16.04.2023 Aufrufe

⚡️[EBOOK]❤️ Expat Life: At Home in San Miguel de Allende

COPY LINK: https://reader.softebook.net/yum/B07GSGXJFY ********************************************* BOOK SYNOPSIS: What makes expat life in M&#233xico worthwhile?You already know the cost of living is cheaper and the climate is better.San Miguel de Allende offers an expat support community of around 10,000 Americans and Canadians, so many people must find a reason to call it home.But how does it really work?This book will tell you how others have gotten settled and engaged in this community.&#

COPY LINK: https://reader.softebook.net/yum/B07GSGXJFY

What makes expat life in M&#233xico worthwhile?You already know the cost of living is cheaper and the climate is better.San Miguel de Allende offers an expat support community of around 10,000 Americans and Canadians, so many people must find a reason to call it home.But how does it really work?This book will tell you how others have gotten settled and engaged in this community.&#

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What makes expat life in M&#233xic worthwhile?You already know the cost of living is cheaper

and the climate is better.San Miguel de Allende offers an expat support community of around

10,000 Americans and Canadians, so many people must find a reason to call it home.But how

does it really work?This book will tell you how others have gotten settled and engaged in this

community.&#8226Liten to the stories of more than a dozen expats who made it work.&#8226Wht

did they have to overcome to feel at home here?&#8226Ho were they able to apply their life and

business experience?&#8226Wh do they find it more rewarding than the life they left

behind?&#8226Wh would they say they could never go back?&#8226Wht if there was an easy

solution for expats who die here, one that frees their heirs of any worry?Written in a lively and

engaging style, this book opens the door to a new way of thinking about your future.It is not a

guidebook or a timetable. Instead, it is a guided tour of the expat experience, a close and intimate

look at how it really works for people like you.

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