24.11.2012 Aufrufe

Curriculum vitae Gert Höffken - Deutsche Gesellschaft für ...

Curriculum vitae Gert Höffken - Deutsche Gesellschaft für ...

Curriculum vitae Gert Höffken - Deutsche Gesellschaft für ...


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Publikationen seit 1999<br />

<strong>Höffken</strong>, G., Pasold, R., Pflüger, K.H., Finke, J., Fauser, A.A., Szelenyi, H., Wagner, J. and the<br />

German Multicentre Study Group. An open, randomized , multicentre study comparing the use of<br />

low-dose ceftazidime or cefotaxime, both in combination with netilmicin, in febrile neutropenic<br />

patients. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. 1999; 44: 367-376<br />

Publication on Phase IV study<br />

<strong>Höffken</strong>, G., Bäthge, G., Kiderlen, A.F..<br />

Pathogenese der Pneumocystis carinii Pneumonie.<br />

Pneumologie 1999; 53: 530-538<br />

<strong>Höffken</strong>, G.<br />

Epidemiology of respiratory tract infection.<br />

European Respiratory Review 2000; 10: 149-155<br />

<strong>Höffken</strong>, G.<br />

Is the use of narrow-spectrum antibiotics too narrow-minded in the treatment of severe infections?<br />

Clinical Microbiology and Infection 2000; 6 (Suppl. 2): 7-10<br />

Landen, H, Möller, M, Tillotson, GS, Kubin, R, <strong>Höffken</strong>, G.<br />

Clinical experience in Germany of treating community-acquired respiratory infections with the new<br />

8-Methoxyfluoroquinolone, Moxifloxacin.<br />

The Journal of International Medical Research 2001; 29: 51-60<br />

Rubens, C., Ewert, R., Halank, M., Wensel, R., Orzechowski, H.-D., Schultheiss H.-P., <strong>Höffken</strong>, G.<br />

Big-Endothelin-1 and Endothelin-1 Plasma Levels are Correlated With the Severity of Primary<br />

Pulmonary Hypertension.<br />

Chest 2001; 120: 1562-1569<br />

<strong>Höffken</strong>, G., Meyer, HP, Winter, J, Verhoef, L., CAP1 Study Group.<br />

The efficacy and safety of two oral moxifloxacin regimens compared to oral clarithromycin in the<br />

treatment of community-acquired pneumonia.<br />

Respiratory Medicine 2001; 95: 553-564<br />

Publication on Phase III study<br />

Jung, C., Buhl, M., Eichler, I., Borner, K., <strong>Höffken</strong>, G., Offermann, G.<br />

Orales versus intravenöses Ganciclovir in der präemptiven Therapie der Zytomegalievirusinfektion<br />

nach Nierentransplantation.<br />

Transplantationsmedizin 2001; 13: 37-43<br />

Gillissen, A., <strong>Höffken</strong>, G.<br />

Early therapy with neuraminidase inhibitor oseltamivir maximizes its efficacy in influenza treatment.<br />

Med. Microbiol. Immunol. 2002; 191: 165-168<br />

<strong>Höffken</strong>, G., Vogel, F., Huber, C.<br />

Wirksamkeit von Ceftazidim bei schweren nosokomialen Infektionen<br />

Chemotherapie-Journal 2002; 11: 207-213<br />

Finch, R., Schürmann, D., Collins, O., Kubin, R., McGivern, J., Bobbaers, H., Izquierdo, J.L.,<br />

Nikolaides, P., Ogundare, F., Raz, R., Zuck, P., <strong>Höffken</strong>, G.<br />

A randomised controlled trial of sequential intravenous (i.v.) and oral moxifloxacin compared with<br />

sequential i.v. and oral co-amoxiclav with or without clarithromycin in patients with communityacquired<br />

pneumonia requiring initial parenteral treatment.<br />

Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 2002; 46: 1746-1754<br />

Publication on Phase III study<br />

<strong>Höffken</strong>, G., Gillissen, A.

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