14.01.2022 Aufrufe

M.I.C. Product catalogue - Puzzle

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Selfie 3D effect children’s puzzle - Various selfie motifs as 48-,

63-, or 100-piece puzzle - perfect for the little ones! For sales

promotion, the motif is attached to the front of the box in the

appropriate size. Available now

Motif: Meine Freunde |

100 pieces

Item no.: 693.7

Puzzle size: ca. 31,0 x 23,0 cm

Single packaging: ca. 20,0 x 20,0 x 5,5 cm


Sales unit :

ca. 0,285 kg

8 pieces in a carton


Delfin-Selfie | 48 pieces

Item no.: 636.4

Puzzle size: ca. 31,0 x 23,0 cm

Single packaging: ca. 20,0 x 20,0 x 5,5 cm


ca. 0,285 kg

Sales unit :

8 pieces in a carton


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