopolitan, which seeks to<br />

be<strong>com</strong>e better known to the readers of TBF. OccCLT ANO BIOLOGICAL JOURNAL, has enabled Us to<br />

offer you a year's subscription to the greatest of the illustrated magazines together with a year'1<br />

subscription to this <strong>journal</strong><br />

Both Toaether One Year for Only $2.30,<br />

One other opportunity we offer you. You wish to keep in touch with metropolitan life, through<br />

the medium of a great daily. <strong>The</strong> Thrice-a-Week World of New York is the equivalent of a daily<br />

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1ilt to eight pages of eight columns each or over eight thoua<strong>and</strong> columne of reading matter a year.<br />

In former daye this would have cost you probably as much as $6.00 a year, by itself. Now you can<br />

have it, if you wish, in connection with THE O




BY H. E. BUTLER.<br />

Thie work teacheR the mot1t vital principles of Christian Life <strong>and</strong> Doctrine, <strong>and</strong> is especially<br />

designed for th084l who are ready to con11eerate their livt'S to to the highest spiritual attainments.<br />


bec11u11e to live in the world <strong>and</strong> not be of the world, bnt of the 8pirit of (ffid, is a narrow way<br />

indeed: as J eanR said,<br />


}o'or those who will follow the ingtructiolll! in this book, there is a realm of spiritnal conscious-<br />

11411111 <strong>and</strong> power that ha.i been known only to the prophets an

Lessons by Correspondence in<br />

<strong>Occult</strong> Science <strong>and</strong> Solar Biology.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se les110ns will enable one to underst<strong>and</strong> the LA WM OF LIFE, HRALTR <strong>and</strong><br />

HAPPINJI!.~. <strong>The</strong>y give an exact method of delineating character, showing the<br />

MENTAL, PHYSIC.AL <strong>and</strong> Busurn .. ~ qualificat.ions, <strong>and</strong> CONJUGAL ADAPTABILITY;<br />

also, the CAUSE <strong>and</strong> CURR of DIMF:ARK.<br />

Full written Delineation of Characte1· wit!l atlvire, $2.00.<br />

For particulars, addre1111<br />

M. W. Drury or Mary Wheeler,<br />

5 Mt. Pleasant Place, Boston, Mass.<br />


lat. Qoeetioua on one eobject, such M BusineM, Money, Property, Reruovale. Traveling, Courtship,<br />

Muriage, Dieease, Stocks <strong>and</strong> Sharee, Anuuities, Life lneurance, ete. . . . . 40 oenta.<br />

Time of birth not Mbeolutely neceeaary for qu•tione nnder No. I.<br />

For calculatiug_qu•tione on 3 subjects, (date <strong>and</strong> time of bitth·-if !mown-required). 66 oenta.<br />

2d. Birthday Figure, showing the important eventa in the ourrent year of life. . . 66 centa.<br />

3d. Rectifying or finding the exact time of Birth from given data. such aa date of marriage, or<br />

death of a parent, or aome other event in life. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 cent.I.<br />

4th. Nativity of Birth written out, giving a delineation of character, alao a general foreoMt of<br />



Volume I.<br />

Shou Id be Read by Every Esoteric Student.<br />

This book contains all the essential matt.er originally published in volume' r<br />

<strong>and</strong> n. of <strong>The</strong> Elsot.eric Magazine.<br />



Is in iteelf a <strong>com</strong>plet.e occult library. <strong>The</strong> lawe explained therein will, if conscientiously<br />

followed, lead the student to the highest goal of his desires. Price,<br />

cloth, $2.00.<br />

Volume II.<br />

Companion to volume I.<br />

It contains all the essential matt.er found in volume m, <strong>and</strong> IV, of <strong>The</strong> Elsoteric<br />

Magazine.<br />


by Mr. Butler,<br />

Which run through <strong>The</strong> Esoteric to <strong>and</strong> including volume JX~ begin in this volume.<br />

<strong>The</strong> reviews in this book cover the essential points in the first fourteen chapt.ers<br />

of Genesis, <strong>and</strong> bring out many new <strong>and</strong> int.eresting as well as instructive points<br />

hitherto unnoticed. Price, cloth, $2.00. -<br />

HARMONY.<br />

:X:>!":JI!"<br />



c. L. AJID M. E. CJlAMBB, RDJTO!!a AlfD PuBLlllll&Ba.<br />

$1.00 A YEAR. FOREIGN SUBSCRIPTION, $1.26.<br />

Send all remittancee to<br />


3360 Seventeenth Street, San Francisco, Cal.<br />

Send /ltamp1 fqr 1ampk C!J·<br />

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A Monthly Ml\gnzine devoted to the 11tudy of the New Thought, the Philosophy of<br />

Health <strong>and</strong> the Science of Life. Subscription; $1.011 per year, single cupies. 10 cent.a.<br />

SP~:CIAL OFFER--We will senrl a copy each of Sexual Law <strong>and</strong> the Philo8-0phy of Perfect Health,<br />

<strong>and</strong> Busin888 Succes~ Through :'dental Attraction with the f'ree Man three month~ to new 8Ubscribera<br />

only, for 26 cents silver or postal money order, or 30 I-cent stamps.<br />

Address Chas. W. Close, Publisher, 124 Birch St., O. B. J, Bangor, Maine.<br />

Uf'r)y I am a Ve~etariaf).<br />

BY J. Howard Moore, A. B.<br />

A 48-page book, now in its third edition.<br />

Printed on heet book p1tper. hae a<br />

fancy green cover <strong>and</strong> ia fa11tened with<br />

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Mind C11re ...<br />

<strong>The</strong> Greatest Healing Power on Earth.<br />

Lay your prejudice aside long enough<br />

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point.a In the llrat fourteen Chapterd of Genei

-Wlldom of Adepta-laterutionat SUllday School Leuoaa-Kental Healing, Kuadaae u4 CeJM..<br />

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Thoee who wiah the higbeat aucceea la life, can llnd in them ht which will gift 'ri&or of body,<br />

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10nal magnetilm that will enable the poeaesaor not only to make frleDdl, Im to be<strong>com</strong>e a leeder<br />

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A booklet of 42 pqee.<br />

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It hae been earefully <strong>com</strong>piled for women who are atririDc to pin tne IOUl pow... '1\e nlel<br />

laid down are of nch a character u to be readily understood; are clothed bl lhllple Ucup, tne<br />

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tllat the methods reeommended are not experiment.a, but Ula Nllllt of mucla thoupt u4 actaal<br />

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<strong>The</strong> aim of <strong>The</strong> <strong>Occult</strong> <strong>and</strong> Biological Journal is two-fold: first, it endeavon to unveil<br />

to the atudent tlie myateriee of the higher troths for which the W eetern mind<br />

Sa now seeking in the mysticism of the past <strong>and</strong> in Oriental religions; ahoWB the cor•<br />

relation of the doctrines of the Orient <strong>and</strong> thoee of the Christian religion, <strong>and</strong> uaee<br />

the wisdom of the past to throw new light on Biblic.al text; <strong>and</strong>, aecondly, to thoee<br />

whose desire is individual unfoldment, it gives a special coune of inatructiona; presents<br />

methods for increasing the amount of life in the organism, for it.a conservation<br />

<strong>and</strong> control, thua insuring the magnetic power so nece88&l'J' to aueceaa in all directions.<br />

It atudiea the biology of the universe. Investigates the laws of life, tracing<br />

the course of ita unfoldment from its origin until it reaches the perfection of the<br />

human organism. Calls attention to its uses <strong>and</strong> abuses. Jta presentation of the<br />

esoteric sciences is concise <strong>and</strong> clear, always emphasizing their practical value.<br />

Althongh it would seem that the number of new-thought publications now before<br />

the people must certainly be greater than the dem<strong>and</strong>, yet we feel that no apology is<br />

necess:uy in offering the public a <strong>journal</strong> which we believe possesses exceptional<br />

facilities for prc~entin~ lines of thought heretofore neglected, <strong>and</strong> which the people<br />

now dem<strong>and</strong> for practical nse.<br />

Tus E.~OTsmc Pt'llLl~BlNO Co.MrANY is au incorporatl'd hndy. It i~euee ~t•wk nt $10 per share,<br />

the money rPc~i v"d therefrom, Ill! well •~• fro:u •ubsctiptio11, lieiug used wholly in the advanceruent<br />

of the l'Rusu it "'P•v•cnrs; thnt i•, it i• us

THE<br />


VOL.I. - ~- No. 8.<br />

APRIL 19 to MA y 20, 1901.<br />


Publio t.eaching has its use. In all paat time it haa been<br />

neoeeaary that teachen arise for every new truth, <strong>and</strong> yet it<br />

has been well undentood that these teachings were, as Buddha<br />

said, not of something the people did not know, but of the<br />

things they did know. But how did they know them ?-they<br />

were new thoughts that had just oome t.«> the world, <strong>and</strong> yet<br />

the teaohere oould tea.oh the people only the things they already<br />

knew. Thia aeema paradoxical, but we must remember that,<br />

in relation oo all aubjeota of vital importance, aurfaoe thought<br />

will not answer such questions; we moat look deeper <strong>and</strong> take<br />

a more general view of the world, of the light upon it; of mind<br />

<strong>and</strong> its source.<br />

<strong>The</strong> thought utt.ered by Swedenborg yeare ago is now rap.<br />

idly ooming inoo realization as a fact; namely, that the whole<br />

of humanity is one body; that all life is one life; that all spirit<br />

is one spirit, with mnltifarioua manifestation. And as the<br />

11pirit is the cause <strong>and</strong> all flesh bot the manifestation, it follows<br />

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that all things originated in spirit. We read in the A poatles'<br />

writings that Uod ia Spirit, <strong>and</strong> we know the whole onivene<br />

to be merely mind organs of one infinite spirit. Now, in the<br />

movement of these mind organs, the heavenly bodies, there are<br />

being oontinaally formed, upon the dUferent worlds, thooghlia<br />

whioh 6nd expreuion in life, living organisms; <strong>and</strong> u the order<br />

of the onivene is progression, the prooeaa of that formation<br />

ia a aeries of ideas, is the Logos of the Infinite, a diaooune<br />

upon life, growth, unfoldment <strong>and</strong> the manifestation of Deity.<br />

Thia wondrous disooone is none other than the spiritual teachings<br />

that <strong>com</strong>e to the world's moat highly developed souls, who<br />

are able to oatoh the whispers of that Eternal Mind, embody<br />

the idea in their own life, whioh inspires <strong>and</strong> imbues them<br />

with the will to speak the words of truth <strong>and</strong> righteousness.<br />

Bot when they speak them, the souls that are next below them<br />

in the order of unfoldment have already oaoght the whisperings<br />

of the same ideas, <strong>and</strong> in their hearts, soul-life, they know<br />

the truths already, but past experiences <strong>and</strong> their aaaooiat.es<br />

upon the lower plane contradict these truths, <strong>and</strong> therefore<br />

they are uncertain concerning them; that is, the external mind<br />

is uncertain as to whether they are the imaginings of the mind<br />

or whether they are the verities of the oa111e world.<br />

Again, many of these people are so thoroughly absorbed<br />

with the things of material existence that they have no time to<br />

give to thinking out <strong>and</strong> putting in order the great truths that<br />

have oome to them, or they have not the ability to do so; therefore<br />

it be<strong>com</strong>es neoessary that teachers go forth <strong>and</strong> plaoe these<br />

truths in order before the minds of the people. And when<br />

the very truths whioh have flitted across their inner oonsciouane88<br />

<strong>and</strong> have made an impression upon the soul's existence,<br />

are presented to the publio, expressed to them in their own<br />

language, we hear them s1Ly, .. Yea, I know that is true. I<br />

knew that before;" that is to say, they have the two witneaaea<br />

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of which Jesus spoke when he said, "In the mouth of two or<br />

three witnesses every word may be established." Under such<br />

circumstances, they have the witneBB of their own soul's consciousness<br />

<strong>and</strong> that of the teacher. John, in Revelation, refers<br />

to bearing witness of the truth, '<strong>and</strong> the teachers are there called<br />

witnesses to give testimony. No man or woman has a monopoly<br />

of the truth; if it were so, it would be of no use to its possessor,<br />

for he could not impart it,-unleBB the interior self has<br />

been prepared for its acceptance, no one can receive a new<br />

idea.<br />

But how do these spiritual teachings reach the body of humanity?<br />

What is their general course?-are questions that have<br />

been asked. Does each one receive the truth for himaelf di.<br />

rectly from the fountain-head? He certainly does not, for<br />

everything has its order. It is well known to those who have<br />

carefully investigated spiritual or psychic phenomena, that all<br />

manifestation to the physical senses of spiritual powers or<br />

thoughts must have a medium, an individoal who st<strong>and</strong>s immediately<br />

between the spiritual world <strong>and</strong> the material world,<br />

having in himself a spiritual consciousness, <strong>and</strong> the ability to<br />

pot in form the thoughts <strong>and</strong> powers received by him for manifestation,<br />

to olothe them with the elements, we might say with<br />

the magnetism, of the physical body, by means of which they<br />

are able to lay bold upon <strong>and</strong> affect the sensation of other individuals.<br />

Because of this it has been necessary that there<br />

should be a first one to receive great truths that <strong>com</strong>e to the<br />

world. He or she receives the truth, <strong>and</strong> the thoughts take<br />

form in his or her physical consciousness. <strong>The</strong>n, as the body<br />

of humanity is one <strong>and</strong> what affects one member affects all,<br />

the one who first receives the truth is made an instrument,<br />

even before it has been publicly expressed, to vibrat.e it<br />

through the entire mental world.<br />

Those who have been recipients of new <strong>and</strong> important truth<br />

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know that, when it dawns upon their consciousness, <strong>and</strong> the<br />

clear perception of the revelation, which it seems to be, bu<br />

been fully received, it thrills the whole being with an eostuy<br />

of delight which vibrates through the entire organism. Now,<br />

why does it thua thrill the being? Sensation is life in motion;<br />

unLiea the life ia aet in motion there can be no aena&tion. A.a<br />

this life movement ooours in the cue of one indiridnal, it is<br />

telegraphed throughout the entire body of humanity <strong>and</strong> from<br />

diem down to every atom of earth's material. Not alone are<br />

they receptive who st<strong>and</strong> nearest in development to the one<br />

who flnt feels the impulae, but thoee in ment.al touch with that<br />

one will get the shook like that of an eleotric current; <strong>and</strong>, ia<br />

plaoe of aooepting the new thought, they usually be<strong>com</strong>e antagonistic<br />

to the one through whom it <strong>com</strong>es to the world; beoome,<br />

80 to speak, his worst enemies.<br />

We remember when, aome years ago, a certain body of Adventista<br />

were gathered on their camping ground, expecting the<br />

Lord Je1u-the one hundred <strong>and</strong> fifty pounds of flesh, more<br />

or leea, who was here two thous<strong>and</strong> years ago-to <strong>com</strong>e down<br />

ont of heaven <strong>and</strong> to take them, that little body, up to him,<br />

leaving the rest of the world to be burned np. <strong>The</strong>y were e&l'll·<br />

est, sinoere, <strong>and</strong> moet devout. Aft.er they had wait.ed until long<br />

aft.er the time when, aooording to their int.erpretation, the<br />

Biblical prophecies had said theee things would ooour, they<br />

went to their reepeotive bom• very much disappointed. Some<br />

time after this they held another meeting for the put'}>088 of<br />

asking the Lord why they were disappoint.ed. Two young men<br />

who had received the new truths that are now permeating the<br />

world, were impreued by the Spirit to go to the meeting arid<br />

give the truth to that people relative to the <strong>com</strong>ing of Christ<br />

for whom they were looking. Before they arrived on the<br />

grounds, however, the knowledge reached the leader that two,<br />

whom they were pleased to call Cnrryit.es, were <strong>com</strong>ing, <strong>and</strong> he<br />

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immediately instructed hia people t.o have nothing t.o say to theae<br />

men, hoping that they would thua be forced t.o leave the grounds.<br />

When the young men arrived, they at once, in the inner oon-<br />

1Ciouaneu, realized the situation, but they felt the call of the<br />

Spirit, <strong>and</strong> when they found they could a peak t.o no one, they<br />

went int.o the woods, eat down <strong>and</strong> <strong>com</strong>mitt.ed their lives int.o<br />

the h<strong>and</strong>s of the Spirit, knowing that they had no other help,<br />

no other power at <strong>com</strong>m<strong>and</strong>. When their interior aelvea were<br />

eurrendered t.o the mind of the Spirit, the word came t.o them,<br />

"Go back int.o the camp; I have given it int.o your h<strong>and</strong>s."<br />

<strong>The</strong>y returned <strong>and</strong> found a great change in the mental state of<br />

the people, who were now ready t.o speak to them, though very<br />

oautioualy. <strong>The</strong>y attended the meetings, took back aeate <strong>and</strong><br />

made no effort, either mental or otherwise, to ioftuenoe or affect<br />

the people in any way. In the meantime the most devout<br />

of the people were earnestly praying to know the came of<br />

the Lord's delay,<strong>and</strong> why they had been disappointed; <strong>and</strong><br />

when the time came for these pious souls to rise <strong>and</strong> speak, they<br />

would express the very thoughts with which the two young<br />

men were sent to them; ao that the silent presence of these two<br />

enabled them to be<strong>com</strong>e a medium through which the mind<br />

current from the cause aide could ftow, be clothed upon by<br />

magnetic life, <strong>and</strong> thua act upon the seme oonaoiousneea of the<br />

whole audience there gathered.<br />

So remarkable was thia manifestation, that, on the d11.y the<br />

young men arrived, the leader of the oamp, materialistic as he<br />

was, preached a sermon on psychology, one hour <strong>and</strong> a half long,<br />

<strong>and</strong> for the three auooeeding days during which they remained,<br />

the leader could talk of nothing but the psychic inftuenoe these<br />

young men were wielding over hie people, warning them against<br />

it; <strong>and</strong> yet, although the young men made no attempt to speak<br />

during the meetings, the people as soon aa they were dismiued,<br />

would gather around them, asking questions. This was a physical<br />

demonstration of what we are trying to express; namely,<br />

that he who ia aufticiently unfolded to receive the thought, the<br />

Logos, the disconrae of the God of the nnivel'98, beoomes, so to<br />

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apeak, a telegraphic inatrument, or a mind organ in the brain<br />

of tbe human family, to pot into form the spirit thought, <strong>and</strong> to<br />

impregnate the inner conscioumess of the race.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se advanced troths have been <strong>com</strong>ing to the world since<br />

1870,-not bot what divine troths have been <strong>com</strong>municated to<br />

the mind of the raoe at all times, but we now refer to the ultimate<br />

truths that are influencing the minds of the people at the<br />

present time; <strong>and</strong> did we not kndW the law, we should say,<br />

as we pick op each new magazine <strong>and</strong> book on advanced<br />

thought <strong>and</strong> read therein the thoughts we expressed many years<br />

ago, that the editors <strong>and</strong> authors were students of our thought;<br />

but not necessarily so,-they may have received their thoughts<br />

directly from the invisible <strong>and</strong> unknown source. <strong>The</strong>refore,<br />

they are their thoughts, even though they may have been received<br />

through the advanced soul through whose organism the<br />

thonghlil had been formed <strong>and</strong> sent into the world.<br />

Consequently, no one shonld feel, as inspirations take form in<br />

his mind <strong>and</strong> thoughts <strong>com</strong>e that thrill his organism <strong>and</strong> create<br />

ecstasy of mind, that the thoughts are being lost, for even though<br />

he is not able to voice them to the public, or to print <strong>and</strong> give<br />

them to the world, yet the work is being ac<strong>com</strong>plished <strong>and</strong> the<br />

world is receiving the thoughts, for they are, like the Spirit, immortal,<br />

<strong>and</strong> cannot die; <strong>and</strong>, like the Spirit, they cannot be rejected.<br />

<strong>The</strong>ir acceptance may <strong>and</strong> will oo postponed until the peo·<br />

pie are ready to receive them. When thoughts <strong>com</strong>e to you from<br />

the Spirit, know this,-if you will think them <strong>and</strong> pot them on<br />

paper, the work will be done, the world will receive them, even<br />

though you burn the paper afterwards. If you are called by<br />

the Spirit to publish the thoughts, well; you will thereby beoome<br />

a witness. vr e have long since learned to be anxious for<br />

nothing. <strong>The</strong> work, from the fountains of life from which we<br />

live, is moving on, <strong>and</strong> no man or number of men can turn it<br />

back or binder it.<br />

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<strong>The</strong> life of the Universe, when studied under the searching<br />

analysis of <strong>Occult</strong> Science, is resolved into a simple binoruial<br />

equation; that is, into two reciprocal <strong>and</strong> equal primary principles,-the<br />

positive <strong>and</strong> negative polar principles which form<br />

the buis of all life <strong>and</strong> order in the Cosmos. In action theee<br />

principles balance exactly; in scope <strong>and</strong> utilitarian value as<br />

creative adjuncts, they are upon a lit.era! parity, <strong>and</strong> their<br />

junction in the Macrocosm at large, produces that fundamental<br />

at.ability upon which the whole ooamographic economy rests.<br />

To be technically explicit, principles are law11 in the abstract,<br />

that ia, in the integral; in other words, laws are tributary ramifications<br />

of principles. <strong>Occult</strong> Science teaches that polar principles<br />

ditferentiat.e into laws of specific calibre to sustain specific<br />

departments of Creation; hence polar principles are generic<br />

to the Universe as a whole, while polar laws are specific<br />

to the specific parts.<br />

But just here an intrioat8 distinction must be made by those<br />

who desire to be ethically accurat.e in their underst<strong>and</strong>ing of<br />

the <strong>Occult</strong> Logos, <strong>and</strong> to adhere to the lit.era! aignifiuance of<br />

t.erma. According to the Mast.era of Wisdom, polar principlea<br />

are not polar fluids per ae, but the mode of action of theee<br />

fluids in the foundation work of the Cosmos u an integrated<br />

whole. Thna, in succinct language, the equilibrium produoed<br />

by the reciprocity of the positive <strong>and</strong> negative principles-i. e.,<br />

vibrations-forms the vibratory bed-rook of the Univerae,­<br />

those oomplemental primordial vibrations, which, by their immutability,<br />

maintain immobility in the ether at large, <strong>and</strong><br />

llt'cure its intrinsic integl'ity by insuring to it an adequat.e <strong>and</strong><br />

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298 THli: BIOLOOICAJ, .ToURNAL.<br />

uniform polar flux. Without this stability in the fundamental<br />

polar flux, ether would degenerate as atmospheric air degenerates,<br />

the emorescence of organic emuvia from the myriad orbs<br />

coursing through it would soon contaminate it.<br />

Hence, not the ooemio ether, but the pristine vibration which<br />

perpetually pristines it, is immobile-but immobile only pending<br />

the duration of the Cosmos, for whose foundation it was<br />

specificalJy designed by the Creative Deities.<br />

Polar laws, by the same reasoning, are tributary modes of<br />

vibration, modes incidental to the various departments of the<br />

Sidereal mechanism in whieh they operate, <strong>and</strong> whose duration<br />

is correspondingly determined by the duration of the<br />

Sidereal orbs. But these laws reduce neither the scope nor the<br />

<strong>com</strong>pass of polar principles; their specific action subtracts nothing<br />

from the volume of polar fluitts that Prescient Wisdom has<br />

prescribed for basic stability; their vibrations being minor <strong>and</strong><br />

collateral, rest upon the basic vibration for support as the superstructure<br />

of a building rests upon its found·,tion walls, but<br />

derive specific power from a floating surplus of polar Ouida, an<br />

inexhaustible interastral reserve which floods the cosmical<br />

spaces continually, from fluidic reservoirs exterior to the cosmographic<br />

arena.<br />

In addition to this broadcast reserve-volume, the fluids gravitate<br />

into vast seas in orbital territories. <strong>The</strong>se seas lie immediately<br />

in the orbits of the orbs, <strong>and</strong> at regular intervals the<br />

orbs p888 through them-in the case of the Earth, this occurs<br />

once every winter, when the planet is specifically recharged for<br />

the ensuing prolific seasons. Moreover, the momentum of the<br />

orbs draws suctionally upon the broadcast volume which follows<br />

in their trend, just as foam follows in the wake of a ship,<br />

while their rotatory motion creates maelstrom.like eddies about<br />

the atmospheric poles, into which the potential fluids are incessantly<br />

drawn, virilizing both the orbs <strong>and</strong> their atmospheres.<br />

Do these flnidic vortices create disturbanoe in the atmospheres<br />

of the orbs? <strong>The</strong>y do, but only in their upper strata,<br />

because the fluids are too subliminal to precipitate in volmne<br />

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Quon ERAT DEllONSTRANDUK. 299<br />

unleu stringent dem<strong>and</strong>s are made upon them, u, for instanoe,<br />

in the electric storms incidental to our summers; at all times,<br />

however, there is a steady diffusion downward to virilize the<br />

Jife of the planet. lo these upper strata, above the area of humidities,<br />

where the air mergea imperceptibly into ooamioal<br />

ether, any preponderance of polar fluids culminates in electric<br />

rain; showers of electric sparb are as frequent at these high<br />

aJtitudes u are showers of raindrops here, while winds <strong>and</strong><br />

breezes create a sparkle in the air similar to the phoephoreacence<br />

sometimes seen in ocean surf.<br />

It may be asked, If the virile fluid abounds moet at the pol•,<br />

why are the polar regions frigid <strong>and</strong> sterile? Because the polee<br />

are respectively positive <strong>and</strong> negative <strong>and</strong> absorb respectively<br />

positive <strong>and</strong> negative streams of the virile element, ancl<br />

1inoe tbeae fluids are thermaJ <strong>and</strong> proli6c only in fusion, the<br />

polar regions are frigid <strong>and</strong> sterile beoauae they lack oompt.<br />

mental fusion; at the equator the fuaion of the oomplemental<br />

streams ia <strong>com</strong>plete <strong>and</strong> the globe essentially luxuriant; the<br />

same is relatively true of intermediate latitudes, entirely distinct<br />

from the scale of temperatures produced by the sun.<br />

Any fluctuation in the volume of theee polar supplies, beyond<br />

that mathematically predetermined by Prescient Wisdom as the<br />

gauge of the planets productiveness, would produce aoorresponding<br />

fluctuation in its orbital movement <strong>and</strong> engender erraticity<br />

in its pace. causing it to roll <strong>and</strong> plunge u a laboring ahip rolls<br />

<strong>and</strong> plunges in a storm-not because of any turbulenoe such 8.uotuation<br />

would create in the path of the planet, but beoaaae of.<br />

-.acillation in the motive power-that is, in the dynamic impaota<br />

of polar energy which govern i'8 advance; for, just u<br />

two streams of water or two currents of air rushing violently<br />

together from opposite directions. will cause a ball lying M<br />

their point of junction to leap upward, so these polar streams<br />

striking the planet dynamically from opposite directions, oause<br />

it to leap forward, <strong>and</strong> their incessant impacts sustain ita<br />

momentum.<br />

Paul AveneL<br />

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(VIII.)<br />

lo the two preceding al'tiolea of this aeries we brought to the<br />

attention of the 1tudeot.'tbe neoeaaity of the oooHrvation of<br />

the aeed aa ·a·meau of developing <strong>and</strong> 1trengthening the body<br />

<strong>and</strong> mind, <strong>and</strong> endeavored to give some idea of the mental oonditioo<br />

requisite for obt.aining the desired result.. In the etfol't<br />

to impreaa these trutha upon the public mind, we meet with a<br />

few advenariea who might be oalled learned individual.a, <strong>and</strong><br />

are ao eat.eemed. but who, in reality, know nothing but that<br />

which pertaiu to the particulal' line or rut in which they haTe<br />

ran through life, notwitbst.<strong>and</strong>ing the fact that they pl'et.eod to<br />

know almoet anything you ask them. <strong>The</strong>se people will t.ell you<br />

that the seed, when once gathered in the body, must be thrown<br />

otf or it will produce diseased et.ates aud all kinds of imagin&"Y<br />

oonditioDS. We had thought that thie clau of men had been<br />

so put to ehame by the light that bu <strong>com</strong>e to the wol'ld on<br />

this subject during the paet ftft.een yeare, that their objections<br />

had been eilenced along theee linee. But a Jett.er ju1t received<br />

from " etudent of the Eaoterio thought reveal• the fact that<br />

there are yet among U8 thoee who cloee their eyee to everything<br />

but that which aervea their immediate desires. <strong>The</strong> following<br />

extract ie from thie letter: "In regard to the seminal fluid be.<br />

ing able to be absorbed into the system aft.er onoe being tn&n·<br />

ufactured-ia thie a theory <strong>and</strong> only a belief of yo11re, or do<br />

you have abaolut.e knowledge that thie is ponible? <strong>The</strong>re are<br />

many who maintain tb"t it is not ponible. T. V. Gifford, M. D.,<br />

Kokomo, Ind., thought he proved to me oonclueiTely that, if it<br />

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I<br />

'<br />

r<br />

did not eecape by unconacious emiuion, nature would be oompelled<br />

to eliminate it from the vesicles by burning it out with<br />

fever or by other diseased processee. Dr. Shelton says that,<br />

aft.er once having been manufactured, itoannotagain enter into<br />

the circnlation or in any wise be used for the body. When Mrs.<br />

Helen Wilmans said there would be neither marrying nor<br />

giving in marriage, she thought we would then be evolved to so<br />

high a plane in nature, that the energies of the body would no<br />

more be wasted in the manufacture of this product. <strong>The</strong>re are<br />

many eminent scientists who take this position."<br />

We reply to the question raised by our oorrespondent by<br />

saying that, even if our teachings ha.cl been the first advent<br />

into the world of this idea of the oonservation of the aeed,<br />

which it is not by thollB&Dda of years, our own experience in<br />

teaching this thought for the past fifteen years is positive proof<br />

of the correctness of the theory. <strong>The</strong>re oan be found many<br />

hundreds, if not thous<strong>and</strong>s, of people in America who are oonaerving<br />

<strong>and</strong> transmuting the seed as it is generated in the body,<br />

<strong>and</strong> who are gaining the desired results. If we needed testimonials<br />

on this subject, it would be very easy to obtain them,<br />

bot we do not feel that they are neoeaaary. Those who will<br />

take the trouble to read the history of attainment of occult <strong>and</strong><br />

other powers by the ancienta, will not only find evidences that<br />

the conservation of the seed was practiced by the Egyptians,<br />

but that the beginning of the practice even antedates history<br />

<strong>and</strong> is lost in the dim past. <strong>The</strong>re are evidences that the patriarchs,<br />

during the earliest period of Biblical history, lived that<br />

life, conserving all the seed generated in the body until they<br />

desired to marry <strong>and</strong> produce offspring. We read in connection<br />

with the genealogy of these men of the earliest hist.orical timee,<br />

that it was an ordinary thing for a man to live a hundred<br />

years before he began to rear a family. We are told that M•<br />

thuaelah lived one hundred <strong>and</strong> eighty yean before he begat<br />

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hie ftnt offapring. Hiat.ory cloee not poeitively Ul8l't tbat tbeJ<br />

did oouerve the aeed during all that time, but it ie a nry<br />

strong inference.<br />

All members of mystic orders in the early days of Egypt'1<br />

glory, <strong>and</strong> in the time of Buddha (when I eay"mystio orden"<br />

I men thoee worthy of the name mystic; there were magics<br />

workere who Jived the most hue <strong>and</strong> eeneuooa lives), who M­<br />

&ained real powers, attained them through the oonaerva&ioa<br />

of the seed. We quote the following from <strong>The</strong> GOlpel of<br />

Buddha:-<br />

" <strong>The</strong> bhikehu came to the Bleeeed One <strong>and</strong> asked him:<br />

'() Tathagata, our Lord <strong>and</strong> Muter, what oonduct toward<br />

woman do you prescribe for the ehramanu who have left the<br />

world?'<br />

And the Bleued One said:<br />

'Guard agaimt looking on a woman.<br />

If yon see a woman, let it be u though you saw her not.<br />

<strong>and</strong> have uo conversation with her.<br />

If, after all, you must speak with her, let it be with a pare<br />

heart, <strong>and</strong> think to yonnelf, 0 1 u a ahramana will live in this<br />

sinful world u the spotless leaf of the lotus, UD80iled by $be<br />

mud in whiob it grows."<br />

If the woman be old, regard her ae your mother, if young,<br />

u your aiater, if very young, ae your ohild.<br />

<strong>The</strong> ehramana who look& at a woman ae a woman, or touchee<br />

her ae a woman bu broken hie TOW <strong>and</strong> ii no longer a diaciple<br />

of the Shakyamnni.<br />

<strong>The</strong> power of lust ia great with men, <strong>and</strong> ia to be feared<br />

withal; take then the bow of earnest perseverance, <strong>and</strong> the<br />

aharp arrow-points of wisdom.<br />

Cover your head with the helmet of right thought, <strong>and</strong> fight<br />

with fixed resolve againat the ftve deairea.<br />

Luat beclouds a man'• heart, when it ia confneed with<br />

woman's beauty, <strong>and</strong> the mind ie dazed.<br />

Better far with red-hot irons bore ont both your eyee, thaa<br />

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NEW P.KACTICAL Mi:THOI>8. 808<br />

,,/ 1<br />

encourage io yourselves sensual thoughts, or look upon a wo·<br />

man's form with loatful desires.<br />

Better fall into the 6eroe tiger's mouth, or under the sharp<br />

knife of the executioner, than to dwell with a woman <strong>and</strong> excite<br />

in yourself lustful thought.a.<br />

A woman of the world is anxious to exhibit her form <strong>and</strong><br />

shape. whether walking, st<strong>and</strong>ing, sitting, or Aleeping.<br />

Even<br />

when represented as a picture, she desires to captivate with<br />

the charms of her beauty, <strong>and</strong> thlll to rob men of their steadfast<br />

heartI<br />

How then ought you to guard yourselv•?<br />

By regarding her tears <strong>and</strong> smiles as enemiee, her stooping<br />

form, her banging arms, <strong>and</strong> all her disentangled hair u toU.<br />

designed to entrap man's heart.<br />

<strong>The</strong>refore, I aay, restrain the heart, give it no unbridled<br />

license."'<br />

Some may argue that what baa been aaid does not take hold<br />

of the real point •r all, but those who wish to know more<br />

concerning the practice of the followers of Buddha, can investigate<br />

the teachings of the Swamis who are now lecturing here<br />

in America, <strong>and</strong> . they will find that their inatructiona are iden-<br />

. tical with ours in thia particular. <strong>The</strong> Swamis will also inform<br />

you that their sacred books enjoin the oonaervation of the aeecl<br />

upon all neophytes. <strong>The</strong>se teachings were not only held <strong>and</strong> carried<br />

out by the myatica <strong>and</strong> Orientala, but at the beginning of the<br />

Christian era, the mini1ters of the Goepel were auppoeed to live<br />

a strictly oontinent life <strong>and</strong> to oonaerTe all the aeecl generated in<br />

the body for the use of the mind <strong>and</strong> body. Chri.at taught this.<br />

<strong>and</strong> the early fathers lived <strong>and</strong> preached it, bu• the Protesut<br />

ministers have left thia important feature out of their doctrine.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Catholio priest.a still hold to it, however, <strong>and</strong> I have been informed<br />

by men who had studied for the ministry in the Catholio<br />

ohurch <strong>and</strong> failed, that they failed simply because they were<br />

unable, within the limit of time they had for trial, to OTelOOIU<br />

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304 Ta& Bt0LOGICA.L JOURNAL.<br />

the waste of the seed, <strong>and</strong> for that reason <strong>and</strong> that alone, they<br />

were rejected aa prieats.<br />

Here we have an array of evidence, or at least suggestion•<br />

by which you may obtain an array of evidence, beginning<br />

with the history of mankind <strong>and</strong> continuing down to the present<br />

time, showing the stability of the position we have taken<br />

during the lut fifteen years, <strong>and</strong> proving, in so far as it can<br />

be proved by experience, that it is po~ible, <strong>and</strong> that it is<br />

a law that, if the seed be retaine

---<br />

\,.. c,,- ,. · ·· ···'<br />

~ -·· 'L...r-\ ·1 . .1<br />

'i' y :<br />


In the fll'l4t place, remember that, if your coruiervation is anftloient<br />

to bring about this condition, your aotnal need of sleep<br />

will be reduced to one-half the amount you formerly required.<br />

<strong>The</strong>refore it will be necessary to keep your mind ooonpied,<br />

your body active, until late at night; <strong>and</strong> when you lie down to<br />

sleep, centralize all the power of the brain aml especially of the<br />

inner conecionsness upon maintaining a continued consciousnes<br />

during the sleeping houl'8. Some of yon will be able to M".oom.­<br />

plish this from the start; othel'8 will fail many times; bnt usually<br />

failure in maintaining coneciousness a1_1d in over<strong>com</strong>ing the<br />

intensely sleepy condition, results in a 1088 of the life fl11id;1, for<br />

we are prepared to say that there are invisible Aemi-inteUigent<br />

beings who psychologise the mind <strong>and</strong> throw upon the body<br />

that sleepy state in order to produce losa of life-the lower<br />

order of elementals feed upon the waste life of the race. <strong>The</strong>refore<br />

the evident neoe11sity of over<strong>com</strong>ing this terrible stupor;<br />

<strong>and</strong> each individual must discover for himself the means of<br />

ac<strong>com</strong>plishing the result.<br />

Again, when you lie down at night yon mmt charge yon r mind<br />

to waken as soon as day breaks, or to rise as soon as you awaken<br />

at any time. Upon awakening d1J not wait to think about<br />

anything, but bound out of bed, throw off your night clothes,<br />

wet a woolen cloth in water the temperature of your room, rub<br />

the body with it, taking first the front of the hody down to<br />

the limbs, rubbing it dry <strong>and</strong> warm with a towel before <strong>com</strong>mencing<br />

on the back; then proceed with the back in like manner;<br />

then one limb at a. time, drying each part thoroughly<br />

before wetting anot~er. Now dress yourself, potting your will<br />

into every movement, go out doors, take a rapid walk, inhaling<br />

the morning air fully an1l deeply; reject all abnormal <strong>and</strong> unpleasant<br />

thoughts <strong>and</strong> feelings, turn your attention toward the<br />

fullneas of life, animation, <strong>and</strong> vigor that i11 in all nature around<br />

you. Put your mind upon inhaling <strong>and</strong> filling the body with<br />

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806 Tali: B10LOGICAL JouaNAL.<br />

that energy <strong>and</strong> mind power. Aft.er a few trials of this kind yoa<br />

will flud that you can draw in <strong>and</strong> eo flll your body <strong>and</strong> mind<br />

with energy <strong>and</strong> vitality, that the stupor will have no influence<br />

over you.<br />

I have Jmow:n men who, in order to auooeed at all. found it<br />

neoeaaary to sit up <strong>and</strong> study or think until the stupor became eo<br />

great that they would feel as if they were falling out of their<br />

chair, when they would jump up <strong>and</strong> either go to the stable for a<br />

horae <strong>and</strong> ride rapidly for an hour, or walk or run with vigor <strong>and</strong><br />

energy until that condition wu entirely over<strong>com</strong>e. <strong>The</strong>n they<br />

would return to their room <strong>and</strong> rest. Sometimes it wu nece.<br />

aary to repeat this two or three times during the night. But<br />

if a man goea at this with a will <strong>and</strong> dames out to the extreme<br />

the above experiment, it will not be necessary to continue very<br />

long-two or three night.a will be auflioient to oonquer the condition,<br />

although it may return the next month, but with Iese<br />

power. When this victory is thorough, the antithesis of stupor<br />

will be experienoed,-you will have olearneu of mind, vinoity<br />

of body, <strong>and</strong> an energy neTer before experienoed.<br />

••wi.. we_.._ -wa7,<br />

Let 111 b'lll& ucl ltill obeJ;<br />

Be who bUla 111 fonrud p<br />

~ fall die W&J '° lhow.<br />

'l1lollp die - be deep - ........<br />

'l'boacb • ,.....-<br />

dealAlcl,<br />

Feur.. Jn 111 ldll ,,_..,<br />

a- die Lord __,_ t.o 1-1."<br />

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1· . "· ···:<br />

t D ,-..; l v , : •• ~ r I' y<br />

\.<br />

".du to tA. agel of tJ. a\wcl i11 Pltilad.lplii11 write; TA..<br />

tltiflg• Mitlt le t1tat u ltol1, le tAat u ,,...., le t1tat 1tat1t ,,. a,<br />

of Daoid, le tAat .-..nl """ llO •1111 .Ttllttdlt; """ .TtllttdA,<br />

11u flO aa11 opelldl; 1 ~ tlt1 _.b: 6t.Mlld, 1 law m k-<br />

fan tAH "" OJH11 d-, afld llO - CGfl Miii it: for tAo. 1tae<br />

" littk .m..gtl, ""' !tu bpi ., -d, """ ,._ ... dl'lliMI<br />

•1 u11te. Btltold, I lllill -1. rlca oJ tA. """'°'* of /JG..<br />

t1111. .,,\ic1t NJ tllq are .T-, allll an llOI, 1*t do lie; 6Mold,<br />

I tDill •m tlcia to cou afld _.lltip beforw tlt1 fm, tlltll i.<br />

h°"' tAat I Aave lowd tAee. Btca- tlaoti !tu l:q1t tA. -"<br />

of •1 ~. I aJ.o lllill k«p t"-fro• t1te low of ic.ptatiofl,<br />

10Aid Mall co., wpo11 all tAc -U, to 1rJ tAnl tltat<br />

dftll wpo11 tM eard. Bdold, I - pic}d1: lold fu dal<br />

IOAid t1toli Mut, tlat llO -fl taa tltJ Cl"OIOll.<br />

Bi• tltat owrcouft lllill I .aa 11 pillar i" tu ,.,.Z. of<br />

•1 Q?d; 11fld u •ftall go "° lllOnl owt: 11fld I 10t7l IOritc wpo11<br />

lti• tAe ""., of•I God, 11fld Ile 114., oftAecit1·of •1 God,<br />

10Aid u N"° .T~, 10Aid CO-U d°'°" otlt of UaWll<br />

fr- •1 God: au I IOill mte llJlOll Ai• •1 N- N 11-.<br />

Be tAat lat! 1111 ""'• I.I li• Aetv lllAal 11' Bpiril IGit1<br />

""'° tu eAweA.."<br />

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Violet-a Minor.<br />

<strong>The</strong> aupreme function of life, the problem of eiriat.enoe, oonfront. ua u we tum<br />

to a oonaideration of the sign Taarua, the function of Traumutation,-of "ehantring<br />

aonm" from one nature to another: ''behold, I have aet before thee 1111 open<br />

door, <strong>and</strong> no man can abut it." And we are not Biroply to - that thNBholdnot<br />

to go aorwa, but to c/aange aoroae; it ia trau-•utation into what ia within tha<br />

aacrecl portal which hu been opened to ua by the Chriat, the Holy One who holda<br />

the Key of David, who hu opened that which no man can cloae. Withon• are<br />

auffering <strong>and</strong> death; within, life etema.l <strong>and</strong> joy unencliug. "I am the door: by me<br />

if any man enter in, he ahall be Mved :" truly, our Chriat ia the ~ Sanor, the<br />

Savior of the physical body, <strong>and</strong> phyaical immortality ia to be gained only by entering<br />

in at the Door. He a1ao tells ua that, iuatead of entering by the Door, it ia p09-<br />

aible to climb up "S0111e other way" <strong>and</strong> ao meet denruction iuatead of aabatiou.<br />

Grant ua wiadom, 0 Lord Chriat, that we may not deny thy name, that we be<br />

not found among the ''thievea <strong>and</strong> robbers," among thoae who "•y they are Je...,<br />

<strong>and</strong> are not, but do lie;" eave ua bom tile great tempW.tion ''whioh ahall oome<br />

upon all tha world, to try them that dwell upon the Euth," from the unholy &re.,<br />

which, Hell now, are being kindled among the children of men by the proatitution<br />

of that diTI-t of prillciplea Tranamutation. Try - 0 ChriR, reveal the<br />

hidden thi11p of the heart, that there be 110 remaining link binding ua to any<br />

thing of ..n.h, <strong>and</strong> .,, every tie ha-ring been aevered which liub to form, -<br />

11·ill riae i11to the Form!-, whm1 alone thou oallllt write upon ua thy New<br />

Nam-ven the name of TB:& l'OUB; where alone are to be found the holy fuea<br />

of thy baptiam, whoae fierce buminga will change ua luto thy liken-, will tram-<br />

01ute the corporeal into the 1piritual.<br />

Throughout the Scriptures there mus, u a line of divine fire burning it. way<br />

through all elle, the oonception of the FORMLBllll: "God ia ~pirit: <strong>and</strong> they<br />

that worship him moat worabip him in epirit <strong>and</strong> in truth;" "Thou ahalt<br />

not make unto thee any graven image, or any liken- of anything that ia in<br />

heaven above, or that ia in the earth beneath, or that ia in the water under the<br />

earth.'' <strong>The</strong> misaiun of Je1DB, the Chriat, waa to bring tc. Euth a new principle<br />

of Tranamutation, a higher <strong>and</strong> more potent order of ftre than bad before touched<br />

the planet; <strong>and</strong> only by -ting away from itaelf, stripping it.elf of, everything<br />

of earth, all (every peraon <strong>and</strong> · thing) belonging to the world of form, <strong>and</strong> going<br />

forth alone into the Foru1l-, ia the aoul able to reoeive that 111preme inftatus.<br />

By meane of abiiolute inlulation from all else, it ia to be<strong>com</strong>e one with Truth,<br />

Powf'r, Love, whieh beArs it ever npward. until in the very preaenoe of tbe Throne,<br />

it reooh·ee the New Name, the NllDle of <strong>The</strong> Four, its being ia merged into the<br />

Fonr, "ho, "in the ruidat of the Throne, <strong>and</strong> round about the Throne," "reat not<br />

day <strong>and</strong> night," for the principle of "pure force" hu seized upon the organiam,<br />

011d a fire. fiercer than Earth has known, tranamutee the mat.erial into the apiritaal,<br />

with wonde1 ful rapidity ohauging the phyaical body into a epirit11.al oue; the Four,<br />

the One, have be<strong>com</strong>e a pillar in the Temple of God, <strong>and</strong> will "go no more out."<br />

But as these fires of an unknown potency draw near to Ea.th. so, in like proportion,<br />

there rolls iu an unholy fire of a new <strong>and</strong> terrible power; <strong>and</strong> aa I.he Chriltfires<br />

are to tr:wanmte the physical hody into a atnte ,,f immortality, ao the great<br />

trial referred to in the Charge to TRurus, the unholy flame of aex that la now beinr<br />

e,·erywhere so rapidly kindled, will lie t.he ecourge to deatroy, to oonaume, the<br />

bodiea of men. But the promise ia, 0 thou divine Principle of Chriatly Tran.mu·<br />

tatiou, that th- false onea .Jmll be made to <strong>com</strong>e <strong>and</strong> worahip before thy feet,<br />

<strong>and</strong> to know that Be hu loved thee.<br />

It ia uun--.ry to do more than call attention to the fact that the color Yiolei<br />

ia alwaye aaaociated with the Principle of Tranam11tation, which 'ribnttel to the<br />

by of G millOI'.<br />

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Be!oftd, now are - the - of Goel; ...a it cloda not yet appear what - lhal1<br />

be: but - bow that, when be lhall appear, - aball be like him; for - aball lff<br />

him u be i8. And flYflr! man that hath thia hope In him, purffleth himeelf, e'fft<br />

u he la pure. L John w. 2, 8.<br />

}'int: We are to recognize <strong>and</strong> rejoice in the fact that we<br />

are now the sons of God; that we are endowed potentially with<br />

the deiflc nature <strong>and</strong> the attribot.es of the Father.<br />

Second: Although it is not yet evident what we ahall be, yet<br />

we know, from this nature latent within na, that when He appears<br />

or is made manifest to ua, bis nature will be also mani·<br />

feat in us, <strong>and</strong> we shall be like Him, beoause we ahall see <strong>and</strong><br />

know Him as He is, through the realization of hia nature in<br />

ourselves. NotbiJlg but the"deifto nature within us could aee<br />

<strong>and</strong> know the true nature of God; <strong>and</strong> nothing but the direct<br />

truth <strong>and</strong> vision of God can awaken <strong>and</strong> call forth our latent<br />

deiflo powers to normal activity <strong>and</strong> supremacy. <strong>The</strong> true or<br />

experimental knowledge of God is life eternal.<br />

Third: If we embrace this hope or expectation of seeing the<br />

Father as He is-not aa we have oonoeived Him to be or as He<br />

ha.a been taught to us, but u He will reveal himself nnto nawe<br />

shall turn our whole attention, thought, <strong>and</strong> desire to the<br />

purifying of our minda <strong>and</strong> hearts from every motive, every<br />

consideration, bot the one supreme desire for <strong>and</strong> thought of<br />

this direct vision <strong>and</strong> touch of God.<br />

<strong>The</strong> pore in heart-that is, the undivided in heart-shall<br />

see God. While other thoughts <strong>and</strong> desires oooopy our minds<br />

<strong>and</strong> hearts, our attention cannot be wholly centered upon Him,<br />

<strong>and</strong> until it is thus centered, it is useless to expect the beatific<br />

vision. In order to acquire this control of attention <strong>and</strong> desire,<br />

so that at will we may concentrate our minds on God <strong>and</strong><br />

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... I<br />

I<br />

receive (aa we may do) direct inspiration <strong>and</strong> gnidanoe from<br />

Him, we sbonld have special seasons set apa?t for the daily<br />

practice of divine <strong>com</strong>munion in prayer <strong>and</strong> contemplation,<br />

however short these seasons may be. Surely everyone can<br />

consecrate a few moment.a each day to this snpreme act. One<br />

moment of the coD10iooa t.oucb of the Father, morning <strong>and</strong><br />

evening, is more to the soul <strong>and</strong> will do more for it than all<br />

possible experience in contact with men <strong>and</strong> things.<br />

In these seasons of retirement with God, we must learn to<br />

close the door of sense, shut out the world, call in all w<strong>and</strong>ering<br />

thought&, <strong>and</strong> fix the mind on God. In the performance<br />

of this act. it is of the greatest importance that we lay asiJe<br />

all previously conceived notions of God <strong>and</strong> theories of life,<br />

<strong>and</strong> bring the activities of the personal ego into absolute stillness<br />

before Him, <strong>and</strong> let Him speak his own word to ns as He<br />

then most surely will '"<strong>The</strong> Lord is in his holy temple: let all<br />

the earth keep silence before Him." "Know ye not that ye<br />

are the temple of God, <strong>and</strong> that the Spirit of God dwelleth<br />

in you?" '"Be still. anll know that I am God."<br />

<strong>The</strong> Father is always present, <strong>and</strong> ready to speak <strong>and</strong> reveal<br />

himself to his children, whenever they take tlie Hstening,<br />

watching, or truly desiring attitnde toward Him. All that is<br />

required of ns, therefore, is the childlike spirit of abeolnte<br />

need of, the absolute dependence upon, <strong>and</strong> the absolute trust<br />

in, Him as our heavenly Father.<br />

It is impossible for us to cultivate <strong>and</strong> bold this attitude toward<br />

Him without opening ourselves to <strong>and</strong> receiving a corresponding<br />

revelation of his being <strong>and</strong> love to our sonls.<br />

When withdrawing from the outward to he alone with the Father<br />

in the stillness, we should remember that in his all-en<strong>com</strong>passing<br />

love, He is seeking ns infinitely more than we are seeking<br />

Him, <strong>and</strong> that He only awaits this opening of our hearts<br />

toward Him to reveal himself to <strong>and</strong> in us. Contemplation of<br />

Ood is the eKsenoe of prayer; for in the realization of God, the<br />

sense nature is put aside, <strong>and</strong> the God within, unfettered, takes<br />

what it nee

·-<br />

.,<br />

..<br />

..<br />

..<br />

•<br />

..<br />

..<br />

•<br />

..<br />

"'<br />

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As we journey along life's pathway, there are times, when<br />

weary, sad, <strong>and</strong> lonely, we ask oureelves the question, Why am<br />

I bere?-what is the object of my creation? But aa we consider<br />

the mood which prompt.ed the question, we realize that<br />

never have we asked this question while in the enjoyment of<br />

loving <strong>and</strong> being loved-apparently for the reason that, under<br />

such circumstances, our very condition waa in itself a satiafaotory<br />

answer; <strong>and</strong> we feel safe in &88uming that the question, Is<br />

life worth living? has never involuntarily arisen in the mind of<br />

one while in the enjoyment of a requit.ed love •<br />

It is written that •'God is Love," as if the faculty of loving<br />

<strong>and</strong> being loved were the distinguishing feature of the Dirine<br />

Nature. Reasoning upon this assumption we 1rill try to perceive<br />

the cause for our being •<br />

We know that a loving heart loves spontaneonsly; when the<br />

he&-t · is filled with love, we pick up a little child, a kitten, a<br />

ftower, that we may chance to see, <strong>and</strong> the heart loves it. On<br />

the other h<strong>and</strong>, we perceive that we love that which gives us<br />

pleasure. For instance, an artist paint.a a picture, because he<br />

desires to see an ideal appear in color; <strong>and</strong>, in proportion u<br />

the picture <strong>com</strong>es up to bis ideal, he loves it. Or he builds<br />

for himself a home, <strong>and</strong> in proportion as it meet.a his requi~<br />

mente, he loves that home. Or be begets a child-it is assumed,<br />

of course, that he will love it, but we know that, aside from<br />

parental solicitude, the fullness of his love is measured by the<br />

responsive love of the child. And it is in this reciprocal love<br />

that the father flnds his joy. All this indicates that loTe<br />

seeks an object, <strong>and</strong> primarily (if not always) one capable of<br />

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reciprocation; or, in other worda, love always eeeka love. Hence<br />

we reuon that the Int.elligenoe whioh created man, did ao in<br />

order that be might love hia creature <strong>and</strong> be loved by him.<br />

Love, then, ia both the oaaae <strong>and</strong> the object of life; <strong>and</strong> we<br />

may safely say that it ia for this reason that, in proportion to<br />

ita fnJJ 0 w, thoee who love <strong>and</strong> are loved, are satisfied with liv·<br />

ing. And, indeed, this appears to have been recognised of old,<br />

for when the Nuarenewaa questioned aa to man's moetdutifol<br />

action, bia an1wer waa, "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God<br />

with all thy heart, <strong>and</strong> with all thy soul, <strong>and</strong> with all thy mind,<br />

<strong>and</strong> with all thy strength, . • • <strong>and</strong> thy neighbor_ u thyself."<br />

And this be gave them, not simply aa bia own ooocluaions, but<br />

u the t.eachinga of the greatest minds of all the past. Another<br />

te1la ua that a man cannot hate hia fellow <strong>and</strong> at the same time<br />

love God; in other words, love <strong>and</strong> bate cannot dwell together<br />

in the same heart. In following this line of thought, we feel<br />

ufe in uauming that the object of man's creation ia love,-a<br />

reciprocal love.<br />

Since love is the object of man's creation, we are at once<br />

led to consider ita attendant oonaequenuea; <strong>and</strong> aa we look<br />

over past years we perceive that love bu alwaya been the<br />

cause of joy. It ia true that the eel6ab deairee <strong>and</strong> hopes which<br />

later sprang up in the heart poeaeaaed by love-benumbing or<br />

killing it-have destroyed our joy, <strong>and</strong> reeulted in misery <strong>and</strong><br />

anguish, u those deairea were unfulfilled (or even when ful.<br />

filled) <strong>and</strong> the hopea blighted; but by these very <strong>com</strong>pariaona,<br />

we know that the reeoltof a reciprocal love is joy. Here, then,<br />

we reach two ooncluaiona,-ftrat, that love is the object of<br />

our being; <strong>and</strong>, second, that it.a intended result is joy.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re ariaee yet another question relative to the provision<br />

which Creative Love bu made for it.a object,-man. We are<br />

in formed by a groat mind of the put that "the ~ bath<br />

he (God) given into the b<strong>and</strong>s of men." Thia correepondt to<br />

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A v JEW OF LIFE. 811<br />

the thought that man was given the earth u a home, <strong>and</strong> all<br />

things npon it, to subdue <strong>and</strong> to poaeeea,-he 1ball dominate<br />

it <strong>and</strong> them, making all tributary to himself, for the abode<br />

<strong>and</strong> s111tenanee of hie physical body. We reoognize the fact<br />

that the idea of physical immortality ia ignored by the Eastern<br />

religions, which look forward to the time when Karma shall<br />

have been worked out <strong>and</strong> incarnation no longer neceuary;<br />

t.oo look for the time when, by faithfully applying ourselves to<br />

the le880ns of life, we shall know the laws of our physical being<br />

eo fully that, <strong>com</strong>ing into harmony with them. we shall be en·<br />

abled to live forever,-not in heaTen, bot on Earth. We say<br />

live forever, because a life of joy, attained through knowing<br />

<strong>and</strong> loving, ia worth living. Consequently, we do not look with<br />

desire for the time when we shall leave thia fteeh behind for<br />

the)aet time, but when we shall keep it <strong>and</strong> live foreTer on<br />

this Earth. Not but what, in the ieona to oome, we shall haTe<br />

beoome more <strong>and</strong> more refined, or even epiritoalbed, both the<br />

Earth <strong>and</strong> its inhabitants, bat yet thia Earth <strong>and</strong> this body will<br />

be oar permanent home.<br />

All this, however, givee rise to two further questions, big<br />

with import, sinee they seem to antagonise the foregoing. <strong>The</strong><br />

ftnt is, Why do we find, throughout the Bible <strong>and</strong> in the writings<br />

<strong>and</strong> teachings of all my1tica, that poeitions of authority<br />

<strong>and</strong> great riches, are oondemned? <strong>The</strong> reaaop is thia: Man,<br />

not having yet learned the object of life,-love,--eeeka, oo&­<br />

withat<strong>and</strong>ing, its reeult,-joy. In the poueuion of wealth <strong>and</strong><br />

authority be finds a pleasurable excitement wherewith he trie1<br />

to satisfy himself; but, beca088 the joy of liTing U. IOUght<br />

where it cannot be found, or, if found in a measure, cannot be<br />

retained, these things, good in themselvea, are oondemned<br />

by those who know that they will not answer the purpoee<br />

for whic~ they are sought, <strong>and</strong> that those who are seeking<br />

permanent joy, ml11t, until it is found. turn from them.<br />

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Ta& Blot.oott;AL Jou1uiu.L.<br />

<strong>The</strong> second question is thi11: Since to love <strong>and</strong> t.o be loved ia<br />

the object of man's existence, why Jo we find the love of man<br />

for woman <strong>and</strong> of woman for man so universally decried by<br />

these same teachers? <strong>The</strong> answer to this question is evidently<br />

the same as that to the previous one. We know that but little<br />

of living i11 thus experienced, hnt rather intensified desire,<br />

blighted hopes, despair, disappointment, jealousies, <strong>and</strong> murders;<br />

that the whole list of the evils which spring from man's<br />

heart constitute the bulk of the result of such love. <strong>and</strong> all<br />

this for the lack of knowledge how, <strong>and</strong> ability to love aright,<br />

which lack is being supplied by the experiences of life through<br />

which man iR now passing; for it is evident that the great<br />

lesson which life would teach, is that man learn to love.<br />

It is manifestly for these reasons that all these things-good<br />

in themselves if understood <strong>and</strong> rightly usecl-are so universally<br />

condemned by the wise ones of old, who, condemning the<br />

misdirection of effort on the part of man, have tried to lead<br />

him to perceive the truth, t.hat they who-even by a past of<br />

mi11directtm effort-have developed sufficient capacity, may<br />

enter into their inheritance of universal dominance, unlimited<br />

riches, <strong>and</strong> unending joy.<br />

Phebe Hart.<br />

Unto each man his h<strong>and</strong>iwork, unto each his crown,<br />

<strong>The</strong> just Fate gives;<br />

Whoso takes the world's life on him <strong>and</strong> his own lays down,<br />

He, dying so, lives.<br />

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Among the more distinguished citizens of the Unit.ed States,<br />

perhaps no one bas more fittingly represented the Sign of<br />

Taurus, than Ulysses S. Grant.<br />

Ulysses S. Grant. Nat. April 27, 1822.<br />

Earth ( e) in Zodiacal Sign of Tanrua (~).<br />

Moon (>) " " " " Canoer (a).<br />

Uran08 (f) " " " " Canoer (a).<br />

Scorpio ("L).<br />

Saturn (11) " " " "<br />

Jupiter (lt) " " " " Scorpio ("L).<br />

Man (I) " " " " Piscea (X).<br />

VenOI (9) " " " " Gemini (II).<br />

Meronry ( V ) •· " " " Leo (Sl.).<br />

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TaJNITIES.<br />

Fire, One. Intellectual, Two.<br />

Earth, One. Domestic, Three.<br />

Air, One. Creative, Two.<br />

Water, Five. Serving, One.<br />

Born April 27, 1822, the Earth was in the Sign of Tauru-,<br />

<strong>and</strong> the Moon in that of Cancer. <strong>The</strong> Bull <strong>and</strong> the Crab,<br />

therefore, aymholized the fou11datiou of his human thought<br />

<strong>and</strong> action. <strong>The</strong>reby great natural bot somewhat . hidden<br />

persiatency joined extreme sensitiveness in his personality, <strong>and</strong><br />

so be was often an enigma. Boldness <strong>and</strong> tituidne11s were united<br />

iu an unusual degree. Thus did the Earth <strong>and</strong> Moon portray<br />

hie basic proclivities.<br />

In a metaphysical sense Uranus in Cancer caused a peculiar<br />

<strong>com</strong>bination of thought regarding the home, needing the finer<br />

feminine amelioratio11:1 to harmonize it into the best praotical<br />

results. Iu the true wifely mating which Mrs. Grant<br />

furnished, this development ocon life from the st<strong>and</strong>point of the<br />

earthy Sign TaurLlS, his action waa largely guided progresai<br />

vely by the Watery Triplicity formed by the Moon <strong>and</strong> Uranus<br />

in Cancer (the head of that Triplicity), Jupiter <strong>and</strong> Saturn<br />

in Scorpio <strong>and</strong> Mars in Pisces. <strong>The</strong>y created a triune force<br />

of nn~sual pow:er. It was sensitive anti coale~cing to his f.,llow<br />

men, <strong>com</strong>bined with a will power that was not only indomitable,<br />

but full of a dual psychic wisdom that naught could<br />

thwart, <strong>and</strong> finding ell;pressioo, under provocation, in a Piscean<br />

reKtleaaness that wais irresistible. How the historic days from<br />

1861to1865 proved this! And yet u a General ora President<br />

he wa.~ always the true Taurus, at the bead of atfaira by the<br />

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pow•' of bit owa oooalt penonality. Nato...U, •i.cl ailtq09<br />

oftentimes be<strong>com</strong>e golden unto him.<br />

With V eoua in Oemiai, tlae door of •~~ wu i.cleally<br />

opened uQto him, <strong>and</strong> wben arooaed teraeo.aN prevailed with<br />

wondroua f orct. u when he exulaimed. "Lft '" MZ1f ,,...,.,<br />

Aa chief magistrate of oar nation his meaages were not onl1<br />

tene bot clear <strong>and</strong> Ytm1atile in their txpreuioia. voiuiog ~<br />

a\rQg innate n•tnre ao well endowed.<br />

Mereury-aa a Messenger of the Godt-being in the Sip<br />

Leo, •tftlogthened his heart i>«>•er pb11ioally~ eqaotiouUy, •ad<br />

ilhimioat.ingly, <strong>and</strong> thus broaile!Md in eYery way hi.a oompNbension.<br />

Co-operating witb bis earthy hue io Tanroa. it far.­<br />

nished him with the Bull <strong>and</strong> Lion a• a pai.r of liavil4dUlflt<br />

that. in the great war dra111a io wbiob tbe D!'tion eallell hiia to<br />

lead. found ample expawsio•· Wi..tber hi tlie qaid.itt of tlae<br />

uHke of battle or at that biatorio 000£ere1J«Je ~ 4ppotiM&tcw.<br />

be showed that. in a marked aeote. he poueaed. a .......,. of<br />

"<strong>The</strong> inJh•it.e J>tUie'* of the itenaal }(ipd."<br />

When <strong>com</strong>bined with the serpent principle, whiob Sa.tarn <strong>and</strong><br />

Jupiter in Scorpio fornished, b• W*S indeed uoiqiie in an<br />

interior power wbich often puzzled his OOOlradea.<br />

lq the calm<br />

quietude of his own soul he gathere4 this povrer, aocl it grew<br />

with him aa he a&Jnmed larger <strong>and</strong> larger duties.<br />

He was a good type of the Tribe of Asher, of whom it waa<br />

aaid: .. His bread shall be fat <strong>and</strong> he shall yield royal dainties."<br />

By virtue of his Taurus 1upftlro&07 ai the PWSt critical period<br />

of hie country's history, our nation's bread waa made possible,<br />

•JJd the "royal dainu•" of freedolQ &IJd ,,_,..u., w..-. preserved<br />

unto a reupited oountryl And how patbetiQally did ho.<br />

retire to Mt. MoGregOl' wbeQ his datiet _. General aud President<br />

ffftl all &04WropliebM, &'1d, with a fatal diaeue gnawing<br />

~~vitality, pen '1M>at Jllecoirl ~have oaable4 bis £.milt<br />

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816 TB& BlOLOGIC.&L J OUJUU.L.<br />

to have their bread fat <strong>and</strong> partake of the royal daintiea whioh<br />

hia unaeUlah devotion furnished !<br />

In the ancient days when the Rameaea ruled Egypt, <strong>and</strong> that<br />

nation wu the ruler of the world, our planet waa pauing<br />

through the Sign Taurus. <strong>The</strong> occult then ruled. <strong>The</strong> Zodiac<br />

told ita truthful story to the learned Egyptians. That nation<br />

stood as the representative of the Sign of the Bull. <strong>The</strong> occult.<br />

iam of that time hath hidden much which shall yet be revealed.<br />

Into our modern days came this modern Ramesea, who was in­<br />

'rincible for a more aaored oauae than either of these Egyptian<br />

Conqueron. So doth history repeat itself in spiral revolutions,<br />

bringing the later days into the nobler atmosphere of a<br />

broader civilisation.<br />

A.a atudenta of Solar Biology we may indeed be thankful<br />

that the aftlrmationa u shown in the Zodiacal Circle of General<br />

Grant were 10 clearly demonstrated to be true in hit life<br />

<strong>and</strong> great ao<strong>com</strong>pliahmenta. Aa we think of him now, we may<br />

all adopt the language of one of our modern Amerioan poeta:-<br />

"Smile then Ulyueat Though thy Troy bath ended,<br />

Tho' all thy life'• long Odyssey ia done,<br />

. By Linooln <strong>and</strong> the Martyr boats attended,<br />

Columbia kneel.a before her Soldier Son."<br />

-Libra.<br />


It la belined by many that the uiatenoe of an in1lnite ether,<br />

whioh fllla all apace <strong>and</strong> permeates all matter in an unbroken<br />

oontinaity, ia merely a auppoaition of IOienoe. Thia, however,<br />

ia an error. Aooording to the highest aoientifto authority no<br />

man oau to-day dispute the existence of this ether, any more<br />

tb&n he can dispute the exiatenoe of air.<br />

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THE INJ'INITE ETB:u. 817<br />

<strong>The</strong> ether bu been the field of much study <strong>and</strong> muoh ia<br />

known oonaerning it. ID fact, physical aoieooe to.day deolarel<br />

. oooaeroing it:<br />

First. That it is infinite.<br />

"A perfect, continuous, subtle, inoompreheuible eubetaooe,<br />

pervading all epace."-Scientiflc definition.<br />

Second. That it is omnipresent.<br />

Thie is the ftret esaeotial attribute of this medium <strong>and</strong> will<br />

be found everywhere recognized by ecienoe <strong>and</strong> mathematioally<br />

proved.<br />

· Third. That it is omnipotent.<br />

"We have now to try to realize the idea of a perfectly OOD·<br />

tiouons, eubtJe, inoompreuible eubetaooe pervading all apace<br />

<strong>and</strong> penetrating between the molecules of all ordinary matter<br />

which are imbedded in it <strong>and</strong> connected with one another by<br />

its means. And we moat regard it as the one univenal medium<br />

by which all the actions between bodies are carried on."<br />

-Profeuor Lodge. Lecture on Ether.<br />

"Electricity bu been thought to be a form of energy. It bu<br />

been shown to be a form of ether."-Profeaor Lodge. "Mod.<br />

ern Views of Electricity."<br />

"We are ever in the presence of an infinite <strong>and</strong> eternal ea.<br />

ergy from which all things prooeed."-Herbert_Speaoer.<br />

Fourth. That it is omniaoienL<br />

"Can we resist the conolaeion that all motion ia thought?<br />

Not that contradiction in terms, unoonaoions thought, bot<br />

li'ring thought; that all nature is the language of one in whom<br />

we live <strong>and</strong> move <strong>and</strong> have our beingT'-Profeuor Fitsgerald,<br />

Dublin University, in a lecture on Eleotro.Magnetio Radiation.<br />

"Everything that is, is though~n-Amiet<br />

"Matt.er <strong>com</strong>es out rather as a precipitate in the univenal<br />

ether, det.ermioed by a mathematical oeceuity. <strong>The</strong> fountain·<br />

head of being <strong>and</strong> action is pore volition."-Dr. Maoviokar.<br />

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.. ,<br />

Fifth. That it ia et.et-oal.<br />

1t is pt*ible to imagioe that planets ~ suu ud atellu<br />

systems should disintegrate <strong>and</strong> disappear. But it is im~<br />

sible to imagine that the substance filling all •l*'O should destroy<br />

iU..lf or go eleewhere.<br />

<strong>The</strong> parallel between the religious ooneeption of God aud<br />

the acienti6o knowledge of the ether ia, however, even more<br />

oomplete.<br />

8t. Paal eaya: "IQ Him we live ud move <strong>and</strong> have our<br />

being."<br />

Profeuor Lodge says: "We aretoregard oureelvea aa living<br />

immeraed iu an ia6oite, all.perm8Miog ocean of perfeot iqqom.<br />

preuible liq11id (or fluid), as S.h Jive in the aea."<br />

St. Jobn aaya: "God ia light." "lo Hi• wu life. <strong>and</strong> the<br />

life W84 tbo light of aa"<br />

• • • • •<br />

Thie paNlleliam in q11otatioos, religious <strong>and</strong> scientiflC\ might<br />

be continued inde6uitely. It may thus be taken as obvioaa,<br />

<strong>and</strong> eifortleaaly eo, that physical ecience has eatabliabed the<br />

esis&ence of a aemething-a something which ia entirely itw<br />

own discovery, which ia infinite, omnipre1ent, omnipotent, Olll·<br />

niscient <strong>and</strong> eternal. It is nnneoeeMry t.o aay that this ooin­<br />

,. cidea witla the religions definition of the Divine Creat.or exoep&<br />

in one respect. St. John says: "God is love." <strong>The</strong> whole<br />

Christian meaeap ia the reiteration <strong>and</strong> empbasiR of this fact.<br />

Now if it should appear that physical science baa already<br />

broken groaad in thia domain also, it would be fllir to expeot<br />

that tile parallel, <strong>and</strong> not only the paralM, but also the abaolute<br />

identity between the theological <strong>and</strong> the acienti&o positiou,<br />

may one day be<strong>com</strong>e oomplete. -Frwdoa<br />

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THE WALL. .<br />

Who builds a wall around his earthly wealth<br />

To keep his neighbor out of his domain,<br />

Boilda but a pl'iaon wall around hillllelf,<br />

And lives looked in by bis own greedy gain.<br />

Within the narrow cell which bis own pride<br />

Hath built, be 1ee1 not nature, man, nor God;<br />

He sees bot his own image magnified,<br />

And dreams himself a thing that all men laud.<br />

'fhe oommon need, he fain wonltt see it not,<br />

Bot, lo, hie own exp<strong>and</strong>s so much the more,<br />

And all the burdens of the human lot,<br />

Throng in upon him through the bolted door.<br />

Break down the-wall I win freedom by the strife!<br />

So shalt thou walk a king in thine owu right.<br />

<strong>The</strong> planet earth, with all its teeming life,<br />

'Ihe heaveDI peopled too, shall greet thy eight.<br />

Tear down the wall I <strong>and</strong> when no lut atone ban<br />

Thyeelf <strong>and</strong> thine away from fellow-man,<br />

So shalt thou be poueuor of the stan,<br />

And all is thine, what'er thine eye aball llO&D.<br />


We regret that limited apaoe permita ua to giYe, during the ooune of the ,_,<br />

but oue delioeatiou to eaoh aubeoriber. <strong>The</strong> nec..-ey data are, the year, day of<br />

the month, boor <strong>and</strong> p1- of birth. Without the hour we may approximate a deli-Uon,<br />

bot it will always be onsatisf1ACtory; therefore, if obtainable, we aboold<br />

have the boor, aod if it oaooot be aacertained, the applicant muat underst<strong>and</strong> that<br />

the obaracter-aketch ia more or 1-in<strong>com</strong>plete. In all CMM, however, the dau <strong>and</strong><br />

plau of birth moat be giv11n, or it will be uael- to attempt a d

821<br />

P. V. B. March 17, 1847. Devonahire, Engl<strong>and</strong>.<br />

TaIPLiorrma.<br />

INTELLECl'U ..&.L, 2. AJBy, 8.<br />

MATBRIU.L, I. WA.TBBY, 9.<br />


SDVI.NG, 2. EUTKY, 1.<br />

Not having the hour of ;your birth, there ii aucertaint;y in regard<br />

to the poeition of the moon; we judge, however, that it waa in the sign<br />

Aries, in which case ;your innate nature <strong>and</strong> polarization are harmonious,<br />

producing a clear bead 1.nd good mind, practical basineu tendenciAA<br />

<strong>and</strong> excellent intuitions. <strong>The</strong> positione of Uranas <strong>and</strong> Saturn<br />

are such that, unle111 you have crashed it out, your peculiar nature<br />

caaaee you to dream or have visione of every important event that<br />

takea place in your life; bat aa these qualitiea <strong>com</strong>e from the poaitiont<br />

of the two highest planets, they are very aenaitive <strong>and</strong> probably have<br />

been crushed out, 10 that you foreaee only that which ia exceedingly<br />

important. Nature intended you to be governed by the invi11ible<br />

<strong>and</strong> apiritnal causation lying next beyond the phyaical world; <strong>and</strong><br />

even now, although they may have been driven away, if ;yoa would<br />

give special attention to <strong>and</strong> court tboae dreams <strong>and</strong> viaiona, they<br />

might return. <strong>The</strong> position of Jupiter in Sagittariaa ia atrong, giving<br />

you ideaa of ac<strong>com</strong>pli11hhig great things, <strong>and</strong> if your perceptione <strong>and</strong><br />

intuitiona, togethe1· with the visions normal to your nature, were ~<br />

fully heeded <strong>and</strong> followed, yon would aucceed in the ac<strong>com</strong>plishment<br />

of that which would he important to the w011d. Mara in Gemini,<br />

however, makea you quick to apeak, <strong>and</strong> yon often offend your beet<br />

frieode by unneceasarily harsh <strong>and</strong> cutting worda. Thia ia greatly<br />

accentuated by Venas in Scorpio, an inbarmoniooa poaition relative<br />

to Mara, but quite harmonious in relation to the basic principlea of<br />

your nature, ao that probably your domeatic life baa been <strong>com</strong>paratively<br />

barmonioua, although Mercury in Aquariua militatea eomewbat<br />

against harmony in that direction. If yoa would live the regenerate<br />

life, which would probably caase ;you a ll'e&t atruggle, you<br />

ooald reaoh hieh apiritual attainment.a.<br />

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E. 8. P. Jan. 12, 1869, 6.80 a. m. Bethlehem, Pa.<br />

TanrmM.<br />

Ta!Puorn.<br />

lirn:r.LSOTO.u., 1. An&Y.<br />

"<br />

Lnu.u., 1. W.&.TUT. o.<br />

BsnOD110'l'ITm, S. J'uay, I.<br />

8DTIJll'G, a. E.urrKY, L<br />

RISING SIGN-)j.<br />

At the dme of 7ou birth the Earth, Sa&arn, ud V enu wen ta I.be<br />

lip Aqaariu, whieh pYel'DI the nerYeL Satun giva yoa lOTe of<br />

the aciencee; Venu of the 6ne an.. Y oa are of • •err nenou<br />

temperament, bot yoar Capricorn bod7 (riaing lign) belpe fOG oat in<br />

thia putieaar, 10 that your nervoam .. ii of the mind rather th&ll<br />

of the bod1, <strong>and</strong> makes yon liable to go to extremes. Yoar body<br />

sign militates somewhat againat giving dae attention to the minutim<br />

of the affain of life, <strong>and</strong> prodneea a peculiar <strong>com</strong>bination-one<br />

hard to de6ne, or to forecaat u to how it may Ind expreuion. Uranna<br />

<strong>and</strong> Jupiter-both in Sagittariaa, which govel'DI the mnacl• <strong>and</strong><br />

motor nervee-eaa1e yoa to delight in action, <strong>and</strong> lead toward the<br />

iphere of an actor, an inftaenoe which ii overbalanced by that of the<br />

myatio planet Uranm in the myatio eign Sagittariue, igclining to the<br />

spiritual <strong>and</strong> oecalt. Man in Libra ii yoar advenary, u it dietarbe<br />

joor pereeptiona <strong>and</strong> tende a little toward the erratic, unleee earefully<br />

oont;rolled b7 • well-balanced mind. Meroary in Ariee, while it<br />

gine a etrong brain, yet prodacea imagininp of • eenauoae utan<br />

<strong>and</strong> militates very much againet living the regenerate life; or, M<br />

1eut, it makes it more difBcalt to do so. Yon ehould live in a dl'J<br />

olimate, or in middle life you might mffer lrom rhenmatiem. Anxiety<br />

<strong>and</strong> worry derange yoar digeetiYe eyetem, while harmonioue though&<br />

keepe yon in good health. If you can maintain quiet harmony, JOll<br />

will o't'eroome the in8aenee of Man, <strong>and</strong> 7oar perceptioa u to the<br />

~ .,,..1 to p ud the proper thins to do, will be very aoouUe.<br />

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l>BLINliTIOM OP CB.u..&.Cl'E:a. 898<br />

1'Bll'LIOJTml.<br />

Amr, o.<br />

MATERNAL, 3. W.&.TEBY,<br />

'·<br />


FIDT<br />

"<br />

'Suvure, 0. EilTll'I', o.<br />


<strong>The</strong> basic principlea of your nature take in the entire reprocluotlve<br />

trinity,-the bod1, or riaing 1ign, ia the head of the trinity,<br />

Libra; the earth in the interior sign, Scorpio, <strong>and</strong> the moon in the<br />

expreaing sign, Sagittarius. Tbi1 i1 a moat harmoniou1 <strong>com</strong>bination,<br />

u all the foree1 of your body flo" naturally through the innate<br />

nature <strong>and</strong> find expreuion in the polarity. Are very 1enaitive, into•<br />

itive, <strong>and</strong>, if you were an inve1tigator of apiritaaliam, I should 1ay, a<br />

a very fine medium. I "ould, ho"ever, adviae 700 to let mediumlhip<br />

alone, for yoo are a strong medium through which the utra1<br />

light, u well as the mind currenta of thoee to "hom you. are n.,..<br />

tive or passive, can flow <strong>and</strong> find expre11ion. Uranus in the base or<br />

life sign Scorpio, plantain the very inmost of your being, the occult,<br />

myltio <strong>and</strong> spiritual. Saturn, in the sign expreaing your basic qoal·<br />

ity, gives order in worda <strong>and</strong> thoughts, <strong>and</strong> proclucM viliona, impre1-<br />

1ions, <strong>and</strong> intuitions IO defined <strong>and</strong> perfect that they 1t<strong>and</strong> out before<br />

your mind u pictoree. Jupiter in Leo elevatet the ideals, <strong>and</strong> ca111e1<br />

you to hold yourself above the <strong>com</strong>mon level of hamanity; it inclinee<br />

yoa to be very generous with your me&ru1 <strong>and</strong> to be libera).minded<br />

generally. Man in ita home position, Cancer, <strong>and</strong> Mercory al.lo in<br />

that 1ign, give harmony to yoar nature <strong>and</strong> inspirational ability.<br />

Venm in Aries imparts an elegance to your thoughta <strong>and</strong> ideal.a, IO<br />

tba~ if you were to tom your attention wholly to the 1tud1 of the<br />

mystic <strong>and</strong> occult, yon would be<strong>com</strong>e a very sueeeaaful teaeher alonr<br />

thoee lines, for you have the ability to attract people to 700. A void<br />

impolliveneM, <strong>and</strong> be a liWe careful in yoor expnuioa.<br />

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824 TBA BIOLOGICAL Jotnuu.L.<br />

E. B. R. Jone !, 1866.<br />

TannTID.<br />


llmw.scru.u., .. Alar, ! .<br />

~TDX.U., 1. WATBBY, 2.<br />

Ranonuonv:s, !. Fumy, o.<br />

SU TING, 1.<br />

At the time of your birth the Earth <strong>and</strong> Moon were both in the<br />

1ign Gemini, the 1ign 1ymbolizecl by the word: in the language of<br />

the Bible, "In the beginning wu the word," the espreuion of an<br />

idea,-of the intellectual trinity. <strong>The</strong> dominance of this sign prodoce1<br />

a very active mind <strong>and</strong> body; yon must be buay-mlllt be doing<br />

something all t.be time, Uranus in Scorpio allies yon directly t.o<br />

the aubt.ile forcea of nature, t.o the study of human life <strong>and</strong> character.<br />

It alto gives you a good degree of aecretiveneu, of power to keep<br />

your own counsel <strong>and</strong> to appear t.o be that which you choose. Satom<br />

ia in a position to give order <strong>and</strong> good ideaa u t.o the inblrrelation of<br />

things around you. It adaptl your mind t.o attention to large bu1ineaa<br />

intereatl by giving you a great fount.ain of plana, method1, <strong>and</strong> prac·<br />

tical ideas in regard to business mat.ten. Jupiter in Virgo indicate•<br />

the presence of fine intuitions, •nd that they are in the direction of<br />

buaine88 rather than of 11pirituality. If you cultivate seasons of quiet,<br />

<strong>and</strong> pay attention to the thought. that rise within you at the timea of<br />

your quiet, they will lead you t.o antabundant aucce88. Mara in Tau·<br />

rus, while it mare your sensations somewhat <strong>and</strong> makes you at timea<br />

irrit.able <strong>and</strong> even petulant <strong>and</strong> <strong>com</strong>bative, yet give1 you words,<br />

good language, <strong>and</strong> enables you to express the tboughta nearest the<br />

people's <strong>com</strong>prehension <strong>and</strong> desires, 10 that your words are attractive.<br />

Mercury in Taorus producea great vitality, if the sex nature is kelJ'<br />

under control: otherwise it would lead to the oppodte condition. If<br />

your ·inclinations were to excess in that direction, Mal'll would unite<br />

with Mercury, which would soon weaken your powers, degrade the<br />

fountaina of your ment.ality, confuse your intuitione, <strong>and</strong> be the<br />

cauM of many fai111rea in life.<br />

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INDiil'.lPOLIS, IND. March. 27, 1901.<br />

To the Brethren of <strong>The</strong> <strong>Occult</strong> <strong>and</strong> Biologioal Journal,<br />

Dear Frienda:-<strong>The</strong> Journal came to-da7, <strong>and</strong> I have jost<br />

spent a pleasant, profitable hour reading it. I wish it oould be<br />

read in ewry home in the l<strong>and</strong>. If the people did more of that<br />

kind of reading, the world would be better. Poor old World I<br />

my heart aches for some of her inhabitants.<br />

Now I wish to speak of Mr. Panl Avenel. May God ble11<br />

him for ever <strong>and</strong> ever! I have just finished reading an article<br />

written by him for <strong>The</strong> Journal. I.t brought baok the past to<br />

me, <strong>and</strong>, I presume for the one-hundredth time, I said, Uod<br />

bless Paul Aveoelt About six years ago I began to live: <strong>and</strong><br />

about five months after l bad entered the new life, I found<br />

myself, one Friday morning (I have often beard of .. Blaok<br />

Friday," <strong>and</strong> I think that was my Blaok Friday) in wat.ers of<br />

despair 80 deep that I did not know what had oome over me.<br />

Sometimes I would feel that I moat give vent in words to m7<br />

great struggle; then again I would cry as if my heart would<br />

break, <strong>and</strong> so on through the day. I dreaded to retire, bat be·<br />

fore doing 80 picked up the "Light of Truth," <strong>and</strong> sat down to<br />

read. <strong>The</strong> first thing that attracted my eye was an article<br />

by Paul Avenel. It was the first of his writings I had seen.<br />

Well, I read the article <strong>and</strong> found peace <strong>and</strong> reat. I have<br />

forgotten its title, bot I alwaya read everything I see written<br />

by him, for I can never forget that experience. I have never<br />

bad any sncb trouble since. Again I say., God bleaa Paul Aven.<br />

el <strong>and</strong> hist I conld not resist the impreuion to write this letter,<br />

for I do want him to know what be has done for me, <strong>and</strong><br />

I hope he has done much good. May his home in the Higher<br />

Life be bright.<br />

(Mrs.) i>. A. Willia1D.10n.<br />

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Tu B10LOG10AL Jouuu.<br />

Roe& l&LAND, ILL. &f&ace, 80, 1901.<br />

To the Editor of Oooult aud Biological J ourn.U.<br />

Dear Sir:-I believe myaelf to be au Esoteric student, <strong>and</strong>, u<br />

far u I have underatood, have faithfully lived up to its teachings.<br />

If I have made many or few miatakea they have not<br />

harmed me. I would not take all the gold of thia world, if I<br />

had to go baok to the old oondition of mind <strong>and</strong> body.<br />

Between eeven <strong>and</strong> eight years ago an Esoteric atuden'<br />

loaned me some of hia <strong>journal</strong>s; afterwards I bought three<br />

bound volumes of the Esoterio. Soon after reading the boob<br />

I dedicated myself to the Holy Spirit Christ. Having been for<br />

many years a married woman with a family, I kne" that a<br />

great struggle <strong>and</strong> bard work were ahead of me. I kept repeating,<br />

0 1 will be what I will to be! I oau be what I will to be!"<br />

therefore I oonquered, step by step. I never need my will but<br />

in two ways: flrat, in over<strong>com</strong>ing all things that had & ten•<br />

dency to injme or retard my Spiritual Growth; aeoond, in oentralwng<br />

my will on different organs of my body for healing<br />

purpoeea. Three months from the time I willfully ud deter·<br />

minedly ooneerved the life germ, a terrible burning beat <strong>com</strong>·<br />

menoed all through my body,-from the top of my bead to the<br />

aolea of my feet. I bathed <strong>and</strong> sponged my body u often aa I<br />

· oould get time to do ao; I aat with my barning fee' in cold<br />

water; muy times walking in the grau wet with dew afforded<br />

me great relief. My weight of 175 po<strong>and</strong>a deoreaaed to 9-i<br />

po<strong>and</strong>a. I did not know bat that I would be entirely consumed.<br />

Tnnamntation in my cue wu territlc I I never onoe thought<br />

of giving up, even if I tQl'Ded to an uh heap. Thia wu my<br />

ftnt ye.ar'a experience.<br />

Doring the lut aix years the heat in my body bu by degrees<br />

grown leaa, until at lut I feel quite <strong>com</strong>fortable. Soon<br />

after the tlrat year's fiery ordeal had past, a Voioe from within<br />

began to teach me. If I read a book <strong>and</strong> earnestly wuted to<br />

know the author'• veiled meaning, the dearly beloved, truthful<br />

V ofoe would tell me in a few perfect eentenoea or worda. 0<br />

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CoBUIPONDDCS. 811<br />

Word of God, thou an Wiadom indeed! At thia stage of my<br />

unfoldment I stopped naing my mind or will to work out any<br />

problem; I aimply desired at heart to know, <strong>and</strong> this Lover in<br />

my Soul always heared <strong>and</strong> answered. Sometime near the end<br />

of the three years, there were qniok eleotrio vibrations beginning<br />

in the top of my head <strong>and</strong> puaing through my entire body<br />

to the toea; <strong>and</strong> with the vibrations a Baab of the moat beautiful<br />

light I ever aaw paaaed before my eyea.<br />

I moat emphatically aay to all earnest eeeken that, if they<br />

will live up to the F.eoterio teachings, they will know for themaelvea.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Holy Spirit ia alwaya willing if a man or woman<br />

does hia or her part. We cannot expect a tree to bring forth<br />

perf eot fruit when all ita life aubatanoe ia wasted; then why<br />

should a aaplesa person build for him or her aelf an ianmortal<br />

body, when there ia not enough life generated to keep<br />

up a crude material body? No: it would be as impouible u<br />

for a mechanic to build a honae without material<br />

U any of theae experiences will euoourage a brother or aW.<br />

ter, I shall be very glad. If they are not accepted, I shall feel<br />

just the same; I am 80 happy, ao aatis&ed with everything.<br />

1'o the Esoteric Publishing Company I woald aay, "God apeed I"<br />

Youn in the Life, Truth, <strong>and</strong> Way in Christ, l4ra. A.<br />

Los ANGELBI, APBIL 6, 1901.<br />

Editor of Ooonlt <strong>and</strong> Biological Journal.<br />

Dear Sir:-I would like to tell yon of some of my experienoea<br />

in living the life-it may encourage other readel'I of the Joarnal<br />

in the battle with the evils of their natut'8.<br />

Something bad to be done, bot I found it too great for me<br />

to do, 80 I put myself into the h<strong>and</strong>a of the Holy Spirit-I<br />

laid all on the altar; then, after a time, I was teated in every<br />

part of my nature. Without desiring to do ao, I clung to eTery<br />

thing that I bad wished to lay down. In this great straggle 1<br />

suffered muob, but when the battle was too strong for fteeh to<br />

endure, the trials were all lifted, <strong>and</strong> I rested. <strong>The</strong>n into the<br />

ume round again. At thia time I heard of the Are that would<br />

Digitized by Google

828 TeE B101.001cAL Jol'RNA.L.<br />

oome upon me if I desired it, <strong>and</strong> which would oontinue with<br />

me until all habits of Pvil, or, in other words, inordinate deairee,<br />

were burned np by this manift1Station of the Svirit in<br />

my body. I prayed <strong>and</strong> waited for thi11; <strong>and</strong> one evenihg six<br />

years <strong>and</strong> a half ago, thia wonderful 6.re fell on my body <strong>and</strong> I<br />

was proatrated by it, but so very thankful to have this wonder·<br />

fol nearneaa of God'a preaence. From that day to this that<br />

wonderful fire baa been upon me, <strong>and</strong> I am tried in every pas.<br />

aion <strong>and</strong> desire of my aoul. <strong>The</strong> Spirit tells me that he cannot<br />

give me the gifta of the higher plane until I have endured<br />

yet longer, but that, if I can endure to the end of this purijica.<br />


BooK REVIEWS. 329<br />

riYee a yvy logical espi-tion of the lan of int.egration <strong>and</strong> dilhitetrration u<br />

fonnd in the Yibration of the at.oms of matter; <strong>and</strong> aJ.o ahon that man bu tlll'lled<br />

his thooght •-Y from the foontain of life, integl'Mion, areation. <strong>and</strong> ia ooll8t.alltl7<br />

dwelling npon <strong>and</strong> living in the world of eobatanoe <strong>and</strong> diaintegrat.ion. Hep,..<br />

•nta 110me "ffl1 praoacal thooght. oa the attitnde of mind which m111t be maiatained<br />

in order to bring happi- <strong>and</strong> ID- in life, <strong>and</strong> in order to obtain longaontiooed<br />

life, if not immortality. Thia work ia one of the end- that the<br />

pnMDt age ia prepaot with greater renlt. for the fotme than la ordinarily lmegiaed.<br />

Thoee -king immOl'tality, or a higher order of life, will Sod iu thia<br />

work auRgMtiff thooghta of great nlue, <strong>and</strong> we heartily re<strong>com</strong>mend it to the readers<br />

of <strong>The</strong> Oocult <strong>and</strong> Biological Jounial. Pabliahecl by <strong>The</strong> Ruolda Pub. Co.,<br />

88 State St., Chicago, DL Prioe, .1.00.<br />

PJlBJ'JWT Hlilml, How TO Gn IT AJO> How TO Kan IT. By Oue Who<br />

Hu It. Cooteota: How Perfect a.1th Came to Me; Resulta; <strong>The</strong> Soi._ of<br />

Perfeot Health-the Body; <strong>The</strong> SaieDD8 of Perfect health-the Body, continued;<br />

<strong>The</strong> SoieDoe of Perfect health-the Mind or Soni; Thinking; Cooohuion; Ap~ndi&.<br />

<strong>The</strong> anthor bu attempted, <strong>and</strong> we think 111ooesifwly, to for11111late •­<br />

tifio methoda of fMtlog. He giYee apeaial direatioua in regard to eaLlng,-how to<br />

eat., more than what to eat. He laya down foor diatioot ralee-Fim: To ab.taln<br />

from eati111t the early morning meal. Seaoncl: Never to eat ezoept with natunl<br />

hancv. ThiJod: To mutiaate every mouthful of- food u long u there ia any ta-.<br />

in the fond. Foorth: To abataiu from all drink with the meal. Be ai.o de6- the<br />

aonditioo of natoral hunger, <strong>and</strong> cloeea hie work with a large uomber of lett.en<br />

reoeivecl from phyllioiaos <strong>and</strong> from well-knoWD ~ in America <strong>and</strong> Earope,<br />

who haft tried hia methoda of living <strong>and</strong> who gift the atroogeK teetimooiala to<br />

be food in any work npou eimilar aubjeota uow in ezietellCle. <strong>The</strong> book la eo clearly<br />

<strong>and</strong> limply writtwa that no one will Bad dil1lcwty in <strong>com</strong>prehending it, <strong>and</strong> his<br />

mathoda are ao reuonahly atated u to leaTe DO donbt of their Yitality. We believe<br />

it to be a book of rare merit <strong>and</strong> one destined to do a large amoant of good<br />

in the world. We have, therefore, eolioited the ageooy of the book, ao that we will<br />

be able hereafter to -11 it at the regolar prioe. It ia publiahlMI by the antbor,<br />

Chu. C. Hukell, Norwich, CoDD. Price. lu liueu, 11.00. Aleo for aale by <strong>The</strong><br />

Beoteric Pub. Co., Applegate, Cal. Ov mail-order eernoe makee it u e111J to<br />

obtain boob from ua u from book dealers in yom owa oitiea.<br />

Tim HOROIOOPL A. mapziDe of 16 pagee, med moathl7 by W. Monroe.<br />

pabliaher, Lorin Station, BerkeJ7, Cal. Price per year, 11.110. It ia de't'Oted to<br />

what the author oa11a "<strong>The</strong> True Method, the ffiudu Fixed Zodiac." We &ocl<br />

that all hia planetary poeitio111, including that of the mu, are one aigu farther beak<br />

than thoee given in any of the Ephemeridee DOW published. Profeeaiooal uaoJo..<br />

gen wW be better able than I to judge of the value of the periodical.<br />

TaB Paof'!RT10 !lrluaBMnB. Au octavo-med paper of 16 Jllll98. <strong>The</strong> principal<br />

object of the publioatiou -ma to be the p~utatioa of aatrological obeervatiOlllo<br />

by which the editor intends to "eetabliah beyond a -ble doubt, a reliable<br />

method of foretelling the futore aonditiou of the weather, prioee of the varioaa<br />

procluota of the farmer, fruit grower <strong>and</strong> planter." It ia pobliahed monthly at<br />

417, 6th St., S. Mi-polia, MiDD. R. Holllnpworth, editor <strong>and</strong> publiaher. Prloe.<br />

:SO cent. a year.<br />

Digitized by Google

810<br />

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noiproaa&ion; or, in "<br />

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D•gitizEC.1 bv GO()glc

Because of it11 accuracy<br />

ortant data for purposes of<br />

here in pl'int, this Ephemstudents<br />

of Astrology <strong>and</strong><br />

te data for .finding the time of<br />

having been specially <strong>com</strong>puted<br />

sp-Risings for every degree of<br />

r to 60°, corrected for spheroidal<br />

ailable, also, for same degrees of<br />

will be useful for any future year,<br />

probably not exceed 5 seconds in a<br />

ime is used throughout, which makes<br />

e involve even hours. Full e:x:planaall<br />

the Tables, with especial reference<br />

ot accustomed to mathematical work.<br />

d to arithmetical operations <strong>and</strong> iut-erch<br />

will place the student in <strong>com</strong>m<strong>and</strong> of<br />

ical work necessary to the study of Astral<br />

ng him to construct in future his own Tables.<br />

ons are given as to the proper use of St<strong>and</strong>hemeris<br />

proper gives the Heliocentric L ·>ngi--<br />

t auJ of the Moon to rninr1tes of arc for every<br />

a.lso Sidereal Time of Greenwich mean noon<br />

Gives exact time, to tenths of minutes, of eon<br />

aud planets into each sign, corrected for Nutain<br />

ea.ch case the time it takes for light to <strong>com</strong>e<br />

to Earth.<br />

1emeris-the work of an Astronomer of Observatory<br />

, who has used the most painstaking care in its<br />

on-is undoubtedly the most valuable yet offered to<br />

ic. Pl'ice, 25 cents.<br />

<strong>and</strong> for sale by-<br />


( ... le<br />

oigit,zEc tv .oog


1"01nr.a.aD Movam11T BsaALJ>. A D10Dthly jounal of Soria!. Inclaatrlal,<br />

Political <strong>and</strong> Religio11.1 Reform. Vol. II. No. 1 of this <strong>journal</strong> ie before 1IL It<br />

IMlll9 to be the organ of a united movoment to brilljl' in a uey <strong>and</strong> higher order<br />

of life in thJa the twentieth oentlll'Y. We belieYe it will be an imtrumentality for<br />

bettering the oonditione of the -ial <strong>and</strong> b11.11ln- worlds, <strong>and</strong> to that encl - .....<br />

oome ita adv•t. Publiehed by <strong>The</strong> Forward HoY&meat, 68 S... Pablo .. be.,<br />

Oakl<strong>and</strong>, Oal. Snhlcripti1111, $1.00 per aauum.<br />

Tu Nn AlloLJTJOlf, AdTocating obedieuoe to the La ... of LoT& in tbe Proclaotion<br />

<strong>and</strong> Dietribntiou of all Valnea 01eated by Labor. Publiehed monthly by<br />

T. B. Ba ... a, Topeka, it-. Subloriptiou, 60 oeuta a J&IU'·<br />


We are oonatantly having letters retumed to ua beoaaae of<br />

inauffioient addreas, due to lack of proper attention on the<br />

part of thoae who write to ua; <strong>and</strong> eapeoia)ly ia thia the case<br />

with our English oorreapoodeooe. If people want replies<br />

to their letters., they ahould nae the utmoat care iu writing the<br />

oomplete addreas, including the atate <strong>and</strong> oounty u well aa<br />

town <strong>and</strong> atreet number; <strong>and</strong> ahould be careful to write it<br />

plainly. Those who do this will reoeive replies to their letters;<br />

those who do not, may receive anawers, or they may not. <strong>The</strong>re<br />

are now upon our desk a number of letters whioh have been<br />

returned, marked .. Insufficient Address,'' <strong>and</strong> mostof them are<br />

from ~ngl<strong>and</strong>. Another oause of great inoonvenienoe to ua<br />

is that our correapondeuts usually sign their letters with their<br />

ordinary signature,-in a careless way; oonaequently, mistakes<br />

often ari1e in deciphering namea.<br />

MONEY ORDERS.-All American Money Orden ehould<br />

be made payable at Applegate, California; but please rf!member<br />

that all international Money Orders, that is, Mondy Ordere<br />

issued by any foreign govemment, should be made payable at<br />

Auburn, Califomia, as the Applegate Poat Oftioe can cub<br />

only American Money Orden.<br />

Digitized by Google


1901<br />

Will be on sale in about ten days. Because of i~ accuracy<br />

anJ from the fact that it gives important data. for purposes of<br />

<strong>com</strong>putation not to be found elsewhere in print, this Ephemeris<br />

will prove invaluable to the students of Astrology <strong>and</strong><br />

of Solar Biology.<br />

<strong>The</strong> work will contain <strong>com</strong>plete data. for finding the time of<br />

rising of zodiacal signs, a Table having been specially <strong>com</strong>puted<br />

showing 8idereal Time of Cusp-Risings for every degree of<br />

:North Latitude from Equator to 60°, corrected for spheroidal<br />

shape of the Earth, <strong>and</strong> available, also, for same degrees of<br />

South Latitude. ThiR Table will be aseful for any future year,<br />

as its extreme change will probably not exceed 5 seconds in a<br />

half century. Greenwich Time is used throughout, which makes<br />

change to St<strong>and</strong>ard Time involve even hours. Full explanations<br />

are given for use of all the Tables, with especial reference<br />

to the needs of those not accustomed to mathematical work.<br />

Forty pages are devoted to arithmetical operations <strong>and</strong> interpolation<br />

methods which will . place the student in <strong>com</strong>m<strong>and</strong> of<br />

the varied mathematical work necessary to the study of Astral<br />

Science, even enabling him to construct in future his own Tables.<br />

Explicit directions are given as to the proper use or St<strong>and</strong>ard<br />

Time. <strong>The</strong> Ephemeris proper gives the Heliocentric L'>ngi-·<br />

tude of each planet anJ of the Moon to minutes of arc for every<br />

day in the year; also Sidereal Time of Greenwich mean noon<br />

for each day. Gives exact time, to tenths of minutes, of entrance<br />

of Moon <strong>and</strong> planets into each sign, corrected for Nutation,<br />

showing in each case the time it takes for light to <strong>com</strong>e<br />

from planet to Earth.<br />

This Ephemeris-the work of an Astronomer of Observatory<br />

experience, who ha.s used the most painstaking ca.re in its<br />

preparation-is undoubtedly the most valuable yet offered to<br />

the public. Price, 25 cents.<br />

Iuued <strong>and</strong> for sal6 by-<br />


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SlO<br />

Tait BIOLOGICAL Joumu.L.<br />

neiproeMion; or, ia other worda, love always aeeka love. Heaae<br />

we nuoD &bM the Intelligenee whioh created man, did eo ia<br />

Cll'Clel- &bM he might loft hia creature <strong>and</strong> be loved by him.<br />

Lo.., tMD, ia 1*11 the OU89 <strong>and</strong> the objd of life; <strong>and</strong> we<br />

aa1 ..W1 •1 that it ia for tbia reuon tlW, ia proportion to<br />

ita fvU-, U.0-who loft <strong>and</strong> are loftd, are eatiailed with liviag.<br />

A.t. indeed, this appet.n to haYe been recognised of old,<br />

for w1-a the Nuuene wu queetioned u to man'• moat dutiful<br />

-.., hia aa1wer wu, "Thou ehalt loYe the Lord thy God<br />

with all thy heart.. <strong>and</strong> with all th7 eoul, <strong>and</strong> with all thy mind,<br />

...a with all th7 dnmgth, . • • <strong>and</strong> thy neighbor u thyself."<br />

A.ad tlaia he gaft them, not limply u hia own oooclmiom, but<br />

M the f;elohinp of the greatest miade of all the put. Another<br />

teUa • that a man O&DDot hate hia fellow <strong>and</strong> at the same time<br />

loft God; ia other worda, loft <strong>and</strong> hate C&DDOt dwell together<br />

iJa the ..e bean. In following tbia line of thought, we feel<br />

u ia Ul1l8ling •t the object of man's creation ia love,-a<br />

reoiprocal love.<br />

Sinae loYe i1 the objeot of man'• creation, we are at once<br />

led to ooneider i'8 attendant oomequenoee; <strong>and</strong> u we look<br />

oYer put yan we perceive that love bu always been the<br />

caue of joy. It ia true that the eelBeh deeiree <strong>and</strong> hopes which<br />

laaer 1pngg up ia the heart po11ae1ecl by love-benumbing or<br />

killiag i~ve deatroyed oar jo7, <strong>and</strong> reeulted in mieery <strong>and</strong><br />

anguish, M tboee d.U. were unfulfilled (or even when fulftllecl)<br />

ud the bope1 blighted; but by theee very oompariaona,<br />

we bow &bM the reeultof a reciprocal love i1 joy. Here, then,<br />

we reaoh two ooncluiona,-fint, that love is the object of<br />

our being; <strong>and</strong>, 1eOOnd, that ita intended reeult ia joy.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re ariaea yet another queetion relative to the provieion<br />

which Creative Love bu made for ita objeot,-man. We are<br />

informed by a great mind of the put •t ''the ~ bath<br />

he (God) given into the h<strong>and</strong>s of men." Thia oorreeponde to<br />

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'.<br />

by Google

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A NEW BOOK--~<br />

Consisting of 50 Selections from Letters<br />

Written By<br />


•<br />

• To One of His Dlsclples<br />


<strong>The</strong> Highway ia within ua. <strong>The</strong> starting-point is at the junction of the eyes within.-Sec. I.<br />

A BEAUTIFUL <strong>and</strong> artistic book, printed on beavy 119per, <strong>and</strong> bonnd in brown <strong>and</strong> linen; ftexible<br />

CC>Tert. <strong>The</strong> following quotation from the Preface indicatel the value of it.ti oontente:-<br />

"THJS BOOKLET is a string of selections from some private letters received from Uie late Rai Salig<br />

Ram Babadur, who, havieg attained the perfection of spirituality, led thous<strong>and</strong>s of his country·<br />

men to a knowledge of the higher life <strong>and</strong> nobler possibilities of human existence.<br />

l1111ed <strong>and</strong> for sale .by<br />

Price, 50 cents, post-paid.<br />



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Jl'lret ~ctare.-<strong>The</strong> Idea of God. Tbe people of all ages ('haracterlzed<br />

by their ldea of God-<strong>The</strong> word of God associatod with the Idea of power-.Mau can only<br />

underst<strong>and</strong> or thlnlr. of things of whh:h he hill! a · 4. <strong>The</strong><br />

wonders of will, p. Ii. Yahvch, "I wfll be whnt I will to lie," 11. 6. Spare 1llle1I <strong>and</strong> ill•<br />

terfllled with worlds Interior to each other-Order aud lutellli;renNl enrywb1·re ment•<br />

feet, p. 11. 'l'he 1:1111t Cause, the ellfientlal Mau, hum1rnlty the ohje('fi\'e p•rts. p. 12. )!Attttr<br />

a condition ofsplrit, p. 15. J,ove tbc fulllllment of the Jaw, p. 18. ~editatlon good<br />

for theaoul- Flutllug Ood, p. 111.<br />

8eco11d L-.:cture.-Force. "All things work together for good "-<strong>The</strong> male<br />

<strong>and</strong> female prlndpleRevcrywhrr.• pr""Cnt In l'\ntun-. <strong>The</strong> c11nrlensali1111 of force Into matter<br />

ac<strong>com</strong>plli!hed by the Logos or"\\ on!. of t;od,'' 1•. 26. 11011: thought is formed <strong>and</strong> sen'<br />

fonhonitsmlulou,p.27. Thoevolutlooofmatter thr.lt1gl1 generl\th·e proct'11.•r•, p. 1111.<br />

<strong>The</strong> lemalo wlll the eo•phering of hiutliug J;riuciple, p. Bl. CompreA'llou, he•t, ex·<br />

panelon, ;>olarlzatlon, p. 8~. F.IL'n for 11111111, Jl, 1:\8. !;ignilic1111



THE ARENA • • MINO<br />


By an arl'augementjnst elfocted with the puhlii1here of MIND ancl THE ARENA,<br />

we are ahle to p1'e11ent to our friends, for a. limite1l time onl.Y, 11.n op1){)rt1111ity<br />

which for Low Pricl', Range of Thought, anti Unity of Purpose, is one mi;ely<br />

equalletl. Douhtlcs!I many in this country, as well a11 foreign lan1ls, will appreciate<br />

thi.i Spe~ial Offer to olttain for oue small snhsc1·ipt.ioJ1 these THRJ


1':1W 'l'BOVGB'l' :ISS.A. TS<br />

Life as a Journey.<br />

Tiu! Mental Origin of Di1eue .<br />

. Mental <strong>and</strong> Phyaical Corl't'spo11dence1.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Imaging Faculty.<br />

How We Make Our Environment.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Evolution of Power.<br />

Food for Mind <strong>and</strong> Body.<br />

Breuth Vibration.<br />

Form <strong>and</strong> Symbol.<br />

l\14'11tal Science versus Hypnotism.<br />

Thoughts on Spiritual H&tling.<br />

Psychical Rf'search.<br />

Telepathy a Scientific Faet.<br />

Healing at a Distance.<br />

DZT01'D 'l'BZ Ct.OVDS<br />

Thia beautiful volume <strong>com</strong>prises 134 pages, con11isting of a series of lectures on<br />

<strong>The</strong> Spiritual Science of Life.<br />

'l'BZ t.IDB.A.BT OF BZ.A.t.'l'E<br />


<strong>The</strong>se valuable papen are preceded by an original "bTKODlTCTJON TO THE<br />

Nxw THOUGHT," not hitherto published, making a volume of over a hundred pages,<br />

<strong>The</strong> other fourteen e88ays of which the volume con11i11tB bear the following titles:-<br />

A series of essays in popular form on Atlvam•ed Thought subjects, gh·ing special<br />

attention to questio118 bearing upon indi~idual happines;i, harmony, <strong>and</strong> health. Excellent<br />

books for beginnen1 in the New Metaphysic11.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Spiritnnl Science of .Life.<br />

Self-Control.<br />

Powe1· of the Will.<br />

Faith antl Works.<br />

Mental Causes of Physical Disease.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Giving of Mental Treatment.<br />


Relationship.<br />

Mind <strong>and</strong> Body (Part I.)<br />

Mind <strong>and</strong> Body (Part II.)<br />

<strong>The</strong> Forgiveness of Sin.<br />

Good <strong>and</strong> E\·il.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Teachings of the Bible.<br />

!lirAll of the above work• are h<strong>and</strong>aomely bound In cloth. Price, $1.00each, post-paid •<br />

. For .~ale b!J<br />



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ThiA li~t will hold good until Augu11t, l!IOl.<br />

To our many friend" <strong>and</strong> patrons who may desire to assist in extending the circnlation of thia<br />

Journal, we offer the following bookR as premiums.<br />

Rudyard Kipling's Works.<br />

Vol. 1. -"<strong>The</strong> Light that Failed."<br />

Vol. 2.-- "ln Black <strong>and</strong> White," "Under the Deodars,"<strong>and</strong><br />

Eight Short Stories.<br />

Vol. 3. --"Story of the Gadsby&," <strong>and</strong> Nine Other Stories.<br />

Vol. 4. - " Departmental Dittie11" <strong>and</strong> "Barrack Room<br />

Ballads," including <strong>The</strong> Vampire, Recessional <strong>and</strong> Suppr8811ed<br />

Poems.<br />

Vol. 5. - "Soldiers Three."<br />

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Vol. 7.--"Mine Own People."<br />

Vol.8.--"Wee Willie Winkie," <strong>and</strong> four other stories of<br />

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fnl Night," <strong>and</strong> Three Other Stories.<br />

Vol. 10.---"Plain Tales from the Hi1111." Thirty-nine<br />

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Volume II.<br />

Companion to volume I.<br />

It contains all the essential matter found in volume 111, <strong>and</strong> IV, of <strong>The</strong> Eso:­<br />

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Which run through <strong>The</strong> Esoteric to <strong>and</strong> including volume IX, begin in this volume.<br />

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"Modern Astrology" predicted in the January issue that, "the Climax of 1899<br />

would be a GREAT WAR."<br />




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In cloth <strong>and</strong> emboued in gold, making an attractive eet of lOvolumee of the moet advaDced thought<br />

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contenta of each Tolame.<br />


Volume 1.-Thia book contalu all the e11entlal matter originally published in volam. L<strong>and</strong><br />

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the Higbelt Goal of Human Attainment-the eerial, Twelve Manner of Peopl-Tweln Kanner of<br />

Gellil-<strong>The</strong> Power of Creatin Thought-<strong>The</strong> Mystery of Sin-God Rules-A View of Creation­<br />

Philoeopby of Astral Specten-Tbe Kind of Wisdom-Precious Stonoa-DeTelopment of the Race<br />

-Unity of Dee~Immortality-Life <strong>and</strong> Death~ much other T&laable matter. Price, 4IT1<br />

pares, $2.00.<br />

Volume. 11.-Thi.e book contains all the essential matter ori(inallypubliahed in volumes m.<br />

<strong>and</strong> IV. of Tbe Eloteric. Among it.a T&luable content.a are a series of Bible Reviews covwing the vital<br />

polnta In the 6nt fourteen Chapters of Genesis-Voyage of the Argonaute-<strong>The</strong> Signs of the Times<br />

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Price, pagee 468, $2.00.<br />

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of Color-Health by Power of Mind-Elixir of Lif

-Wildom of Adepte-Internationa1 Sunday School Leuona-Ment.al BealiJJc, Mundane ud C.-.<br />

tial-Incident.al Thought., etc. Price, 576 pages, $2.00<br />

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XL)-lnternational Sunday School Leuona-A Review of the Way of Attainment-Stoioillll In Elo.­<br />

teric Culture-A Call to Awake-Dreama-Symboliam of the Sabbath-<strong>The</strong> Lord's VlneJVd-Co•<br />

tributiona <strong>and</strong> Anawera to Queationa-True Progr.a-<strong>The</strong> Uae of the Material World to the Neophyte-<strong>The</strong><br />

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Price, 576 pagea, $2.00.<br />

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<strong>The</strong> aim of <strong>The</strong> Oeeult <strong>and</strong> Biological Journal is two-fold: first, it endeavors to unnil<br />

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la now aeeking in the mysticism of the past <strong>and</strong> in Oriental religions; showa the correlation<br />

of the doctrinea of the Orient <strong>and</strong> those of the Christian religion, <strong>and</strong> 11881<br />

the wisdom of the put to throw new light on Biblical text; <strong>and</strong>, aecondly, to thoee<br />

whose desire ia individual unfoldment, it gives a special course of instructions; pre.<br />

eents methods for increaaing the amount of life in the organiam, for its conservation<br />

<strong>and</strong> control, thna insuring the magnetic power ao neceeeary to aueceu in all directione.<br />

It atudiea the biology of the universe. Investigates the laws of life, tracing<br />

the COl11'88 of its unfoldment from ita origin until it reaches the perfection of the<br />

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Although it would seem that the number of n~w-thougbt publication& now before<br />

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TRB .Eeormuo PuBLWIUlo CollPA:NY is llD incorporated bod7. b illauce stock at tlO per elwe,<br />

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JO ll'&\T.BJU(JTY is altopther int.ereeted in preparing a place for the working out to ultimat.ea of all<br />

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THE<br />


VoL. l. -u- No. 9.<br />

MAY 20 to JUNE 21, 1901.<br />


Aooording to the highest esoteric teachings, the Univerae<br />

<strong>com</strong>pri&e1 three gr<strong>and</strong> divisions or degrees:-<br />

1. Spiritual.<br />

11. Spiritual.Material.<br />

111. Material.Spiritual.<br />

<strong>The</strong>ae th~ gr<strong>and</strong> divisions form the Macrocosm <strong>and</strong> correspond<br />

to similar regions in the human body called the Microcosm.<br />

<strong>The</strong> human self conscious on any vlane in the Microoosm,<br />

attains to consciousness on the corre8ponding plane of<br />

the MacroooRm.<br />

This agreement between the Microcosm <strong>and</strong> the Macrocosm<br />

ia the central doctrine of Yoga philosophy, or the acience of<br />

Union with God. It establishes the closest relation between<br />

the structure of the human body <strong>and</strong> that of the Universe. It<br />

is this relation which makes the human body the fit Temple of<br />

God, the Tabernacle of the in-dwelling Spirit. <strong>The</strong> right direction<br />

of thought-force, the necessity of piety <strong>and</strong> devotion,<br />

the possibility of ultimate union with the Supreme God-headall<br />

depend upon this cardinal truth.<br />

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<strong>The</strong> first or the highest di vision is all-pure Spirit uncontam.<br />

inat.ed by Matter. Life here is absolutely spiritual. No illusion<br />

(Maya) or change ruffles the serene, resplendent bosom<br />

of this ooean of pure Spirit. It is the Light of Lights, the<br />

Trnth of Truths, the San of Suns, the Supreme Ocean of<br />

Spirit, the Boundless Sea of Love <strong>and</strong> Joy. Ineffable are its<br />

glories <strong>and</strong> unfathomable are its mysteries.<br />

<strong>The</strong> second gr<strong>and</strong> division, called the Spiritual-Material, hU<br />

in it a tinge of Matter, which, however. i" pure <strong>and</strong> is dominat.ed<br />

by Spirit. In this region the Spirit is joined with the<br />

Universal Mind <strong>and</strong> pure Matter; <strong>and</strong> creation begins to manifest<br />

itaelf. Life is here clothed in pure material forms <strong>and</strong> ia<br />

free from the carnal passions <strong>and</strong> desires of the world.<br />

<strong>The</strong> third <strong>and</strong> the lowest divi,.ion, called the l\laterial-Spiritnal,<br />

shou apirit conjoined with Individual Miud <strong>and</strong> coarse<br />

Matter. Here the Spirit is weak <strong>and</strong> is, in a manner, held in<br />

bondage by Matter. Life is clothed in gross material forms;<br />

<strong>and</strong> carnal passions <strong>and</strong> desires have their origin in this region<br />

<strong>and</strong> exercise their sway over its denizens.<br />

Matter <strong>and</strong> Mind are all emanations from that Great Original,<br />

the Boundle88 Ocean of Spirit, the Eternal, the Immutable,<br />

the Unknowable Cause of Causes. Thus One is Thrt1e <strong>and</strong><br />

Three are One. How this is so is a vexed question-a problem<br />

before which the Senses reel <strong>and</strong> the intellect staggers.<br />

<strong>The</strong> tendency of the Universal Mind is outward <strong>and</strong> downward;<br />

that of 'Matter is still more so, since it is, so to speak, the mat.­<br />

rial which gives form or outward expreuion to the above tendency,<br />

<strong>and</strong> is thus the elllential element of what is called Maya<br />

or Illusion in esoteric philosophy.<br />

<strong>The</strong> highest division is the abode of the Supreme Being who<br />

interpenetrates the whole creation <strong>and</strong> forms the innermost esaence<br />

of everything that lives <strong>and</strong> has its being. Each of the<br />

two lower divisions has for its ruling or presiding deity, a par-<br />

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SSS<br />

ticular manifestation of the Snpreme Being, an emanation<br />

from the Eternal Sonroe, a tidal wave, u it were, from the Great<br />

Oc.:lan. <strong>The</strong> very nature of manifestation being limitation, the<br />

controlling deities of the Spiritual-Material <strong>and</strong> the .Material.<br />

Spiritual regions must neoeeearily be limit.ed. In other words,<br />

God is both personal <strong>and</strong> impersonal. He is impersonal in<br />

the highest sphere, but personal in the two lower ones.<br />

Each division or degree again oomprieee a number of subdivisione,-eix,<br />

according to some, seven, aooording to others. All<br />

Solar Systema, like ours, belong to the third or the lowest degree.<br />

Our Solar Syatem manifests two life-currents, one ascending<br />

<strong>and</strong> the other descending. <strong>The</strong> former symboli7.es the descent<br />

of Spirit into matter, while the latter repreeenta the aaoent of<br />

Spirit into a higher life <strong>and</strong> a loftier consciouaneaa. <strong>The</strong> eeoond<br />

current carries the spirit from the mineral kingdom on·<br />

ward to man, through a regular course of evolution,. When<br />

the stage of man is reached, a very important change <strong>com</strong>es<br />

in. <strong>The</strong> will is now developed to such an extent that man is<br />

· henceforth fitted to take his destiny in his own h<strong>and</strong>s. Though<br />

bound by the laws of nature <strong>and</strong> subject to an over-ruling Divine<br />

Purpose, he is now, in a manner, "his own star," "the<br />

architect of his own fortune.'' St<strong>and</strong>ing at the parting of<br />

ways, he has now the infinite possibilities of soul-growth open<br />

before him. He may rise higher in the scale of creation, be<strong>com</strong>ing<br />

a heavenly spirit aud finally merging himself in the<br />

Supreme Being; or he may sink lower down in matter till he<br />

rises again to the status of man <strong>and</strong> enjoys fresh opportunity<br />

of choosing <strong>and</strong> directing his course. <strong>The</strong> wheel of birth <strong>and</strong><br />

re-birth is thus ceaselessly moving round <strong>and</strong> round; <strong>and</strong><br />

Karma (action) is the pivot on which the wheel is kept<br />

turning.<br />

I.mar Ch<strong>and</strong>ra Chakra...arti, B. A.,<br />

Midnapur, Bengal, India.<br />

(To be continued. )<br />

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<strong>The</strong> word Trinity, meaning three in one. points to a univenal<br />

law of deepeat mysticism, yet not so deep but that we<br />

may undent.<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> make use of it in our daily living. <strong>The</strong><br />

practical apiritual is what the world needs to make it harmoniona<br />

<strong>and</strong> laealthf ul.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are three factors in the being of man, which ever<br />

have been <strong>and</strong> ever will be. <strong>The</strong>y form the Holy Trinity of<br />

spirit, soul, <strong>and</strong> body. <strong>The</strong> three should be in perfect correapondenoe.<br />

When one attains to an intelligent adjustment <strong>and</strong><br />

union of the three within himself, his individuality will have<br />

be<strong>com</strong>e perfectly eatablished.<br />

Let us make a brief analysis of each. First, of Spirit, the<br />

Creative Principle, the underlying substanoe that is forever in<br />

absolute perfection. Separate from it can be no individuality<br />

as soul, nor personality as body. Spirit is the universal snb·<br />

stanoe <strong>and</strong> principle of being. Soulia the individualized ego,<br />

that portion of spirit that each has called forth <strong>and</strong> made use<br />

of within himself, both oonsciously <strong>and</strong> subconsciously. Body<br />

ia the mirror through which soul ia reflected, the form which<br />

it calla into expression.<br />

When man <strong>com</strong>es to Jook upon himself from the st<strong>and</strong>point<br />

of the perfect, independent being, as one with. <strong>and</strong> inseparable<br />

from the pure fountain spirit,his soul e:s:perienoe will be that of<br />

harmony <strong>and</strong> health. So long as the soul or ego disagrees with<br />

its origin <strong>and</strong> diaoounts its own value, there is a mental action<br />

within equivalent to separation. True education oonaiata in<br />

soul culture, which is the acquaintance of man with himself<br />

spiritually. Thia is the only education which will be enduring.<br />

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THE HOLT TlmnTY. 885<br />

We are not in permanent harmony or health bodily, until<br />

we be<strong>com</strong>e so through proper adjustment of soul to spirit,<br />

through recognition of ourselves as spirit prinoiple, <strong>and</strong> thu<br />

establish a continuous soul experience prooeeding from thit<br />

basis. <strong>The</strong> trinity in unity, of spirit, soul <strong>and</strong> body, oonatitute<br />

the perfect individual. Until these three are in agreement,<br />

the forces are scattered <strong>and</strong> destroyed.<br />

<strong>The</strong> body iv the moat dependent, <strong>and</strong>, therefore, the tlrat to<br />

· feel the effect of imperfect adjutment. If not firmly cemented<br />

to spirit, ita flnt O&WK\ through the central link, soul coneoiousneu,<br />

it be<strong>com</strong>es eventually withered <strong>and</strong> lifeleu, u a<br />

branch severed from ita vine.<br />

<strong>The</strong> law of the Holy Trinity can be traced in all manifeatr.­<br />

tiona of nature, <strong>and</strong> ia a neoeuity to every perfect produotion.<br />

Until three elements are united, there can be no whol8Deu or<br />

<strong>com</strong>pletion. <strong>The</strong>re oan be no manifest.or unleu in the operation<br />

of manifesting, <strong>and</strong> the reault of the manifest.or man\fesing<br />

is the manifested. One leans upon the other <strong>and</strong> dependa<br />

upon it. ·<br />

Every thing in nature conforms to this law. Every aooompliahment<br />

involves the union <strong>and</strong> cooperation of three factors.<br />

<strong>The</strong> h<strong>and</strong>, the seed, the ground are neoeuities in planting.<br />

Thus in every aonceivable evolution the grammar of life dem<strong>and</strong>s<br />

strict adherence to ite requirement of so bjeot, verb <strong>and</strong><br />

object. No sentence ia <strong>com</strong>plete without the union of the<br />

three. <strong>The</strong> earth, its action, <strong>and</strong> ita orbit are in such perf eot<br />

unity, that we are carried with it, unooneoioua of any motion.<br />

It ia only when there is •'a slip 'twixt the cup <strong>and</strong> the lip" that<br />

there ia failure of unity, or adjustment, that diaappointment<br />

<strong>and</strong> diaoord are the negative result.<br />

Jesus, the Christ, manifested in the fleeh the unity of the<br />

Trinity. He proclaimed himself to be one with the Father.<br />

Prinoiple, Individuality <strong>and</strong> Personality were, therefore, in<br />

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SS6<br />

TnE B101.001cA1 •• JomtNAL.<br />

absolute correspondence. B1·iJging the oha.~m of ignoran:1e in<br />

regard t.o the relation of soul :uul hotly, hy the recognition of<br />

their true relation, the body became illu1ui11ated by spirit.<br />

Man's true dominion over the body is demonstrable by the<br />

recognition of the law of the Trinity <strong>and</strong> faithful adherence<br />

t.o it, until spil'it be<strong>com</strong>es the one element in which soul <strong>and</strong><br />

body are merged. To reclaim the body from failure through<br />

any other process, has proved impossible. This 111.w is as positive<br />

upon the higher plane of being, as is the law of gravitation<br />

upon the physical plane. Man may manipulate the fteah,<br />

medicinally, surgically, magnetically <strong>and</strong> in a th•msa.ud various<br />

ways, as he does t.o no effect save that of shifting <strong>and</strong><br />

changing, <strong>and</strong> arresting disaase aoJ pain for a 'ime. <strong>The</strong> body<br />

grows old <strong>and</strong> fall11 away because not liok01l to the fountain.of<br />

life through underst<strong>and</strong>ing <strong>and</strong> u110 of the true law.<br />

Life, man's origin, is spirit immortal; but, by calling him.<br />

aeJf mortal, man causes the body to reflect his mortal conception<br />

<strong>and</strong> be<strong>com</strong>e mor~l. Man's origin is Almighty Good;<br />

but he prononnoos himself to be the conception of sin <strong>and</strong><br />

ignorance, <strong>and</strong> the body, partaking of the poi11onous diet prescribed<br />

for it, goes out in darkness <strong>and</strong> ignorance.<br />

Man's origin, spirit, is divine Love, the one sub:;tance in the<br />

universe in which all else is <strong>com</strong>prehended; but, not claiming<br />

<strong>and</strong> thereby knowing the source of his strength, he is tempesttossed<br />

<strong>and</strong> full of fear. He st<strong>and</strong>s in awe of everything, ootknowiog<br />

how to prot.ect himself. <strong>The</strong> body which is the<br />

obedient reflector of soul, can but chronicle the fear that<br />

sweeps through it, <strong>and</strong> the record it shows, is called by the<br />

name of fear, disease <strong>and</strong> final dissolution. Thus the process<br />

of diversity from principle increases, <strong>and</strong> man is constantly<br />

defeated in his effort at bodily control, through not attacking<br />

the problem correctly at the beginning.<br />

<strong>The</strong> so-called, religions of the world have helped to estab-<br />

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TuB HOLT TRINITY. 887<br />

Jish this false premite which reaulta in man's defeat. <strong>The</strong><br />

dogma of original sin, is a direct aeveranoe of man from his<br />

true origin, <strong>and</strong> destroys happineu, health, <strong>and</strong> unity. Ita<br />

whole process is one of denial of Omnipotent God, <strong>and</strong> of necessity<br />

establishes a soul oonciouanea-t.o those who aooept it<br />

-of all that is opposed t.o the elevation <strong>and</strong> joy of mankind.<br />

<strong>The</strong> true meaning of religion is reunion. It pointa t.o the unity<br />

of God with man, or man with himself-spirit, soul <strong>and</strong> body.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Scripture injunction in one place is, Make of your body<br />

a fit tabernacle for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. <strong>The</strong><br />

method of ac<strong>com</strong>plishing this, is through the interior proeees<br />

of reaching into the fouutain of spirit, <strong>and</strong> opening a passage<br />

for its pure wat4lra t.o cleanse <strong>and</strong> purify soul <strong>and</strong> body, until<br />

both be<strong>com</strong>e u clear as their fountain sooroe, the life.giving<br />

Svirit.<br />

<strong>The</strong> body, to be a fit tabernacle for the spirit, must be indestructible,<br />

as spirit is etern~ <strong>and</strong> not fall away by di1e.1e,<br />

leaving the t.enant without its house t.o dwell in. That which<br />

is not enduring. is not a fitting plaoe for the changeless eternal.<br />

It is man's privilege t.o make it so. It lies within his<br />

ability to do llO.<br />

As the soul recognizes itaeJf, the ego, t.o be perfect, changeleu,<br />

<strong>and</strong> abides in this underst<strong>and</strong>ing, the body also begins t.o<br />

partake of the perfect perception, <strong>and</strong> ceases t.o ohaoge nega.<br />

tively int.o weakness <strong>and</strong> infirmity of age, while, inat.ead, its<br />

manifestation will be an increase of life <strong>and</strong> strength, until<br />

the frail body shall be fashioned like unto Bia glorious body.<br />

Jesus came not t.o destroy the law of the Trinity or any<br />

other perfect law, but t.o fulfill it. He showed the law in full<br />

operation when he, through the underst<strong>and</strong>ing of his origin,<br />

brought Life, the first principle, to light; that is, he revealed it<br />

t.o the world, by holding spirit <strong>and</strong> body in union through<br />

the appearance of death. <strong>The</strong> negative law of death was<br />

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annulled through the unit.eel power of spirit, soul, <strong>and</strong> body.<br />

He said, "I of myself can do nothing," aod be was, therefore,<br />

wise enough to form the oentral link in the chain, even that of<br />

the beloved son, in whom the Father dwelling did the work,<br />

having the opportunity to work given him through the son. <strong>The</strong><br />

Father oould do nothing without the son, sinoe there oould<br />

be no parent without a child, neither child without parent.<br />

Bat the two uniting, a oomplete manifestation was made, <strong>and</strong><br />

the divine 1poke through the lipe of man, beamed from bis<br />

oountenanoe, <strong>and</strong> was in such perfect oommanion as to reflect<br />

a body that became visible or invisible at will, overcame death,<br />

<strong>and</strong> ultimately asaended.<br />

Thia power was not relegat.ed t1> on" only, but is free to all.<br />

One made uae of it, <strong>and</strong> by so doing has set before mankind<br />

the open door of equal p088iblility to use <strong>and</strong> proYe the power<br />

divine.<br />

All barmonioue expressions speak the vibrations of these<br />

three wonderfal instrumenta of being. Evdry discord ie a<br />

sign of non-conformity to the law of aJjuitmeot upon which<br />

the uni verse is established.<br />

Thie law admita of no inferiority, no dividing line between<br />

spirit <strong>and</strong> body, between God <strong>and</strong> his creation, ~an.<br />

This law ie divine Love, which does not permit the possibility<br />

of separation or of failure in any region or relation. It<br />

knows the body not as matter or inferior, but u the solution to<br />

the problem of which spirit is the basic principle, <strong>and</strong> intended<br />

in ita ultimate perfection to be one with it.<br />

We see the body unsustained only beoauae the soul oonsoioUBnesa<br />

has not beoome awake to ita origin <strong>and</strong> power, <strong>and</strong><br />

thus established ita equality. And the body-whose wonderful<br />

de&ign <strong>and</strong> office are that of the holy temple, enduring <strong>and</strong><br />

perfeot-oonaequently falls away.<br />

<strong>The</strong> words, "Duet thou art, <strong>and</strong> unto dust thou ahalt return,"<br />

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THE HOLT TBilUTY. 889<br />

which have been apoken of the body, muat be redeemed by the<br />

int.elligent ones aa they recognize the law of the Holy Trinity<br />

in mankind, by saying t.o every at.om called fleah, blood <strong>and</strong><br />

bone: Spirit thou art, <strong>and</strong> aa spirit <strong>and</strong> life thou shalt continually<br />

be renewed <strong>and</strong> keep paoo with the immortal aoul <strong>and</strong><br />

apirit. This word continually apoken by the aoul of the body,<br />

will awaken a new life <strong>and</strong> courage within it. <strong>The</strong> body, alwaya<br />

obedient t.o mind, will be obedient t.o this true <strong>com</strong>m<strong>and</strong>,<br />

<strong>and</strong> will begin t.o apring int.o newneu <strong>and</strong> power. "Without<br />

the word waa not any thing made that waa made." For "every<br />

idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof<br />

in the day of judgment," which day of judgment ia ever upon<br />

us; <strong>and</strong> the account taken of every word or thought ia writt.en<br />

upon the body, the book of life. <strong>The</strong> idle words of fa1ae<br />

soul oonsciousneas record upon the body diaease <strong>and</strong> failure.<br />

<strong>The</strong> true words, the connecting link between apirit <strong>and</strong> body,<br />

record health, power <strong>and</strong> peace.<br />

For a while the wheat <strong>and</strong> tares grow together; the contradiction<br />

of the true <strong>and</strong> £alee, like a house divided against<br />

itself in discord. But the time arrives when there must be a<br />

aeverance of the two, when, if the tares of false worda <strong>and</strong><br />

false consciousness are not rooted out <strong>and</strong> dismiued, the body<br />

will fall away. But man has it in bis power, here <strong>and</strong> now, to<br />

redeem both body <strong>and</strong> soul from the dominion of false words<br />

<strong>and</strong> thoughts, <strong>and</strong> may, if he will, root out the whole harvest<br />

of tares, of sin, sickness, failure, <strong>and</strong> destruction. <strong>The</strong> words,<br />

"Depart, I never knew you," are most potent. <strong>The</strong> conaciousne88<br />

<strong>and</strong> power which these words, when used int.elligently, will<br />

bring, of warmth, light <strong>and</strong> life, are ineatimable. Because<br />

while they clear the soul of fear, they prepare it for hope <strong>and</strong><br />

happineH, <strong>and</strong> union with the perfect substance, spirit, whfoh<br />

ia the fountain of life <strong>and</strong> joy.<br />

We are "not under the law, but under grace"-that is, not<br />

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840 Ta& B10LOG10AL Jouu.u..<br />

under bondage to a falle law which baa established results of<br />

failure <strong>and</strong> destruction of happineu <strong>and</strong> power,-wben we ahall<br />

haTe once taken dominion, bat we are "under grace," haring<br />

the opportunity now of <strong>com</strong>ing oat from under the influence of<br />

ignorant thouglata <strong>and</strong> expreuiona, to a state <strong>and</strong> place in<br />

spirit, aoul, <strong>and</strong> body, where Love abounds, where we reap a<br />

full harvest of Life <strong>and</strong> Peace.<br />

ThUB will be aooomplished the resurrection of the body <strong>and</strong><br />

mind, from false beliefs <strong>and</strong> their effect, unto a normal translation<br />

into the perfect image <strong>and</strong> imager of spirit, life, <strong>and</strong><br />

loTe)ineu; the realization <strong>and</strong> manifestation of health, strength,<br />

holineu, <strong>and</strong> beanty, thUB fulfilJing the true destiny of man,<br />

the glorification of apirit in its triune power, <strong>and</strong> its enjoyment,<br />

now <strong>and</strong> forever. "Ye are the temple of the living God."<br />

"<strong>The</strong> Lord is in his holy temple." "Know the truth, <strong>and</strong> the<br />

truth ahall make you free."<br />

Anna W. Mills.<br />

•<br />


<strong>The</strong>y say that e'tery deed that we haTe done,<br />

And every word <strong>and</strong> thought, or foul or fair,<br />

Are stamped imperishably on the air,<br />

Just aa the sitter's face is thrown upon<br />

<strong>The</strong> darkened plate by the all.pervading sun.<br />

Likewise 'tie said nor time nor change can e'er<br />

<strong>The</strong>se pictured records of oar lives impair,<br />

Though centuries may roll when we are gone.<br />

Stnpendoua thought I that what we are ahould be<br />

Forever blaaoned on the astral light,<br />

Where he who knows unfailingly may see<br />

Whatever each baa wrought of wrong or right.<br />

If this be truth, resolve, 0 sou), ~night,<br />

To purge thyself of all iniquity!<br />

St. George Beat.<br />

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<strong>The</strong> world baa long been 188king a knowledge of oauaation.<br />

<strong>The</strong> religious world goes at one bound from material manifestation<br />

to the penonality of a Deity as the cause of all things,<br />

a mental prooeaa which is, of oouree, baaed upon revelation.<br />

At the same time the thinking clasaee, who are ready to quea.<br />

tion everything <strong>and</strong> accept nothing which is not aupport.ed by<br />

reason, have denied the evidence of a Supreme, Individaalliled<br />

Personality, who ia the first cause.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re have always existed two aohoola of thought, or, perhaps<br />

better, methods of thought,-the intuitive <strong>and</strong> the deductive.<br />

<strong>The</strong> intuitive, with one leap, baa aoaled all manifestation<br />

<strong>and</strong> laid hold on the fint cause, while the deductive begins<br />

down where it finds itself <strong>and</strong> tries to trace the lines backward<br />

<strong>and</strong> upward toward that cause. <strong>The</strong> iwo claaaea have for centuries<br />

been ooming closer <strong>and</strong> closer together, until at the pr-.<br />

ent time the deductive aohoola of ao-oalled material aoience<br />

have reached a point where they perceive that all things are<br />

immarsed in an immense ocean of what they have been pleased<br />

to denominate, ether, <strong>and</strong> this ether, they see, permeates the<br />

interapaoe of all material things; therefore, they aooept <strong>and</strong><br />

announce that this unknown aubstanoe they call ether is omnipresent.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y further see <strong>and</strong> aver that this ether is the cause,<br />

force, <strong>and</strong> life of all things; therefore, they call it omnipotent.<br />

Some have gone ao far as to announce that there are evidences<br />

from a material st<strong>and</strong>point that this ether is an intelligent,<br />

orderly, oauaative principle. Here, then, upon this ground,<br />

the intuitive, or religious, <strong>and</strong> scientific cluaea meet.<br />

Since the beginning of revelation, God bu been called the<br />

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Almighty, the Omnipresent, the Omnipotent Creat.or. <strong>The</strong><br />

more thoughtless classes ha,·e ever enrlowed this Omnipotent<br />

Cause with a physical organism like their own, seated ~omewhel'f\<br />

away otf in space, dominating creation, as would an individual<br />

man; but those who have had the higher inspirations,<br />

while they eall it God <strong>and</strong> have received or formulated a name<br />

for that thiuking intelligence, yet have not limited the intelligence<br />

to a 11pecific locality, as will be seen in the records<br />

of the Christian <strong>and</strong> Hebraic Bibles. In this broader view are<br />

found all those <strong>com</strong>prehensive expressions wherein religion<br />

<strong>and</strong> science now meet. <strong>The</strong> same inspiration <strong>and</strong> revelation<br />

have led many people into the thought that all is miud, <strong>and</strong><br />

that all mind <strong>and</strong> substance, of every name <strong>and</strong> nature, are<br />

spirit; although they make no attempt to underst<strong>and</strong> this great<br />

thought. Some of them have run to great extremes, ignoring<br />

the existence of an Intelligent, Creative Power, scoffing at the<br />

revelations of Deity; but, at the same time, they have recognized<br />

the great underlying revelation of all revelations; namely,<br />

that God created tlte universe by a word, that God creat.<br />

ed from himself all that is.<br />

If God is spirit, then the inevitable conclusion is that all is<br />

spirit, <strong>and</strong> we may accept the naming of the scientific <strong>and</strong> deductive<br />

mind <strong>and</strong> say, All is ether. This bringg us to the ancient<br />

<strong>and</strong> immortal conclnsion, pronounced mauy thous<strong>and</strong><br />

years ago: "As below so above," which means simply this,­<br />

that there are laws governing the physical universe accessible<br />

<strong>and</strong> visible to all life, <strong>and</strong> that we, as mankind, find ourselves<br />

in this material world subject to those governing laws. Scanning<br />

this physical manife11tation, the wisest have <strong>com</strong>e to the<br />

conclusion that use is the prime, dominant feature of all creati<br />

ve law. Now, as we torn our attention to that creative law, we<br />

see, wherever matter resides, a formative potentiality. Grass,<br />

vegetation in all its expressions, springs up <strong>and</strong> manifests<br />

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Tmt Two Wo:aLDS. 848<br />

itaelf in form; in the wat.ers of the ocean, life, in its varioua<br />

manilestations, expressee it.self in form <strong>and</strong> function; <strong>and</strong><br />

we, as the crowning work, crowning expression of that creative<br />

thought, aa tillers of the ground, as utilizers of all that is,<br />

are neoeeaarily forced to formulate the idea of good <strong>and</strong> evil.<br />

<strong>The</strong> idea of good <strong>and</strong> evil begins with that which is uaeful<br />

to us <strong>and</strong> that which is not useful to us. That which is not<br />

usefnl to us, is an obstruction to the ac<strong>com</strong>plishment of<br />

onr purpoee. Here begins the law of good <strong>and</strong> evil, a law<br />

which has a still wider application. According to revelation<br />

the creative force that some call God, others law, others<br />

ether, had in it a de&nit.e object, <strong>and</strong> all things are working<br />

together to forward that object; therefore, from the st<strong>and</strong>point<br />

of the In&nit.e lnt.elligence, there can be no evil, for<br />

even those things that are working to thwart <strong>and</strong> make diftl.<br />

cult <strong>com</strong>pliance with the in&nit.e object of creation, &1'8 in themselves<br />

necessary factors in making strong <strong>and</strong> pot.ent all that is<br />

working in direct harmony with that object. This is seen, first,<br />

in the recognized law of the survival of the fittest. An examination<br />

of this law might be elaborated into volumes, but we<br />

wish here only to suggest a thought, <strong>and</strong> from what has been<br />

&aid we offer the following pictnre for cont.emplation.<br />

We, as int.elligent men <strong>and</strong> women, find ourselves lit.erally<br />

in a boundless ocean that contains every mental <strong>and</strong> physical<br />

law, principle, power, or quality that has ever been or<br />

ever will be manife.


oa (God), <strong>and</strong> give him (man) the dominion over all things."<br />

In other words, to make man a god, that is, a power governing<br />

in creation. <strong>The</strong>refore we find ourselves, illustratively speak·<br />

ing, as an organic mind center, moving, floating, as it were, in<br />

this ocean of unformulated mind substance.<br />

Here we apply the law of use in the upper sphere. If we,<br />

as men <strong>and</strong> women, continue to take of this divine substance<br />

<strong>and</strong> shape thought forms uaelesa to ourselves <strong>and</strong> to send<br />

them from us, such thoughts, like wee

TBl!: Two Wom.ns. 845<br />

of these forces can have a manifestation unless the individual<br />

recognizes, intelligently or instinctively, the fact that he has<br />

within himsell a creative fact.or, <strong>and</strong> unless he sets forth with<br />

an lllmost desperate determination, energy, t.o enter the world<br />

of mind <strong>and</strong> thus the world of causation lying next beyond<br />

physical manifestation, <strong>and</strong>, through <strong>and</strong> by a diligent, unyielding,<br />

unceasing effort, grows <strong>and</strong> develops a power of will <strong>and</strong><br />

intelligence transcending his fellows, transcending, to a certain<br />

extent, oreative law,-we say that unless these conditions obtain<br />

in the individual mentality, he will fail in be<strong>com</strong>ing a factor,<br />

"a master," in the work of creation.<br />

Now, it is well that the reader think of his real self-not<br />

the physical body, but the thinking intelligence-as a mind.<br />

formative fact.or in this boundless ocean of God, Ether, the<br />

Omnipotent, Brahm, or whatever name he pleases t.o give it.<br />

And being in this ocean he may, if he will, identify his consciousness<br />

with that infinite fountain of life, for by identifying<br />

one's consciousneBB with it, the consciousness of physical limi·<br />

tations, the body, which he has been in the ha.bit of calling himself,<br />

ceases to appear so important <strong>and</strong> so powerful a restrainer<br />

aa it does at present. Yes, the body, subject, as it is, to material<br />

law, then be<strong>com</strong>es subordinate, absolutely obedient t.o one's<br />

mind, the mind that is allied to the Cause, God. And he who<br />

intelligently unites himself with the tendency of all creation,<br />

the object of creation, therefore with its laws, <strong>and</strong> who realizes<br />

bis onene88 with that limitless fountain, be<strong>com</strong>es in himself a<br />

son of God, having dominion over all manifested things. He<br />

be<strong>com</strong>es a little world, a nerve ganglion, active in this universe<br />

of life, sending forth continually useful, creative thought forms.<br />

He be<strong>com</strong>es an organ in the creative mind, by which the Almighty<br />

carries forward <strong>and</strong> brings to certain ultimates the object<br />

of the creation, or manifestation of matter.<br />

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(IX.)<br />

In the three preceding articles of this aeries we have endeavored<br />

to impress upon your mind the neceaaity of over<strong>com</strong>ing<br />

the lou of life generat.ed in the body. Thia thought is always<br />

met by many objections, of which the leading one ia, that ahould<br />

auch a coune be generally adopt.eel the race would die out, that<br />

under auch condition• ita perpetuity would be impoasible. We<br />

wish it clearly <strong>and</strong> diatinctly understood that nothing baa been<br />

aaid up to the present time, but that which is purely natural<br />

<strong>and</strong> abaolutely neceaaary to a higher moral, intellectual, <strong>and</strong><br />

more useful life in the world. It ia abaolutely eaaential that<br />

every man <strong>and</strong> woman who thinka of marrying <strong>and</strong> rearing a<br />

f4mily, ahould &rat follow these inatroctiona to a point where<br />

all involuntary 1088 of the vital ftuida ia over<strong>com</strong>e. Those<br />

pseud-lovera of the race who are ao afraid that the atoppi ng<br />

of this abomination of aenaual indulgence ia going to atop generation,<br />

do not pause to think of the fact that the very condition<br />

that their effort& would maintain, is the condition that ia<br />

destroying the race, leaaening longevity; that it baa almost<br />

&topped the production of children in the ao-called heat circles<br />

of BOCiety. So much ia thia the oaee that. were it not for the<br />

the lower claaa of foreigners who are living a purely animal<br />

exiatence, our population would be decreaaing at an alarming<br />

rate; <strong>and</strong> it ia because of this condition of thinga that the majority<br />

of the human family are on auch a low plane of existence.<br />

No man or woman ahonld think of marrying <strong>and</strong> producing<br />

children while mind <strong>and</strong> body are under the control of aenaual<br />

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•<br />

desires <strong>and</strong> imaginations, for children born of noh parent.a can<br />

never be more than mere serfs.<br />

<strong>The</strong> race would have been extinct long since had it not been<br />

for a law established by divine wisdom, that married people<br />

soon be<strong>com</strong>e surfeit.ed with the marital relation, 1Uld their<br />

minds turn away from it <strong>and</strong> be<strong>com</strong>e abaorbed in some of the<br />

interests of life. In this is the prot.ection to the perpetuity of<br />

the race. But such a condition produoea extremes, so that our<br />

great men are in reality only great in some one line <strong>and</strong> very<br />

small in every other. You who would perpetuate generation,<br />

should perpetuate it on a plane worthy of the human raoe;<br />

<strong>and</strong> for t)iat purpose you should bend all your efforts to the<br />

taking control of the forces of your own body <strong>and</strong> mind to the<br />

end that. when you wish to produce offspring, you may have<br />

a fountain of life endowed with mental capacity in any <strong>and</strong> all<br />

directions, enabling you to produce strong men <strong>and</strong> women,­<br />

men <strong>and</strong> women capable of not only rising <strong>and</strong> living above diaeased<br />

states. but capable of grasping with a master h<strong>and</strong> all<br />

the problems of life.<br />

Our reference to myatioa who have lived this life, was for the<br />

purpose of giving you proof from the history of the past that<br />

it is a moral life <strong>and</strong> one producing mind power. It was intended<br />

as a suggestion to enable you to 6.nd unanswerable argument.a<br />

with which to meet the ignorant <strong>and</strong> egotistical<br />

classes, claiming to be learned <strong>and</strong> wise, who would denounce<br />

such a coune of life.<br />

We repeat the words used in the foregoing article, that men<br />

differ one from another as to the phenomena attendin1 the<br />

vital conservation, <strong>and</strong> the difference to which we wish to call<br />

your attention is, that some persona, as soon as they are oonvinced<br />

that it is wisest <strong>and</strong> beat to atop all involuntary waste<br />

of the vital fluids can do so without any extraordinary effort.<br />

Such persona are invariably those whose minds are dwelling<br />

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848 Ta& BIOLOGICAL Jouu.u..<br />

in the positive forces of nature, whoee mental action does not<br />

take in what we have called vital thought. Here we muat<br />

give a little deecription of the mental habits of thia cla&a of<br />

people, in orcler that yoo may diatinguiah between auch thought<br />

<strong>and</strong> what we denominate vital thought. Thoae dwelling in<br />

the poeitive thought do no• allow anything to enter into their<br />

emotional or even devotional nature; they are not in any way<br />

governed by that interior overftowing aoul of love. <strong>The</strong>y may<br />

poueu atrong puaiona <strong>and</strong> have wha• would appear to be a<br />

atroug love nature, but it is from thia class of minda that the<br />

oonolU1ion baa been aent forth into the world that love is purely<br />

aexua1 puaion. <strong>The</strong>ae minda are the dominant ones in the<br />

external affain of life, <strong>and</strong> they will not oonacioualy obtain u,<br />

important reaulta from the conaervation of the life as othen.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y will, it is trne, if delicate in health, regain their health;<br />

their minda <strong>and</strong> wills will beoome atronger <strong>and</strong> their minda<br />

clearer; but all theae oonditiona are not aa appaNnt to the individual<br />

u they wonld be did he live more in the devotional<br />

<strong>and</strong> love nature.<br />

If men <strong>and</strong> women of this claaa wish to obtain the highest<br />

<strong>and</strong> beat of life'• qaali6oationa, they ahould make a study of<br />

the spirit of devotion; they should aearoh deep down in their<br />

own natures, find <strong>and</strong> bring up from ita depths that spirit of<br />

love which baa for ita vital center devotion to the highest ideal<br />

of God. When this apirit of love is brought to the surfaoe<br />

<strong>and</strong> lived in, it will be found to be an instrument through<br />

which knowledge may be inspired; for, although the thoaghta<br />

<strong>and</strong> ideaa that flow in may be, at first, only theories, yet if the<br />

mind holda to them <strong>and</strong> continues in the apirit of devotion,<br />

there will soon open before it abundant evidence by which the<br />

theories may be oon&rmed <strong>and</strong> tranaformed into knowledge of<br />

fact. If thoee who can 80 readily control the life forces do not<br />

turn their attention to musing upon the idea of God, upon the<br />

highest attributes posaible to human life, upon the spirit of<br />

•<br />

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NEw PRACTICAL M.rraoDS. 349<br />

love <strong>and</strong> devotion, they will grow hard <strong>and</strong> poaitive, <strong>and</strong> oertain<br />

adverse conditiona may oome in <strong>and</strong> take control of the<br />

mind, <strong>and</strong> before they are aware of it, they may be<strong>com</strong>e instruments<br />

of ael&h desire <strong>and</strong> oppreaaion. We would, therefore,<br />

impreu upon such minds the neoeeaity of delving deep into<br />

what baa been called the spirit of devotion, the religious spirit,<br />

for this is one aide of life that is neceaaary to oompletement.<br />

Thia aide of life ia what we have termed the vital aide; it<br />

touches the aouroe of life. It i1 the feminine aide of one's<br />

nature.<br />

If everything is going well with you <strong>and</strong> the foregoing thought<br />

ia brought to your mind, yon may take hold of it from a purely<br />

business st<strong>and</strong>point,-aa a means of obtaining health <strong>and</strong><br />

strength of mind <strong>and</strong> body. This it will give yon, but we<br />

would have you receive even more; we would have you reoeive<br />

added powers, or, in other words. we would have you develop<br />

both sides of your nature, <strong>and</strong> thus be well balanced within<br />

yourself. Reall the tim~ in your experience, for there baa<br />

been such a time if you have reached the age of maturity, when<br />

your external hopes <strong>and</strong> desires were croBSed <strong>and</strong> you were<br />

forced to retire within yourself, <strong>and</strong> there sprang up within<br />

yoq a deep sadness, a longing desire for something, some one<br />

in whom you could place oon6.denoe. Analyze that at.ate <strong>and</strong><br />

you will find that you not only desired some one in whom you<br />

could place confidence, but that you were really reaching out<br />

in earnest aoul-p1-ayer for this feminine side of your nature,<br />

through which alone you can obtain added consciousness <strong>and</strong><br />

mind power. Recall to your mind, as best you can, what the<br />

result of that state was. You may call it sadness or dejection,<br />

or you may have so thoroughly banished it from your mind<br />

that you do not acknowledge, even to yourself, that it ever existed;<br />

but you have had the experieuce, <strong>and</strong> if you allow your<br />

mind to dwell npon it, you will soon recollect all the f~lin~.<br />

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850 THE B10LOGJCAL .Jou1U1.u ..<br />

emotion& <strong>and</strong> deairea that were active at the time. If you<br />

would reach the higheat pouible attainment. giving a well-balanced<br />

mind in every direction, go back <strong>and</strong> gather up this experience,-try<br />

to realir.e it, try to renew the experience, bring<br />

back <strong>and</strong> try to live in it long enough to know it; for from it<br />

you can learn what this apirit of love <strong>and</strong> devotion, the 11pirit<br />

of the feminine side of your nature ia. <strong>and</strong> you oan alao learn<br />

how to make use of it for the development of added powera.<br />

But Jet me warn you here, if you dwell in it too ooutinuedly,<br />

you will aw1Lktin within you a sex passion auoh aa you have<br />

never known. Do not fear this paaaion; let it live <strong>and</strong> grow,<br />

for it is the meana by which you are gaining added life, provided<br />

you do not let it grow beyond your strength of control,<br />

or your intellectaal ability <strong>and</strong> will. If you allow it to grow,<br />

at the 11ame time keeping the mind <strong>and</strong> will in predominance,<br />

so as to hold it oont.inually under control, there will open within<br />

you a new world of mind, <strong>and</strong> love, peace, <strong>and</strong> all the most<br />

desirable attribute& of human existence.<br />

Here yon meet another great danger, for unless you can centralize<br />

that interior mind-which yon will have there discovered<br />

<strong>and</strong> which we have been describing-upon God <strong>and</strong> upon the<br />

higher morality covered by the words of the Nazarene wheq he<br />

said, "Lo\·e thy neighbor as thyself," you will be in danger of<br />

using for the purpoMe of coercing others into <strong>com</strong>pliance with<br />

your will <strong>and</strong> Btllfish desires, the consciousnesa of power <strong>and</strong><br />

resource that has arisen within you through the courae of<br />

life described. Thia is the open door into the dark realm of<br />

black magic, <strong>and</strong> if you allow yourself to entet' in at that door,<br />

all peace of mind <strong>and</strong> joy of living will be left behind, <strong>and</strong><br />

though you may find therein powers to gratify certain aelfish<br />

motives <strong>and</strong> desires, yet the farther yon go the darker <strong>and</strong><br />

more desperate be<strong>com</strong>e your chances of obtaining that for<br />

which you are really seeking. <strong>The</strong>refore, at this atage of<br />

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NBW Paa.Cl'ICAL MBTBOD8. 851<br />

awakening we pray you to lay aside aelfishneu <strong>and</strong> aeek the<br />

great.est good for all. We ask you to turn back <strong>and</strong> in the<br />

present connection read carefully the first three numbers of<br />

these instructions.<br />

Here we leave you, because when you have reached this<br />

point in youl' experience, you will begin to recognize <strong>and</strong> underst<strong>and</strong><br />

another class of the human family which will now<br />

have our attention, <strong>and</strong> the instructions to them will be for<br />

you also-on this feminine side of your nature.<br />

Is not the evidence of Ease on the very front of all the<br />

great.est works in existence? Do they not say plainly to na<br />

not ''there has been a great effort here," but "there has been a<br />

great power here''? It is not the wearinees of mortality but<br />

the strength of Divinity, which we have to reoognize in all<br />

mighty things; <strong>and</strong> that ia just what we now never reoognize,<br />

but think that we are to do great things by the help of iron<br />

bars <strong>and</strong> perspiration; alas I we shall do nothing that way but<br />

lose· some pounds of our own weight.<br />

We have always need of the infinit.e, the eternal, the absolute;<br />

<strong>and</strong> since science oontenta itself with what ia relative, it<br />

neoeaaarily leaves a void, which it ia good for man· to fill with<br />

contemplation, wonhip, <strong>and</strong> adoration.<br />

-Henri-Frederic Amiel.<br />

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Courage brother? do not stumble<br />

Though thy path is dark a" night;<br />

<strong>The</strong>re'• a star to guide the humble:<br />

"Trnat in God, <strong>and</strong> do the right."<br />

Let the road be long <strong>and</strong> dreary.<br />

And ita ending out of sight;<br />

Foot it bravely, strong or weary;<br />

"Trnat in God, <strong>and</strong> do the right."<br />

Perish "policy" <strong>and</strong> cunning,<br />

Perish all that fears the light!<br />

Whether losing, whether winning,<br />

"Trost in God, <strong>and</strong> do the right."<br />

Trost no forms of guilty pusion,<br />

Fiends can look like angels bright,<br />

Trnat no custom, school, or fashion,<br />

"Trnat in God, <strong>and</strong> do the right."<br />

Trust no party, church, or faction,<br />

Trost no leaders in the fight;<br />

But, in every word an1l action,<br />

"Traat in God, <strong>and</strong> do the right."<br />

Some will hate thee, some will love thee,<br />

Some will flatter, some will slight;<br />

Cease fl'Om man <strong>and</strong> look above thee,<br />

"Trust in God, <strong>and</strong> do the right."<br />

Simple rule, <strong>and</strong> safest guiding;<br />

Inward peace, <strong>and</strong> inward light,<br />

Star upon our path abiding:<br />

"Trust in God, <strong>and</strong> do the right."<br />

-Ac Etiam.<br />

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#<br />



When the morning stars first sang together, <strong>and</strong> the Sona<br />

of God listened to the great Solar Anthem, there must have<br />

been a duet from Castor <strong>and</strong> Pollox M representatives of the<br />

Sign Gemini. ha unique duality exceeds that of any other<br />

Sign. It st<strong>and</strong>s for the po11itive <strong>and</strong> the negative, the right<br />

h<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> the left, for peace <strong>and</strong> war, for progreu <strong>and</strong> retrogression.<br />

It thus r4'presents the airy element in a four-square<br />

capacity as emblematic of spirit, <strong>and</strong> so lays the foundation of<br />

the Temple of Immortality, within which humanity may enter<br />

<strong>and</strong> be<strong>com</strong>e inspired for the gr<strong>and</strong> work whereonto they are<br />

called along the line of a perpetual development.<br />

In a tribal sense Issacbar, as its representative, be<strong>com</strong>es the<br />

Zodiacal Hercules, lifting humanity upon each shoulder, both<br />

educationally <strong>and</strong> inspirationally, into that high atmosphere<br />

where -with Mother Earth below-they can breathe the more<br />

heavenly oxygen <strong>and</strong> be more fully allied with the dhine.<br />

In attempting to illustrate in human life this ·Sign of the<br />

Twins, the writer feels impelled to do so through two well.<br />

known AmericanK, Ralph Waldo Emerson <strong>and</strong> Harriet<br />

Beecher Stowe. He feels that it will be generally admitted<br />

that their ootreachinge <strong>and</strong> upreachinge, as typical of this<br />

Sign, were unusual, distinctive, <strong>and</strong> uplifting •<br />

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Ralph Waldo Emerson. Nat. May 25, 1808, at 8 p. m.<br />

RISING SIGN-:1:1o.<br />

Earth (Ea) in Zodiacal Sign of Gemini (n).<br />

Moon (>) " " •• ..<br />

~ (Ao) •<br />

Uranus (•) " " " " Ari ea ( "f ).<br />

Satorn ('z)" " " " Pisces (lC).<br />

Jopiter (¥) " " " " Ari ea ( "f ).<br />

Mara (I) " " "<br />

.. Pisoea (X ).<br />

Venua (9) " " " "<br />

Meroury ( V ) •· " " "<br />

Virgo (TIR).<br />

Pisces (X).<br />



Fire, Three. Intellectual, Three.<br />

Earth, One. Domestic, Two.<br />

Air, One. Creative, Nooe.<br />

Water, Three. Serving, Three.<br />

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Harriet Beecher Stowe. Nat. June 14, 18H.<br />

Earth ( E9) in Zodiacal Sign of Gemini {II).<br />

Moon ()) " .,<br />

" " Leo (Q.).<br />

Uranus (•) " " " " 'l'aurus (M).<br />

Saturn (lz) " " " " Cancer {~).<br />

Jupiter (¥) " " " " Caprioorn (l'J).<br />

Capricorn {l'J).<br />

Mara (I) " " " "<br />

Venus (2) " " " " Taurus (M)·<br />

Mercury ( ~ ) '' " " "<br />

Virgo (nx).<br />

ELEMENT8.<br />


Fire, One. Intellectual, Three.<br />

Earth, Five. Domestic, Three.<br />

Air, One. Creative, None.<br />

Water, One. Serving, Two.<br />

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Tracing first tbrongh the Zodiacal Circle before u11, that of<br />

Mr. Emerson, we note th11.t the Earth was in the 6.rst Ddcan<br />

of Gemini, <strong>and</strong> that the Moon had been only a few hours in<br />

the Sign of Leo, at the time of hie birth. His h<strong>and</strong>s <strong>and</strong> his<br />

heart, therefore, form the basis of hie career. Versatility <strong>and</strong><br />

illumination were strongly unit.eel. And yet it is probably<br />

true that a tonch of the Taurus element in~rmingled in hie<br />

Earthy Sign, <strong>and</strong> somewhat of Cancer in his polarity. When<br />

to this is added the fact that in the East the Rising Sign appearing<br />

was Libra, we have indeed a most delicate adjnstment,<br />

physically <strong>and</strong> mentally, upon which the planetary foroea oonld<br />

act with unusual reaponeiveneu. To that end Venus in Virgo<br />

(ita beat position) oontribnt.ed in causing to exist an ideality <strong>and</strong><br />

fine discriminations in the Love Element, as well as in opening<br />

his impresaional 011.tnre to tbe in8ux of those 6.ner spiritual intuitions,<br />

which eventually made him both poet <strong>and</strong> philosopher.<br />

With Saturn, Mars, <strong>and</strong> Mercury in Pisces, we quickly<br />

discern the foundation of that reatl888ness which in earlier life<br />

pervaded his being. He must know what the Brook Farm<br />

meant, experimentally. He must st<strong>and</strong> in the pulpit as the<br />

exponent of Truth, as he understood it,-even as a transcendentalist.<br />

But, as the ye:~rs came along, be eat more <strong>and</strong><br />

more in the quietude where he could hear "the still, small<br />

voice," until one day he borrowed of hie friend Whittier the<br />

Quaker books .on the ordinance..", <strong>and</strong>, upon returning them,<br />

was able to say with much emphasis: "John, the Quakers are<br />

right. It is all spiritual, <strong>and</strong> I will never administer an outward<br />

ordinance again." And be never did. His church did<br />

not agree with him, <strong>and</strong> he thenceforth became a coamopolitan<br />

thinker, believing in the omniscience of the spirit <strong>and</strong> the omnipresence<br />

of <strong>com</strong>mon sense, listening ever to what the inner<br />

voice revealed. <strong>The</strong> poemR <strong>and</strong> eR111.ys that followed attest to<br />

his faithfnlneas, <strong>and</strong> to the growth of soul that enabled him to<br />

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be<strong>com</strong>e the Occidental Mystic of the Ninet.eenth Century. He<br />

learned to apply bis own words to his own acts:-<br />

" He that feeds men aerveth few;<br />

He ur11u all who dare• ~ true."<br />

His reatle88 h<strong>and</strong>s <strong>and</strong> feet became restfnl after the intellectual<br />

struggles <strong>and</strong> apprehensions were tranamut.ed into oomprehensions<br />

that the Over Soul aboat him wu the very atmosphere<br />

of Divinity, <strong>and</strong> that his own spirit wu at home there. What<br />

a le880n is this, not only to Biological stadents, but to all who<br />

realize in daily life the need of an over<strong>com</strong>ing of the earthly<br />

procli vitiest<br />

And what did the planetary forces do for him in the line of<br />

expresaion? A glance at the circle shows that both Uranus<br />

<strong>and</strong> Jupiter were in the Sign Aries when Earthly soenes first<br />

appeared to him. Herein the great.est, <strong>and</strong> also the molt metaphysical<br />

planet, bad their mighty aniaaion. Jupiter enlarged<br />

all his ideals <strong>and</strong> voiced them to the world in language at onoe<br />

noble <strong>and</strong> powerful. U ranua clothed his mind with olear ideas<br />

of the spiritual <strong>and</strong> the mystical, so that he became u indomitable<br />

as Ciesar,-pushing on with fiery st.eeds that knew no opposition,<br />

conquering <strong>and</strong> to conquer. And ever by those st.eeds<br />

did the Messenger of the Gods run, adding strength <strong>and</strong> rapidity<br />

to the onward roll of this Mystic Chariot. When Air <strong>and</strong><br />

Water came into calm, the dual Fire of ArieR proclaimed the<br />

inspirations of this great soul in thoughts so remarkable that,<br />

as the Twentieth Century dawnR, they have beoome largely<br />

incorporat.ed into the religions thought of all our Proteetant<br />

Churches.<br />

While in no sense natively creative or original (as the circle<br />

shows), illumination, intuition <strong>and</strong> inspiration were the<br />

triune forces that so posse&Aed him, that he was above the need<br />

of origination, <strong>and</strong> had hut to open his spiritual eyes to see<br />

the Troth in its wonderful height, width, <strong>and</strong> depth, u well as<br />

its adaptation to the soulful need of God's sons <strong>and</strong> daughters<br />

in all th~ir varied necenitiea.<br />

•<br />

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<strong>The</strong> Zooiacal Circle of Mrs. Stowe showa that the Earth<br />

<strong>and</strong> Moon oooupied the same positions at her birth as when<br />

Ml'. Emerson was born. We need not repeat, therefore, our<br />

oomments thereon, but note how differently in every other way<br />

the bea vens portrayed her natural characteristina. We will,<br />

however, pause to say that her femininity opened still more<br />

fully the inspirational currents which appertain to Gemini,<br />

<strong>and</strong> made her more susoeptible to such planetary forces as we<br />

find belong to her Zodiacal Circle.<br />

It will first be noted that the Earthy Triplioity is exceedingly<br />

strong <strong>and</strong> forms the basis for that amplitude of work in<br />

various ways which ao distinguished her life.<br />

In Caprioom, at the head of this Triplioity. Jupiter <strong>and</strong><br />

Mara formed an ideality as to earthly attainment whichunited<br />

with Uranus <strong>and</strong> Venus in the interior sign Taurus,<br />

where the oocult foroes control the lower hrain in so fine a<br />

aense-produoed, no matter what shonl1l be in the w~y. a virility<br />

in aspirational climbing, seldom found. In the~ planetat'y<br />

relationships, ldeality of mind was co-operative with ite best<br />

psychometric qualities, <strong>and</strong>, in their unity. the keenest possible<br />

perceptions were opened as to the world about her. <strong>The</strong>se<br />

qualities found their expression to the world through Mercury<br />

in Virgo, where, as "Messenger of the GodR," he waA very discriminative<br />

in voicing to humanity her pent-up <strong>and</strong> individualized<br />

convictions. <strong>The</strong>se formed her three-fold cord with UJhich<br />

to drive the merch<strong>and</strong>ising out of the Temple of Freedm!<br />

Satnrn in Cancer, intensified her womanly qualities, <strong>and</strong><br />

spiritualized all her ideas regarding the home life. Further<br />

than that, it turned hel' mind into the Chriatly thought of doing<br />

for others in other homes, as the Golden Rule bas taught.<br />

It created soulful harmony, through mnsio <strong>and</strong> fine ideas, as<br />

to what the world should be. It tended also to strengthen<br />

her lung power, <strong>and</strong> make her thereby, physically, both finer<br />

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<strong>and</strong> stronger. Thu endowed, the great world lay before her<br />

restleaa, intuitive, illuminative. <strong>and</strong> inapirational mind aa a<br />

Garden of the Lord, needing tilling for finer <strong>and</strong> mol'e bountiful<br />

production. With a multitude of home cares <strong>and</strong> duties,<br />

she ooold momentarily paaae from day to day <strong>and</strong> indite those<br />

wonderful paaaagea in "Uncle Tom's Cabin",-aeeing all the<br />

while from her inner self the final outioome.<br />

While the Earthy Triplioity governed her largely <strong>and</strong> enabled<br />

her to truly aenae the earthly needs from an earthly underst<strong>and</strong>ing,<br />

<strong>and</strong> ao act practically, she was, nevertheleaa, often<br />

able, aa the experiences of life inc~ her soulful development,<br />

to climb the Mountain of Transfiguration <strong>and</strong> rest there,<br />

pouring forth her pRD of thanksgiving, aa these lines from<br />

her pen ao clearly teatif y:-<br />

"So to the Soul that knowa Thy Love, 0 Purest,<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is a temple peaceful evermore;<br />

And all the babble of Life's angry voioea<br />

Diu in huah«l sttllncaa at its Sacred Door!'<br />

<strong>The</strong> vibratory waves of noble thought whfoh these children<br />

of the Air put in motion daring their earthly career, still move<br />

with increasing force into the hearts <strong>and</strong> homes of the world.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y each iJlastrated that the reward <strong>com</strong>es to thoae who over<strong>com</strong>e.<br />

An unusual natural restlessness pe"aded each. But<br />

their lives proved that all earthly reatleuneas may be<strong>com</strong>e the<br />

very haven of rest when the intellect willingly oomea under<br />

the dominion of the Holy Spirit. <strong>The</strong>n God speaks <strong>and</strong> act.a<br />

through man <strong>and</strong> woman as parts of Himself. Aa theae two<br />

11oula have shown us that, as reatlen Geminis they ooold be<br />

calm, progressive, <strong>and</strong> peaceful, true leaders over the mighty<br />

roadway to the Eternal Kingdom, 80 may it enoourage us who<br />

remain to reach up for "the light that never shone on l<strong>and</strong> or<br />

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862 Tes BIOLOGICAL JOUllNAL.<br />

are in condition t.o obtain knowledge, truth. Another olus<br />

appear so nearly like thoee t.o whom we have jnst refened<br />

that they are often mistaken for the true order of mind; they<br />

are the onea who, thinking along independent linea, reject everything<br />

they hear from another-they seem to he incapable of<br />

receiYing a thought <strong>and</strong> oarefully weighing <strong>and</strong> balanoing it<br />

in their own minds in order to 8nd its true value. lt was, ondonbtedly,<br />

beoanse of the aboft faota that the followers of<br />

Jeans, when he was on earth, were not of the eduoat.ed o1&88e8<br />

bot were really ohoeen from among the lowest olasa of the<br />

people (ftahermen); <strong>and</strong> it will be eeen that. while the Apostle<br />

Paul was the moet eloquent of all the Apostlea, yet be was<br />

biued in a great meuure by eduoation, <strong>and</strong> a <strong>com</strong>parison of<br />

hia writinga with thoee of the loving disciple John, show how<br />

traneoendently beyond the writings of Paul are thoee of John.<br />

If one wiahea to obtain real knowledge, be mnat deaire to<br />

know purely for the aake of the use of the knowledge to himaelf;<br />

he ahould refuae t.o seek for or acquire knowledge that be<br />

doee not need. <strong>The</strong> animala <strong>and</strong> birds go out <strong>and</strong> gather food<br />

when they are hungry, <strong>and</strong> when their hanger ia aatiafted they<br />

leave it until they are again in need of it. Thia is the expreaaion<br />

of pure nature. We are t.old that the children of larael<br />

were taught an important leaaon in thia direction while they<br />

were in the wilderneaa. When they were being fed with manna<br />

they were not allowed to gather any more than juat enough for<br />

the day. Again, we read the words of the Lord'a prayer: "Give<br />

ua thia day our daily bread,"-tbe food we need for the day, be<br />

it for the mind or the body. If the individual looks into pure<br />

nature for the food of mind be requires, with a oonsoiouaneaa<br />

of need in himaelf, he will have no difficulty in knowing what<br />

ia truth <strong>and</strong> what ia error. <strong>The</strong> multitude of ideas before the<br />

world will upreaa to anob mind. nothing but an abundant aupply<br />

in all diremona; while thoee who would store up great<br />

quaotitiea of food in the atorehouse of memory, it is a 111&88<br />

of ohaoe, entirely worthleae.<br />

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1111: DmcENRHEMT OJ!' TaUTB. 861<br />

has meat in it <strong>and</strong> that which has none, between the false <strong>and</strong><br />

the true, beuame he is neceasitated to act from reason. Squir ..<br />

rels <strong>and</strong> birds have an instinct whioh seems to penetrate into<br />

the invisible <strong>and</strong> disoern that which man faila to diloover.<br />

Thia ia simply because the mind of man baa been aoouatomed<br />

to depend upon the five aen808 for everything. When a penon<br />

who is in the habit of memorizing, reads new <strong>and</strong> important<br />

tl'otha, hia attention is fixed on remembering what he ia reading,<br />

that ia, remembering the words; while one who ia not in<br />

the habit of memorizing, ia apt to read musingly with the mind<br />

all absorbed in getting the real truth that lies under <strong>and</strong> behind<br />

the words. He thus gives an opportunity for the instino·<br />

tive nature to unite with the intellectual, thereby forming clear,<br />

accurate intuitions as to what is truth <strong>and</strong> wha.t is error; in other<br />

words, he looks within the shell <strong>and</strong> sees the kernel that is<br />

there. This acconnts for the fact that in the advanced thought<br />

there are so few leaders among the "highly intellectual'' people.<br />

It ia the highly-cultivated claas who look for infallibility in<br />

words; <strong>and</strong> if you talk t-0 these people about the new thought,<br />

they quickly inform you that there ia nothing in it, simply because<br />

they read the words only <strong>and</strong> find that the words of one<br />

author contradict the words of another-they often say, How<br />

can one know what is true, when there are so many oonfiicting<br />

ideu?<br />

Again, the same mental state gives rise to an inclination<br />

among the maasea to single out some one leader <strong>and</strong> follow<br />

that one leader implicitly, as if he or ahe had the infallible <strong>and</strong><br />

only truth. Such following amounts to nothing, except, possibly,<br />

as an aid in bringing the new tho11ght to the notioe of a<br />

greater number of people; but they who implicitly follow a<br />

leader rarely ac<strong>com</strong>plish mu!lh for themseJves. <strong>The</strong> ones who<br />

will reMh the ultimates are the independent thinkers, who<br />

desire to know the truth for themselves, who are not satisfied<br />

with the statements of others; no matter if the whole world<br />

united in certain conclusions, they would be ready to question<br />

those conclusions <strong>and</strong> examine for themselves. Such minds<br />

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Tanrrroe.<br />


IJrrm.LScruAL, 2. AntY, s<br />

~ftUAL, 1. WA.Ta&Y, 2.<br />

BanOD'l70'l'IVJI, 8. FISBY, 1.<br />

Ssa'f'll(&, 2. E.utTBr, 2.<br />

Yoo were born when the earth wu in that reetl8118 aign Gemini.<br />

Your mind i1 ve1'7 quick to take a 1uggeetion <strong>and</strong> to learn &om what<br />

you hear <strong>and</strong> eee around yoa,--to learn &om othen; yet, no doobt,<br />

you eeem to be original, <strong>and</strong> are original, in that you eeldom take verbatim<br />

&om anyone, but abeorb ideas <strong>and</strong> formulate them in your own<br />

way. Toor polarization into Scorpio, Venue being in that sign,<br />

givee you a rather 1nbtle mind. Those who know you beet have<br />

learned that it i1 ve1'7 dimcnlt to find out what yoor purpoeee are; in<br />

fact, what you really think. You have a tendency. u the boya need<br />

to eay, "to feel after a 1nag <strong>and</strong> avoid it." Uranu in Libra <strong>and</strong> Saturn<br />

in Virgo unite to produce in you clf'U' ptiychic perceptione <strong>and</strong><br />

orderly intuitiona. Once in about twenty-nine <strong>and</strong> a half yean<br />

all old condition• eeem to be broken up around yoo <strong>and</strong> new onee<br />

e11tabli1hed. <strong>The</strong>ee are the timee when Saturn transite the place it<br />

occupied at the time of your birth, <strong>and</strong> you 1hoold be prepared for<br />

an entire change in your life. Mare in Aquariu1 contribotee adaptability<br />

to public service <strong>and</strong> self protection in that sphere. Jupiter<br />

in Capricorn gives economy, frugality <strong>and</strong> care of eelf <strong>and</strong> your own<br />

intereete. Mel'ilury in Aries givea 1trength to the brain, but it may<br />

unite with Saturn's ~ition to weaken your health. Look well to<br />

your health • . follow carefully your own intuitione. <strong>and</strong> your way will<br />

be <strong>com</strong>paratively clear through life, with the exception of the timee<br />

of Saturn'• transiting your pl!M!e at birth.<br />

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866<br />

A. :M. Dee. 21, 1818, 7 a. m. :Eutem Non Scotia.<br />

Tam.Jorn.<br />

ADY. 1.<br />

L•nuuuL, t. WA'l'D'f, 8.<br />

ll'xnY, s.<br />

Su TING, 1. EABTBY, 1.<br />

RISING SIGN-/.<br />

You ban a good, actiTe, strong bod7; are very poeitiff; faithful In<br />

your deTotion to friends, home, <strong>and</strong> family; pecaliarl1 HONtift <strong>and</strong><br />

yflt es:preeeiYe.<br />

Y oa loTe to baTe a friend in whom roa can oon!cle,<br />

<strong>and</strong> 7et there are certain things that you woald n°' cod.de to anr Olla.<br />

You are bold <strong>and</strong> coungeoae, <strong>and</strong> would mab a good 10ldier, bat I<br />

am under the impreuion that 700 are liable to ucidenta aQd mo• of<br />

1ttdden illneu. Y 011 baTe ftne intaitiona <strong>and</strong> Jll1Chic pereeptiom, a1lo<br />

mechanical abilitiee. Have a proud heart <strong>and</strong> high ideala; bold an<br />

ideal that 700 should ac<strong>com</strong>pliab great things in this life. Ende&Tor<br />

to deTelop the powen of the mind, for 100 would neTer be eatieflect to<br />

work with 7oar b<strong>and</strong>s. Great mental calt11re will be required to<br />

OTer<strong>com</strong>e the influence of 7our eomewbat backwwd polarity, bat, the<br />

earth <strong>and</strong> rising eigns being Sagittariae, 700 baTe great perseverance<br />

<strong>and</strong> determination. Mercury iu Sagittariu gi•• phyaical strength,<br />

bat Man in T&Ul'lll makes 700 quick-tempered <strong>and</strong> <strong>com</strong>bative. <strong>The</strong>re<br />

is eome liability to take offttnee where none is intended, for the qnal·<br />

ities of Man enter into the eemee <strong>and</strong> give 7011 an almost eontinUOOI<br />

conecioae11eu of an adven&rJ to straggle apimt <strong>and</strong> OYefOOIDe.<br />

Venu in Cancer intensifies the love of home <strong>and</strong> famil7. Too lhoald<br />

eabdue undue pride, semitiYeneea. <strong>and</strong> <strong>com</strong>batiYeneu; give the mind<br />

plenty of culture <strong>and</strong> you will be able to utilise the knowledge gained.<br />

<strong>The</strong> periods of greateet danger in the regenerate life are when the<br />

moon ia in Sagittariu or Scorpio, <strong>and</strong> the time when either of these<br />

eigns is rising.<br />

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886 Tm: BIOLOOIOAL Jouu.u ..<br />

:M. B. M. Jane 29, 1881, 11 a. m.<br />

Sedalia, Ko.<br />

TaJPLJCJTI118.<br />

AIRY, 1.<br />

WATBkY,<br />

'·<br />

Flor, 2.<br />

Rnvmo, 1. E.t.&TBY, 1.<br />


At the time of your birth the earth wu in the sign Cancer, the<br />

moon in Leo, <strong>and</strong> Vargo wu rising, which ii the mo8' orderl1<br />

arrangement you coald have. u it takee in your entire trinity,-tbe<br />

matel'Dal; eomequently, you have a strong endowment of the maternal<br />

nature. Thia givee a bright, vivacioua diapoeition, fall of energy<br />

<strong>and</strong> good will; a clear head <strong>and</strong> a mind that readily 1881 behind the<br />

Tell; you read 1our lett.en between the Jin-, are well adapted to the<br />

ltody of the mystic <strong>and</strong> the higher lan of nature, <strong>and</strong> have good vitality.<br />

Underlying <strong>and</strong> deep down in your nature you will eometimee<br />

find that there ia a good degree of jealousy. Uranu in Piacee unites<br />

witb Kercary in Gemini to produce a love of stndy, of obtaining<br />

knowledge, eapecially along occult li.nea. <strong>The</strong>re ii probably nothing<br />

that diaturbe you more than to read eomething in the line of the ocealt<br />

that you do not <strong>and</strong>eret<strong>and</strong>,-you cannot reet <strong>and</strong> it is ditBcalt<br />

to baniah it from your mind until you have a eolution of the problem.<br />

POlllibly you have much troable with your digeetion. Man in Virgo,<br />

your body aign being Virgo, makee you peculiar in your inclinationa<br />

in regard to food. Give conaiderable thought to the study of hygiene<br />

u adapted to your own peca1iar IWure. I do not think that<br />

it would be well for you to drink water jut befure or at meals.<br />

Venus in your polarity inclinee 1ou to be neat <strong>and</strong> orderly, <strong>and</strong> givee<br />

you a Jove of art <strong>and</strong> coneiderable artistic ability.<br />

l<br />

Digitized by Google<br />



&rANFORD UNIVBB81TT, CAL. Deo. 11, 1900.<br />

Mr. H. E. BuTLu,<br />

D~r Fricnd:-I have received three numbers of <strong>The</strong> Oooult<br />

<strong>and</strong> Biological Journal. Am feeling greatly intereat.ed in the<br />

work you are aooomplishing, <strong>and</strong> wish to expreae my appreciation<br />

of it. I am very glad that the good work carried on<br />

heretofore by <strong>The</strong> Esoteric ia to be oontiaued.<br />

In acquainting myself with the horosoopea of different people,<br />

I found a very strange case, <strong>and</strong> yet I presume that to you<br />

it may be an ordinary occurrence. A daughter, born September<br />

7, 1873, was polarized in the sign PUoee, the one her<br />

mother came under, who, in turn, was polarised in the daugh·<br />

ter'a aigo of Virgo <strong>The</strong> mother's date of birth I failed to pot<br />

in my book, but I might succeed in getting it, if you should<br />

wish. <strong>The</strong> two were very unfortunately oppoeed to each other<br />

in almost everything, <strong>and</strong> each one was perfectly miserable, .<br />

not dreaming there was a cauee for it. I wrote their horoscopes<br />

for them, <strong>and</strong> they were surprieed, <strong>and</strong> pleased to aooount<br />

at last for their peculiar oondition; <strong>and</strong> the last time I saw<br />

them ~ey were determined to live together with a better under.<br />

st<strong>and</strong>ing of each other,a failings. I also wrote the hol'OIOOpe<br />

of the son, whose nature seemed misunderatood by Uiem-December<br />

19, 1867. <strong>The</strong>se people were very gratefol..<br />

I have found so often in writing the Sagittariut nature, or .<br />

of one polari7.ed in that sign, that the person had a diapoeition .<br />

to thrw things. One child-Jan nary 26, 1892-would actually<br />

tell bia mother he was going to throw himself in the river if abe .<br />

did not do ae he dem<strong>and</strong>ed, <strong>and</strong> would start otf down the hill<br />

w the river in a perfect rage. Now, was it not a g90d thing<br />

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368 TuJC BIOLOGICAL Jouaiu.L.<br />

for that parent to know that she mu~t tea.oh her child to reatrain<br />

his hasty speech <strong>and</strong> action?<br />

I have found so many who were born or polarised in Virgo<br />

with some trouble of the eyee. Had rather an amusing experience<br />

with one fond mother, whoee child came July 28, 1898. In<br />

the Leo nature wu the tendency to deception. She read that<br />

far, then put the paper away, t.elling me that if there wu one<br />

oharao~ri11tio she dreaded it was that, <strong>and</strong> she knitw her child<br />

did not have it. I told her that it tea in her child, <strong>and</strong> her duty<br />

was to teach the child to be frank <strong>and</strong> honeat, <strong>and</strong> in that way<br />

over<strong>com</strong>e any tf'ndenoy to deception. She wished me to write<br />

her own hol'OllOOpe, bot eaid that I must leave out anything<br />

that was di&agreeable; llO I refmed to write it. I met this lady<br />

a year afterward, when she reminded me of her child'• horollOOpe.<br />

Said she was astonished to find that the child had tried<br />

to deeeive her a nnmoor of times, <strong>and</strong> so she opened <strong>and</strong> read<br />

what I had written. She thanked me very sincerely, <strong>and</strong> was<br />

willing to have her own horoeoope written with everything u<br />

it wu; bot I hl\ve never written it.<br />

I came aorosa a poor workman, a carpenter-August 29,<br />

1877 -<strong>and</strong> inspired him with the desire to educate himself for<br />

that which be was fit~. He was soon attending leutures at<br />

the College. Same of the Ariea people are ver.v foxy-to<br />

epeak plainly, bitter <strong>and</strong> revengeful; <strong>and</strong> bow I pity some of<br />

the Taurus people who have not been instrncted in honeety.<br />

One poor hoy could not help etealing <strong>and</strong> bad to be expelled<br />

from his RChool; <strong>and</strong> I felt that bis mother wa.• to blame. She<br />

told me that the habit began when he used to take the pennies<br />

from her pone. She should have taught him to be hoDMt,<br />

<strong>and</strong> to de11piae theft. I could relate many oases true to your<br />

tracing of character.<br />

<strong>The</strong> study of vibration is extremely interesting to me, <strong>and</strong><br />

with all my studies of occult matters I a.-;sooiate your work of<br />

Solar Biology-it is invalnable. I was sorry to 11ee tlaat<br />

Eleanor Kirk had, in a way, prevented the sale of yoar book<br />

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869<br />

·<strong>and</strong> I suppose was indebted t.o you for muob of her material.<br />

I know that your time is very valuable, but for a long<br />

time I have wished t.o writ.e this letter-I think Uie moon in<br />

Leo has something t.o do with its dat.e although it did not ooour<br />

to me till I went for your book. I am eameetly driving<br />

for true soul growth <strong>and</strong> spiritual uufoldmeuL U you oaa<br />

speak a word of help, pleue do IO.<br />

Your friend,<br />

Aquariua-Aquariua.<br />


V olnme L No. 1, of Tn hcTHPHTJIB liee before aa. Tiu. i8 the ftnt appearaooe<br />

of the orgaa of the Sohool of lnt.erpretation, oondaot.ed b1 Be.,, 0-..<br />

Chaiue1. b i8 a ftrJ DMt little 40-pege iuguine, ucl we wWa it an aballdm<br />

au-. "X.ued monthly ID the Di'fiDe Y lllll'." Subecripdoa, tl.00, Adclre9 Bey,<br />

Geo. Chaine1, 1021 Ma.aio Temple, Chicago, Ill.<br />

Ta• Pmunno WORLD, iaa 16-page paper publiahecl ID the lDteNlt of Pb ...<br />

nolon ucl the Soi- of Miad. Prioe per ylllll', tt.00. Noeb S. Edeae, editor<br />

<strong>and</strong> pioprietor, BroWDwoocl, Tn.u.<br />

IPmo••••, BAJt0.11ue or Srvn, A &or)' of the "Di'fiDe Im~." An<br />

Appro:simat.e Autobiography by Frederic llo..- Clark. Cloth, 460 Jl8l1lll- Price,<br />

t2.00. <strong>The</strong> l'l'marbble lltoJ'y of a life de't'oted to the art of maaic. <strong>The</strong> B­<br />

,,.. bona ID German1, <strong>and</strong> was edllOAted in maaio undlll' 110me of the le.ding Ge ...<br />

mau mut.era. Her Ol'it.icillm nf their methoda ucl her mui-1 ideal8 aua-t 110D1e<br />

important 1-118 to muioiam, eepecially to thoee who ooutemplate SniahiDg their<br />

maaioal tmlalng under the teaohen of German1. She hM an ideal of piano metbocb,<br />

whioh, if put into praotioe, would produce reenlta far beyond anything now heud.<br />

While I am not a muioiaa, 1 io'fe good muio, <strong>and</strong> the piano•• taught ucl plaJed,<br />

baa littltt maaio. for my eua; it laoka what ahe llO beaatifully ea:plaim ucl w­<br />

trate.,-the uniJloation of harmon1. While her enthuiMID finally iecl her to <strong>com</strong>mit<br />

aaicide, abe aeemecl to do 110 with the thought of a mutf'dom to muio. That<br />

thought, lending ita oo1or to the book, 110mewbat man iw otberwile moat -.rkable<br />

<strong>and</strong> profitable 11tory. EYery maaioian should read it, howeffl', for it ~<br />

aagge1tio• that oan be obtained from probebly no othlll' aoa-, 1Ullem from her<br />

pupils, of whom Mr. Frederic Cwk ia the onl1 oae I know. He i8 -.ohiag in<br />

Chicago, aud ia .Lio lasuing a qwarterl1 periodical eatitled, Mallo of the Future<br />

aud of the PtMent. <strong>The</strong> number befol"ll m contains 156 ,_,., ..a i8 acid b1<br />

Frecl .. rio Ho- (,'lark, 10().i St.elDway Hall, CbiOlljfO, Illa. Prioe, 25 oeatl.<br />

TB• RclTLB or H11 Ross, A vielon of the Time of the End. B1 Margaret<br />

Kena. Qurto oloth, illuatrat.ecl, s;>.00. <strong>The</strong> book ia well writcen-a •err remarkable<br />

produotioa abowing d8'1p thought, or, at leaat, a pure ucl reoeptiYe miud<br />

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·87'0<br />


~ which nela 't'illo• oould be giYflll. It 11 aageetiYe Nther then ialltrooA-...<br />

It deala ha aymboliam from atart to finillh, <strong>and</strong> the Loterill 1tudent<br />

woul4 oamprebend it.a meudllg mon folly probably than any other. When underl&ood,<br />

it will be foma4 ID oolft9POlld with what ii foretold by th• ancient prophet.a<br />

~ ov time. <strong>The</strong> book it primed OD elepnt pap1r with wide margim.<br />

<strong>The</strong> ocnw Is a delioat.e pbak, primed in Tio1et <strong>and</strong> gold. It ii oertainly a nry<br />

hdereRiDg work.<br />

We ha-.. before ua tbrPe booklet.a entld.ed, re1peotively, Character-Ballding,<br />

Thought Power, hry Li'ring Creatma, -1 Tbe Gnateet TbiJlg Ever KDOWL<br />

<strong>The</strong>y U9 Tery el.,.mly bouslci uid a.tJy printecl OD the belt paper. .Aa to the<br />

'911lue of their oontenta, it ii -1y u-rr for 1111 to reoommeud them, u the<br />

writer, Ralph Waldo Trine, ii ...U known, at<strong>and</strong>ing in the front rank of authonhip.<br />

Tb.e bookleta are pat up in a -t little - <strong>and</strong> eold for tl.OO a<br />

aet, or 36 oenta a Tolame, by Thomaa Y. Crowell uid Co., New York.<br />

Thil -. a ti.me of new periodioala. We haYe before ua Vol. L No. 1, of Ill<br />

eight-page paper entitled <strong>The</strong> Good Ne'WI, dnoted to Health, Life, <strong>The</strong> Coming<br />

KiDldom <strong>and</strong> 8-t.Uutiou. Fred Deem, editor, Columbua, Kamu. Sabeoripdon,<br />

50 oenta a year. AJ.o Vol. L No. 1, of a 16-page periodical entitled Name oa the<br />

Sky, cleToted to the Spirit Govenunent of Loft. Single oopiee, 10 oenta. A~<br />

<strong>The</strong> WllRln N.,,. Company, 204 Jladiaoa &, Chimp.<br />


Some time ago, in a book review, we called att.ention to':a<br />

pamphlet entitled "<strong>The</strong> Pantheism of Modern Science," by F.<br />

E. Titus. We most highly re<strong>com</strong>mend the book to our readers<br />

as an important aid in forming a oorreot idea of the world in<br />

which we live <strong>and</strong> the God-powers active therein. We have a<br />

amall stock of these booklets on h<strong>and</strong>, <strong>and</strong> ae the price ia only<br />

10 oente each, every one can afford to have a copy.<br />

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A NEW BOOK.--..a.<br />

Consisting of 50 Selections from Letters<br />

Written 8)'<br />


To One of Hie Dleclplee<br />


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•<br />

A BEAUTIFUL <strong>and</strong> artietic book, priatecl on heavy paper, <strong>and</strong> bound in brown <strong>and</strong> linen; texible<br />

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"THIS BOOJUJ!71' ii a etring of eelectione from some private Jett.en received from the late Rai Salle<br />

Ram Bahadv, who, having attained the perfection of spirituality, led thoue<strong>and</strong>a of hla conntry.<br />

men to a knowledge of the higher life <strong>and</strong> nobler poaibilities of human exiat.ence.<br />

Iuu#. <strong>and</strong> for aale by<br />

Price, 150 cents, post-paid.<br />



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AllllUEYlATED co::-;TENTS OF<br />


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by their ldea of God-<strong>The</strong> word of lioa orcogni·<br />

f&llCleOf life, p. Ja:l. tie1lll8tlon made mBlllfest In the uystal Wllter of the nerve lluld, p.1311,<br />

Transmuting the lower Into h!Jlber sen.eatlon, p. 139. Edncatl->n, uplifting <strong>and</strong> relief of<br />

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f.. 159. 1'"ourth pri11clple, aymbo!izes lire, fertility: rep""Sents the motber·nature, p. us~ •<br />

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Green a symbol of ~treugth: aignlficancc o black, p. J63. Sixth principle expru.ed by<br />

violet: r.ipresents good, p. 164. Se\"cutb principle, 1aentlfied with yellow; Implies Divine<br />

•enaatlon, p. l&i. Summarv of the principles of the eeven-polnted si..r, p.169. <strong>The</strong> ke7 to<br />

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Illuatrated with 9 Oolored Platea <strong>and</strong> Portrait of Anthor-$1.60.<br />


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THE ARENA • • MIND<br />


By an arrange1nent just eft411cted with the publishers of MIND <strong>and</strong> THE A.RENA,<br />

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Nut only new sub.ic1·iberK. but also tho.ie already subscribinit to either magazine may,<br />

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Food for Mind <strong>and</strong> Body.<br />

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Power of the Will.<br />

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Mental Causes of Phyeir.al Disease.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Giving of Mental Treatment.<br />


Relationship.<br />

Mind <strong>and</strong> Body (Part I .)<br />

Mind <strong>and</strong> Body (Part IL)<br />

<strong>The</strong> Forgiveneu of Sin.<br />

Good <strong>and</strong> Evil.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Teachings of the Bible.<br />

!JrAll of tbe above wwkl.,. llucltomel:r bound In clotb. Price, fl .00 eecll, pen.paid.<br />

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BY H. E. BUTLER.<br />

Thia work teaches the most vital principles of Christian Life <strong>and</strong> Doctrine, <strong>and</strong> la ~peclally<br />

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beea1189 to live in the world <strong>and</strong> not be of the world, but of the Spirit of God, ia a narrow way<br />

indeed; as J e&ue said,<br />


For tboee who will follow the instructions in this book, there ia a realm of apiritual eoneeioueneae<br />

<strong>and</strong> power that has been known only to the prophet.a <strong>and</strong> to the Chriat. Price, cloth, $1.00.<br />


Or the Unfoldment <strong>and</strong> Life of a Hero.<br />

Translated from the German of J. Kernning's "Key to the Realm of Spirit."<br />

<strong>The</strong> narrative of knight Geoffrey, subsequent to his esoteric training,<br />

contains a report of the young hero's feats, sufficiently detailed to give a<br />

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<strong>and</strong> need for heroism. Cloth, postpaid, 50 cents.<br />

Delineation Outline.<br />



BIOLOGY..._.<br />

~SOLAR<br />

This is an outline blank consisting of seven pages printed in typewriter type,<br />

on heavy bond paper, <strong>and</strong> neatly put up in a heavy manilla folder. Each out-<br />

1ine represents one sign of the zodiac. In ordering please designate the sign or<br />

Bigns desired. Price, 10 cent8 a copy; special rates for quantities of 100 or more.<br />


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BY H. B. BUTLER.<br />

Illustrated with Seven Plate Dlagrama <strong>and</strong> Tables of the Moon<br />

<strong>and</strong> Planets, from 1820 to 1902. ·<br />

This science proves that "all are members of One Body (I. Cor. XII. 12-27); <strong>and</strong><br />

that, aa aucb, each one bas his peculiar function in life. It tbrowa a llood of new<br />

light upon the problema of life, furnishing the groundwork, or scientillo law, whlob<br />

goes down into the minutie of the life of every man <strong>and</strong> woman, as a mirror rellectlng<br />

his or her innate nature. This work tells what ia in man <strong>and</strong> bow derived.<br />

Tella 'how to cultivate self <strong>and</strong> make the most <strong>and</strong> best of life. Tells one, when a<br />

child is born, what kind of training it should have, to what diseasea it is liable,<br />

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. physical lltneaa, ·natural sphere, <strong>and</strong> highest <strong>and</strong> fittest use in the world.<br />

It enables parent.a to know just what business their children are best adapted<br />

for, <strong>and</strong> how to educate them, <strong>and</strong> is also a guide in the preservation of health <strong>and</strong><br />

strength, <strong>and</strong> an important aid to success <strong>and</strong> to the attainment of the great object<br />

in life; viz., usefulness <strong>and</strong> happineBB. It also aids in prolonging the life of<br />

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great euc~ through having in the~ possession a certain key to knowledge concerning<br />

the nature <strong>and</strong> peculiarities of their patient.a such aa heretofore has been<br />

available only to those few that were of rare intuitive discernment.<br />

It is claimed that character le expreBBed in the countenance, that it shapes the<br />

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Into the gr<strong>and</strong> workshop of the Solar System, not only defining character <strong>and</strong> function,<br />

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SOLAR BIOLOGY makes an elegant octavo volume of 500 pages, heavy paper,<br />

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cloth, embellished with symbolic designs in gold. No elaborate study or preparation<br />

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<strong>The</strong> key to the use of the science will be found on page 274, <strong>and</strong> can be fully<br />

mastered in a few minutes. Price $5.00.<br />

Published <strong>and</strong> For Sale b.v<br />

Esoteric Publishing . Co.,<br />

Applegate, Callfomla.<br />

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1901<br />

Ia now on sale.<br />

Because of its accuracy <strong>and</strong> from the fact that it glyee data<br />

not to be found elsewhere in print, this Ephemeris will prove an important aid to<br />

students of Astrology <strong>and</strong> of Solar Biology.<br />

<strong>The</strong> work contains <strong>com</strong>plete data for linding the time of rising of Zodiacal Signs,<br />

a Table having been specially <strong>com</strong>puted showing Sidereal Time of Sign-Cusp Risings<br />

for every degree of North Latitude from F.quator to 60° corrected for spheroidal<br />

shape of the Earth, available, also, for same degrees of South Latitude.<br />

This Table will be uaeful for any future year, as its extreme change will probably<br />

not exceed 5 BeOOD~ in a half century. Greenwich Time is used throughout,<br />

which makes change to St<strong>and</strong>ard Time involve even hours.<br />

<strong>The</strong> work contains<br />

Special Tables for finding the time of rising of the signs at Boston, New York,<br />

Washington, Chicago, St. Paul, Denver, San Francisco, <strong>and</strong> London. It tells how<br />

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Full explanations are given<br />

for use of all the Tables, with especial ref~rence to the needs of tho88 not accUBtomed<br />

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Forty page1 are devoted mainly to arithmetical operations<br />

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the mathematical work necessary in the si.udy of Astral Science.<br />

Explicit directions are given as to proper uae of Staudard Time.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Ephemeris<br />

proper gives the Heliocentric Longitude of each planet <strong>and</strong> Geocentric Longitude<br />

of the Moon to minutes of arc for every day in the year; also Sidereal Time<br />

of Greenwich Mean Noon for each day.<br />

Gives exact time, to tenths of minutes,<br />

of entrance of Moon <strong>and</strong> planets into each sign, corrected for Nutation, showing<br />

in each C&Be also the time it takes for light to <strong>com</strong>e from planet to Earth.<br />

This work has original, genuine merit. In its mathematics, it follows the latest<br />

Astronomical Authorities. ·It contains the best expoeition of Sidereal Time published<br />

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It is by an Astronomer of Observatory<br />

experience, who has need the most conscientious <strong>and</strong> painstaking care in its<br />

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Issued <strong>and</strong> for sale by<br />



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Volume I.<br />

Should be Read by Every Esoteric Student.<br />

This book contains all the eeaential matter originally published in volume I<br />

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Ia in it.self a oomplete occult library. <strong>The</strong> laws explained therein will, if eonacientiously<br />

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Volume II.<br />

Companion to volume I.<br />

It contains all the essential matter found in volume m, <strong>and</strong> IV, of <strong>The</strong> F.eoteric<br />

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Which run through <strong>The</strong> F.soteric to <strong>and</strong> including volume IX, begin in this volume.<br />

<strong>The</strong> reviews in this book cover the essential points in the first fourteen chapters<br />

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Foa 1898 AND 1899.<br />

Complete, giviatf the euct position of Solar Syatem<br />

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<strong>and</strong> eecond of the change from one sign to<br />

auother.<br />

ln't'aluable t.o Studeuta of 1'BB EeoTBJUo aa well<br />

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Reduced to 10 cts.<br />

"No man can be<strong>com</strong>e wile in the divine acience<br />

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THE EPHEMERIS, giving the positione of the Moon for1892-<br />

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SWEETS• • •<br />

Extracted from flowers of prominent authors.<br />

• • • • •<br />

We have revi11ed <strong>and</strong> reprinted thia booklet of poems. A number of beauti·<br />

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- 1900. -<br />

<strong>The</strong> Esoteric Ephemeris has been so enlarged for the year 1900 as to contain nearly 50 pect1,<br />

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time, <strong>and</strong> the time of nearly all the large cities.<br />

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Samplee for 2c. stamp. Address <strong>The</strong> New Man<br />

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'l'he .A.m.ariou Xutitute<br />

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<strong>The</strong> next sea1ion opens on Wednesday,<br />

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eh·ilized wo1ld~ h will be<br />

a great convenience Lo astroloKer~;<br />

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A Sl'ZXCXAX. o:r:r:m:a.<br />

THE delights or an evening spent around a well-lighted reading table are not half understood. An<br />

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Subscribed <strong>and</strong> awom to before me this first<br />

day of March, 18117, at Dayt.ooa, Fla.<br />

C. M. B1NGRAJ1, JR., Notary Public.<br />

I am acquainted with Mr. English <strong>and</strong> can<br />

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c. A. BALLOUGR, Sea Bree7.e, Fla.<br />

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would be a GREAT WAR."<br />




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HTARLl!IHJCD 18110.<br />

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Al <strong>The</strong> &ioteric hu been permanently •118J>ended, many of oar frienda <strong>and</strong> patrom will, no doabt.<br />

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Volume 1.-Thil book contaiu all tbe eaaential matter origiually published in volumea L<strong>and</strong><br />

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Volume V .-A few of the important subject. treated in this volume are Bible Review• which<br />

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Price, pages 468, $2.00.<br />

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Volume VI 1.-Bible Reviews (beginning'in chapter v1. of Revelation <strong>and</strong> endlnr in chapter n)<br />

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What ia Man-<strong>The</strong> Law of u-Faith in God-<strong>The</strong> Coming Kingdom-<strong>The</strong> Sympatbetlc Syatem­<br />

Labor <strong>and</strong> Capital, etc. Price, pages 574, $2.00.<br />

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tial-lnoidental Thought.I, etc. Price, 676 N8I. $2.00<br />

Volume IX.-Blble Reviewa (beginning in chapter xvu. of Renlation <strong>and</strong>endlngwlUi chapter<br />

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Price, 676 pagee, $2.00.<br />

Volume X.-<strong>The</strong> Seven Creative Princlplee, (a Mrial of nille papen ill addition to the work bJ<br />

Uiat name.)-Thought Polarization <strong>and</strong> Regeneration-<strong>The</strong> Correlation of Splritnal Forcee-Contributiona<br />

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Triplicitiee-Some Practical Suggestions to Uie Stndent-<strong>The</strong> Triplioltiee-Scientlft.i Principlel of<br />

Vlbration--Ood' 1 Revealed Will-Coamic Evolution-What la Karma-Renrdl <strong>and</strong> Punlahmota<br />

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Sin-Communlnp wtUi Na~ eto. Price,676 Jlllll, $2.00<br />


A booklet bound In white <strong>and</strong> sold.<br />



•DI•<br />


Who ofer Uie Jdgheet teetimoniala to Uielr value. <strong>The</strong> ableat medical pnctitiolltl'I ftWJWi...<br />

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Thon who wish Uie Jdghestncoeea in lite, can 4ncl ill them Uiat which will ctve vlcor of body,<br />

atrength of mind <strong>and</strong> will, power to control 1tlf <strong>and</strong> 1111T01111diai ciroU1111tanoea, <strong>and</strong> prodnoe a peraonal<br />

magnetism that will enable the poaeeeor not onl7 to make friendl, but to beoome a ltlder<br />

mo111 men. Paper, lOcentl; cloth, 26 centl.<br />


1'11!' .A.Cl.<br />

'nae aim of <strong>The</strong> Oceuh <strong>and</strong> Biological Joarnal ia two-fold: flnt, U ende&TOl'I to UDftil<br />

to the ltudent the myfteriee of the higher vat.ha for which the W eetern mind<br />

le now eeeking in the myniciam of the put <strong>and</strong> in Oriental religiona; abowa the correlation<br />

of the doctrinee of the Orient <strong>and</strong> thoee of the Chriatia.n religion, <strong>and</strong> 11.189<br />

the wiadom of the put to throw new light on Biblical text; <strong>and</strong>, eecondly, to thoee<br />

whoee d.ire ia indiridaal unfoldment, it giTee a epecia1 conree of iDl&ructiona; pre­<br />

Mnta methods for increasing the amount of life in the organiam, for i&e conae"ation<br />

<strong>and</strong> control, th111 inanring the magnetic power ao n8C8111&1'1 to eueeeea in all directiom.<br />

It etudiea the biology of the nniTene. lnTeetigat.ea the laws of life, b'acing<br />

the COW'M of i&e unfoldment from i&e origin unill it reaches the perfection of the<br />

hnman orpniam. Calla aUention to i&e 11188 <strong>and</strong> abuea. Jta presentation of the<br />

eeoteric 1eieDOe1 ia conciae <strong>and</strong> clear, always emphasizing their practical valne.<br />

Althongh it would 1eem that the number of n&w-thought publication• now before<br />

the people mnet certainly be greater than the dem<strong>and</strong>, yet we feel that no apology ie<br />

nece11&11 in offering the public a <strong>journal</strong> which we believe poeseeeee exceptional<br />

facilitiee for preeenting linee of thought heretofore neglected, <strong>and</strong> which the people<br />

now dem<strong>and</strong> for praetical nee.<br />

Ta• Eecmllllo hBLlllBllfG CoXPAJn ia aa inoorporatAld bocl1. It ilnee lltock at $10 per ebaN,<br />

the moDey received therefrom, M well M &om nbeoriptiou, beuag uecl wholly in the ac1-..a<br />

of the eaue it N.,_.atl; that ill, it ia uecl in publiahiug aacl aclvertiaing boob, the Jounaal, ete.<br />

To :&lorsa10 PuaLllBJlfG ColD'AJrt aacl To &lorsmo FRAnlUllTY aN entirely aeparate uuo<br />

fu M flnancial int.el'9lltll aacl object. aN oo-ruecl~ <strong>The</strong> 1.ut.ereet of To Eeonuuo PtlBLJaBIJrG<br />

0o11P.Alfl' ia in public teaching through the medium of ite T&riou1 publicatiom, while To EtoTa­<br />

IO FILATJUUOT1' ia al~ iut.eNltecl I.a preparing a p1- for the 'tt'Ol'kins out to altimatee of all<br />

tllle lawa ud methocla taqht la the Oompuy'• publioa&iom.<br />

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THE<br />


VoL.l. - $) - No. IO.<br />

JU.RB it to JULY 22, 1901.<br />


PUFACB.<br />

We propose to give a eeriee of aniolea, whioh wi11 plaoe the<br />

mind of the student in harmony with the parpoee of G~ <strong>and</strong><br />

oooaequently with all the Ian of oreation; for if our purpose<br />

is the aame aa God's, then we are by virtue of that fact, one<br />

with Him, or It. if you please; for our beliefs gi.e quality<br />

aud direction to our io11piratio~.<br />

If we believe oorreotly iu the fundamental prinoiplee, die inspiration<br />

that follows will tend to illumine <strong>and</strong> strengthen thoee<br />

principlee; on the other h<strong>and</strong>, if our belief• are erroneoua. then<br />

that whioh we in1tpire will but add to error. Again. every mind<br />

gives oolor <strong>and</strong> form to the thought oreated by it; therefore.<br />

if our minds oan be put in order in all the underlying or baaio<br />


872 TB& B10LOG1c&L Joumu.i..<br />

livi11g God; a paradise frolD which he nt>ed never be driven.<br />

It should be born in IDind, however. that we do not claim<br />

here, to give perfected knowledge; we only


the fact that that deaire ia im.planted deeply in the aoul of all,<br />

is proof positive that auoh a way exiata.<br />

Probably the nearest approach to it that baa ever been<br />

reached, luu been attained by the myatioa, ao-oalled,-who devokd<br />

their lives endeaYoring to know <strong>and</strong> to do the will of<br />

God. Sometimea it waa put in that form, <strong>and</strong> at other times<br />

it was p11t in the form of aeeking to know the lawa governing<br />

their being, that they might riae auperior to the fo~ of oiroumatanoea,<br />

aometimee called fate, <strong>and</strong> to a certain extent, be<br />

master of their own deatiny.<br />

But all who have attained anything worthy of note, have<br />

found that there is but one general thought <strong>and</strong> aouroe by<br />

which destiny may be mastered aud true peace of aoul found;<br />

<strong>and</strong> that is,-ftrat to seek for <strong>and</strong> find the aolution of the<br />

probleru,-for what purpod8 waa I created? What porpoee<br />

was there in the min

874<br />

It follon ti.a, that there oan be no happineaa, that whioh<br />

the Yt:ry foundation of onr exiatenoe looka <strong>and</strong> longs for, O&D•<br />

not haft a at<strong>and</strong>ing, until man has learned bow to Jiye in<br />

harmony with his own • nature <strong>and</strong> alao in harmony<br />

with tbe IOil of bia l1lll0Undings &Del aourae of his exiatenee<br />

&Del gro.U.; for tbe IOil in whiob man grows mentally ia<br />

the oaue world D8U beJODCI phjlioal manifeeta&ion. True, tbe<br />

phJlioal body gron from tbe IOil within, the noariehment oon·<br />

atantly taken into tbe body; bm it is well eetabliehed, that iJa.<br />

harmoniou mental oonditiona of the indiridual, dwarf tbe<br />

gro.U. <strong>and</strong> deYelopment of the body, <strong>and</strong> retard tbe mental<br />

<strong>and</strong> spiritual onfoldment.<br />

We haYe now reached a point in raoial development, wJaere<br />

tbe panait of happiD818 through the gratification of tbe l8IUl8I,<br />

haa bean fo<strong>and</strong> to be a total failure in bringing the happinea<br />

tbe noe is aeeking, <strong>and</strong> the mind baa been turned to inquire in<br />

the right direction; namely, for knowledge of the cause world,<br />

methods for attaining a higher state of exiatenoe; methods by<br />

which, may be bronght into the life of the individu-t. a oon.<br />

aciooane11 of the world of came. [n roany cues the mind baa<br />

even reaohed oat to the God <strong>and</strong> Creator of all things; <strong>and</strong><br />

earnest ioqoiriee are being made for the way to obtain this<br />

spiritual knowledge. <strong>The</strong> l<strong>and</strong> is now fall of theories on theRe<br />

1ubjecta. <strong>The</strong> ancient books are being brought ont from their<br />

hiding plaoes; tranalationa are btting made; men are digging<br />

deep down into the earth, to bring up the hi1ttoriee <strong>and</strong> reoords<br />

of past ages. in hopes of findi.Pg aometbiog that will throw<br />

light on the auhject of their queet.<br />

While it is well to rther up all the knowledge that baa<br />

been obtained through exJtP.rience in pMt ages. yet it goes without<br />

saying, that the knowledge that brings perpetuity to the<br />

raoe <strong>and</strong> harmony <strong>and</strong> happioePs to the minds of the people,<br />

has not yet had an existence upon this planet. That it baa had<br />

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TBz PuBPOSE m THE CBEAT1ox OF THE WoBLD. 875<br />

p:utial exiiitence, ia demonstrated in the fact that there are a<br />

few who have reached high attainment.a in spiritual knowledge<br />

ancl power. This, however, baa been but partial knowledge,<br />

aud it brought proportionate results.<br />

<strong>The</strong> qnestion now arises, oan we who at<strong>and</strong> upon the earth<br />

to.day, having all the experience of the put age, not find methoos<br />

that will open up the finer eenaibilitiea, giving u11 aooeaa to<br />

the fountains of inapiration, Uirough which we may obtain per·<br />

feot knowledge of the lawa of the universe, eepeoially those<br />

gonrning our own life.<br />

Methods have been found al\d employed which increased the<br />

knowledge of the people <strong>and</strong> opened up to them the fountaina<br />

of inspiration. For inatanoe, Buddha. while he had the ideal<br />

of regeneration <strong>and</strong> many of the moet inportant methods for<br />

piercing the veil, anJ entering into the light of truth, yet he<br />

was like a man with a ball <strong>and</strong> chain attaohed t.o hit foo'­<br />

throngh hia belief in karma. which cauaed him to aay to hie<br />

diaciples:-"I forbid you, 0 bhikAhua, f;o employ any ttpella or<br />

8Upplicutlom, for they are nseleu, since the law of karma gov·<br />

erns all thinga."<br />

Thia eeema to verify the words of the Prophet Isaiah in the<br />

sixth chapter, ninth vene, namely, "And he said, Gu, <strong>and</strong> tell<br />

this pl'Ople, Hear ye indeed, but underst<strong>and</strong> not; <strong>and</strong> aee ye in.<br />

deed, but perueive not. Make the heart of this people fat, <strong>and</strong><br />

make their ears heavy, <strong>and</strong> ahut their eye1t; leat they see with tbflir<br />

eyes, <strong>and</strong> hear with their ears, <strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong>ent<strong>and</strong> with their heart,<br />

<strong>and</strong> oonvert, <strong>and</strong> be healed." Our Lord, Jeeoa the Christ, in<br />

Mathew xm, 14th <strong>and</strong> 15th veraea, refers to tbia propheoy.<br />

We believe it baa been the design of the Creator, <strong>and</strong> indeed<br />

a necessity, that there should be something to abut the eyes,<br />

<strong>and</strong> prevent the people of the earth from receiving <strong>and</strong> underst<strong>and</strong>ing<br />

the whole troth, which, when understood, would<br />

bring them into the likeness <strong>and</strong> image of Uod, poeseaaing<br />

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power over life <strong>and</strong> immortality, before the time had arrived<br />

that the human family had maturecl the experimental knowl8Clge<br />

relative to an earthly existence. <strong>and</strong> were folly developed for<br />

that perfect age, which all men are destined to inherit in the<br />

fullneaa of time.<br />

Many have aoaght evidenoea in the stars, <strong>and</strong> in the oalculation11<br />

of cycles, to prove that the era bu arri.-ed for the bringing<br />

in of the ripened fruit of the earth, a perfected humanity;<br />

but we will neither 1pecnlate, nor make the effort to aeuoh the<br />

heavens above, nor the earth beneath for erideooea; the fact<br />

that the highelt developed people on our planet, the Christian<br />

aationa, are awakening to the neoeaaity of thil knowledge, ii<br />

evidenoe enough for us, that the time baa oome, when thil<br />

knowledge may be obtained <strong>and</strong> thoee gr<strong>and</strong> ultimates reached,<br />

at least, by some of theee people.<br />

It is generally aooept.ed that Egypt <strong>and</strong> India have oome<br />

nearer reaching that gr<strong>and</strong> ultimate, than any others of whom<br />

we have any history. Both hac.l aa a baae upon whioh to build<br />

their beliefs; a ooemogony which oomprebended the object <strong>and</strong><br />

method11 in the mind of the Creator for creating <strong>and</strong> peopling<br />

a world. In the oomideration of this ooamogony, man finds<br />

the t.endency of all creative law, <strong>and</strong> in order to reach the high<br />

ultimates sought for, he moat live in harmony with thoae laws,<br />

aa we are creatnrl'I that have been produoed by them; <strong>and</strong> u a<br />

stream can never rise higher than its fountain, we, therefore.<br />

can have no hope of abrogl\tiog them, being the laws goYerning<br />

our eidst.ence, <strong>and</strong> any violation will bring the oonaequent<br />

i.nlts: namely, disorder of mind <strong>and</strong> body, dill8&88 <strong>and</strong> death.<br />

<strong>The</strong> coemogony of the Hebrew scriptures presents to oar<br />

mind in it!! very beginning. that death ent.ered the world by<br />

sinning against aome of thA 111.wa of the universe; <strong>and</strong> not only<br />

death, bat all the aorrow, ignorance <strong>and</strong> diftlcoltiea under which<br />

the human raoe has suffered; chief among the1e, or u a oauae<br />

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for these oonditions, was the banishment, from the immediate,<br />

oonRCioos presence, of the spirit of God. <strong>The</strong>refore, it ia apparent<br />

<strong>and</strong> reasonable, that if these great ultimate. for whioh<br />

we hope, are ever to be obtained, it will be through a oorreot<br />

knowleclge of, <strong>and</strong> perfect oomplianoe with, all the lawa of nature.<br />

When this is acoompliahed, then the mind wUl be in<br />

harmony with the mind of God, or the oreative power.<br />

U indeed, there is a God. or even an int.elligent mind force.<br />

that ia causing <strong>and</strong> oarrying forward the work of oreation,<br />

in all ita divenity of manifestation, then b follows that there<br />

must be one de&nite t.erminua, otherwise all would be ohaol. In<br />

other words, there moat be a definite purpose in the mind that<br />

has produoed all mind; in the oansation that has produoed all<br />

causation. <strong>The</strong>refore, if we wish to find the high goal, our<br />

ultimate, we can never hope to find it by going aorou, or by<br />

at....,mpting to swim up the stream against the tide of our own<br />

<strong>and</strong> all other life. We mu"t determine in what direotion the<br />

whole tide of creatiYe energy ia moving, <strong>and</strong> moYe with it; <strong>and</strong><br />

aot only so, bot as in this current of ~tive life there are<br />

many streams in one; a stream of vegetable formation, of the<br />

vari~ character of animiJ <strong>and</strong> a1ao of the bnman formation;<br />

there is a1ao that mighty stream of mind <strong>and</strong> aonl power, which<br />

ia indeed the aonl of all life.<br />

Now, we know we may ally ouraelvea to that stream of mind<br />

<strong>and</strong> 10Ul power, <strong>and</strong> repel that of the animal or the lower aenaual,<br />

<strong>and</strong> nae only as mnuh of it as is neceaaary for the perpetu·<br />

ity of our physical exiatenoe, which is good, beoauae it tends to<br />

life <strong>and</strong> immortality; to negl4'0t tbia is evil, for it tends to sorrow,<br />

disorder of mind, aickneu. <strong>and</strong> final death.<br />

If we ac<strong>com</strong>plish the object of this work, we ahall be able to<br />

show you the direct course <strong>and</strong> ultimate towards which this<br />

mighty stream of creative energy is flowing; <strong>and</strong> we shall be<br />

able to take hold of <strong>and</strong> ally ounelvea to that great fountain<br />

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818 Tu.s BIOLOGICAL JoU&NA.L.<br />

of mind which flows from the tbroue or God, the lu6nite Craa&or<br />

<strong>and</strong> eauae of all things; <strong>and</strong> int.-tlig,·ntly to be<strong>com</strong>e a coworker<br />

with that mind, aud through unison with the Etero:\l<br />

Cauaation, to harmoniusly grow into bi11 likeoes" a111l t() av.,i


Dr. H. Baradoc, of Paris, who recently made aome interesting<br />

experiment.a with the object of obtaining phot.ograpba of<br />

the human aonl, baa now oome forward with a new theory,<br />

which is that every human being ia a oainiature aun-ia, in<br />

faet, what he atylea a "man sun.'' He has fully explained his<br />

theory to the French Society of Biology, <strong>and</strong> also to the French<br />

Academy of Scienoea, <strong>and</strong> ao impreaaed waa the aoademy that<br />

it straightway appointed a oommittee <strong>com</strong>posed of MM. d' Araonval,<br />

Becqnerel <strong>and</strong> Moiaaon, <strong>and</strong> instructed it to examine<br />

u to the soientiflc value of Dr. Baraduo's views.<br />

Aooording to Dr. Baraduo-<strong>and</strong> the fact is generally admitted-man<br />

is surrounded by an ino<strong>and</strong>esuent atmosphere known<br />

u the photosphere. Now this photosphere, aa he points out,<br />

is the theat.er of pertorbationa <strong>and</strong> of gigantic cyclones, the inftnenoe<br />

of which ia felt even on our own small planet, aiooe it<br />

also produces on this globe cyclones <strong>and</strong> oiher diatnrbaooe.a.<br />

"We, too," says Dr. Baraduc, "have our photosphere or atmosphere,<br />

which vibrates <strong>and</strong> moves, not only in aooordanoe with<br />

the moral impresaions which we receive aooording to our spiritual<br />

oondition, bot also aooordiog to the influence which is<br />

brought to bear on it by the tempest. in the son <strong>and</strong> on the<br />

earth." In other words, he inaiata on the verity of that old<br />

aphorism of the alchemiata, the theorgiata, <strong>and</strong> the therapeotista-namely,<br />

that "the small is like the great, <strong>and</strong> that which<br />

is on high ia like that which ia below."<br />

Aa a proof of hie theory, the doot.or <strong>and</strong> his aaaiatanta have<br />

taken several photographs of vibrations which emanated from<br />

human bodies, <strong>and</strong> when these bodiea were in varying conditions.<br />

<strong>The</strong> phot.ographa show these varying conditions very<br />

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clearly. Thus the vibrations which emanated from the calm<br />

body are tranquil, those whirh emanated from the body in a<br />

state of cerebral or cardiac activity resemble the normal atmosphere<br />

of the sun, <strong>and</strong> those which emanated from a body in a<br />

state of fury or profound trouble resemble the solar tempests<br />

as they have been photographed by astronomers.<br />

<strong>The</strong> coincidence of these photographic images is at least curious,<br />

<strong>and</strong> at any rate there can be no qnestion a


Ooooltism is defined as Divine Wisdom, which emanat.et<br />

from the primal eouroe of truth. Study it, it will lead you up<br />

to the highest goal. It <strong>com</strong>ea through an earnest desire to<br />

know the troth, which can only be drawn from the inmost<br />

fountain of interior life: therefore, look within for the gr<strong>and</strong>elt<br />

reaultlt.<br />

<strong>The</strong> surface or extea-ior is but an expreeaion of the oenter,<br />

where the life energies glow <strong>and</strong> burn inoeeeently, to transmute<br />

lower forma to a higher plane of existence; it ill the worship of<br />

the Divine Architect,-f rom the least to the greatest.<br />

To be snooeseful, work from general principles, <strong>and</strong> do not<br />

be disturbed by personal opinions or theoriea; they have their<br />

UM!S. but are only stepping atones to bridge over the mirey<br />

places, that need joat such filling. <strong>The</strong> primitive soil ia marshy<br />

<strong>and</strong> requires many periods of growth <strong>and</strong> much debris to make<br />

a sufficiently solid foundation to tread <strong>and</strong> build npon; so aocept<br />

all as good <strong>and</strong> necessary material.<br />

Now, the building that ia t.o be ereoted is typical of your<br />

body, or the house in which you live, <strong>and</strong> you are to be the<br />

architeot <strong>and</strong> project by your mind the moat approved plan of<br />

work that shall be acoeptable to <strong>and</strong> place you iu line with the<br />

masters.<br />

Het>.d the inner voice: listen in the silence <strong>and</strong> be ever on<br />

the alert to catch the first gleaming thought that <strong>com</strong>es like a<br />

ray of sunRhine in the morning, wbioh dispels the darkness<br />

with the glorious light of day.<br />

One thought paves the way for another, aud by degrees a<br />

transformation is acquired, a building is <strong>com</strong>menced, not made<br />

with h<strong>and</strong>s, but in the heavens etern:J.<br />

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882 Tes BIOLOOICAL Jouu.u ..<br />

Can you realize that you are creators, <strong>and</strong> are filling the<br />

astral world with habitations <strong>and</strong> thought entities. Thoughts<br />

are things, living beings that grow <strong>and</strong> beautify, or deface. as<br />

the case may be, but only the good <strong>and</strong> true are imaoortal; for<br />

the wheat <strong>and</strong> chaff will be separated in due time.<br />

Life ia what you make it, <strong>and</strong> you make it from the conception<br />

you have; <strong>and</strong> that depends upon your statue, or the development<br />

you have attained.<br />

Learn to be charitable to those with whom yon oome in contact:<br />

you will when you underst<strong>and</strong> the use of the different grades<br />

of life <strong>and</strong> prooeasea of growth.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are many avenues, <strong>and</strong> many doors opening out, they<br />

are ajar, <strong>and</strong> only wait your egress, by a gentle touch, but<br />

what awaits you, remains for each alone to see.<br />

When once yon pass the gates, a new world meets your<br />

vision, which requires close observation, <strong>and</strong> steady work, to<br />

push out <strong>and</strong> explore the ever enlarging horizon that lays beyond<br />

present environments.<br />

Work with a will to attain great.er po88ibilities, they are<br />

yours to grasp <strong>and</strong> unfold, like the petals of a rose, f reah with<br />

the morning dew.<br />

Ancil.<br />

"Mighty Spirit dweJl with me,<br />

I myself would mighty be,<br />

Mighty, RO as to prevail<br />

Where unaided, aoan would fail;<br />

Ever with a mighty hope,<br />

Pre88ing on <strong>and</strong> bearing up."<br />

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(X.)<br />

<strong>The</strong> other claaa to which we referred· in the preceding<br />

article of this aeries might be termed the feminine class. It<br />

<strong>com</strong>prises the men <strong>and</strong> women who are dominated by the<br />

vital currenta of mind.<br />

Students of Solar Biology are aware that all persona born<br />

in the sign Cancer, are spooially feminine in their characteristics;<br />

<strong>and</strong> it is also true that nearly all persona born in the ma.<br />

ternal Trinity, aa well as many otherB, are dominated by the<br />

feminine or vital mind currents. Those belonging to this claaa,<br />

may at first · have but little difficulty in conserving the life<br />

generated in the body; of course there are some who will have<br />

difficulty from the start; but those who think they are going on<br />

without trouble, will, before they have gone far, awaken to the<br />

fact that they have met the lower mind currents of the animal<br />

world, <strong>and</strong> that there is an effort on the part of that mind<br />

force to flow in <strong>and</strong> find expresRion through them.<br />

Many who have been striving to live thiR life have written<br />

or said to me:-1 am trying to live a perfectly pnre life; though<br />

my mind bas always been <strong>com</strong>paritively pure, now that I keep .<br />

it from all low, sensual thought; why is it that in the dream<br />

stllte I find myself doing things that I would no more be guilty<br />

of, than I would of <strong>com</strong>mitting suicide? the most debasing<br />

sen~ual ac.~ts take place in my dreams <strong>and</strong> seem to drag me<br />

down to the lowest depth~.<br />

This is becanae the vital currents of the planet are one.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are two laws referred to in our work on Solar Biology,<br />

which we will b1·it·fly discuss here: namely. the laws of involu.<br />

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884 Tes BIOLOGICAL JOtJRJlfAL.<br />

tion <strong>and</strong> evolution. <strong>The</strong>11e lawa are one. lovolation ia the<br />

deeoent of the creative forces from the higher sphere into the<br />

highest forms of life on the planet, <strong>and</strong> from them down into<br />

all the gradations of uiatenoe to the very beginning of matter.<br />

Thie vitaliaee, energises <strong>and</strong> impauiona all eubetauoee in. nature,<br />

which, in that condition of energy <strong>and</strong> pauion reach out<br />

in upiration toward the nm higher stage of existence. Thus<br />

the vital cnrrenta of the planet uoend through the same<br />

channels that they deaoended, <strong>and</strong> penona who are in the<br />

line of theM vital current&, 6nd that they are inclined to<br />

flow through their organisms, from the conditions below<br />

them, ou their way back to the Creator. Thu all forms<br />

of aen1uon1 pauion that are in the lower spheres of life will<br />

enter them <strong>and</strong> take form in their minds during the sleep state,<br />

consequently. unleua they are on their guard <strong>and</strong> have main·<br />

tained sufficient of their waking conacionaneu, these lower creative<br />

foroea will lay bold of <strong>and</strong> nae their bodies without consent<br />

of their will. Thia ia the oauae of dreams that are entirely<br />

foreign to the thought&, feelings <strong>and</strong> imaginations of the individual.<br />

But after all, are they entirely foreign to them? We<br />

think not; for unleu there wu something akin in their organ·<br />

iam;-thougb it may have been kept latent by the higher morals;-through<br />

which these lower foroee could act, it would be<br />

impouible for them to do so. Here we are brought to the con-<br />

1ideration of eome very delicate points which cannot be argued<br />

or reasoned upon, but merely stated, which we will do in the<br />

following few words.<br />

Our physical existence in its grade of unfoldment, i1 dependent<br />

upon the condition• of life below us. Physical strength,<br />

will power, energy <strong>and</strong> all that oonetitutea a physical man<br />

or woman is derived from below, while all that makes np<br />

the spiritual man or woman is derived from above, the Creative<br />

Spirit.<br />

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N&w PRACTICAL Mrreo»a. 886<br />

We anggealed in a previons article that through control of the<br />

sex nature <strong>and</strong> the spirit of devotion, powerful paasion condi.<br />

tions would <strong>com</strong>e into the organism, <strong>and</strong> that these conditions,<br />

were not for gratification in generation, but for building up of<br />

mind <strong>and</strong> eoul power• aa well aa physical powers, in the individual.<br />

<strong>The</strong>refore, while the lut named powers <strong>com</strong>e from the world<br />

of creation below ua, we, aa men <strong>and</strong> women must be master<br />

over those foroes; we moat not. destroy them, any more than we<br />

would destroy the aoimala that are below ua, but ahould<br />

make them useful in the aooomplishmentof our purpoee, name.<br />

ly, in the development of a strong, healthy, vital constitution,<br />

<strong>and</strong> a wiae <strong>and</strong> powerful mentality.<br />

In involution <strong>and</strong> evolution are found aspiration <strong>and</strong> inspiration.<br />

<strong>The</strong> highest forms of phyaioal life upire to higher<br />

forms <strong>and</strong> conditions on the Spirit or Cauae aide. <strong>The</strong>ae aspirations<br />

take the form of prayer, earnest, loving, soul deaire.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y desire that which ia above them because they love it.<br />

Love is the attractive power which draws to the individual the<br />

thing loved, that it may be embodied in the constitution. . This<br />

is the use of inspiration, <strong>and</strong> this kind of prayer may be used<br />

to gather knowledge, wisdom or whatever is desired. It ia<br />

the rule in all life; therefore, those on the plane below, love<br />

<strong>and</strong> aapire to the next plane above; this produoea the Sowing<br />

of the life <strong>and</strong> mind currents from the lower to the higher,<br />

giving to the higher the pbyaioal strength of the lower, which<br />

in torn receives from the higher, mental <strong>and</strong> apiritual con.<br />

acionsnesa.<br />

<strong>The</strong> feminine class have a predominance of this mental aotion;<br />

being the viwizera of the earth, they are especially in the<br />

creative currents of the planet, <strong>and</strong> for that reason their atmg·<br />

gle is the greatest of all. In order to make the struggle aa<br />

light u poesible in attaining the highest results, it is neoeasary<br />

fur this cl&111, who have great difficulty in controlling the waste<br />

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886 Tiu BIOLOGICAL JOUBlUJ...<br />

of the seed, to adopt methods that will bring about the most<br />

positive physical <strong>and</strong> mental self control; such u oontroliog<br />

the quality <strong>and</strong> quantity of food <strong>and</strong> drink taken into the body.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y should examine their habits of life in this direction <strong>and</strong><br />

6nd out if they are using anything that is not eeeential to<br />

their well being, such as tea, coffee, intoxicants, tobacco, etc.,<br />

<strong>and</strong> if BO, lay them aside. In overooming snob habits, they<br />

will eatabliah in themselves the spirit of the oonqneror, <strong>and</strong> develop<br />

a positive mental <strong>com</strong>m<strong>and</strong>; for this cl&11 has been ruled<br />

more by the aenaationa than by the mind, or, more properly<br />

speaking, by the vital nther than the intellectual thought.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y should also atop the U88 of animal flesh, &8 it is not absolutely<br />

eaential to life, <strong>and</strong> strengthens the power of the animal<br />

forces to rule over them; they being in such close touch<br />

with the creative currents.<br />

As so much has been written on the subject of dietetiOB, we<br />

will not go into detail; each one must establish in his own<br />

mind, by experimentation, what is esseotail to him, <strong>and</strong> eliminate<br />

that which is not. No rules can be given in this direction,<br />

for no two persons are constituted alike, <strong>and</strong> rules laid down<br />

for the habit of one, will not answer for all, or for another, in<br />

all particulara.<br />

<strong>The</strong> early morning cold baths, described in a former article,<br />

-will also be found useful in cultivating self control <strong>and</strong> a positive<br />

mind. <strong>The</strong> terrible stupor <strong>and</strong> sleep conditions that nearly<br />

overpower all, at first, who succeed in conserving the life, are<br />

especially peculiar to the class we are now considering, <strong>and</strong> to<br />

them we would say; keep the mind in a positive, intellectual<br />

attitude; <strong>and</strong> if they enter into the spirit of devotion, it should<br />

be with a desire for knowledge <strong>and</strong> power to control their own<br />

bodies. <strong>The</strong>y must over<strong>com</strong>e the love passion, to the extreme<br />

of hating everything that belongs to sex relations. Tbey<br />

should not avoid the society of the opposite sex, but while in<br />

their <strong>com</strong>pany, should keep in mind the thought, that they<br />

have risen above <strong>and</strong> are not to be controlled by any of the<br />

former conditions of their lifti; that is the merely animal gen-<br />

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NEW PRACTICAL Ml!.'TllODS. 887<br />

erative stat.e, <strong>and</strong> that they are aaeooiating with men <strong>and</strong><br />

women of a higher <strong>and</strong> diviner order; a eooiety of men <strong>and</strong><br />

women, who are such, iu the truest <strong>and</strong> highest sense; realizing<br />

the fact, that in the 88800iation of the sexes on the plane of<br />

generation, as it iis today, the great adversary that prevents<br />

all 11ocial freedom <strong>and</strong> the exercise of true manly <strong>and</strong> womanly<br />

dignity <strong>and</strong> geniality, is the animal 11t.at.8 which dominates the<br />

race. Those who have over<strong>com</strong>e that oondition should treat<br />

their silt.er woman <strong>and</strong> brother man u if they were auperior<br />

to that atate, <strong>and</strong> if in doing 80, the lower, sensual oondition<br />

manife11ts itself in them, ignore it, or look down upon it in<br />

thought, <strong>and</strong> if circumstances permit, in words; impre88ing the<br />

world by which they are surrounded, with the idea that they<br />

have risen above that ooudition, for by 80 doing they will aid<br />

in elevating the race.<br />

It will readily be seen that it is sex conditions that governs<br />

all the lower order of animah, <strong>and</strong> man, the highest work of<br />

creation, baa more of that sensual desire than the animala below<br />

him, which, if indulged in, will degrade him below them.<br />

Jt is that low state of life which should be looked down upon<br />

<strong>and</strong> spumed, as the thing to be most detested. By doing 80,<br />

<strong>and</strong> continuing in the thought it will be<strong>com</strong>e a normal state of<br />

mind, <strong>and</strong> as soon as you can attain it, cause it to enter into<br />

the inner oonsciousneaa of your being; or, in other words, as<br />

soon as you can establish it in your vital thought, your difficulties<br />

. in overooming all waste of the seed, will have passed.<br />

Thie, then, is the moet important con1ide1-ation, for it is at<br />

this point that you lay bold of the creative energies <strong>and</strong> lift<br />

them out of their disorder <strong>and</strong> abuse, <strong>and</strong> place them wht-re<br />

they belong, as instruments in the h<strong>and</strong>s of God's sons <strong>and</strong><br />

daughters for the elevation of true manhood <strong>and</strong> womanhood,<br />

upon the planet.<br />

It can readily be reeognized that this attainment preeludes<br />

the possibility of bending mentallly or phyeioally in the slightest<br />

degree, to the influence of this perverted passion.<br />

(To be eontinued. )<br />

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T~day, when eo many are considering the Yaried phaaee of<br />

ad vaooecl thought, <strong>and</strong> are wondering if all that baa been written<br />

concerning magio power is true, <strong>and</strong> if eo how obtained,<br />

bad better, before they attempt to delve into oocultiam, gain a<br />

firm bold on aome vital truth, <strong>and</strong> ooofidently follow it oat to<br />

its ultimate; than go groping in the dark, turned by every new<br />

theory they meet, till at lut they realize that it were better<br />

had they never left the old beaten path, than to follow one of<br />

wbiuh they knew nothing.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are many who having given up the faith of their<br />

youth, are mentally 1011t, <strong>and</strong> like the lsraelitell, are waoderel'll<br />

searching for the promised l<strong>and</strong>. We are told that when the<br />

lara.,lites were departing from Egypt, they took with them all<br />

the preoioos jewels they could find: so must those ere departing<br />

from theh- former faith, take with them all the valuable knowledge<br />

obtained from the religious <strong>and</strong> praotioal busine88 world<br />

of '°"day; for all such knowledge is needed in asoeodiog the<br />

ladder to perfeotioo.<br />

To t.boee, however, ,who have entered this thought with the<br />

sole object of satisfying their curiosity, <strong>and</strong> gaining dimly oomprebeoded<br />

magic powere wherewith to amuse themselves, we<br />

would say beware! for such a oouree will be your ruination;<br />

however, it is not to such that we addreae oureelves, but to<br />

thoee who have confidence in God <strong>and</strong> the guidance of the<br />

Spirit, <strong>and</strong> who are earnestly searching after truth, that they<br />

may know <strong>and</strong> follow its leading, no matter the sacrifice to<br />

the.m~l ves.<br />

<strong>The</strong> one vital truth around which all others cluster, is, Huli-<br />

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889<br />

neaa unto the Lord; but we have heard this repeated 10 oftea<br />

from early childhood, without the real <strong>com</strong>prebeuiou of itill<br />

meaning, that the worda sound almott aeneeleaa; nevertbeleu, do<br />

not tum away from this saying, for it is a precious jewel which,<br />

if you will but apply in your life, you can verify for yoanelf.<br />

Holineu does not mean cant, or what is <strong>com</strong>monly oa1led<br />

religioua goodneu, but the aetting apatt for a oertain purpoee,<br />

u were the veeeela of gold, aih•er <strong>and</strong> brua in the Temple of<br />

Jeruaalem, which were called holy, not beoauae they of themaelvea<br />

poeaesaed any moral attributee,-but the uae to whioh<br />

they were put had that quality. In like manner may a person<br />

set himaelf apart for divine uses, <strong>and</strong> thua be<strong>com</strong>e holy unto<br />

the Lord, be<strong>com</strong>ing an instrument for the aooompliabment of<br />

the Divine will.<br />

God is Spirit: u an intelligent formleaa ether he pervadee<br />

all things, <strong>and</strong> like the fiabea in the sea, do we live <strong>and</strong> move<br />

<strong>and</strong> have our being in Him.<br />

While we know but little, what we do Jmow is of great u­<br />

Biatance to ua, provided we use it to the beat of our ability, for<br />

theu we will find it is sufllcient for all our needs.<br />

What we live in, that which cauaea us to feel, is the vital<br />

atmoepbere, called by some the aatral light or aoul of the world.<br />

Thia is kept iu continual motion by the energy of man's mind,<br />

<strong>and</strong> as this mind is not at peace, but constantly antagoniziug<br />

something, we feel this inharmony, or general diatreaa aud<br />

disorder wbioh effeota the world to.day, <strong>and</strong> baa for ages past.<br />

h is poeaible, however, for anyone to gain tranquility <strong>and</strong><br />

peace of body <strong>and</strong> mind. through an effort of the will, <strong>and</strong> retiring<br />

to some secluded spot; but even this is not luting or 11&&.­<br />

iafactory.<br />

As we have said before, God is a formleaa light that ptsr·<br />

vadea all things; but the Divine life currenta are not affl'Okd<br />

by the coal'iler current of earth any 0101-e tlwa i11 the aunliglat<br />

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890 TILE BmLOOICA.L Joua1u.L.<br />

affected by those of air. <strong>The</strong>refore, by lettiug go of the perturbed<br />

currents of earth, <strong>and</strong> living iu this subtle spirit, we<br />

obtain the calmness, joy <strong>and</strong> light which Sowa unto all those<br />

who <strong>com</strong>e in touuh with the Divine radiance; <strong>and</strong> in this<br />

alone can l'f'al lasting peace be found.<br />

"God is Love" hence to be<strong>com</strong>e one with Him, we must love<br />

this formlt'88, eternal, all pervading light with all the intensity<br />

we are capable of, for as the world's greateet master said "Thon<br />

shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, soul, mind, <strong>and</strong>.<br />

atrength"-but thou Rhalt not imagine any image <strong>and</strong> call it<br />

God, for God is formle88. Dwell on this thought oontinually,<br />

<strong>and</strong> in time, months or even years to <strong>com</strong>e, yon may attain<br />

the l'f'&lization of its presence, <strong>and</strong> thus be<strong>com</strong>e conscious of<br />

an eternal peace. But above a11, a proper attitude of heart is<br />

essential, for it is only by striving to be like Him, <strong>and</strong> have His<br />

light guide us that we be<strong>com</strong>e partakers of His nature.<br />

Before closing, there are two points for the reader to bear in<br />

mind:-flrat, that man as he is, iR so lacking in life, <strong>and</strong> that<br />

80 depleted, that be is ahle but faintly, it at all, to be<strong>com</strong>e cognizant<br />

of the Divine life currents; such a condition was anciently<br />

call.-d being away from God. In fact the life of man is so<br />

course, <strong>and</strong> the radiations from God 80 sutle, that there is no<br />

immediate <strong>com</strong>munication between them; but the regenerated<br />

man <strong>com</strong>es as a savior, uniting man to God, because, by the<br />

regeneration, the body is refined through the transmutation of<br />

its vital fluids; hence is enabled to vibrate in unison <strong>and</strong> be<strong>com</strong>e<br />

one with it.<br />

Thus we see that the preparation is the regeneration, <strong>and</strong><br />

the more fully this is ac<strong>com</strong>plished, the greater will the conacionsneaa<br />

of love, peace, joy <strong>and</strong> illumination be ours.<br />

<strong>The</strong> second point is; that after entering iuto the Divine curronta,<br />

should anyone willfully or thoughtlessly return to those<br />

of the world, they will b1·ing upon themselves the direst results<br />

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Ta:s C&NTB.u., VITAL TBura. 891<br />

mentally <strong>and</strong> physically, <strong>and</strong> herein ia the oeoeuity of "Boli­<br />

D881 onto the Lord:' oot partial surreoder but a total renwaciatioo<br />

of the homao will to the Divine.<br />

<strong>The</strong> reason of this distress is. that when any one partake1<br />

of the Divine ounenta <strong>and</strong> then retun to thoee of earth; the<br />

Divine life is adulterated; uoneequently, oluhea with the<br />

ooaner eJemeota, <strong>and</strong> the reault is u if God wu furioaaly jeal.<br />

oaa; therefore be warned: "thou shalt not oommit adulterJ''<br />

for God is a jealous God, aud a oonmrniog Fire.<br />

We wh we oould emphaaise tbele worda eo as to make yoa<br />

realiu their importance, but we feel JOQI' experieo08I will give<br />

ibe neoeee1ry emphuia to them. H. 8.<br />

•'Cauae <strong>and</strong> elect, meana <strong>and</strong> ends. eeed <strong>and</strong> frnit, oanoo&<br />

be 1evered; for the eifeot already blooms in the oaul8, the eod<br />

pre-exists in the meana. the mut io the Med. <strong>The</strong> ohaogee<br />

which break op at short int.enala the proeperity of men are .<br />

achertilemeota of a aature wboee law la growth."<br />

g,,...,.,<br />

"lo every aifair oouider what preo.dee <strong>and</strong> what followa,<br />

<strong>and</strong> then Wlder~ it."<br />

Epi~.<br />

If any one wiabee to eot.er into the joys of heaven uad par·<br />

take of the sprinp of pereDDial youth: let him learn to eat richt,<br />

drink right, eleep right, work right, C'8U8 to do evil. learn to<br />

do well, <strong>and</strong> beoome wholly die Lord'•·<br />

OMau.r B. Porul.<br />

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GOD 18 LOV.E.<br />

This waa the verdict of the disciple John, of the prophets,<br />

<strong>and</strong>-of all the higher order of mystics of all ages <strong>and</strong> nationalities;<br />

yet, there are thou~nds of men <strong>and</strong> women who aaythere<br />

is no such thing as love: notwithst<strong>and</strong>ing, they have been<br />

brought up with that thought impressed upon their minds. Nine<br />

out of ~n of all young men <strong>and</strong> women have a deeply Jain<br />

ideal of love; a dream of a state of heavenly bliM, which they<br />

expect to realize in the sacred relation-the unity of man with<br />

woman; but the pure in mind do not associate this heavenly<br />

ideal with sex relation11.<br />

Many young men have said to me;-l loved that woman<br />

~ith a feeling of holine88; the idea of the sexual relation never<br />

en~red into my .thought; she was too sacred to me for that.<br />

<strong>The</strong> same is true of some women, when this true love ideal,<br />

sprin~ up within them; but married life at once destroys it;<br />

<strong>and</strong> as soon as it is shattered <strong>and</strong> scattered to the winds: the<br />

wife settles down to the drudgery of caring for her children<br />

<strong>and</strong> looking after the interests of home, too of ten in a condition<br />

of disappointment <strong>and</strong> .misery. <strong>The</strong> young man, not realizing<br />

'his ·ideal, seeks other interests: he plunges irito bu8ine88<br />

<strong>and</strong> thinks be will find it in wealth, honor, or high position<br />

among bis fellows. He soon be<strong>com</strong>es immersed in the material<br />

interests of the world, <strong>and</strong> arrhres at the conclusion, that<br />

the ideal which was active in his soul, was but the foolish dream<br />

of young manhood.<br />

At the present time, the majority of educatPd <strong>and</strong> wealtby ­<br />

women, will not allow themselves to be bound down to the<br />

servitude of chiM bearing, <strong>and</strong> resort to the murder of young<br />

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Gon ls Lon. 898<br />

life before it is born. <strong>The</strong>y seek that something, which their<br />

soul longs for, in the giddy whirl of aooiety, <strong>and</strong> everything<br />

that appears to promise happiness; <strong>and</strong> soon beoome intoxicated<br />

with sensuality <strong>and</strong> worldly interest.a, <strong>and</strong> laugh at the ideal<br />

they once held sacred, as a condition impossible to attain.<br />

<strong>The</strong> relations of sex have be<strong>com</strong>e a gigantic lie. <strong>The</strong> majority<br />

of men <strong>and</strong> women at the present tirue are continually lying<br />

against the very fountains of their own life; thus children are<br />

being brought iQto the world under the influence of that false.<br />

hood, <strong>and</strong> the world of humanity has laid it at the very root<br />

of it.a existence,-sex life. <strong>The</strong>re is a .freedom of sensuality<br />

among all cla88es, <strong>and</strong> especially the more wealthy, which ia<br />

equal in extent to the conditions that exist in Japan; yet if one<br />

member of their society is accused of being guilty of this, they<br />

will condemn him anc,l shun him as if he were poison; thua condemning<br />

in the most unmeasured terms the act.a of their own<br />

lives.• No wonder that the tree of evil has grown so large <strong>and</strong><br />

strong; <strong>and</strong> that there is scarcely a healthy man or woman in<br />

the civilized world.<br />

Jesus truthfully said;-" A house divided against it.self cannot<br />

st<strong>and</strong>;" <strong>and</strong>, "Ye are the temples of God,"-the dwelling<br />

place of the soul; but the worldly are divided against themselves<br />

<strong>and</strong> consequently their houses are falling to pieces; <strong>and</strong><br />

in place of joy, happine88, peace <strong>and</strong> rest, they find nothing<br />

but misery, disappointment, anxiety <strong>and</strong> sicknese.<br />

Why is all this disorder <strong>and</strong> chaos in the world? God undoubtedly<br />

created from hims~lf <strong>and</strong> we are now the sons of<br />

God; <strong>and</strong> if He is love; was it not His Spirit, Hie likeness in<br />

us, that implan~d within, that ideal love? It certainly was.<br />

<strong>The</strong>n, why should there be disappointment in the lives of every<br />

9Tbe following words of the Scriptures are very applicable t.0 noh: "Thou art<br />

inexcusable, 0 man, wh~Ter. thou art that judg.t (oondellll189t): • • • for<br />

thou tJiat judgeat doeat the eame things."<br />

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894 Tes BIOLOGICAL JoU&NAL.<br />

married couple? le God a liar? bu He oreat.ed a lie within<br />

us? No indeed; there certainly moat. be a great underlying<br />

truth in that Ill.CM idea of love, that burns AO dNply <strong>and</strong> ao<br />

etrongly upon the interier altar of the temple of ney pure life.<br />

h ia ignoraooe of tbe true laws of life; the ab11116 of thoee Godgiven<br />

prinuipl"8 that have brought about all the evila that are<br />

no• destroying our raoe. Wu there not in the love life of men<br />

<strong>and</strong> women, the key to tbe kingdom of heaven; it would not<br />

be .o deeply rootetl at tbe Yery fountain of ho1nau uiateoce.<br />

Among all the advooatee of the new thought ideas. now oooopyiag<br />

public attention, we find none who are dealing with<br />

the root of the diffioolty. Some are even plunging into t.he<br />

bueat sensuality, <strong>and</strong> are teaching 11tiU greater perversion. If<br />

the ElM>teric move1oeot 11t&ndat for anything, it 11tar&da for diui11e<br />

order: the kingdom of heu'Ven °" eartA.; which means, not only,<br />

a state of existence that will bring the paradi11iaoal oonditiona<br />

that exist among the holy ones of heaven; bot it mean1 perfect<br />

health of mind <strong>and</strong> body, aod that me1M>1 iwmortAlity in the<br />

tleah. While death ia active in the human organism., .arrow<br />

<strong>and</strong> wiaery mo11t also exiMt, <strong>and</strong> when it ia remoYM by perfecst<br />

harmony with the law1 of life. bappinefi mn1t be the result.<br />

In the early part of our t.eaobiogit Wtl endeavored t.o set forth<br />

the fundamental prinoipl~ for obwniog health of mind aud<br />

body: the way to immortality. We have, for the last fourtcten<br />

years, held before the w1>rld, tbe iJeal of perfoot ohaatity:<br />

angelio purity; <strong>and</strong> we koow,-<strong>and</strong> so will every one who livee<br />

the regenerate life,-that no perfect love oan exiat in the ho·<br />

mao soul: O&D be m"intained between man <strong>and</strong> woman, until<br />

the unnatural waste of their life forueis hu oeaed: until the<br />

work of generation bu puaed from them forever, <strong>and</strong> the<br />

1pirit of regeneration bu taken ite plaoe. Were it not for that<br />

lie in wbioh the world bu been exi1ting, thouu.nda of men <strong>and</strong><br />

women to.day would be living in the p<strong>and</strong>iae of Ood; but u<br />

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GoD la Lon. 896<br />

aoon u we began teaching theee divine truths, the vulgar aod<br />

evil minded judged of them by their own perverted deairee,<br />

<strong>and</strong> the evil.a that existed in their own soula, <strong>and</strong> their habits<br />

of life went publicly pl'OClaimed, as the result of these pore inatmction1.<br />

Thia baa put up a barrier between thole who are<br />

really seeking for divine order, <strong>and</strong> the meaDI of obtaining it.<br />

Thous<strong>and</strong>e are now beginning to talk about immortality of the<br />

body, but none seem to have any idea of how to obtain it:<br />

neither is it pot111ible to acquire, until the principles that have<br />

gone forth through the 1£eoterfo publications, have been adopted<br />

<strong>and</strong> lived by men <strong>and</strong> women. Further; th"Y cannot be adopted<br />

<strong>and</strong> }>l'&Oticed beyond the primary 1tages, whilst &8800iated<br />

with, <strong>and</strong> serving the preeent disordered <strong>and</strong> diseased state of<br />

the world. <strong>The</strong> prophet eaid:-"Depart ye, depart ye, go ye<br />

out from thence, touch no unclean thing; go ye out of the<br />

midat of her; be ye clean, that bear the veuela of the Lord."<br />

111&. Lll, 11.<br />

Until you u IODI of God; as intelligent men <strong>and</strong> women,<br />

turn your backe upon the serpents Jie that began in Eden, <strong>and</strong><br />

oome out from among thoee who cling to that falsehood, <strong>and</strong><br />

establish on earth that divine order, you will find nothing but<br />

misery <strong>and</strong> death. <strong>The</strong> prophet, quoted above, also laid:­<br />

•• When thy judgments are in the earth the inhabitants of the<br />

world will learn righteou1ne&1." Let favour be shewed the<br />

wicked, yet will he not learn rigbteonane&1: in the l<strong>and</strong> of uprightueaa<br />

will he deal uujuatly, <strong>and</strong> will not behold the majesty<br />

of the Lord!'<br />

<strong>The</strong> great timepiece, whole faoe is the dome of heaven;<br />

whose houn are the celestial conatellationa, <strong>and</strong> whose b<strong>and</strong>•<br />

ant the worlda of the univerae,-haa atrnck the hour. You<br />

that love falaehood <strong>and</strong> disorder, <strong>and</strong> cling to it, will have it in<br />

great abundance; for the deetruution <strong>and</strong> chaos of all that yon<br />

have loved <strong>and</strong> desired will BOOD oume upon yon. <strong>The</strong> worde:-<br />

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Tas 810~10.A.L .Jouu.A.L •<br />

.. choose you this day whom ye will serve:" have been ringing<br />

down through the ages, <strong>and</strong> find at hona<strong>and</strong> tongues for expreaaion<br />

throughout all nature. If you cboor.e to serve God: serve<br />

him in deed <strong>and</strong> in truth: if yon choose to serve mammon, then<br />

cease your anxiety, <strong>and</strong> fretfnllneu: cease looking for tratb<br />

<strong>and</strong> right.eonaneaa, <strong>and</strong> be satisfied with the portion you have<br />

selected.<br />

<strong>The</strong> way to the kingdom of God, the eatablisbment of Eden<br />

on earth, ia once more known <strong>and</strong> lived: if you will to be, partakers<br />

of it, you may; if not, it ia your own fault. Will you<br />

believe a lie <strong>and</strong> be damned (oondemned);--oondemned to oontinue<br />

in the misery <strong>and</strong> diaorder yon now live in? if so, it ia<br />

your own choice. Are you not believing a lie when you believe<br />

the falsebooda that are being circulated by the ignorant <strong>and</strong><br />

base about this nucleU1, around which angels gather; <strong>and</strong> over<br />

which Holy Ones hold watchful care?<br />

Such baa been the biatory of God's dealings with man from<br />

the beginning. <strong>The</strong> Christ of Nazeretb, the moat perfect <strong>and</strong><br />

holy man that ever lived upon our planet, could gather around<br />

him none but a few of the loweat clasa of his day,-fishermen.<br />

He waa frequently arrested <strong>and</strong> brought before the Sanhedrim,<br />

<strong>and</strong> waa finally oondemned <strong>and</strong> crucified; that being the most<br />

disgraceful form of execution, man could undergo at that time.<br />

And be said of bis people, Mathew xxm, 87: "O J ernaalem,<br />

Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophet&, <strong>and</strong> stoneat them<br />

that are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy<br />

children together, even aa a hen gathereth her chickens under<br />

her wings, <strong>and</strong> ye would not! Behold, your house ia left unto<br />

you deaolate."<br />

Do you expect anything else of an age in which vice u well<br />

as virtue: the genius of man as well as hie evil imaginationa<br />

are fully ripe? If you do, you will be disappointed. <strong>The</strong> king·<br />

dom of right.eouaneaa, of life <strong>and</strong> immortality: the home of the<br />

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Go» 1s LovJC. 891<br />

ideala that have lived, <strong>and</strong> have almost been ornahed oat of<br />

existence, in the innermost sanctuary of your heart, will b.<br />

ao<strong>and</strong>alized, <strong>and</strong> falsely represented <strong>and</strong> all manner of evil will<br />

be aaid against it, until, those whose souls are suftloiently m ..<br />

tured to know the truth <strong>and</strong> follow it, regardlesa of all, will<br />

gather together <strong>and</strong> establish a light that will lighten the<br />

world:-<strong>and</strong> when the people begin to receive of ita benift.<br />

oenoe, <strong>and</strong> find that they cannot hinder ita having exiatenoe,<br />

they will fall down <strong>and</strong> worahip at the feet of those who have<br />

defied all opposition <strong>and</strong> have brought into manifeatation thoee<br />

very conditions for which the interior nature of man baa longed<br />

<strong>and</strong> prayed, during all the agee put.<br />

Oh, loathe that love whose final aim ia luat,<br />

Moth of the mind, eclipae of reason'• light,<br />

<strong>The</strong> grave of grace, the mole of Nature'• rust,<br />

<strong>The</strong> wrack of wit, the wrong of every right.<br />

In sum, an ill whose harma no tongue can tell,<br />

In whicsh to live ia death, to die ia hell.<br />

Robert Soutlatotll.<br />

Lo•e thy God, <strong>and</strong> love him only,<br />

And thy breast will ne'er be lonely.<br />

lo that One Great Spirit meet<br />

All thingi.-mighty, gra•e <strong>and</strong> aweet.<br />

Mortal, love that Holy One,<br />

Or-dwell foreYer ALON&.<br />

Maimilaan Sch..Je d• v .....<br />

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A.a liring, prominent Americana are auanned, we believe no<br />

one more fully illustratea the characteristics of those born in<br />

the aigo Cancer, than Hon. John Wanamaker, of Philadelphia.<br />

We will therefore, attempt to mirror it. aa <strong>com</strong>bined with the<br />

collateral positions of the Planets u ahown on .the Zodiacal<br />

Circle.<br />

Hon. JuhD Wanamaker, Nat. July 11, 1881.<br />

Earth ( $) in Zodiacal Sign of Cucer (o ).<br />

Moon ( ) ) " " " " Libra ( ~ ).<br />

Uranus (W) " " " " Virgo (-X).<br />

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899<br />

Saturn { 12 ) "<br />

Jupiter (ll) "<br />

Mara (ct) "<br />

Venaa (9) "<br />

Mercury ( f ) "<br />

" "<br />

" "<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

"<br />

Taurus {~).<br />

" Aquarius ·<br />

" Ariee ( 'V")·<br />

"<br />

Aquarius (:::).<br />

" Libra (•).<br />


TBINITIE8.<br />

Fire, One.<br />

Intellectual, Two.<br />

Earth, Two. Domestic, Two.<br />

Air, Four. Creative, Two.<br />

Water, One. Serving, Two.<br />

With the earth in the Sign Canoer, <strong>and</strong> the Moon in Libra;<br />

we primarily noto that hia basis ia that of a person extremely<br />

sensitive pbyaioally; with a mentality of equal aenaitiveneaa.<br />

<strong>and</strong> of a finely balanoed intuitive order. <strong>The</strong>se united,<br />

form the foundation of great auooeaa or failure. Like a growing<br />

tree, much moat depend upon environment <strong>and</strong> culture;<br />

whether the growth <strong>and</strong> f ruitage shall be acanty or abundant.<br />

Many children born aa sensitive aa our subject, have pined <strong>and</strong><br />

died early, because the blasting elements of poor food, improper<br />

nursing or neglect, prevailed in their childhood. Fortunatly,<br />

Mr. Wanamaker aafely passed that period, <strong>and</strong> entered<br />

upon bis life duties with a <strong>com</strong>pact, well built body, <strong>and</strong> with<br />

an intense longing to do what be could, in the best way, in the<br />

world. And what does the Zodiacal Circle indicate would be<br />

his JDost natural proclivity?<br />

Firat:-Those born in the Sign Cancer, evermore reach out<br />

in brooding power, to Maurnalize, in protective power in some<br />

way, for home <strong>and</strong> homes. Heqoe, hia b<strong>and</strong>s were &rat outreached<br />

to push on the wheel barrow that contained his warea<br />

fur home uses, <strong>and</strong> invite their purchase. It was the aoona<br />

planted, from which baa grown that mighty oak, under whoae<br />

ahadow thouaa.n.ls of households <strong>com</strong>e <strong>and</strong> find shelter.<br />

Second:-We next note that the Planet Uranaa waa in the<br />

•<br />

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400 TDK BIOLOGICAL Jouu.u..<br />

feminine aign Virgo at hia birth, which· added to the refine.<br />

ment of his pbysieal struotore. alao made him very diaoriminative<br />

in a fine intuitive 18nae, aa to those with whom he woald<br />

gladly mingle; particularly at the breaking of bread. ID other<br />

words. it intenaified his virgin thoughts along lines of the<br />

finest apprehensiona. aud final oomprehenaiona. It did not,<br />

however, aid in the creation of a good stomach except when<br />

iuduoed by harmonious <strong>com</strong>panionship at meal time.<br />

Third:-witb the Planet Saturn in the Sign Taurus, (lower<br />

brain) be was bleued with powerful affirmation on the •ide of<br />

non11enaationl power.<br />

•<br />

It puta the foroefulneaa of the Bull under<br />

the beat training. As we further contemplate our aubject•s<br />

progreaa <strong>and</strong> present poeition in the world, we shall readily<br />

underat<strong>and</strong> how important this has been <strong>and</strong> is to him.<br />

Forth:-Great Jupiter, in the Sign Aquarius lends its might<br />

in a dual way. Hie every nerve ie made strong <strong>and</strong> foll of an<br />

ideal aeneitiveness to clearly apprehend whatever oomea about<br />

him. Hie mentality ie remarkably quickened to onderat<strong>and</strong><br />

the people. When to this is added the faot that the planet<br />

Venus was alao in this Sign, we can immediately aenae how<br />

great would be hie desire to please the multitude, aa well aa<br />

those in hie own bouaehold, in a unique <strong>and</strong> ideal way. Furthermore,<br />

it would add the thought of harmoniousnesa through<br />

art. moeio, <strong>and</strong> ornamentation, of which he would enjoy the<br />

happy reflex.<br />

Fifth:-Mara in the Sign Aries induces a virility of brain<br />

power, <strong>and</strong> an ability to unite with Saturn in Taurue, already<br />

alluded to, in producing a keen forcible <strong>and</strong> unusual mental<br />

expre881on either verbally or in writing. In that aenae the Ram<br />

<strong>and</strong> the Bull be<strong>com</strong>e conetant foroea to oarry him forward<br />

aggreeaively into the world, <strong>and</strong> always along the line of ample<br />

proviaion for the home. <strong>The</strong> faot that he became peraonally<br />

more largely insured than any one elae in the United States,<br />

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' \<br />

. ;<br />

HoN. Joo W AN .. uu..xn. 401<br />

(about two million dollars) for the protection of hie home<br />

<strong>and</strong> the perpetuation of his vut busineu intereata. clearly<br />

demonstrat.es bow profoundly he bu act.eel upon the inherent<br />

proclivity of the Cancer ho1ne-proteoting Sign.<br />

Sixtb:-With Mercury in the aign Libra, <strong>com</strong>bined with<br />

the Moon in the same Sign, we find indeed that the Meuenger<br />

of the Gods ia winged, <strong>and</strong> the balancing <strong>and</strong> propelling of<br />

intuitive thought be<strong>com</strong>es immense <strong>and</strong> thereby immeasurable.<br />

Oftentimea that balancing from the interior of hie being baa<br />

be<strong>com</strong>e truly inspirational in utteraooe. because Mara in<br />

Aries <strong>and</strong> Saturn in Taurua were especially oooperative to<br />

that end.<br />

Saventh:-<strong>The</strong> predominance of the Element of Air (four..:­<br />

aee circle) show• that beyond the &re of energy, the solidity of<br />

Eanh, <strong>and</strong> the assimilation of water, as element.a. he waa by<br />

proclivity aspirational to an unusual degree, as he moved out<br />

to do the work before him. At more distinctly emblematio of<br />

spirit than any element. it baa clothed his whole nature with<br />

an intensity of procedure along the higher lines of thought <strong>and</strong><br />

action. of which the world is happily cognizant. Thia endowment<br />

<strong>com</strong>es through the Moon <strong>and</strong> Mercury in Libra, <strong>and</strong><br />

Jupiter <strong>and</strong> Venus in Aquarius, wberaby the intuitional forces<br />

of the reins <strong>and</strong> the &ne <strong>and</strong> strong nerve foroes are united in<br />

a rare oneness so, that in the true esoteric sense it may be said,<br />

that during his calm <strong>and</strong> reflective momenta, he could realize<br />

the truth of the expre118ion of the Psalmist; "My reins iDBtroot<br />

me in the night season." So fully haYe bia intuitions guided<br />

bis every movement, that to-day the immensity of his boiaineaa<br />

is balanced only by the trade of two continent.a.<br />

Eigbtb:-Mr. W a&namaker ia equally affirmative in the four<br />

Triplicities,-two in each, aa the cirole ahowa. Although born<br />

in the aign Canoer, which aa baa been already illustrated,<br />

oauaea him . to be pre-eminent in the domestic domain, he ia<br />

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402 l'BE BIOLOGICAL Jomuu.L.<br />

nevertheleaa, reinforoed intellectually, creatively, <strong>and</strong> as a<br />

aerver of the people; by this quadruple equapoiae of the Plan.<br />

eta, 80 that his remarkable eveness of thought <strong>and</strong> action, is<br />

therein exemplified.<br />

Ninth:-In the Tribal sense the eign Cancer illustratee<br />

Zebulon, "dwelling-habitation"-of whom u the tenth 80n<br />

of Jacob, hie mother Leah said: "God has endowed me with<br />

a good dowry." When, in after daye, Jacob blessed each of<br />

· bis twelve 80ns, he said:-"Zebulun shall dwell at the haven of<br />

the sea, <strong>and</strong> he shall be for a haven of the ships <strong>and</strong> bis border<br />

·shall be unto Zidon."<br />

Mr.Wanamaker's history illustrate. Jacob's prayerfull bleaaing,<br />

with all the tenderness of a woman, <strong>and</strong> all the heroism<br />

born of a constant inftux of the Holy Spirit, he has extended<br />

that blessing to millions of people in such a sense that hie<br />

"haven of ships" hath be<strong>com</strong>e the centralizing of all thoee<br />

material things that make home delightful; while his spiritual<br />

outreachioga <strong>and</strong> upreacbioga have brought together the largest<br />

aggregation of children in a sabbath school ever known in<br />

America.<br />

Thus baa our modern Zebulon proved a blessing of untold<br />

valne unto our modern Israel, <strong>and</strong> sent forth the home-improving,<br />

up-lifting thought 80 strongly, that its power touches almost<br />

every hamlet in our broad laod.<br />

Libra.<br />

Decide not rashly. <strong>The</strong> decision made<br />

Can never be recalled. <strong>The</strong> gods implore not,<br />

Plead not, solicit not: they only offer<br />

Choioe <strong>and</strong> occaaion, which, once being paased,<br />

Return no more.<br />

•<br />

H. W. LongfellotJJ.<br />

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Au •!Ito tAe 11,.,.Z tf tAe el•reA i• TA,atiro tllrit1; n. tAi.,.<br />

ta.itA tAt &a tf God., tole> AlltA ltil qu lift •!Ito 11 ft4•t of J,re, au<br />

lit /Ult on lift J,u lmw; I hoto tAr to0rb, 11"4 eAaritr, 11u .,._<br />

~iet, 11"4 /oitA, 11"4 tAr patinee, 11"4 tAr to0rb; 11114 th lad to 6e<br />

tr ore tAaa tAt J,rlt. Ne ttoitlltaflllifll I low 11 /tto tAi11g1 agailllt<br />

tAee, 6eellt11t tAn w,f enlt tAot toOma• Jutl>el, wAieA ealldA Amel/<br />

11 propl&etul, to WeA 11"4 to sed1'tle •r#f'llGatt to eommit foraieatin<br />

au to tat tAi1111 ~4 .. to idoll. Au I gaw Aer 1J>11a to re­<br />

;nt tf Aer foraieatitm; 11"4 tAt repnted J&Ot.<br />

Belold, I will e4lt<br />

Ur illto 11 6ed, 11"4 tAefl& tAot eomfl&it 114'"""1 toitA Air illto grfGt<br />

trihllltiols, aupt tAq repnt tf tltir ""'11. A "4 I will kill Aer<br />

eAildrn toitA d.eatA; aflll oll tAe ebrelu IAall bow tAot I om At<br />

toAWl tearelu tAt mu llU Marti: 11"4 1 IDiU giw .. 10 •wrr OM<br />

ti rn oe«n"4i11g to VoKr to0rb.<br />

Bu •ato vn I •If, 11u •!Ito tAt nit i• TAvatiro, 111 -•If 111<br />

low J&Ot tAil doetrlae, 11u toAieA low J&Ot hotoa tAe U,tAI of Sata11,<br />

111 tAq qtai; I will p.t •.POI' lfO. aoat otAtr hrdn. Bat tAot toAieA<br />

r• low olrmdr, Aold fait till I eOfl&e. Aflll At tAot owreotl&dA, 11u<br />

bqdl mr tooi"b •!Ito tAt "'4, to Aim will I giw powr owr tAt 1111-­<br />

tiolu. Au At tAoU n&lt tAefl& toitA 11 rod tf inm; 111 tAe f1Uldl tf 11<br />

'°""' Moll Iler 6e 6roaa to 1Aiwr1: twa 111 I rteeiwd tf •r .Fatler.<br />

Aflll I toill giw Ai• tAe -i111 ltar.<br />

- ·1I1 tAat AotA aa 111r, kt Ai• Alar toAot tAe ~rit 111itA •tlto tAe<br />

eA.~<br />

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We ngrettbat limited,.,_ permite u to give, during the ooune of the 7ear,<br />

but ODii delineation to each 1abecriber. <strong>The</strong> -y data are, the year, day of<br />

the month, hoar aacl p1- of birth. Without the hoar we may approximate a deu-tion,<br />

bat it will ahraye be aaeatiafaotory; therefore, if obtainable, we ehould<br />

haYe the hoar, aad if it C&llllot be ._rtained, the applicaat mut Wldentaacl that<br />

the oharacter-aketch ii more or 1-iueomplete. In all -, howeffr, the dau <strong>and</strong><br />

place of birth mut be giYen, or it will be uel- to attempt a delineation. We<br />

wieh dietinotly to etate that oar time ii too thoroughly oocapied to write to applicaate<br />

for additional data. Thoee who wieh epeoial help in the regenerate li'­<br />

aoh M wu given in <strong>The</strong> :&oterio-ehoald eo req-t in their applloation.<br />

J. J. E. May 8, 1868, 4:80 a. m. Engl<strong>and</strong>.<br />

TmNrrta.<br />


IBDLLl:CTU.4.L, 8. AIRY,<br />

••<br />

MA.TEJUU.L, 1. WA.TUY, 0.<br />

llsPBODUCTIVE, 3. Fu:aY, 2.<br />

Suv:urG, 1. E.il&TBY, 8.<br />

RISDIG SIGN-~.<br />

Your innate <strong>and</strong> riaing signs are both Taurus, which producea<br />

great vitality, strong appetites <strong>and</strong> paaaiona.much mental <strong>and</strong> phyeical<br />

endurance, <strong>and</strong> unusual capacity to learn <strong>and</strong> memorize <strong>and</strong> to retain<br />

that which you have studied. <strong>The</strong> poeition of Saturn <strong>and</strong> V enua will<br />

enable you to reach very distinguished results in the acienct11, in liter·<br />

ary work, or in chemietry. <strong>The</strong> moon in Sagittariue makes you too<br />

impulsive, somewhat reatle88, too quick to speak. thus making enemies,<br />

<strong>and</strong> rather rash in a general way, which grea&tly hinder& your greater<br />

auccelll'. Uranus in Capricorn pl'oduces love of the mystic <strong>and</strong> the<br />

invieable, <strong>and</strong> if you should give youraelf to thought on theee line•<br />

<strong>and</strong> to the regenerate life, you would soon be able to im1pire great<br />

knowledge <strong>and</strong> power; what you most need, however, would be the<br />

apirit of wisdom. Saturn in Gemini iwparta the ability to be<strong>com</strong>e a<br />

ginius in any department of science toward which your mind may be<br />

directed. Venus in Aries gives you love of art, elegance, beauty <strong>and</strong><br />

of the 111Sthetic. Your inclination is to faultl8118 dre88, <strong>and</strong>, in the ab·<br />

aence of that, you would probably go to the other extreme <strong>and</strong> be<br />

very carele88 in dreaa; peculiar circumatancea, however, would be<br />

neceeeary to bring out this aide of your nature. You are e&llily inftu·<br />

euced by &88ociatea, <strong>and</strong> herein lies your greatest danger of failure.<br />

Mara in Libra unites ita influence with your polarity to make you<br />

<strong>com</strong>bative, impulsive <strong>and</strong> rash. but Mercury in that sign gives at1·ength<br />

of body. If you live an orderly life, you should have good health<br />

<strong>and</strong> longevity.<br />

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40.&<br />


ll. E. W. March 26, 1870, 6 p. m. Livingstone, Texu.<br />

TBINITIE8.<br />

TaJPLIOlTIU.<br />

llfTELLECTU.U, 8. Alar, s.<br />

M.&.TBRYA.L, 1. WA.DRY, 1.<br />

R:a:PaonuCTJVB, 2. FIBBY, 8.<br />

R:a:RVINO, 2. EA.aTBY, 1.<br />


<strong>The</strong> earth wu in the fifth degree of Aries at the time of your<br />

birth, which gives you youthful appearance, youthful thought <strong>and</strong><br />

much buoyancy of nature. <strong>The</strong> Moon in Aquarius opens you to<br />

the influence of public opinion; it is a very harmonious polarity for<br />

the Aries nature. <strong>The</strong> rising sign, Libra, has undoubtedly given you<br />

a beautiful body,-probably tall <strong>and</strong> willowy, <strong>and</strong> graceful in its<br />

movements. You have on the whole a very harmonious nature, ezcept<br />

that Mare, in the body sign, makes yon a little <strong>com</strong>bative <strong>and</strong><br />

rather quir.k tempered,-quick to take di1likea. Uranm in Capricorn<br />

gives an inclination toward the mystic, <strong>and</strong> a desire to be peculiarly<br />

your11elf. Saturn in Gemini probably makes you a little slow of<br />

speech, but orderly <strong>and</strong> precise in whatever you say; imparts a love<br />

of the sciences <strong>and</strong> of the higher branches of art. Jupiter in Scorpio<br />

produces pride <strong>and</strong> considerable jealousy; indeed, this poeition be<strong>com</strong>es<br />

your adversary in life, <strong>and</strong> unleu ita influence is carefully<br />

watched <strong>and</strong> over<strong>com</strong>e, it ia destined to cause you much trouble, if<br />

not much disappointment. Venue in your life, basic principle, gives<br />

all its inherent qualities of ~legance, beauty <strong>and</strong> refinement to your<br />

inner nature. Mercury in Leo makes you very democratic together<br />

with your aristocratic tendencies, ancl unle88 you are very careful, you<br />

will marry below your station of life. An infatuation with yon ia<br />

equal to love, <strong>and</strong> you are in danger of being captivated by an Ull•<br />

worthy <strong>com</strong>panion.<br />

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NEW BEDro:aD, M.ua.<br />

H. E. BUTLER,<br />

Dear Sir:-Your kind, very interesting, <strong>and</strong> instructive lettet<br />

receiYed. Your description of my troubles together with Solar<br />

Biology, so far as I underst<strong>and</strong> it,iscertainlyverymuch in evi.<br />

dence, in my case <strong>and</strong> there is no doubt of its accuracy. I<br />

have for a long time felt there was something very wrong in<br />

my make up. It is almost all plain to me now, but it seema<br />

u though the light had <strong>com</strong>e too late in life to be of much use<br />

to me. Still, I am going to make a hard fight for it. Not for<br />

the sake of living; but that I may ac<strong>com</strong>plish something in<br />

this life.<br />

On receipt of your letter <strong>and</strong> Solar Biology, I left off meing<br />

tobacco <strong>and</strong> sex indulgence. I have been trying for years to<br />

over<strong>com</strong>e these habits; but this time feel as if I should meet<br />

with suooea. I am also trying to unite my mind with God,<br />

but on thia line, at the present time have met with no satisfaction.<br />

It ia not for lack of desire, as my mind is full of the<br />

feeling that it should have been done while in better health.<br />

It looks like being forced into it, in place of doing it willingly.<br />

Thanking you very much indeed for kind attention ahown<br />

me, I am,<br />

Youn very aincerely, ·<br />

F. Ratcliff.<br />

SACBAlrlENTO, C.il..<br />


My Dear Sirs:-I have noted the contents of-Practical<br />

Methods to I naure Succes; it is simply wonderful, <strong>and</strong> ought<br />

to be in every family. I adviled all my friend• to tend for it.<br />

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d instructive letter<br />

gether with Solar<br />

y very much in evif<br />

its accuracy. I<br />

ing very wrong in<br />

now, but it seems<br />

to be of much use<br />

ght for it. Not for<br />

lish something in<br />

logy, I left off use.<br />

trying for years to<br />

if I should meet<br />

my mind with God,<br />

met with no satisfacmind<br />

is full of the<br />

ilo in better health.<br />

of doing it willingly.<br />

kind attention shown<br />

F. Ratcliff.<br />


LEGATE, CAL,<br />

contents of- Practical<br />

ly wonderful, <strong>and</strong> ought<br />

y friends to send for it.

406 TB& B10L001c.u. Jouu.u..<br />

1 think this a wonderful study; <strong>and</strong> how much bett.er this world<br />

would be if people knew more of it.<br />

Trusting to receive the booklets by an early date, I am,<br />

Yours very truly,<br />

Dr. G. Hart.<br />

TOLEDO. Oa10.<br />

EsOT1:1uc Pus. Co., APPLEGATE, C.AL.<br />

G•ntlemera:-l have had presented to me a copy of your-Solar<br />

Biology, <strong>and</strong> the Seven Creative Principles; while I underst<strong>and</strong><br />

the former I do not quite underst<strong>and</strong> the latter, <strong>and</strong> if<br />

you can offer any suggestions which will give me a clearer<br />

<strong>com</strong>prehension of the book, I would greatly appreciate your<br />

kindness.<br />

I also wish to state that your delineation of my character,<br />

given in the January number of <strong>The</strong> <strong>Occult</strong> <strong>and</strong> Biological<br />

Journal, is, in the most important points very true. Your<br />

methed of delineation is truly wonderful, <strong>and</strong> shows to what a<br />

height mind can be developed.<br />

I have read the characters of my friends from Solar Biology,<br />

<strong>and</strong> in almost every instance the qualities attributed to their<br />

various planetary positions accorded most perfectly with their<br />

respective characteristics. I have found great consolation<br />

in its reliability, <strong>and</strong> believe if it was adopted in schools, a<br />

great many disappointments to young lives would be avoided,<br />

<strong>and</strong> a better underst<strong>and</strong>ing between teacher <strong>and</strong> pupil would<br />

be obtained.<br />

I remain, with kind regards,<br />

Respectfully yours,<br />

William Dressel.<br />


To Ta& EsoTElUC Pus. Co.,<br />

Dear Friends:-lo my early childhood I attended Sundayechool<br />

<strong>and</strong> church, but at heart I could not find anything t.o<br />

rejoice for. Twelve years ago I took a course in Christian Science,<br />

with the same result. I went throagh bible classes, yet<br />

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0olUUt8PONDE.NOL 401<br />

the more I knocked <strong>and</strong> searched, the more eager I became;<br />

but I could not flnd the spiritual <strong>com</strong>fort <strong>and</strong> uplifting others<br />

claimed, because I wanted a practical work, reaaon <strong>and</strong> knowledge.<br />

of which no one could expl&in.<br />

Your first Journal plainly showed me the open door. I believe<br />

it has opened the way to hund1·eds you know nothing about.<br />

who, like me, have no talent to express themselves, however, I<br />

trust that this letter will convey my thanks <strong>and</strong> appreciation.<br />

You are the only teachers who have given the tl'tle foundation<br />

for spiritual growth, with absolute knowledge to the one who<br />

works for it. I truly bless you dear friends of auft'ering<br />

humanity.<br />

With many wish"8 for your euoceu I am your loving friend<br />

in Christ.<br />

BELT, CA&eADlc Co., MoNT.<br />

To THE EsOTERIO PususmNG CollPANY.<br />

Dear Sirs:-Some time ago I purchased a little book from<br />

you, entitled,-Practioal Methods to Insure Succeu, which<br />

cost me ten cents. Ever since the day I read it, the content&<br />

have been in my mintl. <strong>and</strong> I am sure that all who follow<br />

the instructions it contains, are bound to be elevated to a better<br />

condition of life. I have not, until recently, had the opportunity<br />

to follow the instructions aa fully aa I wished, being<br />

away from ho10e the greater part of the time, but now, that I<br />

am at home, I am going to put the methods into practice. If<br />

I knew I could not get another copy of the little book, I would<br />

not sell mine for less than ten dollars. I think the book well<br />

worth ten dollare <strong>and</strong> therefore enclose Poet Office order for<br />

that amount. I would thank you kindly, if yon will aeod me<br />

two more copies of the booklet, u I wiah each member of my<br />

family to have one. Wiabing you every auooeu in publishing<br />

such good books, <strong>and</strong> trusting that you may be bleued with<br />

long life to continue the good work, I remain your well wiahiDg<br />

friend,<br />

John .Mckinley.<br />

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Taa MENTAL ADvOOATa. An 8-page paper, published about the 6th of eftP7<br />

month. Dr. Paul Edward.a, Editor, Owner <strong>and</strong> Sole Writer, 108 W..t 38th St.<br />

New York City, N. Y. Sabeeription $1.00 per year.<br />

Tai: Naw ABOLtTtOJf, A 4-page monthly, "Advocating obedie- to the Law<br />

of Love in the Production <strong>and</strong> Diatlibation of all V aloee Created by Labor." T.<br />

R. Hawk.a, Editor, Topeka, K.-a. Sabeeript.iola 50 oentll per annura.<br />

TaE Naw YoaK MAoAZtXB or Mr1TBB1i:a. Tbiaieam...nhl:r~eof<br />

82 pages, pobliebed by Thompecn <strong>and</strong> Co., 223 William St.. New York.<br />

To our judgement, thie magazine bu been gotten op purely to attract the m ..<br />

- <strong>and</strong> to eell. We fail to find that high spiritual <strong>and</strong> moral tone in itll coutanta,<br />

that we think mcb megazinee ought to maintain. However, we believe the papliehen<br />

will make it a eoooes. Snbeeription $1.00 per annum.<br />

Taa CoxJrLtNo MAN. A joornal of Troth <strong>and</strong> Poetry, ia a 4-page paper, iamed<br />

monthly. Frank M. Chapman, Editor, 205 San Joan St., Trinidad, Colo. Sobeoriptiou<br />

prioe, 50 oeuta a year.<br />

WBAT TB• Naw TaouoBT STANDS Jl'OB. Thia ia an article by Charlee Brodie<br />

Patterson, iaued in pamphlet form, <strong>and</strong> ie written "to make clear the distinction<br />

between the New Thought Movement <strong>and</strong> Christian Science." All who are<br />

interested iu this eobjt!Ot will find the article quite helpful. Pnbliehed aocl for<br />

ale by the All~ Pnb. Co., New York. Prioe 10 oeuta,<br />

. How TO Suoc.BBD. A Monthly Joumal of Self Help. Thie ie gotten up iu pamphlet<br />

form, <strong>and</strong> we presume that it, as well as all the new efforts in thill direction,<br />

has ita merits, <strong>and</strong> we wish it socoe• Rocording to ita D11efuln-. Sobeeription50<br />

oenta yearly. Address, Sncoe• Pub. Co., 006 Masonic Temple, MiDDeapolia. Minn.<br />

Tai: POLITICAL EcoNOXY or HUXANWl A 12-mo volume of SUI pagw.<br />

By Henry Wood. Moet of our readers are aoqoaioted with tbia author'•<br />

writings. He deals with the problem iu h<strong>and</strong> with a great deal of wisdom<br />

aud good judgement, showing a broad grasp of the 10Cial aituatiou. We<br />

would like to have all who are intereeted in the great aocialiatic movement, carefully<br />

read <strong>and</strong> etudy tbie book. We believe that the llOOW queetion is one of the<br />

important qneetioue of the day, aocl to onr mind the greateet need of the movement<br />

ia breadth of thought, <strong>and</strong> ability to - the good, the nae in all the machinery<br />

that ie now active iu carrying forward civilization. That it ia being carried<br />

forward to a gr<strong>and</strong> ultimate, ia very clearly ahowu in thia work, <strong>and</strong> therefoN we<br />

heartily re<strong>com</strong>mend it. Pnbliahed by Lee <strong>and</strong> Shepard, Bolton, Ma-. Paper,<br />

50 oenta. Cloth, $1.26.<br />

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EDITORIAL. 409<br />

WuDOK or TB& Aoas-Bevelationa from Zertoulem, the Prophet of Tlulcuata;<br />

automatically tranacribed by George A. Fuller, K. D. Thia is a book of 211<br />

pagee, nicely bomad in cloth. It is a spiritualiatio prodaotion. <strong>The</strong> OOTer is decorated<br />

with a flTe pointed star, in which ia drawn a oircle oontaining a triangle, ba<br />

in the oenter of which, ia the eras anaata. Aceordintr to ADCient eymboliam, the<br />

innrtion of the pentagram • it ia on thia book, makes it a eign of eTil; of 1epaa.<br />

tion <strong>and</strong> deatruotion. <strong>The</strong> book oontaina many good thooghta, wbiob may help eome<br />

if not all I.11ed <strong>and</strong> for aale by <strong>The</strong> Banner of Light P11b. Co., Boatoa, Mau.<br />


Thia iuue of <strong>The</strong> Journal goee out under new management,<br />

as the one who had charge of it, <strong>and</strong> did the literary editorial<br />

work, felt called ttpon to go out into the world <strong>and</strong> begin a<br />

work of teaching.<br />

Now, that the entire responsibility baa been thrown upon me,<br />

I have been led to turn my attention within, <strong>and</strong> to the source<br />

of instructions <strong>and</strong> illumination received in the past. I have<br />

been deeply impressed that the time has <strong>com</strong>e for a more direct<br />

<strong>and</strong> positive work, <strong>and</strong> I expect that the question asked<br />

thous<strong>and</strong>s of years ago:-·• Why do the heathen rage, <strong>and</strong> the<br />

people imagine a vain thing?" will 800n be applicable; for<br />

we have noticed in years past, that as 800n as we began to<br />

write things that would stir the lives of the people; invisible<br />

adversaries would spring up, that would try to hinder ua,<br />

<strong>and</strong> if they failed, adversaries in human form began their<br />

work among the people. However, we shall move forward fearlessly,<br />

speaking those things thioh are given us by a higher intelligence.<br />

We wish to oall special att.ention to the fint article in thi1<br />

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410 Tua B10.1.001c.&.L JouuAL.<br />

number, entitled,-<strong>The</strong> Purpose of God in the Creation of the<br />

World.<br />

<strong>The</strong> thoughts expreued in this article, <strong>and</strong> those that will<br />

follow, are undoubtedly the most im}'Ortant that have ever<br />

been written, because they lay a foundation for the mind of the<br />

thiuker, which, if accepted aud carried out, must inevitably<br />

lead to perfect order <strong>and</strong> harmony with the divine purpose:<br />

placing the individual upon the path that lead.I directly to the<br />

knowledge <strong>and</strong> consciousness of God.<br />

We intend to publish more letters than we have in the past,<br />

as we wish our people to have a voice in <strong>The</strong> Journal, knowing<br />

that our readers are interested in what others are thinking<br />

<strong>and</strong> doing, along the lines we are working. Tberef ore,<br />

we trust that our friends will not hesitate to write us freely,<br />

concerning their experiences <strong>and</strong> thoughts, in regard to all<br />

matters ref erred to in this magazine.<br />

It is understood, of course, that the editor muat bold the<br />

right to discriminate as to what letters shall be published. As<br />

previously announced, we shall publish all letters that we<br />

deem useful to our readers, unless request is made to the<br />

contrary.<br />

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A NEW BOOK---~<br />

Consisting of 50 Selections from Letters<br />

Written By<br />


It<br />

w. i •5<br />

To One of His Disciples<br />

I ==RAI SALIG RAM BAl1ADUR-==-<br />

<strong>The</strong> Highway is within us.<br />

<strong>The</strong> starting-point is at the junction of the eyes within.-Sec.J.<br />

A BEAUTIFUL <strong>and</strong> artistic book, printed on heavy paper, <strong>and</strong> bound in brown <strong>and</strong> linen; flexible<br />

covers. <strong>The</strong> following quotation from the Preface indicates the value of its eontents:-<br />

"THIS BOOKLET is a string of selections from some private letters received from the late Rai Salig<br />

Ram Babadur, who, having attained the perfection of spirituality, led thous<strong>and</strong>s of his countrymen<br />

to a knowledge of the higher life <strong>and</strong> nobler possibilities of human existence.<br />

lsaued <strong>and</strong> for sal.e by<br />

Price, 60 cents, post-paid.<br />





BY HIRAll E. Bt.:TLER.<br />

Pint i.eetare.-Tbe Idea of Gud. <strong>The</strong> people of all ages ly determined by nouon, p. 4. <strong>The</strong><br />

wooden of will, p. G. Yahveh, "I will be what I will to be," p. 6. Space lilied <strong>and</strong> tu•<br />

terlllled wllh worlda Interior to each other-Order <strong>and</strong> Intelligence everywhere mant•<br />

feet, p. 11. 'fhe 'Flnt Cauae~ the UMnt1al Mani humanity the obJectlve pam. p. It. Matter<br />

a condition of spirit, p. lo. Lon the fulftl ment of the law, p. 18. Meditation good<br />

for tbeeoul-Flndlng God, p. 111.<br />

Seeood KA:ctare.-Foree. "All thlnp work together for ltOOd "-<strong>The</strong> male<br />

<strong>and</strong> female principles everywhere p..en t In Nature. <strong>The</strong> condensation ol force Into mauer<br />

aooompllshed by the LoKoe or" Word of God," p. le. Bow thought fa formed <strong>and</strong> een\<br />

forth on Its mlaslon, p. i'I. <strong>The</strong>eTolutlon of matter thro11&h generative proc-. p. llll.<br />

<strong>The</strong> female will the enspherlng or binding principle, p. Bl. Comp~lon, hHt, eii:·<br />

pan1lon. polarization, p. ~. Electric <strong>and</strong> magnetic currenlJI of earth <strong>and</strong> aua, p. '6. Be<strong>com</strong>lnf<br />

Son•<strong>and</strong> Muten lmte.d of ltlrYanla, p. 811. ·<br />

Tb rd Lectare.-Dl•crlmloatloo. <strong>The</strong> relation of the Seven Prlnclplel to<br />

each other, p. 4,. <strong>The</strong> lint manUeetatlon of DIACrlmlnatlon -All thlnp <strong>com</strong>e from <strong>and</strong><br />

relate to mind, p. '3. Beuon for calling aome tblnga good <strong>and</strong> othen evil, p. 44.<br />

Kotlvee of ancient Prophets <strong>and</strong> Seen for -king laolatlon from the world, p. 48. DI•·<br />

crlmlnatlo~ manUeated In deelre <strong>and</strong> prayer-ln1plratlon-Revelatlon, p. 49. lianlfeatatlona<br />

of diacrlmllllltlon In plant life, p. 111. <strong>The</strong> pleasures of the ae~ contratted with<br />

higher dlacrlmlnatlon <strong>and</strong> Jo7, p. li8.<br />

Jl'oartb i.ectare.-Order. Beat <strong>and</strong> cold aa formathe foroea lD Nature, p. 118.<br />

<strong>The</strong> evldence1 of Order In crystal formatlon1, p. r.11. Interpreting Nature <strong>and</strong> determlnfng<br />

quality <strong>and</strong> character from form-Form within form rev .. aled by the mlcroecope­<br />

Worldi tieyond worlda brouitbt down bf the telearope, p. M. <strong>The</strong> Order <strong>and</strong> Chemlltl'1<br />

of Dlgeatlon, p. 61. <strong>The</strong> explanation of vlslon-Hanlfeetatlon of the alxth aeDl8, p. 'l'I.<br />

<strong>The</strong> lnlloence of P.l)'chlo eurroundlngi1, p. 72. Being Jolnt·Creaton with the lnAnlte,<br />

p. 78. l:'Ollllelllllng the true Wladom, p. 7G.<br />

Plttb I.ectare.-Cobe9lo11. Drawing the line between prloclplee <strong>and</strong><br />

phenomena, p. '19. Evolutlon-COhealun esaentla11y a feminine principle, eoaphertng,<br />

nourlahl ug, prcsc"lng, p. Si. <strong>The</strong> "adveraal'1" that la set oft aaralnst Cohesion p. 88.<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>com</strong>e"atlve tendencies of Coheelon, p. 84. <strong>The</strong> abuaee of the cohe11lve pr{nclple,<br />

p. Sli. Cohesion-<strong>The</strong> mothl'r nature considered u a dlatlnct principle, p. r.7. Tlie mother<br />

love to take higher form 1 p. IH. Live np to your hlgheet Ideal of right, p. 93. Placing the<br />

D&IDe of God In the forenead, p. 116.<br />

8bdb i.ectar.-.-Fermeotatloa. <strong>The</strong> Deetroyer who a1<strong>and</strong>1 In the way of<br />

physical lmmortallty-Dhlnt~gratlon-All vegetation the materiAl!Jl&tlon of Infinite<br />

thought-Man's thought aa real creations u th11 oflllprlng of his loins, p. 100. A vital<br />

chemistry that will throw ll1ht on mental healln1t <strong>and</strong> thought formation, p. 101. A<br />

eecret of tbe Hag! <strong>and</strong> Alchemists, p. lOi. ~rmcntatlon an qent of progreu, p. IOI.<br />

Tho balefu I aspects of man when the principle of fermentation m1 the ucendt>ncy 1..P· 106.<br />

Dependence of man for executive energy npon bla helpmeet-Woman, p. 107. uow to<br />

be<strong>com</strong>e a" Prevailing Prince," p. 103. Conquering <strong>and</strong> controlling the forces of &enera.­<br />

tlon, p. 110. <strong>The</strong> fallen •late, p. 11~. lleealea, p. 14:1. Self~<br />

1lon-Soul calm--8ubdual of aenaee, p. 146. 'l'he !nm r aenae the one we moo need, p. 148.<br />

Turning tho nature Into llnc with lb Divine current, p. 149.<br />

Nlntb Lectare.-Color. Significance of colors-Opening theslxtb8'nae, p. lM.<br />

Red,-m&1tnctlc. conc0 ntratlve, h




• • MINO<br />


By an anangement just effected with the publishers of MIND <strong>and</strong> THE ARENA,<br />

we are able · to present to our friends, for a limited time only, an opportunity<br />

which for Low Price, Range of Thought, <strong>and</strong> Unity of Purpose, is one rarely<br />

equalled. Duuhtless many in this country, as well &11 fol'eign l<strong>and</strong>s, will appreciate<br />

thiR Special ~1ft'er to obtain for one small subscription these THREE LEADING<br />


MIND is devoted to Metaphy~ics, <strong>Occult</strong>ism, Ex1>e1·imental an_d Psychic Research<br />

<strong>and</strong> other phases of thtl New Thought.<br />

THE ARENA: the Great Ame1·ican Rllview of Social Ad\•ance.<br />

THE OCCULT AND BIOLOGICAL JOURNAL, the purpose of which is to un­<br />

\'eil to thtl 11t111ltlnt the Higher T1·uths, Ancient <strong>and</strong> Modern, Oriental <strong>and</strong> Occidental.<br />

for11111luting them into methods for iucreaaing tbe amount of life in the<br />

organi11111; fo1· its con11ervatio11 <strong>and</strong> l'ontrol, a111l the generation of that magnetic power<br />

so e11s.-11tial to succe11s in any clirection. It deal>1 with the Biology of t.he<br />

U 11 i,·er~e: the law11 of life in their simpl.-st; as well a.'! more <strong>com</strong>plex expreB11ions.<br />

N 1t only n"w 1111hmriber11. but


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<strong>The</strong> Mental Origin of Diaeue.<br />

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<strong>The</strong> Imaging Faculty.<br />

How We Make Our Environment.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Evolution of Power.<br />

Food for Mind <strong>and</strong> Body.<br />

Breath Vibration.<br />

Form <strong>and</strong> Symbol.<br />

Mental Science venua Hypnotism.<br />

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Telepathy a Scientific Fact.<br />

Healing at a Distance.<br />

:BJDT01'J) TBB CLO'C'DS<br />

Thie beautiful volume <strong>com</strong>prises 134 pages, consisting of a 1eriea of lectures on<br />

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Tb818 nluable papen are preceded by an original "INTRODUCTION TO TB•<br />

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<strong>The</strong> other fourteen euays of which the volume consist.a bear the following titles:-<br />

A series of e.Jsays in popular form on Advanced Thought subjects, giving special<br />

attention to questions beariug upon individual happiness, harmony, <strong>and</strong> health. Excellent<br />

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<strong>The</strong> Spiritual Science of Life.<br />

Self-Control.<br />

Power of the Will.<br />

Faith <strong>and</strong> W ork1.<br />

Mental Causes of Physical Disease.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Giving of Mental Treatment.<br />


Relationship.<br />

Mind <strong>and</strong> Body (Part I.)<br />

Mind <strong>and</strong> Budy (Part II.)<br />

<strong>The</strong> Forgiveneu of Sin.<br />

Good <strong>and</strong> E\•il.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Teachings of the Bible.<br />

~All of the above worlu are h<strong>and</strong>Hmely bound In cloth. Price, Sl .OOnch, po9t-pald.<br />

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Volume I.<br />

Should be Read by Every Esoteric Student.<br />

This book contains all the essential matt.er originally published in volume I<br />

<strong>and</strong> II, of <strong>The</strong> Esoteric Magazine.<br />



Ia in itself a <strong>com</strong>plete occult library. <strong>The</strong> laws explained therein will, if conscientiously<br />

followed, lead the student to the highest goal of his desires. Price,<br />

cloth, $2.00.<br />

Volume II.<br />

Companion to volume I.<br />

It contains all the essential matter found in volume 111, <strong>and</strong> IV, of <strong>The</strong> F.sot.eric<br />

Magazine.<br />


by Mr. Butler,<br />

Which run through <strong>The</strong> Esot.eric to <strong>and</strong> including volume IX, begin in this volume.<br />

<strong>The</strong> reviews in this book cover the essential points in the 'first fourt.een chapters<br />

of Genesis, <strong>and</strong> bring out many new <strong>and</strong> interesting as well as instructive points<br />

hitherto unnoticed. Price, cloth, $2.00.<br />

Foa 1898 Alf)) 1800.<br />

Complete, giving the uact poeition of Solar s,....<br />

tem at noon, W aabington time; also the hour, minute<br />

<strong>and</strong> llllCOnd of the change from one sign to<br />

another.<br />

lnn!uable to Studenta of THB EsorBRJC aa well<br />

ae of Solar Biology, enabling tl1em, without the<br />

trouble of <strong>com</strong>putation, to know time of changee.<br />

Price, 10 oenta.<br />

From the Wiadom of the Wiae.<br />

Reduced to 10 eta.<br />

"No man ean be<strong>com</strong>e wise in the divine science<br />

by seeking to be<strong>com</strong>e an adept. Be m1l8t fix bis<br />

mind, first of all, wholly on the people's good,<br />

<strong>and</strong> master the law of the uplift of the people.<br />

As he be<strong>com</strong>es identified with the apirit <strong>and</strong> sympathy<br />

of our <strong>com</strong>mon humanity, be rises to the<br />

threshold of the secret way."-From Tlteo-Soplia.<br />

THE EPHEMERIS, g1vmg the positions of the Moon for1892-<br />

8-4-6-6-7-8-9-1900-1-2 <strong>and</strong> designed for insertion in the "Solar Biology"<br />

tables, can be had by sending 60 eta. to this Office. Single year, 6 eta.<br />







BY H. E. BUTLER.<br />

Illustrated with Seven Plate t: lagrams <strong>and</strong> Tables of the Moon<br />

<strong>and</strong> Planets, from 1820 t::> 1902.<br />

This science proves that "all are members of One Body (I. Cor. XII. 12-27); ant<br />

that, 88 such, each one has his peculiar function in life. It throws a llood of new<br />

light upon the problems of life, furnishing the groundwork, or scientific law, which<br />

goes down into the minutia! of the life of every man <strong>and</strong> woman, 111 a mirror rellecting<br />

his or her innate nature. This work tells what is in man <strong>and</strong> how derived.<br />

Tells bow to cultivate ael! <strong>and</strong> make the moat <strong>and</strong> best of life. Tells one, when a<br />

child is born, what kind of training it should have, to what diseasel' it is liable,<br />

how to avoid or how to cure when already developed. Reveals the part of the gr<strong>and</strong><br />

... body to which each individual belongs, <strong>and</strong> the consequent mental tendencies,<br />

. physical fitness, natural sphere, <strong>and</strong> highest <strong>and</strong> fittest use in the world.<br />

It enables parents to know just what business their children are beat adapted<br />

for, <strong>and</strong> how to educate them,.8Jld is also a guide in the preservation of health <strong>and</strong><br />

strength, <strong>and</strong> an imporU\nt aid to success <strong>and</strong> to the attainment of the great object<br />

in life; viz., usefulneas <strong>and</strong> happiness. It also aids in prolonging the life of<br />

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great success throughJiaving in their possession a certain key to knowledge concerning<br />

the nature <strong>and</strong> peculiarities of their patients such 88 heretofore has been<br />

available only to those few that were of rare intuitive discernment.<br />

It is claimed that character is expressed in the countenance, that i~ shapes the<br />

cranium, <strong>and</strong> is even written in the h<strong>and</strong>: but Solar Biology introduces the student<br />

into the gr<strong>and</strong> workshop of the Solar System, not only defining character <strong>and</strong> function,<br />

but supplying the key to self-knowledge <strong>and</strong> harmonious human relatedness.<br />

SOLAR BIOLOGY makes an elegant octavo volume of 500 pages, heavy paper,<br />

clear type, with author's portrait <strong>and</strong> appropriate illustrations. Bound in superior<br />

cloth, embellished with symbolic designs in gold. No elaborate study or preparation<br />

is required to enable one to read character <strong>and</strong> otherwise apply the science.<br />

<strong>The</strong> key to the use of the &cience will be found on page 274, <strong>and</strong> can be fully<br />

mastered in a few minutes. Price $6.00.<br />

Published <strong>and</strong> For S:lle h.v<br />

Esoteric Publishing Co.,<br />

Applegate, Callfomta.<br />

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1901<br />

ls now on aale. Because of its accuracy <strong>and</strong> from the fact that it gives data<br />

not to be found elsewhere in print, this Ephemeris will prove an important aid to<br />

students of Astrology <strong>and</strong> of Solar Biology.<br />

<strong>The</strong> work contains <strong>com</strong>plete data for finding the time of rising of Zodiacal Signs,<br />

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<strong>The</strong> Ephemeris<br />

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Gives exact time, to tenths of minute.,<br />

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••i-u~~ a.ur 1. & u u 1 11 g W.I"<br />

rising sign, aa it gives the<br />

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"Modern Amology" predieted in the January issue that; "the Climax of 1899<br />

would be a GREAT WAR."<br />




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Plll'AOI.<br />

'n. aim of 'n. Ooca1t <strong>and</strong> Biological Journal ia two-fold: 8nt, it endeaTON to maffll<br />

to the ltudent the mpteriee of the higher tntba for wbieh the W edarD mind<br />

le DOW Meking in the m,niciam of the put <strong>and</strong> ill Oriental religions; ehow the eorrelation<br />

of the doetrinel of the Orient <strong>and</strong> thoee of the Chrietian religion, <strong>and</strong> .....<br />

the wiedom of the put to throw new light on Biblical text: <strong>and</strong>, eecondl7, to th09e<br />

whoee deeire ia individual Wlfoldment, it give1 a apecia1 eoune of inatructiona; pre­<br />

MDt• methode f01' increuing the amoant of life in the organilm, for ite conaenation<br />

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the coGl'le of ite Wlfoldment from ite origin until it reaches the perfection of the<br />

human orpniam. Calla Mtention to ite 111e1 <strong>and</strong> abu181. Jte preeentation of the<br />

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Ahhoagh i' would eeem di&t the number of ntsw-Uiought publicatione now before<br />

the people mun certainly be greater than the dem<strong>and</strong>, yet we fffl tha& no apol0K7 ia<br />

DeCell&1')' in ottering the public a <strong>journal</strong> which we believe poe1eaee exceptional<br />

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tM lawa ud. method.a taacht ia the Company'• publioatiom.<br />

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THE<br />


Voi.. I. -n- No.11.<br />

JTJLT 22 to AUGUST 22, 1901.<br />


Several yean ago I WU led to un·eetigate the matter of the<br />

mystic 1011nda, u far u I could intelleotually, wi&h the boob<br />

at my <strong>com</strong>m<strong>and</strong>. I then had great faith in their eftloae7, u a<br />

mean1 of attuning the Tibratiooa of the phyaioal bod7 <strong>and</strong><br />

mind with the perfect harmoniea of the int.erior realm1 of the<br />

univene. Of late I have given no 1peoial heed to them, u<br />

they 1eem to pertain more especially to the payohio domain,<br />

with no preaent value that I could appreoiate; however, for<br />

thoee 1t<strong>and</strong>ing with me u well u thoee further on in d•<br />

velopment, they may haYe their 11181, by continuoualy though<br />

almon imperoeptible inclining body <strong>and</strong> mind toward• perfect<br />

adj11Stment with themaebee. <strong>The</strong>re i1 nry little in<br />

print directly touching on &he matter. Thoee who 11oder-<br />

1t<strong>and</strong> their correlation with the true innrdn .. of things,<br />

remain silent, possibly, beoauae they involve myateriea which<br />

may not be giYen to a man until he i1 prepared to recieYe<br />

them; <strong>and</strong> t.hoae who have a alight knowledge upon the<br />

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1ubject. perceive no 11peoial use to be served in presenting<br />

them. While I belong to the latter class, I think it may prove<br />

interesting, at least, to give a few considerations <strong>and</strong> quotations<br />

upon the subject.<br />

lo •'Letters That Have Helped Me," the writer atatell:­<br />

"lt i11 a great advance that you hear the bells, which few<br />

hear, <strong>and</strong>-evidenee that yon are where you can hear them; that<br />

i1 a great deal indeed. Do not look for the voice of the bells,<br />

bq~ reprd the ideaa which thea:eupon oome into the head. a_nd<br />

apply to them the touch-atone of your own soul."<br />

Here is a deaorip~i_on from "<strong>The</strong> Voice of_. the Silence."<br />

"Before thou set'st thy foot upon the ladder's upper rung,<br />

the ladder of the myetio ·10nod1, thou hast to hear the voice of<br />

thy inner God,-the Higher Self,-in seven manners.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> first is like the nightingale's sweet voice chanting a<br />

aong of parting to its mate.<br />

''<strong>The</strong> eecood <strong>com</strong>es as the sound of a silver cymbal of the<br />

Dyania awakening the twinkling stars.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> next is u the plaint melodious of the ooean-sprit.e imprisoned<br />

in its shell.<br />

"And this is followed by the chant of Vina (a 1tringed in·<br />

1trument like a lute).<br />

"<strong>The</strong> fifth like the sound of bamboo flute shrills in thine<br />

ear.<br />

"It changea next into a trumpet-blast.<br />

"'.l'he last vibrates like the dull rumbling of a thundercloud.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> seventh 1wallows all the other aouoda. <strong>The</strong>y die, <strong>and</strong><br />

then are heard no more.<br />

"When the 1il: are slain <strong>and</strong> at the Master's feet are laid,<br />

then is the pupil merged into the ON&, be<strong>com</strong>es that ONE <strong>and</strong><br />

livee therein."<br />

An old East.em Book baa a plaiuer description:-<br />

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"From practicing this, (an exercise in which the main ele·<br />

ment is deep breathing <strong>and</strong> holding the breath in,) the disciple<br />

begins to hear the mystic sounds (nadas).<br />

"<strong>The</strong> first sound is like the hum of the honey intoxicat.ed bee;<br />

next, that of a flute, then of a harp; ·art.er this, by gradual praotioe,<br />

he hears the sounds of ringing bells, then sounds like roars<br />

of thunder. When one fixes his full att.eotion on this sound,<br />

being free from fear, he gets absorbtion, Oh my Beloved I<br />

"When the mind of the Yogi is exceedingly engaged in this<br />

sound, he forgets all extemal things, <strong>and</strong> is absorbed in this<br />

sound.<br />

"By this practice he conquers all the three qualites, <strong>and</strong> be..<br />

iog free from all stat.es is absorbed in the ether of Iot.elligenoe."<br />

From one point of view these sounds are great waves of harmony,<br />

running through <strong>and</strong> permeating our Solar Syst.em <strong>and</strong><br />

the larger ayst.ems of which it forms a part, being, what is referred<br />

to in .Ancient Philosophy, as the "Pythagorean Music of<br />

of the Spheres." From another point of view they pertain to<br />

the microcosm, <strong>and</strong> are parts of oor own finer organization.<br />

In ••Light on the Path" is writt.en:-<br />

••List.en to the song of life. Look for it, <strong>and</strong> listen to it,<br />

first in your own heart.<br />

••Store in your memory the melody you hear.<br />

"Learn from it the leSBOn of harmony.<br />

"Only fragments of the great song <strong>com</strong>e to your ears while<br />

yet you are but man. But if yon list.en to it, remember it<br />

faithfully, so that none which has reaohed you is lost, <strong>and</strong> endeavor<br />

to learn from it the meaning of the myst.ery which surrounds<br />

you.<br />

"Life itself has speech <strong>and</strong> is never silent, <strong>and</strong> its utt.eranoe.<br />

is not, as you that are deaf may suppose, a cry: it is a song.<br />

Learn from it that you are a part of the harmony; leam from<br />

it to obey the laws of the harmony."<br />

Different persona seem to hear them differently, judging by<br />

their deacriptiona, <strong>and</strong> when a peraon has ear for the soond1<br />

of the planes juat removed from the Earth Plane, it must be

hard to distinguish them always from 10me of the IOODdt produced<br />

by the nried orden of beings <strong>and</strong> foroee on tboee plaoel.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y do not 10<strong>and</strong> Ule eame to the aame penon at di«eNDt<br />

timee, bat vary with hie peychic eta'8 u effeoted by tlae ooemio<br />

inftaenoee at work at the time.<br />

In endeavoring to mentally intone a acrecl word or eent.enoe<br />

in a oer&ain meuare <strong>and</strong> pitch, Ule belle will ooouionally<br />

tab it up <strong>and</strong> peniat in repeating it in a di«erent pitch<br />

<strong>and</strong> meuare, much to one'• annoyance; bat, I preeame in that<br />

cue they eimply refteot oar own diaoordant etates. <strong>The</strong>y eeem<br />

to be relat.ed to the heart-beata: when the hearts action it<br />

fluttering <strong>and</strong> irregular, Ule ringing it eimilarly affeoted.<br />

<strong>The</strong> 10<strong>and</strong> referred t.o, u "the baaing of Ule honey into::d.<br />

oated bee,'' 10<strong>and</strong>e ordinarily like the low chirping of a orickeL<br />

When the att.ention it fixed upon it, however, it may be re-<br />

10lved into two 10<strong>and</strong>e, ftnt a regular eilvery ticking like a<br />

watch, only a liwe more distinct, <strong>and</strong> a 10nnd like Ule jingling<br />

of minute eleigh belle, or the 10nnd produced by ehaking a<br />

thin glue tllled with water <strong>and</strong> chopped ioe: what it probably<br />

referred to in "<strong>The</strong> Voioe of Ule Silence," u, "the silver<br />

cymbal of the Dyania awakening the twinkling et&n." All<br />

the eounde have the metallic element in them.<br />

It it hard to clietingaiah what they term the belle, <strong>and</strong> the<br />

flute. <strong>The</strong>y eeem to be the eame eonnd; when intermittent,<br />

reeembling belle, <strong>and</strong> when oontinnoue, a ftate.<br />

<strong>The</strong> deep 10<strong>and</strong>, deeoribed u thunder, it by far the mod<br />

impreuive. When heard loudly, eepeoially for the flrst time,<br />

it awakens a eenee of awe, u if one were it the preeenoe of a<br />

majeetio being with unlimited power.<br />

One writer ie under the impreeeion that one must make oonditione<br />

to hear them, inch u removing to a diat&Doe from inhabited<br />

regione, entering a cave, closing the ori6oee of the ean,<br />

<strong>and</strong> eo forth; however, this is not, euential, u Uley may be<br />

heard quite plainly in the eubarbe, even of large oitiee. <strong>The</strong><br />

early morning honn eeem to be the beet, in fact this ia the<br />

only time that the thunder IO<strong>and</strong> oaa be beard diatinot17.<br />

H-.<br />

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(XI.)<br />

We oloeed the last number of thia seriee with the admonition,<br />

that the mind mast be so positively centered, that it will<br />

not under any oironmstanoes, yield one iota to the intluenoe<br />

of the old sex oonditions, which have kept the raoe down for<br />

centuries.<br />

You will find that whatever yon admit relative to sex, even<br />

tacitly, in unguarded momenta, will remain with yon <strong>and</strong> find<br />

expression in the sleep state; that is to say, it will, in the sleep<br />

state, take the form of consenting to or permitting losa of the<br />

seed. It is because of this fact that such a determined position<br />

must be taken; especially by thoee of the negative or feminine<br />

signs.<br />

As soon as one can reject from his mentality all sympathy<br />

with the sex relation, to an extent that they oould not,<br />

under any conditions be tempted by the opposite &ex to devi.<br />

ate from their purpoi;e, then, the danger of involuntary lou<br />

will virtually be removed. Thia ac<strong>com</strong>plished, nature will,<br />

with keen rapidity, build within you according to that which<br />

is active in yo1:1r nature,-yonr mentality; especially that<br />

which oolonga to your loves <strong>and</strong> desires. <strong>The</strong>refore, it beoomee<br />

necessary at this point of your experience to turn back <strong>and</strong><br />

re.read this series of articles from the beginning, <strong>and</strong> institute<br />

a thorough self examinati.>n, making sure that all yon Jove, all<br />

yon desire in life, is really of the highest, noblest <strong>and</strong> beAt.<br />

Everything that is high, noble <strong>and</strong> good; which will elevate<br />

<strong>and</strong> benefit you in any way, is not injurious to others. If<br />

yon allow selfi'lhness to be active in yourself, the conservation<br />

of the seeJ will fertilize that quality, <strong>and</strong> cause it to grow to ·

416 Tu BIOLOGICAL JotJU.U..<br />

such an extent, that it will eoon be<strong>com</strong>e a controlling <strong>and</strong> oon-<br />

1equentl1 a destroying inflaence within you: likewise, will all<br />

the virtuee be caused to increase.<br />

How necesaary it is then, t.o see that eTery department of<br />

your character is harmoniously deTeloped <strong>and</strong> the faults rooted<br />

up; for, as weeds in the garden grow more rapidly than the<br />

plants, 80 do vices in the human organism grow more rapidly<br />

than the virtuea. This is true, because the creative forces, the<br />

attributee of animal life are passing upwards, endeavoring to<br />

enter <strong>and</strong> find expresaion through you, <strong>and</strong> becal18e there are<br />

conatant suggestions from men <strong>and</strong> women on the lower plane of<br />

life, which keep these thoughts active, causing the very attributee<br />

you wish t.o subordinate, t.o grow abnormall1. But, as previously<br />

1tated, we caonot afford t.o kill out or destroy anything<br />

that is natural; it follow& there will remain active in your body<br />

the qualities of the animal world: being neoeuary in a limited<br />

degree, t.o give you aooeu t.o <strong>and</strong> control over the lower forces<br />

in nature •<br />

. Here is another point of great danger in human progresa<br />

<strong>and</strong> delelopment; for unleu the mind is well biUanced, <strong>and</strong><br />

the law of use has been incorporated in the habits of your<br />

life, 80 that you can make use of all things without allowing<br />

anything t.o control you, you are in danger of going first, t.o one<br />

extreme <strong>and</strong> then t.o the other, under the subtle inducement,<br />

that you need experience. If you have sufficient development<br />

t.o utilize these instructions, you have had the necessary experiences;-perhaps<br />

in a former life,-whicb is enough.<br />

Avoid going to the extreme of crushing out <strong>and</strong> destroying<br />

essential feelings, appetites <strong>and</strong> the normal activity of the sex<br />

function; or the other extreme of dwelling too much in the<br />

appetites <strong>and</strong> passions, or the undae gratification of the aotiv­<br />

.ities of the sex nature. Every feeling, pauion <strong>and</strong> desire must<br />

at all times be aubordinate t.o the law of use; use in view<br />

of the object you haTe eet before you. When I by these<br />

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activities moat be controlled by the law of nae, I wish yon to<br />

underst<strong>and</strong>, that, if yon retain all the vi~ tluid generated in<br />

the body, nature will act without dem<strong>and</strong>ing that your mind be<br />

drawn down <strong>and</strong> occupied with these activities. On the con.­<br />

trary; if the sex nature springs into activity involuntarily, then<br />

torn your mind toward God, in the spirit of loving devotion,<br />

<strong>and</strong> remain in that attitude u long as that function is active.<br />

Thia will shot out temptation <strong>and</strong> improper inclination for<br />

self-gratification, <strong>and</strong> will increase the spiritual condition within<br />

yon, in place of the animal. Yon will observe that the mind<br />

must not only be well balanced, bot purified <strong>and</strong> centralized; yet,<br />

we know that nothing that we can say at this point will protect<br />

you against these great <strong>and</strong> most insidious dangers.<br />

<strong>The</strong> law of the "survival of the fittest," governs the world <strong>and</strong><br />

will govern it for many centuries to <strong>com</strong>e, so that the mentality of<br />

those that are the best qualified, will be able to discriminate most<br />

correctly on these subjects, <strong>and</strong> thus grow into the greatest degree<br />

of harmony with nniveraal law; which of course, includes human<br />

law,-aocial <strong>and</strong> national. Those who <strong>com</strong>e into harmony with<br />

these laws will perpetnat.e their existence to a great age, <strong>and</strong> will<br />

enjoy advantages that we dare not even suggest, for they are<br />

transcendently above anything that you now believe. On the<br />

other h<strong>and</strong>, those who lay bold of these principles, <strong>and</strong> live this<br />

life, purely for the purpose of gaining power over their fellow1,<br />

riches for themselves, in short, for any selfish object, will soon<br />

grow into such a monstrosity, that nature will rise up in condemnation<br />

<strong>and</strong> destroy them; for it must be remembered, that<br />

nature is the exprel'sion of the God of nature, the God of justice<br />

that rules human life, <strong>and</strong> who will not allow monstrosities,<br />

gigantic centers of evil, to long have an existence in the world.<br />

<strong>The</strong>refore, bear in mind that righteousneu, justice <strong>and</strong> eq11ity<br />

are fundamental prerequisites for the aooomplishment of your<br />


At this point, ba'ring obtained oontrol over the oreaUYe life,<br />

the au function, yoa are brought to where you maat make<br />

ftnal deoiaion in regard to your fntare habit& Aa we have given<br />

method1 for the development of oertain etleota in body <strong>and</strong><br />

mind, in our former instruotiont, we will not go into detail here;<br />

but, will aimply oall your attention to a principle that ia u<br />

universal u life, namely, purity; which means keen love, or<br />

attraction for that whioh to your mind upreaeea purity, <strong>and</strong><br />

juat u keen <strong>and</strong> active a repulsion toward that whioh your<br />

mind decides upon aa impure. Thia will lay within yon the<br />

foundation for a olean body, a pure mind, <strong>and</strong> a tine, diacrim·<br />

inative brain. Bear in mind, however, that in all ways that are<br />

vital <strong>and</strong> uaeful there are by-paths. For instance, if you seek<br />

purity of body <strong>and</strong> mind through discrimination, you are in<br />

danger of making oompariaons <strong>and</strong> be<strong>com</strong>ing egotistic, by setting<br />

yourself above others, <strong>and</strong> isolating younelf in the world.<br />

Remember, while you have a right to po88e88 aa great or even<br />

greater, purity of body <strong>and</strong> mind than another, yet, you should<br />

never look down upon or even belittle anyone; for purity ia<br />

only relative to the qualities of the thing purified. Again, pnr·<br />

ity means the abaence of inharmonious element& in any organism.<br />

<strong>The</strong> natare of the serpent, in that sense, may be as pure,<br />

if not more eo, than your own; but it is a serpent <strong>and</strong> belongs<br />

to the reptilian realm of life, yet, there ia a certain degree of<br />

that quality in <strong>and</strong> essential to yon; the serpent being the embodiment<br />

of the peyohio principle. We might go through the<br />

whole catalogue of animal life, <strong>and</strong> find in each animal <strong>and</strong> even<br />

in~t, the embodiment of some quality that is <strong>com</strong>mon to ua.<br />

In the creation, each element baa ita own proper 1pbere of<br />

use.-aervioe-in the gigantic workshop of the Creative Mind.<br />

We should recognise this u a fact, <strong>and</strong> in our mental discrimination<br />

<strong>and</strong> desire for purity, we should remember tha• purity<br />

in itt higheat, <strong>and</strong> truest tense, means everything· in its plaoe<br />

<strong>and</strong> in the order of itt nae.

We would allO 1ugge1t that yoa may develop whateTer you<br />

detire within younelf, by placing your mind on it <strong>and</strong> acting<br />

u if you already poaaeued it. By continuing ia thit attitude<br />

yoa will oauae to form within you, that which you desire, <strong>and</strong><br />

it will grow <strong>and</strong> develop <strong>and</strong> be<strong>com</strong>e a part of your nature.<br />

Thia law is demonstrated by the athlete. In whatever direction<br />

he wishes to develop 1nperior power, in that direction he<br />

begin• to aot. He virtually aaamet the attitude of one who<br />

poeeeeaea it, <strong>and</strong> keept acting u if he had poeaeuion, or Ul8I<br />

that power u beet he oan, until he grows it within hilll88lf to<br />

a 111perior degree.<br />

Now, you who have lain hold <strong>and</strong> taken oontrul of the very<br />

fountains of creation,-in the control of the aex nature; have<br />

it within your power to grow whatever you will, within your­<br />

Hlvee; but remember, whatever you grow through laying hold<br />

of the fountain• of creative life will atay with you, will make<br />

up your aelfhood; not only through a long life in thia preaent<br />

body, bot it will form an active part in the aonl oonaoiomneu<br />

through ita travels, even though it may have many inoarnationt.<br />

It bu been aooepted by all the metaphyaioiana of the Orient,<br />

that the tenacity of a thought in following the soul, depend•<br />

upon the amount of vitality put into it. If thia is a law, you<br />

who have taken control of creation by taking control of gener- .<br />

ation, are enabled to put an alm08t infinite vitality in whatever<br />

yon create; therefore, yon had better err by creating too<br />

utreme goodness, righteoU1neu, love to othen <strong>and</strong> thoae attributes<br />

that you know to be m08t productive of good, than<br />

admit even that whioh would 1eem to you a proper portion of<br />

thoae attributes of mind, which appear to be euential to your<br />

life <strong>and</strong> proeperity.<br />

ID the above we have placed in your h<strong>and</strong>a the key to the<br />

univene; use it u yoa will, <strong>and</strong> know of a certainty, that you<br />

will reap a full reward of all your aott.

'l'lls B10LOG10.u. J otJU.u..<br />

Yon will have, by application of these methods, taken hold<br />

of the right b<strong>and</strong> of the Creator, <strong>and</strong> <strong>com</strong>menced to guide<br />

it according to your will If yon aet in motion forces, mental<br />

states, that bring more eorrow <strong>and</strong> difficulty than joy<br />

<strong>and</strong> sncceu to youraelf or io othen, you will reap an abundant<br />

harvest of that misery <strong>and</strong> disorder in your own experiences.<br />

On the other h<strong>and</strong>, if you liberate <strong>and</strong> set in motion<br />

creative forces which produce the opposite conditions in the<br />

world, you will also be partaken of the fullneu of their effect.<br />

After duly considering the forgoing you will find yourself<br />

in a position to properly deoide the ultimates of your existence.<br />

Do you want to be a parent of a great <strong>and</strong> noble<br />

raoe of men <strong>and</strong> women? If so, then you should give your<br />

mind to acquiring knowledge of the laws governing human<br />

life; fint. your domestic; aeoond, your BOCial; third, your busineu;<br />

<strong>and</strong> fourth, your national life. <strong>The</strong>se should be considered,<br />

not only relative to your own individuality, but to the<br />

body of humanity in general; because, if you want to be a race<br />

progenitor, whatever principles you lay deep down in the foundation<br />

of your own mentality <strong>and</strong> aootl structure, you will<br />

transfer to your offspring as inherent qualities <strong>and</strong> fundamental<br />

principles of their existence.<br />

You have now taken up a method of life which means, that<br />

you, as a thinking intelligence, must develop a capacity to<br />

reject from your nature all errors due to early instructions,<br />

that you may not perpetuate <strong>and</strong> entail them upon your children.<br />

Thus you must walk in the path of Abraham, whom, we<br />

are told, was called out from Ur of Chaldea, by the Spirit of<br />

God, <strong>and</strong> was eeparated from the people, <strong>and</strong> kept for many<br />

yean under the immediate guidance of heavenly int.elligencea,<br />

as. was also Sarah, his wife; <strong>and</strong> not untill he had lived in that<br />

apiritual atmosphere, <strong>and</strong> passed the age of one hundred yeara,<br />

was he permitted to bring into existence his first-born. <strong>The</strong><br />

descendenta of hia offspring wete called the holy people, <strong>and</strong><br />

we, the Teutonic <strong>and</strong> Celtic races, according to the beat authority;<br />

are the offspring <strong>and</strong> legitimate IODB of Abraham: 11ot<br />

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SoNG 01' TB:& M YBTIC.<br />

Jewa; for Jadah waa only one of the twelve IODI of Jaoob, the<br />

gr<strong>and</strong>.on of Abraham.<br />

Thia ia a aaggeation of what ia before you. It ia only the<br />

few who will riae into this auperior condition; <strong>and</strong>, we repeat,<br />

u the law is, "the aurvival of the fittest;" you who fl' youraelvea<br />

best <strong>and</strong> bring into existence the highest <strong>and</strong> noblest<br />

offapring, will be the onea who will lay the foaodation for the<br />

futare inhabitanta of thia planet.<br />

Yoo have here a auggeation of the importance of the work<br />

that lies before you, <strong>and</strong> as you have in your poueaaion in the<br />

above inatructions the key with which you may unlock the<br />

fountains of the universe, you can at onoe apply yourselves<br />

with aa much diligence aa you pleaae, to gathering knowledge,<br />

wiadom, spirituality <strong>and</strong> every attribute that you need, in order<br />

to make yonnelvea worthy of so high a calling.<br />

Remember. if there is a lack in your nature, yott have the<br />

meana by wbioh yon may aupply it, therefore, you need no'<br />

ahrink from so vaat a reaponaibility; you need only delay, until<br />

you are fitted for the work.<br />

(To be continued.)<br />


I walk dowa the Valley of sn- ·<br />

Dowa the dim, 'nrioel- 'ftllley-aloae I<br />

And I hear uot the fall of a footttep<br />

Al'Olllld me, ean Goel'• ud my 0W11;<br />

And the huah of my heart ia • holy<br />

Ae hoTU8 where Angela han f10W11 I<br />

Lcmtr •ro wu I weary of •ol-<br />

Whc. muio my bean -W DOt wiD;<br />

Loair ago wu I weary of uoia.<br />

That fretted my Mui with tWr dba;<br />

Loar ago w• I weary of pi-<br />

Wiiere I met but Uae human-tlllCI ala.<br />

I wallred iD the world with the worldly;<br />

I oraTed what the world Deffl' gan;<br />

AJld I aid: "Iu the world each Ideal,<br />

That am- like a Ital' OD life'a wa...,<br />

la wnoked OD the ahorea of the Real,<br />

And aleepa llk•. d.-a la. 11'8"' ..<br />

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4ft<br />

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(II.)<br />

<strong>The</strong> importance of this subject is apparent, when the grea•<br />

mumber of divergent beliefs <strong>and</strong> theories now active in the<br />

minds of the people, is taken int.o con11ideration. We have<br />

long since adopted the following aa a criterion of life:-use<br />

determines all qualities, whether good or evil; became, we have<br />

discovered that everything that exists has a use, <strong>and</strong> u soon<br />

as anything ceases t.o be of utility, it begins t.o die; as, under<br />

similar circumstances the proceu of atrophy in our own organisms,<br />

clearly demonstrates. <strong>The</strong> same holds good in any department<br />

of nature, no matter what sphere it may occupy.<br />

Every line of investigation that haa been systematically conducted<br />

during the last thous<strong>and</strong> years, bas bad for its causative<br />

purpose, the bringing into existence, knowledge of facts<br />

necessary for the perfecting of the race. Man works wiser<br />

than he knows, <strong>and</strong> modern science is an exemplification of this,<br />

being a collection of facts, made by the most careful <strong>and</strong> thorough<br />

investigators <strong>and</strong> students of nature; <strong>and</strong> though they work<br />

from the materialistic or phenomenal side, they have recently<br />

arrived at the conclusions, reached in the Hebrew scriptures<br />

thous<strong>and</strong>s of years ago. If intellectual men <strong>and</strong> women will<br />

turn their attention t.o the study of nature in all its manifestations,<br />

they will readily discover the fundamental truths that we<br />

wish t.o present herein.<br />

As we have eaid in the preceding article: this thought is<br />

necessary in laying a foundation, upon which t.o build a structure<br />

of knowledge; for we know, that if the foundation of a<br />

house be faulty, the whole structure will be faulty; hence, the<br />

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424 Tu B10LOGICAL Joumui..<br />

whole trend of investigative thought has been directed by the<br />

Cause Mind, t.c>ward establishing these basic prineiplea. We<br />

should remember that mechani~ is only the application of the<br />

law of form, for nae: our wat.ch keeps time simply, because its<br />

form <strong>and</strong> structure is adapted t.c> that purpose; our typewrit.er<br />

can write our letters, because its form is fitted for that purpose;<br />

<strong>and</strong> so with every mechanical arrangement in the world. <strong>The</strong><br />

human mind organs might be called a divine mechanism for<br />

thought forming <strong>and</strong> manif eating of consciousness; the character<br />

of the form depending upon the beliefs of the individual.<br />

We will here endeavor t.c> construct a form, which, if adopted<br />

by any individual, will give their consciousness a principle<br />

of truth.<br />

In order that this underlying or fundamental truth may be<br />

clearly undent.c>od, we will present it -without argumentaa<br />

a atatement, in two ways:-<br />


All nature gives evidence that it bad a beginning <strong>and</strong> is being<br />

evolved t.c>ward a definite ultimate. That definite ultimate<br />

implies; apeaking from a mental at<strong>and</strong>point; an object t.c> be<br />

obtained. An object t.c> be obtained implies an int.ellectual aotion;<br />

<strong>and</strong> aa all nature is working out a definite purpose, it<br />

arguea that a conscious thinking intelligence i11 the cause of<br />

all things. At this point, science <strong>and</strong> revelation meet in harmony.<br />

<strong>The</strong> majority of scientists at the present time have <strong>com</strong>e<br />

to the conclusion, that, while nature seems t.c> be forming from<br />

its own inherent powers, there is evidently a definite ultimate<br />

in view; a working in unison towards a certain purpose. Again,<br />

they recognize the fact that evolution, the development of all<br />

thinga from the lower to the higher, is also a law in nature.<br />

If we look out upon the world of mind, <strong>and</strong> contemplate the<br />

continuation of growth <strong>and</strong> unfoldment of mental facultiea in<br />

time t.c> <strong>com</strong>e, in proportion t.c> what baa taken place in the put,<br />

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Ta.m PuaPOSE IN THE CaEA.TION OF THE WoB.LD. 425<br />

we can readily see that man'e deetiny ie to be like unto a god,<br />

having powel'8 tnmsoendiog our highest imagination.<br />

It is well known to thoee who have investigated human life,<br />

that all pervenioo is self-deetructive; that there ie no perpetu<br />

ity in anything but goodnese <strong>and</strong> righteousnese,-right doing.<br />

Io the whole body of humanity working together for the good<br />

of each one <strong>and</strong> each one for the good of all, <strong>and</strong> in the grow·<br />

ing intelligence that ie eo manifest in the world, we can readily<br />

eee that there are high <strong>and</strong> ennobling qualities that are oom·<br />

ing to the front, to characterize the race; qualities <strong>and</strong> atiri·<br />

hutee capable of bringing great enjoyment, <strong>and</strong> if properly developed,<br />

will bring the race to a wondrone perfection. If evil<br />

is self-destructiv~ <strong>and</strong> good immortal,-aod it reqniree but a<br />

passing glance at history to prove thi!; then it follows that the<br />

object of the creation of the world, <strong>and</strong> man upon it, was to<br />

create a race of beioge that will sometime be most gr<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong><br />

glorious.<br />


We recognize God as an intelligent, creative mind force,<br />

which decided npon a parpose, put it into form, <strong>and</strong> gave it<br />

function or power to carry out <strong>and</strong> aooomplieh the thing designed.<br />

'fhe word became the waters of the sea, <strong>and</strong> the earth:<br />

it caused life to spring forth, knowledge to develop through<br />

experience, <strong>and</strong> all life to be driven in a certain channel by a<br />

desire for pleasure <strong>and</strong> self preservation, <strong>and</strong> a f ttar of pain<br />

<strong>and</strong> death.<br />

Life hae gone on in the process of evolution, until there<br />

st<strong>and</strong>s upon the earth to-day, a race of men <strong>and</strong> women capable<br />

of undel'Bt<strong>and</strong>ing the original porpoee in the mind of God,<br />

consequently, the lawe governing the creative work; capable of<br />

laying hold upon these laws, because they are active in their<br />

own bodies, <strong>and</strong> bringing them all into use for the ao<strong>com</strong>·<br />

pliahment of the design in the mind of the Creator, thne<br />

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426 TaB B10LOG1CAL Joumu.1..<br />

developing in themael qoes, through the light, life <strong>and</strong> power of the<br />

Spirit; all the attribates, qualities <strong>and</strong> powers of their Father,<br />

though in a lesa degree.<br />

Through <strong>and</strong> by a knowledge of these laws <strong>and</strong> powers,<br />

<strong>and</strong> the object that was in the Creative Mind, they<br />

will bring into form, by a united effort, an organized body,<br />

called in Revelation, the hundred <strong>and</strong> forty <strong>and</strong> four thous<strong>and</strong>,<br />

which, by virtue of organization, will be<strong>com</strong>e as the body of<br />

one man; because in the higher development, they will not only<br />

know the thoughts of each other, but will feel each other's feelings,<br />

think the <strong>com</strong>mon thoughts, <strong>and</strong> in short be the same· as<br />

the many members of our owu bodies. It will be, simply, the<br />

construction of an immense body capable of thinking thoughts<br />

that the individual now can not even dream of; know knowledges<br />

millions of times beyond the capacity of individual man,<br />

thus be<strong>com</strong>ing the manifestation of the God of the universe in<br />

human form.<br />


Biblical revelation is replete with statements of, a di vine<br />

purpoee; <strong>and</strong> revelation did not pass away with the prophets.<br />

We are now in a time when illumination is eo general that it<br />

be<strong>com</strong>es to the individual, a repetition of the revtilations of the<br />

past. Such, at least, has been our own experience.<br />

<strong>The</strong> very first chapter of the Bible, is referred to by St. John<br />

by the introductory words of bis gospel : .. In the begiuuiug<br />

waa the Word, <strong>and</strong> the Word was with God (Power), <strong>and</strong> the<br />

Word was God (Power). All things were m!Ule by Him (or<br />

It); <strong>and</strong> without Him (or It) was not anything made that was<br />

made. In Him (It, the Logos, the Effectual Utterance) was<br />

life; <strong>and</strong> the life was the light (intelligence, consciousne&R) of<br />

men." This most <strong>com</strong>prehensive <strong>and</strong> suggelltive sta~ment,<br />

John allied to Jt>sus the Christ, when he said: ••<strong>The</strong> word was<br />

made flesh <strong>and</strong> dwelt among us," that is to say, the creative<br />

word which went forth in the beginning to create a world <strong>and</strong><br />

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people it, had its 6.rat mature manifestation in the Lord Chriat.<br />

If we ask the question, why <strong>and</strong> to what did he refer when he<br />

aaid : "In the beginning wu the Word," we have only to tom<br />

to the first chapter of Genesis for the answer: "In the beginning<br />

God created the heaven <strong>and</strong> the earth. • • • • And<br />

God said, Let there be • • • • : <strong>and</strong> it was ao." <strong>The</strong><br />

words "Let there be, <strong>and</strong> it was so" are repeated in every stage<br />

of creation throughout the first chapter. <strong>The</strong> twenty-sixth<br />

verse says: "Let us make man in our own image, after our likeneu:<br />

<strong>and</strong> let them have dominion over the 6.sh of the sea, <strong>and</strong><br />

over the fowl of the air, <strong>and</strong> over the cattle, <strong>and</strong> over all the<br />

earth, <strong>and</strong> over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the<br />

earth." Here is the declared purpose or ultimat.e.<br />

God is spirit, or mind; <strong>and</strong> if we atop a moment, <strong>and</strong> inquire<br />

from our own experience as to what a word ia, we find that<br />

words are formed out of the eubatance of our life;-ihey moat<br />

have form or they would not be reoognizable; then they are<br />

1ent out by the will. Herein reeidea the image of God in<br />

man:-in his ability to form a thought <strong>and</strong> send it out with<br />

power to do <strong>and</strong> ac<strong>com</strong>plish, the same as did the Father.<br />

We are told by this revelation, that, God in the beginning<br />

formed a thought, <strong>and</strong> sent it out into apace to build a world,<br />

<strong>and</strong> eventually to people it with men in his image, <strong>and</strong> like<br />

him, po88888ing the dominion. <strong>The</strong> fint or moat perfect maofestation<br />

of this wu in Jesm, the Chriet. Mystice of all ages.<br />

have manifeeted a certain degree of thie image <strong>and</strong> likeneea,<br />

which oonstitnted them masters. <strong>The</strong> how, of ac<strong>com</strong>plishing<br />

this purpose will be readily diaoovered in reading the bible<br />

from Geneeis to Revelation. It will be found therein, that<br />

from the period called the time of Adam, there wu a syetematio<br />

leading <strong>and</strong> governing of that race toward a definite ultimate.<br />

Adam was not the beginning of the human family, but the be­<br />

&inning of a oovenant race; a race from which ahoold oome the

c-...... m... __ _<br />

1u,pervision of the Sp· • 9lil • f I 1ilie .... - .__<br />

dred years, when be p;...._. • II.I& .-.: ... wii! ...<br />

mises were especially clindlll t. • cH · _. ( I<br />

lsr.ael, their offspring, ...., ..,.. ar...ii m -.... ...­<br />

from -according &o &lie as ' fi.,,, p.. ., .......<br />

to John; should <strong>com</strong>e the &nt ripe fni& ef ... ...__. ~<br />

dred <strong>and</strong> forty <strong>and</strong> four tbouud ef aD • ~ • - ef<br />

Israel From this st<strong>and</strong>point all ideaaf fU1ia&J • •"--•<br />

is done away with, further than, u a ... -"-' • ._ liiia<br />

choice, which he keeps pure, for &lie ..U .. a Mp. _. -<br />

perfect develpment.<br />

<strong>The</strong> old maxim, "A.a aboYe., below" i. tr.._._ -<br />

d«> nothing, only as he llee8 wba& tbe ¥..- ._.ii-.. Ia._<br />

words, as we discover the lawa of utme, ..-<br />

llfP1 .._<br />

to serve our purposes. <strong>The</strong> lawa daa& ~ • .._. 5-<br />

of lif~ <strong>and</strong> which have caued deMp ' t. I f ...<br />

the low state of the beginning of a ,.._ te ... ~ ._..<br />

n.->ble, spiritual manhood, are~_. ft! --•<br />

active, until creation bas fully aceompli.w • .o;.s a a.<br />

mind of the Creator, when the word WM f....i _. _ ...<br />

on its mission to gather form saheg-., _. -'re a ~4<br />

make itself; or to be<strong>com</strong>e the life ud ....... ia lil ....<br />

which molds all things, <strong>and</strong> ia the mtemc-.. ---­<br />

neu in all life. Thia thought, then, .-~ ia 1lle ~<br />

ning of creation, had in it all the puteDeJ tm& i. ia ~ Ill<br />

the life, coDBCionaneu or though&, ud all - ...<br />

manifestations of that thought life whieia ._-<br />

..._ C..<br />

When that thought life bas aoeomplieW tM ....... '-........<br />

it was sent forth, namely, the crmaioa .. .-; a ... 111 -.<br />

<strong>and</strong> women, in God's image <strong>and</strong> like Ilia; d.11 ~-u -­<br />

been gathered together a body of the &s ript 2ue tL s..<br />

earth, who will have powe!', like God. Mto ..... a..t ~ *""'<br />

the dominion under the whole heaffa." n.. a.. w .,..,.

--- -·v~av..- vvw.-A.~.-.....<br />

the fnllneaa of development, having dominion <strong>and</strong> power to<br />

manifest the image <strong>and</strong> likeneaa of God. h will be seen, that,<br />

from that period down to the time of Jeeus the Christ, there<br />

wu one constant aeries of visitations <strong>and</strong> instructions on spiritual<br />

subjects; that is to say, a special effort wu made on the<br />

part of spiritual iotelligeooea, to keep the mind of that race of<br />

people ever active in the direction of spiritttal things, <strong>and</strong> in<br />

the paths of righteouneu,-right living. Laws were made<br />

prohibiting Israel from intermarrying with other nations; thus<br />

by keeping the race pure, <strong>and</strong> proper mental stat.ea active, development<br />

was carried forward in the direonon designed in<br />

the mind of the Creator.<br />

<strong>The</strong> effect upon the development of that raoe, produced by<br />

mental states, was suggested in the aoconnt of Jacob, who<br />

peeled rods ao as to make them appear spotted <strong>and</strong> streaked,<br />

<strong>and</strong> placed them in the watering troughs where the flocks came<br />

to drink:; the oonaequenoe was, the flocks brought forth cattle<br />

that were spotted <strong>and</strong> streaked, because these conditions were<br />

kept active in the oonaoionsneaa of the cattle. This is only a<br />

hint qf the law suggested above. Again, it is well known to<br />

all st.ook-raiaera, that, in order to raise a higher quality of<br />

atook, it is nece88&ry to select the most highly developed <strong>and</strong><br />

keep them separated from the others, so that there will be no<br />

intermixing; otherwise, a higher quality could not be obtained.<br />

For instance, horse raising for the race track baa be<strong>com</strong>e a<br />

science; fifty years ago 2-35 or 2-40 was the beat record of trotters;<br />

now, they have through years of careful breeding <strong>and</strong><br />

training, obtained ho1'888 that will go in much leaa time. This,<br />

again, is a suggestion of what God has been doing with the human<br />

family, <strong>and</strong> why a certain people were selected; in other words,<br />

why Abraham was called out from Ur of the Chaldeans;<br />

who were the highest developed <strong>and</strong> moat scientific people<br />

in the world at that time; <strong>and</strong> was kept under the direct

Taz Pu&POSE IN THE CauTiolf OJ' THE WoBLD. 429<br />

supervision of the Spirit until he reaohed the age of one hundred<br />

years, when be produced hit first child; <strong>and</strong> why the<br />

promises were eapecially directed to bit children <strong>and</strong> continued<br />

to Israel, their offspring, who were called the chosen people;<br />

from wbom,-acoording to the revelation given by the angel<br />

to John; should <strong>com</strong>e the first ripe frnit of the earth,-the hundred<br />

<strong>and</strong> forty <strong>and</strong> four thous<strong>and</strong> of all the tribes or 80ns of<br />

Israel. From this st<strong>and</strong>point all idea of partiality or faToritism<br />

is done away with, further than, as a wise stook-raia.r has his<br />

choice, which he keeps pure, for the sake of a higher <strong>and</strong> more<br />

perfect develpment.<br />

<strong>The</strong> old maxim, "As above 80 below" is true, <strong>and</strong> man can<br />

do nothing, only as he 1888 what the Father bas done. In other<br />

words, as we discover the laws of nature, we can apply them<br />

to serve our purposes. <strong>The</strong> laws that govern the loweat form<br />

of life, <strong>and</strong> which have caused development to proceed from<br />

the low state of the beginning of creation to the high state of<br />

noble, spiritual manhood, are unchangeable, <strong>and</strong> will continue<br />

active, until creation has fully aooomplisbed the object in the<br />

mind of the Creator, when the word was formed <strong>and</strong> sent forth<br />

on ita miSBion to gather form substance, <strong>and</strong> make a world<br />

make itself; or to be<strong>com</strong>e the life <strong>and</strong> thought in all things,<br />

which molds all things, <strong>and</strong> is the intelligence <strong>and</strong> conaoiou1-<br />

neas in all life. This thought, then, sent forth in the beginning<br />

of creation, had in it all the potency that it in nature; all<br />

the life, consoiouaneas or thought, <strong>and</strong> all oreaturee are but<br />

manifestations of that thought life which was sent from God.<br />

When that thought life has aooomplished the object for which<br />

it was sent forth, namely, the creation of man; a noe of men<br />

<strong>and</strong> women, in God's image <strong>and</strong> like Him; then there will have<br />

been gathered together a body of the first ripe fruit of the<br />

earth, who will have power, like God, ''to take the kingdom <strong>and</strong><br />

the dominion under the whole heaven." Thna the first ripe<br />

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480 Tu B10LOG1CA.L Jouatu.L.<br />

fruit will be<strong>com</strong>e the kinga of the planet earth; as the prophet<br />

1aid: ••<strong>The</strong>y will be kioga aud priesta uuto God, <strong>and</strong> will reigu<br />

on the t1arth." Kings, because they have be<strong>com</strong>e the embodiment<br />

of the mind aud will of the Creator; the perfect expreaaion<br />

of God, <strong>and</strong> are thua enabled to take oontrol of the creative<br />

prooe8888 <strong>and</strong> to beoome a light to the world in a higher<br />

aense, than any bo

t_.E 0 •<br />

D Mlnor,-Qolden.<br />

Thia principle, eymboliRd by the Lion, maniresta ltMtr • the l.l'aithfal ancl<br />

Tl'lle upou whatever plaue or lifo it 118"811. Iu the Re-generate lire it oomee next<br />

to the Cancer Principle in the order of uuroldmeut, <strong>and</strong> etauda u the erp~<br />

aud diepenaer of the Gold11u Fruitage, by the aide of Cancer, the Water or Life;<br />

for, truly, u it ie writteu:-"Joeepb, (Leo), la a fl'llitful bouglr, enn a fl'llitful<br />

booirh by a well." All that is beautiful aud noble in the eoul of man, thoagla<br />

bound for agee by the law of generation, to 118"ioe in the home, finds n:preaioa<br />

through this function <strong>and</strong> the miud qualities gonrning it. Here the 1111blimated<br />

-aoe of spirit hu fo<strong>and</strong> lodgement; <strong>and</strong> through the l80DB this spark of divinity<br />

within, hu soagbt ite kind in the bo<strong>and</strong>l ... ocean of lire <strong>and</strong> light without.<br />

Enr <strong>and</strong> anon, through the aukuowD ages, this qn:Jity of mind, inspired from<br />

God, bu gone out again <strong>and</strong> agaiu iu upiratiou <strong>and</strong> devotion to the Source from<br />

wheuoe it came: <strong>and</strong> thna, man, though many times appearing to fall away frona<br />

bis coune, hu remained fl.ired <strong>and</strong> true to law; <strong>and</strong>, uD1werviug <strong>and</strong> "constant •<br />

the North Stal'," hu eteadily uurol

that " feel after mm with the heart before we ean hope to know Dim. AM<br />

what ia it we know when we know IDraP Not the man, Jena, bnt the tne J­<br />

ia the 111&11: that which wu esempli&ed in &Dd through the mu, i. e., Priuciple:­<br />

the law, Ion, ¥t ud life of Oocl, which ie Power &Dd Doraillioa, through all<br />

et.enlity; whioh - abode in the dar.._, &Dd the ~(the euld, hard,<br />

erael, iDtelleot, aloDe )-eomprehudecl it not."<br />

Seareh then, for the "Pearl of Great Priee," while yom eoul at thia-, ie<br />

W oat by the millcl qulitiee of Leo. Touch bat once the ~ht of the ChM now<br />

abroad, ud bocking at the door of each: breathe the bl~ truth of the N­<br />

Birth: tute the fin& frmb draught of the Water of Life; &lld though t.oo weak, M<br />

yft, to hold it loeg at o-, yet, •parred oa by the lint flub of 'rictory; the eye<br />

britrht with 90111819 &Dd hope, yon c&Dnot falta 011 the way. Wben yon touch<br />

tlaia Priaoiple, let ite Virtue find e1tpremion through you to all the world: let ite<br />

w&r111th radiate <strong>and</strong> touch the hearte of men, that they may be drawn to 700, •<br />

were the two who met the Chn.t, ou the way to Emmau; that they too may enlaim,<br />

"Did Dot our heart burn within 1111 while he talked with u by the wayP•• ud,<br />

If you queetion how to pniclaim it, remember that your eilent lnflae-, aloae,<br />

howeTer dietant, will inspire ud uplift all it touohee. It ia truly wonderful; but,<br />

each ie the power of right thought-lo....-thought. 1" oa will fiacl after& &ime that<br />

all ciroametan- will begin to ehape themeel"8 for you, in o~ to that<br />

loft which bu DO eelfiah will; <strong>and</strong> yet whoee fOl'Oe ie • onward ud l'eliatl­<br />

• the Udee of the .-:-more than tlaia, for it ~ed the elements, even, to<br />

be •till, <strong>and</strong> they, t.oo, were bemath it, "aad greater things thaa theee ehall yedo,<br />

beoa- I go to my .l!'ather." Penom ooming iato your p-yoar &an, will<br />

uwi&Ungly appropriate it, ud will live, thiu ud act by the power working<br />

through you-for good-for the irood of all; for, "He that ia greateet IUDOllS yoa<br />

ahalJ be the aervant of all."<br />

<strong>The</strong> ability to oomm&Dd ~&i- for ..i&b ode ia the tea>ptatioa ~<br />

u at thia etage of growth. Let u, the"'fore, be neadfaat, ud mu.dful a1-,..<br />

of the Muter'• reproaoh:-"U-- thou uyeet, I am rich, &ad ma-cl in<br />

good1, <strong>and</strong> hen Deed of nothiag; &ad knoweet DOt that thou art W1'8tobed, ud<br />

miaerabl.t, <strong>and</strong> poor, &Dd blind, <strong>and</strong> naked: I oou-1 thee to bay of me gold tried<br />

ia the fire, that thou mayea be rich; ud white raiment, that thoa mayeet be<br />

elothed, aad that the ehame of thy~ do not appear; ud anoint thine eyee<br />

with eye-ealn that thou mayeet-. Ae maay u I love, I rebab ud ohu&ea:<br />

be zealoae therefore <strong>and</strong> repent."<br />

God ia law: Be ie not caprioio1111; but flsed-eternal law-miDd-lo..--veresiatent-omnipreeent.<br />

And we repeet:-if you bat hold the right au.itnde of<br />

mind-the parity &lld gentle-.. of the Lamb, with the tenacity <strong>and</strong> momentum<br />

of Leo; &lld all the intelligenoe alert: the Principle without, will be joined to that<br />

within, <strong>and</strong> the anion, (Chemical?) ie Light ud Life Etenaa1. <strong>The</strong>a oaa yon uy,<br />

u did Jeet111:-"l &ad my Fatherareoae:" for, .Be will be iD yoa, of yon, through<br />

yoa,-yee-YOO.<br />

Gold, the oolor belonging to the •ign uo, vibrat.el to the key of D minor, UMl<br />

-.ecsratee upon the altar, the "epirit-water," OOlllerftCl &ad ohuteaed by C-..<br />

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In oontemplating the Sign Leo, there ie no one word which<br />

eo fully illustrates it, u, illumination. It is typllled by our<br />

Great Solar Orb, whose aweep of power inoludea both light<br />

<strong>and</strong> heat to our Earth, <strong>and</strong> the other planetary forcee which<br />

belong to our System. Whoever, therefore, in humanity, ia<br />

dominat.ed by this Sign, oomes within the eoope of illumination<br />

ae to mental qualitiea. Thia, at its best, produoea Wiadom.<br />

In-aemuch as .. through the heart pau all the fountains of life,"<br />

it beoomee of exceeding interest to trace the progress <strong>and</strong> euooeaa<br />

of those who are bom within thia Sign, when oombined<br />

with the planetary forces incident thereto.<br />

Among many distinguished Americans, we select Charla<br />

A. Dana <strong>and</strong> Charlotte S. Caahman ae &tung representati vea<br />

of that Sign, <strong>and</strong> illustrative of the male <strong>and</strong> female element.<br />

Charles A. Dana was born in New Hampshire, Augaat 8,<br />

1819. In aooordaoce with the Circle it will be seen that the<br />

Earth was in the Sign Leo, <strong>and</strong> the Moon in Piaoea. Aooord.<br />

ingly, it will nnt be not.eel that hia heart <strong>and</strong> hia feet formed the<br />

basis of his career. <strong>The</strong> Lion <strong>and</strong> the Fishes made nobility<br />

<strong>and</strong> restluaneu inherent. <strong>The</strong> Sun <strong>and</strong> Wat.er typified the<br />

brilliancy <strong>and</strong> the variableneas of hie nature. <strong>The</strong> elements of<br />

the Rainbow were all his own. Its aeven hues were emblem.<br />

atio of the variety of knowledge which blended in hia life'•<br />


482 Tes B10L001C.&L JOURNAL.<br />

Charles A. Dana, Nat. August 8, 1819.<br />

Earth (E9) in Zodiacal Sign of Leo (SI.).<br />

Moon ()) .. .. •• " Pil\~es (X).<br />

U ra1111s (II) •• •• " " G~iniui (o).<br />

Satul'D ( lz) •• " •• " Virgo (~).<br />

Jupiter ( lt) •• " •• " Leo (~).<br />

Mara (I) " " •• •• Scorpio (II\.).<br />

Venus ( 9) " .. •• "<br />

Mercury ( V) " "<br />

..<br />

"<br />

Capricorn (~).<br />

Gemiui (o).<br />



1''ire, Two. In teUectual, Two.<br />

Earth, Two. Domestic, Three.<br />

Air, Two. Creative, One.<br />

Water, Two. Serving, Two.<br />

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......... , ........... -~<br />

........., ......- ·-··...··--· .............. -...,~.............,..<br />

With the metaphysi

· THE B10LOG1cAL Joumu.L<br />

<strong>The</strong> position of Mercury in Gemini, when <strong>com</strong>bined with<br />

Uranus in the aame Sign, caueed a dual outreaching for actual<br />

knowledge, which. as the years went by; be would fain traumute<br />

into Wiadom. How far be was able to do ao, let his<br />

painstaking labours upon tbe American Cyclopedia attest.<br />

<strong>The</strong> writer recalls moat vividly how in 1859 he called at the<br />

oftice of the "New York Tribune," to see the distinguished<br />

Horace Greely, aa one of our national characters, <strong>and</strong> was intensely<br />

interested to note a young man oonferring with him, aa<br />

aaaistaot, who proved to be Mr. Dana. What he then witnessed,<br />

was the prelude line of activity which led to great ruults in<br />

after time. <strong>The</strong> keen aggreaai ve natnre of our subject was<br />

then being developed through the Aquarius air of Mr. Greely,<br />

(born February 3, 1811). It fanned into continuous glow the<br />

Leonie &re of Mr. Dana during fifteen years (1847-1862),<br />

preparatory to his be<strong>com</strong>ing the glowing luminary of the ••New<br />

York Sun," which not only in name but in fact, from 1868 to<br />

the present time, "ahinea for all."<br />

Thia development of Mr. Dana from the Yankee boy to the<br />

Peerless editor, renowned 10holar <strong>and</strong> statesman, is a striking<br />

illustration of what the Leo nature nature can aooompliah:<br />

when the emotions incident to this Sign are subservient to<br />

knowledge, they be<strong>com</strong>e power.<br />

It will be noted that the four elements of Fire, Earth, Air<br />

<strong>and</strong> Water, found equal expression through him. He wu<br />

four square elementally <strong>and</strong> dual in each of them, therein<br />

balancing in a remarkable aenae bis entire nature.<br />

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Ca.a. A. DANA, AND C&ARLOTrE S. CusaxAM. 435<br />

Charlotte S. Cuahman, Nat. July 23, 1816.<br />

Earth ( $) in Zodiacal Sign of Leo ( Sl. ).<br />

Cancer (e).<br />

Moon ()) " " " "<br />


486 THE BIOLOGICAL Joumu,L.<br />

Charlotte S. Cushman was born July 23, 1816. As the Circle<br />

ahowa, ahe <strong>com</strong>es within the dominion of the Sign Leo, with the<br />

Moon iu Cancer. Being, howt1ver, but a few daya within Leo,<br />

ahe partook 1mewhat of the characteristics of the Sign Canoer;<br />

oonaequently, the Heart <strong>and</strong> Home were the two eJementa<br />

that fortDed the basi11 of her career. <strong>The</strong> Lion <strong>and</strong> the Crab<br />

aymbolized her foundations: most naturally, therefore, her<br />

intense womanly uatnre ontreached for expresaion.<br />

With Uranus in Gemini aud Saturn in Leo, there waa created<br />

such an earnest desire for knowledge that would not only<br />

aatiafy the head hut the heart also, that the world in a aenae,<br />

became her family, <strong>and</strong> ahe would show it what her ideals<br />

were. When a Leo woman has thus united Air <strong>and</strong> Fire into a<br />

dual flame, there is created a Torch which lights the world:<br />

ao, in those days when the drama needed ita Torchbearer to<br />

to throw a clear light upon the scenes, she appeared in that<br />

true womanly way, which the world always reapecta <strong>and</strong> honors.<br />

This occurred when our Leo-Cancer heroine waa but nineteen<br />

years of age.<br />

Jupiter in the Sign Taurus waa a powerful factor in her individudization.<br />

It caused her emotional nature to be enriched<br />

with a keen aenae of what the occult meant, <strong>and</strong> the sensational<br />

could do. An ideality rich <strong>and</strong> rare poaseeeed her, 10 that the<br />

Bull united with the Lion <strong>and</strong> the Crab in the creation of a<br />

Triune power of expression.<br />

Mara in Pi8088 made her feet reatleaa <strong>and</strong> determined: one<br />

foot trending toward the home, <strong>and</strong> the other toward the world;<br />

<strong>and</strong> therein her nature was grounded <strong>and</strong> made sure of knowledge.<br />

With her, aa with Mr. Dana; Venus in Capricorn wu<br />

the seat of fine aspirations as to buainesa affairs, <strong>and</strong> the feminine<br />

goat of her nature saw the attainable heighta, <strong>and</strong> never<br />

oeaaed to attempt their creating.<br />

Mercury was in the Sign Virgo, <strong>and</strong> so the messenger of the<br />

Goda inclined her virgin nature into harmoniouaneaa of intuitive<br />

thought, which became winged in flneneaa of expression.<br />

With Venus in Capricorn, Jupiter in Taurut <strong>and</strong> Mercury<br />

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in Virgo, there was formed an Earthly triplicity of unusual<br />

power. It caused an immense ideality of desire u to the<br />

world's uplifting, <strong>and</strong> to that end her heart <strong>and</strong> soul went<br />

forth uoceasinglyl<br />

Each of these great souls belonged in the tribal sense to that<br />

of Joaeph, the first born of Rachel, the true Spiritual wife of<br />

Jacob: hence, they were the children of Love:-Joseph wu<br />

the eleventh son of Jacob; but it is to be remembered that<br />

Diuab was the eleventh child. <strong>The</strong>re is, therefore, iooorpor·<br />

ated into Leo natures the male <strong>and</strong> female elementR; the male<br />

having the interior feminine expression, <strong>and</strong> the female that<br />

of the male.<br />

To each may be applied the wonderful promise of .Jacob to<br />

his son Joseph;-"Joaeph ia a fruitful bough, even a fruitful<br />

bough by a well; whose brancl1es run over the wall." And to<br />

both Mr. Dana <strong>and</strong> Min. Cushman may he applied those mem.<br />

orable words of J ose11h uuto his brethren;-•• Fear not, for I<br />

aw in the place of God." When Mr. Dana, at a crucial time,<br />

in our country's history, reinforced Abraham Linooln as &a·<br />

1i•tant 1ecretary of War, he was indeed a modern JOM1phl<br />

~'hen Mi88. Cushman stood upon the stage as a pure exemplar<br />

of dra111atio art, uplifting her hearers by the power of her true<br />

purtrayal, she was indeed a Dinah.Joseph in the most 1uodern<br />

aeuse!<br />

In the world's history it bas al,.,ays been true, that the heroic<br />

Leos in their unusual lives of duty toward those about them,<br />

have been misjudged <strong>and</strong> often condemned. <strong>The</strong>ir illuminating<br />

power bas often dazzled rather than enlightened.<br />

We can, therefore, oompreht1nd the wonderfully wi11e expreeaon<br />

of Jacob regarding his eon Jose}'h, <strong>and</strong> now equally applioable<br />

to our modern Josephs:-"<strong>The</strong> archera have sorely grieved<br />

him <strong>and</strong> shot at him <strong>and</strong> hated him. But bis bow abode in<br />

strength <strong>and</strong> the arms of hie h<strong>and</strong>s were made strong by the<br />

h<strong>and</strong>s of the mighty God of Jaoob."<br />

Libra.<br />

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We rer;ret that limited •Jl&M permit. u to gin, during the ooane of the ,._,<br />

but OM delioution to each 11111-riber. <strong>The</strong> -y data an, the year, day of<br />

the rnonth, bonr <strong>and</strong> place of birth. Wltboat the hour we may approximate a delineation,<br />

but it will alwa,. be amRtiefMtory; therefore, if obtainable, - llhould<br />

ban the hour, <strong>and</strong> if it 01111not be uaertained, the applicant mut undentaud that<br />

the charaeter-iaketoh ill more or 1-in<strong>com</strong>plete. la all -, howner, the date <strong>and</strong><br />

platt of birth mut be ginn, or it will be uMI- to 1tttempt a deliueation. We<br />

. willh dilltiuctly to atate that our time i. too thoroughly oocupied to write to applicant.<br />

for additioul data. Tbc.e who wi.h epecial help in the res-rate lile­<br />

Hch u wu giyea in <strong>The</strong> Eeoterio-1iould IO -iu1111t in their applimtion.<br />

)fr. C. J. R. July 15,18.'38.<br />

about 2 a. m. Middletown, Pa.<br />

Mra. C. J. R. March 7, 1843.<br />

between 9 <strong>and</strong> 10, L m.<br />

TRJPLICIKff.<br />




MATKRNAL, 2. WA.TKRY, 8.<br />



In giving the dates of birth of youraelf <strong>and</strong> wife, you aek:-"Could<br />

we have been hf.tt.er mated?" we t.bink not. You were bom when the<br />

earth waa in the maternal aign Cancer, which makes yon a careful<br />

ruan; thoughtful of all the little things in life; it niakee you really the<br />

mother of the family; while your wife ia restleu; a typical "Martha,"<br />

troubled about many thingw. Your carefulneu <strong>and</strong> her' a work together,<br />

inaamuch aa yours i• in one direction <strong>and</strong> ber·a in the other,<br />

yet, harmonizing with each other. You were born in the bead of the<br />

watery triplicity <strong>and</strong> 11he in the aening 1ign of the aame. Yon both<br />

have the moon in the sign Taurus, therefore you are both led out in<br />

~1e aame direction. Your wife's rising or body 11ign ia w1doubtedly<br />

Taurus, while your's i11 Gemini, the normal expreuor of Taurus. Thua,<br />

you aee, ahe furniahea the vitality, while you naturally expreu it. You<br />

have plans <strong>and</strong> methods for making money; ahe, with her anxiety,<br />

keeps it. You both have good intuitions, having Uranus in Virgo. At<br />

the time of your wife's birth. the acientific planet Saturn, waa in the<br />

aign Cancer;-your natal aign. At the time of your birth, Satnrn<br />

waa in Taorus, which givee yon an orderly mind; Jupiter waa in Pi1-<br />

ce11, your wife'a natal aign. While thi1 position would naturally lead<br />

you to imruagine evil <strong>and</strong> pick flaw• in othen, your wife's nature<br />

aeema to smooth down that rough point. <strong>The</strong> position of Mara may<br />

create aome inhannony, yet in a way, it ia harmonioua. According<br />

to geocentric astrology, .Man rules Aries <strong>and</strong> Scorpio: it waa in tbe<br />

aian Aries at the time of your wife's birth <strong>and</strong> in Scorpio at the time<br />

of yours. It produces in your nature quici' temper, irritability aud<br />

<strong>com</strong>bativeneu: in your wife, imagination of evil; ilome degree of jeal·<br />

ou11y, <strong>and</strong> conaiderable <strong>com</strong>bativenea.. Venue in Libra makee you a<br />

pretty good judge of art, beauty <strong>and</strong> elegance. at the aame time it<br />

carries the love strongly into the aex. Mercury in Aquarius ia good,<br />

aa it atrengtheru1 your m1"ou1 ay11tem <strong>and</strong> somewhat hardens your<br />

over aenaitive nature; it alao flta you for dealing with the people.<br />

Venus <strong>and</strong> Mercury were both in the aign Taurus at the time of yoUI'<br />

wife'• birth; thu1 ahe baa three planets 1ituated in Taurua, <strong>and</strong> Tau·<br />

rua riair.g. Thia gives her great control over the aex lifv, conaequeDtly,<br />

I have no doubt that 11he ia healthy <strong>and</strong> atrona. unleea her health bu<br />

been injured by prolapau11, or aome diaeaae of that order.<br />

May you be kept in divine harmony during the remainder of YOW'<br />

1tay on earth.<br />

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We publish the following que.tiona, Mked by ODe of our nboleribera,-together<br />

with our anewen,-~ it re~ata the p-t condition of the majority of<br />

people. lf people will continue to qufllltion, M 00. O•ll' oorrNpODdent, <strong>and</strong> do<br />

llOt hutily answer the qn .. tiona from their own point of view <strong>and</strong> 18ltle dowu iu<br />

their egotillm, the tn1th will <strong>com</strong>e to them.<br />



Dear Sir:-May I inquire as to the manner of revelation,<br />

the way God <strong>and</strong> Christ will manifest themselves to the people<br />

of this planet, during the <strong>com</strong>ing day of Judgment of one<br />

thous<strong>and</strong> years?<br />

Will the character of individuals be read or delineat.ed<br />

through the zodiacal signs under the guise of the blessings of<br />

the twelve sons of Jacob? or, will God Rpeak directly tbrongh<br />

the mouths of those sealed, according to Rev. Ill: 10-12, as he<br />

did through the mouth of his son Jesus?<br />

:Jns:-No; th" character.of individuals will not be read through the<br />

zodiacal signs by the Spirit. On the spirit or cao!lle aide, qualitiee<br />

1u·e rP-cognized <strong>and</strong> not pel'llOn11 or things. <strong>The</strong> zodiacal signs are instrumentalities<br />

by which we, the sons of God, are made acquainted<br />

with those qualities; but the Spirit knows them aa we know objecte<br />

<strong>and</strong> things. We, however, are in the kinder-garten etage, <strong>and</strong> moat<br />

learn from methods. As to God speaking directly through tbe mouths<br />

of tho39 sealed; yes, He will, after they are sealed <strong>and</strong> be<strong>com</strong>e hi1<br />

temple; bot th•y will speak according to the laws that God has set in<br />

motion in the arrangemeut of the universe, <strong>and</strong> not according to caprice,<br />

which 1eem1 to be the idea expre811ed in your letter.<br />

We read in Rev. xx1, that the foundation stones of the spirtitual<br />

kingdom are to be the twelve Apostles of the Christ, <strong>and</strong><br />

that each tribe will enter through these sacred doors. Will<br />

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those thus entering through the city of God be grant.eel location<br />

agreeable to the bleHings of Jacob?<br />

.Ans:-ln the twelve foundations represented by t.he twelve &post.lee,<br />

in the verse quoted, will be found the twelve principles of the Christ<br />

of God or of the sons of God, which Jesus came to manifest. Not that.<br />

theee men as individuals are the only foundation, but. that. the 11piritual<br />

truths which they received from the Christ. <strong>and</strong> thus embodied in<br />

their lives, were the foundations upon which Israel or the twelve dotpartmenta<br />

of human consciousnel8 must build, <strong>and</strong> through which the<br />

son11 of Israel will enter into the 1piritual from the material world; for<br />

the Israelites were, up to the time of Christ.. in the symbolism of<br />

spirituality, 01·, &11 Paul aaid "under the Jaw," <strong>and</strong> Christ. came to<br />

explaiu the meaning of these symbols, or, preferably; came to throw<br />

light upon their 1ignification.<br />

lo the selection of the members of the manchild of Rev. xu:<br />

1-5; twelve thous<strong>and</strong> such tribes; Dan was left out <strong>and</strong> Manaases<br />

chosen in his place: bow do you account for this change?<br />

Is be to be the personal anti-Christ to rule over his people­<br />

Israel-during the hour of tribulation; the time appoint.eel for<br />

the cleansing of regathered Israel, in the house-kingdom..;<br />

of Christ, the fountain spoken of in Zech. xm: 1? ls Dao the<br />

eerpeot in the way, at the time of the restitution to the true ·<br />

11piritual worship of God by the scattered Jews <strong>and</strong> lost sheep<br />

of the honae of ,Jacob?<br />

A11s:-Yes; there i1 no doubt that Dan in hi1 physical manif&t.a·<br />

tion, 11·ill be "the serpent by the way, the adder in the path," the<br />

anti-Christ of the in<strong>com</strong>ing of divine order; but, as the cloeing of that<br />

Lle!llling says: "I have waited for thy salvation, 0 Lord." Dan,~<br />

Aqullrius, is the embodiment of the principle of nerve foree <strong>and</strong> j>ey~<br />

chic power, which will be the <strong>com</strong>mon inheritance of all the twelvtp<br />

tribe1 or qualitiee of people; <strong>and</strong> we believe there will be as much, if<br />

not more, of that quality in the body of the man-child or one hundred<br />

<strong>and</strong> forty-four thous<strong>and</strong>, as any othel'.<br />

Do you think the Hermetic Science; Philosophy of the Rosicrucians;<br />

Alchemy; Astrology; etc., will be taught to the people<br />

as it is now ? 'Vhen one reads all the variety of priated

worka of this age, it ia aimply confounding, <strong>and</strong> one ia foreed<br />

to aay,-what ahall man believe? la the kingdom teaching of<br />

law <strong>and</strong> order oomiog from the repreaeutatives of the 'welve<br />

authorities of the doors of the new world ? Teed, of Chicago;<br />

Ruuel, of PL; Totten, of New Haven, Coon.; Paul Tyner. of<br />

New York; Peter Davideon of Ga.; Mra. Eddy, <strong>and</strong> Catherine<br />

H. Tbompaon of Boatou, <strong>and</strong> very many otben too aumeroua to<br />

mention, many with whom you are undoubtedly acquainted;<br />

all claim to be 6od aent. <strong>and</strong> no two agree. I undeni<strong>and</strong> that<br />

where two or more are oongregated in the name of Jeana, there<br />

He ia!<br />

I aometimee wonder if 'heae teacbinga are not the parablee<br />

of Satan <strong>com</strong>ing parallel with thoae of Jeau11 the Christ. both,<br />

• now to ~ unoove1'8d <strong>and</strong> l't'lvealed plllinly before the minds of<br />

men, who are llet!king light <strong>and</strong> a way out of this carual wilderoeaa<br />

of oonfuaion.<br />

~nt:-Aa to the <strong>Occult</strong> Sciences to which you refer; theae are what<br />

Jeana referred to when he aaid,-Matt. xiii, 62;-"<strong>The</strong>refore, every<br />

1eribe which ia instructed unto the kingdom of heaven, ia like unto<br />

a 111&11 that ii a houeeholder, which bringeth forth out of hie trea~ure<br />

thingit new <strong>and</strong> old." You aak: "What shall man believe?" He should<br />

believe that wbioh appeals to hit highest undel'lt<strong>and</strong>ing as truth, no<br />

matter from what eouroe it may <strong>com</strong>e. Jesus said: "Ye shall know<br />

the truth," the spirit of truth that ahall lead you into all truth. If you<br />

have not the spirit of truth, then we would adviae you, <strong>and</strong> all others,<br />

who have it no\, to ob~n it; or, more plainly speaking; obtain an<br />

euneat eoul desire, free from all predudicea <strong>and</strong> preconceived notiooa,<br />

to know the truth that you may live it, do the will of God <strong>and</strong> <strong>com</strong>e<br />

into harmony with the divine purpoee. If this ia laid deep down in<br />

the soul, then you will aee that whatever is ueeful in aiding you to<br />

eome into more perfect harmony with the Divine purpoee ia truth, but<br />

that which aenee no purpoee ia evil, <strong>and</strong> you want nothing to do with<br />

h; thus the ueeful ia good; the non useful ia evil. What would you<br />

think of a miner who went oat into the moontaina <strong>and</strong> finally rewrned,<br />

eaying; what ia the me; I flnd all kinda of minerals <strong>and</strong> how<br />

am I to know the gold from the oopper, brua. iron, etc.? Such ia


your position. <strong>The</strong> teachera whom you mention, <strong>and</strong> many others,<br />

are bosil.v engaged hnnting out the treuures of put experience <strong>and</strong><br />

making them available to you: <strong>and</strong> all who have wisdom from God<br />

will gather out of that maaa the pure gold of divine riches. You aay,<br />

you sometimes wonder if theae teachings are not the parables of<br />

Satan. Some of them undoubtedly are. Among all the elements of<br />

the earth God hae made poisons aa well aa foods, but becau1e God<br />

has created poi~ons, it doe• not follow that you should rutake of<br />

them. Choose the good <strong>and</strong> reject tbe evil,<br />

I gave the Journal to a 11eighbo1· of mine to read, <strong>and</strong> he<br />

said that he desired something more 11imple, easiPr to grasp<br />

<strong>and</strong> coU)prehend, like the following:-" Repent <strong>and</strong> be baptizeJ,<br />

every one 0£ you .... £or the remillsion of sins." "He that<br />

believeth on him is not condemned (not judged)." "I am the<br />

light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in dark·<br />

ness." "l am the door," "l am the way, the truth <strong>and</strong> the<br />

li£e." "<strong>The</strong> eon of man oometh to seek <strong>and</strong> to eave that which<br />

was lost," <strong>and</strong> "Whoso eateth my flesh <strong>and</strong> drinketh my<br />

blood, hath eternal life."<br />

Ans:-<strong>The</strong> answer of the friend to whom you gave a copy of the Journal<br />

is like that of a man, who, when given a simple problem in addition,<br />

said; why do you not give me something easy, such u an algebraical<br />

or geometrical problem? <strong>The</strong> subjects to which he referred are<br />

those about which the church baa been talking for centuries, but of<br />

which they know ab1olut.ly nothin~ nor will they know anything<br />

about them, until they tint learn the 1imple truths that are being<br />

taught to the world through the <strong>Occult</strong> <strong>and</strong> Biological Journal, <strong>and</strong><br />

the advance thought magazines in general.<br />

Admitting this to be the gospel of the Church age for the<br />

past two-thous<strong>and</strong> years, is it ended, in your mind? <strong>and</strong> the<br />

teaching of these new apostles of some autbority,-tbe truths<br />

of the New Age?<br />

Ans:-Y 011 1ay: "admitting this to be the Gospel of the Church, ek.:"<br />

we do not admit it to be. <strong>The</strong> Gospel of the put two-thoua<strong>and</strong><br />

years, baa been a gospel devoid of knowledge, like that of the Hebrew<br />

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diapenaation; a gotpel of 1ymbol11, the meaning of which ita prieeta<br />

knew 1carcely anything. <strong>The</strong> age of 1ymboli1m is now pa1t, <strong>and</strong><br />

the age of things symbolized, which was the true gospel of Christ, i1<br />

now to be reali1ed.<br />

Is this manner of scattering printed matter abroad Chri1t'1<br />

instructions to the people, who now are seeking reforms <strong>and</strong><br />

redre11ses from the many kings?<br />

.Aru:-In an11wer to this question we would uy,-yea.<br />

If Christ oome11 face to face to bis brethren are not these<br />

mysteriee ended ? .<br />

.A 118:-When Christ <strong>com</strong>es face to face with hia brethren <strong>and</strong> they<br />

know him, it will be because the my1terie11 are ended. <strong>The</strong> -Christ is<br />

face to face with hie brethren now, but they know him not.<br />

I sometimee wonder if this <strong>Occult</strong> teaching is not the work<br />

of Jesus, <strong>and</strong> is emptyiog men for a refilling of the Nttt.0 Life<br />

from God? I have no doubt but that your mind is also exercised<br />

over these things .<br />

.Ans;-This question seems to be well founded, for occult teachingt<br />

serve to empty men of their treaaured trash; ignorant theorie1, by<br />

causing them to think <strong>and</strong> gather treasure11 of truth.<br />

Why is it that this oooult teaching is ao hidden that the<br />

mind's eye fails to oomprebend the truth, as it is in Jeaus?<br />

.Ana:-<strong>The</strong> 1tudy of occult teaching• leads to a <strong>com</strong>prehension of<br />

the truths that were in J8IUI. If you cannot underst<strong>and</strong> that which<br />

is least, how can you underst<strong>and</strong> that which is greater?<br />

Of course I am well aware that the Jews failed to reoognize<br />

God in the voice of J eaus: am I also 110 blinded?<br />

Am:-Y ou ask, - "am I alBO 110 blinded?" evidently ao, if your<br />

letter expre111e1 your mental 11tate. Take for your motto, for the next<br />

year, the word11 of Jesus: "Ye ahall know the truth, <strong>and</strong> the truth<br />

1hall make you free." It will free you from your blindne11 <strong>and</strong> ultimately<br />

from the law of sin <strong>and</strong> death.<br />

If these hidden my11teriee are not the truth as taught by the<br />

Christ, why then are they taught as inspiration from God?<br />

I 1ometimea believe these are the things Mose.t rejected, ohoos-

iog rather to bear the reproach of Israel before Egypt'a Emperor.<br />

Ans:-You should bear in mind that Moses was first in1tructed in<br />

the knowledge of the Egyptians; that is to say: he wa1 instructed in<br />

all the art.a of their magical powera, occult doctrines, etc.; after which<br />

he was ·called of God to be a savior to hia people, having through in·<br />

1truction1 from God obtained a higher magic than the Egyptians poaaeased.<br />

If he had not been instructed in all the wisdom of the Egyptians<br />

<strong>and</strong> had additional inatructiona by the Spirit of God. he would<br />

not have brought hi1 magic to bear in <strong>com</strong>petition with the Egyptian<br />

magicians; whereby he could demonstrate to them <strong>and</strong> the world that<br />

1hould follow, that there wa1 a higher power than was known to the<br />

occult phili>aophera of his time. But, mark you, be had to learn the<br />

lea1er befo1·e he could obtain the greater •<br />

• Jesua came to tell us of heavenly things, <strong>and</strong> if all this OO·<br />

cult learning is merely of the earth, earthy, then it amounts to<br />

nothing for the mind is to feed on apiritual food found in the<br />

life blood of the ffesh of the son of God. God is the .. I Am"<br />

of His own will, <strong>and</strong> all sons evidently partake of that wind.<br />

Ana:-You aay-"If all this occult teaching is of the earth earthy,<br />

etc." But is it? Do you know anything a})()ut what you say in re·<br />

gard to feeding on the life of Ch1·i1t? 1£ you do, your mind would<br />

be in order <strong>and</strong> you would have an underst<strong>and</strong>ing of the11e things.<br />

You seem to be like many of the new thought people. who pick out<br />

the ft!w errors in the translation of the scriptures <strong>and</strong> dwell upon<br />

them. <strong>The</strong> one most <strong>com</strong>monly chosen is the statement, "I •m that<br />

I am." It is a fact, that, where error begins to ripen <strong>and</strong> bring forth<br />

aeetl, it barmoni:r.ea the mind with error. You should read a paw·<br />

phlt!t entitled "<strong>The</strong> Everlasting Covenant," published by the Esoteric<br />

Publi11hing Company.<br />

Can men instruct the spirit of G0

ledge of all tnth. God doea not 1eod down from heaven troths that<br />

are alre.dy on earth, <strong>and</strong> ii ie not the trotba coneerning heaven<br />

that man needa for ulvatioa; but thoee coneeming &he world in<br />

whieh he liv• <strong>and</strong> the came of all thiar, the spiritual force that<br />

produced &hem. <strong>The</strong>~fore. the 1100ner the people t.urn their eyee<br />

from the heaveDI <strong>and</strong> ue their <strong>com</strong>mon eeme coneerning the things<br />

around them, the IOOber will they find God likene11; ud by that<br />

meana only ean they know anythin1 about the teaebinga of the<br />

Cbriat. who wu here nineteen-hundred yean ago.<br />

EBOTaruc Pue. Co., APPLEGATE, CAL.<br />


TB• 5UD'B01'Y or LIFs. A Serie1 of Con.truoth·e Sket.cbee ucl Iaterpre-..<br />

&ions; by Henr1 Wood. lo this Tolume the author 11ete forth the renlte of hia a­<br />

amlnatioo int:> the-W qa•tioa with hia anal liberality ucl ~of thought:<br />

he brinp oat the errors that are broadout in the world aucl lhon the remedy<br />

for them. Throaghoat the Tolume, he present& in oonoiae form the renlte of hia<br />

ltlldy <strong>and</strong> iuTestigatioa. It la I\ book we woald gladly ha't'fl read by the whoJ.<br />

-iAl world, for it woald open the eyea of the blind <strong>and</strong> enable them to - a little<br />

of the way iu whioh they ""' goinir. Publiebed <strong>and</strong> for Ale by LM & Shepard,<br />

Boetou, Mu.. Prioe, oloth, $1,2~.<br />

Ta• Bmu.Ta or Lin, A Herald of the Kingdom Coming in New Dlnu•Ha·<br />

manity. A twenty page monthly, edited by Rn. S. C. Oreathnd. Vol. L No.1<br />

of thia maguiDe Ii• before ua. <strong>The</strong> editor, a mlulater, who bu bad, judging '­<br />

his writinp. eome l't'11111U'kable experieu- opeuiug into a uew life, ia haTiDg the<br />

eame .nrperienee with hia ohW'Oh bretheru that all mlulaten haft who dare to<br />

epeak one word beyond what bu been bowu ucl llpOkflll by hia bretbena fOlf<br />

thoaaauda of yean put. ms thougbte OD the breath ucl iubaling the diTine We<br />

la well worth the year'• •abecriptiou, <strong>and</strong> oaunot fail to beue&t all Hruelt lltlldente<br />

of truth. <strong>The</strong> ideu -m to bubble ap from a new •priug, <strong>and</strong> we trut that<br />

the editor hM touched the fountain from wheuoe will flow DiTine Tnath for the<br />

Waminatioll of the world. Subecriptiou ntec United Statee ucl c...ada, per u­<br />

aam, $1.00; F••reign Coaatriea $1.25; lingle oople1 lOo. Adclrem, <strong>The</strong> Breada<br />

of Life P11bliabing Co., Clifford, .Mich.<br />

Foaw .ARD Movs .. lfl' Haa.u.o. Aa 8-page monthly, edited by Thaddeaa S.<br />

Fritz <strong>and</strong> Margaret B. Sheehan. It ia largely deToted to IOOialiltio thought <strong>and</strong><br />

to the emaaoipatil)Q of the people from their .JAnry to old <strong>and</strong> worn-oat olll&oml.<br />

We hlld the p1-re of a Tiait from Rn. Fritz <strong>and</strong> Mn Sheehan, ucl we....,.<br />

highly pl--1 with their broad Ti••• <strong>and</strong> -1 for the good of humanity. Sab­<br />

Nripaoa price, $1.00a year. Addreee, <strong>The</strong> .Forward W-t B.raLl, A.ad.a1<br />

o1 SoleAM, 81~ Market St., Su F.ru~, Cal.<br />


<strong>The</strong> following number will close this volume of Th" Ooou1'<br />

<strong>and</strong> Biological Journal; <strong>and</strong>, as we purpose to eelec' one gen·<br />

eral atyle <strong>and</strong> color for the cover of the ensuing volume, <strong>and</strong><br />

we wiab to make iG j11at aa artiatio aa poaaible, we uk our<br />

friends to offer auggeation• u to what, in their opinion, wowd<br />

be the moat artiatic oolor. <strong>The</strong> different oolore of $h8 preaent<br />

Digitized by Google

volume, which were eelected to repreeent the twelve signs of<br />

the sodiao, according to the peychic perception of our former<br />

literary editor <strong>and</strong> busineu manager; afford a great variety<br />

from which to ohooee. It ia oar desire to keep op the present<br />

at<strong>and</strong>ard of the magazine, <strong>and</strong> if pouible, to make it even better.<br />

We have been very much encouraged with its progreu<br />

during this volume. Oar aubecription liat ia continually increaaing,<br />

<strong>and</strong> we have received 1881 notices for diaoontinuanoe<br />

than ever daring the publication of <strong>The</strong> Esoteric. If the present<br />

increue of the aubecription list continues, it will not ouly<br />

relieve m of any financial embarraament, but the Journal will<br />

IOOn be<strong>com</strong>e a leading magazine in America. We would like<br />

to inoreaae its size, bot to do that neoesaitatea an inoreaae<br />

of machinery in our printing oflioe, which we do not feel able<br />

to afford at preaent. We ainoerely thank our many frieuda who<br />

have worked 80 faithfully in introducing the magazine to new<br />

readers, <strong>and</strong> we hope they will continue to do 80 <strong>and</strong>, that our<br />

new aobaoribera will a1ao nee their inftoenoe to bring theae<br />

important trntha to the attention of their friends <strong>and</strong> acqnaintanoea;<br />

for it ia by peraonal infloenoe that the greateat good ia<br />

aooompliahed.<br />

Thirty yeara ago we diaoovered that the cause of the laok of<br />

~nect knowledge <strong>and</strong> oonaequent powera <strong>and</strong> attainments,<br />

waa not 80 muoh a want of knowledge in the world, aa a laok<br />

of order of that knowledge. We have been atudying most zealously<br />

to diaoover a point at which all may begin to think; an<br />

epitomizing that would enable the mind to peroeive ata glanoe<br />

a bird'• eye view of the whole l<strong>and</strong>acape of causation, <strong>and</strong> to<br />

atart at the proper plaoe <strong>and</strong> move forward in an orderly manner,<br />

with <strong>com</strong>paratively little risk of being mialead by the<br />

many bypaths of error. Thia point we know we have found,<br />

but, there haa been an inviaible mental foroe that haa hindered<br />

our putting it in form <strong>and</strong> placing it before the world in a way<br />

that all could grasp it. We have suggested the ideas in some<br />

of our public lectures, in .. <strong>The</strong> &ven Creative Principles", <strong>and</strong>

EDtrORI.A.L.<br />

other writings, but in this number of the Journal in the article<br />

entitled, <strong>The</strong> Purpose in the Creation of the World, we have<br />

eucceeded, through a most unusual effort, in putting them into<br />

form. This art.icle cost more vital energy then any we haTe<br />

ever written, simply, because it is undoubtedly the most important<br />

article now in print. We therefore expect that thoee who<br />

read it will find, if they watch their feelings carefully, that it<br />

bas a pecnliar ioftuence upon the mind. If there are invisible<br />

adversaries about, <strong>and</strong> we know their are, they will be mani.<br />

fested in some way while the reader is striving to grasp the<br />

fullneaa of the thought. If the thought is fully grasped, it will<br />

never be forgotten, bot will enter into <strong>and</strong> form a part of the<br />

reader's oonscioosneH in the life here <strong>and</strong> after, <strong>and</strong> will gift<br />

oolor to all their thoughts <strong>and</strong> to whatever they read; it will<br />

be<strong>com</strong>e a measuring rod by which to determine truth a<strong>and</strong> error.<br />

Doring the last few months we have lost a great many jonr·<br />

nals through our subscribers changing their addresses <strong>and</strong> not<br />

notifying us in time; the Journal being sent to their old addresees<br />

<strong>and</strong> not reaching them, we were <strong>com</strong>pelled to send duplicates.<br />

After this, if addreases are changed <strong>and</strong> we are not notifted in<br />

time, aud are obliged to eend two copies of the aame number,<br />

we shall have to charge our subscribers for the extra number.<br />

On the other h<strong>and</strong>, if we are notified of the change of addreu<br />

in doe time, <strong>and</strong> it is plainly written 80 that there can be no<br />

mistake, <strong>and</strong> the Journal is lost in the mail, aa soon as notified<br />

of the fact, we will send another, without any extra charge.<br />

Our subscribers should bear in mind that, in order for noticea<br />

of change of address to reach us in time they should be here by<br />

the first of the month, as we begin to print the wrappers about<br />

that time, 80 everything may be ready for the magazine,<br />

which ehonld leave our oftlce between the 10th <strong>and</strong> 15th, in<br />

order to be in the h<strong>and</strong>s of the trade <strong>and</strong> our eubecriben by<br />

the 20th.<br />

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'50 TBE BIOLOGICAL Jomuu.L.<br />

Probably, there never baa been a period in the history of the<br />

world, certainly not in the history of America, in which ao<br />

much money bu been donated to various educational <strong>and</strong> philanthropic<br />

institutions, u at the present time. A large percentage<br />

of thi1 money will never ac<strong>com</strong>plish its object, <strong>and</strong> very<br />

little, if any, of it is given to the new thought movements that<br />

are now before the world. <strong>The</strong> men who during the last twenty-6<br />

ve years have gathered such enormous amounts of wealth,<br />

are thoee whose minds are more orderly <strong>and</strong> open to the Esoteric<br />

thought,-if properly presented to them,-than any other<br />

olass now io the world. <strong>The</strong>y have demonstrated their superior<br />

abilitie1 by their capacity to gather great wealth. U the<br />

friends of this thought would carefully study how to bring it<br />

before the minds of these men in a reasonable, practical way,<br />

they wonld aoon realize that there is no movement before the<br />

world that is really doing so much good for the people as the<br />

Esoteric. For instance, the little pamphlet "Practical :Methods<br />

to Insure Success,, is doing more lasting <strong>and</strong> wide-spread<br />

philanthropic work for the real good of the people, than any<br />

one instrumentality now in the world. This, our friends fully<br />

realize, <strong>and</strong> if it could be brought to the attention of those who<br />

have more money than they know what to do with, some of it<br />

would be diverted toward the wider circulation of this important<br />

literature. We know there are those among our subsorib.<br />

era, <strong>and</strong> those interested in our thought, who could interest<br />

sufficient capital to bring this literature before the world: as<br />

it is, we are laboring here in a corner; just a few are giving<br />

their lives for the benefit of the world, <strong>and</strong> are receiving from<br />

the physical st<strong>and</strong>point a scanty livelihood; barely the absolute<br />

lieceasities of the body; <strong>and</strong> as every means by which this work<br />

can be brought more generally before the public, dem<strong>and</strong>s extra<br />

capital, <strong>and</strong> we have it not, there are, therefore, only a few<br />

among the millions who are receiving of its advantages.<br />

<strong>The</strong> responsibility of this rests upon every individual who is<br />

acquainted with the teachings.<br />

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Consisting of 50 Selections from Letters<br />

Written By<br />

•<br />


To One of Hie Dlaclptea<br />


<strong>The</strong> Bfchway la within ua.<br />

<strong>The</strong> starting-point la at the janction of the eyee within.-&c.1.<br />

A BEAUTIFUL <strong>and</strong> artiatlc book, printed on heaTy paper, ud boUDcl In brown ud llnea; hld1lle<br />

ooYen. <strong>The</strong> following quotation from the Preface Indicates the ftlue of lta oonteata:-<br />

"THJB BOOKLET ia a 1trlng of Mlectiou from eome prlnte le«en recelm from the late Rai Salls<br />

Ram Bahadur,.who, haring attained the perfection of spirituality, led tbou<strong>and</strong>l ofhll oout17"<br />

men to a knowledge of the higher life <strong>and</strong> nobler poulbllitie1 of humu ulateaoe.<br />

Iuu«l a.nd for Mlle by<br />

Price, 50 cents, i:ost-pald.<br />



THE<br />



DY HIR.Uf E. Bt:TLER.<br />

::Fl.ntt Lectarc.-Tbe Idea ofGud. <strong>The</strong> peofcte of all ages crjmlnlltlon <strong>and</strong> joy, p. "3.<br />

l'oq,-tb 1.ecture.-Order. llent <strong>and</strong> cold Ill! fonnAllyc forces in Nature, p. 58.<br />

Tbo ovlU ('00'Cf\'ali\"C ll'ndcnril'l' or Cohesion, p. St. Tbe abuse or the cohe>-ivll prlnclple,<br />

::, 'P· SI;. (;obcslon-Thu mother unture considered as n distinct prluc!11le, p. 61. Tbe mother<br />

" JpvJl to take bl~lu·r fo1 rmhp. UI. Uvc up to your highest Ideal or right, p. 93. Placing the<br />

J; 'iinmc ol «od iu tbo !uru end, p. !I-I.<br />

- sf xtlt J.ecturt. .-J..·ll', symbolizes Ille, fertility; reprcsenta tho mother-nature, p. 180.<br />

Language of God In Nl\ture: Clairvoyance a mRnlfe~tatlon of tho sixth eenae, p. 1119.<br />

Green a 8ymbol of strength; algnlfkanee o/ black, p. 168. Sixth prlnclple ex_pre..ed by<br />

violet: ropresents l(OOd, p. 164. !!even th principle, 1aentltled with yellow; lmpJ!es DIYlge<br />

eensatlon, p. 166. t'.'nmmnf\· of the principles or the eeven·polnted 11Ar, p .109. <strong>The</strong> keito ·<br />

a wonderful 8Y•tem of chemistry, p. 17'0.<br />

Illustrated with 9 Oolored Plates <strong>and</strong> Portrait of A11thor-$1.50.<br />


.Apple~o toe. Ca..1:li'orr:JLi&.



THE ARENA • • MIND<br />


By an aTrangement juat effected with the publishera of MIND <strong>and</strong> THE ARENA,<br />

we are able to present to our friende, for a limited time only, an opportunity<br />

which for Low Price, l~nge of Thought, <strong>and</strong> Unity of Purpose, is one rarely<br />

equalled. Doubtless many in this country, as well as foreign l<strong>and</strong>s, will appreciate<br />

this Special Lifer to obtain for one small subscript.ion these THREE LEADING<br />


MIND is devoted to l\Ietaphyeics, <strong>Occult</strong>i~m, Experimental <strong>and</strong> Psychic Research<br />

<strong>and</strong> other phR.See of the New Thought.<br />

THE ARENA; the Great American Review of Social Ad\•ance.<br />

THE OCCULT AND BIOWGICAL JOURNAL, the purpose of which is to unveil<br />

to the student the Higher Truths, Ancient <strong>and</strong> Modern, Oriental <strong>and</strong> Occidental,<br />

formulating them into methods for increasing the amount of life in the<br />

organism; for its conservation <strong>and</strong> control, ancl the generation of that magnetic power<br />

so ellllential to success in any direction. It deals with the Biology of t.he<br />

Universe; the laws of life in their simplest, as well as more <strong>com</strong>plex expressions.<br />

Not only new Mubscriber11. but al8o tho!!e already subscribing to either magazine may,<br />

in 1·enewing, take advantage of this splenclicl offer. It is believed that there are<br />

a large number of thoughtful readers all over the world who will desire to follow<br />

in <strong>The</strong> Arena social problems suggested in Mind <strong>and</strong> the <strong>Occult</strong> <strong>and</strong> Biological<br />

Journal; <strong>and</strong>, on the other h<strong>and</strong>. to pursue in the <strong>Occult</strong> <strong>and</strong> Biological Journal<br />

<strong>and</strong> Mind the treatment of Philosophical, Religious, Metaphysical <strong>and</strong> <strong>Occult</strong><br />

aubjects which the special character of the two ll\tter publications makes poesible.<br />

MINO, SJ,00<br />


Reirular Pnce for the TWO, $J.SO Combination Price $.2.50<br />

THE ARENA, $2.50<br />


Replar Price for the TWO, $4.00 Combination Price, $J.OO<br />


Replar price for the THREE. $6.00 Combination Prk:e for ALL THREE. U.7S<br />

AddreN all <strong>com</strong>munications <strong>and</strong> make remlttaac" payable to<br />



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Volume I.<br />

Shou Id be Read by Every Esoteric Student.<br />

This book contains all the essential matter originally published in volume 1<br />

<strong>and</strong> 11, of <strong>The</strong> Esoteric Magazine.<br />



la in itself a <strong>com</strong>plete occult library. <strong>The</strong> laws explained therein will, if conacientiously<br />

followed, lead the student to the highest goal of his desires. Price,<br />

cloth, $2.00.<br />

Volume ll.<br />

Companion to volume I.<br />

It contains all the essential matter found in volume m, <strong>and</strong> IV, of <strong>The</strong> Esoteric<br />

Magazine.<br />


by Mr. Butler,<br />

Which run through <strong>The</strong> Esoteric to <strong>and</strong> including volume 1x, begin in this volume.<br />

<strong>The</strong> reviews in this book cover the essential points in the first fourteen chapters<br />

of Genesis, <strong>and</strong> bring out many new <strong>and</strong> interesting as well as instructive pointa<br />

hitherto unnoticed. Price, cloth, $2.00.<br />

laotttlc lphtmctl•<br />

Foa ll«lfl AlfD !ROO.<br />

Complete, ciTinit the euet poeition of Solar s,.<br />

tem at !M>On, W uhington time; al... the hour, minute<br />

<strong>and</strong> eecond of the obange from ooe aip to<br />

another.<br />

Inn.luable to 8tudenta of Tu F.eoTaaw u well<br />

u of Solar Biology, eDAblinc them, without the<br />

&rouble of oomputation, to know time of obaniree.<br />

Prlee, 10 oenta.<br />

~i;:a::a:o-~q~:a:~.-<br />

rrom the Wta4om of the Wlae.<br />

Reduced to 10 eta.<br />

"No man can be<strong>com</strong>e wise In the divine eclence<br />

by seeking to be<strong>com</strong>e an adept. He m111t h hla<br />

mind, ftnt of all, wholly on the people'• rood,<br />

<strong>and</strong> muter the law of the uplift of the people.<br />

Aa he be<strong>com</strong>es identified with the spirit <strong>and</strong> aym.<br />

pathy of our <strong>com</strong>mon humanity, hen.. to the<br />

threehold of the aecret way."-From TAto-Soplic.<br />

. THE EPHEM~RIS, giving the poeitione of the Moon for1892-<br />

M-b-6-7-8-9-1900-1-t <strong>and</strong> deeigned for in11ertion in the "Solar Biology"<br />

tablee, ean be had by 1t1nding 60 eta. to this OIBce. Single year, 5 eta.<br />


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BY 8. II. BUTLB&.<br />

Illustrated with Seven Plate Dlaerame <strong>and</strong> Tables of th• Moon<br />

an:t Planets, from 1820 to 1902.<br />

Thl8 9Clence provee that "all are membeni of One Rody (I. Cor. XII. 12-27); <strong>and</strong><br />

that, u such, each one bu bis peculiar function in life. It throwa a ftood of new<br />

light upon the problema of life, furnishing the groundwork, or aeientillo law, which<br />

goee down Into the nrinuti!e of the life of every man <strong>and</strong> woman, as a mirror reftecting<br />

bis or her innate nature. Thie work tells what is in man <strong>and</strong> how dertnd.<br />

Tella bow to cultivate self <strong>and</strong> make the moat <strong>and</strong> beat of life. Tella one, when a<br />

child ii born, what kind of training It should have, to what diseaaea it ii liable,<br />

llow to avoid or bow to cure when already developed. Reveals the part of the gr<strong>and</strong><br />

· · · · body to which each individual belongs, <strong>and</strong> the conaequent mental tendencies,<br />

physical fttneu, natural sphere, <strong>and</strong> highest <strong>and</strong> fittest use in the world.<br />

It enables parent& to know just wlaat busineaa their children are beat adapted<br />

for, <strong>and</strong> bow to educate them, <strong>and</strong> is also a guide in the preservation of health <strong>and</strong><br />

strength, <strong>and</strong> an Important aid to nccesa <strong>and</strong> to the attainment of the great object<br />

In life; vis., uaefuln111 <strong>and</strong> bappineu. It allo aide in prolonghac the life of<br />

old <strong>and</strong> 7oung. It is of special importance to pbyaciaDB, enabling them to attain<br />

great aucceaB through baring in their poaaeuion a certain key to knowledge concerning<br />

the nature <strong>and</strong> peculiarities of their patients such as heretofore bu been<br />

available only to those few that were of rare intuitive diaoernment.<br />

It ii claimed that character ii expreued in the countenance, that It shapes the<br />

cranium, <strong>and</strong> is ev11n written in the b<strong>and</strong>: but Solar Biology introduces the student<br />

into the ir<strong>and</strong> workshop of the Solar System, not only defining character <strong>and</strong> function,<br />

but supplying the key to self-knowledge <strong>and</strong> harmonious human relatedne&B.<br />

SOLAR BIOLOGY makes an elegant octavo volume of fiOO pages, heavy paper,<br />

clear type, with a11tbor'a portrait <strong>and</strong> appropriate illustratious. Bound in superior<br />

cloth, embellished with symbolic deeigns in gold. No elaborate study or preparation<br />

ii required to enable one to read character <strong>and</strong> otherwise apply the ecienoe.<br />

<strong>The</strong> key to the uae of the eclence will be found on page 274, <strong>and</strong> can be fully<br />

mutered In a few minutes. Price $5.00.<br />

Published <strong>and</strong> For Sale bN<br />

Esoteric Publishing Co.,<br />

Applegate. California.

la now on sale.<br />

1901<br />

Bticause of its accnraey <strong>and</strong> from the fact that it gives data<br />

not to be found elsewhere in print, this Ephemeris will prove an Important aid to<br />

atudents of Astrology <strong>and</strong> of Solar Biology.<br />

<strong>The</strong> work contains <strong>com</strong>plete data for finding the time of rising of 1.odiaoal Signs,<br />

a Tahle having been specially <strong>com</strong>puted showing Sidereal Time of Sign..cuap Risings<br />

for every degree of North Latitnde from Equator to 60° corrected for sph&­<br />

roidal shape of the Earth, available, also, for same derr- of South Latitude.<br />

Thia Table will be useful for any future year, as its extreme change will probably<br />

not exceed 5 seconds in a half century. Greenwich Time is used throughout,<br />

which makes change to St<strong>and</strong>ard Time involve even hours. <strong>The</strong> work contains<br />

Special Tablea for finding the time of rising of the signs at Boston, New York,<br />

Washington, Chicago, St. Paul, Denver, San Francisco, <strong>and</strong> London,<br />

to easily construct similar Tables for other places.<br />

It tella how<br />

Fall explanations are given<br />

for use of all the Tabl011, with eapecial reference to the needs of those not accustomed<br />

to mathematical work.<br />

Forty pages are devoted mainly to arithmetical operations<br />

<strong>and</strong> interpolation methods which will place the stndent In <strong>com</strong>m<strong>and</strong> of<br />

the mathematical work necessary in the study of Astral Science.<br />

Explicit directions are given as to proper use of Staudard Time.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Ephem&­<br />

ris proper gives the Heliocentric Longitude of each planet <strong>and</strong> Geocentric Longitude<br />

of the :Moon to minutes of arc for every day in the year; also Sidereal Time<br />

of Greenwich Mean Noon for each day.<br />

Gives exact time, to tenths of minutes,<br />

of entrance of Moon <strong>and</strong> planets into each sign, corrected for Nutation, showing<br />

in each cue alao the time it takea for light to <strong>com</strong>e from planet to Earth.<br />

This work baa original, genuine merit. In its mathematics, it follows the latest<br />

Astronomical Authorities. It contains the best exposition of Sidereal Time published<br />

by any writer on occult science. It ia by an Astronomer of Obaervatory<br />

experience, who baa used the moat conscientious <strong>and</strong> pain3taking care in Its<br />

preparation.<br />

Every student in Astrology needs this Ephemeris for making correct predictions<br />

for the year.<br />

Price, 25 cents.<br />

Iuued <strong>and</strong> for aale by<br />




urn 11.n1mu n n .n1 ur .n11.n111mu111.<br />



BY B. E. BUTLER.<br />

Thia worlr. teach.. the mo1t vital principlee of Cbriatian Life <strong>and</strong> Doctrine, <strong>and</strong> ia eepecially<br />

deliped for thoee who are ready to collll8Crate their livee to to the bigheet spiritual attainment..<br />


beca111e _to live in the world <strong>and</strong> not be of the world, but of the Spirit of God, ia a narrow way<br />

indeed; aa Jeeus said,<br />


For thoee who will follow the instructions in thia book, there ia a realm of apiritual co1111Cioua-<br />

118811 <strong>and</strong> power that baa been known only to the prophet& <strong>and</strong> to the Christ. Price, cloth, $1.00.<br />

+ ES_Q~£EB1_0 _E_I)_U_ Q_A 'rI QN +<br />

Or the Unfoldment <strong>and</strong> Life of a Hero.<br />

Translated from the German of J. Kernning's "Key to the Realm of Spirit."<br />

<strong>The</strong> narrative of knight Geoffrey, subsequent to his esoteric training,<br />

contains a report of the young hero's feats, sufficiently detailed to give a<br />

clear idea of the way in which spiritual insight '<strong>and</strong> powers work together to<br />

make the prepared <strong>and</strong> purified man an invincible conqueror. Thus this<br />

book may encourage mothers of deep thought <strong>and</strong> faith, like Lady Mathilda.<br />

bo give their sons also the education of heroes, making them instruments to<br />

10lve the problems of modern society, as there is no age without its opportunity<br />

<strong>and</strong> need for heroism. Cloth, postpaid, 50 cents.<br />

Delineation Outline.<br />



.;SOLAR BIOLOGY"4.<br />

This ia an outline blank consisting of seven pages printed in typewriter type,<br />

on heavy bond paper, <strong>and</strong> neatly put up in a heavy manilla folder. Each outline<br />

represents one sign of the zodiac. In ordering please designate the sign or<br />

lips desired. Price, 10 c~nts a copy; special rates for: quantities of 100 or more.<br />


Extracted from flowers of prominent authors.<br />

• • • • •<br />

We haTe revised <strong>and</strong> reprinted thi1 booklet of poema. A. number of beautiful<br />

poem• have beeo added to the collection, <strong>and</strong> we have endeaTored to make thia<br />

lat edition particularly attracti!e, both u to appearance <strong>and</strong> content..<br />

Price, 10 cent.a eaeh; $1.00 per dosen.<br />

- 1900. -<br />

<strong>The</strong> Eloteric Ephemeria bu been eo enlarged for the JMI' 1900 u to contain nearly 50 pepa,<br />

with much new <strong>and</strong> Taluable information upon the ecienoe of Solar Biology; an explanation of<br />

the heliocentric peeitiona, <strong>and</strong> carefully calculated ublee ci'rinr the heliocentric longitude of all th•<br />

planet.I, <strong>and</strong> the geocentric longitude of the Moon; the hour, minute <strong>and</strong> aeoond of the trault<br />

of tbe planet. <strong>and</strong> Moon; aleo the rising aigJll <strong>and</strong> bow to 6nd them, with a uble of the Sidereal<br />

time, <strong>and</strong> th-. time of nearly all the large ciUee.<br />

It oontalna NBW AND DIPO&TANT Hers relative to Solar Biology. <strong>The</strong> article on ''Cbemlsm" Ii<br />

alone worth m.any timt11 the price of the book. Price, 25 ct&<br />


Thill pamphlet of 46 pegee brinp to llcht Biblical meanhlp, which, althouch obviou in them­<br />

M)yee, we think no author bu before noticed.<br />

Every Bible atudent ahould put himaelf In poea81111on of the new <strong>and</strong> imporiant lnterpreutlon<br />

civen to the Ten Comm<strong>and</strong>ment.a. Price, 15 centa.<br />

••THE NEW MAN." A. .Hapzine d•<br />

YOtecl to a better undel'llUllclilllf of the Law of<br />

Ses, the Cue of ~ by lilapetio, lileatal,<br />

Payohic <strong>and</strong> Spiritul ForoM, ud die dHelopmeat<br />

of all higher oooult powen lateat in all mea.<br />

Samplee for 2o. ltamp. A.~ Tbe New Mu<br />

Pllblillbiac Compuay, Omaha, Neb., U. S. A..<br />

<strong>The</strong> .A.merio&D Iutitute<br />

• • • of 1'krDo1ory<br />

[lxOORPOllATBD 1866.)<br />

<strong>The</strong> next &e11ion open• on Wedneaday.<br />

Sept. 4th, 1901. For particolara addrea<br />

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pllC8I, $2.00.<br />

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aild IV. of <strong>The</strong> F..oterie. Amonr its valuable contents are a aeries of Bible Reviewa coverinr the vital<br />

point.a in the tlrst folll'teen Chapters of GenesW--Voyage of the Argonauta--<strong>The</strong> Signa of the Tlmel<br />

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THE<br />


VOL.I. - mt - No.12.<br />

AUGUST 22 to SEPTEMBER 28, 1.901.<br />


What is man"? He is a tiny drop of spirit from the Great<br />

Spirit Ocean: a ray from the Supreme Sun: a particle of the<br />

Divine Being, encased in material coverings, <strong>and</strong> conjoined<br />

with .Mind. What the object of human evolution is, no one oan<br />

fathom. <strong>The</strong> question virtually resolves ittlelf into this:-what<br />

is the ulterior aim aud end of creation? what is the Divine<br />

purpose in manifestation? No answer bas yet been deigned:<br />

perhaps, to intelligences snch as ours, the mystery will forever<br />

remain a mystery; an1l the acme of perfected evolution must<br />

be reached, before the Divine purpose can be grasped in its<br />

totality.<br />

An ever progressive evolution; conscious unification with<br />

the Godhead; the elevation <strong>and</strong> final purification of matter;<br />

delights of sentient existence: these are the various feeble <strong>and</strong><br />

imperfect attempts at explanation.<br />

Since the birth day of human thought. waves of human speculation<br />

have dashed themselves unceasingly againat this mighty<br />

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rook, but have recoiled, broken <strong>and</strong> powerless. What little<br />

light has hitherto streamed forth from above, leavea us still<br />

in the position of weak, helpless children, groping our way in<br />

the darkneas, <strong>and</strong> not knowing where to turn our steps. Sages,<br />

seers <strong>and</strong> mystics try to pierce the depth of supersensuous<br />

life; they see endlesa phases of existence opening up to their<br />

vision; <strong>and</strong> overpowered by the light of the life beyond, their<br />

gaze is bedimmed, <strong>and</strong> their hearts burst forth into one universal<br />

cry, "Thy will be done."<br />

<strong>The</strong> whole problem of conditioned existence has, therefore,<br />

to find its solution in the working of Divine .Jfaf!j, Lila, or<br />

Will, call it what you like. .<br />

Inscrutable are the ways of the Supreme Being; yet, the<br />

plan <strong>and</strong> purpose of human life is none the less dimly perceived<br />

<strong>and</strong> sensed from afar. <strong>The</strong> progreS1ive development so well<br />

marked in the mineral, vegetable, <strong>and</strong> animal kingdo018; the<br />

dreams <strong>and</strong> yearnings of poets <strong>and</strong> philosophers; the incontrovertible<br />

<strong>and</strong> accumulating t.estimony born to the existence of<br />

higher forms of life; all reveal the infinite possibilities of the<br />

Spirit, waiting for their unfoldment in harmonious co.operation<br />

with the Law. <strong>The</strong> ultimate goal may be beyond the ken of<br />

mortal vision; but the gradual raising of the individual spirit<br />

through its sheaths or coverings of matter, with the dawning<br />

hope of final unification with the Self of the Universe; has been<br />

the ideal that bas, since the birthday of human thought, uniformly<br />

stimulated <strong>and</strong> sustained the human race in its strttg·<br />

g)es to uplift itllelf to the Divine.<br />

<strong>The</strong> innermost core of almost all religions is whole <strong>and</strong><br />

sound: quarrel as we may over the outer shell. Alike in the<br />

coarse fetichism of the savage, <strong>and</strong> in the refined pantheism of<br />

the sage; the trend is upwards towards a higher ideal: the<br />

Divine spark of a nobler thought shimmers within, ready to<br />

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'tOO<br />

burst forth into the most lovely radiance with the gaining of<br />

experience, <strong>and</strong> the assimilation of knowledge.<br />

In all ages <strong>and</strong> climes, a Divine Ideal has shone before men's<br />

eyes, <strong>and</strong> from it men have drawn their spiritual life <strong>and</strong> nourishment.<br />

<strong>The</strong> ways in which that ideal has been followed<br />

<strong>and</strong> worshipped, have been various <strong>and</strong> perplexing; but they all<br />

lead to the same goal, however devious the ways may be. Like<br />

rivers seeking the bosom of the Mother Ocean; all our imperfect<br />

endeavors to reach the Ideal, elevates the human soul <strong>and</strong><br />

finds its ultimate fruition,-the peaceful bosom of the boundleBS<br />

ocean of Spirit.<br />

Differences there certainly are; diverse must be the ways<br />

<strong>and</strong> means to suit the ever varying needs of the individual<br />

soul: but such distinctions resolve themselves into questions<br />

aa to the degree of efficiency of particular systems <strong>and</strong> the<br />

length of time required for the <strong>com</strong>plete realization of human<br />

aapiration11. For the attainment of perfection; the undeveloped<br />

soul must wait ioons of experience <strong>and</strong> struggle, while<br />

the advanced one ac<strong>com</strong>plishes the purpose in a <strong>com</strong>paratively<br />

short space of time.<br />

Amidst the strife of tongues, <strong>and</strong> the clash of cults <strong>and</strong><br />

creeds, two broad paths are plainly discernible;-the Paths of<br />

Pravritti, <strong>and</strong> Nforitte, i. e., the Paths of Renunciation <strong>and</strong><br />

Enjoyment. Each of these paths diverge into innumerable byways,<br />

suited to the needs <strong>and</strong> capacities of men; but the main<br />

idea is simple, clear, <strong>and</strong> definite to mark out the one path<br />

from the other. <strong>The</strong> Path of Enjoyment is for the man of<br />

small development, while that of Renunciation is trodden by<br />

highly evolved souls. <strong>The</strong> former is for the many, the latter<br />

is for the chosen few.<br />

lavar Chanilra Chakravarti, B .• ~ .•<br />

Mldnapur, Bengal, India.


(III.)<br />

In the preceding number we tried t.o show, not only that<br />

there was a God who hiMl a purpose in the creation of the<br />

world, <strong>and</strong> in the produc-tion of laws by which creation is carriecl<br />

on in the ea1·tb, but also what those laws are in their relation<br />

to the mental <strong>and</strong> vital coni1titution of the race, <strong>and</strong> of<br />

all things.<br />

We think, by a careful stndy of the foregoing article, all<br />

will 11ee the necessity of applying methods in their lives<br />

by which the req11irements of law may be met, <strong>and</strong> by which<br />

the force of creative energy may be directed <strong>and</strong> utilized;<br />

also, means by which man may leave the sphere of servitude<br />

to creative laws <strong>and</strong> take hold of <strong>and</strong> be<strong>com</strong>e master<br />

over them. It is because of these facts that our writings in<br />

the past have abounded with metaphysical law <strong>and</strong> useful<br />

methods.<br />

<strong>The</strong> fact has been demonstrated,- I think beyond doubt,<br />

to all fair minded stuclents,-that, men have lived in all<br />

,. ages of the world, who have possessed certain degrees of<br />

dominion over nature's laws, <strong>and</strong> that some of these persons<br />

were <strong>com</strong>paratively ignorant of history, <strong>and</strong> from the st<strong>and</strong>point<br />

of what was considered education at their time. Again,<br />

there is good <strong>and</strong> sufficient reason why in recent years, some<br />

strange <strong>and</strong> heretofore unaccountable phenomena, have begun<br />

to manifest themselves through the organisms of certain persons.<br />

For instance, some years ago a young lady discovered<br />

that she bad power over force, to such an extent, that, if she laid<br />

her h<strong>and</strong> gently upon a table, she conld prevent the strongest<br />

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man lifting it; or, a large, heavy man would eit upon the<br />

table <strong>and</strong> when ehe quietly placed her h<strong>and</strong> upon it, it would,<br />

without apparent oauee, rise from the floor, lifting man <strong>and</strong><br />

all. Numerous other so.ealled freakeof nature have been manifested<br />

from time to time during the last hundred years, <strong>and</strong><br />

especially during the last fifty years. <strong>The</strong> cause of this ie:<br />

ftnt, that the race is reaching maturity; <strong>and</strong> second, that<br />

through certain mental activities on the part of parents, chil·<br />

dren have been produced whose normal qualities are such, that<br />

they have control over certain laws that govern physical manifestation.<br />

In the study of these wonderful truths, we are brought face<br />

to face with a fact that contradicts the <strong>com</strong>monly accept.ed idea<br />

that God ie a person, a great man ruling the world by caprice.<br />

Thie is demonetrat.ed by the account in Genesis, where God<br />

ea.id to Adam, after he had sinned: "Because thou hast hearkened<br />

onto the voice of thy wife, <strong>and</strong> hast eaten of the tree,<br />

of whioh I <strong>com</strong>m<strong>and</strong>ed thee, saying, thou shalt ·not eat of it<br />

. • . . . unto dust shalt thou return." Mark the<br />

words "Because thou hast eaten of the tree . • . . ;" not<br />

because I am angry with you <strong>and</strong> will sentence you to suffer<br />

these evils; but, because thou hast done this, which implies, that,<br />

he had set in motion laws that must inevitably bring re.suits.<br />

Since man began to think, which was evidently at the time<br />

accredited to the experiences in Eden, there have been those<br />

who have applied laws <strong>and</strong> obtained the results thereof; for<br />

God is Spirit, aud God creat.ed man a spiritual being, <strong>and</strong><br />

called him His son by virtue of his being Spirit, <strong>and</strong> bearing<br />

the image of his Father; therefore, he bas only to <strong>com</strong>ply with<br />

the requirements of law to manifest his God-likeness.<br />

Law cannot be tranegresaed without creating confusion in<br />

the life of the tranegreBSOr. Even God has not or never will<br />

transcend the law, for thereby he would be tranegreuing the<br />

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law of· bis own nature. Tnie it is, there are many lawa, <strong>and</strong><br />

each baa many spheres of action. Lawe that are acting ou one<br />

plane are hardly reoogoizable a-. the same. when they are aotiog<br />

upon a higher one; <strong>and</strong> all apparent miracles have been due<br />

to the aettiug in moti•'n of cea·t&io laws upon a higher plane,<br />

oauaing the higher phenomena to auper88de the lower. While<br />

Jesus apparently performed miracles, <strong>and</strong>, in the estimation of<br />

tboae ignorant of Divine Jaw, changed ita operation. yet, he only<br />

oontrolled the leeaer forces by the greater. All men who have<br />

obtained oertain power• over natural forces, have done 10 by<br />

the power of the min(l <strong>and</strong> will; for the aooompli11hment of<br />

which it was ueceuary for them to know the lawa: sometimes<br />

they felt after <strong>and</strong> discovered them, at others, they were taught<br />

oertain rules <strong>and</strong> methods, <strong>and</strong> worked according to them.<br />

If it i1 a fact that God baa produced the world that lit98<br />

1pread out before us, potent with vitality, which acts aooording<br />

to certain mental conditions, <strong>and</strong> iuevitably produces oertain<br />

reeulte; then, it follows, that in every in11tauce, if man applitlll<br />

a law through having strength of will <strong>and</strong> power of mind suftl.<br />

oient to oontrol; under certain conditions, certain results will<br />

inevitably follow, <strong>and</strong> God or angels; principalitiee or spiritual<br />

powen do not interfere with man'a will in such directions.<br />

<strong>The</strong> object, however, in these lessons, •nd iu setting before<br />

the mind of the student the thoughts that have been 11et forth<br />

in the Esuteric Magazi~, the EtJoteric Booh <strong>and</strong> this Journal,<br />

ia to put iu order before the mind <strong>and</strong> make available,<br />

methods of life, that will not merely enable him to take control<br />

of certain laws, but will enable him to obtain a <strong>com</strong>prehensive<br />

idea of the whole objeot <strong>and</strong> direction of the forces of<br />

nature, which govern hie own body, mind, <strong>and</strong> the planet: to<br />

bring that mind into harmony with the mind that produced<br />

him <strong>and</strong> all that is; in order that he may ultimate in hie own<br />

penoo the objeot for which creation was begun, <strong>and</strong>· th111 riM<br />

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out of servitude to creative law,-evolutionary events,- into<br />

the poitition designefl in the dedared purpose, which wu, to ·<br />

"Make man in our i111;~ge, after our likeness, <strong>and</strong> let them<br />

have dominion."<br />

Thia deolared purpose, we have seen; was partially expre1-<br />

aed in the character <strong>and</strong> life of the Lord Jesus, the Christ.<br />

Wht>n I Ray, partially expressed, I only re-echo the thought<br />

which Jesus expreued in speaking of John, when be said:<br />

••Among those that are born of women, there is not a greater<br />

prophet than John the Bapth~t;" this certainly included himltllf;<br />

<strong>and</strong> he added "but be th&t is least in the kingdom of God<br />

is greater than he." Again he said "Verily, verily I say<br />

unto you, he that believeth on me, the works that I Jq aha))<br />

he do alao; <strong>and</strong> greater wm·ka than these shall he do; because<br />

I go to my Father." Up to the present time, however, none<br />

have doue greater things than did .Jeaua, but we know that<br />

the E110teric atudt>uts who follow wholly, the teachings that<br />

have heen <strong>and</strong> are being given will be<strong>com</strong>e members of that<br />

gr<strong>and</strong> body of one hundred <strong>and</strong> forty <strong>and</strong> four tbousl\nd, <strong>and</strong><br />

will do greater things than Jeana did, or any one elae, in the<br />

history of the world.<br />

Now, if you who study theAe articles, will do so earnestly<br />

<strong>and</strong> devotionally; by devotionally I mean with an earnest,<br />

loving desire to know the truth, that you may Jive in harmony<br />

with it, the Spirit of Truth will flow into your conaciouane.a<br />

<strong>and</strong> illuminate your mentality, enabling you to grasp u a<br />

muter mind, the pat system of creative 1mergy; 11.nd when<br />

you have grasped that system, <strong>and</strong> builded yourself in acoord-<br />

1ume with it, moving with the purpo!M! of Lhe Creator; that i.<br />

to say, in the direction of the Jaws governing spiritual exiatence;<br />

then you will have dominion <strong>and</strong> will be able to do the<br />

greater works that ,Jesus spoke of. You will be able to free<br />

your body from the dominion of the law of sin <strong>and</strong> death, <strong>and</strong><br />

you wiJJ have that which Jesus mentioned, when be aaid: "I have<br />

power to lay it (life) down, <strong>and</strong> I have power to take it again."<br />

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When you have thus far ma.'ltered the lower, by uniting yonr<br />

cou11oiousnesa with the higher, then will <strong>com</strong>e in you, "the<br />

kingdom of heaven," "the kingdom of Goo" <strong>and</strong> the kingdom<br />

of immortality.<br />

We wi11h to impress upon the minJs of the readers, that<br />

those who study these laws aa they would mathematics or<br />

ch~mi!ltry, may get a kind of an under11tauding of them, but<br />

that undt>rstan


0 <strong>The</strong> silences of heann,<br />

How they speak to me of God,<br />

Now the veil in twain is riven<br />

That concealed where He abode I<br />

Yet its clouds were once around Him,<br />

And I sought Him in despair,<br />

And ne.-er there I found Him,<br />

Till I brought Him with me there.<br />

Not the optic gl1.111 revealed Him,<br />

No mechanical device<br />

Pierced the darkneu that concealed Him<br />

With a vision more preciee ;<br />

Only lowlineu can merit<br />

That His secret He should tell ;<br />

Only 11pirit seeth spirit,<br />

And the heart that loveth well.<br />

Never till His love hath found thee,<br />

Shall the cloud <strong>and</strong> mitt depart ;<br />

Vain to seek Him all around thee,<br />

Till Re dwell within thy heart.<br />

Not without thee, bot within thee,<br />

MD11t the oracle be heard,<br />

As He seeketh still to win thee,<br />

And to guide thee by His word.<br />

When I found Him in my boeom,<br />

<strong>The</strong>n I found Him everywhere,<br />

In the bod <strong>and</strong> in the blouom,<br />

Jn the earth <strong>and</strong> in the air;<br />

And He spake to me with cleameu<br />

From the silent stan that say,<br />

As ye find Him in Ria nearne111,<br />

Ye shall find Him far away.<br />

-Walter CMlmera Smit4.


(XII.)<br />

la presenting the deep 1uet.aphyaioal thought in the following article, we do<br />

DDt espect the majority of ow- readen to fully gnap the import <strong>and</strong> im~<br />

of it, until they haH followed the foregoinic inetnactiom, <strong>and</strong> have obtaiaecl added<br />

poweN, oapaoity aad therehy esperieaoes, which this article alone caa make<br />

plain to their <strong>com</strong>preheaeioa.<br />

It muat be borne ia mind, that, before a maa cu reaoh a place ia his experiencea<br />

where the following thonght will be of practical value, he must have<br />

pi-t oontrol over the creative fo,_ witbia hi-11. la order to obtain<br />

that control, an wawavering determlluition to obtain it it nec-r; <strong>and</strong> that<br />

dfitermiaatioo m-. a decision of pu~ <strong>and</strong> a 1tn.ugth of will ao DOl'DCY&ble,<br />

that no temptation could eallll8 the individul to deTiate from it. It - that<br />

the 1ex nature of the woet deairable penoll&lity that could be imagiaecl -W<br />

aaot. under aay circum~tancee, influeuce or change Mi COW'll8 of life <strong>and</strong> purpoee.<br />

It mWlt be remembered, that up to the preeeat writing we are dwing exclnaively<br />

with methoda that may be applied by all penou wlio wish to obtaia the<br />

maet <strong>and</strong> get the I>.- ""8ult1 fl'ODl a lifetime. We have not yet oome to the poiut<br />

where the higher apiritual should be decided npon; therefore, what we may aay<br />

in the following pagee cou


read in the scriptures that God said: "lt is not good that man<br />

ahould be alone; I will make him a help meet as before him:"<br />

so God formed the woman <strong>and</strong> gave her unto the man; <strong>and</strong>,<br />

what God did was perfect. That implies a time when there<br />

was a spirit guidance to illnminate <strong>and</strong> guide the intelligence<br />

so that no mistakes were made in marriage; but, as man for<br />

centuries past has descended into the external reaaoniog<br />

mind, the selection of a partner for life has been almoet<br />

like a lottery, <strong>and</strong> unless some way is found to guide the<br />

intellect <strong>and</strong> aaaist the intuitions, it may oontinue so.<br />

It is not generally known, but nevertheless, is a fact. that<br />

the association of the sexes constitutes the chemistry of nature;<br />

hence, the importance of using great care in chOOAing a oompanion.<br />

We know that in material chemistry, certain chemicals<br />

will <strong>com</strong>bine <strong>and</strong> form another <strong>com</strong>pound; sometimee the<br />

<strong>com</strong>pound formed is useful or wholesome; at other times it i11<br />

poiaonous or explosive. <strong>The</strong> association of men <strong>and</strong> wowen form•<br />

within their organisms a new <strong>com</strong>pound. If you ai·e observant<br />

of your feelings <strong>and</strong> meutal statea; <strong>and</strong> it is quite ne()Msary<br />

that you should be, in order to govern yourself <strong>and</strong> guide<br />

your intelligence aright; you will notice, when you meet certain<br />

peraons. that they will leave a marked inftnenoe upon your oon-<br />

1r.iouitness. which will last for hour11, <strong>and</strong> aometimes days. How<br />

wuch more would this be the oue in the constant &Hociation of<br />

a life <strong>com</strong>panion. <strong>The</strong> mental states of that oompauion would<br />

really be<strong>com</strong>e a part of your own mentality or chemically oom­<br />

Line <strong>and</strong> form an entirely new mental state; therefore, the<br />

questions we have previously referred to 11honld be carefully<br />

answered in your own mind, namely; what do I want to be'!<br />

what mental <strong>and</strong> physical atatea do I need in order to aooomplish<br />

my object'! When you have answered theae queations,<br />

then, by the m011t careful es:perimentation, or rather, self es:­<br />

amination, you should diBOOver what the character of the<br />

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influence is, that i


that all.knowing intelligence takes full <strong>and</strong> <strong>com</strong>plete po18e81ion<br />

of your oon11Ciousne11s, or if you are fully <strong>and</strong> oompletely oonsciou1<br />

of it; then, you would want no other guide in the seleotion<br />

of a <strong>com</strong>panion. U oder oertain conditions the mind of the<br />

oppoaite sex entera into <strong>and</strong> givea direotion, to a great extent,<br />

to that all-knowing mind; for, as we have said, that mind is the<br />

Creator'&. Creation is carried on in the world <strong>and</strong> throughout<br />

the universe in every dep1utmant of existence, by the inter.<br />

blending of the male <strong>and</strong> female prinoiples, <strong>and</strong> because of<br />

this, the two aexea 11t<strong>and</strong> as the creative power; <strong>and</strong>, aa soon aa<br />

anyone opens in loving sympathy to the opposite sex, the life<br />

or creative qualitiea of that one begins to ftow into the other<br />

<strong>and</strong> oombinea chemically; orea ting a new oonaoiousneu; a new<br />

form of thought, feeling, e1notion <strong>and</strong> desire; it opens the individual<br />

to another quality of the uni veraal mind; <strong>and</strong> if the<br />

individual is merely feeling after something <strong>and</strong> does not<br />

know what, <strong>and</strong> is guided purely by his feelinr, be is u apt to<br />

make a serious mistake in the selection of a oompanion for life,<br />

aa be i1 to obtain the one that would bring the beat reaulta.<br />

In the past it is only the few who have been fortunate<br />

enough to obtain the right <strong>com</strong>panion, <strong>and</strong> when they have<br />

obtained the right one, their life bas been a suooea1. A<br />

good illustration of this,-<strong>and</strong> many more may be discovered<br />

by personal investigation; was the life of Napoleon; while he<br />

wu unit.ad to Josephine, he carried the world before him, but<br />

aa soon u he put her away <strong>and</strong> took another, his power left,<br />

<strong>and</strong> he soon went down; Because of this law, a person<br />

cannot be too ca1·eful, nor study too deeply into the chemistry<br />

of mind <strong>and</strong> life, for if anyone takea these practiaal in1truction1<br />

<strong>and</strong> carries them out, it will os-eate around them an aura whiob<br />

will attract everyone, more or less; <strong>and</strong> especially is this true<br />

of all desirable persons, so that any OM who lives thi1 life may<br />

aeleot from almoat any sooial rank the oompanion that i1 m


desirable. This course of life breaks down all the fenoes <strong>and</strong><br />

ovM<strong>com</strong>es all obstacles in the way of rank, culture or position<br />

in life.<br />

All that is requisite to enable one to select from any rAnk<br />

the most desirable <strong>com</strong>panion, is a thorough knowledge of this<br />

suhtle fo1·ce of which we are now speaking (<strong>and</strong> of conrae this<br />

implies self-culture <strong>and</strong> development.) It is necessary, however,<br />

that you use great caution in <strong>com</strong>ing into mental touch<br />

with the opposite sex, for, if you live the regenerate life, you<br />

c!annot familiarly associate with them without attracting the<br />

full force of their love or paAAion, or both, <strong>and</strong> inflicting injury<br />

11po11 them which will react upon yourself. Again, care should<br />

be 11!\ed to avoid that most powerful of all forces, the psychic,<br />

life power, for ther.e will be developed in yourself, through this<br />

course of chastity <strong>and</strong> potentiality of your own life, the strongest<br />

attraction for the opposite sex that is possible for a person<br />

to possess, <strong>and</strong> unle11S you have so 6.xed your mind that it<br />

will absolutely govern every feeling, emotion <strong>and</strong> desire, so<br />

that you will always act wisely; you will, before you have<br />

really obtained any thing like the qualifications requisite for a<br />

married state, he canj?ht in the whirlpool of psychic love <strong>and</strong><br />

bound down in servitude to the mere passion life. You must<br />

keep in view the fact that yo11 have started on a plan of life iu<br />

which mind is master <strong>and</strong> king; <strong>and</strong> if mind is king, passions,<br />

feelings, de11ires <strong>and</strong> all other mentalities 011tRide of your own,<br />

must he subordinate to yo11 in so far as they relate to your<br />

own course of action.<br />

Do not pass this thought over lightly; take it <strong>and</strong> think<br />

about it; it means a great deal; it means more than you can<br />

realize until yon have carefully studied it for days, perhaps .<br />

mouth!!, <strong>and</strong> even years.<br />

In order that yo11r mind may he a wise <strong>and</strong> powerful<br />

king, yon will find that it will require years of study<br />

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~"I to;w rKACTlCAL 1Vll!:THUUll. 'tOiJ<br />

<strong>and</strong> careful examin11.tion of the lawa governing life <strong>and</strong><br />

mind. All that we can do, is to tell you where to direct<br />

your search, <strong>and</strong> you must do the rest. Remember, your search<br />

for the cause of mind, in relation to yourself, its strength,<br />

weakness <strong>and</strong> qualities, <strong>and</strong> the cause of sensation, should be<br />

in a general way, in the creative currents of life; <strong>and</strong> in a<br />

special way, in a most careful observation of the thoughts,<br />

feelings <strong>and</strong> consciousness produced by the emanations of other<br />

minds. It was a great <strong>and</strong> mighty work to conquer the waaU,<br />

of the life, but it was nothing <strong>com</strong>pared with the ability requisite<br />

to wisely use <strong>and</strong> direct that life which you have stored.<br />

Your will must be stronger than steel; more inflexible than<br />

the hardest flint, <strong>and</strong> your intelligence must be kept keen <strong>and</strong><br />

bright as the sun light; which, by the way, is not difficult for<br />

one who is conserving all the life generated in the body. <strong>The</strong><br />

real difficulty arises in the hunger of the life currents within<br />

you for the life produced by the opposite sex. This desire is the<br />

most powerful principle in all nature, with the exception of a well<br />

poised <strong>and</strong> centralized mind <strong>and</strong> will, which have had long culture<br />

<strong>and</strong> training; <strong>and</strong> even then, as a stream cannot rise higher<br />

than its source, such a mind <strong>and</strong> will cannot rise higher than<br />

their source, which is love.<br />

Love is the all overmastering power, - God is love -<br />

therefore, that being the causative principle in all nature,<br />

avoid the neceSRity of grappling with it, steer your course<br />

clear of it, until your cool, quiet intelligence is satisfied,<br />

that, in connection with the organism which stirs the deepest<br />

<strong>and</strong> holiest love emotion in you, there is no poison lurking; no<br />

blighting influence; but, on the contrary, that it is a storehouse<br />

filled with all the qualities you most desire; then, <strong>and</strong> not until<br />

then, allow yourself to be swept into that wonderful ocean of<br />

love.<br />

When love at its first taste brings nothing foreign to you

466 Taa B10LOOIC•L Joumu..1..<br />

or inharmonioua with your o"n objects, but contributes in<br />

all h1 bearings <strong>and</strong> tendencies in aiding you to aooompliab<br />

your object in every department of your life; then you may<br />

reuonably conclude, that, when you are launched upon the<br />

great ocean lying within, u a great fountain, you will obtain<br />

all that you desire. However, when you begin to touch the<br />

phyohio <strong>and</strong> love life of the opposite sex, your intuitions will<br />

be disturbed <strong>and</strong> an intuitional mentality all ita own will be<br />

produced; in other words, the mind qualities of the opposite<br />

sex may <strong>and</strong> will, if you are not mentally unmovable, enter into<br />

you <strong>and</strong> form yoar feelings, emotions <strong>and</strong> intuitioDB, <strong>and</strong>, aa it<br />

were, tt<strong>and</strong> between you <strong>and</strong> God; therefore, you need 1ome<br />

mean1 whereby you may 10ientifioally guide the intellect <strong>and</strong><br />

your oonolntiona. Thia 10ientifio method is now before the<br />

publio; which we will explain more fully in our next.<br />

"Joy it love exalted,<br />

Peace ia love in repose,<br />

Long suffering is love enduring,<br />

Gentleneee is love in aociety,<br />

Goodness is love in action,<br />

Faith is love on the battlefield,<br />

.Meekneaa is love in 10hool, <strong>and</strong><br />

Temperance it love in training."<br />

Let us be silent aa to each other's weakneae, helpful, tolerant,<br />

nay, tender towards ea.oh other. Or, if we cannot feel<br />

tenderneet, we may at least pity! May we put away from ua<br />

the eatire which scourges <strong>and</strong> the anger which br<strong>and</strong>s; the oil<br />

<strong>and</strong> the wine of the good Samaritan are of more avail.<br />

Henri-Fred.rk .Amie/.<br />

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One of the leading thinkers of the world says, "Immortality<br />

in the flesh is at the top of ..U subject.a under diecU88ion to.day,<br />

<strong>and</strong> it is going to lead the world of thought for the next thirty<br />

years, after which no soul will doubt it, because it will be an<br />

ac<strong>com</strong>plished thing." A. P. Barton, editor of "<strong>The</strong> Life."<br />

said recently, '"Every day brings us a new paper along the<br />

New Thought lines: a No. 1, Vol. I. It does seem that everybody<br />

who get.I\ an inkling of the snbject. be<strong>com</strong>es effected at<br />

once with on itching for <strong>journal</strong>ism, <strong>and</strong> a belief that a call<br />

has been sent them to publish a paper. What the end is to be~<br />

remains to be seen; yet, the end is in plain view. "Every valley<br />

sh..U be filled <strong>and</strong> every mountain <strong>and</strong> hill shall be brought<br />

low; <strong>and</strong> the crooked shall be made straight, <strong>and</strong> the rough<br />

way shall be made smooth; <strong>and</strong> all flesh shall see the salvation<br />

of God." Mortality will put on immortality:-then shall be<br />

brought to p&88 the saying that is written,-"Death ia swallowed<br />

up in victory." It is a part of the mi88ion of Jesus the<br />

Christ to save men's lives. <strong>The</strong> Apostle says, "He hath abolished<br />

death, <strong>and</strong> hath brought life <strong>and</strong> immortality to light<br />

through the gospel."<br />

<strong>The</strong>re has been a veil of unbelief spread over all nationa,<br />

which is being removed, <strong>and</strong> multitudes are beginning to see<br />

that death is to be conquered, over<strong>com</strong>e by living men <strong>and</strong><br />

women who will not be unclothed but clothed. <strong>The</strong> creature<br />

itself will also be delivered from the bondage of corruption<br />

into the glorious liberty of the children of God: "for the law<br />

of the spirit of life in Christ hatb macle us free from the law<br />

of sin <strong>and</strong> death." Jesus said "l am the resurrection <strong>and</strong> the<br />

life." "He that believeth on me though he were dead yet shall<br />

he live; <strong>and</strong> he that Ii veth <strong>and</strong> believeth on me shall never die."<br />

Mary Frame Selby.

KARMA.<br />

We have hesitated some time in writing anything further on<br />

this subject; but, at the queetionioga of our friends indicate<br />

that we have not been underatood, we will try once more to<br />

make our position plain.<br />

We have frequently quoted the words of Buddha on thia<br />

subject: "I forbid you, 0 uhiluhus, to employ any spells or<br />

1upplioation1, for they are ueelt!88, sinoe the law of karma<br />

governs all things." <strong>The</strong>se words have laid the foundation in<br />

the miuds of the Orientalista for the various beliefs on this<br />

auLject. We referred to these words in an a1·ticle in a preceding<br />

number of the Journal, as being the inatrument that baa<br />

heltl down the sons of India, <strong>and</strong> which baa greatly effected tbcs<br />

Chinese.<br />

Many argue, because the acts of a former life may be<br />

t,'Ompenaated for in the present one, therefore, they must work<br />

out the reaulta of wrong deeds of a. previous incarnation, no matter<br />

what the oonsequences ma.y be to them; a.ud if they restrain<br />

the passions or appetites, that, they a.1·e simply storing up karma<br />

fo1· another incarnation; that thoae appetites, if reatraina.l, are<br />

dammed up, a.a water is dammed up, which will <strong>com</strong>e forth<br />

with double force in another life; therefo1·e, it is enevitable,­<br />

in their winds - that whatever dispoRitiou they have toward<br />

evil must he worked out by tloiug it until they be<strong>com</strong>e satiated,<br />

aiul the desire for it p&ll888 away.<br />

<strong>The</strong> beliefs in this dii·ectioo are so varied <strong>and</strong> numerous that<br />

we are unable to give anything like a correct idea of their<br />

aoope <strong>and</strong> influence. One idea that seemR to be <strong>com</strong>mon among<br />

tboee that believe in karma, is, that, in so far as their former<br />

life was evil, the result of that evil doing muat inevitably<br />

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<strong>com</strong>e upon them in .their present one; or, in other worda,<br />

they must submit to the oonditiom that oome upon them,<br />

· whatever they may be, befon they oan be freed from the result.<br />

of the aota of a former inoarnation. Many ~ven go so far u to<br />

aooelerate those conditions, in ~rder that they may more quickly<br />

work out their karma. Among <strong>The</strong>osophists,-so called,-of<br />

our own oountry, there are thoee who do not believe in aiding<br />

auother in time of suffering, because they are working out<br />

their karma, <strong>and</strong> to help another in diatre88 is adding karma<br />

to their own life <strong>and</strong> hindering the other from working out<br />

theirs.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se are only suggestions of the many evils that have been<br />

wrought by a misunderst<strong>and</strong>ing of what karma really meana.<br />

That there is a phase of truth in the basic principles of what<br />

ia called karma, there is no doubt, but the truth li9!1 in an entirely<br />

different diteotion from the one they suppose. When<br />

we are asked,- do you believe in karma? we answer, yea, but<br />

·not in the way it is believed by the Orientalist&. When we<br />

are asked,-do you bttlieve that we have to suffer the oonaequences<br />

of every deed, either in this life or in another? we aay<br />

yes, but we do not believe in a God of oaprice, but in a God<br />

of law; that is to say,-the Creator of the universe, areated it<br />

by law, <strong>and</strong> everything works by cause <strong>and</strong> effect; nothing by<br />

mere chance or an afterthought. Karma in reality means aimply<br />

this: you have in this life certain inclinations, appetites<br />

<strong>and</strong> paasions which you have no desire to restrain; perhape the<br />

customs of the people among whom you live admit those indulgences<br />

aa normal <strong>and</strong> perfectly legitimate, therefore, you<br />

have no impulse to restrain them. When you pass out of thia<br />

body, you have built a structure of beliefs, desires <strong>and</strong> habits<br />

which makes up your real character, your real selfbood, the<br />

consoious individual. When the time <strong>com</strong>es for your reinoarnation,<br />

you are drawn to a oouple who are about to beoome

470 TrrE Br01.001cAr. .J OURN A 1.<br />

a father <strong>and</strong> mother, simply, because their loves, sympathies<br />

<strong>and</strong> desires are in harmony with your inclinations <strong>and</strong><br />

desires. You are drawn to them for the aame reason that you<br />

would be drawn to them in the earthy body; the difference<br />

being, now that you have no longer an earthy body, the reasoning<br />

mind is no longer active, <strong>and</strong> you are governed only by<br />

the law of attraction; like attracting like; your soul broods<br />

over <strong>and</strong> enters into their consciousness during conception, <strong>and</strong><br />

when the child is born, the soul enters with ita first breath <strong>and</strong><br />

be<strong>com</strong>es the normal ego of the child. <strong>The</strong> soul had already<br />

given form <strong>and</strong> character to the childs body, so that when it<br />

enters in, in its fulness, thti body suits its real nature. Now<br />

that the soul baa a new body, it begins just where it left off in<br />

the former life, to build anew or tear down the old, according<br />

to forcing circumstances, education <strong>and</strong> consequent inclinatons;<br />

the former life giving color to the thought, direction to<br />

the desires <strong>and</strong> bias to the mentality. You begin to act according<br />

to your desires <strong>and</strong> reap the rewards of these actions; the11e<br />

rewards being either goo

-z I ...<br />

We orten hear people say, I do the best I know: if that<br />

be true, they are over<strong>com</strong>ing, living out former karma,<br />

<strong>and</strong> are building within themselves a love <strong>and</strong> consequent<br />

attraction for doing good. We hear others say, well, I<br />

don't do the best I know how: they are bringing upon themselves<br />

suffering in their present life, hut in so far as they are<br />

gathering knowledge concerning the laws producing evil result•,<br />

that far they are building for a better incarnation.<br />

Again, it is generally believed that the astral in8uences act<br />

upon our surroundings <strong>and</strong> cause evil to <strong>com</strong>e upon us, independent<br />

of our volition, simply, because of the evil acts of a<br />

former life. This, however, is not true, for evils that oome<br />

upon us independent of our volition, may <strong>com</strong>e upon a whole<br />

congregation of people; such as the burning of a city or the<br />

sinking of a ship, wherein a great number of people are involved.<br />

Th·e previous life has no effect upon this life beyond<br />

producing the nature of the individual, which causes him to<br />

eelect the conditions <strong>and</strong> position of life into which he enters.<br />

<strong>The</strong> influence of the zodil\C <strong>and</strong> the heavenly bodies, as they<br />

move through it, create certain mind quAlities <strong>and</strong> forces which<br />

act upon all life; And because of the great variety of mind<br />

formation in the different organic strnctures, it will act upon<br />

no two peraons alike, <strong>and</strong> therefore will lead no two persons or<br />

even animals to the same result.<br />

·<strong>The</strong> world of humanity, under the influence of the aatral,<br />

is like an immense workshop filled with a great variety<br />

of machines, which are all driven by one engine; notwithst<strong>and</strong>ing<br />

that one power moves them all, every machine<br />

moves in a different manner <strong>and</strong> in keeping with its struct.<br />

ore. So it is with the greater variety of machinery, in<br />

human <strong>and</strong> all animate life; one power runs everything, hut,<br />

each one acts differently, because of different structure <strong>and</strong><br />

chemical qualities. Every man ha limitations, <strong>and</strong> those limitations<br />

are by virtue of form, qualities, etc.; just as it is with

472 Tait BIOLOGICA.L J OUBlU.L.<br />

ordinary machinery; one machine will do a great variety of<br />

work; another, baa leaa variety of nsefulneaa. Man is limited<br />

by his capacity, which governs bis sympathies <strong>and</strong> desires. No<br />

man can have a desire to do or be that for which be baa uot<br />

the qualitiea in himself to do or be. <strong>The</strong> flab can have no desire<br />

to get ont of the water <strong>and</strong> live on dry l<strong>and</strong>, but it baa a<br />

natural horror of getting out of the water. <strong>The</strong> cat oan have<br />

no desire to live in the water, but naturally abhors it. If you<br />

were to ask some one the cause of this, the ADSwer would probably<br />

be. that. it waa because of their nature. While this may<br />

be to some. an indefinite answer, yet. when we take into oon·<br />

sideration the governing law of the universe. we find that it<br />

is u definite an answer aa it is possible to give. because of the<br />

law. <strong>The</strong>refore. in so far as you can obtain the desire for self<br />

oultnre, refinement. right living, etc., to that extent it is possible<br />

for yon to grow those qualities in yourself; <strong>and</strong> it is<br />

also possible t.o oruah out <strong>and</strong> irradioate from your organism<br />

all inclinations of an opposite nature.<br />

Because the Occidental or so called Christian nations have<br />

ignored the idea of being hound by what they did in a former<br />

life, <strong>and</strong> have held to the doctrine, that, man can be whatever<br />

he wills to be, <strong>and</strong> that the man who does evil is responsible<br />

for it <strong>and</strong> should be punished: these nation• have moved for.<br />

ward in evolutionary development <strong>and</strong> unfoldment more rapidly<br />

than all other nations; <strong>and</strong> those nations who have held to<br />

the idea of karma, <strong>and</strong> have settled down to work out. as they<br />

eay, their karmic conditions, are gradnally but surely degenerating.<br />

It is because of tbia that India is to.day mourning over<br />

her lost glory of thous<strong>and</strong>• of yea.rs ago, <strong>and</strong> is in her deplo~<br />

ble, helpleas condition.<br />

That man can be, that which he wills to be. is a great truth,<br />

<strong>and</strong> it baa been held continuously before the minds of the<br />

Christian people; but. they have not even questioned their<br />

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KARMA.. 478<br />

capacity, to will to be, <strong>and</strong> it ie well they have not; but now<br />

that the time bas <strong>com</strong>e for wan to aot from knowledge, <strong>and</strong><br />

not becauee of evolutionary forcing oircumetancee, it ie right<br />

<strong>and</strong> our duty to inquire as to the cau11e of our limitatione,<br />

which, we repeat, is eimply what we are. We are what we are,<br />

or, 88 eome of the eo-called new thought people have it; .. I am<br />

that 1 am;" which even a donkey might eay, if he could talk,<br />

<strong>and</strong> meaue, simply, that you are what you are, <strong>and</strong> cannot be<br />

anything elee; but being what you are, you have two qualitiee<br />

active within you by virtue of evolution <strong>and</strong> involution: tbe tend·<br />

ency of the former is aitpiration to that next above you; the tendency<br />

of the latter ie degeneration toward that which is next<br />

below you. ..Choose ye thie day whom ye will eerve," eaid an<br />

ancient teacher; that ie, chooee now which of theee you will<br />

follow. Every pereon is capable of bending all their energiea<br />

toward the development of the higher <strong>and</strong> the auppreesion of<br />

the lower; the euppresaion of the resulte of their karma; for,<br />

if evolution ie a law, then the preeent life begins where the<br />

former left off, <strong>and</strong> muat of neceHity be a higher order of life<br />

than the former. <strong>The</strong>refore, if you live in the higher iuclinaatiooe<br />

<strong>and</strong> euppreu the lower, you free youl'8elf from a former<br />

karma <strong>and</strong> build new karmic conditione.<br />

We believe that the race baa <strong>com</strong>e t.o the end of a cyole, <strong>and</strong><br />

that, there are multitudee of men <strong>and</strong> women who are able, by<br />

virtue of a high development, to over<strong>com</strong>e all the lower tendenciea<br />

due to a former incarnation, <strong>and</strong> to build within themaelvee<br />

a condition that will bring freedom from karma, through<br />

an immortal or perpetual oonaciousneu, which will not neoeaaitate<br />

another incarnation, at leaet for a long period. <strong>The</strong>n,<br />

let it be underetood, that karma, the reeult of a previoue life,<br />

eimply oonetitutee the nature <strong>and</strong> quality of the individual,<br />

<strong>and</strong> the individual ie only limited in his attainmen&a by hia deairea,<br />

or in other worda; by his will to do <strong>and</strong> aooompliah the<br />

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will of the aoul or interior mind; therefore, if you can stimulate<br />

in another, who lacks will to do, a desire for a higher <strong>and</strong><br />

nobler life, you will help him to over<strong>com</strong>e his lower nature <strong>and</strong><br />

former karmL All there is of truth in karm1& is the nature<br />

which a former life entails upon the suooeeding one, <strong>and</strong> that<br />

ie governed by the law of evolution.<br />

<strong>The</strong>refore, remember, no matter what your former life has<br />

been or present life is, you can be <strong>and</strong> do, whatever yon can<br />

get the desire <strong>and</strong> will to be <strong>and</strong> do. Thus your p~<br />

greu is not <strong>and</strong> cannot be hindered by anything that ia<br />

puaed, further than, having gathered to yourself condition•<br />

that muat be over<strong>com</strong>e. Calamities often overtake ua, which<br />

we feel confident <strong>com</strong>e from causes entirely outside of anything<br />

we have done; but the careful thinker <strong>and</strong> investigator<br />

will be able to trace back <strong>and</strong> find a time when aome,<br />

perbapa, trivial, a.ct waa done or word spoken, which he would<br />

not have <strong>com</strong>mitted or spoken had he been poeseseed with intuitional<br />

guidance. This act or word set in motion certain<br />

forces, which, may have been working for years, <strong>and</strong> ultimated<br />

in bringing upon him the evil. <strong>The</strong> same is true in bringing<br />

to us good.<br />


Keep workin&' on for what ia rlcht,<br />

And God will abed aronnd him litrht.<br />

As daylight follows aft.er night:<br />

When all, at lut, the dawn ahall -<br />

To make our eoala ainoere <strong>and</strong> free.<br />

While only truth <strong>and</strong> love ahall at.ay,<br />

To Daher in life'• glorioua day,<br />

And t.eaoh mankind the beannly -y:<br />

To flnd God'a kingdom bright <strong>and</strong> fair,<br />

Where eoala are free from mortal oare,<br />

And flnd aweet Jlfl&Oe 1 beyond <strong>com</strong>,U..<br />

Jlartlaa Sltepard Lippincott.<br />

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C Minor-Pink.<br />

When in the order of unfoldment man begins to ._rt dominion by the power<br />

of will, directed by universal love <strong>and</strong> bigh desire, he finds hi11111elf growing ma&­<br />

ter of thoee conditions once weakly ADbmitted to as the prefixed order of inevitable<br />

fate. One by one he gains the mastery of th.- qualities of mind which have their<br />

corresponding fonctiona <strong>and</strong> organs in the physical OOdy. He now aeee that all<br />

thoaght bu its material correspondent: that varied but harmonious thoughts.<br />

formalated <strong>and</strong> unitized, prodace a corresponding concrete <strong>and</strong> orderly atrueture,<br />

-the physical body.<br />

After the eleven qaalitiea of the miad <strong>and</strong> body, conforming to aa many signs<br />

in the 7..odiac, have each oome under the control of the will, <strong>and</strong> the individual<br />

oomH into i-aaion of new <strong>and</strong> &11 yet aaorgaoized powers; it be<strong>com</strong>es the work of<br />

the twelfth-Virgo, the diacriroin .. tor <strong>and</strong> organizer of these forces, to direct <strong>and</strong><br />

control them: to discreetly draw upon <strong>and</strong> utilize the good in all knowledge <strong>and</strong><br />

thought; <strong>and</strong> by rejecting at the BAtne time, all that is evil <strong>and</strong> useless, solve the<br />

paradox of Time <strong>and</strong> Death; by elimioatfog the fahe thought <strong>and</strong> consequent life,<br />

which made them po111ible, <strong>and</strong> opening the sonl to the revivifying currents of the<br />

higher existence. Thia ia the '"Gordian Knot" for Virgo to sever, ere the "last<br />

enemy" is over<strong>com</strong>e.<br />

<strong>The</strong> reason for bodily decay ia found in the downward <strong>and</strong> outward conree of<br />

the elements of life. Those who are living the l!e-generate life have reveraed<br />

the life currents from their downward coarse, <strong>and</strong> turned them upward into lifre-generation.<br />

Thia is what the Master referred to when he said, "If any man<br />

keep this saying, out of his belly sh..U flow (upward) rivers of life." When,<br />

therefore, we have reversed the cnrrents, we have the power by virtue of Virgo,<br />

to diapel forever that delusion called Time, when Death shall be no more.<br />

Life is. Time is not, <strong>and</strong> never shall be (in the new life). Time <strong>and</strong> Death are<br />

one. Death is the unnatural but logical out<strong>com</strong>e of an imaginary limit called<br />

Time. Ignore Time, <strong>and</strong> you banish Death. On the other h<strong>and</strong>, remove Death,<br />

<strong>and</strong> where is 1ime? Time iA only possihle when death holds away. <strong>The</strong>refore,<br />

Time <strong>and</strong> Death are but different manifestations of one <strong>and</strong> the same thing,-the<br />

out<strong>com</strong>e of man's thought in a life of generation. Time is relative, <strong>and</strong> is peculiar<br />

to all things earthy <strong>and</strong> unreal: the self impoeed <strong>and</strong> nnjnat limit plAoed by<br />

man upon possibilities unmeasured <strong>and</strong> unbounded.<br />

It was said by Jerns that we should take no thought for the morrow: meaning<br />

that we should have no anxiety; that we should l"l!Cognize no future, no time,­<br />

bnt dwell in the power of the eternal NOW. For, it is thus, in the stillneaa of the<br />

soul, that the forces within &I'll held in abeyaul'e, <strong>and</strong> massed as it were, upon a<br />

given point: tbua the quality of Virgo, deep down in the silence <strong>and</strong> center,<br />

resolvee the halucination-1ime, to its seeming unit-the instant, when, "to him<br />

that hath shall be given;" when the little within, by the law of correspondence,<br />

be<strong>com</strong>es joined to the whole:-when the life in the body, held by the will, cannot<br />

longer be swept backward <strong>and</strong> downward by the "under tow" of life, bat eatabli11hea<br />

the order <strong>and</strong> increases the vihratinn of its own life currents, <strong>and</strong> marshalls<br />

them onward in rythmic unison with the calm, deep sweep of ETBRNAL IJOCBNSITY.<br />

lo defining the office of the Virgo function, it ahonld be suggested that the<br />

conquest of death is not th~ one <strong>and</strong> only thing to be achieved, but an incident,<br />

merely, in the higher life, <strong>and</strong> the severing of the last earth tie which witholda<br />

the fulneM of the !daster's promise,-" But seek ye first the kingdom of God <strong>and</strong><br />

Hie righteol1.lln888, <strong>and</strong> all these things shall be added unto you."<br />

We shall not know the wealth of Vil'lto, until the eye is open to the Light: the<br />

Veil rent 11Monder, that we may behold the dawn of the Et.ernal Day, <strong>and</strong> with<br />

love, joy aud t"llverence, tread the Perfect Way, in <strong>and</strong> through the portals of the<br />

City where await us, by the discriminative fUDCtion of Virgo-th


<strong>The</strong> declaration of the Heavens regarding the sign Virgo<br />

is clear <strong>and</strong> unmistakable. Itst<strong>and</strong>s as the Intuitive Discriminator<br />

in its correlation to other signs. Powerful in its po•·<br />

itiveneas in the Starry Realm, it is the Virgin Queen whose<br />

away is through love in its primeval purity, with Venua evermore<br />

as the choice of her court. <strong>The</strong>refore, when we apply<br />

its attributes to humanity, we are at once led into a field of<br />

absorbing interest.<br />

As one, who, in varioua phaeee of human life illuatrated thia<br />

sign, we select Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes, born August<br />

"29th, 1809.<br />

Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes, Nat. Aug. 29, 1809.<br />

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•Te<br />


Earth ( $) in Zodiacal Sip of Virgo<br />

·<br />

Moon ())" .. .. .. Ariee {¥).<br />

Uraoo1 (•) " "<br />

.. .. TaUJ'UI {H).<br />

8atul'll ('z) .. .. .. Gemini {n).<br />

Jupiter (ll) .. .. .. .. Libra {•).<br />

Man (I) .. .. .. .. Cancer (a).<br />

VeoD1 (9) .. .. .. .. 8oorpio ("l) Meroory ( f ) .. .. .. .. Pieoea ()().<br />

ELDIKN'lll.<br />

TBiwrrnm.<br />

Fire, One. lut.ellectoal. Three.<br />

Earth, Two. Domestic, Two.<br />

Air, Two. Creative, Two.<br />

Water, Three. Serving, One.<br />

Referring to the Zodiaoal Circle, we ftod that at hi1 birth<br />

the Earth was in the 1ign Virgo, <strong>and</strong> the Moon in Aries, oonaeqnently,<br />

his basic qualitiea were educed from what Virgo<br />

<strong>and</strong> Aries typified. <strong>The</strong> Earthy oharact.eriatios of Virgo<br />

formed, both bodily <strong>and</strong> metaphysically, the corner-atone of<br />

hie oareer. He wc>uld inevitably, be ftoe in physical <strong>and</strong> intoiti<br />

ve texture,-a genuine child of nature, <strong>and</strong> a quick diaoerner<br />

of all her moods <strong>and</strong> t.enaes. He would <strong>com</strong>prehend the Earth<br />

in all ita vari~ fruitfulneaa for mankind, most readily, whether<br />

it were for 101t.enance in eating <strong>and</strong> drinking, or coring pby ..<br />

ical ailments.<br />

His polarity in Aries enabled his brain to be aa keen <strong>and</strong><br />

active in expreuion aa he was clear <strong>and</strong> strong in apprehen1ion:<br />

unitedly, they pla-Oec.l him upon a pedestal of unll8oal stability.<br />

wherein firmneaa of purpose, <strong>and</strong> a keen desire for order <strong>and</strong><br />

harmony, as well u a lively aenae of the ridiculooa, were ever<br />

preeent.<br />

Taking up tbe collateral inflneocea of the Planets, in the<br />

poaitiona they occupied when our 1object wu born; we 6nt<br />

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obeerve that Uranus being in TaUl'UI, quickened bi1 oooult abilitiee<br />

into great aotirity, enabling him to oomprehend quiokl7<br />

the phy1ical <strong>and</strong> mental oonditiona of thoae about him, ancl<br />

alto led him to be most wisely introspective when alone, <strong>and</strong><br />

in the calm delights of bis own study, he li"ed more .full71 t/aan<br />

he tDa1 able to ezprua in proae or poetry/ A faint eobo of<br />

thia inner feeling, u applied to himself, wu voiced in bia poem<br />

addreued to hia readers:- written April 8th, 1862,<br />

"Our whitest pearl we never find;<br />

Our ripeat fruit we never reach;<br />

<strong>The</strong> flowering momtnts of the mind<br />

Drop half their petals in our 1peeoh.<br />

• • • • • •<br />

. • . . . . to me more fair<br />

<strong>The</strong> bud1 of aoug that never blow."<br />

Hia <strong>com</strong>prehension of othera, as to what they po11eel8d ha<br />

their higher nature <strong>and</strong> aapirations, but to which the7 wen<br />

unable to give expression, ia found in theae linee:-<br />

.. Alu for those who never 1ang,<br />

But died with all their music in them I"<br />

• • • • • •<br />

"()hearts that break <strong>and</strong> give no aign<br />

Save whitened lip <strong>and</strong> fading treaaea,<br />

'Till death ponra out his longed-for wine,<br />

Slow-dropped, from Misery's Cl'Dahlng preuee,­<br />

lf singing breath or echoing chord<br />

To every hidden pang were given,<br />

What endleaa melodiee were poured,<br />

Aa aad aa earth, as sweet u heaven I"<br />

With Saturn in Gemini u oombined with the Moon in<br />

Ariea <strong>and</strong> U ranu1 in Taurus, we find a very wonderful<br />

endowment. <strong>The</strong> apiritual planet here did an ineetimable<br />

work. It caused him to outreach with great earne1tneu<br />

for knowledge of the most scientific character, opening the


in11pirational current&, as well, whereby hi11 attainments became<br />

rich unto himself <strong>and</strong> the world. His aspirations were intensified,<br />

<strong>and</strong> being in the sign of expression for the Intellectual<br />

Trinity, he was able to send forth to the world, in a fearless<br />

way, what had beoome a part of his own nature.<br />

When we next note that .Jupiter, the largest of the Planet.a,<br />

was in Libra, we are at once impressed with the gr<strong>and</strong>eur of<br />

this bestowal. To a person of his intellectual tendencieR, this<br />

position of Japiter in the 11ign of the Balances, <strong>and</strong> the very<br />

seat of the intuitions, equalized his whole being moat wonderfully,<br />

<strong>and</strong> caused an ideality to poesess him, as to art <strong>and</strong> all<br />

the harmonies of life, to such a degree, as to tinge his whole<br />

nature in a large <strong>and</strong> beautiful senae. It filled his mental expre88ion<br />

with a rare richness of imagery seldom found; <strong>and</strong><br />

also aided in balancing his physical structure more firmly,<br />

whereby, be oonld endure with tenacity the duties of bis chosen<br />

profession.<br />

Mara in Cancer (it.a best position) centered his mind upon<br />

the sacredness <strong>and</strong> beauty of the home life, <strong>and</strong> thus added to<br />

the wholeness <strong>and</strong> wholeaomeneu of his entire being. It enriched<br />

bis views of all the domestic relationships, <strong>and</strong> so, as<br />

a physician, caused him to <strong>com</strong>e nearer <strong>and</strong> be dearer to his<br />

patrons. In another sense it made his lung power more virile,<br />

<strong>and</strong> thereby added to his physical vitality.<br />

As we note the position of Venus in Scorpio, <strong>and</strong> that it<br />

is balanced, as the Circle shows; by U ranua in Taurus, we at<br />

once <strong>com</strong>prehend that there ia the natural origin of the "Autocrat<br />

of the Breakfast Table," <strong>and</strong> much else of a unique character<br />

in his writings. Venne opened the door of native, creative<br />

power in a psychic as well as a physical sense; hence, originality<br />

of thought <strong>com</strong>bined with ideality, became a part of hie<br />

daily existence. It enabled him to easily originate "<strong>The</strong> One<br />

Horse Shay," "Aunt Tabitha," <strong>and</strong> many other of his poems<br />

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where mirthfulness abounds, <strong>and</strong>, with equal venatility, to<br />

draw this great lesaou from "<strong>The</strong> Chambered Nantilus:"­<br />

"Build thee more stately mansions, 0 my Soul,<br />

As the swift sea,ons roll !<br />

Leave thy low-vaulted past!<br />

Let each new temple, nobler than the last<br />

Shut thee from heaven with a rlome more vast,<br />

'Till thou at length art free,<br />

Leaving thine outgrown shell by life's unresting sea!"<br />

Mercury in Pisoee became a genuine Messenger of the Goda<br />

unto him, when balanced with the Earth in Virgo. His winged<br />

feet were indeed of the restless order, but they always found<br />

ground from whit!h to spring, <strong>and</strong> take his flights throughout<br />

the Universe of Nature. Intuition was thereby <strong>com</strong>bined<br />

with quick material judgment: calmness of discrimination<br />

ever united easily with Mert'urial restlessne88; hence, the result<br />

was found in the immense variety of his expressions, both<br />

in prose <strong>and</strong> poetry.<br />

Dr. Holmes presents to the <strong>biological</strong> student,-as the Circle<br />

is carefully scanned,-an exceptional lesson as to the duality of<br />

power, whioh <strong>com</strong>es from an ability to originate thought, <strong>and</strong><br />

to express it with equal clearness. <strong>The</strong> positions of,- the Earth<br />

in Virgo, Jupiter in Libra, <strong>and</strong> Venus in Scorpio, form a<br />

Trinity whereby the finest discriminations, intuitions, <strong>and</strong> pey·<br />

chic unfoldments are inevitable; while,- the Moon in Aries,<br />

Uranus in Taurus <strong>and</strong> Saturn in Gemini, are a Trinity of<br />

npression equally noteworthy.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is also much that might be said u to the Watery<br />

Triplicity formed by,- Mars in Cancer, Venus in Scorpio, <strong>and</strong><br />

Mercury in Pisces. It tells with clearness of his power of<br />

assimilation with the people, <strong>and</strong> particularly with those of a<br />

professional character. In a fine metaphysical sense, this<br />

Watery Tl'iplicity formed a sea upon which our "Autocrat,"<br />

launched his poetic barks,- blessed ships that have borne<br />

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TBa BtoLOG1c•L Jouu.A.L<br />

many a w-.ry dweller of Earth-l<strong>and</strong> toward the shelter of the<br />

haven where dwell Hope <strong>and</strong> Peace. Like the Muter of<br />

old, who taught great truths &hrough parables, when upon the<br />

Sea of Galilee, IO our poet mingled Truth <strong>and</strong> Wildom with<br />

bil wittioiama, aa theee linee illtllftrate:-<br />

.. Not in the world of light alone<br />

Where God bu built hia blazing throne;<br />

Nor yet alone in Earth below,<br />

With belted aeaa that oome <strong>and</strong> go,<br />

And endless ialea of sunlit green<br />

la all thy Maker'• glory aeen:<br />

Look in upon thy wondrous frame,­<br />

Eternal wisdom still the same!"<br />

• • • • •<br />

"0 Father grant Thy love divine<br />

To make these mystic temples Thine I<br />

When wasting age or wearying strife<br />

Have sapped the leaning walla of life;<br />

When darkoeaa gathen over all,<br />

And the laat tottering pillan fall,<br />

Take the poor dust Thy mercy wanna<br />

And mould it into heavenly forms !"<br />

<strong>The</strong> genial Autocrat waa in a tribal sense, a Benjamite. He<br />

wu of that royal order of which the two aona of Raebel were<br />

a type, or, aa the name •Benjamin' indicates "Son of my right<br />

h<strong>and</strong>,U-Power. Rachel's life went out aa Benjamin oame<br />

into being. Her aoul ascended, that he might go forth strong<br />

u a "ravening wolf" into the world, <strong>and</strong> fulfil his miaion aa<br />

the twelfth aon of Jacob. <strong>The</strong> unparalleled power of the Virgo.<br />

born people, through their strong will, has ever been noted,<br />

<strong>and</strong> it waa fittingly uempli6ed in Dr. Holmes. Throughout<br />

hia entire career it may be truthfully aaid, that, a firm. dia.<br />

oriminating will power swayed his every thought <strong>and</strong> aotion,<br />

ancl deoided hia forma of expreuion nnt.o the world.<br />

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lJB. ULIVll VY ENDELL J:10LJIJC8. 't"l .<br />

A.. he passed beyond the four-score, the mellownea1 of age<br />

traoemoted all his varied gifta iot.o an Indian Summer of expreuioo;<br />

<strong>and</strong> we can now apply t.o him what he ao beaotifnlly<br />

expreued upon hie friend, Whittier, attaining hie eightieth<br />

year:-<br />

.. Look backwards I From thy lofty height survey<br />

Thy years of toil, of peaceful victories woo,<br />

Of dreams made real, largest hopes outrun I<br />

Look forward I Brighter than Earth'• morning ray<br />

Stream• the pure light of heaven's onsetting sun,<br />

<strong>The</strong> tt1telouded daion of life'• immortal dagl"<br />

Libra.<br />

Not. : All th..ltrong dl.rmatiomof the Pl..., f-, with the balaaobis<br />

of them, u -<br />

bad eluoiclatecl, an -binecl with neptlom tliat, with p-.<br />

mrhonmeat <strong>and</strong> the laok of eclaution, might haft made him an eutlftly ~<br />

m oharaeter. Aa 1111 eumple of Oll1' JDeUling, a r1a- at the Zodiaoal CllOle<br />

lhoqthet there wu DOt at Ju. birth, 1111y Plllllet ia Leo, or ID A.qoariaa,-oppollte,<br />

1111d '° then wu nothinir to-ie unuoal haut or none power. 'nae-.<br />

might be aftlrmecl of th• Signe CapriOOJ'll <strong>and</strong> Sagit.tariom, referriJls to tile<br />

Im-<strong>and</strong> the thigba ill a physioal •-· <strong>and</strong> typioal of bun- <strong>and</strong> .-ti..-.<br />

ill a metaphyaieal -Y· lt ahoald allO be bonae ill mind that the poeitiom of tha<br />

Planeta u found upon 1111y oiro1e an only rJatioe, u to their beiur beet, <strong>and</strong> tile<br />

ability to - the Planetary implementl Oll1' Father beeton, IO that they 011D ~<br />

duoe nob renltl u Dr. llol1D01 bu pYeD to the world, demomtrate the Tirtu<br />

<strong>and</strong> nlue of the lmowleclre Solar BiolorJ ri,... ill pidUtr <strong>and</strong> -*Inc 111 to ou<br />

blrbeet poeeil>le atte.1mn•t1.<br />

Lln<br />

"Le' your light ahioe:" bot, remember that your light,<br />

though bright t.o you, ia not peroeptible t.o all <strong>The</strong>refore, do<br />

not be aurpriaed if 1ome ohooae another'• proffered illumination;<br />

but humbly, quietly, bravely,- let your light ahine, that<br />

othen may be helped thereby.<br />


We reirret that limited apaoe permits ua to gin, during the OOUl'M of the year,<br />

bat one delineation to each eubeeril>er. <strong>The</strong> 118e. You<br />

are very intuitive; have great foresight <strong>and</strong> p.~ychometric powers. In<br />

the old church t:r11e11, it would have been said. that, you posse1sll


F. J. B. August 7. 1866, 1 p. m. Richmond, Illa.<br />

INTJtLLSCl'U4L, 2. A1aT. 1.<br />

K4TlUUf4L, 4. W.AT•B'I,<br />

RsPaoDuOT1v•, 1. FuaT, 1.<br />

1. E4BTBT, 8.<br />

RISING SION-11\..<br />

<strong>The</strong> Earth waa in die sign Leo, the heart, at the time of your birth<br />

which indicates t.bat you have good strong loves <strong>and</strong> afrectiona. You<br />

&Te aympatbetic <strong>and</strong> kind, <strong>and</strong> easily influenced by love <strong>and</strong> kindne ..,<br />

-in fact, your love nature is your weakneea. Scorpio ri.in1 givet<br />

you a atrong body, bnt later in life will be liable to produce irregularities<br />

of the heart; there is no danger of heart diseue, however, if<br />

your life it properly conducted. <strong>The</strong> moon, Jupiter <strong>and</strong> Mercwy, are<br />

all in the 11ign Cancer, through which your nature ia led out. If you<br />

bad unlimited means at your <strong>com</strong>m<strong>and</strong>, your home would be a Yel'J<br />

peculiar place,-you would have it tilled with gr<strong>and</strong>ner, elegance, <strong>and</strong><br />

luHry, at the aame time it would be decidedly characterized by your<br />

own ideu. Mara in Libra, with your Scorpio body <strong>and</strong> Leo nature<br />

unites with your polarity, <strong>and</strong> gives great originality <strong>and</strong> inYentiH<br />

genius, bot the body sign ia eomewhat against reaulta in that direction;<br />

nevertbele11, you can over<strong>com</strong>e thi1 influence <strong>and</strong> be<strong>com</strong>e quite a<br />

1ucce11ful inveuter. Saturn <strong>and</strong> Venue toge~her, in the aign Taul'UI,<br />

unite in giving you great ideality <strong>and</strong> imaginativeneM. If you would<br />

reach the high goal of attainment, theae tendenciee ahould be brought<br />

under aubjection to a practical, reaaoning mind, which you haYe.<br />

Over<strong>com</strong>e the spirit of jealouey which it eomewhat actiYe through<br />

your body sign. <strong>The</strong>re is a atrong inclination to be led by the eeo11e1<br />

<strong>and</strong> juet u atrong a power to over<strong>com</strong>e tl1At tendency. <strong>The</strong> timee of<br />

greatest danger from loss of the eeed, are, when the moon i1 in Leo,<br />

Cancer, or Scorpio, <strong>and</strong> the hoora when any of theae 1igo1 are riling.<br />

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<strong>The</strong> following ia an eXl14lrience of one of our aubeoriben, ertracted fzom a lette<br />

,_ind from the undel'Bigned <strong>and</strong> which we inaert, knowing that it will be of intuelt<br />

to our readers.<br />

(Ed.<br />

<strong>The</strong> All Seeing Eye, Word or Light, That Brings .All<br />

Things Into .Jfanifestation or Form:<br />

How was it? What was it, <strong>and</strong> would I ever, could I ever,<br />

underst<strong>and</strong> or find out its meaning? How could God see all<br />

my ways ? I knew he could hear my thoughts: 1 could feel the<br />

spiritual or electric vibrations all through my body. <strong>The</strong> earn·<br />

est desire to solve this question kept <strong>com</strong>ing up in my mind<br />

<strong>and</strong> heart for more than a year. before it was answered.<br />

I suddenly a.wakened one night <strong>and</strong> opened my eyes, <strong>and</strong><br />

tried to look around the room to see what had awakened me<br />

so suddenly. Everything was still <strong>and</strong> densely dark. This<br />

surprised me, as I had never a.wakened to the outer senses before<br />

daylight. All a.t once I saw the mingling of two lights<br />

slowly forming an eye. <strong>The</strong> light that formed the whole eye<br />

was the exact counterpart of the moon; the light that formed<br />

the rim or hollow around the eye was the brilliant central light<br />

of the sun.<br />

How can I tell you Sister or Brother, what that eye said<br />

to me? As I looked in that eye I nearly burst with joy I Heart,<br />

mind <strong>and</strong> underst<strong>and</strong>ing, said "Lord, truly Thou art Light;<br />

Thou seest my ways; Thou hearest my thoughts <strong>and</strong> Thou<br />

passest through my body. I feel thy vibrations; Thou art Life!<br />

No darkness can hide me from <strong>The</strong>el" As I thought this, the<br />

eye suddenly disappeared. I lay perfectly still in wonder; I<br />

believe for a.bout ten miutes,- when I began to think; "Truly<br />

I will have to make my work good, <strong>and</strong> my path straight. All<br />

my ways are heard <strong>and</strong> seen by God I" Instantly that eye<br />

-- ~- - -

0oJUm&PONDDCL 486<br />

again looked straight into my eyes for at least a whole minute;<br />

I understood, <strong>and</strong> my joy is renewed every time I think of this<br />

great revelation.<br />

<strong>The</strong> next great problem was, that "If God is creating man<br />

<strong>and</strong> woman after His own Divine Image," as I am sure God<br />

was <strong>and</strong> is working every moment in bis creations: why did<br />

God have one eye <strong>and</strong> mortals two eyes? What would a mortal<br />

look like with only one eye? How badly I wanted to know!<br />

lo my mind God was all right, but I was not eo sure about<br />

myself; hence my hungry, earnest desire for more underst<strong>and</strong>ing.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re has never been a day, for years, but what I have<br />

desired wisdom <strong>and</strong> understa~diog. I have always felt that if<br />

I could gain these two absolute requisites I would be able to<br />

ac<strong>com</strong>plish all I ought to. I have always felt that I had not a<br />

moment to lose. It was only last year that this wonderful deaire<br />

or question was answered. On it all can depend: it is the<br />

Rock of Ages; the Star of Bethlehem; the Christ t<br />

I lay down one afternoon to rest <strong>and</strong> be still Soon I<br />

heard the words "Look <strong>and</strong> Underst<strong>and</strong>,'' ao<strong>com</strong>paoied by an<br />

electric ftaah of light, a quick jerk of my right eye <strong>and</strong> it<br />

stung as if an an eletric current bad suddenly been turned<br />

on me <strong>and</strong> ran down to the right ovary; then the voioe said,<br />

0 This ia the immortal Seed!" I saw thia eye of light rest<br />

or poise over the little round globule or seed; I saw delicate<br />

rays of light begin to form through the little germ until<br />

every vein <strong>and</strong> part of the human mechanism was <strong>com</strong>plete;<br />

then I 11&w a beautiful male child lying on eome aoft fluffy<br />

atuff, resembling a half open sack, then the voice of Logoa<br />

aaid: ••<strong>The</strong> manger or place of birth of the Sona of God!" <strong>The</strong>o<br />

another instantaneous ftaah of electric light from the left eye.<br />

<strong>and</strong> I waa looking at the seed germ in the left ovary; the aame<br />

proceea went on until I saw a perfect female child. <strong>The</strong>n the<br />

voice said: "God's daughter, or Divine oonceptionl" <strong>The</strong> word<br />

or Voice continued' "Thia Seed firat brings forth a mortal that<br />

muat put on immortality." <strong>The</strong>n vibrating began all through<br />

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486 Tea B101..001CAL JouuAL<br />

my body, <strong>and</strong> the V oioe asked, 0 Who is God's other eye?" Before<br />

I ooold help it 1 answered: "My life; all life! Oh, the aoft,<br />

1 weet answer, ••Yee," by the Voice or Logos.<br />

Truly 1 know; any man or woman that makes bad nae of the<br />

Vital Germ, or Mighty Atom, wa."te& the M~"ter's Goods, <strong>and</strong><br />

the lON to auch a aoul is terrible. <strong>The</strong>re is a Double Birth<br />

gestating or being brought forth in me, that 1 am being per·<br />

mitted to ~e at intervals or as fast as my growth permit.a.<br />

I see that the two light.a in the alhel'ing eye are God'• two<br />

eyes; in other words, Son <strong>and</strong> Moon. Our Moon eye only<br />

ligbta ua Ly day, <strong>and</strong> we see through a glass dimly; bot when<br />

by the fires of transmutation the hnmao body is cleansed, our<br />

whole body will be 611..-d with the Father of Light.a.<br />

Man <strong>and</strong> woman have always had this perfect eye or life,<br />

but their bodies have not been brought up t.o the proper growth<br />

or condition that each one can know this for himself. It ia<br />

preposterous for a num or woman to think that God oan <strong>and</strong><br />

will do all, while they are constantly destroying their bodiea,<br />

more than life <strong>and</strong> light can build it up.<br />

I see that the electric eurrent that starts from the center of<br />

the right eye from within, causes motion, <strong>and</strong> that action cau11e1<br />

aound or tone; tone forms the letter of the alphabet on the deacending<br />

soale in <strong>and</strong> through the body to the end of the right<br />

toe, &11eending to the h.mrt, where, that little valve opens <strong>and</strong><br />

abuts, like a pump drawing water. I will call this vlace middle<br />

C in music, or Divine masculine haas voice or logoe. From<br />

the heart descending down to the toe <strong>and</strong> up to the left eye,<br />

Divine Feminine treble voice or logos. Thia makes a oomplete<br />

key board in music. Now then, when they sing, I bear<br />

them: when they talk to me, I underst<strong>and</strong> them,-! mean<br />

the divine masculine <strong>and</strong> feminine of myself, God's life <strong>and</strong><br />

light.<br />

Yours faithfully <strong>and</strong> lovingly in Christ,<br />

Mn. Alice A. Sobafer.<br />

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NORWICH, CONN. JUNE 25, 1901.<br />

Dear Friends:-W c are in receipt of your esteemed favor of<br />

the 19th iost. <strong>and</strong> oote contents carefully. <strong>The</strong> two books have<br />

also <strong>com</strong>e in <strong>and</strong> 1 shall examine them with great interest <strong>and</strong><br />

care. <strong>The</strong> little books also came to h<strong>and</strong>, but I have been ao<br />

exceedingly busy; working from 6.ve in the moruing until nine<br />

<strong>and</strong> ten at night,-during the past fortnight, that I have not<br />

liad the time to examine them thoroughly. Shall do so at the<br />

first opportunity.<br />

We are certainly engaged in a wonderf nl work. <strong>The</strong> millenial<br />

glory is fast appearing <strong>and</strong> the new age ia manifesting<br />

itself, <strong>and</strong> thous<strong>and</strong>s are seeing the light. We are together<br />

wol'king for a glorious end. I realize, at I state in "Perfect<br />

'Health," that we must have the two wings (Truth for the body<br />

<strong>and</strong> Truth for the mind) in order to have Perfect Health <strong>and</strong><br />

Perfect Salvation, <strong>and</strong> to be regenerated <strong>and</strong> not put through<br />

the grave.<br />

I am glad we are to co.oporate in thia noble work. I will<br />

have 1,000 circulars of "Perfect Health" with your imprint,<br />

<strong>and</strong> forward them to you as soon at poasible.<br />

. Shall be glad to bear from you often.<br />

Yours for the emancipation of the race from sin, diHMe ud<br />

death, <strong>and</strong> in· Perfect Health,<br />

Charlea C. Haalr.ell.<br />

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Thia i9aae cloem the 8.nt year <strong>and</strong> Tolwne of <strong>The</strong> Oocalt<br />

ud Biologioal Joarnal. b bu been a yar of obaop with u;<br />

bat obaop in God's order meaoa evolutionary de\'elopmea&.<br />

riaing from a lower to a higher l&atei <strong>and</strong> we oan .-dily 188<br />

in eYflrJ department of our work that the obaop bu been for<br />

the better.<br />

Notwitbat<strong>and</strong>ing the multitude of IO-C&lled Mto tlwuglat lUerature<br />

that ia being ciroolated, our Journal ia rapidly gaining<br />

favor among the people, <strong>and</strong> our 1ublcription li1t ia muoh larger<br />

than it wu when we oeued publishing <strong>The</strong> Eeot.erio. We<br />

oomider the few notiaet to diaoootioae, that we have reoaiTed,<br />

a good indication that we are serving an important me in the<br />

world.<br />

Io order that the <strong>com</strong>ing year may be made a year of IOO­<br />

- auob u we deserve; or in other words, auoh u we believe<br />

the people need; it will be neoeuary that each aubaoriber a,.<br />

oom• a volDDtary agent to aolicit at least one new 1ubeoriber,<br />

that our 1ubaoriptioo liat may be doubled.<br />

When we began our publio work, we deoided to continue u<br />

long u it would be support.eel; <strong>and</strong> the mooeu of the work<br />

would be the evidence whether we were Mrving a uee in the<br />

world, or not. <strong>The</strong> work baa been supported <strong>and</strong> ia moving on,<br />

<strong>and</strong> while we haTe had muoh expense out of the regular order,<br />

we are virtually out of debt. Thia alone is oonoluaive that the<br />

people feel the need of our thought, <strong>and</strong> al'e willing to 1upport<br />

it; <strong>and</strong> now that we are, u we believe, nearing a oriaee in the<br />

buine11 world, thoae that are intereated in our thought &Dd<br />

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method.a for lelf development, should turn their attention ill a<br />

apeoial manner toward bringing thia work to the attentioA of<br />

othera, <strong>and</strong>, in abort, toward oanying it forward to the aooomplishment<br />

of it.a object; namely, the inaugnration here on earth<br />

of a higher <strong>and</strong> bett.er aooial, politioal <strong>and</strong> religioaa life; but the<br />

aooial <strong>and</strong> politioal maat follow the religious; for with aa the ,.<br />

ligioua ia alao the acientHlo. It ia a knowledge of the lan of nature;<br />

the lan of creation; <strong>and</strong> a harmonious conformation to the<br />

requirement.a oftheae lawa; for, by law, God created the univene,<br />

<strong>and</strong> we are here by virtue of that fact. Jeaua truly said: ••Ye<br />

shall know the truth, <strong>and</strong> the truth aball make you free." Thia<br />

ia a prerequisite to inaugnrating the higher order of ciriliDtion<br />

for which <strong>The</strong> <strong>Occult</strong> <strong>and</strong> Biological Journal ataoda h..<br />

fore the world.<br />

w f' have been offering. in the way of a premhun, the mac·<br />

ulne "Mind" in connection · with <strong>The</strong> <strong>Occult</strong> <strong>and</strong> Biological<br />

Journal, beoaue we feel that "Mind" ia the 1-.dins<br />

<strong>journal</strong> in occult thought. Among all the magsinea that aN<br />

bronght to our att.ention, there ia none, according to our judgment,<br />

that oontaioa auch olear advanoed thought u thia one.<br />

We wish to oall attention to an error in our book list in ,...<br />

prd to the price of" A Comprehensive Goide Book to Natural,<br />

Hygienic, <strong>and</strong> Humane Diet," by Sydney H. Beard. <strong>The</strong> price<br />

siven ia la, or 25o; it should be, paper, 60o.; cloth, 11.00.<br />

We quote the following from a notioe received from Chu.<br />

F. Burgman; who represent.a the Mental Soienoe Ayoo\a.<br />

tion:-<strong>and</strong> "Freedom,"-a weekly <strong>journal</strong>, edited by Mn.<br />

Helen Wilmana.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> MCOnd annual ConHn&ion of Mental Scientiate. which will<br />

CODYene at Sea Breese, Florida, beginning NoHmber 28th next. <strong>and</strong><br />

remaining in .... ion until all the bmin .. to be brooght up for OODo<br />

lideratioD baa been diapoMd of, ii beginnins already at t.bia earl7<br />

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day to arouae a good deal of intereet." Any desiring further information<br />

ahould addreaa Chu. F. Burgman, National Secretar7,<br />

Kent&l Science AllllOCiation, Sea Breese, Florida."<br />

We wish the convention ahuudut suooess.<br />

. ,..._<br />

<strong>The</strong> movement referred to in the followiug quotation from a<br />

circular letter received, is certainly a atep in the right direo­<br />

&ion; <strong>and</strong> while we are not acquainted with it.s promulgators,<br />

we heartily wish thew success.<br />

"..4. Few of the Purp


AND<br />


•<br />




. VOL. I.<br />


FROM SEYI'EMBER 1900, TO<br />

AUGUST 1901.<br />

OOPDIQBDD 1900-1901, BY B. L llU!LIL<br />


~ •• QALIJ'()UU..<br />

1901. .

Piii' .A.03.<br />

Tbe aim of <strong>The</strong> Oocuh <strong>and</strong> Biological Journal ia '1ro-fold: tint, it endea•on lo annll<br />

to the ltuclent &he myateri• of &he higher wutha for which the W eetern mind<br />

II DOW eeeking in the m71ticiam of the put <strong>and</strong> in Oriental religiona; ahowa the cor­<br />

Nlation of the dootrinee of the Orient <strong>and</strong> thoee of the Chrietian religion, <strong>and</strong> u.<br />

the wilclom of &he put lo &brow new light on Biblical text; <strong>and</strong>, eecondly, to thoee<br />

wbole delire it indiYidaal unfoldment, it gi•• a epecial coane of inmuctiona; pre­<br />

MDta me&hoda for iDcreuing the amonnt of life in &he organiam, for i&a <strong>com</strong>ena&ion<br />

<strong>and</strong> control, &baa inaaring the magnetic power eo neceeeary t.o 1&cceea in all direo·<br />

dou. It atudie1 the biology of &he uni•eree. ln•eatigatea &he Ian of life, tracing<br />

the coane of i&a unfoldment from i&I origin antU . it reach. the perfection of the<br />

baman orpniam. Calla Mtention lo i&a 1lHI <strong>and</strong> abaaet. Jta preeentation of the<br />

.oteric ICiencee ia coneiae <strong>and</strong> clear, alwaya emphui&ing their practical Yaloe.<br />

Although it woold eeem &hat &he number of new-thoughl publication.a now befon<br />

the people moat oertainly be greater than the dem<strong>and</strong>, y9' we feel that no apology ia<br />

nece•·ry in ottering &he public a <strong>journal</strong> which we beliHe poueaw exoeptional<br />

facilitiee for preeenting lin• of &bought heretofore neglected, <strong>and</strong> which the peop<br />

aow dem<strong>and</strong> for practical aae.

llA.BCB, CCam.)<br />

T_,..~ .<br />

&!ward Ennt& Bale . •<br />

Wbn ... s.p BeciM to .,_<br />

(P-) . . . . .<br />

11,.aie llilliltry • . •<br />

TIM Swen.& Sa.g. (P-)<br />

Wlmnw la, la riPt .<br />

.&.-. (lawn) .<br />

Deli--oo- al CllanieW<br />

eon.,-'••<br />

Book BeTiewa •<br />

•lli.orial<br />

APRIL. lllOl.<br />

PablieT-mg . .<br />

Qaod Brat llemoMtrud­<br />

N- Pnetieal ~<br />

Ta-(1..n) .<br />

Comm111Wt( W"rtla Oocl<br />

A V°•w alLif•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

m,_ s. Gnm&<br />

n.. .bdbUte &her<br />

T1i• Wall (Poe•)<br />

Ni=eti- al a.u...<br />

~~-<br />

Bditmial<br />

11.AY, lllOL<br />

00.NID'l'S OP VOL l<br />

·--­-ll70<br />

275<br />

ll78<br />

277<br />

m<br />

281<br />

286<br />

288<br />

211()<br />

291<br />

:sr<br />

300<br />

30'1<br />

308<br />

3UI<br />

316<br />

319<br />

320<br />

32lS<br />

328<br />

330<br />

181<br />

384<br />

340<br />

341<br />

146<br />

36i<br />

JUNK, lllOl.<br />

11..~ia-~al<br />

dae Wad.I • . • •<br />

To-day CP-) .<br />

llaa • 16.iatue Sa<br />

om..w-......<br />

N•w Pndieal lletliocla .<br />

n.. c-tnl, Vital Trmla<br />

Oocl ia Loft<br />

Jolua W··-k•<br />

C.-(1..n) . .<br />

Doli-- al CJawter •<br />

ec. • .., _. •<br />

BookRrnen<br />

Bdit.arial<br />

AUGUST, lllOL<br />

Ol.uinp ir.- dae Jr.- .<br />

n. Pmpo. ia the CNaticiD al<br />

daeWorld • • • •<br />

TIM V-moa al God. CP-> •<br />

N- Pnctical .Medioda •<br />

Immc.ta1ity<br />

Karma . . • <strong>The</strong> DaWflitic LiP& •<br />

Virgo (I-n) . •<br />

Dr. Oliffl' WeDc1ell Holmm<br />

DeJm.tioD of Cbanct.<br />

~---.<br />

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A NEW BOOK...--.....<br />

Consisting of 50 Selections from Letters<br />

Written By<br />


To One of Hie Dleclplea<br />


- _i<br />

<strong>The</strong> Highway ia within ua.<br />

<strong>The</strong> etarting-point ia at the junctlun of the eyee within. -Sec:J.<br />

A BEAUTIFUL <strong>and</strong> artietic book, prln\ed on heavy paper, <strong>and</strong> bound In brown <strong>and</strong> linen; llulbl•<br />

ooven. <strong>The</strong> following quotation from th• Preface lndicatee the value of lte contente:-<br />

"THIS BOOKLET ie a string of 11elections from some private letters reeeived from the late Ral SaUc<br />

Ram Bahadur, who, having attained the perfection of epirituallty, led thoue<strong>and</strong>e of hie c11untrr·<br />

men to a knowledge of the higher life <strong>and</strong> nobler poeaibilltlee of human exiltence.<br />

l11ued a11d for aale b11<br />

Price, 50 cente, poet-paid.<br />



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!ff llllt.\~I E. llrTl.El{. _<br />

l'lrttt Lectare.-Tbe Idea of Gud. 1 he J>t"Ol•le of all age• •·barat rn:i\'c -.:ll~·t·tN ouJ~ -' 'ull"t'!t art.·tlu.hu.'tin·ly th·tc-rmiu~l Ly n-uou. I>· f. <strong>The</strong><br />

\\omkr• of will. 10. !'>. ) aln-.·h. "I will Ix• whut I will to be," j'· 6. t'pare 1\11.,d <strong>and</strong> 111·<br />

t~rllll«J with "01 hi• l111••ri •. r '" e1u·h otl1Pr-ord~1 <strong>and</strong> lntt'l l11en

<strong>The</strong> Zodiacal Indicator<br />

--·--·-... _ ··--<br />

1:-: .. : ~ -;,::·:·_ .. . ..<br />

~r~ .;~:{f {:.i<br />

Thi>< in•trument is probably the m o~t perfect mechanical device yt1t con­<br />

"tru('ted fo r tlnding the ri"ing >

~ WELTi\ER'S i\AGAZINE. ~<br />

* more fully on the occult :mbjet.s of the present day than any<br />

• other publication in existence. It deals with Psychic Healing,<br />

· : :::piritual Philosophy, Christian ~cience <strong>and</strong> all other kindred<br />

Treats subjects. It contains articles from some of the most thoroughly<br />

practical minds in this country; its columns are ooen to all<br />

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- 1900. -<br />

<strong>The</strong> Esoteric Ephemeris has been so enlarged for the year 1900 as to contain nearly 50 pegee,<br />

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Volume I.<br />

Should be Read by Every Esoteric Student.<br />

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Applegate, California.<br />

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1901<br />

Becall88 of its accuracy <strong>and</strong> Crom the faet that it givee data<br />

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<strong>The</strong> work contaiDB <strong>com</strong>plete data for finding the time of ruing of Zodiacal Sia111,<br />

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Special Tables for finding the time of rialng of the aigna at Boaton, New York,<br />

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tilde of tbe Moon to mlaatee of arc for every day In the year; allO Sidereal Time<br />

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