27.01.2015 Aufrufe

Reifung des Stirnhirns

Reifung des Stirnhirns

Reifung des Stirnhirns


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Facit<br />

Results demonstrate the way an anatomical disconnection<br />

syndrom in psychosis will develop by graded processes<br />

depending on the severity of trauma:<br />

• In a first step (non-invasive challenge of dopamine) the degraded<br />

glutamatergic efflux from the malfunctional developing prefrontal<br />

cortex suppresses maturation of both LIII and LV pyramids<br />

• In a second step (more severe challenge) the degraded efflux from the<br />

prefrontal cortex induces a suppressive LIII collateralisation and an<br />

oversprouting of exclusively LV collaterals<br />

• Presumably, this dissoziation may result from the preservation of<br />

transient LV fibre surplus values which characterise the postnatal<br />

pyramidal development

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