English-German-Italian-French Wordlist A-Z - Pearson Schweiz AG

English-German-Italian-French Wordlist A-Z - Pearson Schweiz AG

English-German-Italian-French Wordlist A-Z - Pearson Schweiz AG


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Speakout Starter A-Z - <strong>Wordlist</strong> <strong>English</strong> / <strong>German</strong> / <strong>French</strong> / <strong>Italian</strong><br />

Headword Page<br />

countryside 14 n ˈkʌntrisaɪd<br />

Part of<br />

speech Pronunciation <strong>German</strong> <strong>French</strong> <strong>Italian</strong> Example Sentence<br />

Land (im Gegensatz<br />

zu "Stadt")<br />

campagne campagna I like walking in the countryside.<br />

coursebook 31 n ˈkɔːsbʊk Lehrbuch livre de cours libro scolastico Look at page 31 in your coursebooks.<br />

crash 80 n kræʃ Aufprall, Unfall collision scontro There was a car crash outside the office.<br />

crazy 53 adj ˈkreɪzi verrückt fou pazzo, matto Loud music drives me crazy.<br />

credit card 140 n<br />

ˈkredət,ˈkredɪt<br />

kɑːd<br />

Kreditkarte carte de crédit carta di credito You can pay by credit card.<br />

crisps 143 n plural krɪsp Chips, Kartoffelchips chips patatine Have you got a bag of crisps?<br />

cross 46 v krɒs überqueren traverser<br />

passare,<br />

attraversare<br />

They cross the bridge many times<br />

everyday.<br />

crowded 68 adj<br />

voll mit Menschen,<br />

ˈkraʊdəd, ˈkraʊdɪd<br />

überfüllt<br />

bondé, blindé pieno, affollato<br />

The bus is crowded. There are no<br />

seats.<br />

cry 76 v kraɪ weinen pleurer piangere She cried because she was sad.<br />

cup 140 n kʌp Tasse tasse tazza Can I have a cup of coffee<br />

custard 143 n kʌstəd Senf moutarde salsa alla vaniglia I like custard with my apple pie.<br />

customer 50 n ˈkʌstəmə Kunde client cliente The salesman visits his customers.<br />

cycle 42 v ˈsaɪkəl Rad fahren faire du vélo pedalare He cycles to work every day.<br />

cycling 71 n ˈsaɪklɪŋ Radfahren vélo<br />

andare in bicicletta,<br />

ciclismo<br />

He likes cycling.<br />

daal / dahl 68 n dɑːl Dal daal / dal daal Indian dish of beans, pease or lentils.<br />

daily 115 adj ˈdeɪli täglich quotidien quotidiano<br />

He goes for a daily run early in the<br />

morning.<br />

dairy 89 n ˈdeəri Milchprodukte produit laitier fatto con il latte Dairy foods include milk and cheese.<br />

dance 76 v dɑːns tanzen danser ballare My parents often dance together.<br />

danger 144 n ˈdeɪndʒə Gefahr danger pericolo He's in danger. We must help him.<br />

dangerous 46 adj ˈdeɪndʒərəs gefährlich dangereux pericoloso The river can be dangerous.<br />

dark 145 adj dɑːk dunkel foncé scuro She's got short dark hair.<br />

date 81 n deɪt Datum date data What's the date today?<br />

daughter 18 n ˈdɔːtə Tochter fille figlia Sarah is John and Mary's daughter.<br />

day 20 n deɪ Tag jour, journée giorno There are twenty-four hours in a day.<br />

dead 46 adj ded tot mort morto I think her parents are dead.<br />

dear 63 adj dɪə lieb cher caro Dear Mr Jones ………<br />

<strong>Pearson</strong> <strong>Schweiz</strong> <strong>AG</strong>, 2013

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