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212 English-Bole Wordlist<br />

roll disk g�y� = g�it�<br />

roll from side to side b�ng�ru =<br />

b�ng�ru<br />

roll over t�rm�su<br />

rolling bongir�re, gun�ir�re<br />

roof d�k�, ko b�n, liuliu<br />

roof (type) g�mpi<br />

roof frame m�d�gul, p�llo<br />

roof, gabled �d�d�<br />

room g� b�n = g� b�m<br />

room, rectangular s‰ro<br />

rooster g�j� = g�z�<br />

root sh‰r�n<br />

root clump sh�l�m<br />

rope z˘ri<br />

rope of leather t�s�<br />

rope through nose of cow asirka<br />

rope, worn out nj���<br />

rosary t�bji<br />

rosary (type) wudir�<br />

rot ndi�u<br />

rough texture ng�nsh�� = ng�nc��<br />

round and flat of head k�lt�m =<br />

kultum<br />

round and huge g�ng�r�� = g�ng�r��,<br />

g�ng�r�� = g�ng�r��<br />

round and large d�n�n�<br />

round and long z�m��l�m<br />

round and protruding r‰����, yur�um<br />

round and small �okkirok =<br />

�ukkuruk, golgol, g˘l�l� = g‰l�l�,<br />

kum�ulum, r�kk�l = rokkol,<br />

som�ilom, tombizom<br />

row of bricks g�li<br />

row of harvested stalks s�r<br />

rub m�rm�su, r˘tu, s�m�<br />

rub between palms rosu<br />

rub over surface lu�u<br />

rub to remove dirt g�rk��u<br />

rubbish heap j�jj�<br />

rudeness k�rba<br />

ruin j���u<br />

ruins nd�g�r<br />

ruler sh�k�<br />

ruler (local) am b˘ nguro<br />

rulership m�n�<br />

rummage around r�wwu<br />

rumors shirim<br />

rumors, spread buyu<br />

run (away) j�<br />

running jo, jojjo = jojo<br />

rush off g�ru<br />

rust puz�<br />

rutting ��, k�na<br />

S<br />

sabotage az�ng�w�<br />

sacrifice k�r�, l�ya, k�r�<br />

saddle sird�<br />

sadism b�í�m t�lo<br />

sadness b�í�m t�lo<br />

safe as�s� round, no neck<br />

safeguard �d�nu<br />

sag l˘pu, mb�u�u = m�u�u<br />

salary �k�r<br />

saliva íyule<br />

salt manda<br />

salt blocks m�ng�l<br />

salt, refined manda nas�ra<br />

saltless salamlam<br />

salty taste g�lam<br />

same b˘ m‰��, m‰��<br />

sand y�y�<br />

sandal k�rp�t� = t�k� k�rp�t�<br />

sandhopper j�j� k�m��<br />

sandstorm mb�l�na<br />

sap nd�ur�<br />

sap (of tree) b�le rewe<br />

sarcasm b�ki<br />

Satan Sh�t�n<br />

satisfied, be k�w�<br />

satisfying thing s�nd�<br />

Saturday Supud�<br />

sauce biy�<br />

sauce (type) ��ss�m<br />

sauce of bean leaves r�t�<br />

sauce of sesame seeds k�kuro<br />

save d�su, �y�rru<br />

saving �r�r�<br />

saw d�íy�k�<br />

saw (for cutting) g�rj�g�<br />

sawdust d�nge

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