04.05.2020 Aufrufe

(PDF) Download Reckless Memories (Wrecked, #1) *by Catherine Cowles

I loved him before I knew what the word meant. From skinned knees to first dates and everything in between. But he was never mine to love. I settled for friendship, even though I always wanted more. That was before. Before he ripped my world apart and didn?t bother sticking around to help me pick up the pieces. I knit every last shred back together all on my own. And I?ve all but forgotten his name. Now, he?s back, and everything is torn apart once more. But he?s not the only one doing the tearing this time. And there might be no stopping the person who has it out for us both. #readingbooks #audiobooks #epic, #topbooks2020 #bestbooksof2020 #bestbooks2020,#coffeeandbooks #booksofig #booksandcoffee,#2020readingchallenge #readingchallenge #readinghabit,#collectionr #pdf #pdfpattern

I loved him before I knew what the word meant. From skinned knees to first dates and everything in between. But he was never mine to love. I settled for friendship, even though I always wanted more. That was before. Before he ripped my world apart and didn?t bother sticking around to help me pick up the pieces. I knit every last shred back together all on my own. And I?ve all but forgotten his name. Now, he?s back, and everything is torn apart once more. But he?s not the only one doing the tearing this time. And there might be no stopping the person who has it out for us both.

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Reckless Memories (Wrecked, #1)

Author : Catherine Cowles Pages : 330 pages Publisher : Pagesmith LLC

Language : eng ISBN-10 : 51203911 ISBN-13 : 9781733596381

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