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kresh<br />

(im)possibilities<br />

k/haus Galerie<br />

Eröffnung 16. Mai 2013, 19 Uhr<br />

17. Mai – 16. Juni 2013<br />

For centuries, Aristotle stated that there is a perfect<br />

stacking in which tetrahedra fill all without leaving space<br />

– a stacking to 100%. According to him, “it’s accepted<br />

that there are only three plane figures that can fill the<br />

plane: triangle, quadrilateral and hexagon, and only two<br />

solids, the pyramid and the cube.” In its reasoning, it is<br />

clear that these “figures” refer to polygons and regular<br />

polyhedra, and that the “pyramid” in question is evidently<br />

a regular tetrahedron. This belief has become a<br />

dogma, an absolute truth. And for a long time, and<br />

without a single questioning, we have inherited of it.<br />

The error went unnoticed for almost 1800 years, until<br />

a German, Johannes Müller (1436-1476), known as<br />

Regiomontanus, revealed it.<br />

kresh, the beginning, the present and the end of<br />

time, 2012, stainless steel, diameter 200 cm

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