23.01.2018 Aufrufe

Notizbücher und Kalender/Agenden mit Firmenlogo bedruckt

Trotz Tablet-PCs und anderen elektronischen "Werkzeugen" hält sich das Notizbuch unangefochten über Wasser. Vielleicht genau deshalb, weil es so schnell einsatzbereit ist und überall hin mitgenommen werden kann.

Trotz Tablet-PCs und anderen elektronischen "Werkzeugen" hält sich das Notizbuch unangefochten über Wasser. Vielleicht genau deshalb, weil es so schnell einsatzbereit ist und überall hin mitgenommen werden kann.


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The amount of recycled paper in production has increased in recent years and<br />

months, and we expect that the industry will continue to place much greater emphasis<br />

on sustainable materials in the future. We plan to produce our stock models<br />

from 100% recycled materials by the year 2025.<br />


We as a company are FSC certified and offer the possibility of climate-neutral<br />

production, for which we are a partner of ClimatePartner. Through ClimatePartner,<br />

we support tree planting projects for CO2 compensation.<br />

Short delivery routes are guarenteed through production locations in Germany<br />

and Central Europe.<br />

All MYRIX stock models are made of FSC certified paper and are produced climate<br />

neutral. Special productions according to customer requirements are realized with<br />

recycled papers to a large extent. We are also happy to realize upcycling projects<br />

with our customers. Paper cuttings from production are fed into the recycling<br />

cycle to ensure sustainability in the value chain.<br />


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