24.07.2021 Aufrufe


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Indexation Benefit

• Indexation allows to adjust gains after taking inflation into consideration

• Helps to earn better post-tax returns if held for more than three years

Indexation benefit

Traditional Debt Products

without indexation benefit

Debt Fund

with indexation benefit

Initial Investment @ 8% for 1203 days (> 3 years) (A) 100,000 100,000

Amount at Maturity (B) 128,873 128,873

Indexed Cost* (C) NA 113,780

Capital Gains = (B-A) for (I), (B-C) for (II) 28,873 15,093

Tax Rate** 31.20% 20.80%

Taxable Liability 9,008 3,139

Post Tax Amount 119,864 125,733

Post Tax CAGR 5.65% 7.19%

Assumption - Investment was done in FY15-16 and redeemed in FY19-20. Hence the investor got the benefit across 5 financial years.

Note - The above illustration is hypothetical and is only for the purpose of explaining the concept of indexation benefits for Resident Individual / HUF. Return calculation is assumed and actual returns may

vary. *. For arriving at the indexed cost of acquisition, we have assumed that the investment is done in FY15-16 and redeemed in FY 19-20. CII is: FY15-16: 254, FY16-17: 264, FY17-18: 272, FY18-19: 280

and FY19-20: 289 ** Highest tax rate of 31.20% is taken into consideration, the tax rate is 20.80% in case of indexation benefit. 0% surcharge rate is considered for the above illustration. Surcharge in case

of Individual/HUF is levied at rate of i) 10%, where total income exceeds Rs 50 lakhs but does not exceed Rs 1 crore, ii) 15%, where total income exceeds Rs 1 crore but does not exceed Rs 2 crores , iii)

25%, where total income exceeds Rs 2 crores but not exceed Rs 5 crores, iv) 37%, where total income exceeds Rs 5 crores.


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