26.02.2013 Aufrufe

Seilziehen - Seilziehklub Stans-Oberdorf

Seilziehen - Seilziehklub Stans-Oberdorf

Seilziehen - Seilziehklub Stans-Oberdorf


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Welcome to our 30th anniversary in <strong>Stans</strong><br />

Once again the "Tug-of-War" Club <strong>Oberdorf</strong> is holding an international<br />

tournament, but this time to celebrate our 30th anniversary. We want to<br />

welcome all contestants, functionaries, sponsors, friends, fans and the<br />

audience to Central Switzerland. The preparations have been going on for<br />

weeks and this year, exceptionally, contests will also take place on a Monday.<br />

We will exert our best efforts to offer you an entertaining, eventful, and<br />

hopefully memorable weekend.<br />

Our Club would be pleased if your stay with us, whether short or long,<br />

promotes "Tug-of-War" as a fair and interesting sport.<br />

Christof Schmitter, President<br />


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