Das Jahrbuch der Deutschen Europäischen Schule Manila (DESM) 2019/20 The Yearbook of the German European School Manila (GESM) 2019/20

Das Jahrbuch der Deutschen Europäischen Schule Manila (DESM) 2019/20
The Yearbook of the German European School Manila (GESM) 2019/20


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Gemeinsam für die Zukunft lernen!


Entsprechend dem Konzept

lebenslangen Lernens vermittelt die

Deutsche Europäische Schule Manila

die Fähigkeiten, sich als Weltbürger für

einenachhaltige Zukunft einzusetzen.


Learning together for our future!


The German European

School Manila empowers global

citizens as lifelong learners

committed to a sustainable future.


Wir sind eine lernende Schulgemeinschaft,

die den Schülerinnen und Schülern

hervorragende Bildung in Deutsch und

Englisch nach den höchsten international

anerkannten Standards vermittelt.

Als Teil des Eurocampus auf den

Philippinen bieten wir einzigartige

Möglichkeiten für interkulturelles Lernen

und gegenseitiges Verständnis im Geiste

europäischer Bildungs- und


Unser von Vertrauen und gegenseitiger

​ Unterstützung geprägtes Schulleben

ermöglicht es den Schülerinnen und

Schülern, ihre individuelle Persönlichkeit zu

entwickeln und selbstbestimmte und

verantwortungsvolle Menschen zu werden.

Wir bereiten unsere Schülerinnen und

Schüler darauf vor, im deutschsprachigen

Raum und in anderen Ländern der Welt

erfolgreich zu studieren,

zu leben und zu arbeiten.

Als Experten für Erziehung und Bildung

reflektieren wir unser Wirken

und entwickeln uns gemeinsam weiter.


We are a learning community that provides

our students with an excellent education in

German and English, following the highest

internationally accepted standards.

As part of Eurocampus in the Philippines,

we offer exceptional opportunities for

intercultural learning and understanding

in the spirit of European educational


Our caring and nurturing environment

allow students to develop their unique

personalities and become independent and

responsible individuals.

We prepare our students to successfully

study, live and work in German-speaking

and other countries across the globe.

As professional practitioners, we reflect,

learn, and grow together.





Anke Reiffenstuel,

German Ambassador.....................08

Christoph-Boris Frank,

Head of School.............................09

Tobias Hoschka for the GESM Board…....10

Parents’ Advisory Council (GEB)...............11





The School Staff……………………………12

Teaching Staff.....…………………………..14

EIS Staff..............………………………..16





Nature’s Wrath……..........................…......19

The Pandemic…….....….............................20


Together We Prevail….............................21

Experiences of Digital Schooling...........22





German Kindergarten.................................28

International Kindergarten........................30




















Creativity, Activity, Service……………......120




36, 66, 96, 124





Book Week, Martinstag......................36-37

Halloween, Christmas, Nikolaustag.....38-41

Environment Week................................ 66-67

Fasching, Sports Days.......................... 68-71

Class Trips, Student Exchange...........96-103

Job Experience Week................................. 104

Career Day, University Fair................108-111

Visual Arts Exhibit.................................... 124

Mid-Year Awarding...................................126




Learning German......................................132





Liebe Schülerinnen und Schüler, liebe Eltern, Lehrerinnen und Lehrer, Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter der

Deutschen Europäischen Schule Manila,

dieses Schuljahr, das begonnen hat wie viele andere zuvor, geht zu Ende, wie wir es uns noch vor kurzem

nicht hätten vorstellen können. Die letzten Wochen und Monate waren geprägt von der weltweiten COVID-

19-Pandemie, die viele Bereiche und Facetten unseres Zusammenlebens und des täglichen Miteinanders auf

absehbare Zeit verändern wird.

Wir müssen gemeinsam darauf achten und daran arbeiten, dass „social distancing“ sich dabei auf physische

Distanz beschränkt und den Geist von Solidarität und Zusammengehörigkeit von Gemeinschaften und in

Gesellschaften nicht zerstört. Die DESM hat sich diese Prinzipien schon in ihrem Pädagogischen Leitbild auf die

Fahnen geschrieben.

Neuen Formen und Formaten der Kommunikation und Zusammenarbeit, auch im virtuellen Raum und der

Nutzung sozialer Medien kommt dabei eine wichtige Rolle zu. Das globale Ausmaß dieser aktuellen Krise

führt uns eindringlich vor Augen, dass wir eine solch immense Herausforderung nur gemeinsam und in

enger internationaler Zusammenarbeit erfolgreich meistern können.

Die Weltgemeinschaft hat hierfür mit der Einrichtung kompetenter internationaler Foren, Institutionen und

Organisationen in den letzten Jahrzehnten ein leistungsfähiges Instrumentarium geschaffen. Solidarität und das

gemeinsame Verständnis über Werte und Ziele waren dabei stets verlässliche Grundpfeiler. An vielen Orten der

Welt erleben wir jedoch derzeit, wie das Verständnis erodiert, im Interesse aller gemeinsam zu handeln und von

Populismus und nationalen Eigeninteressen überlagert wird. Gleichzeitig ist es ermutigend zu sehen, wie eng

Koordinierung und Abstimmung in der EU und ganz Europa in der aktuellen Krisenbewältigung erfolgt, und dass

sich gegenseitiges Vertrauen und Zusammenarbeit gerade in der Krise bewähren.

Die Deutsche Europäische Schule Manila als EUROCAMPUS- und UNESCO-Schule repräsentiert diesen europäischen und internationalen Geist, auch in Krisen solidarisch

zusammenzustehen und gemeinsam an Lösungen zu arbeiten, dabei partnerschaftlich mit anderen Ländern zusammenzuarbeiten.

Die COVID-19-Pandemie bietet auch die Chance, neue Wege und Potentiale für eine verstärkte Zusammenarbeit mit philippinischen Partnern zu entdecken. Um die über

Jahrhunderte gewachsenen engen Verbindungen zwischen Europa und den Philippinen mit neuen Ideen zukunftsfähig zu gestalten, ist nicht zuletzt die junge Generation


Daher freue ich mich, dass als Leitgedanke für dieses Jahrbuch der Schule „Zusammenhalt /togetherness “ gewählt wurde, der ja auch für das Leitbild wesentlich ist. Ich

wünsche allen, die in diesem Jahr ihren Abschluss an der DESM machen und die Schule verlassen, aber auch allen anderen Mitgliedern der Schulgemeinschaft , den in

dieser Krise gewachsenen Gemeinschaftsgeist/ spirit of togetherness auf ihrem künftigen Weg zu bewahren und weiter mit Leben zu füllen!

Dear students, parents, teachers and staff of the German European School Manila,

This school year - which began in much the same manner as any - is coming to an end in a way that a short while ago none of us could ever have imagined. The last weeks

and months were marked by the worldwide COVID -19 pandemic , which will change many facets of our daily life together for the foreseeable future. We must work

together to ensure that social distancing is limited to physical distance and does not destroy the spirit of solidarity and togetherness of communities and societies. The

GESM has already committed itself to these principles in its educational mission statement.

New forms and formats of communication and cooperation, including that of the virtual sphere and social media, have an important role to play in this. The global scale

of this current crisis is a powerful reminder that we can only successfully overcome such an immense challenge together, with close international cooperation. In the past

decades , the international community has created a set of reliable avenues for this purpose by establishing competent international forums , institutions and

organizations . Solidarity and a common understanding of values and goals have always been reliable foundations . In many places in the world , however , we are

currently witnessing the erosion of this understanding and how populism and national self-interest are overshadowing the importance of working together towards the

communal interest of all. Meanwhile it is encouraging to see just how close and cooperative efforts have been in the EU and Europe as a whole, and that mutual trust and

cooperation are proving their worth, especially in times of crisis.

The German European School Manila as part of the Eurocampus and as a UNESCO School represents this European and international spirit, standing together in solidarity

even in crisis and working together on solutions, in partnership with other countries.

The COVID-19 pandemic also presents us with the opportunity to discover new ways and potentials for increased cooperation with Philippine partners. In keeping the

centuries-old ties between Europe and the Philippines forward-looking with fresh ideas, the challenge rests not the least on the next generation.

I am therefore delighted that the school opted to don the mantle of “togetherness” as its yearbook theme. To all those graduating from the GESM and departing the

school this year, but also to all other members of the school community, I wish you the perseverance of the “spirit of togetherness” that has grown stronger in this crisis

and that it continues to live on whichever path lays ahead for you to tread!

Ambassador Anke Reiffenstuel


08Deutsche Europäische Schule Manila | German European School Manila



Liebe Eltern,

Liebe Schulgemeinschaft,

es sei mir erlaubt zum Ende unseres Schuljahres hin ein Bild aus der Luftfahrt zu bemühen.

Befinden wir uns nunmehr wohlbehalten kurz vor der Landung, so zeigt sich unser Schuljahr so eindrücklich wie

eine unvergessliche Flugreise.

Alle Passagiere, d.h. Schülerinnen und Schüller sowie sie als Familie freuten sich auf den Abflug, also das

neue Schuljahr, während die Fluggesellschaft namens DESM alles daran gesetzt hatte, das Fluggerät sowie die

Besatzung bestens auf den bevorstehenden Flug vorzubereiten.

Das Begrüßungs-BBQ und der Weihnachtsbazar – quasi die „Mahlzeiten“ zu Beginn und während des

Langsteckenflugs ausgegeben -, waren sorgfältig auf die Reise abgestimmt und kamen bei den Passagieren

sehr gut an.

Das Unterhaltungsprogramm – immer auch ein bevorzugtes Qualitätsmerkmal einer Fluggesellschaft – war breit

angelegt, während zudem zusteigende Gäste wie die neue deutsche Botschafterin, Vertreter aus Wirtschaft

und Gesellschaft, der Umwelt, ja selbst von Philippine Airlines das Programm mit ihrem Besuch beehrten und

dank ihrer Expertise für alle zu einer besonderen Erfahrung mit besonderem Genuss werden liesen.

Trügerisch der blaue Himmel über den Wolken während der Weihnachtsferien, denn schon bald sollte der

Flug auf erste Turbulenzen treffen. Der Ausbruch des Taal Vulkans erforderte ein notwendiges, wenn auch

gelungenes Ausweichmanöver, das man sonst nur bei heftigsten Taifun-Attacken kennt, von denen der Flug

bislang verschont geblieben war.

Kaum wieder in ruhigeren Sphären baute sich drohend eine Schlechtwetterfront auf, der man sich selbst mit

Hilfe eines bahnbrechenden Manövers nicht mehr auszuweichen in der Lage sah.

Covit 19 erstreckte sich unter dem lieblichen Pseudonym Corona über den gesamten Horizont.

Notfallmaßnahmen wurden umgehend eingeleitet, der Tower verständigt und alle Passagiere sowie die

gesamte Besatzung wurde über die herabfallenden Masken und Schläuche quasi online mit dem notwendigen

Sauerstoff versorgt.

Niemand hätte gedacht, dass die direkte Konfrontation mit diesem Ungeheuer und die Dauer, die sich nahezu über die gesamte zweite Hälfte des Fluges erstreckte,

dennoch höchst erfolgreich zum Zielflughafen führen würde.

Ein letztes Rütteln, eine letzte Turbulenz bevor die Räder des Fahrwerks wieder den festen Boden der Landebahn berühren und das beruhigende Gefühl, dass dank des

außergewöhnlichen Zusammenhalts von Passagieren und Besatzung das unmöglich Erscheinende erreicht werden konnte.

So gestärkt hoffen wir alle auf die Freigabe des nächsten Flugs im Vertrauen, dass uns nichts mehr zu erschüttern vermag.

Mit dieser kleinen Parabel möchte ich mich ausdrücklich bei allen Passagieren sowie der gesamten Besatzung ganz herzlich bedanken und wünsche Ihnen viel Spaß beim

Lesen und Blättern des diesjährigen Jahrbuchs.

Dear parents,

Dear members of our school community,

I would like to take the liberty of presenting a picture of aviation at the end of our school year.

Now that our landing gear is in place and we are safely on the approach to the airport, our school year is as impressive as an unforgettable flight.

All passengers, i.e. our students and their families, were looking forward to the departure. i.e. the new school year, while the airline GESM had done everything possible to

prepare the aircraft and the crew for the flight ahead.

The welcome BBQ and the Christmas bazaar - quasi the “meals” being served at the beginning and during the long-haul flight - were carefully tailored to the trip and were

very well received by the passengers.

The entertainment programme - always a preferred quality feature of an airline - was broadly based. At the same time, guests such as the new German ambassador,

representatives from business and society, the environment and even Philippine Airlines honoured the programme with their visit and, thanks to their expertise, made it a

unique experience and enjoyment for all.

Deceptively the blue sky above the clouds during the Christmas holidays, because soon the flight should hit first turbulences. The eruption of the Taal volcano required

a necessary, albeit successful, evasive manoeuvre, which is otherwise only known in the case of the most violent typhoon attacks, from which the flight had been spared

until now.

No sooner had the weather calmed down than an indeed threatening bad weather front began to build up, and even with the help of a ground-breaking manoeuvre, we

saw ourselves unable to avoid confrontation.

Covit 19 extended over the entire horizon under the lovely pseudonym “Corona”. Emergency measures were initiated immediately, the tower was notified, and all

passengers and the entire crew were supplied with the necessary oxygen virtually online via the falling masks and hoses.

Nobody would have thought that the direct confrontation and the duration over almost the entire second half of the flight would nevertheless lead us safely and successfully

to the final destination.

A last shaking, a last turbulence before the wheels of the landing gear are touching the solid ground of the runway again and the reassuring feeling that thanks to the solid

cohesion of passengers and crew, what seemed impossible could be achieved.

Thus strengthened, we all hope for the release of the next flight in confidence that nothing can shake us.

With this little parable, I would like to thank all passengers and the entire crew and company very much for what you have achieved. Enjoy this year’s yearbook and be sure

the story will go on.

Christoph-Boris Frank



Jahrbuch | Yearbook 2019-2020




Liebe Schülerinnen und Schüler, Eltern, Lehrkräfte, liebe

Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter,

das Ende dieses außergewöhnlichen Schuljahres ist ein guter

Zeitpunkt, über einige der Herausforderungen nachzudenken,

denen wir uns in diesem Jahr stellen mussten. Außerdem

können uns dabei bewusst machen, wie die Werte unserer

Schule uns dabei geleitet haben, um das Beste aus diesen

Herausforderungen zu machen.

Entsprechend unserem Schulmotto “Gemeinsam für die

Zukunft lernen” mussten wir neu definieren, was “gemeinsam”

bedeutet. Die schnelle Reaktion der Schule, eine erfolgreiche

Online-Plattform zu schaffen, schuf bei den Schülern, aber auch

bei den Lehrkräften ein Gefühl der Einheit und Verbundenheit.

“Gemeinsam lernen” schließt dabei auch uns Eltern ein, da wir

jetzt viel tiefere und nähere Einblicke in das haben, was und wie

unsere Kinder in der Schule lernen, da die Bilder und Geräusche

des Online-Lernens oft in unsere Wohnzimmer hineinreichen und

auch unsere Beteiligung und Mitwirkung erforderlich machen!

Natürlich kann das Online-Lernen die Präsenz im Klassenzimmer

nicht ersetzen, aber es hat neue Lernmöglichkeiten geboten:

Unsere Kinder haben ihre IT-Fähigkeiten, wie Power Point und

Online-Präsentationen, weiterentwickelt und verfeinert, und die

Verantwortung, das Lernen online zu organisieren und zu leisten,

hat ihre Unabhängigkeit und ihr Verantwortungsbewusstsein

gefördert, zwei der Kernwerte unserer Schule.

Mitgefühl ist ein weiterer wichtiger Wert der Schule, und

diese Krise hat reichlich Gelegenheit geboten, diese Tugend

auszuüben, denn es gibt so viele, die weniger Glück haben und

mit Arbeitsplatz- und Einkommensverlusten zu kämpfen haben,

während sie versuchen, gesund zu bleiben.

Unsere Schulgemeinschaft ist während dieser Krise enger

zusammengerückt, und man kann mit Fug und Recht sagen,

dass wir alle dazu beigetragen haben, die Herausforderung

anzunehmen. Chancen zu nutzen und in einer Krise positiv zu

bleiben, ist eine Lebenskompetenz, die unsere Kinder für den

Rest ihres Lebens zu schätzen wissen werden.

Dear students, parents, teachers and staff,

As we come to the end of this extraordinary school year, it is a

good time to reflect on some of the challenges that we have

faced and how the values of our school have contributed to

making the best of these challenges encountered.

In line with our school motto of “Learning together for the

future”, we had to redefine what “together” means. The school'

s quick response to create a successful online delivery

platform , created a sense of unity amongst the students , but

also amongst teachers. “Learning together” even includes us

parents , as we now have much closer insights into what our

kids are learning in school, given that the sights and sounds of

online learning often emanate into our living rooms and require

our participation!

While it is clear that online learning cannot replace classroom

presence, it has offered new learning opportunities: our children

have honed their IT skills, such as Power Point and online

presentations, and having to manage and deliver online has

fostered their independence and sense of responsibility , two

of the core values of our school.

Compassion is another of the school’s important values and this

crisis has provided ample opportunity to exercise this virtue,

as there are so many that are less fortunate , struggling with

losses of jobs and income, while trying to remain healthy.

The GESM community has come together throughout this crisis

and it is fair to say that we have all contributed to rise to the

challenge. Seeing opportunity and staying positive in a crisis is

a life skill that our children will treasure for the rest of their lives.

We would like to thank all of you who have contributed to the

success of GESM this school year. We wish you all some rest time

during the summer recess and look forward to starting the new

school year.

Wir bedanken uns bei allen, die zum Erfolg der DESM in diesem

Schuljahr beigetragen haben. Wir wünschen Ihnen allen etwas

Ruhe während der Sommerpause und freuen uns darauf, das

neue Schuljahr zu beginnen.

Der Vorstand der Deutschen Europäischen Schule Manila

The Board of the German European School Manila

Dr. Tobias Hoschka | Vorsitzender, Finanzen/Chair, Treasury

Bo Lundqvist | IT

Jeremy Glen | Recht/Legal

Lila Rosenberger | HR

Roland Odenthal | Marketing

Vahe Akillian | Planung, Bau/Planning Construction

10Deutsche Europäische Schule Manila | German European School Manila



Es war ein großartiges Jahr und die Leitung des GEB hat es

genossen, die Zeit ehrenamtlich zu nutzen, um einige der

Schulveranstaltungen zu organisieren und zu unterstützen. Wir

hatten auch in diesem Jahr das Glück, hart arbeitende und

engagierte Eltern zu haben, die jede Klasse vertraten und unsere

Treffen produktiv machten. Ein großes Dankeschön auch an die

gesamte Schulgemeinschaft für die wertvolle Unterstützung und

den Enthusiasmus im Geiste unseres Schulleitbilds: Gemeinsam

für die Zukunkt lernen.

It has been a great year and the GEB has enjoyed volunteering

our time in organising and supporting some of the school events.

We were fortunate again this year to have hardworking and

dedicated parents who represented each class and made our

meetings productive. A big thank you also to the whole GESM

community for the valuable support and enthusiasm - in the

spirit of our school vision: Learning Together for our Future.

Kimberly Hachey | Chairperson

Katja Milkereit | Vice-Chairperson

Prima Donna Garcia | Secretary

Kristine Almeida | Treasurer


Jahrbuch | Yearbook 2019-2020




Christoph-Boris Frank

Schulleiter | Head of


Martin Gabel


Schulleiter | Deputy

Head of School



Katrin Parker

Kindergarten &


Lawrence Buck

International Section

Valerie Cornelissen

International Secondary

Florian Simmelbauer


Santanu Bhowmik


Baccalaureate Diploma


Christoph Grandt


Nicole Zialcita-Javier


Kindergarten and

Early Years

Viola Buck

International Primary

12Deutsche Europäische Schule Manila | German European School Manila



Frances Irene


Personalabteilung |

Human Resources

Ross Volker

Verwaltungsleiter |

Head of Administration



Assistentin der

Verwaltungsleitung |

Assistant to the Head

of Administration

Maria Leonora


Buchhaltung |


Ethelwelda Cruz

Schulsekretariat |


Avelina Cornejo

Leiterin der

Buchhaltung | Chief


Reina Madayag

Buchhaltung |


Florentina Mae Jung

Assistentin der

Schulleitung | Assistant

to the Head of School

Shadin Kitma

Marketing & Event


Sofia Mangilog

Bibliothekarin |


Angelita Cumandao


Years Assistant

Megelyn Agravante


Years Assistant


Jahrbuch | Yearbook 2019-2020





9 8






7 2











5 4









1. Madeleine Abala

2. Gary Alejandrino

3. Carmel Andrada

4. Timothy Balaz

5. Christina Bärtges

6. Paul Baert

7. Loraine Belarmino

8. Claus Beutel

9. Priyanka Bhowmik

10. Santanu Bhowmik

11. Lawrence Buck

12. Viola Buck

13. Valérie Cornelissen

14. James Curran

15. Thomas Decker

16. Romel Del Mundo

17. Volker Eberbach

18. Andreas Eggert

19. Joan Hope Elgincolin

20. Eric Espiña

21. Julien Ferrandon

22. Sunshine Ferrandon

23. Christoph-Boris Frank

24. Martin Gabel

25. Veronika Garga

26. Harry Gerbig

27. Christoph Grandt

28. Anne Hamburger

29. Shaun Robert Hawkins

30. Torsten Herzog

31. Timo Hölzchen

32. Olivia Hombrebueno

33. Nicole Huber


35. Melissa Köhler

36. Marta Komicz

14Deutsche Europäische Schule Manila | German European School Manila

































37. Lisa Kossen

38. Katerina Külper

39. Pierre Lamoureux

40. Roberto Lizardo

41. Grisela Ruiz Martí

42. Verena Maschek

43. Vincent Mortillero

44. Marinela Anne Pagad

45. Katrin Parker

46. Leah Ramos

47. Brad Ransom

48. Herbert Salvenmoser

49. Rainer Dave Santos

50. Esther Scheding

51. Miriam Joy Schickle

52. Stefan Schweitzer

53. Rachel Silverio

54. Florian Simmelbauer

55. Dominik Wagner

56. Siegfried Wagner

57. Esther Wittstock

58. Ryan Alvin Torrejos

59. Jeffrey Troyer

60. Katrina Uytengsu

61. Nicole von Asmuth

62. Nicole Zialcita-Javier




63. Paul Floetemeyer

64. Theresa Gerlitzki

65. Pia Hohaus

66. Jennifer Kirchhof

67. Marlene Lauxmann

68. Lorena Nunhofer

69. Robin Schmidlin

70. Sarah Schmidt

71. Antonia Schulze

72. Pascal Stacklies


Jahrbuch | Yearbook 2019-2020




*European International School, the name of both Eurocampus schools as registered with the Department of Education

Alba, Edwin


Balane, Danilo

Maintenance Staff

Barleto, Jarvy

IT Engineer

Bello, Kristoffer

Laboratory Assistant

De Guzman, Arsenio

Gardener/ Maintenance

Doromal, Joeberto

ECA Assistant/


Eslanan, Marnie

ECA Assistant/


Fantanosa, Cesar

IT Manager

Javier, Christian

ECA Coordinator

Jue, Laureen

Finance Coordinator

Lima, Roxanne

School Nurse

Lopez, Fernando

Electric Maintenance

Maninang, Benigno

Maintenance Staff

Marquez, Jayvilou

School Nurse

Matias, Mark Jason

IT Engineer

Mugas, Presley

Lifeguard and Pool


Papa, Cheryl

DepEd Coordinator/

Admin Assitant

Santarin, Anita

Internal Security Officer

Villanueva, Rolando

Maintenance Coordinator

Rodriguez, Charmagne

Purchasing Officer

Torres, Dezza


Zapanta, Shennane

Bus Coordinator

Service Master

Gerald Cacho, Elizabeth Catarongan, Jhonalyn Damian, Marissa Juayang,

John Paul Magallon, Jay-ar Miranda, Christian Dennies Molavizar, Riyadh

Panes, Rosita Rabanillo, Ronalyn Reyes, Michael Tienela

Security Team

Left to Right: George Cuadrasal, James Abrasaldo, Efren Ebrole, Noli

Bustarde, Abel Borja, Generoso Depra, Joel Asid

Out of frame: Richard Tangente, Alan Rado

16Deutsche Europäische Schule Manila | German European School Manila

‘Corona und Vulkan’

by Leonie Kranz, 9D


Jahrbuch | Yearbook 2019-2020





Zu sagen, dass das vergangene Schuljahr etwas Besonderes

war, wäre eine grobe Untertreibung. Wahrscheinlich haben

wir in den letzten 10 Monaten so ziemlich alles erlebt, was es

an Ungewöhnlichem gibt, und das in kurzer Folge: Taifune, ein

Vulkanausbruch, die Covid-19-Pandemie und die Quarantäne-

Maßnahmen in Manila mit der Schulschließung und dem


Und doch fällt uns im Rückblick auf das vergangene

Schuljahr auf, wie bewundernswert die Schule diese

Hürden gemeistert hat und um wieviel stärker und

engagierter wir aus dem Sturm hervorgegangen

sind. An jeder Herausforderung, die auf uns zukam,

sind wir gewachsen. Und jeder hat seinen Teil dazu

beigetragen. Die Lehrer, die Schüler, die Eltern, das

Personal, die Leitung - alle haben es möglich gemacht,

dass das Lernen an der DESM nicht nur weitergeht,

neue Formen annimmt, und dabei das Entscheidende

unserer Identität bewahrt: die Schulgemeinschaft der

GESM -Famile . Nicht umsonst ist Integrität einer

der wichtigsten Werte unseres Leitbildes.

Das diesjährige Jahrbuch bietet einen Rückblick

auf die Leistungen, die wir erbracht haben, die

einmaligen Erlebnisse und Herausforderungen, die

uns zusammengeschweißt haben. Sie werden noch

für lange Zeit die Erfahrung dokumentieren, dass

sich ein Charakter nur an Widerständen bildet, des

einzelnen Menschen wie einer Institution.

To say that the past school year has been special Thousands were displaced as a result of the eruption.

(Photo from Lions Club International)

would be a gross understatement. We’ve probably

seen just about everything in the last 10 months – typhoon,

volcano eruption, virus outbreak, community quarantine…

And yet, what stands out for us as we look back at the past school

year is how admirably the school faced these hurdles and

came out of the storm as strong and dedicated as ever. With

each challenge that arrived , we stepped up and kept

running. And everyone did their part. The teachers, the students,

the parents, the staff, the management -- everyone contributed

to ensure that learning at the GESM not only continues, but

continues in a way that preserves our identity as a family . It's

not for nothing that integrity is one of our most important

school values.

This is a look-back on the accomplishments the GESM notched

on its metaphorical belt this school year, and a testament that

despite being physically forced apart by circumstances, we can

come out more solidly bonded than ever.

Lions Club International Parañaque Chapter Mrs. Susan Tan delivers an

address at the GESM.

18Deutsche Europäische Schule Manila | German European School Manila



Die letzte Taifunsaison im Pazifik war die teuerste seit

Beginn der Aufzeichnungen. Sie brachte 29 benannte

Stürme und 17 Taifune hervor, von denen 4 zu “Super-

Taifunen” wurden und 6 die Philippinen heimsuchten.

Aber all das ist hier natürlich ziemlich nicht gerade

untypisch. Taifune und dergleichen kommen in den

Philippinen regelmäßig vor. Während all dies zu

ungeplanten Schließungen führte, musste sich die

Schule erst am 12. Januar 2020 mit etwas noch nie

Dagewesenem auseinandersetzen – als der malerische

Vulkan Taal nach vier Jahrzehnten der Ruhephase

ausbrach, etwa 60 Kilometer südlich von der Schule

entfernt. Der schädliche Vulkanaschefall, der darauf

folgte, verschonte den Eurocampus nicht, so dass

eine Reihe wichtiger Einrichtungen, darunter der Pool,

der Spielplatz und der Sportplatz, vorübergehend

außer Betrieb waren. Doch fast sofort unternahmen

Management und Verwaltung eine umfassende

Säuberungsaktion und setzten alle verfügbaren Mittel

ein, um den Campus wieder in Ordnung zu bringen.

In weniger als 24 Stunden war der Campus praktisch

aschefrei. Bald darauf standen alle Einrichtungen wie

zuvor zur Verfügung.

Außerdem wurden neue Protokolle für die

Katastrophenvorsorge für den Fall eines erneuten

Ausbruchs und für andere Notfallsituationen

verabschiedet, darunter Änderungen bei den

Haltepunkte zum Ein- und Aussteigen und Parkplätzen

für Schulbusse. Darüber hinaus fand die Schule eine

Möglichkeit, den Opfern der Katastrophe zu helfen.

In Partnerschaft mit dem gemeinnützigen Lions Club

International türmten Mitglieder der Schulgemeinschaft

Güter und andere materielle Unterstützung für die am

schlimmsten betroffenen Gebiete auf.

The last Pacific typhoon season was the costliest on

record, producing 29 named storms and 17 typhoons,

4 of which became “super typhoons” and 6 of which

afflicted the Philippines. But all that’s fairly common, of

course. Typhoons and the like are a regular occurrence in

a country such as ours.

While all these led to unplanned closures, the school

didn’t really have to face something unprecedented until

the 12th of January 2020 -- when the picturesque Taal

volcano erupted after 4 decades of dormancy, some 60

kilometers south of Manila.

The harmful volcanic ash fall that followed did not spare

the Eurocampus, putting a number of key facilities

temporarily out-of-order including the pool, playground

and sports field. But almost immediately, management

and administration undertook an overall cleansing

action, employing all available means to put the campus

back in order. In just under 24 hours, the campus was

virtually ash-free. Soon after, all facilities were available

for use as before.

New disaster preparedness protocols were also adopted

in the case of another eruption and other emergency

situations, including changes in vehicle drop-offs and

parking for school buses. Moreover, the school found a

way to help those afflicted by the eruption. In partnership

with the non-profit Lions Club International, members of

the GESM community piled together goods and other

material support for donation to worst-hit areas near the

volcano site.

Representatives of Lions Club International pose for a photo together

with GESM's Viola Buck, Volker Ross and Lawrence Buck as they visit the

school to pick up donations.

Headmaster Christoph-Boris Frank (2nd from left) together with Viola Buck (left-most)

presents representatives of Lion Club International with a token of appreciation. Mrs.

Buck initiated the partnership and coordinated with the club for GESM.


Jahrbuch | Yearbook 2019-2020




Der Vulkanausbruch schien den meisten Menschen

das einschneidendste Ereignis des Schuljahres zu

sein, doch ihre Einschätzungf hätte nicht falscher sein

können und wurde von der Realität zu einem eher

sekundären Ereignis herabgestuft. Zum Jahreswechsel

kamen zaghaft die ersten Nachrichten über einen

neuen Coronavirus aus Wuhan herein, für den es kein

bekanntes Heilmittel gibt. Ende Januar hatte das Virus

die philippinischen Küsten erreicht. Die Zahl der lokalen

Fälle nahm weiter zu, und bis zum 10. März wurden

Schulen im ganzen Land geschlossen. Bis zum 16. März

war ein Drittel des Landes abgeriegelt.

Posters and important reminders went up around

campus upon worsening of the COVID-19 outbreak.

Doch trotz des Tempos der überraschenden Entwicklung

reagierte unsere Schule schnell und entschlossen. Nur

einen Tag, nachdem die Schule schließen musste,

wurde für jeden einzelnen Schüler eine Online-Plattform

zur Durchführung des Unterrichts eingerichtet - eine

beeindruckende Leistung, die jeden bisherigen Zeitpaln

in den Schatten stellte . Die Lehrkräfte leisteten zusätzliche Arbeit , um Inhalte und

Lektionen zu erstellen , die die Schülerinnen und Schüler von zu Hause aus nutzen

konnten. Zwei Tage nach der Schließung begann die Schulverwaltung damit, Materialien

direkt an die SchülerInnen und LehrerInnen nach Hause zu schicken - Bücher, Lernmittel,

Geräte, sogar für Kunstunterricht und naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht. Bis April wurden

rund 1,3 Tonnen Schulmaterial in über 1000 Paketen an Lehrer, Schüler und Mitarbeiter

ausgeliefert und ähnliche Mengen zu den Lehrern zurückgebracht , zum Jaqhresende

wurden sämtliche Utensilien wieder eingesammelt , sortiert und registriert , um für das

nächtste Jahr bereitgestellt zu werden . Der Fernunterricht mit Planung , Organisation ,

Unterichtsmethodik , bis hin zu Konferenzen , Leistungsnmessung und Zegniserstelltung

war ein voller Erfolg, der keinen Vergleich mit den anderen internationalen Schulen vor

Ort und weltweit scheuen muss. Im Gegenteil, besonders die Arbeit der internationalen

Grundschule wurde von der IBO als mustergültig wahrgenommen.

No one could be blamed for thinking that a disastrous volcanic eruption would be the most

impactful event of the school year -- and yet this could not have been more wrong. At the

turn of the new year, news starting streaming in about a new corona virus from Wuhan that

has no known cure. By the end of January, the virus had reached Philippine shores. The

number of local cases continued to rise and by March 10, school classes throughout the

country were suspended. By March 16, a full third of the country was on virtual lockdown.

Yet despite the speed of these unexpected developments, the GESM reacted fast and

decisively. Just one day after the school was forced to close, an on-line platform to conduct

classes were set up for each and every student -- an impressive feat by any standard. Teachers worked overtime to create content

and lessons that the students could use from home . Two days after the closure , the school administration began sending out

materials directly to students’ and teachers’ homes – books, tools, gadgets, science kits, art supplies, etc. By April, around 1.3

tons in over 1000 packages of school material have been sent out to teachers, students and staff. Distance learning at the GESM

was truly and successfully up and running.

Hand sanitizers were installed all over the Eurocampus in no time.

20Deutsche Europäische Schule Manila | German European School Manila



Trotz der Anstrengungen, die Lehrer, Schulleitung und Verwaltung

unternommen haben, damit der Fernunterricht funktioniert,

wäre er ohne die Hilfe unserer Eltern und Schüler nicht möglich

gewesen, die im häuslichen Kreis gemeinsam auch die schulischen

Herausforderungen meistern mussten. Wir wissen sehr wohl, wie

herausfordernd dieser plötzliche Wandel für alle ist, und wir können

nicht umhin, das Engagement unserer Schülerinnen und Schüler wie

ihrer Eltern zu bewundern. Vielen Dank!

Despite all the efforts we put into making distance learning work, it

could not have been possible without the help of our parents. The

students’ cooperation is key to the success of the transition to online

schooling and we have their parents to thank for this. Knowing

full well how challenging this sudden change is for everyone, we

cannot help but admire the level of engagement our students have

been showing.

No words can express how grateful we are for this, but we are

forced to settle with the two words available in each of our official

languages: Thank you! Vielen Dank!



Zum Zeitpunkt des Schreibens dieser Zeilen wird der Fernunterricht

an der DESM fortgesetzt. Die “neue Normalität” setzt sich langsam

und stetig durch, und die Schule denkt sich täglich bessere

Möglichkeiten zur Anpassung aus.

Niemand - nicht die Eltern, nicht die Lehrer und schon gar nicht die

Schüler - hat sich für dieses Szenario angemeldet. Und doch segeln

wir, die DESM-Familie, weiter durch den Sturm und machen das

Beste aus der Situation auf die einzige Art und Weise, die wir kennen:

in gemeinsamer Anstrengung, daher das Motto des Jahrbuchs:

gemeinsam. Es steht in enger Verbindung mit dem Motto der Schule:

“Gemeinsam für die Zukunft lernen”, das in sich auch die Werte und

Leitgedanken unseres pädagoischen Leitbilds zusammenfasst.

As of writing, distance learning continues at the GESM. The new

normal is slowly and steadily settling in, and the school comes up

with better ways to adapt every day.

No one – not the parents, not the teachers and certainly not the

students – signed up for this scenario. And yet we, the GESM

family, plow on mightily, making the best out of the situation in

the only way we know how: together.


Jahrbuch | Yearbook 2019-2020





denke, dass die

online Schule besser

als die normale Schule ist.

Es ist ein bisschen verwirrend,

weil es nicht normal ist, aber

ich denke, dass manche Fächer

jetzt einfacher für mich sind, weil

ich mehr Ruhe habe. Und ich

kann später aufwachen, was

viel besser als 5 Uhr

morgens ist!“


den letzten

Tagen habe

ich gemerkt, wie sehr

ich die Schule vermisse.

Normalerweise hasse ich die

Schule, weil es immer viel zu tun

gibt. Ich würde gern zur Schule

gehen oder etwas machen, aber

ich muss in meinem Haus

bleiben. Das Coronavirus

ist sehr ärgerlich!“


denke, dass wir

positiv bleiben müssen.

Manchmal ärgere ich mich

über die Situation, über

unsere Prüfungen, das Virus…

Aber ich weiß, dass es

wichtig ist. Wir müssen auf

uns aufpassen und uns

um unsere Familie





there have been

challenges with the

online school system I think

our school has overcome/

is overcoming most of them in

an unprecedented amount of

time. Classes are just as efficient

as they’ve always been and I

look forward to the school


ich so

viel Freizeit

habe, spiele

ich mehr Gitarre als

normalerweise und ich

nutze mehr das Instagram oder ich

schaue mir lustige Videos an. Ich

hoffe, dass wir schnell in die Schule

zurückkommen dürfen, aber bis

dahin werde ich die Vorteile

der online Schule


continuing to work hard to

maintain this level.”


classes are

very helpful,

especially for the

IB-2 students as they are

currently in the process of reviewing

for their exams, and these online

classes give them an opportunity to

ask doubts and get the teachers’

feedback effectively. Moreover, it is

also a great way to ensure that

the students are motivated

to study and try their


22Deutsche Europäische Schule Manila | German European School Manila


den aktuellen


gibt es keinen anderen

moeglichen Weg. Die andere

Option waere ja kein Unterricht,

das heist Ferien. Ich bin dankbar,

dass die Schule und insbesondere

die Lehrer diesen Weg gehen. Fuer die

Lehrer ist dies ja besonders schwierig.

Nochmals meinen herzlichen Dank an

die Lehrer fuer diese auch fuer sie ‘

neuartige’ Unterrichtmethode.

Ich habe den Eindruck, dass

sie es ausgezeichnet



impressed with this

online learning experience

of both my kids. I’am glad they are

covering the planned lessons that they

could have actually missed without the digital

alternative. The kids are missing some practical

exercises like sports, etc but this experience

teaches the kids with more technology

techniques a lot of adults or working

professionals don’t even know it exists,

sucah as Microsoft Teams Group/

video calling. Most schools in manila

have discontinued but GESM

persisted. Kudos to the teachers

who are still there virtually

guiding our kids despite

the health crisis. Stay safe





the Community

Quarantine happened,

“Distance learning” was only a

plan presented to us by the school

management...and now we can see it being

implemented given the time constraint they have

to make the program up and running. I am happy

that my kids still get to go to school at the same time,

but now in the comforts of their home. It is a fact that

with this set up, some of us parents have become

“teachers“, too. During this time, the relationship

between school and the home (parents) have been

given an importance, that we should both work

together and support the learning of the child.

With this, let me express my appreciation

to the teachers, and GESM staff who

are working to make the “distance

learning” accessible to all

GESM students.”


Jahrbuch | Yearbook 2019-2020


Classroom was

quite a challenge for a

non-techie mom like me –but

happy that I got to get around it

and extra glad that we got to snag

the “full time” of my husband

at this time of “quarantine”

and he was able to assist

Maxi accomplish all

tasks in a fun and

relax way.”





by children from the German section Kindergarten




Katrin Parker

Kindergarten & Vorschule

Um 7:30 klingelt es. Die Kinder strömen vom Spielplatz in unsere Räume des deutschen

Kindergartens. Schnell haben sie ihre Schuhe abgestreift und verteilen sich auf die

verschiedenen Funktionsräume. Die Kinder profitieren in der ersten Hälfte des Tages

von der Möglichkeit sich selbstbestimmt ihrem Interesse nach in den Bereichen

des Kindergartens frei bewegen zu können. Wir geben ihnen Raum, eigenständig

Erfahrungen zu sammeln und sich mit sich und ihrer Umwelt auseinanderzusetzen.

Dabei feiern wir viele Feste wie Laternfest, Halloween und Weihnachten, bei denen

die Kinder sich kostümieren, basteln, und die Räume festlich gestalten.

Es ist Bestandteil unserer pädagogischen Arbeit, flexibel auf die Kinder einzugehen und

individuelle Spielimpulse zu geben. Nur wenn sich ein Kind mit seinen Bedürfnissen

wahrgenommen fühlt, kann es sich auch wohlfühlen, das wiederum ist die wichtigste

Grundlage für eine positive Entwicklung.

All das, was unseren Kindergarten ausmacht, die persönlichen Kontakte, die

wunderschönen Spielsituationen, die zu beobachtenden Entwicklungsschritte der

Kinder , tiefsinnige und unsinnige Gesprächsrunden , haben wir in den letzten Monaten sehr vermisst . Wir hoffen

inständig im neuen Schuljahr die Kinder wieder bei uns zu haben, um ihnen das Umfeld und die Kontakte zu geben,

die eine gesunde und ganzheitliche Entwicklung fördern.

The bell rings at 7:30. The children pour from the playground into our rooms. Quickly they take off their shoes and

spread out to the different functional rooms. During the first half of the day, the children benefit from the opportunity

to move freely and self-determinedly in the kindergarten areas according to their interests. We give them space to

gather experiences on their own and to deal with themselves and their environment.

All throughout the year, we celebrate feasts like Halloween, Christmas, and others where the children get a chance to

put on costumes, do arts and crafts and in general have fun.

These scenes vividly reflect the fact that it is an integral part of our pedagogical work to respond flexibly to the children

and give them individual impulses to play. Only when a child feels attended to can they feel comfortable and this is the

most important basis for positive development.

We dearly miss the things that make our kindergarten what it is: personal contact, observing the children develop

day by day, profound and not-so-profound conversations... We can’t wait to have the children with us again in the new

school year!

26Deutsche Europäische Schule Manila | German European School Manila





Nicole Zialcita-Javier

Early Years Programme

The Early Years is such a fun time where we have seen so much growth in

every child! We have enjoyed experiencing and celebrating with them

milestones that have helped them develop holistically. These unique

experiences, socially and cognitively, have helped them reach their

potential as they get ready for the Primary Years. It has been a privilege

stimulating and helping develop both the intellectual and emotional

sides of each child which has given them confidence to discover and

develop strategies for dealing with the world around them and see them

grow from wide-eyed inquirers to evolving learners.

We can’t believe the time has gone by so quickly. I guess it’s true when

they say, “Time flies when you’re having fun.” Who could ever forget this

school year?! What an eventful year it was. We all came out of it stronger and wiser than ever!

On behalf of all the teachers of the Early Years International Section, we thank you and wish all our

students nothing but the best on their next adventures. We are all extremely proud of you!


Jahrbuch | Yearbook 2019-2020



Erzieherinnen & Erzieher:

Katrin Parker, Miriam Joy

Schickle, Paul Flötemeyer,

Esther Scheding


Amelie Hanika Hässner

Brendon Faustino Dy

Franz Alexander


Charles Cesar


Christina Grandt

Gabi Simmelbauer Gordon Shim

Jacob Wiesner John Virgilio Hawkins Leon Henning Stormer

Lvliang Zeng Maia Hombrobueno Maria Rocha Platz Martina Hiebler Maximillian Sayarot

Natalia Grace Uytengsu Natalia Emadione Jung Oliver Torsten Herzog Ottilie Marie Sliwa Patrick James Bunge

Raphael Eigenmann Sansa Kitma

Sidney Hölzchen Sophia Alison Beloin Valentina Hiebler

28Deutsche Europäische Schule Manila | German European School Manila

First Row (From Left to Right): Maria Rocha Platz, Franz Alexander Liepach, Charles Cesar Grünewald, John Virgilio Hawkins, Sophia Alison

Beloin , Benjamin Kappos , Maia Hombrobueno , Amelie Hanika Haessner , Ottilie Marie Sliwa , Patrick James Bunge , Gabriel

Simmelbauer, Sidney Hölzchen, Natalia Grace Uytengsu, Sansa Kitma, Christina Grandt, Miriam Joy Schickle (Erzieherin)

Second Row (From Left to Right): Raphael Eigenmann, Brendon Faustino Dy, Martina Hiebler, Valentina Hiebler, Oliver Torsten Herzog,

Leon Henning Stormer, Natalia Emadione Jung, Gordon Shim, Jacob Wiesner, Lvliang (Maggie) Zeng, Maximillian Sayarot

Third Row (From Left to Right): Paul Flötemeyer, Esther Scheding, Katrin Parker


Jahrbuch | Yearbook 2019-2020




Homeroom Teachers:

Loraine Belarmino,

Carmela Andrada


Amelia Marie Balaz

Dany El Seblani

Dharmavilasan Azaan

Emily Lin Reyes

Isabel Maria van Offen Katya Sakura Shigeta Krishaang Trivedi Leo Caballero-Lozano

Marcos Ruiz Segura Margaret Rose Kahnt Maxwell Smith Mona Nokuo

Ningheng (Ivan) Luo Rony El Seblani Ryo Matsuura Simon Rafael Javier

Simon Ruiz Segura

30Deutsche Europäische Schule Manila | German European School Manila

First Row (Sitting from Left to Right): Simon

Rafael Javier , NingHeng “Ivan ” Luo , Isabel

van Olffen , Ryo Matsuura , Simon Ruiz-Segura ,

Mona Nokuo, Margaret Rose Kahnt

Second Row (Standing from Left to Right): Dany

El Seblani, Maxwell Smith, Krishaang Trivedi, Emily

Reyes, Marcos Ruiz-Segura, Amelia Marie Balaz,

Dharmavilasan Azaan, Rony El Seblani

Third Row (Standing from Left to Right): Loraine

Belarmino (Homeroom Teacher), Tonette Bajao

(shadow teacher) Carmela Andrada (Homeroom

Teacher), Angelita Cumandao (Kindergarten



Jahrbuch | Yearbook 2019-2020





Shaun Hawkins


Bianca Cynthia


Fabian Christophe

Eigenmann Marie Dinges Maximillian Härle

Saya Kaliah

von Asmuth Sophie Alexa Bunge Viktor Fisar

32Deutsche Europäische Schule Manila | German European School Manila

First Row (From Left to Right): Bianca Leicht, Viktor Fisar, Marie Dinges, Fabian Eigenmann, Sophie Alexie

Bunge, Maximillian Härle, Saya von Asmuth

Back: Shaun Hawkins (Erzieher)


Jahrbuch | Yearbook 2019-2020





Homeroom Teachers:

Nicole Zialcita-Javier,

Katrina Uytengsu


Ainara Almazan


Alexander Javier

Salvador Alyana Maram Villanueva Autumn Jade Dagdag

Cassiopia Chiara Shigeta Haoli Zhang Helena Lauren Franchimon Kian Caleb Murray

Leora Rei Chandra Lita Nakayoshi Louie Nokuo Luis Gregory Hammer

Luke Michael Brewster Molly Murphy Shaquille Diego Chua Sophia Michaela Brewster

Tala De Bock

34Deutsche Europäische Schule Manila | German European School Manila

First Row (From Left to Right): Louie Nokuo,

Ainara Almazan Kerekesha, Haoli Zhang,

Leora Rei Chandra, Lita Nakayoshi, Tala de

Bock, Kian Caleb Murray

Second Row (From Left to Right): Nicole

Javier (Homeroom Teacher ), Sophia

Michaela Brewster , Luke Michael Brewster ,

Autumn Jade Dagdag , Luis Gregory

Hammer , Molly Murphy , Alexander Javier

Salvador , Alyana Maram Villanueva ,

Shaquille Diego Chua , Katrina Uytengsu

(Homeroom Teacher)


Jahrbuch | Yearbook 2019-2020




By Viola Buck

We found ourselves surrounded by special characters

and magical moments as we went through the pages

of our favourite books in this school year’s Book Week.

During the day, we set a time where children did their silent

reading through D.E.A.R. (Drop Everything And Read). In

our Book Week opening assembly, we were visited by a very

special guest: no other than the adventurous Geronimo

Stilton whose book character is known to love reading and


Scholastic Book Publishing partnered with us this year to

make our Book Fair a more meaningful one. Thank you to all

parents and students who bought a second book for Php99

to be donated to our chosen charity this year - Children of

the Dump Manila, a duly registered charity in the povertystricken

area of Payatas which aims to transform lives of

children in poverty through education. Our school, through


initiative, will be able to donate books for their Early and Primary years

students. Finally, it was such a great way to end our Book Week with

the children wearing their creative favourite book character costumes.

Congratulations to our super reader awardees this year who gained

the highest points and read many books in Antolin and Reading A to


The school would like to extend our warmest thank you to all parents

who made our Book Week more meaningful by sharing their time with

us for the Mother Tongue storytelling in our classrooms. Our children

were delighted to hear their mother tongue spoken animatedly by our

superheroes - our parents!

Storytelling by one of the parents for Grade 3 students

36Deutsche Europäische Schule Manila | German European School Manila



von Florian Simmelbauer

Wie in jedem Jahr kamen Schüler und Eltern von Kindergarten

und Grundschule am späten Nachmittag an die Schule, um

den Laternenumzug zu bewundern. Die Kinder konnten ihren

Eltern stolz ihre selbstgemachten Laternen präsentieren. Um die

Wartezeit bis zum Sonnenuntergang zu verkürzen, gab es ein kurzes

Programm. Unser Grundschulchor präsentierte zwei Lieder, die erste

Klasse ein Martinsgedicht, Kindergarten und Vorschule auch jeweils

ein Martinslied und die Klasse 2 unser traditionelles Theaterstück.

Dann war es endlich soweit und in der anbrechenden Dunkelheit

wurden die Kerzen der Laternen entzündet und der bunt leuchtende

Laternenzug bewegte sich langsam zum Sportfeld. In der Mitte des

Sportfeldes gab es dann eine kleine Überraschung: Nachdem alle

gemeinsam nochmal das Lied Laterne, Laterne gesungen haben,

wurden große Buchstaben entzündet. Für einen kurzen Moment

stand „St. Martin“ mit Feuer in die Luft geschrieben. Danach gab es

für alle noch den von den Kindern selbstgemachten Punch und die

leckeren Martinsbrezeln. An dieser Stelle allen Beteiligten nochmals

vielen Dank für den gelungenen Abend.

As with every year, pupils and parents from kindergarten and

primary came to the school in the late afternoon to stand in awe of

the lanterns that decked the school grounds for St. Martin’s Day. The

children proudly presented their self-made lanterns to their parents.

The Primary School Choir

To shorten the waiting time until sunset, there was a short program. Our

primary school choir presented two songs, the first graders a St. Martin’s

poem. Our pupils from kindergarten and preschool also sang a St. Martin’s song each and the 2nd graders performed

a traditional play. Then finally the time had come and in the dusk the candles of the lanterns were lit and the colourful

shining lantern train moved slowly to the sports field. In the middle of the sports field there was a little surprise: after

everyone sang the song Laterne, Laterne, big letters were lit. For a shining moment, “St. Martin” was written with fire in

the air. Afterwards punch made by the children and the delicious Martin’s pretzels were offered to all. We would like to

thank all participants again for that successful evening.


Jahrbuch | Yearbook 2019-2020



Students in their Holloween Costumes

38Deutsche Europäische Schule Manila | German European School Manila

Trick or



Jahrbuch | Yearbook 2019-2020






40Deutsche Europäische Schule Manila | German European School Manila





Jahrbuch | Yearbook 2019-2020



Plastic Art

created by joint Primary students during GESM’s

Environment Awareness Week, February 2020




Ein besonderes Schuljahr ist geschafft. Bei all den turbulenten Ereignissen der letzten 4

Monate wollen wir nicht vergessen, dass wir den Hauptteil des Schuljahres wie gewohnt

auf dem Campus verbracht haben , mit allen Highlights der vorangegangenen

Jahre. Wir lernten eine Menge bei unseren verschiedenen Themen-Wochen, hatten

unseren Laternenzug am Martinstag, Nikolaus und Knecht Ruprecht kamen in die

Klassen , Weihnachten wurde bei der Botschafterin und an der Schule gefeiert , die

Klassen 4 und 5 waren auf ihren Klassenfahrten in Subic und Pundaquit und auch am

Sporttag konnten alle nochmal ihre Leistungen zeigen.

Florian Simmelbauer


Und als uns dann tatsächlich die Schließung der Schulen erreichte, wurden wir alle

praktisch über Nacht zu Fachleuten für Fernunterricht und IT. Wahrlich ein besonderes

Schuljahr! Schüler, Lehrer und Eltern können gleichermaßen stolz sein auf alles, was wir

erreicht haben.

A special school year has come to its end. With all the turbulent events of the past 4

months, we don’t want to forget that we spent the main part of the school year as usual on campus with all the highlights

of the previous years. We learned a lot during our various Enrichment Weeks, had our lantern train to St. Martin, St.

Nicholas and Black Pete came into the classes, Christmas was celebrated with the ambassador at school, classes 4 and

5 were on their school trips in Subic and Pundaquit and also everyone was able to show their best on the Sports Day.

And when the school closure actually reached us, we all became online teaching and IT experts, practically overnight.

Truly a special school year! Students, teachers and parents alike can be proud of everything we have achieved.

44Deutsche Europäische Schule Manila | German European School Manila



You did it! You have all been amazing inquirers, communicators, thinkers

and most especially risk-takers as you have adjusted well to our online

learning. You have shown how to use your time wisely and make good

choices while learning together with your peers online. We, your

teachers are very proud of everything that you were able to accomplish

this year. Keep it up, GESM students! We all look forward to seeing your

bright smiles again next academic year!

Viola Buck

International Primary

Plastic Art

created by Primary students and showcased at

a presentation during Environment Awareness

Week, February 2020.


Jahrbuch | Yearbook 2019-2020




Klassenlehrerin: Verena Maschek


Andre Axmann

Adrian Joerg Grünewald

Armin Maschek

Damien Christopher

McGarry Helena Hirsch Louisa Malu Dahmen

Lucas Kirchhoff Marlee Faye Parker Maximilian Wiltschek

Sofia Olivia Horppu

Tianna Claire

Susanne Kempf

Yuma Lex Behrendt

46Deutsche Europäische Schule Manila | German European School Manila

First Row (left to right):

Yuma Lex Beherendt,

Marlee Faye Parker, Tianna

Claire Susanne Kempf,

Louisa Malu Dahmen,

Damien Christopher


Second Row (left to right):

Sofia Olivia Horppu,

Helena Hirsch, Adrian Joerg

Grünewald, Maximilian

Wiltschek, Lucas Kirchhoff,

Armin Maschek, Andre


Third Row:

Verena Maschek

(Homeroom Teacher)



Was ich am meisten am

distance learning mag ist, dass

ich viel Zeit habe zu lesen und

viele Antolinpunkte sammeln

kann. Auch das Programm

„Mathetiger“ gefällt mir sehr.


‘Distance Learning’ hält uns

mit der Schule in Verbindung,

auch wenn wir nur zu Hause

bleiben. Unsere Lehrerin bietet

uns hilfreiche Aktivitäten.


Ich mag die online-Spiele, die

wir zu fast jedem Thema als

Link bekommen. Und dass wir

in der Früh länger schlafen

können, weil wir nicht in die

Schule fahren müssen.



Beim Distance Learning macht

es mir Spaß, Videos für meine

Wochenplanaufgaben drehen zu dürfen,

und auch die Videos meiner Freunde zu

sehen. Ich freue mich auch, dass ich jetzt

länger schlafen kann und so viel Zeit zum

Lesen und Spielen habe.




Mir gefällt, dass Frau Maschek

uns Geschichten online

vorliest und dass ich nach

dem Unterricht mit meinen

Freunden chatten darf.


Ich mag gerne Zuhause

Hausuafgaben machen.




Ich freue mich meine Freunde

zu sehen, auch wenn wir nicht

in der Schule sein können.



Was ich am Fernunterricht

mag, ist, dass ich lerne und

Zeit habe, mit meinem Bruder

zu spielen. Ich mag auch die

Online-Spiele meiner Lehrerin.



Ich mag, dass ich länger

schlafen kann, nicht mehr mit

dem Schulbus zur Schule muss

und nicht mehr früh aufstehen




Fernunterricht ist sehr

praktisch. Wir bleiben zu Hause

und die Eltern können helfen.

Ich genieße die Lehrvideos



Jahrbuch | Yearbook 2019-2020





Homeroom Teacher:

Faridah McMahon/Madeleine Abala


Adinda Diana

Putri Webb


Eduardo Puno

Alina Amit

Alisa Amit

Anju Miyazako

Demetre Devidze

Dias Santos Schröck

Emma Jasmine

Rubin Petit

Haru Takahashi Isabella Sòfi Pandolfino James Nawawi Kendall

Omar Mohammed

El Hussieny

Orfeas Andreas Kefalidis Reza Galang Kazemi Sara Matsuura

Sanidhya Sharma

Suvi Johanna Soininen

Tsz Yiu Poon (Yoyo)

Yu Xi (Selina) Li

48Deutsche Europäische Schule Manila | German European School Manila

I remember Hundred Day and

Sports Day the most. In distance

learning I like that we can stay

home so we don’t get sick and

we can beat this virus.


I like seeing

my friends

through online

meetings. My

most memorable

time was Sports

Day! - JJ

My most memorable time in

school is Maths and Art time

because I like them. Online, I

like UOI because it helps me

learn a lot of things.


My favourite thing about

distance learning is UOI because

we get to share ideas with

everyone and play. In school my

most memorable time is when

we play with each other racing

and battling beyblades.


My memorable time in school

was when I played tag with my

friends outside.

What I like most about distance

learning is when I played the

card matching game in UOI


My most

memorable time

in school was the

Sports Day! What I

like most about

distance learning

is seeing my

friends on the

computer! - REZA

My most memorable time in

school was playing in the sand

pit. What I like most about

distance learning is that we can

still see each other on calls and

that I can swim every single day.


My most memorable time in

school was when I made a really

strong beyblade out of legos.

I like UOI the most in distance

learning because we get to

share ideas. - DIAS

First Row (From Left to Right): Reza Galang

Kazemi, Haru Takahashi, Adinda Diana Putri

Webb , Omar Mohammed El Hussieny ,

Dias Santos Schröck , Isabel Sòfi Pandolfino ,

Emma Jasmine Rubin Petit, Demetre Devidze

Second Row (From Left to Right): James

Nawawi Kendall, Suvi Johanna Soininen,

Yu Xi (Selina) Li, Orfeas Andreas Kefalidis,

Madeleine Abala (Homeroom Teacher)

What I like most about distance

learning is the daily Zoom calls

with my friends!!!

My most memorable time in

school was the Sports Day!!!!


I like talking with

friends online.

Swimming is

what I


most in school.


My favourite time in school is

when everybody is having

snack and lunch and when I

play with Yoyo. Online, my

favourite thing is the Spelling

Test with Ms. Madee. -


I only entered

school 2 months

ago. In distance

learning, I like

seeing my

friends on the



What I like most about distance

learning is that there is

sometimes games that I have to

play for assignments and that

Adinda is in my class. My most

memorable time in school was

when I showed everyone my

injured knee. - SUVI JOHANNA

My memorable time in school is

maybe Math time because it is

my favourite subject.

In distance learning, I like the

writing activities.


In school, my favourite time is

when I play with my friends. I like

it when we do the Zoom calls

and when we are talking about

the people in the past.


My memorable time in school

was meeting and playing with

new friends who don’t say bad


I like seeing my friends and

talking to teachers online.



Jahrbuch | Yearbook 2019-2020




Klassenlehrer: Florian Simmelbauer


Anton Konstantin Sliwa Arthur Maschek Georg Steiger

Jeremias Stein

Luna Hani Wiersing

Olivia Hirsch

Robert Fisar Sarah Brigitta Giese Sophia Germaine Hässner



Travis Matthew Almeida Uy Vivienne Jody Eigenmann Florian Simmelbauer

50Deutsche Europäische Schule Manila | German European School Manila

Ich vermisse den Spielplatz!

Ich mag die Online Spiele sehr!


Ich vermisse die Stühle und Tische.

Ich mag die Online Schule, weil ich immer

spielen kann. - SARAH BRIGITTA

Das Klassenmaskottchen Julian.

Ich finde es schön mit meiner Familie immer zusammen zu sein.


Ich vermisse die Pausen.

Ich liebe es am Computer zu sitzen. - ROBERT

Ich vermisse es, mit meinen Freunden zu spielen.

Ich finde am online Unterricht gut, dass ich

Handy kucken kann. - JEREMIAS

Ich vermisse Julian, unser Klassenmaskottchen, und die Fische in

unserem Aquarium. Mir gefällt am online Unterricht besonders

gut, dass Herr Simmelbauer den Unterricht so lustig und interessant

macht. - LUNA HANI

Ich vermisse unseren Sportplatz.

Ich mag die Lernspiele beim Online Unterricht.


Ich vermisse es mit meinen Freunden “Chinesische

Mauer” zu spielen. Ich mag es, dass ich den

Wochenplan nun jederzeit abgeben kann. - GEORG

Ich vermisse spielen und hüpfen in der Pause. Auch ein paar

Lehrer vermisse ich. Ich mag es auf der Tastatur herumzudrücken.

Es macht echt Spaß! - SOPHIA GERMAINE

Ich vermisse unsere Tafel!

Ich mag am Ipad zu sitzen.


Ich vermisse das Klassenzimmer, meine Freunde

und “Julian” das Klassenmaskottchen.

Ich mag es sehr auf Knöpfe zu drücken. Ich

mag auch Emojis zu senden. - OLIVIA

Jahrbuch | Yearbook 2019-2020






Homeroom Teacher: Priyanka Bhowmik


Aleena Shaniyah

De Jong

Asem Mohammed

El Hussieny Disha Gangopadhyaya Esker De Bock

Ethan Kum

Farhad Dastgeer

Hanna Ambrus

Jasmin Tara Lueck

Ji Hoo Yoon Kaira Singh Kristina Almazan Kerekesha Maximillian Knab

Pia Maydeo

Sheehan Manuel Chua

Sota Tsukamoto

Sylas Specter




Yuki Takahashi

Priyanka Bhowmik

52Deutsche Europäische Schule Manila | German European School Manila


What are the things you

like about distance learning?

What was your most

memorable time in school?

Q1: I get to see my friends on

Zoom and sometimes get to play


Q2: Sports Day


Q1: I still get to talk with my

friends even though we cannot

go to school.


Q1: Online school in improving my

typing skills. And I am happy I am

still able to chat with my friends.

Q2: My most memorable time was

when we won the relays on Sports

Day and saw “balut eggs” from the

inside. - HANNA

Q1: Zoom meetings and I can eat

whenever I want, listen to music

when I work.

Q2: Sports Day when we won the



Q1: I really like the Zoom

meetings and online math.

Q2: Math and playing tag

with my friends.


Q1: We can do scavenger hunts

and memory games on Zoom .

Q 2 : I miss the 3 - minute

addition drills because it was

really fun. - KAIRA

Q1: That I don’t have to

wake up early.

Q2: Sports Day


Q1: I like everything . I like Math,

Science and especially

our Zoom meeting.

Q2: Whenever your friends

and teachers that was nice and

memorable for me.


Q1: Online learning is kind of hard

sometimes because you have to read

a lot sometimes and so a lot of work

and you have to wait to for teachers

to come online.

Q2: Playing tag with my friends is

always a memorable time. I miss it.



Jahrbuch | Yearbook 2019-2020




Klassenlehrer: Torsten Herzog


Ben David Kranz

Emelie Milkereit

Lennox Nathan

Dominik Kempf

Luca Sebastian Azanza

Maceo Christian


Maren Haase

Maya Sophie Dollmayer Melanie Isabel McGarry Stefanie Isabella Schmitz

Torsten Herzog



54Deutsche Europäische Schule Manila | German European School Manila


Ich vermisse meine Freunde und

das Schwimmbad.

Am Online-Unterricht gefällt mir,

dass ich nicht so früh aufstehen



Ich vermisse meine Freunde und

die Schule.

Am Online Unterricht gefällt mir

sehr, dass ich länger schlafen kann

als sonst.



Ich vermisse die Schule und meine

Freunde! Ich hoffe, dass bald wieder

Schule ist und wir alle gesund bleiben!

Aber ich hasse das frühe Aufwachen.

Am Online Unterricht gefällt mir die

Video Konferenz, die “Memes” und das




Ich vermisse meine besten Freunde, den

Spielplatz, das Schwimmbad und die Eiskreme

aus der Kantine. Am Online Unterricht

mag ich, dass ich mit meinen Freunden

“Videokonferenzen” machen kann. Ich mag

aber nicht, das ich früh aufwachen soll, obwohl

ich länger schlafen darf als bei “normaler”




Ich mag die “Memes von

Deadpool” und benutze sie gerne

und ich mag, dass ich mir beim

Online Unterricht meine Zeit frei

einteilen kann.


Ich vermisse meine Freunde und

dass ich in der Schule sein kann.

Am Online Unterricht gefällt mir,

dass ich zwischendurch mal etwas

naschen kann.



Ich vermisse meine Freunde und

die Schule. Am Online Unterricht

gefällt mir, dass ich nicht so früh

aufstehen muss.



Ich vermisse meine Freunde. Aber

es gefällt mir, dass ich jetzt noch

mehr Zeit zum Lesen habe.



Ich vermisse alle meine Freunde

und Lehrer sehr, sehr arg! Aber es

gefällt mir, dass wir zu Hause sicher

sind und niemand den Corona

Virus bekommt.


Jahrbuch | Yearbook 2019-2020





Homeroom Teacher: Viola Buck


Adriana Yuquimpo Aeisha Isabel De Jong Ayan Khan Brandon Ferrandon

Charles Mark Langley Nora Ka’Nhai Brasile Norah Josephine Hachey Prince Ryou Ogawa

Raphael Laguardia Robin Alexander Bohn San Yun

Sanctē Roberto


Sophie Maria

Gezina van Olffen

Viola Buck



56Deutsche Europäische Schule Manila | German European School Manila

First Row (From Left to Right): Prince Ryou Ogawa,

Charles Mark Langley, Sanctē Roberto A. Gonzalez, Brandon

Ferrandon, Ayan Khan, San Yun, Robin Alexander Bohn,

Raphael Laguardia

Second Row (From Left to Right): Nora Ka’Nhai Brasile,

Aeisha Isabel De Jong , Adriana Yuquimpo , Norah

Josephine Hachey, Sophie Maria Gezina van Olffen


What I like about

distance learning:

I like it because I’m

comfortable at home.

Favorite things about

school: That in school

we get to do more

active stuff.



It’s nice to experience

online school, which

also teaches us to

be more responsible

by doing a work for

example. And you can

still learn! My favourite

moments in school

are class events and


What I like about

distance learning:

I don ’t have to wake

up early and I can

study at home.

What is miss in school

are my friends.

My body is bursting

with happiness

and having a joyful

reminder that

quarantine is almost

over it has been to

long finally!



What I like about

distance learning:

I don’t have to wake

up early, I don’t have

to dress up and I don’t

have to take a 30

minute drive home.



What I like the most

about distance learning

is that we get more

time to complete our


My favourite moments

in school is when we

do English because

every single word I

read or listen tells me a

whole story.


My favorite part of this

school year is when it’s

the weekend. I love it as I

can play video games

and play with my brother.

It’s just amazing and my

favorite subject is English

and Sport and last but

not least Art. I hope next

year is even better.




Well online classes are

really great because

when you’re done

with your class, you’re

already home for

snack and lunch. You

can make your own

food and we don’t

need to go outside.

What I like about distance

learning: You don’t need to

travel to school and to

other house’s when your

riding the school bus. In

school, I liked playing with

my friends and meeting

other friends.

I like that I don’t have to

wake up so early to go to

school and I learn more on

the computer. My most

favorite moment in school

is when we do fun

experiments like when we

made the telephone with

string and cans. I also like

when I am playing with my

friends also I liked when

we measured the football



I like to be online because it’s new and our class

never did this before so I like to be in online classes.

It’s fun to be on calls and not that much but some

times there is internet connection difficulty problems.

It’s hard some times but we always find a path

through to get to online classes.

But here is the sad part, some don’t join classes that

much it’s sad for the teacher. But the teachers wait

and that’s really nice of the teacher. I get how long

the day is for the teacher but that’s their job, r they

love making kids learn.

And we all have always a happy heart.



What I like about distance

learning is that we can learn

and talk to each other while

we are not together and

what I like a about in school

is that we are together and

we all have fun together no

matter what we do it is all


Jahrbuch | Yearbook 2019-2020


I like Distance Learning because there is no traffic to

get to my class. People are somehow connected.

I miss being in the classroom with my teachers

and classmates, doing activities together like our

science experiments, food preparation and birthday

celebrations. I loved our class field trips to National

Museum of Natural History and eco-farm, looking

and observing animals as a group.

This virus is infecting millions of people and I don’t

like it. Hopefully, this crisis will be over soon so we

can go back to our real schools.





Klassenlehrerin: Nicole von Asmuth


Alicia Ochoa de

Zabalegui Apraiz Alisha Sophia Odenthal Andres Danilo Zaide

Balthasar Theodor


Carl Josef Simmelbauer Hazel Laurine Bender Judith Stein

Kirsten Haase

Luciano Almeida Uy

Noa Li Thompson


Simon Johannes




Soleil Mari Wiersing Tamino Almeida Uy Tim Milkereit Nicole von Asmuth

58Deutsche Europäische Schule Manila | German European School Manila


Ich mag Fernunterricht,

weil ich mehr Zeit für

den Wochenplan habe.

Ich mag den Fernunterricht,

weil man Pause

machen kann, wann

man sie braucht.


Ich mag, dass ich nicht

eine Stunde im Auto

fahren und warten




Ich mag Fernunterricht,

weil ich mehr

Wochenplan machen




Ich mag den Fernunterricht,

weil ich mehr Zeit

habe, um mit meinen

Freunden zu sprechen.



Ich mag Fernunterricht, weil

ich mich zu Hause oft besser

konzentrieren kann, aber ich

mag Fernunterricht nicht, weil

ich meine Freunde aus der

Schule nicht sehen kann.



Ich mag den Fernunterricht,

weil ich mehr

Zeit mit meiner Familie

verbringen kann.


Ich mag Fernunterricht, weil

ich länger schlafen kann, mehr

Zeit für den Wochenplan habe,

Pause machen kann, wann ich

möchte und weil ich bei meiner

Familie bin.


Ich mag Fernunterricht,

weil auch die Eltern

wieder etwas

dazulernen können.

Back row (From left to right): Hazel Laurine Bender, NJKKJLJKJKJJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJ,

Valentina Pradilla Herrera, Andres Danilo Zaide, Carl Josef Simmelbauer, Soleil Mari Wiersing

Middle row (From left to right): Simon Johannes Schmitz, Tim Milkereit, Balthasar Theodor

Schissau, Alisha Sophia Odenthal, Alicia Ochoa de Zabalegui Apraiz

Front row (From left to right): Judith Stein, Kirsten Haase, Noa Li Thompson Kurleto


Ich finde gut, dass der

Schulweg so kurz ist.


Ich mag Fernunterricht,

weil ich in den Pausen

kreative Sachen machen

kann und weil ich bei

meiner Familie bin.


Ich mag Fernunterricht, weil

ich immer noch mit meinen

Freunden sprechen kann

und weil ich an den Schultagen

mehr Zeit habe.



Ich mag, dass ich länger

schlafen kann und dass ich

mich während des Unterrichts

auf das Sofa legen kann. Ich

vermisse aber auch meine

Freundinnen und rauszugehen.


Ich mag, dass ich

weiterlernen kann -

auch, wenn jetzt die

Schule zu ist.


Das beste am

Fernunterricht ist,

dass wir trotzdem alle

zusammen arbeiten.


Jahrbuch | Yearbook 2019-2020





Homeroom Teacher: Vincent Mortillero


Agatha Sara Inkinen Ruiz Arsh Anand Franka Victoria Reisinger

Hanna Franziska Knab

Kane Hannam

Kaustuv Kar

Kenzo Salvatore Shigeta

Seema Khan

Shania Therese Chua

Shrija Anumeha

Si Yeon Kim

Vincent Mortillero



60Deutsche Europäische Schule Manila | German European School Manila

My most memorable moment is when I first

came into 4th Grade. I made new friends like

Franka, Kane and Arsh. Together we use to trade

Pokemon cards!


My most memorable moment

this year when we had to grow

plants for Science!

What I like about Remote

Learning is that we don’t need

deal with Manila traffic anymore.


My most memorable moment

was roasting marsh mellows with

hot chocolate at the last night

of GK. What I like most about

Remote Learning is spending

more time with my family and

less lessons! - SHRIJA

Most memorable moment

was definitely GK! What I like

about remote learning is

doing school at home.


My most memorable moment

was when I trained to do a

solo performance. Luckily, it

was a success. My favourite

part about Remote Learning is

beating the traffic but still do

my school work at home.


My most memorable moment this year was when went on a field trip

to Gawad Kalinga.

What I like about Remote Learning is I get to do my work at my own

pace and I get to wake up later!


The Farmazing race at GK was the most

memorable moment this year. What I like

about remote learning is not taking the school

bus everyday!


My most memorable moment

of the year is when I went to

GK! What I like about Remote

Learning is I can chat with my

friends. - SI YEON

My most memorable day of the year is when I

met my best friend and made new friends.

What I like about remote learning is when you

write online. Especially, texting while we are

doing our work.


My most memorable moment was going back home

to Australia despite the long travel. What I like about

remote learning is being able to sleep in longer,

although I miss seeing my classmates.


My most memorable moment

this year was when we did

Ecosystem unit. I love nature!

What I like about remote learning

is learning through our gadgets. -




Jahrbuch | Yearbook 2019-2020




Klassenlehrer: Herbert Salvenmoser


Alexander David

Sänger Charles Oscar Voss Erik Hartwig Fynn Dunder

Ian Rudolf Simmelbauer Isabella Giese Isabella Jean Voss Jana Catharina Rossa

Kimora Simone Liepach Matias Emilio Zaide Nika Kiana von Asmuth Raica Allegra Voss

Stella Steiger



Herbert Salvenmoser

62Deutsche Europäische Schule Manila | German European School Manila



Die Online Schule klappt ziemlich gut, und wir haben

Unterricht wie sonst immer. Wir schreiben auch Tests

und Diktate und haben sogar den Känguru Mathe

Test Online geschrieben. Sport alleine zu üben macht

aber viel weniger Spaß. Mir fehlen der Schulhof und

die Hofpause und auch die Einrad und Hiphop AGs.

Ansonsten fehlt mir das Pendeln mit dem Bus gar

nicht und ich treffe mich auch am Nachmittag zum

online spielen mit meinen Freunden.



Ich vermisse die kürzeren


Ich vermisse meine Freunde, weil

ich nicht mit ihnen in der Pause

spielen kann. Und weil ich Sport



Ich mag es wenn man nicht um 5:30

aufstehen muss. Und man hat mehr

Zeit im Wochenplan zu arbeiten.



Ich vermisse in der Schule richtig

Sport zu machen. Ich vermisse die

Schule weil ich dort schwimmen

gehen kann. Ich mag auf dem

Computer Wochenplan zu machen.


Ich mag Online Schule, weil ich

mich besser konzentrieren kann, ich

kann meine FEINDE nicht sehen

und es ist eine Abwechslung. Aber

ich möchte immer noch in die

Schule (GESM) gehen.

Ich vermisse es mit meinem

Freunden in der Pause fangen

Spielen und in der Bücherei zu




Das ist meine Antwort für das Jahrbuch:

Was ich von der Onlineschule mag ist,

dass man sich selbst einteilen kann was

macht. Was ich von der Onlineschule

mag ist das man mehrere sachen über

den Computer kennen lernt.





Ich vermisse es mit meinen

Klassenkameraden in die Pause fangen

zu spielen, Sport zu machen und mit

ihnen einfach Zeit zu verbringen. Ich mag

distance learning, weil ich länger schlafen

kann und mich zuhause wohlfühle.



Vielleicht geht es nächstes Jahr


Mein Satz fürs Jahrbuch lautet

:Ich vermisse es in der Schule mit

den anderen Kindern und meinem

Lehrer zu lernen. AUßerdem

mag ich es, dass man jetzt länger

schlafen kann.


Ich vermisse es in der schule . sport

zu machen und mit freunden in der

pause zu spielen



Ich vermisse in der Pause Virus

zu spielen und in der Bücherei zu

malen oder lesen.



Jahrbuch | Yearbook 2019-2020





Homeroom Teacher: Timothy Balaz


Adam Buck

Adrian Almazan

Kerekesha Daniel Emanuel Dima Elias van Veldhuizen

Fiona Hachey

Giulliana Paige Garcia

Hyun Ko

Jacob Willy Joseph

van Olffen

Lilou Zhao Meng

Karlee Hannam Kohwoon Shim Yuan Hanen

Natali Devidze

Noa Gloria Raquel


Paul Murphy Rishi Kidambi Sean Samuel Macapinig

Stephanie Brown

Vivaan Singh

Yune Ko

Timothy Balaz (Homeroom


64Deutsche Europäische Schule Manila | German European School Manila

My most memorable

moment in this year

has to be sports day

even if we didn't win

1st place I will

always love sports

day! I like the fact

that I don't have to

wake up at 5am for

distance learning.


My favorite moment

this year was the

trip to Zambales to

the beach with all

my partners. The

best thing of school

online is that you

don´t need to wake

up at 5 am.


Going to Zambales

was my favourite

part of Grade 5.

Learning with Mr

Tim is the best part

of distance learning.


Most memorable

time in school: It was

probably when I heard

about Corona because

I thought I was going

to die. (I still think that I

am). Because of

distance learning, I

think I can focus more

on my work.


My favourite

moment this year

was the Zambales

trip because I got to

go to a beach with

my classmates. I like

being at home

sometimes because I

like being with my

family and pets.


My favorite moment

this year was riding in

the bus everyday,

because it was

exciting and I can

sleep going back

home. The most that

I like about distance

learning is I can sleep

and wake up late.


My favourite time

this year was our

Zambales trip.

What I like about

distance learning

is how it’s a bit

simpler to do




The most memorable

moment of this

year was Project

Week because we

did activities that

were challenging

and fun at the same

time, and it was

quiet as the whole

class wasn’t with us.

The part I like about

distance learning is

that I get to sleep in

and work in comfy



The most memorable

moment this year

was playing in the

beach on Project

Week with my

friends and specially

the strong waves

were really

memorable. The

part that I like about

distance learning is

that I don’t need to

travel for 1 hour to

school since I live

far from school...


My most


moments in

Grade 5I was the

sports day and the

Zambales trip. My

favorite part

about distance

learning is that I

have more time to

finish my work

than in school.


My favourite time in

5I was the Zambales

trip because it was

fun. My favourite

part about distance

learning is that I can

sleep and wake up



My favorite part of

the school year was,

when the school was

quiet and I would go

find a place to read. I

like that we can do

work on Word,

because it’s much

easier than writing

during distance

learning. - NOA

My most memorable

moment this year was

when it was Project Week

beacuse most of my

classmates went on the

trip to Zambales so it was

a quiet and relaxing week

. What I like most about

distance learning is that I

get to listen to “Asgore

Dreemurr” and “Hopes

and Dreams” while

working. - PAIGE

My favorite part of

the school year is

when we went to

Zambales with my

classmates. I like

how writing is a

lot easier on

Word during

distance learning


My favorite moment

this year was when

we went to

Zambales with my

friends. I like how in

online school I don't

have to wake up

at 5:00am.


My favourite part of

Grade 5 is when we

went to Zambales

especially when we

saw the beautiful

sunsets and swam in

the huge waves at the

beach. For distance

learning I like being

able to call my friends

while doing work.


My favorite moment this

year was, when we won

in swimming competition

during Sports Day. I

knew that my group will

win because of my

fantastic swimming skills.

What I like about

distance learning was I

don’t need to wake up

early to get on the bus at

6:20 am and I can eat

every time. - YUNE


Jahrbuch | Yearbook 2019-2020





On February 17, the school launched the Environment Awareness Week. Gracing the

opening program were two very important guests -- Rep. Eric Olivarez, Congressman

of Parañaque’s 1st District and environmentalist Irene Mejer, founder and president of the

zero-plastic store Eco Shift.

The opening began with a performance of the GESM primary school choir, led by teacher

Torsten Herzog. They invited everyone to sing a song for the environment, and this served

as the prelude to the special guests’ talks.

An advocate of environmental policies, Congressman Olivarez talked to the students about

Parañaque City’s newly signed ordinance that bans single-use plastics from all commercial

areas. He also talked about the so-called “1-liter challenge” where people are encouraged

to show on video how they can optimize their water consumption with just one liter’s supply

of it. This is to raise awareness about how much water we consume and how much we can

actually save by being more mindful about how we use it. Before the end of his talk, he

passed on the one-liter challenge to the students in attendance, and encouraged them

to post their videos on-line in order to spread awareness about environmental protection.

The Congressman also took time to walk around the Eurocampus, complementing its

greenery and well-maintained environment.

Irene Mejer followed the Congressman Olivarez’ talk by introducing her store, Eco Shift,

and what it means to reduce the use of plastic in our everyday life. Eco Shift sells hygiene

essentials such as shampoo bars, soaps, and other products that are hand-made, plasticfree

and responsibly produced.

The store kept a booth on campus where they offered their products for sale for the rest on

the Environment Week’s opening day.

On the subsequent days, primary students from both German and International Sections

undertook in several activities and workshops geared towards imparting environmentally

friendly behavior and raising awareness on sustainable practices. Check out the photos


A highlight of the week was a fashion show by primary students showcasing artistically

designed costumes and artwork made from recycled materials. The students donned

their colorful and amusing works and presented them to fellow students and teachers in a

catwalk that took place inside the Eurocampus auditorium -- a nod to the German Karneval

or Fasching that was also being celebrated in the school in the month.

66Deutsche Europäische Schule Manila | German European School Manila

Young students do environment-themed activities including

water experiments.

Ms. Viola Buck with Congressman Eric Olivarez

Pre-schoolers tackle the four elements -- Earth, Water, Wind and Fire

during the Environment Awareness Week.


Jahrbuch | Yearbook 2019-2020





von Florian Simmelbauer

Auch in diesem Jahr fand wieder der Kinderfasching für die Grundschule statt. Genau eine Woche vor Rosenmontag

ging es nach der Mittagspause los. In den Klassenzimmern der Klassen von 1 bis 5 konnten die Kinder zwischen

verschiedenen Faschingsaktivitäten wählen. In Klasse 1 konnte man Faschingsspiele ausprobieren, in Klasse 2 wurden

lustige Kappen gebastelt, in Klasse 3 gab es Karnevalslieder, in Klasse 4 Bewegungstänze und in Klasse 5 wurden

Karnevalsorden hergestellt. Als Höhepunkt zog dann die gesamte Grundschule in einer langen Polonäse durch die

Schule und alles endete in einem Bonbonregen vor der Kantine. Wir alle hatten einen Mordsspaß und die Kinder

erhielten einen kleinen Eindruck davon, was zur Faschingszeit in Deutschland alles los ist.

68Deutsche Europäische Schule Manila | German European School Manila

Students parade their outrageous

carnival costumes made of

recycled materials.

This year, the children’s carnival for the primary school took place again. Exactly one week before Rose Monday

it started after the lunch break. In the classrooms of Grades 1 to 5, the children chose between different carnival

activities. In the Grade 1 classroom, they could try out carnival games; in the Grade 2 classroom, funny caps were made;

in Grade 3 there were carnival songs; in Grade 4 movement dances and in Grade 5 carnival medals were made. As a

highlight, the whole primary school paraded through the campus in a long polonaise and everything ended in a rain of

sweets in front of the canteen. We all had a great time and the children got an impression of what goes on in Germany

during carnival time.


Jahrbuch | Yearbook 2019-2020



flurry of sports activities took over the campus as the Primary and Secondary departments held their annual Sports

A Days or Sporttage on March 5 and 6, respectively.

Pupils competed in different sports events including swimming, track-and-field, football, long jump, high jump and shot


Here are the Primary

Department Overall Winners:


Klasse 5 (5D)


Klasse 3 (3D)


Grade 3 (3I)

70Deutsche Europäische Schule Manila | German European School Manila




The GESM Houses also completed their annual football tournament

during the Sports Days. It was no easy task with the class trips, the

OJTs and the upcoming exams, to find time to play all the games, but

the House Captains and their teams somehow pulled it off. Here are

a few reflections/comments from the House Captains about how they

felt about the tournament and the challenge of scheduling the games:

House Scorpions:

“I thought the games, as a whole, were all fair and well played. It went much smoother than

I had anticipated, which is a very good thing. Although not that many people were willing

to play from different age groups, all houses had still managed to enjoy themselves.”

House Eagles:

“Regarding the extended lunch breaks issue, we can also talk about how chaotic it got

because everything had to happen during the extended lunch period (student council

meetings, house competitions, assemblies etc.), so, maybe next year it’s better to let the

extended lunch be just for the designated activities. For example, Billy and I were also

handling Model UN, and we rarely could have proper MUN sessions because the time

was taken by something else.

House Cobras:

“I believe that the house football was alright, though it could have been better. The rescheduling

of games made it difficult to build momentum and excitement among the

students for the tournament. I believe that it would’ve been great if we could have stuck

to our original tournament plan but that’s not what happened, so we had to roll with

the punches. For next school year, it would be helpful if school management considered

designated time for House activities at the beginning of the school year and included that

in their calendar planning.”


“Reflecting on the how the tournament went, with the repeat re-scheduling of games, I

can’t help but feel the students would be better off reverting to planning House activities

only during lunch break again like they have done in the past. At least lunch break is really

in student’s control. It’s a shame, because my hope for the new extended lunch program

at the beginning of the schoolyear was, that it would give the students more opportunity

to join the activities, without sacrificing break time or their academics.”

Here are the Secondary Deparment House

Tournament Resutls:

1st 2nd 3rd 4th










Jahrbuch | Yearbook 2019-2020



“Being Stuck in the Corona Crisis”

by Juliette Hoschka, 9D




Dr. Christoph Grandt


Es ist kaum zu glauben: Ungefähr zwei Drittel der Schultage bis zum

März dieses Jahres verliefen ganz regulär, wenn man von den üblichen

Unwettern und einem Vulkanausbruch einmal absieht. Nur das restliche

Drittel war geprägt von Covid-19. Dabei entstand eine interessante

Diskussion über die Bewertung von Schülerleistungen im Fernunterricht.

Ergebnis war die schlichte Erkenntnis, dass das vornehmste Ziel von Schule

doch die Vermittlung von Inhalten und Kompetenzen ist, unabhängig

von Noten. Corona sei Dank für diese Erinnerung an unser Leitbild

("Gemeinsam für die Zukunft lernen!"). Einen Dank an unsere Schüler ,

dass sie den dafür notwendigen Lerneifer zeigten , immer mit Einsatz

bei der Sache waren und wenn es denn doch einmal Online -

Klassenarbeiten gab , sie diese grundehrlich und gewissenhaft

anfertigten. Das familiäre Vertrauensverhältnis gab uns in dieser Zeit besondere Kraft.

It’s hard to believe: about two thirds of the school year were quite regular, apart from the usual

storms and a volcanic eruption. The remaining third marked by COVID-19 gave rise to an interesting

discussion about the evaluation of student performance in distance learning. The result was the

simple realization that the main goal of school is to teach content and skills, independent of grades.

Thank Corona for this reminder of our mission statement ("Learning together for the future !").

Thanks to our students for the commitment and eagerness to learn , for producing school work

honestly and conscientiously. Our familial relationship of trust gave us special strength during this


74Deutsche Europäische Schule Manila | German European School Manila



Valerie Cornelissen

International Secondary

Remember those good old days when we could meet, all as one, have

fun and enjoy healthy competition? All those good times we spent as one

is why you miss school so much! Yes, you do! I know you never thought

you would hear yourself say those words “out loud”, but you do! We all

do! GESM isn’t only a school, it is a place we go to grow, share and feel

like we all belong to the same familial community.

The German European School Manila is where we learn who we are and

what matters most!

More than anything, this regrettable virus has shown us that we must

spend more time with our loved ones and focus on what matters most:

“life”. The protection and well-being of all those we love is our biggest priority. No matter where we

come from, what our standards of living are and what we stand for, we are all part of this goal. All the

Secondary International teachers at GESM look forward in being able to meet with you again soon.

Until then, be good to one another and stay safe!

Have a happy and healthy summer break everyone!


Jahrbuch | Yearbook 2019-2020



Klassenlehrerin: Esther Wittstock


Brian Jänchen Chayenne Mae Naujok Hannah Seo


Sebastian Herbert Schmitz Esther Wittstock Teacher) Zoe Leigh Parker

76Deutsche Europäische Schule Manila | German European School Manila



Es ist toll, dass wir den Online-Unterricht haben,

obwohl die Schule geschlossen ist. Andere Kinder

können seit langer Zeit nicht unterrichtet werden, da sie

beispielsweise kein Internet haben. Ich freue mich auch,

dass ich nun nicht mehr zur Schule hinfahren muss und

somit nicht mehr stundenlang im Stau stehe. Außerdem

bin ich dankbar dafür, dass ich seit der Quarantäne mehr

Zeit mit meiner Familie verbringen kann.

Ich freue mich, dass wir den Online-Unterricht

haben, denn die meisten Schulen in Deutschland

haben so etwas nicht. Sollte die Gefahr in die

Schule zu gehen weiterhin bestehen, so können

wir auch in Zukunft trotz des Coronavirus am

Unterricht teilnehmen.



Ich bin sehr dankbar dafür, dass ich bei meiner

Familie sein kann. Schließlich gibt es viele

Menschen, die gerade nicht bei ihrer Familie sein

können oder die sogar keine Familie haben. Dabei

ist es so wichtig, in einer solchen Krise jemanden

bei sich zu haben. Mich macht es so glücklich, dass

ich mit meiner Familie zusammen in Quarantäne


Ich bin dankbar dafür, dass ich nun mehr Zeit mit

meiner Familie verbringen kann. Normalerweise

ist das nur selten möglich. Außerdem danke ich

denen, die täglich arbeiten gehen und dadurch

für uns ihr Leben riskieren, beispielsweise die

Ärzte und Ärztinnen. Auch freue ich mich, dass die

Umwelt nun nicht mehr so stark verschmutzt wird,

da weniger Benzin verbraucht wird.



Ich wohne in einem „Village“. Obwohl wir in

Quarantäne sind, kann ich deswegen noch immer

nach draußen zum Spielen gehen. So sitze ich

nicht nur den ganzen Tag im Haus oder vor dem

Computer. Dafür bin ich besonders dankbar!


Jahrbuch | Yearbook 2019-2020




Homeroom Teacher: Pierre Lamoureux


Akaisha Mehta

Alexander Inkinen Ruiz

Cyrille Octave Vassili Kueny

Eauen Kaitlyn Alba

Maya Jasmine Salvador

Pablo Díaz Escamilla

Sandrine Josefa Lundqvist Santino Sixto Javier Shiv Veer Chadha

Shivank Krishna Kumar

Sophie Margaux Langley

Pierre Lamoureux



78Deutsche Europäische Schule Manila | German European School Manila



I am thankful to have an amazing family

always there for me. I am also grateful to

have teachers that support me and give

100% energy to teach me. I also learned

so much from having to help my mom

do chores.


Technology is what keeps this school

and the rest of the world together. It’s

like our glue. I’m thankful for the fact

that I can still stay in contact with my

friends despite the quarantine.



During this pandemic, I’m grateful for

being able to help out my family more.


During this pandemic I was grateful for

the great times I had with my class and

others. The teachers also provided some

fun times with the class.


The road we brave may get tougher,

but we will brave it as a school. I am

thankful for my family and friends.


If we are going to persevere through

the challenges that this enables for us,

our school needs to carry on with how

it has been doing so far. I am happy I

can spend more time with my family at



I am grateful the school and the

community have been able to figure

out a way for us to continue our classes,

despite the unfortunate events. We are

helping each other adjust to this new

lifestyle. I am glad we are able to have

classes at home and I am very thankful

for that.


During this pandemic, I am grateful that I

can spend time with my family members

and get closer to God without missing

out on school.


What I am most grateful for during the

Covid-19 pandemic is that I am safe

and to know that my friends and family

are safe.


We cannot be separated from our

interests and differences. Persevering

through challenges is like knocking down

the biggest wall that is blocking your

right path. I am thankful for my friends

and especially family.


I am thankful for my family and friends.


Jahrbuch | Yearbook 2019-2020



Klassenlehrerin: Anne Hamburger


Anna Sophia

Catherine Huber Isaac Lucas Figovc Jasmin Irma Leicht

Kassandra Isabel Schissau

Kimi Paul Dollmayer

Megan Träger

Natalie Weber

Noah Felix Rosenberger

Noah Maurice Kranz

Sophia Clarice Rossa

Anne Hamburger



80Deutsche Europäische Schule Manila | German European School Manila




Das Positive an der

Coronakrise ist, dass

sich Tiere und Pflanzen

erholen können.



Ich bin dankbar, dass

ich ein Haus habe.

Ich bin dankbar, dass

meine Familie und ich

Essen haben. Ich bin

für alles dankbar, was

ich habe.




Ich bin dankbar, dass

ich und meine Familie

gesund sind und dass

wir genügend Essen

haben. Und ich bin

dankbar dafür, dass ich

mehr Zeit mit meiner

Familie verbringen


Ich bin dankbar, dass

meine Familie und ich

gesund sind und dass

wir Essen haben.

Ich bin dankbar, weil

ich Essen habe, es uns

gut geht und wir alle

gesund sind.








Ich bin der Pandemie

dankbar, dass ich

angefangen habe,

richtig Zeichnen und

Malen zu lernen. Ohne

die lange Pause von

der Außenwelt wäre

ich vermutlich nie auf

die Idee gekommen,

dass ich eine Künstlerin

oder 2D-Animatorin

sein kann. Ich bin zwar

noch am Anfang, aber

ich weiß schon genug,

um auszurechnen, wie

der Job so ungefähr

sein wird.

Ich bin dankbar, dass

ich immer noch etwas

lernen kann während

der Quarantäne. Ich

bin auch dankbar, dass

meine Familie und ich

noch gesund und in

Sicherheit sind. Ich bin

Gott dankbar, dass er

uns hilft.

Ich bin dankbar, dass

es uns gut geht und

dass wir noch etwas

lernen (nicht einfach

Aufgaben bekommen,

sondern auch Anrufe

haben). Und ich bin

dankbar, dass wir uns

noch alle verständigen


Ich bin dankbar dafür,

dass trotz der Krise so

viele Menschen geheilt

werden können und

dass die Regierungen

sich dafür einsetzen,

dass es möglichst viel

Sicherheit gibt. Ich bin

dankbar dafür, dass

es immer Leute gibt,

die da sind, wenn

man Hilfe braucht,

wie zum Beispiel im


Ich bin dankbar, dass ich

während dieser Pandemie

bei meiner Familie bin

und mehr Zeit mit ihnen

verbringen kann. Ich bin

auch dankbar, dass ich

während dieser Pandemie

Freunde habe, die ich

jeden Tag anrufe. Ich bin

auch dankbar, weil ich und

meine Familie gesund




Ich bin dankbar dafür, dass meine Familie gesund und in Sicherheit ist. Ich bin ich sehr dankbar darüber, dass wir

trotz Corona immer noch etwas lernen können/zur Schule ,,gehen” können. Ich bin dankbar, dass ich das Glück

habe, immer noch genug Essen, Wasser und ein richtiges Haus habe, im Vergleich zu manchen Kindern in dieser

Welt, die selbst mit regelmäßigem Händewaschen Probleme haben. Ich bin dankbar für alle Mitarbeiter von

Krankenhäusern, Supermärkten, öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln etc., die noch arbeiten müssen.

First Row (From Left to Right):

Noah Maurice Kranz, Noah Felix

Rosenberger, Pradilla Herrera Nicolas,

Isaac Lucas Figovc

Second Row (From Left to Right):

Kassandra Isabel Schissau, Anna

Sophia Huber , Jasmin Irma Leicht ,

Anne Hamburger (Homeroom

Teacher), Sophia Clarice Rossa, Megan



Jahrbuch | Yearbook 2019-2020




Homeroom Teacher: Rainer Dave Santos


Anja Lauren Andrineda

Athikhun Inwood

Audrey Kirsten

van Veldhuizen

Carlos Galvez IV

Cheuk Ching Poon

CleoZhou Zheng

Yan Hanen

Ishaan Anand

Joaquin Andres Rivera

John Bensen Lueck

Kalev Soininen

Kiros Hannam

Matisse Antonius


Nadreen Khudur Natalie Zhen Härle Reejashiwin Subramanian Ryan Wayne Weick



Trillian Gaile Galicia

Yam Ben-Ari

Zachary Ferrandon

Rainer Dave Santos

82Deutsche Europäische Schule Manila | German European School Manila




I‘m very thankful for the fact that our

school decided to lets us end

classes early and rest and give us

more time to finish our works

through out the day . At the same

time i got to spend more time with

my family and got closer to them.


I like that the school still teaches

even if the teacher need to

adapt to this online teaching.



Most thankful for despite the

pandemic : While it was still there ,

definitely the debate club . The library

as well, but I’m worried I won’t be able

to return the book . Oh , and also the

fact that all of us are alive and well.


Most thankful for despite the

pandemic: Still being able to learn

and speak with my friends . That

although it has been hard so far we

are still able to pull through.



The most thankful thing in this year

is that I notice that all my friends

and family are safe during this

situation even if it is our first time, I

hope everybody will be safe 'til the

last day of this virus.


Most thankful for despite the

pandemic : That everyone is safe

and well , and the school is really

helping us to stay safe and have

proper hygiene.


Most thankful for despite the

pandemic: That we continue to

have an education and a

curriculum despite the crisis.



I am thankful for all the chances

this school has given me and for

helping me realise that there is a

lot more to do other than just

sitting at home doing nothing

and eating chips.



Most thankful for despite the

pandemic: Still being able to learn

and speak with my friends . That

although it has been hard so far we

are still able to pull through.


Most thankful for despite the

pandemic : To be able to connect

with my friends online still.


Most thankful for despite the

pandemic: That the teachers at our

school are working very hard to

teach us while they are home, and

it must be pretty tough because

they are doing it online.



Even though kids my age usually

complain about school all the time,

saying things like : “I hate school “, I

think it is safe to say that school really

isn ’t that bad . I am very thankful

for my friends being safe and my

education being secured.


I'm thankful for my family

and Brooklyn nine-nine in Netflix.


I am most thankful for being

able to still chat with my friends

and play video games with them

anytime we want.


I'm thankful that my friends

are safe , well-fed and happy and

that my parents and my pets are the

same, too.


I’m thankful for our community .

That everyone is keeping safety

precautions , and none of us is in

wrong hands . We all are trying hard

and working very hard and that’s

what matters . Our harmony . I hope

this will continue 'till this crisis is over.

This is what mother nature taught

us. Let us change in the future.


I’m thankful for food, for being there

in the hard times at quarantine.



Most thankful for despite the

pandemic : Still being able to

study and talk to my friends

despite what is happening.


Less homework is cool. I have gotten

to use more tech, this makes me

happy but also makes me realize

about my health. I can still chat with

my friends and I know they are safe.

Jahrbuch | Yearbook 2019-2020




Klassenlehrer: Stefan Schweitzer


Alyana Rafaelle Liepach Carolina Maia Hartwig Elias Yann Sänger

Franz Mikael


Jacob Gabriel

Rosenberger Julian Paul Janke Julien Tate Hoschka Justin Walter Ith

Keona Kirchhoff Lukas Stein Manolo Laviña Simon Almeida Uy

Sven Dunder



Stefan Schweitzer

84Deutsche Europäische Schule Manila | German European School Manila


Ich bin dankbar dafür, dass ich

mit meiner Familie das meiste

aus der Zeit mache und ich noch

Kontakt mir meinen Freunden


Ich bin dankbar,

dass ich Zugang

zum Internet habe

und mit Freunden

aus Europa



Ich bin dankbar dafür, dass ich

meine Familie jeden Tag sehen

kann und dass ich dank dem

Internet viele Möglichkeiten habe

mich während der Quarantäne zu

beschäftigen. - ELIAS YANN

Ich bin dankbar,

dass ich mit

Freunden Kontakt

habe und ich

kann auch mit

denen Videospiele

spielen. - FRANZ

Ich bin dankbar,

dafür dass ich

tolle Freunde



Ich bin

dankbar, dafür,

dass ich meine

Freunde jeden

Tag anrufen

kann. - SVEN

Ich bin dankbar dafür, dass es

immer noch Menschen gibt, die

während der Pandemie immer

noch arbeiten.


Ich bin dankbar dafür, dass ich

mit meinen Freunden trotzdem

noch Kontakt habe und jeden

Tag mit den meisten telefoniere.


Ich bin dankbar

dafuer, dass ich

noch genug

Essen bei mir

zuhause habe.



Ich bin dankbar

dafür, dass meine

Familie und

meine Freunde

gesund sind.


Ich bin dankbar

dafür, dass ich

mit meiner

Familie das

meiste aus der

Zeit mache

und ich noch


mir meinen

Freunden hab.


Ich bin

dankbar für die

Menschen, die

noch arbeiten.


Ich bin dankbar für das Internet, weil es mir

ermöglicht, mit meinen Freunden und einigen

meiner Familienmitglieder in Kontakt zu bleiben,

zusammen mit der Unterhaltung, die es bietet.



Jahrbuch | Yearbook 2019-2020




Homeroom Teacher: James Curran


Aadya Singh Alexandre Masserey Ann Cathryn Lagemann Anushka Dushant

Arya Maydeo

Daniella Katherine

Plotnikov Elijah Paolo Cruz Fahama Dastgeer

Jean-Luc Figueras Juancho Miguel dela Cruz Juhani Soininen Kareen Nathial

Lara Christine Bohn Lauren Alexa Santamaria Lola Díaz Escamilla

Natalie Danielle


Robin Zhou Xing

Tian Hanen

Rohin Kidambi

Seung An Han

Shagorika Kar

William Wilpers

86Deutsche Europäische Schule Manila | German European School Manila


I watch Anime and Cartoons as well as work on my hobbies to cope with

boredom. I’m also working on music and learning Korean and Japanese, as I’ve

made friends who cannot speak English . During these times , I’ve been

socialising online and doing things like yoga or trying out make up. I like the

fact that the Earth is taking a break from all of the destruction we’ve caused

and that air pollution rates are going down and the animals are returning to the

places they were driven out from. - NATALIE

Playing and still getting to talk with my friends help me preserve

through this time . I’m thankful that my family gave away some food

packs for some people and for less noise and pollution. -ELIJAH

Online shopping and calling my friends keeps me busy during quarantine.

I’m thankful that my friends and family are safe. - DANIELLA KATHERINE

First Row (From Left to Right): Lara Christine Bohn, Anushka Dushant, Natalie Concepcion, Lola Díaz Escamilla, Kareen Nathial,

Alexandre Masserey, Shagorika Kar, Juancho Miguel dela Cruz, Ann Cathryn Lagemann

Second Row (From Left to Right): James Curran (Homeroom Teacher), Jean-Luc Figueras, Seung An Han, Aadya Singh, Lauren

Alexa Santamaria, Arya Maydeo, Robin Zhou Xing Tian Hanen, Elijah Paolo Cruz, Juhani Soininen, Rohin Kidambi, William Wilpers,

Daniella Katherine Plotnikov, Fahama Dastgeer

What helps you persevere through these times: Helping my mom with house works,

learning new things like cooking, spending Ramadan and praying, have time to think

about my personality and make some changes .Thankful that I am with my family ,

have time to spend with them and we are healthy.


Having a healthy life makes me go on. I’m thankful for my health and I am

continuing classes online.


The thing that helps me preserve through this time is playing guitar, reading

Stephan Hawking ’s books . I watch TV and play PlayStation too . Although

online classes take up all the time . But I am never bored and am always

creative . I am thankful to the lockdown as the Earth ’s atmosphere is

improving itself and many other animals are returning to where they used to

live. We can see dolphins are being spotted in the rivers, rivers are clean and

the water is drinkable, and there is no pollution, the earth’s pollution Is down

by 60%. - KAREEN


Jahrbuch | Yearbook 2019-2020



Klassenlehrer: Claus Beutel


Jessica Alexandra Odenthal Juliette Tatjana Hoschka Justin Dominik Schneider

Kevin Stanley Aust

Leonie Caroline Kranz

Marc Louis Rieger

Nicolas Jänchen

Claus Beutel



88Deutsche Europäische Schule Manila | German European School Manila



Ich bin dankbar für meine alten und neuen Freundschaften, mit deren Hilfe die Quarantäne erträglich wurde.


Ich bin dankbar, dass wir trotz Corona immer noch die Möglichkeit haben, unterrichtet

zu werden, und dass wir in dieser Krise mehr Zeit mit unserer Familie verbringen



Ich bin während der Pandemie für das weltweite Netz von

miteinander verbundenen Computern dankbar, das mir

ermöglicht, mit meinen Mitmenschen fernzusprechen , mediokre

Fernsehsendungen zu schauen und am Unterricht teilnehmen

zu können. ...././.-./.-./ -..././..-/-/./.-../../.../ .-/ --./.-././.-/-/ -/./.-

/-.-./...././.-./ “Community, Staffel 1, Folge 20, Minute 20:04”


Während des Lockdowns war meine Priorität, positiv zu

bleiben und diese Gelegenheit zu nutzten , um an

meinem Zeitmanagement zu arbeiten. Ich bin all meinen

Lehrern dankbar, die in dieser Zeit stark geblieben sind,

sowie meinen Klassenkameraden , die mir sehr geholfen

haben. Füreinander da zu sein und sich zu unterstützen ,

ist besonders in Zeiten der Isolation wichtig.


Ich bin dankbar dafür dass unsere gut ausgebildeten Lehrer in

den schweren Zeiten sich die Mühe geben und uns unterrichten.

Danke ans Internet, mit dessen Hilfe wir zum größten Teil unserer

Freunde Kontakt halten koennen und es dadurch nicht langweilig



Ich bin dankbar dafür, dass die Lehrer sich an den Onlineunterricht angepasst haben

und wie sie uns über Videomeetings unterrichten. Ich möchte auch meinen Eltern dafür

danken, dass sie mich auf unterschiedliche Weise unterstützen und mir halfen.


Proteine helfen mir, diese schwierige Zeiten zu überstehen.


Jahrbuch | Yearbook 2019-2020




Homeroom Teacher: Valérie Cornelissen


Aiken Giacinto

Alexis Pierre

Occhionero Louis Kueny

Altheo Don Glen Cassandre Masserey

Cassius Paulus


Emme Michele Burkard

Jillian Lorraine Chatrath

Misha Handa

Parth Mehta Patricia Alana Rivera Sabrina Schreiber Theo-Filip Avellan



Timothy Nils Lundqvist Yu-Ting Kuo Valérie Cornelissen

90Deutsche Europäische Schule Manila | German European School Manila


I learned how to

focus on my studies and

not get distracted from my

surrounding environment. I also

overcame the fact that it was hard for me

to prepare for tests and take notes. I also

overcame a learning gap in English and

Biology as they are core subjects and I

was falling behind on the subjects in the

previous years, this was also hard as I

had transitioned from an IB programme

to an IGCSE one this year and the way


teaching is different.




this school in the second

semester this year. The systems,

education, classmates, language are

completely different than what I was

accustomed to before. Especially the

IGCSE system, I am still having a hard

time getting used to it. It is not only

about remembering everything in

a textbook but also how to use

knowledge in a textbook.



I moved from

my old school system to

IGCSE, I was surprised

by the complexity of

the curriculum and the

exams I had to take. At

the beginning of the year,

I had issues following

subjects such as biology

and chemistry, but I

improved throughout

the school year by taking

more notes, reading

my textbooks, and doing



I started

my IGCSE this

year. For the first

part of the year, I

was confused with the


system and had

problems at the

beginning of the

year because we had

a bigger workload

and a different grading

system. Luckily after

the first half I understood

everything and got used to the

workload, so now I am

doing a lot better than



For me,

one of the biggest

challenges this year

was adjusting

to the IGCSE

system since we

had just been

introduced to

it. Considering

that I had lived

and studied in

Finland where the

system was completely

different compared to the current IGCSE

system that we now have, made it pretty

difficult to overcome, but ultimately I was able

This year had many

challenges throughout the

many months which we have had.

But for me, the most difficult challenge

was keeping up with how IGCSE works,

Because, we had our “Mocks” in the

first semester I now know what to do for

next year. And next year will be harder,

no doubt, but at least now I am prepared.

Another huge difficulty for me was trying to

learn and study online because everything

is harder to understand. But after a while,

you get used to it.



challenge I was able

to overcome this year, is that I

managed to adjust to the curriculum

and the environment in the school

because I was not accustomed to it

since, in my former years, I did not study

in an international school. At first, it was

very hard for me to keep up with my other

classmates and to the IGSCE system but

after some time of managing my time and

changing the way I learn, I was able to push

myself to achieve in overcoming this

challenge. - SABRINA


adjust just after a few weeks of the IGCSE program.

Another difficulty I had to overcome was coming

to Finland due to the coronavirus and having

to adapt to the time difference in Finland and

the Philippines, I had to attend online classes

at 1:30 am at first but when daylight savings

came around I had to wake up at 2:30

am. For me, it is and will become very

challenging to get through but I think

I will manage until school is over.




how to focus

on my studies and

not get distracted from my

surrounding environment, I also

learned how to prepare better

for exams and tests, and lastly,

if I made any mistakes

I wouldn’t give up

immediately but

instead learn

from them so I

could do better

next time. Mainly

I learned how

to overcome the

challenge of learning

better and being more

prepared. - TIMMY

I would

say that so far this year has

been the most challenging for me

because of different subjects, schedules

and also the environment, and the fact

that I just transferred this school year.

However, I managed the overcome

these challenges and I think that

the biggest challenge that I

overcame so far is adjusting to

the school’s environment and

to be able to learn something

new even when I am still trying

to get used to of everyone and

everything around me, to socialize

with other people or make friends was

also challenging because of new people

and also their different

I think

one of the

biggest challenges I

overcame this year was adjusting to the

IGSCE system. It’s our first year following

the IGSCE curriculum, and I found it a bit

difficult to fully understand how it works. The

different grading systems, learning methods,

and classes were hard to keep up with. I don’t

think I realized how important it was, and ended

up wasting a lot of time. I think I now learned

how to be dedicated to my studies, as well as

leave time for the other important things in

life. As the year progressed, I finally started

to find the right academic

balance, and I think

that that helped me

a great deal.



Jahrbuch | Yearbook 2019-2020


challenge I had

to overcome was the way

I had to adapt to this new

curriculum. In my previous

year and school, I was being

taught for one exam in 3rd year.

Changing all of that for IGCSE,

which is fairly different, was

definitely a challenge, especially

at the start of the year where I was

learning completely different

topics and subjects.



year was full of

challenges. Especially

psychologically. One of

the biggest challenges I had

and still have to face is the language.

The difference in level between IGCSE

and my old school was huge and trying to

adapt to all these things was the principal

reason why I found this school year



hard. Also, all this forced me to pass

another challenge that was to

face reality.



started my


this year. For the first part of the year,

I was confused with the curriculum/grading

system and had problems at the beginning of

the year because we had a bigger workload and

a different grading system. Luckily

I think one of

the biggest challenges

I struggled with was finding

the time for both studying and

myself. I struggled with balancing my

time and ended up spending whole

nights studying and was suffering a

lot because of it. I’ve finally

found a way I can focus

on my studies while still

having time for myself

and I’m much happier

because of it!


after the first half I understood

everything and got used to

the workload, so now I

am doing a lot better

than before.




Klassenlehrer: Martin Gabel


Bianca Marie Figovc Isabella Maia Hartwig Justin Arnel Almeida Uy


Maria Gia Sehrbrock Martin Gabel Teacher)

Youssef Tarek Bashir

92Deutsche Europäische Schule Manila | German European School Manila




Was hilft dir, diese Zeiten durchzustehen?

2. Wofür bist du trotz der Pandemie dankbar?

3. Welche Herausforderung hast du in diesem Schuljahr gemeistert?

4. Wie kannst du als GESM-Student der Gemeinschaft helfen?

1. Zu wissen, dass meine Familie und Freunde die drei wichtigsten Dinge zum Leben haben: Essen, Wohnung und Wasser,

und dass alle geschützt und gesund sind. 2. Ich bin dankbar dafür, dass niemand in meiner Familie und in meinem

Freumdeskreis den Corona-Virus hat und dass wir alle ziemlich geschützt sind, wenn wir uns an die Abstandsregel

halten. 3. Die größte Herausfoderung waren dieses Jahr für mich unsere Abschlussprüfungen (die KMK-

Prüfungen), und dass wir lernen mussten mit der Ausgangssperre zu leben. 4. Ich kann etwas spenden,

so dass Menschen in den Philippinen diese schreckliche Pandemie überstehen können, mit der

wir uns gerade auseinandersetzen. Die meisten sind sehr arm.

1. Meine Familie und die Tatsache, dass es meinen Großeltern gut geht und sie in Sicherheit

sind. 2. Ich habe mehr Zeit auszuschlafen. Ich habe mehr Zeit für die Arbeit an meinen Projekten,

die ich aufgeschoben habe. Ich habe außerdem das große Glück, zuhause einen

guten Internetanschluss zu haben, außerdem viele Bücher: kleine Freuden in dieser Zeit

der Plagen. 3. Schulisch gesehen, waren die KMK-Prüfungen die größte Herausforderungen.

Ich bin dankbar, dass wir diese noch schreiben konnten, bevor die Ausgangssperre

verhängt wurde. 4. Spenden. Spende, wo du kannst, an eine verlässliche Organisation.

Donate. Sehr viele Menschen haben nicht das Glück, zuhause bleiben

zu können. Diejenigen, die sich das leisten können, sollten es tun. Es wird nicht

ewig dauern, und indem wir zuhause bleiben, werden weniger Menschen

sterben und wir werden nicht so lange in Quarantäne bleiben.



1. Zu wissen , dass jeder , dem ich nahe stehe (und die meisten anderen

Menschen ), Sicher ist /sind und alle notwendigen Schritte unternimmt

unternehmen , um gesund zu bleiben . 2. Ich bin dankbar für die Tatsache ,

dass ich Zugang zum Internet habe , damit ich mit Menschen in Kontakt

bleiben und durch die Nachrichten informiert bleiben kann . 3. Ich glaube ,

dass ich mit Lockdown ziemlich gut umgegangen bin. 4. Als Teil des GESM-

Studentenrates kamen wir auf die Idee , das ganze Geld , den wir für Prom

gesammelt hatten (der angesichts der aktuellen Situation abgesagt wurde),

Organisationen zu geben, die den Coronavirus bekämpfen.

1. Zu wissen, dass die Menschen denen ich nahe stehe gesund sind und

die notwendige Maßnahmen treffen um diese Krise zu möglichst schnell zu

überstehen. 2. Ich bin dankbar für die Zeit, die ich mit meiner Familie verbringen

kann und Mittel habe, um mit meinen Freunden zu kommunizieren. 3. Die

größte Herausforderung für mich dieses Jahr wird sein wegzuziehen, ohne mich,

auf Grund der Quarantäne, von meinen Freunden verabschieden zu können. 4.

Allen, denen es möglich ist, sollten zu Hause bleiben und alle notwendigen Vorkehrungen

treffen um sich und Menschen in ihrem Umfeld zu schützen. Wenn möglich

gibt es auch viele Organisationen, an die man Geld spenden kann, um den Virus zu





1. Essen, Wasser, Schlaf, Musik, Ruhe. 2. Ich bin dankbar dafür, morgens etwas länger schlafen

zu können. 3. Die KMK-Prüfungen. 4. An der Spendensammlung teilzunehmen, um im Kampf gegen

COVID-19 zu helfen (nicht nur als DESM-Schüler, sondern allgemein).


Jahrbuch | Yearbook 2019-2020




Homeroom Teacher: Julien Ferrandon


Andre Reinald Espiña Chloe Ann Wincott Eauel Kent Alba Eduardo Teodoro Emily Thidarat Prins

Hannah Gunia Hannah Kai Matus Hendrik William Wilpers Isabelle Beatriz Xavier Jayani Garg

Jenet Hutchinson

Joshua Hutchinson

Lenny Nicolas Delitz

Lucia Ochoa de

Zabalegui Apraiz

Mariana Ochoa de

Zabalegui Apraiz

Paolo James Buck

Sebastian Díaz Rodríguez

Sienna Suzanne


Soobin Yoon

Steven Manuel

Walden, Jr.



Timothy (Bhin) Choi

Julien Ferrandon

94Deutsche Europäische Schule Manila | German European School Manila


I am thankful for the time quarantine has given me to learn

and understand more of the world. Although quarantine has

changed my plans it has brought my family back together and

we called from other sides of the world to wish a happy birthday

to my brother in the USA. I am also thankful for martial law

NOT being declared. What I miss most about GESM is casually

talking with my teachers about life and teachers that I have

gotten close to that I will never see again (Mr. Curran).


I am grateful that I get to

spend time with my families

and with myself (watching

Netflix all day and reading).

I enjoy being quarantined,

but sometimes it could be

boring, because no friends.


I am very thankful that despite

all the pandemic has done, I am

still healthy and happy and so are

my friends and family, I now also

know the value of what I do have

because as they say, you never

know what you have until you

have lost it. I miss everything and

everyone from GESM and I hope

we can meet soon. - ANDRE


I am thankful for not having

to deal with traffic and

having to wake up early.

Now I have plenty more

time to do the things that I

like and never have time to. I

miss my friends and hope to

see everyone soon. - LUCIA

I am glad that all my family and friends are doing well despite

the pandemic. I am also very thankful for the new learning

approach, having online classes was a bit of a struggle at

first because it was a new terrain for me because I personally

struggled with time management, but it was an efficient

alternative to taking the class physically. I would like to thank the

teachers and staff for making this possible. I miss the learning

environment at GESM and I miss socializing with my classmates

and teachers. Miss you all! - PAOLO JAMES

I’m appreciative of the fact

that even in times like this,

we can still keep in touch

with people who we care

about all around the world!

Regarding our school, I

guess I miss socialising with

people. - CHLOE

Thanks to quarantine I now have the time to do the things

I’ve been meaning to do, like search up what IGCSE

stands for despite doing the course for 2 years. I learned

to appreciate the people helping us all out and to not

take the time we have for granted. - JENNET

Due to the quarantine, I’m

grounded for a month now

and I can barely interact

with my friends. I hope that

scientists soon find a cure

for this virus and help a lot

of people around the world.


I am very thankful that the ones I care for are

currently safe and unharmed despite the pandemic.

Covid-19 has made me miss the social interactions I

used to feel while I was in GESM. Although we all

have contact through our social medias, it doesn’t

compare to the times we were all together . -


I am thankful for

that everyone is lending

a hand and trying to

help the ones around

them in which ever way

possible and the thing I

miss most about

GESM is that I don´t get

to have fun with my

friends. - MARIANA

This pandemic has turned our world upside down, it’s very difficult for everyone

which is why I am so thankful to know that my entire family is safe and that

all my friends are well and healthy. This lockdown has made me miss my school

and all social interactions . I am very grateful to still be able to receive the

education I was given and I thank all GESM Teachers for trying their best to

give us the most efficient online classes. I am also very appreciative that I am

able to stay in contact with my closest friends and classmates. I miss everyone

in GESM more than ever and I just hope there is less negative energy and

more positive outcomes from everyone and that we can all do our best to help

stop this virus! I really hope to see everyone soon. - JOSHUA

I am thankful that my friends

and family are doing well

during the pandemic.

I’m also thankful for the

frontliners who are taking

care of COVID-19 patients.

I miss walking to my classes

and the environment. Most

importantly, my friends and

teachers. - EMILY

This virus is a difficult time for us all. However, it warms my heart

knowing that this time has also made us more aware for those

in need. Whether it is through the donation of money, food, or

water, or through the volunteer work done for the homeless of

Navotas. I say all my thanks to the students and staff of GESM.

And a special thank you for my family (My cousins, my sister and

brother in law, etc) who has frontline the humanitarian efforts for

the needy of Navotas, my family’s ancestral town.


Despite being in lockdown

I am thankful that I have my

social media platforms to

communicate with my friends

and I also like the extra time

with my cats. I miss hanging

out with my friends in person

as they are supportive and fun

to be with. - JAYANI

I am thankful that I am able

to stay at home during the

crisis and get extra hours of

sleep. I am grateful to the

Teachers who help me do my

online assignments which

gives me the satisfaction of

using my time productively.


I’m thankful for family,

friends, Leo Dicaprio, and

the nurses fighting for our

welfare. At GESM I miss the

boys. :( - LENNY NICOLAS

I am thankful being able to spend more time with my family and

knowing that all my loved ones are safe and healthy. What I miss

most about GESM is the school environment and having to be

in actual physical classrooms. I’d like to thank all the teachers

and staffs for putting their constant work and effort for making

online classes efficient as possible. - HANNAH

I am pleased that my family in the United States, especially my

grandma, are healthy even though the United States was one of

the most affected countries by the pandemic.

What I miss most about GESM is the social interaction that I can

experience in person with students and teachers. It feels like

something is missing when I can only interact with my peers with

voice conferencing and instant messaging. - STEVEN

I am thankful that none of

my loved ones are affected,

the environment is slowly

recovering, and that I have

more time to reflect on

myself and recharge! I miss

doing everything in person;

having lessons and chatting!


Though the pandemic

had affected us greatly I

am thankful for the state

of health and the safety

of myself, my family and

friends. I do miss being able

to attend classes in person

and socializing with my

friends. - EAUEL KENT

I am thankful for being

alive during this pandemic,

that my family is safe and

my friends are also safe

and healthy and the thing I

miss the most is seeing my

friends. All my homies hate

corona virus. - SEBASTIAN

Despite the pandemic, I am very thankful that all my loved

ones are doing well and healthy and that no one around them

or myself has been affected by the virus. I miss the overall

environment that the GESM campus provided, whether that

be a good learning environment or the ability to interact with

teachers face to face and I miss socialising with my friends and

seeing them physically instead of through the screen. - SOOBIN


Jahrbuch | Yearbook 2019-2020





von Alexander Sänger, 5D

1. TAG

Als wir alle in der Schule waren fuhren wir mit einem Bus nach

Zambales. Jeder unterhielt sich mit seinen Freunden, die

Fahrt verlief ganz gemütlich. Wir haben einen Halt gemacht,

um einzukaufen und um zu Essen. Als wir ankamen, kriegte

jede Gruppe ihre Zimmer zugeteilt. Es gab Zimmer, die

nach Buchstaben und Zahlen benannt wurden, Zimmer A

mit Fynn, Charles, Erik und mir. B mit Kimmi, Isy, Jana und

Raica, Zimmer 1 mit Nika, Stella und Isabella, Zimmer 2 mit

Emilio und Ian und schließlich 3 und 4, die Zimmer unserer

Lehrer. Es gab am Resort einen sauberen Strand ohne

Plastik. Es gab auch sehr starke Wellen, mit denen wir oft

gespielt haben. Am ersten Tag haben wir einen Spaziergang

gemacht, haben uns das Dorf angesehen und sind im Meer

schwimmen gegangen.

Once we were all in school we took a bus to Zambales.

Everybody talked to their friends, the trip was very

comfortable. We made a stop to shop and eat. When

we arrived, each group got their assigned rooms. There

were rooms named after letters and numbers, room A

with Fynn, Charles, Erik and me. B with Kimmi, Isy, Jana

and Raica, room 1 with Nika, Stella and Isabella, room

2 with Emilio and Ian and finally 3 and 4, the rooms of

our teachers. There was a clean beach without plastic at

the resort. There were also very strong waves, which we

often played with. On the first day we went for a walk,

visited the village and went swimming in the sea.

2. TAG

Am zweiten Tag sind wir schon um 5:30 Uhr aufgewacht

und sind dann 2km zu einem Berg gelaufen und haben ihn

bestiegen - das hat Spaß gemacht. Es gab von dort oben

eine tolle Sicht auf das Meer und die Umgebung. Als wir

zurück kamen, bereiteten wir uns auf das ‚Island hopping‘

vor. Die erste Insel war toll, hatte aber viele Steine. Weil die

Wellen stark waren wurden Steine gegen unsere Körper

geschlagen. Aber es hat trotzdem viel Spaß gemacht.

Bei dem zweiten Ort gab es keine starken Wellen, aber

dafür keine Steine. Also haben wir ein großes Loch im

Sand gebuddelt und es wurden Charles, Isy, ich und Erik

wurden vergraben. Bei Sonnenuntergang haben wir einen

Spaziergang gemacht, es war toll.

On the second day we woke up at 5:30 am and walked

2km to a mountain and climbed it - that was fun. There

was a great view from up there to the sea and the

surroundings. When we came back, we prepared to go

island hopping. The first island was great, but had a lot

of stones. Because the waves were strong stones were

hitting against our bodies. But it was still a lot of fun.

At the second place there were no strong waves, but

no stones, too. So we dug a big hole in the sand and

Charles, Isy, me and Erik were buried. At sunset we went

for a walk, it was great.

96Deutsche Europäische Schule Manila | German European School Manila


3. TAG

Am dritten Tag waren wir im Tierpark und haben einen Tiger

gesehen, eine Schlange, Ziege, Kühe, Hühner und einen

Strauß. Es gab auch kleine Echsen und einen Affen, der

unsere Handys nehmen wollte. Wir haben auch gesehen

wie er gefüttert wurde. Anschließend haben wir bei einem

Camp Halt gemacht. Dort gab es eine Zipline. Sie verlief

über einen kleinen See und war schnell. Zwei Mädchen

schrien ganz schön laut, als sie daran hingen.

Wieder zurück im Resort hatten wir noch ein wenig Zeit am

Strand. Wir sprangen ins Meer und haben am Strand ein

riesiges Loch gebuddelt: ein 70cm tiefes Loch, so breit, dass

drei Kinder ziemlich eng hineinpassten!

Später gab es noch einen Sonnenuntergangsspaziergang

mit einigen Spielen. Nach dem leckeren Abendessen gingen

wir zum Strand zurück und machten dort ein Lagerfeuer. Wir

grillten Marshmallows und Würstchen. Antonia und Stella

erklärten uns das Spiel ‚Werwolf‘, das uns allen viel Spaß

machte. Das Essen war abwechslungsreich. Es gab Reis mit

Fleisch und viele Früchte und Gemüse. Zum Frühstück gab

es Bacon mit Ei und getoastetes Toastbrot. Bei der Rückfahrt

mit dem Bus haben wir nur Werwolf gespielt.

On the third day we went to the zoo and saw a tiger, a

snake, goat, cows, chickens and an ostrich. There were

also little lizards and a monkey that wanted to take our

mobile phones. We also saw how he was fed. Afterwards

we stopped at a camp. There was a zipline. It ran across

a small lake and was fast. Two girls were screaming really

loudly as they were hanging from it.

Back at the resort we had some time on the beach. We

jumped into the sea and dug a huge hole on the beach:

a 70cm deep hole, so wide that three children could fit

in it quite tight!

Later we had a sunset walk with some games. After the

delicious dinner we went back to the beach and made a

campfire there. We grilled marshmallows and sausages.

Antonia and Stella explained the game ‘Werewolf’ to us,

which we all enjoyed very much. The food was varied.

There was rice with meat and many fruits and vegetables.

For breakfast there was bacon with egg and toast.

On the way back by bus we just played werewolf.


Jahrbuch | Yearbook 2019-2020

Every year, grades six to eight

go on a trip to a place and do

a variety of activities. You usually

do not get to pick where to go,

but this year, we were given

different options on where we

could go. I chose to go to Cebu.

I was the only person in my class

who chose Cebu, everyone else

chose to go to La Union on the

surfing trip. In Cebu, we did a

lot of different activities. We

did wakeboarding, sky bike, sky

drop, caving, zip lining, horse

back riding, high ropes course

and waterfall rappelling. It was

all a lot of fun! We stayed at the

Danasan Eco Adventure Park. Danasan is a two-and-a-half-hour

drive from the Cebu airport.


During the trip we followed the

GESM core values on multiple

occasions. For example, we

had to be responsible by

taking care of ourselves and

our things. We had to respect

our schoolmate’s things and be

respectful of others. We had to

show independence by relying

on ourselves to be where we needed to be, etc. We

showed integrity by doing all of the team working

tasks and our activities honestly and without cheating.

We were compassionate by helping each other out

and encouraging each other to do whichever tasks we

were hesitating on.

I would definitely recommend going there, it was quite

the experience. If ever you have a chance to go there, you should! It was a great



By Trillian Gaile Galicia, 7I

The first day my group did the ropes course which was

quite difficult. Most of the people in our group ended

up falling. After that we went zip lining which was a lot of

fun. After we went zip lining, we had to ride horses to get

back to the main area. Every day, we had a team building

activity in the afternoon.


The second day my group went caving which was not my

favourite activity. I kept hitting my head on the rocks, but

some people said my head is so hard that I would not

damage it. Haha, very funny! After caving we did the sky

bike and sky drop activities.


The third day we went to the waterfalls and went waterfall

rappelling. After that we went wakeboarding which Miss

Lisa was very good at. We also did bodysurfing.

98Deutsche Europäische Schule Manila | German European School Manila



von Anne Hamburger

Die Klassenfahrt nach La Union war eine großartige

Herausforderung für unsere Schülerinnen und Schüler,

andere Kulturen und Umgebungen kennenzulernen und

gleichzeitig eine Möglichkeit, ihre sozialen Fähigkeiten

zu entwickeln

und zu fördern.

Insgesamt haben

55 Schülerinnen

und Schüler an der

Fahrt nach La Union


Auch die 11

d e u t s c h e n

Austauschschülerinnen und –schüler aus Sachsen sind mit

zum San Juan Surf Resort gefahren. Alle beteiligten hatten

eine unvergessliche Woche, in der viele gemeinsame

Erinnerungen erschaffen

wurden: Surfen, Wanderung

zum Tangadan Wasserfall,

Talent Show, Schnitzeljagd,

Lagerfeuer am Strand und

vieles mehr. Dies war das

vierte Jahr in Folge, in dem

die DESM dieses fantastische

Resort und die Surfschule

besucht hat.

Vielen Dank an alle

Schülerinnen und –schüler, die

während unseres Aufenthaltes

die Grundwerte unserer Schule

vertreten haben: Integrität,

Respekt, Unabhängigkeit, Verantwortung und Mitgefühl.

The class trip

to La Union

was a great


for our

students to

get to know other cultures and environments and at the

same time a chance to develop and enhance their social

skills. A total of 55 students took part in the trip to La

Union. The 11 German exchange students from Saxony

also went to San Juan Surf Resort. All participants had an

unforgettable week in which many shared memories were

created: Surfing, hike to the Tangadan waterfall, talent

show, scavenger hunt, campfire on

the beach and much more.

This was the fourth year in

a row that GESM visited

this fantastic resort and surf


Many thanks to all the students

who represented the basic

values of our school during

our stay: Integrity, respect,

independence, responsibility

and compassion.

Many thanks also to all

the teachers involved who

organized and accompanied this class trip: Ms. Külper,

Mrs. Wittstock, Mr. Ransom, Mr. Santos, Mr Hölzchen, Mr.

Wagner and Mr. Schmidlin.

Vielen Dank auch an alle

beteiligten Lehrerinnen

und Lehrer, die diese

Klassenfahrt organisiert

und begleitet haben: Frau

Külper, Frau Wittstock, Herr

Ransom, Herr Santos, Herr

Hölzchen, Herr Wagner

und Herr Schmidlin.


Jahrbuch | Yearbook 2019-2020



GESM and Saxony International School

von Marta Komicz

After landing in Manila, an adventurous exit from the airport and a short night, a group of exchange students from

the Saxony International School (SIS) finally arrived at the German European School Manila on Tuesday, February

4 to start a three weeks-long student exchange program where they took part in classes, projects and excursions with

counterparts from the GESM. Here’s a look-back at the program by our German language instruction coordinator Marta

Komicz, who took charge of the program for GESM.

Der Schüleraustausch fand vom 3. bis 25. Februar statt.

Die Vorbereitungen dafür begannen jedoch viel früher

und verliefen nicht immer wie geplant. Aufgrund des

Vulkanausbruchs und wegen eines gewissen Virus

mussten einige Punkte im Programm geändert werden.

Dies hinderte uns jedoch nicht daran, eine schöne Zeit

zusammen zu verbringen.

Unsere Schule gefiel der Austauschgruppe sehr. Die

Schüler fanden den Unterricht bei uns interessant. Am

ersten Tag wurden eine Willkommensrunde und eine

Führung über das Schulgelände organisiert. Während der

Schülerversammlung am Nachmittag des ersten Tages

wurde die Gruppe der ganzen Schule vorgestellt und mit

schönen Geschenken begrüßt.

The student exchange took place from February 3rd to

25th. Preparations for this started much earlier and did not

always go as planned. Due to the volcanic eruption and

the outbreak virus, some points in the program had to be

changed. However, this did not prevent us from having a

good time together.

The exchange group really liked our school. The students

found the classes interesting. During an assembly on

their first day assembly in the afternoon, the group was

introduced to the whole school and welcomed officially

with gifts.

100Deutsche Europäische Schule Manila | German European School Manila


Visiting students from the SIS hold classroom

exchanges with counterparts from the GESM

An weiteren Schultagen nahmen die Schülerinnen und

Schüler am normalen Unterricht teil. Darüber hinaus

halfen sie bei einem Projekt für den Kindergarten, indem

sie deutschsprachige Hörbücher erstellten. Außerdem

hatten sie die Möglichkeit, ein bisschen Tagalog zu lernen

und über die Entstehungsgeschichte dieser Sprache zu

erfahren. Die Austauschgruppe wurde auch über das

Sozialprojekt in Trece Martires informiert, für das sie

kleine Geschenke wie Stifte, Spielzeug oder Malbücher


On other school days, the students took part in normal

lessons. In addition, they helped with a project for the

kindergarten by creating German-language audio books.

They also had the opportunity to learn a bit of Tagalog and

about the history of the development of this language.

The exchange group was also informed about the social

project in Trece Martires, for which they brought small gifts

such as pens, toys or coloring books.


Jahrbuch | Yearbook 2019-2020





Unsere Austauschschülerinnen und -schüler lobten die Gastfamilien sehr.

Es gefiel ihnen, dass sie viel Spaß miteinander hatten und viel unternehmen

konnten. Die Gasteltern fanden den Schüleraustausch sehr gut. Sie lobten

die Organisation und Koordination und waren von der Idee begeistert.

“Für Kinder war es eine großartige Gelegenheit, mit einem Freund aus

Deutschland in Kontakt zu treten.”

„Meine Kinder haben gelernt, einen Gast aufzunehmen und ihre

Kommunikationsfähigkeiten auf Deutsch zu verbessern. Wir alle lernten

den interkulturellen Austausch von Ideen und Informationen. Danke für die


Nicht nur die Eltern waren vom Schüleraustausch begeistert. Auch unsere

Schülerinnen und Schüler fanden den Besuch großartig. Manche von ihnen

waren sogar der Meinung, dass 3 Wochen zu kurz für einen Austausch

waren. Es war traurig sich am Flughafen gegenseitig “Tschüss” zu sagen.

Our exchange students praised the host families very much. They liked that

they had a lot of fun together and that they have done a lot. The host parents

found the student exchange very good. They praised the organization and

coordination and were enthusiastic about the program.

“It was a great chance for children to connect with a friend from Germany.”

“My children learned to host a guest and improve their German

communication skills. We all learned intercultural exchange of ideas and

information. Thanks for the opportunity.”

Not only were the parents enthusiastic about the student exchange, the

students of course were, too. Some of them even thought that 3 weeks

were too short for an exchange. It was sad to finally have to say good-bye

to each other at the airport.

102Deutsche Europäische Schule Manila | German European School Manila


Ein Teil des Schüleraustauschs sind Ausflüge. Unsere

Austauschschülerinnen und -schüler besuchten

verschiedene Orte entweder mit ihren Gastfamilien oder

im Rahmen der Schulveranstaltungen. Sie fuhren nach

Pinto Art Museum, gingen zur Muschelfabrik, besichtigten

Manila oder wanderten im Park Masungi. Das Highlight war

jedoch die Exkursion nach La Union, wo die Jugendlichen

viel Spaß am Surfen und anderen gemeinsamen Aktivitäten


Insgesamt verbrachten alle eine sehr schöne Zeit

zusammen. Man lernte voneinander, hatte Spaß und fand

neue Freunde. „Es hat Spaß gemacht, viele Sachen mit

jemandem zu unternehmen, weil man Erinnerungen für

das Leben sammelt, nicht nur für den Schüler, sondern

auch für sich selbst.“– sagte eine Schülerin.

An dieser Stelle möchte ich mich bei allen Gasteltern,

unseren Schülerinnen und Schülern, den Lehrerinnen und

Lehrern sowie bei der Verwaltung und der Schulleitung für

die sehr gute Zusammenarbeit bei der Vorbereitung und

Durchführung des Schüleraustauschs bedanken.

Vielen Dank für Ihre Gastfreundschaft, Bereitschaft, Freude

an der Multikulturalität und für das Engagement. Ich hoffe,

dass unsere gemeinsamen Erfahrungen während des

Schüleraustauschs unsere DESM-Gemeinschaft stärken


Part of the student exchange are excursions. Our exchange

students visited different places either with their host

families or as part of school events. They went in the Pinto

Art, went to the shell factory, visited Manila or hiked in the

Masungi park. The highlight, however, was the excursion

to La Union, where the teenagers enjoyed surfing and

other common activities.

Overall, everyone had a very good time together. They

learned from each other, had fun and made new friends.

“It was fun to do many things with someone because you

are making life memories not only for the student but also

for you as well.” - said a student.

I would like to thank all the host parents, our students, the

teachers, the administration and the school management

for the very good cooperation in the preparation and

implementation of the student exchange.

Thank you for your hospitality, willingness, joy of

multiculturalism and commitment. I hope that our shared

experiences during the student exchange will strengthen

our GESM community.

The Visiting SIS students pose for a photo during their

excursion to the House of Shells in Parañaque City.


Jahrbuch | Yearbook 2019-2020



By Jeffrey Troyer

During a two-week span of time in February, all of the Grade 9 students from both the German and International

sections participated in the yearly “Job Experience Weeks” where they were placed in a real-world work environment.

This OJT is a concept followed in the German School system and therefore, an important facet of our program as a

German International School abroad.

Some of the different jobs the students were placed in included: banking, legal assistance, hotel management, software

retail and vacation/leisure services.

The students took away many lasting impressions and memories from this experience. As Emme (9I) put it, “I really

liked it. I learned a lot about marketing. The atmosphere and people were nice. I would go back”. Cass (9I) remarked

about his two weeks this way, “I learned a lot of different jobs as they switched my departments often. I really liked the


On the whole, this was an opportunity for students to grow on a personal level. It also provided a platform for GESM to

continue our mission to work with local organizations, broaden our students’ perspectives and learn practical life skills.


It was very fun, and I enjoyed

working and coding, my supervisor

was really helpful and supported

me a lot, I would definitely go and

work again at IGT. I found coding,

networking and learning how the

network departments works, really

enjoyable and I would definitely do

this in my future.

I worked at Adphoto, a photographyadvertising

company. I was able to

work in two departments-- actual

photography and business. In the

photography department I was able

to observe a photoshoot and do

hands on work with a camera that

was assigned to me. In the business

department, I made reports for

marketing, competitor analysis, and

more. Overall, I enjoyed my time

there as the atmosphere and people

were nice. After this experience,

I found that I was interested in the

creative aspect of advertising.

I worked at the Palms Country Club

for two weeks. In my opinion it was a

good experience and everyone there

was nice and good to work with. I

also got to see secret departments

which I didn’t even know existed.

104Deutsche Europäische Schule Manila | German European School Manila



“I worked at a law firm called Jose-Antonio Aliling and Associates…I would

attend court trials, meetings between clients, and help the legal assistants.

I definitely found the work I was assigned interesting, especially attending

meetings with lawyers as I really got to see how they interacted and helped

their clients. This OJT experience paired with the interview I did with a senior

partner at the firm really informed me about this field of work and I came to the

conclusion that law nor desk jobs are things I want to pursue. Working as an

intern in the law firm really helped me learn more about law in the Philippines,

how it affects us in our daily life, and what I want to do in the future.

I worked at German-Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GPCCI)

for 2 weeks, I enjoyed socializing, interacting and doing the things that they

asked me to do.I learned different things like how the company works and how

they help companies. I was assigned to different departments...I was told that

it is nice for them to see that even when I was not interested on the things that

they asked me to do the results of the things that I did was good and that I was

still focused on what I was doing.


I worked at a Swedish call center and had a very nice time because my

coworkers were very friendly and i could even speak swedish with. I learned a

lot about programming, marketing, and managing the company. I also helped

many tasks for example, finding possible sponsors on instagram and helping

HR count employee hours. Overall, my experience was excellent.


“Jahrbuch 105

| Yearbook 2019-2020

my OJT I was able to be exposed to the real world and what it was like

to work an office all day. I was able to learn and observe about the different

departments the company such as the engineering department and the

management department . I was able to strengthen my knowledge and skills

about how this management company works. I was tasked to make a brochure,

to calculate salaries and I was able to observe what the architects and the

process engineers would do. This experience helped me figure out that an

office isnt really a job for me that I would want to pursue in the future but overall

I have learned that working in an office has many challenges you have to face.



Ich habe in den 2 Praktikumswochen Interessantes über die Lichtverhältnisse

unter bestimmten Bedingungen gelernt und zudem auch, wie man durch ein

Computerprogramm einen Bauplan in ein 3D-Modell umwandelt. Jedoch bin

ich zu dem Entschluss gekommen, dass dieser Beruf ein nicht wirklich passender

für meine Zukunft wäre, da ich denke, dass es mir etwas zu eintönig ist.

Die Vorgesetzten und hochrangigen Manager von Continental haben sich

meiner Präsentation angeschlossen und waren alle beeindruckt von meinem

Selbstvertrauen und dem, was ich in wenigen Wochen gelernt hatte. Ich wurde

mit einer Flasche belohnt und konnte mich mit dem Geschäftsführer der Firma

unterhalten. Es war eine erstaunliche Erfahrung.



106Deutsche Europäische Schule Manila | German European School Manila


“ “

Meine Zeit dort war sehr

interessant, ich habe sehr vieles

gelernt, wie zum Beispiel, dass

es im Hotel, obwohl alles von

außen sehr ruhig und grandios

aussieht, hinter der Fassade

sehr chaotisch zugeht. Es war

auch beeindruckend zu sehen,

wieviel Mühe man sich gibt, das

Hotel instand und präsentabel zu





Viele sehen vielleicht keinen Grund,

das OJT zu machen, aber ich kann

nicht erklären, wie sehr es mir die

Augen geöffnet hat, nicht nur für

meine zukünftige Karriere, sondern

auch für einen Einblick in die

reale Welt. Ich wurde von meiner

Klassenkameradin Juliette Hoschka

begleitet, sie und ich gingen beide

zu der Peninsula. Ich und Juliette

haben viele Abteilungen wie die

Rezeption usw. gesehen. Alle

Leute, die dort arbeiteten, waren

sehr freundlich und nett. Wir haben

sogar ein paar Freunde gefunden.

Wir haben beide so viel gelernt, es

war eine unglaubliche Erfahrung

und wir können es kaum erwarten, in

Zukunft wieder so etwas zu machen.


Ich fand es gut, zu erfahren, wie es sich anfühlt einen echten Job zu haben. Ich

musste jeden Tag 1 Stunde mit dem Auto bzw. Motorrad hin und zurück fahren,

was ich während der Schulzeit nicht machen muss. Von meinen erfahrenen

Kollegen lernte ich, dass es auch freundliche Arbeitsplätze gibt und man nur

etwas finden muss, was man liebt und stundenlang machen könnte, ohne

davon gestört zu werden, um den richtigen Beruf zu finden.


In dem Betrieb welches mich für das Praktikum aufgenommen hat, habe ich

viel über die Gastronomie gelernt. Die Leute waren immer sehr freundlich

und hilfsbereit zu mir, wenn ich mal etwas nicht verstanden habe. Die

Praktikumserfahrung war sehr toll und würde diese Stelle für jeden anderen

der sein Praktikum hat empfehlen, denn es gab immer was zu tun.



Jahrbuch | Yearbook 2019-2020



On October 18th, our secondary students had the chance to gain an understanding of the

possible career paths from some of the most respected industry experts.

We were fortunate to have Mr. Roland Odenthal, Managing Director of B.A.G. Electronics,

Inc.; Mr. Chiles de Leon, Country Director of Qiagen; Congresswoman Joy Tambunting,

lawmaker and District Representative of Parañaque City; Ms. Micaela Buastista, HR and

Employer Branding Expert; Mr. Stan Sy, Wave 89.1 radio DJ and a play-by-play sports and

events commentator; and Consul General Joseph Assad, Honorary Consul of Lebanon in the

Philippines.The speakers shared not just industry-specific skills needed but as well as the soft

skills to build positive interpersonal rapport

with colleagues and superiors. As a result

of this Career Orientation Day, we have

created avenues for possible internships in

the companies where our guest speakers

are affiliated. At GESM, we will do our

best to guide our high school students in

choosing the career path most suitable for


108Deutsche Europäische Schule Manila | German European School Manila


Wave 89.1 Radio DJ and sports and events

commentator, Stan Sy, with the students

Congresswoman Joy Tambunting (2nd

from left) with V. Buck, L. Buck nd V. Ross

School representatives including Deputy Head of

School Martin Gabel (far right) with Consul Joseph

Assad (4th from left) of the Embassy of Lebanon.

Mr. Roland Odenthal of B.A.G.

Electronics Inc. with the students


Jahrbuch | Yearbook 2019-2020



By Billy Wootton, IB-1

On the 10th of November, GESM was given the privilege of having 10 Philippines

universities and their eloquent and formal representatives come to the campus and

give presentations as well as informative talks to the students. This event was thanks to the

careful and enthusiastic planning of the IBDP Coordinator, Mr. Santanu Bhowmik.

This event was organised to orient students on what to consider in selecting a university

and to see what the top universities in the Philippines are offering. Students from as young

as the 8th grade were strategically invited, owing to the notion that students should start

to thinking about their university decisions starting from a young age. As Mr. Bhowmik in

his opening speech said, “There are no bad or good decisions in life; instead you have

either an informed decision or an uninformed decision, this event is to help you make an

informed decision”.

Present at the fair were the following universities:

1. Ateneo de Manila University

2. De La Salle Medical and Health Sciences


3. De la Salle University-Dasmariñas

4. Lyceum of the Philippines University

5. Mapua University

6. University of Santo Tomas

7. St. Scholastica’s College

8. Southville University and Colleges

9. Enderun Colleges

10. University of Asia and the Pacific

Each university made their pitch to the students, giving

presentations and handing out freebies and flyers, eliciting

intrigue and interest from those in attendance. Most of

them had their own links and partnerships with German

universities, all of which were important to take note for our

students. And as stressed by Dr. Christoph Grandt, GESM’s

German university advisor, this is especially noteworthy

for those looking into starting their university path in the

Philippines and then continuing in Germany or Europe.

At the end of the event, Mr. Martin Gabel, Deputy Head

of School offered the vote of thanks and concluded with

the sentence “I am delighted to see this event and I have

worked in many German schools abroad, but haven’t seen

an event like this where so much information is being


110Deutsche Europäische Schule Manila | German European School Manila



Jahrbuch | Yearbook 2019-2020

International Baccalaureate

Diploma Programme

“Identity Crisis”

by Sarah Schneider, IB-2

International Baccalaureate

Diploma Programme




We started this academic year with lot of enthusiasm, high hopes and

some discomforts. While the backdrop of the discomforts stemmed

from new expectations and regulations, these soon became part of

our lives and we moved on in the best interest of our students.

Santanu Bhowmik

International Baccalaureate

Diploma Programme (IBDP)

We encountered challenges, yet we were able to overcome them

through discussion in the regular IBDP collaboration meetings.

Despite the challenges we could still successfully conduct the IBDP

TOK retreat, University Fair, Visual Arts Exhibitions, fundraising in the Christmas fair, visual

arts class trip, CAS trips, online mock examinations, online university counselling, the virtual

graduation and the distance teaching and learning. Both the teachers and the students

should be credited for making this disruptive academic year a success!

114Deutsche Europäische Schule Manila | German European School Manila

The support from the GESM Management has been crucial in all aspects, especially in

training as many as seven teachers through IBDP workshops, in procuring resources for

all the subjects, and last but not the least, in enhancing the university counseling process

through Bridge-U.

The unconditional support and the encouragements from the parents has played a key role

in achieving most of the major goals set for this academic year. The collective efforts and

participation have made this year a memorable one for many reasons and hopefully we will

remember this school year as the one which made all of us stronger and better!


Jahrbuch | Yearbook 2019-2020



GRADE 11 Homeroom Teacher: Dr. Christoph Grandt


Adam Kadda Andrea Kirsten Sanculi Billy Maxwell Wootton Eviane Renee Strike

Juan Alfonzo Dacumos

Lorenzo Fernando

Ismael Baja Ma. Michaela Menzel Mark Ryan Ketcher

Mohit Krishna Kumar Nathan Williams

Paolo Gabriel Garcia Paula Abad



Sofia Mae Rivera Zsaira Carane Dr. Christoph Grandt


1. Abad, Paula

2. Baja, Lorenzo Fernando Ismael

3. Beraño, Bono Juventus

4. Carane, Zsaira

5. Dacumos, Juan Alfonzo

6. Garcia, Paolo Gabriel

7. Kadda, Adam

8. Karg, George Arthur

9. Ketcher, Mark Ryan

10. Krishna Kumar, Mohit

11. Matus, Alexis Taylor

12. Matute, Manolo

13. Menzel, Ma. Michaela

14. Rivera, Sofia Mae

15. Sanculi, Andrea Kirsten

16. Strike, Eviane Renee

17. Williams, Nathan

18. Wootton, Billy Maxwell

116Deutsche Europäische Schule Manila | German European School Manila



I learned a bit

more selfcontrol


year and I’m

very proud of it.


& excelling


standards was a

challenge that I

faced this year.

The fruits of

my labour fuel

my motivation

to excel and

exceed in the

coming year.

This year I

learned how to

work harder and

to really start

focusing on my

goals to get me

to where I want

to be


Staying Alive.

Despite the

problems that

I encountered,

I was able to

adapt and quickly

overcome them.

For instance,

transitioning to

online learning

was tricky as it was

something that

was new to me.

Yet, after some

time of adjusting,

it all went well.

I have accepted

the sudden

changes and

difficulties to my

lifestyle. I have

learned that

family always

comes first.


I feel like I

haven’t had

any challenges

and we must

know how

to accustom

ourselves to

such things.

Many things,

the IBDP is

already hard

but 2020 is

even harder

Looking back

on the past

few months,

I’ve come to

the conclusion

that the biggest

challenge I

overcame this

year was this

year itself. Next

year might beg

to differ though.


I overcame the

challenge of


myself. As the

year went by,

I learned to

balance my

social life, and


I overcame

stress and work

just for more

stress and

work to come

hurdling my


As an IB student,

the challenges

that I had to

overcome this

year are working


and making

sure that i’m


especially during

this current



Jahrbuch | Yearbook 2019-2020




Homeroom Teacher: Veronika Garga


Aishani Garg


Douglas Glen

Andrea Ysabel

Concepcion Angelica Doña Wurster Annika Weber

Chantel McDevitt

Ciaran Isaac

Sanchez O’Driscoll

Emmanuelle Sophie

Inès Camara

Farah Francesca


Haruma Maruhashi

Kelly Anne


Luis Antonio


Marielle Joy Lazan

Marius Gerard


Matteo Agustin


Melanie Bambei Michael Andreas Wurster Patrisha Faith Buck Sarah Schneider

Shraddha Puri

Sophia Akillian

Suraj Satish

Tobias Bambei

Veronika Garga (Homeroom


118Deutsche Europäische Schule Manila | German European School Manila



Throughout the IB program, there

have been many obstacles thrown

at my classmates and me. Now

the corona virus, however through

perseverance and the goal to

graduate I believe I have pushed

myself to strive for the best I

could be.



One challenge I faced is the

everchanging way of fate. This

year proved to show me that

nothing is set in stone. But,

c’est la vie.



The skill of time management required

for my IB years was the biggest

challenge I faced. A lot of effort went

into balancing my time for sports,

clubs (like MUN), study time, finishing

homework, family time, and leisure

time. Although many personal obstacles

came in the way, I always managed

to re-balance my schedule and work

through my problems.


This school year we had to

accept the fact that things

may not go as planned.

There may be things we

don’t want to happen but we

must learn to accept them.



much love, very groovy, bye




Thinking critically and

speaking up when the “hard

facts” just don’t seem right.

The sky is not green just

because someone says it is.


This school year I overcome the

challenge of being a risktaker.

This has given me the courage

to explore and learn new things

and helped me push myself to

the limits.


This entire school year was a

challenge. I had to manage

a heavy workload, make

decisions impacting my

future, apply to universities,

and accept that I’d be leaving

my friends.


The biggest challenge

I overcame this year is

multitasking because there

were many tasks to be

completed. My solution was

to form a timetable in order to

work more efficiently.



I learned to take each

assessment seriously and put

my very best in each one,

furthermore, reaching out

to teachers also helped me

improve my work.


The challenge I overcame this

school year was teamwork. I

learned how to work together

with others in a group and

learned how working together

mostly produces efficient




With volcanoes, viruses, and

deadlines, it was us against

nature, the world, and a lot

more that I don’t want to get




Walt Disney once said, “All our dreams

can come true if we have the courage

to pursue them.” And until now, I still

live for that quote. Despite experiencing

the most difficult challenges in the IB

Diploma Program, I faced each and every

one of them by hard work, courage,

and determination. Thanks to those

challenges, I am ready to start the next

chapter of my life.


This year challenged me to

remain balanced and levelheaded

amidst the stress and

workload. It was important to

develop mental fortitude and

build resilience to overcome

obstacles and regain


One challenge I faced this year

was taking more responsibility

than I could handle, but I

overcame this by managing my

time efficiently and by being

more organized.

My challenge during this year

was to wrap up all of my work

and submit my requirements.

I overcame this by focusing

on and finishing tasks one at

a time.


Jahrbuch | Yearbook 2019-2020


CAS is an integral part of

the IB Diploma Programme

aiming at developing students

in areas which are usually not

covered by academic subjects.


Arts, and other experiences that involve

creative or innovative thinking


Physical exertion contributing to a healthy

lifestyle, including sports competitions


An unpaid and voluntary exchange with

mutual benefit for both parties

In the school year 2019/20

our students have again

engaged in a variety of

meaningful experiences and

projects. Many students have

submitted impressive CAS

portfolios of up to 75 pages

long, packed with information

and reflections.

Instead of listing these often

personal experiences we

would like to present one

specific CAS project more

in detail which has been in

our focus for many years,

mainly the Deep Wells

Project (“posos”) in Trece

Martires. The following is a

report by GESM students

who participated in this

mission. More on this project

can be found on http://www.






In many rural precincts in the Philippines, many locals are put under difficult living

conditions that stem from their location, financial stability, and more. Because

of this the locals are forced to pursue living their lives, but under harsh settings.

As a group, we wanted to help make a change that will benefit these locals and

hopefully put smiles on their faces.

Furthermore, we wanted to diversify our expedition by following a different

approach, that involved us visiting locals who were put under various conditions.

For instance, before visiting the young children, we went to another place that

consisted of both children and young adults, who had different disabilities. This

place was called the “Home of the abandoned special children” or “Bukal ng

Kayapaan”, runned by Missionaries of Charity (Brothers).

In addition to our main goal, our secondary goal was to revisit the water pumps

that our previous team installed, in order to see how these pumps have impacted

their local community, and to search for possible places where we can put more

water pumps in the future.

The contact to the Home of the Abandoned Special Children dates back to the

year 2008, and the deep wells project is running since 2011. Students of GESM

have been engaged in this area since 2015 within their IBDP CAS-programme.

Alumni and former parents are also involved in these projects.

I would like to thank all of our

students for their commitment

and the teachers who helped

them to achieve their goals in

this school year.

Dr. Christoph Grandt

CAS Coordinator

120Deutsche Europäische Schule Manila | German European School Manila






During this expedition, not only did we donate and provide support towards the children and teenagers who lived in

these said ‘not as privileged living conditions’, but we also tried to make it fun for them; such that they would get more

than just happiness in receiving items. One of the Grade 11, IB-1 students, Mark Ketcher, decided to play a round of

basketball with some of the locals, to which

both him and the competitors evidently

had lots of fun.

We went around to various different

locations whereby Water Wells,

donated and constructed by kind souls

around the world and in the Philippines,

resided, and helped out the individuals

and groups living in close proximity

therein. We had supplied them with

things that they needed; things most

people take for granted but they

appreciate more than ever. We had

donated a handful of school supplies,

parcels and bags full of old toys, snacks

and food, as well as old clothes. The

smiles and gratitude, in conglomeration

with their appreciation and overall

joyousness, radiated to the hearts of

us and everyone involved, calling for

an overall amazing experience that

definitely changed the outlook of social

welfare differences that we once had.


Jahrbuch | Yearbook 2019-2020





This expedition was one of scarce opportunities; not every day do we get to

witness the harsh financial divide within society that we aren’t used to, but

many are heir to. It was an amazing experience that will remain in the hearts

of all of us; the cumulative efforts of the students and staff involved, surely

brought happiness and gratefulness to the children that we donated our time,

care, joy, and old things to.

It was also a learning experience; something that is highly regarded within

the IB- Diploma, and its learner profile therein. We had exposed ourselves to

horizons we had never thought of opening ourselves up to. An immense thanks

goes to all of the students and staff involved in the planning and executing of

this ever so joyous expedition.

Mark Ryan Ketcher


Billy Maxwell Wootton


122Deutsche Europäische Schule Manila | German European School Manila




“After our trip to Trese Martires, I began to truly realise the severity of the living conditions that the locals of cavite live under. When

we arrived at the home of the abandoned special children, we were given the opportunity to visit some of the rooms, where the

special children would sleep. At first glance, I was speechless when I saw all the children there, who were gathered around while

being fed by the local helpers. This was the moment when I began to understand how these disabilities have truly changed their


After leaving the site, I instantly reflected on what I had just experienced, and I began to realise how lucky I am to be in a

position that allows me to live a life that involves me going to a good school, being able to do most things without restriction,

and being able to pursue my current passions at a young age. In addition to this, I became more sympathetic and caring

towards people with special needs, which I believe is important when trying to become a well- rounded person.

As we continued with our trip, we visited an area that had locals living there. Upon handing out clothes, snacks, toys, and

school supplies, it became evident to me that every gift that each child was given put a smile on their face and that each child

was grateful for the gifts that they have received. This was crucial to me, because it was a wonderful experience that taught

me how to have a grateful heart and to do whatever I can to help others in need.

In the same area, I was given the opportunity to play basketball with one of the locals. Once we arrived at the basketball court,

I was shocked once again when I saw the condition of the basketball court that these local players were playing basketball on.

The surface was muddy and bumpy, and the basketball rim was barely large enough to fit the size of one basketball. However, it

seemed as if this did not bother them, and that they tremendously enjoyed the sport of basketball. This showed me that no matter

what circumstances you are put under, without perseverance you cannot achieve your goal.

I was astonished and amazed by the division in our society that is, standard of living as well as the quality thereof. The boastful goods

and services, as well as items that we have, we often take for granted and never bat an eye at those who would appreciate it much

more than we do. Although we do appreciate the latter, it’s hard to constantly maintain a sense of gratitude. I had always been

grateful for my current belongings and whatnot, but this trip and experience enhanced it immensely.

Looking back at the trip to the Missionaries of Charity (Brothers) organisation, it gave me hope. It gave me hope in our world

immersed and saturated in conflict and indifference, abandonment and desperation, that people who are so selfless that they

dedicate their full time and effort just to help others, exist in the hundreds of millions, if not billions. The people working

within the vicinity of the former weren’t just voluntary workers, nor were they part time workers; they were full time workers

who had invested their lives to benefit others who are nowhere as privileged as the latter may be.

The looks on the faces of the children and teenagers, as well as their parents, upon receiving aid and things that they were

long deprived of, almost brought a tear to my eye. They were so joyous, and although they didn’t vocally announce it, they

were filled with gratitude and gratefulness. If I had the chance to go back and donate more as well as provide help and my

time to those children in need, I would, without a second thoughts.”

By the way the Home for the Abandoned Special Children in Trece Martires is offering short-term volunteer opportunities for

students. Therefore if you are interested you may contact us or Mr. C. Grandt (cgrandt@gesm.org). Also, donations for the wells

project are always welcome. The construction of a new deep well (poso) costs 45000 pesos. You find more information here: http://



Jahrbuch | Yearbook 2019-2020




IB Students Annika Weber, Marielle Lazan and Sarah Schneider showcased

their very own artworks in an exhibition entitled “Meraki” from March 2

to 3.

“Meraki”, which means “to do something with soul, creativity or love”,

was curated by Visual Arts teacher Lisa Kossen. The exhibition was a

display of the students’ last assessment as required by the IBDP Visual

Art program. It featured up to 10 works of each student, created in grades

11 and 12, which will include several paintings, drawings, sculptures and

digital artworks.

The public opening took place on March at the Eurocampus Auditorium

– to much excitement and awe. Facilitated by IB Coordinator Mr. Santanu

Bhowmik and Ms. Kossen, the During the opening of the exhibition

opening was attended by a

couple hundred curious and

giddy students and their teachers, as well as the parents of the exhibiting

students. To know more about the exhibition and the students’ works, please

send an e-mail to lkossen@gesm.org.



by Sarah Schneider

124Deutsche Europäische Schule Manila | German European School Manila


Circles of Life

by Annika Weber

Serena by

Sarah Schneider

Assorted works

by Marielle Lazan




Class interruption and a midday assembly greeted the students

and teachers of the German European School Manila (GESM)

when they returned for the beginning of the second term on

February 4.

The reason? Some good ol’ patting on the back.

A total of 63 students from both International and German

Secondary sections and the International Baccalaureate Diploma

Program (IBDP) were formally awarded for academic excellence

and upholding of school values based on their performance

and behavior in the first term. Handing out the certificates

was headmaster Christoph -Boris Frank , flanked by Valerie

Cornelissen (International Secondary), Dr. Christoph Grant (

German Secondary) and Santanu Bhowmik (IBDP).

The academic achievement awards were based on the students’

end -of-term grades for school year 2019 -20. The so-called

"GESM Values Award ", meanwhile , was bestowed on any

student whose behavior upholds the school values the most as

judged by her / his peers -- and in the case with the IBDP

candidates , also by his/ her teachers . The GESM’s core values

include integrity , respect , compassion , independence and


126Deutsche Europäische Schule Manila | German European School Manila


Jahrbuch | Yearbook 2019-2020


Es ist offensichtlich, dass dies ein Jahr der Premieren ist.

Das gilt auch für die Abschlussfeier 2019/20, die am 19. Juni stattfand - zum ersten

Mal überhaupt wurde sie vollständig im Cyberspace durchgeführt. Dies ist eine

Hommage an die diesjährigen Absolventen, der ersten Gruppe in der Geschichte

der Schule, die mitten in einer Pandemie ihren Schulabschluss erwarb.

Die ganze DESM-Familie ist unendlich stolz auf unsere Absolventen. Herzlichen


Die Absolventen

der deutschen M

Justin Arnel Almeida Uy

Youssef Tarek Bashir

Bianca Marie Figovc

Isabella Maia Hartwig



Jessica Alexandra Odenthal

Maria Gia Sehrbrock

Obviously, this is a year of firsts.

The same is true for the 2019/20 Graduation Ceremony that took place on June 19

-- For the first time ever, it was done completely on cyberspace. This is a homage to

this year’s graduates, the first batch in the history of the school to finish successfully

in the midst of a pandemic.

The whole GESM family is immensely proud of our graduates. Congratulations!










We are committed to the promotion of German

language learning and the honing of German language

skills. Students of our International and therefore

English-based Section receive German language

lessons as early as Kindergarten. This continues all the

way until finishing the officially recognized German

Language Diplomas on Grades 9 and 10/11. With

these, our alumni are certified to enter universities or

start vocational training in Germany.

In our German-speaking Section we offer an even

more efficient way to learn German within a German

setting. In Kindergarten, we welcome a number of

children without any German background every year,

immersing them in a German-speaking environment

where they learn the language through interactive

games, songs, role plays, and fun activities. These

children then enter the German section 1st grade

without any major language problems.

Learning German continued at the GESM despite

the school closure. Our German teachers came up

with the most innovative and entertaining projects for

their lessons , assuring that the forced quarantine

does not hinder language acquisition.

And the results speak for themselves – quite literally!

First grader Anju Miyazako barely spoke any German

at the beginning of the school year, and yet during

the year-end moving up virtual ceremony of the

International Primary Department, she was able to

deliver a live speech in perfect German. Her speech

and its translation are available for view in our website’s

news section.

Sandro learning body parts in Germa

Here are some photos of our young German learners

and the projects they’ve come up throughout the

school year.

132Deutsche Europäische Schule Manila | German European School Manila


Deutsch lernen!



Jahrbuch | Yearbook 2019-2020



Die DEUTSCHE EUROPÄISCHE SCHULE MANILA (DESM) ist eine internationale, mehrsprachige, koedukative

Schule auf den Philippinen. Als IB-Weltschule bietet die DESM das International Baccalaureate Diploma

Programme (IBDP) und das Primary Years Programme (PYP) an. Wir sind eine akkreditierte deutsche

Auslandsschule, die von der deutschen Regierung über die ZfA, die Zentralstelle für das deutsche

Auslandsschulwesen, überwacht und unterstützt wird. Die Schule verfolgt das Ziel, Schülerinnen und Schüler zu

Weltbürgern zu erziehen, die sich für eine nachhaltige Zukunft engagieren. Die DESM ist eine von der UNESCO

anerkannte Schule. Zusammen mit der französischen Auslandsschule, dem Lycée Français de Manille, bildet sie

den Eurocampus Manila.



Simply put, the Eurocampus

is the name bestowed to the

20,000-square meter campus

that houses both the GESM

and our French counterpart,

the Lycée Français de Manille

(LFM). It exists as a testament

to the spirit of the famous

Élysée Treaty between Germany and France, providing both

schools with common space, facilities and personnel. The

Eurocampus is the first of its kind in the world, and stands as

an avenue for partnership not only between the two schools,

but between the two countries.




The GESM is a proud member

of the UNESCO Associated

Schools Network (ASPNet).

With about 11,500 member

schools in 182 countries,

ASPNet aims to instill the

lessons of peace and tolerance

in the minds of the young. The

member schools work to educate and expose students on

international understanding, intercultural dialogue, and

sustainable development.



The so-called ECAs or Extra-

Curricular Activities offered at

our school is a set of optional

activities for all students of

the Eurocampus. Students and

their parents can choose from a

range of programs that include

all kinds of sports (football,

basketball, swimming, taekwondo, etc.), performing arts

(musical instruments, ballet, hip-hop, etc.) and creative arts.

Each activity is offered in a 32-week program that spans

the whole school year and ECA classes are scheduled after


134Deutsche Europäische Schule Manila | German European School Manila


The GERMAN EUROPEAN SCHOOL MANILA (GESM) is an international, multi-lingual, co-educational school

in the Philippines. An IB World School, the GESM offers the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme

(IBDP) and the Primary Years Programme (PYP). We are an accredited German school abroad, monitored and

supported by the German government via the ZfA, the Central Agency for German Schools Abroad. The school

aims to develop students into global citizens committed to a sustainable future and is a duly recognized

UNESCO school.





Baccalaureate or “IB” (formerly,

the International Baccalaureate

Organisation, or IBO) is an

international educational

foundation responsible for

creating and monitoring

globally recognized and

highly commended curricula for schools around the world.

The GESM offers IB curricula for 11th and 12th graders (IB

Diploma Programme), and for most of our international

section pupils (IB Primary Years Programme). Adopted

by over 5000 schools across the world, the IB educational

principle centers on holistic development with a focus on






The GESM is one of 140

accredited German schools

abroad supported and

monitored by the German

government via the ZfA.

Twice granted by the seal of

“Excellent German School

Abroad”, the GESM’s

pedagogical quality and direction is guided by the

regulations of the ZfA, making sure the school maintains the

highest standards of German education.





The IGCSE is an internationallyrecognized


examination for secondary

school pupils. Currently, the

GESM follows this exam as

developed by the University

of Cambridge and by Pearson

Edexcel, which regulates school

examinations under the British curriculum. The GESM is

an accredited IGCSE examination center and prepares its

international section pupils for this exam in the 9th and 10th



Jahrbuch | Yearbook 2019-2020


Jahrbuch der Deutschen Europäischen Schule Manila, 2019/20

Yearbook of the German European School Manila, 2019/20

Konzept | Concept

Volker Ross, Martin Gabel, Shadin Kitma

Allgemeine Produktion, Endredaktion, Übersetzungen |

Overall Production, Editing, Translations

Shadin Kitma, Martin Gabel

Text-Beiträge | Text Contributions

Anke Reiffenstuel & Kai Tomzig (Deutsche Botschaft Manila/German Embassy Manila) |

Christoph-Boris Frank | Tobias Hoschka (Vorstand der DESM/GESM Board) | Kimberly

Hatchey & Lady Timbang-Garcia (Gesamtelternbeirat/Parents’ Advisory Council) |

Katrin Parker | Nicole Zialcita-Javier | Viola Buck | Florian Simmelbauer | Christina

Bärtges | Dr. Christoph Grandt | Valerie Cornelissen | Alexander Sänger, 5D | Trillian

Gaile Galicia, 7I | Anne Hamburger | Marta Komicz | Jeffrey Troyer | Harry Gerbig | Billy

Wootton, IB-1 | Santanu Bhowmik | Mark Ryan Ketcher, IB-1 | Shadin Kitma


Charlene Batulan

Diese Publikation wäre ohne die Eltern, Schüler, Lehrkräfte und Ehemaligen,

die ihre Fotos beigesteuert haben, nicht möglich gewesen.

This publication would not have been possible without the parents, students,

teachers and alumni who contributed their photos.


Ohne vorherige und ausdrückliche Genehmigung durch die GESM und/oder den/die

Autor (en) dürfen weder Bilder noch Texte dieser Publikation ganz oder teilweise

reproduziert, kopiert, verteilt oder anderweitig verwendet werden.

No images nor texts in part or in full of this publication may be reproduced, copied,

distributed, or otherwise used without prior express permission from the GESM and/or

the author/s.



Eurocampus, 75 Swaziland Street

Better Living Subdivision

1711 Paraňaque City, Metro Manila


Tel: +63 2 8776 1000

Email: secretariat@gesm.org

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