13.07.2015 Aufrufe

Spiel- und Platzordnung - Golfclub Münster-Wilkinghege e.V.

Spiel- und Platzordnung - Golfclub Münster-Wilkinghege e.V.

Spiel- und Platzordnung - Golfclub Münster-Wilkinghege e.V.


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inventory and rotate new stock to replace the old on grocery shelves, since itwould be easier to read a date than a closed code.• Sell-by-Date - Many food manufacturers place a "sell-by" date on the foodproduct package (milk, fresh poultry and meats, dairy products, eggs, corn oil,margarine, prepared salads) which indicates the last date the product shouldremain on the grocer's shelf, on the assumption that by then there is a significantloss in quality. Many consumers are confused as to the fitness and safety of foodproducts bearing sell-by dates, especially if they are purchased near or on the dateitself. "Is the product safe to eat?" or "Will it become spoiled or unsafe if it is heldtwo more days?" are questions frequently asked by consumers. Most foodmanufacturers include a 7 to 10 day home storage period in determining theirproduct sell-by date. This means the product should remain at acceptable qualitythis period of time after the sell-by date has expired, assuming proper homestorage. Some food processors indicate this on the package by words such as"Good for 10 Days beyond Date Stamped." In determining this date however, theprocessor must take into account the worst possible conditions during distribution.• Use-by Date - The straight forward approach of some food processors is to stampa "use-by date" on the package. Unfortunately, this implies the food becomesinedible or unsafe once the date has been exceeded, which may or may not be truedepending on conditions during storage and distribution. Thus, the date ismisleading and confusing to consumers. Foods properly handled duringdistribution would be safe and nutritious long after their use-by date. On the otherhand, if the use-by date were ignored by the grocer and consumer, quality wouldbe lost gradually over time. Again, the determination of a food product use-bydate requires careful study by the manufacturer. Generally, food processorspresume the worst possible shipping and holding conditions the product mightencounter when choosing a specific use-by date for each food (cheese,mayonnaise, pizza, fresh orange juice, etc.). Actually, many of the food productson grocery shelves will still be of high quality even though the use-by date hasexpired. This system can also be confusing to the grocer, who removes past-datefood to a special store location and sells it at a lower price.• Best-if-used-by Date - "Best-if-used-by dates" are now being used on severalfood products (snack foods, breakfast cereals, baby food, luncheon meats, saladdressings, butter and rice products).This term eliminates some of the confusioninherent in the "sell-by date," by implying that the product is still usable after thedate shown, but probably of decreasing quality. In establishing such a date, thefood manufacturer must consider not only factors such as processing, storage, anddistribution (which affect product quality), but also home handling practices overwhich he or she has no control. Thus, because of the almost infinite number ofadverse conditions a package may experience, it is apparent that to accuratelypredict the exact shelf life of a food product is impossible! Consequently, nomatter which date food processors use, consumers still have to take a chance intheir purchase. Yet, the best-if-used-by date appears to give the consumer the

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